The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 04, 1892, Image 8

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Tey are .
beauties I
vfy.the new picture
cards cyven with
Bloomsrurg, Pa.
March 4. Wilson Confer will sell
valuable personal property on the
premises, on the road leading from
White Hall to Kxchangc, 5 horses, 4
cows, 3 shoats, binder, mower, plows,
Arc. See large bills.
March 5. Jos. Miller of Lime
Rklge, will sell horses, cows, farming
implements, household goods, etc , at
1 o a. ni. sharp.
Mar. 10 B F. Zarr will expose
to public sale at his farm in Scott
township, Columbia count)', Pa, at
10 o'clock a. m., sharp, the following
personal property, to-wit: Kight head
of horses and colts, one team of large
Clydesdale horses, one team of sorrel
mares, one large bay mare five years
old. three yearling Patchen colts, 9
milch cows, some fresh, with calves
by their side: 2 heifers, one large fat
bull, five Chester white shoats, one
fine Chester white Boar, seventy-five
chickens, one steel frame Johnston
Binder, 1 Champion mower, 2 two
horse wagons, 1 two horse carriage, 1
buggy, 1 pair of new bob-sleds, one
Missouri grain drill, 1 corn planter,
1 land roller, 1 power feed cutter
and crusher, 1 corn sheller, fan
ning mill, 2 double corn cultivators,
1 "King" springtooth harrow, j Scotch
harrows, 3 plows, 1 hay rake, 1 pair of
hay ladders. 2 set of double harness, 2
sets of fly-nets, forks, rakes, shovels,
hoes, log chains, grain bags, grain
cradles and scythes, and numerous
other articles. Terms and conditions
will be made known on day of sale.
March 16. Wm. McDowell, Exec
utor, will sell valuable real estate in
Light street, at 1 o'clock, sharp : prop
erty known as the McDowell home
stead. March 17. Susan Beishline, ad
ministratrix of A. W. Beishline, de
ceased, will sell personal property con
sisting of horses, cows, pigs, chickens,
wagons, farm implements, potatoes,
corn, oats, carpet, bedding &c, 16
acres of grain in the ground, kitchen
furniture &c, at the residence in Fish
ing creek township at 10 o'clock. See
Mar. 17 th. Daniel E. Troy, of
Beaver Valley will sell valuable per
sonal property on the premises. Horses
mules, cows, wagons, harness and gen
eral farming implements
March 19. C. L. Werkheiser, ex
ecutor of Charles Werkheiser, de
ceased, will sell valuable real estate in
Mifflinville, at 1 o'clock p. m. See
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Whan Baby wm atek, we gtre her Castoria.
Whan aha wm a Child, ah cried for Caatorl,
Wbn ahe beoame rflaa, aha clung to Oaatorla,
When Uturt f-hlldrati, aha p.. thm rnrt
London, Mar. 2. Afaminie prevails
in Northern Hungary and 20,000 in
habitants of the county of Arva are in
a state of distress equaling that pre
valent in Russia. The government
will not relieve the sufferers because
they are of the slave race.
German newspapers in Pesth in
dignantly protest against this iuhum
anity and demand that the sufferers
be relieved and provided with corn
for the spring sowing.
The plague of breaking lamp,
chimneys is abroad in the land.
There are two sorts of chim
neys ; brittle and tough. Ninety,
nine in a hundred are brittle.
The worst are imported from
Germany. The best are Mac-bcthVTearl-top"&'"
! Two sorts as to workman
ship; fine and coarse. The
fine are Maebeth's "Pearl-top"
and " Pearl-glass." The coarse
are rough and out of propor
tion; misfits and misshapen;
they do not make a good
draft; they smoke.
Two sorts as to glass; trans
parent and gray. "Pearl-top"
and " Pearl-glass " are clear, fine
and tough not tough against
accident tough against heat.
Call for "Pearl-top" or
" Pearl-glass" chimneys.
PllUlmritli, Pa, Orn. A. M achkth & Co.
Children Cry for
Over Four Hundred Thousand
Miners to Quit Work.
The Coming Actios of Coal Miners la
Grrat Britain Thrjr Will Make
Great Fight Against Reduced Wage
London, Feb. 80. It Is now esti
mated that the Immense number of
460,000 miners will cease work la a
fortnight la their efforts to prevent
the masters from putting Into effect
the scheme to reduce wages.
The only miners who stand aloof
from the movement are those la
South Staffordshire and East Worces
ehlro. It Is estimated that close to 1,000,000
men will feci the effects of the min
er's struggle.
The agitation Is due to the action of
mine owners in Wales and Cumber
land, who gave an Intimation of their
intention to reduce wages on the slid
ing scale principle, owing to the de
cline that had occured in the prices of
coal. The men refused to accept a
reduction and declared that the mine
owners must make the consumers pay.
Affairs in Durham are being
watched with groat intorest, as It Is
understood that it the men come out
they will attend the great London
Conference of March 16.
The feeling throughout Yorkshire,
Lancashire and Derbyshire is very
earnest, colliers at many of their
large meetings having voted in favor
of standing out for a fortnight with
out applying to their respective asso
ciations for funds.
The Indlanapolla Street Car Trouble
llrrnk ont Again.
Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 28. The
city was practically at the mercy of
the striking cor drivers and their
friends. A mob of 10,000 men filled
the streets. They stoned the cars and
threw a dozen or more of them from
the tracks.
There were but 110 police available
and they were unable to cope with
the mob.
Ikdianapolis, Fob. 29. The street
car strike riots are resumed. At 10.10
this morning two special policemen
were assaulted by a mob of 2,000 peo
ple. They were pummelled over the head
and had to seek shelter.
Last night President Frenzel said
the running of the cars must wait un
til the police had sufficient force in
readiness to meet the mob.
The Board of Public Safety had
only about two hundred men of the
extra police summoned, and only
about one hundred of these had been
worn In.
A Report (hat It will Carry on a Gen.
erai uamuung umlatii in Nicaragua,,
PANAMA. Feb. 21 ThB rannrt that
the Louisiana lottery had secured a
remetual franchise from tha flnvorn.
ment of Nicaragua has been con-
urmea. ine neaaquarters lor the
concern will be at Oreytown, and
branch offices will ha ntAhHohrl it
every Central and South American
capiat ana at me city 01 Mexico.
The lotterv will be operated on a
more gigantic scale than ever.
me place will be made a second
Monte Carlo and a large castle will
be erected to aceommodata tha lot.
tery and other gambling games.
iiULoia win ue iuieu up 10 maice urey-
tOWn an idenl wlntar rnanrr. fnr Amer
icans and Europeans. Lines of pala
tial steamers will be run between tha
Isthmus and New Orleans, New York
and London. .
Ex-Got. Conwajr Burned to Death.
Little Rock. Ark.. Feb. 29. Ex-
Gov. Ellas N. Conway was burned to
death yesterday morning In his own
residence, a small one-story frame
building on Scott street, which was
also consumed. It Is supposed that
he was asleep at the time. He was
very old and feeble and lived alone,
not allowing any one else to sleep on
the premises.
Ex-Gov. Conway was born In Ten
nessee in 1812, but had lived in this
State since 1833, being one of the pio
neer settlers.
Married Through Prison Bara.
Shoals, Ind., Feb. 29. Susie Cur
rens put her hands through the bars
of the jail here yesterday, clasped
those of her finance, William Finch,
and thus they were married. The
sheriff then started with Finch to the
Jeffersonville penitentiary to serve
two years for larceny. They had been
engaged three years. The girl is
t'l.otra and Meal. Flour X bbl. Fire,
1.7to3.15: superfine, 3a3.50: No. 1 extra,
3.50a87.6i No. 2 extra, S3.90aSt.25: clears, $4.80 straights, S4.60aSt.90: patents, spring,
$4.8fia5.2A: winter, 4.75a5: city mills, ship
ping extras, 4.90a$5. Hye flour, V bbl Su
perfine, S4.80atfi.10. Corn meal, bbl. tl.Ma
f 8.10 for Western and 3 25 for Brandy wine.
Buckwheat flour, Sl.8SaSl.76 V 100 lbs.
rJVGAR. Cut loaf and crushed, SaMo.t cubes,
4ja4jc: powdered, 44a4fo.t granulated, 8ja4o.i
mould "A," sialic, i candy "A," 4a4io.: con
fectioners' "A," 4ft41c: off "A," 4.atic.i whit
extra "C," Slu3 1316c: yellows, 8a8 11-18.
Coppxb. Rio. 12al7io.i Maracaibo, 18a22o.i
Ravanllla, lOJa'iJJo.: Central America, 18Ja23io.t
Mexican, 18JaHc.t Laguayra, 17a23c.i Java, 32a
28c. I Mocha, 25ti2A)o.
Butter. Eastern extras, 8Ua32c.t Elgin
extras. 82c: Western extras, 81a31J.: Western
imitation creamery, firsts, 23a26c.: Btata dairy,
half firkin tubs, full ends, extras, 2Sa28o.i tubs
aud pails, firsts, 22a24u.
Chuksk. Btate factory, full cream, fall
make, fancy, lljal2o : fine, UiallJ.i good to
prime, lojallo. --
Eons. State and Pennsylvania, per dot., 25o.i
Western choice, 24ja26o.t limed, Htate fancy,
KjalBo.i Canadian, choice, 17al7fo.i Western,
choice, 17ttl7Jc.
Potatoes. Long Island Rose, per bbl.,
tl.60: Maine Hose, per bbl., Sl.87al.50: Michi
gan Hose and Hebron. 180 lbs., tl.2Aal.37i New
York Bute Kose, 180 lbs., tl.2AaSl.87.
Pobk. New mess, tl0.2Aatl0.50: old mess,
t.7(iatl0: extra prime, .i6tt.50, and short
clear, tl2.60atl4.fi0. Pickled shoulders. .jafio.i
bams, saHJo. Dressed hogs, bjuAo.1 plus, rs.
Baar. t7at7.60 for extra mess, S8.60atv.fc)
lor packet, lOall.60 for family bbl.
Inherited by few, is pure blood, free '
from hereditary taint. Catarrh, con
sumption, rheumatism, Scrofula,
and many other mnlndles born In
the blood, can be effectually eradi
cated only by the use of powerful
alteratives. The standard specific
for this purpose the one best
known and approved Is Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, the compound, con
centrated extract of Honduras sar
saparilla, and other powerful altera
tives. "I consider that I have been
several hundred dollars expert?, by using
Ayer's Barsnparllla, and would strongly
urge all who are troubled with lameness or
rheumatic pains to give It a trial. I am sure
It will do them permanent good, as It has
done me." Mm. Joseph Wood, West IMatts
burgh, N. Y.
Dr. J. W. Shields, of Hmlthvllle, Tenn.,
says: "I regard Ayor's Pnrsnparllla as the
best blood medicine on earth, and know ef
many wonderful cures effected by Its use." .
" For many years I was laid up with Scrof- i
til a, no treatment being of any benefit. At :
length I was recommended to give Ayet's
Sarsaparilla a trial. I did so, and
By Taking
about a dozen bottle, was restored to per
fect health weighing 230 pounds and am
now a believer In the merits of Ayer's Sarsa
parilla." James Petty, Mine Boss, Ilreck
cnrldge Coal Co. (Limited), Victoria, Ky.
"My niece, Sarah A. Losee, was for years
afflicted with scrofulous humor In the blood. ;
About 18 months ago she bopnn to use
Ayer's Parsapartlln, and after tnklng three
bottles was completely cured." E. Caflall,
F. M., Losee, Utah. -
Prepared by Dr. 3. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Gold by all l)ruggisu. Price 1 1 ; six bottles,
Cures others, will cure you
KstaleoA. H Belfhllitr, late of Flrhtngirrek
Nnllce Is hereby given that letter of nrtmlnl
triuion on I lie rutin ef A. W. Hi'IhIiIIiic, Ute of
r lHhinifiTerfK MiwnHiiin. I oiiiiiiiiia county. I'd..
diHVBHMl, huve btH-n granted to the under
signed uilmlntMtratrlx, to whom all perHoiiH In
debted to Hiilil extate are requested to nmke
pnimeniH, anu mime Having ciainiH or (leinands
will inuke known the smne wit limit deluv to
BU8AN bElSHLINK, Van ( amp,
or to AdtnluNlratilx.
Attys. 1-43-6W
Estale tf John Jacob Gelrer late 0 ilaninon
lotrntiiij), aeceanea.
Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis
tration cum teHturaento unnexo, on the estate
ot John iiitcou Ueltter, late of Madison towna ilu.
Columbia county, Pa., deceawd, have been
granted to the undersigned administrator, to
whom all persons Indebted to sulci estate are
requested to make payments and those having
claims or demands will make known t he same
without delay to JAM EM H. OKI8KK,
i-KMtw. vt est iiemioc'k, Montour t o. ra.
Administrator, e, U a.
Wisely invested will soon double itself.
and there are often ns many elements of
fafety surrounding a good paying invest
ment as one that pavs small dividends. The
earning capacity of every investment is the
foundation of dividends. The AtklOJOP
House Furnishing CO., of Maine, Organized
in 1887, has paid its stockholders 9 semi
annual dividends of 5 per cent, each (10 per
cent, a year and is earning a handsome sur
plus liesides. It is a buy and sell business
and a safe investment for nil classes. The
authorized capital is $1,000,003, of which
570,000 has been paid in. To further in
crease the business, $80,000 of the Treas
ury Stock is offered until March 15th, at par,
10 per share. Price of stock will be ad
vanced February 18th to take effect on above
date. For full particulars address the torn-
pnny, Uox 1218, Scston. Mass. or Portland,
rnfrprtstfiff Toting Mnni Tms k Co. Irttrnrtfd
mnt tturtvd m. I Witrketl ttleitililjr ami marie money fittu-r
Minn 1 expoctedto. 1 bactinoftbletobaysn it-Unii nnrl build
mnni I unmniwr lmtfl. If 1 don't mio-i'! nt tlmt, I will go
to work ftinln nt ll huMnoti in which I made tuj ronnojr.
True V 4 o.t Mini) wu limtntrt ind tun yon. reader!
U we do, and if yon work Industriously, you will in due
If mo bo ktbluiii liny tin irlund find build ft bold. If yon with
t. Mont ran ! am! at onr new litis of work, rp
idlv and Unmirttbly, by thocn of liber rax. young or old,
and In llndr own localilitti, wlieroTor tby (ivo. Any ono
fun dot 1 1 work. Ensy to ln.nrn. We fu ruled evorrtliinp. No
rfk. Voq can dit yonr apar momenta, or nil yoor tiiua
to tha work. Tint ntlrtdy new load bring woodurful lue
luavvrv workar. Itetf'nnora ftro oarolnir from KA to
M.IO p"r m titik ntul nptvardit, and mora ativr a Utile expe
rirnr. V ran furnlab yon tha employ rorint we tcarhyoa
I It I' l This ie an aire of ntamilona I1iIiib;i, and htiro la
another rranl, n.ful, wnallh f ivine; wondi-r. (Jront pniite
will roward avatry induatrloue worker. Wliarevur ynn aro,
and wliHinvor yon are dolus-, yon want to know abont 1Mb
wonderful work at nn. felay maanaiinnch motioy lost to
yon. No ince to exidaln hare. )nt Ifyoa will write to m,
w- will DiHke all plain to yon FIKER. Addreaa.
Ut Kl2 t., ISox 400f Aucuatu, Mulne,
Estate ft Anna JkV tftvnvf.
The uiHlerslirncrt ntidltor annolnlort hy the
Cirphun's Court of Columbia couniy by agret
nitml or all paniealn lniivHt, to uitikedirftrlbu
tlon, will Hi i at the unitteof Urant llnrrlnvr Khij.
tit liKMiniHburpC. ou TuenUrty, Marnh SW, IMS to
pivform theilutU'a of hln uiKliamt'Ut, when
mid wnen- it 1 1 nei-HOiiH'd iniiKt. aniM'ar
umi pnnt UiolrulalmH or be forevor Utbanwi
Il'om coming in ou auiu .unit.
Fit ED 1KFLK11.
e-l-lt, AuUllur.
Hnlale of Charlet D. Troo, tteceanfil.
The iinuVrKttfncrt, an auditor appointed by the
Orphans Court ot Columbia couniy, on exoep
tlonti, and to make illHtrlbmlon nt the MikIh la
liundM of mvnnniuiiiH, to und uiiionHt tli part
Irs entitled tliHioim will Hit ut hln nilHe In
Hlootnsburi;, on .Mimduy, Muirb I Itli. Imiu, at 10
o'clock n. in., when and where nil persons bav
InK cluiiiiH avr.ilnut MMld estute iriUHt upiieurand
prove the same, or be debarred from nomtng in
ou suld lunu. J. 11. MAI K,
-10-4t. Auditor.
What is
Castoria Is Dr. Ecmucl Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Chlldrou. It contains neither Opium, Morpliino nor
other Narcotlo substanoe. It is a harmless nubHlituto
for Paregoric, Props, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its rjuarantco is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
fevcrlshncss. Caetorla prevents Tomltlng Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation nnd flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
Castoria. ' -
" Oastorla Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
..... . Da. Q. C Osoood,
Inrell, Mas.
" Castoria la the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers wIlloomMer the real
Interest of their children, and use Castoria In
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature craves."
Da. J. F. Kincobxob,
Conway, Ark.
Tat Centaur Company, TT Murray Straet, ITow York City.
k'TsaVsi lilf
Clearing Sale of Carpets.
To dispose of our stoch ire o)er the following
bargains '
Extra Supers formerly 75c. now 157,
; 65c. 47.
" 4 55C 44 37.
16 and 18 Yard Remnants of these Goods at
50, 40 and 30 cents. , ,
Bring the measure of your room
with you.
A rtflWnlrl aAWTITn til whom untinii.
AUUll X O ally liberal terms will te Klvcn '
iv aeu our new uook Lite ana worKU 01
The woild'8 ereateat preacher la dead.and hun.
dreds of t bousands of christian fiiiiillles um well
hs Clergymen, fclblereadera, gtudeiits, waiting
tor an opportunity to purehuse this book. We
want agcntH to aellthlH book ilitlit sow while,
the IntereBt la greatest. Don t wait, to-day
end at once iS cents in Hlampn,
for aitenta complete canvaHHlng out lit. aud be
the first to cauvuss your neighborhood.
FORSHEE ft McMAKEN, Cincinnatt. q.
It will pay
anyone In
want of
to send So. to tutv nostaM on mil" tiMiitlftil lln nt
over 100 mateheo .nmples at InweM prices.
Address 11. CAIY, Mi High HU, ITovldeuee, B. L
Call and examine and see for
is the right
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me."
' It. A. Ancnaa, K. D.a
111 Bo. Oiford Bl , Brooklyn, N. T.
."Our physicians la the children's depart
ment hare spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Cnstotla,
and although we only hare among our '
medical supplies what la known as regular
products, yet we are free to confma that the
merits of Canto ria has won us to look with
favor upon It."
Allen C. Bmitb, JY.,
"" """TTTfT
Milton, Pa., Your Liquid Extract of Rmoke
Is excellent; It (fives the meat a good flavor and
keeps It free from Inserts ; It Haves time, trouble
and money, and Is far superior to the old way of
smoking meat. JAM Kb Fox.
Milton, Pa.,-I gave your Liquid Extract of
Hiuoke a good trial lust full aud it proved very
autlsfactoiy. J do heartily reonnmend it to all.
liKO. JKltltY.
Near rorrsuKori, Pa., 1 cannot say too
much for your Liquid Extract or fcmoke. It Is
excellent ami will do Just what you recommend;
easily tippled, letts trouble and expense, und can
hang It In a more secure placo tliun a smoke
house, and given the meat a good flavor, totter
than you can get from wood, aud keeps It solid
aud entirely tree from Insects. I recommend It
to nil who smoke meat. J. H. KHAM Kit.
Kor sale by UUVlt bUO'S, Illoomsburg, 1'a.
place to buy your Clothing.
The Early Democratic GJUr7
fint.ntirnii ii t.m n..l... -' . , .
v, in i -iiiiij( ivaill (10 tin.
irwlir-itf that llillia in it t.-.i
to the State Convention woro ,
in Clinton and Cumberland comml
on Saturday all instructed fur cicvt
land, aud a convention will be held j
Afonroo county to-day, at whir
Cleveland delegates will undoubtwl,
be elected. As these three r,
- , . """"110
State their action may bi acceptcil
inuicanvc oi me general sentiment c
the State Democracy. There is lite,
doubt that the Pennsylvania delegai.
ion will be practically a Clevelarv
delegation, with a lennino- tn r.,
it a dark horse should have tob;'
cniurca tor tne tinai heat. -7Vnr,i. t
Isaac T. .Hand Esq. of WilkeJ
Barre was last week elected t
member ol the board of trustees off
I.afayette College at Easton. Rev
A. H. Hand, D. D., was f0!
more than twenty-five years a row '
cfTicicnt and respected trustee oi
I.afayette, and it may be emphatically1
and truthfully said that the honor lia'i
worthily fallen from father to sun'
John W. Hollenback has been one o j
the most generous and capable mem
bcrs of the board, and it is understood
that Mr. Hand is to assist him j,.t
watching the interests of the college 5
in this region. i
Js the family doctor your friend,
How many unnecessary visits does he
make you? How many days does lie
keep you sick that you ought to be at
your work, and so doing how ni.inv
hard earned dollars does he extort
from you. Would it not be better for
you to place your trust in Sulphurs
Jiiiters? Try them, they will be a true f
friend; Saving vou a lonL stckn.'
and a large bill, which you have hither
to paid to some avaricious doctor.
Editor State Journal. 3-4 at
Fashionable Livery.
The well known horseman hai
opened a fashionable livery in connec- -tion
with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
tnrnatiita "'in Ha nhtmna . IT
lumvutg uB VUlllU,Ua O 1 1 1 1. Ui
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies.
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tl W. A. Hartzeli, Proprietor.
Wall Paper and Decorations
are here in large variety,
Now is the time to paper
your rooms. The work can be
done better, cheaper and quick
er than in the 6pring when
everybody wants work done at
We carry also, a full line of
curtains, also make them to
order to fit any size window.
A few handsome wall paper
remnants, at your price. Come
and see them at
Occi Salary.
To live active men we win
guarantee steady employ
ment wlin liberal aalur and
exD- nse. Previous nviierl.
ence not renutml Term unit mum fr. tit.
drew, stating age, 8KAUH, 11KNKY t "..
iHneva, Mi Y., Boucca Nurseries, jCatuulWuil
PI 4.N0S &i76 0rKi8 . Wantag-l's. C ut'lg
w- Kree. Address i)anl K. Beutty,
Ington, N. J.
yourselves thac