! POULTRY NOTES. No. 43. Over fat hens are most liable to lay soft shelled eggs. Give a morning mush of wheat bran as it is a great egg producer. Wheat should be the principal food, but corn, oats and Buckwheat is good occasionally. Never feed much corn as it is fat tcning, unless measures have been taken to make your hens work for it. If your chickens have a rattling in their throat and raise their head to breathe remove them from all draughts and give J ounce of chloride of potasi um in two quarts of water. In roup the head swells and there is generally a discharge from the nostrils of more or less offensive odor. Grease the head well, with lard and coil oil, and cive a small hit n( 1ir,t with u tie oil in it, which with care will ccn- II. rr . o crany cnecr. a cure. V. B. German. Deafness Oan't be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused bv an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf- ness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition. hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases otit'ol ten are caused by catarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir- culars, free. F. T. CHENKY & CO., Tolcdo.O Sold by druggist, 75 cents. Fare Ice, MADE BV MECHANICAL MEANS IT IS FREE FROM IMPURITIES. From the National I'rovlnloner. There seems to be some question in the minds ol those who are not well informed on this subject as to the pur ity of ice made bv mechanical means. but any person who has carefully stud- icu me suujeci win De able to immedi ately remove these false and erroneous impressions. Artificial ice is made practically as follows : The water is converted into steam in the boilers and . from thence con veyed through pipes into a steam filter, where as many of the impurities as can pe removed irom the steam are eliminated. The steam then goes in to a condenser and the water thus con densed flows through another filter in to a skimming tank, where any impur ities carried over by the mechanical force of the steam are skimmed from the surface. The water then is again reboiled and skimmed and then in turn passes through two more filters especi ally designed and arranged, after a due analysis has been made of the water to be purified, in order that the foreign substances dissolved in the water may be thoroughly eliminated. From these filters the water passes into a cooling tank, and to make as surance doubly sure, before entering the freezing cans passes through an other filter. The cans are closed so that there is no possibility of the pure water being contaminated, and as it takes but about ' fortv-eieht hours to convert the water into ice, it must of necessity be a chemically pure product. Consumption Cured. , An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, al so a positive and radical cure for Ner vous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints, after having tested its wonder lui curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actu ated by this motive and a desire to re lieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, 820 Power's Block, Rochester, J. . mar-6-iy. From the Huston Courier. Ticks. " I wish you would buy a ticket to the concert to-morrow night. It is to be a benefit for Mr. Screecher; he's just lost his wife, you know." Wkkles. "Just lost his wife? Well, how many benefits does he want?" . . It Should bo in Every House- J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay Street., Sharpi. Imrg, l'a., sayihewMl not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Coniumption, t'oujju and Colds, that it cured his wife who wax threatened with Pneumonia after an at tack of "La Grippe," when various other re medies and several physicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksnort, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for Limg Trouble. Nothing like it, Try it. 1 roe Trial Bottles at C A. Kleim's Drug Store. Large bottles, 50c and f 1. 00, Is Iron Rust a Cause of Tire? From tho Hub. When oxide of iron is placed in contact with timber excluded from the atmosphere and aided by a slightly in creased temperature the oxide will part with its oxygen and is converted into very finely divided particles of metalic iron, having such an affinity for ONygen that, when afterward ex posed to the action of the atmosphere from any cause, oxygen is so rapidly absorbed that these particles become suddenly red hot and if in sufficient quantity will produce a temperature far beyond the ignition point of dry timber. Wherever iron pipes are em ployed for the circulation of any heat ed medium, whether hot water, hot air or steam, and the pipes allowed to be come rusty in close contact with tim ber, it is only necessary to r.uppose that under these circumstances the particles of metallic iron become ex posed to the action of the atmosphere and this may occur from the mere ex pansion or contraction of the pipes in order to account for many of the fires, which periodically take place at the commencement of the winter season. NO HABITATION. There can be no hahitatinn In the blood or body for poisonous microbes t 7. s. s rt wnen awurs tspecinc enters the sys tem. It changes the rh.irnr-tpr of thn blood so that the germs must either pensn or get out, and ot course they icave. a. a. a. also forces out the pen son which the microbes have left lie hind- If there is a sore or ulcer the poison comes out through that, other wise through the skin. "Havinir suffered much from rnnt.i. cious blood poison, after usin? half a dozen bottles of Swift's Specific, I was restored to perlect health, and all erup tive sores disappeared. You are at liberty to make anv use of mv Kt.ite ment that you wish J. Crosby Byron, 20s 1 nird Avenue, Jrittsburg, Pa., Treatlm on Blood and Skin Discuses mailed free, SWIFT'S SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca A Leap Year Idyl. From the Detroit Free Pn?s. " Be mine," she cried dramatically, as sne sank on one knee belore him. 'I have long loved you, and now lean resist no longer. I must know my fate. Sweet creature, say a word that will make me the happiest of women." " 1 aon t want to be married," he answered coyly. " Ma says Im too young and couldn't take careofa wife Take some one of your own size Let go of me . I don't want to be kissed." " Oh you great big ninny!" she saia, banging trie lurniture. "1 was only rehearsing for a leap year party. l woulnn t have you if you were worth your weight in gold." And she bounced otf in a huff. After the Grip And after typhoid fever, diphtheria, pneumonia, or other . prostrating dis eases, Hood's Sarsaparilla is just what is needed to restore the strength and vigor so much desired, and to expel all poison from the blood- It has had wonderful success in many such cases. Hood's Pills act especially upon the liver, rousing it from torpidity to its natural duties, cure constipation and assist digestion. A Story With a Moral From the Detroit Free Tress. He knocked at the back door of a suburban house and the cook opened it. He was a sinister-looking fellow, and she held on to the door. "Lady of the house in?" he inquired, gruirly. " No," trembled the cook. " Man of the house here?" " No." "None of the people in?'' " None but me," and she tried to shut the door. " Aw," he growled, setting his foot against it; " I guess I'll come in and have a good eat. Step lively now, er I'll grab you." alie let go of the door and the tramp forged in and fell into the arms ot a big policeman, who was courting the cook contrary to orders. Dr. Meeker's Medicines are pure and a sure cure for whatever they claim. Lung tonic for colds. Speedy relief tor pains, internal and external. Blackberry Cordral for bowel com Elaints, for young and old. Every ottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. Manufactured by H. C. & J. A. Olmstead. Williamsport, Pa. All put up in 35 and 50 cts bottles. 6-1 9-1 yr. A Household Remedy. From Texas Sittings. "Doctor, my son William is not well. He has not got any appetite, and he complains of headache and general de bility." "My dear madam, the best thing is to try a simple household remedy." "What household remedy do you suggest, doctor ?" "Deprive him of his latch-key so he will be obliged to stay at home after dark." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. CLAIMS AGAINST CHILI. Demands of the Baltimore's Men are Over $1,300,000. SOME BIN INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS. Jfremlnh Anderson WonM I.Ike l,1(l,. OOO-.folin Hamilton Wonts 940,000 Other C'lnlm Vary from .10,000 to $IO0,000-What l.anyrr lias to ajr. Bak Fjukcibco, Feb. 15. In a fow day there will be fotwarded to r3ec retary ltlnlno the formal claim of tho sailors and others ot tho United HtHtes man-of-war Bnltlmoro who were injured In tho tight with tho mob at Valparaiso, Bomo of tho sums domanded are rery larpo. Tho total claim foots up in tho neighborhood of $1,305,000. The largest ar demanded by John Hamilton and Jeremluh Anderson, coal heavers on the Baltimore at the tlmo tho assault was committed. Hamilton received three bad wounds, and thinks that $50,000 is not too much for tho Chilian government to pay for each wound. Anderson hns three or more marks as the result of his being in the row, but ho says he will bo satisfied if ho can got hold of $150,000 Chilian money. Tho other claims vary from $30,000 up to $100,000. Lawyer F. A. Orr has the eases of twenty ot tho men. lie saya he thinks the men nro Justified in asking tho amount of Moronity they havo. "If tho Chilian Government turns over to the United States $1,000,000, as she should, for this unfortunate affair, why, wo want it," said tho lawyer with a smile. AN INFERNAL LIE." 80 Mr. Illalne Call III Itnmor That Ha Will ItealRn. Washington, Feb. 11. Mr. Blaino declures the report that ho will lenvo tho Cabinet soon "art infernal He." He had Just left tho Whito House when the report was presented to him by a press correspondent. Tho sec retary's manner no less than his lan guage was emphatic, and revealed tho fact that tho report annoyed him. So nettled was he, that he dismissed the subject with the declaration that tho story was " tho invention of an idle fellow who had nothing better to do." Mr. Blaine also denied the story of his lntonded visit to Cuba and the Bermudas. "I have plannod no trip to tho South," he said. "I care too little about traveling to go anywhere by sea. If I take any trip I shall soloot a destination that can bo reached by land." Tho imnrcsslon hero in that MY Blaino. if he should tra Hnnrh at. all will spend a short tlmo In Florida and men as soon as tne weather gets warm ho will go to his Bar Harbor resiuenee ana remain there through out the summer. Notwithstanding this prompt denial Of it bv Mr. Blaine hlmsnlf. th atnrv of his probablo retirement from the iBomec nas received a good deal of attention here to-day. Six out of ten politicians aocepted It a true on Its taw. HarrUon and Free Coinage. Denver, Feb. 15. Senator E. a WOlCOt WBB interviewed VAatnrrlav ta. gardlng Fresident Harrison and free coinngo. no says: "There is no man In publio life to- uay wno is a more Ditier or unrelent lng enemy to the free coinage of sil ver than Fresident Harrison. "Only one Who has lived in Waah. Ington most of the time since his in auguration can understand the bane ful influences that are constantly coming from the White House to hamper or defeat every effort made by the freo coinago men for the bet terment 01 ine status or silver money. temator Teller Thinks Blalna Hit Hnn Denver, Feb. 15. Senator Henry M. Teller says : " There Is a suspic ion that Mr. Blaine will not persist in 019 aeounation u bis friends continue to demand that he shall remain n candidate. I see no reason tvhv thA TtnnnViM- cans of Colorado should favor Mr. Harrison s renomlnation, and I do not think ho Is stronger elsewhere than various other candidates who Will be nresentod to tho AT Innnnnniii Convention." Asleep for Klajhteen Months. Indianapolis. Feb. 14. In thei naana asylum Is Bridget Pendegrast who 11 us not Doen awaire lor eighteen months. Hor only food is milk, of which she is crlven about th ran ntiArta a day through a silver tube in her uobo. one is gradually wasting away, and as no effort can arouse her it Is not likely that she can live much longer. NEW YORK MARKET. Flour and Mm Flour it M.i ri- 1.76a3.1S: auperflne, tSatS.M: No. 2 extra! 3.60o37.&: No. 1 extra, tS.tf0afa.26: clears, ta 80 ata.Sui straights, t..Mat..M: patents, spring, t4.S5a5.25: winter, t4.75a5s city mills, ship ping; extras, 4.90a5. Rye flour, ft bbl Su perfine, S4.80at5.10. Corn meal, fl bbl 3.W5a f 3.10 for Western and S3.lt tor Brandy wine. uiii uuur, ei.ooaei.io IUU IDS. ztra "C," 81 ua 13-160.! yellows. Sia3 11-18. C'opfek. Rio. 12ul7,o.i Maracaibo, 1522o.l Savanllla, 19ja23jo.: Central America, 18.alo.t Mexican, 18Ja22o. i Laguayra, 17tttfo.t Java, Via 28o.: Mocha, 252o. ' BcTTsa. Eastern extras, SUaSlo.: Elgin a.w.. n caivru si.m, aiaaif.: western imitation sreamery, firsts, 23a20c.i State dairy ball firkin tubs, full ends, extras, 26aio.i tubs and pails, firsts, 22a24o. Omksbk. mate factory, full cream, fall make, fancy, llal2o.i fine, UiallJ.i good to prime, lojallo. Eaas. State and Pennsylvania, perdoi.,15o.: Western choice, J4Ja25o.: limed, (itate fancy, 174alSo.: Canadian, choice. 17l71n.i wa.. choice, I7al7jc. ' Potato. Long Island Rose, per bbl.. $1.60: Maine Rose, per bbl., tl.87al.50: MiohJ. an Rose and Hebron, 180 lbs., tl.28al.87i New fork Btute Rose, ISO lbs., tl.25atl.87. Pork. New mess. nio.iAiiain Mt ni ... tt-75atl0i extra prime, t-2tat.50, and short clear, tU.60ntl4.SO. Pickled shoulders. 4ao.i bams, 8oo. Dressed hogs, 6jao.i plus, o,o. oHr.-fiir(.N lur exira mess, 9s.ouatV.dO (or packet, tlOatlLM for family ft bbl. hcoar. Cut loaf and crushed, oaAio.t cubes, 41a4o.i powdered, ja4o.i granulated, Sia4o.i mould "A," 4ja4Jc.: candy i'A." ,a4to.i con fectioners' "A," 4a4io.l otf "A." 444(c.i whita JVe Catit do it but are wHllntr to ray for 1eamln how to mnke m (rood an article as Wolff's Acmb ilr.ACKiNtf of cheap material so that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c Our price U 20c. The retailer snys the puMic will not pay It. We say the publio will, because they wilt always pay a fair price for a Rood article. To show both the trade and tho publio that we want to give them tho best iir tiio least money, we will pay $10,000.00 Reward For nWe Information ; this ofier Is open until January 1st, 1893. WOLFF at RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Ptk-Ilon In the name efa paint which coes work that do other paint can do. A'eiv t"ol minted with It looks like tho natural wood when It Is stained sod varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will find it profltbl to Investigate, AM Do You Want Relief? KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Will promptly re I if v a th tnntit riffttrfwlriff rn of AciiUor Chfonlo lthfuiimlum cr Gout, 1? atrlrtiy tji wrvliig the directions. It will cure ymi fxTmanoiitly. t nliktt thtt ixinirrrtnt ?tJTMnfli tMt ftofiil trureimntrr, thla iih-iHi Im- is pew! l r Hi mrlu for ma or rhf iimaM-m tin It, and not fn ny rrnan ' cirt )." Ilfia Itottii wilt nmkt) ft MM tractor Iniprr-Minn rn ttie Trtm. ri'l tn cnmfH-tlon llh thj tillt,. convince llta ufTfrer Ujt th proirr rmft1 has) turn found. Ytm irt far neatly fH)Batl to teat tba merits of KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY ft It TSjitmtiie) firnpttrtlpa arc tadofici bf hnmlredi of tba Uina flnitTlnttfittmrtnlalt), Duly v'i-tM limn-lhTUi, remark aMe for ttMr enrailrt Lcwert, art nw t fn th1 mumi'V-tun of kKul'T 11 UUKi MATiO KKUKDY. CM Tn S:t!9. 6 B:tt!es, SC.CO. PlUi 25 C'.i. B:x. irymir tinrekMper tnea nut kctji It. acul i.' to iht 'uiauufecl'ir -r, nn 1 v-a wilt fr-i.- It by mall. AlllKKT KltOLT, 3C37 Murkut Mroct, lMiUud'a, Ta, StOftns Colds. Cn r si. Sws Threat, Orasis.Iafiatita, Wheeeisf Ceach. areaehitlsua Asthma, amtwu ear. fer CeBsampuea la flm ittfc., and mm rtut la Inasat stag ... Cm m mm. Tea will ... the es e.llat f.. .fUr taklsf the tret sets. Bcli sy aaw. ncrrakara. LAfft k i win m , , MMBuasalUO. . CURE Rick Ilxadaeheand tellereall the troubles loot dent to a bilious state ot the system, such aa) IMzsiuesa, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress aftav patluc. l'ulu in the Bids, ko. Whllo tholrmoat xemarhable aucoesa has boen shown in GUdBa , ncadaehe. ynt Carter's Uttlo Llvor FfiU ant Kiually raluabloin Constipation, cnrlngandpra Vuutiug tUlaannojrioaeomplalnt. while they also corrootalldisordorsof thestomauhtlmulatetha llrcr and regulate the bowels. Xtso if they only cures ' Aeli s they would be almost prloeloas to those who) BU.'.'or f rum this distressing complaint; but f ortu Iitlcly tholrgooduess dues notend herevand thosa Trhoonuetry thorn will And these little pills valu. nbleln so many waya that they will not be wit ling to do without them. But after allalcs, head) la tjis bans of so many Uves that hers la whets we make our groat boast. Our pills cure it nulla Others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are Terr small an J Very easy to take. Oua or two pills make a dose. They are atriotly yegetable and do not gripe or purne, but by their gentleaotlon please all wha usethsm. In rials at 39 cental Ave for $1. Sold by druggists everywhere, or seat by mail. '"CARTE MEDICINE CO., New York; SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE PILES " A1MKESIS " (rives Instant rriivi anil is an lumuiimi t are for Piles. l'rk fl. lly DruirKlstHurmnil. Humpies fr. A.l.lnalVllil.'SlU. llux iMld, Now York City. FOE FINEST PHOTOGRAPHS GO TO HEMP'S GALLERY, Having remodeled my Gallery, putting in an extra noor to give us the finest light in 1'enna., enlarged my printing room, and ut in the latest facilities to turn out finest grade work at the shortest time possible. Finest Cabinets in Town 12 MIEN FOE 111 i Doz. Cabinets, x Crayon and Fram ed, Only $5.00. Remember the place Next to St. Wmo Hotel, Blooinsburg, Pa. Branch Gallery, Mill St. opposite Opera House jj CAlilNETS FOR $1.00, Catawissa Pa. CARTER'S fITTLE civn EVER men BERTSCH'S. A DRIVE IN HATS. am malting a, big drive 111 lials, and one? nobby thatches for the dome of thought at prices tli at paralyzo competition and popu larize our naiSs accu rate measures taken for the latest styles of silh lials, or any style the customer wants. A few of the fur caps at cost still remain, out do i.ot wait too long or you will miss a, great .opportun it j. In custom made clothing we def 11 comve titiou. A fine line of iocas from wiucii to se lect, always on hand, and a good fit guaran teed. We almost forgot to name our recent invoice of nobby Derby hats, and genteel necliwear. Jext door to first Na tional Bank. Bertsch. The Tailor, Blooinsburg, Fa. BYRON CLARK, A. M. M. D. SE V YORK CITY. SPECIALIST. In the treatment uf Chrtmic DtseaneM lollcit Cttrontc, Ohttlnate cows who hare obtained no relief eltetenere, and cmijtnet hi practice to ucA weee onw a are en clearly ana fniiy aevetujjeG n In make emnittnt ami ixwitire Diagnuele Willi, out Hrtumhig ur allotting patient to make a Uattiinent of their condition. This method ofex- amtmttton 1 maae in oraer to eliminate a far a human ekill and exterienve can do, all ele tnenl of uncertainty tn the diaonoei atul treat ment of dieaee, and ineptre oonfidenc when lost bv u,annvKfitl if not Injurious treatment from mimnken (llinnunle. On this haute of "oni- uve viaunosis, fur treatment, ur. Clark's JsrpeT' letter has become strictly unlimited by a Thirty l'ear's Practice which in extent. va,-ielu and sua. ceesrul results I ettualled by few and excelled by none. Patients, male atut female, not cured by ordinary treatment or in doubt hs to the nature of their diseases esitectally invited. Vlt. CLARK, Originated, Teaches and Practices Positive iiinnosis and by confining hi practice to the fully developed diseases of Men and Women attained unusual success tn the treatment af many so-called incurable maladies. If the ex.. amination is not in very strict accordance ,rith the symptoms tlte patient is advised not to under, go treatment at all. Tlte doctor can be vommlted free of cfuirge at iNitw tuiih iiTV, The iiyon, JiO. 107, WPSt win Nrrcet, Jan. ai to ten. n, way lHt to Htn, Aug-. 1st to 7t.h, Oct. HO to Nov. Bth, 1894: Jan. 2!lth tn Fph. 5th. 1HHX BLOOMKHCKO, PA., Kxchange Hotel, Friday arm nuiurnay, ucr. anu n irai ; paniraay Jan. Hiith, ThurtMlay and Krlday April and at, Thiirxday und Friday July and s.11, Thursday and Krlday Oct. S!7 and an, IHtW; Thuiwlay and Friday Jan. i!H and 27, 18US. Tho Best Burning Oil That Can be Mado From Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimneys. It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is pre-eminently a family safety oil. We Challenge Comparison with am other illuminating oil made. . We stake our Reputation, as Refiners upon the statement that it is The Best Oil IM THIS WORLD. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR. Crown - Acme acme oil company BLOOMSBURG,- YK Nits hup iioitrs euri tr I'lH'k'i INVIhllll.E TUBUlAl lk ortable. BueoeaMriil wh.r. all un,itm .. 111. i l IrrwrslrM. adUrau r. uisi ui, fs ana4v. '. Ha.vejrou tried QUO, (viKcJobacco MaJe fromfinest I Mies of eaf Jo bacco AskyourieAlcrforit. Insist on trying It. Jofjnfjinzer&firos. Louisviuc.Ky. M'Killip Bro's. Photographers. Only the best work done. Fin est effects in light, and shade; negatives re touched and modeled for sup erior finish. Copying view ing and life size crayons. Over If. t. Clark & Son's store. BLOOMSBURG. A WINNER FOR ALL DISEASES IS MANNERS' hl!s Eniract Sarsajanili IF TROPERLY TAKEN. Headache, Loss of Appetite, Languid and Tired Feeling. Fifty Cents a Uottle. MANNEBS' POUI1I.E EXTRACT SARSAl-AKILL has no equal as a lilood Turificr and Tonic. Hash, Pimples and lioils can lie cured. A all druggists, FIFTY CENTS A liOTTI.r. Try it and you will never regret it. For sale by all druggists. Fifty cents a bottle. Also at Muyer Uros,' DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURC Scientifically treated by an anrixtof world-wide reputation. DaafucHS eradicated and entlrelv cured, ot from ft) to 80 years' standing, after aft other treatments have fulled. How the diff. culty is reached mid the cause removed, lullr explained in circalura, witb aindaviw and Uis'J ntoutttla of ourea from prominent people, muileel tree. ir. A. tMSi fAiXK, Taoviuo, Waioi