The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 08, 1892, Image 9

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Tf?ey are
iJeauues I
Why, the new picture
crdGiven with
Just a few important answers to as many
pertinent ipicrtes i f interest to you if you
want nice tilings fur Christinas ami N'e.v
Who is it whohns the largest stivk of
1'lain and l'aney l akes, l'ies. Candies, etc.,
in town and has h"ts of nice articles for the
holiday trade? Messrs. Jacobs i Son.
Who U satislicd wiih a reasonable profit
and doesn't charge two j.ti.-cs? Messrs. Ja
c A s & Son.
Where's there plac e cf business ? No. ijo
West Main Street.
Wlnt else do they sell? Hand-Made
Clear '1'nys. Candy ll.iskets, Muffs, Prctcis,
Canes, Walnut, Almond, Cream, l'ilbert,
l-'.nglish Walnut, Peanut and Cocoanut Can
dies, French an 1 Common Mixtures, and
everything usually Kept in a first-class l!ah
cry mid l"olifectionei y Store,
Jam aky 21. NT. IT. V. Brown and
D. S. Brown, administrators of Jacob
Brown, deceased, will sell real estate
in Mifflinvilc, at 10 o'clock a. m. J.
S. Williams, auctioneer.
Backlm's Arnica Salve-
The I!kt Sai.vk in ths world for cuts,
bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd all
skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money lcfunUcd.
l'rice 25 cents per box. For Sulc by C. A.
Fashionable Livery,
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Hrivers furnished
when desired.
tf V. A. IIartzem., Proprietor.
Many pleasures in life are due to
good health and good looks. Manner's
Double Extract Sarsaparilla will bring
pleasures as it increases the appetite, re
lieves all disorders arising from bad
blood such as Headache, Constipation
Boils and pimples which when driven
out of the system brings good looks.
Manner's Double Extract Sarsaparilla
can be found at all drug stores also at
Moyer Bro's. tf.
Happy and content Is a home with " Trie Ro
chester; a lamp with the liht of the morn:n.
Catalogues, write Rochester Lamp Co. , New York.
Real Estate.
Hy virtue of an order of the orphan Court of
Columbia county, there will bo exposed to pub
lic sale at the Ute residence of the wild deceas
ed. In the H irniigh or Henvlck, I'a. on
at ten o'clock u. 111., the. following pieces of
Tract No. S. Alll that certain piece, parcel
or tract of land situate In the Borough of Hor
wlck Columbia Co., I'a. on the southerly side of
Kleventh street bounded owl inscribed lis fol
lows ; to wit : On the east by lot number SI, on
the s'juth by im alley, on the west by lot num.
Iter 21, and on the north by Klevenlh sti t, be.
Ing feet In width and MS feet In depth nnd
being numbered and designated as lot number
t! nf .1. D- Thompson's addition to the lloroiigh
of Hi rwlc!;, and helm? a vacant lot
Tk er 'n. s. All that certain piece, parcel or
tract laud situate In the Borough ot licrwlck
Coi'Miibi'i ''0, T11. on the KoutlicrVv std" of
Kl v.-i.tli ,it;et, bounded nu:l dlserlli 'd ns lol
I v.v. ; tf) "'i' : on tho cast by lot numb d o 1
th" stvtMi bv an "Hey, on the west bv pit num
ber $1 and on the north by Klevcuth street, be
Intr I'.t'j leet in width and Uii feet In depth and
blng numbered ami designated us lot number
33 of J. I'. Thompson's addition to the Borough
of Berwick, and beln; n vacant lot.
TKHM8 ok 8ai,b. Ten per cent, of one-toin lh
of the purchase money to bo paid upon Htrlkl'(;
down of the property; the ono fourth losu the
ten per cent, nt th contlrmnllnn of sale; and
tho remaining three fourths In one year there
a'tc with Interest from eonllrinntlon nisi Do
f rrrf 1 pcymonts to be secured by bond mid
m"u'tsii:;e upon tho premises.
CllAIU.K.S C. Kvans.
to UK in; i.n I'sntR line aispicf.s cf
Till1. IT.XN'A. HOAK1) OK A;XHTt Tl'UF.
! 111 I". oPF.K A HOl'SK AT Mil l.
1 2, t AND Id.
Oiitckus Chairman, Kx-ofllcin,
Cliainlk'i; Eves ; Assistant Chairmen.
I. aura Masters and Morris E. Eves ;
Ushers, Samuel Dcmott and Pliny
Eves i Care and Con. fort of Audience.
John Shaffer and U. C. Oblosser.
Tuesday Evenino;, January 12th,
1S02. Machine Music, F. V. Heller,
Millville, IM. i A recitation, Eddie
Smith, Millville, I'a., Music, Millville
Glee Club; Lecture, "Ihe Relation
of the Schools to Agriculture," Prof.
James M. Coughlin, A. M., Sunt, of
Schools, Wilkes Dane, Pa.
Wednesday Morning, January 13.
Call to order at oSo: "The Pennsyl
vania Farm, What it is and what it
should be,"' Hon. E. M. i cwksbuiy,
Catawiss.i. Pa. ; "Fruit Culture." II.
W. Northup, Glenburn, Pa. ; "Uses
and Abuses of Pruning,'' Rev. James
Calder. Harrisburg, Pa.
Wednesday afternoon, January 13.
Call to order at 1:0: Music, Mill
ville Choir ; "The Fanner's Hoy," A.
F. Heller, Turbotville, Pa. ; "Penn
sylvania History," R S. Senile, Mem
ber of Pennsylvania Hoard of Agricul
ture. Montrose. Pa.; "The Second
Geological Survey, its Cost and Uene-
fit to Farmers,' Hon. Dr. fohn P.
Edge. Downington. Pa. ; "Tlie Silo."
II. W. Noithuj). Glenburn, Pa ;
"Another Year's Experience with the
Silo." A. P. Young. Millville, Pa.
l".,,I.w, !, nl'.iniHiT Iitiii-ni' t ,
Call to order at 7:30 : Music, Millville I
Choir; Recitation. Pernice Eves. Mill
ville, Pa. ; Music. Millville Glee Club;
Lecture. "What Chinese f armers ,
Teach Us." Rev. James Calder, Ila
risburg. Pa. ; Music. Jennie Funk and
Mary Smith, Millville, Pa. : Tableaux.
Thursday nit rning, January 14.
Call to order at o:;o: "Can the In
come from Our Flocks be Economi
cally Increased, and How," W. C.
Shultz, Strawberry Ridge, Pa. ; "Win-
Do Farmers Complain, Hon. J. P.
Edge. Downing, Pa. ; "Chemistry and
Characteristics of Soils," Prof. S. 15.
Heiges, York, Pa.
Thursday afternoon, January 14.
Call to order at 1:30: Music, Millville j
Choir ; "Weights and Measures," N. .
F. Underwood. Member of Penna s
Board of Agriculture. Lake Como, Pa.;
"The Farmer and the Chemist, ' W.
B. Sheddan, Pottsgrove, Pa. ; "What
has the Fanner to do with Education,"
J. P. Welsh, A. M., Principal of State
Normal School, B'oomsbure;, Pa. ;
Music, Millville Choir; Recitation, J.
M. Patton, Millville, Pa. ; "The In
fluence of a Life," Miss Eleanor Hay
nian, Turbotville, Pa. ; Music, Mill
ville Glee Club.
This programme may be changed
to suit the convenience of the audi
ence. A cordial invitation is extended to
all parties interested in agriculture to
attend and take part in the discus
sions and proceedings of the meeting.
At the close of each essay or ad
dress, questions pertaining to the sub
ject may be freely asked, and a dis
cussion of the subject with time limit,
A Question box will be placed upon
the stand for the reception of written
questions upon any subject relating to
the farm. Questions will be answered
and discussed at appropriate times
during the different sessions of the
By a rule of the Board all papers
read at the Institute must be handed
to the member in charge for the use
of the Board.
The Wilkes Barre & Western will
issue excursion tickets from all their
offices to Millville, January 12th, 13th
and 14th, good to return January 15th.
1 rains leave atsontown at 10:50 a.
in., and 6:15 p.m., arriving at Mill
ville 11.55 a. m and 7.15 p m. Leave
Orangeville 7.15 a. m., 3 07 and 7.50
p m., arriving at Millville 7.45 a. m.
and 3.37 and 8.18 p . m.
"Would you rather buy lamp
chimneys, one a week the year
round, or one that lasts till some
accident breaks it ?
Common glass may break or
not the minute yott light your
lamp; if not, the first draft may
break it; if not, it may break
from a mere whim.
Tough glass chimneys, Mac
bcthV" Pearl-top" or "Pearl
glass," almost never break from
heat, not one in a hundred.
Where can you get it? and
what does it cost ?
Your dealer knows where and
how much. It costs more than
common glass; and may be, he
thinks tough glass isn't good for
his business.
J'ittsbuitfh, Pa. Geo. Macbeth & Co.
ficionllfically treated by on nuristof world-wide
reputation. Don 11 ess eradicated and entirely
Cecil, of from 20 to BO years' BtundiiiK, after nil
oilier trtmtmcnla have (uiled. How the dilU
cully Is reached f.ud the cause removed, fully
cxpluincd in c.irculurs, with HlHrtuuts and testi
monials of cures from prominent people, mailed
txuo. Vr. A. I Tovoiuu, Walu
Inherited by few, is pure Mood, free
from hereditary taint. Catarrh, ron
sumption, rhcuinatisin. Scrofula,
.mil many other maladies born in
the blood, ran lie effectually eradi
cated only by the use of powerful
alteratives. The standard specific
for this purpose the one best
known and approved Is Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, the compound, ron
rpiitrntcd extract of Honduras sar
saparilla, and other powerful altera
tives. "1 consider that t have been
several hundred dollars' expense, hy using
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and would strongly
nrcenll who nre troubled with lameness or
rheumatic pains to nlvo It a trial, I run sure
It will do them permanent nood, ns It hun
done me." Mrs. Joseph Wood, West l'latls
burgh, X. Y.
lr. .t. W. Shields, of Smlthvllle, Term.,
says: "I regard Ayer's Sarsapaiilln as the
best blood medicine on earth, nnd khnwcf
many wonderful cures effected by Its use."
" For many years I was laid up w ith Srrof treatment helng of any lienelil. At
length I was reeonimended to give Ayer's
Sarsaparilla a trial. I !td so. and
By Taking
nhout a dozen hollies, was restored to per
fect health weighing sun pounds nnd am
now a believer In the merits of Ayer's Sarsa
parllla." .lames l'etsy. Mine Hoss. Hreek
enridge t'ual Co. i Limited). Victoria, Ky.
"My niece. Sarah A. l.osee. was for years
ntllieted Willi scrofulous humor In the blood.
Alioiit 18 mouths ago she began to use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and after taking three
bottles was completely cured." E. t'aflall,
1". M., Losee, Utah.
ppmcd tv Dr. .1. .
MX ttottlt-D, f J.
bold by all lrugh'iUl, 1'lke J 1
Cures others, will cure you
The annua' iin'i ting of the pulley holders ot
the Itrlarcreek I'ariiieis' iu( ual Insurance t oni-
pau. of 1.1 Kliltr, i'a., will be le Id al Die Hall
ol Tent re tirange No. ."ill, I', or II., on Monday
.lanuurj 11. bet ween t he hours ol III a. In.
and 2 p. tn. for the election of twelve directors
to serve the company the ensuing year, nnd tor
such ot her busluess as tu.ty properly come bc
for them. A. W. si'KAK,
Dee. ai, :hv. secretary.
The regular annual meeting of the sharehold
ers of "'rue Farmers National Hunk ol Itlooms
burg," for (he election of n board of directors
for the ensuing year will be held In the direct
ors room of I he bmk on Tuesday,
lNM, bet ween the hours at two und four o'clock
p in.
Jll-lt KHANli IKICLKK, Cashier.
Ettnie J Clu tftoiitirr Cwtrr. lute of UfMlwK
tiri , rtee'i,
Xotlee Is hereby given th it letters of admlnls
trat Ion on the estate of Christopher Custer, lale
of Hemlock twp , col. Co., Fii., deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned udiulnistra
torto whom nil persons Indebted to said es
tate are requested to make payments, and t hose
Having ciunns or cieiiuinos win iiiukc Known me
same without delay to
i'."Me of Oleflia Iihuarts, Uiti1 of ilifflln (oicn
if'j, fleccdtfetf,
Notice Is hereby given Hint letters of admlnls
t ration on the estate of t'elestlu Hhodes, late of
Alltllln township, eol. id. i u., deceased, have
been trained to the unrters gned ailnilnlst ra
tor, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate
are request ed to make payments, and those hav
ing claims or demands will make known the
sauie without delay to
U'-ls-iiw." a tt.v. Administrator.
KstttU' of Hani Hickrtts, Itiivasefl, hiW of Orange
('iir i, flu ii.
Xotlee Is hereby given that letters testament
nryon the estate of Mary lilcketts, late ot
orange township, deceased, have been granted
to .1. I). Ileiirle and 1-'. S. Hemic, to whom all
persons Indebted to said estate are reuin steii
to make peyino t, and I host) having claims or
demands will make known tlie same without
delay. .1. D. 11 KN HI K,
Atty. Jixecutors.
Kitulc nf .Susan Waler, diceantd.
The undersigned, tin auditor appointed by
the orphans' Court ofi'olumbla county to dis
tribute balance In hands of Sarah K. Vought,
admlnisl rat rlx, as shown by her Urst and tlual
account, will sll at lilsnttlce In Hloomshiirg, on
sat urday, January in, isiw, at lu o'clock a. in.,
when anil where all persons having claims
against said estate must appear and prove the
RKine, or be debarred from coming In on said
fund. A. L. I'HI'I'Z,
Dee. il-lt. Auditor.
Eflii e of lli uiit ii II. Ihivl, iheeimKt.
The undei-Klifned, an auditor appointed by the
ihpliaiis' louri ot Columbia county, to dlistrlli
ute balance lu liamlH of adinlnlsi rator to and
aiuoiiK parties em It led thereto, will tit at tlie
oltlceor Winteisteeii, Heckley and M'Killlp III
Klooiusburtf, on Thursday, January H, lH'.i,' at Hi
o'clock, a. in., w hen and where nil persons huv
n; claims against said estate must upprar mid
prove tlie same, or be debarred trom coming In
on tald tuuU. 11 A. M'Kll.l.ll',
Hmulf ofChrMittH Wulfilecranrtl,
Not Ice Is hereby given that Ihe undersigned
nppolutcd an auditor to distribute tlie fund lu
1 1 mi ri I o li i i krl ii vc lo the said estate, to and
among the pnrili'H entitled thereto, will ul
t end ut his oitlce in Hloonisburt,' on Saturdiy,
tlaiiuarv Dili, is'.r.', at Hi o'clock lu the forenoon
ot said day: And nil persons having claims up
on said fund are reoiiested to ni near before
I wild auditor at said time and place, or be forever
! debarred Iroiu coiiilnu' In on said fund.
Dec H, IHld. Auditor.
Estate of Jmue Eri'ln, J ran d,
Tlie undersigned, an auditor appointed by tho
Orphans' ( ourt, ot i'oluiulila t oui'iy to imikn
dlstrlbuilon of the balance In hands of John
hr III, executor, to anil aniouit t hi- part les cut 11 1
ed therein, tiudnillust the Indebtedness of cer
tain heirs referred to lu said account, under I lie
memoranda t hereto, will Kit at tho oHlee of l'.
K. lleyer. Ksi , In I'atawlssa, I'a., on Tuesday,
.lu unary ls'.i.', at 111 a 111 , ivhen and where all
persons havlinr claims ottulust said eslato must
appear and prove tlie same, or uu debarred from
coming In on said tuiid.
II. A..M K1I.U1', Auditor.
Castorla i3 Dr. Saiimcl Pitcher's prescription for Inf.tnts
nvA CMldrcn. It contains neither Opium, Morpliino nor
other Narcotic nibstnnce. It is lnrni!cns u1stitiito
for Paregoric, Prep, Soothing Syrups, nnl Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant, li t --uaranteo in thirty years' una hy
Millions of Mother i. Castorhi destroys Worms niul nllnys
fcvcrishiiess. CasUuio. prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Iiarr!!rn and Wind Colic. CnstorU relieves
teething tro-.iMcn, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates tho food, rcs'jlates tho utoinach
and howels, Riving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Cor.tprlA Is an excellent iiuvllelpo for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
Dit. O. C. Osoonn,
Lowell, Mass.
" Cnstnrln In the best remedy for children of
which I run aeipiriinted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers wiliconsldcr the real
Interest of their children, and uso Castorla In
stead of the various quack nostriims'.vhleh are
destroying tle ir loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby Bending
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. KisennLor,
Conway, Ark.
Tho Contaur Company, TI Murray Stroot, New York City.
Tho HIGH GRADE SHORTHAND College of Ccu'lwo
l'ositions furnished, onlv, to
compete: r rsiucss o? ktsosity.
Send two stamps for C'atalooue to N'KI.SON A., rresident, Mlinira, X.
Schuyler Hardware Store
Has received by the purchasers in the last six months, a
thorough renovating; old and
has been closed out and an entire new hue ot bright
goods purchased, making the stock one of the largest and
complete in its several lines in this section of the Htate.
ladies Will be delighted with the display of
German blue and white, Agats and Japanese
Enameled Ware,
Japanned and "never break" steel ware, Rodgers silverware,
carpet sweepers, cutlery, that will cut, and a complete lino of
fine house furnishing goods.
contains a large variety of skates,
nislnng rods, reels, ilies, hooks, lines, double and single barrel
breech loading shot guns, repeating and Flobert nilcs, air guns,
revolvers, game traps, clothing, guu implements, loaded shells,
cartridges, chilled and soft shot, powder, ete.
A glance at tlie show cases must convince all that this is the
place for
Bailey's and Stanley Rule and Level Co.'s iron and wood bot
tom, combination fancy planes, ratchet, spiral and Champion
3crew drivers, chisels, saws, plain and fancy hammers and
hatchets, rules, levels; braces, trowels, squares, brushes of all
kinds and the latest improved mechanics' helps.
Horse hoes, Horse Nails, Iron and Steel,
and general blacksmith supplies, chains, plain and barbed fence
wire, poultry netting, picks, axes, wheel barrows, grind stones,
and hand agricultural tools in endless variety for farmers, etc. In
all the latest style3 of both plain and fancy door butts, locks,
knobs and house trimmings, wire and steel cut nails, paints,
oils, window glass, varnish, building papers, and Adamant wall
Call at the old stand and get our prices before buying else
where. Selling strictly for cash we can make it to your inter
est to deal here and shall try to secure by deserving it, the
custom of our friends and the friendship of our customers.
: i :;
at inventoried price and possession given immediately, and
presents an opportunity for one or two parties to secure an
established and profitable business at enco.
Kslate of h'llas S. Fritn,lnte of Sn'jarloaf twp.,
Not lee Is hereby given that letters of adminis
tration nn tho est itni of Ellas M. Frllz, luto ol
Siigiirloaf twp. Col. 1:0. Pa., deceased, have been
graiilea to tho undersigned administrator to
wle 111 all persons Indebted to said eslutii nre
reipiesicd to make payments, 11 ml those having
claims or demuiids will uiuke known the tunic
without delay lo
A. J.. Fit it, A.M. F1IITZ,
Atty. Adiulnlstrutor.
" Castoria Is so well adapb d to children that
I recommend It as superior toany prescription
known to inc."
II. A. Aneimn, M. P.,
Ill So. Oxford St , Lrooklyn, N. Y,
"Our physicians In tho children 'g depart
ment have pK)ken highly nf their exprrl
once in their outsldo practice W illi Catm i-.,
and although wo only h.ivo anions oi r
medical supplies what Is known as re;;i:iar
products, yet wo aro free, to confess that the
merlin of Castoria has won us to look wiih
favor uion it."
L'MTitD Hospital and Pisrr.NsinT,
'lost.m, Mass.
Allen C. Suitii, iVes.,
A Tim Colic - of C'-v.-'-r. II. Y
r. s. a.
unsalable goods and surplus stock
lancewood and split bamboo
Kitate of Ji hit Uliiuitrd, lale nf t'isliinyiret-le
tuti-nuhi), (teeeasetl.
Notice Is hereby given that lcttcrstcstaiueiit
nry on the estate of .loll 11 Ithlnanl, lute of Fish
Ingcrei'k township, Col. Co., I'a., . .eased, huvo
been grauled to Moses Mcilenry, St lllivaler, to
whom all persons Indebted to said es'iite are
reipiested to niako payment, nnd those having
claims or demands will make known the same
without delay. .Musics McllENHV,
liMH-Uw.' Executor,
Stillwater 1. O.
M'V, IMI ItiilllltM s.
Tlie eoo';itH i f New .ealand, iiccc'dipu
to Mr. Kdu .'ird Wal.i Held, are 1, '.'.iid.iv
milking people. There Ik ulinni.t , u 1 r
11 K" of onu ti conl.cil holiday to n month
nnd It is n eoiiiiiion pr.11 tice for nil wi.i l
InU people lo li ke twoi.r more days at
t in isl ma , New ear's mid La -ler, m n.
to inal.e an 11 r; I ; l.cii play t itne of three or
Ion r days, l;ic-;idlii n Sunday.
The cotniiioiiest of nil holiday ntntisc
ments Is the picnic. The sevetnl trades,
(ells mid hocieties liavo picnics of theii
owl, to which tlie public niecot'di.'illy vel
cotiio on t lie payment of n small stun to
ward ,W exj eiisi! ef the elite; t.'iinmrnt. It
l i mniisi.'m to t hu railway traveler to bote,
as lie passes lii'ouh Komu pretty eottni ry
side, not. one or t wo, lint perlmps fifty dif
ferent picnics In full 8vlnj, curb. IiiimiIht
lug scores or litindieds of quests. It. Im.
been suld, wltli much more trutli tliiin l
usually to be found In epigrams of thl-.
kind, that "New .ealand people nro lik
cattle. You need only turn a number ol
lliein into it pasture nnd Icnvc tlicin alone,
mid they will inaku themselyes perfectly
On a warm nnd teniptinn New Vcnr's
day mi i nterprisitit: luirlar uiIkIiI wulk
throiiuli 11 New Zealand city mid help
himself undisturbed to thu contents of
most of the houses. DwellitiKS mid streets
lire alike deserted, mid the casual sojourner
who does not understand the ways of Hip
place seeks in Vain for someone t. speak
to or somctliinjt to do. Hy tl or ? o'clock
In t lie evening the streets nre lively wit I,
returning crowds. Youth's Companion.
"How would you
horse of that shaggy
coat ?" "Well. )ott
ini; him Utill's-Ilcad
like to rtirc yiuir
look ami rough
ran do it ly i;iv
I lorse and Cattle
l'owdir j
a pound a'-kagc costs only
"I don't seem to quite understand
the dull of this play yet," said one
t'enik'iiian to another at the theatre.
Ihe other cvenipj;.
''oti don't ?"
"No ; do you ?"
"Vcs, what I've seen of it. There's
one tliir;r, though, that I can't see
"What is that ?"
" I he hat of tlie lady in front of rue."
Xif York I'nxs.
E'cctrio Bittcr3.
This remedy is 1 rcouiinr so well known
nnd so popular as to need no special mention.
All who h ive esc 1 l'.leoti ij Litters sinij the
Fanv son ; of r.ii-e. A purer medicine docs
not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed, l'.lectiic 1 Jitters will cure all dis
eases of the I.iver and Kidneys, will remove
l'iinples, lloils, Salt Rheum and other affec
tions caused by impure blood Will drive
Malaria from the system nnd prevent as well
ns cure all Malarial fevers. Far cure of
Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try
Electric Ililteis Eniire satisfaction guaran
teed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. anil
1.00 per bottle at C. A. Kleim's Drugstore.
J-ytulnif William WMtenUjht, ilecraseil.
The unilersK'nod, nn auditor appointed by the
Orphan's Court ot Columbia eouiily to distri
bute the funds In th" hands of the executor of
the said decedent, will sit at the ottlee of Sena
tor Herring In the I own of lllooinsbui'i; on Fri
day .lanuarv '.li. !!.' at 10 o'clock n. in. and all
persons havlm; claims upon said auditor are re
i nested to appear before said auditor at said
tlmennl place or be forever debarred from
coining lu on said funds.
I' C. Kvans,
Notice Is hereby irlven that the following ac
counts have been tiled In the Court of Common
I'leas of Columbia County, and will be presi nled
to the said court on the llrst. Monday of Kebru
nrv, A. I isti.'und continued nisi, and unless
Kxcept Ions ure nled wlihln four days thereaf
ter, will be continued absolute.
1. First and tlnal Recount of K. A. Wilson, As
signee of K A. Siultli and llerthu M, Smith.
i. First and tlnal account of ! K. Slonn, Trus
tee or Committee of Mary lilcketts dee'd,
I'rolirs ottlee, u. .m. ii h i,
lilooinsburif. I'a., Kebrunry 8 istri. I'roth'y.
Notice is hereby irlven to all legatees, credi
tors and other uersons Interested lu tho estates
of the respective decedent sand Minors Unit tho
following Hiiuuuisirtuors , executors, kiiiuu
lans' accounts have been tiled lu the ortlce of
the Keglster ot Columbia county, and will be
presented for continuation and iiuowaucc
tn the Orphans' court to be held In HliMunsburg,
Monday, Feb, 1st, isi ut 1 0 clock p 111. ol said
No. 1. Second account of I.. 15. Waller, Execu
tor of the estate ot Mrs. Harriet M. Andrews,
late of llloouisburg, dee d.
No.;-.'. First nnd tlnal account of .1. II. Male . Administrator of Sarah 1.. llainllii lute of
C'utuwlssa, Columbia Co., dee d.
No. :). Flint and tlnal a-eount of K. A. S. Ilrowu
Adiulnl'itraior of ueorge Ilrowu, late ot Mtllltu
Township, Columbia Co , dee'd.
No. 4. First and Until account of W. E. Smith
Ksip, Administrator of Kobert H. KM, late or
Hern lck, ilec'd, as llled hy II. F. Crispin, Aduitn
Istralorol W. K. Smith, dee d.
No. 5. Second and tlnal account of Joseph W.
Heeee, guurdlau of .lohn 1.. ltecce, minor child
of It.'ere dee d.
No. Ftisl a unt of .lohn II. Davis and
I'rescllla '1 roy, Adiuiiilsi rutins of I hatics II.
Troy, laic ot lleuver township, Coluiubla Co.,
No. 7. Fl st and tlnal account of W, 11. Fish
er, Administrator ol Henry Creasy, late of Main
township, Columbia Co., dee'd.
No. H, First mid llnal account of (ieorge W.
Corel! and Alexander Voi iim, Adiulnlsi rators of
Daniel Voctiin late of Hemlock township, Col
umbia Co., dee'd.
No. U. First am! Until account of (ieorge P.
Stlner, Kxceutor of Kllabctli Miner lute ol Or
ange township, Columbia Co., dee d.
No. 10. First and tlnal account of Kdward
Everett, Executor of Kllabeth Ann Winders,
lute of Pine township, Columbia Co., dee'd.
No. 11. First and tlnal aeeount of Henry D.
Welsh, Trustee and guardian of Ihe estate of
Harry II. Hess, under the will of Mury N. llar
muli, dee d.
No. is First nnd llual ncnunt of Simon
lions, Executor of Kll.abeth llrcdbeuner lute ol
Heaver township, Coluiublu Co., dee d.
No. ill. First and llnal account of N. P. Moore,
guardian of Charles. W. l.angfelt, a minor child
ol William II. I.aii'.'lell, 11 resident ot Hemlock
township, Columbia Cu.
No. I I. Third and tlnal account of Slmiu llel ol the Executors of Anna lioyer, late ol
Locust township, deed.
C. II. CAMPIIEI.!., lteglster.
"liy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern Hie operallons of digestion and
nuliill and by a careful application of tho
Hue proportion or vcll-seleetein ocoa. Mr. F.pps
has provided our breakrast tables with a dell
cutely llavored beverage which may save ns
many Ivavy doctors' iillls. II Is liv the Judicious
use of such articles of diet Una a cousin ut ion
may be gradually hulll up 11111II strong eimugli
to resist every I eiideney to dlseaso. lIundredM
of KUblle inaladles ure lloalltng around us ready
to attack wherever iliere Is 11 weuk point. Vu
luuy eseupe many a latal slum bv keeping our
selves well loit Hied with pure bliiod and a prop
erly nourished Irume." Civil AVretcw (luzrtle.
Wade sin, plv wli n boiling water or milk. Sold
only In half pound tins, by ifroceis, labelled
JAM1CN ICIMM H CO., HohioeonuUlte
Chemists, l.oiidJ.i , I t glai.d.