The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 08, 1892, Image 8

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Why, the new picture
znt 'dsjjlven with
Just a few important answers to as many
pertinent queries uf interest to you if you
want nice things for Christmas ami Ncv
Who is it who has the largest s:o -k of
I'laiii anil Taney Cakes. Ties, C.mdic etr.,
in town and has hosts of nice articles for the
holiday trade? Messrs. Jacobs & Son.
Who i satisfied with a reasonable profit
anil doesn't charge two prices? Messrs. Ja
CjIis & Son.
Where's there place of business ? No. 130
West Main Street.
What else do they sell? Hand-Made
Clear Toys. Candy flaskets, Muffs, I'rotzels,
Canes, Walnut, Almond, Cream, l'ilhert,
English Walnut, Peanut and Cocoanut Can
dies, French an 1 Common Mixtures, and
everything usually kept in a first-class 1'aU
ery and Confectionery Store.
January 21. N. H. W. Brown and
D. S. Brown, administrators of Jacob
Brown, deceased, will sell real estate
in Mifflinvile, at 10 o'clock a. 111. J.
S. Williams, auctioneer.
Backlm'a Arnica Salve.
The Bust Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd all
tkin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givt
perfect satisfaction, or money icfundcd.
"rice 25 cents per box. For Sale by C. A.
Fashionable Livery.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tf V. A. Hartzeu, Proprietor.
Many pleasures in life are due tg
good health and good looks. Manner's
Double Extract Sarsaparilla will bring
pleasures as it increases the appetite, re
lieves all disorders arising from bad
blood such as Headache, Constipation
Boils and pimples which when driven
out of the system brings good looks.
Manner's Double Extract Sarsaparilla
can be found at all drug stores also at
Moyer Bro's. tf.
Happy and content is a home with " The Ro
chester; a lamp with the light of the mornin-.
Catalogues, write Rochester Lamp Co. , New York.
Real Estate.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of
Columbia county, there will lie. exposed to pub
lic sale at the lato residence of the mild deceas
ed. In tun Borough of Berwick, Pa . on
at ten o'clock a. in., the following ploces of
Tract No. 3. Alll Unit ccrtnln piece, parcel
or tract of land situate. In the. Borough of Ber
wick Columbia Co., Pa. 011 the southerly side of
Eleventh street hounded nnd dlserlbed as fol.
lows ; to wit : On the east by lot number sri, on
the south by im alley, on the west by lot num.
Herat, and on the north by Eleventh, ba-
lug M feet In width and 15 feet In depth and
being numbered and designated as lot number
tl of .1. 1). Thompson's addition to tho Borough
of Bnnvlo!;, and being a vacant lot.
Th ct No. S. All that certain piece, parcel or
truct laud situate In the Borough of Berwick
Columbia Co . Pa. on tho southerly side of
Kit"." lit li atrcet, bounded and dlsorltK-d as tol
lav." : to wit : on tho cast by lot number on
the so'itli by an nlloy, on the west bv lot num
ber VI and on the north by Klcvcnth street, be
ln i'M I"'-' 'I width and US feet in depth mid
being numbered and designated as lot number
23 of J. l. Thompson's addition to the Borough
of Berwick, nnd being a vacant lot.
Thumb of sale. Teu per cent, of one-fourth
of the. purchase money to be paid upon striking
down of the property; the ono fourth less the
ton por cent, nt the confirmation of gale; and
tho remaining three fourths in 0110 year there,
a'to with Interest from confirmation nisi De.
rrl prymonts to bo secured by bond uud
anrtguse upon the premises.
12, lj AND 14, l8(;2.
Officers Chairman, Ex-officio,
Chandlee Eves ; Assistant Chairmen,
Laura Masters and Morris E. Eves ;
Ushers, Samuel Demott and Pliny
Eves ; Care and Con. fort of Audience.
John Shaffer and U. C. Oblosser.
Tuesday Evening, January 12th,
1S92. Machine Music, F. V. Heller,
Millville, Pa. j A recitation, Eddie
Smith, Millville, Pa., Music, Millville
(llec Club j Lecture, "The Relation
of the School) to Agriculture," Prof.
James M. Coughlin, A. M., Supt. of
Schools, Wilkes Bane, Pa.
Wednesday Morning, January 13.
Call to order at 9:30: "The Pennsyl
vania Farm, What it is and what it
should be,"' Hon. E. M. Tewksbuty,
Catawissa, Pa. ; "Fruit Culture," H.
W. Northun, Cflenburn, Pa. ; "Uses
and Abuses of Pruning," Rev. James
Calder, Harrisburg, Pa.
Wednesday afternoon, January 13.
Call to order at 1:30: Music, Mill
ville Choir ; "The Farmer's Hoy," A.
F. Heller, Turbotville, Pa.; "Penn
sylvania History," R S. Seaile, Mem
ber of Pennsylvania Hoard of Agricul
ture, Montrose, Pa.; "The Second
Geological Survey, its Cost and Hone
fit to Farmers," Hon. Dr. John P.
Edge, Dovvnington, Pa. ; "The Silo,"
H. W. Northup, Glenbuin, Pa ;
"Another Year's Experience with the
Silo," A. P. Young. Millville, Pa.
Wednesday evening, January 1 5
Call to order at 7:30 : Music, Millville
Choir; Recitation, Kernice Eves, Mill
ville, Pa.; Music, Millville Glee Club;
Lecture, "What Chinese Fanners ,
Peach Us." Rev. James Calder, Ha--
risburg. Pa. ; Music, Jennie Funk and
Mary Smith, Millville, Pa.; Tableaux.
lhursday mi rnmg, January 14.
Call to order at 9:30 : "Can the In
come from Our Flocks be Economi
cally Increased, and How," W. C.
Shultz, Strawberry Ridge, Pa. ; "Why
Do Farmers Complain," Hon. J. P.
Edge. Downing, Pa. ; "Chemistry and
Characteristics of Soils," Prof. S. 15.
Heiges, York, Pa.
Thursday afternoon, January 14.
Call to order at 1:30: Music, Millville
Choir ; "Weights and Measures," N.
r. Underwood, Member of Pennas
Board of Agriculture. Lake Como, Pa.;
"The Farmer and the Chemist," W.
B. Sheddan, rottsgrove, Pa. ; "What
has the Farmer to do with Education,"
J. P. Welsh, A. M., Principal of State
Normal School, Ji'oomsburg, 1'a. ;
Music, Millville Choir; Recitation, J.
M. Tatton, Millville, Pa. ; "The In
fluence of a Life," Miss Eleanor Hay
man, Turbotville, Pa. : Music, Mill
ville Glee Club.
This programme may be changed
to suit the convenience of the audi
ence. A cordial invitation is extended to
all narties interested in agriculture to
attend and take part in the discus
sions and proceedings of the meeting.
At the close of each essay or ad
dress, questions pertaining to the sub
ject may be freely asked, and a dis
cussion of the subject with time limit,
A Question box will be placed upon
the stand for the reception of written
questions upon any subject relating to
the farm. Questions will be answered
and discussed at appropriate times
during the different se&sions of the
By a rule of the Board all papers
read at the Institute must be handed
to the member in charge for the use
of the Board.
The Wilkes Barre & Western will
issue excursion tickets from all their
offices to Millville, January 12th, 13th
and 14th, good to return January 15th.
Trains leave Watsontown at 10:50 a.
m., and 6:15 p. m., arriving at Mill
ville a. m and 7.1 5 p m. Leave
Orangeville 7.15 a. m., 3 07 and 7.50
p m., arriving at Millville 7.45 a. m.
and 3.37 and 8.18 p . m.
Would you rather buy lamp
chimneys, one a week the year
round, or one that lasts till some
accident breaks it ?
Common glass may break or
not the minute you light your
lamp; if not, the first draft may
break it: if not, it may break
from a mere whim.
Tough glass chimneys, Mac
bcth's " Pearl-top" or "Pearl
glass," almost never break from
heat, not one in a hundred.
Where can you get it? and
what does it cost ?
Your dealer knows where and
how much. It costs more than
common glass; and may be, he
thinks tough glass isn't good for
his business.
Pittsburgh, Pa. Geo. i. Macbeth & Co.
Ecicntillcully treated by an aurlstof world-wide
ruputMUon. Ueufucss eradicated and entirely
cu'-eil, of from 'iU to vu years' sUindiiiK, after nil
other treatments have failed. How Hie difll
cully Is reuuhed aud the cause removed, fully
cxnlaincd in oiroalura. with aludavits and teitf.
mouuils of cures from prominent people, mailed
true, lr. A. L OX IAIMZ, Xacouut, Waslu
Inherited by few, is pure Mood, free
from hereditary taint. Catarrh, eon
sumption, rheumatism, Scrofula,
and many other maladies born in
the blond, can be effectually eradi
cated only by the use of powerful
alteratives. The standard specific
for this purpose the ono best
known nnd approved is Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, the compound, eon
eentrated extract of Honduras sat,
saparilla, and oilier powerful altera
tives. "I consider that I have been
several hundred dollars' expense, by using
Ayer's Hnrsnpnrllln, nnd would strongly
urge all who are troubled with lameness or
rheumatic pains to give it a trial. 1 am sure
It will do them pcrnuiiient Rood, as It has
done me." Mrs. Joseph Wood, West l'latts
burgh, N. Y.
Dr. J. V. Shields, of fsniithvlllc, Tenn.,
says: "I regard Ayer's Snrsnpnrllla as the
best blood medicine on earth, and knowcf
many wonderful cures effected by Its use."
" For many years t was laid up with Scrof
ula, no treatment being of any lienellt. At
length 1 was reeointnended to give Ayer's
Sarsaparilla a trial. I did so, and
By Taking
about n dozen bottles, was restored to per
feet health weighing 230 pounds and am
now a believer In the merits of Ayer's Sarsa
purllla." James petsy, Mine lloss, Brcck
curidge Coal Co. (Limited), Yletorla, Ky.
"My nleee, Sarah A. l.osee, was for years
n filleted with scrofulous humor in the blood.
AiuMit is months ago she began to use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. nnd after taking three
bottles was complete!) cured." K. Cattail,
P. !., Losee, Vtah.
Trersrcd bv rr. .T. C. A or fc Co., Lowell, Mnm.
told ty nlllru(0i(iu. l'rkef 1; six tultlr,Ca.
Cures others, will cure you
The annua1 meeting of tup policy holders ot
the Itrlarerrek Fanners' .Mutual Insurance Com
pany of I. line Hldgo, I'u., will tie h- Id at the Mali
or Centre (1 range No. .'si, 1". of II., 011 Monday
.lanuary II, lsif.', between the hours of to a. In.
nnd s! p. m. for the election of twelve directors
to serve the company the ensuing year, nnd for
such other buslucss ns inay properly como be
forthein. A. w. si'KAIt,
Dee. iil, 3w. Secretary.
The regular annual meeting of the sharehold
ers ot "'Die Farmers National Hank of Hlooms
burg," for the election of a hoard of directors
for the ensuing year will be held In the direct
ors room of the b ink on Tuesday January. 12,
INM, between the hours of two and four o'clock
p in.
lS-ll-lt FRANK IKELER, Cashier.
Estate of Christopher Curler, late of Hemlock
twi , dee'd.
Notice Is hereby given th it letters of adminis
tration on the estate of Christopher Custer, lute
of Hemlock twp , col, Co., Pa., deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned administra
tor to whom all persons Indebted to said es
tate are requested to muke payments, ami those
naviug claims or ueiminus win muKe Known me
same without delay to
K'-lS-UW. WILLIAM U. 11 Ml
Estate of Celeslla Rhoads, late of ilijftin town-
ship, tweeasea,
Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis
tration on the estate of Celeslla Rhodes, lato of
Mlffiln township, Col. Co. i a., deceased, have
lieen v runted to the tinders gned administra
tor, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate
are requested to make payments, and those hav
ing eiuiins or (it inunus win mute known 1110
same without delay to
Wm. II. Hnyukk, JOHN It. HIIOAns.
lii-is-tiw. Atty. Administrator.
Estate of Mary Ricketts, Oeeeased, late of Orange
Notice Is hereby given thnt letters testament
ary on the estate of Mary Hlcketts, late of
Orunge township, deceased, have been granted
to J. 1). Ilenrle and V. S. llenrle, to whom all
persons Indebted to said estate are requested
to make peyino t, undthosn having claims or
demands will make known the same without
delay. .1. I). 1IKNHIK,
llKKaiM), F. S. MKNKIK,
Atty. .Executors.
Estate of Susan Walter, deceased.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by
the orphans' Court of Columbia county to dis
tribute balance In hands of Sarah K. Vouglit,
administratrix, us shown by her tlrst and rtnal
account, will sit at his otllce In lllonmshurg, on
Sat urduy, January lit, WV1, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
when und where all persons having claims
against suld estate must appear and prove the
same, or be debarred from coming In on said
fund. A. L. FltlTZ,
Dec. Sl-4t. Auditor.
Esta e of llevljrii 11. tkivls, deceased.
The undersigned, nn auditor appointed by the
orplnius' Court ot Columbia county, to Ulstrlu
ute Ijiilunee In Immls of ndinlnlsi rutor to and
it it to ii k parties entitled thereto, will Kit at the
oltlee of Wintf rsteeii, Keckley and .M'Ktllip In
liloomslmrK, on 'J'liursduy, January 14, ih'.ij at 10
o'eloek.u. m., wlien and where all persons bav-
lii claims aKuiiist sum estate must, uppeur una
prove the Hume, or be debarred from ni I r.(f in
on tuld timet. 11. A. M'Kll.l.ll',
Estate of Christian Wolf deceased,
Notice Is hereby given that lUe undersigned
appointed an auiiltor to distribute the fund In
Court belonging to the said estate, to and
among tue panics entitled thereto, will ul
tend at his oitlee in Klotimshuig on Saturd ay,
lanuar.v nth, ihlis, at Hi o'clock In the forenoon
ot suld day: And till persons having eliilms up.
on suid fund are requested to ai pear before
said auditor at said time und place, or be forever
debarred trout coming In on satd fund.
Dec 0, 1HU1. Auditor.
Estate of Isaac Errln, d eared.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by tho
(Indians' Court of Columbia County to make
distribution of tho balancu lit hands of John
Krvln, executor, to and tiiunntf the parties entitl
ed therein, uud adjust tho Indebtedness of err.
tuln helm referred to In said account, under tho
memoranda thereto, will sit at the olllco of C.
K. (leyer. Ksq , In Catawlssu, Pa., on Tuesday,
January 1, 1MU, at Hi a 111 , when und where all
persons having eUlms aKulnst said estate must
appear uud prove the siiinc, or be deburred from
comliiK In on said fund.
U. A. SI K I I.LI I', Auditor.
What es
Custorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant 9
nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor
other Narcotic puhstanco. It Is ft harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nml Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. It cuarantco in thirty years' uso hy
Millions of Mother 1. Castorla destroys "Worms and allays
fovcrlshncss. Custoikv prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures IMarrltTtV and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething trouble:;, cures constipation nnd flatulency.
Cast or la assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural fslcrp. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castorla la an excellent nifxliclro for chil
dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told mo of Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. O. C. Osooon,
I-owell, Mosa.
" Castoria Is the best remedy for eldldren of
which I am acquainted. 1 hope tho day Is not
far distant when mothers will consider tho real
interest of their children, and uss Castoria In
stead of the varlousquack nostrums which are
destroying thf-lr loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. Kincbkloe,
Conway, Ark.
The Contaar Company,
Tho HIGH GRADE SHORTHAND CoUcso cf Stuliwostcrs H. Y.
Positions furnished, only, to
Send two stamps for Catalogue to Nelson A.
Schuyler Hardware Store
Has received by the purchasers in the last six months, a
thorough renovating; old and unsalable goods and surplus stock
has been closed out and an entire new line of bright fresh
goods purchased, making the stock one of the largest and most
complete in its several lines in this section of the State. The
ladies will be delighted with the display of
German blue and white, Agats and Japanese
Enameled Ware!
Japanned and "never-break" steel ware, Rotlgers silverware,
carpet sweepers, cutlery, that will cut, and a complete lino of
fine house furnishing goods.
MENT contains a large variety of skates, laucewood and split bamboo
fiishing rods, reels, flies, hooks, lines, double and single barrel
breech loading shot guns, repeating and Flobert rifles, air guns,
revolvers, game traps, clothing, gun implements, loaded shells,
cartridges, chilled and soft shot, powder, etc.
A glance at the show cases must convince all that this is the
place for
Bailey's and Stanley Rule and Level Co.'s iron and wood bot
tom, combination fancy planes, ratchet, spiral and Champion
3crew drivers, chisels, saws, plain and fancy hammers and
hatchets, rules, levels; braces, trowels, squares, brushes of all
kinds and the latest improved mechanics helps.
Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Iron nnd Steel,
and general blacksmith supplies, chains, plain and barbed fence
wire, poultry netting, picks, axes, wheel barrows, grind stones,
and hand agricultural tools in endless variety for farmers, etc. In
all the latest style3 of both plain and fancy door butts, locks,
knobs and house trimmings, wire and steel cut nails, paints,
oils, window glass, varnish, building papers, and Adamant wall
Call at the old stand and get our prices before buying else
where. Selling strictly for cash
est to deal here and shall try
custom of our friends and the
at inventoried price and possession given immediately, and
presents an opportunity lor one or two parties to secure
established and profitable business nt ence.
Estate of Etta 8. Fritt, late of Sugarloaf twp.,
Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis
tration on the estute of Ellas M. Fritz, lute ot
Sugarloaf twp. Col. Co. I'a., deceased, have been
grunted to the undersigned administrator to
wh' m all persons Indebted to satd estate are
rocpicHted to make payments, and those having
claims or demands will make knowu the mine
without delay to
A. L. Fkitz, A. B. FKITZ,
Atty. Administrator.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children thnt
I recommend It assuporlortoany prescription
known to mo."
IT. A. A noma, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford U , lirooltiyn, N. X.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their exprrl
ence In their outside practice with Ca?toil".,
and although wo only have among oi:r
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yot woaro free to confess that tho
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor ujion it."
Umtbd I1osp:tai, and Disrr.Ksinr,
Boston, Moss,
Allen C. Smith, Pres.,
T7 Murray Streot, New Yorlt City.
Mll.l.KR, President, Klmira, N. V.,
r. s. a.
we can make it to your inter
to secure by deserving it, the
friendship ot our customers.
Estate of Jvlin Rhiwtrd. lale of VishlngcrevK
township, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that letters test nmeiit
ary on the estate of John Khlnard, lute of Fish
Ingcreek township, Col. Co., Pa., tic-eased, have
been granted to Moses .Mellenry, Stillwater, to
whom all persons Indebted to said esiato nro
requested to make payment, and those having
(dulms or demuuds will make kimwii tho same
without delay. .MUSKS Mull EN UY,
liMB-Ow.' Executor,
Stillwater P. O.
ISeiv Sr.' li.Mitiit.ts.
The colootsts uf New .enliind, nccc'dinq
to Mr. Kdtvnrd Wul.t lield, nre a '.'ihl.iy
makln peoplo. There Is almost aver
nue of ono icconl.ed Irilldny to n month,
nnd it is n eotiiiiion pntitiee for nil work
ln people to Inke two or more d.iys nt
Christ inns, New Year's nnd DiKter, so n
to iniiUeiiii unlit iketi pl.iy t iino of tlireeot
four days, Inrhnlinu: n Suinlny.
Thu finiiniiiiiist of nil holiday nmtisc
nietits Is the picnic. Thu several trades,
t-ccls nml societies have picnics of theit
owt, to which tho public lire cordially wel
come? ou the piiytiii tit of n small stun to
ward ."te expense of tho elite; tiintiient. It
is nniiisi.n( to tliu railway traveler to note,
ns he passes through sonio pretty country
side, not. una or two, but perhnps fifty dif
ferent picnics In full swlntf, each tiunibcr
tiig scores or hundreds of guest. It tins
been snld, with much more truth than la
usually to be found In epigrams of this
kind, that "New Zealand eople nro liks
cuttle. You need only turn n number o!
them into h pnsttire and Icavo them nlone,
nml they will inako themselves perfectly
On a warm nml tempting New Tear's
day nn riitcrprisliiK burglar niiKbt walk
throiiKh a New Keulatul city nml help
himself undisturbed to tho contents of
most of the houses. Dwellings anil streets
arc alike deserted, and the casual sojourner,
who does not understand tho ways of the
place seeks in vain for gomo ono t.i speak
to or something to do. Uy 0 or 7 o'clock
In the evening thu streets are lively with
returning crowds. Youth's Companion.
"How would you
horse of tliat shaggy
coat ?" "Well, you
inn hi in Hull's-Head
like to cure your
look and rough
can do it by giv
llorse and Cattle
Powder j
a pound package costs only
"I don't seem to quite understand
the drift of this jilay yet," said one
gentleman to another at the theatre,
the other evening.
"Vou don't?"
"No; do you?"
"Yes, what I've seen of it
one tiling, thoutih, I
can't see
"What is that?"
"The hat of the lady in front of me
Jt'r York J'rcss.
E'ectrio Bittora.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular 34 to need no special mention.
All who have used Electric liitters sing the
tame son;; of praise. A purer medicine docs
not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed. Electiic Hitters will cure all dis
eases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove
I'implcs, Uoils, Snlt Rheum and other affec
tions caused by impure blood Will drive
Malaria from the system and prevent as well
as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of
Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try
Electric Hitters Lniirc satisfaction guaran
teed, or money refunded. Trice 50 cts. anu
$1.00 per bottle at C. A. Kleim's Drugstore-.
Eftate of William WhltenlgM, deceased.
The underslirnerl, an auditor appointed hy tho
Orphan's Court of Columbia county to rilstrt
tmt tlie rutiils in tlie hands ot the executor of
the said decedent, will sit t the office of Sena
tor HerrliiK I" t he town of HloomsuurKOn Ki l
l:iy .lanuur.v ait, wi at 10 o'clock a. ni. and all
persons havlnir claims upon said auditor are ru
tpiested to appear before said auditor at satd
time and place or be forever debarred from
coming In on suld funds.
C'HAHi.KB C. Evans,
Notice Is hereby Riven that tho following ac
counts have been tiled In the Court of Common
l'leas of Columbia County, und will be presented
to the said court 011 the tlrst Monday of Febru
ary, A. 1 IMUand coutlrmed nisi, and unless
Kxeeptlons are nied within four days thereaf
ter, will be confirmed absolute.
1. Klrst and tlual account of K. A. Wilson, As
signee or H. A. Kinlt.h and Uertliu M, Smith.
a. Klrst and final account of ! K. Sloan, Trus
tee or committee of .Mary Hlcketts dec'd,
rrot n s otttee, u. .w. nun
liloomsburt;, Pa., February s Kftii. l'roth'y.
Notlca is hereby (riven to all legatees, credi
tors uud other persons Interested In tho estates
of the respective decedents and minors thai thu
following administrators', executors', Ruard
laus' accounts have been tlli'd In the office of
the Hcfrlster of Columbia county, ana win oe
presented for continuation and allowance
In the Orphans' Court to be held In Blooinsbunr.
Monday, f eb, 1st, itwi, at o clock p m. 01 sum
No. 1. Second account of I- K. Waller. Execu
tor of the estate of Mrs. Harriet M. Andrews,
lute of Uloomsburg, dec d.
No'i First and final account of J. H. Maize
Esu . Administrator ot Sarah L lluinlln late of
Catawissa, Columbia Co., dee'd.
No. S. Flint and final account of E. A. 8. Brown
Administrator of tieorire Brown, late of Mlffiln
Township, Columbia Co , dee'd.
No. 4. First and tlnul account of V. E. Smith
Ks., Administrator of Kobcrl H. Ent, lane of
Berwick, dee'd, as tiled bv M. F. Crispin, Admin
istrator ol W. E. Smith, dee'd.
No. R. Second nnd Ann! account of Joseph W.
Heeee, guurdlan of John L. Ueece, minor child
Of Elizabeth Heece dee'd.
No. fl First account of John H. Davis and
Prescllla Troy, Administrators of I harles II.
Troy, hue of Heaver township, Columbia Co.,
No. 7. Fl St and final account of V, II. Fish
er, Administrator of Henry Creasy, lute of Main
towushlp, Columbia Co., dee'd.
No. H, First and tlnnl account of Oeorge V.
Corell and Alexander Yocuin, Administrators of
Daniel Yocuin lute of Hemlock township, Col
umbia Co., dee'd.
No. 9. First and final account of (icorge P.
Sllner, Executor of Elizabeth Miner late of Or
ange township, Columbia Co., Uec'd.
No. 10. First and tlnal account of Edward
Everett, Executor of EllzulK'th Ann Winders,
lute ot Pine towushlp, Columbia Co., dee'd.
No. 11. First und tlnal account of Henry 1).
Welsh, Trustee und guardUn of tho estate of
Harry II. Hess, uudor tUe will ot Mury N. Uar
luun, dee'd.
No. 12 First nnd final ncount of Simon
lions, Executor of Elizabeth llrcdbcnnor late of
Beaver township, Columbia Co., dee d.
No. 13. First and final account of N. P. Moore,
guurdluu of Chtules.W. hungfclt, a minor child
uf William 11.'tclt, a rcsidcut ol Hemlock
township, Columbia Co.
No. 14. Third and tlnul Recount of Simon llel of tho Executors of Anna Boyer, lato 01
Locust township, dee d.
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