The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 08, 1892, Image 6

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Telegraphic Notes of Interest
Briefly Told.
nEitr, there am evertwheke.
ftmall tiwt KutrHlousThe Itrwi of the
. World Kroin role to role Carefully
Ciillril mid Rolled Down for Itunjr
Readers Thronffliotit Ilia Country.
1 hmailny, Dec. 31.
The prnlu blockado at Chicago Is
believed to be at an end.
Rochester, N. Y., has 1,800 cases of
tho grip and tho disease is sproading.
Cohn Brothers, dry goods dealers
of Port Huron, Mich., have failed,
with liabilities of $20,000.
Tho American Radiator Company
has been organized at Detroit with a
capital stock or $3,Goo,ooo.
Tho hosiery mill of Samuel West, at
Oermnntown, Ph., was burned Tues
day night. Loss, $100,000.
The Ways and Means Committee of
tho World's Fair ha9 decided to allow
tho buIo of liquor during tho Fair.
Tho opening session of tho National
Conference on University Extension
was held at Philadelphia yesterday.
The Dnltinioro Evening News hns
boon sold to a company, and will bo
mado a strnightout Cleveland organ.
John Ritchie, wholcsalo boot and
shoe manufacturer of Quebec, has
suspended payment; liabilities, $&),
000. The Messiah crnzo has broken out
on the Cheyenne and Arnphoo reser
vation and a thousand Indians are
William Guerin, a Now York fire
man, has fallen heir to a f 50,000 cat
tlo raucho in Colorado by tho death
of a brother.
It Is reported from Mexico that
4,000 Mexican troops have revolted
and joined Garza, tho revolutionist
on tho Texus border.
Tho ew Y ork State Board of
Claims has rofused to pay John
Snaith's claim of f39.080.01 for work
on tho Capitol's celling.
Gideon W. Marsh, the absconding
president of tho Keystone Bank of
Philadelphia, is said to have been seen
in Elkton, Md., Tuesday night.
Two men wcro killed and one was
fatally Injured by tho explosion of
dynamite at a stono quarry in Wau
watosa Village, Wis., yesterday.
During tho year 1891, there havo
boen 4,093 milos of new railway con
structed, which brings tho total mile
age of the United States up to 171,
106. The general store of Moore & Seaver,
at Byron Centre, N. Y., was entered
by burglars Tuesday night and
robbed of several hundred dollars
worth of goods.
The Hatch Flexible Shoe Company,
Rochester, N. Y., has sold out to J.
W. Hatch, Its largest creditor, and
suspended payments. Its unsecured
creditors, mostly New York and Phil
adelphia parties, will got nothing, but
the total loss is small.
Friday, Jan. 1.
The police of New York made over
90.000 arrests in 1891.
Dr. Robert Milter has been missing
from his home in Chicago since De
cember 24. Foul play is suspected.
The Standard Oil Company's cooper
age at Bayonne, N. J., was burned
this morning, causing a loss of $380,
000. Dublin was excited yesterday by an
attempt to blow up Dublin Castle, tho
official residence of the Viceroy of
A reciprocity arrangement was
signed Thursday by Secretary Blaine
and Senor Calvo, representative of
Costa Rica.
Geo. W. Walling, ex-Superintendent
of Police In New York, died at his
homo in Keyport, N. J., this morning,
aged sixty-eight years.
Walter N. Thayer, of Troy, N. Y.,
has beon appointed Warden of tho
State Prison at Dannomora, to suc
ceed Wurden Fuller, resigned.
The large new summer hotol at
Lake Denmark, seven milos from Do
ver, N. J., was burned to the ground
Wednesday night. Loss, $30,000.
The revenues of the government
for the month of December were $28,
C00.000, or $2,500,000 less than the ex
penditures during tho same period.
Bradstreet's report for the current
week shows tho total failures in tho
United States to be $102,893,000 as
against $92,775,025 for tho sanao
period In 1890.
The Prudential Fire Insurance Com
pany of Boston has docided .to wind
up its affairs, and has reinsured Its
risks In the Homo Insurance Com
pany of New York.
In Seymour, Ind., a city of less
than 7,000 inhabitants there are over
2,000 cases of grip, and there has been
a number of deaths directly or indi
rectly duo to that malady.
The president has commuted to ten
years' imprlaonmont tho sentence of
death imposed on four Yuma Indians
of California, who were to havo been
hanged January 15, 1892, for murder.
Howell & Presby, wholesale dealers
iu woolens and dross goods, at No.
20 White street. New York, failed
yesterday, giving preference for $17,
uoo. Their liabilities may reach
Joseph J. Ashforth, formerly secre
tary and treasurer of tho Royal Aica
rwini Bulldinpr and Loan Association,
of Brooklyn, N. Y., who was arrested
at Liverpool, on November 19, on tho
charge of embezzling nearly $20,000
from the Association, was surrendered,
in London, for extradition, on Thurs
day. John M. Flnerty, Inventor of the
cotton picker, dlod in Washington,
1). C, Wednesday, uged soventy-four
years. No wns bom In Ireland, ntnl,
after coming to this country, engagod
in business In St. Louis, where ho
was accumulating a fortune when tho
war began. Ho lost nil by tho war.
Mr. Finerty was also tho inventor of
a railroad splko and a ballot box.
Saturday, .Inn. .
A flro at Clarksville, Tenn., yester
day did $70,000 damage.
Tho bank of E. A. Menrs, at Mlnot,
N. J)., closed its doors Thursday.
Tho Jackson block In Birmingham,
Ala., was partially destroyed by fire
Friday. Loss, $150,000.
Fire, supposed to bo of Incen
diary origin, nt Nashua, N. II., yester
day, did $10,000 damage.
W. W. nnnnan, n wealthy real es
tate agent of Detroit, has been miss
ing since Wednesday night
Mrs. Talmyra Cotton, of Water
bury, Conn., celebrated her 100th
birthday on New Year's day.
Stephen II. Boll was hanged at
Windsor, Vt., Friday, for tho murdor
of his wife nt Fairfax In 1889.
Thirty-five Stato militiamen havo
been sent to Coal Creek, Tenn., to
guard tho 200 convict miners there.
A fire in Mt. Airy, N. C, a flourish
ing tobacco town, on Friday morning,
caused n loss of $300,000 to $500,000.
Tho Eureka Transportation Com
pany began business at Kansas City,
Kan., Thursday, with a capital of $2,
000,000. Fears ore entertained nt San Fran
risco that tho Union Pacific steamer
Oregon has been wrecked off tho Ore
gon const.
Gov. Russell has issued an earnest
appeal to the people of Massachusetts,
nstung them to contribute) generously
to the aid of the sufferers iu Russia.
Mrs. Fred Kctchcll of Valparaiso.
Ind., has received notico that sho is
one of eight heirs to a fortuno of
$3,000,000 left by an aunt In Scotland.
Tho total shoo shipments from
Haverhill, Mass., for the year havo
been 292,005, against 327,7(10 cases for
1890, showing a falling off in the
amount paid for labor of $357,000.
Ex-Congressman Thomas B. Ward
died iu Plainlleld, Ind.. early yester
day morning. Mr. Ward severnl
months ago returnod from Dwight,
where ho had taken tho bl-chlorido of
gold treatment.
George Weldlor, who in 1895 wns
sentenced to twenty years' imprison
ment in Brooklyn for manslaughter
In tho second degree, and William
Conroy, sentenced to life imprison
ment in the samo year for murder In
the second degree in New York, wero
pardoned from Sing Sing prison by
Gov. Hill and released yesterday.
John Dietol, who has been on exhi
bition in Cincinnati at a museum as a
fat giant, died Friday morning from
an attack of tho grip. His waist meas
ure was eight and one-half feet, and
his weight 7C3 pounds. Ho was n
butchor in Baltimore, where he re
cently married a wife who boasts a
waist measure of six and three-fourth
feet, and weighs GOG pounds.
Governor Humphreys of Kansas,
Friday evening appointed ex-Congressman
Bishop W. Perkins as
United States Senator, to fill tho late
Senator Plum's unexpired term. Mr.
Perkins has served four terms In tho
House of Representatives, having
been elected from the Third District
of that Stato to the Forty-eighth,
Forty-ninth, Fiftioth and Fifty-first
James E. Cooper, proprietor of tho
Adam Forepaugh shows and a former
partner of Phineas T. Barnum, diod
in Philadelphia yesterday of inflam
mation of the stomach. He started la
tho circus business in 18G3. Mr.
Cooper made a fortune in the circus
business. He owned four farms near
Philadelphia and much real estate in
that city, besides the Forepaugh show
property. Ho leaves a widow and
three children.
Monday, Jan. 4.
There wero eighty-six deaths from
grip in New York last week.
Andrew Carnegie has donated $30,
000 for tho erection of a publlo library
at Fairfield, Iowa.
Nearly 3,000 employes of the Elgin
Watch Company are about to strike
because of a reduction in wages.
Tho Southern Express Company's
mossongers on the Illinois Central
and branches struck Saturday for
higher pay.
A mob of 500 negroes burned tho
railroad depot and committed other
depredations at Pino Bluff, Ark. A
posse pursued them, and captured
A. C. Shrade, ono of tho largest
planters and morchants of Sharkey
county, Miss., has mado an assign
ment. Liabilities unknown; assets,
Owing to the recent rains tho An
droscoggin River is higher than it
hus been for thirty years. Soveral
booms have broken and many logs aro
Shortly before midnight Saturday,
Edwin Fairchild, of Sheboygan, Wis.,
shot his stepdaughter, Arlislo John
son, and then killed himself. Tho
girl will probubly Jlvo.
By nn explosion of nitro-glyeerino
in the McDonald oil field, neur Pitts
burg, Saturday evonlug, Jouu M.
Fair and George Condy were instant
ly killed, und T. E. Irwin fatally hurt.
F. E. Worthlngton, 6tock broker,
of Dan bury, Conn., hus loft town
mysteriously, an(( supposed to be
at Richmond, Va. It is said that ho
carried awny anywhere from $5,000
to $10,000,
A car containing ten non-union op
erators, whom tho Western Union
TelcgrupH Compnny was sending
South to tuke tho place of strikers,
was broken into Saturday night nt
Tcxarkana, and threo of them woro
Executions to the amount of $30,000
Were ibsued Saturduy against B. 0.
Kendig & Co., extensive leaf tobacco
dealers of Lancaster. Pa. Tho total
liabilities will exceed $75,000, and the
assets win not reach much moro than
half this amount
David Hannum of Cortland, N. Y.,
died nt Homer, N. Y., Saturday. Ho
I wns well known in Cortland Count v.
and ut ono timo was reputed to bo
worth $10,000,000. He was noted for
bis reckless expenditures on sports
and sporting events.
Roswell B. Mason, who was Mayor
of Chicago during tho flro of 1H71,
dlod Friday night after a short Illness.
He was elRhty-sIx years old. Ho wns
nt ono time Chief Engineer of tho
Illinois Central Rond, and at another
Superintendent of tho Alton. Ho
wns Mayor of Chicago from Novem
ber, 1809, to Dccembor, 1871, and was
conspicuous for his courngo and wis
dom during that troubled time.
Titeadity, Jan, It,
The report of a threatened strike nt
tho Elgin watch factory was without
Tho Hotel Godfrey nt Green vlllo,
Tenn., wns burned Sunday, and Bar
ney Foster lost his life.
Senator Gocbcl introduced n bill In
tho Knnsns Sennto yesterday for tho
suppression of lotteries.
A. J. Shono & Co. '8 clothing store
nt Full River, Mass., was damaged
$10,000 by lire yesterday.
Moro than 2,000 cases of grip are re
corded in and about Concord, N. H.,
and tho discaso is spreading.
Tho Allison-Obear glassworks at
East St. Louis wero totally destroyed
by Are yesterday. Loss $50,000.
Two lives were lost, and several per
sons injured in a lire in the Waverly
hotel, in Chicago, Monday morning.
Tho vault of tho County Clerk's
ofllco at Sub-Arcadia was blown open
late Saturday afternoon by a burglar,
wno got 5GU0.
Fivo buildings, Including tho
Leader ofllco and Standard ofllco, wero
burned in Westlleld, N. J., Monday
morning; loss $50,000.
Tho plant of tho Mlshawaka Woolen
Manufacturing Company, nt Mlsha
waka, Ind., makers of knit boots, was
destroyed by flro yesterday. Loss
The Roich Spinning Compnny.a now
corporation with a capital stock of
betweou $400,000 and $500,000, will
erect a new cotton hosiory yarn mill
in Now Bedford, Mass., in the spring.
Gen, Ebenezer Spraguo has just
died at the Masonio Homo at Grand
Rapids. Ho was once prominent In
Masonic circles, and was Past Grand
High Priest of tho Grand Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons, and Illustrious
Past Grand Master of the Grand
Council of Royal and Select Masons.
The thirty-nlnth annual report of
tho State Railroad Commissioners of
Connecticut shows a gain in tho gross
earnings of tho railroads of $1,162,949,
or a total of $23,401,771. The total
operating expenses wero $16,091,932.
No passengers were killed during tho
year except by their own negligence.
Preliminary steps have been taken
at Wheeling, W. Va,, in tho forma
tion of a gigantio glass combino in
opposition to tho United States Glass
Trust The combino will Include
twelve leading flint glass factories in
tho Ohio Valley not in the United
States Trust, and will bo capitalized
at $4,000,000.
Wednesday, Jan. 0.
Tho failure of 8. W. Lochs & Co.,
merchants of Oakley, Miss., has beon
announced. Liabilities, $75,000.
Strikers on the San Antonio and
Arnnzas Pass Railroad disabled fif
teen engines at Yoakum Monday
night. 3
Mrs. Frozler Troxell and her little
child were killed by an explosion of
gasoline near Clay Center, Neb.,
Thirty cows wero burnod to death
in tho barn of William Goegor, near
Newtown, L. I., Tuesday morning.
The building was burned. Loss $20,
000. Reports from Western cities show
that the pool rooms wore swindled out
of $100,000 to $150,000 Tuesday by a
perfectly planned and executed
scheme to bent tho Guttonburg races.
Eight men were killed in a general
fight at Brights & William's turpen
tine still, in Clinch county, Ga. Tho
light started with a quarrel between
two of the men over alleged cheating
in a game of cards.
Six men were killed outright, two
probably fatally injured, and many
others badly hurt iu a collision, Tues
day morning, between tho east nnd
west bound Cannon Bnll trains on tho
Wabash road, at Aladdin, Mo.
A train of tho Kentucky and In
diana Bridge Company nt Louisville
became derailed Monday and ono car
fell from tho bridge thirty-five feet to
tho ground. Conductor Frank Mahan
was crushed to death, and Paccon, a
passenger, was injured.
Cashier John Glcason or tho Clove
land Iron Mining Compnny of Ish
pcmlng, Mich., was shot and killed by
unknown persons yesterday morning.
He was found In an unconscious con
( dition in his c ilice nnd died soon after.
, His pockets and ofllco woro rilled. No
1 Austin Llsk nnd John T. Bang-
hardt, found guilty of tarring aud
feathering Julia Beam, a young innr-
1 riod woman, at Glen Gardner, N. J.,
on October 17 last, wero each sen
tenced in U.o Hunterdon County
Court Tuesday to ninety days' im-
, prisonmeut in the county jail and also
- to pay a lino of $100.
I Miss Mary Bird, nn actress playing
nt tho Grand Opera House, Cincln-
( nut!, O., was fatally burnod Mon
day night. She was boarding at Hex-
' tor's Hotel, and wns about to retire
for the night when hor clothes caught
fire by tho explosion of a bottlo of
face lotion. Miss Bird was a native
of New York, where sho has a brother
in tho theatrical business,
rjn-pq p-
Comes to the front with the
.OF THE.-.
Be!, Sfite ewi', and Musi Stylish, IowcnI ebi
lPtrici?; sun. to prove SsilisfaclioiB is
our l.atlcavor
The best value for Money is to buy your
Clothing, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Trunks and
Valises of
Corner of Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA.
Largest Clothing and Hat House in Columbia and Montour Counties.
Cigars, Totacco. Candies, Fruits and Nuts
Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
IFeitit-z- Goods Specialty,
F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Sole agents for the following brands of Cigars:
Henry Clay, Londrcs, Normal, Indian rrincess, Samson, Silver Ash.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
rriiAAf a nnniinxr
Plans and Estimates on all
kinds of buildings. Repairing
and carpenter work promptl)
attended to.
Dcik: in Builder's Supplies.
Inside Hardwood finishes a
Persons of limited means who
desire to build can pay part and
secure balance by mortgages
2nd Door above Court House.
A large lot of Window Curtains in stoc.
The acme of beauty, convenience, durability, healthfulness
and utility. A large assortment, to represent different pieces
of furniture. Very desirable in small rooms or in rooms used
or other than sleeping purposes. Prices from 17 up. All
excellent values. The Gunn bed is a special attraction. Great
excellence for the price.
Everything good in house and office furniture at honest
prices, and we pay the freight.
13 & 15 W. Market St.
And a rood lamp
must be simple; when it is not simple it 1
not cooil. Simple, Beautiful, Good these '
words mean much, but to see " The Kochester " 1
wnl impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, vSliW
tough and seamless, and made in three pieces onlyA&5SJjsi
it s absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's
of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar- .Sis
velous light is purer nnd brighter than gas light,
softer than electric light and more cheerful than either.
Look fbrthlsstnrop Tun RocnrSTPR. If Ihe lamp dealer has n't tlie en ulna
Rochester, and the style you waut. send to us fur our Dew illustrated catalogue,
ami we will send you a lamp safely by express your cuoicu of over 2,001)
varieties from the Largal Lamp Mori in i
KOCUttSTttU LAMP CO., 44 Park Place, New York City.
If "The Rochester."
Sclentiflo American
Agency for
1 -
1 wimum mnni.0,
For Information and fre Ttandbook write to
Ml'NN t'0 m IIhiiauwat, Nkw Youir.
Oldest bureau for sevuriiw patmitn In America.
Kvery patent taken out bj ns Is brniwht before
tba publlo by a notice given free of chaw in the
gf tmxtiixt giWtntM
Larcrest circulation of any scientific paper In the
wurlil. Hiiluuilldlr Illustrated. No Intelligent
man should be without It. Weekly. 93.0(1 a
year: six months. Addrees MtT.NN A CO,
tuuusut:ua,3til Broadway, New Vork.
Caveats and Tntdo Marks obtained, and al
I'ntont busluens conducted lor JdoDEKATU
ENT OKKICK. We havo no sub-aReucleR ulr
business direct, heneeean transact patent busi
ness Iu less time und at Less tost than those re
mote from Washington.
riend model, (IruwliiK or photo, with deicrln
tlon. Wo advise If patentable nr Lot. or
churire. Ottr fee not due till patent Is secured
A book, "How to obtain Patents," lth refer
(noes to actual clients In your Stato, county, or
town, sent free. Address ' u
v. A. snow co Washington, I. C.
(Oppostto V. 8. 1'utent onico.)
wpvmi3Q0. Salarvon'1.t'"n","sslon toMi
. , X . .? Hl"' w""ieii, Teachers
iiTo,H"" 0,lr -Nli ''0,'l'LA"
Marvels cf Tho New west
No liner book published, over aw choice en
KravlmrH. 111,4(41 copies sold In one week. K .
sirttii's w1 ut ,i,e co""i,y- T"1S
W i.t,fcy KlidAKD 'j'O HAL Ally.
1 he Henry Bill rulilishiiuj Co., Norwich
Conn. io-o 3-111. '
KEMP the Artist,
given a line Crayon
with a D02. of his line
Over Schuyler's
Hardware store,
IJloomsburjr Pa
fortaMtj. tiuooecxtul wh
BUHK1H4 WI1I.1.JB i r.M.
rtl.'l I nil It.-ltl.illu V.K i l. A.
prvufsfru. AdUreM f.uisiox,69Urwl;,lt l.rt.