The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 08, 1892, Image 5

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    Highest of all In Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Kntercd nt the Post, ortlce nt Wonmsburg, i'n.
I second class matter, March I, 1HKH.
Notice is hereby giv
en to all subscribers re
siding outside of the
county, that owing to
the fact that we have to
pay postage on their pa
pers, the price will be
$1.25 a year strictly in
advance, from and af
ter January 1st, 1892.
The following Utters are held at the
Bloomsburg, Pa., post office and will
be sent to the deid letter office Jan.
19, 1892.
Miss. Ida Cupp, Misi Ida Rhone
Tersons calling for these letters will
please say they were advertised Jan
5, 1892. One cent will be charged on
each letter advertised.
A. B. Cathcart, P. M.
Takes 1000 people to buy Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy, at 50 cents a
bot le, to make up .$500. One failure
to cure would take the profit from
4000 sales. Its ni"kers profess to
cure "cold in head." and even chronic
catarrh, and if they fail they pay $500
for their over confidence.
Not in newspaper words but in hard
ca.ti! Think of what confidence it
takes to put that in the papers and
mean it.
Its makers believe in the remedy.
Isn't it woith a trial ? Isn't any trial
preferable to catarrh ?
After all, the mild agencies are the
best. Perhaps they work more slowly
1 .... l i. . 1.. n- n;
GUI nicy wuik surety. 11. 1 icili; a
Ploneant illts arf nn nrr )'. .mcnri I '
but quiet and mild. They're sugar-
coated, easy to take, never shock nor
derange the system and half their
power is the mild way in which their
work is done. Smallest, cheapest,
easiest to take. One a dose. Twenty
five cents a vial. Of all druggists.
The following is the programme of
the Farmer's Institute to be held at , The company was highly entertaiu
Caiawissa, Friday and Saturday, Janu- J by the Bendertown Corr.ct Band who
ary 15th and 16th, 1892 :
FRIDAY MORNING, 9:30 a.m. to 12 M.
1. Organization, 2. Opening address
by the President, 3. music, 4. ''Weights
and Measures," Hon. N. F. Under-
wood, Wayne county, Pa., 5. "I he !
Silo," H. VV. Northrup, Lackrwanna 1
county, Pa., 6. "Another Year with
the Silo," A. P. Young, Millville, Pa.,
7. General discussion and questions.
p m. -i. "Why do Farmers Complain,"
Dr. John P. Edge, Chester county, Pa.,
2. "Organizations of Farmers," R. S.
Searle, Susquehanna county, Pa., 3.
"Farmer's Rights and Duties," Rev.
James Calder, D. D., Harrisburg, Pa.,
4. (A C. Sisson), La Plume, subject
to be selected, 5. E. H. Little, Esq.,
Bloomsburg, subject to be selected,
6. General discussions and questions.
FRIDAY EVENING 7:00 p. m. I.
Music by the Orchestra, 2. Essay and
recitations by members of the Cata
wissa High School, 3. "Causes of sick
ness in our Rural Homes," Dr. G. G.
Groff, of State Board of Health, Lew
isburg, Pa., 4. Prof. Heiges, York coun
ty, subject to be announced, 5. Gener
a discussion and questions, 6. music.
SATURDAY MORNING,- 9 a. m. tO I 2 m.
-1 "Horticulture," F. F. Merceron.
Catawissa, Pa., 2. "Farmer's Gardens."
Dr. Calder, 3. 4 Fruit Culture," II. W.
Northrup, 4. "Look on Both hides,"
R. S. Searle, 5. "The Farmer a Politi
cal Factor," (A. C. Sisson) N. F. Un
derwood, 6. General discussion and
p. m. 1. "Chemistry and Characteris
tics of the Soil" Prof. Heiges, 2. "Five
Years with Feitilizers," J. A. Gundy,
Lewisburg, 3. "Education of our Boys
and Girls," 4- (Sisson),
E. J. Bowman, Berwick, subject to be
Dr. Atherton and Prof. Frear, State
College, have been invited to be pres
ent; also, Thos. J. Edge, Sec'y of
State Board of Agriculture, and other
prominent agriculturists and horticul
turists. Oure Yourself I
Don't pay large doctors' bills. The
best medical book published, one hun
dred pages, elegant colored plates,
will be sent you on receipt of three 2
cent stai ps to pay the postage. Ad-
The members of the Democratic
Standing Committee of the townships
or Bloomsburg, Scott, Crreenwood and
Sugarloaf comprising "The Bloom
Poor District" are requested to meet
at the Court Hons? in the town of
Bloomsburg on Sat. Jan. 2trd 1892
at 2 oclock p. m. for the purpose of
placing in nomination two persons as
poor Directots of said district.
J as. H. Mercer, J no. R. Tow.vsf.nd,
Secretary. County Chairman.
Girls to learn the trade at the Silk
Mill, or experienced hands. Fair wages
will be paid. Apply at Silk Mill.
Bloomsburg. ountry girls can make
satislactory arrangements for board, tf.
20 head Illinois horses and colts
for sale at the McIIenry House, Ben
ton. Pa. 7 mares in foal with full
blood English sire. 1 pair match iron
grays, 5 year old, weight 2 too lb,
head farm ami driving horses from
1000 to 1200 lbs, 5 colts from one to
three years old. I have sold my farm
anu me stocic must oe sold. l hey
are my own raising and can guarantee
them. The above horses will be of
fered at private sale till Jan. 20th
189.'. Daniel Brink.
The leading social event of season in
upper Columbia county was the mar
rage of Prof. A. M. Lesher of Sport
ing Mill, Lancaster county to Miss
Vernie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. enner of Van Camp on Thurs
ciay ucc 31 1S91. the ceremony
was performed by Rev, A Houtz of
Orangeville in the presence of a large
concourse of immediate relatives. The
bride was charmingly arrayed in
handsome dress of bedford cord cloth
trimmed with surah silk. Mr. Ilervey
B. Wenner officiated as best man and
Miss Hannah llartman as bridesmaid.
The 8uests Partook of a bountiful ban
1 1 vl u wl- picwia Jg IMC
bride, with their vell known generous
A grand reception of the friends of
I he brule and groom was given in
the evening. Mr. Wennet's hospitable
mansion was brilliantly illuminated
and was crowded with nearly 100
friends and relatives of the hannv
furnished an excellent serenade after
which refreshments were served to the
company. Prof. I.esher, responding
to a can thanked the quest3 for their
kindly remembrance of Mrs. Lesher
and extended a cordial invitation to
friends to visit them in their new home.
After several hours passed in social
enjoyment the company disbanded in
excellent spirits, having enjoyed the
felicities of the cccision.
The Pathogenic Microbe,
ur poison bearing germ, exercises a
most destruc tive influence, and is con
tinually waging war against fi:alth.
Innumerable is this mighty foe, and
but few escape his inquiry. Entering
the system through the blood, this
poisonous germ infects every part of
the body, and spreads its deadly virus
everywhere. Under ordinary condi
tions it multiplies rapidlv, and soon
maintains a stronghold upon the human
body, To overcome this enemy, and
mit an en. I to its destruction has for a
long while occupied the time and
energies of scientists. Their labors
have at last been rewarded with sue
cess, and a most important discovery
has thus been made known to the
world. It has been shown that this
germ can be forced from the body
through the pores of the skin, and that
mis is tne oniy metnod uy which a
permanent and sure cure of diseases
of the blood can be affected. S. S. S.
has for years been curing blood
diseases and their results, and it is by
this method of eliminating all impuri
ties through the skin that it has per
formed its great work. All manner of
complaints having their origin in an
impure and disordered condition of the
blood have been successfully treated
by this unrivalled blood medicine. Be
ing purely a vegetable preparation S
S. S. is entirely harmless, and no bad
effects result from its use.
To Farmers.
Remember this is the season for
Fodder c liters and crushers, Corn
Snellen, Wood taws and Bob-iledi.
Call and see or write iu for pries on
either of the above.
White & Conner, Orangeville, Pa.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cststerla
A charter has itist been granted to
the Industrial Building and Loan As
sociation of Bloomsburg, Pa. The first
meeting for the payment of dues was
held 1 ucsilay evening. 1 he next
monthly meeting will be held at the
oliicc of the Association, Room 3 in
the Wirt building, between tip: hours
of 0 o clock and 8 o clock p. m., 1 lies-
1- ri ratt I
day, reoruary 2nd 1H92. 1 ne dooks
will be open for subscriptions to the
stock until that time, when the scries
will be closed. In this Association
there is no minimum nremiiim fixed.
thus enabling the purchaser to obtain
money without paying usurious interest.
It will no doubt prove a good invest
ment for those desiring to invest
money, because it will insure first
class risks and will enable parties to
oorrow money to secure nomes at a
reasonable rate to be paid back in
small amounts.
With his thumb, a boy is said to
have saved the Netherlands from inun
dation Many people have been saved
from the invasion of disease by a bot
tle of Ayci's Sarsaparilla. This medi
cine imparts tone to the system and
strengthens every organ and fibre of
the body.
The county commissioners hav
made the following appointments lor
the ensuing year : Cletk, C M. ler
williger i Solicitor, R. R. Little ; Jani
tor, W. W. Barrett, Merchantile Ap
praiser, J. B. Delong. Ja.I Physician,
Dr. J. C Rutter. The only change is
in clerk, J. D. Bodine going out.
His successor, L. M. lerwilliger, is
thoroughly competent for the position,
and will make a popular official.
Veni, Villi, Vici ! This is true of
Hall's Hair Renewer, for it is the great
conqueror of gray or faded hair, mak
ing it look the same even color of
Thomas B. Hanley was admitted to
practice law in the courts of Columbia
county, on ihursilay, Dec. 31. He is
a son of the late Major 3. P. Hanley
of Berwick. He beg in his legal studies
in Columbia Law School, New 1 ork,
continuing his studies with his father,
and since his death, in the office of
Col. J. G. Freeze. I le stood a thorough
examination, and is a young man of
ability who will no doubt make hi
mark. At present he has located in
the law olfice of C. u. Barkley Esq.
Rheumatism is like sand in the bear
ings of machinery. Hood's Sarsapar
ilia is the great lubricator which cures
the disease.
The judges appointed by the Di
rectors of the Columbia College of
Commerce, have awarded the forty
dollar scholarship in said College to
Earnest Rice, of Millville, for the best
eassay on the "Necessity of a Business
Education." I wo of the judges, Rev.
I. M. Patterson and Mr. J. C. Rutter,
Jr. decided in favor of Mr. Rice, while
the third judge, Mr. J. C. Brown con
sidered the essay of Bruce Black, of
Rohrsburg, the superior. In this case
as in all others the majority report
was accepted. The scholarship en
titles the holder to four months tuition
free of expense.
My Head Was Fairly Rotten,
And how much I suffered it is hard to
describe. That loathsome disease, ca
tarrh, caused the above, and the doc
tors said they could not relieve me. I
paid hundreds of dollars for which I
received no benefit. I got more good
from two bottles of Sulphur Bitters
than from all the money 1 paid to doc
tors. I shall continue the Sulphur Bit
ters, as I have gr-Mt faith that they
will cure me. At. M. Duj, 41 Han
over S'j Jioston. 1 8 2f
On Dec., 1801, at the home of
the bride's father, near Afton, Pa., by
Rev. W. R. Whitney ; Mr. Edward
Sobers of Scranton, Pa, and Miss
Emma Powh ss.
At the residence of Mr. Hiram Snt
iff, the bride's father, in Benton Twp.,
Dec. 31, 1891, by Rev. A. S. Bjw-
man. assisted by Rev. S. Bla;r, Miss
L. C. Sutliff and Mr. W. H. Myes of
Hai veyville Luzerne Co , Pa.
At the home of the bride on the 31
of December, by Rev. A Houtz, Mr.
A. N. Lesher, Esq., if Sporting Hill,
Lancaster Co., I'.t , and Miss M. Al
verna Wenner of Fisliingcreek Town
ship, Columbia Co., Pa.
A room o 1 second floor of Colum- ,
man buildinj, steam heat, water on
same floor, electric light if desired.
Apply to Geo. E. Elwell. tf.
It Saould bo in Every Eousa-
J. V. Wilson, 371 Clay Street., Fliarpa
li'H. I'a., he will not bo without Dr.
Kiny's New Diicovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who
Mas threatened with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "La Grippe," when various other re
medies and several physicians had done her
no Rood. Kobcrt Barber, of Cooksnort, Ta.,
claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done
him more Rood than anything he ever used
(or Lung Trouble. Nothing like it, Try it.
Free Trial Bottle at C. A. Kleim's Drug
Store. Large bottles, 50c. and f 1. 00,
99 Pure.
Go and hear Uncle Tom's Cabin
Company Saturday night.
If faithfully used, Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will remove scrofula in whatever form
it exists.
Come to the chicken and flannel
cake supper at Mr. Hartley's on Fri
day evening. Oysters, cake and ice
cream will be served. Supper 2scts
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When Baby- wu sick, we gars her Castorla.
When she u a, Child, the cried for Caatorla,
When the became Miss, the clung to Caitoria,
When the had Children, she gave them Gaatoria,
At Mainville, Pa. Jan. 2, 1892.
Arthur Ray Drum, infant son of Al
bert Drum, ag d 2 months and 20
Suits for men, suits for boys,
and pretty little suits for child
ren at D. Lowenberg's.
Remember Kemp makes 14 cabi
nets, for $1.00.
"OLorJ, I kind to te tick and poor; thou
halt done enough for the rich and healthy, and
Vie hoppy do not need thee."
Tile V-ultby do m t int.l Cactus Wood Cure, but
ttviffo who are nufTt-nng from rheumatism, pout,
boil, carounulna. ulwrs, and tlio tliouwnd ill or
porof ula and ttM.illc tliw&He, ihhmI ttie kiiidiieiif. of
l'roviilvnce to hplp 1 hitm bear their troubles, and
CactiiH lilood Cure to cure their dim-axea.
Hold by
o. A. McK ilvy. Dusfisr., nio-Miisburj Pa.
Highest cash prices paid for Hides
and tallow at A. Solleder's Leather
store. 12-1 12m.
Glasses fitted free of charge at J. G.
Wells.' All work guaranteed.
A large stock of over coats
for men, boys nud children at
D. Lowenberg's.
Sharpless & Moyer, the new firm
are makincr stoves, stove renairs and
" 4 - ,
castings of all kinds Light soft cast
ings a specialty. ii-O-ot.
Notice is horeby irlven that the followlntr
named persons have tiled with the Clerk of the
Court of quarter Sessions of the peace of Co
lumbia county their petitions for license, which
will be presented to said Court on Monday.
Junuaiy is, utvi, at 10 o'clock, a. m.
1. K. T. Albertson. residence Central. Hotel.
situate at the village of Central, In Niigai'loaf
township, bounded 011 the north by land of I. It.
otbbons, on the east, and south by lots of J. 11.
Hess und 011 ',ue west by the Klsulngcreek toad.
2. Oeo-tre Aurand and Harry Aurand trading;
as (leortre Aurand Son, residence HloninitbuiY,
Hotel, situate In the town of Illoonisburtr, on
the south side of Second street, at corner of
suld Second street anil Miller's alley, adjoining
nronertv of Joshua Fetterman, und having u
frontage on said Secuud street of sixty six feet.
.1. (leo. W. Asli and Stewart A. Ash, trading
under the firm name of Ash & Bro., residence
llrlarcreek township. IMstlllers, situate In a
room In the northeast corner 01 the second
Moor of the (louring mill owned by Charles Ash
and O. W. Ash, said mill being situated In llrl
arcreek township, bounded on the north by lot
of (I. W. Ash and Stewart Asli, on the east by
land or kii wniiney s estate, soutn oy tne
public road and west by land of C. and O. W.
4. Thomas Boran, residence Centralla Bor
ough. Kestatiiaut, Nltuate In said Borough ot
lentralla, at the corner of Kallroad und 1'axton
streets, on the west side of Locust Avenue, ou a
lot being feet front on Kallroad street, und N
leet deep on I'uxton street, being the southeast
corner of said Kallroad and 1'axton streets.
B. John Uu:di, residence .laineson City, lies-
tattrant, situate In sugarloaf township, on a lot I
described as follows: westwanlly by the main 1
public read failing 1 10m ( en 1 111 1 to .laireson
11 v, nnrinwaritiv, essiwiiroiy unit southwardly 1
by lands now or lato of J. II. and A. M. Van-1
sickle. '
B. lllnebard Berger, residence Berwick, lles
t iiirnti', situate in the borough of Berwick, on
the south side of Front street, between Market
and Mulberry streets, bounded on the north by
Front street, on the south by an alley, ou tlus
east by John Hill's laud aud on the west by oth
er land of K. Hergcr.
7. Josepli Bakey, residence Centralln. lies
t.iurant, situate lu Borough of Ceiitrslla, on
Kallroad Avenue, bounded on the north by said
Kallroad Avenue, on the east by lot of Mrs. W.
11. I'rlce, on the south by an alley und on the
west by lot of Joseph Xctglc r.
8. J. S. Blue nnrt l'hlncas 11. Heddens, resl
denco Dloomslmrg. Hestanrant, situate ou the
northeast corner of Second und Centre streets.
In the town of Blootiisburg, bounded on the
north by Hldge alley, east by lot of I.. T. Shari
less, south by Second street aud west by Centre
st reet.
9. M. W. Brennan, residence Centralla. Ho
tel, sltunte In leiiiiiillii Borough, bounded on
the north by lot of James Ooldswortliy's heirs,
on the east by Locust avenue, ou the south by
Main street, andou the west by an alley, said
house being; u two and one-half story trauie
10. Thomas Collins, residence Centralla. He,
taiirunt, situate lu Borough of Centralla, ou the
east side of Locust Avenue, bouud"d on the
north by lot ot James 0.11111011, on the east by
an alley, on the south by lot of John Soring und
ou the west by Locust Avenue aforesaid.
11. Norman Cole, residence Beaver township.
Plstlllery, situate lu Beaver township, on the
Hunbury, lln.leton and Wllkcs-Barre Kallroad,
east of Mirtltn cross Itoads, bounded on l lie
north by said railroad and on the eust, south
and west by lands of Alluas Cole.
1-X Juliu L. Crawford, residence Llglitstreet,
Hotel, Sliuuie on tlio eust side of Main street,
lu the touuol LlguUtreet, lu Scott towushlp.
I. 'l. lliplet V. Curry, reslilenre 'enlrnll.l
Hotel Situate In Borough of l ent rnll i. on t lie
northwest, comer of I.orii-t avcnii" and Centre
street, hounded on the north by lot owned by
('.(). Murphy, on the eust. by Locust nvenne,
on the soinii by centre street and ou tlie west,
by nn alley.
II. Allans Cole mid HowuM P. Col", trading
ns A. role it Son, rcsld'Oico of Alums col",
Hreenwood township, residence of Howard s.
Col", Kiigarlonf township. Iilstllp'ry, situate
In Sugarloaf township, along (dies ( leek, about,
one mile north ot the town of Coles ( reek, lu
the dwelling bouse oi euplrd by said Howard s,
Cole, nml adjoining said distillery premises on
tne souin, sa 10 uisituery ami uwe iing nous.
being situated on the east Hide of Coles Creek
15. Charles Coleman, reslrl 'iiee 1'lne town
ship. Hotel, situate In I'lne tow nslilp, at, I'lne
Summit, on the north side of the public rond
leading from I'lne Summit, to Muncv, where
said road runs Into the public loud leading fiom
i'lne summit to Mill vine.
Irt. Charles l. Carpenter, residence Benton
Hotel, sltunte In Ullage of Benton, Benton
township, on the northwest side of Main street
nn lot, hounded northwardly by public road,
enslwnrdly by .Main street, southwardly by lot
ot iveiier pros., ana west oy nn aney.
17. John K. Davis, residence Centralla. Hes
tanrant, sltunte In ('"ntralla Borough, bon tided
on the east by Ixhusi. avenue, on the west by nn
n lev. nn the north bv nronertv or neorge w,
Davis nnd on the south by property of C. II.
IN. Lemuel Drnke, residence Benton. Hotel,
situate In the village of Benton, on the Main
street of said village and known as the Kx
change Hotel.
19. Charles If. Dltterlelc, residence Buekhnrn.
Hotel, situate In the town of Buekhorn, on the
northwest, corner of the Main street or said vu
luge and the public road to Danville.
SO. II. F. Dletterleh nnd Harry Plcttcrlch,
trading as II. F. Dletterleh & Bro., residence
Hlooinsnurg. Hestanrant, situate in the town
of Blisiiiisburg, on I ho south side of Second
street, east wardlv by lot of J. K. Lockard, south
wardly by an alley, and westwardly by an
21. Dennis Dorsey, residence Jameson City,
Hotel, situate In Jameson city, SugaMoaf town
ship, on a lot bounded on the north by Market
street, on the east by an alley, on the south by
lot of 1), J. Wall'T, and on the west by Broad
ss. B. F . Edgar and Samuel Smith, trading
as B. F. Kdgnr tc Co., resilience FlHhlngoroek
township. Distillers, situate In Fisliingcreek
township In the basement of tliedwelllng house
now ow neii aim occupied nv said 11. v. f.ugar,
situated on the public road leading from the
puonc roan Known as tne mate road to still
water, bounded nn the north by land of said
II. V. Kdgar, on the east, by said public road, on
the south by said distillery premises and on tlio
west by other land of said B. F. Kdgar.
it. J. It. Fowler and J. W. Lore, trading ns
.1. it. rowier 111.1 resilience i-me townsnip
Distillers, sltunte in I'lno township. In the
basement of the dwelling bouse oeetinlid bv
said J. W. Lore and situated In said I'lne town
ship, adjoining the distillery premises aforesaid.
bounded on the north bv land of Isaac Dirk, on
the east by public road leading from Millville to
rnltyvlUe, on the south by said distillery
premises, anu on tne west oy tanu or ,i. it,
l. Charles Fettermnn. residence Centralla,
Hotel, situate In centralla Borough, ou a lot
bounded on the north by lot of (leo. W. Davis,
deceased, on the south by lot of Patrick Brad
ley, on the east by an alley, and on the west, by
Locust, avenue of said Isirough, containing
feet front ou said Locust avenue aud 1 W lect
in depth.
a, Samuel Fegley, residence Catawissa. Res
taurant, situate In tmvn of Catawissa, Catu-
wissa townsnip, on .rain street. Doundea on tlio
east by Second street,' on the south by Main
street, on the west by lot of Kobcrt (tralium,
nuu outne norm oy an auey.
SB. Matthew Forbes, residence Jameson City.
Hotel, sit uate In Jameson city, Sugarloaf town
ship, bounded on the north by wirkct street.
east by Water street, south by lot of vt. J. Tripp
nuu ou tun nuab uj 1Mb ui iwujuwiu llipp.
27. riillllppa Gross, residence r.loomshurg.
Bottler, situate In the towu of Uloomsburg, on
Main st, In Soott-town, b aindedon the north by
lot ot Mrs. Shoemaker, and on the south by
Leonard street.
!H. John w. (loldsworthy, residence Cen-
iriiua. Motet, situato in centralla borough, on
the west Mile of Locust avenue, adjoining lot of
Mlcnnel O'llnra on the north, and lot of M.
W. Hrennen, formerly Mrs. W'ui. relffer, on the
Sfl. J. I,. Olrton, residence Bloomsburg. Ho
tel, sltunte In the town of Hloomshurir. on the
south side of Main street, between the hai-dware
store of J. H. Schuyler Co. and the clothing
store of I). Lowenberg's estate, and known as
the St. lmo Hotel.
80. Frederick M. Ollmore. residence Blooms
burg. Kcstaurant, sltuato In the town of
uiooinsmirg, ou me norm side of Second st reet.
of said town, In the same place now occupied
by him, and known as Hrower s block.
SI. William Olgger. residence Bloomshnrir.
Hotel, situate In town of Hloomshurg on the
northwest corner of Kast and sixth streets, on
a certain lot of ground bounded on the north bv
lot of Hoyt's heirs, on the east by Kast street,
on the soul h by Sixth street, and on the west
by an alley.
Si W'm. H. Ollmore, residence Bloomsburg.
Restaurant, situate In the Town of Bloomsburg,
bounded on the north by Kldge alley, on the
east, by lot of N". J. Ilendershutt, on the south
by Main or Second street, und ou the west by
Miller's alley.
XI Albert Heckman, residence Orangeville.
Hotel, situate In Orangeville, Orango township,
on the west side of the public rond leadlug from
Bloomsburg to Benton, bounded on the north
by lot of calvin Herring, on Fast by said public
road, on the sout h bv lot, of Dr. O. A. Megargell,
und on the west by Mill street.
SI. John Jameson, resldenno Bloomsburg,
Hotel, situate In Jamison City. Suirarliuif two..
on lot of ground adlolning Market street In the
northwestern division of said place and known
us "Proctor Inn."
US. Nathsn Knorr, residence Numedla. Hotel,
situate In Nuuiedla, In Locust township at tae
Intersection of the road leading from Catawissa
to Centralla, with tne public rond leading from
Nuuiedla to Kerntown, on a lot. of land bounded
on tne north by lands of Mary Fox, on the east
by land late of Harnian Kalulnger, on the south
bv said pill. lie road leading from Nuni-dla to
Kerntown and nn I he west by said public road
leading from Cutawlssa to Centrullo.
SS. Daniel P. Ktstler, residence Cutawlssa.
Hotel, situate In the town of Catawissa, In cata
wissa towushlp, on the corner of Main and sec
ond streets, bounded on the east by Second St.,
on the north by Main street, on the south bv an
alley and on the west by land of Polly Dyer.
37. John Knles, reslilenceMnilnville. Hotel,
situate In Mlllllnvllle, Miniln township, on the
north side of Third street of said village of Mir
tllnvlUe on a lot bounded on the north by Sec
ond si reet, on the east bv a lot of F.intinucl
Klrkendall, on the soul li by said Third street,
anil on the west by lot of tluorye Miller, deceas
ed, estate.
8S. II J.Kelly, residence Centralla. Hotel,
situate on Locust uvenue In the borough nfcen
trnllu, hounded on the north by lot of o. 11. Mil
lard, on the east by Locust avenue, nn the south
by lot ot Catharine Morrison aud on the west by
an alley.
8u. II. J. Kelly, resMen-e Central Whole
sale 11s an agent, situate on Locust avenue In
the Borough of Centralla, bounded on the north
by- lot of o. B. Millard, on the east by Locust
avenue, on the voui h by lot of Catharine .Mom
son and on the weat by an alley.
40. George II. Lefllor, residence Convngham
township. Hotel, sliuate In Locust Dale lu
Conynjliam township, on the north sl le of pub
lic road leading towards Ashland, and being a
two story friimo building fifty feet frout and
about sixty-site feet U .p.
41. Hohr McIIenry and John . McIIenry
trading as Kohr Mcllenrv & Son, residence Ben
ton township. Distillers, sltuato In Bout on
township, nn the public road lending from tlio
town of Mi nion to Derr's Post Olllce, adjoining
the distillery premises, bounded nn the north
and east by oilier lands ot Kohr McIIenry, nn
the south bv lands of Kohr McIIenry und on tlio
west by lauds rf Kohr Mellcury.
44. Humid Mulnskv, residence Centralla.
Itestauratit, situate In Centralla Borough on
Locust avenue, bounded on the north by lot of
II. J. Kellv, on I lie east by said Locust Avenue,
on the south by lot of George W. Davis and ou
the west by uu alley.
44. John McDonnell, residence Centralla.
Hestanrant, situate in Centralla borough,
bounded bv lot of John Moran on the south, lot
of (. B. Mil lard on the west, Kallroud street
ou the north, and Andrew lioouey on the eust.
41. Arthur McLaughlin, residence centralla.
Hotel, situate In Centralla borough, on the
southeast corner of Locust uvenue and Park
street lu suld Borough.
4. J. II. McIIfnry, resilience Benton. Hotel,
situate tn the vllLigo ot lieutou, In Uvutou
township, nn the Main street nf said v Hinge, 1
Joining lots of Dr. T. c. McIIenry and oihi
il"M, uu I known uy the "McIIenry House."
1(1. F.dwnrd McFndden, residence Central':
Iti'stnurant, situate in ('(titralla Horeitgh i
Locust avenue, bounded on the north by propei
t v of George W. Davis Jr., on the south I),
properly of Dr. H. M. Lashi Ue,
17. George W, Miller, residence Brlnreree!
townshln. Hotel, situate In Hrllirerrek towr
ship, hounded on the east by A. It. Adlemnn, 01
the south bv Gideon Michael and Stephen Mich
ml, on the west by I'hlllp Sponey and Moset
Markle sod other land, north by John II. Hult't
land In llrlarcreek.
4M. John H. Mann, residence Berwick. Kent
nurant. situate In the borough of Berwick,
bounded on the north by Front street, south b
nn alley, west by .Moses Markle unci eust by ati
19. Joel Morton, residence Berwick. Hotel,
sltunte In borough of Berwick, on the south
Hide of Front Street, between Market and Mul
berry streets, and bounded on the east by Mai
ket street, on south bv alley, west bv lot owned
bv Sarah and Boyd Williams and 011 the north bj
Frout street.
50. Patrick Mohan, residence Cnnvnghnm
township. Itestauratit, situate In Conyngham
township, bounded on the north by land of
Thomas Kllker, on the east by an allev, on
the south by lot, of William Hums and west
by public road leading from Centralla to Ash
lund. 51. John Monroe, residence Conyngham
township. Hestanrant, situate in Conyngham
township, bounded Kast by lot of Bridget
Shields, on south by Locust Mt Go's, land, west
by lot of Mrs. John Caney, and on the north by
public road leading to Mt- Cannel.
M. John Nertney, residence Centralln.
Itestauratit, situate In Centralla Borough ad
joining lot of D. K. Curry on the north, on the
east by an alley, on the south by lot of Kllen
Cane, nnd on the west, by suld Centre street,
said house being a two-story frame building.
M. John Nertney, residence Centralla.
Wholesale liquor store, situate In Centrullii
Borough, on Centre street, adjoining lot of b.
F. curry, on the north, on the east by n alley,
on the south by lot. of Kllen Cane, and on the
west by SMld Centre street, said house being a
two story frame building.
M. Johanna O' 'on nor, residence Centralis.
Hotel, sltuato In Centralla Borough, on the
west side of Locust, avenue adjoining lots of
Mlchtii-I G'Conuernn the south, and lot of Al
bert Balls on the north, said building being a
two story frame building,
M. J. W. Perry, residence Sngnrlonf town
ship. Hotel, sltuato In Siignrlour town
ship, hounded on the north by land of Mnnts t
Me.vers.on the east by land of Savage heirs, on
the south by land of Klljah Hess, and on the
west by land of Klljah Hess.
5(1. A. C. Hnoney, Sr., residence C entralla.
Hestanrant, situate In Centralla Borough, ou
the east side of Locust avenue, bounded on the
north by lot of B. F. Burke, on the east by an
alley, on t he south by fit ward ( ,'urley lot and on
the west by Locust avenue.
ft7. James M. Kellly, residence Centralis.
Hcstnuriiiit, situate In Centralla Borough,
bounded on the west by Locust avenue, on the
north by lot of Andrew Kooney, on the east by
an alley and on the south by lot of Owen Cain.
W. George W. Hetfsnyder, residence Cata
wissa. Hotel, sltunte In the tow n of Catawissa,
In Catawissa township, nn the northenst corner
of Main nnd Second streets, bounded on the
Kast by lands of Sarah Clark, on the
west by Second street, on the south by Main
street, and on the north by an alley, known as
"SusiuehannJi Hotel."
IW. Cortes B. Bobbins, residence Bloomsburg.
Wholesule, situate In the town ot Bloomsburg,
on the north side of Second street, bounded
northwardly by Kldge alley, eastwanlly by lot
of Mrs. Luclnda Scesholt,., southwardly by' said
S'-eond street, and we .twardly by lot ot K. B.
no. Stephen B. Rhawn, residence Catawissa,
Kestauriint, situate In the town of Catawissa,
In catawissa township, bounded on tho east by
lands of Geo. Long, on the west by an alley, on
the north by Main street, and on the south bv
an ulley.
(11. Daniel Koach, residence Conyngham twp.
Hotel, situate In Convntrham rnwnshln nn a
lot of ground on the public rond leadlug from
kuunugerecK to centralla, anjoining lands of
James Kostenbauder on the north, nn the enat.
by public rond, souilifhy puhllcfroad and west by
lands of Lehigh Valley Company.
tit. William F. Rhnods. residence fnnvno.
ham township. Hotel, situate In Conyngham
township, on west side of public road leudlng
from Centralla to Numedla, bounded on the
north by lands or John L. Kline on Kast by pub
lic roud aforesaid, and on soutn and west by
land of John L. Kline.
(W. A. K. Smith, residence Jersevtown. ut
sltunte In Jerseytown, In Madison township, on
the public road leadlnir from Buekhnrn. Col ion.
bla county, to White Hull, In Montour county,
bounded on the north by said public road, on the
east by lands of C. Kreumer and Samuel Brug
ler, J. C. Fruit and K. V. W'elllver, on the south
by land or William Johnson's estate, and nn the
west by public road leading from Millville to
(14. Oeorire W. Sterner, residence Rlnnmc.
burg. Hotel, situate In the town or Klonmuhiinr.
on the north side of Second street, corner of
.nurruy uuey ana said street, known as Sterners
Block, adjoining lauds of C. S. Furniun, Mlllam ouu sniu tuu- huu street.
(W. Addison W. Shtimnn. residence Mnlnvtttn.
Mainville Hotel, situate In Mulu township. In
town of Mainville on the main mad leading
from Cntawlssi to Beaver Valley, adjoining lot
of J. K, Longenlierger, on the east by laud of J.
B, Yetter, on the south by said road, on the
west and on the north by lot ot M. M. t amp
bell. A6. Chas. A. fihiiman. residence TteAver Twn .
Hotel. Situate In Beaver Twn.. hounded nn iL
west by public road leading from Catawissa to
Klngtoivn, ou the east by lands of C. A. Shuluun,
and on the north and south by the same.
67. Beniamln F. Bnonenbenr. residence Tier.
wick. Hotel. Situate In Borough of Berwick.
bounded on the east by land of Dr. A. B. MeCrea,
on the west by varket street, north by Front
street, south by Canal street or Dug road, kuown
us St. Charles Hotel.
en. William B. Taylor, residence Bloomsburg,
bottler, situate In the Town of Bloomsburg,
bounded northwardly by land of N. J. llciider
sliott, east by Caleb Burton, south by Main or
Second street, und west by other laud of N. J.
August Thiol, residence Berwick. Kcs
taurant, Kltuute In the Borough of Berwick, on
Canal street, bounded on the south by Canal
street, on the east by land of Mrs. C. A. Becker
on the north by land ot Depew, llagenbueb &
Becker, on the west by land ot 11. M. Hockiuau.
70. William It. Tubbs, residence Bloomsburg.
Hotel, si uuteou the south side of Second street
on a lot boiiuded northuaidly by said Setond
street, custwardly by an alley and the opera
House lot, southwardly by I'lne ulley, und west
wardly by Wliltiuau's ulley, known as the Kx
change Hotel.
71. C. W. Turner, residence Orangeville. Ho
tel, situate In the village of Oiangevllle, In
Orange township, on the northeast corner of
l lneiind Main streets, und know u us the Orunge
Mlle Hotel.
7i A. E." Tripp, residence Jameson City,
llestaurant, situate In Jameson I'll v, Sugarlonf
township, on tho north by Market street, on the
east by lot of Benliiniln Tripp, on the south by
lot of .Mathtus Forbes, und ou tlio west by uu
"S. KinanduB Vnangsf, residence Huperf. Ho.
tel. situate In the village of Kupert, Montour
township, adjoining lands now or W. At. Monroe,
a public mad and lauds ot the estate of Johu G.
yulck, deceased.
74. M. (J. White, residence Kspy. Hotel,
situate In tho Ullage Of Kspy, Scott township,
on the north side 01 the main rond leading from
Bloomsburg to Berwick, and bounded on (ho
north by an alley, on the east by the road lead
ing from said main rond to the D. L. & W. depid,
on the sou' li by said inalu roud, und on the west
by lot of Stephen I'ettlt,
7.i. I'-oyd K. Yetter, residence Miilnvllln. Ho
tel, situate In the town of Mainville, township
of Main, on a lot ot laud, bounded as tollows:
On the west by Catawissa creek, on the south
by land of Charles Kelchart, on the east by pub
lic roud und ou the north by land ot Isaac let
ter. 7(1.
Wellington Yeager, residence locust
township. 1
itel, situate In Locust township,
on the public mud leudlng from Catawissa to
Ashland, adjoining luuds of Livingstone Yeug'-r,
nuynerry u. ungues. Tinman veager, pum'o
mad aforesaid and public mud leudlng to Suy
der s mill.
77. Lloyd Y'ecger, residence Cotnwli.
Hotel, situate In lie town ot Catuwissa In
Catawissa township. 011 the coiner ot 1 Inc. and
Kallroad streets, upon land Isiuuded on the east
by lot or Angelina shumuii, ou the west, by hull
roud street, and south by 'and In possesion ot
Charles Clayton, en north by I'lne street and
knowu us "Kallroud Hotel."
G. M. Ql'ICK, Clerk Q. 8.
CI rlc's Oillce, BloomsUurji Do. , lil,