The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 08, 1892, Image 3

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The Forniff Town Mnrahnl of I. linn, .,
Inrotrrri Salt Drnnght Agnlnst llitn
nil llli Hon by the Kirt Company
to tlftrorer 111 I.oas.
Lima, O., Jan. 4. Ten yenra ao
thn Unitcil Stntrs Express t'ompnny'g
offlco hero was broken Into nnd $7,300
in cash stolen. During all the tlma
since tho company has had detectives
at work on the case, but nothing was
dono until Knturdny, when suit was
brought against William R. Colvln
nnd Harmon Colvla for tho amount,
$7,300, together with tho inter
est from February 1, 1883, tho
timo when tho monoy was
taken. William Colvin was town
mnrshnl nt tho timo of tho robbory.
Harmon Colvln Is his son. Tho ex
press company at thnt timo occupied
a room in tho old Pennsylvania Kail
road depot jointly with tho Adams
Express Company, each bearing half
of tho expense
Tho ngent at tho timo was Qoorgo
W. Myers, and Joseph Corns was on
duty at night. Tho United States
Compnny operated on tho Lnko Erio
and Western Railroad, which had Just
been completod a year or two before,
and tho money to pay tho employees
was sont from Lafayctto each month
to Taymastor Thomas. .
The shipment lu February, 1882, was
$7,300, and was received hero on tho
night of February 21. About $1,000 of
. tho amount was in coin and tho rest
in currency. Tho former was In a
bag. Tho night was exceedingly
stormy and only thoso whoso busi
ness demandod it wero about.
The money arrived on the 10 o'clock
train, nnd alter placing It in tho ofllco
Night Agent Corn9 went out to at
tend to several trains which wero late.
In tho mean timo tho ofllco was
broken into nnd tho money taken.
Tho robbery was discovered by Agont
Corns upon his return to tlio olllco
about midnight. Ho found tho door
battered down, with ovldonco that it
had been dono from tho Inside.
Tho petition In to-day's enso Is filod
by Thomas C. Piatt of New York, tho
prosidont of tho United States Ex
press Company.
Captare of Ka-Convlct Sly, Who Held
! Vp an Express Train Near St. I.oula.
St. Lons, Doc. 31. Tho leader of
the gang that robbed Adam Express
Messenger Mulrcnnan on tho 'Frisco
road, at Olondale, a suburb of St.
Louis, on the night of November 30,
is under arrest, a female accomplice is
also in custody, and the capture of the
other soems only a matter of timo.
The leader of tho gang is Albert D.
Sly, a noted convict from the Mis
souri penitentiary.
The latest series of exploits by Sly
and his fellow bandits, began with
the robbery of the street-car barns In
Omaha, in October, In which they
used dynamite, and secured a large
amount of money. They also robbed
the Metropolitan street barns in Kan
sas City, in the same month. Then
came the robbery of tho Puciflo Ex
press Company, on the Missouri Pu
ciflo railroad, near Omaha, on the
night of Novombor 4.
Maaked Itobberi Compel a Widow to
Sign Chock and Pour Oil en Her.
Atchison, Kan., Dec. 31. Early yes
terday morning two masked men en
tered the residence of Mrs. Jonathan
Davis, a widow living In the extreme
western part of Atchison county, and
compelled her, at the point of revolv
ers, to sign a number of checks,
amounting to $600. Then they poured
coal oil on her clothing and set in on
With great prosence of mind Mrs.
. Davis grabbed a quilt, wrapped it
about herself and extinguished the
flumes. There Is no clew to the per
petrators of the deed, although it is
believed they are the same men who
robbed John Killlon, the bachelor
Suicide Cm I lie Honeymoon Short.
Philadelphia, Deo. 31. William
Marsh, aged about nineteen, who has
been living with his father, Daniel
Marsh, at Foostown, near Milton,
Pa., committed suicide Tuesday
night. He was married on Saturday
to Miss Agnes Wiley, at Cnmden, N.
J., unknown to his parents. Tho
family opposed the match because the
girl "lived out." On his presenting
tho certificate, of their marriage, ask
ing If ho could bring his wife- home,
objection was made, and, remarking
that he would not then be with them
to worry them long, he went upstairs
to his room and shot himself.
Buffalo, N. Y. has 5,000 casos of the
BnTTKH Market dull Creqmerr. Eastern
I'MSUo. i Wusturn, a82Uo. I Elgin, 8()o.t Imita
tion, lNiiiJo. Dairy Eaatoru hnlfnrkln tube
Warn o. 1 Kastotu Welau tube, ItoitfJSa. aoctorr
Fresh, ldalKc.
CHKfcKK Market firm Factory Now York
Cheddar, Halloa. Creamery, lOcjillKo. new
Yum pari klin.8Xa.i full aklms, Kcsfi.o.
Enoa Market Arm i'resb Eastoru, Urate,
S&hvIo. j Weatern, Urate. 'J6aJ7o.
r'Kt.b M'irkut etaady. Spring bran, Mi$90a.
Winter, Kh'vWo 60 ib feed, H6igU0oi Bulb, 87
VtHu-i middling, H.05&1.15 auarpa. (1. ia5
1,'Ju, t craokud corn, tl.OSi earn mual,
coarse end sifted, 1.021.04i One, l.D5$i 33;
r e toed, HI :UOu.
- Uay Market ateady. Choice timothy. HOfij
85o.i No, 1, 7So, No, S TOo.1 (hipping, 00aVUo.
Ui.vor mixed, loisoso. clover, COialbSu.
BTitAW-Loug ryo, 65iu,70fl i auon rye, MjJ
Mo. i wheat, iUiaiWo. oat, tk45a
llvk IXouo yulel at 3.Uwj-0. Fancy up
to $3- 60.
Flour. Spring. Winter.
Ko grade bbla. or aacka..'J 60atJ 75 ti 8aJ 00
I'lun, bbla. or aaaka
Boa a u
I lu 9 10
o tkla M
a lis 6 00
8 tiOa 8 8 J
8 Oil 3 83
til Ira No. 2.
8 75a 00
I ltl to
a 83a i 113
toa ( to
e to t i
extra no. i...
City Mills patents
West ludla sblpplug....
Dressing in Good Tasto.
American ladies, especially in tl.c
larger cities and towns, are becoming
noted for their good taste in dress.
This is largely due to tho fact that they
secure the best Fashion Journals pub
lished, and by a careful study of them
tlicy get correct ideas upon the all-important
subject of dress. Anybody can
cultivate her taste in this direction if
she will only go to the trouble of com
paring the styles found in the reliable
Fashion Journals published bv A. Mc
Dowell & Co., 4 West 14th St., N. Y.,
with those appearing in other Fashion
Magazines. Those issued by A. Mc
Dowell & Co., are produced only by
the best artists, and arc for the most
part plain, and in every respect prac
tical ( the others arc generally very loud
or dowdy, and thoroughly unsuitable
for the requirements of American
women. The firm of A. McDowell &
Co. seeks to furnish ladies with genu
ine French styles, such as can be used
without any danger of appearing ridic
ulous. Hence their Fashion Journals
are now the favorites with all ladies of
good taste throughout the country.
"La Mode dc Paris" gives the latest
French styles. "Album des Modes"
furnishe? styles which are popular in
Paris. -La Mode"' gives a selection
of styles which are serviceable to the
family The two former are each 35
cents a copy, or 3.50 a year. The
last is 15 cents a copy, or 1.50 per an
num. They arc supplied by news
dealers, or dire t to subscribers from
the house.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from prac
tice, having had placed in his hands by
an Kast India missionary the formula
of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure of Con
sumption, I'ronchitie, Catarrh, Asthma
and all throat and l.ung Affections, al
so a positive and radical cure for Ner
vous Debility and all Nervous Com
plaints, after having tested its wonder
luj curative powers in thousands of
cases, has felt it his duty to make it
known to his suffering fellows. Actu
ated by this motive and a desire to re
lieve human suffering, I will send
free of charge to all who desire, this
recipe, in German, French or English,
with full directiors for preparing and
using. Sent by mail by addressing
itu Mump, naming mis paper. v. A.
Noyes, 820 Tower's Block. Rochester.
N, Y. mar-6-iv.
J -
The Work of a Good Man.
The worki of a good man live after
him. He enjoys the blessings and
distinctions they entitle him to in this
world, and build for him a home in
eternity. It is the mission of every
living soul to do some good to benefit
humanity in some way. Notwithstand
ing this fact how few look upon life in
this manner.
A few now and then, here and there,
realize this great responsibility, and
devote their lives to the salvation of
their fellowmen. One of the most con
spicuous examples of this character in
Atlanta, is Dr. 11. M. Woolley. He is
a man noted for his Christian integrity
and fair dealing, being an old and
highly esteemed citizen of Atlanta,
and having built up a reputation among
his home folks as a specialist in the
cure of the opium and whiskey habits
that is of the highest character. Al
though he has had years of experience
in the treatment of these dreadful dis
eases, he is yet an ardent student, and
studies the science of his profession
with as much diligence as if he were
only just entering the profession.
Dr. Woolley, unlike a great many
specialists, treats what is called the
opium and whiskey habits as a disease,
affirming that they are strictly diseases,
and nine times out of ten the sufferers
are not directly responsible for their
condition. The success he has had in
this line has been something phenom
enal. He has cured patients in every
state and territory in the Union, and
has treated cases in London, France,
Germany, Canada and Mexico.
Opium and whiskey are two of the
most powerful, and when improperly
used, the most life destroying medi
cines in the world, and to know how
to extract or eradicate the effects of
these drugs from the human body is
an art to which Dr. Woolley can justly
lay claim. As evidence he simply re
fers to his hundreds of patients who
have been thoroughly ami soundly
cured. Being a man of scholarly at
tainments, he has prepared a work on
opium and whiskey, and their effects
upon the human constitution. In his
work he has testimonials of people
whom he has successfully treated a-.d
permanently cured. This book will be
mailed free of charge to your address
if you will only send Dr. Wooley a let
ter asking for it. If you are not afflic
ted with the opium or whisky disease,
probably you know of a friend or have
a relative who is. If you will kindly
send their names or inform them of
Dr. Wooley's ability, he will take pleas
ure in sending them any information
they may desire. Address Dr. B. M.
Wooley, Atlanta, Ga. (Atlanta Con
stitution.) Jan-S-2t.
Children Oryfoi
Pltcfcer'p feasts?' fv
$100 Reward. $100.
The readers of the Columbian
will be pleased to learn
there is at least one diea.lcd disease
that science his been able to cure in
all its stages, and that is Catarrh 1 fall's
Catarrh Cure' is the only positive cure
now known to the fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional disease,
rccpiire.i a onsiimuonal treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the bloy.l and
mucous surfaces of '.he system, thereby
destroying the foundat ion of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonial.-!.
V. J. C 1 1 F.N FY & CO , Toledo, ( ).
SftTSold by Druggists 75c. u-18-41.. j
O'Beesc. "Say Raysrcdge, how did
you manage to get so thin ?'
Ravsredge. "Helping dad test his
'Fat Preventive. How did you man-'
age to get so stouf ?' j
O'Beesc. "Helping my dad."
Raysredge. "What was he doing ?"
O'Beesc. "Nothing."
Dots Experienco Count?
It does in every line of business, and
especially in compounding and prepar
ing medicines. This is illustrated in
the great superiority of Hood's Sarsa
parilla, over other preparations, as
shown by the remarkable cures it has
The head of the firm of C. I. II 00 1
& Co., is a thoroughly competent and
experienced pharmacist, having devot
ed his whole life to the study and ac
tual preparation of medicines. He is
also a member of the Massachusetts
and American Pharmaceutical Associ
ation, and continues actively devoted
to supervising the prepaiation of and
managing the business connected with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hence the superiority anil peculiar
meiit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is built
upon the most substantial foundation,
in its preparation there is represented
all the knowledge which modern re
search in medical science has devel
oped, combined with long experience,
brain work and experiment. It is on
ly necessary to give this medicine a
fair trial to realize its great curative
"Don't tell me that advertising des
cn't pay," said the editor. ''I know
better Only last week a man put in
a few lines stating that he was in need
of firewood and that very night his
house was burned to the ground."
Atlanta Von$tUutfon.
ATTESTED ) One of the most hon
POPULAEITT. C est and reliable houses
we have ever dealt
with is the Swift's Specific Company,
of Atlanta, Ga , the well known found
ers and manufacturers of the so very
popular blood remedy, S. S. S., which
to our personal knowledge has cured
many people throughout this section,
of terrible blood diseases. Our drug
gists inform us that in the past six
months they have sold more of S. S. S.
than any other preparation for the
blood, on their shelves. The success
achieved by that firm is mainly due' to
their extensive advertising and to the
purity of their medicine, which does
anything claimed for it. We are un
able to record a single instance where
a purchaser has been deceived or dis
appointed. Treatise nn Ulnod nnd Skin diseases mulled
rree. swikt specific; CO., Atlanta, Ga
"Gimme a stack o' blue chips," said
the young man with the rhinestone pin.
The dealer looked at him a moment
and remarked :
"Ain't my word good ?"
"Not much. No plays on words
don't go here. This ain't no comic
weekly." Indianapolis Journal.
Dr. Meeker's Medicines are pure and
a sure cure for whatever they claim.
Lung tonic for colds. Speedy relief
tor pains, internal and external.
Blackberry Cordral for bowel com
plaints, for young and old. Every
bottle guaranteed. For sale by all
druggists. Manufactured by II. C. &
J. A. Olmstead. Williamsport, Pa.
All put up in 25 and 50 cts bottles.
6-1 9-1 yr.
Persons who have engraved plates
for visiting cards, can have cards
printed from their plates at The Co
lu.mdian office. We are also pre
pared to fill orders for engraved invi
tations or cards on short notice. Our
work is done by one of the leading
engravers of Philadelphia, and is
guaranteed as to quality and style.
Samples can be seen on application.
Don't send out of town for what can
be ordered at home. tf.
Good Looks. -
Good look are more than skin deep,
pending upon a healthy condition of all
vital organs. If the Liver he inactive.
have a Pinched Look. Secure good health
umi vim win nave gooa iook. I'.leclric Hit
ter it the great alterative and Tonic acts
directly on these vital orgaus. Cures Pimp
les, lilotches, Boils and gives a good com
plexion. Sold at C. A. Klcim's Drugstore,
50c. per bottle.
Children Cry foi
Pitcher's Cnstorla.
We have sold Bull's Head Poultry
Powder for many years and it lias giv
en unicinl satiXii tio: Wm.
FRiTscn :. co., r.v.imiviik-, id.
Mrs. B.l:n-in: "VVs indeed, mv
husband is j ust about dead with work."
Sympathizing Friend. 'Dear me, I
hoped it would hi easier for him now.
You told me last wee!; that he had en
gied a secretary."
Mrs. Bizziinin. "That's just the
trouble. Ho liar, to work r.o hard to
keep ill'.' secretary busy that it is wear
ing him .nit." lostou 'out.
You Can Ituly
Upon Hood's Sarsaparilla as a positive
remedy for every form of scrofula, salt
rheum, boils, pimples and all other
diseases caused by impure blood. It
eradicates every impurity and at the
same time and vi'.ahws the whole
"It's mighty lucky I haven't got my
bowic knifj with me!" growled the
man with Iris hands up.
"You'd st.iin y nir soul with murder.
j would you?" said the facetious road
agent, who w-s relieving him of his
"No, I reckon not," rejoined the
other : "hut it was a present from a
friend, I'd hate like the dickens to have
! to part with it." Vhicnjo Tribune
I I have not used all of one bottle
yet. I suffered from catarrh for twelve
years, experiencing the nauseating
dropping in the throat peculiar to that
disease, and nose bleed almost daily
I tried various reme lies without bene
fit in. til last April, when I saw Fly's
Cream 11 dm advertised in the Boston
iur?rrt, 1 procuied a bottle, and since
the first day s use have had no more
bleeding the soreness is entirely gone.
D. G Davidson, with the Boston
lluthjt t, formerly with Huston Jour
nal. 1-8- 2t.
a CME BLACKING is cheaper
at 20 cents a bottle than any
other Dressing at 5 cents.
bceanso shoes onco blackened with it can
be kept clean by washing them with water.
1'eoplo in moucrato circumstances find it
protitablo to buy it nt 20c. a bottle, because
what they spend for Blacking they save in
shoe! leather.
It is tho cheapest blacking considering
It 3 quality, and yet wo want to sell it
cheaper it it con be done. Wo will pay
$10,000 Reward
fo;- a recipe that will cnablo us to make
Yvolff's Acme Clackino at suck a price
that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a
bottle. This offer is open until Jan. 1st, 1803.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
Old furniture painted with,
(this is the name of tho paint), looks like
stained and varnished new furniture. One
coat will do it. A child can apply it. You
can change a pine to a walnut, or a cherry
to mahogany j there is no limit to your
luuciua, au reiuucis neu iv.
Blck Baadaeheand relievsall tba troubles tool
dvnt to blliouu stats of tbs tjmtem, auob a
Slxzlneoa, Kausoa, Drowalnesa. Diatreaa afte
eating, l'aiu la the Bide, to. While tbeir most
remarkable aucceaa baa been a ho wa lu curing ,
neadsehe, yet Carter's Llttla Liver Pins SM
equally valuable In Constipation, curlnRaud pre-T.-utiuK
tM8unnoylnrcoiuilalutlvhllo tlioyalaa
corroctalldlsordorsof thostomschtiniulaietha
Jivoraod regulate tho bowels. KvonU the; only
' Act' of hey would bealmostprlcolesato those whs
Suffcr from thin diatruaHing oomplalnt; but fortu
nately thclrgnodnoasdoosnotendhor,andthoaa
vhoonoe try thorn will find these littlo pills vain.
cbls In so many waya that they will not bo wil
ling to do without thorn. But after allaick ho&4
13 the bane of so many lives that here Is where
wemakeour great boast. Ourpilhtcureitwhila
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
Very easy to take. One or two pills urnkea done.
Vhi y are atriotly vegetable and do not gripe or
puriro, but by their gentle action please all who
uiethem. InvialaatDScentat llvofortl. Soli
ly druggists everywhere, or sent by mail,
Waoapiat Couth. Bronchitis us Aathma. A Mruia
ear Hr Cdsansipuoa la 0rrt Maf. an a nn rrllf I
dvaaeae stages. Dm ai no. Tea will aas the sa
sallaat .fast aftsr taking the tret dose, loll
SMiuoteiiskan. Lara ewMMe, M aeate ess UN
time lpttl
.(rtwir: "How I It, Kntn, tlint ymi nlwuyj
aiN-iii to Vtitrh nn ' to thr lnt new titlnir ?
tvluit. I uuiy, ymi ulwuys mviii t ;ii t 11 1. 011 1
of me."
K.UT. : " f don't know: I t-n-tnlnlv !o not
miikc nny exri-Hon In thnt (lirc tion."
Iknmi:: " Wrll, cliintor tlir liml rewin'MitKi,
(or muui'lo, yon Imvo tukun tip j i 1 11 1 uiw.
without nny tonehor ! yon came to the rescue
whi'ti Miss Liitiiriro iliwrteil her DHMirterliics
so suddenly, nn'! certainly wn lire nil imiii-ov-linr
in irince under your fiiatriictlon ! I liciiril
you ti'llinir Tommy I '.nines Inst evening how
11 In Hull imido mistake In pliiying Imsi-luill :
you wem to Im up on nil the liiti-sl " run,' nnd
know Just w hut lo do under all clrcuuiHtnncc ;
you entertain lieniitMully ; mid In the. hiNt
month you linvo lui proved no In health, owing,
you ti'llme, to your iiliyKlcnlcultiirccxcrclscH.
Where do you get nil of your iiilorniutlnu
from In this little oiit..of tlio way pluco ? for
you never go to inn city."
Katp.: "Why. Jennie, ynu will make mo
ruin. I have only oncsotirccnf information,
tint, it If niirpi-lsing how It. incetH nil want. I
very seldom heiir id anything new hut what
the next few days tiring me full information
on tlio subject, Miiuicr Nol MiiKii.incI
And a greut, treasure it Is to 11s nil, for it
really furnishes tho rending for tho whole
household : lather litis gleu tip his lniignttio
that he lm tiikcn for yenrs, lis he snjs this
0110 gives more nnd lictter Informal ion on
tlm subjects of the lny; mid mother nays
that it is that flint makes her nu ll 11 famous
houscki'cpcr. In fact, wo all agree, that it Is
the only rcnlly family iniuriizine published,
us wo Imvo sent for Nam pies of ull oi Ihcm,
and llnd that one fs all for men. another nil
for women, nnd another for children only,
w t I 1j tin one suits every one of us; so o
only tieed to take one instead of pevernl. and
that Is whero tlm economy comes In. for It Is
iinly $:!.! 11 yeuf. I'erlmps jou think I am
too lavish in my praise ; but I will let you seo
ours, or. better still, send HI cents to the pub
lisher, W. .leiiiiinvH I lemon -st, l." i:nst 14th
frtreet. New York, for n sample eopv, nnd I
shall nlwnys consider thnt I have done you
a great luvor ; and may Is- you will be cut tutir
us out, ns you siiy we liuve tlio repiiiat ion f
liciiurthe l-t Informed family In town. If
that, lie ho. It in JJciuuruol's i'uuiiiy Muaziue
that doej It."
For Best
Go to KEMP,
for he employs nothing but first class
artists to work his two branch
galleries, enabling him to
make first class
V A I R.
h mm i a
until January i, IS92.
We guarantee all work, and show proof.
Remcmlicr place over Schuyler's hardware
store, Bloomsburg, Ta.
The Best Eurnicg Oil That Can be
Made Urom Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light. It will not
smoke the chimneys. It will not char the
wick. It has a high fire test. It will not
explode. It is pre-eminently a family safctv
We Challenge Comparison with am
other illuminating oil made.
We stake our Reputation, as Refiners
upon the statement that it is
T&e Best mil
Crown - Acme
acme oil company
J. R.Smith & Co.
By the foilowinz well-known makers i
Hal let & Davis.
Can also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufact
urers' prices. Do not buy a
piano before getting our prices.
1U1 .
Catalogs and Price Lists
On application.
1 Lastnj(jv
Oi fe narJ(ef in
only one sftajbe-
1q most connent
to cut for yaocet or
fa carry Wrjole.
Insist on &firX tfje
Genuine wlfh 1ne red H
tifi tag , made only Jay,
John "flnzer ftBraLouisVZe,!
M'Killip Bro's.
Only the best
work done. Fin
est effects in
light, and shade;
negatives re
touched and
modeled for sup
erior finish.
Copying view
ing and life size
Over If t. Clark &
Son'o store.
Double Extract Imipk
Headache, Loss of Appetite, I.nnguid rind
Tircil Feeling. Fifty Cents a Boltle.
has no equal as a Blood "Purifier and Toniir.
Rash, rimplcs and Boils ran he cured. A
all druggists.
TV.. It ,! .-,.. Ill u v.-
sale liv all dniwists. Fiftv cents a bottle.
Also at Moyer Bros.
trj warn ralram
-JCTCleane and beautifies ihe hair.
Ntver Fails to Rntior Gray
nairiti us Tuuinrut i,oior
I'rwf cut huiiilmtf and hulr- favlltnn
1 1