The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 01, 1892, Image 5

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    n.n.iun.Mmnvm.WAaawmmunw imm'ti. in, jjji;jniiu.t.jiiuj.injt.'ivji-ii,i)iJM)ujroi
Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Entered at the Post Office at Bloomsburp, t'a.
second clnra mnlti-r, March 1, If.
Notice is hereby giv
en to all subscribers re
siding outside of the
county, that owing to
the fact that we have to
pay postage on their pa
pers, the price will be
$1.25 a year strictly in
advance, from and af
ter January, 1st, 1892.
Rev. A. H. Irvine of Milton will
preach in the Evangelical church on
next Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The little child of James Ferguson
which died last week Thursday, from
swallowing a box of pills, was buried
on Christmas.
Fret not your life away because
your hair is gray, while young, as you
can stop all grayness and can beautify
the hair with Hall's Hair Reneverand
be happy.
All persons who expect to take part
in the Cantata of the Haymakers, are
requested to meet at Y. M. C A.
Hall next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
without fail.
The Morrill Twins will preach, sing
and exhibit stereoptican views at the
Baptist church on Saturday evening,
January 2nd, at 7:30 o'clock. Admis
sion 10 and 20 cents.
A colored woman of Harrisburg,
named Henrietta Harrison, an ex slave,
said to be 105 years old. was burned to
death Monday morning, while trying
to light her pipe at the stove.
The promptness with which Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral stops a hacking cough
and induces refreshing sleep is some
thing marvelous. It never fails to
give instant relief, even in the Vorst
cases of throat and lung trouble, and
is the best remedy for whooping cough.
"Tales from Town Topics, No. 2,"
the second of the series recently start
ed by the publishers of New York
Town Topics, has made its appear
ance. It is a collection of the favor
ite stories, poems jokes, etc., that have
appeared in the pages of flie journal
itself. Town Topics Publishing Co.,
a 1 West 23d Stieet, New York 3
m m
Hon. E. M. Tewksbury, representa
tive from the south side of the .river
has presented to the public schools of
Bloonisburg, twenty-three bound vol
umes of Public Documents and 3 un
bound volumes. They were all of the
latest repots and valuable books. Mr.
Tewksbury believes in placing the
public documents where they will be
cf service.
It is very evident that General
Manager F. Af. Leader believes in
"killing two birds with one stone,"
judging from the liberal way in which
silk initial handkerchiefs wete .handed
around ia kind rememberance of glad
Christmas time. Every employee
from the least to the greatest was rem
embered, so there will be no excuse
for neglect of duty. Boys keep your
. nose clean.
The new year starts out with a
charming entertainment to be given by
the Lutheran Sunday School i:i the
Opera House. Cheering singing by
the whole school, solo. by the littlest
ones, twenty one "Bible Der.igns" the
beautiful handwork' of the teachers
and scholars, and a gas Christmas tree
with 300 lights, and a brilliant star,
and the price for reserved seat made less
than the general admission of ordinary
traveling troups. Every man woman
and child in Bloonisburg oiifjit to see
it. New Years night 7.30.
The Lover's Lament-
Ycur face is lik a drooping flower,
Sweetheart I
I lee your fading, hour by hour,
Sweetheart I
Your rounded outlines waste away,
' In vain I weep, in vain I pray, ,
What power Death' cruel hand can stay
Sweetheart, Sweetheart
Why; nothing but Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It imparts
btrength to the failing system, cures
organic troubles, and for debilitated
and feeble women generally, is unequ
alec'. It dispels me'ancholy and
nervousness, and builds vn both flesh
and ttrjngth Guaranteed to give
satisfaction in every case, or money
paid for it refunded. (
The following letters are held at the
Bloonisburg, Pa., post office and will
be sent to the dead letter office Jan
12, 1891.
Austin F. Lutz, John II. Minnich.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say they were advertised Dec.
29, 1891. One cent will be charged on
each letter advertised.
. A. B. Cathcart, P. M,
All chickens should have, in addi
tion to a supply of egg shell forming
material, some Bull's-Head Poultry
Powder. Then, and .then only can
they be kept with pleasure and profit.
Make no engagements for New Years
night, but go to the Opera House, to
see the handsome Bible Designs and
the glittciing Christmas tree, and to
hear the singing of the Lutheran Sun
day School. Five cents above the
general admission secures for you a
reserved seat. No change of scene or
curtain during the entire evening,
A statement of the receipts and ex
penditures of the Columbia County
Teachers Institute for the year 1891
Balance on hand from lust year, .
ApiifprlnMon from county
Howl 'ed from teachers
Received from Halo of tlckoU, ......
t 77.19
Total receipt.
Paid Instructors and lecturers -in.vnn
" fur Opera House, piano und organ H7.uo
" for locnls,t,elegrnnis, exprt-ssngc Ac. 87.5'
Seev. dorks, door-keeper unit
Linllors, R.V71
Id lor nrl
- printing und envelopes .
Total expenditures,
Balance on Intnil
W. C. Johnston,
Co. Supt.
(.'. M. TKItWII I.1GKH
Next week will te generally observed
by the several churches in town as the
week of prayer by holding 'evening
services. In five of the churches the
meetings will be continued during
January preparatory to the holding of
Union Evangelistic Services. These
five churches have united in a call to
the evangelist, Ilev. A. J. Smith, who
will assist them in holding union gos
pel meetings in the Opera House lur
ing the first two weeks of February.
Let all the christian people of
Bloomsburg unite in earnest prayer for
God's blessing on these efforts and
there will be such an outpouring of
the Holy Spirit as has not been known
here for many years.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla stops the nause
ous discharges of catarrh, and .cures
the complaint.
Last night Signor Faranta gave his
patrons a good attraction, "The Her
mit.' 1 he play is a comedy-drama,
and the. plot is laid during the Revolu
tionary war. Mr. Charles R. I'orcman
in the title role ot the Hermit is ex
cedent while the part of Seth Gage, a
Yankee boy, is well acted by Edgar
Foreman. Miss Ida Meredith took
the part of Jemima Perkins, a Yankee
girl to peifection. Miss Lillian Jerome
was a natural Catherine Leslie, an
orphan heiress. The rest of the char
acters are well presented. The house
was crowded with an enthusiastic audi
ence. "The Hermit" will run durini.
the rest of the week. Dall'i StaUo
Nexo Orleans. Opera House, Blooms
burg, January 4th.
At a public meeting of Lavalette
com. io. 91, A. ana I. U. ot Knights
of Malta held, Dec. 25, 1891, the
following was unanimously adopted :
Whereas. In response to our in
vitations,. Revs. J. P. Tustin, I. M.
Patterson, W. C. Leverett and S. W.
Sears, Prof. Niles and Y. M. C. A.
Choir, and numerous ladies and gentle
men friends assembled in our hall,
therefore be it
llesolved. That we as a Comman
dery hereby tender our sincere thanks
for the timely remarks and kind ad
monitions of the ministers.
Jiesoluedt That we return thanks
to Prof. Niles and the Y. M. C. A.
Choir for the excellent music rendered
Resolved: That we thank the large
number of lady and gentlemen friends
who favored us with their presence.
Jiesoluedt That a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon the minutes
of this Commandery and a copy of the
same be tendered the several papers
of the town for publication, also in
cluding Ancient Knight.
Respectfully sumitted,
Myron Geddks,
David W. Campbell, vCom.
F. P. Vanderslice, j
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Whaa Bah n aide, w car bar Oaatorla.
Wham ah h a Child, aba cried for Caatorla,
TOwb iIm baouaa Him, ana clung to Oaatorla,
The eleventh Annual Winona Re
ception was held at the Exchange
Hotel on Monday evening. Ilia grand
march took place at 9:30, and the mu
sic furnished by Bauer's orchestra of
Scranton wa.i excellent. I here were
thirty couples present, and the dress
es of the ladies were rich and becom
ing. It was a brilliant affair through
out, and the Master of Ceremonies, Mr.
Charles W. McKelvy and his assistants
can congratulate themselves on the
success of the party. The refreshments
were very nice, and well served. E.
Jacobs & Son furnished the ice cream
and cake. I he Winona, Reception of
1 89 1 was fully up to the high standard
heretofore attained by these popular
Gas Christmas tree and "Bible
Designs" tonight.
r.M-0. A- NOTES.
Next Sunday at 2:30 the Rev. J. A.
Aldred of Danville. Pa., will address
the men's meeting. We have been
fortunate in securing Mr. Aldred on
this occasion, and it would be to your
advantage to hear him, as he will give
a very practical talk to your.g men.
Scats free, come early and secure
one of the best.
Every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
the association Bible class meets. You
are invited.
Every Saturday evening at 7:30 in
Y. M. C. A. Hall consecration and
prayer meeting will be held. You
The annual business meeting of the
association for the election ototTiccrs
for the year 1892, will be held Mon
day evening Jan. 4th at 8:30. It is
important that every member be pres
In the summmer of 1800,
something began to appear on my face
similar to a cancer. I tried various
remedies, but nothing gave relief until
I used S. S. S., whicli entirely cured
me. I used only six bottles W. F.
Stearns, Alexander City, Ala.
We have had a number of remark
able cures reported to us of epithliona
or skin cancer. S. S. S. seems to cure
by forcing out the poison and the poi
soaous germs, the general health is in
the meantime improved, and finally
the sore heals, the scales drop off, and
the patient is well. S. S. S. is entirely
vegetable and harmless. Our treatise
on the blood and skin will be mailed
free to all who apply for it. Address.
BWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, lia.
orncE TO BUNT-
A room on second floor of Colum
bian building, steam heat, water on
same floor, electric light if desired.
Apply to Geo. E. ElwelU tf,
A humorous fact about Hood's Sar
saparilla it expels bad humor and
creates good humor. Be sure to get
At the M. E. Parsonage in Jersey
town, Dec. 24th, by Rev. A. W.
Decker, Mr. C L. Wright and Miss
S. Ada Derr, both of near Millville.
On the 24th of Dec. by Rev. A. W.
Decker, Mr. William F. Nufer and
Miss Cora R. Thomas, both of Mt.
At Fow'crsville, Pa., December 24,
1 89 1, by Rev S. P. Boone, Mr. John
H. Laubach to Miss Minnie A. Me
llenry, both of Benton, Pa.
At the M. E. Parsonage, Mifflinville,
Pa., December 29th, 1 80 1, by Rev.
S. P. Boone, Mr. Llewellyn C. Raber
to Miss Dainie V. Cole, both of Ben
ton, Pa.
To Farmers.
Remember this is the reason for
Fodder cutters and crushers, Corn
shelters, Wood saws and Bob-sleds.
Call and see or write in for prices on
either of the above.
White & Conner, Orangevillc, Pa.
11-27 s
Fashionable Livery.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He Ins well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tf W. A. Hartzeli, Proprietor.
This local on Misses and
Childrens' "half-priced coats
cash or good produce.
Suits for men, suits for boys,
and pretty little shits for child
ren at D. Lowenberg's.
Remember Kemp makes 14 cabi
nets, for $1.00".
Children Cry for
Pitcher's C98ter!a
Rots Clothes and
Chaps Hands.
1892, Clark & Son will offer
great bargains in winter goods,
and a great slaughter in Ladies'
and children's coats. Some
are low shoulder cut, but the
most are thn last winter's cut
and style. We will cut the
cost off, for they must go. Now
is your time if you want coats.
' 1 .
"Otord, It kind to te tick and poor; thou
kat doit enoviS for the rich and htalthy, and
Hit happy rfo not need thee."
The bculthy ilo not nee. I Cactus Blood Cure, but
those who are tiffcring from rheumatism, trout
bolln, caroiuieles, ulcers, and the thotitund ilia tj
ncrofula and Hjwcittu tllaeafte, noil thi kindiH't.H of
I'l-ovldi'iic to liHp ihurn ixar their Irouuks, and
Ciu'tti.Y Wood Cure to cure their Uiwaani.
Sold by
a. A. JIcKolvy, Dugglst, B'.oomsburft Ta.
This local on half-priced
coats $20.00 orfe for 10.00
cash or good produce.
Highest cash prices paid for Hides
and tallow at A. Solleder's Leather
store. i2-n-2m. .
Ladies' furs in capes and
muffs at almost your own price.
Clahk & Sox.
This local on half-priced
coats, $i"5.oo one for $7.50
cash or good produce.
Glasses fitted free of charge at J. G.
Wells.' All work guaranteed.
This local on half-priced
coats, $1000 one for $5.00
cash on good produce.
A large stock of over coats
for men, boys and children at
D. Lowenberg's.
Sharpless & Mover, the new firm
are making stoves, stove repairs and
castings of all kinds Light soft cast
ings a specialty. n-6-8t.
Hartmans' Bloomsburg,
This local on half priced
coats, $5.00 one for $2.50 cash
or good produce.
Notice Is hnrnby Riven that thn following
nnmnrt persona have Med with the Clerk o tlio
Court of (unrtvr SesHlons ot the peace of Co
lumbia county their petitions for license, which
will be presented to said Court on ilonday,
January lrt, 1W, at 10 o'clock, a. m.
1. E. P. Alljertson, residence Central, riotel,
situate at the village of Central, In Bugarloaf
township, bounded on the north by land of 1. H.
(ilbbons, on the east and south by lots ot J. B.
Hess and on the wettt by the Ktshlngcreek toad.
8. Oeo'ge Aurand and Harry Aurand trading
ns George Aurand & Hon, residence lllonmsburg.
Hotel, situate in the town of tiloomsburg, on
the south side of Weeond street, nt corner of
said Hceond street, and Miller's alley, adjoining
firoperty ot Joshua Fettcrman, and having a
routuge on said Second street ot sixty six feet,
8. Geo. W. Ash and Stewart A. Ash, trading
under the tirm name of Ash tc Bro., residence
lirlarcrcek township. Distillers, situate In a
room In the northeast corner of the second
floor of the (louring mill owned by Charles Ash
nnd O. W. Ash, said mill being situated In Hrl
arcreek township, bounded on the north by lot
of . W. Ash and Stewart Ash, on t he east by
land of KM Whitney's estate, south by the
public road and west by laud of C. und G. W.
4. Thomas Jlornn, residence Centralis Bor
ough. Itestaiirunt, situate In sulil Borough ot
Centralis, at the corner of Uallruad and 1'axtou
streets, on the west side of Locust Avenue, on A
lot being is feet front on Kallroad street nnd KH
feet deep on I'axton street, being the southeast
corner of said Kallroad and I'axton streets.
5. John Bush, resident Jameson City, lies
tuurant, situate In Sugarlonf township, on a lot
described as follows: westwardly by the main
public read leading froui Central to Jameson
City, northwardly, eastwardly and southwardly
by binds now or lute, of J. II. and A. 11. Vau
slckle. 0. Hinehard Berger, resldeneo Berwick, ltes
tiurant, situate in the Borough of Berwick, on
the south side of Front, street, botwmn Market
and Mulberry streets, bounded on the north by
Front street, on the south by an nllev, on the
east by John Hill's laud and oa the west by oth
er land ot It. Herder.
7. Joseph liakey, residence Centralis. Ilea
tauraut, situate In Borough ot centralis, on
Kalli'oiul Avenue, bounded on the north by said
Kallroad Avenue, on the eust by lot of Mrs. SV.
II. Price, on the south by an alloy and on the
west oy tot oi josepo .eigior.
8. J. 8. Blue and Phlneas B. Heddens, resi
dence Bloonisburg. liestaurnut, situate on the
uortheust corner of Second and Centre streets.
In the town ot Bloonisburg. bounded on the
north by Uldge alley, eust by lot of L. T. Sharp
less, south by Second struct and west by Centre
9. M. W. Brennnn, residence Centra 11a. Ho
tel, situate In Centralia Borough, bounded on
the north by lot of James Uoldswort hy 's heirs,
on t he east by Locust avenue, on the south bv
Main street, and on the west by an alley, said
house being u two and one-bait story frame
10. Thomas Collins, residence Centrotla. Iloa
taurant, situate In Borough of centratta, on the
east side of Locust Avenue, bounded on the
north by lot of J nines ( tun nun, on the east by
an alley, on I lie south by lot of John Spring aud
on the west by Locust Avenue aforesaid.
11. Norman Cole, resldeneo Poavr township.
Distillery, situate In llcavyr township, on the
Suubury, llazl 'ton and Wllkcs-Barre Kallroad,
east ot Mlinln 'mm ltoads, bounded on the
north by said railroad and on the oast, south
and west by lands of A Unas Cole.
1J. John L. Crawford, resldenca I.lglitttreet,
Hotel, situate on the east sld tof Main street,
tu the Own of LlgUtit.'ret, tu Sjott township.
13. Dnnlel F. Ctirrv. residence renlrnlln
Hotel situate in Borough of ( entralla, on the
northwest corner of Locust, avenue and Centre
street, bounded on the north by lot. owned by
c. (i. Mirrphy. on the east, by Locust avenue,
on the south by Centre street nnd on the west
oy an auey.
I I. Unas Pole and Howard f. Cole, trading
as A. Cole & Hon, rexld-ncn of Almas Cole,
wreenwonu rownslim. residence ot Mownra it,
Cole, Sugarlonf township. Distillery, situate
In Sugarlonf township, along Coles Cteek, about
one nine norm or inn town ot i:oies i reeK, in
the dwelling house occupied bv said Howard S.
Cide, and adlolnlng snld distillery premises on
the south, snld distillery and dwelling house
being situated on the east side of Coles Creek
aforesaid. 1
IS. Charles Colemm, residence Pine town-
snip. Hotel, sit uate in rine townsnip, nr, rum
Summit, on the north side of the public road
lending from Pine Summit to Money, where
said road runs Into the public road leading ftoin
l ine numuiit to .niiiviuo.
Ifl. Charles D. Carpenter, resldeneo Benton.
Hotel, situate In village of Benton, Benton
township, on the northwest side of Main street,
on lot bounded northwardly bv nubile road.
eastwardly by Main street, southwardly by lot
oi Kener nros., aim west oy an auey.
IT. John E. Davis, resilience Centralla. Res
taurant, situate In centralla Borough, bonuded
on the earl by Locust avenue, on the west by an
nuey, on tun north uy property ot weorgo w,
Davis and on the south by property ot 0. II,
IN. Lemuel Drnke, residence Benton. Hotel,
situate In the village of Kenton, on thn Main
street or sain village and known as tno x
change Hotel.
19. Charles II. Dltterlck. residence Buckhorn,
Hotel, situate In the town of Buckhorn, on the
nort hwest corner of the .Main Btreet of said vil
lage and the public road to Danville.
). II. K. Dletterlch and Harry Dletterlch.
trading as II. F. Dletterlch A Bro., residence
Bloomsburg. Kestaurnnt, situate In the town
ot Bloonisburg, on the south side of Second
street, eastwardly ny lot or J. K. l.ockard. south.
wardly by an alley, and westwardly by an
81. Dennis Dorsey, residence Jameson City,
Hotel, situate In Jameson City, Sugarloaf town
ship, on a lot bounded on the north by Market
street, on tne east ny an alley, on the south ov
lot of D, J.- Wallor, and on the west by Broad
82. B. F. Kdgar and Samuel Smith, trading
ns B. F. Kdgar A Co., residence Flshlngcreek
township. Distillers, situate In Flshlngcreek
township In the basement of the dwelling house
now owned and occupied by said B. F. Edgar,
situated on the public road leading from the
public road known as tho State road to Still
water, bounded on the north by land of said
B. F. Kdgar, on thn east by said nubile road, on
the south by said distillery premises and on the
west by other land of said B. F. Kdgnr.
21. J. K. Fowler nnd J. W. Lore, trading as
J. K. Fowler A Co., residence Pine township.
Distillers, situate In I'lue township, in the
basement of the dwelling house occupbd by
said J. W. Lore and situated In said lino town
ship, adjoining the dist illery premises aforesaid,
bounded on the north by laud ot Isaac Dirk, on
the east by publln road leading froni Millville to
1'nltyviUc, on the south by said distillery
Sreintses, and ou tlio west by land of J. H.
at. Charles Fetterman. residence Centralla.
Hotel, situate In Centralla borough, on a lot
bounded on the north by lot of (leu. W. Davis,
deceased, on the south by lot of Patrick Brad
ley, on tlie east by an alley, und on the west by
Locust avenue of suld borough, containing
: feet front on said Locust avenue and 1 10 feet
lu depth.
Samuel Fegley, residence Cntawlssa. Ites
taurunr, sltuato lu town of Catuwlssa, Cnta
wlssa township, on Main street, bounded on the
east by Second street, on the south by Main
street, on the west by lot of Robert Urahaui,
and on the north by an alley.
20. Matthew Forbes, residence Jameson City.
Hotel, situate In Jameson City, Sugarloaf town
ship, bounded on the north by market street,
east by Water street, south bv lot of W. J. Tripp
and on the west by lot ot Ueujamln Tripp.
27. Phllllppa Gross, residence Bloomsburg.
Bottler, situate In the town of Ulonmsburg, on
Main St, In Scott-town, bounded on the nort h by
lot ot Mrs. Shoemaker, and on the south by
Leonard street.
as. John v. Ooldsworthy, 'residence Cen
trulla. hotel, situate In Centralla borougb.on
the west fide of Locust avenue, adjoining lot ot
Michael O'llara on the nonn, und lot of M.
W. Brennuo, formerly Mrs. Wm. telffeT, oa the
29. J. L. Olrtnn, resldenca Bloomsburg. Ho
tel, situate In the town of Hloomshurg, on the
south side of Main street, between the hardware
store of J. K. Schuyler & Co. and the clothing
store of 1. Lowenlierg's estate, and known as
the St, Klmo Hotel.
50. Frederick M. Ollmore, residence Blooms
burg. Restaurant, situate In tho town of
Bloomsburg, on the north side f Second street,
of said town, In the same place now occupied
by him, and known as Brower's block.
51. William Olgger, residence Bloomsburg.
Hotel, sltuateln town of Bloomsburg on the
northwest corner of Fast and sixth streets, on
a certain lot of ground bounded on the north by
lot of lloyt's heirs, on the east by Kast street,
on the south by Sixth street, and on the west
by nn alley.
83. Wm. II. Ollmore, residence Bloomsburg.
Restaurant, situate In the Town of Bloomsburg,
bounded on the north by Kldge alley, on the
east, by lotof N. J. Hendershott, on the south
by Main or Second street, aud ou the west by
Miller's alley.
m. Albert Heckmnn, residence OTangevlllo.
Hotel, situate In orungevllle. Orange township,
nn the west side of the public road leading from
Bloomsburg to Benton, bounded on the nort h
by lot of calvtn Herring, on East by said public
road, on the south by lot of Dr. o. A. Megargell,
and on the west by Mill street.
81. John Jameson, residence Bloomsburg.
Hotel, situate In Jamison City, Sugarloaf twp
ou lot of ground adjoining .Market street la the
northwestern division Qf said place aud known
us "Proctor Inn."
85. Nathan Knorr, residence Numedhi. Hotel,
Rlluete In Numertla, in Locnst, township at tne
Intersection of the road lending from Catuwlssa
to Centralla, with the public roud lending from
Numedla to Kerntown, on a lot of land bounded
on tue north by lands of Mary Fox, on tho east
by land late of Hnmitin Falirlnger, on the south
bv said public roud leading from Numedla to
Kerntown and on the west by said public road
leading from Catuwlssa to Centralla.
nil. Dnnlel P. Klstler, residence Catnwlssa.
Hotel, situate In the town of Cntawlssa, in Cnta
wlssa towaslilp, on the corner of Muhi and Sec
ond streets, bounded on the east by Second St.,
on the north by Main street, on the south by au
alley and ou the west by laud of Polly Dyer.
87. Joiin Knlns, resldencpMlflllnvllle. Hotel,1
situate In Mlilllnvllle. Mlttfln township, on the
norl h side of Third street of said village ot Mil'.
Illnvllle on a lot bounded on the north bv Sec
ond street, on the eust by a lot, or F.iuanuel
Klrkendall, on the south by snld Third street,
and on the west by lotof Cieorge Miller, deceas
ed, estate.
SR. II. .1. Kelly, residence Centralla. Hotel,
situate nn Locust uvenuo In the borough. of ( en
tralla, bounded on the nortli by lot of O. II. Mil
lard, on tho east by Locust avenue, on t he sout h
by lot of Catharine Morrison and on the west by
an alio-.
89. H. J. Kelly, residence Centralla Whole
sale ns nn nuent, situate on Locust nvemiC In
the Borough of Centralla, bounded on tu north
by lot, of O. B. MlllardVon the east by Locust
avenue, on tho wuith by lot of Catharmo Morri
son and on the west by an alley.
40. Oeorpe n. Lernor, rcoldenco Convngham
township. Hotel, sltuato In Locust Dale In
Conyntham township, on the north side of pub
lic road lending towards Ashland, and being a
two story frame btitldluz fifty feet front and
bout sixty-six feet deep.
41. Rohr MeHeiwr and John MoHenrr
trading as Kohr Mclienry & Son k residence Ben
ton townslilp. DiHttllvrs, situate- in Benton
township, on the public road lPartmjr from the
town ot Benton to Dorr's Post Oltloe, adjoining
the distillery premises, bounded on the north
nnd east, bv other hinds of Rohr- Mellenry, on
the south bv lands of Kohr Mclleury and ou the
west by lauds r Holir Mclfenry.
r.miioi muuisR-., irniui-mv vein nilia.
Restaurant, si (mite, lit Centralla Borough on
Locust avenue, bounded on the north by lot of
. - rw.T in- win. u,t sniir wuni Aveiiue,
on the south by tot ot George-W. Davis and oa
bun nuav ui. liliuj
48. John McDonnell, residence rvnti-ni.
Restaurant, sttuarw In Centralla Itorough,
u'hiiiwh ov nit ixiioiin juornn on tnn souiD, Kt
of O. U. Mil lard on the west, Kallroad street
on the north, und Andrew Koouoy on Ute eust.
44. Arthur McLaughlin, residence Centralla.
Hotel, situate In Centralla Borough, on the
southeast corner of Locust avouue and Park
street in said Borough.
' '.t. .1. B. MollT-ry, residence Benton. Hotel,
annate In the village of Bontou, lit bwuuu
township, on the Main street of snld villi pr. i
joining lot of Dr. T. C. Mellenry nnd Ollv
ll'!H, and knownjar the "Mc Hetny House."
40. F-dward McFadden, residence Cet.ttnllf .
Restaurant, situate In Centralla Borri'Kh i
Locust avenue, bounded on th e north by propei
ty of oeorge W. Dnvli Jr., o n the aonUi tj
property of Dr. It. M. Lnshelle.
47. fteorgn W. Miller, residence Hrlnrrrw-l
townshln. Hotel, situate In Hrlarcreek towr
slilp, hounded on the east by A. H. Aillemnn, m
the south by Hldeon Michael snd Stephen Mlcli
net, on the west by Philip Sponey and Mm
Markle and other land, north by John II. Sult'r
land In ihlurcrcck.
4H. John S. Mann, residence Berwick. Ilmt
nurnnt, sltnnfe In thn borough of Berwli-k..
bounded on thn north by Front street, south !
an alley, west by Moses Markle and east by an
alley. 49. Joel Morion, residence Berwick. Hotel,
situate In borough of Berwick, on the smitJi
side of Front Street, between Market and Mul
berry streets, nnd bounded on the east by Mar-
I... t . nn .., .. 11...' Kv In, rtm,.
bv Sarah and Boyd Wllllatns'andon the north by
Front street.
no. Patrick Molmn," residence Conynghsm
township. Restaurant, situate In Conyngham
township, bounded on the nortli by land nf
Thomas Kllker, on thn east by -an alley, on
tho south hy lot of William Burns ana we.
by public road loading from Centralla to Ash
land. HI. John Monroe, residence Conyngham
township. Restaurant. situate In Conyngham
township, bounded Kast, by lot, of Bridget
Shields, on south by Ijocust Mt. Co's. land, wnet
by lot of Mrs. John Cnaey, and on the north by
public road leading to Mt. Carniel.
R2. John Ncrtnoy, residence Centralla.
Restaurant, situate In Centralla Borough ad
joining lot of I). F. Curry on the north, on the
east by an alley, on the sntith by lot of Kllea
Cane, nnd on thn west, by said Centre strnet.
snld house being a two-story frame building.
M. John Ncrtney, residence Centrnllav
Wholesale liquor store, situate In Centralla
Borough, on Centre street, adjoining lot of V.
F. Curry, on the north, on the east by an allnv,
on the south by lot of Ellen Cane, and on uie
West, hv anlil Curt fo f rci.,t 1,1 hniiw. haln. a
two story frame building.
R4. Johanna OTonner, residence Centralla.
Hotel, situate In ('entralla Borough, on the
west side of Locust avenue adjoining lot of
Michael o'Conner on the south, and lot of Al
bert Balls nn the north, said building being m ,
two story frame building.
M. J. W. Perry, residence Sugarloaf tow,
ship. Hotel, situate In Sittrarloaf town
ship, bounded on the north by hind of Rant
Meycrs.on tne east by land of Savage helm, oa
the Month hv lunH nf Klllnli llua .mImi Oi.
west by land of Elijah Hess.
an. A. C. Rooney, Sr., residence Centralla.
Restaurant, situate in Centraffa Borough, oa
the east side of Locust avenue, bounded on thn
north by lot of B. F. Burke, on the east by an
alley, on the south by Kdward Curley lot and oa '
the west by Locust avenue.
57. James M. Rellly, residence Centralla.
Restaurant, situate In ( entralla Borough,
bounded on the west by Locust avenue, on Me
north by lot of Andrew Rooney,. on the east, by '
R8. Oeorge W. Relfsnyder,. resfdence Cat-,
wissn. Hotel, situate In tbe town- of Catuwlssa,
In cntawlssa township, on the northeast corner
of Main and Second streets, bounded on the
Kast by lands of Sarah Clark, on the '
west by Second street, on the sooth by Main
street, and on the north by an alley, known a
"Susquehanna Hotel."
f9. Cortez B. Robhlns, residence Bloomsburg.
Wholesale, situate In the town of Bloomshurv. :
on the north sldn of second street, bounded
nort hwardly by Kldge alley, enstwBrdly by lot
of Mrs. Ludndu Seesholtz, southwardly by said
n-runii sireei,, ana westwaraiy oy tot oi K. u.
B rower.
00. Stephen B. Known, residence Cntawlssa,
Restaurant, situate In the town of CatawlMxa.
In Cntiiivliiuu mwnuKIn .,ii, ..,,,., rn . T .. .
lands of Geo. Long, on the west by an alley, oa
the north by Main street, and on th south by
an alley.
01. Daniel Roach, residence Conratrham twn.
Hotel, situate In Conyngham township on a
lot of ground on the public road leading from
Roarlngcreek to Centralla, adjoining- lands or
James Kostenbauder on the north, on thn mutt '
by public road, soutlifby publlcroudaad west by
lands of Lehigh Valley Company..
02. William F. Rhoads. residence Cnnmir.
ham township. Hotel, situate In Conyngham
township, nn west side of public road leading
from tll.nt.rllA to Numpdln. hnimlni nn -h 1
north by lands of John L. Kline on East by pub
lic road aforesaid, and on south and west by
land of John L. Kline.
08. A. K. Smith, residence Jersvtnwn. Hotel
situate In Jerseytown, In Madison township, on
the public road leading from Buckhorn, .Colum
bia county, to White Hall, in Montour county,
bounded on the north by said nubile rond. on tlie
east by lands of C. K reamer and Suutnel Bmg
ler, J. C. Fruit and E. F. Welltver.jOn the south
oy lanu ot wuiiam Johnson's estate, and on the
waar htr nnlilln v.a.l t , , , 1 1 , , ( i ... i ,A
04. Oeoree W. Sterner, residence ntnom.
burg. Hotel, situate In the town of Bloomsburg,
on the north side of Second street, corner of
Murray alley and said street, known as Sterner
itiocK, aajoining lands ot c. s. Furuuuiv wlulum
vitui uuu sum auey ana street.
Afi. Addison W. Shuman. residence Mn In vine.
Malnvtllo Hotel, situate in Main township, la '
town ot Mainvuie on the main rood leading
from Catawlsst to B' aver Valley, .adjoining Jot
ot J. K. Longenberger, on the east by land of i.
B. Yetter, on the south by snld road, on the
west and on the north by lot ot M. M. Camp
bell. 08 Chaa. A. Shuman. resldenen Ttaumv Twn .
Hotel. Situate In Beaver Twn.. bounded on the
west by public roud leading frora CatawLssato
Klngtown, on the east by lands of C. A. hip i man,
and ou the north and south by the soma.
07. Benjamin F. Soonenberir. residence Bniv.
wick. Hotel. Situate In Borough .rf Berwick,
bounded on, the east by land of Dr. A. B. McCrua,
on the west by Markot street, north by Front
street, sout b by Canal street or Dag road, known
us St. Charles Hotel. '
G8. William B. Tavlnr. resldenne RliYimaliiinr. .
hoi.Mer. HIMMire In lli Tntvn lt Bl.u.nuilmnr
bounded northwardly by land of JJ. J. Hondor
shott, east by Caleb Burton, soath ,by Main or '
Second street, and west by other load tX N. J.
9. Aueust Thiel. residence Berwlnfc. Rra. '
taurant, situate In the Boroutth. of. Burnlck. on
C.itinl street, bounded on the south by Canal
street, on the east by land of Mrs. ('. A. Becker
on the north by land ot Depew,.logenbuch ft
uucKer, ou uie west uy lanu oi ti. m. uockniau.
70. William R. Tubbs. residence Tlloomshonr.
Hotel, si uate on the south side of Sucond street
on a lot bounded nortliwatdly by saU beioud
street, eastwaraiy oy an alley ana the Opera
House lot, southwardly by Pine allvy.and west- '
wardly by Whitman's alley, known aa.the Kx-
chauge Hotel.
71. C. W. Turner, .residence Qr.uuxwllle. Ho
tel, situate In tbe village of Uruuirevllle. In
Orange township,, on the northeast corner of
rniRitnn niinn ui.rniei. tt i'lk-ituwii uMrhAOmnirH.
vllle Motel.
73. A. E. Tripp, residence JLuneson City.
Restaurant, situate in Jameson city, Sugarloaf
ton nshli). on the north bv Market M roet. on the
east by lot of Benjamin Tripp,, on the south by
lot of aiuthlas Forbes, and, on the west by au
8. Einandus rnanffst,.resl'k,nce Rupert. Ho
tel, situate I n the village o ktupe-rt, Montour
townshln, adlolnlnir lands nowof W. M. Monroe.
a public roixl and lands of llW9t&le of John U.
iiirk, aeooaseu.
74. M. Q. White reslitimeo Ispy. HoteL
su uate I utlie village of Espy, Snolt township,
on the north side of the nutm rotut leadlug rnJii:
niooiiisvuiK 10 porwicK,. ana uounueii on me .
north by an alley, on Uie eurit bp the road lea!, .
Ing from said umln road to, the 1. L. W. depot,
on the south by uald numi rouiV, and on the weal '
by lot of Stephen 1'oUlU
7J. Boyd R. Yetter. residence Mnliivlllo. Ho-.
tel, Mtuate lu the tovnt of MalnvlUe, towivjjilp
of Main, on a lotof kind, bounded as foljiws:
on Hie west by t'atiiwlHii preck, on thn uth
by land of Charles Kelchurt.on the east by. iub-.
10 loau an on tuc aottn ny lanu oi isai i ei
lr. 70. WolllnKton Yeas-er. residence Locnst
township. Hotel, sit uate In Locust tofi'iisuiu, 4 .
on the public mud ksullug from Cuti'lssa to
Ashland, aiUoliung lands of Llvlngstori Yeager.
mujijcrry . nuKui'e, iiuuiuii i nijr, PM"l o
road aloreBuldj aud publlo road louden; lj..Juy
dsr'a nillU
77. Lloyd Y'eairer. residence Ctawlsaa.
Hotel, sltuato lu the town of Catuwlssu lu'
Catuwlssa township, on tbe corner of flue and
Hiiiirouu 4iiwi, upon lunu ooviauua on tue east,
oy lot oi Angelina buuman, ou tue west Dy Kali-,
rood stretu. und seulh bv uiiki In dosshssIou sr .
Charles Clayton, on nor! l by Pine Street and .
kuown aa "Kailiood Hotek"
O. XKQriCK, Clerk Q. 8. ,
Clerk.' O.HC8, Bl03iuMrgv P8