The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 01, 1892, Image 3

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Terrlbl. Railroad DUnet.r Near HaaW
lnjini litt-llnrteon.
rKKRuxiM., N. Y.; Dec. 25. A colllg
lon involving torrihlo loss of life ov
eurred InBt night on tho Hudson
JllTcr rond, nciit HnnUngs, between
the 8t. Louis express nnd tho Niagara
Tnlls special. This accident was th
cutcomo of a collision which occurrod
oarllor In tho evening In the tunnol at
Sing King prison, botweon a freight
train and aCroton local train. Tho
first accident bloekol tho road with
trains on both eldos of tho tunnol.
I Tho weather was thick and against
tho running of trains with any degree
iof safoty. The locomotive of tho St.
Louis expross crashed Into tho rear
tlcepor of the Nlngurn special and
several cars, mostly sloepers, wore
!telescopod. The locomotive boiler ex
ploded and many persons were fright
fully scalded.
: The following is the list of killed
and Injured as identiflod :
I Dead Mrs. A. M. Baldwin, widow
of Homer Baldwin. 71 East Eighty
fifth street, Now York; Miss Lillian
Baldwin, daughter of tho foregoing;
Stephen F Host, dentist, 244 Lenox
ftvenue, New York; Miss Llzzlo Ford,
of 118 South jSocond streot, Brooklyn,
.tencher; Abram Knight, Wagnor con
ductor; Miss Oortrude Moore, of Mc
tlinn, a nlooo of Oeorgo Kennnn;
. Thomas W. Policy, of 71 East Eighty
lifth street, Now York, publisher;
Miss Mabel Slocumb, of Lockport, N.
Y. ; Miss Elizabeth Vun Arsdale,
tencher in tho Nineteenth Wurd Pri
mary School, New York ; J. W. White,
Wagner car portor; Edwin C. Wilcox,
Jr., of 40 1 Eighth street, Brooklyn,
, Injured. John It. Bngnall, editor
of tho Poughkeepslo Evonlug Star,
badly burned faco nnd Internal' In
juries; Homer II. Baldwin, of 71 East
Eighty-llfth street; Mrs. Homer It.
Baldwin, of 71 East Elghty-flftu
(street, faco und arms burned and In
ternal Injuries; Miss Annie Pord, of
118 South Second stroot, Brooklyn,
stenographer ; Miss Eva Freer, of
Poughkuupsic; Henry A. Jacobson,
painter and decorator of 312 West
Nineteenth street, Now York; Donnis
B. Murphy, lawyer, of CI Chambers
street and Medina.
The Grand Jury Will InT.stlgate the
Uniting DIeaeter,
i WniTE Plains, N. Y Doc. 29. District-Attorney
William Popham Piatt,
of Westchester County, hns begun an
Investigation of the accident on the
New York Central Railroad at Hast
ings. Ho has resolved to present evidence
bofore tho next Grand Jury which
will probably result In the Indictment
of officials of the Central system, to
gether with Albert E. Herrlck, the
brakeman, to whose criminal negll
gonce the accident was due.
i The district-attorney expresses the
belief that other men besides Herrlck
are, to a certain cxtont, responsible,
because of the allegod altering of the
schedule of trains departing from the
Grand Central Station on the fatal
night, without notifying the station
agents at each station that the way
train bound for Croton had been
taken off the run that evening.
Doath Cheat the Callow and a Great
Tragedy I. Knded.
Concord, N. H., Deo. 27. Tho Saw
tollo tragedy is ended. Isaao Saw
telle, under sentence of execution for
tho killing of his brother Hiram, died
In prison yesterday morning. The
murder was one of tho most mysteri
ous In the criminal annals of the
United States and the ensuing trial
was a long drawn-out sensation.
' On the afternoon of Wednesday,
February 5, 1890, while driving over a
road between Rochester, N. H., and
Lebanon, Me., Isano B. Sawtello shot
and killed his brother Hiram F. The
body was found in a shockingly
mutilated condition on the afternoon
of Fobruary 14.
t At the coroners' inquests, held both
In Maine and New Hampshire, it was
decided that the murder had been
committed in New Hampshire. Saw
telle's counsel maintained that the
murder had been committed in Maine,
where the extreme penalty was im
prisonment for life. The State's At
torney successfully argued that New
Hampshire was the scene of the
crime, and Isaao was convlotod of
murder in the first degree, and was
sentenced to be hanged in December
1892. ,
The Clever Irlth Comedian Will Never
Act Again.
1 New Yoke, Deo. 28. W. J. Scanlan,
the well known Irish comedian who
gave his 100th performance of "Ma
vourneen " at the Fourteenth Street
Theatre Thursday night Is suffering
from paresis. There was' no
performance at the theatre Sat
urday night and Scanlan's man
ager, Augustus Pitou, has . been
compelled to cancel all his dates. It
Is probable that Scanlan will never
appear on the stage again. Tho doc
tors pronounce him a mental wreck.
Scanlan Is a native of Springfield,
Mass. He has been starring about
seven years.
fvro Blare Member of the Notorious
Sim Family Killed.
New Orleans, Deo. 29. Reports from
Shubuta, Miss., say that John and
Mosely Sims . were lynched Sunday
night The lynchers are also In pur
suit of a negro who was with the
Simses at the time of the murder of
the McMillan family.
The mob has burned the Sims
dwellings, killing every living thing
found on the premises except the
women. They are also bunting for
Neal Sims, 500 strong. 1
Stop Throwing Eice-
I wish a few heavy sweils would set
their faces at;ainst the hideous rice
scuffle do riffiifiur at the close of wed
ding receptions. The custom of throw-
lug nee at departing lovers comes to
us from the Mast, where rice is a sign
of plenty and prosperity. This em
blematic idea is lost, and, instead of a
few grains softly falling, we pelt and
smother and bombard our brides with
thorough brutality, and finally the prac
tice has degenerated into a senseless
and unseemly fight. Formerly the" go
ing ofr" with the pretty traveling toilet,
the handshaking, friendly speeches and
farewell kisses was a charming epilogue
to a trying drama. N ow this episode
is a thing of the past. When the bride
emerges ready to start on life's journey
her heart must fail at the thought of
the ordeal in prospect. She says her
principal adieus in private, for the
guests, like ravening wolvc3 await her
below. A scried phalanx blocks the
halls, lines the staircase, and extends
in masses to the door of the carriage.
Flushed and excited faces are turned
toward the victims, and every strong
right hand is clenched. The bride
groom, white, determined and awk
ward, joins his wife, and they make a
desperate rush. But it is of no avail!
The upheaving hordes close upon them;
the stinging grain in hurled in their
smarting faces, trickles down their
backs, gets into their mouths and up
their sleeves. Farewells arc impossible,
and no one gets a glimpse of the fault
less costume evolved with such talent
and time. With the instinct of sclf
prescrvation the bride defends herself
as best she can, and the couple literally
fight their way, breathless and dishev
elled. With a supreme effort they
gain the door, bolt like rabbits into the
brougham, and the couple, who have
earned a little spoony peace, are forced
to travel and make love with a pound
of rice in the small of their backs.
London World.
Dr. Meeker's Medicines are pure and
a sure cure for whatever they claim.
Lung tonic for colds. Speedy relief
for pains, internal and external.
Blackberry Cordral for bowel com
plaints, for young and old. Every
bottle guaranteed. For sale by all
druggists. Manufactured by H. C. &
J. A. Olmstead. Williamsport, Pa.
All put tip in 25 and 50 cts bottles.
6-19-1 yr.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from prac
tice, having had placed in his hands by
an East India missionary the formula
of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure of. Con
sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and all throat and Lung Affections, al
so a positive and radical cure for Ner
vous Debility and all Nervous Com
plaints, after having tested its wonder
luj curative powers in thousands of
cases, has felt it his duty to make it
known to his suffering fellows. Actu
ated by this motive and a desire to re
lieve human suffering, I will send
free of charge to all who desire, this
recipe, in German, French or English,
with full directiors for preparing and
using. Sent by mail by addressing
with stamp, naming this paper. W. A.
No yes, 820 Power's Block, Rochester,
N. Y. mar-6-iy.
Persons who have engraved plates
for visiting cards, can have cards
printed from their plates at The Co
lu.mman office. We are also pre
pared to fill orders for engraved invi
tations or cards on short notice. Our
work is done by one of the leading
engravers of Philadelphia, and is
guaranteed as to quality and style.
Samples can be seen on application.
Don't send out of town for what can
be ordered at home. tf.
$100 Eeward. $100.
The readers of the Columbian
will be pleased to learn that
there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in
all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure
now known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional disease,
requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimo
nials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
SJaTSold by Druggists, 75c. i2-i8-4t.
1 Was a Fool
Yes, they said I was a fool not to
try Sulphur Bitters for Rheumatism,
from which I had suffered over two
years 1 but I had tried so many doctors
and medicines without getttng relief
that I was discouraged. I am now
on my fourth bottle and almost cured.
I was a fool that I didn't try that won
derful remedy before. ft G. J'ratt,
Manchester, N. II. 12-35-31.
Children Cryfoi
pitcher'? Cat?? ,
Bick Koom Dont'fr
Don't rock your chair incessantly.
Don't stay so long as to tiro the; pa
tient. Don't shut tho register with a clash
ing sound.
Don't come in'o the room with wet
clothing on.
Don't talk about sickness or other
disagreeable subjects.
Don't kiss the patient if you have
just come out of the cold.
Don't let the bureau knobs fall heav
ily or bang the doors.
Don't sit whre the patient must
change her position to look at you.
Don't play with anything m your
hands or anything affixed to the turni
turc. Don't talk so fast that it is a strain
on the patient's nerves to understand
all you say.
Don't sit at the side of the patient,
for she can't look at you without strain
ing her neck.
Don't, if there is already another
person in the room, sit so that the pa
tient will have to be constantly turning
her head to look from one to another.
tists tell us now that the best and
safest way to cure diseases of the blood
and skin is to force out through the
skin the microbes or germs which pro
duce disease.' In this matter. Swift's
Specific has been about sixty years in
advance of medical science, as it has
for that length of time been curing
blood and skin disease's, by eliminating
the germs and poison through the
pores of the skin S. S. S., does this
effectually, safely and quickly. It m
entirely a veg t.ible compound, and
harmless to the most delicate child.
Mr. XV. C. Curtis, editor of the
Mecklenburg News, at Boydton, Va.,
says that he has been entirely relieved
from an abeess which formed in his
threat, and caused intense pain, almost
choking him. He could not swallow
solid food, and was in a most painful
condition. lie says that he took only
three bottles and that it effected a
complete cure.
TrcaMsp on Blond and Skin (IIsorhp mailed
free. , SWlr'T Sl'tX'IFIc CO., Atlanta, Oa.
Judge "So you want a divorce sim
ply beci'.use your wife won't speak to
you when she gets angry ?"
Mr. Growler. "Yes, that's it."
Judge (severely). "This is positively
the most frivolou complaint 1 ever lis
tened to. Don't you know when you're
well off?"
"My Daughter's Lifo
V'as saved by Hood's Sarsaparilla,"
says Mr. B. B. Jones of Alna, Maine.
She had seven running sores in differ
ent places on her body, but on giving
her Hood's Sarsaparilla there was
marked improvement and now she is
well, strong and healthy." .
Hood's Pills cure Constipation by
restoring the peristaltic action of the
alimentary canal. They are the best
family cathartic.
A man standing in a store door in a
Texas. town called out .to a .country
man sitting on a wagon :
"How are all your folks coming on?"
"Your brother's bay mule is dead,
but all the rest of your kinfolk are
alive and kicking."
I was troubled with catarrh for sev
en years previous to commencing the
use of Ely's Cream Balm. It has done
for me what other so-called cures have
failed to do cured me. The effect
of the Balm seemed magical. Clar
ence L. Huff, Biddeford, Me.
After trying many remedies for ca
tarrh during past twelve years, I tried
Ely's Cream Balm with complete success-
It is over one year since I stopped
using it and have had no return of ca
tarrh. I reccommend it to all my
friends. Milton T. Palm, Reading,
Pa. 12-25-2L
Bull's-Head Horse and Cattle Pow
der is indispensable for the proper care
of sheep and lambs in winter. It fat
tens the lambs by increasing the milk
of their mothers. Price 2scts.
Mrs. Slimdiet. "The boarders are
coming in. Cut the bread Matilda."
Miss Slimdiet. "Ma, I saw in a so
ciety paper to-day that bread should
be broken, not cut."
Mrs. Slimdiet. "That's the style now,
eh? Very well. Where's the ax?"
"Now is the winter of our discontent
made glorious summer" by Ayer's Sar
saparilla. This wonderful medicine so
invigorates the system and enriches
the blood that cold weather becomes
positively enjoyable. Arctic explorers
would do well to make a note of this.
. Towanda borough is only $2,800 in
Good Looks',
Good looks are more than skin deep, de
pending upon healthy condition of all the
vital organs. If the Liver be inactive, you
have a Pinched Look. Secure good health
and you will have good looks. Electric Bit
tern is the great alterative and Tonic acts
directly on these vital orgaus. Cures Pimp
les, Blotches, Boils and gives a good com
plexion. Sold at C. A. KleiuV. Drugstore,
50c. per bottle. , .
Children Cry fot
Pitcher's Castorla.
Vill be paid for a recipe enabling
119 to make Wolff's Acme Black
ing at such a price that the retailer
can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle.
At present the retail price is 20c.
Tip cITt l ripen until January tt., iSoj.
p arliLuUrt address th undersign
Acmb Blackino is made of pure alcohol,
cl.irf liquid dressings are made of water.
Water cons nothing. Alcohol Is dear. Who
can show us liow to make it without alcohol
so that u-ecan make Acme Blacking as cheap
cs water dressing, or put it in fancy pack
ages like many of the water dressing"!, and
tli. -II charge for the outside- appearance in
nlead of charging for the Contents of tho
WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia.
Is the name of a paint of which a 25c. bottle
it enough to make six scratched and dulled
cherry chairs look like newly finished ma
' hopnnics. It will do many other remarkable
Slings which no other paint can do.
All retailers tell it.
M iVK.ll
; Crn-Jartic Md rcllrmall tho triTitii SaoS
-.3 atMo;3 nUtao tho B7'C'::i, nucl O.J
n. l'aln in ttio BlUo, to. V'hl.'o tlioir wos
M&Milv auccoe had beca shown Li cuilnj ,
Kcni'.-rliff, Cortor'e llttlo Zimv Pitta aro
V.nliiitf tliioannoyiii(rroinplaliit,wJ:;!' t.ntyuW'imiiiji'drnoftljofleomarhx.tiiiuliitJthii
liv r nnl icgulua tho tionre'9. vau li Ui'-V uuly
f'J n EI2Z3
it '
Buffer frirotliiadi3troalnRcorapliilnt; Imtfortu
Uctoly theirpoodness dw-s mtontl horo.and tbnito
vrha enco try thorn will Sad thuao J ittlo pllli vain
fi'i'o in ro many ways that they will not bo wil
ing to do without them. But after allBlclthootl
'is the bane of so many lives that hare Is where
vamakeotir groat boaat. Our pllhiouroltwhllo
Otbern do sot.
1 Carter's Little Iirer Pills are Tery small anil
very eoay to take. One or two rllla make a dono.
Ihcy are Rtriotly veoetablo and do not gripe or
parrte, but by their gentle action pleaaeall who
naethem. InvlalaatSScenUi five (or tU Soil
tf druggists eYorywherd, or sant by mail.
XtOans (Mda.OrafjU.lmTamtOrsTB.Ijulasnta,
WhoepinOoorh. BrenohitiiniiJ Athma. Anrula
tm Coasanptien la Srii aim, and a hi ru.r la
advanced stages. Cm at aoot. Tea will see the ex
cellent effect after taking the fh-et deee. Sole tf
aeelenmtrnsere. Left eeulei. Weenie eat tlJO.
Phikdelphia Press,
Clean, Unscnsationnl and Just the Paper
American Home.
Tun Pkksh has the best pnaslblo organization
to secure news from t he most Import ant sources,
and with nearly iw corrcNpouilcnls In Penn
sylvania, New Jrnuy and Delaware, the IStme
und uear-at-linme news Is covered with a rout
ine and nan-fulness ami attention to detail not
even attempted by any other paper.
Tub 1'hksh has also the best ot correspond
ent In all the ict-eat cities of ilm United fcUates,
hs well as tlnanclal and railroad experts In uhl
catfo and the west, who keep the paper more
thiiu abreast with events.
The columns of the Sunday Pkksh aro en
riched by contributions from those whoso
names are written Mxh In our lists of (rreat
authors, novelists, essayist, as well an from men
of hlKh rank lu public life. Thn best, outhors
know that the best aurtienees are the readers
of the Mailt, Hi-spay, and Wf.kkly 1'kkbs.
In polities Tug Fkkss knows no other ninster
than the people and the past year has Been, as
has been seen before, the marked fact that It Is
subservient to no political boss. It lias no po
litical ambitious to foster, but looks ufter the
Interests of Its readers, and delivers Itself upon
the Issues of the day In a manner both frank and
fearless, Iettlnif tho facts speak tor themselves
and evadlnif no Issues but meeting tliem all 011
the basis ot lulr pluy to all men at all tunes.
Its ptios know no distinction und the rights of
one ciass over anoiuer are nctiuur recotcuizua nor
Advertisements of Help Wanted, Business
Opportunities, Heal Estate, eto., may be In
serted la 1 UK l'KEHS for UhK CUNT A VYOHD.
Terms of The Press.
By mall, postage (roe In the United States
and Canada.
Pally (Except Sunday), one year, - - - tj,o
" " " month, - - - .w
' (Including Sunday) one year, - - - 7..V)
" " " " mouth - - .t
Sunday, one year,- - - ------ 8.00
W'KCaLy Phkss, one year, ------ 1.00
Iiratts, Chocks and other Remittances should
be made puyuuio to the oruor 01
1 w
JuTfNfi!! "How ) It, Knto, Hint yon nlwnj-j
am-m to 'nnteh mi 'to thnliict new thlnir 1 i
what I may, you ulwuys seem to get uhuad
of mo."
Kath: " f don't knnTi I rrrlnlnly do not
nmkoHiiy exertion In that dliwllon."
Jennik : " Well, (hiring the liiHt few months,
(or example, you havo tuketi up puintiiiK,
' without any teneher j you came to the roarue
I when MIm LnlHriro deserted hor IMwtrtnehtss
so suddenly, mid cortiilnly we are till imtirov
V Itiir In irrnce miller your Instruetlon ! i heard
f'ou wiiiiii 'rummy wimes nisi evening- now
lis club uiailo mistakes in plnylnir LtiHclmll:
you seem tu lie up on nil tho latest 1 fails,' una
know Just what to tin under all circumstances ;
you entertain Ixmiitlfully ; and In the lut
month you havo itn proved so in health, owinr.
you tull mo. to your physleul culture exorcises,
Where tin you iret all of your Information
from In this llttlo out-of-tho way phtco ' lor
you nrtvor (to to tho rlty."
Kate: "why, Jennie, you will mnko ma
Vnln. I hnvo only one source nf Information,
lint it Is siirprlsiuir how It meets fill wants. I
'ery seldom hear of miythlnir new but what
tho next few days brliur mo full information
on the subject. Miuric? Not Miittuzlnel
And a trreut treasure it Is to us till, lor It
really furnishes thn reaillnit for the whole
household: father bus given up his mutrazlno
that ho has taken for years, 11s lie sns this
one (rives more nnd liettor information on
tho subvert of tlio ilny; nnd mother says
that It is that that makes her such a famous
housekeeper. In fact, wo nil Htrreo that It is
the only really rAMlLV limifll.ilKi published,
as wo have sent for samples of all of them,
mid llnd that one is nil for men. Knottier all
for women, and another for children only,
Vfhilo this ono suits every ono of us: so wo
only need to take ono Instead of several, ntid
that Is where the economy comes In, for It is
only $2.(10 n year. Perhaps you think I nm
too lavish In my praise: lint I will let you soo
ours, or, better still, send 10 cents to the pub
lisher, W. Jennings Iteuiorest. 15 I'nst 14th
Htrcct, Now York, for 11 samplo enpr, nnd I
shall always consider that 1 hnvo done you
n (rreat favor; nnd mnv lc you will liecuttinir
us out, ns you say we have tho reputation of
lielnir tho Ix'Rt Informed fnmlly in town. If
thnt bo so, it is Uuuiurost'n 1'amlly Muguzlue
thut does it."
For Best
Go to KEHP,
for he employs nothing but first class
artists to work his two branch
galleries, enabling him to
make first class '
K A I R.
14 VI! FOR !U
until January i, I892.
We guarantee all work, and show proof.
Remember place over Schuyler's hardware
store, Bloomsburg, To.
The Eest Burning Oil That Can be
Mado rrom Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light. It will not
smoke the chimneys. It will not char the
wick. It has a high fire test. It will not
explode. It Is pre-eminently a family safety
We Challenge Comparison with am
other illuminating oil made.
We stake our Reputation, as Refiners
upon the statement that it is ,
The Best ' Oil
Crown - Acme
J. R. Smith & Co.
B5II.TON, Pa.,
By the following well-known makers t
Hallet & Davis.
Can also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufact
urers' prices. Do not buy a
.piano before getting bur prices.
q e
Catalogue and Price Lists
On application.
Conjbmationwt always
A Fine Quality of
srCYoui Dealer FofIt
Dont Take Any Othe
3m. FiNZER k EROSLouisviaE.KVJ
M'Killip Bro's.
Ph r.frknrrbr.Vprc
Only the best
work done. Fin
est eflects in
light, and shade;
negatives re-
f nn r V r a r A
IV 11 u u U11U
modeled for sup-
erior nnisn.
Copying view
ing and lne size:
Over II. T. Clark &
Son's store.
w w j. -w -m wt w e-
iflSlS U All.
1 1 m 1 1 r hi
Headache, Loss of Appetite, I,nniruid and
Tired Feeling. Fifty Cent a Bottle.
has no equal a a Blood Purifier and Tonic.
Rash, Pimple and Boils can lie cureJ. At
all druggists.
Try it and you will never regret it. For
sale by all druggists. Fifty cents a bottlu.
Also at Mover Bros.'
Cleaneea and beautifies ih. hair..
Promote a luxuriant growth. I
N.ver Fail. . R.ttar. OravX
nTeata Dandruff aad katr f iiiiarl
U. .I.!kV..ILJL.I A.I
7gg this ft
3 ON
ilf Tobacco
r r