The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 25, 1891, Image 5

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    0T trwwwna
Highest of all in Leavening rowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report
' Ku'ered nt the 1'nsl oniee nt lllnouiHlinig i'n.
t second rlnm matter, March 1, ism.
i) i.obMsii u'kr;ri'A "
' FiniAV".l)KCKM ItiiK'anT'iSyiT "
Miss Bessie Kuhn returned from
Philadelphia on Tuesday.
Mr. ami Mrs. K. W. Drinker of
Scranton are spending Christmas week
at Mr. K. K. Drinker's.
Miss Annie Brockway is clerking in
J. G. Wells' store.
I'rof. Cope ami family will spend the
holiday vacation at West Chester.
Harton John is at home from Le
high University for the Holiday vaca
Miss Beth Runyan and Miss Ell.f
1'oX came up from riuladelphia on
Monday. The former will remain at
home, and the latter will return on
Dr. Geo. 1'. Waller airivcd here on
Tuesday, from Chadron, Neb., to
spend Christmas w ith his father's fam
ily, and his son who is attending the
Normal School.
Mrs R. W. Oswald, t.vo children
and nurse, have one with her mother.
Mrs. S. V. Hartley of Bei wick, to visit
relatives in Arkansas. They will be
absent a couple of months.
Invitations arc out for the wedding
of Miss Mary Kycr, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. !. C. l'.yer, of Bloomsbai.
:nd Dr. II. W. Meredith, Superin
tendent of Danville Hospital. The
ceremony will take place at the bride's
residence on Maiket street, on Wed
nesday, December cth.
Miss Alverctta A. daughter of Mrs.
John Gruver, will be married to Mr.
J. K. Lockard mi December 31st.
The ceremony will take place at St.
Paul's P. K. church at half past nine
o'clock in the morning, and a wedding
reception will be held at the bride's
home on Third street, from ten o'cloc k
until half past eleven. The invitations
were isbutd on Tuesday last.
We go to press on. Thursday this
week, as the oliiee will be closed on
On Christmas Day there will be full
service, sermon and Holy Commun
ion, in St. Paul's church at .10:30 a. ir.
Surer foundation cannot be laid than
the real merit which is the solid base
for the monumental success of Hood's
Sarsaparilla. j
The services for the children of St. I
Paul's Parish, with the usual Christ
inas tree, will he held in the church on
Saturday evening 26th at 6:30. j
Senator Herring's law office will be j
removed to II. J. Clark's building, cor-;
nerof Aiain anil Centre streets, about j
the first of the New Year.
The Tyrone Jiank has suspended
with liabilities of about'$75;ooo. Some
yay that it will pay in full, while others
say it will not pay over 50 per cent.
Monday, December 2Sth, is the
last day for filing applications for 1:
quor license. The Prolhonot.vry
would prefer to have them as much
sooner as possible.
Grip is prevailing all over the coun
try to an alarming extent. There is
much sickness and many deaths. .Six
thousand cases are reported in Balti
more in the past three weeks.
Rescue II. & L. Company No. 2.
will hold a dance in City Hall, on
Thursday evening, Christinas Eve., and
also on Saturday evening Dec. 26. All
are invited. Good music will be
In inllanimalion of the lungs (pneu
monia) and inflammation of the air pas
sages (bronchitis), Bull's Head Horse
and Cattle Power is a specific. Price
35 cents per package.'of one pound.
The infant reason grows apace ami
ca'.ls for one more application of that
good friend, Salvation Oil, which never
disjoints but always kills pain.
It is neiditr pleasant, nor profitable
to hear people constantly coughing
when they cuiild be easily cured by a
2$ cent bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough
For some reason the Secretary of .
the Teachers' Institute did not supply 1
1 he Columbian with the proceedings
f( r last week's issue. The fact that
they appeared in another paper last
week, is no evidence of our lack of ,
enterprise, but is eviderce that the
secretary discriminated, to our detri
ment. We did our part mid ex
pected to get the report, but failed.
U apf ears this week.
Rev. p. A. J leilman will pi each a
sermon on "The joy of Christmas"
next Sunday morning and " The Open
Door" or " The New Year" Sunday
Feeble and capricious appetites are
best regulated by the use of Aycr's
Cathartic Pills. They do not debili
tate, by excessive stimulation ; but
cause the stomach, liver, and bowels
to perform their functions properly.
As an after dinner pill, they are un
cipjaled. The mild weather lias had a tenden
cy to depress the holiday trade, but
still none of our business men arc com
plaining. Cold weather and good
sleighing always help to make Christ
mas more cheerful, but the bright
stores and attractive goods always bring
out the l)ii) ers, no matter what the
weather is.
William I,. Dunglison of South Beth
lehem, died on Saturday last of pneu
monia He was well known by some
people here, being a prominent and
active man in the Episcopal church.
For many years he was assistant secre
tary of the diocesan convention, and
last June, on the resignation of I r. R.
A. Lamberton, President of Lehigh
University, as Secretary, Mr. Dung
lison was unanimously chosen his suc
cessor. He was treasurer of the
Chr.slma; Fundan.l held other impor
tant po:a:io-u in the church, which
made iiiin uvb known throughout Cen
tial Pennsylvania. His kss will be
keenly feit.
Among tlu most interesting things
of the HJid.iy Season is thi special
exercises by the churches. Great in
genuity is manifested in the artistic
a'ra:ig'miMit of evergreen':, mottoes,
iVc. The Lutheran ciiurch was trimmed
with handsome arches of trailing
pine, wreaths and a large cross covered
with evergiecn suspended over the
pulpit latform. Tile Christinas eve
exercises were, by the small children
principally and consisted of songs,
recitations and dialogues, and a Santa
CDus chimney built of real brick ap
parently, but when torn down it was
discovered that each brick was a pa
per box filled with sweet-meats which
the? children enjoyed immensely.
The Anniversary proper of the
School will be held on New Years
night in the Opera House. It will be
unique and beautiful. Each class will
have a Bible design which will be
brought out and explained. There
will ue choruses by tiie whole school
and a gas Christmas tree with 300
lights out of which grows a brilliant
gav star.
Mrs. Maria !'., wife r.f Christian F.
Iviiapp, died at her home on north
Main street on Monday evening, Dec
ember 2i:t, at 5:45 o'clock, after an
illness of long duration. For the past
six mouths she was unable to leave the
house, and tiie immediate cause of
death was paralysis brought cn by dia
betes. She was a daughter of Peter
Vannatta, and Matia Pidlernan. The
families of both of her parents came
hcie from New Jersey about 1790.
Peter Vannatta located out beyond
Irondale, and built the stone house
now owned by Mathias Shaffer's estate.
He sold the land to the Irondale Com- I
juny where the furnace now stands.
Litis Bidleman located down by the
river. He gave tome portion of the
land now owned by the Episcopal con
gregation to build the first church upon.
The family of Peter Vannatta consist
ed of Mrs. Catharine Hendershott,
Miss Maigaret Vannatta, Mrs. C. F.
Knapp. Ellis Vannatta, Thos. Vannat
U and B. II. Vannatta. Mrs. Knapp
was married to Christian Frederick
Knapp on the 13th day of August
1846, by Rev. I. .M r role in this town.
The result of this union was fue child
ren, namely, Caroline, wife of W. F.
Bodine : Sophia, wife of J. Harvey
Long of California ; Mary C., wife of
G. S. Robbins. Peter E. Knapp, and
John E. Knapp.
The two sons are dead, John E. dying
many years ago, of hydrophobia, and
Peter E. within the past two years,
leaving a widow and two children.
Mrs. Knapp was a member of the
Episcopal church from girlhood. She
was a woman of strong christian char
acter, very charitable to the poor, act
ive in church work, and a most affec
tionate wife and mother. She wiil be
missed by all who knew her, but by
none as by the husband with whom
she has lived for forty-five years, and
the children who cared for her so tend
erly in her years of suffering. Her age
was 66 years, 2 months and 3 days.
Tl e funeral took place at the house on
Tl ursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev.
W. C. Leverett officiating.
ghdren C.y f01
Piter's c?et.?r!a
fcteliMitiMl n h Hiily !H7 Klncn llin Ve.-ir
til' Our f.mvl
At midnight 011 t'm 5th of tiii.s nott'i
(ho birth lay of the .Saviour 01 inrmkbid
Will hf.vrr b 'l ii rch'b.v.t vl ,,,. (;;nv,i
t"r:i liunilrel r.r.d i;i;;t Iv-nrfuid time,
for Chrir-tmns wm fir.-.t 1: ; ! im 11 holy
lay A. I). M. V,o li.v.-i' in, iiv.'UH nf b
tcruiinin thncxncl date of tin' iviottr's
As to tho year, prcpondcrarxc nf opin
ion and of Mich ovuleiioi) as we liavu
perms to favor that of 4 or ."1 U. O. As
to Uib month, Dt'c,'t:;'.) M- is thn height of
tho rainy m in Jinl";i. nn.l, thcrp
fon, tho fact, as state! by t'.i Ncw'Tim
tunient, slifiph -rds wen wntchiii.-.r
their flocks on its plains whilo ftar.s Wt-i'j
shining i:i the Ix-iwtim on th night rf
III' Saviour's birth, makes it estrem :ly
unlikely that it could have occurred in
that month. Many learned treatises
liavo Won written ntnl plansiMn nrgn
inetits Milviwicnd to provo that it must
have taken placo in Oetob"!', but tho
(juration will ever in iiheynnctf.
For the throe centuries Christmas
was one of tho inont niovnblo of all re
ligious festivals. The Laern church
observed Jan. (I as tho anniversary both
of Christ's birth nnd circumcision. But
in the, Fourth century I'npn Julius I or
dered mi investigation of tho matter,
nnd lifter lonn deliberation the thcolo
KiiniH of both the eat and tho west
united in appointing Bee. 23 to be kept
as Christ's birthday. It neeins not im
probable that in .selecting Dec. 2"i as tho
date of the greatest event mive oue tho
crucifixion in tho world's history tho
worthy fathers v.vro influenced by a de-i-ire
to Kiiiplimt tho many heathen fen
tivals of this winter solstice, mich as the
Saturnalia, or t;reiit festival of Siituru
and Op, which began on Bee. 1!) (or
nrtcr (.'icMur'n reformation of tho calen
dar ( u the 17th) and continued for nevun
Thi; proMiinption is made more jmib
ablo Inn. 1 tho fact that for many cntu
rics the fcstfriticit of ("iristuiu.s were
j:rol;uit,-eil until "Twelfth night," Juti. u,
and even till C'andlein.-.s dcy, Fel). '.
while tlicy usiciily began ns early as tho
niglit before All Saints' Bay, "or ilab
luween, thus i howing t ho desire of tho
early falliers of tho ehnrch to make the
heicii'!! coiwerts to C.'hrl.-aiauity feel t'ney had List nothing in haniileis
jilcu-ure mid eujoyuieiit t y t!io Kubsti
tutioinf t'ue Ciu Uti in fe.tival for tho
heathen one.
1,'ot only did tho Romans observe this
ptrlod of lln; year us a tlnio fur i,ii:th
and rejoicing, but many of lac-iit
familiar Christinas usi;,es i::m derived
from tlio t,ld heathen festivals which
Christinas replaced. Tho custom of
giving Ci.ristmas jireseuts, now so iini
versally observed, ih rived from t'.io
old Roman Saturualiaor Fea.-t of Saluni,
ubovo laeiitioned, at whieli it was cus
tomary for all tho 1. of a luave
liold to ctfer gii't i to one auoiht r.
Tho Yulotloij, or log the .great utielr
(f timber jilaced in olden tiinc-s upon the
Christmas fire was derived fi'ous tiie
Saxon feast of Jul cr Yul, i:t which a
similar piece of timber kivo tho princi
jial lire and the jiriucijial light. The
Yule clog and the superstitions con
nected with it are among the iiior.t ven
erable of Christmas a-.six.'iations. The
Yulu clogs that blazed in the vast halls
of the old English feudal barutis c,f the
Middle Ages were hu;;e trees, and we uro
told that even just before tho close of
tiie last century the ni.-iiiv.ion of un Eng
lish gentleman residing near Shrews
bury was totally destroyed by lire in
consequence of too largo u Yule log hav
ing been lighted on his hearthstone.
Wht-a the Yule clog was not nil con
sumed before dawn i::vl burned 011 into
the light of Christmas day, its ush"s were
carefully jireserved until lire next Christ
mas eve.
Tho custom of decorating churches,
dwellings and jiiaces of business with
tvcrgro 'ii. holly, laurel, Vays and mis
tletoe at til.' CiirLstmas se:;sou 1i.-im also ;i
Lc.ilheii origin, being a pi rpef.ia'i .u of
an observance of th, old iintili Braids,
who.-v-i belief it was kindly sylvan
r-piriu onugiit th-'s. oriia: :.::its of living
green nil i hovi rod near liiein, untouched
mid naliaruied by uipping fiu..t. itr.til
tic death of winter.
Those s uae old Braids uttacli'Vl mueii
inijurt.Ciiv to Tiie mislieto -, inveutirig it
with a ic i:i.uly Iiabowed and iuyt,tie
character. They n '.garde 1 it us an em
blem cf love mid believed tat i.. i pi
tied the bt'lielleclit feelings ol tl.tir gods
toward mi'.nl.iinl. It is doubtless to this
eld Bruidieid uiso-jiaiioa of t!ie mistle
toe with low th it the Unghs'i cc.stoi.'i,
w!.i;;i) still obtains, of cji.'.avi'ig the for
feit of a kisi i r i:j any female who is
caught under a branch of ii i.t C'hrintiuas
time is iri'.ceabl.i.
By tli';'ci b'lirai iun of Crislinas, with
its ;;r:i!id litary, its maialiri i t 1.111. ie
and its j.lcr.iri.d and dra..i;.iic iej.iv-Kel.t;:li'-M
of tile;-:.! eviMtsiu tlu
life of iiiri who.-.' bii'ih it coimneiii
truted. the church i;ou;;!:t to rej.-bieo
these heathen festivities and to lift up
the minds of the people to something
highi r uud ln.ber, ILnivvh froia l!;u brst
the day wc.s regardi d both 11s a holy
ecmiiu nior.-'.tiou of a i:.o.-.t ,acri d cvmt
uud us u i:irthtul, joyous festival. In
the Middle Ages the festive observances
of tho day often so far overtojipcd its
more mcied features that the clergy
were frequently eomju died to check the
unseemly men iiiR-nl of llieir iioeks.
.Tiie liauin of Clii'ii:t:uas assiii'iied to
the festival was derived from Christ tu.d
the Saxon maesse r muss, nnd the two
words wi rt sombln?d to denote 11 special
bervieo in beiior of the birtli of the Sou
of Ood.
Probably cue of the most generally
known of the old Christmas observances,
next to the yiviag of presents, is the
Kinging of Christmas carols. These were
pious cauticlea designed to replace the
ribald Kongs of the old heathen festivals,
uud the custom of children mid even
grown pcojilo going ubout from house
to house Kinging them at the door on
Christina eve and being rewarded with
Christina cheer uud Christmas sjiend-'
ing money is maintained in many parts
of 'England evenvHt tho prcsout daw
New York World.
99 Pure.
Oiils to learn the trade at the Silk
Mill, or experienced hands. Fair wages
will be paid. Apply at Silk Mill,
llloomsburg. ountry girls can make
satisfactory arrangements for board, tf.
A desirable house on Centre street,
5 bedrooms up and 1 down stairs,
parlor, sitting room, dining room and
kitchen. Supplied with water and
gas, also connected with sewer. Also
on the same premises a dwelling
house, 3 bed rooms up and one down
stairs, with kitchen. Also stable with
room for 1 2 horses. Will be sold at
private sale, with terms to suit pur
chaser. A clear title can be given.
Possession obtained April 1st, 1S02.
I2-l8 3t. J. I.. (JlRTON.
St. Klmo Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa.
For ") Mr. Hiram Thweatt.
qe '.a prominent citizen liv
Varr- ( '"8 ,icar Tro'' Alabama,
1 trtu. j sayS tiat for thirty-five
years he was surely attlicted with Kc.e
n;a on his face. The eruptions were
of a large and cancerous nature. That
he tried a number of experienced phy
sicians, but with little result, and then
received only tempoiy relief After
having used only seven bottles of S. S.
S., he feels like a new man. The pain
ful trouble is all gone, and now at sixty
years of age he is once more in good
health, and restored to his family. He
states that his cure is entirely due to
S. S. S. He says that he is a member
of the Methodist l'.piscopal church,
South, and that his post -office address
is Glean, Pike county, Ala., and that
as he wishes al! sufferers to know the
good that he has received from the
medicine, he will take pleasure in
answering any inquires that may be
sent him. Our treatise 011 the blood
and skin will be mailed free. Address.
SWIFT Sl'ECIt'IC CO., Atlanta, U:i.
The Members of the A. M. E
church will give a supper in the base
ment of the church, becember 35th.
Door will be open from four to ten
o'clock. All are invited to attend.
Come and have a good time. We will
also sing you some of the old planta
tion song of our mothers and fathers
50 years ago. Only 35 cents fur sup
per. fGLASco Camfrun.
Trustees, J Frank Pahus.
( Wiu.iam Dennis.
To Farmers.
Remember this is the season for
Fodder cutters and crushers. Corn
shelters, Wood d Bob sleds,
('all and see or write us for prices on
eitiier of the above.
Wiin e & Connkk, Orangeville, Pa.
n-37 St.
rcahionable Liver j.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the 1'xchange Hotel wiil receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tl W. A. Haktzei.!., Proprietor.
X M-o-TlroTEsT
Next Sunday at 2.0 p. in., the As
sociation will hold a mixed Gospel
Meeting in the Reformed church.
The Rev. Mr. Auman will have charge
ol the meeting. Everybody invited.
The male choir under the leadership
ol Prof. Niles will have charge of the
The regular business meeting of the
association will be held next Monday
evening at 7:30 Dec. Reports
from the several committees will be
heard. It is very important that every
member be present.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Casioiia.
Whn Bby wu lck, we koto her Caatorla.
When the tu a. Oulld, the cried for Csatorln,
When the became Mica, the clung to Castoria,
Whan thehad Children, he gave them Caatorla.
Christmas Presents-
A. Solle.ler has iutt received a fine
'ot of Impcrted German day andn ght
finging' canar'es, tlso a big stock of
fancy cages.
On Saturday Dec. 26, will begin the Sale of Coats at cut
Ladies' $5.00 long coats for $2.50.
" $10.00 " $5 -co.
" $15.00 " " " $7oO
" $20.00 " " " $
Plush coats, a few left at about half price; Misses' and chil
dren's at almost and some less than half price.
Lot of Ladies' short coats at $1.50 to $3' reduced from
$2.50 to $10.00. l'cw fur trimmed coats at less tnan regular
prices. This is one of our bicreest slaughters ever offered in
coats and will be continued until all are sold. New Year
presents will be arranged next week, with wedding and birth
day presents to be kept in stock
the year.
I. W.
AH A 11 1 AN f KA VEIL
"Ororif. If kintt In the nick nnd nttnr .' thmt
hnt tinnc cnttuyh fur fi.' fi.A unit hfitlhu, and
Tin- li. iilltiv ilo in 'I m i ll CdrliM nim.I Cnro. Imt
fh'Mfl who urn mill'i'mitf from rln'Ui.iatMin, iini.t,
hulls. rrtruiinoicK, nU'i'iN, nixl tin Ihniivun'. Il!:i 1'
:Ti-iitnl:i nml mht1Hi' imh"1 tin I:1ti'Iimkh nf
Troviili'ticc tit hrlp thi'm Ih-at tlit'ir trimhli., uuU
t'nrti'.s iiluod Cure to euro their ui'a.iu.
S. 11 tiy
(1. A. Mi'Ki'lvy. I)ui,'?lst, C'.oomsbiir? Pa.
Fresh oysters daily at Houscl's.
Call on Kemp for cabinets and
Highest cash prices paid for Hides
and tallow at A. Solleder's Leather
store. i2-n-2m.
Family bibles, teachers' bibles at W.
II. Urooke & Co.
Autograph albums, and scrap books
at W. II. Brooke i" Co.
Shell oysters always on
band at
Families and parties supplied with
fresh oystres at Houscl's.
Diaries for 1892 at V. II. Brooke
& Co.
Remember Kemp makes 14 cabi
nets, for $i.oo.
Our Holiday stock is now open.
Give us a call before you buy.
J. H. Mercer.
Don't fail to cet
one of G. W.
He is closing
Bertsch's Fur Caps.
them out ut post.
Don't miss the bargains in Fur Caps
SCilil'iir at COSt at bertSCllS. I2-II-2t
l'ish of all kinds, three (i) times a
week at Houscl's.
Closing them out at cost. Fur Caps
at G. V. Bertschs'. i2-n-2t.
A Good Fur Cap at cost can be had
at G. W. Bertsch's. 121 r-2t.
Christmas Cards & Booklets at
Mercer's Drug & Book store.
Before you buy your Christmas
Present call and examine our stock, J.
H. Mercer.
Large Lynn Haven select. The
fmest, at Housel's.
Now is your chance to get a Fur
Cap cheap at G. V. Bertsch's. Closing
them out al cost. 1 i2-it-2t.
It makes a good Christmas Present,
a Fur Cap from G. V. Bertsch's, at
cost. See them. i2-n-2t.
Books! Books! Books! A large line
of Juveniles, Booklets and1 Books by
the set at lowest prices, at Mercer's
Drtv: & Bool; store.
Don't forget that Hoesel will have
fine Rappahanock shell oysters for
Lamps! Lamps! Lamps! We have
the largest assortment of stand lamps
ever shown in Bloomsburg, also Hang
ing and Hall lamps, cheap for cash at
J. II. Mercer's Drug ami Book store.
Suit?, fcr nten, suits for boys,
and pretty little suits fur child
ren at 1. Lowe nberg's.
Lap Tablets, Duplicate Minors,
Collar and Cuff Boxes, Toilet sets,
Wisp Brooms and many other presents
too numerous to mention, at J. ii. Mer
cer's l )ru & Book store.
Sleighing parties can get oysters of
II ousel cheaper than elsewhere.
A fine assortment of paintings, past
els and photogravures at V. II. Brooke
& Co.
Glasses f.tted free of cftarge at J. G.
Wells.' All work guaranteed.
A liirtre stock of over coats
for men, boys ntul cUiblrcn ut
J). Lowcnberg'e.
Sharpless & Moyer, the new firm
are making stoves, stove repairs and
castings of all kinds Light soft' cast
ings a specialty. ii-u-St.
Leave orders lor she'.l and tub
oy iters at Horn el's.
Ilymna'.s for Methodist. Lutheran,
Ties'). terian, Episcopal chu ch?s at
W. It'. Brooke & Co:
iii n'i aia hi bimiw i"
on both sides of the stores all
Happy and content ia a home with " The Ro
chester; a lamp with the liht of the morning.
Catalogues.write Rochester LampCo.,NewYorL.
XnltUe of ChriMuptu-r Curler, U( Of llemloi
lir)., ilcc'rf,
NoMcp Ih liomby jrlvon tliit lettors of ndmlnln
t rut Ion mi I In- est ill c of Christ npher CUHUir, lnlr
of llriiilui'k twp., Col. Co., J"h., UocoawO, hae
iMvn (friinti'rt to ihn und'Tslitned administra
tor to whom nil porsons Indebted to Mild "H
lute lire ri'iiiicsted to inake piiyiiients, and thow
liti vltis; i liiliiis or di'niiinds will inuko known tho
siiiiie without delay 10
KMalr of Cvlerlla Ithimilx, late of Mljiin town
n)iii, fwertfd.
Notice Is hereby (riven Hint letters of ndmlniit
tintlnn 011 the estate of Celesllu KhodeM, lut of
Minim township, Col. Co. in., deceased, have
been kriuited tu the un'!ers!)(iieil Bdmlnlsi
tor, to wlioiii nil pei'soiis Indebleu to wild ostute
lire re(uesti'd to iniike payments, and those Uav
linf cliilins or demands will niako known the
n:ime without delay to
vn. 11. HNYiiKK, joiin it. mioAns.
l-J-ls-dw.' Alty. Administrator.
KMiUr rf Christian W'otf drceasptl.
Not lee Is hereby (riven that the undersigned
nppnlnied an auditor to distribute the fund In
Court belomtlnir to the said estate, 10 and
unions the parties entitled thereto, will at
tend at his oillee in Hloomshiirg on Saturdny,
.lainuiry 1Mb, 1MH. at lOo'clnek In the forenoon
of .sal'l day: And all persons having elalms up
on sii Id fund are requested to aiijiear befom
shIiI auditor at said time and place, or be forever
lie birred trom comlnit In on said fund.
Dec. n, 18(11. Auditor.
Eta:e of Rntbrii II. Davis. QecnitrJL.
'I'hu undersigned, an nudltor appointed by tho
Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to distrib
ute imuincc in iiiii 11 is 01 luimiiiisi inior u ana
iiiiioik; parties emllled thi'i'eio, will HI at the
"f ( wiuteisieen, Hockley and M'Kimp in
ocluck.u. 111., when and where all persons hav-
lior claims atralnst said estate must uitnear uud
prove the saine, ur l.e debarred li-cin coining lit
011 til Id fund. 11. A. JUKI 1,1.11',
Estate of Susan Walter, deceased.
Tho undersigned, an nudltor uppnluted ly
the Orphans' court of Columbia county to dis
tribute balance In hands of Nirnh K. Vouht,
iiiliiilnlMraU'l.v, as show n by her rtrst. and linal
iiccniint, will sit nt his olllre In iaoomshurg, on
Saturday, January 111, lfiti, ut 10 o'clock u. in.,
when and where all persons havlnjr claims
iicumst puld estate must appear and prove the
same, or bo debarred . from coining In on tuild
fund. A. 1.. FKITZ,
Dee. Sl-4t. Auditor.
Vstate of Isaac 7:Vi'in, (Jecnrf (f.
The undersigned, nn auditor appointed by the
orphans' court, or Columbia Couiity to make
distribution of the balance In hands of John
ra vin, executor, to and among the part Um entitl
ed thereto, and adjust the Indebtedness of cer
tain liclrs referred to in said account, under the
nii'iuoraiida 1 hereto, will M at tho office of C.
i'. Oeyer. Ksi., In Calawlssn, I'n., on Tuesday,
January 11, 1S, at 10 a in., when and w here all
persons having claims against said esturo tuunt
appear mid prove the same, or be debarred from
coming luousuld lund.
11. A. M'KILUP, Auditor.
Estate ofilary Mcketts, deeeased, late of Orange
towitsh iji.
Notice Is hereby given that letters testument
nry on the estate of Mary Ulckelts, late of
Orange township, deceased, have been granted
to J. I), llenrle aud K. S. lienrle, to whom nil
persons Indebted to said estate nro renuuilea
to make pcyuie'it, and llioso having claims or
demauds will make known Hie same wiibout,
delay. . J. 11. UKNU1H,
liKKI'.ISO, F. S. 11 K.N HI F,
Ally. jlxecucors.
Ilv nnnual meeting of tho pi Hey holders tf
the Hrlurereek Farmers' . lit mil I nsiiraiice com
pany ol I. line lttilge, l'a., w ill be hrld al the Hull
of Cein re Orange No. iVi, 1'. of 11., on Monday
January 11, IN)-.', between llie hours of 10 a. tu
mid H p. m. for l he elect Ion of twelve directors
to serve the company tho ensuing year, and for
such other business us la ly properly eomo be
fiirthcm. A. V. SI'KAH,
Dec. s!l, -Siv. Mccrciuiy.
When we made our Christ
mas Announcement we prom
ised to show you new goods and
so far have kept the promse.
We have this opinion from all
visitors. We can not in this
article describe what we have.
We invite you to come and see
our goods, they speak for
We think we can please the
most fastidious. In one respect
we are sure to please and that
i s fresiwess. S h o p-kecpers
here seek retirement, whether
you buy or receive a present
that has been purchased here
you can feel satisfied in know
ing thai it will not be recognized
by your friends as an acquaint
ance of by-gone years.
i TF. H. BR00KE& CO..