The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 18, 1891, Image 4

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    JTAni.isiiEi) lsiid.
She Columbia gcmorrat,
- ri'BMrtllKD iY
il tt.onmsburg, the County sent of Columbia
County, 1'ennsylviuiln.
(rigcmmoN-lt.non ynar, In navonoe, $1..V)
f not raid In advance.
All communications should bp addressed to
Hloomsbnrg, l'a.
some time ngo. His nomination will
go to the Senate at once, and he will
forward his resignation of his scat in
the House to the Governor of Texas,
It was rumored that sonic of the re
publican Senators proposed taking
steps to have the Senate declare Sena
tor Mills seat vacant, because of his
not having appeared to be sworn in
and of his retaining the office of Gov
emor of New York, but the most dili
gent inquiry failed to confirm the
Washington, D. C, Dec. 14th, i8ot
Speaker Crisp may have made some
promises before his election as Speak
cr few men ever occupied the nosi
tion who had not done so in their can
vass for votes, he has made few if any,
promises since his election. He lets
the other fellows do the talking while
lie does double duty as a thinker ; he
knows that it will be impossible to so
arrange the committee assignments
that all the democratic members of
the House will be pleased, and, if
those who enjoy his confidence may
be relied upon, he will devote himself
principally to the task of making an
equitable distribution of the chair
manships and places upon the impor
tant committees between the various
sections of the country ; believing that
no Representative will allow his per
sonal disappointment to make him
angry when he sees that his section is
fully represented. It is now almost
certain that the lists of committees will
not be announced until after the Cnrist
mas recess, and it is expected that
Speaker Crisp will, after all the mem
bers have been given a chance to be
heard, retire to his home in Georgia,
or to some other place, where he can
devote his time during the recess to
nuking up the committees.
All sorts of gossip about the chair
manships and the make-up of the im
portant committees may be heard, but
about the only thing that everybody
seems to be agreed upon is that the
Ways and Means committee, which
deals with tariff matters, will be domi
r.ated by Northern and Western mem
bers, whoever its chairman may be
The general opinion is that Mr. Mills
can have the chairmanship of this com
mittee if he wishes it, but some of his
close friend, say that he will not take
the place, several reasons being given
why he will not; one of them being
that it there is an extra session of the
Texas Legislature in the Spring h
win oe a canniaate lor the unexpired
term in the Senate of ex Senator Rea
gan now temporarily being filled by
Senator Chilton a r.d that if he is
elected he will at once resign his seat
in the House. But there are those
who think th-t that is just the reason
why he should take the chairmanship.
-iney argue mat ui ,v.r. crisp to ter.
iler this important 1 loo. to Mr. Mill
and for him to accept it would show
that no bad blood was left by the hot
fight for the nomination, nd that the
committee could be so made up that
the next democrat on the committee
could from the first take up the hard
work of the chairmar and that in the
event of the election of Mr. Mill j to
t'.:e Senate this gentleman might be
made chairman.
xesonmons pro1 nng lor an inves
tigation of the I nsion Office will
shortly be offered in the House by
Representatives Cooper, of Indiana,
and hnloe, of 1 ennessec. The latter
gentleman says that his resolution will
be for an investigation of the methods
used and is intended to save some of
the tax payers money that now goes
mrougn leaics which tie thinks are in
the machine. Mr. Cooper is particu
larly interested in going for General
Raum, he being of the opinion that
the investigation by the last Congress
was not as impartial as it might have
been. Both resolutions will not be
adopted, but the probabilities favor
the adojrtion of a resolution that will
be acceptable to both gentlemen.
Gen. l'orney, of Alabama, who was
the senior ileniocraiic timber of tl e
House Committee on Appropriations
in the last Congress, has, on account
f f his age and somewhat failing health
declined the chairmanship of that
committee, which was tendered him
by Speaker Crisp. It is believed here
that Representative Holman, of Indi
ana will, in the interest of general re
trenchment in appropriations, be put
it the head of that committee.
Speaker Crisp pleased those mem
bers who wished to get the cash for
their mileage before Christmas by an
nouncing at the short session of the
House held on Saturday, previous to
the adjournment until Wednesday, the
membership of Committee on Ac
counts and that on mileage, as follows :
Accounts - Rusk (Md.), Cooper (Ind.),
Dickerson, (Ky.) Moses, (S. C), Seer
ley, (Iowa), Pearson, (Ohio,) Quacken
bush, (N. Y.), Griswold, (l'a.) and
Cutting, (Cal.) Mileage Castle
(Minn.), Crawford, (N. C), Kendall,
(Ky.), Caldwell (Ohio) and Flick
(Iowa). -
Representative Culbertson, ot Tex
as, one of the best fitted men in pub
lic life for the position, has decided to
accept the democratic vacancy on the
Interstate Commerce Commission,
which Mr. Harrison tendered to him
To purify
Your blood
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"Best Paper In The World."
the gifted journalist henry w
grady's high opinion of the herald,
1 he Curistmas number of the New
ork Ledger is one of the most en
tertaming and artistic publications of
the luletule season. 1-or a frontis
piece there is a picture in colors of the
Virgin and the child Christ in the
manger at Bethlehem, with angels
hovering above, singing peace and
good will toward men. In addition to
the usual number of serial and short
stories, there are some pretty Christ
mas sketches and poems, which are
fully up to the high standard set by the
A highly interesting letter, written
by the late Henry W. Grady, in 1887,
to his boyhood friend, Professor Wil
liam Henry Peck, the author of "The
stonecutter of Lisbon," is printed on
the editorial page. The letter will be
read with delight by many admirers of
the great Journalist and orator, as it
contains, m the trank disclosure of in
timate friendship, some details of the
early life of Mr. Grady, which have
never before been published.
Incidentally Mr. Grady pays a high
compliment to the Herald, in this let
ter, the closing sentence of which is as
follows :
"I suppose you still read the New
York Herald the best paper in the
world for a gentleman who wants to
take only one paper.
A feeling of dullness,
languor, and depression means that
your liver isn't doing its part. That
means impure blood, to begin with,
and all kinds of ailments in the
But you can Btop them in advance.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery invigorates tho liver, purifies and
enriches tho blood, and rouses every
organ into healthy action. It pre
vents and cures all diseases arising
from a torpid liver or from impure
blood. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bil
iousness, Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp
Diseases even Consumption ( or
Lung-scrofula), in its earlier etaccs.
all yield to it. b
Tho makers of tho "Discovprv"
claim for it only what it will do.
They guarantee that it will do it.
If it fails to benefit or cure, in
any case, they'll return the money.
Nothing clso that claims to purify
tho blood is sold in this way ;
which proves, no matter
dealers may offer, that nothing else
can bo "just as cood." Therefore.
don't accept a substitute.
Mew York MoyeM.y St or
TWO ROOMS full of Goods, such as Dolls and Children's Christmas
ets, Express wagons, Wheelbarrows, Rocking Horses, &c.
QUEENSWAR.E, Chinaware, Tinware and Household Goods of all kinds.
JEWELRY of every description very cheap.
NOTION'S and Hardware of all kinds and at low prices.
TOWELS and COUNTERPANES at prices that can't be beat
OVERALLS and Suits for men and boys at bottom prices. Laundried and
unlaundried Shirts from 25c to $1.00. Suspenders and neckwear for
gents -a full line.
UNDERWEAR and Wool Shirts for men and boys at prices that will astonish
you. It will pay anyone to call and examine these good.
HANDKERCHIEFS for ladies and misses for one cent up. The biggest
siock ever orougni to liioonishurg.
Gilmore's Toy Bazar.
It was Ben Johnson, we believe, who
when asked Mallock's uuestion, "Is
life worth living ?" rep'ied, 'That de
pends on the liver'' And Ben John
son doubtless saw the double point to
the pun. The liver active quick
life rosy, everything bright, mountains
of trouble meet like mountains of snow.
The liver sluggish life dull, everything
blue, molehills of worry rise into moun
tains of anxiety, and as a result sick
headache, dizziness, constipation. Two
ways are open. Cure permanently, or
relieve temporarily. Take a pill and
suffer, or take a pill and get well. Shock
the system by an overdose, coax it by
a mild, pleasant way.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the
mild means. '1 hey work effectively,
without pain, and leave the cystem
strong. One, little, sugar coated pellet
is enough, although a whole vial costs
but 25 cents.
Mild, gentle, soothing and healing is
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Only 50
cents ; by druggists.
Cheap Holiday Excursion Tickets Via
Beading Railroad-
The Reading Railroad announces
that pursuant to its usual custom, cheap
holiday excursion tickets will be sold
to all points in its territory, the rate
being about two cents a mile. These
tickets will be sold from December
23d, 1891, to January 1st, 1892, and
will be good for return passage until
January 4th, 1892. No such tickets
will, however, be sold at less than 25
VALISES, all sizes and prices, and thousands of other articles, such as ladies'
and gents purses from 5 cents up to $t.oo.
KNIVES FORKS and SPOONS. In this line we surpass all othe-s in prices.
Now is the time to call and examine goods.
Five and Ten Cent Counters
Have been extended and restocked with an endless variety of novelties,
the biggest stock in the county.
WOOLEN HOSE for ladies, 18 cents to so; heavy knit and Merino Under
ests for 20 cents and up.
LAMPS by the hundreds at low pi ices.
Jow is the time to select your Christmas presents while
the stock is complete.
Three doors below Car Go's. Store.
,ln nrillnnnrr granting I'rnnlsnlnn ti i-'n..
Aiifi tmn 7Wp-njirtmf 'rt'tihimrnnnimiiu
) liiinmlmiilif' lum-ii ;i nml trlim
in Mtt tuirn if IHuonmintry.
fKcTtoN Hp It nnliilnr.1 nnd rnnH.-il lir
tlio'l mvncnnm llot Him Town of IU.h.mkIi iiv
Bud It In hfivtij- opIiiIihmI nnd ennru-d hv 1,
Itv of the minus thnt pel mission tn nnd It, h ,'Z'
lV It liMnted to "l lio Ani.'ilcun n,i
Telephone iiinpiiii.v of I'eiinw) Ivimln" tin hiw
reason nnd nsli?ns to otect, niwriito nml
TI"n IIUI'S 01 leletfrnpn ftnrt t,'lphonn liieliiillim
tho ueeessnrv tiliw, win nnd fixture 111,0,,
nlonif nnd over Seennd or Multi street fmtu llu
town limits on tho West to mi Mler nenr I eon.
ftnl street, ttieneo to tile nlley south of Hoennd
or Mnln HI root, tlieni-o to tho Hllov lietween
Mni ki-i nnd Celilre Hlreetu, theni-o tiv siihl nller
to Sixth street, thenro to Kst street, thenen to
Seventh street, thence to tho llerwl.k rnml
thenro to tho town limits on tho cast, with the
privilege of uslnit such other streets or nil.-v.,
us limy ho nerrsHitry for snld company to eon.
lied said lines with luoftloe and Hubsrlbers in
snld town.
SUCTION II. Thnt the polos shnll bo ronsnn.
alily stmlxht nnd with tho fixtures si to I,
oreetotl slinll tw put up In snfo nnd suliitnn
tin! milliner nnd nil 'II lie nn nrnt in Hppenrnnre
ns mny lie nnd shnll ho Inrmod under tho sutler
vision of tho tho street rommlt.too or tin.
street coiumlSHloner Under their dlrartlon
In such n uiminor not to olistruet sum hi reel
mid ulleys In lln-lr nrdlnnry nnd rustomnry use
nnd shnll lie erected nnd 111 11 In In I nod at the
cost ami ehniyo of snld Com pit nr.
SKi' l lON 111. Tlint all expenses nnd rhiiTvcs
nttendHiit noon tho piissntro of this ordliuiix-p
shnll pnld by tho snld rompnny.
SKl l loN IV. The privilege!, herein (rninlcd
nro expressly tnmle subject to nnv ordinance
heretofore or lierenflor passed n-iiulstliiK the
erection, pulntliuf, repair or reinuvnl of tele,
(jrnph or telephone In or from I tin streets
Hint alloys of Hie town.
SKI "I ION v. Provides thnt tho snld town
limy ni Its election havo tho free anil uninter
rupted Use of one cross nrm upon ouch or all of
snnl poles of said pole line or linos for the orec
Hon or slrlnifliixof wires for Its own purtioscs
troe of chiiiye.
SKCTUM VI. This ordinance shnll not go
Into effect until tho prrpor officers nf said
American Toleifninh nnd Telephone Compnny
hull have certified to Mil council tin accept
ance. I'nssed nt a mooting of the Town Council held
Nov. at, imu.
Approved by P. S. IIAltMAN,
President ot the Town Council, Nov. 30, ptill.
Attest: V. II. t rimisus,
Is ,1 complaint so common that comnarativelv
few people are entirely free from it, so insid
ious thnt it gains a firm hold almost before
its victims are aware of its presence, so dang
erous as tu seriously threaten the general
lieaUh, and liable to develop into bronchitis or
It is a mistake to consider Catarth merely a
local trouble. It is unquestionably a disease
of the blood, and therefore the right way to
cure Catarrh is to remove from the blood the
impurities which cause nnd feed it. This is
to be done by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the
great blood purifier, which effectually expels
all traces of poison and germs of disease.
"l nave been troubled lor years with
and have never received the least benefit from
the many so-called catarrh cures. Of late I
have been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and can
honestly say that I am certainly improved.
I know Hood's Sarsaparilla to be a good
medicine." II. A. titoKGE, Athol, Mass.
Stuffedup Feeling
"For years I have been troubled with that
terrible disagreeable disease, Catarrh. I took
Hood's Sarsaparilla with the very best results.
It cured me of that continual dropping in my
throat, and stuffed-up'feeling." Mrs. S. D.
II bath, J'uinam, L-onn.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best blood purifier, the best nerve
helper, the best strength builder. Try it.
HOOD'S PILLS For the liver and bow
els, act easily, promptly, efficiently. Price 35c.
You had better make a note of this
announcement if there is any possi
bility of your forgetting a fact so im
portant. Christmas will be here soon,
and it is well to know where to find
appropriate gifts for the little folks
whose annual joy at the anticipated
visit of Santa Claus is one of the
greatest pleasures of childhood. At
liilmore s J oy Bazar the display of
Holiday goods is now open. Up
stairs and down stairs toys of every
variety can be seen. But few stores
outside of Philadelphia carry so large
a stock from which to select. There
are dolls by the hundreds, dishes, side
boards, desks, rocking chairs, cradles,
doll houses, doll furniture, express
wagons, doll-baby carriages, menager
ies, kitchens, soldiers, drums, wheel
barrows, fire engines, hook and ladder
trucks, hose carriages, Crandall's toys,
tally-hos, street cars, tin and iron
wagons and horses, rocking horses,
mechanical toys, bicycles, animals of
all kinds, musical instruments, games,
guns, magic lanterns, trunks, swings,
nine pins, trumpets, toy stoves, cuds
and saucers, vases, Christmas tree
uecorations in enaiess variety. It is
useless to attempt to name all the arti
cles that may be seen here. One can
spend hours in wandering through the
many rooms and looking at the thous
ands of nice things The prices range
from a few cents up to many dollars,
so that everybody can find something
to fit their pocket book?. Call soon
and avoid the rush before Christmas.
C' AT -C)
3. S, MEEDS.
bit inim it
For the Holidays, best
photographs and cray
ons at M'Killip Bros.
Watches from to $4.00
$150.00. Presented with
every gold watch sold,
a beautiful gold chain-
Ladie's gold watches encased in
a beautiful plush case, no ex
tra charge.
Surprisingly large line of
gent's and la lie's gold watches
and chains. Lace and Ecarf
pins, brooches, bracelets etc. An
endless variety of new style
rings, diamond rings etc.
An unequaled and fine as
sortment of the best manufactur
ed silver ware in Bloomsburg.
both solid and plated. Look
at our beautiful souvenir spoon.
Large sales during the holi
days enables me to sell at aston
ishing low prices.
C. ft. Savage makes a speci
alty of repairing and cleaning
watches, clocks and jewelry, in
sures neat and prompt work,
work guaranteed. Prices as
formerly, moderate and satis j
An immense variety of
Extraordinary inducements in DIAMONDS 'ul other
precious stones.
Silver Watches from $.3.00 up. A bewildering array of '
and buimrj.
and what not in the jewelry order.
Silverware, plate dl aedl solid!
Also immense line of solid and plated novelties, both in -old
and silver at prices that &
All are welcome whether they buy or not. emeu.
X. C3-. "WELLS.
As the Holiday s are
approaching it 'would,
he a well-limed move to
be looking around, for
suitable Cliristmas gifts'
BeHsch. the tailor has
a fine assortment of sill:
ha' ' rch iefs, fa r caps,
f.t i-weai', gloves, and a
fall line of gent's furn
ishing goods, suitable
for that purpose. An
other well-timed move
would be to leave your
measure for a winter
suit, or an overcoat.
The latest patterns for
suitings are kept in
stock, and a good lit is
guaranteed. A fine line
of winter hats and cujjs
last received.
and examine and see for yourselves that
is the
right place to buy your Clothing.