The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 09, 1891, Image 5

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    Highest of all in Leavening rower.
Kntrl Hi the Post Office at Hlnomsburir.
1 uprond rlas nmtier, Murrh I,
rr.7--. r.- : a
Girls to learn the trade at the Sik
Mill, or experienced hands. Fair wajjes
will be paid. Apply at Silk Mill,
Bloomsburg. Country girls can make
satisfactory arrangements for board, tf.
Go and see the Golden Nugget" at
the Opera House, Thursday evening
of next week, October 15th.
Cleanse the sralp from scurf and
dandruff; keep the hair soft and of a
natural color by the use of Hall's Veg
etable Sicilian Hair Renewer.
Miss H. E. Waslcy's fall opening
was largely attended. She still has a
fine line of millinery goods to select
from. All the latest styles in fall hats
and bonnets. at.
"Save who can !" was the frantic cry
of Napoleon to his army at Waterloo.
Save health and strength while you
an, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
i advice that applies to all, both
young and old. Don't wait until dis
ease fastens on you ; begin at once.
The managers of the Fair could
not afford to employ all the bands that
made application to play at the Fair
next week, but they have engaged
three good ones, and will admit all
uniformed organized bands to the
grounds free, if they wish to come.
C. P. Sloan will exhibit some of the
Cortland Wagon Co's. best work at
the Bloom fair. No better work can
be made. Do not fail to see it. One
of the employees, Theodore Smith
which is gaining a wide reputation for
his horse shoeing will exhibit some of
his steel shoes. Trotting and driving
horses a speciality.
1 have been a ereat sufferer from
dry catarrh for many years, and I
tried many remedies, but none did me
so much benefit as Ely's Cream ; Balm.
It completely cured me, ,,M. J. Lally,
39 Woodward Ave., Boston Highlands,
After using Ely's Cream Balm two
month I was surprised to find that the
right nostril, which was closed for over
twenty yearss was open and free as the
other, and can use it now as I could
not lo lor many years. 1 teel very
thankful. K. It. Cressengham, , 175
18th St., Brooklyn. 1016 at."
The Columbia County Agricnltural
Society can congratulate themselves
on securing as an attractiou to the 8th.
Wonder Engle Clock which was on
the ground last year and gave such
perfect satisfaction as thousands im
proved the opportunity of looking
over this marvelous piece of mechanic
ism, the same as millions of people
have during its travels.' Surely those
who have never, looked upon the work
ings of this the roost ' wonderf at pf all
pieces of mecbanicism will avail them
selves of this opportunity. Admission
to cents.
Happy and content to boom with " Tkt X
cheittrj lamp with the light of the mornln;.
Catalogues, write Rochester IampCo.,KtwYotk.
An immense house greeted the ini
tial performance of J. Z. Little's Griz
zly Nabob, the lucky prospector of the
Rocky mountains. The play portrays
the nobler heroic features, the rugged
kindness and stem honesty of human
life in the western mining camps in
contrast with the treachery and base
ness of the ' desperado element. The
story is strong, and told in beautiful
language j striking scenes and realistic
situations, together with songs, dances
and many comicalities, give a pleasing
variety to this truly American drama.
N. Y. A'un.
The Golden Nugget, a beautiful
drama of western heroism, replete with
whole-souled, honest sentiment, as
wholesome as the breeze that bends
the mountain pines. Philadelphia
As forcible as a sermon, as beauti
as a dream. Omaha Republican,
Will appear at the Opera House,
Bloomsburg, one night only, Thursday
October 15th. Secure your seats
Not to see the Engle Clock would
be to lack common curiosity. Admis
sion 10 events.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor!.
1 My was nick, we m Onatetta.
1 w a CUM, sM ertea tar OtHerta,
When ehe team
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 18S9.
Salter's booth will be one of the at
tractions at the fair next week.
When vour blood is imnoverisheil
the remedy is at hand. Take Ayer's
The Sunday School report sent us
by A. W. Spear, Secretary of the Col
umbia county S. S. Association shows
the following : Total number of
schools in the county, 125 ; Officers
and teachers, 1651 1 scholars, 102 18.
When the Hair begins to come out
in combing, it shows a weakness of the
scalp that calls for immediate atten
tion. The best preparation to arrest
further loss of hair and restore the
scalp to a healthy condition is Ayer's
Hair Vigor.
Fop ladies' and chil
dren's coats go to Clark
& Son's.
The National Encampment of the
Union eterans Legion will be in ses
sion at Reading from the 13th to the
15 of this month and a great time is
anticipated. Thousands of old soldiers
will gather from all over the country
and nearly all of the surviving celebri
ties of the war of the Rebellion will at
tend the encampment. The organiza
tion is composed exclusively of men
who received an honorable discharge
alter the last three years service dur
ing that war, and every man in its
ranks has been a real fighter, v eter
ans and the public in general can pur
chase excursion tickets to Reading at
anv station or ticket office of the Phila
delphia and Reading Railroad at the
rate of a single fare for the round trip.
These tickets will be sold daily Oct
ober 9th to 13th inclusive and will be
good returning until Oct. 19th.
To Lance Before the Queen-
New York, Oct. 5. Fashionable
circles in this city are much exercised
as to the identity of four pretty Amer
ican girls wh have arrived in London
to dance a minuet before the Queen.
Their chaperon refuses to give their
names, but says they are well known
in the best New York society. A pic
ture, however, is printed in the Octo
ber number of The New York and
Paris Young Ladies' Fashion Bazar,
entitled "Pretty girls learning to dance
the minuet," which gives some clew to
their identity.
Society here also is interested in
the fact that each of the four Ameri
cans is to wear a dress similar to the
one illustrated and marked No. 8 in
the colored plates of the magazine,
which has partly revealed their person
ality and set fashionable circles agog.
The young ladies have been practic
ing the miuuet for eight months be
fore venturing to ask 'the privilege,
which has been granted, of dancing be
fore Her Majesty.
The New York and Paris Youno
Ladies' Fashion Bazar is for sale by
all newsdealers. It will also- be sent,
postage prepaid, for 35 cents per single
copy. The subscription price is $3.00
per year.
Munro's Publishing House.
(P.O. Box 3751.) 17 to 17 Vande
water St., NY.
It will be quite a while yet before
the World's Fair, but every person
should remember that the Bloomsburg
Fair begins the 1 4th of this month
and all Fair minded People who want
to see a Fair display of Photographs,
should call at Roshon's Gallery, Main
Street, Bloomsburg, Pa., and you need
not wait on a Fair Day, for good work
can be made in Cloudy as well as
Fair weather. Our $1.00 per. Dozen
Cabinet Photographs take the Premi
um every time. Don't forget the Place.
Rosenstock's old Stand.
"Mm of the aarlleet tluM fliet ai the view and
diets of the prearal Umasj" bat they did aot
Komm th moral rostraJau for one, or ourae for
the utlicr, that we do. Scrofula and avecillo dl.
eaae wm Incurable, unmitigated eunea, until lb
Uautua Blood Cure oaaae to eauUaUae aad eradi
cate lha 111 by limply purUyiaf Mm blood.
U. A. McKelvy, Dug-mat, BloomsQurff Fa.
Come One and All-
We are going to C. S. Waltz's,
Catawissa, Pa., for Japanese 1 ware.
Large invoice of new and handsome
goods jnst received this week. There
is something to please every one.
This lananese war ia far aunerinr
- - j 1 - - j.- .
to any other for durability, fineness of j
quality and design as is known by all J
lovers of good ware, j
The friends of education are cor
dially invited to meet the teachers of
our public schools in institute in the
High School building on the second
Saturday of each school month. Thl
first institute will be called to order on
next Saturday, the 10th inst. at t.jop.
m. when the following program will
be presented :
Singing, - - Institute.
Prayer, - - Rev. Lcverett
Welcome . - Principal
Address, - - Dr. Waller Jr.
Singing - - Quartette.
hssay, -. - Miss Fernhard.
Illustrated Object Lesson Miss Lowen
berg. Talk - - Mr. Smith.
Singing, - - Duett,
Essay, - - Miss Brock way.
Busy Work, - Miss Robbins.
Essay, - Miss Jones.
Singing, - - Quartette.
Recitation, - Miss Annie Brockway.
Talk. - - Mr. Pursel.
Essay. - - Miss Finney,
Singing, - - Institute.
"How delicious is the winning
Of a kiss, at love's beginning '
sings the poet, and his sentiment is
true with one possible exception. If
either party has the catarrh, even love's
kiss loses its sweetness. Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy is a sure cure for this
repulsive and distressing affliction. By
its mild, soothing, antiseptic, cleansing
and healing properties. It cures the
worst cases. $500 reward for an in
curable case.
Miss Lillie Doak is now in Philadel
phia looking up the fall fashions. She
will return next week when she will be
ready to make up dress suits in the
very latest styles.
"There are millions in it" said a
druggist when asked about Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup. Price 25 cts.
For some time past I've been a
rheumatic. I recently tried Salvation
Oil which gave me almost instant re
lief. I sincerely recommend it as it has
entirely cured me. JAMES GOR
DON, Balto. Md.
The following arrangements have
been made by the several railroads
running into Bloomsburg, for next
The Catawissa road will run a spec
ial on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
leaving E. Mahanoy Junction at 8:15
a. m. and returning leave Bloomsburg
at 5:05 p. m. arriving at E. Mahanoy
at 7:00 p. m.
A through train will be run from
Washington via. W & W. and B. & S.
railroad leaving Washington at 7:45 a.
m. and arnving at Bloomsburg at 10 a.
m. ; returning leave Bloomsburg at
4:30 p. m.
Additional trains have been placed
on the B. & S. railroad. Leave Jami
son City at 5:50, 7:25 and 10:40 a. m.
and 5:00 p. m. ami returning leave
Bloomsburg at 8:35 m- and 3:35
4:30 and 6:40 p. m.
The Delaware Lackawanna Si West
ern as usual will run all the extras that
are necessary to carry the people to
the fair.
, Hot ice. .
; For Sale: One . bay mare, sound
and gentle, drives single or double
Kind as a kilter; would make fine
Ladies' horse. One bay horse, sound
and gentle, works single or double.
Good roadster. . One skeleton trotting
wagon, good as new, built by M. C,
Sloan ; and two new top buggies.
The above must be sold at once
and are offered at reasonable figures
and easy terms.
D. W. Kitchen, .
i 9-at .' Bloomsburg. Pa.
Many pleasures in life are due to
good health and good looks. Manner's
Double Extract Sarsaparilla will bring
pleasures as it increases the appetite, re
lieves all disorders arising from bad
blood such as Headache, Constipation
Boils and pimples which when driven
out of the system brings good looks.
Manner's Double Extract Sarsaparilla
can be found at all drug stores also at
Mover Bro's. tf.
What is it that never begins and
never ends always commencing and
never ending ? Answer, The Engle
Clock. Admission 10 cents.
To Our Subscribers.
The special announcement which
appeared in our columns some time
since, announcing a special arrange
ment with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., of
Enosbrugh Falls, Vt, publishers of
"A treatise on the Horse and his Dis
eases." whereby our subscribers were
enabled to obtain a copy of that valu
able work her by sending their address
to B. J. Kendall Co. (ana enclosing a
two cent stamp for mailing same) is
renewed for a limited period. We trust
all will avail themselves of the oppor
tunity of obtaining this valuable work.
To every lover of the horse it is indis
pensible, as it treats in a simple man
ner all the diseases which afflict this
noble animal. Its phenomenal sale
throughout the United States and
Canada, make it standard authority.
Mention thi$ paper when tending for
"Treatite" and send direct to Dr. B. J.
Kendall Co., as above. 7-34 1 i-t.
The following letters are held at the
ttloomsburg, Pa., post office and will
be sent to the dead letter office Oct.
20, 1S91.
Mr. Eddie Allen, M.r C. M. Barner,
Mr. Franklin J. Klein, Master Herman
Knies, Mr. William Moar, Miss Lillie
Persons calling for these letters will
please say they were advertised Sept.
29, 1891.
One cent will be charged on ; each
letter advertised.
A. B. Cathcart, P. M.
Died. -In Centre township on the
4th inst. William Herley Robbins, in
fant son of Andrew J. and Hester I.
Robbins. Aged 3 months and 6
Remember that the first entertain
ment of the Y. M. C. A. Course will be
given by the New York S'ars and
Mecklems, Friday night, Oct. 9th.
Have now on sale full and
complete lines dress goods,
shawls, ladies' misses'
and children's coats,
blankets, flannels, hosi
ery, gloves, underwear,
velvets, plushes and
Dress goods stock was
never more complete than now
and at prices to suit you.
Bedford cords, fur plaids, henri
ettas, serges, and high class
novelty dress stuffs.
Ladies,' Misses' and
Children's Coats.
Our lines are large and prices
low, styles the latest perfect
fitting. Fur trimmed reefers,
diagonal reefers, cheviot reef
ers and skirt coats.
Misses' jackets large line.
Children's coats the hand
somest line we have ever
shown. See our $0.50 Ladies'
all wool diagonal cheviot reef
er. See the $12.00 Fall shawl
collar of Astrachan Fur, half
silk lined.
Hosiery, Underwear, all the
leading qualities and prices.
See our 50c ladies vest.
Blankets and Flannels:
See our red and white flannels.
Try the 25c yd. flannel. More
of those blankets at 85, 1.00
and 1.25 pair. Bed comfort
ables from 1.00 up.
Ribbons, ties, kid gloves,
laces, stick pins 5c up, good
line of jewelry, fancy goods.
Dress Trimmings,
large lines at popular prices.
We wlUqnn QlanranUC'ommlwilon to Men
,,Ay.JiJUU.Oai&ry uud women, T.-acbers
and ciflrsrymen to sell our NEW POPl'LAH
H 1'ANlMltD MOUK, s
Marvels of The New West
No nnr book uubllxluni. Over ISO choice en
gravlnir. lO.tol) eopin wild In one week. Kn
3unH by tbe Kreauni men of the country. Thla
la no humbug offer.
Writ nt Dim yOH particulars in
VV flw al Uce kkwahd to halaky.
The Henry Dill Publishing Co., Norwich,
Conn. 10-9 3-m.
or TBI
Fint Ia.tion&l B&nk of Elosashrg.
At Bloom -burg, In the Htate of Penna. at tba
close ot bUHlneiw, Hoptmuber Hu, IcWl.
loans and illncountH
Overdraft!!, uncuivd and unocurpd....
V. H. HondH to necurH circulation....
V. s. Bond ou baud
mock, inH-urti.lPH, claim, etc
Due from approved renerve amenta..
Due from oilier National Hanks
Due from Hi ate Bunks and bunker..
Current expense and tax paid....
i liwka and other cash Items
Fractional paper currency, nlcklos.
1W,3I 47
(Ml 3d
My mo
SU.4I4 lit
7 M
- ana cents.,
Leifal-tender notes,
Hedemptlon fund with V. K. Treas
urer 0 per cent of circulation)..
Capital atoek paid In ..
Hurulua fund
Vndlvldnd profit ,
National Rank notes outstanding....
Individual deposits subject to chock
Cashier's checks outstanding.............
Due toother National Banks
Due to Htate Banks and bankers....
441,31 3D
I o,ono
!4,47 M
xvr.sia as
4,eai m
S3,XMN lit
l.tfTS 87
ToUl 441, MH M
State of I'enna. County of Columbia, s. i
I, J. P. Tustln, Cashier ot the above-named
bank, do solomnlr amrm that tba above slate,
ment la true to the best ot my knowledge and
J. P. Tcstim, Cashier.
Bubeerlbed and affirmed to before mo thla 1st
day of Oeu 11. w. D. Bicilbt,
Notary Public
Correct, Atteat
I. W. HcKlLVT.
K. W. M. Low. J. Director.
t. It. BUCS4LSW,
fii 1
The Soap
is Lenox.
The universal satisfaction with which
J. G. Wells' work as an optician is re
garded in this and adjoining counties,
speaks well for his ability.
If your eyes are failing, call on him
and have them fitted correctly with
spectacles. Special accommodations
have been made for fair week. 6t.
Bucklan's Arnica Salve
Tit! ISk.jt SaI.vk in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all
skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed t eive
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Trice 25 cents per box. For Sale by C. A.
During Fair Best Pho
tographs at M'Killip
The vault of the Farmers National
Bank contains fifty lock boxes, which
are for rent at prices ranging from
$3.00 to $6 00 a year. There are two
keys to each box, one of which is left
at the bank and one is carried by the
owner of the Ikx. Neither can open
the box until the other is inserted.
More than half have already been rent
ed, tf.
Good Looks.
Good looks are more than skin deep, de
pending upon a healthy condition of all' the
vital organs. If the Liver be inactive, you
have a Pinched Look. Secure cood health
and you will have good looks. Electric Bit
ters is the great alterative and Ionic acts
directly on these vital orgaus. Cures Pimp
les, Blotches, Boils and gives a good com
plexion. Sold at C. A. Klci m's Drugstore,
50c. per bottle.
A full line of Mayfoy Tailor Cut
Corsets at New York Novelty Store.
Horse blankets, whips, saddles,
and all kinds of horse furnishings, at
C. S. Furman's. at.
Eshleman Si Wolf have received a
large and complete line ot Radiant
Home Double Heaters and Ranges.
Also New Capello Range. A large lot
of second-hand stoves at low prices
Opera Houso, Bloomsburg, Ta.
During Fair best Photo
graphs at M'Killip' s Bros.
C. E. Savage just returned from
New York with the largest and finest
display of Gents and Ladies gold
watches and chains in Bloomsburg.
Watches $4.00 up.
For Counterpanes and Blankets,
Ladies' and Men's, Misses' and Chil
dren's Undewear, Men's Wool Shirts
and Wool Hosiery, call at the New
York Novelty Store. It will pay you.
Call and see the new stoves at Esh
leman and Wolfs. Also a lot of sec
ond-hand stoves at low prices.
Radiant Home Double Heaters.
Radiant Home and New Capello Range
at Eshleman & Wolfs.
It is time to think about a. new
heating stove or ranee, and the Dlace
to buy is at P. S. Moyer's. Call and
see his goods. at.
t1l Ml I
During Fair best Pho
tographs at M' Killip
Stop at C. E Savaee's while at the
"Fair" and look at his large and com
plete line of watches, clocks, iewelrv
silverware and spectacles, &c. Re
pairing of all kinds bring to us if you
want expert workmanship and moder
ate charges. All work guaranteed at
Verv Drettv suits for children; cai.
simere, worsted or Jersey, made in
handsome designs at
D. Low en berg's.
It will pay to call ot the New York
Novelty Store for Oueensware. China.
ware. Glassware. Tinware, and House.
hold Furnishing Goods.
Full line of school supplies at W.
H. Brooke St Co's.
There is no truth in the report that
the admission to the Bloomsburg fair
has been raised to 50 cents. It will be
as usual, as cents.
It w to everybody's interest t"
know that the cheapest place to bu
clothing is at Gross' New York stor,
the only clothing store same side t
the street as the Court House, Bloon
L. Gross has just returned froi
New York r.nd Philadelphia with
fine line of Fall and Winter Clothim
he is selling very low, call at the
Y. Clothing Store.
Do you want a suit or an overcoa"
if you do, it is money saved to buy
Gross the N. Y. clothier.
What a nice stock of Boys' and Chi!
dren's Clothing at Gross' N. Y. Storr
It is yours, come and get it, a nic
Fine suit or Overcoat very low a
Gross N. Y. Store.
Hats and Caps, Trunks, Sec. in end
less variety at Gross' N. Y. Store.
I mean you, if you don't buy you
Clothing of Gross of the N. Y. store,
it is because you have more mone
than you know what to do with. Cat
in and see him, a dollar saved is a do)
lar made.
For a good Cheviot suit go to Gross,
he is the cheapest
A large stock of Fancy pantaloon.
at Gross' N. Y. Store.
Who says ? Everybody says that
L. Gross has the best clothing for the
least money, call in.
Black cheviot suits are popular, yot
can have a cutaway or sack coat
double or single breasted, round o
square corners at
For Children's Little Wagons, Rock
ing Horses, Carts and Wheelbarrows,
call at the New York Novelty Store, as
we have a complete line to select from
Have you seen the new neckties in
Lowenberg's window.
Don't miss your chance, while at
the fair, to get a pair of perfectly fit
ting glasses, either at J. G. Wells' jew
elry store or at his optical exhibit on
the fair grounds. ; 6t,
Oak chamber suits, secretaries, side
boards, extention tables, rockers, &c.
at W. J. Corell & Co's, in a great
Variety. at.
Ladies' and Misses' Handkerchiefs
at New York Novelty Store. Ladies'
Hosiery, four pairs for a$ cents and
W 4 SB-
W. T. Corell & Co. have a large line
of parlor suits in leather, plush, and
silk, at prices to suit all classes of cus
tomers. Largest display ever in
Bloomsburg. Call and see it at
J. G. Wells has an elegant assort
ment of solid silver ware suitable for
wedding gifts. His windows attract
much attention. 6t
Tablets in great variety at W. H.
Brooke & Co's.
The new Block of stiff hats can be
seen at Lowenberg's.
Wall paper ! wall paper 1 at W. H.
Brooke & Co's.
For Dolls go to the New York Nov
elty Store. A big stock and great va
riety. Do you contemplate having a suit
made ? If you are, go to a practical
man, where you can see the goods in
the piece. Do not buy from samples
as all goods look different in the piece.
A fine line of goods for suits, spring
overcoats and pantaloons, cut to your
measure, made on our own premises,
under the personal supervision of J.
R. Townsend. at D. Lowenberg's.
A choice lot of fine lap robes, and
blankets just received by C. S. Fur
man. Prices are bound to please
you. at
Nobby soft hats in all colors at
Dr. Meeker's Medicines are pure and
a sure cure for whatever they claim.
Lung tonic for colds. Speedy relief
for pains, internal and external
Blackberry Cordral for bowel com-
Elaints, for young and old. Every
ottle guaranteed. For sale by all
druggists. Manufactured by H. C. Sc
J. A. Olmstead. Williamsport, Pa.
All put up in 85 and 50 eti bottles.
6-19-1 yr.
Butter per HX. $ .84
Eggs per dozen j
Lard per lb
Ham per pound is
Pork, whole, per pound OS to .AM
Beet, quarter, per pound OS to .OS
Wheat per bushel. 1.10
Oata ,&a
Rye " u .so
Buckwheat Dour per 100. s.0
Wheat flour per bbl too
Hay per ton 10.00 to 1S.00
Potatoes per bushel , so
Shelled corn per bushel as
Corn meal ' cwt too
aide meat . lb 10
Chop cwt. us
Tallow lb ot
Chickens lb 1
Tarkeya lb u.
Coal per ton, No. 1 ,