THE COLUMBIAN. HLOOMSBURG, PA. For Balk neslrable viu-nnt lots nnd a num ber Of good limine unit lot In HiomiiHbtirg- The best business stand In HloomshurR. A very de sirable property In Willow Orove, nrst-clnss building and 1 neres of liind. lwelllni:s In Kspy. Ten (food farms In 1'olumhln county, one In Luzerne count', one In Virginia nnd two In Kansas. One country store stand In Columbia county and one In Luzerne county, J grist mills la Columbia county, by M. P. U'TZ, Insurance and Kenl Estate Agt, Hloomsbnrg rn., COME TO STAY. Yes, Indeed, when a foreigner comes to this land he usually comes to slay, llo finds we have the b-Rt government, the best people, and. In fart, tho ix-st of everything. Mrangcrsnre constantly coming to our city nnd to our store. They'll receive good treat ment. Those who waul Bread, Cakes or Con feet lonery, gt the best. that, can b) found, at lair prices. !d customers make new ones, and we find nil COMK To HTAY. We hope you'll try it. Nee If you don't, too. E. JACOBS & SON, Bakers and M'f'g confectioners. NO. 130 WEST MAIN STRKET. Monday, Octoiser 1 2. J. C. Bra der will sell valuable personal property on premibes at West Nanticoke. Sale will begin at 10 o'clock a. m. All the latest improved farming implements will be sold, also 6 head of horses, 2 cows, hogs, &c Bucklen's Arnica Salve- The Best Salve in the world for cuts, hrnitcs, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by C. A. Kleini. Do you contemplate having a suit made ? If you are, go to a practical man, where you can see the goods in the piece. Do not buy from samples as all goods look different in the piece. A nne line ol goods lor suits, spring overcoats and pantaloons, cut to your measure, made on our own premises, under the personal supervision of J, R. Townsend. at D. Lowexberg's. Now is the time to begin advertising for the fall trade. Get the rates of The Columbian. e. To the taste is Manners' Double Extract for the blood. Its action its on the Dowels excels all others ot or kind, as it contains no mercury up. aloes. Once tried and it can always be relied upon. Manners Double Extract Sarsapanlla can be found at all drug stores. Price 50c a bottle. Sold at Moyer Bros., Drug Store. To Our Subscribers. The special announcement which appeared in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrange ment with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., of Enosbrugh Falls, Vt, publishers of "A treatise on the Horse and his Dis eases," whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valu able work free by sending their address to B. J. Kendall Co. (and enclosing a two cent stamp tor mailing same) is renewed for a limited period. We trust alt will avail themselves of the oppor tunity of obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of the horse it is indis- pensible, as it treats in a simple man ner all the diseases which afflict this noble animal. Its phenomenal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it standard authority. Mention this paperwhen sending for "treatise and send direct to Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., as above. 7-24 1 i t. m BAIE-DEPOSIT BOXES. The vault of the Farmers National Bank contains fifty lock boxes, which are for rent at prices ranging from $3.00 to $6.00 a year. There are two keys to each box, one of which is left at the bank and one is carried by the owner of the box. Neither can open the box until the other is inserted. More than half have already been rent ed, tf. For Kent. After September 1st, a six room house on 4th street between Centre ar.d Iron streets. Lots of fruit. In quire of H. H. Grotz. Bloomsburg. 8-28 tf. Dead. Near Mifninville, Pa. Sept ember 19, 1 89 1. Clyde Layfelle, in fant son of Edmun j Smith and wife. aged 7 years. Married. On the 8 inst at the Reformed parsonage in Orangeville by Rev. A. Houtz. Mr. Jessie B. Freas and Miss Bdle Coleman, both of Orangeville. WALLER- Mr. Robbing of Orangeville has started a singing school at this place which promises to be well attended. The farmers are setting along pret ty fast now with their fall work, as ws have been having very fine weather. Miss Albertson and Messrs. Thom as, x,utz and liutt win take charge 01 the schools in this township on Octob er 5th. The corn has ripened very fast in the warm sun of the last few days. Samuel Roberts is building a large underground room in which to store his apples. He will have perhaps over a thousand bnshels of winter apples. Rev. William Stricklane of Mifflin- burgh, N. Y. has been preaching at this place several times during the past week. He is an entire stranger here, and does not expect to stay but a few days. His sermons have been well received and are filled with passages of Scripture which he quotes as if he had nearly the whole bible committed to memory. As a general rule, it is best not to correct costiveness by the use of saline or drastic medicines. When a purga tive is needed, the most prompt, effect ive, and beneficial is Ayer's Pills. Their tendency is to restore, and not weaken, the normal action of the bowels. A TANGIBLE EXPRESSION OF RE SPECT. On Tuesday evening September 1 5, a party of the citizens of Jerseytown and immediate neighborhood, some forty in number, visited the Reformed Parsonage in Jerseytown, to express their regards to the Rev. W. G. Engle and family. It was in the form of a sociable and what was realized , which was a handsome sum, was presented to the pastor's wife. After partaking of the refreshments and spending a few hours in social chat engaging in vocal and instru mental music,Rev. Decker of the M. E. Church addressed the company in behalf of Rev. Engle who was absent at the time, which he and the visitors regretted. Tho happy recipients will ever remember the pleasant occasion and herewith acknowledge the kind ness. Condition vs- Theory Those who are in ill-health are con- Jronted by a condition, not a theory, although there are numbers of people ready and anxious to theorize about it. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred S. S. S. will do the work of renovation. In cases of indigestion, loss of appetite and general debility, this wonderful medicine acts with almost miraculous certainty. It restores the activity of the liver, purines the blood and builds up the system. As a tonic for young and old it is without a rival. Though it is powerful in its effects, the young est or the oldest can take it with the most beneficial effects. S. S. S. has behind it a record of half a cent 111 y, and is more popular as a household remedy to-day than ever before. Y- M. C. A- NOTES. Men's meeting Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in Y. M. C. A. Hall 42 West Main St. Conducted by E. B. Tus tin. A cordial invitation is extended to the men of this community Short talks and cood music. The statistical report for the month of August, 1891: NO. jo A 1 ATI. 25 TOT'L. uai 3111 4 Attendance at rooms, Oospel Meeting, Sunday, Bible Training Class, Spiritual consultations, HlCk VlKltM. House to bouse visitation. Young men's prayer meeting, 3 7 Cottage meetings, 5 W Letters and postals mailed, Letters written by young men, Letters of introduction given, Directed to boarding, Employment found for' Young men otherwise assisted, New members, Subscription secured, Committee meetings, 8 4 Baths taken, Business culls. Papers placed on file t Mont li lies 11, weeklies 43, dallies IM Books ttiken from library, Printed Matter distributed. M 11 U 15 115 11 It i 8 1 4 -'fc! 18 T5 t 157 !!7 11X10 The 24th Annual Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association of Pennsylvania will be held at Franklin, Venango Co,. Pa. Octolier Sth to 1 ith inclusive. The fare willl be the same as heretofore, a fare and a third, mak ing the fare for the round trip about $11. The State Committee have made every effort to make this the largest convention in its history. The Association at rranklm has sent out a hearty invitation to all the asssocia iions of the state, and will entertain all delegates free of charge. This will make a very pleasant trip at this time of the year. Members intending to go will please notify the General Secretary, as soon as possible so that their names can l;e forwarded to Franklin and enter tainment secured for them The Best workers in the state will be in attendance. J. G. Wells' optical exhibit at the fair will be in charge of Mr. W. H. Sears, who is well known. Mr. Sears is an expert optician, whose work in the Western part of the State, is winning him an enviable rep utation. Don't miss this opportunity to have your eyes properly fitted with glasses. Ot. CENTRALIA S0H00L BOARD. At a special session of court on Sat xday, the inth inst. a petition was presented asking for the removal of the members of the school board of Centralia borough for failure to supply a sufficient number of teachers and the appointment of others in their stead. A rule was granted to show cause why the petition should not be allowed, returnable September 24th. 1 his case is similar to that of Blooms burg school board, where the court re moved the directors, and its action as very emphatically sustained by the iupreme Court. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE- There was a pleasant catherinz at the home of H. R. Grimes, Montour township, on Monday evening Septem ber 14th, in honor of Mrs. Grimes' fiftieth birthday. rnends were Drcscnt from L12M Street, Millville, Nescopeck, Catawissa and vicinity to the number of about eighty, and the evening was one long to be remembered. JIAINVILLE. Harman & Hassert's steam whistle is distinctly audible at this place. B. K. letter had a busy summer of it, having as high as forty boarders at his hotel part of the time. Ihe old force property here has gone to decay, but the dam and race are still in good condition, and afford a splendid water power. It would be a good site for a mill. U. J. Campbell was busy threshinc this week. A. W. Shuman at the upper hotel. keeps a good house. He is also col lector of the township. After a sea diet, to prevent boils ajid assist acclimation, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Children's day will be celebrated in the Reformed church on next Sunday. I wo very attractive programmes have been prepared for the occasion. The one to be rendered m the morning and the other in the evening. The church will be profusely decorated in plants floweis &c. The public is invited. IT PAYS To be cautious in the choice of medi cines. Many are injured by trying ex pertinents with compounds purporting to be blood -purifiers, the principal recommendation of which would seem to be their "cheapness." Being made up of worthless, though not always harmlegi, ingredients, they may well be "cheap;" but, in tho end, they are dear. The most reliable medicines are costly, and can be retailed at mod erate prices, only when the manufactur ing chemist handles the raw material! in large quantities. It is economy, therefore, To Use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the valuable components of which are Imported, wholesale, by the J. C. Ayer Co. from the regions where these articles are richest iu medicinal properties. "It Is a wonder to me that any other than Ayer's Sarsaparilla has a show In the market. If people consulted their own In terest, they would never use any othert for ' it Is not only the best, but, on account of Its concentrated strength and purity, It is the most economical." James F. Duffy, Drug gist, 'Washington St., Providence, R. I. Dr. A. I. Almond, Druggist, Liberty, Va., writes "Leading physicians In this city prescribe Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I have sold it for eighteen years, and have the highest regard for Its healing qualities." ft "Although the formula Is known to the .trade, there can be no successful Imitation of Ayer'f Sarsaparilla. Without having the normous facilities of the J. C. Ayer Co., It is ImiKisslble for other parties to put together such valuable Ingredients, at the low cost of Ayer's Sarsaparilla It stands at the head of all similar prepara tions." -Marlc A. Jones, 60 yean a druggist, 60 Cambridge it., E. Cambridge, Mass. Prepare d by Dr. J. O. Ayer fc Co., Lowell, U m. Bold by all Druggleti. Trie $1 j sis boulee, (,. Cures others, will cure you ELY'S CatarrH CREAM BALM Cleans tho Nasal Passages, Allays Tain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores. Restores the Sense of Taste and smell. HsvrrvFDiiy 'TO I l TEY THE CUBE H AY-EEVE R A psrtlcle Is applied Into each nostril and Is aureeulile. I'rtee 50 oeuts lit Druggists: by mull registered, 00 cts. ELY BIIOTU t,ll, Ml Wurren hi., K. V. Yd I I c J I 9 4Ti SJ M I 4 What is Castoria it Dr. Samncl Pitcher prescription for Infant and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. It is ft harmless substltuto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee, is thirty years' use by Million of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allay feyerishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures coiistlpatlon and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers hre repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." """ Da. O. C. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. ' Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I an acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria In stead of thevarlousquack nostnimswhlch are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful stents down then- throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kitten aLoa, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, TT Hurray Street, New York City. w. o. wmm & ca THE PEOPLE'S STORE" MILL AND CENTRE STREETS. The largest and busiest place for trading in all kinds of it first-class reliable Merchandise. The teams have been week bringing to us cases upon mg season, we can saieiy say and Grandest collection of new Etc., which dwellers in and the privilege to behold. ' A most important matter in connection with this great showing of new goods is that the prices at the "People's Store" are no higher than those of New York or Phila. markets. Courteous salespeople await your, wishes, and intelligent information will cheerfully be given. NOTE THE PRICE LIST. At 2oc a yard, 27 in. all-wool Camel's Hair, in plain colors. Latest Fall shades. At 39c a yard, 30 in. all-wool dress flannels; all the new Fall shades. At 50c a yard, We show the greatest line of Plaids. Checks. Ktri dps nnd Plain Colors ever sliown in this At 80c a yard, o4in. all-wool dress flannels in all the new nnd staple shades. See window display for novelties in High Class Dress Goods. LADIES JACKETS. A few sorts here to-day ; lots to come. Ladies' Short Jackets, high sleeves, loose front, hnm kind $3.50 each, from that they and $11.00. Ladies Homespun Jackets and high sleeves, marked $12 50, very stylish. Ladies Black Cloth Jackets cut 27 in. long, trimmed with Astrachan and fur, the very latest, $11.00 and $15.00. As the season advances we will tell you more about Coats Jackets, Capes, Etc. ' Blankets are here, shown to-day for the first of the season The sizes are given in exact inches, the materials tire stated truly and the weight accurately. READ THE PRICES. CkllVA sTlkaaf nrr.SvV.4. A . r A n . wm nciLUl third wool, $1.25 a pair. Grey JV S "ciiiiii, u 1HJUUU3 t)j V v in ' "v6"1' " I'vuuus ' x n m., one- $1.50 a pair. Grey only. ine ; weight. 4 pounds G3 x 74 in., hard to iind m fhem $2.o0 a pair. White only, ton ; weight 5 pounds, G3 x 74 in. ; warp is cotton third wool a pair. Urey only. Alpine ; the cotton Sold last season at $4.o, our Melrose t weight over ity of wool; warp is cotton, $3.00 a pair. Grey only ' Iceland 1 weight 5 pounds, G3 x 74 in., all wool warn ana lining, a goou manner tor JU.OU a pair. Grey onlv Red Lily J weight over 5 pounds, strictly all wool- G3x .74in., $5.00 a pair. Scarlet only. 7 . ' Pilgrim j weight over 5 pounds, G3 x 74 in. Fine quality wool, sold last season at $5.75, our price to-day j 00 n pair. White only. J p ' u Y "wgu o pounas, u;jx74 in. Short napped homespun sMe, all pure wool $5.00 a pair; in white only Silver Cllfi: weight ( rvwinA 7') v et . 1. v"v ,nnl Wh warn nr1 filling ft . 1 . , puj - - e nuuiuici w pounus, iZ x 84 in nno -1 it Kii,i., : 4u 1 1 , , in. une ui me :lcttlco,' jiau,cio u mo ,ou a pair, u mie uuiy. Mixii & OxaifTRB St., DAPfVItiXsK l uuuaiiw Castoria, " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior toany proscription known to me." It. A. Ascnsa, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment har spoken highly ot thru- exig ence In their outside practice with CUilv and although we only hva among eitr medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet wn are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." United Hospital d Dispiksast, tjoston, Mass. AlXIN C. FKtTH, rrei., taxed to their utmost for the past cases of new goods for the com- we are snowing the .Largest good Dress Goods, Coats, about Danville have ever had section of the State. iumn to $0.00. then inoo " 27 in. lonir. Colored. lonP fmnt -t puUUUS, Oi X ll ill only. one- price to-day $3.50. in whit nni 4 pounds. G3 74 in ..i Hfl o n;J V H11 PUre .,vvi. juu, nne only. iiouse to-aav Iftr ! lie money uii uum streets. SHERIFF'S SALE. -OK VA 1.1'AHLE Real Estate. I!V virtue of sundry writs nf Fl. Vn. IsmiimI n III iiir"ii - - v.. T(i , nnd t me directed there will lie rxiKwrd , nubile Kile lit tliel'MUI't llnllni In lilnoiiittnir. ... -pt nf f 'fiitiiunn t'lens nf t'ltllllnhl't fv rn., on MONDAY, SKPT. s8, 1891, at it o'clock n. 111., the follmvlnir described r., rsuuv ii- ii . .- -- 11 hind sltuiile In llmirlnirereek township, fnium bin county, l'n., bound-d ss follow to-wtts n i.n ,.nni l,r lii'iidnf Miniili'l Miller nnd KniM . . 1 II tint nitrl In Int n. nln.u lln Yoetitn, on the eM by Intid of Mninu. ,1 iinoob nn ihi south hr Innd nf Enthnm llnm. ton and t'rliis llnwer, and on the West by m of Levi Minup I eoniiiiuiiin iiiihii-vnk ACHKH nf lnnd, more or less, whereon sr. erected n Dwelling House, Bam. nnd other outbuilding". A 1. All that certain piece or pnrccl nf tuu4 sllimte In HnnrlnKereek township, Unlmiilii, county, Pa., bounded as follows, tn-wlt I On tin, east by In nd nf Charles HVIchart, and nn th south by land of Krunklln Ynriim ! Pnntslniiuf, ONE llt'.NHltKD and THIHTY-TWO ACHKK o MOUNTAIN LAND, more or less. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit n Alexander lillltneyer vs. P. 8. llnwer, c. I. How erntid William llower, and to be sold as tli property of P. K. Ilower. JOHN II. CANKY. lUi.nv IlminiMn. Hhertn". Attorneys. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue nf sundry writs of Fl. Ka. Issuod mu ot Hie I'ntirt ot Omnium Pleas of I'oliimliU 1 o l'n., mid to mi- dlrwtrtl thcrp will lr sold at t lie Court lloiist1 In HloomNbiiiy, Pa., on MONDAY, SKl'T. 28, 1S91, at JoVlock p. m., the following, nil Mini ci-rt itn lot or piece of land situate In Mudlsou township, Columbia County, l'a., hounnVU rs follows, to. wit : On tlie norlli by land of Connul Kniiiu r, on tlm Kast by land of Conrnd Kramer nnd Alli-n Phillips, on the 8011th by publlo road, and on West, by land of ,lobn Johnson, containing seventy-six acres of laud mow or less, hereon are erected a Dwelling House, Bam, nnd outbuildings. ALSO; All thnt certain lot or plii'o of land situate I Mudliton township, Columbia county, i'n., IkuiihIikI ns follows tivwlt : on the north ty WIlkes-llHrre K Western Hallmud Co,, on tin East hy public road, on the Houth and Weit by land of IT. J. C. Fruit, containing one acre ftnd more or less, whereon are erected a LARGE STEAM ROLLER CRIST MILL and outbuildings. Prized, taken Into execution at the suit Schaeffer, Merkel Co., vs. 8. Farnsworth an to be sold as the property of B. Farnswort h. JOHN It. CAMKY, Hherltr. WISTKKSTEKK, BBCELXT M'KlLLIP, Attorneys. REAL ESTATE POII SIM IN BLOOMSBURG. Main BtrrrL Desirable budding lot S0v.".l. price 11800. ' rtrtt Html Frame house, t rooms, lotttVc.1l, price HMO. fourth Btrtrt Large frame house, S rooms, lot loo feet front on street, prtoe ISffO. Fifth Street Large frame dwelling house, rooms, out-kltchen, barn, line fruit, Co., lot Tvi am, price UAon. Jfuln Arret Large (tore building, with dwell lug bouse on same lot, oorner lot fronting ei two streets, prloe l-woo. Ttlrd street. Large 8 room bouse, lot tiilli Price IS700. . x Swuwl Utrert, Katt qf fruit. Corner lot, SO tl front. I'rtee oa. Second street. Fine large residence, 11 rooms Ferry RtxiO. Two story bouse, lot feci deep, price tUL , exclusive ot bath room. 8 team, gas, sewer water and all modern Improvements. Tenant houses and a number ot vacant lots lu other parts of the town, all of which are tor sale on easy terms. For further particulars Inquire Fine Brick Kesldcnoe In Kspy Pa., Lot 9i feet front 10 room bouse, everything lngwd repair' recently papered and painted, well at doc.', cis tern, good stable and outbuildings, fruit of al kinds. Price tlMM. ieui Street, near Fifth Two story frame house, 10 rooms, bath-room, water-closet, hot and cold water up-stalrs and down, sewer, steam beat, electric light, and stationary mnite all In splendid condition. Large new stable ou lot, room for three horses. Terms easy and price low. i Ot WlNTKRSTKKN. BSRII.KT A M' First National Bank Building, !t- Bloomsburg, l'a- MI Ell 1 SALS. Well established, situated in Espy, Pa. All in good working order. CONSISTING OF MILL SHOPS, SHED AND DWELLING HOUSE. Office with all the fixtures Conncetal therewith, also tools, patterns titts &c. connected with the machines in the mill. The amount of Sales from this mill averarel whea lastlm Deration TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS A MONTH- Apply to, THOS. W. EDGAK, 317 Spruce St. Scranton. June 17 6-m. 1