The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 31, 1891, Image 8

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    tuc mi TUim wT
Farm For Sale.
0 acres in Flshlng-crcek township, col. Co
ne mile from Van Camp, Ne.v Columb'it Slid
Cambra. Fair building, good water, nne orvh
nrd. No. 1 grass farm, will sell at a bargain up
on easy terms. Will exchange upon property
Bloomsburg. Call upon or address
Bloomsburg, Ta.
For 8At Desirable vacant lots and a num
ber of good bouses and lots In Ttloomsburg. The
best business stand In ltloorasburg-. A very de
sirable property In Willow Grove, flrst-clnss
buildings and It acres of land. Dwellings In
Espy. Ten good farms In Columbia county, one
In Luzerne county, one In Virginia and two In
Kansas. One country store stand In Columbia
county and one In Luzerne county, 8 grist mills
In Columbia county, by ,
Insurance and Real Estate Agt, Bloomsburg Fa.,
The Shickshinny and Bloomsburg
base ball clubs will play a game at
cemrai oaiurciay aiternoon.
M. E. Cox is a candidate for nom
ination as jury commissioner at the
Democratic county convention.
The declining powers of old age
may be wonderfully recuperated and
sustained by the daily use of Hood's
The young ladies of the Baptist
church will hold a festival on the
church lawn Friday and Saturday even
' ing August 7th and 8th.
Free Concert at Rupert Grove
Thursday evening, commencing 7:30;
Preaching next Sunday by Revs. I. B.
Till of Wilkes-Barre and D. S. Bentlcy
of Pittsburg.
J. R. Artope.
The Presbyterian Sunday School will
take a picnic excursion to Millvillc,
Thursday next, August 6th. Train
will leave Bloomsburg at 8 o'clock.
Tickets for round trip socts. There
will be no change of cars.
Eleven fonts of new type, and new
card ornamenents and borders have
just been added to our job department
: which contains over two hundred styles
of type of all sizes. The Columbian
office is prepared to print check books,
order books, bonds, drafts, or any kind
of printing that can be done any where,
and at the lowest prices. Get our fig
ures and samples before sending to the
city for your work.
Mme Hermann Bollini, composer,
lately from Paris will give instructions
on the piano or organ in melody and
narmony under the celebrated method
; of her professor, Lefebre Wely. She al
to gives instructions with the purest
accent in French, Spanish and Italian.
. Engagements must be made for not less
. Ulan I months at cme rinllar nr loaertn
4 nose aesinng 10 make engagements
will please address Mme Bollini,
Bloomsburtr. Pa. . r
j . .
.' 1 i
' -' ;: Agreeable.
" To the taste is Manners' Double
Extract for the blood. Its action its
&1 V 1- ! -II . 1
n uic uuwcis erccis aii outers 01 or
1 kind, as it contains no merr.nrv nn-
aioes. unce tried and it can always
be relied upon. Manners' Double
Extract Sarsaparilla can be found at
'all drug stores. : Price 50c a bottle.
nm k wujici jdiub., uiug oiurc.
'. Daniel Hess of Mifflin met with a
serious accident last week, Monday
while driving a mower, on his farm at
' Stony town ferry. He reached over
to loosen some grass from the knives,
and his foot slipped and he fell from
his seat. The knives caught one of
his legs and cut him just above the
heel, to the bone, severing the cord.
Mr. Hess unhitched his team and
drove home, and Dr. Hower was call
ed in and dressed the wound. It will
probably be several months before Mr.
Hess will have the use of his leg. -
, . The vault of the Farmers National
Bank contains fifty lock boxes, which
are for rent at nnVf rnncrinir fmm
$3.00 to $6.00 a year. There are two
at the bank and one is carried by the
owner of the box. More than half
have already been rented. tf.
Never mind 1 Never mind what the
people say, it is a fact nevertheless
that the Popular News Agent, has ad
ded to an already well selected stock
of Games, Books Novels, &c wall
paper, ueauuiui oesigns ana at very
reasonable prices. Call and examine
just a few doors below Market street
Dr. Meeker's Medicines are pure
and a sure cure for whatever the claim.
Lung tonic for colds. Speedy relief
for pains, internal and external.
Blackberry Cordral for bowel com
plaints, for young and old. Every
oottle guaranteed. For sale by all
. druggists. Manufactured by H. C. &i
J. A. Olmstead. Williamsport, Pa.
All put up in as and 50 cts bottles.
6-19-1 yr. i
" ' Husband and Wife. '
Have more than once been saved by
timely use of Kemp's Balsam for the
throat and lungs, after all other remed
ies have been tried in vain. The Bal
sam stops decay . of the lungs and
1 cures influenza and acute and chronic
coughs. There is no other medicine
in the world that acts so promptly,
certainly none that does its work so
thoroughly as Kemp's Balsam. All
druggists sell it. Large bottles 50c.
. V . j 1
Colonel Leybourne's Tragic Act
at Rome.
Monetary Lone Ars Said to H Caused
Th Ant no Now Lie In Frtcarlnns
State and Cannot Possibly Rseovsrfrom
HI Injuries. ,
Rome, July 20. Colonel Leybourne, well
known in New York In connection with
the Catholic banking scheme, attempted
sulclds here in the Japanese style hari
karl, by disemboweling himself with a
nisor. Ha now Ilea In a very precarious
state, with little hopes of recovery. Money
losses are said to have been the cause of
the attempt. i
Colonel Loybourno's Career. '
Colonel George William Cameron Ley
bourne astonished the world nearly two
years ago by exploiting a scheme as daring
and as prodigious ns any In the annals of
It was nothing less than the organisa
tion of an International Catholic bank
with headquarters at Rome and subordi
nate houses at New York, City of Mexico,
Caracas, Iquique, Duenos Ayres, Rio Ja
neiro, Valparaiso, Madrid, Vienna, Paris,
London, Bombay and Melbourne. His idea
was to unite the strength of Catholic capi
talists the world over, and to make the
capital stock of this great company a cool
It Attracted Much Attention.
The story of this project was first pub
lished in the papers of New York. Ley
bourne explained all its details and got a
great deal of spare. The list of nnmes of
men who were alleged to le behind the
plan was as startling as the plnn itself.
First of all, it was to have the direct and
public sanction of the Vatican. This was
said to have been already secured. Great
Catholic bankers in London and In Paris
were to throw all their energies and all
their resources into it. Patricio Kelly, the
biggest financier of the City of Mexico,
was with the colonel; Archbishop Corri
gan, of New York, and his brother-in-law,
Kugene Kelly; Archbishop Ireland, of St.
Paul; Archbishop Finn, of Chicago, and
other prelates were mentioned.
It was announced thnt ex-Mayor Wil
liam R. Grace, Henry Hoguet, Joseph .1.
Donohuo and other well known Catholic
bankers in New York were said to be deep
ly interested.
A Pretty Ftnry.
It was a pretty story and good reading.
But no sooner had it been published than
denials came in thick and fast. Archbishop
Corrigau didn't know Leybourne. Arch
bishop Ireland never had heard of him.
Cardinal Secchnri cabled from Rome that
as secretary of the Index at the Vatican
he had seen no reason to put any confi
dence in Leybourne. Everybody men
tioned denied the story in toto.
Little is known of Colonel Ty bourne
personally In New. York. He lived in an ex
ceedingly economical way in a boarding
house at 183 East Twenty-sixth street.
He bad as "agents" George A. Kowe, an
engraver, who lived on the top floor of 10
tM '.twenty-first street, and Kufus W.
Leavitt, who lived in Flushing, aud had
deskroom in the Boreel building.
Badly Wonuded.
Leybourne is a Scotchman of herculean
proportions and is sixty-two years old. He
stands 0 feet 8& inches high and weighs
40 pounds. He is aaid to have fought
through the Crimean and Franco-Prussian
wars. He belonged to the Royal engineers,
and has the Crimean medal with the words
Alma, Balaklava and Sebastopol" en
graved on the clasps.
He was badly wounded at Bnlaklava.
He also had the Baltic medal of 1854-1856,
and another, the Napoleon, for services at
Montabello, Palestro Turblgo, Margenta,
Marigan and Solferina After leaving the
army he spent most of his time in Turkey,
Persia and Egyyt building railroads and
following his profession oi civil engineer.
Lord Iloldon Mysteriously Disappears.
Boston, July 29. Lord Oscar Holdon.
of England, accompanied by his sister,
registered at the Hotel Tborndlke In this
city on July 81, and the following day he
left for Magnolia to pass a few days. Last
Sunday Lord Oscar mysteriously disap
peared, and nothing has been heard of him
since. His sister says he has been subject
to fits of melancholy and at times has
acted strangely. Detectives have been
employed to find him.
Bulmaeeda tn Search of Dacats.
Washington. July 28. Representatives
of the Chilian Insurgents here assert that
Vallenar and all the Huasco valley are in
the hands of the Insurgents or constitu
tional government. Balmaceda, they as
sert, is without money, and having failed
to negotiate recently a loan in Europe haa
endeavored to secure one in this country,
out nas lauea in tnis.
Attempt to Release Horr Most.
New York. July 29. Charles E. Le Bar-
bier has been retained by some of the
friends 01 John Most to make application
before the United States circuit court for
the release of Moat, on the ground that his
arrest was in violation of the provision of
the constitution of the' United States
which guarantees the right of free speech.
Farnell and the O'ghea Costs. '
London, July 29. The registrar in the
bankruptcy court held that Mr. Parnell's
objection to Captain O'Shea'a notice to
pay the costs in the recent divorce suit, on
the ground that he was not a resident in
England, Is untenable. It la atill open to
Mr. Parnell to appeal, otherwise he must
pay the costs or be declared a bankrupt. I
Dlaoa Whips Willis. ,
Ban Francisco, July 29. The prire
fight between George Dixon, of Boston,
and Abe Willis, of Australia, took place
at the gymnasium of the California Ath
letic club lust night for a purse of 15,000
and the bantam weight championship of
the world and was won by Dixon.
. I
, 1
To Bo Double Tracked.
DANBURT, Conn., July 20.-H has been
decided to double track the Danburyand
Norwalk division of the Housatonlo rail
way. Operations will begin this fall. The
business of the road has been too heavy
for a single track for a year or more.
Unfortunate Eloper. i
Philadelphia, July 2. Louisa Bog
gatt, aged sixteen, and Willium Belcher,'
tweuty-one years old, who eloped from
Cleveland Monday night, were arrested
here today and will be held nntil the ar
rival of oflicora from Cleveland.
What is
iVvvvJ.A.,VCv.Cvw . ?iW iSso) . 1 hi Ti mint ,r i
Castorla la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Intones
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotlo substance. i It la ft harmless substltuto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Costorla destroys WoVms and allays
fcvcrlshnoss. Castoria prevents .vomttlmj, Sour Curds .
cures Diarrhoea ' and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures ; constipation and flatulency.
Cafltoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
And bowels, giving healthy and' natural sleep. Cos
toria Is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
" Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children.' . i
Da. O. C. Osgood, I
Lowell, Mass.
Castoria Is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of the vaiiousquack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium)
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves." t
Do. J. F. KiKcncLos,
Conway, Ark,
The) Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, Now York City,
reafc Eemnant Sale
, . y ......
Of Fine Dress Goods ' 1
You will have a great chance all this month, to e-et vour
choice of a lot of fine Dress Goods, Domestics, Prints,
Ginghams, Wash Goods etc. ; These remnants and odd pieces
are from 1 yard to 15 yards each. So if you have use for
remnants oi any Kind you will surely hnd just what you want.
As the sale goes on new pieces will be added each day, so as
to give you a, good choice whenever you come. This sale of
remnants will continue during the month of July only;
Ladies Ribbed Cotton Vests to go at 8c each special . value
Ladies Ribbed V ests loc each.
Misses Mull Hats Shirred rim Tarn O'Shantef crown in
plain white and fancv to go at 25i each, ; would Abe i considered
good value at 39c. i i fll
Misses Mull Hats with embroidered crown 'r shirred rim
and bow to go at 50c each would be cheap at 75c. j
Misses Silk Hats Shirred rim with lace full crown to go
at 95c each worth 1.25. Misses Red Hats - with"1 embroidered
crown the very latest out 50c each hard to find better' at 75c. 1
lo keep the Hair in nealthy condition try Kum and
Quinine 5c a bottle. For Headache use Oak Lavender Salts
25 and 50c a bottle. Witch Hazel 25c a bottle. ; Bias Velve
teen Dress facing in all shades 18c a piece. ' '
Entrance On
Estate Uf Geo. Joorc, o Sitgarlovf toxenthtp. '
Notice Is hereby given thut letUrs of adminis
tration on tlie esuite ot (ho. Moore, lute ot
Hngurlout iwk Col. Co. Pn., rteceawrt, have been
granted to the underxltrned administrator to
whom all pentons Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make puyiueulH, und those havluK
claims or deniHiidH will make known the sumo
without delay lo
or to A .K. PENINOTON,
A. L. Fkitb, Administrator. 1
Atty, Falrmouut boring's. .
Sealed pronoKals will be received at the odlee
of the Hecriiiary o( the Town Council of the
Town or llloomxburg I'a., until twelve o'clock
noon ot AUKUHt nth. IHtll for ftirnlKhlnir and lay
lnir complete a vlirlllcU terra cotu sewer pipe to
convey surfuce water from a point In the rear ot
the lllooiiiHhurir Car t'o'a. works to the Hortu
Ilrunch cauula dlHtance ot lUTK feet, .
The contractor to furntxh pipe and all mater
IhIh, trench and refill ditches and finish the
wook complete, under the supervision and sub
ject to t he approval of the Town Engineer, who
will, at the exnmise of the Town, do what en
gineering Is neceHsary to the prosecution of the
work. Hcparate bids will be received for laying
a mi Inch und also a HI inch pipe. Profile cun be
seen at me onii'e or .1. c. tirown, 1 own tcuincer.
The successful Wilder to give bond with ap
proved security. The Council reserve the rltfut
lo reject any or all bids.
Hu'.'ictary. 1'res't, Couuoll.
July in, IBM.
Leasts for sale at this office, r 3 cts
each, 30 cents a dozen. . tf.
Castoria. ' l
. i
." Castoria Is so well adapted to children thai
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." ,
1 ' IT. A. Ascbbb, M. D. '
111 80. Oxford Bt , Brooklyn, N. T.
' " Our physicians In the ehll(lren"a depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with CaMoilt,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look; with
favor upon it." ' ,. 1.. lv
(UsiTXD IIosr.-rAb axd Disranuar,
- 1 . fosion,
Aluw C. 8rrn, Prtt.,
Better ones at 25 to 75c each.
Both Streets.
Real Estate. .
The understgded trustee '.to sell the real es
tate of Elizabeth Oearhart, late ot Hlffiln town
ship, Columbia Co., deceased, will expose to
public sale on the premises tn Mirain township,
FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1891,
at o'clock p.m., the following described real
estate, to-wlt A farm adjoining the land of
Isaao Bchweppenhelser, Htephen Oearhart,
Lawrence Hingley, and Buinuet Knecht, con
, 58 Acres,
more or less, whereon are erected a S-Ptory
Dwelling House;
Bank Barn and other outbuildings, j
' TIRMBOF SALE. Ten per. cent, of one.
fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at the
striking down of the property the one-fourth
less the ten per cenu at the. confirmation of
sale, and the remaining three-fourths in one
year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation
B. FHANK ZAKH, Trustee,
Attorney. . '
ron sals in
Jfnfn Street. rtcslrablo btilldlng lot 60x214,
price V'3M.
t'tret Street Frnmo house, 6 rooms, lot 30x214,
price flaw.
Fourth street Large frnmo house, S rooms, lot
ion feet front on street, price
Vlth Street Large frnmo dwelling house,
rooms, out-kltchen, barn, fine fruit, tc, lot 7VX
o, price t-ifloo.
Main stiiet Large store building, with dwell
Ing house on sumo lot, corner lot fronting ol
two streets, price I loot).
Thlr Street. Large 8 room house, lot toxiU
Price SOTO.
St rof.d street, Katt ifrenn. corner lot, 50 ft
front. Price t-snn.
SAviid street. Fine largo residence, 11 rooms
Vrrt BoY7(f. Two story house, lot 4(M feet
deep, price fflno. 1
exclusive of bath room. Btcnm, gxs, sewer,
wnter and all modern Improvements.
Tenant houses and a number of vacant lots In
other part Of tho town, all of which arc for sale
on easy terms. For further part Iculnrs Inquire
Fine Brick Residence In Kspy Pa., Lot W feet
front. I" room house, everything In good repair'
recently pnpered and pnlnted, well at door, cis
tern, good stable and outbuildings, fruit of all
kinds. Price aiaon.
Iron Street, nnir Fifth Two ' story frnmo
house, 10 rooms, bath-room, water-closet, hot
and cold water up-stalrs unci down, sewer,
steam heat, electric light, and stationary range,
all In splendid condition. Large new stable on
lot, room for three horses. Terms ensy and
price low. .
Of . 1 WlNTCRSTttX, BBrkl.ET AM'KlI.Mr.
First National Bank Building,
tf. Bloomsburg, I'a.
Well established, situated in
Espy, Pa.
All in good working order.
Office with all the fixtures Connected
therewith, also tools, patterns,
bitts &c, connected with
the machines in
the mill.
The amount of Sales from this mill
averaged when last in operation
Apply to, THOS. W. EDGAR,
317 Spruce St. Scranton.
June 17 6-m.
By virtue of sundry writ of Pi. Fa. Issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of coL Co., Pa.,
and to me directed, there will bo sold tn the
menu s oruce, in tne court House, Bloomsburg
Pa., on
at 10 o'clock a. m., the following :V All the right
uue ana interest 01 John stickle the defendant
of In and to.
AU that certain piece or parcel of land situate
In the town of Bloomsburg, fa., bounded on the
north by Fifth street, on the east by East St.,
on the south bv Henry Kesty and on the west
by an alley, being twenty-two and a half feet
on East St., and one hundred and ninety-eight
feet deep and sixty feet on an alley, whereon
are erected a two story frame store building,
uweiung nouse ana outbuildings.
Hcizea, taken Into execution at the Bult of
Wm. Krlckbaum and Sarah A. Iwl-oWu
versus John Stickle, and to be sold as the pro-
irorijr 01 UUUU BUCKIO.
Atty. Bherlir.
Be it orOaiHed and enacted bp tin Town Cmin.
ell 0 th Tutm 0 sioDiimborg and it is ItereOy
krctiok 1. That no hawking or peddling of
ucmn, unn,, spicee, iruus. vegetitl)le or
i h"i"" sua 11 ut any time be allowed In
the Town of Hloomitburg by any one excepting
violating this ordinance shall on conviction be
fore the President, of the Town Council forfeit
and puy a tine of five dollars with costs for each
ofTense. All ordinances or supplement thereto
not In conformity with this ordluuuoa are re.
iuTmu moetlll!r ot Town Council hold
A11"11" P. H. 1UKM AN
W. B. CUMMINOH, Frest. 6f,Councll.
KutaUqr Andrew Runyan, eecettsed.
The undersigned auditor appointed bv the Or.
Khuns Court of Columbia county, to make dlstrl.
utlon of the funds In the hamlx of the adiululs
tratlor, will sit at his olllce In HKmmsburg, pal
pn Saturday, August 15th lW at 10 o'clock a. in.
to nerf)nn the duties ot his appolutment, when
and where all persons having claims upon suld
fund must appear and prove tho sumo or be de
burred from any share of said fund,
'-Wl Auditor
7 fl 11 V W H I IT " you contemplate ft
I U U If 111 A Al tentUn Commercial
ITY U'fore deciding where, though you may live
a thousand miles away. It stanus at tie head
of the list of commercial schools in IU charact
er as an educational force, as a medium for
supplying the busluoss men of the country with
trained and capable awlstunts, its a means of
placing ambitious young and wom.m
on tho high road to snooeh". and In the ex nt
elegance and cost of tut equipment. ThorootJi
CAL ENGLISH COUHSK8 The TVentv-sitventh
Annual Catalogue will be mailed to any sdd?eJ
Williams & Rogers, H$JBn .
It your indiv'nlual trade 1 liul your t-tij.
loin, your neighbor's and that of your
friends, make tip the sum total of our liujj.
ness. Do you see the importance of out
pleasing you t Our success dcicntU en
tirely upon a pood reputation. This jt
largely the result of an cui'liange of opinions.
Hence our cflorts lo satisfy tacit customer,
be his purchase of liread, Cakes, Confection
ery and Ice Cream larije or small. Our
greatest gratification is winning a permanent
wtron through a transient sale. e would
ike lo secure YOU in that way.
linkers and SITg Confectioners,
IE! II!! I! MI
CoaacneiEg Jff V 00
Tuesday, UULI1
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
The Most Dazzling, Kealistic
and Magnificent Scene Ever
Shown to the Public.
350Perform'r on the Open Air Stage.ggfl
Realistic Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
Monster Display of Fireworks.
Ceneral admission, 60 cts.
Reserved Seats, . - 75 cts.
Box Seats - - - SI.OO
Single Fare for roun d Trip on
all Roads Entering Scrantcn.
Apply to Your Nearest Station Agent.
In case of Rain, tickets good for the nett
clear night.
For the Accommodation of patrons
on the Bloomsburg Division, special
trains, returning, will leave Scranton
at ii : 15 p. m. as follows :
For Plymouth and wav stations,
July 38 and 30! August 1, 4, 6, 8, n,
13, 15 and 18th.
For Northumberland and way
stations, August 4, 8 and 13th.
Tickets good for use on all trains
on day of issue and for Return Trip
on next succeeding day.
turnl Implement Exhibition at Mt. (ireim
Park, Lebalion County, Pa.. Auirust is to
Jl. , Openlntt services Hunday, Aukusi l, Ml
P, M. Hermon by Rev. Chas. K. lloems, 1). D.,rt
Newora. Music by Lebanon Choral isoclei;.
ProKraninie for trie Week.
MONDAY Meeting at AudlWrlum at P.
with address by Prest- Jas. . MeSpamt
and nt hers. Musln by the Hand and Suuifr
ern Plantation Jubilee wingers,
TUESDAY Gov. U. K. Paulson : Gen. J. P, I
Gobln, Lebanon Co. : t'oL Frank Manta.
Crawford to. ;J.o. Krlner, Frankllu w;
wm. M. Derr, sq., Lebanon Co.
WEDNK8DAY J. T. Allman, Lecturer of Pi
Htatc Grttnge j Hon. Oeerard C. Brown, Yort
Co. ; I), p. Forney, Adauis Co. ; J. A. liuml'
1 nlon Co. ; N. A. Dunnlnjr, Washlniflnn ft
C. : Wm. M. HennluKer, orthaniun
dclresl In German.
THUKMDAY tJen. D. H. Hastings, Centre Co. :
Hoa. Chnfucey V. blatk, York Co. i Kcv.
W. Atherton, l. I)., 1 L. 1)., Prest.
Htatc Colleire j I. 8. Kraln, llaaler I'omoM
Grunge, ceutre Co. ; lion. Marrlot liroslui
M, c, Lancaster Co.
FRIDAY Hon. wm. A. Peffer, U. 8. Senator.
Kansas ; Hon. J. II. Brlghum, Muster Na
tional orange, onio j turn. 4er. Simpson
M. C Kansas ; Hon. Leouurd Rhone, Mi
ter Pa. Ktato Gruntre : J. II. Turner. Hfiw
tiiry National Farmers' Alliance and IiiUuir
trial Union. t
SATURDAY Gmnd Vocal and
Concerts and t losing Addresses by Membrn
o( the AnxocUium.
The nroceeaiiiL'8 each day will be lnlersperswl
with MumIo by r Im-Cliiss Brass Bands ami Vo
cal and Instrumental Concerts by the Ureal
Southern Plantations Jubilee Singers.
Low Kxcurittou Hpeelnl Trains throufH
to Mt. Gretna Park vtt
Rates). Pennsylvnnln, t'liiuber-
.. . luudaud Phlludelplil
Reading ltiillroads. See Itailioad Postern W
iiiim uiui rates.
A'oFukirt or SiU Slwwi Allowed on
Seeuretent aeeomtii'Mlntlons at once on UP-
nllcul ton tn 1. R la tlv i,i ,v iuni u.. Aif(-U(i
Cornwull ; Ilutnnn Rallroiid, Lebauoii. Pa-
,r,:rl"'n',nl1 Information unnly to
MEL, Geuerul Manager, P. c Box . Uuttf
NED IRISH. h n nnunoX.
Genl. Supt. - tienl. Tass. Aire
Lebanon, Pa.
June W m-
wwrlos quslitlss ar anaurpuud, actuiJW
euUutlu two boxes of any other brand. I1"
ffeoud br heat. trUKT Til li UK.H l l