No. 187. CrotMWord Enigma. .In help, but not in aid. in Indy, but not In maid. In rapid, but not in slow. In rich, but not in poor. In bitter, but not in sweet. In mow, but not in sleet. In minute, but not In Wiur. In might, but not in power. My whole names a spring flower. No. 158. Innb1e Acrostic. Tho words are of ihicur1 lenKth: 1. Up tight. II To instruct, H. In music, slow. 4. To deliver. 6. A pirtleu plant. 6. A Yssert. 7... To entreat. 8. A raft. 9. An Intimation. 10. Profundity. 11. A news paper. 13. To absorb. Prlmrtls An Amer ican author. Finals An English author. Both great favorites with young people. - , No. ISO. Nnmrrlcal Enlgism. My whal, oornponed of 80 letters, is n quotation from Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice." r My 2, t. 5, 90, 24 t to frequent. , My 14, 7, 0, 28, 30 is an animal of Africa. My 4, 5, 21, 1, 30 Is a share. ; My 10, 23, 13, ST, 13, 89 Is war. My 28, 8, 25, 0 is an honorary title given to kings. My 16, 11, 10 is shy.. . My W, 18, 1, 9, 17 is foggy. jo. iuo. cnaraae. I am a word of syllables three. . My first is to steady me. .' My second Is used fr camping ont.: My tlilrrl is intended without doubt. Find my whole if you can; If you llnd it you'll be a happy man. " ' No. 161. Drop Letter l'rorerb.' W-e-e-K-o-a-o-l-b-i-s-i-f-l-y-o-e-i-o. -r . No. 103. A Geographical 1'uzzle. From 25 to 1, the "Athena of America;" 26 to 8, a Scandinavian town; 26 to S, a gnlf ef the Indian ocean; 25 to 7, an Atlantic bay; 25 to ft, a law island; 25 to 11, a city f South America; 25 to 13, a city of Ger many; 25 to 15, an Asiatic country; 25 to 17, a range of mountains in Europe; 25 to 19, a city in Germany; 25 to 21, a city In In dia; 25 to 23, a city In Maine; 8 to 5, a coon try in Africa; 7 to 9, the former nam of a erty In Japan; U to 13, a town in Ohio; 15 to 17, a lake in North America; 19 to 21, a town in France; 23 to 1, a city in France; from 4 to 0, a fainoas volcano; from 8 to 10, a town of Syria; from 13 to 14, an ancient city, famous for its paiple dye; from 16 to 1$, one of the great divisions of the globe; from 80 to 22, one of -the United States; from 34 to 9, one of the United States. St. Nicholas. -.- ' j ! No. -MS. Famous Cngllsh Authors. 1. What author was Qt to eatr 8. What author waa head of the Romish abarohr ' . ' 8. What author was fleet of foot? 4. What author had charge of the wine eellarr ',;. .- , , 6. What author waa a door fastening? 6. What author made elothesf 7. What author was a dark concretion of urthr ,v ,. , 1 ' . ' Obseura Points Hade CUar. Why do we buy shoes? Because we can not get them for nothing? What table has not a leg to stand upon? The multiplication table. What most resembles a cat looking out of a garret window, amid a sheltering bower of jasamine and woodbine? A cat looking into a garret window under the ame circumstances. Why is the root of the tongue like a de jected man? Because It's down in the mouth. Why is a dog's tail a great novelty? Be cause no one ever saw it before. Why is a comet more like a dog than the dog star? Because it has a tail, and the dog star hasn't I (Oh, yes, but the comet is merely a tem aorary institution, while the dog star, you know, is a real sky tarrier.) An Kasy Way to Fire Op. In Greenland tis so very cold That each newspaper Solon, In almost every line he writes. Must pause to put the i Key to tbe Fuzzier. No. 148. An Eggs-act Transaction: She bad seven nt first. To the first customer she sold 8X and K 4 9the second she sold IX and Hi TO the third she soUl.... Knd;-1 1 No. 149. Hour Gloss Illustrated: HANDLES 0 A R D MAT a BOB 0 B O P S B V H N B 8 s Ho. 150. Double Acrostic: Calais. Ed ml 1. C a n u t E. 2. A 1 f r e D. 8. LiulitugoW. 4. A r m a d A. 5. IdolatoR. 0. ScotlauD. No. 151. AnagraminAticali Isothermal. Mo. 153. Connected Syllables: tt A I M E N T MENTAL. ALDER. DERRICK. Jfo. 153. Easy Word Squares: KIRK OPEN IRON POLE ROPE ELMS XL Bt Hi a a a d i Mo. 154. Numerical Enigma: BohnatraV No. 156. A Word Change Read, Band, Eftad. Ring. Sing. No. lfio. Decapitations: B-awt, Vround, P-altar, &aay Bxrmc. Apathy of Americans Regarding Public Rights. The apathy of the American citizen at large as to public rights has also been a matter of remark, as contras ted with the tone prevailing in Eng land in that regard, or in this country (luring the post-revolutionary period. Public action is shirked, and peo ple of education and character, through apathy or absorption in priv ate interests, allow themselves to be governed by vicious dcspoilers. The Irish people, who have immigrated here in herds, with their energy and cohesive force, have utterly driven, fo far as tur seaboard cities are con cerned, the old colonial decendents from the administration of public affairs- As regards the city of New York, which may be considered typi cal in this matter, Prof. Bryce, the philosophic English observer, remarks that there exists in that city "such a witches' Sabbath of jobbing, bribing, thieving, and prostitution of legislative power to private interest as the world has seldom ' seen." The above criti cism applies also, in a great measure, to national politics, and the present jobbery and , general venality are in terrible contrast with the high-minded and patriotic administration of public affairs during the early years 'of the Republic. Even the upper chamber of our national Sanhedrin is now no toriously filled, with some exceptions, by men who have gained their legisla tive places through their enormous wealth, which has been so applied , as to crush competition, and legislative action, there, is now controlled mainly by those whose merit is neither char acter or statemanship.' A former clerk of the United States Senate recently stated that national politics were dy ing out at Washington. "It is rare to find a man," said he, "in cither branch of Congress,, who engages in legisla tion with anything but a personal view." From ",Srwic American Change" bi James W. Gerard, in July J.ip pincott's. Do You Cough? Don't delay. Take Kemp's Bal sam, the best cough cure. It will cure your coughs and colds. It will cure sore throat or a tickling in the throat. It will cure pains in the chest, It will cure influenza and bronchitis, and all diseases pertaining to the Lungs because it is a pure Balsam. Hold it to the light and see how clear and thick it is. You will see the ex cellent effect after taking the first dose. Large bottles 50c and $1, Doctor "There, get that prescrip tion filled, and take a teaspoonful three times a day before meals." Pau per Patient "But, doctor, 1 don't get but one meal in two days." Texas JSif tings. , When a ladv of uncertain aee tells you coyly that she has seen twenty- seven summers it is aitogetner impo lite to ask her how the last one of the twenty seven looked. Oomerville Journal. "Did you enjoy the circus, Johnny ?" "Verv much. I had a ride on a big leather animal with a snake on its nose." Puck. Farmer "Did that tramp over yon der leave this house ?'' Wife "Yes ; but he took our money with him." Nero York Journal. I Was a Fool Yes thev said I was a fool not to try Sulphur Bitters for Rheumatism, from which I had suffered over two vears : but I had tried so many doctors and medicines without getting relief that I was discouraged. 1 am now on my fourth bottle and almost cured. I was a fool that I did not try that wonderful remedy before. U, G. Pratt, Manchester, N. 11. 6-a6-2t, You can never lift a mortgage by pulling at a bottle. Elmira Gazette. "What is a skin game ?" asks a cor respondent. A skin game is one where the other man makes all the money. New York Recorder. Teacher "Now, then, who can tell me the plural of 'child ?' " The Bright Pupil "Twins." Paris Figaro. Tbe Great Benefit Which neoDle in run down state of health derive from Hood's Sarsaparil- la, conclusively proves that tnis medi cine "makes the weak strong." It does not act like a stimulant, impart ing fictitious strength, but Hood's Sar saparilla builds up in a perfectly nat ural wav all the weakened parts, puri fies the blood, and assists to healthy action those important organs, tne kidneys and liver. Fourth of July Excursions on the Pennsyl vania Railroad. nf the usual custom the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets for the Fourth of July holiday between all tatinns nn its svstem east of Pittsburg and Erie, at a rate of two cents per mile. The tickets will pe sold on July 3rd and 4th, and will be valid for .return until July 7th, 1891, inclusive. Children Cry for Piter??!" iatr!i: How's Thiel? We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh urc. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To- lecio, u. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him nerfertlv hnnnrahlp in nil business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free.- Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. 6-19 4t. Mizpah Say (the evening before her wedding) "Suppose the. minister should want to kiss me after the cere mony, dear, what shall I do?" Miss Vinnie Garr (her dear friend) "He won't want to." New York Press. i . , "No, mum," said Bridget, I don't brine any reference. I don't think you would care for the opinions of some of the persons I have been work ing for." And Bridget ' was promptly engaged. New York Recorder. Boggs "An American girl always makes a bargain when she marries a lord." Fogg "How do you make that out ?" Boggs Because he is cheap at any price." Fif'n. My Family Doctor. For the last two years has been Sul phur Bitters, and until I began using them in my family, wc had more or less sickness, and our doctor's bill has been very large. Since we began their use, we have had no doctor to pay, and three dollars invested in Sul phur Bitters has kept health in our family. F Knott, Postmaster, Wa verly, Iowa. 6-26-2t. FOR THE BLOOD- 9 A- Constipation, Lame Back and Headache it proves its worth in one dose as it will cure the worst cases of Billious troubles. Manners' Double Extract Sarsaparilla can be given to children as well as to adults. Mrs. Thos. Morton, of Avoca, Pa., says that it is the best for constipated children For Pimples, Boils, Rash and Eczema it cannot be beat.. For Erysipelas, Scrofula and Salt Rheum it has no equal. Once tried and it proves the home friend. If your druggist does not keep it, have him get it for you, and you will never regret it. For sale by all druggists, also at Moyer Bros., Wholesale & Retail, Druggists. Price 50c a bottle. (DUKE tUck Eesdscheand relieve U the troubles met dent to a bilious stato of the system, euoh tm Ditzlneu, Nauaea, Drowalnoss, Dlitraaa arte eating, tain In tbe Side, ao. Whilo tbelrmost Remarkable suocea baa boon shown iu curing Seaflaehe, rot Carter's Little Liver Fills M equally valuable in Constipation, enringand pre venting this annoying complaint, wblle they alas correct alldiaordura of tbestomacbtimulate tbe liver and regulato tbe bowels. fiveuU they only HEAD laebstbey wooldbealmostprloeleasto those wh 'Sulfur fromtbladiatresslngcomplatnti but for tu ,SiatelytbelrgoodueBSdousnotendhere,anUthoia Who once try them will find these little pills valu able In ao many waya that they will not bo wil ling to do without thorn. But slter aUslckbaad la the bans of so many lives that hers Is where We make our great Maat. vox puia cure It while Othere do not. Carter's LltUo Liver Pills are very small and verv eaav to take. One or two nlUs makes dose. They are striotly vegetable and do not gripe or fiarge, but by their gontle action please all who) oaetbem. In viaUat iiSoentei Ave for $1. Sold ty drogiiiata STsrTwhere, or aaut by ""'1, CARTER MIOIOINI CO., New York! SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE PILES A VARRI8 M (fives Instant rouei ana is an luimunie Cantor Plica, Priucjl. By prutftriHtsormall. Samples fra.AddrcssuANAKIttl8, Sox Mia, NewJTork City. KITTLE.', '3a5n puts. J "1 KITCHEN'S DOG is on the watch for impostors and has found one in the shape of a "concern that claims to make more Binder Twine every year than all the other factor ies combined." Don't be in fluenced by such misleading statements, but procure your twine ot manufacturers whose standing and reputation are a guarantee for their veracity. We handle the ' Famous Flower Brands of Binder Twine made by VVm. Deering & Co., who do not claim to make ''more twine than all the other factories combined" but who do claim to have made and sold in 1890, more twine than any other one concern in the world and their books will prove their assertion. Not only do we lead in "Quantity'' but also in "Qual ity" of our Twine. Some people don't like flowers. We do, and as the Golden Rod, Daisies and Lil lies are sources of pleasure and satisfaction, so also are the Deering twines sources of pleasure and satisfaction to them. Come and see us and we will sell you the longest, strongest, best and cheapest twine in the world. If you havn't time to come in, there is the Tost Umce A postal card costs only one cent send us a line and we will deliver the twine at your door as cheap as you can buy 11 anywnere in town. D. W. KITCHEN. ESQ'S I EGOS I From Barred "PLYMOUTH HOCKS." The Farmer Favorite, From RED CAPS, The Great Layers. AT PER 13, OR SO PER 26 EGOS. W. B. GERMAN, tf. MUlvUle, Fa. Th i GRrATruALTH UKM It. DDetizinaT. Hold by all d iy all dealers. beautiful Picture Delicious. Davrklinir. and Book mnd oardi Mtit t'UKK to any on Bending sddraM to the O. E. HIKES UO Philadelphia, Pa. HARD PUSHING. A. C.YATES & Co. HOW ONLY C0E1IEE 13th AND CHESTNUT STS. Tr WATERPROOF THAT 3Tpt to grot BE UP TO THE MARK JUL 1HDI HO LAUNDCBUta OAS R WKB GUAR M A MOMCHT. ! THO ONLY LI NON-LINED WATEIIPROOP COLLAR IN THD MARKET A FINE PIECE OF IS INDEED A LUXUFr FltJZER'S COMES AS NEAR.BEIN8 A FINE PIECE OF . ni ha a.UQBACCO AMONG DEALERS THESE GOODS ARE ON THE MARKET IN ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3x12 FULL 16 OZ. PLUG THE MOST CONVENIENT TO CUT IN POCKET PIECES OR CARRY WHOLE. J1I0. FDIZER A BROS., Louisville, Ky. J. R.Smith & Co. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DEALERS IN PIANOS, By tbe following well-known makers 1 Chickerint?, Knabe, "Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufact urers' prices. Do not buy a piano before getting our prices. getting our prices. o Catalogue and Price Lists On application. It requires "hard pushing' to dispose of poor wares. All sorts of schemes are devised to " palm off" inferior Cloth ing onto the unwary. At Yates', corner 13th and Chestnut Sts., schemes are not in vogue the goods sell them selves. They are gotten up with great care, are superior in every way and still are sold at moderate prices. COLLAR CUFF CAM BB RBLIBB Oil Clplltl to piaooiourl' TRADE J A I ' AND IS f? to KNOWN AS A ffS MAKE IT Tirana 1010 We are on top all the time and mean to stay there. That is in every thing except prices those are lower than anywhere else in this town. But we are known to be on top in the quality, make and appearance of ev erything we sell. Tip-lop goods at bottom rates are scarce try ours. E. JACOBS & SON, unkers and xi rg confectioners. NO. 130 WEST MAIN STREET. CLOTHING I CLOTHING! G. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. :-o-: GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits nade to.order at short notice and fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine the largest and best selected stock of goods ever shown in Columbia County. Store next door to First Nationa Bank. ' MAIN STREET, BloomsDursr Pa. Tha Best Burning Oil That Can be Made From Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimneys. . It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is pre-eminently a family safctv oil. We Challenge Comparison with an) other illuminating oil made. We stake our Reputation, as Refiners upon the statement that it is in the; world. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR. Crown - Acme ACME OIL COMPANY ELOOMSBURG,- 1A GRATEFUL - COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA ; BREAKFAST. ,.':..! 1 .... ....1 "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa. Mr. Epos has provided our breakfast tables with a deli cately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by t he Juaicloim use of such articles of diet that a oonstllutlon may be gradually built up until stroug enough to reKlKt every tendency to disease, iluudiwls of subtle maladies are nonillug around us ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point. V. e mav escatie manv a fatal shaft by keening our selves well fortltled with pure blood and a prop erly nourished frame." Civil i-lw Oatfitn. Made simply with bulling water or milk, bold only In halt pound tins, by grocers, labelled thus: JAM KM Kl'fS tic CO., PATENTS. Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for UoDEKATK FEES. OUK OFFICE IS OPPOSITE TUE U. 8. PAT ENT OFFICE. We have no sub-agencies, all business direct, hence can transact patent busi ness In less time and at Less Cost than those re mote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo, with descrip tion. We advise It patentable or not, free ot charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured A book, "How to Obtain Falenta,". with refer, ences to actual clients in your Btutu, couny , 01 town, sent free. Address - 1 - ' -' C. A. SNOW & CO,, Washington, D. C (Opposite V. S, Patent omce.) , , . . Haentze's Nervaline. A Purely Vioktabli Ms dicjx for th -NERVES an effect ual cure for Inflammation and Irritation ot tbe BLADDER, KIDNEYS and LIVER, Stone in tho Madder, Calculus, ciravel and Brlck-dnst Deposits, Weakness In Mules or Female. Ah a Restorative Tunic and a Hlood t'urirter It has no equal, creating a healthy apueiliu , and pure blood. ., PRICK SO CENTS. : If yonr druggist has not got It, ask him to get it tor you. Take no ot her. Made only by THE KAJ2NTZE "MEDICINE-' GO, PHILADELPHIA,' PA i , tr send for $i page Book, f ree to all.