The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 05, 1891, Image 8

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FarmPor Sale.
TO seres In Flshlngcreelc township, Col. Co
e mile from Van Camp, No C'olumb'u and
CamDra. Fair buildings, good water, fine orch
ard. No. 1 grass farm, will soil at a bargain up
an easy terms. Will exchange upon property
Bloomsburg. Call upon or address
Itloomsburg, Pa.
Fob Bali Desirable vacant lots and a n vim
bar of good houses and lots In Hloomsburg. The
best business stand In Bloomsburg. A very de
niable property In WUlow Grove, first-class
toUdinjrs and 11 acres of land. Dwellings In
Bapy. Ten good farms In Columbia county, one
la Ltuerne county, one in Virginia and two in
Kansas. One country store stand In Columbia
county and one In Luzerne county, 8 grist mills
la Columbia county, by
Insurance and Real Estate Agt, Bloomsburg Pa.,
Mr. Wm. M. Weaver has taken pos
sessoin of Wm. Chrisman's new house
north of first stieet
Blank School statements at this of
fice, 6o cents a dozen by mail. Ad
dress The Columbian. tf.
i a Cabinets for $i.oo for one week
alRoshon's Gallery, at Rosenstock's
old stand.
The Woman's Home and Foreign
Missionary Society of St. Mathew's
Lutheran church of Bloomsburg, will
hole its annual anniversary meeting
nextrSuaday .evening, June 7, at half
past seven o'clock. This meeting will
take the place of the regular evening
services. An address by the pastor's
wife, a yearly report of work done, a
full report of the proceedings of the
general society's convention at Can
ton, O , and good music will make the
meeting worth attending. All are
earnestly invited to be present.
Dyspepsia's victims are numbered
by the thousands. So are the people
who have been restored to health by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
12, 14, t6, and 18 ft. narrow and
wide boards; 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20
ft plank; 2x4, 2x5, 2x6 and 2x8 12,
14, 16, 18 and 20 ft. long; 3x4, 3x5,
3x6, and 3x8, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20
ft long; 5x6, 6x6, 6x8 and 8x8, 12,
14, 16, 18 and 20 ft long; 200,000 ft.
good shingle lath; 200000 ft. good
gauged sawed plastering lath and hair ;
Bevel J and ff dressed siding ; rough
and dressed lumber ; Pine, Hemlock
and Chestnut shingles ; A good as
sortment of white Pine surface Boards
6,8, to, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 18 and 20 in.
wide; Worked Flooring, Pine and
Chestnut wainscoating ; Pickets and
Posts 5 J Car load of good White
Ash lumber; Doors, Sash, Glass, Oils,
Paints, Iron, Steel, wrought and Wire
nails. At Silas Young's, Light Street
May 15-6-m.
What Was the Matter With Senators ?
It is only just in this connection to
remark that the House has shown it
self the superior body of the two, and
if the Senate had done equally well
there would be less for Republicans to
deplore and be ashamed of. The
Senators appear to have been the will
ing victims of execrable outside in
fluences to which they have yielded,
to the great damage of the Republican
party and the detriment of the inter
ests of the Commonwealth generally.
Scranton Republican.
A Real Balsam is Kemp's Balsam
The dictionary says, "A balsam is a
thick, pure aromatic substance flowing
from trees." Kemp's Balsam (or the
throat and lungs is the only cough
medicine that is a real balsam. Many
thin, watery cough remedies are called
halsams. but such are not. Look
through a bottle of Kemp's Balsam
and notice what a pure, thick prepa
ration it is. If you cough use Kemp's
Balsam. ' At all druggists'. Large
bottles 50 cents and $1.
H1H Explosive From Powder Guns.
While further experiments are to be
made with the pneumatic guns of the
Vesuvius, many naval officers believe that
guns of this type will be entirely super
aeded in a short time by the development
c a system of firing high exploHives from
a powder gun. The French have been
working on that line and claim extraor
dinary results with their explosive
known as melonite, the composition of
which is kept as closely secret as tlio in
gredients of their celebrated libel powder.
It is claimed for this compound tlint the
French have Ixsen able to throw rnelenit
shells from high power guns with veloci
ties as higli as 2,000 feet jx-r second, and
that 70 pound charges have been re
peatedly fired from howitzers with a ve
locity of nearly 1 ,800 feot jx-r second. The
ordinance bureau of the Navy Depart
ment has been engaged in siniilur experi
ments, and at the Newport Torpedo
Station succoeded in firing Emuiousim 25
times from a 20 pounder bronze rille, but
on the 25th round the shell exploded
in the gun. The explosion was attributed
to a defect in the shell. Good results
have also been attained with bellite, and
other compounds have been experimented
with. Improvements are being made in
these compounds from time to time, and
it is very probable that within the next
year or two high explosives will be fired
from powder guns with velocities approxi-
those attained by the ordinary
service chnrrs of
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
What is
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
fererishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Dlarrhcoa and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Gaitorta Is an exoollent medietas for chil
dren. Mothn hare repeatedly told me ot its
good effect upon their children."
Da. O. C. Osoood,
Lowell, MaM.
" Castorla Is the boat remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope tho day Is not
far distant when mothors will consider the real
Interest of their children, and use Castorla in
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their lorod ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature grave."
Da. J. F. KmcniLoc,
Conway, Ark.
Thi Centaar Company, TT Murray Street, New Tort City.
Adirondack to Be Preserved.
At Albany Attorney General Tabor
gave en opinion that the land commis
sioners had no right to grant State lands
to railroad corporations, and after the
public meeting to consider the applica
tion of the Adirondack and St. Lawrence
Railroad Company the board went into
secret session and decided to sustain the
attorney general. This decision gives
great satisfaction to the people who have
been so zealously trying to keep the great
North Woods (as much almost the pride
of the State as Niagara itself) from the
inroads of the lumber and railroad
vandals. The health giving wilds of the
Adirondacks will thus be preserved for
the people's use.
How Canadians Oct Money.
The Canadian fisheries renort eives the
total value of the fisheries for 1890 as (if,
714,902, an increase of 59,046. The total
value of the marine fur fishery in Bering
Sea and adjoining waters was $510,111,
showing a total catch of 54,858 seals. The
number of fur seal caught by foreign ves
sels and disposed of in Victoria was 8,474,
of which all but 264 were caught in Ber
ing Sea. The total value of the Cana
dian seal catch was increased f 177,661,
owing to the advance of $1 per skin and
the increase of 11.181 skins in the catch.
Death of Canada's Premier.
Sir John Maodonald, the Canadian pre
mier, who was prostrated last week,
suffered a stroke of paralysis and died
this week, the hemorrhage having ex
tended to the brain. The death of the
aged statesman precipitates a political
crisis in Canada. Sir JohnThOmas will
be called upon to form a cabinet, but an
early dissolution of parliament aud the
overthrow of the Tory party in the sub
sequent election are looked for.
Dr. Brigs Rejected.
The Presbyterian General Assembly,
in session at Detroit, by a vote of 440 to
SO, vetoed the appointment of Dr. Briggs
as professor of theology at the Union
Theological Seminary.
The Week' Latent Intelligence From
the Trade Center.
NEW YORK.-Floi-h, bto.-No. 1 Spring,
4.80; No. 1 Winter, e4.TR; CH y ptttonU, $5.U0;
Rye flour, superfine, $6.10. UnAlU Wheat,
So. 2 red. 51.18; ooru, No. 2,8c. i'ungraded
mixed, 70c.; oats. No. 9, Kc; white tte,
Vic. I'liovisiotts Laid, prima, (5.00; tallow,
6c.; hutter, creamery, Mc; State and
I'eiitiMylvHiilR, 19c.; oJioohc, full cream, O'tic;
skims. SK'C.; eggs, SOc. Hat and Htraw
No. 1 timothy, pur 101 pounds, 7'k; clover,
5V. : straw, No. 2 rye,70o.; oat, 45c.
CHICAGO. Grain Wheat, spring, 81.0454;
corn, ftOo,; oats, 47V4c; rjo, USe. 1'uu vis
ions Muhs pork, per bbl., 10. 75; lard,
110; hoirs, common, $4. 25; prlino, (4.10;
Iiih'I), $5.02; lambs, $0.75; steers, J5. SO; cows,
HAl-TIMORE. Grain Southern wheat,
(1. 15; corn, yellow, ttilc. ; white, 67c. oats,
unKrutled Mouthern and Penusylvaulo, 65c.
Thovihionh butter, creamery, lBo.i roll, 15rf.;
etfgH, lite.
It is conceded beyond n doubt t hut f-niienta
tlon (microbes) is the causo o( all dlxfasc, mid
we claim thut no mcdliilnc can euro disc use un
less 11 him the combined qualities of u lii.oou
PURiriBH, Antihki'tic and Tonic. This power,
ful combination stops fermentation and arrests
decay, thereby assisting nature to cure. We
will mall you circulars free, explaining the germ
theory of disease.
O. A. McKELVV, Bloomsburg, Pa., or
June 5-4tMt 7 Lalgbt Bt,, New York City.
" Castorla is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me."
n. A. Archm, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford 8t, Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment hare spoken highly of their expert,
ence in their outside practice with CostorR,
and although we only bare among ovr
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confos that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
Unitsd Hospital and Dispsssabt,
Boston, Mass.
Ai.lkn C. Smith, V.,
wn Mil,
If you contemplate nt-
t. nnrltlicr f'nminnnifiil
Jschonl. ll ivlll nnv vnti
to visit the Horn KST Kit IK'sINK I'XIVKKH
1TY before deciding where, though you may live
n thousand miles away, it stands at tlmt heart
of the list of commercial schools In Us charact
er bm an educational force, as a medium for
supplying the business men of the country with
trained and capable assistants, as a means of
placing ambitious young men and young women
011 iiiu uigu nun 10 success, ana 111 ine extent
elegance and cost of Its equipment. Thorough
CAL ENitLIslI OOritKKS The Twenty-seventh
Annual Catalogue will be mailed to any address.
Williams & Rogers, hiteh,
ipT'TrmC'inakolool'KR cknt. net on my
CUlilA' AO Corsets bells, brushes, curlers,
ki and medicine. Samples free. Write now.
Dr. Brldgman 871 Broadway, N. Y.
Tax collector's notices and
books for sale at this ofliice.
The Pioneer Dry Goods Dealers of Susquehanna Valley.
We place on sale to day 33 pieces Castillion Chintzes. This
is a summer fabric light in weight, black grounds, designs of
aniereni sorts, warranted last
r i : -
Aiiuio vni:ucuiiiig . new Kuiiiuiur mono,
ors last, oc a yard.
Chantilly muslin, this is also a new summer fabric, Shep
pard plaids, black warranted fast colors 10c a yard.
Best Challies light and dark colors 5c a yard.
We have placed on our counters and will sell while they last
125 pieces all silk Qros grain ribbon, satin edge, widths 5, 7,
9, all to be sold at the low price of 8c a yard.
Tracing wheels down to 8c each.
Good whisk brooms 15c each.
Box of four Crochet hooks 10c a set.
White Pearl buttons 10c a card of two dozen.
Good Hair brushes 10c each, better ones up to 50c.
Clothes brushes at from 50 to 75c each.
Glace window shades all colors, mounted on
.-,0 1 1 .
o-)c eacn complete.
Best quality Scotch Holland
Hartshorn rollers, 50c each'
Best quality table oil cloth 5-4 25c a yard, G--1 same quality
35c a yard.
Draping poles 5 foot long with brass trimmings 25c a set
Mens' summer shirts and drawers 3:Jc to $1.25 each.
Men's all linen collars, all the latest shapes, 2 for 25c. Cuffs
of the same quality 25c a pair.
Men's Derbv hats good quality $1.00 each, better ones up to
Men's neck ties in Tecks and four-in-hand, beautiful line of
colorings, 25c each.
Straw hats for men, boys and girls at low prices.
FN! TP A MPV nI TJ-vriT o-rr, t-t..
For the'year ending June 1, 1891.
V. II. KNT, Collector, UK.
To Hal. on duplicate INHfl-m ,
tT. II. KNT,
1W)1 Mnr. 18, By exonerations
f Irtfl It
By BhI. duo upon duplicates
m. c. woonwAnn, col.
t 4 s7
To Balance on duplicate 'H9-'0 . IVM m
m. c. woomvAHD, coi. at.
Ifwi May Hi, Br exonerations,
By amount paid o. T. Wilson,
t 8H5 IS
470 KB I 7IW OT
m. c. woonwAnn, coi, nil.
To nm't amount duplicate ot win IH M
By cash collu'd within
60dnys and paid V.
T. Wilson Tms.....30no 00
By 6 por cent discount
on f'-MM 54 107 53
By s per cent commis
sion 41) 01 12150 54
Bt cash collected
within mos. and
paid O. T. Wilson,
Tress HM) 00
By 5 per cent com. on
iuri 85 m n 4:. m
By cash paid O. T..Wllson,
Trotis lifter 6 mos 1400 00
By balance due upon dupli
cate 1847 1A I wm F5
T. WILSON, Treas.
To amt.
from Wm. Kramer,
Treas. lielng difference be
tween note given him and
amt. due
To state appropriation
" bal. from It. i revcllng on
To bul. on duplicate of lsso
from M. ('. Woodward t'ol.
To amt. from M. c. Woodward
t 12 no
17W7 !0
15 00
470 W)
nioo nn
17 !l
4 50
1!IS !X1
col. nn (iiiniicato lsw.
To Library fund
" tun ion irotu r. Faust ... .
ISM May , To discount, of
f order
is'.n May 11. To discount of
iim.ix) order
" Balance due treasurer....
sks sr, 1 1071-1 at
21 5 77
(). T. WILSOX, Treas.
By orders redeemed ( Himi 75
Coupons do.
UI2 15
" Hniid No. 70 re
deemed t' 0 00
By Bond No. 71 re
deemed 500 (10
By Interest on above 5 on
" Bond No. 71 re
deemed 5110 00
By Int. on same 11 25
" Bonds Nos. 75 and
70 redeemed 800 Oil
Tnt. onsiime 12 37
By 2 percent commis
sion. isis 02
215 S $11008 ns
To balance due upon Du. lKHO $ 277 77
" amt. duplicate, iwxi r,i 01
" Hal on sale st-able 15 00
" Bal duo Treasurer, 205 77
fSnsn 58
By coupons paid I IMS 75
nonu 0. tii paid,
,. Tl ..
" Interest on some
" Bond No. 74 paid
" Interest on same
'Mlond Nos. 75 and
" Interest on same
fsno 00
500 00
25 00
500 (
11 25
800 00
12 87
1H48 62 t 2701 37
colors only lUc a yard
At. , .
erounds. col-
shades all colors, mounted
the month of June to pay Car Fares
" .T. E. Haycock painting
fence v.;;.-".
" Kdih'ti'in A- Wolf, Iron
fence liluM school .
BvorossA l.nnlmeh, work..
M. Williams laying coping
hlvh school. ,
By lle-o Mfg. t'V pouts high
Bv M. Hiindnll, loading cinder
' See, freight on bourds....
" ,t. hauling cinder
' P.O. Miller stone
' HehJ Kur. Co. l.uinlHT,....
S 00
18 05
41 07
1 a
1 m
8 no
191 31
418 8.1
104 7
81 an
in 70
75 M
By exoneration on Duplicate 1HW
" 5 per cent Miscount on unit, paid
wltliln no days ;
collector commission on ami. paid
within fl dnys
" 1 dlleetors commission on Anit. pd.
within fl mos
By treasurer's commission.
04 Oil
" Balance
on Duplicate 181H1 I'M 57
SM0 5
To niilanee on 1. II. Knt Hup,
1HKH I'-1
To balance on V. II. Knt, Hup,
1HMI 4 in IK
' Amt, from former Tress. .. X Oil
state apnninrlatloii 1IH7 !
" tuition K. Faust 4 50
prweedsjanumonler '
" proceeds J.xl.noordir liW M
Amt. duplicate Ihwi n.v.a 51
Library Fund 47 il t W21 05
By amount paid 17 teachers. . t MS" 00
Institute 151 00
" S.Ianltors... 70 IX)
" V. Tavlor work and clean.
Ing 5th St. building. .. 15 75
Bv A. W. Fry work and clean
ing 1st St. building 25 75
llyi.. H. Kitchen work 7 50
" A. W. Fry work 4 on
" Klwvll . Bltt'nb'D'd'r Adv. 1 1x1
" Auditors 0 ix)
" .T. '. Brown. Adv. stat'lu't Mix)
" Win. Krlciiliaum, Adv.
statement. 10 00
Bv W. .1. t'orrell chair and
table hire 5 25
Bv I'. (I. .Miller coal . 851 M .
" 1'. S. Moyer repairs 5 15
" .1. ladman chairs 1 10
" .1. Masieiler, thermometer 1 1x1
A. t'. PoSlicplierd repairs 1 1x1
II. 1). Kdgar hydrant Ac.
3nl si 8 00
By tlco. Martin repairs H nl
" T. Metherell ren'rs organs 10 IX)
,1. It. Schuyler, hardware.. 5 71
" S. K. Peacock. " .. 17 S5
" .7. llou'iM-k repair pump... 1 50
" (I. U. Kitchen work 12 1x1
" i. t'. Trump liaiillng " 5 1x1
" (l. II. Kitchen, labor 18 75
" A. W Fry " 17 20
" .1. W. Kver Mdse 2 15
" Baker & -McHrlde chair
rent 1 SH
By. I. Saltzer organ rent 10 1x1
Hy Secretary's salarv 1M 1x1
" I. W. MeKelvy suiiplles.... 4 Wl
" ('. A. Moyer supplies 2 at
" A. Solleder. supplies 45
" W. II. Brower carpet fur
erasers 4 07
By l'. W. Ituuyan hardware 8 ss
" (las Co 4 75
" .1. II. Mercer supplies s Nl
" Water I'o SO 57
"iVoyer llnis. supplies 57 (
"W. 11. Brooke Co. suppl's 1 !'
" B. V. Savlts repaint 4 05
" L. Ilernhai'd cleaning clock 75
" Kxpress 1 80
" J. lllefenbach brooms 4 25
" lless Mfg Co. grate ....... 1rt 00
" B. V. Savlts Stuck Ac 112 73
" Sell. Fur. Co., desks, slul e,
boards, &c 1W 5K
Byismead, Wills & Co. regbi-
ters, 8nl St 18 72
By M. Wlll'uis laying pav'm't 40 52
;' Creasy Wells lumber.... H 54
I" K. M. Kester painting.... 0 50
" J. 11. Kesty work at slack 12 00
" Sam'l Shaffer brick and
mortar 13 00
" Creasy & Wells lumber.... 21 72
" P. K. Vaiiatta work 25 70
75H8 42
Ladies' fast black stockings,
a pair.
Ladies' fast black stockings,
Ladies' black silk stockings $1.00 and $1.25 a pair.
Ladies black silk gloves 25 and 50c a pair.
Ladies' black silk mitta i5c, 25c and 50c a pair.
Ladies fancy striped stockings, beautiful line of colorings
2c, 50c, 62,c 75c and $1.00
26 inch Gloria silk umbrellas, warranted fast colors $1.00
each, 28 inch $1.25 each.
2(5 inch all silk umbrellas, handles of different sorts, price
$1.75 each, same quality 28 inch $2.00 each.
Ladies' Mousquetaire gloves in Tans enly, all size G9c pair,
better ones up to $1.00, warranted.
Ladies' fast black stockings full regular made, 25c, 50c and
1 a, jmu ,
Ladies'fast black stockings felled seams, Gc, 10c, and 15c
cmeuing salts ounce bottle
Violet Toilet Water 10c to
Bay Rum 25c a pint.
Best quality 35c a bottle.
Oakaline Hair Tonic 25c a
Talcum powder 15c a box.
Infant powder 12c a box.
We have just received 175 pairs of men's trousers mixed pat
terns, which we will sell at $2.00 a pair, actual value $3.25.
Also a lot of boys knee pants in mixed checks and stripes, at
..w w ji.w it puir,
;v e aibo snow a complete
all purchases of Ten Dollars.
11 tf.Annnttlnnl T . IT. Knt,
Du. ihhh iMta
By balance V. II. Knt Du. 775 4C n;
Kxoneratlotis on duplicate
1KS lso ii
" 5 per cent, discount on
nint. paid collector within
00 davs 73
Bv collectors commission on
Hint, paid within no days . aim
collectors commission on
ami pd- within 0 1110s Mi $
TreasupT's commission.... 1M 7;
" Bal. due upon duplicate. 121s s
Bonds due .Ian. 1. W? I" nn
,4 jNirl MX) (XI
,, ., .1 IK'.M 1HIK) 1X1
11 1 SM.- ISIX1 IXI
it 11 ik'HI IHxi 1x1
1 " lstr......... ) 00
ii i. ii 1HUH 11X1 (XI
11 it 1SHM . MX) (XI
1 ii 1MXI .. 1NIX1 (XI
ii ll 11 11 1111 2lX) 0;l
ii 21X10 00
Total bonded Indebtedness wno 00
Note of Wm. Kramor. 5nn on
Order of " 417 82
Treasurer.- 8110 ixi
21x1 00
Library fund.......... 47
Bal. due Treas ...m.... 805 77 I70
Total Indebtedness Miiwo
Balance due Uwn duplicate
of INKS I7 75
Balance duo upon duplicate
01 isoo 1317 lfl
Total assets bail m
Liabilities over assets Uuv,
Attest :
,lso. K. Townsknp, .Ias. C. Brown,
Si'ci-etary. President.
.Time 1, ism.
We the uiidreslgned Auditors, having examin
ed the abive nccoiints, statements anil vniiehein
us presented bv Hie Treasurer and Secretary,
And them correct and do approve the same.
S. F. l'Ktl'OIH, )
.1. S. Bi t's, Auditors.
A. N. Yost, )
June 1st, 1K!)t.
Real Estate.
The und'Tslgned administrator of Joseph ().
Hess, late of Sugarlout township, deceased, will
sell at public sale on
SATURDAY, JUNE 27th, 1S91,
nt 10 o'clock a. m. the following real estate, to
wit: All that certain piece of land situate In
sugarloaf Twp., Columbia Co. Pa, bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at 11
post on line of land late of (leorge Hess, thence
north 71H east K5IM0 perches to a stone, thence
along line ot land late ot Andrew Hess, north
87, west 2D perches to a stone, thence down
Flshlngcreek south 811 west 38 7-10 perches to
a post, thence south 48 west 10 6-10 perches
to a post, thence south 1 west 25 2-10 perches
to a post, thence south 71H west 4 1-10 perches
to a post, thence south 82H west 14 perches te
plnce of beginning, containing 11 acres nod 111
tWIO perches strict measure.
TEKM8 OF 8ALE. Ton per cent of one-fourin
of tho purchase money to be paid at the strik
ing down of the property: the one-fourth less
the ten percent, at tho confirmation ot sale;
and the remaining throe-fourths in one year
thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nl.
Kriti, C. W. 1IK88,
Atty. Administrator.
finished seams, Gc, 10c and 15c
full regular made 25 to 50c a
a pair.
25c each, two ounce bottle
G8c a bottle.
just one third less than regul:
lme of men's and boys' suits at loff