The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 17, 1891, Image 5

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    Highest of all in Leavening Tower.
Kntercd nt the Post (Wire nt Hloiniislmrg ,'a.,
s second class matter, March 1, Ikmx.
FRIDAY, AI'RII. 17. 1801.
Manners' Sarsaparilla is
sold at
Moycr Bros.' 1 ry it.
J. (1. Wells' show windows arc filled
with fine silver goods suitable for wed
ding gifts.
Good wages will lie paid to a wom
an who is a good cook and laundress.
Inquire at this ollice. tf.
The Choral Society meets every
'I'nosfl at; ftipninrr of St s'r1swlF . Vr f
C. A. Hall. All persons interested in
music are invited to join.
Mrs. T. M. Dawson and daughter
and Mrs. Frank Mears and sister,
went to Milton Wednesday morning
to attend the funeral of Miss May
Walter. The deceased was a daughter
01 JNorman Walter ol Milton.
The examination of teachers for
permanent certificates will be held in
the Third street school building,
Bloomsburg, on Saturday, April 25,
beginning at 8:50 a. m.
A free trip to Danville. Messrs. W,
C. Frick & Co. of the People's Store
at Danville, are by their advertisement
in to day's issue offering to pay the
round trip fare to their customers from
Bloomsburg and vicinity.
There is still no final adjustment of
of the trouble between this country
and Italy, but no fears of war are
entertained at Washington Baron
Fava, the Italian Minister, has sailed
for home.
Manners' Double Extract Sarsapa
rilla for catarrh is and always will be a
leader, as its curative powers cannot
be beat ; price 50c a bottle. For sale
by all druggists.
Brother Tubbs of the Shickshinny
Echo did not rtad straight when
he perused the communication
printed in The Columbian April 3rd,
concerning the Ellis Young arrest. In
the first place the article was printed
just as it was given to us, heading and
all, and we were not in search of any
"capital." In the second place, it did
not say that the Echo ' refused publi
cation," but that the communication
was sent in time for publication but
did not appear. The Echo now ex
plains that the article never came to
hand, and this should be satisfactory
to all concerned.
Attention, Farmers.
All we ask of those in need of a
good plow, land roller, Scotch or
spring tooth harrows, corn planters, or
grain drills, is to call and see us and
get our prices before buying elsewhere.
We also keep a variety of plow re
pairs. White & Conner,
4-3-6W. Orangeville.
Mrs. Helen I Bullock, National
Organizer of the W. C T. U., will give
a series of free lectures in Columbia
county, from April 17th to 26th, in
clusively. . The following is a programme of the
times and places of the meetings; Mill
ville, April 17th, evening; Blooms,
burg, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
19th, Methodist Church ; Light Street,
Sunday evening, 19th, Methodist
church ; Bloomsburg, Monday, aoth,
a "School of methods," from 10 A.M.
to 12 M. Afternoon, from 1:30 to 3:30;
Catawissa, aoth, evening; Stillwater,
aist; Benton, 2ad; Orangeville, 23d;
Berwick, 24th; Centralia, 26th. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
Improved Railroad Facilities at Oatawissa
On Monday April 13th the station
at Catawissa Junction will be aband
oned and a new station established at
Main street. This will prove a great
convenience to the patrons of the
Pennsylvania Railroad going to and
from Catawissa, as this will land them
practically to the town where tickets
can be purchased and baggage checked
to all points.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Whn Baby ni sick, we r h CMtoria.
Whea she was a Child, she orUd for Castorla,
Whea aha tMosm Ml". abe dun to Oaaioria,
ght"d r'"'1 A fTthm CaaVwla.
Tax collector's notices and receipt
h-Vr for sale a h's fW:ce tf.
U. S. Goy't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
T. W. Mastcller lias moved his store
room a few doors, north, near corner
of Main and Iron streets, two doors
below Lockard's store. He has two
argc rooms well stocked. It will pay
any one to call and see before making
J. W. Mastkllf.r,
New York Novelty Store.
II. G. Ilousel has accepted a posi
tion with Maloy & P.ros., of Williams
port, installment merchants. He has
the territory between Sunbury and
H nkesbarre.
HuBband and Wife.
Have more than once been saved by
timely use of Kemp's Balsam for the
throat and lungs, after all other remed
ies have been tried in vain. The Bal
sam stops decay of the lungs and
cures influenza and acute and chronic
coughs. There is no other medicine
in the world that acts so promptly,
certainly none that does its work so
thoroughly as Kemp's Balsam. All
druggists sell it. Large bottles 50c
and $1.
Steadv employment and liberal
wages is offered in another column by
sears, Henry & Co., Geneva, N. .
1 hey are a reliable firm. 4-17 6w.
No. 12.
Better destroy or get rid of the rats
before the young brood comes off.
If thorough-bred horses, cattle,
sheep, hogs, etc., are better than com
mon ones, why not poultry also; it is
claimed that a cross of pure bred stock
with common improves the breed,
so. why isn't the pure bred better yet ?
Ducks will eat twice as much as
chickens, but they also grow twice as
It is not necessary to have much
water to raise geese or ducks, all they
need is enoueh to dr:nk.
' Geese are easily raised and there is
, profit in them.
I A great many prefer the Toulouse
geese on account of their great size
and early maturity.
It you make a practice of feeding
your nock of Turkeys every night,
you can pursuade them to come
home to roost.
; Have you any Bronze blood in your
turkeys ? If not, why not f
W. a. German,
IF You Want a Position,
on salary, expenses paid, see advertise
ment on page 6 headed "A Chance to
Make Money.
Is by no means a paying benefit to
merchants unless it is properly looked
after. So many people think that by
writing something funny they will cap
ture all readers of a newspaper, but it
does not. What we call a catchy
thine is Manners' Double Extract
Sarsaparilla for bad blood, pimples.
eczema, salt rheum, scroiuia, erysipe
las and numerous other diseases aris
imr from bad blood. Manners'
Double Extract Sarsaparilla can be
found for sale ..t all drug stores,
Price 50 cents a bottle. tf.
Is there a code of newspaper man
ners ? This is one of the questions
which George William Curtis will dis
cuss in the Editor's Easy Chair in
Iarver'a Maoazine for April. The
code of newspaper manners, he says,
is the universal code of courtesy, and
not one restricted to the newspapers.
"Good manners in civilized society are
the same everywhere and in all rela
tions. If a man is a gentleman, he
does not cease to be one because he
enters a newspaper office, . it would
seem to be equally true that if his
work on the paper does not prove to
be that of a gentleman, it could not
have been a gentlemen who did the
work. A gentleman we will suppose
does not blackguard his neighbors, nor
talk incessantly about himself and his
achievements, nor behave elsewhere as
he would be ashamed to behave in his
club or in his own family. If a gentle
man does not do these things, of
course a gentleman does not do them
in a newspaper."
Life Amon- the Lepers.
Sister Rose Gertrude has written
another article for The Ladies' Home
Journal for June, "What it is to be a
Leper," in which she gives a clear
glimpse of leper-life in Molakai ; how
the disease is contracted ; how it is
treated and cured, and how the lepers
live in their exile.
To explain the mystery c.f life Is like two blind
meu aZtnii each ' iB No
can exulalu how uiedluiiwH euro diwiwe. But
wVdoltnow that pure I.Ukj.1 Ik i..iHry io health,
and the BrazllUiiliHllai.dlscuve.'edlutheOaotu
Blood Cure the one only rellul. lu vegetable blood
purifier known. No rival, no mineral, no failure
".! ,', ?J - 1 ?rv
In France the nnvvios on tlio railways
work under umbrellas in wot woutlior.
Nenrly 00.000 tons of cork nre used
for liottli'il Immt and minora! waters con
sumed niinimlly In England.
A inodicnl authority in France nay
the gradual depopulation of tiiat coun
try in latgoly due to the Immoderate use
of tobaccos
Thoro is an Interesting oouple In Cin
cinnati who have boon engaged to be
mnriiod for the last fire jrenw, but no
time. lias occurred within that period
when they were both out of prison at
the Hume time.
In a Urmton court the other day Gen
eral H F. Duller put Buch a complicated
and tangling question to a witness that
the judge, with clever drollery, an
nounced that he would give the witness
an hour to study on tho question by ad
journing the court
E. A. Rawlings had a severe attack
of La grippe this week followed by
. .... 1
Ciimmings & Verdy came out in
grand style Wednesday morning with
a new bakery wagon.
Stone Masons are at work on the
abutments at Bloom Ferry. It is the
purpose to remove the wooden trest
ling and have only a wagon road under
the track, the rest to be filled in with
earth. The work was abandoned
through the winter but will now be
pushed to completion.
1. D. Tones was taken sick while at
his work Tuesday and is now confined
to his bed.
TVi mihlic crhnol re.irhers h.ave
entered upon their last month of this
term. 1 he schools will close 1 uesday,
May 5th. Reviews and other exer
cises will be given in each room, to
urhi-h nil nre invited. Let the narents
attend and see if their children make
any progress.
The Soap
is Lenox.
Highest price in cash paid for hides
and tallow at A. bolieaers. 17-4-t
Just opened a fine line of fringed
dado and plain window curtains at
W. H. Brooke & Co's.
C. C. Marr will sell his fine safe.
Do you contemplate having a suit
made ? If you are, go to a practical
man, where you can see the goods in
the piece. Do not buy from samples
as all goods look different in the piece.
A fine line of goods for suits, spring
overcoats and pantaloons, cut to your
measure, made on our own premises,
under the personal supervision of J
R. Townsend. at D. Lowknberg's.
For Sent
Good house and large lot on Ferry
road, Bloomsburg. Inquire of Oeo.
E. Elwell. XI.
For Sale. Two yearling colts,
both mares, for sale cheap for cash.
Innaire of T. S. Williams, auctioneer,
Bloomsburg, Pa. Apr. 3-4 t
Mrs. M. A. Watson having moved
her millinery store to the Moyer build
ing has added a complete line of
spring goods in all the latest styles.
Call and see before purchasing else
Baby carriages in many styles and
prices at W. J. Lorell & Co.
W. T. Bell has opened a new gro
eery store in the Kinney building, Main
St. between Market and west, mis
stock is all new and fresh. Call
and see the stock and prices. Coffees,
teas, sugars, canned fruits, dried fruits,
lemons,-oranges, and bananas at low
est prices.
Very pretty suits for children; cas
simere, worsted or Jersey, made in
handsome designs at
D. Lowenberg's.
Room moulding used as finish with
border, also nicely adapted for hang
ing pictures, for sale at W. J. Corell
& Co.
Horse and Wagon for Sale.
A mare 4 years old, well broke,
weight 1 1 00.
A good platform delivery wagon
nearly as good as new, box 1 a ft. long,
capacity 2500, either of above will be
sold cheap.
White & Conner,
4-3-6W. Orangeville,
Femalo Weakness Positive Cure. Froe.
To Tine Ennoii: Please inform
your readers that I have a positive
remedy for the thousand and one ills
which arise from deranged female or
gans. I will send two bottles of my
remedy, kkf.k to any lady, if they will
send their Express and P O. Address.
Yours truly, Dr. J. B. Marchisi,
Utica, N. Y.
Black cheviot suits are popular, you
can h-tve a cutaway or sack coat,
double or single breasted, round or
square corners at
For Sale.
A valuable farm in Mt. Pleasant
township is for sale. For terms and
particulars inquire of Guy Jacoby,
Bloomsburg, Pa. 3-27-4L
Fresh garden see'ds by pkt., oz.,
pint &c. at W. II. Yettcr's.
Have you seen the new neckties in
Lowenberg's window.
Wall paprr Contract ' work a
specialty, VV. II. Brooke & Co.
T. K. Pensyl, corner of Main and
West street. Bloomsburg, has just re
turned from the city with a complete
ine of ladies dress goods, straw hats,
shoes and all kinds of groceries. All
kinds of farmer's produce taken in ex
change for goods.
C. C. Marr, buys butter, eggs, lard,
potatoes! onions, and chickens.
Nobby soft hats in all colors at
Go to C. C. Marr for prime vine
The new Block of stiff hats can be
seen at Lowenberg's.
Fine spring grown cabbage plants
now ready at W. H. Yetter's green
house, 4th street.
C. C. Marr pays cash for choice
Are showing full and com
plete lines of Dress Goods of
all the newest shades and color
ings at lowest prices.
50c quality 01 Mohairs at 0 ic.
42 inch Henriettas at 37 ic.
30 inch outing cloths, 7c.
46 in. black Henriettas 97c yd.,
worth $1.10. Glorioso.
Ladies Jersey ribbed vests
8c, Suede kid cloves G3c pair,
We open to-day a large line of
silk, lisle and labric gloves at
very low prices. Our Hosiery
stock is very large and com
plete at all prices. "Gordon
Dye" black hosiery, the best
25c ladies' fast black hose
sold. Lace curtains, poles,
scrims, window shades, &c
corsets of all kinds. A big bar
gain in all silk ribbons, No. 5-
6c, 7-8c, y-10c, 12-14c yd.
By virtue of sundry writs Issued out ot tne
Court of Common Pleas ot Col. Co., Pa., and to
ine directed, there will be sold in the Sheriff's
Office, at tbe Court llouse, Bloomsburg, Pa., on
SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1891,
at 10 o'clock a. m., tbe following t All that cer
tain lot or piece of ground situate In the town
of Bloomsburg, Col. Co. Pa., bounded as follows,
to-wlt i On the north by publlo road, on the
east by laudot John Wolf, on the south by pub
llo road leading to Espy and on the west by
land of the Land Improvement Company, con
more or less, whereon are erected
and Outbuildings.
Helzed, taken Into execution at the suit ot
Masters, Detwller & Co. versus A. J. Evans, and
to be sold ns the property of A, J. Evans.
Millbk, Atty. AL Fl. Fa.
At the same time and place, all that certain
messuage or tract of land, bounded as follows
to-wlt : Hltuute in llcnton twp Col, Co., Pa..,
bounded by West Creek, publto rood Heading
from Benton to Jackson, lands of Ell Mclieury
and others, containing
be the same more or less, wheroon are erected a
barn and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken into execution at the suit ot
Wesley & 8mlth versus Margaret A. Dlldlne and
F. P. Dlldlre, and bo sold as the property ot
MurgaretlA. Dlldlne and F. P. Dlldlne.
Mii.lkh Yost, Attorneys. Fl. Fa.
At the same time and place, the following1
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In
the town ot llloomsburg, Col ;l'o., Pa., bounded
as follows, to,wlt: on the north by I'lne Alley,
on the eostjby Barton's alley, on the .south by
Third street and on the West by lot ot E. M
Kester, containing forty-nine and one-half feet
front on Third street, and two hundred and six
feet In depth, whereon are erected a
and outbuildings.
Nel.eU. taken into execut ion at the suit of C.
V. Knnyon versus David Winner, and to be Bold
as the property of David Winner.
Herring. Atty. sheriff.
liiitUttiiiuiiiHanil ItiHtruriiiiiii. fi'. Fur itMi ti.'ii
111. niKllchK THAI. II. HOWI.AVII., B
Puro Eye Whiskey.
One year aeo we had 5000
gallons of Old Ilyc
Whiskey in Uond, which
was considered a large stock
to carry and sufficient for the
trade. The demand, however,
for our whiskey became such,
that we were compelled to in
crease the capacity of
our distillery, in order to give
the whiskey some age before
placing it on the market.
We are now making over a
barrel a day ; having a daily
capacity of over 50 gals,
and carrying a stock of 1000
gals in Bond. We hope to
give our patrons the benefit of
the age and will sell no whisk
ey under six months, and from
that up to three years.
No second hand barrels arc
used at our Distillery; all our
whiskey is bonded in ncWy
clean, charred, barrels,
and for purity and qual
ity we defy competition.
We have never distill
ed a bushel of corn, and
we do hereby guarantee ALL
our whiskey to be absolutely
Pure Rye and doubled on
a copper lined still and to any
person who will find any
drugs or corn in
whiskey as it leaves our
tilllery or Wareroom,
will forfeit $500.00.
Benton, Pa.
I have something to tell you
before you buy your Farm
Implements this spring.
Ueering Steel Hinders are
Light, Strong and Reliable
and worth dollar for dollar,
when other machines are worn
The Deering Mowers this
year are beautiea . You should
see them. If you want a Drill,
Cultivator or Hay Bake, come
and see the Famous Buckeye.
Sure to Please you.
We want to sell you your
Binder Twine, and we have
the best on earth, and prices to
9,500 Tons of Deering Twine
Sold in 1890.
That sounds big, but that's
the way Good twine sells. The
best is always the cheapest.
Come and see us before you
buy. .
Wall Papers.
Spring Stock now ready
Fine side hangings and ceiling
Window $lkde$,
Spring Stop Fixtures ; with or
without fringe, or made to
order to ht your windows.
Work-men sent anywhere
An unequlled opportunity for a profitable In
vestment in town lots on easy terms In a
healthy and prosperous locality.
The Bloomsburg Land Improvement Company
offer at publlo sale about Five Hundred Build
ing Lots, situate In the thriving and progressive
town ot Bloomsburg, Penna.
The lots are forty feet in front and about
ISO feet In depth.
Trhms of Bali, the highest and best bidder
the buyer, twenty-nve dollars down, the bal
ance In monthly payments ot five dollars with
Interest. Deferred payments secured by bond
and mortgage. A deed In fee simple to be
given for a lot clear of all Incumbrances.
Sale will take place on the premises at 10
o'clock in the morning of each day, Thursday
and Friday, March Wth and STlh A. D. 18U1, and
be coutluued through April following ; com.
menclng with Thursday ot each week.
Excellent factory sites free.
See hand bills and maps. For further partlcu
lurs upply to The Bloomsburg Land Improve
ment CO.
N. V. Funk.
tt Secretary,
BrTriN I.nwson Lewis, I. K. Laubach, 11
S.velte Keeler. .
Hkrwh k Arrher Averlll, F. H. Kltehrn, B.
HiuontilM Tir. .
Itl.onM 1'. T.nvrnrk, .T. Mnsteller, .T. KhafTpT,
(.'. H. Omitnn, Anion Hnvnw, H. MmfTor.
lm ahi iifi:k SiiniiH'l Knorr.
kntkr 1. ('reiiHy.
roNVNoiMM M. Mnnntrlinn.
Kihhiniickkkk E, II. uilburt, J. P. Creasy, I.
Fnli rl niter.
Franklin J. Knstenbniuler.
(iiiKKNwonn liiivls Mil lining.
Jai'Kkon .1. II. Lunger, Kills Young.
Hcott W. .1. Kniflehmt..
Kuoaki.oaf C'. H. HlrliarT-
Urnton O. II. CroHHloy, John Ruckle.
Bkrwic?k John Hhannon.
Bi.oom Mm oititw. J. F. Kelly. F. P. Kama.
A. (' Johnson.
Hhiarckkkk W. 8. Shaffer. J. P. Kre&s. W.
II. friKip.
i f.nthr joun, i a. iiemiey, 4oan
t'ATAWiHKA J. F. Crpasv, V. Fettorolf.
cf.ntrai.ia Thomas I.ldilleoat.
Fihhiniicrrrk A. T. C'haoln. F. W. YaDlQ. 8.
J. IVhIit.
Franklin T. Elmer, Jr.
OKF.KNWOOD II, J, Demott, J. S. Colo, Clark
E. TtioniiiH.
1 1 km lock J. II. Miller, Heth Shoemaker,
LocttHT Lewis Lw, J. M. Mauliart.
Mifflin K. Klkendiill.
Madison John Chrlstlnn.
Montoi'R W. Mensch, II. H. Grimes
I'inr Theo. Menrlenhnll.
Ho A RINfH'KF.KK Charles Mensch.
Scott-W. W. Kelchner, W. J. Uldlay, Charted
Uratrr F. Bpnlnger,
Hknton John H. Oile.
Bloom .John Cndnmn, J. Hnltzer, K. R.
Drinker, H. Knorr, W. B. cummlngH, H. C. Hh af
ter, Charles Jones, II. Palmer, C. W. Hansort.
Brrwick (. E. MeBrlde, W. F. McKwnn.
Bhiarcrrri Klllot Adams.
catawissa W. K. Long, John Keller A. B.
CoNTNOft am Michael Brown, Jr.
crntralia :. H. ontchy, A. K. Fottrnnan.
FiHiiiNiicKRRi Daniel Wenner, B. JL hhan
non, M. Mellenry.
Hrmi.ock B. F. Hartzel.
Locust William Davis, F. Oable.
Mifflin Oporge Keller, S. B. Lutz, M. B.
Heller,. D. C. Bond.
Mt. Plrasant K. J. Crawford.
M ontotr A. ;. Delly.
(iranor W. W. Williams,
Pinr N. L. Moser.
Scott J. L. Crawford.
Sl'oarloaf J. Seward.
Notice Is hereby given to the creditors tit th
undersigned and to all persons whom It majr
concern, that he will apply to the Court, of Com
mon Pleas of Columbia county, for the benefit
of the Insolvent laws of this commonwealth oa
Monday, the 4th day of May, IfWl, at threet
eloek In the afternoon of said day, at whtah
time any person having any objection to Ma
final discharge as an Insolvent debtor can ap
pear and make the same known.
Grant Hrrrino, Attorney.
April 9, 1NM.
Butter per lb M
Eggs per dozen M
Lard per lb
Ham per pound. .U)f
Pork, whole, per pound OB to JB6H
Beer, quarter, per pound .01 to .88
Wheat per bushel. 1.10
Corn ears ' " .TO
Oat " J
Rye " JO
Buck wheat flour per 100.
Wheat flour perbbl ut
Hay per ton 10.00 to lUt
Potatoes per bushel . at
Shelled corn per bushel S
Corn meal " cwt EM
Side meat " lb
Chop cwt.
Tallow " lb
Chickens " lb
Turkeys " lb
Coal per ton, Nad.
" " 4 and 5
o per ton extra, delivered.
MKillip Bro's.
Only the best
work done. F n-
est effects in
light, and shade;
negatives re
touched and
modeled for sup
erior finish.
Copying, view
ing and life size
Over H.J. ClarK &
Sons store.
I. W. Hortman & Sons.
The McKinley Tariff bill
takes 2 c lb off sugars. We
don't propose to sell it at cost
and add the loss to other
goods, never did business in
that way. Dry goods are run
ning out rapidly these nice
spring days, especially Spring
and Summer Dress Goods. Do
you want an April Jacket, we
nave them single and double
breasted. How is your stock
of Window curtains in oil and
lace? We have a large stock.
Do you wish a set of good and
nice dishes or a cheap lamp, if
so ours is the spot for them.
Butter, eggs, lard, meat pota
toes, etc., taken for cheap
sugar and all other goods.
I. W. Hartman& Sons.