THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Farm For Sale. TO acres In Flshlngcreek township, col. Co ne mile from Van camp, Ne.v Columbia and Csonbra. Fair buildings, good water, fine orch ard. No. I grass farm, will soil at a bargain up sm easy terms. Will exchange upon property Blootnsburg. Call upon or address WM. CHRISM AN, Bloomsburg, Pa. Ton Bali Desirable yacant lots and a n wri ter of good houses and lots In Bloomsburg. The best business stand In Bloomsburg. A very de sirable property In Willow Grove, first-class buildings and It acres of land. Dwellings In Espy. Ten good farms In Columbia county, one la Luzerne county, one In Virginia and two In Ksps"- One country store stand In Columbia county and one In Luzerne county, 8 grist mills la Columbia county, by M. P. LUTZ, Insurance and Real Estate Agt, Bloomsburg Pa., IALES. April 1 1. John Freas will sell at auction a lot of ground on East street, Bloomsburg, 50 feet front, with two story frame dwelling, outbuildings, fruit, good well, &c, at 10 a. m. The movement to put Northumbej Iknd, Union, and Snyder in a judicial district by themselves, with two judges, who would be Rockefeller and Bucher. if they could be elected, does not ap pear to be popular in Northumberland County. A meeting of thirty mem bers of the bar of that county was held the other day, when the pro posed district was denounced, and a committee appointed to go to Harris burg and protest against any such in formation. Northumberland, being a separate district, does not want any other counties attached. It will not be long before the county will have reasonable claims to two Judges of its own. CONSUMPTION. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Af fections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge to all who de tire, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for pre paring and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, 820 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. mar- 6-iy Nevrr mind I Never mind what the people say, it is a fact nevertheless that the Popular News Agent, has ad ded to an already well selected stock of Games, Books Novels, &c, wall paper, beautiful designs and at very reasonable prices. Call and examine, just a few doors below Market street. Grant Herring desires to announce, that all clients desiring to have busi ness attended to during his absence at the session of the legislature, will find competent persons at his office to attend to the same. Those desiring to see Mr. Herring in person, may do so on Saturday and Monday of each week. tf. Deafness Can't Be Cured- By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness. Deafness is caused by an inflam ed condition of the mucous lining of tne tustacnian lube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbl ing sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless inflammation can be taker out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forevtrj nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure bv taking TT 111 . r- m ' m . nan b atarrn cure. Sena lor cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY St CO , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. . The Celebrated Pacing Stallion, Frank M. cord 8.37H, standard and registered No. wUl make the season of 1891 at tho Barn of C. K. Wenner, In the rear of the Central Hotel, Beginning Tuesday noon, AprU 7th, and will re- . SMln until Wednesday about 4 o'clock, and rrery two weeks during the season, on Tuos cays and Wednesdays. Prank M. Is a strawberry roan, stands 18 - tends high, and in good flesh will weigh lino rounds, hoavy bone and rausclo, good dlsposl ;Iob, and combines more good qualities for ipeed and endurance and for general purposes, than any other stallion In the State. . Pbdibrss. Frunk M. No. 69, was sired by Charley BriMer, No. OH, he by Charley Brlster, Xa68, he by Copper Bottom, Dam lllue Bull, So. H, second dam by Legal Tender. Ills pedl gra shows that he combines some of the best Strata of blood for speed In tho United States. 1 Frank M. has proved himself a sure foal getter and can show as tine and uniform a lot of colts m can be produced. They are smooth built and Wavy bone, and for their age some of them ttow remarkable speed. They command a targe price and quick sulu. TanMB. M to Insure. Anyone parting with , lam will be responsible for the fee. All awl tanuto mare at risk of owner, For further purtioulars, address, Thompson a Baiobt, Lus- r- S-SO.-ni ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Town, of Bloomsburg, Pa., For the Year 1 SOO. Valuations. Built up $ l.ssi.ww Oft. Farm... iHft.via 00 . Personal Vl l occupation 189,930 oo. TAX HULL FOK 1S:1. Halo. 6 mills.. 8 mills. . 6 InlllH 0 mills Amt. of Tax t 7.391 99 7: 74 imo sn l,(M 58 t 1,8,000 00 8 per cent, of the above valuation Is - Funded Indebtedness FUNDED DKBT DUE AH FOLLOWS : $ 9,377 14 t-vrrx) oo 838.10 00 ll Issue" of 'Issue nf Issue" of Issue of Issue nf Issue of Issue of . I Aug. S Aug. 9 Junes Oct. 10 Oct. 4 Kept. 13 .Nov. 17 Totnl. 1881. 1888. 1884. 1887. 1888. 189. 1890. j Bonds due i8i tm i"o ton Ti 1 t 14.-. isu m imt! inn 1H0 son nm vn 475 inn ians i ihm3 an iho sun am wi .vi nm irm) lHin v wo sno sin m M iht ik i H jhw,', son am am sji 3.mi 5.mi irr. istw ii ii H em am 8oo gi vim 5T5 ino n ii ii Hir Mn !ft sun itui mo suo um n imin M0 840 It'll) mm Hi Kill 315 ii ii 840 Hon 8i ski mo am ! iiiho ii u MX) 8KU 810 875 Wi 1985 u M 1H01 VWI 81 7l) 1W0 l.Wtl IHlia 8M) 8.MI 750 3HI ihmi i iwn ..., Hsfll 8IK) 775 ItMl 1705 u M 1WM 840 HKI NIK) 3UI 17NI) ii ihot. twi 4tm svi, vrrr. is;5 H 1WW 6.V M 875 'JK'i Wl ii ii iir; 4ui -m ism i m mx 410 !M Htl' W5 I t 1AH0 Tl8) 8WI0 4.VJ0 MI80 fllMlO1 1 4001)1 S-Jil.') a 04 10IO SI avx) oo 75 7 00 42 no m oo 73 no 15 80 1 75 t CO 38 00 785 50 fifl 00 A 00 4 85 11 10 6187 08 HOBF.HT mT('KINOriAM, Town Treasurer for iHito, in account with the Town of llloooms burg, Pa. I)H. To monies received as follows : From J. a Wilson, Town Treasurer for IHWt : On account Town liallfund.. f T8 sower " .. 7!8 HI ' general ... Ifl7 86 From M. C. Woodward, Collector, nm M. C. Woodward, eni leetor, on diinlleate of I8N8 From M. c. Woodward, roller lor. on duplicate for isxtt From .M. C. v oodward.rolli'e toron dupllrnte fur IW) From I. K. Yost, l oin, of 11. tor cleaning rubbish.... From (1. A. Herring, for tool shed - From 11. A. Hrrrliig, Co. Treas. for returned taxes From U. A. Herring, Co. 'I'rens., liquor license 18IKI From John I. Kline ro. Treas. Uiiunr license 18H1 From Paul K. Wirt for dig ging sewer From l'enna. Ulnbe (ins Light co. for putting In lump posts From W. 11. Cummlugs, Secy., for dog tax From J. ('. Brown, Supt, sew ers, for sewer permits.... From W. It. nimmlngs, Keoy., rur taxes received from liloomsbunr Iron Co From W. B. cuuimlngs.Kecty. for taxes recelvea Irom Wm. Neul & Sons. From Douglass Hughes for Hue stone From Creasy k Wells for dirt Fron W. J. lllrtleman, Com. of II. tor dirt sold sundry ncrsons. To taxes recolved on tax roll To amount bonds negor luted. issue OI IS (IV. IT, ! f 4IKU uu " 8taw tax on bonds collect ed for 181)0 83 30 ' State Uix on bonds collect ed for previous year 1 44 $19445 73 CR. By amount of orders paid dur- year simnv an amount of coupons paid dur ing year 1386 93 " amount of bonds paid dur lnif year, viz: liond No. 10S 1H0 00 do 118 1H0 00 do 800 00 do 140 170 00 do 1H4 190 00 do 188 500 00 1480 00 " amount state tax paid on bonds for current year. ... 90 S3 " am't Treasurer's commis sion on orders paid from money received on bonds 76 46 " am't Treasurer's commis sion on orders paid from money received from oth er sources 170 73 " cash on hand to balance. . . 151 73 ' 119425 73 M.C. WOODWARD, Collector for 1888. D1L To balance on duplicate of 1888...... 104 CH. By cash paid R, Buckingham, Treas urer J 04 M. C. WOODWARD, Colloctor for 1889. DR. To balance on duplicate of 1889 1309 83 by cash paid R. Buckingham, Treasurer 1046 31 " exonerations allowed 163 13 1309 33 M. C. WOODWARD, Collector for 1890, DR. To amount of duplicate 3190 05 CR. By cash paid R. Buckingham, , Treasurer 2500 00 Balance due. 090 05 3190 05 JtBCJMITB. To amount in hands of Treasurer as per last annual statement. Town Ball fund 8S46 73 sewer fund 794 91 General fund 887 8 Recel'd from M. C. Woodward, collector, on duplicate of ltM. t 04 Meoel'd from M. O. Woodward, collector, on duplicate of 1 389, 1046 81 Bret I'd from M.C. Woodward, collector, on duplicate of U90, tsoo 00 Received from I. It. Yost, com. of H. for cleaning rubbish.. 75 Received from U. A. Herring tool shed T 00 Received from G. A. nerrtng, Co. Treab. for returned taxes 43 eo Rec'd from G. A. Herring, no. Trea.for liquor licences 1890 694 00 Received from John L. Kline, Co. Treas. for liquor licen ses l-9i .. J69&0 Keceivea rrora Kaui e. wirt. for dlKKlim sewer 15 fO Received from Penna. Globe Gas Co for putting In lamp posts 1 TS Riuelved from w. B. Cum- mines, sec. for dotr tax r . I 00 Received from J. C. Brown, 11 Pb. aewersior aewer per mit a 84 CO Received from W. B. cum mlugs, sea for taxes rece'd from bloomburg Iron Co. 78 (0 Received from W, B. Cum mlngs, sec, for taxi-s rece'd from Wm. Neal a Sons C6 00 Received from D. Hughes for hug stone 6 00 Received from Creasy a Vi ells for dirt 4 85 Received from W. J. Bldle man, Comr. of II. for dirt fcolU to sundry persons 11 10 - Kecelved on lax rol,, collected by treasurer 6187 C9 Received from bonds negotia ted, issue of Nov. 17, ievj.. 4000 00 Received from collection of state tax tor vw 88 80 Received from collection of state tax tor previous year.. 144 Amt pull creasy Wells lumber Ill 89 Amt pnia Jacob DtclTcnbach stone . S3 80 Anil paid ii. B. Martin imllh- Ing VI 58 Ahit p .lil C. w. Kunyon sun dries 4 01 Amt pnlrt C. W. Neal stone.. 1 00 itmt ' w. R Kocher freight on crusher and stono 88 03 Amount p. Id Totien A ilnvg Foundry Co. stono crusher 406 13 Amt paid c. P. Armstrong stone 9 40 Amt paid B. F. Miurp'.ofs stone 23 ea Amt paid Kesty A Rosentook work on crusher 10 35 Amt pud A. lli'i tjlne corpen- terlng (CO Amt paid Bound & Boone stone 10 33 Ami pnld Knndurinell & Wel llver smithing Amt. pnld wm. J. Illdlay breaking cinder Anil paid M. s. W lllams pav ing Amt paid O W. Corell stone. Aim puui 11. j. ciara cou bllng gutter 7 00 4 95 5 !3 16 10 1 00 3091 87 CONSTABLE AND POLICE. Amt pnld B. B. Freas former chief police 5 00 Amt paid Wesley Knorr chlol police 68 50 A int. pmd assistant policemen.... 94 uo Amt paid M. C. Woodward town constable 50 00 Amt pnld M C. Woodward Berv. lug notices, c 11 (5 SEWERAGE. Amt paid J A. llutchlns & Co. sewer pipe 1 03 Amt paid w. R Kocher, agent freight on pipe 25 Amt paid c W. Miller, sewer construction 1547 87 Amt paid J. C. Brown, supt. sewers 63 60 Amt pnld James Mccormick, labor 87 Amount paid John Mccormick, labor.... 67 AnitpaldWm. Met?, labor.... 87 Amt pal 1 W. F. Uartman, sew. er.construcnon on catnarine street ... Amt paid G. He'st sewer con struction 4th street Amt paid B. F. tiavlts sundry umicriuia Amt paid W. F. Uartman sewer extension, Bast street .... FIRE DEPARTMENT. Amt paid I. W. nnrtman, rent Rescue CO. April '89 to Apr. "90 30 00 Amt patdsilsby Mlg. Co. steam Fire Knglne 900 00 Amt paid Consumers Gas Co. gas coal ... 1704 Amt paid C 8. Furman, tra s and si raps J 95 Amt paid w. R, Kocher, freight on coal s 40 Amt paid B. F. Savlts, coll In engine room 87 63 Amt paid J. R. Schuyler a Co. rope .... 8 85 WATER DEPARTMENT. Amt paid Bl'omsbunr Water Co. use water for Ore hydrants Wnr 1,'95 tooct. 1, 90, 7 mo. WO : LIGI1T. Amt paid Bloomsburg Gas Co. gas bill Mar. l,w to Oct. l,'o (47 posts 3 mo 4s posts 4 ma) . 7 mo. (4 1.76 per po-t 683 75 Amt paid Rshleman a Wolf, re pairs to gas lamps 67 92 Amt paid Acme Oil Co., oil. 8 V3 Amt paid Allen a Armstrong, oil, wlcas, globes, etc 4 9.1 Amt paid P. 8. Moyer. lamps.. 9 05 Amt paid W. F. Hanman, lumps globes, eta... SO 78 Amt paid B. O. Jones, lighting and care of lamps 6 00 Amt pnld Thomas Trump.llght- Ing and care of lamps 15 63 Ami paid Dr. T. C. Uarter, step ladder 1 80 Amt paid Penna. Globe Gag Light Co. lighting, care ot.&a. 63 lamps In Nov. to S In Feb. (4 I. 3.w per lamp per mo.... ffit 09 Amt paid Ueas Mfg. Co. Stamp posts bt no Amt pnld it. F. Sbarpless, 8 lamp posts 18 00 Ann paid V. M. Robbing, put ting In gas lamp 9 00 DISBURSEMENTS. UIOUWIYi. Amt pall C. It. Housel, form er com. of Highway 84 18 Amt paid I. K Yost, coinr. of . hlgnwHj ... 46 03 Ami paid c. K. Houael.acUng oonj. of highways ' 8 75 Amt paid w. j. Bidleuian, com. of highways 167 08 Ami paia for uuor ana haul- 1941) 78 1 .' inir Amt paid L. Pax ton slate . . Amt pah) Matthias Shaffer stone - Amt paid Vrea Hcbwlnn Ilmi I95 19 8 90 18 M 60 BXPENSES. Amt paid Bloomsburg Water km. wujr iur mwn uan May 1, "90 to April 1, Hi, 11 mo, M 8.115 Amt paid Bloomsburg Gas Co. gas Sept. 1 to Decl, 9i Amt paid Bloon sburg steam ('a steam Mar. 1, 10 to Mar. 1 91. 8 mo Amt paid O. F. Knspp, s yean Insurance 84500 Amt paid M. P. Luu, 6 years Insurance ?)!00 Amt paid J. H. Malxe, 8 year Insurance -'U)00 Anil paid A, Herblne, repairs .. Amt paid A. V. lower, watch man T mo Aug. to Mar. 1, 111 Amt paid A. O. DeSheppard, re pairs to vault door Amt paid Mira Phillips, olean Inf Amt paid R. H. Bbutt, cleaning " " ra Cadow. " " . " Mr. UUdebrutdt tnd 889 45 8146 64 8994 87 660 00 TOWN HALL, Amt paid D. Henslnger, balance on contract erectljn of Town Hall 8318 78 Amt paid D. Henslnger, extras ou Town Hall 873 rS Amt paid W F. Uartman, txt's on Oown Hall 8S7 S4 Amt paid Ilarman & Hassert, dour sills 84 80 Amt paid Bloomsburg steam co. steam llxtures 754 60 Amt pia sllas Chemberlln painting 6 85 Amt paid B. E. Bitter, balance aichlU cls fee 179 96 Amt paid Eshleman & Wolf.gaa fixtures 836 00 Amt paid P. G. Mlller.'paviug.. 647 85 Amt paid Ilekg Iron Mfg. Co,, trough castings 8 86 Amt paid Barman it liassert, wrought Iron grates 93 98 Amt pnld Cincinnati Bell Foun dry Co, fire alarm bell 68 00 Amt paid C. II. Fornwald.baul- Ing vault doors 50 Amt paid J. H. Schuyler A Co. wire guard 16 30 Amt paid W. F. Uartman, gun- drlta ..... 86 46 1138 57 4649 09 s: 76 11 15 199 71 80 00 80 00 86 00 4 80 TOO .888 I 63 60 -' Mrs. Osrtow. cleaning .... too Ami paid wm. Workhelser, hauling organ St. dedlcailon 50 Amt. paid J. W. Glbbs, carr.age stdeil"atlon 100 Amt nsld J. c Brown, program nf dedication 4 00 Amt p.ldC. II. Williams, dis tributing pioirrams 1 50 Amt paid o. P. Rlngler, cha mois skins 1 80 Amt paid J. R. Schuyler Co. 1 dor, rubber spittoons 16 00 Amt paid J. R. JchuylerACo. sundres. 1 45 Amt paid Allen A Armstrong, sundries s 66 MltCELLANROTTri. Amt pnld Geo. B. KIwelL rent council room Jan. 1. no to mnj 1, nf ,... IV w Amt paid Moyer Bros, rent lock un to June 1, 90 83 00 Amtpsld Moyer Bros, cement fS Amount pnld J. W. Glbhs, rent doe Bond Keh. and Mar. 'ho.. 8 00 Amt paid ( etrlken ft Blllmeyer pond 1 yr. to April t, '90 18 00 Ami. paia n m rincKoaum.puD Bshlng statement of H9 Amt paid Wm. ordinance No. M Amount paid Wm. Krlokbaum, prlntlnr .... Amt paid J. C. Brown, publish Ing statement of SK9.. Amt paid J. C. Brown, publish ing urd.NaM Amt paid i. , Brown, nrlnttmr Amt paid Bloell ft Blttenben. der, pub. statement of s9. . . . Amt paid Blwell ft Blttenben- nor, puo ura. iso. 5 and No. t5 . ............ Amt paid Riweii A Blttenbon- 6055 4) 85 00 4 00 10 55 85 00 6 60 1 60 85 00 bender, nrlntlntr.... Amt paid Wm. B. Cummlngs, 6 73 16 00 services as serr 180 00 Amt, paid Blue, Poacock and lost, auditors 16 00 Amt paid s. Neybard, services as emrlneer un Amt pnlrt J. c. Brown, sendees as engineer 11 so Amt paid CO. Bark ley, servl res as solicitor 1v8 117 50 Amt paid J. B. Hobison, servt- ccs as soilclior lstM 805 00 Amt paid J. B. Robinson, ser vices as scry 1000 Amt paid uuy Jacoby, afllda- vira M Amt paid Chas. SavltA, Icbor lost frnm inlurles an flremnn 0 SO Amt paid M. K. Cox. s-.rvlnic Ijix noilocs in on Amt pnld .1. B. Roblson, paid In winemenr or wanicli rases .. 4B7 08 mt pnld Gross ft Laubacb, ma sonry 11 50 Ann pnld A. Herblne, carpen. . terlng m no Amt nitldc, W. Runyon, over paid tax 6 33 Amt paid J. Fel.terinun. ex penses to Shlc.kshtnnv 1 2.1 Amt. paid V. 11. Campbell, ro- corllng aeed 3 00 Amt pnld J, It. Schuyler ft Co. Hiinunen a 15 Amt paid Telephone Co. mes sages 00 Amt pnld Kilns Vtt, hauling council room turnlturn 75 Amount paid W. U. Brooke A co. stationery 98 OTHER PAYMENTS. Paid on account of orders out- stnmllukr. viz: For 18KH For wit Pnld coupons of lRsn Pnld sou iong of 1890 Pnld Bomls Paid stnte tax on bonds for current year Treasurers commission Balance In hands offrreasurer l!!6J 87 11HI3 SO IS 63 374 78 31 (Kl 13S5 S3 1480 00 90 S3 217 18 lfil 73 Dodnet amount of orders of mn outstanding Leaves amount equalling receipts ASSETS. Balance due on duplicate of iw ewi m Balance In Treasurer's bands 151 73 Due from sundry persons for Ji. sewer permits 3643 55 21)117 05 691 33 194 73 79 00 LIABILITIES. Funded debt aaaso no Orders outstanding of inns , no " infr.. 0 I" " " ISSN.. 63 " ' 1889... 1 60 ' 1890. . 691 S3 Couponslof 1890 unpaid 137 83 030 78 Deduct assets. 83467 86 930 78 Net Indebtedness 33547 08 G. A. HERRING, Attrst, Prest- Town Council. Wm. B. CUMMINOS, Secretary. Br.oOMflBCTJtl, Pa., March 23rd, 1891. We the underslirned AudlUirs of the Town of Bloomsburg met In the otnee of the Secretary, and do hereby eertlfy that we have examined the foregoing accounts and statements and find 1 nem correct, ana we no approve of tho same. We further recommend that, the vault In thn Town Hall be put In safe and proper condition for the preservation and safe keeping of tho Town Records and documents. 8. F. PEACOCK,) A. N. YOST, Auditors. J. B.BLUR. ) LETTING FOR BRIDGE ABUT MENTS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Com missioners' ortlie, in Bloomsburg, Pa., until Saturday, April 18th, 1891, 13 o'clock, noon, for the erection of the abutments for two new bridges, one to be located at Coles Creek In Sugnrloaf township and tho other near Yocum's saw mill In Locust twp. Bids for mason work to be by the perch, and for excavation to be by the yard. All stone to be of good size and qual ity and to be approved by t he Commissioners, and to be well bedded and laid In good mortar 01 suarp sana ana lime. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bloomsburg, Pa., JKSSB R1TTKNHOTJBB, Anrll 4th. 1891. H. F. KIXiAH. Attest, C. L. SANDS, J. v. BODiKB. Clerk, Commissioners. INSOLVENT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to tho creditors of tho undersigned and to all persons whom it may concern, lunt lie win apply 10 lueuourooi com mon Picas of Columbia couuly, for the benellt of the Insolvent laws of this commonwealth on Monday, t lie 41 li clay of May, 1891, at three o' clock In the afternoon of said day, at which time any person having any objection to his uuai uisciiargo as au insolvent aeDtor can ap pear aud make the same known. MUtTIN MOHAN, Ghant Hkkkino, Attorney. April , ism. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby (riven that the following ac count has been filed In the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, and will be presenU ru w 1 or Bum uun. un uie iirai moutiay or aiay a. i'. mvi biiii counrmeu nisi, anu unless excep tions are filed within four days thereafter, wul ue conurmea aosoiuie. 1. First and final account of R. c. .Tnvnn. Assignee of Kmmiir Dletterlck of Brmrcreek townsnip, 1 oiumoia county, 1'a. Pmlh's otnee, U- M, OmCK, Bloomsburg, Pa., April 6, 1891. Proth'y. VMRADAMS (nl 0 M WIDOW'S ArrRAISEMENTS. The fnllowlng Widow's Appnilsoments will be presented to the tirphiitis' I'mirt of Columbia enunty on the first Moiidnv nf Mnv A. I. lsl and ciinllrini-d nisi, and unless excepllnns are IH11I nil hlu four days then-after, will lie con- iinneii iiosoiuie. Jacob II. Frit Est., Sugnrloaf, Personally f.mi.mi Itolicrt Fruit Est,, Madison. Personally Mm.OO. Jacob Wampolc Est., Madison, Personally f. ion. mi. George W. Smith Est-, Jackson, Personalty, f'.W.f I, David Blllmnn Est, Lnrunt, Personalty 881.85. uosepn i json ksu, Locust, i-ersnnalty Clerk's onn-e. li M UI'ICK. Bloomsburg, Pa. April A, 1891. Clerk, O. C. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the following ac counts have been llh-d In theornhnns' Court of Ciiliniililn county, nnd will lie presented to the said court on the first Monday of May A. I). 1891 and eontlrmed nisi, and unless exceptions are filed within four days thereafter, con firmed absolute 1. The second serount of George W. Corell, Trustee of. George Illdlay under the last will and testament of George illdlay, dee'd. 8. The tlnal account of Francis Evans, Trustee of Hie eslate nf Jacob Moyer, late of Brlurcrcek township, 1 nlumblaco. Pa., deceased. Clerk s Office, G, M. Ot'ICK, Bloomsburg, Pa., April 6, 1891. Clerk O. C. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notlre Is hereby given to all legatees, credi tors and other persons luleresiisi In the estates or the respective decedents aud minors that the following iidinlnlstnitnrs,',execiiuirs,'giianllatis, accounts have been tiled in the olllce nf the Register of Columbia county, and will be pre. scut ill for ronilriiiatlon anil nllnwnnce In the orphans' murl to be held In Bloomshurg. Monday, May 41 h, 1891, at 8 o'clock p. 111. of said day, No. 1. The tlnal account of Abraham Wltner, guardian of the person and Ksuite of Simpson Tlmmiis, Uilnor child of Joslah J. Thomas, lain of Hoiirliigcn-ck township, Columbia county, Penna., said, minor, having arrived at the age of years, No. 3. First and tlnal account nf Sylvester Heal Ii. administ rator of Gcoruc I). Heath, lute of Jackson township deceased. No. a. The account of Daniel A. Creasy and S. '. creasy, administrator of the estate in .Mary Margaret creasy, lute of Mlftlln township, Columbia county, deceased. No. 4. The tlniil account of U S. Wlntcrsteen, giiarillnn of the person nuil eslate of Arthur c. Garrison, minor child of Kltulet Ii (lartlson late of Scott township, Columbia county, l'enna., sain minor uuwug arrived ul the age of twenty one years. No. 5. First nnd final account nf William S. Kase, execuior of the lust, will and testament of Pelcr, late of llentou townshlo. Columbia county, dcceiweiL No. B. First and tlnal account, of Benjamin Evans, ndtn'r- d. b. n. c. t. a. 01 Mary A. Brlttaln, late of Brlarcrcek township, Columbia rounlv. deceased. No. 7. First and Itnnl account of I. K. Krlck- linum, administrator of the estate of Andrew ltuti.van, late or Hetiton tnwushlti, Columbia county, deeensed. No. 8. First and final account of J. II. Maize, ailinlnlstrator of the estate of Clot worthy H. M. rlsher, late of Blmuusburg, deceased. No. 9. First and final account of John II. Alk man, ailinlnlstrator of l.evl Alkiunn, late of Centre township, Columbia county, deceased. No. 10. Plrsl and llnal account of Isaiah Bow er, administrator of Mary Brobst, late of Ber wick, Columbia county, deceased. No. 11. First and tlniil account of Charles C. Evans, administrator of Anna M. Frttir, late nf Brtnrereck township, Columbia county, de ceased. No. 13. The account of Henry C. Hess and Wellington K. Kocher, administrators of the estate of David Kocher, late of the township of nugarioai, cui. co., reuna., aeceasea. No. 13. First and final account of A. C. Johnson, administ rator of the estate of Catha rine Johnson, lute nf the township of MU Pleas ant, Columbia county, deceased. No. 14. The first and partial account of W. II. dayman, administrator of the estate- of Ira Pursel, late of Pine township. Col. Co.. de ceased. No. 15. The final account, of Abraham Rlre executor of the eslate of John Hunts late of the township 01 ueaver, Columbia county, deceased. No. 16. The nrst and final account of c. 11. Barnard, administrator of the estate of Holan. dus Herblne, late of Locust township, Col. co., deceased. No. 17. First and Anal account nf Thou. H. Williams, executor ftc of the estate of Enoch Caduian, late of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, deceased- No. 18. First nnd Final account, nf R A. Santee, administrator ftc of John Santee. lntn of Flshlugcreek township, Columbia count y, deceased. No. 19. Final account of Phllln Mellck. sur viving executor of Daniel Mellck, late of Colum bia county, deceased. No. 30. First and Una! account of Oliver P. Shultz, administrator of Isaac Whipple, late nf U.liMu... lnwn.Mn ( V.l ....., I .. .. .1 . . I No. 91. First account of James T. Fox. execu tor of t he est ate of Franklin Rhodes, late of Beaver township, Columbia county, deceased. No. 23. First and final account of Daniel Uartman, administrator of Elizabeth Hlppen-suh-1, late of Centre township, Columbia county, deceased. No. S3. First and final account of Jos. W. Eves, administrator of the estate of Wm. F. Bobbins, late of Greenwood townshlo. Colum bia couuly, deceased. No. 24. Account of Lavlna Hess, administrat rix of the estate of Wesly Hess, late of Centre townsnip, coiumoia county, auceasca. C. 11. CAMPBELL. Register. Utftl KILLED CURES ALL D1SCASE& It 1st bft only medicine that can be taken lu lanro enough quantities to stop fermeutai Ion, destroy microbe (the Germs of disease), and not In any way cuiim barm to the patient. It contains no drugs whatever.but Is a water charred with pow erful germ-destroying Gases. It cures where Mil omer remedies full, uoolc, giving Germ theo- ff W UlMMUHf, WTVO . '.', I G. A. McKKLVY, Bloomsburg, Pa., or AplO-tm. . . J Lalght, St., New York City. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABEB-- SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias ls,,i out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county nnd to me directed, will be exposed t public sale In the Sheriff's ODlcelnthe rmm Hotisejit Bloomshurg, Pa., on SATURDAY, APRIL ti, i8nt at 9 o'clock a. m., tho following described prpm. Ises, to-wlt i All that certain buildings lorntJ on a tot or piece of ground situate in Sttgarlnaf township, Columbia county, Pa., in the pu0 known as Jamison City, and descrllied as fni lows i Beginning at, a point on the north m.i. of Market street, thence nlnng the north lino of snld Market street three hundred nnd ten feet from Hroad street, north forty and nnA. half degrees west two hundred and six feet thence north forty-nine and one-half deitrees.' east, two hundred and sevcnty.flve feot, them's parallel with Market, Street two hundred sni six feet, thence south forty-nine and nne-hntr degrees west two hundred and seventy-rive fif t 10 1 ne place ni beginning. The main bulldl ng Is a tour story balloon frnmn ninety feet by thirty feet, with a two story balloon frame kitchen, In tho rear twenty rtv feet by t wenty.nve feet, s veranda on three slilcg of the main bulking, at first and second stories stwo story frnmn kitchen adjoining the first named kitchen twenty-five feet by seventy-nvo foet, being the property known as the MANOR REST INN. with Ice house and other outbuildings. Seijps taken Into execution at tho suit nf Harry Kshle. man and John Wolf, co-partners trnillng as Eshleman ft Wolf, ngalnst the Manor Rest Inn 'ompany, nnd to be sold ns the property of tim Manor Best Inn Company. ZAKH JOHN B. CASK V. Atty. Sheriff. By virtue of writs of fl. fa. nnd lev. fa. Issued out of the Court of Common liens of Columbia county, and to me dlrerted then' will be expos, ed to public sale at the Sheriff's otTlce, In llio town of Bloomshurg on Saturday, April 25. 1891. at 10 o'clock a. m., nil the right, title and Inter est of the defendant In the following described real estate, to-wlt: Atwo-story balloon frame. STORE AND DWELLING HOUSK being twenty-eight feet, wide on Broad street ml forty feet deep on Third street, and lielng twenty-rive feet high from the wall to the enves shingle roof, veranda, ftc, located on a lot In Jameson City, Sugnrloaf township, Columbia county. Pa., bnunded on the nnrthcast by lot of Robert Force, on the southeast by an nlley, on he southwest by Third street, said village, and on the northwest by Broad street of said vil lage, being eighty feet on Broad Istreet, being lots Nos. 16 and 17 In the town plot of Jameson lty, whereon aro erected a frame store and dwelling house, with stable and outbuildings. Seized, taken into execution at the suit of A. . Herring and Jacob Keller vs. C. R. Relchart, and to be sold as the property of C. R. Kelchart. IlSBKINO, Atty. JOHN B. CASEY, Bloomsburg, Apr. 1, "91 19-ts. sheriff. Real Estate. ESTATE OF MARGARET J. TEET8, DEC'D. By virtue of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, there will be exposed to pub lic sale on the premises, on SATURDAY, MAY 2ND, 1891, at 8 o'clock In the afternoon, the two following pieces of land : TRACT NO. I, Being all that certain lot. piece, or parcel of ground situate In the Bnr ough of Berwick, In the county of Columbia and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner of lot owned by Paxton Creasy, on Grunt street, thence along Grant street forty-nine and one-halt feet to corner of lot owned by Charles Haas, thence by lot of said Haas a distance of one hundred and twenty-one feet to an alley, thence by said alley forty-nine and one-half feet to a lot of Paxton Creasy, thence by a lot of said Creasy one hundred and twenty-one feet to the place of beginning and being lot number forty-six, on westerly side of Grant street. TRACT NO. II, Being all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of ground, situate In the Bor ough of Berwick, In the county ot Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt t Beginning at a point on Grant street, thence along the same forty-nine and one-halt feet to lot number forty five owned by Paxton Creasy, thence aloug said lot a distance ot one hundred aud twenty-one feet to an ulley, thence by said alley forty-nine and one-half foet to lot owned by Jackson A Woodln Manufacturing Company, thence by said lot one hundred and twenty-one feet to the place of beginning, being lot number forty-tour on westerly side Grant street, whereon Is erect ed a largo two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with out-kltchen attached and out buildings. TERMS OF SALE. One-fourth of the pur chase mouey to be paid at the striking down of the property j aud balance In six mouths from confirmation absolute of sale when deed Is to be delivered to party or parties purchasing. STERLING DICKSON, Ivahs, Atty. Kxeoutor. Art VVrrPC make 100 per cent- on my Cor U&ri 1 0 sets Bells, Bruslie-, curlers, h-A Medlclue. Samples free. Write now, Dr. Hrldtfinan 871 B'way, N. Y. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate. Tho undersigned assignee tor the benefit of creditors of S. A. Smith will expose to public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, APRIL 18th, 1891, at one o'clock In the afternoon of that day, the following described real estate to-wlt : All that certain piece, parcel and trart ot land situate In the township ot Flshlngcreek, County ot Columbia, State of Pennsylvania- bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Be ginning at a stone corner ot lands of John and Rush Harrison and Nathan Smith and running thence by land ot the said Nathan Smith, north S8K west, 73 6-10 perches to a White Oak, thence south H"-4 west, 12 8-10 perches to a stone; thence by land of the Widow of Panlel Stoker north 8W west, 125 perches to a small hemlock; thence by land of Samuel Shlves south west to a small walnut; thence south 70 west, 8 9-10 perches to a stone ; thence by land of Samuel Halves and others south 18 east, 33 8-10 perches to a Btone ; thence by land of said Samuel Shlves and others and across track ot the Bloomsburg ft Sullivan R. R. south 85 degrees west, 11 8-10 perches to a stone; thence south 94 west, 6 6-10 perches to a large maple ; thence south 43 west, 23 4-10 perches to small maple ; thence along the bank of Flsh lngcreek and across said Flshlngcreek south h" west, 43 9-10 porches to a stono; thence along bank of said creek south 84H east, 23 9-10 perches to a stone ; thence across said Flshlng creek and by land ot the Widow ot James Pad en, north 70 east 30 8.10 perches to a stone; thence north 8 east, 80 8-10 perches to a stone; thence by lands of John Harrison and Rush Harrison north 70 east 195 perches to the place of beginning, containing I 8 Acres 138 PERCHES ot land, more or less. About 100 acres of the above mentioned land Is cleared land and In a very excellent state ot cultivation. The rest la well timbered with oak and pine timber, and located along the line and Immediately adjoining the Bloomsburg ft Sulli van Rail Road. Tho DWELLING HOUSE upon said farm 1b a two story frame building and 1b located within eighty yards ot Forks Hall Road station. There Is also erected on the premises a good BANK BARN, Wagon Shed and other Outbuildings. Water handy at the door and an abundance of good fruit trees upon the place. Possession will be given Immediately upon compliance with the terms of sale. Deed to be made at tho expense of purchaser, and all per sonal property on tne premises, Including grain In the ground, reserved. The terms of sale will be easy and will be es pecially announced upon the day of sale. Ghant Ukhuino, E. R. WILSON, Atty, Assignee. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. BttaU John RUtrr, late of Catawitta lotentMp. The uuderslirned. an auditor appointed by tne Oi-phaus' Court of Columbia county, to make distribution of balance In hands of surviving i.liiili.lutrulnr. will ult. At. thn uttlce Of W. 11 Rhawu, Catawlssa, at 10 o'clock, April 83, 1891. when and where all persons having ciaima against said estate must appear aud prove tne same, or oe ueuarreu iroiu vuiuiug tu ,U"d" , B. . ZAIUt, Auditor. A' CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. Salary and Expenses paid, or Commission If preferred. Salesmen wanted every where. Nooxperlenoe needed. Address, swung H.&OSTKR CO., Nurserymen, Genevs, H. t-