THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Farm For Sale. TO acres In Flshlngcreek township, col. Co ne mile from Van Camp, Ne.v columh'fi nnd Cambra. Fair buildings, good water, fine orch ard, No. 1 grass (arm, will s'll at a bargain up est easy terms. Will exchange upon property Btoomsburg. Call upon or address WM. CHHISMAN, Bloomsburg, Pa. Fob Bali Desirable vacant lots and a num ber of good houses and lots In Bloomsburg. The best business stand In Bloomsburg. A very de sirable property In Willow Grove, nrst-clnss MMtngs and 18 acres of land. Dwellings In spy. Ten good farms In Columbia county, one In Luzerne county, one In Virginia and two In Kansas. One country store stand In Columbia ounty and one In Luzerne county, S grist mills In Columbia county, by M. P. LUTZ, Insurance and Real Estate Agt, Bloomsburg Pa., I ALES. March a6 and 27. The Blooms burg Land Improvement Company will offer 500 town lots for sale at auc tion, in Bloomsburg, beginning at 10 o'clock each day, and continuing each week on Thursday. See bills. March 27th Mrs. Almira Albert son will sell valuable personal property on premises in Greenwood twp., com mencing at 10 o'clock a. m, Horses, cows and general farming implements. March 3 1. Mrs. Emma C. Deib Ier will sell personal property, at premises on Seventh street, Blooms burg, at 1 p. m. April 3. The personal property of the Manor Rest Inn Company will be sold at 10 o'clock a. m., at Jame son City. April 4. Fhilip H. Seely, adminis trator of Lafayette Fuller deceased, will sell real estate in Bloomsburg at 10 a. m. See advertisement. New Names in History. The flashing of new names in the world's horizon is always delightful to behold. Here is Edison, who ten years ago was unheard of, whose fame is now blazoned o'er the world. Here is Koch, of Berlin, known to but few at this time of last year, now shining aloft. Here are new names appearing from time to time in literature, some of them luminous. Welcome to all the new lights 1 It is delightful to see them, and all the more as many of the tames that have shone in other years are passing out of sight. It is some thing to have a "name great in mouths of wisest censure," even if it be there but for a time. Husband and Wife. Have more than once been saved by timely use of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, after all other remed ies have been tried in vain. The Bal sam stops decay of the lungs and cures influenza and acute and chronic coughs. There is no other medicine in the world that acts so promptly, certainly none that does its work so thoroughly as Kemp's Balsam. All druggists sell it. Large bottles 50c and $1. Harper & Brothers will publish March 30th Kobbe a New York, a hand-book for tourists and visitors to die metropolis, similiar in style and design to Raedekor's hand-books for European travelers. I hey wlu also publish on the same day Charles Dud ley Warner's Our Italy ; anew volume by Mary E. Wilkins, entitled The Nero England Nun and Other Atortes ; and a volume by Lucy C. Little, con taining the stories "Phil and the Baby," and "The False Witness." a M General Sherman, shortly before ids death, by written contract, put his memoirs in the hands of Webster & Co., of New York. They carrying out the spirit of the contract, are about to bring out a cheap edition of his cele hrated work; with a brief appendix by the Hon. James G. Blaine, including the closing year of General Sherman's life, his last death and funeral pagent The work will be in one volume and will contain the full text of the original memoirs. It will be sold at $2.00, all former editions being sold at $5,00. The proceeds of the work rill be devoted to the interests of those whom General Sherman has left dependant for support upon the in come of the estate. The Celebrated Pacing Stallion, Frank M, Bcord 8.87K. standard and registered No. V, will make the season of 1881 at the Barn of C. K. Wenner, In the rear of the Central Hotel, Seglnnlng Tuesday noon, April 7th, and will re nin until Wednesday about 4 o'clock, and wy two weeks during the season, on Tues- toys and Wednesdays. Frank M. Is a Btrawberry roan, stands Id tends high, and In good flesh will weigh 1150 pounds, heavy bone and muscle, good dl-posl -ion, and combines more good qualities tor veed and endurance and for general purposes, nan any otner stallion In the State. Fiuiorei. Frank M. No. 89, was sired by Charley Blister, No. 88, he by Charley Ilrlstur, So.BH, be by Copper Bottom, Dam Blue Bull 1o. 88, second dam by Legal Tender. Ills pedi gree shows that he combines sous of the best (trains of blood tor speed In the United Htutea. frank M has proved hlmsulf a sure foal getter ind can show as line and uniform a lot of colts is can be produced. They are smooth built and ieavy bone, and fr their age some of them tbow remarkable speed. They command a "rge price and quick sale. to Insure. Anyone parting with Mrs will be responsible for the fee. All uccl. tents to niare at risk of owner. For further particulars, address, THOiirsoN ft Haioht, Luz nrne, i a. s-ao-am. Died Suddenly on the 22nd inst.. Ralph Raymond, oldest son of James B. and Harriet Barkle, aged 10 yesrs and 12 days. CONSUMPTION. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Af fections, also a positive and radical curt for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge to all who de sire, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for pre paring and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Notes, 820 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. mar-6-iy WANTED. A young man from 16 to 21 years old, to work on a farm near town. Apply to Jacob Dieffenbach. 3-13-3-t. Nevermind! Never mind what the people say, it is a fact nevertheless that the Popular News Agent, has ad ded to an already well selected stock of Games, Books Novels, &c, wall paper, beautiful designs and at very reasonable prices. Call and examine, just a few doors below Market street. Grant Herring desires to announce, that all clients desiring to have busi ness attended to during his absence at the session of the legislature, will find competent persons at his office to attend to the same. Those desiring to see Mr. Herring in person, may do so on Saturday and Monday of each week. . tf. Deafness Can't Be Cured- By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Therejis only one way to cure deaf ness. Deafness is caused by an inflam ed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbl ing sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless inflammation can be taker out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. 3-6 4-w- Highest cash price paid for all kinds of furs t Fox, mink, musk rats, skunks, etc, Lotus Lowbnbekq. EG3S I EQ3S I From Barred "PLYMOUTH KOCK8." The Farmer Favorite, From RED CAPS, The Great Layers. AT fl.JO PKR 13, OK .50 PER 6 F.OQB. W. B. GERMAN, Mlllville, Pa. tt PHOTOGRAPHS CRAYON PORTRAITS. IOO PICTURES I.OO, CABINETS 99C, Per Dos. LIFE SIZE CRAYON, Framed in a Gilt Raised Frame Five inches wide, and One Dozen best $3.00 Cabinets, all for $8.00. Copying Old Pictures and Viewin Houses, Cattle, &c, a Specialty. U. A, KEMP, Artist, BLOOMHBVRO, PA. . ELY'S. Catarrh ureamtfaim Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Hulls the fc'orei. Restores the tenses of Taste and Smell TEYTHE CUBE H AY-EEVE R a imriiciu ih anon Ha into nc nnat rii and Is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggist by mun, registered. 80 eta. KLY BROTHERS, M Warren St., New York, TT"wi'-rTT vtrv Pr Practically taught 1 l I rlAlNI J The oloneer "sKJu nunu scnooi of Elinlra. N. y. Bond to Mia UUB.A1 HcjiooLOF COMKBHCK for Inform tlon concerning practical education. Type writing, uicg' Telegraphy, etc, mi L 7 If CHARTER NOTICE. Notice Is hereby irlven that an application will be made to the Court of common Pleas of olumbla county, upon Saturday the 4lh day of prn, A. i'., iiwi, oy Mint Mint new s Lutheran Im re h of BlooinNhtirv, I'a.. for an amendment. ml alteration of their rlinrter, according to the ,ct. Anrll N, 1874 rciriilntlnir nmcmlinonta to barters and supplements thereto, emit led, "an 1 to provme nir tne incorporation ana rvifii la in of certain corporations. The character and olilect of which In the supHirt of public worship, and for that purpose to have and possess and emloy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of assembly and Its supplements, the petition reciting tne proposeo ainenoinenis ana s now on tne 111 tne rroinnmuary s onice. Mar in, vi. wm. en itiNM Ait, Honcitor. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF BLOOM POOR DISTRICT. From Jan. 13, WHO to Jan. 12, Wl. JOHN K. OROTZ, Treasurer. 1)K. Cash ree'd on Bloom Duplicate 18st.. t m si IM W an Vl 4A 41m (in 175 00 10m I MO Oil 011 4.1 0 iroiu.,, .. "Greenwood" !.. issu.. " Scott " inks.. issu.. Bugarloaf issu.. two.. " For support. Mrs Oeo. Vanutta " ree'd trout Hrown House Kst. wm. Kry Kent Long Mouse Hester Werner I'rocceds farm.. t'nsealed lands. . .. Note mi no 0 () m on 0 on M M US4 S3 I 60 IS M CH. By old orders redeemed f M 78 " new " w w " note and Interest Mil on " commission and postage .. 117 en aim. uue ireitMurcr lit m-c- f l..iwnt IMUtl I'JO 9u ' balance In hands of treas urer .lun. ltwi HI" on t SIMM M Orders outstanding Jan. 12, lnwu. 00 in Orders Issued from Jan. IS, lswu 10 Jan. in, ioi i w $ 4.YU OS Orders of 1887 and 1888 redeem ert.. r 00 Orders of 1H89 redeemed 48 78 wim " 4 m outstanding Jan. 12, 'HI 88 81 t 4.'35 02 EXPENSES FOK YEAR ENDING JAN. 12, Will. revision and supplies. nel and llitht. ST3 85 73 IH ) l 4 7.1 31 a 15 33 127 41 II 71 HS in 21 Vi 11 25 IS) 14 14 45 1 50 35 III) 45 00 12 12 1 50 2 70 148 68 21 5H 23 26 15 SO 8 SO 50 00 80 00 10 00 s an AI 00 ino 00 im 00 25 01) 75 00 100 Oil 80 00 60 00 GO 00 85 00 lot hlng and shoes umllure iinu oouuing Dry guods Medical supplies Ordinary repairs raveling exwnses arm expenses' Mnl 111 work inters ri'lu't - rohacco uklng care or tramps and car fare-. Incidental expenses . H. rurnuin Harness....... lintlnif statement WHO Expense taking Ueo. Kvans to biwyn, in ... K. Pea'-ock aflldavlts Hooks and stationery W. Reynolds & son for wen and pump Repa.iiug windmill U. Lee Patterson funeral ex penses B. W. Drake repairing spring waicon Expense taking Albertson to i'. 11 . G. Rarkley attorneys fees Wst) and WHO. M. C. Woodward taking care of tramns issu and wuo. . George Kvaus clotblng(Elwyn ncnooi) Brown house repairing and Thomas McBrlde steward... . Dr. Jucou Hchuyler M. L.ansu M. Pet It t C. Itldlay A. Klelm .... Dr. McKeynolds Dr. Hedeker Mrs. McBrldn matron Auditors and clerk for year lstto Total current expenses $ IBS 18 INSANE IN STATE HOSPITAL. Geo, Fox 62 1-71 weeks C4 1.75 Mcott 81 85 Jesse Kelly 5i(l-7 weeks (4 1.75 Itiooin VI 3K L. C. Kahler 58 1-7 weeks ( 1.75 Bloom- 81 85 John Hoy er 62 1-7 weeks 14 1.75 Scott 81 89 Alza M. Hterner 62 1-7 weeks (4 1.75 Bloom 81 2B H. Lee Patterson 89 1-7 weeks 1.75 Greenwood fib 50 Wm. Fry 52 1-7 weeks 1.75 Bloom 9125 Carrie Kurrell 62 1-7 weeks 9 1.75Greenwooa 1 IB Agnes Mason 18 8-7 weeks 6 1. 1 a mooai. sx uu 73? 85 OUT DOOR RELIEF. M. May, Bloom 63 09 Caroline Smith, Bloom 90 95 liesier uumooy, hoou ......... J5 os M. Dawson, Bloom 80 85 Epb Parks, Bloom 89 00 George Jacoby, Bloom 178 00 Mrs ueo vanatta, Greenwood iso 00 Wilson Dodson, Bloom.......... 6 00 Wm. ttboeuiaker. Bloom 8 75 Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. lless, 8u- garloaf 100 00 Mrs. Ann Kvans, Greenwood 47 86 Hiram Long, Bloom a uu Mrs. Al Cadow, Bloom - 118 M0 M rs. Ham Ht Ills. Bloom 48 70 Jacob Adams, Sugarloat 22 06 KODelX LOOK, HCOtt 11 At Harry Johnson, Hcott 8 44 Mrs. Salsy.Hcott 8 75 Aaron Mhotts, Hugnrloaf 14 00 Loyal Mast-eller, KuKrloaf . a so Bessie Dodson, Bloom 4 00 Jacob 8 winner and. lamlly, wreenwtKKi si 73 B. F. Tuylor, Bloom 8 00 tack Nhoemaker, Hcott 10 no Mrs. Penrose, Bloom.... 5 06 iircod musseiman, tcoii 47 so Hannah Randall, Bloom 7 75 nenj. lyson, nioom 62 xl Warren Inirold. HIcMim . au James Leacock, Bloom 8 6A $ 1889 88 $ 481 86 We. 'the undcrslirned Auditors of the town. ships comprising the Bloom Poor District, met ai me Alius uuusu on the second Monday of January, WUI, that being the 12th, examined the accounts of the Treasurer und the Directors rroin January 13, ism, to January 12, ism, and the vouchers for the same find them correct as set lortu uuove, WM. BOG A KT, ISAAC HEACOCK A. N. YOST, f Auditors. D. II. STEADMAN, J VALUE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY oeionging to 1 ne Hioom poor District January 12th, 1HU1. Balance due on duplicates. Dun. Amt Paid Dun Bloom 1890 830117 87 18HU AO $UHS 87 Scot t 18S8 Um 42 750 87 256 65 Greenw'd 1889 805 82 818 71 61 61 Sugurloaf WUO 821 82 90 (10 231 82 Scot t WHO 10(12 04 425 00 677 04 Greenw'd 1890 90 86 4U0 00 602 85 Less estimated exonerations 8817 14 and commissions stio 00 B47T5 Farm and buildings , l3tio on 8 horses 120 no 1 mare and colt .... 2110 on 12 heud of cattle..... 226 00 16 shouts 41 00 ino chickens an 00 8 turkey ,. ... 8 00 8 gulneus 8 40 122 bushels wheat 122 00 1(10 bushels outs 88 00 15 tons huy 150 00 5(10 heads cubbage 20 no 450 pounds lurd 88 (in 2080 pounds pork 12180 1 W burrels Sauer Kruut 7 60 20(10 .bundles corn fodder.... loo on ai bushels turnips 7 60 1 barrel vlnegur 7 00 IN) bushels pouitoes 10 (10 Kurm Implements 8(10 00 Furniture In Almshouse 200 01) Furniture In Stewurd's house 150 no 80 tons Ice ho 00 785 bushels corn ears . 220 60 IB acre urulu In wound 160 00 118,818 84 PRODUCTS UAIPED ON FARM, 1S90 905 bushels of wheat. . m no 123 75 821 W 18 IIO 6 0(1 818 on 13 50 2 no 6 (Wl 13 50 4 no 157 50 58 50 1118 HI) 46 88 58 21) 108 Oil 41 on 10 on 8 00 16 50 8 40 4 no 800 00 825 oats. , 221 8H hum) 45 4 pot atoes rye beans corn ears turnips lleetn totiintoe!, 10 51 bundles long straw 4 iniHlieis ontiuis 81NI sheaves corn fodder 1050 heads of cabbage 27NO pounds pork 57 pounds lard 41 dozens eggs 61 pounds of butter 16 shoata 8 barrel sauer krout 1 calf 60 chickens 8 guineas 4 turkeys 90 tons nay Product sold from farm.... No. paupers remaining In Alms House last report.. No. admitted during year.... No, discharged during year.. No. died during year 60 00 11,844 91 18 6 No. persons In Alms House, Bloom No. persons In Alms House, Greenwood No. persons In Alms House, Scott No remaining January 1, 1891 JACOB WIU'YLER) A. C. HUM. AY. J. M. LAKISH. I 10 Directors. Attest! C. A. KLEIM, Secretary. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE- Real Estate. The undersigned Jadmlnlstrator of Lafayette Fuller, late of Luzenio county, deceased, will expose nt public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1891, at 10 a. m. the following described real estate, to-wlt: Kltuate in the Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia count)', Pa., beginning nt the corner of lot niimtiered thirty-seven, owned now or innerly by Mrs. Noble on High street, public road leading to Espytown, thence by said street north slxty-flvo nnd one-fourth degrees east fifty feet to corner of lot owned by Patrick Mc- Fadden, thence by same south thlrty-ono and one-fourth degrees west two hundred and four teen feet more or less to Ridge illey, thence by same south slxty-flvo and one-fourth degrees west, fifty feet to lot numbered thirty-seven, nnd thence along said lot numbered t hirt y-seven north thirty-one and one-fourth degrees est two hundred nnd fourteen feet more or less to the place of beginning, being a, vacant lot. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth of the purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of property; the one-fourth less the ten per cent at the confirmation of sale and the re- malulng three-fourths In one year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nlst. PHILIP II. SEELY. Administrator. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate. The undersigned assignee for the benefit of creditors of S. A. Smith will expose to public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, APRIL i8th, 1891, at ona o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the following described real estate t-wlt : All that certain piece, parcel and tract of Und situate In the township of Flshlngcreek, County of Coluinria, State of Pennsylvania bounded and desc.lbed as follows, to-wlt i Be ginning at a stone corner of lands of John and Rush Harrison and Nathan smith and running thence by land of tha said Nathan Smith, north 8HH west, 78 8-10 perches to a White Oak, thence south 16 west, 18 8-10 perches to a stone ; thence by land of the Widow of Daniel Stoker north 894 west, 185 perches to a small hemlock; thence by land of Samuel Halves south 83K west to a small walnut ; thenoe south 70 west, 8 9-10 perches to a stone ; thenoe by land of Samuel Bhlvea and others south 18 east, 83 8-10 perches to a stone ; thence by land of said Samuel Bhlves and others and across track of the Bloomsburg A Sullivan R. R. Bouth 86 degrees west, 11 8-10 perches to a atone; thence south 84 west, 5 6-10 perches to a large maple ; thence south 48 west, 83 4-10 perches to small maple ; thence along the bank of Flsh lngcreek and across said Flshlngcreek south yi west, 48 9-10 perches to a atone ; thence along bank of said creek south 24V east, 83 8-10 perches to a stone ; thence across said Flshlng creek and by land of the Widow of Janes Pad' en, north 70 east 88 8-10 perches to a stone ; thence north 8 east, 80 8J0 perches to a stone ; thence by lands of John Harrison and Rush Harrison north 70 east 195 perches to the place of beginning, containing J OS Acres 18S PERCHES of land, more or loss. About 100 acres of the above mentioned land is cleared land and in a very excellent state of cultivation. The rest Is well timbered with oak and pine timber, and located along the line and immediately adjoining the Bloomsburg Built von Rail Rood. The DWELLING HOUSE upon said farm is a two story frame building and is located within eighty yards of Forks Bull Road station. There Is also erected on the premises a good BANK BARN, Wagon Shed and other Outbuildings. Water handy at the door and an abundance of good milt trees upon the place. Possession will be given Immediately upon compliance with the terms of sale. Deed to be made at the expense of purchaser, and all per sonal property on tne premises, including grain in uie grouna, reservea. The terms of sale will be easy and will be es pecially announced upon the day of sale. Grant Hibkinq, k. r. WILSON, Atty, Assignee. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Harmon Fahrttiger, Oeceama. The 'undersigned Audftor appointed by the Orphans' court of Columbia county, Pa to dis tribute balance in the hands of the Executor of uiormun 01 iiurmon ruunnger, aecd., Will meet the parties Interested at theoniceof Grant Herring, Fsq., In the 4own of Bloomsburg, on Saturday, March 28, wui, at ten o'clock, a. m when and where ull parties interested will at tend or be foruver debarred from uny share of ouiu iuuu. V W. II. HIIAWN. Auditor. cnorn axle rilH&LllQREASE BEST 1ST THE WOULD. It WMriog quallilMr unsurpuMd, otull crutlutlna two boxe of any oilier brand. Not Stated by hut, urUET THE UKSI L INE. FOB BALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY, lyf SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Faclns Issued nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county nnd to me directed, will 1)0 exposed to public sale In the Shortirs onicelnthe Court Houseit Bloomsburg, Pa., on SATURDAY, APRIL it, 1891, ht 9 o'clock a. m., the following described prem ises, to-wlt t All that certain buildings located on a lot or piece of ground situate In Hugarloaf township, Columbia county, Pa., in the plan known as Jamison City, and described as fol lows 1 Beginning nt a point on the north side of Market street, thence along the north line of said Market street three hundred and ten feet from Broad street, north forty and one half degrees west two hundred and six feet, thence north forty-nine and one-half degrees, east two hundred and seventy-five feet, thence parallel with Market Street two hundred and six feet, thence south forty-nine and one-half degrees west two hundred and seventy-five feet to the place of beginning. The.maln building Is a fourstory balloon frame ninety feet by thirty feet, with a two story balloon frame kitchen, In the rear twenty five feet by twenty-five feet, a veranda on three sides of the main bulldog, at first and second stories j two story frarao kitchen adjoining the first nnmed kitchen twenty-five feet by seventy-five foot, being the property known as the MANOR REST INN. with Ice house and other outbuildings. Seized taken Into execution at the suit of Harry Eshle- man and John Wolf, co-partners trading as Kshleman A Wolf, against the Manor Rest Inn Company, and to be sold as the properly of the Manor Rest Inn Compnny. ZAKK JOHN B. CASEY. Ally. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By vlrtuo of a writ of Lev. Fa. Issued out of he Court, of Common Pleas of Col. Co., I'a., and to me directed, there will be sold In the SheiltTs Office, In the Court House, Bloomsburg, ra., on Tuesday, March 31, 1231, at 10 o'clock a. in., all that certain messuage and tract of land situate in the township of Ben ton, Col. Co., Pa., bounded and described ns fol lows, viz: On the east by lands of Ezeklel Shultz, on the south by lnnds of Daniel I.uu, on the west by lunds of George Dodson and on the north by lands of the heirs of Peter Lull, deceased, containing THIRTY ACRES, of land more or less whereon are erected a J and Other Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Thomas Edgar versus F. M. Lutz, and to be sold as the property of F. M. LutT. El will, JOHN B. CASEY, Atty. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pa., and to me directed, there wiu be sold in the Sheriffs office at the Court House, Blooms burg, Pa., on SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following ; All that certain tot or parcel of ground situ ate In the town of Rupert, Montour township, Columbia County, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : On the east by a street fifty feet wide, laid out by Lloyd Paxton for public use, on the north by lot of Henry 8, Reay, on the west by an alley twenty feet wide, laid out as aforesaid, on the south by lot of Ground be longing to G. W. Mears, containing in front on the aforesaid street sixty feet and of the same breadth on aforesaid alley and tn depth from the said fifty foot street to the aforesaid alley one hundred and forty feet. ALSO : All that certain lot of ground situate in the town of Rupert, Montour township, Col umbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a corner of a lot of ground belonging to said Lloyd Paxton lying on the west side of a street fifty feet wide laid out by Lloyd Paxton for publlo use sixty feet northwest from corner of a lot of ground re cently conveyed by said Lloyd Paxton to George W. Mears and running from thenoe by sold street north thirteen and one-half degrees west sixty feet to a post, thence by other lands of Lloyd Paxton south twenty-six and one-half degrees west one hundred and forty feet to a tnence bv said street south thirteen and one-half degrees east 60 feet to the corner of the aforesaid street twenty feet wide laid out as aforesaid. lot of Lloyd Paxton, thence by the same north seventy-six and one-bait degrees east one hun dred and forty feet to the place of beginning, wuereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE, BARN and Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of David Reay, trustee of Mary V. Reay, versus Henry & Reay, and to be sold as the property of Henry 8. Reay. Jackson, JOHN B. CASEY, 8-1 Mt Atty. Sheriff, SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. issued out of he Court of Common Please of Col. Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be sold In the Sheriffs office, at the Court House, Bloomsburg, Pa, on SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. in., all that certain lot or parcel of land situate in Jackson townshlb, Columbia county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt 1 On the north by lund of Rebecca Keller, on the east by land of Abram Kline, on the south by lands of Frank Friu and Peter Miller, and on the west by land of Mark Andrews, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES of land, more or less, whereon are erected a Dwelling House, Barn and Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of N. &. P. Pearson, trading under the Arm name of Pearson & Co., versus Charles D. Carpenter, and' to be sold as the property of Charles D. Carpen ter. JOHN B. CASEY, IlKKRl Sheriff. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate John Rltter, late of Catawissa township. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to make distribution of balance In hands of surviving administrator, will sit at the office of W. if. Rhuwu, Catuwlssu, at 10 o'clock, April 88, 1891, when and where all persons having claims against suld estate must appear and prove the same, or be debarred from coming lu on suld iuuu. B. F. ZARR, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Daniel Brewer, late of Pint twp. dee'd. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county to make distribution of suld estate., will sll lu his olllee lu llloomsburg, on Monday, April 8, Wul, at 10 o'clock u. in., when and where ull persons buy ing claims against suld estate must appeur and prove the same, or be UuburreU from coming lu UU BttlU IUUU. C. 0. BARKLBY, Auditor. RULE AND NOTICE. Elijah Hsss vs. Tnso. M. Hot'sis tn the Court of Cm Pleas of Columbia d J No. 174 Feby. Term. Cntnnin, "'inij KJeotment for purchase money for rert.i. premises, whereof the following Im a (i' rlpt"I. bin county, Vs., anil on the north side nr nubile road lending lip the West branch nf Ingrreek, nnd Ih'kIiiiiIiik at. a post In the ol wilil public road and line of Inml of .1 4 Perry, I hence bv the siinie north six (timi five minutes east, one hundred anil seventt three and two-tenth feet to a post and llii.n north twenty-six degrees thirty minutes eight and five-tenths feet to a post, thi.n north HilfnlltVJAVnil etirht-tenths feet to an aonle tree, then. ...?... ton degrees west, one hundred and seventy .IS two-tenths feet to a pst In the edge of the n, 2 lie road aforesaid, along land of the null KfluJ Hess, thence by the said public Mad south Mm six degrees nve minutes east, thirty-two ani six-tenths feet to the post, the place nf nlng, containing nftorn and elght-tciVih. perches of land. And t he Sheriff having return, ed that neither the vendee, the defendant utm named, nor any person claiming under lilin wu In possession or occupancy of the pretnlw Thereupon on the 11th day of February, ihi on motion of Mr. Freere, attorney for the nlmnl tiff, for an order of publication and a Hin on defendant to appear nnd plead to the srtinn by the first day of May Term isui, as per Ail of vrtrw-iinuj in men inn,' mime null prOVlOOfL Order made and Rule granted as per motion. HY THKt'Ol'liT. Certified from the Records this Kith dnt ISSAI.1 of February A. D. 18DI. G. M. oi ii l Fkks. Atty, Proi hy. s.-8m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. V nt I ttk la hnmtiv rrtvntl trtttt lnllnH na..M ........ j P,T' ' ..-nillllll'Qk ary on the estate of Mary A. Hiigenbueh, laleof he towhHlilpiiforange.'countyori olumlila, pa, ece asod, have been granted to William lliigen. ucii, renmeiii, in nmu uiwnsiup, 10 wnoni all nnrui 111. I it tilt til nul ti 1,..,. .... . I" - " " .in ni,n q make payment, and thrme having claims or rK niands will make known the same without de lay. WILLIAM HAGKMIl i II, W M. II. S8 YPKH, Atty. KxecUlor. 8-8 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE nutate oj Jiirob II. Frtu, late of Swjarloaf tup. ......... ..i.iuuv.i..n.'i wuUIUir trillion on the estaie of Jacob II. Fritz, lute of sugurloaf twn. Col. Co. Pa., deceased, have Uecj gruuHsl to the underslirned administrators to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are re. quested to make payments, and those lmvli claims or demands will make known the samt wit hout delay to or to AMANDA FRITZ. A. L. FRtTI, AM A.N DtS FRITZ, 0-fWlt. Atty. Guavs, II. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Kttntf of Mttrtha J. Xtigar, diM. Letters of administration cum Uftamentuman. icxoon the estute of Martha J. Kdgnr, late of Ksnv. Columbia county. Pennsylvania, deceiu. ed, have been grunted to Thomas W. Kdgnr, re siding In said place, to whom all persons Id debU'd to said esuite are requested to make pay. meni, ami i nose navniK claims or ueinanus will make known the same without deiuy. THOMAS W. K 1X1 AH, 1-90-Aw. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE BttaU of Kllxabrth Harm, tatt of Beaver twp, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of Kllr.abeth Mann, late nf Heaver twp., Col. Co., Pa., deceased, hsvo been granted to Jacob Baker of Glen Hy, t ol. Co. Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to tuld estate are requested to make payments, mid 1 nose unvitig ciuims or aemauas win inuks known the same without delay to or to JA OR BAKKK, ltOBRRT R. I.ittli, Administrator, Any. ien uiy, 101. 1 0. ft. 8-13-81 '. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE K$tate of Rotanna Jtunvan, late of Benton ttfp. iwumoia vuuntv, aeceatea. Notice Is berery irlven that letters of adminis tration on the estate of Rosanna Runyan. late of Benton township, Columbia Co., I'a, deceas ed, have been granted to II. F. Berlin, of KHi- mount Npriugs, lux. t o., pa., u wnom an per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to muke payments, and those having claims or de mands will muke known the same without de lay to n. r.Diittiiii 8-8-t. Fall-mount Springs, Luz. Co. Pa. SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of a writ of Ft, Fa. Issued out of tbt Court of Common pleas of CoL Co. Pa., and M me directed there will be sold In the Sheriff! office, at the Court House, BloomBburg, Pa., 01 SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1891, at 10 o'clock's, m., all the right, title and Inter est of Tony Bush, the defendant, of in and to all that certain lot of ground situate In Sugarloaf twp., Col. Co., Pa., beginning at a post on UM of land of Jameson, Frit A Weed, thence by tbs said property south thirty-eight degrees east twenty-three and one-tenth perches to a mirk in the rock on the west bank of creek, thenoe by land of Rhoda FrlU, south degree west to a post, thenoe by land of the Vanslckls heirs north thirty-eight degrees west twenty seven perches to a post, thence by public road north forty-eight and a halt degrees east thir teen and two-tenth perches to the place of be ginning, containing 2 ACRES and Ten Perches of Land, whereon are erected a DWELLING HOUSE and Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ef Alexander Bros A Co. versus Tony Bush, and M be sold as the property of Tony Bush. Barxlev, Atty. JOHN B. CASEY, Sheriff. REAL ESTATE FOB SALS IK BLOOMSBURG. Main Street. Desirable building lot 50x114. price S180O. Fifth street House and lot, house rents tor tt per month, room to build several more houscet 110 feet trout on Fifth street, price 11060. first Street Frame house, ( rooms, lot SOiJlt, price S1060. Fourth street Large frame bouse, 8 rooms, lot 100 feet front on street, price $8850. Fifth Street Large frame dwelling house, I rooms, out-kltchen, barn, fine fruit, to., lot 791 800, price ataoo. Main Street Large store building, with dwell ing house on same lot, corner lot fronting on two streets, price 84000. TWrd street. Large 8 room house, lot tixva Price $TO0. SeeotttX Street, East of Penru Corner lot, 50 ft front. Price tsoo. SkoohH street, Fine large residence, 11 rooms exclusive of bath room. Steam, gas, sewer, wuter and all modern Improvements. Tenant houses and a number of vacant lots la other parts of the town, all of which are for sale on easy terms. For further particulars inquire Sixth Streft, Korth Side Neat New two story frame house, 7 rooms, verunda in trout aud side. Price 11.150. SUth street, Korth Side Now two story frame house, T rooms, Veranda. Price $1100 SUth Street, .forth Side House and lot wllb 03 feet front on Street, Price 1800. SUth Street, orth siae New two story frame house, 7 rooms, Veranda. Price flioo. Fine Brick Residence In Espy Pa., Lot 88 feet front 10 room house, everything In good repair recently papered and painted, well kt door, cis tern, good stable and outbuildings, fruit of all kinds. Price ilfioo. Of WlNTiaSTCCN Bicilit, First National Bank Building, tf. Bloomsburg, Pa.