The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 20, 1891, Image 8

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Farm For Sale,
TO acres In Flshlngcreek township, rot. Co
ne mile from Van Camp. Ne.v i.'oluiiib'u and
Cambra. Fair buildings. Rood water, tlneorrh
itt No. 1 grass farm, will noil at a bargain up
00 easy terms. Will exchange iion property
Bloomsburg. Call upon or address
Wm. CHltlSMAN,
Bloomsburg, To.
Foil Sam Desirable vacant lots and a num
ber of good houses and lots In Bloomsburg. The
test business stand In Bloomsburg. A very do
tfrable property In Willow Drove, nrst-cluss
buildings and It acres of land. Dwellings In
Kspy. Ten good farms In Columbia county, one
In Luzerne county, ono In Virginia and two In
Kansas. Ono country store stand In Columbia
county and one In Luzerne county, 8 grist mills
In Columbia county, by
M. P. LtTTZ,
Insurance and Real Estate Agt, Itloomsburg Pa.,
March so. The administrators of
Jacob H. Fritz deceased will sell
horses, cattle, pigs, chickens, wagons,
harness, farm implements, grain, house
hold furniture &c, at 9 o'clock. See
March 21. The sale of Lafayette
Ketler was adjourned from the 12th,
on account of had weather, and will
take place on the 2 1st, rain or shine.
He has a large lot of personal prop
erty embracing farm implements,
horses, cows, steam thresher, Morris &
Ireland safe, mower, &:c. See bills.
March 24. Samuel Roberts will
sell valuable personal property on his
premises in Sugarioaf township, colts,
cows, wagons and general farming
March 24. D. S. Pursel will sell
horses, cows, wagons, farm implements,
harness, stoves, house hold goods, &c,
on premises in Briarcreek township
at 9 a. m. See bills.
March 25. John W. Gibbs will
sell horses, carriages, buggies, sleighs,
harness, robes, nets and all the prop,
erty at his livery on Iron street,
Bloomsburg, at 10, a. m. See bills.
March 26 and 27. The Blooms
burg Land Improvement Company
will offer 500 town lots for sale at auc
tion, in Bloomsburg, beginning at 10
o'clock each day, and continuing each
week on Thursday. See bills.
March 27th Mrs. Almira Albert
son will sell valuable personal property
on premises in Greejiwood twp., com
mencing at 10 o'clock a. m, Horses,
cows and general farming implements.
April 4. Philip H. Seely, adminis
trator of Lafayette Fuller deceased,
will sell real estate in Bloomsburg at
10 a. m.. See advertisement.
A Beal Baliam is Kemp's Balsam
The dictionary says, "A balsam is a
thick, pure aromatic substance flowing
from trees," Kemp's Balsam for the
throat and lungs is the only cough
medicine that is a real balsam. Many
thin, watery cough remedies are called
balsams, but such are not. Look
through a bottle of Kemp's Balsam
and notice what a pure, thick prepa
ration it is. If you cough use Kemp's
Balsam. At all druggists'. Large
bottles ;o cents and $1.
A Peculiar Catastrophe on the Oatawissa
Branch of the Beading-
Freight engine No. 393, on the
Catawissa branch of the Philadelphia
Sl Reading Railroad, jumped the track
at Mainville, about a mile from Cata
wissa, late Saturday night, and the re
sult was a horrible fate for the crew.
The killed are James Fisher, engineer;
John Wood, fireman, and Clinton
Harper, brakeman.
When the rescuing party arrived on
the scene they found the engineer and
fireman dead. The former had been
crushed to death between the engine
and one of the freight cars, and it was
with considerable difficulty that his
body was extricated from the wreck.
Wood had been thrown from the engine
and drowned in the creek below.
A large piece of timber held him un
der the water, and it was some time
before he was found. Brakeman
Harper had one of his legs broken and
died from'the effects of his injuries
oefore morning.
The train was bowling along at a
pretty good rate, and suddenly the
engine mounted the rails, dashed along
a few yards, and toppled over the wall
carrying with it the freight cars into
the creek. It happened so quickly
that the men got no warning, and
ere thus prevented from jumping for
their lives. They were carried down
with the engine and killed before they
realized what had occured
News of the mishap was immerli
itely sent to Catawissa, and a party
fmen dispatched to the scene to
ender assistance. The wrecking
rrews were also sent for and soon
wrived, and were soon at work clear
gaway the debris in order that
rarfic could be resumed.
The only theory advanced for the
reck is that the freight engine struck
.11 brake bar tint was on the track and
' Mtised the switch to open, throwing
i k train over the wall.
Aj suUcribcrs who will change their
ejidnicc cn April 1st will please noti
' i fcivirg bath the' old and the new
Kurore signifies a country of white
complexion, so named because the in
habitants were of a lighter complexion
than those of Asi i and Africa. Asia
signifies between, or in the middle,
from the fact that geographers place
it between Europe and Africa. Afri
ca signifies a land of corn or ears. It
was celebrated for its abundance of
corn and all sorts of grain.
Siberia signifies thirsty, or dry
very appropriate. Spain, a country of
rabbits or conies. It was once so in
fested with these animals that it sued
Augustus for an army to destroy them.
Italy, a country of pitch, fiom its
yielding great quantities of black pitch.
Calabria also, for the same reason
Gaul, modern France, signifies yellow-haired
as yellow hair characterized
its inhabitants. The English of Cale
donia is a high hill. This was a rug
ged, mountainous province in Scot
Hibernia is utmost or last habita
tion, for beyond this to the westward
the Phoenicians never extended their
voyages. Britain, the country of tin,
great quantities being found on it and
adjacent islands. The Greeks called
it Albion, which signifies in the Phoe
nician tongue either white or high
mountain, from the whiteness of its
shores, or the high rocks on the west
ern coast. Corsica, a woody place.
Sardinia signifies footsteps of men,
which it resembles. Syracuse, bad
flavor, so called from the unwholesome
marsh on which it stood. Rhodes,
serpents or dragons, which are produc
ed in abundance. Sicily, the country of
grapes, bcylla, the whirlpool ot de
struction. ,'Ktna signifies a furnace,
dark or smoky. Irish Timet
An old physician, retired from prac
tice, having had placed in his hands
by an East India missionary the
formula of a simple vegetable remedy
for the speedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh,
Asthma and all throat and Lung Af
fections, also a positive and radical
curt for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints, after having
tested its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of cases, has felt it his
duty to make it known to his suffering
fellows. Actuated by this motive and
a desire to relieve human suffering. I
will send free of charge to all who de
sire, this recipe, in German, French
or English, with full directions for pre
paring and using. by mail by
addressing with stamD, naming this
paper. W. A. Noyes, 820 Power's
Block, Rochester, N Y. mar-6-iy
A young man from 16 to 21 years
old, to work on a farm near town.
Apply to Jacob Dieffenbach. 3-13-3-t.
Never mind 1 Never mind what the
people say, it is , a fact nevertheless
that the Popular News Agent, has ad
ded to an already well selected stock
of Games, Books Novels, &c, wall
paper, beautitul designs and at very
reasonable prices. Call and examine,
just a few doors below Market street.
Grant Herring desires to announce.
that all clients desiring to have busi
ness attended to during his absence
at the session of the legislature, will
find competent nersoris at his office to
attend to the same. Those desiring
to see Mr. Herrine in Derson. mav do
so on Saturday and Monday of each
week. tf.
Deafness Can't Be Cured
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
Therejis only one way to cure deaf
ness. Deafness is caused by an inflam
ed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube gets inflamed you have a rumbl
ing sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, and unless inflammation
can be taker out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever; nine cases
out of ten are caused by catarrh, which
is nothing but an inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
3-6 4 w.
Fliphest cash price paid for all kinds of
furs : Fox, mink, musk ra g, skunks, etc.
Louis Lowbnukho.
mJCakJT cushions. wi,i.p.r,'C5.c"!
ktiill a.ia.4Ma.hll. .Ukrr UlStCX,
FOB MAY TKKM. 18111.
Benton Lawaon Lewis, I. K. Luubach, Lnf
ayene Keeier.
Bkkwick Archer Averlll, F. It. Kitchen, B.
H1.00.v1 1). Laycnck, .1. Mastellr, J. Shaffer,
C. H. Uunton, Anion Savage, II. Hhuffer.
Hhiakckkkk Samuel Knurr.
Ckntkk J. Creusv.
('ONYNUHAM M. Mnnnglmn.
Fihiiimigkkkk-E, II. oiibert, J. p. Creasy, I.
Fahtlnger. J. Knstenhauder.
(iitKKNwooii-Duvls Manning.
.Tackhon-J. It Lunger, Kiiu young.
Kcorr W. .1. Kngleliurt.
Buuahi.oak .'. ii. lllchart.
Notice Is hereby irlvon that, on application
will be made to the Court of t'ommnn Pleas of
Columbia county, upon Saturday the 4th day of
April, a. i., iwwi, ov faint siamiews i.utncron
cfiurch of Hloonisliurg. 1 for an nim-iulineni,
nml nil oration or their charter, according to the
Ai'i, April W, lUTt regulating amendments to
dinners and supplement therein, enuiico, "an
net In provide lur tin- Incorporation and regula
tion ot certain corporal lona. 'I he charucternnd
onjoci. 01 which is 1 ne Hiippin 01 puunc worsnip,
and for that purpose to have find issess and
Pinjoy all the tights, bencllts nnd privileges of
mild act of assembly and Its supplements, the
petition reciting t ne proponed umcnuincnts ana
in now on me iu me rrot honorary s omcp.
Mar 14, VI. WM. CHIUSMAN, Solicitor.
From .Inn. IS, 1W0 to Jan. 13, 1891.
JOHN K. OKOTZ, Treasurer.
cash ree'd on Bloom Duplicate issn.... t w 81
" " ' " " 1NM0... 24.AI an
" " Urecnwood ' ihkh.. r,-.i
" " " " lHHii.. 41M rci
Scott " is., ITS 00
11 II inhii.. una 8
ii ii sugarioaf " 1n.. MIS 7:1
11 ii ihho.. m on
" For Rttpport Mrs Geo. Vanatta l'io 00
" rep'd from brown House 4! 02
Est- Wm. Fry 11 Oil
" " " lient Long House ft no
" Hester sterner f2 Oil
" " ' Proceeds farm ., toon
" " " t'nsealed lands. S !W
' " Note n 83
f 0918 58
By old orders redeemed $ IB Til
" new " " -i.tim let
" nole and Inte-rest, Kill CI
" commission und postage .. 117 88
" ami ilue treasurer at sct-
t lenient WM 4 J) H)
' balance In hands of treas
urer Jan. Mil Old SH
1 8SM8 R8
Orders outstanding Jan. 12,
WM 53 75
Orders Issued from Jan. 13,
iniw luuau. iv, irwi wi w
f 4M3 U
Orders of 1HHT and 18SH redeem
t-M n 111
Orders of 1SN9 redeemed 4H 7(1
" IPTO " I.flftl wr
" outstanding Jan. Ii, Kl Hi m
t 4585 02
Provision and supplies. 2T3 JW
Fuel and light- TU tn
tioihlag and shoe 1.... 211 25
iirnlture und OeUu'ng 4 T5
Dry goods SI a I
M -i' iat supplies 15 8S
otvlna y repairs 127 41
1 .iiveiing expenses ii Tl
Farm pxppusur kh 111
M ilt It work 21 55
O -dors relief 11 25
Tobacco 23 14
Taking euro of tramps und
car lui" 14 45 expenses 1 Mi
l'. S. Furman harness.. 85 00
Printing statement istio 45 00
Expense taking tieo. Evans to
Klwyn, 1'a . 12 12
S. F. Peacock aflldavils 1 50
Hooks and stationery 2 70
J. W. Key Holds ii Hon for well
and pump .... I4H m
Hepa-rlng windmill 21 E8
11. Leo l'alterson funeral ex
penses SB 25
B. w. Drake repa'lng spring
wagon id 30
Expeuae taking Albertson to
1'. II 2 so
C. O. Barkley attorneys fees
new and ihho. 50 00
M. C. Woodward taking caro
of tra ups 1KMV and IHUI. . 20 00
George Evaus clothlng(Elwyn
ncaooi) iu OU
Brown house repairing and
taxes 2 SO
Thomas MeBrlde steward... . !5i 00
Dr. Jacob chuyler... 100 00
J. M. Larlsh 100 IK)
L. M. Hetltt 25 110
A. C. llldlay 75 (10
V. A. Kletia 100 00
Dr. Mi-Reynolds m (10
Dr. Hedeker Ml 00
Mrs. Mclirldo matron 5U (.1
Auditors and clerk tor year
1KM0 SH 00
Total current expenses 8352 18
Geo, Fox 53 1-7 weeks 1.75
Heott tl 25
Jesse Kelly weeks ( 1.75
Uioom 81 25
L. C. Kahler 52 1-7 weeks (4
1.75 Hloom- 91 25
John lloyer 52 1-7 weeks 1.75
wcotl SI 25
Alza M. sterner 52 1-7 weeks
1.75 Hloom 91 25
II. Lee Patterson 89 1-7 weekB
if 1.75 Greenwood 68 50
Wm. Fry 52 1-7 weeks a 1.75
Hloom 91 23
Came Furrell 52 1-7 weeks (4
1.75Grcenwooo 91 25
Agnes Mason 18 2-7 weeks 11HMIU1. ss 00
789 25
M.May, Bloom 58 00
Caroline Smith, Bloom 90 95
uester Bomooy, soott 159 08
M. Dawson, Hloom m 25
Eph Parks, Hloom ( no
George Jueoby, Hloom 1T8 00
inrs ueo annus, Greenwood 130 00
Wilson Dodso.-, Hloom 5 00
Wm. Shoemaker, B'oom 8 75
Sir. and Mrs. FredC. llcss.Su-
ga-loaf 108 03
Mrs. Ann Evans, Greenwood 47 85
Hiram Long. Bloo.n 8 00
Mrs. Al Cadow, Bloou 118 NO
M rs. Sum st ills, BI001.1 4 70
Jacoj Adams, Sugarioaf 22 05
Kobert t'ook, Scott 1104
lia.ry Johnson, Scott 2 44
Mrs. Balsy, Scott 2 T5
Aa.-on Shoits, Su.srloaf 14 00
Loyal Masteller, Sugarlouf 22 80
Hesole Hudson, Hloom 4 00
Jacob Swisher and Innilly,
Greenwood 81 75
B. F. Taylor, Hloom 8 00
Jack Shoemaker, Scott 10 00
M rs. Penrose, Hloom ... 5 on
Jacob Musseliuan, Scott 47 88
llunnah Kandall, Hloom 79 75
BeuJ. Tyson, Bloom 52 21
Warren Ingold, Hloom MU
James Leauoek, Hloom 2 50
t 1889 88
$ 4181 2(1
We, the undersigned Auditors of the. town
ships comprising thu Hloom Poor District, met
at the Alms House on the second .Monday of
January, ihhi, 1 hut b' lng 1 he l-t h, examined the.
accounts or Hie, TreuHiirer und tho Dlrectflrs
from -laimary la, wjr to .lanuary 12, ism, and
t he vimi hei sfor the tiuiuo llud lUem correct as
set forth above,
A. N. YOST, ' Auditors.
belonging to The Bloom Poor District
January 12th, 1891.
Dulanc.e due on duplicates.
Dup. Amt Paid Due
niiKim wm tmn 87 iinoo 80 11111s trr
Scott isss limit 42
T.HI 87
255 55
51 At
231 82
577 04
602 85
(ireenw'd lKSti wis 82
Sugarlouf WM Hil 82
Scott IHiio 11112 o
Greeuw'd 181KI 902 85
813 71
90 IN)
425 00
400 00
Less estimated exonerations 2817 14
audcomiulsMlons 8tk) 00
2017 15
130H0 00
120 (10
200 00
225 (10
41 00
80 00
8 00
2 4(1
122 (10
88 (Hi
150 III)
20 00
80 00
121 80
7 50
100 00
7 50
7 00
150 00
200 00
150 IU)
HO (Kl
220 50
Farm and buildings
8 horses
1 mare und colt
12 heud of cuttle
15 shunts
100 chickens
8 turkey
8 guineas
122 bushels wheat
Hilt bushels oau
15 tons bay
500 heads cabbage
450 pounds laid
arm pounds pork
1W barrels Saner Kraut
2000 bundles corn fodder....
80 bushels turnips
1 barrel vinegar
150 bushels poiutoes
Farm Implements
Funilluivln Almshouse
I-m ult ure in stewurd s house
80 tons Ice
735 bushels corn eurs ',''J,
18 acres grain lu ground
150 00
-118,218 84
9oX bushels of wheat
225 " onts.
221 " potatoes .
211 " rye
" beans
lono ' rorn ears.
45 turnips
4 beets
10 tomatoes
54 bundles long straw....
4 bushels onions
8150 sheaves corn fodder.,
lost) heads of cabbage....
.)5 00
123 T5
221 no
18 90
5 00
318 Oil
13 50
2 on
5 00
13 50
4 00
1ST no
52 50
1HA 80
45 88
58 20
108 HO
41 00
10 00
8 no
15 50
4 no
son 00
tTsn pounds pork
5HT pounds lard -
440 dozens eggs
mo pounds of butter
15 shoals..
2 barrel sauer krout
1 eair
50 chickens
8 guineas
4 turkeys
20 tons nay
I'rodueta sold from farm
50 00
11,811 91
No. paupers remaining In
Alms House last report..
No. admitted during year....
No. discharged during year..
No. died during year .
No. persons In Alms House,
No. persons In Alms House,
No. persous In Alms House,
Scot 1
No remaining January 1, isol
A. c IIIDI.AY, Directors.
Attest : v. A. KLE1M, Hecrolary.
Real Estate.
Tho undersigned Indmlnlstrntor of Lafayette
Fuller, late of Luzerne county, deceased, will
expose at public sale on the premises on
nt 10 a. m. the following described rent estate,
to-wlt: Sltunto In the Town of Bloomsburg,
Columbia county, Pa., beginning nt the corner
of lot numbered thirty-seven, owned now or
formerly by Mrs. Noble on High street, public
mad leading to Espytown, thence by slid street
north slxty-tlve and one-fourth degrees east
fifty feet to corner of lot owned by Patrick Mc
Fadden, thence by Bame south thlrty-ono .and
one-fourth degrees west two hundred and four
teen feet more or less to Kldge Alley, thenec by
samo south slxty-flvo and one-rourth degrees
west, fifty feet to lot numbered thirty-seven,
and thence along said lot numbered thlrty-sev-en
north thirty-one nnd one-fourth degrees
west two hundred and fourteen feet more or
less to the placo of beginning, being a.vucant
TERMS OF BALE Ten per cent of one-fourth
of the purchase money to be paid at the striking
down of property; tho one-fourth less tho ten
per cent at the confirmation of sale nnd the re
maining three-fourths In one year thereafter
with Interest from confirmation nisi.
By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out of the
Court of Common pleas of Col. Co. Pa., and to
me directed there will be sold In the sheriffs
office, at the Court House, Bloomsburg, Pa., on
at 10 o'clock a. m., all the right, title and Inter
est of Tony Bush, the defendant, of In and to all
that certain lot of ground Bltuate. In Sugarioaf
twp.. Col. Co., Pa., beginning at a post on line
of land of Jameson, Fritz ft Weed, vhenoe by the
said property south tbtrty-elght degrees east
twenty-three and one-tenth perches to a mark
In the rock on the west bank ot creek, thence
by land of Khoda Fritz, south degrees
west to a post, thence by land of the Vanslckle
heirs north thirty-eight degrees west twenty
seven perches to a post, thence by public road
north forty-eight and a half degrees east thir
teen and two-tenth perches to the place of be
ginning, containing
and Ten Perches of Land, whereon are erected
a DWELLING HOUSE and Outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution at the Bult of
Alexander Bros & Co. versus Tony Bush, and to
be sold as the property of Tony Bush.
Bahkliy, Atty. JOHN B. CASEY, Sheriff.
Main BtreeL Desirable building lot 50x214,
price f 1200.
Fifth Street House and lot, house rents for (8
per month, room to build Beveral more housest
110 feet front on Fifth street, price $1050.
First street Frame house, t rooms, lot 50x214,
price 11050.
Fourth Street Large frame house, 8 rooms, lot
100 feet front on street, price $2250.
Ftth Street Large frame dwelling house, 8
rooms, out-kltchen, barn, Dne fruit, &c, lot T9x
100, price $4500.
Jfa(n Street Large store building, with dwell
ing house on same lot, corner lot fronting on
two streets, price $1000.
7?iird Street. Large 8 room house, lot 64x213.
Price 12700.
Scoot, d street, Jtaet qfPenn. Corner lot, 50 ft.
front- Price $800.
Second Street. Fine large residence, 11 rooms
exclusive of bath room. Steam, gas, sewer,
water and all modern Improvements.
Tenant houses and a number of vacant lots In
other parts of the town, all of which are for sale
on easy terms. For further particulars Inquire
Sixth Street, North SUXe Neat New two story
frame bouse, 7 rooms, veranda In front and side.
Price $1850.
Sixth street, Xorth Site New two story frame
house, 7 rooms, Veranda. Price $1100
Sixth Street, Xorth Stae House and lot with
68 feet front on Street, Price $1100.
Sixth Street, Xorth Side New two story frame
house, 7 rooms, Veranda. Price $1100.
Fine Brick Beside nee In Espy Pa., Lot 92 feet
front 10 room house, everything In good repair'
recently papered and pulnted, well at door, cis
tern, good stable and outbuildings, fruit of all
kinds. Price $11100.
First National Bunk Building,
tf. Bloomsburg, Pa.
The Farmer Favorite,
From RED CArS,
Tho Gnat Layers.
AT 91.50 PER ij, OR 4M.SO PER
Mlllvllle, Pa.
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias Issued
out of the court of Common Pleas of Columbia
county nnd to me directed, will be exposed to
public sale In the Sheriff's Office In the Court
Houseful lll-iotnaburg, Pa., on
nt 9 o'clock a. m., the following described prem
ises, to-wlt ! All that certnln buildings located
on a lot or piece of ground situate In Sugarioaf
township, Columbia county, Ph., In the plan
known ns Jamison city, and described as fol
lows; Beginning nt a point on tho north side
of Market street, thenco along the north
line of said Market street three hundred and ten
feet from Broad street, north forty and one-
half degrees west two hundred nnd sit feet,
thence north fort y-nlno and one-half degrees,
east two hundred nnd seventy-five feet, thence
parallel with Market Street two hundred nnd
six feet, thence south forly-nlne and one-half
degrees west two hundred and seventy-five feet
to the place of beginning.
The main building Is a four story balloon from"
ninety feet by thirty feel, with a two story
balloon frame kitchen, In the rear twenty five
feet by twenty-five feet, a veranda on three sides
of the main btilldng, nt first and second stories j
a two story fraino kitchen adjoining the first
named kitchen twenty-five feet by seventy-five
feut, being the property known as tho
with lee house and other outbuildings. SeDcd
taken Into execution nt tho suit of Harry Kshle-
man and John Wolf, ro-parlners trading ns
Kslilemaii & Wolf, against the Manor Rest lull
Company, and to be sold as the property of the
Manor Rest Inn Company.
Atty. Sheriff.
By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fiu Issued out of
the Court, of Couimon Pleas of U1. Co., Pa,, and
to me directed, there will lie sold In the Sheriff's
Office, In the Court House, liloomsbiirg, -n., on
Tuesday, March 31, 1801,
at in o'clock a. in., all that, certain messuage
and tract of land slluateln the townshlpuf Ben
ton, Col. Co., Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows, viz: On tho east by lands of E.eklel
Shultz, on the Boiith by lands of Daniel I.ut,
on the west by lands of (icorgo Dodson nnd on
the north by lands of tho heirs of Peter I.utz,
deceased, containing
of land more or less whereon are erected a
nnd Other Outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution nt the suit of
Thomas Edgar versus F. M. Lutz, and to be sold
as the property of F. M. Lutz.
Atty. Sheriff.
By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out of the
Court of Common Plena of Columbia county.
Pa., and to me directed, there will be sold In
the Sheriff's Office at the Court House, Blooms
burg, Pa., on
at 10 o'clock a. m., tho following :
All that certain lot or parcel of ground situ
ate In the town of Kupert, Montour township,
Columbia County, Pa., bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt : On tho east by a street fifty
feet wide, laid out by Lloyd Paxton for public
use, on t he north by lot of Henry 8. lteay, on
the west by an alley twenty feet wide, laid out
as aforesaid, on tho south by lot of O round be
longing to u. W. Mcurs, coutuliitng In front on
the aforesaid street sixty feet und of the same
breadth on aforesaid alley und In depth from
the said fifty foot street to the aforesaid alley
ono hundred and forty feet.
ALSO : All that certain lot of ground situate
In the town of Itupert, Montour township, Col
umbia county, Pa., bounded nnd described as
follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a corner of a lot
of ground belonging to suld Lloyd Paxton lying
on the west side of a street fifty feet wide laid
out by Lloyd Paxton for public use sixty feet
northwest from corner of a lot of ground re
cently conveyed by suld Lloyd Paxton to
George W. M ears and running from thence by
said street north thirteen and one-half, degrees
west sixty feet to a post, thence by other lands
of Lloyd Paxton south twenty-six and one-half
degrees west ono hundred and forty feet to a
tnence bv Bald street south thirteen and one-half
degrees east 60 feet to tho corner of the aforesaid
street twenty feet wido laid out as aforesaid,
lot of Lloyd Paxton, thence by the sumo north
seventy-six and one-hulf degrees east one hun
dred and forty feet to tho place of beginning,
whereon are erected a
and Outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of
David lteay, trustee of .Mary V. Heay, versus
Henry 8. Iteny, and to bo sold as the property
of Henry 8. Heuy.
Jackson, JOHN B. CASEY,
HMt Atty. Sheriff.
By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. Issued out of
ho Court of Common Please 0f Col. Co., Pa., and
to me directed, there will be sold In the Sheriff's
ofllce, at the Court House, Bloomsburg, Pa, on
at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain lot or parcel
ot land situate in Jackson townshlb, Columbia
county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt : On
the north by land of Kebecca Keller, on the
east by land of A brum Kline, on the south by
lunds of Frunk Fritz and Peter Miller, and on
the west by land of Mark Andrews, containing
of land, more or less, whereon are erected a
Dwelling House, Burn and Outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of N.
. P. Pearsoi', trading under the llrm name of
Pearson & Co., versus Charles D. Carpenter, and
to bo sold as tho property of Charles D. Carpen
Hbhhino, Atty. Sheriff.
Etlate John Hitter, late of Catatelem township.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by tho
Orphans' Court or Columbia county, to make
distribution of balunce In hands ot surviving
administrator, will sit uttho olllce of W. II.
Kliuwn, Cutuwlssu, nt 10 o'clock, April 22, 18(11,
when und where all persons having claims
against said estate must appear and prove the
same, or Lmj debarred from coming lu on suld
B. F. Z A lilt, Auditor.
Kstate of banlet Oiwer, late of Vine twp. dev'L
The undersigned, an auditor uppoluted by the
Orphans' Court of Columbia county to make
distribution ol said estate, will sit lu his olllce
In llloomsburg, on Monday, April 6, IMtii , at 10
o'clock u. ui., when and where all persons buy
ing claims against said estate must uppear and
prove the same, or be debarred from coming lu
ou suld fund,
C. 0. BAKKLEY. Auditor.
Real Estate.
The heirs of llenlwn It. Dnvls, late of Ttnninn
township, licensed, w 111 sell nt public sale 01
tho premises a
consisting of
OS Acres,
sllunted In Benlon township, col. co., pa,
hounded by lands of Stott E. Colley, Illram Ash,
John s. Kline, John Dlldlne nnd others on
at 2 o'clock p. m. This farm Is situated wlthii
one mile of the town of lletitoti, and contains 1
good two story
Frame Dwelling House
barn, a well of good water, a good orchard, nnd
Is all cleared land In good state of 'rtilllviiMnn,
except two acres of good timber land.
TEH MS OF SAI.E.-One third of purrlin!
money to be secured by mortgage on the prem
ises, the Interest on which Is to 1e paid annual
ly to l.ucltidn Davis during her life, nnd nt hnr
death the principal to bo pnld to the heirs of
said 11. II. Duvls. Ten per cent, of of the re
maining 2-3 of purchase money to be paid at
striking down of the property, the onctourtti
less the ten percent, on the llrsl day of April A.
I)., Ihiu, when Hissesslon will be given and tlm
remaining part of said 2-3 of purchase money on
Ihellrst day of April 18U2 with Interest, when
deed will be delivered. Purchaser to pay for
drawing deed. For further Information apply
or Hotit. IircKiNoitAM, S.L.DAVis,
Bloomsburg, Pa. Atty. In fact for heirs.
P.O. Benton.
Elijah Hkss 1 In the court of common
vs. Pleas of Columbia County
Tiibo. M. Hol-SXK.) No. lil Feby. Term, Wil.
Elect ment for purchase money for certala
premises, whereof the following Is a description:
situate In the township of sugarlouf In luiuin
bla county, I'a., mid on the north side or tlm
public road leading up the West brunch of Fish
liigcreek, and beginning nt a post In the edita
of said public roail and line of laud of J. W.
Perry, thence bv the same north six degrees
live minutes east, one hundred and seventy
three und two-tenth feet to a post, und tlieticii
north twenty-six degrees thirty minutes west
eight ami llve-tenllis reel to a pint, thenco
north seventy-seven degrees west fourteen and
eight-tenths feet to an apple tree, tlietice snuili
ten degrees wet,one hundred nnd seventy and
two-lent lis feet to a post In the edge or the pub.
lie mail utorcsMd, along land of the said Elijah
Hess, 1 hence by the said public road south sliv
six degrees live minutes east, thirty-two anil
six-tent lis feet to the post, the place of begin
ning, containing IIMceii nnd elght-teutiis
percnes or luud. And the Mierlfl having n't urn
id (hut neither the vendee, the deretiduiit uhovn
named, nor uuy person claiming under hliu was
In possession or occupancy id the premises.
Thereupon on the nth dav of February, Ml,
on motion of Mr. Freeze, attorney for the plaln-
1111, ior 1111 oruer 01 puoncaiion anil a imiio
on defendant 10 appear and plead to tho action
by the llrst day of Muy Term IHHI, us per Act of
Assembly In such case made mid nrovldcd.
Order mado and Kule grunted us per mot Ion.
Certified rrom the Keeonls this Pith day
kfai.1 or February A. D. 1821. U. M. vi ick,
Fkkkzk, Atty, Prut by.
Notice Is hereby given that letters testament
ary on the estate of Mury A. Hiigeuhiich, hue of
ne ur nsiup or urange.icounty or Columbia, i'a.
ece used, have lieen grunted to William ilugen
uch, resident of suld township, to whom all
persons Indebted to said estate are rer(uestsl to
make ouymelit. nnd those havlnu- claims or de
mands will muke known the same without do-
Wm. II. Snvdkr, Atty. Executor.
8-8 "
JSttate of Jacob It. Friu, late 0 Sugarioaf tvp.
Notlco Is hereby given that letters of artmlnl.
t ration on the estalo of Jacob 11. Fritz, late of
Sugarlouf twp, col. Co. Pa., deceased, have been
grnuieti io me unaersigneu aaministrutors to
whom all persons Indebted to hhIO estate nre re.
guested to make, payments, and those having
claims or demands will make known the suniii
witnout delay to
8-8-6U Atty. Ouava, I'a.
Estate of Martha J. Xdgar, deotowd.
Letters of adml nlst rat Ion am tettammtum an
nexoon t lie est ate or Martha J. Edgar, late of
Kspy, cplumblu county, Pennsylvania, deceas
ed, have bts-n granted to Thomas W. Edgur, re
siding lu suld pluce, to whom all persons In
debted to suld estate aro requested to make pay
ment, and those having claims or demands will
make kuowu the same without deluy.
1-30-ew. Administrator.
Betate of KlUabeth Mann, lata of Beaver tup,
Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin
istration on the estate of Kllzubeth Mann, luia
of Heaver twp., Col. Co., Pa., deceased, havo
been grunted 10 Jacob Baker of oien city, col.
Co. Pa., to whom ull persous Indebted to said
estate are requested to make payments, and
those having claims or demands will make
known the suine without deluy to
Kobkbt H. Littli, Administrator,
Atty. Glen City, Col. Co. l a.
Estate of Kosamia Runtan, late of Henton twp.,
Columbia county, deceased.
Notice Is herery given that letters of adminis
tration on the estate of Kosanna Kunyun, lata
of Benton township, Columbia Co., Pa., deceas
ed, huve been grunted to II. F. Berlin, of Fulr
..., liiifcw,,u,,rfc lu nmiui nil 1H-1-sons
Indebted to suld estate are requested to
uiunr iuj iiieius, unu rnose naving claims or oe
mands will uiuke known the same without de
lay to
2-fl-flt. Falrmount Springs, Luz, Co. Pa.
Estate of Harmon Fahrlnger, deceases.
Tho lunderslgned Auditor appointed by tho
Orphans' Court of Columbia county, Pa to dis
tribute balance In the bunds ot the Executor of
theestatu or Harmon Fahrlnger, deo'd., Will
meet the parties Interested at the office ot Orant.
Herring, Esq., lu the town of Bloomsburg, on
Saturday, March 28, lsui, at ten o'clock, a. m
when und where nil parties Interested will at
tend or be forever debarred from any Bhure of
Bald fund.
Estate of Joseph Bess, deceased.
Th lln.lelH.lirnu.1 A ...II.i.m r. ...nsl h. lllA
- ..v ....... ,- ... Lu.lll'l nfriMiiui,. 11 J ,
Orphans' court of Coluuiblu county, Pa., to dla-
inuuie uaiuuce in 1110 nanus or tue icxecutor 01
tllH HMtale ftt .IflMenll lieu, .lee'l. will meet, fha
liartles Interested ut the olllce of Uruut Herring,
Esq., lu the town of hlooiusburg. ou Snlurduy.
March 21hi, ism, ut tun o'clock, a. ui., when uud
u.1, ...... ..II .......I.,., (........,.... ...ill .........1
nini Ull IN1IIKB Biru Will Hbtt'llU Wl in.
torever debarred from uuy share of said fund.
My wire, Maggie Davis, has left my bed and
board without Just cause or provocation, und I
hereby caution ull persons ugulnst furnishing
herunyihlng on my uecouut, us I will pay mi
bills or her contracting.