TURF NOTES. The Grnnd Prix of Paris for has 3S3 entries. C. W. Villi.tms expect to pnt .Tudge Rider In tlio 2:30 list next senson. The mare Tirenzl will remain in Matt Byrnes' Immls for another season, as slit 1b leased to liim until next fall. HUmbnnl'snille in 3:11 at Stockton, Cal., recently was a rapid one for a trotting stallion, and crowds King Nelson's 2:10' clone. A new system of speculators on the Jer sey races nowadays is to play the second faTorlte ono, two, thrco, and if one loses double up the money next investment. Miss Hussell, queen mother of the Pilot, Jr., matrons, is 25 years old and is in ap pearance a young maro. She has had eight een foals, and more than eighty of her pro duce in the first and second generation en tered the 2:30 list. Most of the remaining horses In the Dwyers' stubles hare been returned to Grmresend for the winter. The two broth ers have their two racing strings hack in the old quarters, and, while they have sep arated to each go it alone, tho horses will be stabled together. Prince Fortnnatns, one of tho fastest horses in the west, changed hands at Iox tngton recently for fl.OUO. Ills sire, Fonso, also sire of Park Hidge and others, was one of the best 8-year-olds of his day. When owned by J. S. Shawan he beat Lukt Blackburn for the Phoenix Hotel stakes at Lrxingtoi, Ky. A new stock Arm has come to light In the filing at Jamaica, L. I., of the corpora tion papers of the Arab, Anglo-Arab and Clay Stock Farm. The capital stock Is $75,000, and tho object of the organization Is the breeding and soiling of horsos of the Arab, Anglo-Arab and Clay breeds. The stock farm will bo at Oyster Bay. The stallion representative stakes an nounced by Mr. II. S. Henry have closed. There are threoof thorn $.",000 for the foals of 1889, $3,500 for the foabt of 1888 and lU.fHX) for the foals of 1SS7. In the 3-year-old st-nkc it costs $50 to nominate a sire, but in the 8 and 4-yeur-olil stakes a sire can lie nomin ated for 125. The races are to be trotted the first week in September, 18!1. Tlicro is no chance now for a match be tween Snnol and Niiivcy Hanks. The Turf, Field and Farm says: "Sunol will lx; trai noil next year, but she will not trot iu matches, or for purses or gate money. Sho will start simply for cups. Mr. Bonner has nevel trotted a horse, over which he had full con trol, for money, and it would absurd t ask him to cluingo hU pnictico at this l.-tte period of life." INTERESTING FACTS. Iron horseshoes were made in 481. Light moves 192,000 miles a second. The first steamer crossed the Atlantic ir 1S19. Kerosene was first used for illuminating in 18'Jti. Cork is tho bark taken from a species of onk tree. Slavery in the United State? was begun at Jamestown in 1620. Soap was first manufactured in England in the Sixteenth century. The term "almighty dollar" originated with Washington Irving. Egyptian pottery is the oldest known, and dates from 3,000 B. C. Forty-three popes reigned during- thi building of St. Peter's cathedral. Tho first fire insurance office in America was established in Boston in 1734. The most ancient catcombs were those of the Sheban kings, began 4,000 years ago The first sngnr cane cultivated in th United States was near New Orleans in 1751. The first pnbiie schools in America were established in the New England states about 1642. The first cotton raised In the United States was in Virginia in 1021, and theflrsi exported wa in 1747. ARMY AND NAVY NOTES. . The use of smokeless powders has in creased the demand in Gennauy for bronze field guns or gnus with hardened bores. It is learned thut the new British crniser Bel Ion a, during n recent natural draught trial, attained a meun speed of 19.46 knots. The government chemist at Newport, H L, Professor C. E. Morse, has discovered a now formula for a smokeless powder of great explosive power. The now English magazine rlflo carries ten cartridges in the magazine, in two rows of five each, which feed alternately to the receiving chamber. Attention is to be given to the uniform of the marines, which for years has needed several important changes. A toard of marine oflicers has been ordered to con sider the matter. The recent promotion of State Secretary Hollmann iu ilio imperial German depart ment of naval tiuutrs has increased the numlxtr of vice admirals in the German navy to five more than have ever before been iu tho service contemporaneously. The ironclad Spezzia, built at Havre for the Greek navy, lm successfully under gone her trial cruise. With 6,900 horse power (or 2(K) hore power above the con tract) nml 105 evolutions per minute of hei engines, a speed of 17.55 knots per hour was niitiritaimxl for threo hours. THEIR CHOICE OF FLOWERS. Mario Jansen likes rwl roses, and the deeper the shade the more enthusiastic she gets. Fnnny Davenport, while in love with flowers of all kinds, is particularly partial to red roses. Carmencita, who set New York wild with her grateful and unique dancing, fairly dotes on hyacinths. Ada Kehnn purchases Parma violeti whenever slie can get them, but insists on their being freh and fragrant. Miss Lllliiui Hussell is passionately fond ef pink roses, mid she buys a big bunch of Ihem herself overy day, rain or shine. Margaret Mather is very dainty in her selection of li.wtrn, and her choice alter nates betweeu Parma violets, roses aud tulips. Little Miss Tempest invariably asks a whole line of questions about orchids, and us Invariably wind up by buying yellow rosebuds. Sadie Marti not buys flowers nearly every day, but appears to have no particular choieo, picking t hem out just as her fancy happens to dictate. Otero, tho Sponum beauty and danoer, la passionately fond of any flower as long as tho perfume is agreeable and the color yellow or a kindred shade. LOOK I NO TO IRBS. The Fnnnem' A Mimic Wilt fat a Ticket In the Fll(t The Farmers' Alliance convention In session at Omaha lust week made n tren eial reision of its constitution. An amendment proposed making nil labor ing men eligible to membership pro voked a heated debnte, during the ci Hi iso of which President Powers said that such nn amendment would break up the organisation. He said Hint tie f-i;iiing politicians could fill the conven tion with paid delegates and could capt ure the Alliance. Tho movement, he said, started among farmers, nnd should be kept there. The amendment was tabled by a large vole. Hie conventiou passed the following resolution: Resolved, That we most emphatically declare ngainst the present system of government as mnnipuluted by the U in gress of the United btutes and the members of the legislatures of the several Stales; therefore, We declare in favor of holding a con vention on February 23, 1803, to fix a date and place for the holding of n con venti. n to nominate candidates for the office of President and Vice President of the United Stutes, We declare that in tho convention to beheld on February 23, 1892, that repre sentation ahull Ih one delegate from each Mats in the Union. That we favor the abolition of nntional banks nnd that the surplus funds be loaned to individuals upon land security at a low rate of interest. That we demand tho foreclosure of niortgncjs that the Government holds on r.iilvo.iiK That tho President nnd Vice President of the United States should lie elect d by iiopulnr voteiusteadofbyaue.ee toral college That tlio Alliance shall take n part ns partisans iu n political strugt;lo as (ilHlmling with Rjpublicuu or Demo crats That wo furor the freo nnd unlimited coinage of silver. That the volume of tho currency bo iiieiiMNi-d to 50 per capita. That all paper money bo plucod on an cqinlity with gold. I hat we as land owners pledge our selves to domuihl that the Government nlhnv us to borrow money from the Uniti'd States nt the s uno rate ol inter est as do the banks. That S'lintori of Hie United Stntes shnli be elected by voto of the people. DIMOSlNG Tlir. IMItANS. Geuanl Miles Siiys There I No Further 1'Vnr of mi Outbreak. When nslied u-i to the linul disposilion to be made of the Indians now nt Fort Sheridan, General Miles is quoted as saying: "That is a matter to bo deter mined in the future. Now that Sitting Bull nnd oilier chiefs are killed, nnd I have most of tho others here, tho Indi ans nro left, you might say, without a leader, and there is iiodangurof further outbreak in the reservation. These men whom 1 brought lo Chicago are a crowd of outlaws, "Three hundred of (he Indians ar rested were t-ent to Fort Sully. The others nre now under control of tho military authorities nnd back on their reservations, where they belong, or on their way there. I could not tell what movement might be attempted in the spring, and brought the ones now nt Fort Sheridan us a precaution. They will lie well provided for, and allowed as much lib rty as is cousiateut with the circumstances. " FOB THE Oil) C.tNUIOATEgL A Vote liy Postal Cards I'Ikcm Itlnlne snil Cleveland In the f,eL The canvass of farmers' opinions con ducted by the New England Homestead, of Springfield, Muss,, and by Farm and Home, published at Chicago, nnd also from fcprinvfljld, is now comp'ete. It presents the verdict of hundred-) of thousands of postal cards received from farmers in nil parts of the country. The rosul ton Presidential preference, alrendy announced, on the Democratic side wits 71,787 for Cleveland, 17,118 for HU. 11,083 for W. H. Hatch, and 8 803 scattering. Ou the Republican side the vole slood: Blaine, 89,209; Harrison, 81,013; Eusk, 20,740; scattering, 10,003. cniNKSK t iT.itisnun like rats. From Die flumi r Mixng-liHl's Fire Two Hundred Dlvrd To Urath. The steamer Rio Janeiro, which ar rived recently iu Sau Francisco from China, brought full particulars of the burning of the Chinese steamer S inng hai. She had on b.inrd 400 Chinese pas sengors and 1 European, and carried a cargo of cotton. Tlio cotton caught lire, end the Chinese plunged overboard and weio drowned or were burned to death to the nuiulier of 200 or Is Hay lliiuilllon Doml ? The iiiy.,t'ry in regard to R ly Hamil ton still seems to bu unsettled, although his friends still claim that there is no doubt ai to his dentil. It is doubtful it Hamilton's body was ever fully idenli lied. Those who saw it have no doubt, of his death, but thoy ndniit Hint It was in a condition that prevented recog nition. It isexceedingly doubtful if testimony can bo produced to satisfy the surrogate of New York of the young luilliuimiiu'd death. A lymph 1'atlent lu1. George M. limtlley, who was the first patient in this country to receive tho lymph inoculation, died this week at Now Haven, Conn., and the son of Pro fessor Blake, another lymph pationt who lias been utidor treatment for nearly two mouths, is at the point of death, Brad ley wa a man but little over 80 years of oge and was not iu the ndvnuced singe of consumption when lie begun receiv ing treatment; On Ilundrnd I.lvea Lost. Advlcos from Massownh, on tho E-d Situ, state that a terrillo sterm, followed by Hoods, has caused enormous dainaga throughout the island of Jinosownli. Over 100 persons lost their lives. Blruok Silver In Iowa. It is stated that A. C, Brandt while drilling a w ell on his farm, near Falrport, Iowa, found at the depth of 030 feet a Ttiin of silver 10 iuches thick. PROTECTED INDUSTRY I r tm-K.Crv" tn t "f t!i mow. YonH fat root dontli f c. lit livtu wrt Iwt. rliWrw,. M !ir, i.ur ehoai o.n't ffat wot; you fnrfrt that we hove WolfrsflGMEBtoNng on thorn, sod wntr euit ffo thrroah. mm aaMaiMia .i twm Oil f I AT 1 1 5 nroMiwiflrr mil wit ntt, tint t wthot th liilwir f-l rrrtil l-inic 1- enrh n luinrr. W a mil 'HI J-' U how nn ,.iitlr el SI. mi IM uliUln It, Dd Mill Iho 0ron t .v,li -.ilrtM. Ilw WOLFP U RANDOLPH, Phllftdlphlft. Ak in Prfft Vih( mn4 ttw Fumithtng Storm, PATENTS. Caveats and Trnrte Mnrks obtnlned, nnd nil Patent business coudui'ted for MoUKKATK FRKS. Ol KOKFIC RISori'OSITRTHR V. . PAT KNT OFKIt'K. We linve no sulvaireni les. nil business direct., hence run trans. kot pntent busi ness In li'ss time and nt Less Cost tliuu those re mote from WnsiiiHifton. Mi'tid model, ilruwlng or photo, with descrip tion. We advise If nntemiihle or not. free of Clitirve. Our fee ti'ot due till mtent, Is secured A book, "How to Olitiiln I'ntPiits." with refer, enca's to iicnial clients In your state, county, or town, sent free. Address .'. a. snow x t'o wasiiingtnn, D. u. (Opposite V. (. Patent Otllce.) The dfpeli, the dobllllated, wbetb rr rjrom oct of work of mlud of bodf, drtuk or exposure In Malarial Regions. will And Tutt's PI1U Ihe most rsntn restorntlTa ovor eOkreai the ufUrlniz Invalld. Try Tliera Fairly. A vlgoron body, par blood, strong nerves and a eheert'ul mind will reeulu SOLD EVERYWHERE. FOR Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hoes. Excsls anf remedy forths rspld curs ef Htrtf Colds, Coughs, Hldt Bound, Vsllow Wstor, Fern. DIKtmpor, Sore and Wesk Eyes, Lung Fiver! Coetlvenets. Blotches, and all difficulties srls trig from Impurities ef Ihe Blood. Will relleM Reeves at ones. Uuuf4utur,d by tkt , J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS. N. Y.I VOB BXLB BY ALU SKAUBS. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClroiiMi ftiid trfutiilet th btlr. Prtiiiiotei lnxuriaul jrrnwth. No?or Foil t Heat ore Urur HMr to its Youthfui Color. Cure irftlp dinir-i k hair HUtug, fWg,iM tl.W PniypMt Lm J'arknr'p C inptir Tonio. Ji ctirr the morl lotion, Weak LuTipB. IMiihiv, ImligKitlon, Pnin, Take in tune. iOcU. HINDERCORNS. Th nnW mrt ciirr for Oonii. bloU all m. Xc At iii-uicguti, ur iilbCUX CU., IS. Y. "Seeing is Believing." There are lamps and lampsbut the lamp of all others is "The Rochester." Its light is softer than the elec tric light, brighter.than gas light, more cheer S ful than either. There are 2,000 artistic varic cties, and half a million sold yearly tells the story of its worth. Look for (hit tump "Thf Rochbsths," and aik fnr 1 ho written guarantee. If the lamp dealer hain't Ihe pruulii Rochester, and Ihe ilylc ynu want, tend to iu fur illuMrated price-lut, and we will tend you any lamp by exprett. liOCUESTEtt LAMP CO., 4'i Park Place, New York. HaavJaHwrtn, and mlt Ovmtrt oiioeVnVrPatcnta. 2fi ixtrtfut Lamp etort in Itu WurUL W A TTI?h EXKHOETIO ME.V enn If t 1 I I'jI I nmfc" ninni-y by tuvnnlz. ' Xlll I IJl,Mi, lmg,m , ,1,,. . it-Hf Rnrtnwinont Vrntenitt y." I'avs IvO.fKi n week fur Hlrk-iiess slid Aerlilcnt, ulsn funerul lieiieilis. I'erfeetlv s-.ife, usi'ertirli'ntes hsve it surrentler vitlue. Tim uitist UlH-rut eniiinilKKlnim jmld Inr sullvn w.irk. Itxpeilnnee an HdvnniaL'e but not necessary. Fnr pupem eoiituliiliik full luformu. Unit, deserlitlim mid teruiH, write AMKKICAN I'KOTKl'TIVK I.KAOt'K, . . . Ko m Trewont Htreet, Boston, Mass. Ppfrn't Ht'HRGRIP Hleel inchlo lllork IIAI.F TUB ft 1ST of holstltiK saved to Ktnrckeepi'i-w, Hiitdiers, Knriuers, Ms- l others. Admitted to be tlie Krentest liupruvenieiit ever made In tackle wicks, creivut prepuld. Wrlto for Tnltflfl Trti k Snel TT-V Kstub. 1S5!.", 10 Brush Bt., Detroit, Mich 6-ly. Deeds, sinqle or v double acknowl edgements, 60 cents a dozen at the Columbian office. tf. TO ZBTTZ" I TO BTJ"Z" I low is the Time. Now is the Time. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. AND ALL KINDS OF WINf EJR - WEAE CL'OTMM, ciiOTiiinro fok at what they cost wholesale. "WIITTER saeu! lvaeit to sell tlicin Yours Ulcspecl fully, I. MAIEES, Reliable Clothier mioofiftfibiirg9 Fa. Finest Tailoring A pamphlet of Inforuistloa and ab- Attracioi tne iawa,anuwin( Uow to. unuiin ratania, t west a, Traded vuaraa, coprrixnta, amt 1TU.S .301 road war. . "ew ar- rnn7rn axle rnHLcn GREASE BEST IS THE VOBLD. Ita wartns quail tl ar anaurpaaaed. aotnnlly otitlaatlns twa bozea of any other brand. Not affactad by taaat. tTUF.T THE OEM VIJi K. FOR BALE BY DKALERB OKNEBALLT. lyr M'Killip Bros. Photographs. Bloomsburg, Pa. Photographic portraits re touched and modeled for like ness, tone, and finish. Life size crayons, nnest grade, a spec ialty. Frames, copying and viewing. CLOTHING! CLOTHING 1 G. W. BERTSGH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. :-o-: GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. HATS AND CAPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine the largest and best selected stock of goods ever shown in Columbia County. Store next door to First National Bank. MAIN STREET, Bloomsbunr, Pa We have a large lot and Perfect Made to Order. I'll II.Al'Kl.i'll I A. t'A. Kaent nnTO.nonperatlon urlu.mi( tlinafnmi bUAlnu. 1 aMsproiiimni-iMl In curaiilu !)' other. hwiiIimI. bvuil fur t Irrular. CURE GUARANTEED, nlti. f AfHkfl.fm mr la twin tnnile hy Jutifi R limi)Mln,lru.K.Y.,iit t-ik (urui, ltrUr. uu may nui Nisk murh. hut rn trrh youijuh k!y how ltrm fm tk t III dmy ml tUr Hurl, and nttn m you pro mi. nuiii , km -, M HBy (inn nf Anitiica. T'u t-aii eomntrnr at buina. srlr. inn all tujt ttni,trr nmrr nionirnia ou In Ilia win. All ! new. Urtat my HI MK'for vvrry .rkr. W tnrt you, ft)rn(hlir tvvrttliltiK. KAMI IT, HI'tKJII.V Ir.rnrtl l-Altllt'lXAK! VHVV., Aflrlratonra, bllMtUX 10., KlKTLAM;, II A I. a. I VffcBn hanH ! or SlWftmof work, III Kl I Wrapiaijf and htiorablr, r ihoM of BVI I I 111 W her .. younit or old. and hi their III II I I wBlatmlaiiai.wliaTWrthay Mr. Anf cn raa do Iba orh. F.aay to Irarn. Yi'9 furnUb vcrylhlnir. Wa atari you. No risk, You ran dao! yoar tpar muniaiMs, ar all yuur time lha work. 1 hi it an entirely new lad.antl brlnjra wadrAi waai lo avary wof ktr. Berlnnara are. aamliiff from f 90 par tk and pwarda, and mora aner m llltla aiitarlane. Wa caa funilah you lha am. tl'iymanland Ivaehynn l UKK. No anaralo ai plain hara. Pull irralloa HI. TH UK St CO. ALttLttTA, liUL THE MEWCOMB Fly Shuttle Rag Carpet LOOM. .fff aTM 10 juit SB sow ' Bead for elronlan. C. N. NEWCOMB, Davenport, la. WE DO CATERING of all kinds. To Tea Parties, Weddings, Lodges, Suppers, etc., and can furnish all the dishes, silverware, etc., when desired. Estimates cheerfully given in all cases on anything. You will find our prices as low as any and lower than most. A-i-bervice Always. M. M. PHILLIPS & SON, Proprietors of "PHILLIPS' CAFE." Bloomsburg, Pa. To Burn Natural Gas Or any other gas suc cessfully, get a NIAGARA BURNER. Fand enjoy a soft, brilliant, vrhitn litriit. The nerfcr. Agents tioa of all gas burn ers. Midi, nn (hit Wanted riama nrlnrinln a the famous Rochester Limn. Over a million in use. Ask for it. If the dealer hasn't it, send to us direct, and we will send you a Burner with Edison Porce lain Reflector, Chimney and Tripod, complete, on receipt of f a.oo. Please state if wanted for natural gas. . Send for circular. ROCHESTER, LAMP CO., 4i Park Place, Mew York. CURED BY IVtcfiGli's Rheumatic Plasters. Cci.X rointx'y for Rheunut Ism, Nenrall t Kclavllca. Novelty ruUtr WuiLji. Uow11 Hoca. illv curtil hy mm r i of Fitting Garments Trar In ihWrown toralllfea.wheivvrr thoy IWa.I will alaofurnivh tha altuatloit or amp1oynieni,at w htrh you ran rarn thai ainuunt. f.o moitw fur me uiilt-M nucrraaful ai ahnve, r.aally and qiilrkly Irarnrd. I ilralra hut una work or from rat h dUlrk-t rr'uuiy. I haa alrratty tatipdt and pruvldrd with tnphtytnmt Inirm U'imUr, tvh arr ninkknt: over f StMMI a jearearh. It'a N K V and MIIJI. Full partlralan KHEIl. Addma at onra, C", ALLKM, Horn 4. Augtulu. Mialnv. FOR MEN ONLY! for LOST or TAILIWO MANHOODl 0rl ud NERVOUS fiUlXITTi WetkUMof Body avad Kind. Efft of Error or Iwi la Old or Tons r. Hbaat, kabi M aMIOOU failf MaaUr4. Raw ta aalam asT trartfcaaWKB, J(DICTIIXJPD0H4JiICiraHTftor MtI abaalatal afallla HOHB 1 NKATB UT iMalli I. s. slaa. Ha lasUfj rrasa 0 SUIaa a4 raratsj C trtaa. Writ ikaaaa PMritlr Bak. atalaaattoa) 4 an aalM (! tlra KRIS ItlKDIUAIa UUaa VUrrALOt Na Ta ffnng IftH fbHunalitvfcmatdtt work fvr ua, by Ann Wf ua ii4i, ann j no. rionn, iiiiano, I'mn awt. Olharaarak4na;aawil. n ny init Hnniaaarn owrWO.M itAttia. You Mt.ao lha work and )( at noma, whrrrrt ' tra. Kvan bo- lanara art aaallv tarnuip rroan ts lOarlay. AllairVa. W ahow yarn how nd atari yr.. I as work In jar tint or all lha tlraa. It If inonav fmr work art. Fall or unknown amoafflbrm NKW anHwntidafAil. Partlrulara fta. Il.llnllUafkC..UamlwOjrur(latndlMLB BOILING WATER OR MILK EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. GO A LABELLED 1-2 La TINS ONLY. We bcliove we have a thorough Geo. P. placlnj contrail ami TerifrluK thiir fuLailuietit and tinrlvaloil lucilitii'-t in all departments I'nr cortlul ami lntellltji-tit sorvtro. knowW. R(Jwe an the ins and outs of newapaper a'lvertiiing, caiutxl In en & Co. offrr our Serviced lo nil ..ponenc. Newspaper twtnty-flve a i- I Advertising year who Bureau, we ' have the contomnlnto ill or btwt III eoulpped newnpaper otliuu, 10 ouverusiuir 2 far the moat end who wiU to pet the most ami bent advortleinit for tho money. Spruce comprehensive aj well . as the moHt convenient bvhUjui oi St., New York. OH MY BACK! That generally mentis puin and suf rurliiK. Hut why sillier) Dr. Uros venor'B Hell-oup-Hlo J'orotis PlitsUT will relievo you In one nlKlit, sure, fend a penny stamp to UroHvennr hlchitrdrt, HoKtou, Miihh., aud learn now lo remove ix porous pluuter st leu. tlllcally It will puy you und don't lorget th'.it the best porous plusterln t he worl 1 ban the picture of a bell on the bucW-cluih, and Is culled DIL QKOSVENOR'8 Bel-cap-sic. g d 0 g .ft. A X K A K t 1 unlertalie to hHeny ll "J f I I I 9 I teat h any falily lntrllir nt f esfit of either k C ff I S w hu ran md and wriie. and nh'i, ! 1 1 1 1 1 I lallrr luirutllon,wlll worh lmtutriiui-ly( W W 0 Uhoff lo earn Thraa Thnyaml llollan a M Jrr O