Highest of all in Leavening Power. " mm asaw- ABSOLUTELY PURE JJKUJMBIAN Kiitered at tin' Post om-e at llltv.iiiHtjurg, l'o., AH second cla matter, March I. IHhM. 1JI-OOMSI5UKO, PA. 1 K1DAY, JANUARY 23, 1R01. Just a Little Too Funny. now A CINCINNATI H TMOKTAT LOST A VAI.O AHI.I WATCH. "I remember a friend of mine," said 'Pqulre Johoson to the delegate, "who considered hlroaclf funny. Ho went to a promluent Jeweler on Fourth ilrcct and pui chased a wntcb for $50, receiving a written guarantee tbat the watch would keep good time for a year. If the watcb failed the money waa to be refund' d. "Wtrll, my friend wai called to Europe loon after that and spent aeveral months traveling about varloui parts of tbe eartb, and It happened that be returned tot'lncl nati on tbe very day tbe guarantee on bis watch eiplrcd. Ask log me to accom pany bim, we went to tbe Jewelry store, and celling out tbe proprietor, my friend laid down the guarantee, wblcb tbe jew. ltr read, and then espressed himself ready to fuflll his contract. Tbe watcb was placed upon the counter aud was found to be Just one-balf minute too fait. Tbe Jeweler placed It carefully In a drawer and going to bis safe counted out Ave crifp ten dollar bills and passed them to my friend with a smile. "Yes, but I don't want the money," he stammeied; 'give me bach my watcb. It was only meant as a little pleasantry.' "I bave complied with my contract," replied tbe Jeweler, "and I only meant a little business." "But i must bave that watcb,' said the thoroughly disconcerted fuony man. "Well," replied the Jeweler, proceeding with his work, 'I consider a watch tbat varies only one-balf of a minute in a year worth more than 950. I will aell you the watch for 100.' 80 chagrined that be hardly knew what ha was doing, my facetious fnsnd aid over the 9100 and pocketed tbe watch. "When you need another good watch give me a call,' said the jeweler, merrily, M we took our departure. "Well, do you know I have never heard of that feliow doing a funny thing since." CSnemnati Tuna-Star. Manners' Double Extract Baraaparilla for Catarrh is and alwaya will be a lead er, as its curative powers cannot be beat; price 50c a bottle. For sale by all drug, gists. FINANCIAL BAROMETER. There is no better barometer of tbe fin ancial situation than a business house which deals only in tbe luiuries of life. Notwithstanding tbe cry of the stringency ct the money market, and tbe recent an. oouncement of the failure of some well known firms and financial Institutions, Bailey, Baoks A Biddle, the widely known jewelry house of Philadelphia, state that tbe past Christmas season baa been the greatest of their years of prosperity. It was, they say, the largest business in their sixty years' experience. There were more persons In tbe store In December, and more goods were sold than In any December in the history of tbe store. "It leads them all," Is the general reply of druggists when asked about the merit or sales of flood's Barsaparilla. The following letters are held at the Dloomsburp, Pa. post office and will be tent to the dead letter office Feb 8, 1891. Miss Clara A. Dawson, Mr. Elijah Fow Jer, Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Miss Lida Thomas, Epb Yobe. Persons calling for these letters will please say they were advertised Jan. 20, 1891. One cent will be charged on each let ter advertised. A. B. Cathcabt, P. M. Notice. A grand Rally, service three times a day In the A. M. E. Church, Bong service and preaching by Rev. II. O. Thomas of Milton. We want all to come or send us a free will offering, as we would llkn to raise some money to help on tbe cause of tbe Master. Those tbat cannot come put something In an envelope and drop It in the pot-otHce, ad dressed to D. J. Johnson, Pastor of the A. M. E. Church. . Catarrh In tbe head a a constitutional , Disease, and requires A constitutional remedy Like flood's Warsapar'.lls, Which purifies the blood, Makes the weak strong, Restores health. Try it now. ' ' U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Powder Mrs. Janet Mldfrlty, mother of Mr Mldgley, of the Worsted Mill, died on the the 18th Inst, aged nearly 80 years. the was burled 00 Tuesday afternoon, the services being held at tlio Episcopal church. Mrs. MlriRli-y was born in tbe county of Yorkshire, England. Married. In Danville, at the resilience of tbe bride, on Monday, Jan. 12, 1891, by Rev. W. E. Roney, Mr. Glenn A. Tubbs of Denton, Col. Co , Pa , to Miss Clara J. llellcr of Danville, Pa. Hands Off. Tbe railroad bell-rope, which skirts the roof of every psssenger car, is consecrat ed to the use of conductors and other train bands, as is proven by the summary arrest of a traveller in Wilmington last week who bad the boldness to touch tbe signalling string. Lt vl Barto, of Lin wood, Pa., got on a train at Chester, In lending to go to Ltnwood. When he dis covered he wss aboaru an express, wbich did not stop at that station, be requested the conductor to s'.op for him. Being re fust d, Barto jumped up and grasped tbe signal rope. Tbe conductor, however, caused the trsln to continue on its course and on reaching Wilmington, he bad Barto arrested. Tbe prisoner was finally released on tl00 ball. It is likely ibat bis cffcDse is punishable under the "mali cious mischief" criminal codo, which says that if any person shall willfully and maliciously endanger the safety of any person traveling, every such offender shall be guilty of felony, and, being there. ( f convicted, shall be sentenced to pay a floe not exceeding flO.OOO and to undei go an imprisonment, by separate or soli tary confinement at labor, not exceeding ten years. How It Was ! At tbe battle of Gettysburg I was shot through the left leg and waa sent to the hospital. Tbe army surgeons relieved me but pronounced my case incurable. It discharged pieces of bone, and for years I bave suffered with a running sore. I tried everything which my limit ed means would allow, and experienced no relief until I tried Sulphur Bitters. I am now almost well and shall continue their use. O Soldi-. 8U Waahingtonville Pair- Tbe Northern Montour County Agri cultural Society held tueir annual meet ing January 13th 1891 and elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year 1 President, Charles E. Shires j Treasurer, Amandns L. Heddens. It was decided to hold the next annual Fair at Washington fllle Station, on the line of the Wilkes-Barre and Western railroad, the new location being an excel lent one, with the line of railway running through the grounds. Tbe date for the next Fair is October lh to 9th, both days inclusive. That beautiful glossy sheen, so much admired in hair, can be secured by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. There- is nothing better than this preparation for strengthening the scalp and keeping it free from dandruff and itching eruptions. toe eentT Tbe Manor Rest Inn at Jameson City is for rent. It is elegantly furnished throughout, and money can be made there. For terms and particulars address Geo. E. El well, Stc'y., Uloomsburg, Pa. tf. mt Manners' Double Extract Barsaparilla for female complaint, is the best. Try it once and you will never be without it. Price 6O0 a bottle. For sale by all druggists. .SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We have made-arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co. publishers of A Treatiee on tbe Horse and bis diseases', which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of tbat valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a 3 cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enoxburgh Falls, Vl. This book is now recognized us standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as Its phenomeual sale attests, over four million copies hav. Ing been sold in tbe past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication io the same period of time. We fee Icon fldenttbat our patrons will appreciate the woik, and be glad to avail themselves of Ibis opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary tbat you mention th'.s paper in Bending for tbe "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time. 1-23 4t. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of furst Fox, mink, inusk rats, skuuks, etc. Louis Lowbnbbuo. Manners' Balm of Gilcad Lotion for chappy bands, face aod Hps, Is without competition. Price 25o a bottle, for sale by all druggists. Wilkes-Barre ft Western Rallwaj The annual report of the Company for 1890 hows an increase In net earnings of tblrty-thrco per cent, over tbo previous year. - The Interest on tbe outttundlng bonds was paid and new equipment whs Added to tbo line. Tbo road Is In operation from Watootown, on tbo Philadelphia and Erie Division Pennsylvania lUilrond, to ltihrsbiirg, Columbia county. Con struction work Is in progress on the cx tension to Oranjfevlllc, where a ennee linn with the BloomsUurj,- & Sullivan railroad will bo mndc. The following were elected directors for the ensuing year; Hon. Joseph M. Oiumiii, president, Philadelphia; Chas. I) B.irney, Philadelphia; F. W. Kennedy Philadelphia; Morris Llveriglit, Philadel phia; ;W. C. Drtnrmond, Philadelphia; Max Bamberger, Philadelphia; John U. Stetson, Philadelphia; Charles Jtaht, New York; II T. McCabc, New York. S. 11. Hicks was continned as general manager and superintendent, and Robert C. Ittllyillo secretary and treasurer. His Ignorance Cost Ma $150.00 1 I was sick abed for three mouths. Tbe doctor said I had Prolapsus Uteri, which was uiitruo. lio didu't try to euro me but wanted to make a $1.60 every day. My uncle Is a druggist, and he told me to turn the doctor oil and try Sulphur Bitters. I did so and live dollars wonh of Sulphur Bitters cured mo of general weakness and debility. Mr. S , llavtn, 1-10-2 ft MaJ.-Oen. B. ?. Butler. Ill WILL R ETC UN TO TUB S'll'TII FOR TUB FIRST TIMS SISOB TUB WAR. It seems hardly necessary to say any thing of the history of Gen. B. P. Butler. No man in tbe whole nation has been more constantly io the public eye for the last four decades than he. As a success fill lawyer and Influential politician be fore tbe war, as a patriot who was among the first to respond to tbe countiy's call at the firing upon Fort Sumpter, as the man who gave New Orleans tbe best government tbe city ever had, as Com mander of tbe Army of tbo James, as a Representative io Congress and a leading politician since tbe war, be has bad pub lic attention constantly focused upon bim. No man in tbe country has receiv ed more praise and more abuse than he, aod no man has more warm, personal friends and admirers. Many of the people of the 8outh have been particular ly bitter agalust bim, and bave tried to make his name tbe synonym for all tbat was detestable. He is now about to re turn good for evil, and heap coals of flm upon the heada of bis detractors by a great enterprise to help restore prosperity to tbe region which suffered so severely from the ravages of the war. He is at the bead of the great Georgia-Alabama Investment and Development Co., whose advertisement appears elsewhere in tbia paper, which is made ep of capitalists whom he has associated with himself in a scheme to rebuild and develop large por tions of Dixie. Early next month he in tends to make a tour of tbe South, visit- log tbat section for tbe first time since tbe close of the war twenty-six years ago. He will go to New Orleans, and to all other prominent points, end survey the fields of operations of this company carefully, to inform himself personally as to tbo possibilities of each locality. There is something phenomenal In such a tour by a general whose first visit waa sword in band, but who now goes as a restorer. It will be watched with great interest by all sections of tbe country. Aa umol 2K 61MM, Wathingion, D- C 1-lMw. Peace Restored. INDIANS IN FAVOR OF REDEEMING FLEDGES MADE TO GENERAL MILES. Pine Ridge Agency, Jan 18. At noon, yesterday, General Miles sent a message to the hostile camp asking for a conference council with the principal chiefs. There was an im mediate response. Among the chiefs were Two Strikes, Short Bull, Eagle Pipe, Crow Dog, Big Turkey, Black Kobe, Kicking Bear, Iron l oot and Man Raised Above. The chiefs were Brules and when the subject of return ing to their agency at Rostbud was broached they said they were in favor of returning if the military man should be placed over them as agent. Cap tain Lee, Ninth infantry, who was recommended by General Miles as agent for the agency in question ex pressed the hope that he would be al lowed to take hold of the agency in question. After a little more parlying, Big Robe stood up and solemnly and dramatically proclaimed himself in favor of peace, at the same time he asked those who wished to join him in restoring peace and working for the prosperity of their people to raise their right hand towards heaven. Immedi ately every right hand in the gather ing was raised on high and with a general shaking of hands the confer ence came to a close. There are no lights in the hostile camp to night. Everything is quiet. The Indians seem to be in favor of redeeming the pledges they made to General Miles. 'Leading physicians recommend Ayer's Barsaparilla. Old and young take it with porfect safety. It cleanses tbe blood, strengthens tbo nerves, and vita lizes the system. Popular experience has locg placed this medicine at the head of touio alteratives. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When sha was a Child, aba erltd for Castoria, Whan sha became Miss, aha oluag to Castoria, When sha had Children, sha (are them Castoria. The financial statement of the Col umbia County Agricultural Society for the year ending January 1, 1891, shows the total receipts for the year to be $7701.18. There were 18,- 993 tickets sold at 25 cents, and 286 tickets at 18 cents, amounting to $4799.48. 1 he premiums paid were $2495.08; salaries, $710; bonds paid, $2000 ; the total expenses were $7050. so, leaving a balance in the treasurer's hands of $740.50. The assets of the society are $1027.93 out side of real estate. The liabilities are $5000. During last year the debt was reduced $1569,34. Happy and content I a bride w!th"The Ro chester;" she lives in the light of the morning, TtUtrnmert, write Rxktittr Lmmj t. A'w Ytrk, To Nervous netillltMtecl Mrn. If you will send us ymir mMress, we will mall von mir MliiHimK'il iHiimihlpr. rxnlalnliiir nil nhout Dr. Dyn'aCflebraM-u Klpctro-vnliiile Hell. btkI Appllnni'e, 11ml t hi'lr rliannlnif cIT'M'tii up on iiip norvntM ai'iiiiiTiirivi nymMii, linn now tlmy will ciulckly n-Htori' you to vlifor immI lurui. IumhI, iiiimpiilHt fn'i. If you tin thus unili tol we will wiiil you a Di'U ami Appllunri'.H on trial, 1-11 'WMy. Voltaic Hklt Co.. MiirxlinU, Mlub. LOCAL NOTICES. For Sent. A large front room on the third floor of the Columbian building, five windows, steam heat, gas and water. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. tf. New Meat Market. The nnderslirned has purchased the meat market lately owned by David Win ner on Iron street, and is prepared to furnish all kinds of fresh meat, sausage, scrspple, &c. It will bo his endeavor to supply tbe best the market affords in Ms line. If. O. A. Hirkin'o. C. C. Man- will sen dry goods, corsets and oil-cloths, at cos', for cash. Fob Salb. A large brass stora hanging lamp, In good condition. Inquire of J. Q. Wells, Dloomsburg. Pa. tf. Wasted. A good man with a small family is wanted aa a farmer by the undersigned. Must come well recom mended. Apply to O. A. Herring, Bloomshurg, Pa. lfi-2t. Hasntzo's ITervaliao. A Pcsblv Vsoitaslb Mbdicimb roa ths NERVES an effectual cure tor Inflammation and Irritation of the HLADDKK, KIDNKYH and LIVKK, atone In tbe BliuldVr, Colvulun, Uravul and Hrtck-dust Depualla, weakness la Males or reiualtt. aa a Kenioratlre Toalu and a Hloud Purifier It has no equal, creating a beulluy appetite and pure diuuo. PRICK SO CEJHTSv. If roar druiirlst bos not sot It, ask him to sret It for you. .Take no other. Made only by THS HAENTZ2 MEDICINE CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. IVBend for 84 page Book, tree to all. W. H. BROOKE & CO. This is the time of the year when we go over our wall pap er stock. The work has begun already. In every cleaning up of this kind we discover rem nants that were overlooked hitherto. They are all first class goods, and must go to make room for Spring stock. The only thing you need con cern yourself about 19, will tbe room fit the paper. Our an nouncement last year brought purchasers more than we could supply ; but then there is the regular stock to fall back on, always fresh and clean and new. Uur wall paper busi ness is one of the grow ing departments of our trade. We are anxious for your trade. We will be clad to furnish estimates and guarantee work first-class. W. II. BROOKE & CO. We boliera we have a Ihnroneh Geo. p. plnclng couiracls aud verlfylnic Oicir fuMUnjeiU and Unrivaled laciliticg In nil department fur carel'ul aud Intelligent service. We knowtaug. R(jwej all ' tlie ins and outs of nowsnarer & Co. adverlibiiig, la ofpeHonco Newspaper twenty-live !. 1 offer our service! to all Advertising years of successful buaiuuafc i we have tbe equipped ollicc, by far the most who Bureau, contemplate sjouuing 1U or $10,0.10 in newspanur advertising and who 10 Spruce comprehensive Ct the 01. - NeW advertising for York, money. well as the moat convenient evstuiu ot pmmMPm WE DO CATERING of all kinds. To Tea Parties, Weddings, Lodges, Suppers, etc., and can furnish all the dishes, silverware, etc., when desired. Estimates cheerfully given in all cases on anything. You will find our prices as low as any and lower than most. A-1 -Service Always. M. M. PHILLIPS & SON, Proprietors of "PHILLIPS' CAFE." Ploomsburg, Pa. M'Killip Bros. Photographs. Bloomsburg, Pa. Photographic portraits re touched and modeled for like ness, tone, and finish. Life size crayons, finest grade, a spec ialty. Frames, copying and viewing. THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. COHKSCTID WItKLT. BCTIIL fBICEg. Butter per lb I .34 KXK ppr dozen .SO Lord per lb .10 Ham pr pound .14 Pork, wbole, per pound 0.1 to .Otya Beer, quarter, per pound JW to .OH Wheat per bushel. 1.10 Corn ears " " 70 Oats " 60 Rye " 80 Buckwheat flour per 100. S.60 Wheat flour per bbl S.00 Hay per ton 10.00 to 14.00 Potatoes per buabel 1.S0 Hnelled corn per bushel .75 Corn meal " cwt 100 Hide meat " lb 10 Chop ' cwt. l.ao Tallow " lb M Chickens " lb 10 Turkeys " lb VJi Coal per ton, No. a. S.SS u ...... 4 and S S.SB 2Sc per ton extra, delivered. EEUP'S PHOTOGRAPHS have the most finest shades, tones, artis tically retouched and life like appearance. Cabinets 99c per doz. and upwards. We make a specialty ot copying and remodel ling old pictures. COR, MAIM AND IRON BlooraabartT, 'Seeingis Believing." X. ss O0 m V Jf There are lampa and lamps,, but the lamp of all others Is "The Rochester." Its light ia softer than the elec tric light, brighter than gas light, more cheer ful than either. There are 2,000 artistic varie ties, and half a million sold yearly tells the story of its worth. Look forthU ttamn "Thf KmrnTti." nl uV r'r 1 he written guarantee. If ih lamp dealer hain't me K'DUlnr Kothesler, and Ihe style you want, tend n u lur iiiuiiraieu price-tut, awl we will lend you any amp by express. UO t II ESTEtt LAMP CO., 4i Park Place, New York. ilimujitctvrert, and $nlt Ovmtrt oHnchetterPaUiUtm T.'ia Ltirocjt iMmp fore in t ft WorLL ' To Burn Natural Gas fB!ty cessfully, get a IllIUAKA BURNER. and cnicv a soft. brilliant, white lip-.t. Tho rrrfec- tion cf nil r;a3 turn era. Made cn the T.a:no rriariole as the faciouu Rochester L.'.aip. Over a million f '! it. If the) Senior asn't if , senj tou-s direct, r.nd we w 11 I 1 r. wj , . . use. Jlt,li ua vou a uurnrr v.itn ucison Force lin Reflector, Chimney and Tripod, orr.nietc, on teceipt of $2.00. Please tate if wanted for natural fas. Send r circular, i;occ?Tn. t.a::? co., 4.) 1'arli Tltusii, Now fork. UGHghing IS Nature's effort to expel foreign aub slunces from tlio hronchinl linwrngna. Frequently, this cntiH Inllarmnatira ami the nerd of an anodyne. No other expectorant or anodyne la pqual to Ayer's Cherry 1'ertoral. It aisista Nature In ejecting the mucus, allays Irritntion, Induces repose, and Is Uia most popular of all cotili cures. " Of the many prepnrntions before; tin riililin for the cure of colds, coitgha, bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there) Is none, within the range of my experi ence, so rcliiihlo as Ayer's Cherry lnr tornl. For years I was subject to oolda, followed by terrible coughs. About four years ngo, when so atllicted. I waa art vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral an4 to lay all other remedies swiile. I li4 so, nnd within a week was well of taf rolil and cough. Since then I hnv Always kept this preparation In thej house., and feel comparatively secure." Mrs. L. h. Brown, Denmark, Mis. "A few years ajo I took a sever cold which affected my lungs. I had m ter ri bio cough, and pasted night after night without sleep. The doctors gav me up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded the rest necessary for tli recovery of my strength. By the con tinual use of the Pectoral, a permanent cure was effected. " Huruco Fairbrotuef. Bockinguaiu, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rncl .rid by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. Bold by all Dnif (Ista. Frio tl ; all totll ,4Ja REAL ESTATE roa sali in BLOOMSBURG. Main Street. Desirable building lot 80x211. price liano. Fifth Street House and lot, house rents Tor tS per month, room to build several more borne 110 feet front on Fifth street, price 11050. First Street Frame house, 6 rooms, lot 50x314. price Siono. Fourth street Large frame bouse, 8 rooms, lot 100 feet front on street, price t'Jsno. Fifth street Large frame dwelling bouse. Si rooms, out-kltchen, barn, fine fruit, tc, lot w, price S4A00. Jfaln Street Large store building, with dw0U lng house on same lot, corner lot fronting a two streets, price twrno. Third street. Large 8 room house, lot RUSIS. Price taroo. Second street. Ran QfPetm. Corner lot, 08 TU front. Price shoo. Second street. Fine large residence, U l exclusive ot bath room. Steam, gas, water and all modern Improvements. Tenant houses and a number ot vacant lots 1b other parts ot the town, all of which areTeraaJa on easy terms. For further particulars laqaO Of WlNTIRaraSN a Brcelbt. First National Bank Building, tf. Bloomaborg, r Dr. J. F. CHAPIN, at Scboolcrttft,Mlchlgan,offers at private aal GRIST MILL and Water Power with (our or mora land, at the town ot Benton, Columbia Peaaarlvania; his FARM In Flshlngcreek Township known aa the -1 Vara containing about eighty acres; aa4 hit DWELLING HOUSE and lot in the town ot Benton. These pnsjaaMB are all valuable. The Mill Power ts tl aaasr tailing Flailing creek. Benton Is rapKBr am. proving and now has rail road by the Bloomsburg Sullivan rail road. Town property which could be mora 1 managed In the absence ot the (owner, It able, may be exchanged for the mllL further Information and terms may be SMaa ed upon Inquiry of CHARLES Q. BARK XXV AtUaraaar. Bloomsburg, Pa. January 9, 1890 S-U CLOTHmQICLOTHIinjI G. W. BERTSCn, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. :-o-: GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. HATS AND CAPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and fit always guaranteed or no h. Call and examine the largest and tmtt selected stock of goods ever shown 4b Columbia County. Store next door to First NatiaMt Bank. MAIN STREET, Blooms Dtir&r, Pa. Come to Kemp's and sse our $5.00 Life-siz3 Crayons, and photographs of finest finish. OH MY BACK! That generally menns pain and auf fertiiK. Kin why HUlTert Dr. Oroe venm'H Hcll-rii-nle I'oroim Waaler will relieve you In one night, aura. Henil a penny hi amp t o (iroMveniir ft Kli'haruH, HcmIoii, Mass., and loam how 10 remove 11 poiiniH planter acleu llloally 11 will pay jou und don't forget that the In st porouH iilaHterla t he world ha the plet lire of a bull on the buck-cloth, uud In cullod mt UKOSVENOlt'8 Bel-cap-sia l-lft-ta Least 8 for sale at this office. each, 30 cents a dozen. 3 s tf. Deeds, single or double acknowl edgements, 60 cents a dozen at the Columbian office. t.