A KANCY QUAINT. I fometlmo wlh It wfrp really no, A thn Dml'lha dovout ilccKrm, That thn l At will could easily ro Kroui Its fleshy 1io:iHi unnwarca, F1oity tw w wftii'ler l:i a dream, Softly a from hwl tho mot bliioin, Or m lightly a a goMcn lictm FliW in and out u darken -d room. Thon Hint tive thin mrth world. A tlie cloud In the blue o'orlicaj, W ith thp Rpirit'H win:rs iinfnrlml, Waiulf ring aa tho ImptiWa loil. If llila fiini'y quaint wvn' realty nn, ' A thn Iliiddlin devout tlm'lnrp, Couldn't you toll wnnrc first I would n , And steal iion whom unxwnmif flwiflly na iinxinliiclit rre .vm on the tldn, 1-Uhtly na jwrfum floats thro' thn nir, I'd waft m.viwlf, dear lovo, to your aide, Kisslnsr away all traces of oan Th"n limit above tiiia e-ut'.i worl.lt IVrhajw I cannot know nor aay; When rirun't voii my spirit furled, 1 uiiglit forfeit tlii.4 life t xt.iy. Sow York flerald. MY T1UZE PICTURE. I was young nml Ruscoptible, nml I was also nn uinatuur photographer. My (lurk room wiw tho onvy of all iny friends, nnd my work had received tho flub prizes for artistic miTit more than once. However, as they were nothing tnoro than printed slips of paper, these prizes wero mere empty honors. Cut now I had decided to enter a com petition that was worthy of tho name, and whero tho first prize which I felt snro that I conld win was a check of dazzling dimensions to a youth whoso modest incomo was drawn alarmingly low by tho constant sacrifices demanded by tlie all devouring camera god, which I had set up in the pl.tco of Larus and Fenates. This summer I had had no holiday at all, for two days before I was to start for Lenox whero on tho lust of Juno I was to have been best man to iny old chum Fred I was laid on my back, f;pt in the clutches of pneumonia, and though more than two months had pass ed siuce then, I wan only just out of tho doctor's hands. I still felt shaky, and acquaintances wens continually stopping me in the street to tell me how badly I looked. It was now the middle of Septernlier, aud just the time for a flyimj trip in search of the picturesque, so I laid in a good supply of rapid plates, packed my 1 raps, aud started off to find my prize picture. It proved a pleasant jaunt, and I changed my plans to suit those of the friends I often fell in with on the way; for although my camera was company enough in pleasant weather, it was not disagreeable to have friends to talk to on cloudy days, or a pretty girl to dnnce and flirt with during the long evenings. I took many a delightful tramp o'er hill and dale in search of the prize pict ure which I was sure that I should come across some day. I have always leaned toward a belief in fate, and "Kismet" is the motto engraved upon my seal. Several dozen of my rapid Cramers had been used already, and I wad well pleased with my collection of river views and mountains, cattle pictures and old i'armhonses with quaint interiors to be developed when I should return to town. One bright morning, whmi I was far np in the valley of the Nangatnck, I wandered into fairyland by chance. I had left the high rood and struck through the woods, not knowing whither the path would lead me, and at last I came out upon a level tract be tween the hilly woodland and the river, which was fringed with fine old trees. A dazzling mass of bloom was spread before me, clumps of feathery white blossoms and plumes of vivid goldenrod were nodding in the breeze, and under foot the ground was carpeted with every shade of aster, from richest purple to the most delicate tints of Klao and rose. In this secluded spot Dame Nature had strewn her treasures with a lavish hand. No photograph could catch all its elusive beauty, yet I wanted one for a souvenir, and I proceeded to setup my camera. It made a charming bit upon ,-he ground glass, with the level, flowery roregrouna ana tne old gnarled oak in the middle distance, while beneath its widespread branches the rippling river showed its rare lighto and shadows. It struck me as just the setting for a pict ure of some fair maiden; bnt alas! where could I find her in this solitude? I buried my head under the dark cloth, intent upon the focus; but when I came ut into the sunshine again what vision of loveliness did I aee approaching? I saw a maiden whose perfect figure was clad in soft, white drapery, and her hands were full of wild flowers and crimson sumach leaves. She stooped, from time to time, to pick the tall. white asters that seemed to bend their flower laden sprays out toward her hand. and then continued her way, slowly and graciously, and all unconscious of the euger, waiting amateur. In went the plate holder and out came che slide. A breathless moment of sus pense, and then she stood just where I would have placed her. Her position was one of perfect grace. Pausing, she had turned slightly and bent to pluck a flower, looking np nnd past me with a bewildering smile. I pressed the bnlb, the shutter snap ped, and with a feeling of triumph I cnew that the prize picture was initio leyona recall: When I got back to the inn where I was stopping I found a telegram recall ing me to town. The summons did not disconcert me in the least, for my short Holiday nod proved an eminent success. In health I felt like a different man, and I was exultant over my stolen picture. Some days passed before I had leisure to develop the plate, but then I found I had indeed a prize, for it proved tho beat negative in every vuy among my entire collection. Before I went down town tho next waning I hastily printed a proof, which looked at with lucreu-sing rapturo sev ral times during the day. What a perfect poso that girl had un consciously taken, and how very beauti ful Bbwwas! I hud only thought of her before as a "good uvbjoet," but now I :oukrhot get her lovely face and grace ful figure put of my wind. Who was she, and " did t1ifl Hvo in that quiet town among tho hills, or had she been a fit.riiniror lilro mvwdf? Ttiiw rnulil T fljlil out, and whore could I see her again? for wo her I felt I must. It is a strange confession to make, but hp.fnro twent v-fonr hours were over I was depperately in lovo with tlie un known original of my prize. That wo should meet again some day I had not the slightest doubt, kismet! But after ull would it bo right to tend this picture her picture into tho? competition to bo criticised, admired freely, passed from hand to hand, then reproduced and rent broadcast over tho ngth and breadth of the whole coun try.' Why not, when this might bo tho very neans of brinmiiir us together? And then I thought how I should porHtindo her that my wish to find her out had overcome all scruples, and that with tho seeming liberty which 1 had taken I had shown myself ready to surrender myself n-r prisoner and await her sentence 'or life or death! I could hardly wait for Saturday after noon to romo. mill was in a fever until the few clouds of tho mornniT had dis appeared and li ft mo fho golden sun- sinno needed to print tho prize picture. 1 watched tho hrst print with breath less attention, lest it should lie ton dark or a shade too light. And when it seemed exactly right 1 removed it carefully and put it in a dark place, and laid another piece of fro.sldv fumed paper upon tho negative. Then I put tho printing frame mtngain on my window sill and began to fusn with another negative. How it hnppeued I never knew, but thero was a crash and when I turned to the window the printing frame was gone. I picked it up on the sidowalk forty feet below with my. precious negative shivered into a th mmu.l pieces. All mv hopes now centered on tho ono print which fortunately I had secured And on, ttio agony of anxiety that I went through in tho toning, mounting and burnishing of that one priceless print! But it was safely finished at last ond perfect in every way beautif ul, artistic, beyond question tho best picco of photo graphic work that I had ever done. So, in spite of the irreparable loss of tho negative, I felt almost huppy, for with this I would surely accomplish my double puriose. It could not fail to win tho prue a small tribute to pay to my unknown darling's beauty. Aud it would also le the moans of bringing us face to face. For the picture must cer tainly find ita way into the hands of some of her family or fritmds, and she would hear of it, aee it, be a little indig nant perhaps. But her father or brother or guardian would be certain to resent the supposed liberty, and might even write to the successful amateur to take him to tusk for ltis presumption; that was my most ardent dcnire the very clow I wanted. One I know whero to find her, and then I could manage all the rest I was radiant with satisfaction, and was now only keeping the finished pict ure nutil I should have a chance to take a copy of it for myself; for I could not make up my mind to part with it alto gether until I hod found the original. I was coming np town the next after noon, my mind full of the beauty and winsome grace of my fair nuknown, when I ran across my old chum Fred. It was the first time I had seen him since his marriage, and wo each had much to say. "I want yon to meet my wife, Tom; I know you'll like each other. She was as disappointed aa I was that your ill ness kept you from coming to our wed ding. Are you all right again now? You look well. Can't you drop in upon us te-night? W are stopping at the Buckingham until our house is ready." "I shall be most happy to," I answer ed. And accordingly I presented myself that ovesang at the door of thair private parlor. Fred welcomed ma cordially, and his young wife dropped Mm roam she was arranging m I entered, tnrnad and came forward smiling sod with outstretched hand. , I staggered backward I believe I should have fallen if Fred had not caught me by the arm for the beauti ful unknown in my prize picture with whom I had fallen so desperately in love was no other than Fred's wife! "What is the matter? You are ilir she cried, while she hastily brought me a glass of wine. "It is nothing nothing, I stammered. "I believe I'm not yet quite strong. I be$ your pardon for being such a fool." Tho wine restored me somewhat, and I stayed long enough to remove the feel ing of embarrassment that naturally fol lowed after this awkwurd scene. When at last I got back to my room I looked at my picture eagerly. The same, beyond the shadow of a doubt. And then I began to realize the full extent of my double loss. Impossible to continue my adoration of the fair unknown since now I knew her to be the wife of my friend, and impossible to send the stolen picture of another man's wife into a public corapetitiun. I turned the picture to the wall, and sat for a long timo lost in thought. Then I seized a pen ond wrote: Dsab FnD-Truth la sfranr than fiction. With tola I axnd you the photograph of a fair stranger who deiiurraudy aud unconacioualy walked into my picture when I was off ou a photographing trip two weeka ago. Thii will alao explain my peculiar collapse tnia ereiiln. It taken a smaller thing than such a queer coincidence to upaet a fol low when he is still below par. I know you will prize the picture, for It ia the only one in exig ence, und the negative unfurtunatolv l hnL-n With respectful remembrance to your wife, your uiu ineuu TOM. As I sealed my noto tho word "Kis met" gleamed mockingly up from the dark wax. I tied up tlie Dhototrranh ami sent it off by a messenger before I had timo to reconsider my decision. "Oood-byto my dreams and to my prize picture," I said sadly, as tho mes senger pursued his way down the dark and silent street. It was gona, and already I repented of my hasto. Then, as a sudden thought struck mo, I exclaimed: "By Jove, if I can find it Til tone the proofP Frank Leslie's Weekly. T.m -rrn A m,t An Infallible wcti'intor tho Human System. Cures Y.nvn1n Cures Bilious Cures Billons Affections &0. Uvor tLl.'.t. Affect Complaint, rTrSrlr'r THco CbsttvencM, AjJiaClOr csr,.. ryspepln, Giddiness, "if n n JS n &c. sJid i.y druggist. JUMEaaor The Lending Pcrftitiic. DREXEl&MOLQGNE Fragrant I PR ICC St CENT3. Lasting I 'AT ALL DC A ICRS. IALVATION Oil K3r Prlci only 25 ett. Sold bg all drvggliti. Wilt rellovo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sm!lings,Sruises,Lumbcgo,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. ruPUlANOS'a PtUOS.- Tht Gnnt TobafnAnm VflLnr ttttlPhc4 10 tta. At all drugaltU. This T ratio Clark Is on Tne Best Waterproof Coat In the world PiH'rlllniTttlCitloni.lr. EREETRM A PACKAGE A PROEHARRIS' PASTILLES FOR THE CURE OF (VITALLY WEAKV, W.i to by ie ciot ppitexton to buMufMor Itodfj itffert BtiUl atralo of frirf) ft HI kit lit KHHKSIa Bild.flt llfe.or victum bMu rntr.e4 In raiilh. UfCAl MCII H VHiiMiTo NktomntifctuM-ivtw II LA IV RlCn kXIUlSTMIVWAKTINU WMhNK.H, IN Vm.lftTf.IIY lAMSKMwIih KAkLV I'M At liTUlkUail HID lLI AUKUi Uck f Tim. Tlor, and ttrrnf th.wlth ttiutl or(ins Impftlrtd tail wetkuned prrultirt1j In arrrof hlng old kg. WHEN WE SAY CURE:;'V.VVsi;irLTr: In miiiy thonmntl trld fcnd turtd to past twtlve jritrt, "Tli trrr"'''" In Prf. Harris WO WJ SOLUBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES. V TPIil orrlMdi;ilrll A It NO LIT K I. Y IHhll. 1 w,wwn mn, youn or 14, ufUrlbg frm IMi prTBlrQt trouble huld ind thtr address ao wt mm 1 tiraUk quaatlaua aaarrd, Inat Wr may kaaw tht U ndlllan eftaeli ets and prpar m?dlcl i tffi prnpi aura. Lacatcd la Nv York (artr r 13 veara at Mt. Laali ), w effar kit a erianee to bm eurd bt ttt Sflcbratad f aittll Traatntai. THE HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mf. Chemists. 99 PEEK MAW STREET, MEW YORK. If You Havo CONtUUrTlOH I COUGH OR COLD BRONCHITIS I Throat A&cttea SCROFULA I Waiting tf Huh fjatSS sTia0Slf SYSK B JkWtaMaaal. XmaM mtf fSaaaia aM SCOTT'S PURE COD LIVER OIL Wltfe HrpopaoaplUtas. PALATABLE AS MILK. oaTT BOWMK.Ohamiata.aUY. "This is the blanket the dealer told me was as good as a 5, a" FRE Get from your dealer free, the $4 liook. it has hunilaoniu pictures und valuable information about hornet. Two or three dollar fur a Sa Horse Blanket will inuke your horse worth mors and eat leu to keep warm. 5 A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test Ack for 80 other Myles at prices to suit every body. If voii can't get them from your 3ealer. write :. ARE THE STRONGEST. NONC QCNUINC WITH OUT TM C B'A LABEL Mnnufd hy Wm. Athes & Hons. I'lill.tdii.. who ",' TTmnim Horse Hmnd Haki r ,inr.vt INC8B MAI IDIIII CVRfltrr 1'u.k' INVISIULB TU1UUI 111 SUtMIOIS. Wtuiw. Wi Coin. rlM. H.M.,.hIk.r..ll IUadlMbJI. SaMki V. MllU'ltX. 5A TRUSTIiK'S SALE -OF VALCABM- Krai BNfalr! Hy vlrlup nf nn orcler nf tho OrplinnV court nr ( olnmlila ominty, I'n., Hip tindnrfdifiiod, np pnlnti'd Tnwlpi, will sell nn tlio liroinlw-a, nn SATURDAY, 1ERRUARY 7, 1891, nt t) n'rlnck n. 111., tho fullowlnir dcni!Vlliod Hi-nl Kstalc of I'lilllp MllliT, laic of Vidro township, deiimwri, to-wlt i A wlmrf let In thn vlllrpof Bapy, Hrott, towmlilp, rnunly nfurrwild, ailjolif In thn North lininrh Cnnal on tlui muil.li, nn ullcy on tlir north and Market HMvnt nf wild vll UXP on thn west, contiiliilnir about. i K A mjl'AHK l Klil ll, bcliiif lot liumluT ID. Al.ao, Thn following rinscrllx-d lota Will lie wild on I ho ri'Hpwttvo pmiidws liniiicdhitcly after thn iiImivo. anlnt I.nT Nn. V-Nltuiitr In Crntm tnwnHhlp, lmiinil ed on thn went hy pnrpnrttt.Nn. 8 and 4 nnd lot of lteujiiniln Mlllrr, nn the aoutli hy purpart No. 1 eaat hy pnrpnrt No. , 11 ml north by purpnrt No. t, cohlaliilinf il ACHK8 A Nil Wl rKlil'lIKS. I.otNo.O Situate In Centre tnwnahlp, nfnre aalil, houndi-d on the went , aout li, eiiMt nnd north by purpnrta Nos. S, 1, 7 and S, respect I vnly, con tululiiK a Acid's and r9 ricitctiKs. Lot No. 7 Hltimtp in Centre tmrnshlp, nfnm. anld, Ixiundi'd on t ho went, aont h, oast and nnrt li by purparts Nos. ft, I, H. mid II n'speotlrcly, eon talnliiK II ACUKS AND r.() I'KIICIIES. Lot No. -niunte In Centn1 township, nforo. said, houndod nn the north, west nnd south by purparts Nos. it, 8 nnd 1 respectively, and east by purparts Nos. II and 111 and lot. nf Andrew (ilntrlca und John W. Shunian, enntnlnlng 2 ACUKS AND M 1'KltCllKS. Lot No. 10 Nltnntp In Centn1 township, afore said, bounded nn the north, enst nnd anuth by purpart Nos. 1 and , west by purparts Noh. 11 and Unnd lot nf Andrew (Jingles uud John W. Hliumaii, contiUnliiK' 3 ACKKM AND m I'KltCIIKS. Lot No. ll Situate In Centre township, afore- said, bounded nn the west, north mid east by purparts Nos. n, S nnd in respect Ively, nnd souih by lot of Andrew Ulns'les and John V. Shuiuan containing ' FIFTY rEIICIIKS. !I.ot No. la situate In Centre township, afore wild, bounded nn the north hy the L. & B. It. It., ens't, south and west by purpnrta Noa. 10, 1 and 9 respectively, containing FIFTY l'F.UCIIF.S. Lot No. IS Situate In Main township, county afon-sald, Ixmnded on the north by the Susque hanna river, on the east nnd south by lands now or late of the helra of Oeorife LonirenlierKer, de ceased, and on the west by lands of Black, containing lia ACHES AND M PEKCHES. With all appurtenances of aald lots. Tkhm'h ok Sals : Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking anwn of tlie property; tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, nt the confirmation of aide ; and the remaining three-fourths In one year there after, with interest from continuation nisi. Purchasers to pay for drawing deeds. IIihkinii, JOHN B. CASEY, Sheriff, Attorney. Trustee. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned assignee will by virtue of no order to him directed by the Court of Common 1'leaa of Columbia county expose to public sale the following described real estate, ou the re spective premises, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1891. The first described at 10 a. m. and the second described at 11 a. m. Piece of land iltuate In Btlarcrsek township, Columbia county, Pa., beginning at s stone on the south side of L. A B. K. K. hy same north 84 west 8 4-10 perches j north 874 west ia perches to stone ; south east 4 6-10 perches to lime stone ; south Wlj0 east 7 4-10 perches to lime stone ; north 8! east 84 4-10 perches to middle of North Branch canal, thouce by same north 77 west 8 8-10 perches; north 8 east 18 6-;0 perches to stone ; north west 4 t-IO perches to stone ; north 7aj west 18 9-10 perches to place of beginning ; containing 8 ACRES AND 47 PERCHES, more or less, on which aro erected s large brick dwelling, stable, store building, and canal wharves. A DESIRABLE STORE PROPERTY. Also one other piece of land In same township, bounded and described as follows : Beginning In public rood leading from Klttenhouse Mill to solo mon llouseknecht, thence north H west t perches to stone ; north 8a east 19 8-10 perches to stone ; north i west 18 8-10 perches to black oak stump ; north 74 east 19 8-10 porches north east 10 perches; north 89 east 4 8-10 perches to corner; south K west 18 perches to stone; south 8Ka east 4a perches to stone; south 74V east sa perches to stone ; south 8TH east S8 perches to white oak stump ; south lli0 east 19 peruhes to stone ; south SW east 88 4-10 perches to stone corner; south 88 west 180 5-10 perches to place of beginning, containing SEVENTY-SIX ACRES, more or less. TBKMs OF SALE 10 per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid on striking down of the property, one-fourth less ten per cent on confirmation of the sale, when deed will be delivered, balance In one year from confirma tion und to be secured by a bond and a mort gage on the premises. JACKSON, 8. C. JAYNE. Attorney, Assignee of Kmuior Delterlck. HULK ON HEIRS. Krttitt of TltamaK Coif, deceaard. To Joseph K. Cole, Benton, Mary Ellen Hess, and Uluuta Hess, Uuavu, Joshua 8. Cole, Stanley, Buffalo Co., Nebraska, Catherine Hhullz, Coins Creek, Korhael Meeker, Ouava, Lanuh Wagner, Ash Valley, Pawnee Co., Kansas, David W. Cole, Kearney, Buffalo Co., Nebraska, VestleCole nnd Neheuilah Kitchen, guardian of Verdln Cole, HohrHliurg, llnealdesceiidants of said Tims. Cole deceased, und to ull other persons Interested, Oreetlng! You and each of you are hereby cited to lie and appeur before the Judges nf our Or phans' Court at an Orphan's Court to be held at BliMinisbuig on the flint Monday of February next, then and there to accept or refuse to take t he ri'Ul estate nt said Thomas Cole, deceased, at the upprulsed valuation put upon It by Impictd, duly uwitrded by the said Court, uud returned by the Sheriff, or show cuuse why it thall not be sold. . J. B. CAHKY, Short tT. 1-10-4W. Sheriffs Onice, Bloomshurg, Pa CHARTER NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made to t he (iovei'tiorol the. Klulcof Pi'iuisyl vunlu, nil Friday, January XK by Isaac S. ktilin, llolines Mldgloy, Kauule ,Mtd,'ley, James Haley and l.lla Haley, uniler the Act of Assem bly of the Comiiionwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled "un Act to provide lor the liicorporutlou uud regulailou of certain corporations," approv ed April ainh, IH74, and the suppleiuiniistheretii, for t he charter of an Intended corporation to be called "Hie Hlooinsburg Worsted Mills," the character und object whereof Is manufacturing and selling worsted yarn, and fortliese purpiMcs to have, possess andetijoy ull the rlghts,bcneltts and privileges ul suld Act of Asviaubly uud Us supiilemeuts, C. W. JIILLER, Uoiicitur. CL0TMITO! CLOffflNG! I D Per CbiiL M-edlucliion. WE ARE SELLING OUR STOCK OF Winter and Spring Clot&ing, ALSO Gents Furnishing Goods, at a re duction of 10 per cent. Call at once and secure bargains. Our stock is new and all of the Latest Patterns. You can Save from $2.00 to $5.00 on every suit you buy. This is POSITIVELY the best chance of BUYING CLOTHING ever offered in Iiloomsburg. We have also a fine lot of cloths from which we can make Suits to Order. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in our make of clothing both as to quality and style. Come while this reduction lasts. Bloomshurg, Pa. PUIS, ORGANS ' SEWING MACHINES. J. SALTZER'S mu raw & sewins wm an,1 2l!nnianyJCarSTexperienCe in l,"'inS antl selling musical instruments nlZ lS "ach,nes 1 "n Bantee to my customers the best in the market, i lanos and Orcans nurcha'tpfi nf m nnh.iu n,ifr..u- i t out of order, 1 can easily be corrected, Instruction tr ivrn ,11 r,k,r.. r successfully u. The STECK PIANO is the best made. Its tone Is surpassed uj uwuc. juu uiuKc jiu We ha"e also the ESTEY and the STARR riANOS, And The ESTEY, MILLER and UNITED STATES ORGANS. We sell Pianos from $250 to $600, and Organs from $75 to $175. In Sewing Machines we We sell the best Sewing Mach ine made for $19.50. J. Saltzer, BlaanisMrg Pa. DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS. Bloomsburgf Pa. S THE POSITIVE CURE. I ? il ELT UKO'i'UEHS, M Warren Bt, New York. Prloa 60 1. I fG& yWc Chichc8tcr'8 English, THC OKiaiNAL ANO ttCNUINC. EVAN fe EYEB, coma MAm m iron struts. , ,v"tu un. ii anyining gets and a Kreat deal of annoyance saved. o :w ,. ' "iiuui.c Sdvcu. ocwmg aiacnines, how to operate them mistake if you buy a bteck. can give you the Celebrated m ".j'L ilk s I it "WHITE" The beBt Machine in the world. The NEW DOMESTIC, The ROYAL ST. JOHN, The STANDARD ROTARY And the NEW HOME. Reo Cross 1 Diamond Brand Tb. sal j (, tans, ud nliotta Pill fcr nf. A !, SM Sr'S.Vi wk. Writ (w kwk .1Mb 'UUU