" -cum- Y THE COLimiBIAN AJSTD DEMOukaT. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. s i ir lull TilAUHERa' INSTITUTE. CONTINUED KltOM lAVT WKKK. WBDKRSIHY MOBNINft. Tlio ncMlon opened fit 0 p. m. with sing, inn 3 stanzas of "llock of Aires." Tlio devo tional exercises wero conducted by ltov. Y T. Atiman of tho llcformcd Oliurcli, who read a part of tho Ord chapter of Proverbs, and ofTcred prayer. Bupt. Johnston stated that he had a let tcr from Prof. Brttmbtugh, saying that ho was still ucabio to attend tho Institute. Ho also read a letter from Mrs. Jcroino Allen, stating that Dr. Allen was sick and unablo to bo present. Tho following resolutions were presented and adopted by the unanimous vote of the Inslltutci WriKiiB&s, His tho sense of tho teachers' of Columbia County that thero should he a closer supervision of tho public schools of the etato than Is possible under existing laws, thercforo Butlved, That wo request tho mombcrs of tho Legislature, at their next scssbn, to on. actialaw providing for tho closer supervis ion of public schools Jltsolted, That wo urge tho members of the Legislature from thU county to uso their best endeavors to sccuro tho passago of such a law. licaolvtd, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to every member of tho Legislature from this county. Trof. Wllbcr continued his talk on Civil Government, treating particularly of town chip officers, giving their duties and terms of office. Prof.'iCope addressed tho teachers on Arithmetic, lie continued to talk of yes terday and gavo methods of treating a few classes of problems. After singing several selections tho Insti tute was addressed by I'rol. J. P. Ilirkins, on "Memory." Ho thought teachers made mistakes in supposing children had poor memories. First get pupils interested and you will do much to overcome poor memo ries. Alter taking a short recess the Institute was addressed by Prof. C. H. Albert on Geography. He gave some plans for teach ing. If you change tho physical conditions you change tho wholo country. Prof. R. M. Qcddis, principal of Nnr thumbcrland schools, addressed tho teach ers on "Order." Belf-Knowledgo, Self Control and Assertion aro tbrco agencies in securing order in school. A teacher must know that there Is a difference be tween securing and maintaining order. WEDNESDAY JLFrKnHOOS. Tho session opened at 2 p. m. Prof. Ball led the Institute and Miss Purccll pre sided at the organ while "The Dearest Spot" was sung. Snpt. Johnson introduced Stipt. Walton , of Chester county, who addressed tho In stitute on "School Government." School Government Is tho easiest possible thing to talk about and the hardest thing to prac tice. Government consists in having au thority Cleanliness and Comfort are im portant factors in securing good govern, mcnt. Hayo tho play ground In front of the house. It will assist in' banishing many of the evils of the school ground to have it in sight of tho teacher. Miss Williams rendered a solo and Mrs. Grant Herring recited t'Charlio M. Crce," after which Miss Armstrong read an ablo paper on "The Objects of Our Work." Bupt. Walton continued his talk on "School Government," Ho defined discip linarian as a d'selple-maker. Ono who makes ro'lnwcrs Is a dlrslpltnanan. Supt. Walton Is a pleasant speaker and presents his subject in a pleasing manner. Supt. appointed tho following commit tees: Permanent Certificate, Alex. Lillle, Mr. Hanly, Miss Josephine Brennanj ltc solutlons, E. K. Hichardson, A. 8. Fritz, Miss Allen i Auditing, A. F. Tcrwllllgcr, J. W. Hidlay, Miss Ettio Evans. WEDXK'DAY KVKSIXO. Although storming terribly in tho even ing, a largo audienco assembled at tho Opera House to hear the concert by the Meigs (listers and tho impersonations by J. T. Miller. Tho ladles are beautiful singers and pleased every one, but unfor tunately ot so much can be said of tho gentleman. nrortsruT moesiso. The ptimary teachers met at the lllgh School building and were addrossed by Prof. Albert on "Moral Culturel", and Supt. Walton on "Various Forms of Ex pression." Tho regular session opened in tho Opera House by singing "Sun of My Soul". Hev. Bears of the M. E. Church read tho 20lh Psalm and offered prayer. Prof. Cope addressed the Institute on "History." Ho would have but few dates taught. Children may bo Interested by telling of tho Indians, discoveries and set tlements. Colonial history depends on few dates. Institute sang "Ask tho Children." Prof. Heclit, of Muncy, discussed the subject of history. Wo teach history as a Suite of blocks: one on another. The de cade from 1850 to 1880 was an important one in American history. Institute sang "Auld Lang Syne," and "Come Come, Here". Miss Knorr of Miss Armstrong's school read a well prepared paper on "Gymnas. tics", and a class of pupils from Miss Arm strong's school gavo an exercise in "Calis thenics", which shqwed careful training. Supt. Walton talked on "Elementary Sciences". He presented the subject in hli pleasing way, and gave an idea of how to teach elementary Botany. He woul d conduct these leBsons In placo of the regu lar reading lessons at times. It will be a great valuo to the pupils. Miss Black rendered a piano solo in a pleasing manner. Mrs. Welsh spoko to tho Institute on "Lltcraturo" She would cultlvato a de sire for pure lltcraturo. Have them read some ol the creat poems. Olvo them the Touth'i Companion for supplementary read' ing. Sccuro a school library. The election of Permanent Certificate Committee was then held. Dl hectors' meeting Directors met Thursday morning at the High School bulldinng Sunt. Johnston culled tho meeting to order. The olllccrs wero elected last year J. It. Townscnd, of Bloomsburg, President and Mr. Delterlch, of Berwick, Secretary Supt. Johnston made a few appropriate remarks on granting certificates, &c, Tho first paper read was by J. I Bitten bender, "How to sccuro and retain more flrst-class professional teachers." It was an ah i pspcr and whs discussed by" various members of tho meeting. Dr. T. J. Swisher read an interesting paper on "Tho Duties of School Directors respecting School Hygiene." Tho subject was discussed at some length by the direct ors. On motion It was Jlttolitd, That wo urgo upon our repres ontatlves: Tnat wo aro in favor of tho school books being published and furnish cd by the stato to tho pupils of our public- schools free of cost. This resolution, after gome debate, was unanimously carried, The officers elected for tho ensuing year were Dr. Iledeker, I'fetldeut, and J. K. Bitteobender, Secretary. L TIIDUSDAY AFTKBNOOJf, Jil the opening of tho afternoon session, Peculiar Many peculiar points mako Hood's Bar saparllla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar In combination, proportion, and preparation of Ingredients, jy Hood's 8arsaparUla possesses JrSSPA tlio full curntlvo valuo of tlio S V . best known romedlosr jJQ?f of tho vcgetaUo klng-r VQlom. Toculhr In Its V' .QJ'r strength and economy -y-'Itood's Bar. saparlll.i Is CnD tho only rncdl clno o'.. which can truly bOsaldA S " Ono Hundred Doses Ono Jr t S Dollar." Medicines In T fyJ larger and smaller Imttlcs krA,' rcqulro larger doses, and do not jr ltoduco ns good results ns Hood's. S Tccullar In Its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsanarllla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and lias won for Itself . tho title of " Tlio greatest blood . purifier ever discovered." Peculiar In Its " good namo home," thero Is now Lowell, whoro S Xj IU1IU Ul 1111 pnrlflors. jTS JSI abroad, o mm Fortr, tlie-M Shoos tvre blackened with Wolff's Blacking 8rmi Uim nth tliwn wntor, nd tn7 "" I, tho world bo&utmillr pi.ll.hed cftgrfUHiii Via. will cm lour fluuter ImM llf tho wdr. PortM, toll joar l.lTnrf 'H9n1thntHlilhiprf ilanttu Vrtmlntla lTQineaiiii more sold In It Is made, other blood Peculiar In Its .V S ao other preparation Yarnllh tl the mn0 time. ever attained Buch poru- Ity In so short a tlmo, and retained Its popularity and confldonco among all classes of feoplo so steadfastly. Do not bo Induced tn buy other preparations, but bo suro to get tho Tccullar Modlclno, Hood's Sarsaparilla fioldbyalldmgKtiti. lxfot3. I'reraroJonly by C. I, HOOD A CO., Aiwthocarloi, Ixiwcil, Mail. IOO Dobos Ono Dollar AAot rikIton, thteh will Stain Old 4 New runniTURt WILL STAIN CLA AND ChINAWAUK will Stain tinwan. wilv Stain voun old basiht WILL STAIN BADT'S COACH AND WOUF A BANDOUI1, PWUd.lpbU. WHAT SCOTPS CURES CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCH8 COLDS Waiting Elieuti Wondorful FlMh Produoer. Many hTo joined ono pouad per day by its uao- BootVs Emulsion U'noi a seowt Mraedy. It oonUlnt th itimuUt ing pi pertiea of th Hypophoi pbitos nd pturo Norwegiaa Ood iiTBX Oil, tht potenoy of boti bolng largely IneToaaod. I U usaa by Kiyslols.na all over tho world. PALATABLE A3 MILtt. Sold bff aU DrufftjtJf (rRE " Work horses in the city arc worth three times as mucli as country hones because we blanket them hi the stable." FREE Get from your dealer free, the Sa Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable, information about horses. Two or thrco dollars for a Sh. Horso Blanket will mako your horso worth more and cat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile Ask for 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles nt prices to suit every body. If yon can't get them from voir dealer, writo us. a crcat'many citizens and directors wcr o noticed among tho teachers in tho Institute. The sun bad dispelled the dreariness of tho morning and it seemed to make the teachers more lively and cheerful. After indulging In singing for several minutes tho Instltuto was addrossed by Sunt. Walton. Uo spoko to tho directors particularly, and spoke of tho itnpoitancu and responsibility of the position. Tho whole public school system should bo so that it would work together. Directors and patronB should visit the schools to encourage tho teachers and pupils. Miss Ella Fox rendered a solo In charm. Ing style, which was loudly applauded. I'rof. Albert then addressed the directors. lie called their attention to free textbooks, and permanency to tho teachers' position. lie called attention to the disgraceful man ner in which some school bouses and out. buildings are kept, and said that tho evils should ue corrected. Bchools should have freo text books, becauso It affords teachers a better chanco to grade tho schools, be cause tho children cm then all havo the necessary books, becauso It will cheapen the cost of books. Books can bo bought In bulk at about two-thirds the cost of small quantities. Olvc the necessary ap pllanccs as you would the ordinary laborer, Mrs. Mary A. Llvcrmore, of UJSton, came before tho Instltuto and emphasized tho remarks of Prof. Albert in regard to the conditions of the school buildings She spoko of the great necessity for "Moral Education", and the great work lying be. tore teachers. She said teachers should work upon honor although poorly paid Hold np your colors and keep pushin ahead. 8ho was glad to know physical culturo was gaining ground. Supt. Walton then continued his talk lie spoko of the impressions mado in child. hood. A child takes 'a sllzht impression from everyone he meets and his character is formed from th090 which predominate. Re careful whom your children asso ciate with. Children need the lnQucnca of both men andjwomen. A tndy's Perfect Companion. Evcrv cmectant mother should read our new book by Dr. Nye, ono of Now York's most celebrated physicians. A perfect mother's euidc. It tells how the tearful or deal can be made easy, freo from danger, and almost r ntlroly painless, mm saving months of anxiety, droad, and suffering. Pull of valuable information to ladles, an swering hundreds of delicate questions. bend two ccni stamp ior circulars, icsu monlals, and confldeutlal letter. Address, Fkank Thomas & Co., l'libllsners, 9-10 3m. Baltimore, Md. HAI.ItH. Dso. 37. Oio. li lilwell, trustee, will ....1.1 .!.. .... II r. inlli.1 In fl.ila. IM-II HI . III. I'll "T" .'1. till 111"'.- ... v...--- : . t . .1 .1... 111...- I I I... f....n-1.. ! W1HSH. U1U tiwruiu)( iiuuru rum mii. iuiiiii-iiy wnrd by Btcphen lllldy, at 10 o'clock a. , arc nnvcriifrmcni. Poit Hai.k on Exoiianor for a town tiron- rly in Uluomihurn, a desirable farm of 20 cres. nenr Htiperl. Good spring and eprlna-housn and well of wntor at the barn. A gonil pnico Kir a uairy. Appiv iu iikuiiun 1IRS8 uupctl, m. iz-u-n- Fok Hai.r Dwelling houses In Blooms. burg, OranievllIc, Epy nnd Itupert Pa. Firms In PcnnBylvnnla, Kannis and Vir ginia. Vacant lots In Bloomsburg. Btorc properties. Oris! mills nnd other property by M. P. Ltilr., Insurance and Meal isslalo gem, moomsnurg, ra. Tcnn.HAt.it. House and lot In Hupcrt, lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with nlno rooms. Bay windows, out kitchen, lee and coal Iioiibc, good Blablc, chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever green trees, good water, Two railroads, Twelve trains a uay cacn way, 10 uiuunin hurir. faro 8c round trln. Low taxcx. A great bargain, if taken soon. SI. 1 . JjUIZ, insurance us iipii ni Fon Halr. -Valuable property, known ns tho Morris property in Bloomburg. Apply to Uuy Jacoby. n-7.iut F.m Hai.ii. A (lno pair of well-matclied ponies, coming llvo years old. Good drlv. ers, single or double, Htd good saddlers. AUn ti nnw set of harness Innulro of J. B. Williams, auctioneer, Bloomcbnrir, Pa., or Elmer Hears. m-is m The Greatest Blood Purifier u IH KNOWN. i H Tills Orent Ocrman Moillclno Is thc, Ml...nn.f nn.l l.n.l. lU.U.ninf ftlTI.. I I imiimi lti'lvruitMfniAl.rin.liiiiitliAn 2 III ono rent n ilose, It will euro tlie UJ m wnrnt rnnnAnf ftktn fltnoflMO. from ... .. - ... ... . .. - . n common DlmDta on tlio fuccj to ihnt awful in.rno 8crofuln. S SULl'IIUIl HI1TKI13 IS thO j1 hrt mnillrlnn tn inn In ttWm caws of such stubborn nnlytnr KM. ilecp tented ulseascs. l)oncyaarcout DOt OTCr tAkO .fnVi1i..lTan BLUE PILLS "I'.!yjwnQ nr ainm ll.n urn ititiul ST "1 i i r.liq. J 1 iti i iiicn vour iriipt in SUI.rilUil JUTTKUS, IIia i.iivn-t nml lin-l mollclne ever mailo. f$aUul BlltcrS 1 wllliaTCllowi)tlckrnon't wait until yon ?J Isubstnncc? Isyoiirlrnro unnblotowalk.or bronth foul nmlaro flat on your buck, offcnelvo? Vonrbut (ret eomo at onro. It stonmcli ts ontnlll euro you. Sulptiar ofi.nlcr. U6iU!ttcrsls Slll.l'llllll W,,-v t...n. .1 F3 1HTTKU8 1 110 " ,lllu K ncnu. t-1 1 ... rt. 1 1 I ,', I W-T. . , t.n n,l nn., nt rl IB your iT'lcnngnrn noon inmioii uy lno tlilck.its use. Ucmcmlwr wliat you ropy, clo.jffrcail here, It may savo your uuy, orilfo, It tias sacu lmmlrcds. M Don't wait until to-morrow, 3 Jf Ttv rt Rottln To-rlftV 1 C? rronnroslck.no fmattcrwlutalla ryon, uso Wo print only a h.lf sheet thh week, as It has been found Impossible to Issuo tho paper In Its old form, nnd at tho same tlmo mako the necessary changes for the Itsuo of next week in tho new form. Every advertisement has to ho reset, and all Iho leads, rules, slugs, &c, must bo cut down to fit the columns. Six prlstcrs liavo been at work In tho ofllco for tho past week, getting ready for tho change. HIi;CIAI. ANNOOSCKJIENT, Wc have madenrrangemcnts with Dr. B. Kendall Co. publishers of 'A Treaties on tho Horse nnd his diseases,' which will en able all our subscribers 13 obtaina copy of that valuable work free by sending their ad dress (enclosing a 2 cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enoeburgh Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as Its phenomenal salo attests, over four million copies bnving been sold in the past ten vcarp. a sate never before reached by any publication In tho same period of time. Wo feel confident that our patrons will appreciate tho work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of ob taining a valuable bonk. It Is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short tlmo. 13-12-t Arn vnw low.fuiriivii unit nui.i For (iiffcrinit from tlio cx-se. of fvoutliy If so. bUWHUll UITTEUS f will euro you. Send 3 2-ccnt stnm) J to A. r. Onlwny A Co., lloaton.Mass., for best medical work jiublltlicdr 1 ! I Tutt s Pills tf mnlftte tho torpid llir, atrtnrtb mnm thdf r entlv orffnm. reijrulfttaa UaO kowli( and aro unequftUd aft an ANTI-DILI0U8 MEDICINE. Zm malarlnt dlilrlctn the Ir tI rtnea ara rldl v raeofriilKfld. althtr uaaBii nM ullar propirliei In fring thsyit fram that olaen. SUavantly aMf Sold 22vQrywhoro Ofllco, 44 Murray St,. Nmr Yorlc Thuusa'iUs bavti boexi iwrmfineiitly cured ly I'HIIiADKl.rJIIA.rA. Fo at onre, no operation or luss of tlmo ruin bulM0SS. Cais prunouucel lu curable jy others wauteU. tfend for Circular CURE GUARANTEED. omJe'IK.moa. Oct. 0 ELANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE CENUINC WITHOUTTHC R'A LABEL Manul'd by Wu. atkes & sons. I'htl.ida., who mans tho famous Horse liranl Baker BlanketA ducHt CnrdHofto liny. "Many of tho productions in Btntlonary for tho table "remarked tho bead of that department of Bailey, Banks & Biddle, Philadelphia, a day or two ago, aro gems of art and are tit for framing. Tho guest cards are now daintily decorated In water colors by artists of recognized abilities. Theeo little nlctures como In sets. Une will have a dozen ideal fcmlnlno heads, an. other cavellcrs, others dainty little land' scapes or else refreshing marines. The majority, however, are Oguro pieces, and apart from their novelty are valuablo sovc- nicrs of a pleasant dinner. PT)fl rot HlnHTK1 tiTllogrf, This Trado Mark Is on Tlio Best Waterpof1 Coat In the world l.J.Toytr.Borton. Bleady employment and liberal wages are offered in another column by Sears, Henry & Co., Geneva, N. Y. They are a reliable firm. Established 1805. 12-.4t. ME TRIAL 1 PACKAGE I PROnHARRIS' PASTILLES FOR THE CURE OF WEAfC MEN (VITALLY WEAK). U.ieiobr too emippllilon to tu.lne.aur itaarl aewrt nunltl uriln or frUri HKXI'AL The services In 8L Paul's Church on Christmas day will be at 10.30 a. m. The Sunday School will havo its Christmas Festival on B&turday Evening 27th at 6 80. All are invited to these services. The Yonng Men's Christian Association of Bloomsburg will bold a watch meeting In Hartman's hall next Wednesday New Year's Eve. IIO YOU CoilRll? XlhHHglntnld ddla llfe.or tlelom titblti rontrsetM In youtb. UICR V tieil KK VU-II14TII hrltlDlH IILIIILlTTor nCillV ITlCll KKIIllHTIU.VIAHTI&llV)ktk!ll.bM. IH. IIILIMAUV UttlllhfclULY UlliV H YOlHUBad MID liLKidklli iMk t tlm, Tlfor,nil trrnth,ltQMiuil or!kn IrapBlrcd tnil wrabpnad pramaturrlT la approaching old aia. WHEN WE SAY GURE.r VI?Tt kK In roaoy ihoM.and ennaa treated and cured In paat twelee jeara. TS vn iaeTldeneeorourtaltk In Prof. lUrrU' U W i W50I.OBI.E HEDICAIED PASTILLES. TD a . I weofferellbldajatrlal illMH t II LK IttEK. la 1 KIMI-iii men, rounc or old. auffcrlnf from thin fret aleot trouble ahould aend their eddreaaao weeau rurnlah queatlona to be anawered, that we ma; know tbe true condition efeacheaae and prepare medlrlno to effect a. pronipt core. Ideated In New York (after It reara at St. Loula), we offer nil a ebaueo to tie cored be tbe celebrated Vaatllle Treatment. THE HARniS REMEDY CO., Mfe. ChemlstB, 09 BEEKMAN STREET. MEW YORK. fit wi ..it hi:h.i.ij ii ii-m.1 jtMn rmm Don't delay. Take Kemp's Bilaam, the best cough cure. It will euro your coughs and colda. It will cure s3ro throat or a tickling in tho throat. It will curn pains Ilu the chest. It will cure lntluenzi and bronchitis and all diseases pertaining to tho lungs because it is a pure Balsam Hold it to the light and see how clear and thick It Is. You will see the excellent ef. feet after taking tho first dose, f.ir 'u bot tles 59c and $1. OFALLPLASTERS or many years used and pre-5J PV X iiysicians, uut "uivem ' Introduced generally. I K A DR.GROSVENOR'S SP D5 PLASTERS. T El The best Porous Plaster mi(!c(S Xor allaches.palns and weak placeOn LjUnlike other plasters, so be sureiD 1 and get the genuine with the pic-;E7 fture of a bell on the back-clothJJ HCOrosvenor& Richards. llostonXCk Prof, V. H. Jenkins wis called to his slstei's homo in New York Btato Thursday on account of tho Illness of his father. DEAF! ri-ifcU. NESS k MtAB MOIHt CD 1197 leclt'a lHVlhJliUC TUIUUI U CUSHIONS Wtlipen burd. Coat ufu .ku-a!! lLnaaad(M ftvll. lUUb. r.HISrilX. n ru ir i f ru 12 5 (Ml Butler Cox and Hlcbard Flaherty were arrested on Monday for chopping some now cars at the Bloomsburg Car Co'sshrps, They admitted tbe charge in Esquire Clark's ofilce and, wero held under ball for covrt, The boys are about 13 years o'd. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Baby was sick, we gut her Castoria. When shs was a Child, the cried (or CaitorU, When sha became) Mlu, she clone to Oastorls, When slmli id Cnlldrtn, sha nave them CcutorUk. FOR MEN ONLY! "for Luuror VAlnno BANnooni HOenernl and MEHV0U8 GlBIlIIY IWcaknanor Uody kndHlnd, Effects Jof Errortor Exneaaeala Old or Yeunr. Hebnal. AeUle MafclitlUII follf Heatered. llew teealara a eel tIreoBtheenKal.lhUKfKUirKUUufjihIAr'lUTIiulrftODr. ikaolelel uslalller IlllflS TUkelnkkT-lieaelle lo n day. Man teeltfr fraai ktt ktatea aad I erelf a iMintrlaa. Hrtte Ikeab lleaertbtl'O Hook, eirlaaatleo nal praafa aialled (araledlfreOe Ml,,,, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V. A TIIAIII I andertake lo IrianV taacbanjlalrlj lulelllf.ntp.raou of either ei, wh.ieeu r.ad and write.and who, I after liietrui.tloo.vi ill work tuuuairUuelj, tuelu earn Ikree Tkouaaad Uollara n tearlnlhcii wnluealluee.wbrreeer thejrllre.l will alaofumlab the Bltnatl il i 'lopt yuiituil wblrh .atii earn that aniouut. f.o m .ner r imcunleeaau eaifulae ab ie lallyauil quickie learu.il 1 1 li but .ue worker fniiu each dlelrl. 1 or 000017. I A Ileal llUlHIIUl IH ICCIlip'H llUlHItlll The dictionary says, "A balsam Is a thick, pure aromatic tuhefuico flowing from ticis." Kemp's Blssm for the throat Pensions ! Veterans I ! The DiEacility Pension 'Bill. Act of June 27, 1390. grants pensions In all cx-soldlers and sailors who served 00 days or mom In the Army or Navy during tho rebellion, nnd were honorably dlscharg- cd, and who aro now guttering from any permauci.t, mental or physical disability contracted since tho war or during tbo war whether from disease, injuries or effects 'of old age, at tho rate of from 50 to $13 per month, according to the degree of his dis ability loriue penormanco oi laoor requir ing tho exertion of physical strength ; provided the disability is not due to vici ous habits. This nensiou is not restricted to tbe veterans who have to make their living by hard labor, but Is equally due to proiessionai men or cierKs, proviucu nicy havo an existing disability which would prevent tbo continuous exercise of the physical strength of an able-bodied man. Thoso who have applied under tho gen eral laws and who aro unable to provo up the pending claim can apply for and se cure this pension and tnen cnntinuo the prosecution of the former claim and secure their arrears. If vou arc now drawinc a small pension. say $2 or $1 per month, you can tnko this pension instead, and if you have an appli cation on file for Increase or additional nension for new disabilities you can con- tinuo tbe prosecution of such claims while drawing tho now pension, or you can tile an oriElnal ilalm for a disability contract cd in the service wnllu under this new act. Widows, children, and dependent moth ers and fathers aro entitled under this net and can suspend the prosecution of any pending claim, and take this pension, and afterwards complete tho prior claim and get arrears. Having been duly niipolnte'1 an Aeent according to tbe rules and regulations of the Department of tho Interior in tho pros ecution of such claims and having had suc cess In a number of ctsep I am always pre pared to give information and assist claim ants, and will assure them success if they aro able to establish tbe facts as required by law. Those Interested should call soon and claim their reward. Tlio modern magazine miy be lakon as embodying tbo best literature of the world, as the magazine editor nays tbo btshest price to novelist9, scientists, statesmen, soldiers, and even kings and princes, tor tho best they can furnish in the literary line. The well edited magazine becomes an edu cating influence in the Jamtly ciro e. bono importanco cannot no over estimated. The children i they crow up, aro attracted by its illustration", and bo come in time lo htve a taste for reading. Tiiero is ahvavs some thing that is now, snm thing that is strange, something that is intcri sting; and we consider that we are doing om readers a poBilivo lienent. if we aie instrumental in placing buo'i publica tion within their reach. The spwWI arrangement whioh we Inve nude with the Uosmopotttan presoiiH very unusual inducements. That magazine is already recogn!z"d a ono of the most interesting publiiiatinnn of the dav. It is sci king t ubsoribt-n oven - where and obtaining them. The nro prietors believe that the Cosmopolitan has only to be examined to secure a permanent ruurcriuer. i lint, is why we aro aide to make, it tlio oner is ac cepted beforo January next, such a i . 1- i!t 1 very low rate, uy which our readers can obtain the Cosmopolitan for little more than tho c st of this journal alone. Just think of what the combi nation moans 1 You obtain your own homo journal at about the rrguhr price, and havo thrown in a magaz tie which gives you in a year, 1,530 pages of readiog matter by the ab!ot writer of the world, including over 1,300 pagos of illustrations that aro unsur passed in point of Interest and exectt- ion. Will It not pty you to si'ini a subscrip'ion to this ofi'ion for Thk Coi- niitintt and I tin Js VI tl t1 Vt lltlriK.. diatclyt Ilemember only 2,50 for the two. There is moro Catarrh in this sec tion of tho country than all other dis eases put together, and until tho last BOILING WATER OR MILK EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. OOCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLf work fur m, by Ann l''? "''n Ueia, ami Jno. llonn, loltrdo, 1)1 hlo. Hm rui, othrrtarcanin; ""7 Hunt j-ohT Momt Mm ovr nw. -morn... Vou cn do ibe wk V Wl home, inIiM-M-Tyou rt. t.f " Prlnnn r rnlnr fWmIO hklOa Allarrs. U C tllOW TOO DOW nd itui jom. vn worn m Fwlur unknown mianir innm. WKW nrt wiandarful. rarticnUrt trtt. II.lIiilleitlsCo.,Moxti?Olorlliiinl,Malue salesmen for our cnolco Nursery .Stoclr. Salary ana expenses or comralsslonxiaUl. Pine outnts. Low prices UUtillUteUstoclr. commlsalonxialc 11, V. CL4BK SCO., Nurserymen, ltocnBBter, N Y 7 GRATEFUL COMFOItTINO. EPPS'S COCOA. BKEAKFABT. "Dy a tuorouah knowledce of tho natural law which govern the operations of digestion ana nutrition, and by a careful application of the Une n-niMirflrKi tt W0ll.lUlrM.til llnCOO. Mr. BDDnitS provldeil our brealffast tables with a dellcitrly uavoruu uurcrums Wllll.U IUUJ dl.w iu ih-uj j doctors' bills, ltlsbytho Judicious uso of such nrtinirxi nf dint, that a constitution may do eraauni- ly built up ualll strong cuouith to resist ererr ten. rirnnvti riunnim. Hundreds of subtle maladies drawing pouslon l aro noattntr around us re idy to attack: wherever i mere ii a wean puiuu o "tn.j c.;f'ai,l-,nI'i?"-T1,, latai Bliait Vy KtepiUS UHraJiTUO ncn iwi i.m.i-4 " .ui pure blood and a properly nourished f rarno."-Cit'i! i'crrfcw Uaze tie. Mado simply with boiling water or mlllr. sold only In half pound tins, by Orocers, labelled thus: JA.Mi:s Hl'l'S .fc .!., Ilomcapathlcchemtits, 11-21-it. Iindon, Kngland. FOR Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Escels any remedy (or the rapid cure ol Hard Colds, Coughs, Hide Bound, Yellow Water.Fe.er, Dlttemper, Sore and Weak Eyes, Lung Fever, Costhenesi, Blotches, and all difficulties aris ing Iron Impurities ol the Blood. Will retlev Heaves at Once. Manufactured tke JOPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y. FOIl &4XK BY All. DEALERS. B-3l.tl0-r.lx. IN CLOTHING We have -secured property adjoining our New Store at Thirteenth and Chestnut streets, and will bepin the erection of a large building. In the Spring we shall remove our business in the Ledger Building to the New Store, which is the most centrally located in Philadelphia. Great Bargains for Men and Boys before removal. This large stock of Suits and Overcoats will be sold at a great Reduction in Prices. A, YATES & 6 th. and CHE3TNUT. (Ledger Uultdleg.) 13th ard CHESTNUT. (New More.) m II is CsSoJid haoidsame c&ksop scouting s;crap which has no equal for all cleaning purposes excepl'fn the l&undry'To use il is Yo valua it- What will SAFOLIO dol Why It will clean paint, make oil-cloths bright, and give- tho floors, tables and ahelvos a now appearance. It will take tho grease off tho dishes and off tho pots and pans. Yon can scour the knives and forks with it, and mako the tin things shino brightly. The wash-basin, the bath-tnb, oven tho gTcasy kitchen sink will bo as clean as a new pin if you use BATOLIO. Ono cako will prove all we say. Bo a clover nonsekooper and try it DEWAEE OF IU1TATI0HS. THESE 13 SUT OWE SAPOLIO. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO., NEW YORK. RIMinlfiag) Hi'os. Pilot ogrsiplis. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Photographic lonched siikI modeled lor likeness, tone, ;iiiI fianisli. JLi.fe size crayons, lin csl I'iulc, si spec isiBly. HTrsBiiics, copyiniii iind viewiBi. I ELY HE POSITIVE CURE. BROTHERS, OS Warren BUNewTork. Price 00 ctnl "JaEX 1 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH, RED CROSS " " JiM TMr nRir.iiiii SNn ftrumur tl. c TM r nmciNii AMnftrumaur tl. d. r u u.u. nm ... Ijldlesu uk Drorrtu tor Ckithtrttft EnalU Diamond Krand In ltd nnd a old mpuillt! tK1V.?'.,.1 ,u b,a 'Ibbon. Tke mo olfcrr Ltd. tfui SuhtHtuHtnu and Imitation!, W Diamond Brand A Vixs A V An pilli la putttboud boici, ptnk rpprf, rt danrrroai rntpr?tt. At DraciiU,er ind tMiri ir ijmaitm," n utter, y retani nub 4a tn iiArap far puileoUri, tMtlmonUU, iv,vuw i raurooniii. nami jwtr, .Id bj all Lcm1 VrmgrfiU. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO, w iiwr, oj rurn nub ;AL Co., HdtHn HflvsrCs Newvesit Styles, Latest Guts ! Lowest Prices ! WE HAVE ,TUST RECEIVED THE LA.EGEST STOCK OF Fall and Winter Clothing for Men, Youths' and Children; Ever Brought to This County. Children's Suits of all Styles. Come and See for Yourself. We are not offering old stock but they are the latest goods, just received, and more on the way. Our large store room is filled, and we invite you to call and see and make3elections from the latest styles. Suits sold for $3.50 and upwards. We have also, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. In our Merchant Tailoring Department you tno liest Uoous at .Low irices and Call at once at II. A. KEfllP, ARTIST. Has removed to SIuv.r' Block, in roninfl formerly ocoitniod by Itoaen Rlock, having tiirui reino'leleil anil put ting tlio latest neo3fl'iorio4 anil baek groiiiul4 in, anj is prepared to do tbo finest and moat artiatio work. CABINETS from 90o lo S I per doz, CHAVONS S5.00 nnd upwards. A Special Cabinet Wo Mako. 1 DOZ. OABINUTS and ono 10 z 12 PICTUHE, ALL FOR S2.C0. This oftor U only good until Jin. 1, 1801. Kmucinbpr tho placo, on Main street 2 doors below Iron street, Bloomsburg, l'a. F. tails, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. DKAT.KR IN Tin Rocng a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsburg Opera House. we guarantee can furnish satisfaction CORNER MAM AND IRON STREETS. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF OAK PET, 1AXTWG, op OIL CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BEOWEM'S 2nd Door above Court House. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. IS Natnro's offorMo expel forclRii sub. Htftticei, from tlio bronchial passives, Frocpicntl', this causes liillammatlon and tho need of an nnoilyno. Ko other expectorant or anoilyno 13 equal to Aycr's Cherry 1'cctornl. It assists Naturo In ojectlng tho mucus, allays Irritation, Induces leposo, and Is tho most popular ot all cough cures. "Of tho many preparations heforo tho fiuhllc for tho euro of rohls, coughs, irouchltis, and kindred diseases, thero Is none, within the rango of my experi ence, so rellablo as Ayer's Cherry Tec toral. For years I was subjoct to colds, followed by terriblo coughs. About four years ago, when so mulcted, I was ad vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral anil to lay all other remedies aside. I did eo, and within a week was well of my rold and cough. Since then I haro always kopt this preparation In tho house, and feel comparatively seeuro." Mrs. L. L. Drown, Denmark, Miss. "A few years ago I took a Bovero cold which affoctod my lungs. I hail a ter riblo cough, nnd passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gavo mn up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, willed rollovod ray lungs, Induced sleep, and afforded tho rest necessary for tho recovery of my strength, lly tho con tinual uso of tlio Pectoral, a pormancut cure was effected." Horace Falrbrothor, Itockiugham, Vt. .Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, run .bed bt Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass. Boldly all Drugtl.u. rrIc4H; eJrboUlen.tl- WIDE AWAKE, beginning with Iho Holiday Number, L'nm" ia er"'l''1! lb'j"" loSJl Jarged to one hundred PAGES $ ' ; pages, radiant with i jieto and larger type, a new style of page, and fresh, strong literary and pictorial attractions. Mrs. Burton Harrison, whno stnry .,f "Tbo AUKlomaul iC3" Ills beca tho scnsttlon of tue boason la 1'lie Centum, lias written for Win awake a uiory cilletl "Ulnmouli and Toads " H'n. John D. Lonir. ( x.Qovrrnor of Massachusetts) urulauos six articles under the u'CDcral title ol our (lovcrsmeut, for tue enUsbtenment of coming eltueo tlio boys ana glrU ot to-day. Kirk tluaroe. who lately lived for a time tue lire of a railroad man, In all phases from rifirinr ear to catno caire. has uut tils cxuerl. enco into a thrilling bertal ior boys called "Pub and Uubooso. MrHilDf ulctuies by Kdmund 11. Uarreu Margaret Sidney's new serial, "Five Lit llo l eppcra iliown Up," will tell iroro about lo'.iy aiid jasper auu uavia uuu uei ttnu bar leg Qood Times, will chrnnlclo rroia ner own manuscript ventures ot Marneuu Am few years was gupposed lo bo incur, ablo. For a great many years ilnolors and Lungi Is the only cough medicine tlmt enounced it a local disease, and pre- $30001 ll a real balsam. Many thin, watery cough remedies are called balsams, but eucli are not. Look through a bottle ot Kemp's lialeara jind notico what a pure, thick pre paration It Is. If you cough uso Kemp's Ualsam. At all druggists', Large bottles 50c and $1. cribed local romodlre, and by constant ly failing to euro with looal treatmem, pronounced it incurable. Science Ins proven Catarrh to bo a constitutional disoaeo, and thereforo requires oonti tutional treatment. Malls Catarrh l'hronsln, and others, as it runs through tho j ear. rlitr cuarininK uiusu-uuuus uy Mecto. Marietta' In ner own words, from her own manuscript, . tno cnuanooa au brosl .. Uiss Uatilda Arehamieau Van Sorn, a lmio girl who bad a tieui many aneohiors. Is an lrreslsuble nttlu (oiks' serial, by UlUabttu cuiuminKs. Unusally Interesting Articles, some clabo rate ulciorlal 'UiniUaT wilu uiauswue,' uy Airs, uu1 ersi John A, login ; 'Amy ltobsait'a Kiubroldery,' by Frances A. lluinpuru : 'Mother Oooso's . l'cts.' by Acnes Koppiier: 'Gypsies and Dypar. log,- by KlUabetn Hoblos ivunell; 'aome Horses tnat i nave Known.' uy Muud 11 we; aelnte tlurlo Co'lecu ol Wynchastre.' bv Uscar l'ay Adams 'lio.ton's (llrl Sculptor, ' by Mrs. Newberry; -Tho tugar Crank,' by Iteodora Some Problems in Horology, by R If. Haw. lev ol bmitbsontau Inmllutlon. Waslitngton. will tnterett 111,'U Uchool students tbreo beta uakD rrues. The best ot Short Stories, I om thousands onercu uiu Boutiu.-u iuei u.t cur, The Landing of the Pilgrims. facsimile reurodueiTun of Felicia lieuiun'a famous poem, from tho original ilH., now In Hlgrtui Hall, riu.uuvu bae alia.ly luvlil and Jjeovlded with eniplujmaal a laree . raaain( or, .ai-n. ,.. .a, u .tens... ull i.afllcuUra Fit till. AdUre.aal fince, I1X, JlUB 4, Ausuatu, JellalUt), aamUi, wt. aoj mil. I j:. a i.i MONEY: pan ! taurn tA il tat IIW Una f wOfk. r(Ul ni litmvrtb.r. by tbo f n localitici.w ar ht f lltt. Anf rn do Ilia trurk. Eur la lrtr. n.r p if B' inirall, ercll ur n IU BUr.irDw d.aJlripgiwoifft)rtMMUtW7 ll.rlnrifri aro Mrrnnf fhiu to iO par wMk i w4 www lad iiorft-rl'.ifrtM W km fWralahVMtbwr New- Vccil cutter CruNlicr unci Curo, maaufacturod by F, J Ohoncy Ss I riffure Drawing for Children, In i elvo UUa. Ca, Toledo, Ohio, U Iho only oonititu. fflS 1Ummer' wlth uonai euro on inouiurituv. it, is iukuii Farmers and others in need ot a good fced.cultcr or earn tbeller or bay.nrosa, will do well by calling or wilting to tbe undtriltmtd for circulars and prices. Batlifacttnn Ruarantced. We also have tome Rood bob-sleds for salo. n.aa-dw .f n.ue.n OraDjjeTllle, Pa internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonfull. It aoU directly upon tho Llood and tnuoous surfaces of tlio stem. Tboy offer ono hundred dol lars for any case it fails to ouro. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Tolodo, O. Bold by DruggUta, 75c. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! FOR THE- &c CHULDRBIiT. Prices astonishingly low, they never were any lower. HA.TS, CAPS, 5FALL KINDS. SHIRTS! COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. In Great Varieties. TRUNKS, VALISES, AND UNDERWEAR? OF ALL KINDS. :o. Fins S&ll&ls. ttv Urilmni It Thomtnn. Harriet, l'reacott HnofTord. Xlary U II r ,dler and Laura U. Hlchard4 beauuiully Illustrated byll arret, sanduain and 'Wyior, The ever noDular. Wars to do Thtncs. tbe Huhool and myuround Stories, Tangles, 1-ost-Offloa and Men and Things. Wide Avnlc it only $2.40 a year, D. LOTHHOP COMPANY, Fnblisaers, Boston, OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS ! CLOTHING of all sorts for eoiiilorlat siirfirisingly Ijow Irices, At, 1 THE RELIABLE CLOT HIE ii s 'i V 1 4 1M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers