TRUSTEE'S SALE -OP VALUABLE Kcal Estate! ...1 !!" AY, DKOHMliRi? or atV Inthnvn n,-tl'""owlB real estate tfta- saw tm? . S: "fB""lnB " Main street In No m 15: COrn"lot nmrkM "umbered 210 fPi-f In ..... .. "10 mmo UtheaSt 8hlf,,O:h0 corner 01 t Of "ao K. ,rCOi,lh'n''olj' Btreet andOuttratldtnKs. Terms cash. oeo. k. klvveltj, Tnuuo. EXECUTOR'S SALE -OP VALUABLE KviU Estate! Tho undsrilirnoti lesument ot Aaron Iloai, dweMol, will expose to J' T m ruT'm Fiaainjfcroek township, MOMDVY, ,INUUY1S, 1891, nt ten o'clock in the forenoon, tho following 'i '3 crlbed roil ejtato lato otwlJ Aaron Hess, deed., to-wlt ! Acertiln firm sltuato ;n Klsntnjcreek town- ui aroresaia, coatrally located. Hounded on ti,n north by lands ot Rimuel Thomas and Thomas IUrtrnan, on the east atid south by otnoi lands late ot tho estate ot slid Aaron Hess, deceased. uUUU mo Cji D lall(j9 0( willlam Mgar inraiis iiartmin and U. W. lies?, contalnlnz ACRKS ST perches ot land nt meisuro. The eastern line ot and lan 1 ftunln? nortlno wl three-fourth de grofseas', and cxtendlnff In lenirth one hundrerl fitly two an 1 slt.fn th perches, on which Is crcct- oi a iianK mm and two story a gooa wall ot w iter at the house, anl other out bulMlnjs. 7s acres of the land aro cleared and tho balance well wooded. ALSO; Another! irmstuntolmmedutely south of the above mentioned furiu, bounded, on tho east by lan 1 ot Samuel Tbom n, 'eirs ot John sllegcr. do eeased, and Wllllim a on mo south by Hun tlnJ)acn k mil ou is nut by Undi ot John WillLitn ' Sjicry, , -nos E. Jones deceased, Himuol .1 r hoi ,nl villIamEd?ar, containing Tlp'rCiosot Kit n 't mmuro, be the simo moro or leas, upon wli n ' lo-ued a good spring ot wat-r, ebon mm .a i3ot ti.iund being cleared and In a good it ie or null Ivatlon and the balance well timbered.. Bitr. jr-.wj f-.. . iroiojated within two and on" t"l! tniu f th' i, 'Iron and abo it one mllo jr." i .ronoiMwn. Jill n.o cleir lanl Is In a good tat. ot cultivation, is divided Into convenient fWlrts, with water comonlent, fruit trees, fruits ot all klnls on the plico. I'cmnj deilrtng to view tho premises will plows cm on the underslgnod exooitora. Both farm) will bo ollerod for sale separately and tojether anl sold to the best ad vantage. Con lltlons mile known on d ly ot silo. Libera terra) will bjoterod. All pjrsoial prop erty on ma premises reserve 1 mid also all grain and other crops In tho groun 1. OUNT IlKURt'O, B. V. I1ES3 Atty. IRA D. HESS, Executors ot Aaron Hess, deo'd, "SheiilFs Sale. By virtue ot a writ ot Alias Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ot Col Co., Pa., and W me directed, there will be sold In tho Sheriff's olTlce In the Court House, Blbomsburg, Pa., on SATUUD VY, JANUARY 3, 1801, at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain tract ot land situate In Mitllln township, Columbia Co., Pa., bounded anl desci-Pwd as follows, to-wlt : North ivardly by Hnds ot John Aten, Hiram Graver, EL schweppnhelscr and public roid loading from M&tnvllle to MllUlnvlllej eastwardly by lands of tho heirs ot .Michael Fettcro.f, decotsel, south wardly by lands formerly owned by John K. lobe am Abraham uchweppenhelser, westwardly by lands of Samuel Knecht and John Aten, contain ing SKVENTY-TIIKEE AGUES lid Forty.four Perches of Land stilct measuro inoreor less, whereon aro erected a two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Prame Bank Barn and other outbuildings. A well of water at tho house, peied taken Into execution at tno suit ot D. B. Fetterolt, Adm'r of Michael Fctterolf, deceased, use, versus L. B. Kochler and to bo sold as the property ot L. B. Koehler. It. K. Uttle, JOHN B. CASEY, Atty. blierirr. UDITOll'S NOTICE. fistale of Harriet Wiixrt late of the town of The undrslsned. an auditor appointed by tho Orphans' Court of Common county to mako dis tnbution ot the fund In tno hinds Eva Hupert, ad. mlnUtratrn. as appoirs by her Bnal account, will sltathlsoniCDln liloomsbuig, Pa., on satuiday. January 3rd, mil, at.u o'clock a. m, when and where all parties interested must present and prove their claims or bo debarred troin partlclpat. Jog in tho distribution ot said tuna Dec. U'. llfJO. ', UDITOll'S NOTICE. Kttate of Mary Wipert, late or the (oici of Blooms. The undersigned an auditor appointed by the Orphans' court ot colunibU County to mikodl trtbutlonotthe'undlnthehanlsof Eva Itupert, adinlnKrl"; as appears by her Bnal account will sit it Ids offlcelu Bloomsburg, Pa-, on Sathr.. day January 31, 18S1, at w o'clock a. m., when Sid where all persons havlngtclatins against sild S mSt appear and prove the same or Do de barred from coinlngtn upon bUIuiI Auditor, ffXECUTOIt's NO HOB. JWiite of reter Orots, df owd . "aSi "SEt uty! "m D AVI li aitoss. ' .7,0 a ' Executor. lMS-M. . . vrOTICE. -Vtitice Is hereby Rlvn that Samuel A. f, of KSuril "smith all tho estate roilandpereonai jrltuout delay. , wilSON, i DMINIsriUTKIXNOriCB. tmat of Kuttli'mla ItMtni, laM of QremwoaX " TOWlHtllD, ifrt'CIIfd. .... Notice is Uercuyt'ivcn mat letters of admlnls Mtionc t To. la tbo above estate have been mntedM tue undersigned, anl all pirUes In. tKSi.tdK;0IIE 12-Vlt. Adia'x., Mlllvdle, l'a. DMINlSTltATOH'S NOTICE. t of John Uerrtwlat of Orange Utp. d('d, ,Un,u.rcoi: W.. T., deed. have iilrranu-d to A. U. llerrlDg, ot prang I ) tp. Col. WnetMuvw?- ""-.'-,.,,,,, Tn .aid ei- co. l'a , taware iavlDK (.lAri renuestedtomako paymfMis and those laWr.l'Sr demand, wllf mato knowa tuo iiaine U noul delay to a. li. HKititisa. AdmlnUtrator. IS-Itf-'JU i DiiINIBTHATOH'a WOTIOE: ueofJr'fta,laUofSug,irlo,if MP. Otcfi. hereby Blven tint letters of admlnls . N.?c 2 Mtaw of Jesse rrlti, late of tno tri'lonooiheMtaie w , iiolumDU anrt fF.PnnrVanli 'decead, have Seen Kraut "fKi u ??fuandS. 8. VtllU ofbuifarloaf. Col. name without delay 10 rKlT1!; aiiv. Admr'a. A " . .'.....i.r,,, . .i-IIIV VHTtfP AJJMlJM13'i""v , r, r. nnviv. late of UtooMal'urg. ltateotrennsyia""ii,u coj. co W..wndf will h&e kuown. tno wue ciauiMui -j- HANNAU B Jiiinisua, without delay "a" Admtnlatrator. iU J. U. to'? U'W t- ELECTION' NOTICE I thahmiw " ' "llx u.M.'l'Ut'riN, Caahlir. j.'kTbittehbiJndee, Jrpritor' JLKOTION NOVICE, The policy holders of the BrUrcrock Farmers' Mutual Insurance Oimpany ot Li ne Itldje will meet nt the llillof the Centre uranjo, P. ot II., In centre township, Columbia county, Pa., in Mon day. January l, 18il, botwoon the hour ot lp a. and 5 p. m.. tir the purpose ot electing directors forthe eniulng year, anl tor trinsicttoir auoh other bmlncss as miy pnperlr como before said cimpany. SAUUBt, NKYIIsBD, v wk rotary. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue ot sundry writs of Fl. Fn. Issued out ot tho Court of Common 1'lc.w of Col. Co., Pa., and to me directed, thro will be sold on tho premls"" ot the Flshlnfcreek Lumber Co., In Jameson CltyvlM., on ' SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1891, nt 10 o'clock a. m , the following 1 All that cer tain plocos or parcels of lan 1 bounded and des rlbid us follows, to-wlt: Inand contlguousto sotdclivnf 'aineson, beginning at a point In the imi 1 1 Hi ot tho Bloomsburg Sullivan rall load right ot way, on the north side ot Market street. 1 iwnce northwardly along slid railroad ilneu'irn forty-nlno and one-h lit degrees, cast llvr h'lii lrcd and seventy-three feet, thence a right curve with a radius of nineteen hundred anil ten feet for a distance ot two hundred nild sixteen feet to a point on east side ot Broad street, thenco along tho cist sldo of sild Broad street north forty-nine nnd one-half degrees east one hundred nnd tort-elght feet, thenco along the lot of Peter J. Suit south forty nnd one-hilt degrees cast fifty feet north titty and one-fourth dgrees cast one hundred and slxty ono ami one-half feet to a point in the south line ot West Seventh street, thenco along same forty and one-halt digrons east fourteen feot, thenco ncross sild Wjst Seventh street and along the cast line of lan lot Miry Hess, north fifty-five and one-fourth degrees cost two hundred and three feet to tho south side of Eighth street, thence along tho slmi south forty and one-hilt degrees east titty feet to the west lino ot tho right ot way of the slid Bloomsburg Sullivan railroad, thence along tho sild railroad right of way north fifty-two degrees east seven hundred nnd ten foot to a point on the north sldo ot Bl.ickbirry Uun, thenco along tho north sldo of Blackberry Kun south seventy-s3vcn anl three fourths il3grejs east two hundred and twenty three feet sjuth forty-nlno anl three-eighths degrees oast ono hundre 1 nnd fifty-four and one fourth feot ton point sixteen feet north ot a ncich tree mirked for a corner, thence south sixty-one anl three-fourths degrees east ono hundred an 1 thirty feet more or less crossing Big Flsllngcreok ton post corner on south sldo ot nn alley, thence by lots laid out south titty six anl one-half dsgrees west one hunlrel feet to a post south twenty-ssven nnd five-tenths degrees west one hundred anl thirteen feet to n, .Maplo troa, thenco south forty-five degreos twenty minutes west ninety-one feet to a small Hemlock, thenco south forty-six degreos and live minutes west three hunlred and eight feet to a post on the south side ot cast Eighth street, thenco south slxty-threo and three-fourths de grees west two hunlrod nnl thirty feet to a post, thenco north sixty-five and one-halt de grees west eighty-two feet to a chestnut, south eighty-two nnd a halt degrees west two hundred and eight feet to a Cljestnut south slxty.ftvo de grees and twenty minutes west one hundred and sixty-six feet to ifsmill Apple tree, south twenty-four degrees west ono hundred and sir-ty-nlno feet to a Hemlock, south flfty-nlno nnd one-halt degrees weit one hundred and soventy- three feet to a Hemlock, south fllty-flve and thrce-tourths degrees west one hundred nnd twenty-nine feet to a post, south fltty-seven de grees west four hundred feet to a post In the north lino ot said Market street nnd thence along tho north line of slid street north forty nnd one-halt degrees west five hundred and thirty-eight feet to a point twenty feet east ot the west line ot Broad street, tho place of be ginning, containing TWENTY-FIVE ACRES and Sixteen Perches, and being a portion ot two tracts of land which were conveyed to John Jameson, James Corcoran and Andrew I FrtU by tho heirs ot Daniel Hess and James Roberts whereon aro erected a LARGE SAW MILL, Dwelling House, Blacksmith Shop, Oil House, Trestllngs, Saw Mill Dain, and outbuildings. Also, nil those two.certaln lots ot land sltuato In Jameson city, col. Co., Pa., marked on the general plan ot said placo as lots Number 21 and SI, In tho southwest division and bounded on the north by lot of L. B. Howell, on tho cast by Broad street and on tho south and west by al leys, each lot being forty feet In front on Broad Btreet and one hundred and titty feet deep, whereon aro erected on each of tho above lots a DWELLING HOUSE and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of William B. Olven, Atty., and William B. (liven, Trustee, vs. Tho Flshlngcreek Lumber Co., and to bo sold as the property of tho Flshlngcreek Lumber Co. JOHN B. CASEY, Oivks, Att Sheriff. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. SstaW o,Cutfrfn! ftltter, dfceajcd. The underslcned, appointed nn auditor by the Omhans' oonrt of Columbia County, to distri bute the estate ot Catharine Hitter, remaining In the hands ot H. V. Zarr, Esq-, executor, will meet the parties Interested at h!9 office In Ulootnsburir, on Friday, tho lath day of January, A. I), ltflll, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, tor the purpose ot bis appointment, when and where all claims must be made or parties tie forever de barred troin coining In on aaln fund. Dec. so, wao. JOHN u. khkezk, Auditor. REAL ESTATE FOR SILK IN BLOOMSBURG. Slain Strut Desirable building lot COt 314, price 12U0. Fifth Strett House and lot, bouse rents f r $0 per month, room to build several moro houses. 110 feet frout on Fifth Street, price $1050. FiVft Strttt Frame house. 0 rooms, lot B0x214, price $1050. fouriA S;ff-Lire frame house, 8 rooms lot 100 feet front on street, price $'.";u. Fifth Sired Large frame dwelling house, 8 rooms, out-kltchca, barn, fine fruit, &c, ot 79x200, price $4500. Jiiin Sired Ltrfiu store building, with dwt'lllni! house on same lot, corner lot fronting on two streets, price uw. ' Tnnan, tmii... and a numhpr iif vacant lots Iii other narts of the town, all of which are for sale on eaBV terms. For further particulars inquire of First National Umk UuIUHdk, liloomsburg, 1'k. tf GOOD SAL A 11 Y ANI K.VI'UNMlil PAH). We want a few moro soot men to Bell our nur scry Droducta. To energetto and reliable men we will Buarantoa liberal Waeea and HOTaanent Employment. Previous experlenco not required. Terms and outfit tree. Ad Jreaa Btatlne at;e and encloblnif stamp ....,, StAHS, HbNhJ & UU., BKNBOA NUIUKKim. QBNKVA, N. T. U-Mt. SEAL, GARMENTS KOlt HOLIDAY 1'IIUSHMTH. Capeaand Muffs of Seal, Uuaalan Sable, Mlnlc, Heaver, wrslan, Alaska sable, Monkey, eto., etc., of finest Quality far below market value. An ex. rerlenco ot 40 years has established for our bouse the htsheut reputation. All goods warranted. HEOSTK-Sr SIBIDE, H West 11th Bt., New York I'lty, is 5. A11I5 l'OSlTni:i.Y CUlttD 1IY MitcM's Cnre-all Cora & Bunion Plasters. Oni TniAt, vein mako a cripple dance for Joy. Bold Ly DropshU, cr tent hy maU for SOc, per box. Nunlty l'luter AVorUn, Iwrll, Ma. 18-5-lt. f eove.t0 a yr HLdlitf B4a ly Join H. Uo du,'rijr.N ) ,it MiHk fur m. ILtatUr, 7"U im uwl ntaa as mucb.tut m Uacli otiMltk)j btw lv ttra frvcaSlla f IU ilav i tU tUrl, and tlx" ywi ( on, Uutu twit. aU st Ih aaj ri of Amtrifa, yM can sutuaMMl swaua il? . iu( all vwur lIinfl.Hr fr iuiwmu vl i lb wujV All limw, tirtal j HKS fi frj rvmkrt a tart yen. fuiulablac iII.UiT. llAilLV.fct EVLIU UamrX. I'AllrUU.AKS HIEK. IdJ.t.. at oaca, fctlskus a to., rtiuiukv. inn, THE COLUMBIAN IB THE BJLST. CORNS BUNIONS lie BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1890 . P11N0S, ORGiNS & SEWING MiCHlNES J SALTZER'S isiSii Mmm & mm w vubhb. Witli many years experience in buying and selling musical instruments and sewing machines I can guarantee to my customers the best in the market. Tianos and Organs purchased of me, can be relied upon. If anything gets out of order, it can easily be corrected, and a great deal of annoyance saved. Instructions given to all purchasers of Sewing Machines, how to operate them successfully. The STECK PIA.NO is tho best made. Its tone is surpassed bv none. You make no mistake if you buy a Stock. We hao also the E3TEY and the STA11R PIANOS, And The ESTEY, MILLER nnd .UNITED STATES ORGANS. We sell Pianos from $250 to $600, and Organs from $75 to $175. In Sowing Machines we can We sell the best Sewing Mach ine made for $19.50. MAKE A NOTE OF IT! We begin the Marking WINTER CLOTHING. STORM COATS AT COST. OY1MCOATS at COST. CHILDREN AND BOYS, OLD AND YOUNG, CAN BUY CHEAPER THAN EVER AT LOWENBERG'S P0PTJL4E CLOTHING STORE. WH01.i:SALK DEALERS IN (fr'rfavr-, ((t C&n! Fvo'lr rA tj-. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. fptsts "Z" goods siPEOTAjrirsr. SOLI ACKNTS FOX F. F. Adams & Go's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobaoco. Sole agents ef the (olkntine brants Cigmn i Henry Clay, Londrea, Normal, Any fin far TcitWal wUl b iufiMtl OrMfes, Lemon;, BLOOMSBURG, PA C. 6. ftOBBlS, Foreign and Domestic -4 BLOOMSBURG t PJLs V give you tho Celebrated it WHITE " The best Machine in the world. The SfEW DOMESTIC, The ROYAL ST. JOHN, The STANDARD ROTARY And the NEW HOME. New Year Down all by Indian Princooa, Samson, SQvar irilk Om Uwt Matfcct rtloo, mmmm ream Nlj. K Ml -ATlD- T.n iro fl vt An Infallible regulator JjlOkttUOI. nf tho HurannBrstem. Cures T r -wrn A n Cures Unions Liver ' ATcct!oii9 &e. Lasador 5?B5dfeg5aa Evador The Lending Perfume. DREXELWOLOGNE Fragrant I Lasting t MCE SB CtNTS. mGm& AT ALL DCALCR3. Salvation Oil kW Prlct only IB cf. Sold by altdrugglltt. Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swelfings,Bruitet,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. fUCUlNOrS PLUOS, Till great Tobacco A n bntlY tlitotrt Prlct 10 CU. At all druggtlU. tick Headache I S a complaint from which many suffer 1 end few aro entirely free. Its cause Is Indigestion nnd a sluggish liver, tlio curu for which is readily found In tho use of Aycr's I'llls. " I have found that for slch hcadnche, caused by it disordered condition of tho st aeh, Aycr's Pills aro the most re liable, remedy." Samuol C. Uradhurn, Worthlngtoni Mass. "After tho use of Ayet's Tills for tunny years, In my practice nnd family, 1 am liistiticd in snjliig that they nro an I'Xi ollent cathartic and liver medicine biiKiulnlngull tho claimsinade for them." -W. A. Wc.stfall, M. V. P. Austin i. N. W. Hallway Co., Uurnet, Texas.' "Aycr's I'llls nro tho best medicine Known to mo for regulating tho bowels, and for nil diseases caused by a ills onlcreil stomach and liver. I suffered former tlnco years from headache, in ill.Hsllim, nnd constipation. I had no nniM'tito nnd was weak and nervous mwt of the timo. By using three boxes uf Aver's I'llls, nnd at the samo time illi'tinu mvself, I was completely cured." Philip Lockwood.Topcka, Kansas. " I was troubled for years with Indi gestion, constipation, and headache. A fuw boxes of Aycr's I'llls, used In small dally doses, restored me to health. Thev arc prompt and effective." W. H. Snout, Meadville, I'a. Ayer's Pills, riaipxKXD sr Dr. J. C. Aycr It Co., Lowell, Mass, Bo'd by all DrupctiU nd Dealers In Mfdicln- Tho Mont Successful Kcmcdy crer dlscor. crcd, as It Is certain In Its effects and does not blister. Head proof below i , T. BaooBXTir, Conn May 5, '9a Dn. n. J. Kbsdaij. fiat Mrs : Last Summer I cured a Curb upon my horsf mm luuriDieuroicuAcnuaui spavin Liuro ana It was the best Job I ever saw done. I hare a dozen empty bottles, haring used It with ncrfect success, curing erery thin I Tried It on. My neighbor had n honw with a very bad Sparta tuat madeiilm lamo. Ho asked me how to cure It. I rffommpmtmt Kendall's Sparta Cure. lie cured the Spavin In Yours respectfully, Wolcott Witter. , . CoLUitBCS, Ohio, April i, DO. m Dt'Ar Sim i I have been sfllioz moro of Kendall's Spavin Cure and Flint's Condition Powders than ever before. Ono man said to me, It waa tlio bebt rvwuer 7eritp(aaainu wsi no erer useu. Respectfully, OTTO L. IIOFTMAK. . CmTTMisoo, K. V., May 19, JUL Dear sirs: I have used several bottles nt your Kendall's Spavin Cure with perfect success, ou a valuable and blooded mare that waa quite lame with a bone Spavin. The mare Is now entirely frco iivw lamenfu ana inowi no tuni nn tne joint. KespoctXully, 1'. 1L HoTcuihS. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Uoitroe, La., May 8, 90. DB. D. J. KEKDiU. CO., OentBi I think It mr dutv tn rnr1fr vnn m thanks for your far famed UendaU'a Spavin Cure. I had a four year old nily which 1 prized very highly. She had a very severe swollen leg. 1 tried about eight d I tie rent kinds of medicines which rtl 1 no Rood. I purchased a bottle of your Kendall's canu irfiuu niucu cureu uvr in lour uays j remain yours, MlIUOK Dowdxh. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for tt. All druz. gists haveltorcaneetlt for you, or It will be sent to any auoxess oa receiptor price by the propria Wifc JJU. II, J, JtCNUAhh U19 KuokburttU Falls. Verinoat. Detroit NIIIIR Rltll Htecl tacltle lllock HALF TUB COST ot holtlng saved to storekeepers, uutoners, rarmcrs, Aiacn Inlsu, lluUders. oontractors and OTU. Kits. Admitted to bo the ereatest lm. Brovementa l'.VKlt mado In tacklo locks. Ifrelght prepaid. Wrlto for catalogue. Fnltsn Iron & Enzlna Works Eatab. 1K.2, lu Urush ftu, Detroit, Mlo 5-2-iy, FRAZER BREASE nr.sT ix tiii: would, TtamftArlna actually IOUUMUOff IWO DOZe. or nuromer urniiu. s.ctad br not. i r u irr t 1 1 1: v i m:. FOB SALK HY UEALElta QENERALLY. lyr PARKER'S HAIR DALSAM Cltsiuei and UsutlOs tht hstT. l'ruinuiti a luxuriant erouth. Wovcr Falls to llcstore Gray Jiair to us louimui vv,'r Lurv scalp oikimi n nsir iiiunj. lit farker'a uinger Tonio. iirum HINDERCORNO. Ths only mr cure for Oums. Slum all Dam. lvu vnttiW, r iiiswu-v mu.n. 12. 5-1U d. SIMPLY ASTONISHING-! Any person, round or old, can read all the notes I in music correctly wiiom o iwauit's aiurr uuiu menctcg, oy using llrppr'a .llonle I'liart, without any other Instrullon, this we positively 1 guarantee, ror sale by tlrst-class Muuo D'al- i vn tnrouituoui ine itj M.aitt or uiaiicu ui I rrct to vour addn;a 'ecelDt of Drlce. It.o . O. J. HEl'fE n bON .7 CbctQUt M., Pttlla., Pa. nov, 111 yr. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraita only $3 doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copy- I. i . i ; T..,.i....i inc auu euiarciuui ahoiuih procesa used. tf. I BUU5C1UUBFOU. TUB COLUHUIA. 7 TOEhmus 0 Highest of all in Leavening Tower. RoYal ABSOULTTELsY PURE A BORN ECONOMIST. Out little Bess has been brought up In a menago that's raodcftt; And yH she dom Indulge In flights Of fancy Just tho oddest. H&mma, of course, has tasgbt tbe lot Ideas economic; lint I less ajipMm tbem In a way That's ofttinvM truly comic. Or summer ere when Venus shone While still the daylight dal)il, A queen altho' the sun's Ceroo kiss Had left her slightly palld. We saw that, tho th rest all gazed Aloft in admiration, Bess dainty little features wore A look of deprecation. 'A penny for your thoughts," said L Then grarely spoke our gitiyj "I fink they're 'etwaragant lu heaven To light a lamp so early I" Exchange. A MYSTERY. "Did you over btrnip np against an In dividual who baffled yonr curiosity by drawing n veil of secrecy over his past?' queried tho young doctor, when it camo his turn to contribute a story to tho gen eral fund. "I used to think," ho con tinued, "that such characters emanated solely from tho fertilo brain of tho fiction writer. Eut I was mistakon. Not many years sinco I formed tho acquaintance of a man who was harder to mako out than the most ingenious creation of a novelist could possibly bo. A rrgular humau enigma in Bhort, and bo wasn't obliging enough, you know, to clear up tho mys tery before ho died either. It was early in tho '80 s," began tho doctor, lighting a cigar, "and I had just finished my medical studies and was trying to pick up a Uttlo practice in a pleasant village, in tho southern part of Wisconsin. Business diun t flourish by any means, but as I bad friends there, and was too poor, besides, to think of establishing myself in a large city, I was very weU content to remain there, for a while at least. "Thero were several churches in tho town, but at the timo of which I speak tho Congregational pulpit was empty. Numerous applications for tho position appeared, but none suited until at last one of tho trustees arrived homo after a short trip and anuounced that be bad found tho very person. A Kev. Mr. Ramsay it was whom ho had run across quite accidentally, and who, though traveling for his health, nan nnauy con sented to como out and preach a trial sermon and to remain indefinitely if his hearers were pleased. Weu, in dno timo Mr. Kamsay ar rived and delivered a discourse which, for eloquence and logic, I have never heard excelled. You may be sure tho church lost not a moment in engaging him, and thoy marveled much at their good luck, wondering that so talented a man should wish to stay and bury his gifts in such a small, obscuro town. "Tlio now acquisition speedily arose to the placo of first favorite in tho ranks of tho ministers. His rennons fairly scintillated with brilliancy, and wo soon found that ho certainly possessed a re markably fine education in tho bargain. Though ho never spoke of tho past, his conversation gavo evidenco of his having traveled extensively in pretty much every country on the face of the globe. Moreover ho was young, and such genial, warm hearted fellow that every. body liked him at first sight. They couldn t help it. "But, as I said, ho never alluded to his former life. For aught wo knew ho might havo been a bishop or a highway man, an American gambler, or the son of an English duke, but the church members were too proud of he prize they uau captureu to uo very cu rious about the previous record, and tho tonch of mystery clinging to him only rendered him his more at tractive to us. For my part, I thought tho strangest thing concerning him was that he seemed never to hold communi cation with anybody outsido tho town. A fellow so engaging anil companion able mnst havo mado friends wherover ho went, and yot so long as wo knew him ho didn't receive ono letter or tele gram from abroad not n Binglo messaga of any kind. At least, that is what tho postmaster and tho depot agent said, and these officials keep track of such things in lit tle towns, you had better beltovo. llamsay and I got to be qnito inti mate after a while, and many were tho walks and talks we enjoyed together. But ho wasn't any moro confidential with mo than ho was with others, and of course I asked uo questions. Only onco did ho say something which might bo construed as bearing upon the secret I was convinced that ho had. It was in this way: "llamsay had dropped into my office, and we fell to conversing about heredi tary disease. It grew out of some cased I waa treating then. I don't remember what. Ramsay iu his brilliant, earnest fashion began to inveigh against people who married and brought into tho world children cursed with the seeds of some dreadful malady. " 'Let mo tell you a story, ho said, 'and it will show yon how nuny lives may bo mined by one such deed, The facta camo to my knowledge years ngo, Onco thero was a boy novcr mind his namo who, his friends said, showed ex ceeding great promise in Ids youth. Ills mother, a widow, b cmed utterly wrapped up in him, Hho traveled with him iu foreign lands, sent him to tho finest schools and spared neither pains nor ex penso to improve tho talents nature hail bestowed upou him. lie was hopeful and happy, and ono thiug only troubled him ho uied often to wonder abont his father, whom ho couldn't romember, aud his mother ?p reticent upon that point and replied to all his questions scantily and vaguely, " 'They were living in England at tho time, having como there from America after the father's death, and tieing in easy circumstances financially the future looked very bright and glowing indeed. " 'Iu due timo the young fellow grad uated from the university with high honors, and soon after became engaged to a bcautif ul girl. IIo hod long been destined to enter tho ministry a work for which his taste and abilities best fitted him and immediately upon his marriage bo was to settle down in charge of parish at some distance from Ids home. Thero was but ono drawback to jiapplness. Ills mother, although she consented to the betrothal, did not seem to fuel the pleasure in it that Ho could have wished. But lw put it all TS own to H "rial rti i'i'"'",t pf Bitting vJUH . i T 1 Villi VfS i I I CyJ. I U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Powder him, anil preparations for llio weeding went on in tho merriest fashion. But ono morning thero was nn alarm. Tho mother was missing had disappeared in n vcrynn.iccouut.iblo nnd mysterious manner. All tlio day they searched for her and just at night my hero, passing through somo woods iu a secluded part of tho grounds, found her lying face downward in a shallow llttlo pool of water there. " ' "Drowned herself during tempo rary aberration of tho mind" was tho verdict, and then it was tho young man learned that insanity had been for gen erations back a hereditary trait in his mother's family. Then, nluo, was ho told tho real truth about his father, and ho found that that father was not dead, but was incarcerated In a private hospi tal in Amcrita violently, hopolcasly mad. " 'Well, you can understand how ho felt, or, rather, you can't comprehend it. Tho girl Uia't ho loved wna truo to him, but how could bo marry her knowing what ho did? Even If tho lunacy slum bered in ltla veins it would surely awaken to curso their children. So ho left her, nnd almost crazed with sorrow himself ho sailed for America whero he still remains. A little whilo ago ho heard that hia betrothed was dead killed by the donblo shock of his disap pearance and his mother's fearful nnd untimely end. " 'Can you wonder,' continued Bam- say in n tone of subdued passion, 'that a species of bitterness often mingles, half unconsciously, with his sorrow for his parents? And i3 it strango that ho feels almost as if thoy had committed a crimo in bringing 1dm into existenco, knowing as they did that ho must perforce lw dowered with tho fatal, inovitablo fam ily curse? This talo mado a strong impression in my mind," tho young doctor resumed. "At first I seriously questioned if Ram say wasn't ldmself tho hero of it, nnd though his apparent gayety led mo to dismiss that thought, still I couldn t help feeling that tho events ho'd nar rated had in somo way produced a last ing effect in his life. "Well, matters woro quite tranquilly on for a year or so, and Mr. Ramsay grew in tho popular favor nil tho while. Ho was a liberal fellow, and his sermons wero frequently rather unorthodox, but his flock worshiped him to such an ex tent that if ho had dosed them with atheism they wouldn't havo grumbled a bit. Tho girls were In lovo with him, every ringle ono of them, but never did they find the way to Ids heart. Ho reso lutely declined to bo drawn into flirta tion, though ho made himself agreeable to all the damsels, taught them German, played tennis and escorted them to pic nics with a gay impartiality very pro voking to tho sensibilities of the poor, anxious young creatures. "One morning as I sat in tho drug store talking Ramsay happened in nnd purchased a package of rat poison. He mentioned casually that tho inico wero bothering him, nnd stood a moment gos siping with careless good humor and then went out. "That night tho deacon with whom ho waa boarding came hurriedly to my office to summon me. Rev, Mr. Ramsay wa taken very suddenly ill. I put on my hat and coat and went to him at onco, nnd somehow before I'd reached his bed sldo it flashed over mo that he liad swal lowed the iison I saw him buy in tho morning. Tho moment I entered tho room I knew that it was eo. "Ho lingered three days, suffering hor ribly, but not a word would ho say as to the motive of his deed. Before he died he showed mo a photograph he woro upon his bosom the picturo of a yonng woman and a child, each very beantif ul and vory liko tho other. And ho asked that it bo buried with him, and so it was. Tho church gavo him a most im posing fnnernl and erected a fino monu ment over his grave, and they havo never ceased, I believo, to mourn their mys terious but dearly beloved minister. For a long whilo thoy sought to find out tho secret of his life, but tho minutest in quiries failed to roveal a single fact. With cliaractcristlc forethought he had destroyed his papers, leaving nothing that would throw light upon his former history. "I often recall him oven now," added tho young doctor, "and I can't help won dering if he was not tho hero of tho strange talo ho told me. And in that case was he insane when ho killed him self, or did ho do it because of grief for hia betrothed? Who thon was tho child whoso portrait ho wore tqiou his breast? "Sometimes I fancy that he lunl com mitted an offense which made him a fugitive from justico and led him at last to take Ids own life in remorse. Tho re ineinhranco of his open face and kindly, sympathetic manner makiw this beeni impossible, and yet in this strango world, where peoplo nro such curious, contra dictory mixtures of good and evil, who can tell?' Buffalo Express. i,y lie 111. mother. riillosophcrs assert that no man Is wholly bod, anil that tho Instincts of a gentleman may linger even In tho breast of n cold blooded assassin, The recent death in Canadu ot Mrs. Sterling, mother of Charles M. SUrllng, who waa executed at Youngs town, O., somo timo ago for the murder of Lizzie Gromhacher, has unveiled tho facts concerning an Incident that occurred short ly before tho hanging. Mrs. Sterling visited Youngstown to nee the condemned rrlviiual. Though ho had left home when lut a lml, with a mutcriml intuition she recognized him, When brought to his cell, Sterling, without tho quiver of a muscle, wild: "You aro mistaken, madam; I am not your son." She Implored him to recognlzo her, but he refused, and tho returned homo half convinced that she was mistaken. To his counsel Sterling said: "She is my mother, but I could not break her heart by telling her that her sou would be hanged. Keep It becict uutll she dies." Her death caused his attorney, W. S, An derson, to break the seal of silence. "It wan the most dramatic scene I ever witnessed," said Mr. Anderson. "1 have seen all tho tragedians ot the iiast quarter of a century, but nono could reproduce tho scene on that ocauion. Tha mother, every Hue In her face showing tho most In tense, suffering and her heart nearly brok en, whilo the son, knowing tha the truth would kill her, stood liko a statue, his face ihowtng tho pallor ot death, assuring her (hat she was mistaken, Such Intensity of action wo never produced ou any stage, It could not be." la Hickory Mountain township, N. C, live a negro named Abnur Domett who has a legitimate case of "big bead." UU skull Utktrty-two lacnes In diameter. THE SECtlET MOURNER. Tbey bora hha on to liU gravo In Uia heart of tb buston And with future footsteps following I watched . tbomLiy hlmdofrn; ' The mourner, many and siul though they ttt thfte onfl and nil, Thotfnni (hat fell wero M naught to mine, thai could not fall. ( Wo loved each uhtr dnarly, bin day Uiat tAiit nnv. Hut somelliinff (rot to his ear, and ho vndjfblf chongnd sotnnhow A sonKUilng sot to lilt ear, I novcr could eathor what Anl he kept away from thence, and hi Ioto for me was not I bid my grief In iny heart, and bore It as best I I mllit ThwBwna never darkoos yetbuthad tiering light, And I found a balm la the thought tii&t, although hli lora wns cono, I could foUovr him eocrctl, and In ftocret BtQl Ioto on. And U.Li 116 dono through tho yean that liara como and gono allien then (Bo for tho love qf women surp&ftses the lore ot men); X'ro hung on his track to tho hut, for I only ceased today. And t row hi graroln tha town I turned In my woo away. Earth now look lono In ray cyea. yet I am not all cant down; I hate firm faith that at hut I aliall aomewhera grasp Loro'ii crown 1 Thai when the end shall have come, whatcrcr Is cood and true Will receive Its just reward, and a lovo HVo ralno Its due. Jamea Dawson. FAMOUS FOR FASTING. A Man Yvlio Room, to Tta Able to Exist Without Food. Will Shrnor Sued succumbf Such has been tho leading question among physiolo gists In Now York dty for soma time as tho famous faster has been making his test of forty-flvo days without food. IIo did forty days In Ixmdon, and nearly equal terms In other foreign cities, but promised forty-flvo days' olistlnenco in New York, ns Dr. Tanner had already dono forty dnya. Ills method, however, dlHera widely from Tanner's, for ho takes considerable excrct&o. Ou tue fifteenth day of his fast in Purls h went up tho KlCtol tower.and r.t Uruh bcL afte; a weijlc without food he cllmbixi to the top of the Coiomie de Congrcs in w o and a holt miu utcs. He also fen ces nnd walks, ulars at slndo- BioHon guccL stick, smokes, etc. On the other hand, ho takes occasional doACS of an elixir of his own invention, which, tho attending physicians say, con sists of opium, licorice and a slight Infu sion of hasheesh. They insist that It con tains no nourishment, but It soothes the stomach and prevents that gnawing sen sation which is so iuiinful in tho first days of a fust. Slgnor Succl'a theory is much tho same as Tanner's, viz.! If you cannot get food, and think you must havo It and yield to tho longing for It, you will starve lu two weeks or less, but If you resolutely mako up your mind to do without It you can for six or sovcu weeks. To this tho Bignor adds: "An electric force generated by my will keeps mo np. I absorb electricity Just as you absorb oxygen. Whon fasting I con tako any quantity of vegctablo poi son, and It docs me no harm whatever. My brain grows much clearer as I fast and my will power stronger. It is a power liko galvanism, nnd I discovered my pos session of it first by accident. I havo in creased It by practice." Tha appointed physicians attest that there is no doubt whatever of the reality of his fast and that ho Is adding a valuable contribution to science. Uo is by birth a Neapolitan, a short, spare man of dark complexion, with bright eyes and a nerv ous manner, but with strength ot will ap parent in every look and gesture. HIS SKULL WAS CRUSHED. S.nsatlonnl Salcldo of a Train llobber In Prison. Another of tho Uubo Burrows gang has gone suddenly to his peace. S. C. Brock, better known as Joe Jackson, jumped from tho highest gallery in tho peniten tiary at Jackson, Miss., and dashed ont his brains upon the brick floor somo fifty feet below. He left a written confession that ho and Hubo Burrows committed the Duck hill train robbery lu December, 18S3, nnd that ho (Brock) shot Chester Hughes, who was In pursuit of them. Ho and Hubo Smith, in conjunction with Burrows, also committed tho Bucatumna rob bery. The confes sion also contains minute details of many othor crimes, tho wholo making a very ex citing chapter In crlmlunl annals. Ho mado this con fession, ho said, in tho hope that ho would bo con demned atonco In the federal courts. and thus get off JOE JACKSON, with life Imprisonment, instead of being tried in tho state court for the murder ot Hughes and hanged, Later, however, ho changed his mind nnd dccldod to dio. The occurrence was a trying ono for tho officials. Brock and Bubo Smith were be ing taken out for trial when Brock sud denly turned and ran up tho stairs to tho highest point he could reach, crying ont to Btand clear below, for he was coming. Two officials seized n mattress and held It so as to catch him thereon it possible, whilo the others sought to reason with hlin. They say this lasted an hour, but It was probably much less. Ho shouted out bis real namo and added, "I would mako a statement It thero was a reporter hero," Ha threw down his new derby hat, saying) "Give that to tho convict who keeps tho white mice in his cell; ho Is a very clover fellow." Tho officer on tho gallery now tried to reach and seize him, but Brock evaded him and mode tho leap. Ho turned over as ho fell, and just missing tho mattress struck on the back of his head. HU skull was crushed to fragments and driven into his brain, yet ho breathed occasionally for half an hour. This leaves Bubo Smith the lust of tho famous trio, and ho will doubtless end his days In prison. A 1'nriuer on llli-ycln? Tlio Now England farmer of today U much given to tho covered carriage and horso that holds his head high. I sus pect that tho reliable but somowhat de liberate ox satisfied his ancestors. I met ono farmer near Holyoko driving hiu cow homo from tho pasture on a bloyclo that is, tho man was on a bicyclo mid tho cow was ahead of him on foot, though sho looked as if Bho would appro clato n bicyclo, too, as ho wan speeding her along on a rather lively trot. I stop ped him and asked him if thero waa any show for a farmer to mako money in that section, nnd whilo tho patient cow leaned against a tree nnd caught her breath ho replied that thero was nono whatever. Ilia grandfather had mado money on tho farm, ho said, but ho could not. Then ho called to tho cow to "hump her K'lf," and went spinning down tho road with tho long suffering lioast making desperate efforts to keep from being run over. It occurred to mo that perhaps his grandfather did not pick thn etouea off the farm with u bicycle nnd a pair of tongs, Cor, New York Tribuno, Impuru It-o, Tho Massachusetts board of health lias examined TO samples of water and 830 samplea of ice from 58 localities, with tho result of thawing that, contrary ,to general belief, ice may bo nearly ns (ui. pnro ns tho water from which it forms. Tho crystallization of tho water foicos out tho color, salt, aud most of tho mat ter in solution, and clear Ico from pol luted sourcos may lie comparatively freo from impurities nnd tho probability of hiding diseuso germs. lint in snow ice and ico formed by flooding tho impurities bvcomo entan gled, so that freezing given no purifii a tton. Tlio public U warned by the lmard. there f oio, that ice is uusafe furdiuiti purposes when obtained from nsnnni Illuted by sowngo beyond that whirli would bo allowable in driukiug v at.T, and tliat iu general it U much sal' r to nto for drinking water und for pi v org in contact with food tliat portiuu of Uui we tuat is clear. -Aruansaw Traveler. 4 J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers