THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Highest of all in Leavening Tower.-U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. ,7, ,889. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE The Columbian Subscription price, Entered nt tho post oraco at Bloomatrare r i second claw matter, March I, 1683. ' ' nrruMIahedovory Friday, BLOOMSBURG, PA FRIDAY, DKOEMUKll 19, 189tT HAUW, uso. a Airs, sinrv a. Woods will sell personal properly at oiiuwnier nt 10 n. m. Cows, (arm utcnslU, hotiscliohl goods and many otlicr articles. Duo. 87. Geo. R Klwell, trustee, will sell nt publio salo on the premises In Cnta. wissa. tho dwelling houso and lot formerly owned by Stephen Ilaldy, nt 10 o'clock a. m. bco advertisement. Fon Salic on Kxohasob for a town prop, crty In Hloomsburg, a deslrablo farm of 20 acres, near Ilupurt. (Jood spring and spring-hotiso and well of water nt the barn. A good plnco for a dairy. Apply to ItKonns IIesb, Hupert, Pa. 12-G-4t Fon Balk Dwelling houses In Bloom", burg, Orangovllle, Espy and Rupert Pa. Firms In Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir ginia. Vacant lots In Hloomsburg. Store properties, Grist mills and olhcr property by M. P. Lutz, Insuranco and Ileal Estato Agent, Hloomsburg, Pa. Fob Haib. House nnd lot In Hupert, lot 120x140 ft. Two story, house, with nlno rooms. Hay windows, out kitchen, Ice and coal house, good stable, chicken and pig pen. Cholco fruit, ever- frecn trees, good water, Two railroads, 'welvo trains a day each way, to Blooms liurg, faro 8o round (dp. Low taxes. A great bargain, if taken soon. M. V. t-atz; Insuranco & Heal Est. Agt. FonBAtB. Valuable property, known as tho Morris property in Hloomsburg. Apply to Guy Jacoby. 11-7-lOt. Foil Baib. A lino pair of well-matched ponies, coming ilvo years old. Good driv ers, singlo or double, nnd good saddlers. Also n now set of harness. Inquire of J. 8. Williams, auctioneer, Hloomsburg, Pa., or Elmer Hears. 12-12 4t. PcrHotinl. Capt. II. J. Connor of Ornngcvilio spent Monday in town nnd took in the lecture. David Mouscr of Montour made our of flee a call last Saturday. Ellas Wcnner wns one of tho mnny visi tors to our oillce during tho past week. Ell Kitchen ot Hemlock was among our callers during tho past week. Miss Annie Maize spent Inst week In Berwick, visiting relatives. .Frank nnd George Sloan arc at homo to epend the holidays. S Harry Wilson la assitlng in J. G. Wells jowclry store. Miss Hose Sladdon has accepted a clerk. ,' ship In I. W. McKclvy's store, i Miss Bade Sloan is repainting, rcpapcring i and refurnishing her pirlors in handsome style. John Eves of Mlllviile spent Wednesday In town, and attended the concert in the evening. 1 M. B. ltemlcy, an old subscriber ot this paper, residing In Jackson township, was in town for a few hours on Saturday. Misses Nellie and Maude Patterson will go to Washington this week to spend several weeks with relatives. II. C. Uluo, one ot Danville's leading democrats and most prominent young busi ness men, was iu town on Monday, calling on his numerous friends. Tho institute was well attended during tho week. Columbia county can boast of a uno looking corps of teachers. Popularly called tho king of medicines Hood's Sarsaparllla. It conquers scrofula, salt rheum nnd all other blood diseases. Sco our framed pictures. W. 11, Brooke & Co. As Christmas comes before our next Is. sue, wo wish our readers, one and all, a Joyous tlmo on tho greatest festival of tho Christian year. ToyslToysl Toys! chenp at Cummlngs & Vtrdj's. Entire stock will 'bo closr.,1 out at low prices. There will bo a danco and venison sun. per at tho McIIenry House, Benton, on Christmas night, December 25th. Good music has been secured. Elder J. W. McNamua will deliver lecturo on 'Pompeii' on Saturday. Decern. bcr 20th, and will prcich at Stillwater on Lord's day, morning and ovening. Tho front of the Court House has been torn down. Some people call this vandal ism, but a chango from old stylo archltcc. tmo to now can hardly bo callod by that name. For a lamp cither stand or hanging you aio sure to bo suited at Mercer's Drug and tsooK store. Blue's restaurant will probably oncn on Saturday. The room is Botshed with hard wood throughout, with plate-glass mirrors and stained glass. It Is complete in all Its appointments. In an artlclo In last weeks' Smtinel there is an Insinuation that County Treasurer Herring has some money in his hands that has not been accounted for. Mr. Herring Indignantly denies that such is tho case. A series of articles will appear In this paper heg'nning with tho new year, con cerning the Industries of Bloomsburg, Ber wick, Orangeville, Catawisoa, and other towns, with illustrations. Eubscribc now. Do not fail to call and seo our line of Christmas presents beforo you buy. J. H. Meicer. 'Fleet' C. W. Funston's greyhound has developed into a beauty. Bend in tho news. It is the intention to make the Columiiian the best paper in this section of Pennsylvania. Gorman's Minstrels will appear in tho opera house on tho 23rd. Go and hear them. Head the advertising columns of this paper, and you will Cud the best places to .do your Christmas shopping. Mrs. A. L. Crawford began telling out her stock of millinery and household goods at public auction on Moudar evening. Tho Balo will continue each day and evening until the entire stock of goods is disposed ot. Tho work of arranging evergreens for the Christmas decoration of St. Paul's church has been going on for tho past two weeks in Dcntlcr's Hall. All members of tho congregation are invited to assist in this work. Gentlcmcns' furnishing goods In linen collars and cuffs, driving gloves, muflleis, seal skin caps, and hosiery. A full lino for the holidays just received at Lowcn- berg's. Call and seo the pretty Reefer coats and Jersey suits for little boys at Lowcnbcrg's popular clothing store. Tho slate roof on tho now Presbyterian church is u bad job. The lines are all crooked, and the building committee havo refused to accept the wr.rk from tho con tractor. It will therefore havo to be all done over again, A masquerade ball will bo held at Grange Ball on Wednesday evenlug, December 31, lor tho benefit of Ben amin Tyson. He sure to sco our A No 1 assortment of cut glass cologne bottles, J. U. Mercer. Dyron Keller has moved from Benton to Eyers' Orovo and has opened a stovo and tinware stole. The itimcrous patrons of this office who have so promptly responded to our notico of two weeks ago, will plea9e accept our thanks. Wc hope to hear from all those who arc Ave years or more in arrears, be fore January let. In another column we givo corrected time table of tho Pennsylvania railroad. Passengers leaving Bloomsburg at 12:18 now make close connections nt Nor Hum. berlaud, arriving at Philadelphia 0:50, and New York.9i35, or Washington at 8:15. Do not forget that J. H. Mercer carries a very larco lino of ChrlstmaB goods. Give him a call. At Mercer's Drug und Book storo you will find a present for tho old as well as tho young. Tho Jury commlS3ionerj, Miller and Crawford, filled the jury wheel for tho en suing year on Mo nday. Wrltiuc desks. Ian tablets, manicures and fine plush goods. W. We want tho news from Benton, Jamison City, Orangovllle, Berwick, Catawlssai Eany, buckhorn, Jcrseytown, MllWillo, LIghtstrcct, and every other town In the county. Bend it In. Wo will put In shape for publication, Nearly all colds are slight, at first, but their tendency is to so lower the system that the sufferer becomes a ready victim m nnv nrnvAlcnt disease. Tho uso of Tho tenth Winona Hcccpllon will bo licld at tho Kxchango Hotel on Friday cvcnldg, December 20th. This Is tho soc. lal event of the year, nnd this year efforts will bo mado to make It surpass all slml. lar occaMons. Muslo will bo furnished by Dc Plcrro's orchestra of Drltton. A rowaril of 9)5.00 will bo given to any person flndlnir or causing to bo found a very large, bull Buffalo robe, stolen Nov. ember 14, from Asn & Bro.. 11.18.1m. Brlarcrcek, Pa. An effort is being made to ralso a fund to start a shirt factory at Benton. But 13300 It required, and about J2500 has been subscribed. Tho money will bo sc. cured by bonds nnd mortgage on tho plant. Benton Is rapidly growing, nnd Its greatest need Is somo factories to give employment to tho people. Her enterprising men will no doubt bcIzo this opportunity to bring a now Industry to their town. Tho Infant reason grows apace and calls for ono moro application of that good friend, Salvation Oil, which never dlsap. points but always kills pain. It Is neither pleasant or profitable to hear pcoplo constantly coughing when they could bo easily cured by a 25 cent bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Do not fall to sec the line of booklets and Christmas cards at Mercer's Drug and Book store. Tho Reporter Journal of Towanda has re- cently appeared In a new dress of type. It Is one of the brightest and neatest weckllc, in tho state. On its staff are D. M. Turner an accomplished writer, and 'Ben' Good. enough, both of them old timers whoso ac quaintance wo enjoyed 'before tho war.' May tho Reporter Journal and its editors continue to enjoy their well deserved pros- pcrlty for many years. . On Tuesday evening while tho students of the Ncrmsl School wcro nt supper, a number of rooms on the girls' side were entered, the contents of the bureaus wcro emptied out, nnd all the money taken that could bo found. Prof. Welsh's rooms were also entered nnd some jewelry stolen. It is '.believed that the; burglars were ex perts, and entered the rooms (by means of the fire escape. All tho "sludeuts were at tho supper table, and no suspicion rests upon any one about the school. Hon. M. W. Jackson, whose term of of fice as associate judge ot the county cxpir. cd on Tuesday of this week, was hand somely entertained by preeident judge Hitler at tho lattcr's handsome resldenco in Bloomsburg. Besides our own towns man Judce Ikeler had Col. Jno. G. Freeze and associate judge Murphy, of Centralis, set down to a bounlltul lunch presided over by tho charming wife of the judee. Associate Judge .lacKson, made numerous warm friends at the county seat during bis term ot office, and won tho refpect of his associates on the bench, us well as all others at tho couit house Benciek Indtven. dent. Tho following letters arc held at Blooms burg, Pa. post office andiwill be sent to the dead letter office Deo. 30, 1890. E M. Case, Mr Aithur Girton, Gusslo Harttnan, Mr. Frank Howell, Mr. Martin Keller, Mr. Jacob Martz, Miss Lizzie New man, Mrs. Tuos. A. Philips, Mrs. Delilah J. Taylor. ' Persons calling for these letters please say, they were advertised Dec. , 10 1890. One cent will be charged on each letter advertised. A B. Catuoart, P. M. A fine line of popular children's books In paper and linen. W. U. Bbooke & Co. Grend Master E. W Jester of the juris diction of Delaware, 1. O. O. F., has ap pointed C. W. Ammcrman of Greenwood, District Deputy Grand Master of District No. 4, Lodges Noe. 33, 89, 40, 14 and 27 and O. S. Walls of Georgetown, District Deputy Grand Master of District No. 8, Lodges Nos. 10, 17, 3, 15 and 23. George town (Del.) Journal. Itev. Charles S. Stcck's lecture on Mon- day night, 'the Hero, recognized and un recognized,' was a masterly production, and was listened to by tho largo audience with close attention throughout. Ho has a pleasant voice and an attractive manner, and bis personal appearance its striking. His hair Is white and his smooth shaven face Is Quito youthful. Mr. Stock is a Lutheran minister and resides at Shamo kin. Dr. Irvln C. Brceco died on Saturday evening at his father's home In Blooms burg, aged 24 years. Ho was a young phy. slcian of much promise, and his early death has blasted tho hopes ot his family and friends. His death was from lock-jaw caused by running a splinter under his finger nail, and a fall, and this was com plicated by heart trouble. Tho funeral took placo on Wednesday. Diaries for 1891. W. H. Bbookb & Co. Tho injunction against tho Eloctrlc Light Company was dissolved last woek Thurs day by Judge Ikeler, on motion of counsel for the company, on the ground that no affidavits accompanied tho bill in equity. On Friday tho bill was again presented itiUierau Bunda will render tho cantata of "Frost Queen and Santa Claus" on Christmas Evo. U will nlford an excellent Christmas niter- talnmcnt All arc cordially Invited. A concert and festival will bo given at Evans' Hall, Main street, Monday evening, Dcccmbor 23, under tho leadership of Mies G. L. (J. Allen, for tho benefit of tho A. M. E. church. There will be somo lino sing. ng rendered by tho Jubilee Songsters. Alt are Invited. Tho Ladles Aid Society of tho I'rcsby. tcrlan church In Orangcvlllc, will glvo an entertainment New Year's night, In Music Hall. 11. U 1IOO WE & Co Thocvcninir train south on tho I). L. W. passes Bloomsburg at 8:12. chango went Into effect on Monday. Tho AVer's Cherry Pectoral, in tho beginning of , , , ..,, ttnjdavlts. and an In a cold, would guard against this uan&er. 1unclion aKaln granted. A new bond was filed by D. W. Kitchen with B. F. Sharp less and G. A. Herring as sureties. Frl. day of this week was fixed for a hearing. Tho oancr that wo aro using at present Is of noor ouallty and liii'it weight. We neeu. ed onlv a few bundles of tbu present size Teachers coming to Instltuto will find It l0 Eeo us to the end of the year, and alter nmn rMav on the nart of the rnanuiacr urer wo wcro obliged to take wuat no uau in Btcck. It will be changed alter next issue. pay to call at Lowcnberg's popular cloth ing store. Sunday Bchools take notice? Every dcs. criptiou of Christmas Candy Boxes now on band at Oumwings & Verdy's. Un Saturday night about eleven o'clock Capt. J. B. Hobison discovered that water was running in tin Shannon his lot and the M. E. church, Tho house was until recently occupied by ma char Bobbins, who has removed to Shenau. doah. Mr Hobison notified F. P. Billmey. Tlio : honl ot Espy Wo do not hesitate to say that wo have tho largest variety of juveniles in Columbia county. Prices from 5c to $1. J. 11, Mercer. Gilmorc's Toy Bazar is ready again for thc.Uoliday trade with a larger assortment ot toys than ever before. Upstairs and down stairs everything Is filled up with all sorts of things to delight tho Uttto folks. German toys, French toys, American toys, mechanical toys, Iron toys, wooden toys, tin toyf, and toys ot every tlercrlptlon and price. Tho Freuch lady, tho Chlncso jug. gler, and tho muslo (cache! that run by clock work, attract great attention, and af. ford much amusement. Cars, steamboats, wagons, animals, dolls, child's furniture, baby houses, rocking horses, soldiers, drums, sleds, and a thousand olhcr things all iqually pleasing can bo seen. Call and examine. J1-28-4L In an old Danvlllo Intellioencer ol Fob. 10. 1837, appears tho following: Tho Berwick Uazetle elves the details ot a perilous au- venture on the river at that place during tho cvero snow storm In tho night ot Saturday, tho 21st of January. It stems that Mahlon Stackhnusc, ferryman, un dertook to put a Mr. Chamberlain over the river, and for that purposo left tho shore opposite Berwick in a foot boat at 5 o'clock in too attcrnoon, alter proceeding somo distnnco in tho river, a polo was lost by Mr Chamberlain, nnd ono of theboatoars broko In tho hands of Mr, Stackhouso, when tho boat btcsme unmanageable and drifted with floatlug Ico hnd snow over the Ncsco. peck falls. Tho severity of the stjrm and raging of the elements, prevented them from being seen or heard from cither shoro and their situation became really deplor able. At length after floating about a mllo tho boat was brought to a stand still among freezing snow and ice, and at about eleven o'clock Mr. Stackhouso left tho boat and bis companion and bv tho most extraordin ary exertions gained tho shoro and procur ed assistance. At about 3 o'clock In the morning Mr. Chamberlain wns released from his deplorable situation, by tho un exampled and perilous exertions of four young men who wcro determined to rescue him or perish In tho attempt. Tho names of Hudson Owco, Moses Davis, Jr., Peter Young and Peter Shiner deserve to bo in scribed In letters of gold for their manly display of intrepidity and adventuro In tho causo of humanity. Qormau'H MliitttrelH. The performance by this organization at the Opera House was satisfactory to tho large audience that witnessed it. The old time first part was ommtttcd and tbc alma, nac jokes got a rest. There was no lack of singing during the evening, however, and the company Is strongly cqulpcd in this particular. J, M. Norcross, the veteran basso, who has been beforo the public for thirty years, still he maintains his reputa tion as ono of tho best singers In tho pro fession; tho Gormans In their character acts do everything with skill and finish. Atthur lilgby's monologue was so amusing that the audience held him as long as ho would stay, and tho sentimental songs of John Hays nnd Alex. Cameron were well rendered gems. Itcto's contortion act and Layman's transformations added variety to the excellent programme, a pleasing and noticeable feature of which was prevalence of whlto faces. (Lowell Dally Times. Bloomsburg Opera Houso December 23rd. Tlio mortality In large cities Is duo to tho fact that bnd food, bad air, nnd bad habit have mado bad blood. From tho largest bono down to tlio smallest linlr, the wholo body Is fed, supplied with new material, kept nllvo nnd healthy by tlio flow of blood. In fact It Is J tho most Im portant part of the system, Indeed, It Is claimed thcroenn bono dlsoAse, save an oeenclonnt brain trouble, when tho Mood In pure nnd ; Cowing free. S Drown'-. Bnnaparllln purifies nnd enriches tho blood and Invigorates tho cntlro system. ; Cross Creek, Washington Co., Pn. S Alfred 0. BtephonMin, writes, "I Uitnk Ilrown's Rama- S partita can not bo equalled as a blood purifier. Anna It. Crook of Stoneboro, Mercer Co., Pa., says, "I havo used Ilrown's Bareaparllla, nnd find It a groat -blood purifier. j PURIFY THE BLOOD i WITH Brown's Sarsaparilla At All uruefflfltjai. on. ii hAiiln. fA. mm DON'T take BomelMng tlx "Jmt m good," IT 18 NOT. , llulidny Hcnnou. Commencing Wednesday December 10th, 1890, tho Bloomsburg & Sullivan Rail, road Company, will sell dally excursion tickets to and from all points on their lino, Including Bloomsburg and Jamison City, good to return from day of issue until evening of January 1st, 1891. Notb, No Excursion tickets sold Main St. station. from HciiHllilcClirlHtmnH lllntH. Buy no more than you can afford. Give no gift whero you do not delight to. Shop no moro than you have tho strength for. Entertain only within your means. Keep your Christmas nerve, and muscle, and heart, and hope, and cheer, first for your own home, your own fireside, your dearest, your closest, your sweetest and then for the homeless, tho flrclcss, the un loved, the "undearcd," and bo true, true, truo to tho last Christmas card that goes to your post-offlcc, or tho last "Merry Christ, mas" that crosses your Hps I Wo aro a generous people, and a happy people, and a Christian people, and wo must keep our festival with sincerity, hon or, Intelligence and good sense, If wo would keep It alive and "In His namo." Elizabeth SrnAnT Piiblim, In Christmas Lndief Home Journal. Tlte Great WrltcrH of XIe Day. Ho 31 Alter How Hurcl any druggist tries to sell you his own cough medicine, remember ho docs It bo cause he makes moro money on It. Insist on having Kemp's Balsam for tho throat and lungs, for thcro is no cough remedy so puro and none so quick to break up a cold. For Infltionz i, soreness of the throat and tickling irritation with constant cough. Kemp's Balsam Is an Immediate euro. Large boll'cs 50a and $1. At all druggists T.illiit cases work boxes, maulcure sets, ... i ... i.nvni uiinn holders, fancy Woli-iv, received an Interesting letter f . .-n... ii'tio. mUcno. sets. Ian er, secretary of tho Water Company, and . ... .. . . ,.., "I, ins Slttiim, " . ... . a,.r,i,l, WollUer hv irom w. li. Jacouy at me oumina ,.hifc,, WrlllDK desks, mirrors cic. tor iuo mm t- " - . ... .... i-.-.i ., no 1 vauinr, ntiuub . I .i, n,l (Im wiitir wa turned off. ni wrupn win nn nnuLi'u us vuu "J i .,, . . i,,.,nA.ia iimkt nnn I ouk iiuro iwhuuuw - - , ..... , milllOUb Ol " Imu." l .,l 1.,,-at In thn .space can bo triven it. 1 Fino lino of :neck wear, consisting of the nowest dc .signs In puffs, tecks, bows, &e., just re- -celyed at Lowcnbcrg's. M. P. Lutz has sold tho Dr. Caso prop ertv In Esnv to B. Iloraco Creasy ot net- urcs. lervlllo, who also purchased tho Espy ferry and the Island. Tho raid on Ifland's pool room amount o.i tn nr.thtnri moro than a scaro. JNO ar wprn n.a.lo. It will hardly bo tofe, however, for anyono to conduct a gamui- i mom hereafter, as tho next raid may bo followed by somo moro severe kitchen. Not much damage was done. For a good cheap storm ovcicoat go to Lowenbcrg'a popular clothing store. mess. Hon. Paul D.Morrow, President Judge of Bradford county, died at his nomo in Towanda Sunday last. For five years or moro ho has been feeble, and unable to hold a full terra of court, no was a law. yer of ability, a genial gentleman, and a Tho audience was with tho I public spirited citizen. He has been on and ho was ire. iuo bench tor twenty years, naving Bcrvcci To convince everybody, beforo sub scribing, ot the high quality and Interest of our beautifully illustrated journal in its new form, we will send to any address three weeks for 10 cents. Send ten cents for a trial subscription, anil wo will send you threo numbers, In cluding our Christmas Jnnmbcr, with an artistic cover; also, our Calendar An nouncement for 1891, with a painting The Minuet" by J. G. L. Ferris. These three numbers contain the follow ing reading matter : (1) Mrs. Amelia E. Barr's new serial. "The beads nf Tasmer." Mrs. Barr Is the author of that most successful serial, 'Friend Olivia," just completed lu The Century ; but hereafter Mrs. .Harr will write exclusively for tho Xeio York Ledger. (2) lion. George Bancroft's description of "Tho Battle of Lake Erie," beautifully Illustrated. (3) Margaret Deland's litest story, "To What End ?" (4) James Hussel Lowell's poem, ''My Brook," written expressly for The Ledger, bcautlfully;illustrated by WiUon do Meza, and Issued as a four-page souvenir supple ment. (5) Mis. Dr. Julia Holmes Smith starts n scries of articles giving very valuable In formation to oung mothers. (0) Hobcrt Grant's entertaining society novel, "Mrs.tHarold Stngg." CO Harriett Preseott Bpoffnrd, Marion Uarland, Marquiso Lanza, Maurice Thomp son and Gcorgei Frederic Parsons con. tributo short stories. (8) James Parton, M. W. Uazeltlno and Oliver Dyer (author of "Great Bcnators'-) contribute articles of Interest. In addition to tho above, spaikllng edi torials, Illustrated poems, 'Helen Marshall North's chatty column, and a variety nf delightful rcadlug ot Interest to all mem. bcrs of thchousehold, Tho foregoing is a'samplo of tho matter which goes to make up tho most perfect National Journal ever offered to tho Ameri can people. Bend ten cents for these three numbers nnd judge for yourself, orjsend only two dollars for a year's subscription to THE NEW YOHK LEDGER, Robert Bonner's Bona, Publishers, 52 William St., N, Y. 1242-2W MInh Harnlt TCIlKnbetU McIIenry. Died at the Dansyillo Sanitarium, New York, on tho 7th of December, 1890, In tho 37th year of her age. Bho was a daughter of Samuel McUenry of Rohrsburg, this county. Her home was in Detroit, Mich Igan. Whllo hero on a visit sho complain uu ui qui icciing wen anil conciuucd to go to the sanitarium before her return home and lako a course of treatment. While there sho improved In health very slowly, On Baturday, tho 0th, sho was coming down stairs and fell and was found at the bottom of the stairway in an unconscious condition, In which sho remained until tho next day, Sunday, when she breathed her last. Tho deceased was brought to bcr father's for burial, the funeral on the 12th Inst, In terment at tho Alcllcnry graveyard near Orangovllle. Miss McUenry was quite an accomplish. ed lady, having acquired a good education. She followed teaching In this and adjoin log counties for a number of years. Still thirsting for more knowledge and an am. bltlon for higher accomplishments sho en tcrcd a western university and graduated with high honors In shorthand writing From that time until tho tlmo ot her death sho was In tho employ of a law firm In Dc troit, Michigan. She was a lady ot good Christian character, ot a cheerful disposi tion, and was loved by all who knew her. Her friends deeply mourn her loss, and can only be comfortod by remembering that their loss is Heaven's gain. E. M. K, Bco J. G. Wells' largo lino ot gold watches, silverware, and novelties for the Holidays. IiHHt Uctltutl, All lotteries aro rrobibltcd by tho gov ernment, and lottery schemes excluded from the United Btatcs malls. What can tho young people substitute for such a law, as marrlago Is a lottory, and lovo letters 'lottery schemes.' But, then, this Is not tho only Instance that tho govern ment was ungrateful. A fow days ago Judge Krlckbaum dls. covered a strip of carpet hanging on a small trco In tho woods opposlto tho corner where he and I join lands. As wo met In the woods near tho placo ho requested mo to ttko it down and keep It In care. It measured five and a halt yards and was In a good stato of preservation, and no doubt belongs to Bruce Ash, whoso house was demolished and swept away by tho cyclone of last August. It appears that overybody has plenty of rabbits this year. Senator Ingalls got off the best loko of the season In his Pittsburg speech, when he said that "tho worst Republican thief was better than tho most exalted demo crat." Pennsylvania appreciated tho joko and elected Pattlson. The late Grand Jury did a noblo thing In censuring tho present commissioners for their prodigality, and lavish uso of the peoples' hard earned cash. Let futuro grand juries do likewise, nnd our officials will learn wholcsomo lessons. It is high tlmo that tho people draw tho reins on their fast horses. ' A lluljy Saved! Since birth my baby had running sores all over his head, and tho doctors said that ho must die, for they could not heal them. I used "vrylhlng I ever heard of, but It was no good. Ho got so bad that ho would not nurse. My .husband's sister told mo to try Bulphur Bitters as she had great faith In them. I used a bottle and the sores commenced to heal. After using two bottles more, tho sores all healed and I considered my bby savod. Mother, Con cord, N. II. 12.12.2t. XIicMlHtlctoe. AN INUBIIITANCE Fl'.OU T1E DBU1DS. I. w. HMTMM Tlio Merry Season draws near. "We nro rerttly witli .10 CJLJGKKS lO TO SHOW YOU THE . THE FINEST LINE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS IN TOWN AND COUNTY. THE Threo Days this week ami Three Days next week will closo Tlio Sale. Fura by the Hundred, Coats and Shawls by the Hundred, Handkerchiefs by the Thousand. OUR STOCK OF PLUSH GOODS- Cannot bo equalled any placo in or near JJloonisburg. 1 W M INS M OF Our Fancy Articles, aro too numeioua to mention, people who have been hero aro surprised. OUIC JLPIIlK you ought to seo in order to explain to your neighbor. Wo have devoted a great amount of time and money to please everybody, and to make "you and your friends happy." Lay aside your work and care3 for tin hour or two and como to seo what wo can show you. STOllES open from 7 in the morning until 9 in tho evening this week, next week later. I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. 11. itr.iinu'j lecture on tuesuay evcu XJlt Itntt'J - " - . t rOed everybody. H was full ot liu .1 .... . i.iig r,f .'lnnnenco scatter Paul E. Wirt's factory on Iron street mor, uu uj- " ,.,, .1 i i nnorntlnn. It is cd through r. uear iuu unuui is iu . - - -,0.1 tho intention to manufacture an pans u. Bpi.w. . v ,,.,. 0f an- fll terms. Ills successor. B. M. Peck, Ills ctlcbratid fountain pen in Bloomsburg. qutntly .1 Wnslnr Mover his distributed some handsome calendars among his patrons nn has 11. n timnks lit this office for ono of them. plausc. ti. ATpitta Sisters concert on Wcdncs. .1 ir,,. won attended bv n largo audi- missioned by the governor for the balance. ot this month. it .....( ., riiMn .iiiiirr liiri-o or small tho ladles was The remains ot Mrs. jnnn i. irossiey eharmlng and they were encored at each ero brought to Bloomsburg Ion iMday, n mber Mr. John T. Miller Is not what and wcro burled in Hoseraont on Monday . ' .i . iu. n character afternoon. Her maiden namo was Marga. countv with nrlccs from 40o tolu.w '"'",.,, nart of tho concert reLSnvder, a daughter of Mrs. U. A. uny. ..... 1 nriist. uub iuu 1 1 ' ' . 1 ... -. Mercer's Uiug and Boon storo. - - mn,..ftteu for uls Imperfections. der of this town, oue was marneu vo jouo --- ..... It n,n.iWnn Mircli 111. 1BUU. lUCV re- A nartv came down from Jamison uuy -t, ... ,.,,t i,vl,v" " . . .. . . . a new contract uayiug uvwu v. m0ved to uiypuani wuere mr. woiey on Monday with a flue deer that they had n m m ,hat wlU rc(,ulre mv Bmnlovl)S' ft8 ,U0D ugent. Tho .. . . . fKr(.ni mucmutijr HIM'.CIAI. ANNOtlNCIiSfBMT, JloHman and Dlvcl at Danville. Tho newest neck scarf can lour styles, at Lowcnbcrg's. Guy Itawlings is tho artlstio designer of the arrangement 01 goons iu . show windows. Ho displays ciccllont tasto. A full stock of ready mado overcoats and suits for men, youths and boys at ro. duccd prices, uiUBt bo sold, at P. i-owcn- Sxirg'a popular clothing storo. nnv,nd very different machinery from 1 . 0, dealU W4S convulsions following nirnadvln use. such new raacmuerj ,.rmalllrB cMdb rth. Mrs. Urossley was bo worn Id . nUrcuased andwill soon bo placed I aUr.ctiT0 aud accomplished lady, and .i. riu Tho m l 18 new ueiuB o.t.ok-1 ,,, mnti,,r and ram v. ana ner nusuanu. IU IUU ..., , , . uv. . , ed In throwing silk.manufacturo ot warp in i Uw ,ho warm sympathy ol tho comraun We havo madcarrangemcnts with Dr. B, J. Kendall Co. publishers of 'A Treaties on the Horse and his diseases,' which will en able all our subscribers ta obtain a copy ot that valuable work free by sending their ad dress (enclosing u 2 cent stamp for mailing samc)to Pr. B. J, Kendall. Co., Knosburgh Falls, Yt. This book Is now recognized us standard authority upon all diseases ot tho horse, as Its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold In the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication In tho same period ot time. We feel confident that our patrons will appreciate tho wotk, and be. glad to avail themselves nf this opportunity of ob talnlog a valuable bonk. It is neccBsary that you mention th; paper In sending for tho "Treatise." This offer will remain, open for only a short tlmo. 12-12-Ct The legend of tho mistletoo is an Inher itance from the religion of tho Druids. The cathedral arches under which tho Celts worshipped were tho spreading branches of tho oak, the roof a dense follago of greenery, and the mistletoe, tho mystical trasitc of tho tree, was a symbol full ot meaning, for It was believed to renew Its life by somo agency differing from Hint which propagated all other plants, and to exist by a divine power. Here, under tho oak, the favorite tree of the Celtic sun-god, at the period ot winter-solstice, priests and people sacrificed white bulls and human victims. Tho mistletoe was gathered and dispensed in small sprays, to bo hung by the worshippers over their doors as amulets against evil and propltlon to the sylvan de ities. Tho Scandinavian legend ot the mistletoe, which tells tho story how Lokl, tho god of fire, mado tho mlsletoo tho agent of tho death of Balder, most glorious of Ohio's children, is familiar to all students of tho Norso Sagas. The mistletoe con tin ues to be specially cultivated In England for tho salo which is always largo at Christ mas-tidc, but tho apple-treo has taken tho place ot the oak, as the soil on which the plant feeds thp most generously. Tho kiss ing privilege connected with tho mistletoo during the dajs ot yilo Is probably tho most familiar relic of Its traditions. Both the yulc-firo and tho mistletoe were ot old believed to havo special vlrtuo as Bate. guards against the powers of evil; yet when they becamo thoroughly embodied In tho Christian legend, It was not bo much i this as their suggestion ot tho divine power which at Christmas kept the Prince ot DarkneBa and his satellites In abject sub. mission, that gave them their value. All readers of Bhakespcar will remember tho legend and Us assoe'atlon with tho crow. log ot tho cock, as put in the mouth ot Marccllus In Hamlet: From Harper' t Wetk Tlie Craic for L,npel DuttotiM. "Nearly every man you 'boo now wears a ispci uutton oi somo Kind," remarked a gentleman in Bailey, Banks & Biddle's stoic, Philadelphia, a day or two ago. It is a crazo which has just como up within a fow years, just where It originated I can not say, but I do know that there Is hardly a University or Athletic club in tho coun try which has not a button ot Its own. This rage for buttons even extends to many ot tho political organizations, but as a rule, they are not bo handsomely nor expensive ly gotten up as the others. We make thousands of these Uttlo badges every year, and tho demand is still Increasing." The Htnto cnpltnl. WAT01I TUB PROCEEDINGS OF YOUR LEQI8LA- I TURK. The Uarrlsburg Daily Patriot, In addition to the ecneral news of the dav. will rnn. tain full reports ot the proceedings of the legislature uuring tne session ot mat body. Bend one Hollar and twenty-flvo cents to tho publisher and get a copy every day durihg the session. Tho Weekly Patriot Is an excellent family journal and will also contain a report of tho legislature proceedings. Terms: $1 00 per copy per annum ; to ciuus or ten or more, 70 per copy per annum, with an ad ditional copy to tho gelter-up of the club, Postage on dally and Weekly prepaid by the publisher. The Daily Patriot and tho Coi.nMnnw both for if 5.00 per annum. Tho Weekly Pensions I "Veterans ! I Tho Disability Pension Bill Act of Juno 27. 1890. crants ncnslons to all cx-soldlcrs and sailors who served 00 days or moro In tho Army or Navy during the rebellion, and ncre honorably discharg ed, and who aro now suffering from any permanent, mental or physical disability contracted slnco tho war or during tho war whether from disease, injuries or effects of old age, at tho rato ot from $0 to $12 per montn, according to the ucgrco ot ins dis ability for the performance ot labor requir ing tho exertion of physical strength j provided tho disability Is not duo to vici ous habits. This pension is not restricted to tho veterans who have to rnako their living by hard labor, but Is equally due to professional men or clerks, provided they have an existing disability which would prevent tho continuous cxcrclso of the physical strength of an able-bodied man. Those who havo applied under tho gen eral laws and who aro unablo to provo up tho pending claim can apply for and sc euro this pension and then continue the prosecution of tho former claim and sccuro their arrears. If vou aro now drawing a small pension, say $3 or $1 per month, you can tako this pension instead, and if you havo an appli cation on file for Increase or additional pension for new disabilities you can con tinue tho prosecution of Buch claims whllo drawing the new pension, or you can flic an original claim tor a disability contract. cd in tho service whllo drawing pension unuer tnis new act. Widows, children, and dependent moth crs and fathers are entitled under this act and can suspend tho prosecution of any pending claim, and tako this pension, and afterwards complete tho prior claim and get arrears. Uavinc been dulv annotated an Accnt iccordlnz to tho rules and rceulatlona ot tho Department of tho Interior in the pros ecution of such claims and having had suc cess in a number of cases I am always pre pared to glvo information and assist claim ants, and will assure' them success it they aro able to establish the facts as required by law. Those interested should call soon and claim their reward. i (IKOItfJK W. HTUIlNBIt, North Mnrket Ht. 7-lS-Oia. llloomaburtf ln. IiOOk at our 50c Dlack Cashmere. tho best for tho money in tho market at Bloan's. Banlos.Taccordlans and violins at New York Novelty store. Tho celebrated Lynn Haven Oysters at Uouscl'B. Look at our fine assortment of Black Dress eoods. our 45 In. Henrietta cloth at $1.00, is tho best In the city for tho monoy OMAN'S. tho Now York Novell dried or unlaundrlcd, mens' woolen under wear and nosiery. It will pay any ono to call at city store, tor whlto shirts, taun- A big reduction In furniture un to Janu. ary 1st. llAKBR & MoBltlDE. White quilts for cribs, cradles or beds at II. W. Slo ill's . Houscl buys and sells all kinds ot poul try. O. O. Marr Is selling corsets at cost. Farmers, leave your turkeys and chick ens at Houscl's. He sells on commission. Now blankets this week at H. W. Sloan's. Our .Jicw Feed Cutter nticl CruHltcr. Farmers and others In need ot n good fccd-cuttcr or corn sheller or hay-press, will do well by calling or writing to tho undersigned for circulars and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wo also havo eomo good bob-sleds for salo. 11-28-Ow White & Conner, Orangovllle, Pa. The best vinegar lu town at C. 0. Marr's. Deeds, singlo or double acknowledge ments, CO cents a dozen at tho Columbian office. tf. ro NcrvoiiH Dcuitltntecl Men. If you will send us your address, wo will mall you oar Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Ueletirated Electro-Voltato licit and Ap puancea, and tbelr charming effects upon tlio ner. voua debiutated system, and bow they will quick, ly restore you;ui.lzor and manhood.p.impttlet free. II you are thus afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on trial. i-oi-r-iy. voLTiio iim.T uo Marsnau, juo Our Hosiery and Underwear arc among tho best in town. II. W. Sloan. LOCAL NOTICES. Bour.krout at 0. C. Marr's. Go to New York Novelty storo for ladles' and Misses' underwear, aud hosiery. atriot and tho Columbian per annum. broad Bilk weaving. Hats I Haul Hats I Caps I Caps I Caps I New styles. Low prices. , . Lame variety at ll" PPulll clolhln store of D. Lowenberg. lty In their afuictlon. Ilcndltii; nullronil'fl Holiday cursion TIcltetN, The Reading Railroad has Issued tho customary notico that it will sell round- trip tickets, at reduced rates, from Decern. ber 24th until January 1st, good for return until January Oth, Inclusive. Tho mini mum rato for these holiday tickets is 25 cents. A I.ntly'HIvrfcct Companion. r.very expectant moilier shou M reail our now book by Dr. Nye, ono of New York's most celebrated ohvslclans. A nerfect mother's guide, it tells how tho fearful or- ucai can do mado easy, frco from dancer. and almost entirely painless, thus saving Humus ui umuiiy, uroau, ami siiuertng, Full of valuable information to ladles, an. swcrlng hundreds of delitato questions, Bend two-cent stamp for circulars, testi monials, aud confidential letter. Address, niuuuis uo., I'uuusuers, 0-10-3m. Baltimore, Md, HiiHliauil una Wife, Have moro than once been saved by tho timely uso of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, otter all other remedies have been tried In vain, 'lho Balsam stops de cay of tin lungs and cures Influenza acute and chronlo coughs. Thcro Is other medicine In the world that acts so promptly, certainly none that docs Us work so thoroughly as Kemp's Balsam. All druggists sell It. Largo bottles COo and $ 1 Tax-iiiijeru of Hemlock Town Minp. both for $1.75 12 10 St. W. J. Corell & Co. havo a larco and beautiful lino ot furniture suitable for Christmas presents. Lots ot Kid Qlovcs In tho most fashion. able shades, groys tans and black at 11. W. BLOAN'S. Remember the New York Noveltv storo is headquarters for Christmas trco orna ments, and all kinds of Christmas goods. An cl"eant lino of pictures in tho latest styles of frames at W. J. Corell & Co's. Art embroideries, lewelrv. all kinds of hand-mado articles, hand paintint; in water-colors or oil, nt tho NowI'Deal store. Uagage your Christmas trees of Houscl. Qo to C. 0. Marr for cholco mince meat. Infant's coats and cans a specialty at the New l'Dcal Btore. Antlauo and Corell & Co's. plush rockers at W. J. Iollclay KnicurHloii '1'lcUeln on Hie li-uiiulvnnia ltnllroucl. In pursuance ot the usual custom tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company announc es that Christmas and New Year excursion tickets will bo sold between all principal stations on its tiystem at two cents per mile except between Philadelphia and New York and certain otner istatlons on the Unlto.l Railroads of New Jersey Division, where tho regular excursion rato and limit will prevail. The tickets will bo sold Dec ember 2-lth, 1890, to January 1st, 1891, valid for return pasaago until January 6th, 1891, Inclusive. If you want a bedroom suit, now Is tho tlmo to buy ot Baker & McBrldc. Goods foritho Holiday trade at tho Now l'Doal. Poultry of all kinds, dressed and un- dressed, at HoubcI's. Leave orders. 0. Marr's for comforts and Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Bby tru sick, wo gT her CutorU. When ilwvus Child, she cried for CutorU, When the fceoame Miss, she clans to Cftitorte, When she h4 Children, the save them Coatorfa. Go to 0. blankets. Christmas number of 40 Inch black all wool Henriettas. It will pay you to seo It, Clark & Bon bavo it, Ask to look at It. Its a special offer from our Black Dress goods stock. Its a money saver for you, price from now till Christmas only. Farmers not wishinc to snend a day in i town selling poultry can leave them with uuusku no sens on commission, 'l ima B&vlng you about 20 per ccut. a. u. 110USEL. Successor to K. Jacoby, Now Is the time to call at tho New York Noveltv store, for all kinds of boll day goods, tin toys foe boys, live cents and up, unis lor gins, nil price, anu a tuoui and other things for Christmas presents. Picture frames made to order at short notice by W. J. Corell &, Co. No double to show McBrtdc's. OF BLOOMSBURG. have now their three rooms fill ed with all kinds of goods suit able for Christmas gifts, ist room is filled and displays a large line of notions ol all kinds and fancy goods of all kinds. Room 2 ioo ieet long is fill ed with Dress Goods , Table Linens, Towels, Nap kins, Countc rpancs, Blankets, Sheeting, and Domestic Goods of all kinds, suitable for. good and useful gifts. We also show a big line oi fancy goods in this room. Room 3, or coat room, is filled with Ladies, and Children's Coats, at greatly re duced prices to close KUKS,-MUFFS, shawls, skirts and table covers, etc., for useful presents- Dem orest sewing machines $19 50 and up, make a useful gift. The three rooms combined would make a room 33 feet wide, 130 leet deep, all filled with goods suitable for gifts for both old and young and at prices to be within the reach of all. All invited to call and see for yourselves, even if you don't want to buy. All welcome. ' CLARK & SON. P. S. See our handkerchief stock and prices. goods at Biker & o rcmetl for blood dliordera can equal Avcr'fl Baraanarllla, Though courcnlratftl Cnrl-lnm-l-resent,. and powerful, this medicine l. perfectly A. Bolleder has just received another lot 1 safe, ono may ootaKcn oy puj ureu as well of the celebrated Imported Hartz Moun as adults. Physlclaus recommend It In tain day and night singing canarlef, also a ' preference to any ether. Price 1, Worth lot ot fancy cages just received. 13 13 St. ' 5 a bottle. The undcoslgned gives notico to the tax. payers ot Hemlock township that after December 20th 6 per cent, will be added to the taxes. All persons Interested should pay their taxes by that time. H, D. MpBuiDi, Collector. Blesdy employment and liberal wages are offered in another column by Sears, Henry &Co., Geneva, N, Y They aro a rellablo firm. Established 1803. 13-(Mt. BLOOMSBURG. Fino Cabinet portraits only $3 doz. Life size Crayons only SiU.UU. ViewniK, copy inc and enlarging. Instant process used. tt. I'or II cut. A largo front room on the third floor ot . 1 ,...11.1!.... A.... . .. I - .1 .. IUU wui.viiuin uuuuiuk, uyu wiuuune. steam heat, gas and water. Inqulie of Uco. E. Klwell. tf, 0. 0. Marr is selling dry goods vtry cheap. Plush coods ot all descriptions, ladles. and gcntlemans' silk handkerchiefs, gouts neckwear, nne line, go to tuo ihcw lorn Novelty Btore. nitr reduction on parlor goods up to Jan. 1st 1891. Hakeii & MoBmin, Cabinets, secretaries, and many furniture novelties at W. J. Corell iS Co's., for the Holidays. Lookout for wagon. Houscl's Fish and Oyster Call and see our Holiday goods before uuying. no win save you money. lUKilliS MOUttlDX, teases for salo at this oOlce. each, DO cents a dozen. 8 cents tf. Look at our decant assortment ot linn umbrellas for Christmas at 11, Y, Bmun's, Save Your Hair BY a 1 moly umi of Aycr's Hair Vigor. This preparation ban no equal aa n d.viMii;;. It Ui'cw tho sculp clean, cool, r.i'd liHulihy, nud preserves the color, ImUim.,1, and beauty ot the hair. " J was rapidly besoming bald and pmy; Lnt after lining two or threo Wili-s of Ayer'n Hair Vigor my hair (.a w.' (hlcV and glnxsy and tho original injur wan restored." Mulviu Aldrleh, Cnuaan Centre, N. II. " Some tlmo ago I lost all my hair In ecim.'ijuoiico ut rocnsles. Allor duo wiiUii:, no new growth nppeare.1, I then iisuil Aycr's Ilulr Vigor and my huir grew Thick and Stronc. It hat apparently como tn stay. The Vliror it ovhleutly a great aid to nature." J. 11. Williams, I'lorwvlllo, Tosas. "I hava used Ayer's Hair Vigor for tho past four or flv yoars nud find it a most satlafuetory drtsing for the hair. It In all I could doslro, buiiic harmless, eaualng tho hair tn retain Its natural color, anil requiring but u small quantity to render tho hair easy to arrange." Mrs. M. A. llalley, u Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. " I have been using Ayer's ITalr Vlgot fnr several years, and believe that it hat cauxttd inv huir to retain lu natural color." Mrs. H. J. King, Daalur In Dry Goods, Sic, UUhopville, Md, Ayer's Hair Vigor,. I'mriRiD st Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mast. Beld by lrat f Uu t4 Viuui.