COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOukaT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.( The Columbian J. K. BHtonooalor., fE4lw"' BLODMSBUBG, PA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1890. William A. Wallaoo of OloiufleUl has modo an nisiKtimont. for tho bcno fit of creditors. His rtsaoU aro double Ms liabilities, but ho was forcod to as sign beoauso tho banks would not carry his papor. Tho creditors will loso nothing. WASHINGTON LETTEE- (Prom oar lingular corraspondont.) Washington, D. 0. D.oo. 15, 1890 Mr. Ilnrrison's little Bohomo of push ing tho Force bill for his own poreonal benefit is at last slowly beginning to percolate through tho brains of tho other Presidential candidates, and tho rosnlt is a decided ooolnoss towarda that measuro on tho part of a number of loading republicans. It is believed that Mr. Harrison is figuring that tho thousands of supervisors and deputy supervisors who would be appointed under this bill, should it bocorao a law, might bo utilized to form the basis of eitiler expressed or implied, all widows a ii-.'tihuu iuuuiiuiu i.ui iuijjih. wu... (jowcr Bnouia oo exempt irom taxation, onounh of tho stato delegations to tho 1 fixf,flnt it eouals or oxoeeds a certain noxt republican national convention to amount, Bay fifteen hundred or two inauro ma nomination. thousaua dollars, Thcro is a very strong pronauiiuy poor. Among tho lomos dally dis cussed by groups of oituons whore, by chance, they moot, will exemplify tho drift of opinion as to tho legisla tion desirod, which it is bolioved would relievo tho overtaxed farmers from an unjust inequality of taxation. Tho points in question are, 1st: That all remunerative proporty, viz. i Farm, town, borough and cltv personal and corporate property, shall, in proportion to thoir market, or cash value, bo sub joct to equalization of taxation for nil nutlionzcd purposes, in manner as an real oatato. 2nd i That unpaid pur ehaso money on real ostato shall be de ducted from tho valuation of said real cstntc, and that said lien or Hens against said real estate, wholhor by article ot agrcoraont, judgment or mortgage, taxes accruing on valuation of said lions, shall bo paid by holders ot said lions. The reasons for such equalization of taxation aro obviously manifest, viz: An individual holdiug, or owning a half interest in anyreales- laio null auotuur muiviuuai uuuiwiy, ui owning tho other half interest in form of judgment or mortgage! it is not just and equal tnat tno lormer a noma pay tho taxes on tho entiro valuation of said real estate, including tho interest on said judgment or mortgage, whero as each should pay half of tho taxes on each of both, of real cHato and judg ment or mortgage, or, as tho case may bo. 3rd. Iloal ostato purchased, sub ject to widow's dower, valuation shall bo doduoted therofrom equal to said widow s dower, for reasons as aoove; and for various other good roasonsf that, tho Forco bill will bo sholved for good this week. Tho administration and the republican Senators of the TTnar strina havo hoard from tho people nnd aro in almost a panic in thtir anxiety to do something to satisfy the nnhlin ilnmand for moro inonoy; and JohkO. Wenner, I. K. Kktckiiaum, And other citizens. Benton Pa., Deo. 12, 1890. A Oure for Pimples My face for tho last few years was vet thov aro mortally- afraid that when J. ... 5mi u.j ., i once a financial bill of any kind g?'8 uaou t0 bo ashamed to go anywhere, before tho Senato a substitute proyid- l k t boUle9 of Sul)hljr Bitterg icg ior ireo uoni win r',"' anj tho pimples disapearcd. 1 uso It was this fear which caused certain h ' 'iaG. K. Dow, Fall enuiura tu aueuii'i g I JUver. 12-12 2 t. aonatora to promise mat u a um introduced authorizing tho Secretary of the Troasnry to purohaso anywhero from twenty to thirty millions oi uui lara worth of silver bullion thoy would not offer frco com3go as a substitute for it. It is needless to say that no flfimnnmts made anv promise; it is the policy of tho democratic Senators to Wv nlonr of all entanglements, in order to be preparod to tako advaot- TJ3AUHEB8' INSTITUTE- Tho annual sess'on of tho Columbia County Teachers' Institute convened in tho Opera JJouse isioomauure at. a r. M. Monday Deo, 15 1890. The devot ional exercises were conducted by Itov. YV. O. Levereit of tho JipiBCopal Church. Ho announced tho hymn "Rock of Ages," which was sung by DAYS ( SE POWDER Prevents Lunir Fever nnd cure Distemper, Heaves, ravers, to.,rao. 1 pound lit each raokago. BoM l-y all iWlpm. DR. BEL'S BABY Cflftlliinino Tonflilnn!?14""'! lauuuuioa igcmiiiiki- an. imm mm V. spa. 4 i or uio oute oi BULL'S cpfey Asthma, f g I H I Incipient fMo00ffllllllin Con- Cough, sumption tnd for the relief of Consumptive persons rniox its era. For ! by H ilrnrrnn. SYRUP ounrc lasovs cubes cioAnenca for Ca tAC tmltl Pile. 10 cu. Atoll aniiliu. oco of anv circumstanees that may 1 tho Institute after which ht read a por- occur to secure jegisiawuu iu ucua.i u. nun ul ounptuio uu um.. .Mv. ihn nnonlp. Mr. Harrison has, I am credibly in formal, mada nn his mind to send a Hncninl mes'aoe to Concress intimat- inc what kind of a finanoial bill he would sign, tie nas so nuio iuuubucu in Congress that it matters little what he recommends. No nomination for the vacanoy on the bench of tho Supreme Court has yet been sent to tho Senato, and I am told by a republican Senator that it is doubtful whether it will go in until the Forco bill is disposed of because Mr. Harrison has tendered tho appointment to Senator Spooner, and he is atraid to have him leave tho Senato before tho vote is taken on tho Forco bill tho mnrerin is too small to looso a vole. Tho farce called an investigation of the Pension office has beon resumed by tho House committee. Tho comm ittee shows a trreat deal more anxiety not to find crookednesss than it does to find it. An attempt will be raado to get the.committeo to look into tho methods by wnion a son oi wmrau eioaer Raum became Attornoy lor . lame number of applicants, whose claims bad been practically piaeon-hol ed in tho the office before he took charue of them. Tho bill reducing the fee for ob taining an increase pension to a nas beeu favorably reported to tho Houso, This is a hard blow to tbo pension sharks, but Secretary Noble is trying to strike them still harder by getting all tho states to adopt tho system now in vocuo in Massachusetts, Minnesota and Wisconsin, of havintr the Atto ney General of the Stato look after all applications for pensions, froo of charge. The re-apportionment bill providing lor a membersmp ot 35U to tno Jriouse of Representatives has been reported to the House, and tho republicans bay ing taoitly agreed that New York should have whatever additional ron resentation it is entitled to should thero be a recount in Now York City and Brooklyn, it is not thought that tho democrats will oppose its passage. Senator Vest has presented to the benate a memorial irom tne JNauoaal Bankruptcy Convention urging tho lm mediate passaco of the Torrey bank ruptoy bill, which passed tho llouso at tne last session. A number ot pell' tions against its passage havo been ro ceived from tho northwestern states. Tho notorious ship subsidy bills which passed the Sonate at tho last session wero too much for tho republi cans of the House, committco on Mer chant Marine and they have agreed upon a singlo bill as a substitute for both of them. The new bill combines many of tho features of tho other two, and is ceitain to pass tho House, moro's the pity. Roprcsenlaiivo Crain, of Texas, has reported from tho House committco on Post offices a resolution calling on the Postmaster General as to tho extent and grounds tor complaints of inefll oient post-ofiice service in Texas and other states. Thero isn't as much talk about Mr. Blaine's reciprocity sohemes as thero was a short time ago, and a suspicion is arising that tho administration isn't giving tne Secretary ot stato any earnest support in this matter. Equalization of Taxation. Now that tho Legislature is about to convene, all interests ara anxiously awaiting dovelopemonts in tho coun sels ot their deliberations. Many ahanges are demanded, and reforms anticipated. Tho present legislature will be looked upon as tho most im portant in tho history of the State, not on acocount of superior talent, but on aocount of the prevailing discrimina tion in past legislation. No class of citizens will bo more observant to tho faithful bestowineut of equal distribu tion in tho economy of measures pass od, than ttie farmers. And no class will avengo the betrayal of thoir rights moro effectually than they. That their representatives from Colum bia county may not misunderstand, or be misled by sldo issues, many of thoir constituents, in comparing inequalities uow existing as tho result of past legis lation, now and hero, protest against further legislation in tho interests of the few, as against tho interest of tho many, and theroby imposiog tho un just bnrthou of taxation upon the The Superintendent then introduced Rev. D, J. Waller Sr. who delivered the address of welcome. He, besides welcoming the teachers of Columbia county, spoke of tho cduoational pro gress made by not only me souoois oi Bloomsbnrg, but by tho sobools of the county and Stato as well. Prof, li, J. Wilbur ot ine jNormai school, responded to the address in a pleasing manner, ana manned mm iu hehalf of tho teachers for his words of welcome and encouragement- W. W. HeSner. C. M. Terwilliger and Miss Floreuce F. Montgomery having been appointed a committee on permanent organization maoe me ioi lowing report; Treas., J. F. Harkins, of Bloomsbnrg; Sec, Boyd Trescott, of Greenwood ; Doorkeeper, H. M. Grolz, of Main, wbioh was adopted by the Institute. Dr. D. J. Waller, Jr., Supt. of Pub lie Instruction, was then introduced. After a few minutes recess Prof, Nootling of tho Normal came boforo tho lnstltuto and nddrcsFcd tho teaoh ors on "Tho Relation of Psychology to Toaohlng." Too muoli timo is given to expression and not enough to im pression. A child must fi-Bt bo put In possession ot a fact. Givo two-thirds of tho timo to silent reading, or thought gotting. a eulid study tiio sen tence or paragraph and givo tho mean- Inrr boforn lin nttnmntR to rnml lnnr1. Have pupils writo as noarly perfectly TTTReRUlateSthBBOWelsl Dr. waller mado a tew remarks em phasizing the plans ndvftiiood bv Prof. Nootling and closed by paying ho was ono ot ttio best teachers of penman ship ho over knew. Miss Miller rendered a solo and tho remalndir of tho morning session was dovoted to Hlgbeo Memorial Exeroises In which Dr. Waller, Kov. lloilmon and Prof. Wehh made brief addresses. TUESDAY AKTEHNOOff. Tho eession opened at 2 p, m., with singing "Come, Oooic, Como." Prof. Cope of the Norm:il was then Introduced and add e-sed lb- teaohen on tho subject of "Aiilhmelio'1 in tho place of Prof. M. 0. Brumbaugh of Huntingdon, who was absent on ao count of Biokncss. Pupils should bo taught solf-dopcndence. Away with rules t let pupils mako tiiem when re quired. Mental and written work should go hand in hand. Dr. Waller addressed the lnstltuto on the work required in Publio In struction. Ho said it was both patri otic and philantbropio. AVo must look 10 the schools to transform tho foreign element. It was a wise provision that tho founders of our system gavo the miximum amount of control to tho local authorities. The Stato raises about twelve million dollars for sohool purposes, and tho appropriation was being increased almost yearly. At this point tho speaker was interrupted by Hon. E. M. Towkabury, who wish ed to know if it was tne desire ot tbo department to ask for greater Stato appropriation. Being informed that it was, he said the Grangers havo passed a resolution asking tor lour million dollars. After singing by tho Institut", Prof. Wilbur addressed tbo lnstltuto on "Civil Governmont." He spoko parti cularly of the township officer. It was remarkable how soino persisted iu calling tho sherilt and coroner town ship officers, but it clearly showed the necessity ot instruction in that lino EVENING SESSION. 1 ho eveuing session opened with a song by Piof. Wm. B. Hall. Mrs. Welsh recited a selection from "The Merchant of Venice." Dr. James Hcdley, of Cleveland, O , was introduced and delivered his lec ture, entitled "Tho Sunny Sido of Life." Tho speaker spoke particularly of making the best of all human con ditions, ltoses do not bloom among Aiotio snows, neither does sunshine abound in homes whero hughter is unknown. He wished that all mothers would mako their homes so pleasant that tbo boys would stay at home. (to be continued.) EXECUTOR'S SALE -OF VALUAI1L-E- Itcui Estate ! He spoko of tho exoellent work being done by Civil Servico Commission; of Tlie unaerslgnod executors ot the last wul and testament ot Aaron Ileal dece&sod. will oxdoso to pubUo sale on premises in Flshlngereelc township, uoiumoia couaty, on MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1891, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following des cribed real estate late or said Aaron Hess, deo'd., io-wii: A certain (arm situate In Flshlngcreek town ship aforesaid, centrally located. Bounded on the north by lands ot Ramuel Thomas and Thomas Ilartman, on the east and south by other lands lato ot the estate of said Aaron Uess, deceased, ana on tne west by lands of William Edcar. Thomas Uartman and B. W. new. contalnlne 125 ACRES S7 perches of land net measure. Tho eastern line ot said land running north 10 and three-fourth de grees cast, and extending In length ono hundred fltty-two and six-tenth perches, on which 13 erect ed a Bank Uarn and two story tho work being done by the various teachers institutes throughout tne state, showing that Pennsylvania ranked well among Slates, aud urged teaohers to conduct their schools in such a manner that the pupils in tho advanced grades could pass the Civil Service examination. Miss Annio'Miller then entertained tbo Institute with a solo. Mrs. Alma Sager Welsh being intro duced spoko on tho bubiect of reading. She said that parents and teachers should not permit tho uso of baby taking among tno cmiuron, me meaning of the diacritical marks snomu bo known, that the proper pronuncia tion of words could ba given. Rov. Chas. T. Steele was introduced and read humorous poem to the delight of the Institute. Prof. Hall then led in singing, alter which it adjinmed EVENING SESSION. At the evening session a fair sized audieuco assembled. Miss Black of Ccntralia ononed the session with piano solo. She was follow jd by Jlliss Miller who rendered a solo in her usual charming manner, Hev. tJhas. 1 . oteck the lecturer ot the evening was then introduce i and delivered his lecture entitled "ihe Horo Rocognized and Unrecognizad. Spaoo will not permit giving a synop sis of it. Suffice it to say that it abound ed in facts whieh show that ciroumstaii ces create heroes, that many bec 11110 lioroos only by hnisbing the work some one else had begun, and that ma-iv deserving heroes die unknown TUESDAY M011NINO. Tuesday b'-sjioii opened with 110 of tho 118 teachers of the county in attoi. danco. Supt. Johnson called the Institute to order at 8.30 fcr the purpose of dis posing of tho Memorial pictures and volumes of tho late Dr. JS. E. Higbee, to the teachers and schools which had contributed to tho fund last year. At nino o'clock the primary teachers retired to tho High School building whero they held a session until ten o'clock, and the regular session in the Opera House was opened with singing "Father, Whato'cr There bo of Earthly Bliss." The devotional exercises were con ducted by Rev. 1. K. Patterson of tho Presbyterian church, who read a por tion of tho 139th- Psalm and offered Ir.bliltuo sang "tjorae, come away, after which Prof. J. P. Welsh of tho Normal School was introduced and spoko of Teachers' Successes. Among inanv other things bo said that a teach er manages not only tho school, but tho parents and directors bb won. Lead parents to seo tho advantages of a studv rather than allow them to set out the dlsatUanlasos of it. Build character. The Institute saog "The Wandor Staff," "Tho Days Are Gaing By" and "Beauty overywbero." Vice President IloUner then intro ducod Prof. Riohardson, of Berwiok, who proscuted "Color Teaching." He showed how tho colors could be com bined to make shades and tints. To illustrato his work ho used disks of ooloicd card board which he revolved rapidly by means of an instrument constructed for the purpose. Supt. introduced Rev. Chas. T. Steok, who, by reoueat recited Poe'i uaveD." There is moro Catarrh in this seo tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until tne last few years was supposed to be incur able. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and pres cribed local remedies, and by constant ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Uatarrn to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo, manufactured by F.J, Cheney & (Jo., Toledo, U1110, is the only constitu tional curo ou tho Market. It is taken internally in doseB from 10 drops to a teaspoonfull. It aols directly npon tbo blood and mucous surlacos of tho system. Thoy offer one hundred dol lars for any .case it fails to curo. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. Cheuoy & Co., Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 73c. a good well ot water at the house, and other out buildings. 75 acres ot tho land aro cleared and the balance well wooded. ALSO; Another farm situate Immediately south ot the above mentioned farm, bounded on tho east by land of Samuel Thomas, heirs of John Allcgcr, de ceased, and William Mears on tho south by Hun tingdon Creek and on the west by land! ot John William T. Emery, James E. Jones deceased. Samuel J. Tealer and WllllaniEdgar, containing OS ACRES Hpercnos of land net measure, be tho samo moro or less, upon which 13 located a good spring of water, about forty acres ot tin land being cleared and In a good state of cultivation and tho balance well timbered. Both of said farms are located within two and one-nait miles of tno railroad and about one mile from Jonestown. All the clear lan J Is tn a good state of cultivation, Is divided into convenient fields, with water contenlent, fruit trees, fruits of all kinds on tho place, rerssns desiring to view the premises will pleaso call on the undersigned executors. Both farms will bo offered for sale separately and together and sold to the best ad vantage. Con lltlons made known on day ot sale Liberal terms will bo olercd. All psrsonal prop erty on the premises reserved and also all grain and otner crops in the groun 1. OaiNTUnitHi o, 11. w. II ESS Attr. IKA d. nKBs. Executors ot Aaron Uess, dee'd. erO0.M nrli I. tin i- mJ. bj Jctm 7.. nodwtiil'lrvy..VY.,at work fur Oi. lUtdar, you niy ,t n,ik t much, bul vi t tm ( bow tot-am from ftt F1U day at tbt Karl, and mot aa jcu r" en. lloth Mitt, all art. In any pari of Amtrlcl. full cm cuinmnii ( lin, .-r. trig D your liine,or aj'ira mom tut 1 only ta (l.a work. All la new. Crral ar StUK fur try wotkar. atari yen, fumlifclnr vtmhlnv. KAHN.V, M tVDH.Y U,rnart rAirriCl'LAltS tMLK. Addr.M.t cm,' fcllSkUS ((., 1-UUTLAkli, xmi. COMPOUND EXTrUCTVS The Importance ot purifying the blood can not be overestimated, tor without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and we ask-you to try Hood's n..i Barsaparllla. Ititrengthens rcuuuai ana builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation ot the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Barsaparilla pecul- T" lie-If lar curative cowers. No ' 0 Hoc 1 1 other medicine has sucb arecordol wonderful cures. II you have made up your mind to buy Hood's SarsaparlUa do not be Induced to take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar ueaicine, ana is worthy your confidence, nood's SarsaparlUa Is told by all drugfdstj, Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, llass. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar REAL ESTATE rOH SILK IN BLOOMSBURG. Main Street Desirable bulldlne lot fiOx ail, price $iuu, Fifth Street Houio end Int. honaR renti fcr$S per month, room to bulM several moro bouses. 110 feet front on Fifth Htreel, price 9 1050. Fint Street Frame house. 6 rooms, lot 00x214, price 1J1050. Fourth Street Larzc frame houBe. B rooms 1 101 iwi icet iront on street, price sssgoo. Fifth Street Lurce framo dwelling house. 1 g rooms, oui-Kucuen, uam, nne iruu, etc, oi yuxzuu, price iouu. Main Street Lireei store bulldlne. with I dwelling house on samu lot, corner lot fronting on two streets, price 41X11). Tenant houses and a number ot vacant lots in other parts of the towp, all ot which are tor sale ou easy terms. For further particulars inquire or VYINTKU3TKKN tt UECKLEV, First National Kink liuilding, tt Ulnoinsliurg, t'u, GOOD S A I, All Y ANIUCXI'lt.NNltS PA Ml. Wo want a few moro aon I men to mil our nur. scry products. To energetic and reliable men we win guarantee Liberal Wages and I'ermnnent KmPIOJ-mfnt. rrovlatintinprlpfif-i. i.nt rfvitilrl- Terms and outfit frco. Addroua stating age and enclosing stamp StAHS, HENRY & CO.. 8ENEOA MJItSEItlK'. GENEVA. N. Y 19 Mt. E XECUTOH's NOllUK. Krtat 0 ltttr arou, flVnviiwiI. Letters tegtAmentarr on nalrl (retain liavlnirhfMm granted to tho undersigned executor, all poisons indebted to said oatato ara hcrobr notlaivl to pay tho same, and those havlig claims against said ostato to present the same to UDT JAOOST, Ally, UAVIU UKOSS, ll-18-8t. Executor. SEAL, GARMENTS VOlt HOLIDAY IMtlMKNTri. Capes and Muffs ot Heat, llusslan Bablo, Mlnlc, Heaver, I'erslin, AlasKa riable, Monkey, etc, etc., ot finest quality far below market value. An ox- ttrneueu ui u ;urs uaa usuiuiisiieu lur our nouso bo highest reputation. All goods warranted KCE3SriS"2" SIEDB, 14 West 14th St., New Yorlt City. 19 S it. CORNS BUNIONS Aiiii rosmvLLY cuitEu iiv Mitchell's Core-all Corn & Bunion Plasters. Okh Tnnr, win mako a crlpplo dance for Joy, 80U by I)rogtlt, or sent by mat! for 60c. per box. Novelty l'laftcr Works, Iawc11( Mam. 12-5-41. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! FOB THE BOYS Prices astonishingly low, they never were any lower. :o;- ftl'KJIIift) Bros. PIiolograpBis. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Photographic portraits re touched and modeled for likeness, tosic, and finish. JLife size crayons, fin est grade, a spec ialty. Frames, copying and viewing. HATS, CAPS, OF ALL KINDS. SHIRTS COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. Ill Great Varieties. TRUNKS, VALISES, AND UNDERWEAR, OF ALL KINDS. -:o.- OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! CLOTHING of all sorts for comfort at surprisingly Low Prices. At UDITOH'S NOTICE. Estate of Harriet Ittipert late of tlie town of filoomttnira, deceased. Tho undersigned, an auditor appointed by tbo Orphans' Court ot Columbia County to mak dir. trlbutlon ot tho fund In tno hands Eva Itupert, ud miDisirairix. as appoara uy ucr nnai uuvunui., win alt at bis office In uloomsburir. l'a.. on Saturday. January 3rd, 18U1, at 1 0 o'clock a. in., wlien and where all parlies Interested must present and firove their claims or be debarred Irom participat or in tho distribution ot said tund. a. n. mar, Dec tsf. 1KJ0. Auditor. UDIl OIl'S NOTICE. Sstale of Mam Rupert, late of tlie town of Dtoomt- wtrg, acceaseo. The undcrsltmed an auditor arirjolnted by the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county to make dl trlbutlon or the fund In the hands ot Eva itupert, aoininiSTsmx, as appears Dy ner nnai account, will sit at bis office in llloomsburg, l'a., on Satur day, January 3 J, 1811, at 10 o'clock a. in., wben and where all persons bavlngiclalms against said estate must appear and prove tbo same or be de barred from coming In upon said lund. A. N. YOST. Auditor, L THE RE HAIEB LIABLE CLOTHIER. Spocimcn Copioa ana Beautiful tndar sent Froo. " A'a ether Weekly Paper fitei to great a Variety c-f Entertaining and Inttructhe Heading at to low a price." THIS SUP FREE TO JAN. I, 1891. To any NEW BC1ISG1UBER. wk. will cut out aid .end a. Ihl. .lip with nnme nnd nddrca. nnd 81.75 tin Fottal or Rrpret ifoiwy Ordtr or litgUttred Letter at our rUi we will .end TI1K YOUTH'S COMPANION FREE t. J.D.arr, 1801, nnd for a Pull Yenr from Hint Dnte. Tkla offer Inelnd. th. FIVE DOUI1I.K HOLIDAY NIIMIlEItS for ThRnk.B I vlmr, Chrlatmn., New Year., En.ter and F.arth-r-Jalr, and all lbs Illnalrated Wreltlr Hnpplemrnta. AMreu, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 41 Temple Place, Boston, Maai. WITH $1.75 IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, OIL or YOU WILL FIND MLATTIJVe, CLOTH, A NICE LINE AT BEOWEM'S 2nd Door abovo Court IIoubc. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. HHfljj ElTbKOTOiS Warren Btfw lrricl0cts.HL9 JIPP & PODMOHE every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON 3Tot to gtoULtl Not to Plaoolor I BEARS THIS MARK. BE UP TO THE MARK If TRADE ratSFLLULOlD mark. Pa. with PHILLIPS DOMESTIC BAKERY PORE CONFECTIONS. Wo have commenced as usuul to mako our own candies for tho Holidays, adding a few novel ties since last year. You can tind on our counters a full assortment of Pure Clear Toys, "Our Own" Mixtures, Stick Candies and Tallies in all flavors, besides a very full lino of CHRISTMAS TRT5R OR. W H. BROOKE & CO. The best present you can give your children is to provide them with good books. In this way you can make Christ mas last all the year. We invite you to look at our line of books. i . It s the largest and most varied in Bloomsburg. 2. I hey have all been select ed with the greatest care to meet every want books for boys, books for girls, books for old people, books lor everybody. 3. Everyone who is looking lor the best books will recog nize the advantage of having so complete and varied a collec' tion to select from, Do you admire the writings of E. P. Roe ? They are here at 65c each and selling rapidly at that price. Come and make your selections while they are all in stock. Any books you may want which we do not have in stock we will get for you at the pub; Usher's prices, Our line of fancy goods, AHCllITKCTa, OsTKRHonT. Bdiluino, Wllkeflbarro, Branch Office, Uloomsliurg, l'a., Jno. M. Ulauk, Atl'y. i counsellor. l-Ji-iy DMINIBrnATUrX NOTICE. estate of Euph'mia Robblns, late of Greenwood 7ncnhlp, deceased. Notice Is hereby glventnat letters ot adminis tration c t. a. In tttu Above eacatd nave been granted to the undersigned, and all puUM In debted to BAld estate aro requested to mafce Im mediate payment, and those hating claims to present the same without delay to MAIllAKITCnKN, 12-J-lt. Adm'x., MUlTllle, l'a. TCTOTIOE. "Notice Is hereby elvn that S.imuel A . Smith, of the township ot (Istylnjcroelc. County ot Colum bia ana state ot ronosjivanu, and iieruia i , his vrlle, by deed ot voluntary asslsrnmant of this date, have aliened to B. K. Wilson ot tho town ship of Huntingdon, lu tho County of Luzerne, In trust tor the benefit of tbo creditors ot the said 8amuol A. Hmlth, all the estate ro tl and personal of the silj xamu:l A. hmtth. All persons Indebt ed to the Bald Hamuel A. smith will make Imme diate payment to tua saia Assignee, ana luuso havlngclalms or demands will profit the same without aeiay . novemoer n, isju. k. it. wi Li "i . uhant Uixbimo, Assignee for Sam'L A. smith. Atty. i-ia t. Slicriatrs Sale. NAM.ENTS. Special torms to church C8 and all largo orders. People who look after tho health of their children will buy leather ds and frmebd ;c, v , ..w "" tures nvtes vour attention pure, rnces as low as any for pure gooas, Mail orders receive prompt attention, M. M. PHILLIPS, liIoom8burg, Pa, W. H. BROOKE & CO. S3000: A Y1:AH I IttrndariakatabiUkV lit ih mutt wniiiMi II. A. KEMP, ARTIST, Ilns removttl to Sliives' Block, in rooms formerly oucnuicd by Rosen Block, having Ihcm remodeled and put ting the latest ncceasoriea and back grounds in, and is prepared to do the finest and mont artistic work. CABINETS from 99c to $4 per doz, CRAKON8 5.00 and upwards. A Special Cabinet We Mako. 1 DOZ. CABINETS and ono 10 x 12 PICTURE, ALL FOR $2.50. This offer is only good until J-in. 1, 1891. Remember the placo, ou Main t-treet 2 doors below Iron street, Blooinsbuig, Pa. By virtue of a writ of AU Kl. l'a. Issued out of the Court ot Common I'leas of Col, Co., J'a., and to me directed, there will bo sold in the Sheriff's omce In the Court Home, utoomiburg, l'a., on SATURD Y, JANUARY 3, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain tract ot land situate In Mimin towhshlp, Columbia Ca, l'a., bounded and described as follows, to wlt : North wardly by lands ot John Aten, Ulrara Qruver, El. BchweppeLhelser and pubUo road leading from Malnvllle to itlffilnvlHe; eastwardly by lands of the heirs ot Michael Fetteroif, deceased, south wardly by lands formerly owned by John 11. Yobe and Abraham Bchweppenhelser, westward)- by lands ofBauiuel Knee htapd John Aten, contain ing BEVUNTY-TIIREE ACRES and Fortyfour rerches of Land stict measure, more or less, whereon are erected a two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Hank Uarn and other Outbuildings, A well of water at tho bouse, Belted taken Into execution at tne suit of I), ii. Fetterolf, Adm'r ot Michael Fettcrolf, deceased, uso, versus L. U. ICocbler and to bo Gold as the property of U a Koehler. It. It. Uttle, JOHN D. CASEY, Atty, BherllT. For The Holidays. Life size Crayons and photo graphs. Finest work at M'Killip Bros. SIMPLY ASTONISHING! Any person, yo-insr or old, can road all tho note e in mutio correctly wituin o minutes alter com mencli.g, by- u-lotf Ili-lipu'a JIuale Chart, without anv other Instruction, this we Dosltlvel' guarantee. Fur sale uyalt llrst-class iluslo Deal. erstnrougnouLino uuuea btaics ur manea di rect to your addres on receipt of price, ti.ft). C. J. llEI'l'B bON, 1117 Chestnut BU, l'hlla., Fa. nuv, yr. TRUSTER'S SALE -OP VALUABLlfi haw la sun Ikrao TkiaHaaMil l)HlaT A IftvililbtrwB!iKk)tilM.wlvrfrUf llt.l wtil-lMfttivttli muiiL.1:; ithtr ti.Tounror id,ii4 U iktli ui lcAUiUi.wkivr lkf lit. Aa om (M do tit wcrh, Kuj t ). , i,..,a uaiiuaii. at all aia lima tat th work. TbliUU Ikrtaam M taulmg frwa ft A WfU pr wk vtU ttpwud. Ulrly Um(W And tfti44 wlia bi1 1 trfl NUIJIf.MlHirl m 4U. Auiuila, JUIn( THE COLUMBIAN 18 THE BEST, The undersigned will sell at pubUo i endue on the premises on SATURDAY? DECEMBER 27, at 10 o'clock a m., the following real estuto situ ate In tho vl'lage ot Catawlsaa, Fa., bounded and described as follows: Ileglnntoir in MaL-f ttrcet In said village, at a corner lot marked and numbered No. M.andruunlng'thcDCoby tho eamo southeast 1 210 feet to an alley, thence by sjjd alloy southeast gharplcss, thence by the same northeast 910 feet to said Ualn street, thence by said street north weunafoete Inches to tbo place of beginning, whereon U erected a two story and Outbuildings. Terms cash. GHO, B. ULWKLL, OMINISTK A. 1 1UX NO TICE. Kstateof Trvtn C. Breeee, tqU af BtooinsbMrq. Notice Is herebv riven that letters of admlnls. btulluu ua tun iDtavu w, , nuvt uiwa. w v. vuu town of ill- omskurg. oounty ot Columbia and od to Hannah K. Xreece, ot nioouisDurg, Cot Co., l'a. All persons Indebted to slid estate aro re quested to make payments, and tboie having claims or demands will make known tne same without delay HANNAH K UUKKOH, To J, 11. itosisoM, Administrator, Atty 1M t. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. Rmij Made (CtotMug I Newest Styles, Latest (Omits I Lowest Prices I WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LAEGEST STOCK -OF- Fall and Winter Clothing for Men, Youths' and Children, Ever Brought to This County. Children's Suits of all Styles. Come and Seo for Yourself. We are not offering old stock but they are tho latest goods, just received, and more on the way. Our large store room is filled, and we invito you to call and seo and makeselections from the latest Btyles. Suits sold for $3.50 and upwards. We havo also, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. In our Merchant Tailoring Department wo can furnish you tho Best Goods at Low Prices and guarantee satisfaction Cull at once at CORNER MAIN AND IRON STREETS. OMINIBTH.VTOU'8 IOriUK. estate of Jesse fritt, late of Buaarloaf twp. (Uiid, Notlco Is hereby given thit letters ot admlnls t radon on the estate of Jesse Fritz, late of tne township ot lue.rloat, county ot Columbia and state ot I'eniHvlvanla, deceased, have seen grant ed to J, w. Fritz andd. tj. Frtu, of HugarlOAf, col. Ca l'a., to whom ult grains ludehttd to said m-. tato aru reouebtdl tomato navments. am those having claims or demands; will (nalcn known the or to ' b. ti. PHlTZ. A. U Vm, Atty, Adinr'a. jILKOTION NOTICE, Mutual Insurance Company ot lime Hldge will meet at the Hall of the Centre urange, r. ot II., In centre township, Columbia county, l'a., in Mon day, January li lDJi, between the hours of 10 a. and s p. m.. tor the purpose ot electing directors for the emulng tear, and lor transacting suoh other business as may properly come lietora said company. BAUyiil, NKVKMII), uccretary. 1 DMINISTIUTOU'B NOTICE. SsUiU of John llerrlng, late of Orange tirp. deo'd. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the tslato ot John Herring, late of Urange township, Col. Ca, l'a., deceased, have been granted to A. II. Herring, of Orange twp. Col. Ca l'a., to whoia all personslndebted to sail e. uaiiuk ciiuua ur ueumuus same without delay to m-4U Administrator, payment, and those w4 srwfiaasrs. BVPSOIUPyOIf TUB OOLVMDUN, cr. C3-. G WELLS, JO Bo suro and look at tho display of JEWELRY, WATCHES, &c. Finest lino in tho County, boforo purclining yont Xnias PRDSI3NTS. HAVE Y0UH EVES FITTED FREE OF CHARGE AT J. G. WELLS'. AM, GLASSES GUAUANTEKI) TO FIT. Propared to turn out fmo Watch and Jowolry Work of all kinds on short notico, All work giuirantecd, i k k i i k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers