I COLUMBIAN AND DEMOuEaT. BLOOMSBUltG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, TA. THE WORKS MADNESS. B How Jealousy Acts Upon the Human Mind. CASE OP SA1U1I ANN Sl'MULLKN. Bhe Throw Tito Children from n llrldg-e Deenme Sho Hated the Mother of Ono of Tlicni IMrlil Greevcr'i Fate The llrlnckerhorf Scantliel. There Is n, word to conjttro with n word to call up tho active and mnllgnnrit glicxrU SAIUII AHTf M MULLEN. Beprwluooil from Tho Buffalo Express. of every evil thought or thlun that over brought anguish to tho brain of a wronged or orercrcuulons tinman bring. .Toolonsyl Bometlniea it culminates in mnrder; BOinetimes In scandalous litigation. Often It is causeless, but in Ukj larger number of instances H Is based upon tho shamofnl foundation of detected wrongdoing. The BtratiRest and most shocking case of jealousy that has come to public notice In recent days Is that of Sarah Ann Mo Mullen, n girl 17 years of ago, residing nt Akron, N. V. It seems that this young woman, whoso occupation was that of a domestic servant, had conceived a wild, unreasoning and unreciprocated passion for her employer, n man of the name of Conners. This passion took the active and Insane form of Jealousy of Mrs. Conners, and to show her hatred of her unoffending mistress tho McMullon girl one day not long ago beguiled to n trestle bridge Mrs. Conners' daughter Ella, aged 11, and her little playmate, Delia Brown, aged 0. It is not known that she had any grudge against the Brown girl, who seems to have been tho chnnco victim of a crazy woman's freak, but be that as it may, Miss McMul Ien, after enticing tho children to the cen tral part of the trestle, throw them to the bed of the creek, soventy feet below. She then returned to tho village, bode good-by to her friends and going to another bridge Jumped off with suicidal intent. Her con tact with cold water evidently brought ber to her senses. At any rate, sho called for help and was rescued unharmed. The Conners girl was killed by her terrible fall, but, remarkable to relate, tho Brown child received no in- D. A. ORBEVKC CTJABLE3 CLIFTOIU). Jury save from shock. It is almost super fluous to add that Miss MeMullen is now a urisoner charcod with murder. Equally traglo Is tho case reported from Kansas City. David A. Greever was a wealthynnd well known stockman of that place who hod figured of late in various sensational proceedings, chief among which was a divorce suit Instituted by his wife. One afternoon recently he went to the Hotel Andrews and entered the apart ments occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Cuarles Clifford. Mrs. Clifford was nlono at tho time, and, as Bho declares, received insult ing propositions from her visitor. While tho two were engaged In excited conversa tion Mr. Clifford entered and attacked Greever. Tho latter ran Into the hall, fol lowed by the lrato husband, who fired three shots at tho fleeing stockman, all of which reached their mark, and from whose effects Mr. Groover soon afterward died. The Cliffords hnvo been held by a coro ner's jury on a ehargo of murder, and it I will remain for a trial to decide whether the killing was inspired by jealous wroth or was the culmination of a ratile attempt at blackmail. Mrs. Clifford's story of tho tragic affair, as told by her to a reporter for ono of the Kansas City papers, has somo dramatlo touches about it. Sho claims that while sitting by tho window reading there was a knock at tho door and she told "Come in." Mr. Groover, to wham she had been introduced by Mrs. Boll, tho landlady, and whom she nod met several times at the table, entered, and throwing mrs. cilaiius curvonD. bis hat and overcoat on tho lounge, stepped np close to ber. "Whv.-Mr. Groover." sho exclaimed, "whom do you wish to soo, Mr. Clifford or met"' .11 . .. nm. r .1 .tnnn ' ' clir. MIT, I tlullli tJ OW f VU, ...VJU, www -"-J " bo replied, and added, "I've beeu waiting to see you for some tlmo." "Go away," she told htm, "for my hus band may come In any minute." "I don't care for your husband," he re plied; "I am as big as you and him put to gether." Suddenly there waa footstep In the hall outside and a hand tried the door knob. Mrs. Clifford beliovod It was Iter 4-yeor-oM boy, and was not undeceived till ad beard a steD on tho balcony outside the open window, and tho next Instant her iioaband leaped into the room. "Why," she says bo exclalmod. "Is this the way you treat mo when I am awayf Belle, who's that manr' "Don't accuse me, Charley, before you bear it nil," Bhe answered. This man nuna into mv room and locked the door." Before she had flnishod her explanation Groover had grappled with Iter husband, who was trying to draw a pistol, but tho bitter was too quick and fired a shot, whea Groover unlocked tho door and darted into Oin hall, close! v followed by Clifford, pistol In hand. JIo fired twice moro at the flee big man, while being held by Bartender Vafiin. Mrs. Clifford sank Into a rookar, 1 1 .111 ... 1, . . Iinokalid rO. entered, and then she explained to him OOW lireewr cams into ute rtxMii. still talkinc to him," she said, Viton a policeman came and Charley gave htm his pistol and surrendered and was tnJtfi. awav. I don't know how bad that mau is shot, but I hope he will die; he de serves to for acting toward me as he did. Why, I didn't know 1dm at all, only as a boarder, Mrs. Hall introduced him to ras tu her room, and in tho two weeks we have been hero 1 met him only nt incai ume.-- Tbo scene nt Oreovort i deatibed i was wrrowful one. Uy his mcwboou vne wus .-.mi fn i rirux ttv nia nriH kumju uia wiio from whom bo had Dean emrancea wmn no maoa uto iuuuwiuu iiuio-iuuriu r - This was a blackmailing scheme. I drove up to tlio Hotel Andrews this alter- pooa with CeorRB ICoeJc or Uio Jflsh et lUsck. Commlsslou comjeaiiy, and Vtsd ftttntcr. We went Into tho saloon and federal sotne cocktails. Then I wont tip ftata Into the hotel whOo the two mm fnr mi T aniaiail f ii rn Itf it " . F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTE R nKAT.ER IN mm Tin Roofing a Specialtyt KSTIliATKS FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINK. Fiiet door Blomsburg Opora Homo WHAT SCOTT'S CONSUMPTION 80ROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS GOLDS Waiting Btouti EMULSION CURES Wonderful Plash Producer. Many have mined ono pound BOOtVi jumuiaion is not a aeon Smedy. It contains tho gtlmulat g pi pcrttea of tho Hypophoi phltas nd pure Norwegian Ood Liver OH, tho potanoy of both belnff largely iBOtaased. It b used by P hyBlolanfl mil over tho wortd. PALATABLE A8 MILK. Sold bv all Jruaalt OOTT&BOVtfNOMmleU.MV. " If pop had blanketed you in the stable you would be fat, too." FREE Gal from your dealer free, thr 51!ook. It has handsome pictures find valuable information nliout horses. Two or tlireo dollars for a 5yi IiurM Blanket will mako your horse worth more and cat leis to keen warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test Ask for1 30 othor stvlcs nt prices to suit every. body. If you can't eet them from vour dealer, writo us. ANKET5 ABE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHC IVA LABEL SlanulM by Wa. atxes a Sonb. Phn.iria.s who mil:') I iii famous Horse Brand llaker iuankett. This Trado Mark Is on TUB Best WaterDroof Goat In the world. W BKatf won't Tfr llln.tratert ratalorr l, J. Toymf , Bottom. mum PACKAGE PRORHARniS' PASTILLEy "OR THE CURE OF WEAK MEN (VITALLY WEAK). Midi lot-yto cioti application U itiDti or itudrt latere mental (trait or grief) KKXIAIt kXTKHblCH la raid Jl life, er If lout tttluconinctd lorvuth. uirav tar ii irk vutimsio miivoiii dkbility.. nUHlV mtn t-AUUrniOV .UMlKUMiakSfcBh. 1H. YULLkTiltY U3sm will. fciULY ItlClT la 1 III' ft II u. )! liUt ldk.U luk tf Tim, vlior(t.4 itrttith,lthiulorgi I ltaplrd tnd wtakcneJ itapira kba wtatcnea pr.rn.tii.rciv m pprUbiBg ) nit tutitru uir ou nunc wimt from knowudi THIGH HL OH I UUncf rfcimiXkftT rksiltm nd mMi treated o4 eured a in. t twelf yeeri. V4 UB CSOIAJBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES. L'rniii oJ.r .1,111 d.,.rl.l iBVaiTULI mtn. V n IMUi" men, 7eum or old, lunerlng frem tble rrtTelent treutle eboutd ee&d their eddreti we cea ferelii ameitlaBe toLetn.varad. thet we tua, knew the true eeadlttaa e, hci ease aan prepare noeui.ta .a .m a prempi eare. Lae.ud 1b New Terh (after IS leare at St. UeUJ. we hffer all a ebaaee ta he eared be the celebrated Pejtllte TreatBeat. THE HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists. 03 BEEBTMAN STREET. NEW YORK. TTTTTH.ir W mVM.Ui II I m-MJ.M.1 t-Ht-I-M T T3 Clf TITlr-r St r.r O. XL -l.VJ.A. J. A, J. W. VW UMITKU. MILTON, Pa., DI1LXB3 IS PIANOS, By thor ollowlug wellknown makerit LslliCKCrillg, ICu'abc Weber, Hallct & Dnvi. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers . j,n . . a ha, 5A f . .i iii.. i tiu-o. jjm uu " i"""" 1 or o fCtllllr our priceo, n ' . ewe a Catalogue and Price Lists On application. rlK P-S 1.000 IWArtD EfMi wrtlti Will HOT wour r-n thk Vr c A Jr Tk II ol IM a .lnirljlttlih .4Jt Wi.Ttcn, hi- i A'it Cminawahc ' Old ukct Will. Wit. Vartttth fit t.e nri Umt ulrii Cdasm and ON ? "V raWV n. too proprietress ortne House, una wan act in, andlthoro saw Mrs. Clifford, wire ol the man who shot mo. I asked Mrs. Clif ford where Mrs. Ilall was, and she said she was out and asked me to come in and have a seat. Kl EXXIUXTTA. BRIXCKKItnOTT. "I did so. We talked for a few minntes, and I then started to go a war. When she insisted upon my staring I said, 'No; mjr thne is up, and 1 must ro.' Just then Clifford stepped Into the open window, re volver In hand, and said, Ton , throw up your hsndsf I said, 'No, I won't throw up my hands..' Clifford then fired the shot which struek me in tho back, and fired four other shots. I think the whole thing was a blackmailing scheme planned by a man named Charles Fagin and another named Smith. I can account for it in no other way except that they wished to get monoy out of me." It now remains, as said before, for the courts to decide whether Clifford's mnr derons net was that of an insanely jealous husband or of a baffled blackmailer. A snit for divorce, apparently the result of mutual distrust and lack of domestic harmony, is now pending in New York dty. The plaintiff is Mrs. Henrietta Brinckarhoft, who seeks her freedom on l statutory grounds. Iler husband. Daniel D. Brinekerhoff, has recently filed aa an nrsr to his wife's sworn charges, In which 1 he accuses her ot the most shocking mis I conduct. If half the allegations advanced .by either party to the salt are proven when the case comes to trial the affair will ob ttain permanent fame in the records of legal scandals. A JIoeln.Tnmsad Xtog. Hallway Jack" was only a dog. Yet his death the other day at the Rood old J age for a dog ot U years excited much BAILWXY JACK, attention, for "Jack" was a noted traveler, and had interested many. Ills owner was Mr, F. G. Moore, a statlonmaster at Lewes, England, and after the dog had token a few trips on tho rail lie became passionate ly fond of it, and would travel far, always returning to his master, however. All the railroad men knew him and gave him free passage, and Lady Brassey was so interest ed in him that she introduced him to the Prince and Princess of, Wales and other notabilities, lie possessed three "presen tation" collars and a silver medal, and was a universal favorite with railroaders. Weary of the World. Suicide seems to be temporarily epidemic in Europe. Trom Et Petersburg there comes a thrilling story of a professor of baadldne who took poison in the very act of lecturing to his class; while in Paris the daily number of cases of self murder is said to range from twelve to eighteen. Nor is there forthcoming any scientific ex planation of the phenomenon of tho sort in which the late Mr. Buckle took delight. In the spring Parisians who are tired of Ufa mostly drown themselves in the Seine; in' the autumn they prefer to asphyxiate themselves by means of charcoal fumes. That U all the statisticians have to tell us. What is the real cause of this alarming predisposition to Belt murder whether it is due to religious doubts and difficulties, to compulsory military service, or to the wetness of tho so called summer of 1830 in Europe is a question which for the pres ant remains unanswered. OOLUUBIAOOUNTT TBAOHEHS' 1B8TI- TUxxi Tho next annual. Teaohera' Institute of Columbia County will ho held in tho Upeia House, at liloom-uurtr, la, obmmencing Monday, December lfitb, at i.uu r. xu ami closing l' riday noon, December 19th, INSTRUCTORS, Hon. D. J. Waller. Jr.. ount. of Publio Instruction, Address; Dr. Jer ome Alleu, of Now York City, History school Uoverhment, I'svohology; Prof. ftl. U. Urumbauib, of Hunt ncdon.Pa. Instructloni Sunt. J. S. Walton of Vr;)A,n p. Tout . TJ.f T T Welsh, of Bloomsburg, l'a. Instruction; Mrs. Alma Sager Welsh, of Blooms burg, I'a. Headinct Mies Amelia Arm I Strong, of liloomsburg, Fa. Tho Object 01 uur woric Urowtnj jsiibs Alildrea K nlrr. nf lilnmnalinrrr l'rt f4trmnnfiltr.a. Prof. Wm, Noetling. of Bloorasburg, 1 l'a. mho Keiatlon ot l'syobology to ToaobirjL'i Prof. J. Goo. Beclit, of Munoy, Pa. History! Prof. Hahib Ged die, oi Northumberland, Pa- Instruo- I .' . nj-a rm . a-. lion; rroi. uope, oi uioomsuurg ra. AriUtmftllr., Prnf O V. Will.nr nl BIoomRburrr Pa Civil Govornmond I Prof E T Uichardson, ofBerwffl Pa. Color Teaohinci Prof O. II. Al- I berl. of Bloomsburir. Pa. GeoaraDhv. I . . J ' . . a ' Moral Uulture; lrot. J. i llatktns, ot BloomsbniR. l a. Memorvt Miia Annie Miller, of Bloomsburg, Pa. Soloist) Prof. Wm. B. Hall, of Lanoastcr, l'a, Musio Director and Soloist. SVKN1HO ENTERTAIN II BNTS. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Exercises o commeuce at 7:45. ' AIONDAV JiVBNINO.e HOlO, MISS An hie Miller i Lecture, "Tho Hero Rrcog Hired and Unreoocnizcd," Iter. Cbaa. T. 8teok. ToECDAYEvEHma.Bolo, l'rof. Wm. B. Hall i Recitation, MrB. Alma Sacor WeUh j Lotnre, "Tbe 8aoy Side of LlMe, Ut. J BlllCll llCQiey. I'll W.4&-A ' I i i n i v i in i ti. i f. ; , ' hil .a 1 117 tli! knd it if X caq'I it1'.. . .t Meigs Sislnrs t Impersonator, John T iHiuor. TtitmsiiAr ISvKNiNti. Solo. Miss An. nlo Miller Solo, 1'rot Win. 11. Hall i llcoitalron, ftlM. Urnnt Ilrriilir : Iica- lure, 'Tho Hoy of To drty," Mrn. Mary A. Jjivormoro. Admission 25, 35 ami 50 conta. TiokoU for tho Oourno $1.00. lie aorvbd scat for tho Conrco $1.50. Tho onrollmcnt card (price $1.00) will on- into too bearer to a reserved scat for tho oolirso of lectures. Every other row of scats will bo ro- served' for tho teacher. Tho publio oan purohaao and reserve Boats at Dontlcr'n any liuio after 10 a. m. Deo. 12, Teachers can enroll nny limo after 0.30 n. in. Decembor 15. Itio law no iv requires all sohools to bo oloaed during Instiiuto Wouk, and also provtuis mat the leacnors must bo paid for time actually spent in at lendmco at tho institute. Every teacher is expected to bo present tho entiro week. To roceivo pay for Mon day teachers must bo present Monday afurnoon. The Address of Weloomo will be de livered by Itov. D. J. Waller, Sr. at i.au p. m. HernonBcs by Prof. J. V, llarklns. John It. Townsend, Esq. and Prof. G. Hi. Wilbur. DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION. . Thursday is named as Directors' Day. It is desired that every school board in tho county bo woll represent' rd. DireotorB will please moot in tho new publio sohco'. bnilding, Blootnburg Thursday, December 18tb, at 9.30 a. m. where tho lollowmg Bubjects win bo discussed. "How to eccuro and retain moro first class professional teachers 1" J. Iv. Bitteubender ; "The demands of tho schools in tho rural districts," G. Y. Mourey ; "Datics of School Directors to protect and carofortchool properly," Samuel Hidlay ; "Tho duties' of School D.rcctors respecting School Hygiene," T.J Swisber, M. D. All are invited to tako pait in the discussions. In tho afternoon a joint meeting of Teachers and Directors will bo held in the Opera House where addresses will be delivered by Hon. C. G. Murphy, James C. Bro'wn, Esq , Dr. Jerome Allen, and Supt. J. 3. Walton. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend tho sessions of tho insti tute. W. C. JOHNSTON, . County, Supt. Note. Tho?. Metherell's Orchestra will render music for all evening enter tainments. Eveijttdcg lae Palled- I am now 28 ears old, and from tbo timo I was seven years of age until 1885. 1 suffered with a severe case Of Scrofula. Daring this time I took every known remedy, .but to no pur pose. My tatho- took mo to .North Uaroiini, wnero 1 was put under the treatment of an eminent physician 1 no medicines given me bad only a I temporary effect, for shortly sfter my return the scrofula broke out in a moro malignant form, and I was worso off than ever before. In 1885 I discontinu ed taking ail other medicines and com menced taking Swift s Specific (S. s. a. I took a number of bottles and it cured me. I haVe been free f torn Scrofula from that time until now. T. A. Sizemoue, Piedmont, S. C. RESTORED IIKR HEALTH. For 25 years 1 suffered from Bulls, Erysipelas, and other blood affections; taking during that time great quanti- I.: .. e T rr . . l . i . I lies ui uiuureni meuiumes wiuiuuv deriving any perceptible relipf. Friends induced me to try awiit s Spouilio (S. S. 8.) It improved me from the start. ana alter taking several bottles re stored' my health as far as I could hope tor at my age, wlnou is now 75 years. Mrs! S. M. Lucas, Bowling Greou, Ky. I Treatise on Blood and skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, a a. MBS. GLADSTONE'S K1HDKES8- HOW TI1K GREAT STATESMtNS WIFE TREATED A I'RKTTy AMERICAN OlRt.. A pretty American girl recently called upon Mrs. Gladstone at her Lon don1 home. She carried a moBt favor able letUrof introduction as a mem ber of a well-known American family. Her brigutnes and sparkle attracted tno wife of thq great' linclisli states man, and for an entire afternoon and ovoning Bbo lived in tho Gladstone household. She confessed to Mrt. uiaditouo mat nor visit nau a purpose that of writing an article on luo nome Hfe of her hostess for aa American magazine. Uut, my dear, said flirt". Uiadstone, 'your people are interested in Mr. Gladatono; they do not know me.'' 'inat is lust why 1 camo, repl.ed the girl, "iu order that Am6'rioans may learn a littlo-moro of ynu." At tno tea table, Air. Uladstone joined with his wife in entertaining the Amunoan giri, and low were ever given a hotter opportunity of seeing tho uiadstone ncme-itre. The quiet part which Mrs. Glad stono has plajcd in tho career of her famous husband is known to only n few. While thousands of articles haye been written of Mr. Gladstone, none of an authoritative character huvo been printed of his wife. Even her por I trait is seldom seen in tho uogiisn I shops ; rarely in tno prints. Sho has (ilutnfa fnlr thnt nnlilwi itiloroot in Vinr .w.. . r - own country and aoroea tbo eea was centred in ber husband, and in order I that his creatncBA rnifilit stand out moro stnkwcly, eue has taoh year fur ther retired from pulilio view. A froehncis will, therefore, attach itself to tho story "A Day with Mr. Glad stone," as it will be told by her bright I XunS n. J. Ji0 Journal, of Philadelphia, daring tho oomini! year. Tbis article will be ono of tho series of "Unknown Wives of Well-known Men." wbieb this ex- oollont mauazino will oontain dur- inB 1891 Gold Waves. Aro nredicted with reliable acouraoy, and people liablo to tho pains and acnea oi rneumaiiem ureau every ohango to damp or stormy woatber. Sarsapartlla is not claimed to bo a posilive (pecifio for rheumatism, the rtmarkauio cutos has afft'oted show that it may bo takeii for tbis complaint with reasonable certainty ot benefit. Its ao lion in neutralizing the acidity of the blood, which is the oatino of rheumatism constitute, tbo secret of the suocos of Hood's Sarsapirjlla. If yu suffer from rheumatism, give Hood's Sareaparilla a lair trial) it will ao you gopu. FOR MEN ONLY! or LOtltr yill inu kaniioodi .rtjaudHtavousDesixiril Weexneeiof 8odr4Miae, ES.tU oirrereaT aixaeea. la uiaor iiur, I a l 1 Meveaaaa raeela CiitUt. rfrtutkai. N THE GREAT German Remedy! TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. tnr Mioro tlenihly nillousHDellmlciientl l,(wo will I'O in for A maa n here onSm.riiiriilllTrKR I'lUIR ISTTEim will It will ruro veil. tot at nt or cure. 11 never fAlls. Q ln you euuemith I lun.urcuanuaugoiH Cleanse tho vltlatoU ICC11HRJ II BO ( UBV mrt.rnun itiTTEua: hlood when you sec is impurities uiirr.1 nit throujth tho skin ltl'lniiilcs.lllotches, tt will euro yoils 1 I Inrrntlvt'l tt Ik) arc inil Unrfn. llplv on ETlrhn mllla nml wnrk SULTIlUn rilTTKRS, ihoj clerks,wlifttlo not procuro suDlclcnt exercise, nml nil who are conOnod Indoors, should HBO miLi-ntm BITTER".. They will tmi ncaita win ioi low. Hiii.i'iiuH JtirrKus TUlcure MTcruom' ninint. non'i xs 4iis anil Uslrklr. 1( Ttni tlo notwleli MIILI'IIUII IIITTKK9 trUlbulMjrou uplimt mnkn you strong and tosulTerrrom Khetim nUsm, nso a liottlo ol scli'iiur nirrrnsi It never fulls to cure ncnuny. HiiLPiiuit Hitters m Duu t ikj wiinuut n iwlli mnko yourbloot. Whnttln. Trv.it I vol) pure, ncn nnu Birony, will not reirrrt It. vim yourncsn nana. TnlTTuTlritTcHtyUe 'lry a II ti-1 1 mi liir.j health, who are nil run ilown, should use rEiis in niEiii. nnu you will loop well Slir.rillTH 1 IfTTFlt1 inn rori ititct roru. Do rou want tho licet Mcillesl Work published? Bend s S-rcnt stamps to A. I'. oitDWAr CO Boston, Jlass., ana iccclro a cqpy, free. FOR TORPID LIVER. A terplH layer 4 irui wbole srae m. and prodntes Siok Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There'll no better remedy fortbes .ornnoai dls.as. Shan Toll's Llrer PlU, sua trial niUprore. Price, 5e Sold Evory where. lilsil;T,lsfMffiM I'lUI.AUKI.rlllA.t'A. Kao at oiico, no operation or lussof time from buMncus. Causrronouiieeilln. cuntiiitj uy titimrs winteu. tretia for lltruliLr. VURt GUARANTEED, omximoa; Oct. Q 0' IIAini" ft0,T UTilo. tier He VUlllh porUmit of Mr uirrt Mi wrllfii Wai tt work on lrm (m Tj'iO month i I noiv n f jrcncf ir E. C. At leu h. Ca'i album and tiul.11. tlotn nd oilen mh ri-O, & 6ar.' (Sirned) W. II. UAgKisor. WlllUnt Kllnc, Itarrl.burr, ft writes 1 "I ntvrr known an7tl.1i.ff to icll likt your aUiiito. YMtcrdaj I look r-nlcrt rnough t Nt n over W. j. t.i. nor, Bangor, SUM writ en "I cruer ior yonr iiuum tt .almoit overj house 1 Ull. ! rroBiiionenaamucliaiQivu r a alnrla daxawotk." Olfaara ara doina; qalta aa w1l hava not anata to a-Wa ;racta fYom their Ictltra. Kvrrv him who takaa hold ofthla irrand Lualncaa .la up a;rand profit. Sliull we- start YOU in this business. itli-r? Write to ol and Icara ait about It for yourself. Wa tt(Urtliirnianri wa will atart you tf vou don 1 delav nniil lutvihirteia ahead of Ton In vonr Dart of thocoutitrv. If von take Ituld ou will ba abla to pick up rold fast. 07ICiMit- tin account of a forced manufacturer e ule iS.,OOIr let, ttolliir lhotoiiritli Alhiima aroto baaolrl tntbe K-uple for 19 each, ltuund In Horel Crlman Bilk Vctm lu.b. Chemilnrlr decorated lo.ldee. II.Bdeome.t album. In the world. Larrcet Site. Oreatett batraln, ever known. Arcnlt wanted. Liberal terma. Sir mnnevfiir aecat.. 1b, .nan. ,beceri- a auccea.lUl eeenL Belle lleelf on eight little, or ac 'talking iterreearr. Wherever abown. eecry one wante to liur. ehaee. Agrnle take thoo.ande of ordere wllb rapidity neeer befirfckuown. Ureal proSle await eeery worker. Agenls ara making fununea. tedletmeke at much at men. You, reader, et n do ee well aa any one. full Information and term. Tree?, to lane, who write for earae, with partlcalarB and tcrmeforoar caiiir uiuica, uooae ana renoaicaie. Alter Tou know all. .(MUdoa eonclnue to go no further, woe no barm la doaa. Addreae ic . ALLKS A 00, AcouaTA. XAUta Jan. ls-w-ly. w .-l.J salesmen (or our Cholco Nursery allljCUstock. Salary and expenses or commission paid. Fine outllts. Low prices V. ClikeaCO., Nurserymen, Koohester, NY I Oneofth s iii:stti lUt the Morltl. Our tacUitiaaara unmmvliHl. and to introdueaout uperior Kooda wawill aandrtts to ore ijtKSOW tn each locality ) aaabova. Only thoao who writa m too at oncaran tnaka aura ot H lha cbanta. AUyoahaTatodola e return la to ahow onr (ooda U tboia who call your nelRhbora and thoaa around yon. The bo "rtnnlajr of tbla adtertiaetnent i.Mi tha email and of the lala aeop. TUt foUowtnf cot tfrt Ik appaaranea of U radactd la about tba fiftlatb part of Itabolk. It U a trend, double alia tela, eopf.aalarfoaa iaaaiy to carry. Wa wUleleoehow yon how you ran ntaka rroin 93 to til 1 0 a day at Heat, from tka al4Jt,witb- tat etperUace. Hatter write at once. e pay ai JUJi, U. IULLKTT CU Boi H HO, 0 DEAF up it it h. urn iflitrt tDatrito I I'eck'i INVISlliLK TUSULAI IAI f UiUifllt. WhlJMrfl be&nL Com. fartabla. h.Mt.rel where all Cawadleerall. Seldky t. Ill SCO I Mly, tJHlJr'ana.keirlerlu VTrHefer aek ef freotariUJU 12 5 d4t. K IPP & FODMORK. AR0HITECT3, Ostkeuout Duildinq, Wllkesbarrc, Pa. Rrarjcli Office, nioomsburc, Pa., with Jko. M. CLAitK, Att'y. i& Counsellcr. l-siaiy PENSIONS FOR ALL. TUB OLD KELIA1ILK AGESOY. WB NKVKK FAIL OF SUCCESS. Recent acts ot Consress extend the benefits ot the pooslin laws to all Disabled soldiers, no mat ter whether th"lr disabilities were Incurred In the army or since discharge. Kvery somiern wmow, who uas lq woriv lor a living, and tm minor children, and the parents ot all unmarried volunteers who died in the service, It now In need, can get pensions. Address with stamp lor return postage, li. L. KUE11II AllT, Aiijtvtuavr, 1M4-K, Beaver Falls, lloaver Co., I'a. GHA.TEFUL COMFOHTINQ. EPPS'S COCOA. liuisArit'Aar. liy a thorou2b knowledge ot the natural law whlcu govern tho operations ot dlgeuioa and nutrition, and by a careful application ot tbe ttoe properties of wcll-selocted cocoa. Mr. Epp. nns irovlded our breakfast tables with a delicately lavored beverace which may save us many hoavy doctors' bills, it Is by the ludlclous use ot such articles 01 uiet mat a constitution may oo graaua). ly built up until strong enough to resist every ten. dency to dUease. Uundredd ot subtle maladies are Boating around us re tdy to attack: wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape many a tatal shaft by keeping oursolves well tortiacl with pure blood and a properly noumhed frame."-CleI i'eTrta! QaieM. Made simply with boiling water or milk, sold only in nau pound tins, oy urocers, I labelleyl thus: JA.1IIM Itl'l'S vfc CO, , llomoonatblo Che ulsts, London, England. 11-21-lt. FOR Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Excels amtemed lorths rinldeura nl Hani Coldj,Coujh, Hide Bound, YellowWtler, Fcvtr, uinemper, sort sna wcik Eret. Lung Ftter, I Coitlreneit, Dlotchei, and all d ?UXWJ! oinicuiim.il.- Will relieve tr,db,tkt WPPA MANUFACTURINQ CO., LYONS, N. Y. it i 8-21-00-r.ly, OFALLPLASTERS Rjior many yeai used ana pre-SIJ SvSscilbed by l'hyilclans, but on);) I recently introduced cencully. t DR.CROSVENOR.'S 5P ripellcapsics rr The best l'orouj Platter madeSop l-.SUnlike other tlatteri.so be auietli rana get ine genuine win ititr tuie ot a bell on the back-dothJ KOSVENOK& K1CUABIM, llOStOn U-21-d-lt, Ms Pills r Jtl riiiri3 com m '411 S 4 RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Tt.OOJ18UUJtU&BULLlVAN It. It. Taking effect MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 18W. BOUT1I. NOItTII. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS, r. h. r. m. i.h. i.w. r. u. r. u. nieomKtiure.. ...... S3 12 10 1 15 s 35 t 83 40 .Main street...... is n in 7 U7 s 41 j 4a 8 47 DO t IU) 7 M ironaaie o m n ii i ui u a u rapcrJIIll 08 U M 8 & 8MIM UBIUBtroeU. 06 11 49 J M 8H1M orangoTllle 67 11 88 41 Oft s 07 1 10 rxirKS,. o o 11 i o da v 10 a it 7 SO T SI 7 Zsner's 5 42 11 II 3 1 9 80 S 20 ttl IWSter 0 87 11 lv 6 S3 V 27 3 25 Uouton. 6 28 11 0D 8 18 9 87 S 33 I 89 tuiiioun,. d w 11 in a 11 i 0 aa 1 11 uolesureek, t SO 11 03 09 u 41 8 42 1 49 SUgaMOat, 6 18 11 67 8 03 9 48 8 48 7 I! UuDacne,.. 6 U 10 61 6 CO 9 68 8 50 7 67 Central. B OS 10 43 6 63 10 03 4 00 8 07 i&mison uity,... b uu iu 40 e hj iu iu 4 os 9 10 i.t. I.T. jut. ar. ar. Ar r. m. i. x. a. v. 1. x. r. x. r. x. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOIITU, r. x. r.x. a.x, A. X. NOBTUUUSBRLAND B 40 1 60 10 00 8 16 10 15 6 80 ICamoroa 8 65 Chalasky...,, 1019 USUTIUO Dm catawlssa (23 2 11 3 B0 t S9 2 41 10 96 6 41 10 43 6 68 llupert o so liloomsburg 6 88 Espy. 6 41 Llrne Ulda.. 860 willow Urore. 6 61 Brlarcreek 6 69 Berwick to5 10 M 7 05 10 57 7 12 11 05 7 20 11 12 T S! 11 16 781 1120 7 as II 21 7 42 1131 7 49 2 69 Ileacn IlaTcn 711 .... IIlCK'SFCrrT 718 .... 1133 7 66 11 48 8 06 11 59 8 17 12 06 S 21 HUlckshlnuy , 7 80 3 20 lluniock's. 7 43 .... I Nantlcoke, 7 60 ATondile 7 64 3 36 i'ii 12 10 Plymouth 7 69 Plrmoutb Junction 8 0.1 Kingston 8 08 llennctt.... 8 19 M<oy 8 17 Wyoming s 21 West rutston 8 27 Huston . 8 83 Lackawanna fi 40 1215 8 83 12 20 8 89 12 27 8 41 8 63 12 31 8 49 12 83 S53 4 03 4 06 4 11 12 40 8 68 12 49 9 03 12 53 9 09 101 917 109 9 25 Taylorville. 8 48 .... ueuevue. 864 .... SCRAMTON. 9 00 4 SS 115 DO 120 9 86 r.x. r.x r. x. r, x STATIONS. bOTJTn. a. x. A. X. 950 963 10 00 10 01 1016 10 22 10 27 1030 10 34 1033 10 43 10 47 10 6t 10 65 1102 11 12 1122 1131 11 40 ii'5'6 11 51 12 01 12 09 1212 19 17 12 82 r. x. r. x I SCSANTOH 6 10 153 6 20 ueuoTue. s is .... 23 ITaylorTllle 6 20 Lackawanna 623 I'lttston..... 6 83 9 02 6 30 2 10 6 87 218 6 46 2 24 8 66 229 653 .... 6 69 west iittston e 43 wyomioc..... 6 47 Maltby 6 61 uenneiu s 05 Kingston 6 63 Plyinoutb Junction. 7 os Plymouth. Tio Avondale 714 Nantlcoke.... 719 2 87 7 03 2 40 7 07 2 45 712 9 60 716 2 65 7 21 2 69 7 26 3 06 7 43 3 20 7 63 unmock's 7 26 Shlckshlnny 7 87 nick's Ferry 7 63 Beach Haven 8 01 3 31 8 07 3 40 3 47 853 3 57 402 4 09 4 15 4 22 4 29 4 46 454 6 00 515 8 l 820 uerwick 8 07 Briar Creek 8 18 WlUaw drove. n 1 rt 27 8 81 Ltmeltldge 8 20 spy. 826 8 35 8 41 uioomsourg 8 82 HuDert.... ssr 8 47 8 62 8 67 915 Catawlssa 8 42 Dantllle 8 67 Chulasky Camoron 9 07 NOBTnCUDRKUND 9 22 12 41 12 63 r. x. 9 23 9 45 A. X r.x. r.x, Connections at Hunftrr. torlt.h Philadelphia Iteaainir Kallroan rnr Tamsnori Tnninnt amanend, Tamaqua, Wilt Io1,uuuuij, lubbjviliu uw. At iuri.tiutu berland with p.4lt Dlv. P. tt. tt. lor llarrtsDura, Look liaren. Emporium, Warron, Corry, and Brie, irmut. warrua, uorry, ana 11 . V. HAMrBAD, Oen. Man., n. Soranton. pa, Pennsylvania Railroad. " 11x11 Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Oxl TIME TABLE. in eneot Novua. ieso. Trains leave sunburj aaua noiiu, KJUS fa. HI. Trntn 1A flltllv errant U.tnan or iiamsburg and intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia s.16 f. m. Hew York 5.50 p. m.; Baltimore, 3.10 p. m.; rVashsngton 5.65 p. m., connecting at PMIadelpiiia tor all beu nuure points, rasseoger oaaehes "to rniuael- nhtr. H,i,in,nM . .. 2:23 p.m. Train a any except Sunday),for narrlsbarg and lnterme- tuai,tj ttnabtous, arriving at jruuaaeiDn v.1,0 p. in. new York, 10.85 d. m. : Baltimore 7.10 p.m.; Washington, am p. m. Parlor ear tu i uuuueiDuia anu Dassencer ennnen m ptinn- Iuuipuita tuiu iiaitimore. . . w P- m. Train (daily fflr TTe.rr1nni1ro nnrl all Intamiiutl.,. Br : O .HIUltV(WWU.W,.eUUJH,B,,. Ihirat FHllaattlDnla4.2S A. m. New Vnrlr? tfto,. m. Fullman sleeping oartrom llarrlaburg to Phtladel- uMouu.ien iuih. jrijxtttucipuui passengers oan remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. l.M a. in. Train 4 (dally) lor IlaMsbun; and h,,wwi.w BvNwuuo, aii.etuis at rituaaoipnta o.wu. ui. now xuric, w.ou a. m.. uaitimore 6.S0 a. m., Washington, 7..0 a. m , rnillman sleeping oars hum HUOjV, UUOUUVB I.U i UtlttltOlUUia. 3.&S a. m..TriLln IS frlllvt m ttn..ta. burg and Intermediate stations arriving at haltl- U.V.W u,ir, a. wi aua TT OkJUIUK WU It. UU SUO Pullman tilOtDlnEr Cars to Baltlmnrrt WAahlnrrtnn and passenger coaches toDaltlmore. WESTWAKU. 2.04 a.m. Train v, (dally except Sunday) for Oanandalgua, liocheater, Butralo and Niagara Falls, with Pullman sleeping caw and pisscuior coaches to Itochester. 5.iua. m. Trains (dally), tor Erie, Canandalgua atd intermediate stations, Koches tsr, Bunalo sad Niagara KallB, with Pull man Paujeoara and pansenger coaches to Erie and HoontMter. iaoo-Traln 15 (dally) tor Lock Haven and ntermedlate stations. 1M p. ra. Train 11 (dally except sun--liyi tor Kane. Canan lalmia and lntArmA.itatr..m- tlons, H'ichester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with tnruughpassenger coaches to Kane and Itochester and Parlor car to Itochester. 5.50 p. m. Fast, Line (dally except Sundavlfor lln. novo, liochea er and Intermedial stations, with through passenger coaches to Kenovo and Klmlra. V.10 p, m. Train 21. (dallrl for winianm. port and Intermediate stations. THROUGH TKA1NU FOKBUN11UHY FKOMTiTK HAJBT AND SOUTH. Train it leaves New York, ia.15 night. Philadelphia 4.S0 a. m. Baltimore, 4.45 a. mTHar' rlaBurg, 8.10 a.m. dally arriving at Bunbury 10.00. a. m. Tralo, 11 leavoB Pnlladeiphla. 8.50 a.m.: Washlmrton h in .-m imi. ttmore U.00 a. tu. (dally except Sunday arming at aimu.nr, wibti trarior car irom pnuaaeipnia and passenger coaches tiorp Philadelphia and Baltimore, 'train 1 leaves New York 8.00 a.m. thil(uini. pbla,u.lo a. in. ; Washington, 10.50 a. m. ; Balti more, 11.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at sucbury, 6. so p. m. with passenger coaci.es uuw 1 iiuouviuuia auu bttll-lluuro , . . Train M leaven New York s.00 p. m. Pb.lladelphla4.tt p. m. Washlngtou 8.30 p. m. Baltimore 4.S3 p. m. (dally ) airivtng at bunbury V.10 p. m. Train leaves New York 6.S0 p. m., Philadelphia 4.S0 p. m Washington, 7.10 p. ra., Baltlmoro s.45 E. ra., (dally exoupt Saturday,) arriving at Bun ury, 2.04 a. m. with Pullman sleeping cars and ptasenger coaches Irom Waahlugtoa and Baltl more. Train 3 leaveB New York 8.00p.m. : Phlladel pnla,ll.S5p. m. 1 Washington, 10.00 p. m. : Balti more, lt.su p. m., (dally) arriving at Sunbur5.10 ". witu ututau Dioorjuii; cars trom Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and passenger coachea crura Philadelphia and Haiti, mora HUNUUUY.IIAZI.KTUN at WlI.KKMHAIUtK ItAlI.lttlAI) ANU NKUTII ANU WtMT llirNIIU H4.1I.WAV. tuaiiy except bunaay.) fralny leaves aunbary laoo a.m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.43 a. m., Wllkeu-barre Train ll leaves at Bloom Ferry 6.26 p. Train s leaves Wll p. in.. WUkes-barre 7.50 p. m ilkeabarre 11.17 a ,m. rrlv lng at Bloom Ferry ia.37;p. m.,SunDury 1.SS p. m' Train 10 leaves wilkta.barre a.u p. m.f ar" ,ua, hwwu jiviij a.A. v. ui., ouiiuurr p. m 8UNPAY TRAINS. Train 7 leaves Bunbury lthOO a. m.. ar. riving at Bloom ferry 10:48 a. m., wilkes-Barre !S:io a.m. Train 24 leaves Wllkes-Uarro 6.10 p. m., arriving at Bloom I'erry, 0.39 p.m., Banbury 1:83 p. TO UllAM. u. ruon, J, It. WOOD, (Jen. Manager. oen. Passenger Agt. pHlLADKLPIIIA & READING HA1LUOAD. ON AND ArTKlt NOV. 16 180. THAIN3 LKAVK BhOOMSBUHQ as follows: (8DND1TS KICEfTED.) ForNew York. Pnlladalnhla. llmnimr inttiii Tamaiaa, etc., 6:00, 11:13 a. m. I For vVUUamBport, 8:lUa. m.,3:l6p. m. ror uanvuie ana Milton, 8;ie a. m., 3:10, iiioo p. For fjataUliiiia S-iVt. feltV n. tn to.on e.nt 6:30 p. m. " - Sf'.PXf1'1 6:05- 8:1-11:15 "r 0. 1 ft t ii'ii n m 9 Tit A IN 8 l'OIt ULOOMailUlUl LrCaTU Nuw York via i'ullaatlpbta7:4S a. m. i-.oa 1 y ui. ttuu ti itMiuu o.ja n, iu p. IU Leave Ueaaing 11:50 a. m. 7:51 n. m. Leave 1'ottavll vine ii:3t) p. m. Leave Tamaqua 1:21 a. ra. 8:18 p. m. ijeave wuuainaport :ao a. m. 4:15 p. m. jjeave t.'atawiBaa i:w s:iu a. m.. i: 1:80, 8.-S0, J:1D 11:02 n. m. U-ave llupert &21, 1;0S, &ti, itsss a, m, IiM, 8:31. For uaiiiinore wasninaTton ana thA wrair. i. it ft o. H. K., througii tralna leave ulrard Avenue Htation l'blla. (!'. & 11. 11. It.) 4:18, 6:01, ll:7 a. m. i:9l, :. o: ixt p. m. BUnaays 4:16, b:(U, U:il a. m., wn, D:r, Tim p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Fblladelphla, Iter 7, cnetjinut street vVharf, and boutl. atreet Wharfs roa atuxtio eirr. Week Oar Kipreea, u.00, ti, m, p. in. Accommodation, 8.00 a. m. 5.00, p. ro. Huadais Ei press, S:00, a. m. dauon b:00 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. 8:00, 4:00, Accommoe HITOBUlua, UiTI atlintio citr. Depot corner Atlantlo and Arkansas Avenuej Week dars 2xpreaa, 7:30. v.lXI. a. in. and 4:00, p. m. Aooommodailon, 6:04 a. m. and 4:M p. m. SUndavS atinreiUL 4:00. n. in Aevmmn datlon, 10 a. in. and 4;W p. iu, in. a Q. HANCOCK. A. A. VeLSOD, ami. rati. XgeaL frf. tW(, ilOJUOeT, LOOHICr BAOKWAffiD FOR THE LAST IT IS A SATISFACTION Clotiiing i EstaDlishment OF 0t L0WEN8ERG, Still leads in the Still leads in the Still leads in the WHILE pantiuiKeet s always full of the Latest and Largest Stock of Imported and Domestic Goods made up by Experienced Workmen. PERFECT SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN (Cafj, (aEoWrro. (tanj, Fvoftj all Hotj. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. :i?:E2sr24"2" oooids l. sEcrx.iirz'. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Go's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the folVrwinc brands t Cigars 1 Henry Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian PrincoJ8, Samuon, Sihror Ash. Any rdcr for Festivals will be supplied with Um Lowest Mixfcct Pikes, s (ill nit Ormet, Lemon;. ream flBt.nras. "PemnUts. A'rOTtfi 16 -Zt English Wmbrtaty, BLOOMSBURG, PA. G. FiOBBIS, Foreign and Domestic -Arir- BLOOMSBURG Pfi. GET THE In purchasing .house hold necessities, it is wise always to select that which. is tho bust, it will bo tho cheapest in i -Mirco of pleasure. J. SALTZEU has goods at low prices. Ho buys direct from tho manufacturers, and oan soll.flrst Olasa goods cheaper than can bo obtained clsowbore. Hero arc eomo of the articles anu prices : Sawing Machines of threo grades, v tho Now Homo Sowinc machine I awer drop leaf, all attachments, $10.50 to $00. jig IPll ' Royal St. John, $30 upwards. Standard Rotary, $40 upwards New Home, $30 upwards. Have received tbe agenoy for the Boosny Distin Cornet, tho best cornet in tho world. A good asaortmmt of violins, guitars, banjos, accordeons, drump, Hntes, fifes'and all kinds of mimical instruments. Tha best of strings for violins, guitars, banjos, violincollo, and baBS violins. Agent for Butterick's patterns, pattern-book and fashion shoots. Pianos, organs an 1 so ving muh disoount for cash. Do not gond clsowhoro, but call and see the slock of your homo dealer, who is always with you, and oan givo you any information or instruction upon any instrument you may purchase. J. SALTZER, Musica liismiiiinii:; HI (41 U U plait U. r d u!i m. lln k - ietfo&M WAREROOMS. TO KNOW THAT THE Latest Styles, Largest Stock, Latest Novelties. THE the end. A good article is always a won a wide reputation for sellinc cood Estcy Piano, 350 to $G0. Stock, $375 to $G00. 11. M. Bent & Co., $250 to S400. Brown & Simpson, $250 to $100. Este-y Organs, SOO to $175. Miller organs, !j75 to $150. United Stttes organs, $125 to $175. Chioago Cottago organ, $90 to $140 Worcester organs, '$75 to $150. Paris organs, $00 to $100. Celebrated White Sewing Maohines $ to $05. New Domestic Sewing Machines, to $75. mado Co., 3 3 mmkca from Bug ines sold on monlhy payments, Alio ami Sam? Hilts 7.T, . . - i Vw 3uUt4Uns mU imtiMons. V $35