THE COLUMBIAN AKD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COOTTTY, PA. Highest Of all In Leavening Towcr. The Columbian i nTubllahcd every Friday, subscription price, ll.uu a year, interod at the Post omce at Illoomabunr P second class matter, March 1, issa. 1 ' BLOOMSBURG, PA F1UDAY, DECEMBER 12, 189(1 HAI.I'.H. 'inunsDAT, ijbo. 11, John Zancr, at his nomoat rorKs, wm sell wtcon head of colts and horses. Bale to commence at IS o'clock noon. This Is a rare chanco for uargains, ns air. iincr lias no further uso lor mo norscs antl enn not take caro of mem. Duo. 18. & W. Eves, wilt oiler t null. llosalo on tho premises, the building on w uu uiiu vyttiuenno streets. jtioomsuurg, Known as tbo Kink, at 3 o doc p. in. dco uius. . H. Urotz, executor of X.2CH1UI uuie, win sen vaiuauio real estate in Bugatioaf township, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Dso. 27. Geo. E. Elwcll, trustee, will Bell at public salo on the premises In Cats, wlasa, tho dwolllng house and lot formerly owned by Btephcn Daldy, at 10 o'clock a. m. Bco advertisement. Fon Bale dii Exoiianok for a town prop, crty In llloomsburg, a desirable farm of 20 aorcs, near Rupert. Good spring and tpring-houso and well of water at tho barn. A good placo for a dairy. Apply to Hkcdbn Hkss, Rupert, Pa. 12-5-4t Fob Balb Dwelling houses In Blooms, burg, Orangevllle, Espy and Rupert Pa. Firms In Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vir ginia. Vacant lots fn "llloomsburg. Store Sronerties. Grist mills and other property y 31. P. Lutz, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, llloomsburg, Pa. Fob Bale. Uoiibo and lot In Rupert, lot 120x140 ft. Two story, house, with nlno rooms. Bay windows, out kitchen, lco and coal houso, good stable, chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever green trees, good water, Two railroads, Twclvo trains a day each way, to Blooms, burg, faro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A great bargain, If taken soon. M. P. Lutz, Insurance , Et. Ant. Pcrsuual Paul E. Wirt Esq., Tvn In How York tho first of the week. William Kaso West, Esq., of Danvlllo attended Court on Monday. II. II. Grolz wns th recipient of a fine eaddlo of venison on Tuesday. Miss Minnie Vorso of Lcwisburg spent tno past week with her cousin, Miss Edith Hcber. Conductor F. R. McKolvy looks like a Major-general in his haudsomo new uni form. Prof. J. P. Welsh Is attending lnsiltuto In Tunkhannockthls week. Next week be will attend the Columbia and Montour Institutes. F. D. Dentlcr was out riding on Tues day. IIo has had a long and tedious ill ness, and his many friends will be glad to near of his recovery. 0. V. Mnrr has been granted a pension. Dlarlca.for 1891. W. 11. Buookb & Co. January 10th mcnt court. has been llxed for argu- Go to Kemp the artist for most artistic work. finest and 2t. Quail and pheasant hunting will end next Monday. Rabbits arc very plentiful. They are selling hero for ten cents apiece. Tho program of tho Teachers' Instltuto appears in full in this issue. 0. E. Savngo has placed an attractive show case In front of his jewelry store. Bco our framed pictures. W. 11. Brooke & Co. Fob Bale. Valuable property, known a tbo Morris property in Bloomsburg. Apply to Guy Jacoby. 11-7-lOt. We do not hesitato to say that we have the largest variety of juveniles In Columbia county.Prlccs from Cc to $1. J. H. Mercer. H. M. Leader of Altoona, has been visit ing his brother, General Manager Leader ol the B. & B. R. R. A daughter of Mr. I). W.Robbms of Iola, had n successful operation performed by Dr. Brown for strabismus on last Friday. Tho jlnglo of sleigh bells was heard on Main street on Monday afternoon, for the first time this winter. Sunday Schools take notice? Every des cription of Christmas Candy Boxes now on hand at Cumin lugs & Verdy's. Ice six inches In thickness was gathered on Tuesday, and a number of lco houses wcro filled. Tho Columbian Is now printed and mail ed on Friday Instead of Thursday as here tofore. Tho contract tor building tho Lutheran parsonage has been awarded to J. D. Shaf ier for S3500. Wrlilnff desks. Ian tablets, manicures and lino plush goods. W. H. Buookb & Co. sllnned on tbo Ice JJUB. vv.v.- Tuesday morning sustaining severe injur- ies. Kcsty & Hoffman aro rebuilding their murhlnn ahon on tho same sito as where destroyed by firo. They will bo rebuilt lnaido of 30 days. Mrs. Gtasco Cameron was seized with talons on Monday and has been lying i ,ui,.ol rnmlltlon ever elncc. The lu t cause of her attack is not known. ToyslToyel Toysl cheap at Cummings & Verdy's. Entire stock will bo closed out at low prices. Do not fall to bco tho lino of booklets and Christmas cards at Mercer's Drug and Book store. Call and see the pretty Reefer coats and Jersey suits for little boj-B at Lowenberg's popular clothing store, If you want a Ululo either largo or small you can find lho best selection In Columbia county with prices from 40o to IC.OO at Mercer's DruBandBookjtorc. acntlemens' furnishing goods In linen llftra ml cuffs, driving cloves, mutllcis, ..oi .1,1., ..on. u,i,l hosiery. A full lino for tho holidays just received at Lowen berg's. . Do not fall to call and see our Hue of niirlotm.o nroBAnta beforo VOU buy, J. H. Mercer, Tbo harsh, drastic purgatives, onco c'ccmcd eo IndUpenslble, imvi'iplvcii place 10 milder and morclsklllfully prepared lax otlvesj henco lho Kfft and growing ui wand tnr Avcr'a Pill?. Physicians everj whero rccommood them for costlvcncss - U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. ,7t ,88,. Baking Powder PURE Senator Herring and Representatives Tcwksbury and Krlckbaum will take their scats- In tho legislature on January Oth, when tho session opens. Froas Grovcr, Ir.v Grover and Schuyler Iclmrd, were killed by the explosion of the boiler of a steam saw mill i Samuel Adams of Berwick, near Mountain wiuyu uo mo inst. A full stock of ready made overcoats and suits for men, youths and boys at re duced prices, must bo sold, at D. Lowcn berg's popular clothlug store. FouBalb.-A floe pair of wcll-matched ponies, coming five years old. Good drlv. cm, single or double, and good saddlers. Also a new sot of harness. Inquire of J. 8. Williams, auctioneer, Bloomsburg, Pa.' or Elmer Hears. 12.1a 4t, Teachers coming to Instltuto will And it pay to call at Lowenberg's popular cloth. Ing store. Messrs. ChanccllorTrcnch, Frank Ikeler, Wm. F. Bodlno and Silas Chamberlain captured two foxes and six rabbits lnt Tuesday. Bodlno shot ono for and ih other they holed in a treo and caught it alive. Hats I Hats I Hats I Caps 1 Caps I Caps I New styles. Low prices. Largo variety at tho popular clothine storo of D. Lowenbcrg. The grand jury In their renort 'cenmirn tho present commissioners for golne be yond tho recommendations of tho former grand jury and approval uf the court In regard to tho cost of addition to tho Court house. Thero wiiube a cantata rendered in tho .Lutheran church Wednesday evcninir. December 24tb. Thu committee In charco will do tbelr bcM to have something that will excel all former efforts. There will be an admission fee of ten cents. The pro ceeds for the benefit of tho Sunday school. The newett neck scarf cin bo worn In four styles, at Lowcnberg's. Sample copies of this paper will bo sent out In January to all who will send in their names on a postal. Dou't bo afraid that if you send your name. In, tho paper will be forced upon you. But one copy will be sent unless inoro ore ordered. Be sure to see our A No 1 assortment of cut glass cologne bottles, J. U. Mercer. On Monday morning when the docket was called over In tho court by Prothono tary Snyder for lho purpose of taking judg mcnts, thero were but two cases In which judgment was entered. Ten years ago it was not unusual to enter fifty or more judgments in this way. For a lamp cither stand or hanging you are sure to be suited at Mercer's Drug and Book store. Your wasted cheeks may have all the plumpness and bloom of health through your uso of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tho time-honored remedy still leads tho van. It improves digestion, purlSes the blood, and invigorates tho system. Give It a trial. Toilet cases work boxes, manicure sets, collar and cuff boxes, wisp holders, fancy Ink stands, toilet bottles, cologne sets, lap tablets, writing desks, mirrors etc. for tbo millions at Mercer's Drug and Book store. A fine line of popular children's books In paper and linen. W. U. Buookb & Co. Mrs. John Penman died on Monday, aged 67 years. Hho had been an Invalid for a long time. Her husband, six sons and two daughters survive her. Bho was a christian woman, ami a member of the Presbyterian Church. Bho w as buried on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Elsio Yocum, wife of Daniel Yo- cum, died on Thursday of last week, aged 70 years, at her homo in Hemlock township, acfoss tho creok near Red Hock Bridge Bho was for many years past a member of the M. E. Church, and an excellent woman Her husband survives her. Tho funeral took place from the rcsidcnco last Bunday morning. The following letters are held at Blooms. burir, Pa. postolllco andiwill bo sent to the dead letter ofllco Deo. 23, 1800. Jordon L. Brown, Mr. A. W. Case, Mr. H. II. Clayson, Mr. 11. W. Ulrton, Bertha llartman. Miss Cora Miller, Mr. J. Wvlie Stewart, Mr. David Taggart, Persons calling for thcio letters please say, they were auvcruseu ucc. , iovu. Ono cent will bo charged on each letter advertised, A. U, UATHOAET, I , M. At Mercer's Drug and Book storo you will flml n nrcsent for tho old as well as the young. Tho Bloomsburg Bchool board has given an order for a set of Kennedy's dissected blocks to bo used in the study of the sub ject of mensuration. By means of tho blocks tho scholars In our grammar schools mav readily understand how to get the volume of solids of every conceivable ehane. Practical knowiedgo may be gain cd by which the pupil ran easily ascertain tho capacity of tanks, tho lumber in mum. ln?s. tho shingles of a roof, or similar re suits as come before every one In dally urn Tim blocks will prove a valuable help In this most Important study. Tho singing of thu Meigs Bisters' Con four in number, was mar v,.innlv line. It Is not exaggeration to ... ti,t nn Oner nnartetto of female voices , ": " ..i7 o.o IIm.o fhn cvirsangin ruimu -" n ni nrn nil UU11KO. raOEIPK liuiu luo i.i nitn m ilm highest and unrest so. prano, and tho harmony with which tho 1 . . . ' itr tnna urn ttlpniipii. Anil tho accuracy of time with which each note was givcu, was uie very 1 . " 1 TIipw unnir "The Iluntet'l 13UI HtutiKi .w n , ,l.o! ri-.l .. I.n MAni. " nnn nnttwL'ruu nu CUlUuai' Rutin encoro with "Tho Houso that Jack Built." in uieir next mif.i.ui " staiio they sang onu of Mendelssohn a so nml tho "Ladv Bird." and answer. 'r' ,,ili "Itobln Adalt." Thcl m nu mvui. ...... - (!,,,.,, .nn n nn n cces weru mu vnw-, r , . .... t,l.l.. Waltz' and 'sercnaue- uy "i' v-" caster. Pa. nir innumerable cures, Dr. Bull's Cough Bjruphas won for Itself a roost enviable reputation. I've been suffering for tho past three weeks with a strained wrist. 1 tried Sal vatlon Oil, &nd find myself, after having used ono botll;, entirely cured.-CHAB. irp.vrfKH. 103 .Mulberry Bt., UaHlfnorc, What Dr. rhllllps, principal of West vueaicr normal school, says of tho Meigs Bisters Concert Companvi w TI!.1Mc,f! Sisters lmo given concerts In West LlioUcr and other parts of Chester county repeatedly, and were rtctlved will much favor, ,Tbcy woro decidedly popti. Inr ami mill , I. -it - , " . ., mi,, l uenuYe, pieaso your people.' ... . , . G. M, PlIlLLHTJ. Wot Chester. Pa.. Oct. 20. 1800. t In ;tho Open Homo next Wednesday lyenwg, mo. 17. IT. .A -masi Amasi Xmaal Fine lino of neck wear, consisting of tho newest de signs in puffs, tecks, bows, &c., Just re. cciycd at Lowcnberg's. Tho regular monthly concert and liter. rVo'iTon" lng, and was excerdlngly interesting and well attended. Thu literary part of tho program was rendered by Mr. John T. Morwho deHglue'd the' 'S wuu a vaneiy 01 dialect anil character Im personations representing almost every nationality. As a reader and impersona tor Mr. Miller possesses raro gifts. His entertainment was first-class In evciy res-ject.-Y. Jl. 0. A. Monthly Express, BU Gilmoro's Toy Bazar Is ready attain for the Holiday trade with a larger assortment of toys than ever before. Upstairs and down stairs everything Is filled up with all sorts of things to delight tho little folks. German toys, French toys, American toys, mechanical toys, Iron toys, wooden toys, tin toys, and toys of every dejcrlptlon and price. Tho French lady, tho Chlneso jug gler, and tho music teachct that run by clock work, attract great attention, and af- rord much amusement. Cart, steamboats, wagons, animals, dolls, child's furniture, baby houses, rocking horses, soldiers, drums, sleds, and a thousand other thlngn all equally pleasing cn be seen. Call and examine. I1.28-4t. For a good cheap storm overcoat go to Lowenberg's popular clothing storo. IICNTEHH AH TIti;Hl'AHSHUH. Eds. Columbian: Will you please publish in oar paper tho law concerning hunters. Iam annoy ed very much by hunters running over my uclds, and 1 want to know If there Is no way to stop it. Fabueh. Tho law for hunters is the same as for anybody else. Any pcraon who wilfully enters through or over any field, orchard, garden or yard fencp, or who shall tramplo or in anywise injure any grain, eras;, vines or other growing, crop Is subject to a penalty of not itj than five, uor more than fifty dollars, for each offense. The offend er can he arrested on a warrant Issued by any justice of tho peace, who has power to hear the case and linposo the penalty. One half the fine goes to the party Injured, and the other halt to the school fund of the dis trict in which tbo trespass was committed. be law docs not require any sign boards notifying hunters to keep off, though it is best to have them. Revlvnt ofilic l'mi. Polito nations for centuries back have used fans, but tho French during tho 10th and 17th centuries, perfected the art. Not only the art of making, but also the art of using tbo fan owes its perfection to Gallic nations of years ago. In tbo gay Courts of Louis XIV, and Louis XV fan decoration received its greatest encouragement, and now a "Vernls" Martin, a Watteau, a Van. loo or a Bouchor is eagerly sought for cab! nets and highly prized. Every reader of Balzac remembers how old cousin Pons tenderly carried a Watteau fan to his wealthy but uncultivated relative, and how he was hurt when they failed to appreciate the gentle, spiritual art of the "Prinee of Court Painters" as Watteau has been called. A member of the firm cf Bailey, Banks & Blddle, Philadelphia, who Is In a good posi tion to know, said that ho believed that there would bo a revival of tho art. "We carry In stock some of tho finest fans made in this country," observed this gentleman, and they arc, in some respects, the mounting for instance, superior to tho old ones." Do not forget that J. II. Mercer carries a very largo lino of Christmas goods. Give him a call. Tlic lilectric 1.1 it lit company En- loiuua. Un Monday morning last. J. B. Roblson. Esn . nrcsented a bill In equity in court asking for an injunction to restrain the Electric Light Company from erecting any buildings, or from collecting any subjcr lo tion from stockholders, or from doiug any other acts as a corporation, until an order or decree may be made by tho court. The bl is fl ed bv u. W. Jvltcueu. ana ine ie. fcnrt.nts aro the Bloomsburg Electric Light t& Power Company, tho board or directors, tbo Thomson-Houston Electric Liignt uom Danv and Thomas Gorrev. A contract has been made with the TbomsoSUouston Co. for tho electric ap paratus, for less than Sluoou. ana 1 nomas Gorrey has a contract for tho erection of tho building at $2300. Some of the found ation walls are un. and the agent of the Thomson-Houston Co. had begun work on their contract, and has a lot 01 material on band. The bill alleges that the charter! of the company was irregularly outainca, mat tno company uas purcuaseu ianu 101 wuicu no good title can be obtained; that a con tract was made with the Edlsnh Company for $8000, which was afterwards rcpudlat- il and a contract maue inr neany uouoio that amount wltl tho lliomson-llousion Co., together fftth numerous other nllega lions. A preliminary injunction was ranted, and Saturday was lued for a hearing on a motion to dissolve Hie injunc lion. 8II5CIAI ANNOUNCKHIiNT, Wo havo made-nrrangements with Dr B. J. Kendall Co. publishers of 'A Treaties on tho Horse and bis diseases,' which will en able all our subscribers tJ obtalna copy cf that valuable work (rtt by sending their ad' dress (enclosing a 2 cent stamp for mailing samc);to Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enosburgh Falls, Yt. This book Is now recognized us tandtrd authority upon all diseases of tbo horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over lour mimon cup.c. ( ... pant icu ,.p, ... -v.v. - by any publication in the samo period of time. We feel confident that our patrons will Bpprcclato tho work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity or ou talnlng a valuable bonk. It Is necessary that you mention mis paper In Bending for tho "Treatlso." This olfer will remain open for only a short time. l?-12-6t jnuilHoii city unci l.oiiir I'oiut ltoatl. Alinut two vears aeo A. L. Fritz, Esq., of this town, wroto a petition which was presented to ine uouri 01 Duutvan county, iokini fur thu amiolntment of viewers to lav out a nublic road from Jamison City to . l 1 .ll-(nnn nf ot.nn fiil. t lin liOnU l UUll, u.mttii' v w uuuui. iuui miles. The nearest waiton roan at present ilmo Is about twclvo miles. The matter has been pending In lho Court of that .nnnin imdn eiccntlons until a few days ago hen tbo Court decided In favor of a 7,i,iU mml. and tbo renort of the viewers was confirmed, Although Davidson town shin made an effort to defeat it on account - I . n I,. .11. linn a ntAlln. of ine great uiiieinu .u "'"s u.UUu taln road, yet it will be very convenient to .1,.. nnnin nt that section, as well as trav. ii, , 1 ninnsure.scekcrs to the mountain 1 ....i 0 when tno roan is comnieieu ine ? .t.u.... ------- . .. guests 01 ine manor 11cm iuu u. "iviuu City will have only ft short ride to ono of the highest poluts io the BUto of Peunsyl. vanla. Oo and get ono dox. cabinets at 09o at Kemp's Gallery, on Main Bt. 3 doors below Iron Bt. COIiOMWt'S INUUItHTH. IK tub comrr of common h.bas of ooumnu OOtJNTV. In tho Matter of tho Oroncr'a Inquests upon tho dead bodies of F'lice Grovcr, Ira Grovcr and Schuyler Richards, of Beaver township, Columbia county. ormioN or tub court. The return of tho Inquisitions In these casts havo been banded to tho Court with a request that wo should approve tho same. Batoro wo can do this wo mutt adjudge that thero' was reasonable causo for holding them. In such cases wo are so ofton Importun ed H? f 1 aKalnt tbo County, that it Is high time that tho public, and especially Coroners and Justices of tho Peace should comply D We thcrctoro now put In writing, what wo havo heretofore said orally respecting tho duties of Justices of the Peace In such cases, with the hopo that it will be a satlj- factlon to Coroners and Justices, and with a fuU'.knowlcdgo that It will bo a great saving to tho County. We do not possess the power to approve of any M ,ni, lll0 0tmnty( nroQ., ,i,ri,i ,, .. , unless ex. prcssly authorized by statute,, except In a fow instances, relating to trials in Court, we may authorize the payment of certain expenses to prevent a failure of the admin istration of justice. It in tbo hurry of business wo wrongfully approve of bills of this kind tho County Commissioners! aro not bound to pay them. Tho custom In this County of holding an inquisition over tho dead body of every person who is accidentally killed, commits suicide, or where tho causo of death 1b known, must no longcT prevail at tho County's expense. It Is the duty of a Coronor and of a Jus- tico of the Peace, when authorized to act In tho placo of the Coroner, to make dili gent inquiry, and if, on that Inquiry or in formation, there Is no reasonable luspieion of munfer or vmni'aughler, no jury should bo summoned, nor Investigation mado at tho cost of.the County. If friends, neighbors and relatives deslro it, let It bo done at their expense. Where death results from tho kick of a horse, from nn explosion, or from being crushed by machinery, or pure accident; or where a person is seen or known to havo taken his or her own life by any means; or where upon inquiry or information no sis plclon of guilt or crime of tho living rea. sonably arises, thero is no occasion for an Inquest and none should be held, and none 111 hereafter be adjudged necessary or approved by this Court. The deaths of lho persons named in the inquisition having as therein alleged been caused by tho explosion of tbo steam boiler of a portablo saw-mill, in tbo presonco and view of friends and neighbors who hoard, saw and told how it occurred, there was no reason or necessity for an Inquest. We'tbcrcforc direct the inquisition to bo filed, but make no order for tho payment of fees or costs. BY .THE COURT, E. It. Ikblbb, P. J. Council rrocccdliiRii. Council met Monday evening, Decem ber 8th, with tho President and all mem bers present except Schwlnn. Upon motion and in response to petition a lamp was ordered placed at the corner of West and Fourth street. Building permits were granted to Kesty & Hoffman and Bt. Mathlas Lutheran church. Edward Eycr, representing Winona Fire Company, appears and asks for 150 feet more hose. The company now have only 350 feet. On motion of Messrs. Rabb and Gross tbo payment of tho bill of Bloomsburg Wat er Company for water rent for public firo hydrants for the month of November was refused. Messrs. Rabb and Grossmoved that the treasurer bo Instructed to tender Blooms burg Water Company ten dollars for uso of water in testing the steam fire engine and for water used at th 0 Kesty and Hoffman fire. Agreed to. Secretary was instructed upon motion of Gross and Bbutt to serve notice on the coU lector of taxes to collect all back taxes at once and pay the samo to tho Treasurer. The report of the commissioner of high ways was read and upon motion adopted, and secretary directed to issuo order for tbo same, and for tho following bills : Highways. $2tf 20 Police servlco 17 00 M. O. Woodward, constable 7 07 W. J. Uldley. breaking cinder 73 75 M. B. Williams, paving 20 10 J. O. Brown, minting 12 00 C. U. Campbell, recording deed 2 00 Consumer Gas Co., gas coal 5 30 tiloomsuurg uts Co.. gas ror town hall, Bept.. uct. a id Hov. ills P. B. Moyer. lamps 9 05 Acme Oil Co , oil 3 St Pcnna. Globe Gas Light Company, Ileutlne. care or. tc . OJ lambs. Nov. 84 05 W. B. Cummings, Secretary, Nov. 15 00 W. F. Hantaan, sewer construction 605 51 Elwcll & Blttcnbender. minting 11 50 J. O. Brown, service as Bupt. Bower 20 00 Creasy & Wells, lumber 63 uioomsburc meams Electric Lieut jo., steam tor novemuer 10 cs $ 1003 20 The GrentcHt Orator of tlte West Dr. James Ilcdlcy, tbo greatest orator of the West, will deliver bis lecture on "The Sunny Bide of Life," in tho Opcr uouse next ruesaay evening. "His words are always pure and sweet. his counsel quickening and ennobling, and his eloquence thrilling and persuasive. Ho bastho exceedingly rare power of touching men's hear If, and In his lectures ho sways his listeners as with the wand of the en chanter, and moves them to laughter or melts them to tears, at will." Opera House, Tuesday evening, Dec. 10, Leauing aulhoritC8 8ay tuo only proper way to ticat catarrh is to take a constltu. tlonal. remedy, like Hood's Sarsaparilla. livery Ilonuelioia Needs It, Dr. T. O. Harter. M. D.. of Bloomsburir Pa., U interested in a patent which nrom. iscs to equal it not ccllpso any invention yet brought before the public It is called the Crystal Butter Package. Il is made of glass encased in a neatly finished wood package, so tbcro Is no danger of break, age in shipment, Jt Is well adapted to the canning uud pressing of fruits, maple ay. rup, ivc. as a uutier pacKago larmers can pack tbelr butter in tbo summer months when It Is cheap and keep It absolutely sweet until tbo winter months when butter commands a high price. Consumers of butter can likewise uso it in storing away I llllllil frtr ll.olv mint.. .io Tk- ..,t-l wm.,. w uv. ..iMvv UK. .uu n.t.u.u should bo placed in every household, more man mo price 01 11 can be saved In one season. Agents desiring to handle good ealeablo article should wrlto Dr. litrlcr for territory In Columbia and Mon lour counties. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Bbr ni sick, we g her CutorU. When aha vu a Chili, ftha cited for CutorU, When sh became KlM, sbo clusc to Cutorlt, WheneUhxJCtUiitu,heriiTett)aaOMori. TO THi: I'UIIl.IC. As to-day I begin my duties under lho Constitution of Pennsylvania, as your ser vant, as a member of tho Legislatarc, I deem It proper to say a tow words to you through lho public press of the county, as my fcoudllticntf, regardless of partlzan politics. 1st. If you havo any deslrcdjlcgislatlon, any petition, or auy public measure you wish my asslsianco In, (prepare them and forward them to mo beforo Jan. 0, 1801, if posslble,;for business to lnsuro attention must bo attended to at beginning of sen Ion. I am at your service, so pieaso act ; and. act promptly, Have your Bills, Peti tions, Joint Resolutions, etc., prepared at once. Personally t have nothing to pre sent, except such as is asked by my consti tuents. Remember tho last Legislature raised a Tax Commission; also, a Road Commission) watchjthem both. Your will In regard to them will bo my guide. I be lieve they will bo a hlnderanco to all hon est, fair legislation, on botblsubjccts. 2nd. If you, any of you, deslro appoint ments under tho incoming administration and want my indorsement, put your claims In shape, I shall go upon tho plan of "first come, first served," other things being equal. Remember, I shall seek no placo foi any ono. Thero are not many places open. Get Bmull's Hand Book of Legisla ture and you wllljjco and know all about them. 3d. Allrcqucsts and letters will bo duly filed, and answered promptly. If answer not received in duo time, it will bo cvl- onco that I havo not received your (letter so wrlto again. Never (no, never) send mo postage stamps for return postage. There is an appropriation of tho Btato for that purposo to each member of ono hund red dollars, and fifty dollars for stationery, so I will havo plenty of paper to wrlto you on, and postage to send replies to your let ters. All Invited to un'te. 4tb. During sessions, will bo found in my scat in the House, No. of seat not cer tain yet; at other times, at my rooms No. South 4tb.8t,, and at Bolton House. All invited to call. 6th. All Bills offered of interest to Co lumbia county will, by permission of the editors of tho several papers in tho county, bo published for tho Information of the peoplo'gonerally. Olb. Do not expect mo to send you very many public documents very soon. Why? Bccauso tho departments are just now sending out many of the documents of the last session, of firo years ago. 7th. I shall send out no documents un less adced for. Why? How do I know what you want. Agricultural .reports are not wanted by mechanics or miners, and so on through tho list, therefore, I subjoin list of matter at the disposal, a limited upply, of each member. Select end order your goods, and if possible they shall be delivcro ; at least your order shall eo on' file, viz i See Act of April 10, 1887. BIENNIAL PUBLICATIONS. Pamphlet-Laws. Governor's Message. School Laws and Decisions. Journahofitho Senate and'Houso of Re presentatives. ANNUAL TUBLIOATIONS. DJjutant General's Report. Agrlcullureiot Pennsylvania. Attorney General's Report. Auditor Gencral's!Rcport on finance Auditor General's Report on .Banks and Bavlngs Institutions. Report of Board of Public Charities, Report of Board of Health. Report of Commission of Soldiers' Or phans. Report of Fish Commissioners. Insurance Commissioners on Firo Insur ance. Report of Commissioners on Life Insur ance. Official Documents. Secretary of Internal Affairs, parts I and II, Land Assessments. Secretary of Internal Affairs, part III, Industrial Statistics. Secretary of Internal Affairs, part IV, Railroads. Secretary of Internal Affairs, part V, Railroads. Mine Inspectors' Report. Smull's Legislative Hand Book. Btato College, Report of Trustee. Btato Librarian's Report. State Treasurer's Report Superintendent of Public Instiuctlon;Ite port. Superintendent of Public Printing no' port. MISCELLANEOUS. Report of the" Geological Survey Com. mission. Qaartcrly Reports of tho Board of Agri culture. Pennsylvania Archives. Pieaso preserve tho above for futuro ret. crenco, I respectfully request the counsel and assistance of all citizens who deslro honest legislation, and laws in the interest of the many und not of tno few. Respectfully yours, E. M, Tbwksbubt, Catawlssa, Dec. 1st, 1890. Montinl Hello ol Noted, uiss, Liuuimain's iwsiqiiation an SUOCBSSOB. Miss Anna K. Llmbergcr who has dur ing tho past year and a half had charge the advance grade of Model Bchool, has resigned her position, and will go early In January as a missionary to Mexico. Her parents live in Danville, Pa., and she their only daughter. Sho has felt since tbo was a little girl an inclination to bo missionary. Mlts Llmburgcr has been a very faithful, efficient, and successful teacher, and she leaves a host of warm friends amoug her follow teachers and her pupils. Her christian influence will bo greatly missed in tho school, as sho was always among the foremost In every good work. Miss Llmburgcr's successor will .be Miss Melissa B. Pcrley of East Berkshire, Vt. It Is the deslro of tno trustees to keep up, and, If possible, advanco the high standard of exccllcnco attained by our model school, accordingly, as soon as It was known that Miss Limberger would leave, diligent search was made for a teacher of wide and successful experience, and one who had been especially trained for the work. It Is believed that the school and the pat rons of the town aro to be congratulated ou having secured Miss Pcrley. Bhe is a graduate of tbo Oswego, (N. Y,,) State Normal School, was for twelvo years critic teacher in tho Dayton, Ohio, Normal Bchool, Bhe resigned ber position there two years ago for tho purposo of resting and pursuing ber studies further. Pre vlous to her Normal Bchool experience, she had cxpericnoe In both ungraded and graded schools, from the primary tJ the high-school. Bbo comes highly , recom mended by Dr, Sheldon, Principal of tho Oswego Normal 8chool, by her former em ployers, and by other prominent educa tors who linow her. It would bo difficult to see, how the Bloomsburg Normal Bchool could havo secured a better teacher for this placo. Thero aro very few towns of tho size of Bloomsburf, whoa children are permitted to enjoy the Instructloi of teach crs of sjich high professional training, In (act, most cities are not so fortunate, aim. I.lvcrnioto nt tlio T.nncnnto County Teacher' IiiHlllutc. On motion of Miss May Lawrence, Mrs. Mary A, Llvermorc, who was present at tho meeting of the Lancaster County Insti tute, Thursday morning, Nov. 18, 1890, was requested to addicts tho teachers. Bho compiled and was received with n warmth that must havo pleased a veteran platform speaker. (Pennsylvania Bchool Journal) for December. On Monday evening provlous Mrs, Liver and Our Gl Is.- Dr, Wlnihlp, an Instructor at tho Institute, Introduced her us a phllan- thropist, a heroine, a noble woman. Mrs. Livermoro lectures In tho Opera Uouso next Thursday evening, Dec. 18th. A Unity Hnvcdl Hlnco birth my baby had running sores I all over his bead, and tho doctors said that ho must die for they could not heal them. I used everything I ever beard of, but It was no good. He got so bad that ho ir......, great faith in them, i used a bottle and iho sores commenced to heal. After using two bottles more, the sores all healed and I considered my baby saved. Mother, CWi'- cc-d.N.u. 12.12.21. . Ilolidny HciiHon. Commencing Wednesday December 101b, JZ cLZT I111 .en ,, 71Z tickets S'rom all polnU "n their line" including Bloomsburg and Jamison city, good to return from day of Issue until evening 01 January isi, lorn. Note. No Excursion tickets sold from Main St.. station. WUnt County Bupt. III00111, of Bun- tiiiry, Sayn ot Rev. Steele The lecturn ilnllrerofl nn Mnmlfiv nvnn. Ing before our Teachcn,' Institute, by Itev. Chas. T. Stock, entitled "Heroes, Recog nized and Unrecognized" was n very unus ual literary treat, and greatly enjoyed by a large audience. Ho held his audience spell-bound by a more than wondertul magnetism and power of eloquence w. ts. 11LOOM, Bupt. of Northumberland Co. Bunbury.-Pa., Nov. 23, 1880. Opera House, Monday evening. Instl tuto week. Steady employment and liberal wages are offered in another column by Scars, Henry & Co., Geneva, N. Y. They are a rollablo Qrm. Established 18C5. 12-S-4t. A Bleii lu tlio Ilium Direction. Tho Bloomsburg & Sullivan Itatlroad Company passenger train men and station agents have been uniformed. Thclstylo of ir.lta are similar to those used by the Phil adclphla A Heading Railroad Company. The m.njorescnt a neat appearance in their new suits. ItlHnMlHtnUc 10 try 10 cure catarrh by using local ap plications. Catarrh is not a local but a constitutional disease. It is not a disease of the man's nose, but of the man. There fore, to effect a cure, requires a constitu tional remedy like Hood's Barsaparilla which, acting through the blood, reaches every part of tho system, expelling tho taint which causes the dlseasc.'.and impart ing health. CUrlBtmaa Presents. A. Bolledcr has just received another lot ot the celebrated imported Hartz Moun. tain day and night singing canaries, also a lot of fancy cages lust received. 12 12 2t Licenses. LIcenso Court will bo held on Monday, January 19th. Applications for licenses must be filed at least .three weeks beforo that date. A Renl HnlHnm Is iCemp'H nnlnmu. The dictionary says, "A balsam Is a thick, pure aromatic substance flowing from trees." Kemp's Blsam for tho 'throat and Lungs Is tho only cough medicine that Is a real balsam. Many thin, watery cough remedies are called balsams, but such aro not Look through a bottlo of Kemp's Balsam and notice what a pure, thick pre. paralion It is. If you cough uso Kemp's Balsam. At all druggists'. Largo battles GOc and $1. Tlic Great Writers of The Day, To convince everybody, before sub- scribing, ot the high quality and interest of our beautifully illustrated journal in its new form, we will send to any address three weeks for 10 cents. Bend ten cents for a trial subscription, and wo will send you thrco numbers, in eluding our unnsimas ;nnmber, with an urtistlo cover 1 also, our Calendar An nouncement for 1801, with a painting "Tho Minuet" by J. Q. L. Ferris. These three numbers contain the follow Ing reading matter : (1) Mrs. Amelia E. Ban's new serial, "Tho beadoJif Tasmcr." Mrs. Barr is tho author of that most successful serial ' Friend Olivia," Just completed In The ; but hereafter Mrs. Barr will write exclusively for tho Xeui York Ledger. (3) Hon. George Bancroft's description of "The Battle of Lako Erie," beautifully illustrated. (8) Margaret Dcland's latest story, "To What End ?" (4) James ltussel Lowell's poem, "My Brook," written expressly for The Ledger, beautlfully'llluslratcd by Wilson de Meza, and issued as a four-page souvenir supple mcnt. Ifi) nirs.ur. juua uoimes emitii starts a series of articles giving very valuable In formation to ioung mothers. (0) Hobert Grant's entertaining society novel, "Mrs.lUarold Btagg." (7) narrlcti Prescott Bpofford, Marlon . Ilarland, Marquise Lanza, Maurice Thomp. son and Georgei Frederic Parsons con. tribute short stories. (8) James Parton, M. W, Hazeltlne and Qliver Dyer (author of "Great Senators'') contribute articles ot Interest. In addition to tbo above, spatkllng edi torials, illustrated poems, '.Helen Marshall North's chatty column, and a variety nt delightful reading of interest to all mem bers ot the)hoiischold, Tbo foregoing la ajsamplo ot tbo matter which goes to make up tbo most perfect National Journal ever offered to tbo Ameri can people. Bend ten cents for tbeso tbreo numbers and judge for yourself, or send only two dollars for a year's subscription to THE NEIY YOHK LEDQEIt, Hobert Bonner's Bons, Publishers, 63 William St., N, Y. 12-12-2w A y'H I'erlect Companion. Every expectant mother should read our new book by Dr. Nye, one of New York's most celebrated physicians. A ncrfect mother's guide, It tells how tho fearful or deal can no mano easy, tree from danger, and almost entirely painless, thus saving monins 01 anxiety, uruau, anu suuering, Full ot valuablo Information to ladies, an. twerlng hundreds of dolltate questions. Bend two cent stamp for circulars, test!. monlals, aud confidential letter Address, ciixKK 1 hum ah cs iu., ruunsucrs, 0-19 3m. Baltimore, Md. A reward of $5.00 will be given to any persou rinding or causing to bo found a very large, bull Buffalo robe, stolen Nov ember U, from Abu & Bro., 11-18-lm. Brlarcreek, Pa, I. W. HARTMAJY & SOWS' CUICISTBIAS The largest, the est line of Christmas goods in both stores ever offered nOW OpCll at OUT COlTier. T. , , , ,, , , . , , , ., . - , 11 would Inke tho whole of this paper to iiftmo half tho articles. mo Olg llllllgs arc UOatfl, OliawlB, JJlailKCtfl, X'lanilCIS and OJrCSS Qoo(1b. The centre of the Dry Qooils sitle is full of plush goods autl albums, with books by tho hundreds for old and young. Tho whole store is full on both counters and shelves, with useful and fancy articles. Bilk and cotton umbrellas, gold and silver headed, all prices. Tho Grocery side is filled with tho finest line of dishes and -all kinds of bric-a-brac ware, tlio latest styles, with fancy shades. marmalades, tjon you will regret it, especially when your neighbors tell you what they saw. The crowds of Christmas buyers will be great from all over the county. Other towns have never been able to l,nlil n nnmlln tn TUnnmaliiiro- in TTnlMmr crnnila nml wn invitn nil rr r.r: ri " ? 1 by rail or wagon to call who cuuiu uy run or wucon 10 cun I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. S. 25 Ladies' Long Coats reduced from $15.00, to $12.50 and $10.00 tO $G.50. $20.00 Plush Coats for $13.50. Lot 01 odd sizes Children's coats at greatly reduced prices, almost half prices. t DO YOU CoilKll? Don't delay. Tako Kemp's Balsam, the best cough cure. It will cure your coughs and colds. It will cure soro throat or a tickling In the throat. It will cure pains in tho chest. It will euro Influenza and bronchitis and all diseases pertaining to tho lungs bccauso it is a puro Balsam, Hold it to the light and see how clear and thick it Is. You will sco the excellent ef fect after taking tho first dose. Largo bot tles SOo and $1. Pensions I Veterans ! ! Tho Disability Pension BilL Act of June 27. 1890. crants ncnslons to all ex-soldiers and sailors who served 00 days or moro in tho Army or Navy during ine re uemon, and were nonoraniy discharg ed, and who are now suffering from any permanent, mental or physical disability cumracieu Binco mo war or during me war whether from disease, injuries or effects of old ae, at the rate of from $0 to $12 per month, according to the degree of his ills- aDiiuy loriuo pcriormanco 01 labor requir ing tho exertion of physical strength j provided tho disability is not due to vici ous habits. This pension is not restricted to tho veterans who havo to make their living by hard labor, but is equally duo to Erotcsslonal men or clerks, provided they avc an existing disability which would prevent ine continuous cxcrciso 01 tno physical strength ot au able-bodied man. 1 nose wno navo applied under the gen eral laws and who are unable to prove up me penning ciaim can apply tor and sc. cure this pension and then continuo tho prosecution 01 tno former claim and secure mcir arrears. If vou are now drawing a small ncnBion. say 32 or $1 per mouth, you can tako this pension instead, and if you bavo an appli cation on file for Increase or additional pension tor new disabilities vou can con. tlnuo tho prosecution of such claims while drawing tho new pension, or you can file an original claim for a disability contract cd in the servlco while drawing ponslon unuor mis new ace. Widows, children, and dependent moth ere and lathers are entitled under thla act and can suspend the prosecution of any pending claim, and tako this pension, and afterwards complete tho prior claim and gci arrears. Having been duly annolnto'i an Aeent according to tho rules and regulations ot tho Department of tho Interior in tho pros ecutlon of such claims and having had sue cess in a number of cases I am always pre pared to give information and assist claim ants, and will assure them success If they are able to establish tho facta as required by law. Those Interested should call soon and claim their reward. 1 (JliOKfiH V. HTKItNKlt, North. UnrUrt Ml. T-I8-O111. Uloombnrg la. ro NervouH DebltltntcU Men. If you will sond us roar address, we will mall you our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltal'j Belt and Ap pUances, and their charming enacts upon the ner vous debilitated system, and now they will quick, ly restore you.tolniror and manucod.pamprilet (roe. It you are thus afflicted, wa will sami you a unt and Appliances on trial. i-ai-r-iy. voltaic uslt ix., jiarsnan. iiic LOCAL NOTICES. Bour-krout at O. O. Marr's. Go to New York Noveltv storo for ladles' and Misses' underwear, ami hosiery. W. J. Corell & Co. have a larca and beautiful lino of furniture suitable for Christmas presents. Astray. A small dark brown cow camo to the premises of tho undersigned, near Nenl's Furnace, in Bloomsburg, on Friday, Dec. Stb. Tho owner can have same by prov ing property, paylng.chargcs and paying for ims ucucc. r-MVUi, j. w. f ur. Remember tho New York Novellv atom is ueauquarters ror unnsimas treo orna mcnis, and alt kinds ol Uhrlstmas goods. An elf gant line ot pictures In the latest styles of frames at W. J. Corell & Co's. Art embroideries, jewelry, all kinds of hand-mado articles, hand pointings in water-colors or oil, ot tho New I'Deal storo. Engage your Christmas trees ot Uouscl, Go to O. 0. Marr for cholcoimlnce meat, Infant's coats and caps a specialty at the new rucai store. Antiquo and Corell & Co's. pluBh rockers at W. J. If you want a bedroom suit, now Is the time to buy ot Baker & McBrlde. Goods forttho Holiday trade at the New' I'Deal. Poultry of all kinds, dressed and dressed, at Uouscl's. Leave orders. Go to C. C. Marr's for comforts and blankets. Farmers not wishing to spend a day In town selling poultry can leave them with 110USEL, ho sella on commission. Thus saving you about 20 per cent. , 11. U 110UJEL. Successor to E. Jacoby. Now Is the time to call at tho New York Novelty store, for all kinds ot holi day goods, tin toys for boys, live ceuts and up, dolls for girls, all prices, and a thous and other things for Christmas presents. Picture frames made to order at short notico by W. J, Corell & Co. No trouble to show goods at linker & McBrlde's, O.O, Marr Is selling dry goods very cheap. Plush goods ot all description!, ladles' and gentleman' silk handkerchiefs, gents' neckwear, nno line, go to mo ?cw York woveiiy more. Big reduction parlor goods up Bakkii & MoBmni, Jan. 1st 1801, Cabinets, secretaries . and manv furniture novelties at W. J, Corell & Co's., for the Holidays. Lookout for Uouscl's Fish and Oyslir wagon Call and see our Holiday goods Ik fore buying, We will cavo you money. Bivm&MoUwns. CORNER. finest, the cheap to the public, is hanging and stand lamps of Fruits, nuts, crackers, cakes, &c. If you miss this exhibi- 7r"VY.3:r' :" aC and look at our display. una iook hi 0111 iuuay. ir TTAP.TArA'N" & S(TNT Bantos. accordlans and violins at Now York Novelty store. Tho celebrated Lynn Haven Oysters at Uouscl's. It will nay any one to tall at tho New York Novelty store, for whlto shirts, laun dried or unlaundricd, mens' woolen under wear and hosiery. A big reduction In furniture up to Janu ary 1st. BAKER & MOliltlDK. Uouscl buys and sells all kinds of poul try. C. O. Marr is selling corsets at cost. Farmers, leave your turkeys and chick ens at Uouscl's. Ho sells on commission. New I'cccl (gutter CruNlicr. n:il Farmers and others in need of a good feed-cutter or corn-shelter or bay-press, will do well by calling or writing to the undersigned for circulars, and rirtues. Satisfaction guaranteed. We also havo some good bob-sleds for sale. ll-SS-fJW WlHTK & CONNER, Orangcvlllc,. Pa. $ 1.1 Tho best vinegar in town at O. O. Marr's. HOLIDAYGOODS. We now have full lines of Holiday Goods Open consisting m part ot lancy toilet sets, glove boxes, collar and cuff box es, whisp Holders, gents toilet cases, furs of all kinds. Muffs 40c up. Special bargains in Coats for eifts. These are useful. Big bargains in Plush garments ol all kinds. Nice dress poods for useful gifts, fine line of lamps, china, books, albums, easels, screens, baskets, pictures etc. Counterpanes large lines, fine table linens, towels and nap kins, fancy shape cushions to cover with full lines of china and Florentine silks. Plushes.scrims fancy linens etc. for fancy work. Extra large line of handker chiefs of all kinds. See the spe cial handkerchiefs at 3 for 10c. 15c, 28 and 30 each up to $2.00 fine embroidered. Demorest sewing machines make a useful gift, 19.50 up. Table covers, kid gloves. New line hosiery and underwearpf all kinds. Jew elry. JNew lot tinsel. Seethe new pocket books, purses and bags for gifts. A nice black dress is a suitable gift for any. We have a big line. See our Christmas special number, its a beauty. Mittens, Leggings, wool rioods, childrens Hoods, chud rens coats very cheap to close. Shawls and skirts, full line of games for gifts of all kinds. It will pay you to call and see E.J. Clarke Son. "MTOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Samuel A. Smith, ot the township ot Plablngcreolc, County ot Colum bia and btaU ot Pennsylvania, and Bertha Jl., his wife, by deed of voluntary assignment ot thu date, have assigned to B. K. Wilson or the town ship ot Huntingdon, In tho County ot Luiorne, in trust tor tho benent or tho creditors ot the said Samuel A. smith, alt tho estate real and personal of tho said Samu 1 A. Smith. All persons Indebt ed to tbo aald Samuel A. Smith will make Imme diate payment to the sold Assignee, and Inoeo having claims or demands wUl present the sumo without delay. November S5, 1S90. K. it. WILSON, GtuNT Uirhino, Assignee for saral. A. smith. Atty. lM4t. UDITOIt'S NOTICE. E$tcM OS Mary itujierf, kite osthe town a Dloomt. burg, deceased. Tho undersigned an auditor appointed by tho Orphans' courtpf Columbia County to mako ut . trtbutlon of the fund In the hands of Kvu Hupert, administratrix, as appears by ber tlnal account, wui alt at hit rmcu lu Bloomtbury. I'u., on Satur day, January Sd, 18U1, at 11) o'clock a. in., when and whero all peruona having claims against Bald estate must appear and proe the same or bo de barred trotn coining In upon Bald fund. A. N. YOST, Auditor, ROHSUMPTION, IN its first stages, can tbo successfully checked by tho prompt uso of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Eveu lu tho later periods ot that dlscnso, tho cough U wonderfully relieved by this mediclno, " I havo used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with tho best effect In ny practice. This wonderful preparation onco saved my life. I had a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced lu llcsh, and given ujj by my physician. Ono .bottle and a halt of the Pectoral cured 1110." A. J, Uldsoil, M. !., Middkton, Tennessee. " Suvernl years ago I was severely 111. Tlio doctors said I was in consumption, and that they could do nothing for mo, but advlsod ine, as a lust resort, to try Aver's Cherry Pectoral. After taking th'ls medicine two or three mouths. 1 was cured, and my health rcmnlus food to tho present day," James lllrchard, Darleu, Conn. " Several years ago, on a pnssagahoma from California, by water, 1 contracted ro severe a cold that for souio days I wa confined to my state-room, aud a physician 011 board considered my life In danger. Happening to have n bottlo ot Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used It freely, and my lunga were nwn restored to a healthy condition, Hlnco then I havo Invariably ri oouiinoudcd this prep aration." J, 11. Chandler, Junction, Va. Ayer's Glierry Pectoral, rasrxam r Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co.) Lowell, Mais, BU y ll DrujjUu. l'ik(tililtllt,(i to V A A lndigrttlon, and liver coiopl&luti. Md.