THE CtofctrtteriN AND DESICKjkaT. BLOOMSBURG, WLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Btato Farmers' Alll&noe omcEna elbotiei) and raw. text ov TllKDECLAKATION OV l'ltWCU'LES ADOITKD, Tho Stato Farmora' Alliance adjourn, od on tho 27th after electing tho follow ing officers for tho ensuing year: President, Henry 0. Snivoly of Lob anon County) vico-prexldont Curtis S. Clark, of Orawfoaci Countyj IcoMiror, J. S. Potts, of Indiana County) score tary, Henry C. Dommlng, of Dauphin County) treamrur, Valentino Hay, of Somerset County; business agent, K. II. Werner, of S itiurect County. Kxo oulivu burial, llunry Drobst. of Berks County) 1. D. Koohe, of Potior County) and William Wible,of Adams County) Judiciary board, H. Ii. Sohall, of Armstrong County) W. P. Brlokcr, of Lycoming County, and Tlieodoro McAllister, of Adams Connty. Dele gates to tho Na-ioml Farmers' Alii aneo, Henry 0. Dimming of Dauphin County, and A. W. Knupper, of Somer set County. Alternates, J. S. Potts, o! Indiani County, and H. Young, of York County. Chaplain, S. B Kent, of Qrfcno County) steward, J. K. Bra baker, of Lebanon County) doorkeeper, Robinson Hood, of Potter County; as sistant doorkeeper, D. M. Omwake, of Franklin County, and sergeant-at-arros, John Dleffcnbaob, of Berks County. A resolution passed unanimously to bavp a Summer eucampmont, and a committee was appointed with full powers on tho subject. Tho committee are II. C. Demmintr, chairman, J. B. Mooro, and William" Wible. Tho ban ner connty in the Sialo in tho number of local alliances, is Greene, with fifty one, and an average membership in each allianco of oyer fifty. The report of tho Committee on Resolutions interesting becanse of its declaration of tho princl les of tho alliance, is as follows: Tho undersigned committee, ap. pointed by tho Pennsylvania Stato Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union to draft resolutions oxpreesivo of tho sense of the Alliance, havo unani mously agreed upon tho following, and roport the same for adoption: WnEREAS, There is a great deprcB sion in the agricultural interests of tho country, and a great stringency ex ists in money matters; and Whereas The tax laws of this State are unjust, inequitable, and oppressive made in tho interest of favored classes, and to the injury of tho messes of the people; tnereloro, bo it (1) Resolved, That tho rovenuo or tax laws of tho Stato should bo revised by the noxt Legislature so that every species ot property, real, personal, and mixed, lands, bonds, stocks, monies, etc., bo mado to bear its duo propor tion ot the publio burdens, in order to relieve tho owners of real estate from tho unjust taxation to which they aro now snoiecteo. (2) Jiesolved, That tho volume of the ourrenoy is wholly inadequate for tho business interests of tho country, and by roason thereof tho value of all kinds of property has been depreciated and financial distress has been brought upon tne country; ana lor relict id this direction wo favor the free coinage of silver, and d i 'wcato any discrimina tion in iavor 1' one kind of monov at t he xt' " f Himthor. (3) litioloed, That wo are opposed . an Hiuus ot trusts and combines whereby the necessaries of life, fuel, clothing, and all artiolcs which enter into daily use and consumption, are abnormally enhanced in price, to the great injury ot tho masses. (4) Jiesolved, That wo are opposed to the polioy of allowing foreigners to own and hold largo bodies of land in this country for speculctivo purposes; for it tonds to create a monopoly if tho soil similar to that existing in certain European countries where the execu tive landlord system prevails. (5) Jiesolved That free and honest election imperatively demand a seoret ballot; aud we most earnestly request tho Legislature at onco to call a Stato Convention for tho purpose of making the. necessary provision for securing a secret ballet for the voters of this Stato at the earliest possible time. (6) Jiesolved, That notwithstanding nearly all elates of persons, except tho farming and indusiriil classes have had special legislation bontficial to Jthemselven; yet as we regard class leg islation wholly wrong and inequitable, wo shall not demand it for ourselves, but wo shall demand from henceforth eaual nnd exact -Justice to all. (7) Jiesolved That we hold that tho Constitution of the United States shall bo amended, requiring tho election of united States Senators by a dircot vote of tho poople, in ordor that a higher order of tallent may bo secured in that body, and men prevented from secur ing the position by means of their wealth alone, and filling tho Senato with millionaito) regardless of tho prop or qualification. (8) Jiesolved, That wo aro in hearty sympathy with all the industrial class es of our land, and trust that by all moana they may co-operate to bring about the much needed reforms in lee- islation and otherwise, and secure tho right that justly belong to thorn. Respectfully submitted, Valbntinb Hay (Somerset), E. D. Roche (Potter), A. W. KNh'i'rER (Armstrong), D. M. Omwake (Franklin), Committee. from St- Joseph Hospital. A young girl horo had been suffer ing tor 12 years with Disease until she had lost tho use of her limbs, and was subject to many troubles incident to the disease. Tin physicians de clared hor case incurable, and predicted that her lifo would come to a speedy end. After taking S. S. S. sho recup erated ho fast that it was plain that he had obtained a now loaso on life, and she has coixiiiued to grow better, until her permuient cure is assured. Many oUer patients m our hospital havo obuiued signal benefit from S. S. S. and it has becomo quite a favotite in our house. The St. Joseph IIosmtal, Highland, III. OCIIEI) 11ERSELV AND 1IKK CHILD. S. S. S. liai relieved mo of a terrible Scrofula, from which I had suffered for years. It affected my hose first as oatarrb, then carried off tho bone, aud continued to cat until it destroyed the toft bono in the right side of the nose, thon wont to my throat, and later on to my lungs, and It looked as if I was doomed. S. S. S. has curod me and has also onnd my little "daughter of tho s.itne disenso. Mrs. N. Kitciikt, Mackey. Ind. Treatise on Glood and slctn Disease milled free BWIPTBrEOIFlO CO., Atlanta, OS. Mrs. Greoneye John, who was that pretty girl in ynorcfllce fdsyT Mr G. You blessed old second hand, that was nnly n book agent. fills. G Aud why am I second hand, I'd like to know? Mr. G. Becauso you're always on ho watch. Fllttburg JJulletln. B . F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER DEALER IN Tin Roofing a Specialty, ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsburg Opera nouso SCOTT'S EMULSION C0NSUNOT1M SCROFULA RONOHITIt COUGHS COLDS , CURES Wonderful riMh roduor. Many ham fLnd one poft4 rawed. ' It'&fc&irftft tiMAf lag pi MvttM 4 th HypopW Bid tea ui rmn, Herw.gtW ,0f jpItSSui ill v?'tne7Woril PALATA1LI At MIL. Sold fey aU Drurtrtiti; I had S iDtANKET" See for yourself how 5 Bldn- kets wear and other makes tear. FREE Get from your dealer free, the 4 Book. ( It has handsome pictures 'and valuable information about horses.- " Two or three dollars ' Tor a sa. Iforw Blanket if ill make your- horse jvorth mora and eat leas to keep warm-. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test Atk for i 80 other styles at prices to suit every- body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write ut. ' ARE THE STRONGEST. NRNr RtlilliiirujmiMiwu. ... . . Manurd t7 wh. Atbu som, PnUada.. whs" make the famoui Hone Brand Baker Blanketfk Throwing a Switch li tooth work la alarm? weaiher. as4 tht earltcV nan caodm ta too well protectea U ha wisbta o Kwrr on nMiio. Ajtrj ruirou Ma Ut U II ot Wdfchip ud cxpocurt. Tft gtnaat tkit will tally piolwt tha mu whole tnuisaM dlk bim out la atorar weather la tha " Fuh Bru4 riht aprt ol coat, Tha " nth Braid Slltl i " la tha onl; oae for your parpoaa. aWwara of warthi p. w. p jci .a iua wei. inareiora cat im lew imiuiloria. enrr lirtoeol Jtatoped with tha FUh Brand Traa Tiarh. Dn't accaM m lalerlor coat whea raa caa hara tha "riah Braai KKker " delnartd without extra coat. ' articular ud Uloatratad catalogue free. A.J. TOWIR, -BottonrMatataM J. R.SMITH&CO LIMIT2I). MILTON, Pa., DI1LIBS IS PIANOS, Bj the following wellknotrn maker.; Chickcrina:, Knabc. Weber, Hallet & Bavis. . Can also furnish anv of tha cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be- uu gvuiug our prices. o Catalogue and Price Lists On application. tl W.P-8 WHAT 5A BLANKETS Ducaer." i nejf art Bim, out Mnf , Iroa, haao nua throughout, and cood forjeara ol acrrlaW Thtjrara worth lea tlnui iHtlr coat, ad willura f ou manr a akkscia. V Mhar artMa at tclothlfca? rill iiaiid tha wear and few. Rubber la frail arlB ...saw i SPONGE? ULAOKINS ONCtA'WfEK! .M HOUMWlf J lRY Ountlna rlopm c . EVEBl Carrlaat Ownr A ' iVERY TfmtrMetrlinte, EVERY Bd!J W hold a bnih Wiu. .( aH & Nrw rxrueiTva f - Wiu.aniiHaiie)epi)AtJiaj r Zl .VI ill, erraiai tihwanb 1 1 ITlU, STAia nw SUSHtt WILL vim nw mmm I THE QEBMAH EMPBE33. Blrjco Bho camo to tho throno thd Emproag Angusta Victoria oontinaea to bo tho Benslblo and niodtBt" woman' 'that (ho was whon only a Princess. Ty.hiloher husband rnns ab6nt With fnvnrisK atS'ivltv. ViaUtnrV hrnsnnt and i 'possible allies, grid is "oDtcn't tb rO main at home, aua pcriorm mo vory umiteu gtuios.tpat tup coriRtitrition naa marked oat for the wires of German Bbver'eiiinB. O wine to the naby" beJ 'reavemenU in tho royal family, the court at neriiu has not been very gay inoe Willianl II. began (o roign. In fact, in tho days Of his 'grandfather it' was not Tenownod for" its liveliness. Tbo present;. Kfrrpajor xontlnnes tho eoonourcal' 'traditions 'oftho Hohen' zollorn family, and oburt recop iOns are' not much mote frequent than stato bills woro at Paris nnder M. Jules Qrevy. Having scarcely any other publio duties to perform than to appear at theihead of her regiment of cuiras siers during the rare moments when the Emperor is at home, .the Empress devotes most of her time to her house hold oaref, and berhapa continues to put' Up.hcr 6Wn preserves, is feho did when she was the' Princess William. Tho Emperor' is not at till displeased at this kind of 'talent, ao'the following iiloident will show. Soon after Wil liam II. was crowned. & committed bf U Ul .11. .WU..D, U . 111 IVOUIirU W VUC. a gift to the new Empress, decided, without a very long deliberation, that tho souvenir shbuld consist of a white silk apron trimmed with costly laces,' and baving tho names ol the bye littlo Princes embroidered in garlands. In receiving' this present, the Empress told the donors that sho was happy to accept such a gift, for tbo apron had always been the symbol of a good Ger man housewife. "Besidee," she added, "my husband will be' satisfied with your offering, for he desires that should always wear an apron in the nouser The Empress Augusta' Victoria is now in her thirty-first year, and is three months older and somewhat tall er than the Emperor:; but her fair and fresh complexion makes her look younger than her age. An, oval face, soft blue eves, beautiful teeth, and an abundanoo of blondo bair give her a decidedly agreeable, it not positively pretty physiognomy, while .she passes for. having smaller feet than nature has, generously bestowed upon tho sisters of ber raoe. The Empress has already given five sons to her husband ; but ber motherly care, is not loner bestowed on each one, for soon as possible their lamer takes them away from tbo nurse, and sends them to the drill-master in Thuringia, where they are uniformed, booted, spurred, and taught to train a sabre in true German fashion. Per haps the Empress would like to have a daughter among this little flock, but William II. is satisfied with sons. Speaking one day to his elder sister, the Princess of Saie Mtinintren. he said : ''It iB better to have only boys, because 'when' there ia a'daughteV, that immediately causes more embarasa menu and entails creator expense. First of all, there must be a governess, odo or more maids of honor, and a lot of complicated finery. On tho .con trary, "when there are only boys, they can all be dressed in the same fashion in uniform. A niece of cloth will serve for all of them. My boys are all dressed aa artillerymen, even thermal! ' est one, who is already a oorpofal. Arid it is' in' this costume that thev play all day Iodij! Only, the poor lit tle Princes cannot play as other chil dren do'; their solo recreation iq to anSuse themselves with' military theory and exercise, so as to become warriors, arid' win laurels, as their ancestors have done, and as their father hopes to do. Theodore Child, in JTarper't Jia zar. Valted By .8pooks, PNOANHV MAKIKK&TAT10NS 1K A BCRAK- TOM 110CSE. Pine Brook, a uorthern suburb of Boranton, is in a state of oxoitement over what is regarded as" ghottly miifesta tions. For tbo past sir weeks the families of Martin Nealon and Mrs'. Gatbarino Walsh have bton unable to sleep on account of strango noises which, are beard every night about twelve o'clrok in tho front room of tho Wauh apartments. The manifestations consist of ran. pings, heavy fooOiteps, slamming doors anu omer mysterious sounds.' The most caroful investigation failed to aa. certain the cause of the occurrence and tho people' in that locality attribute it to somo supernatural agency. Last Wednesday night, both fami lies, with several of the neighbor-, gathered in the kitchen determined to unearth tbo mystery. About Tnldnight a shuflling of foot was heard in the front room accompanied by a spasmo dic rapping as if on a pannel of tbo door. The men rushed into the room, but they found nothing to which the strangeTioUes-coura'Tjo al'tnLutedr A go out. The windows and doors, which had boon nailed, were found in. tact and the vigilant, watchers were uuty uiuru uuzunu man ever... wl .1-1 ' ' -.1- .' 3. ,We.i5y.wcrg ft.oflui lojeave tbe room ono of the men chanced to look out of the window and to his horror saw an apparition whioh almoit trans fixed him to tho spot. Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Nealon also witnessed It and almost fainted at tho sight. Outlined in tho darkness, just outside the win dow, was tbe bust of a youth with golden balr, fair features and large burnintr eyes. It disappeared as sud denly as it caine leaving no trace of its presence. The Walsh family' moved' out of the house Thursday, and tho Kealson family aro also preparing to leave. 4 m9 p ivt .Wo rHINC '' owr Ahoaal kV .. QeperfoHews. ilAi MlfSdn nmf Vmlly Motfaw rs capcll frfcrri'lho Wstern Penitentiary nt Pittsburg lostFriday. 'McGiw was sdrvlng ntoriri of '(wolvd' ydara for munloraiuliyhiicn was In for' olght yoars fof,lUfg(ary. .O&iitiatt Wililam MoClclland has bei n triatJrsVd bflhi OHctti 6t , the 1 8th UeglmentK.'Q.Pfor oflloo of Ad jutant Genoral under Governor Pall ,0D. . AMPRrfSAND, Saranao Lak'6 N. Yi, iNov.fSJ.'eltrirtr'triclrfal A dogYoes tFvj?clov ihi Signal ipUtjon hero this morning "This is llio coldest weathor swlar this Fall. Too ;LOer8ara'naD;Lak.o tijrosien up, and iub poiiut ami i.iKes nro covered, with ice. J n th.' mount ins 2 hobos qf sno'w covers tho grourd. Pari, Nov. 27.- M Pollr-tan ha? presented to tho Blidgl t Uominitleo a report on tho finat.oial situation of France. This slloivs that the oitlmated dobt of tho country is 80,300,810,59(1 francs of nominal eripitit.'and 22, '824' OjlS.'COO francs of actual oapltal, thp nominal rate of interest being 3.48 pet cent., and tbo aolual rate 1.02 per cent "Tills," odiitinUes the report; ''is the lafcist public dobt" in tho world, but .French credit is suflloiently solid to f TJ1 1. t. !..! I 1 etlivrr Ui X'lOUUU BfcUUK ugiug reuKUOtj'i as S por cents." A Woman's Christmas Feast- A moro perfect Christmas magazine for. women could not have been mads than is tho December ladies' Jlotni tfdnrnal. Truly, hero is Christmas in story, song, and sketch. Sixty five autnors and artists baye helped td make th.s number authors famous and gifted liko Harriet' Beeohcr Stbwe, Elixabeth Stuart' Phelps, 'Margaret De laud, Sarah Orno Jewett, Mary Ma'pcs Dodge, Dr. Talmage, Ida Lewis, Rob J. Burdettf, Mrs. Uenry Ward Beeohor. Mary, J. Holmes, Kate Upson Clark, EH Wheeler Wilcox, Rose Terrjr Cooke; Foster Coats, Elimbotti B. Custer. "Harriet 'Prcsoott Snofford. Mrs. Lyman Abbott, Margaret Bottomo 'and Ebe"n',E;Kex'iord,- each of whom make a distincl' sugccss in their contri' buliohs. Everything a woman would wish to know about Christmas, how to make presents, what to give, all about tbo Christmas din tier ' and holiday decorations is given by the best author uy omainauie. women unvo never had s6 beautiful a magaxino prepared aor tnem, rich in lliustratiOD, wiao m selection, helpful in tone a peifect aeitgui to nand and eye. A special unustuias cover bind! the number. Published at ono dollar a year by the Curtis Publishing Company, 433-435 muu strict, x nnaueipnia. i ( A $50,000 Dinner Bet- Tho Astor family' possess a gold dinner-service that is tho envy of every woman who has ever seen it.: It la one of the, most costly in this country. li is ValSed'at' Sfty thousand dollars, auiu to uuvf luo tJrurvrty ui iurs. w m. Astor. It ha'i been in the family's possession a long time ; it would be hard to describe, aa it was made in different parts of the world 'and was picked up on odd occasions. It is unique, and has been talked about more than any 'dinner set in' this conn try. The larger dishes consist' of an immense plateau and centre-piece, end pieces, oandelabrums1, 'wirie-coolers add Ditchers. In tha drairrn in rAnrnaAnrnrl iruit ot an description, together ,with . . . r-o" r -r uuiuuru sua iiun in repousse worK. Airs. Astor uses a while linen table-cloth of finest toxture, made especially for her. with a wide lace border showing a lin ing' of piok satin. Hor table is al ways decorated with Glorie do Paris ?osen, their exquisite shado of pink matoning exactly tnesatin underneath. noster voates, in Madies Jiome Journal. Patents Granted. To citizens of Pinnaulvnnin dnrinrr the past week; and reported for' thi paper by O. A Snow fc Co., Paten Attorneys, opposite U. S. Patent Of fiop, Washington, D. O. M. Carman, Towanda, Pa. Upright tubnlar steam boilnr. TZ: R. Hnro Drifton, Pa. Elevator apparatus. II. D. Deschler. Emniis. Pa. Alntnr. A II Dodd, Allentown, Po:. Shatter work. T I V-V. a - n. n o. w. uowme, weaver iaiis, if. Port able drilling maobine. A. B. Eby, Leaoock, Pa., Rofriceratincr or freezing system. R p. Garsed. Norristown, 1 a. Elevator signalizing apparatus. S. reok, Collinsvillp, Pa. Plow. J. R. Qodshall. TSlnnmintr Olnn Pa Windmill. M. A. Green. Altoona. Pa. Crank Shaft. Women Indifferent About Voting. Christian Atlnnnafn Vina honn l.lml.i ing tho vote "of tho Methodist Eplsco- osition to admit women' as Jay delo- O wmv.w.. "uill v;. . ityjr-, a HUB far the'rretarns havebepn'receivrd from seventy congregations located In the Pittsburg. Ene, East Ohio, and West Virginia Conferences. In these there' 12,811 members entitled to vote, but only 8314 exercised the privilege. Of this number 2051 voted for tbe admis sion of womon and 12G2 against. Pas tors report a singular indifferenoe with rumuuii iu inq question in some con. gregations, not more than one voter out of fiye coming to tho meetings. MlK. Rinnr Hriunvi r.f Want An..lllA Pennsylvania, a thrifty householder, 73 years of age, does herown domestic woric, Keeps a large hennery, takes care of her garden, weaves' hundreds, of yards of rag carpet every year, apd works out her road tar with shovel, hoe and wheelbarrow, and with an honest thoroughness that nukes the haart of tbe rond master to rejoice. Horses, Oattle, Sheep & How. Eictlt, tor tat rtpVd cr f Km lANUFACTUlr.O CO., IY0M H V .81.tH), 1 nranda.m mlri in n'Mn. - fZZTZT-. , '. gim aoa, wnmryrtiM, linimeitir, ay , THE GREAT German Remedy, TRUTHS FOR THE SICK.n for Uiosn dcnthlj IlltloufiSiK3Uiilci?ml i 1 .two w tiTljo mid for a c4Uo w here 6 v iv piiiin ittTTKnB win onSiiLriiuiiHiTTER! It will rtiro roi Inot assist or euro. It wIlniiiMiiiTptWar never falls. thflttlrcdandalljtono fccllnfft if o, uec Soi.r nun IHtteilb: CleansothoTltlated loC4l when von see its Impurlilcs burst- ii win euro yon. nvinrougn tno ssin n rimtilcsalltotrhes. oloeelf confined In ti-rntlvisi wtm nrf iml Aornn. Itnlv hn mo nuns ami wotk shops clerkSaWlio do not procure safflclent exMxlso. and all who arc confined Indoors, should u so PuiaTliun niTTEita. Thev will1 litariiun BiTTKns.M Unit lionlth will iVi. W IOW. fillLPllIMt ItfTTnu win cure iiTercom nlnlnt. Don't to ill not then bo weak am if xuraireu : it win cure SlTKir If tou do not wish HULPI1UR lllTTRIulTI to sn (Tcr from lthctmi will build roil un Anil III atlsm, uso n bottlo on make you BtroDgaudl I hcAltlir. m MULPHUR 1IITTKR8; it hcxcr falls to enro. HULP1II1R ItfTTKEsI II Duu't lio without n bottle. Try Ut you iwiu uinKa your uiooutM iurv,neii nuu 8ironir,Ku win inn mjtrn iu -iihi juur uvan nnm. Lailles In duUcntr health, who aro nil Try BULriiuiTTur rEHS to.nlccht. nnd run tloun, should use you will sleep well S IT LTIIIT It WTT RTIfl. urn ut i iicurr rnrit. Do you want tho bCBt Metllcal Work published? Fend 3 2-ecnt stamps to A. V. Ordwat A Co allOBtoiii Uass., and recclvo a copy, free. Intelligent Eeaflars will notice tlutt rtJOt "irrti(cZ lo eW all 1im. f ttlaa., but ilr nk ata raweU from llaordar.l Urtr, vim i Vertigo, Headacho, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious tioiic, i-iatuience, etc. Vai h tie or arOBOtwurranlaxKav' felHIk but ara mm uarlr na le la no. aUM. f ttaetla. it r.m.dy . rrl.., a Sets. aOIaO EVEKYWIIKItK. -Ttiousaiids uaTtt been permanently cured bv- I'liliiADEIil'IIIA.rA. friseatonccnooperatlpn crime or time from business. Cases pronouDCtxllu curable by others wanted. Bend for Circular CURE GUARANTEED. AUvlce r n OxHcelIo')aBto3. Oct 8-'90-1y Ulub Prl't f ir. Garrt ,,v" ion. of (H.I.. tSSO month i I naw h n , U wrltMl "Wsi at work an a f.rtn f.j mtloni aid oflta makeWlift Amj for L.JC Allen aV ra'm albums nrl nM(. William Kiln?, llarriaburr, Tm l anTthlnr ta aoii ilka A.eaiihn... """ nvrrr anown caterdajltoolt ordfrs ei tough t I par na over VISA." W. J. El lmorar Daogor, kla., wriieil "I luka an order for your album al ItliDoet avary house 1 Uy i-rqnt iionfUllulDCIIMWU Jror a alniclc day'awork." rOlharaaradnlnv we hava not iitaca to gira ci. SIiqII we stnrt YOU in this buslncfi-. rrad-rT . Wrlta to aa and laarn all about it for jonrarlf. We re sunluK many wawUIttart yoo If jon don't delay until aiiotbtrrcta ahead ofyoaiayoor part of tha country. If yon take hold yo will be able to pith up cold fait, oritpn'l On account of a forced manafartuirfa tale lSA.OUO ten tlnllar 1" hotogmpb Albnmi are to besoH 'otul P,upioCof lc iiauaA ,n yal Crlmaon Silk Valve. I ln-h. CbarmlDsly decorated Inaldae. Haueomeat alboma In the world. Urfreet uUa. Oraateat barfatna Tr known. Atcnta ".rjted. Ubtnltenna. Big money f6r airenta. Any one can bwnie a auceCMfnl jrit. SiUi Itaelf on eight little or nc. lalkintf nK.aaty. Wherever ahown, every one want to pur. ehaee. Agentt tab tbonaanda of ordan with rapidity never Mon known. Orvat proAia await avery worker. Agenta an ciakliirfwrtunea. Udlaamaka aa anuch aa nan. Tou, reader. cn doaa wall aa any one Knll Information and terras free. t-nIi5Ti V WU" lcr 11,1 P-rUcnlari and terras foe out nlly bibles Dooka and Periodicals After yon know all, tSKaoldyon conclnda to ro no further, wfa no harm la dona. one who Uk aa hold of thla mnd htialn... nil.. ... a, Jan ltvw-iy. FOR MEN ONLY! Tot LOST or PATXIHO MAHBOODl Oaaaral and KEKVODS SeBILIIV Wjaknaea of Body and Kind, Effaota OTErToraarEn..M.ln nu..V... mm ...ii'iuii ran. RNtma Hn t. ..I.r.a as ir.MrtkiTU,ijDiireuirDOBui8FinTorSoJi. itaalal.1. aaUllif UOBK TUliTIIIT-n...(. I. a . f ' lf C.lri. ffrlU Ua nixi'Tfi. t?tpinei I u I f na of tho the world. Our belliueaare anaqualfd, and to inuodaeaour a perl or roods we will tend rati to OMB l-KRSOK lo each lotaHly, aa above. On) thoee who write tout at once can make aur o tha chanea. All yoo have to da la, return la to ahow onr (todo t thoee who call roar neiahbora " and those around too. Tha be. glnnlor f thla adverUaenaat htwi the email and of the t.i.. Tb follawiof; cot jrlte tha appaaranca af It reduced ta about tba flftietb part of lt bulk. It la a grind, doable alia tela. Mopa.aa Urge aa ta aaay to rarry. Wa will eleo anew yon bow rou un make from 83 toStOaday at leait, from the iUrt,witb. Mtaiperleaca. Uettar write at one. TTe pay all eipreM ahagat, 4ddr, U. UALLK1T CO.. Bos HBO. roTLurp, Mail m A PNE88 A HUB 18 tEl CDHItrr rlMani CUSHIOXS. WhlFrpr hcArd. Corr Sartabla. Nateeeafal where all tUxiv 41m fall. Held hy 9. HlSfOZi ejaHi ertiin mmw aera. nrmiir yrMnraaii 12 5 d4t. K IPP & PODMORE iYK0niTE0T8, Ostskuodt Bdildino, Wilkesbarre, Pa, Branch Office, nioomiburir. Pn.. with Jho. M. Clark, Att'y. & Counsellor. . PENSIONS FOR ALL. THE OLD 11BLIAULK AGESCY. WE NEVKIt FAIL OP SUCCESS. Recent &CLB nf Comrmna Artj.nd lh. 1vin.iltn nr the pension laws to nu Disablea Holdlere, no mat ter wnether thlr disabilities were Incurred In the army or since dLschaive. Every BOldter'S WldOW. who hA9 tn wnrlr tnr a. Urlntr, and bis minor children, and tbe parents ol v.. uuui.iiiuu uiuuivni wuo niea in tne aervice. It now in need, can get pensions. Address with stamp lor return postage, o. L. KUElllIAItT, AityaLaw. 11-14-lt. Beaver Falls, Ueavar Co., Pa. QUATEPUIi-COSIFORTINa. EPPS'S COCOA. HHEAKPA8 1" (,Bv a thorauah knonln.1irftnr natnrat lanr which govern tho operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by a caremi application of the noe properties of well-Belected oocoa, Mr. Eppi nkt Srorlded our breakfast tables with a delicately avored beverage which may save as many heavy doctors' bills. It la by the Judicious use ot such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradual ly built up until Btrong enough to resist every ten aencyto disease. Hundreds ot subtlo maladies are noaung arouna us rendy to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal Bhatt by kceiilnir ourselves wen (nrtmn with pure blood and a properly nourished f rame."-t1ril Jitrvtce aaietts. Made simply with boiling water or mint. Bold only in halt pound tins, by tlrocers, labelled thus: 4A31H.H KITS A; CO., Ilomoopathlo ChemUU, 11-Sl-it. London, England. SALES ME WANTED LOCAL OR TRAVELING. tOBfllourNurncry Stock. Salary, Expenses and Steady employment guaranteed. CUAUE UKOTUEUS COMPANY, moa. 9 & U w. llochester, N.V. SIMPLY AST0NISHI1TGI . Any person, young or old, oan read all the notes In tmifclo correctly within 5 uilouus after com menclrjg, by uslig Ileppna aiualn Chart, Without any other Instruction, this we positively guarantee. For sale by all nrat-clsss Mualo Deal ers throughout the United (States or mailed di rect to your address on receiptor price, fi.0'. V. J. UKl'm bON, 1UT Chestnut St., Willa., l"a. Nov, H-iyr. ' OFALLPLASTERS for many "years iiseo and prc-511 ccently introduced generally. 2v Dfl.0u05VEN0RS JT ellcapsic s PLASTERS. iT The best Porous Platter madrSA. for all aches.palnj and weak places) -. iTJnlike other nlaatert. aa be suretD I (and get the genuine with the pic-Jp (tore of a bell on the back-cloth.) (iBOtVIMORcV KlCKAKDS, IlOSton TJLJ.I Ifl II i Mil s r cm vsTSLV T?TTTTTTTTl T laTaTaTaTaTaTam. mm wiles rwmMtr ll-21-l-tU RAILROAD TIME TABLES. pLOOMSUUItO&BUli'UVAN 11. It. Taking effect MONDAY, NOVBMDEH 17, 16W). boutil noirrn. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lr. bv. STATIONS, r. at. r. u. . a. at. r. it. r. at. uioomsourg,H... s S3 la 10 T is s S3 is s to MAinmreot t is it oi 7 07 Irondale e is 12 on 1 w t'aper Mill. 08 11 ea ts LlshUitniet....... I 05 11 49 t M 8 41 t 4J 6 47 8 45 S 45 ft 60 8 M 3 M 6 W 8 50 S 56 7 03 Of. 8 07 T 10 15 8 17 7 SO 9 20 8 &0 t 14 Orangevllle 6 61 11 88 43 Zancr's 5 43 11 21 e so rvras. o 43 ll 7 d sa Stillwater.......... B 87 11 IB S S3 9 S7 8 S5 7 31 Benton .., 5 S3 II 09 15 9 87 8 M 7 89 rAiauuB,......,.,,. D 1 11 IS e 11 tl 0 00 1 l L'oloe Creek 5 SO II to C9 9 44 8 49 7 48 Sugarloaf, 6 15 11 (7 0 03 9 48 8 46 7 A3 Uubachs,.... 0 19 10 61 ft 00 9 68 8 60 7 67 Central. 5 03 10 43 6 63 10 OS 4 00 807 lamison city.... 6 ou 10 40 5 60 10 10 4 03 8 10 Lt. lt. hy. Ar. Ar. Ar r. at. A. M. l. at. a. at, r. v. r. at. J-ELAVAR1S, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSDUKG DIVISION. HTATIONS. NORTnCUBJRUND. 6 40 Cameron 5 65 CbulasKy Oanvlllo 60S catawlssa (25 NORTH. P.M. AlU. i. h 1 60 1000 ft 16 10 15 1019 10 35 10 48 11 ft 41 ltuport.. 680 1 80 1060 7 06 nioomsburg s 86 2 35 10 57 7 la Espy.i 6 41 8 41 11 06 7 30 Uino Hldga. 6 60 .... 1113 797 Willow tlrove. 6 64 .... 11 10 7 81 868 Urlaroreek 6 63 .... 1130 7 36 Ucrwlck 7 05 8 69 11 31 7 43 Ucachtlavcn Til .... 1131 749 nick's Ferry 718 .... 1133 765 Mhlcxshlnuy. 7 80 8 20 11 48 8 08 IlUniOCk's. 743 .... 11 63 8 17 Nanttcoke. ,., 7 60 8 88 13 06 8 24 Avondtlo 7 64 .... 13 10 8 23 Plymouth 7 69 8 43 1816 8 83 Plymouth Junction so.i .... 1320 833 Kingston 808 8 53 18 37 8 43 Bennett........... 813 .... 1281 849 MaltOy 817 13 33 S 63 Wyoming. 8 21 4 01 13 40 8 68 West rittaton 827 4 0a 124s 903 l'lttston. 883 4 11 1368 909 Lackawanna 840 ...... 101 V17 Taylorvllle. 8 48 ..... 109 9 35 uenevue, . sm .... 115 sso ovainTUH V W 23 1 20 9 83 STATIONS. bOUTH, r. if. r. it SCRANTOH '. 6 10 9 50 a.m. A. it. r.u.r.n 1 68 820 6 23 uenevue. 815 9 65 Taylorvllle 6 20 10 00 Lackawanna 6 23 10 09 Plttston 6 86 1016 West Plttston 6 41 10 32 Wyoming-.., 6 47 10 27 Maltby gel 1080 Bennett. 6 63 lo 34 Kingston 6 58 1033 Plymouth Junction. 7 0s 10 43 riymouth 710 1047 Avondale 714 10 51 Nantlcoko 719 10 63 PkV,10'8 " ?,hl?W.mnI' "I Hick's Ferry. 7 55 1121 Beach Haven 8 01 1134 Uerwick 8 07 1140 unar creek 818 3 02 210 218 2 24 229 237 140 3 45 rso 8 65 159 6 0 87 6 46 6 68 665 6 69 703 707 712 716 7 21 T25 3 06 7 43 8 30 7 66 3 31 8 07 3 40 8 13 3 47 8 30 3 63 817 wiuow drove. , 616 1160 LUneltldge 8 20 1154 E?py 826 1201 3 57 8 31 402 836 4 09 8 41 uiuuinsourg s 32 IfPCrt 8 37 Catawlssa 842 Danville 8 57 Chulusky..; " ... Cameron 9 07 NoKmonBaaiAKn 9 21 1306 1213 13 17 12 82 4 15 8 47 4 22 8 52 4 23 4 46 454 6 00 l'a'Vi 13 65 515 Connections at Hupert with Philadelphia' & Reading Railroad tor Tamanend. Tamanua. will. . T. '"Mport, sunbury, l-otuvlllo, etc At Horthum- iZ:. t, """A-" "'v- ' ror liamsnurg, i . uaiijiaau, ua. man., Scranton, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. " Din Philadelphia 6l Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northom Central Railway. 11! TIME TABLE. in effect NOV2J, 1890. Trains leave uanburi . EASTWARD, ' .vM Train 14 (Dally except Sunday uamsnurg ana Intermediate stations arrlvlnor at. phuarfAinhtA a... M . vr.rr 3.50p.m.i Baltimore, 8.10 p. m.: Vashsngton J" P' m., connecting at Philadelphia torall twa r 8tt 8t"itoy),fornarrlaburg and intermtv it VA arriruij; at, 1'aiiaaeipa UB,.?:J?:,, WUjiton, 8.15 p. m. Parlor oar 5 PlJ'ladelnhla and passenger coaches to Phlla- .u u, ui. : nw inrz. n. m. t H Mm.M f0rn.rt.hnranf,.-Si Jfi..T. jH?. J?. JtliH? n I. aT iZZ, T . . . . aj lUMlianj DlilaUUUS, ttll IT ' IDeat PhllftilR nTllaal OK a n . Van. 1' a- T.k - 11 - - aawiu. uuuinbUlUrju Ulilyli O. 111. m., asWngton. 7.W a, m . rullmaa Bleeping caw a KM a rr Tm n a 1 . a 1 r burs ana Arrivinr at- oiori'u iua mi uaiumorQ waaiuiiiTion. W o". vwwviauo MlUatliUllUirja VVKSTWAllla". x.ir4 a. m. 'iTain u. fiiuiiv mnr isn A SaSrS'S 'SSSS.?1801 ca anl Punier MU". m. Trains (dally), for Krle. uananaaigna ana Intermediate otatlons, Hoches ter, uuflalo and wiagara Falls, vTlth van iS?rSs.Sjecar8 anaPto"oeooacnes toitrleand ntermedlato Btitlois." ""'u "lu 1.42 D. in. Train 11 Mailt? at.t... 10.00 Train lit Muttvt rn rv TrAnAn 3 tyl for Itunri n.lnnn i.lmta ant in..mCLii... .. tlons, Rxhetitcr, llnnalo and Niagara Falls with throughpassengor coaches to Kane and Roohester and fanorcar to itocnester. c JS Ft-rShJS'H9.1?! axoeptBundayjtor Ke- ..7... .uwiuinuaw Bbuuons, With through passenger coaches to ltenovo and Blmlra. 9.10 p. rn. Train 21. ( 1nll m, irmTTTi- oortand IntermHrttatn atitino ' n"" THliOUQll TRAINS JfORBUNUUKY WtOMTHB Train it leaves New Vork. 12.15 nltrht a ui .". ( 1uifv111gat.ounDary1a.00, PhlladelDhla. H.50 a. m. ' Wahin(rfainin1liea.y!,8 tlmore 9.00 a. m. (oauy except bunday arnvtnir&t sunoury. 1.12 wltb Parlor car from PhltaSSphti JSrt Mnm"nV mnaaeipnia Train i-ieaves New York 9.00 a.m.tPhiladRi Sfn!.45 ft J?,i(laU,, "VfJPl'nun'day, am'vlnK at a. m. ! WAahlrtfrtyin in rn m . ......I fronlphi'iadJlJhirand u"aiJlmorr,,)I,KOr coacM, TrAlnffl lAnVLH Moor o n.. mF."llPJbla-s:sPjm- WuBhlngton 8.80 p. ml' "a'llmore4.a3p.m.dally) arrlvuig at StinOury, . JJlrV 1?5ve?.Nl!w YorK P- n-i Philadelphia J;i!lp-S-Wa81llntn'7'40 P. in., Baltimore als P;,.-'.'" except Saturday,) arriving at sun bury, 2.01 a. m. with Pullman sleeping cars and more wwvuw 'lwu nasuiugum ana naltl- Traln 8 leaves New York &00 p.m.; Phlliuol. mJSS ,.?A I, "aMington, IB.00 p. m. i Unitl- s .v,!"1!"?'" amvuiKa BunDurj 5.1U &...Sri..Jf,tll.wlI!""ul Weeping care from r- " ..oiuuBfcuu anu uaiumoro ana PMsonger ooaoheB iiou) Philadelphia and Dam. HUl!if Fa" eX'. lI.liJ.T1i'. iYH.KKHIM It II K ......... iiuarii jareif sv tiN 1 lliraNilll Ktll.tVAV, (Dally except Bunuay. ) Train 7 Ifta.P. Unn...i mnn . 0p.m'.tIllOOmirerr,' 10,13 &,m" WUtoB-birr. at Bloom Perry 6.aa p. m.. WlUes-barro r.w p. if Ha'n.,?,'e"S Wflkesfcarre 11.17 ".m.irriT Train 11 leave Hnnrmrv a .. alu'Vave? vlng at Bloom Ferry 4.S4 p. m., Banbury 5.23 p. m; bUHUAV TKAINS. Trfllnf ln.w.lliinhnnllkta. PaHSlm."'001" 18rr,0" Wllkea-liarnB , . Train S3 leaves Wllkes-Barre 6.10 F's?d ttrr7"Ul at Bloom "T, 6.S9 p. m., Banbary ciIas. b. i-nau, j, n. wood aen. Manager. oen. Paiaenger Agt. TDUILADELIMHA & HEADING HAILHOAD. ON AND AFTBR Nov. 16 1(90. TltAlNS LBAVB BLOOMBUHQ as follows: (SVNPATS UOirTBD.) For New York, Philadelphia, Heading. Pottsvllle Tamanua. eta, 6:05, litis a. m. For ft llllainsport. 8:10 a. m., 8:16 p. m. For Danville and Milton, 6:10 a, m., 8:16, U;oo p. 6-sa d. m. :10' nM m-' M:ao 8:00 ei"(!oTtm.M,8:10'"1,Sa-m-' ,S:a)' ":00- T1UINS FOIt BLOOMBBUltO ?i. a Philadelphia 7:45 a. m. 4:00 Leave Philadelphia iftoo a. in. tvoJ p. m. Leavo Heading lt:60 a. m. 7:57 p. mT Leave l"ottvllle 120 p. m. Leave Tainaqua lail a. m. 9:18 p. m. Leave ft lUlamsport 9.30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 11 m 8 ,8aa 7:00 8:,0a-B1'. 1:80, 8:10, M0 fciMin "p?2? 7:ae, m' m ,:91 n i. it .h wanEton and the West via a ATLANTIO CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Iter 7, chestnut Street I Wharf, and South Btreet Wharft vu",uu,, Blreet ... Q ATLAHTI0 OITT. p Yn? aasKlPreaa :0. . m. 2:00, 4.-00, Aoooinmodatlon, 8:00 a. m. 6.00, p. m. Bundars Kxpretw, 9.00, a. m. Aocommo. dation8.ooa.iri.anda:80pVm. KITDHXIMO, U1V8 ATLANTIC C1TT, SfiJSf iornor AtlanUo and Arkansas Avenues 1 Week days -Zipress. i.-ao, .oo. a. m. and on. 8:05 "a. T dfflfiERraaffl .J- Accommo. A. A. -McLKOD, O. O. HANCOCK, r , FOR THE LAST 3 IT IS A SATISFACTION Clothing i Establishment OF 0 L0WEN8E8G, Still leads in the Still leads in the Largest Stock, Still leads in the Latest Novelties. WHILE THE a a Is always full of the Latest and Uomestic uoods made up PERFECT SATISFACTION WHOLESALE (fr&tfy, (Joiacfo, (C&n1, Fvo"tj an r2oty. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. FEiTiq-Sr GOODS L. SFEOEA.LiTrZ'. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the forhnrlng brands t Ciara 1 Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Sflvor Agh. Any aardcT lor FotiraJa trill be supplied with tbe Lowes Mofcct Price, aa Mctm , OrtMej. Lemort5, 9 ream h)t5. lt BLOQllURG, ?k. G. 6. ffOBBIS, Foreign and Domestic BL00MSBURGP.J- mm mm wmm In pnrcbasincr lionee hold noaesHitien. it. in wen nlumva tn clnni u.i,;i. is tha best, it will bo the cheapest iu the end. A good article in always a 1 wee of pleasure. J. SALTZEli has won a wide reputation for selling good goods at low prices. Ho buys direct from tho manuf.mtiirnrs. nnd mn Roll fimr class goods cheaper than can bu obtaiuod elsowhere. Hero are somo of tho articles ana prices : 1 Spwinrr INlnnrliripfl nf ffirno frmlna hv iho New Ilnmn Rflwinrr mnnlimn drawer drop loaf, all attachments, 5i'J.ou to Royal St. John, $30 upwards. c. 1 r . jl - . 1 ssSS'iwlaECT5Waai," oiauuuru i.oiary, J540 upwaras, New Home, $30 upwards. Have reeeivt'il thn nrrnnmr fnr (hn Distin Cornet, tho best cornet in the accordeons, dram, flutes, fifes'and all tit uuu nnoui Liuuis ut viiiiiriN. ami Hrn oi musical instruments. Tha best of tor viounB, guitars, Danlos, violincollo, and S'iPt' bass violins. Atjont for Biitterick's patterns, JjjMlV pattern-book and fashion sheets. "SsKsjri' Pianon. ortzans ami aowin minblnna anLl nn mnni.n ..... a i discount for cash. Do not send elsowliern. lint, nnll ami - - , .. who is always with you, and oan give miu inAtrnmnnt. vnn mnu niipiVinan . J wv. .Mt rM.UUMD J. SALTZER, Musical nls i!IW BkV yi.HAIirar..M T.,n.a... W aMWDUWa M1M, U Instriin WAREROOMS TO KNOW THAT THE Latest Styles, Largest Stock of Imported and by Experienced Workmen. ALWAYS GUARANTEED. DEALERS IN Etoy Piano, $350 to $60. Steok. $375 to $G00. Ii. M. Bent & Co., $250 lo S400. Brown & Simpson, $250 to $400. Kstfy Organs, $90 to $175. Millor organs, S76 to $150. United States organs, $125 to $175. Chicago Cottage organ, $90 to $140 Worcester organs, $75 to $150. Paris organs, $60 to $100. Celebrated White Sawiuij Maohinos $ to $G5, New Domestio Sewing Machines, $35 to $75. mn.ln Pii J from l!nn... w world. nnninp kinds strings no una fl.a i i n . v..u nwua Ul vuur UUIUU deaiCr, you any information or instruction uoori r al Saw MiieliiiiK rt m ruxitf 1 Nf 4 1m :4 J