The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 28, 1890, Image 4
". r- Zt .! 1 i ) T 1H a WOODSMEN IN WINTER. LTJMBERNEN of tub busquehanna AT WORK HI THE I'OSEST. HOW TilE BED gillllTED ntANTSM'lM. rx'ss TI1K SIIOnT lAf3 ANl) I.ONO NK111T8 OF Tltlitlt ItAHVKST BKA80N-TAI.KS THAO. 10 fiuw tiimk uvra. Tho appraohing winter btinga sat isfaction to hundrods of mon in Uio mountains along both branches of tbo Susquehanna who follow that most ancient of calling B-woodoraf t. A cold white wintet brings happiness to tho rougg woodsmen, to whom it moans steady work in tho forest with good pay and plenty to eat until April nud tlion another or so of rafting down tho timber thus out. Tho great operations whore acre up m aero of pine trees aro felled and hewn aro not as numerous as forinurly, lor each clearing means so innoh ol tho forest gono for all time or at least for decades, for nature can not rcjilaoe in. a year what man des troys is as many days. Still, although tho output of tho West Branch timber lands is steadily decreasing thoro yet remains sullloient of tho old timo in dustry to clearly portray the simple modes and customs of thowoik and its followers. Tho red-shirtud giants with groat gaudy wooleu comforters, knit by their sweethosrts, wound around thoir necks and with thoir leet encased in heavy woolen stockings reaching to tho knee, without shoe which would only pinch and frostbite their feet, or at most shod only yith rubber overshoes and wearing heavy trousers supported by another loud-colored ecarf wound twice orthrioe around tho waist and tied with long dangling ends, aro familiar sights along the Susquehanna. Wheth er hard at work felling trees in the clearing or scatod on a log sled liko some modern Aohilles dragging a Hector of the forest in triumph, the woodsman 19 ever lull 01 mo and ani mal spirits. Eating prodigious quan Hies 01 iooa in tho moBt primitivo way and consuming all the liquor ho can obtain without regard to its qual ity tho lumberman enjoys life to tho utmost. To pass tho long winter ovenings wheu other resources fail he has always two courses open to him either to play "penny poke" or to go to tuu noarcat, revival, tne protracted meetings new by devout Methodists, usually in tho publio school house and continuing weeks, frequently months, without cessation. And to tho credit of tho men bo it stated that, although gonerally holding crudo idoas of relig ion, tne lumbermen aro most quiet and orderly dnrine tho services and. some times moved by the appeals of proachor and friends, a great rough mountaineer . may arise and approach tho mourners' bench. These, with an occasional chance in tho way of a spelling bee (at which force of circumstances compels him to be but a spectator) or a visit to town are his solo diversions all through tho long winter, until spring thaws tho rivers and melts tho ioy roads. Then ho replaces his woolen stockings with heavy boots, in the heels of which aro set Bteel nails projecting half an inch and snaipened to a point. "Uorks" is thoir common bat inexpressive name Tho nails are to enable tho wearer to secure a firm footing on a rollug log, but they sadly mar a o.upet and tho wooden pavements of the littlo interior towns are ritMlcd with boles. . Armed with a "cant hsok" the mountaineer now becomes a raftsman and bends his energies toward getting the timber to maket at Williamsport or eisowhero. Tho round saw lo?s aro simply rollod into the, stream to be carried down by tho current, but tho squared timber is securely bouud to gether in platforms about twenty feet wide and soveral of these platfoims fastened together form a raft, familiar to all our readers. When at last tho raft is ready for sailing a rough board shanty is built on it and abundance of straw for bedding, a ehcetiron Btovo fur cooking and a supply of food com pletes tho outfit. Then the craft starts merrily off for her three or four-day cruise. It is the aume of enjnjment to slowly glide along the river on oue of these huge platforms observing magaifi oent mountain soeuory which cannot otherwise be seen, for tho streams are not navigable for any other class of boats. Very often a whole family will tnako tho trip, wifo doing tho cooking for the crow. As may ho found overywheroa trace of the tragio crops out frequently and stories of trouble and sorrow peculiar to the locality and occupation abound. One may be recalled. A handsome young mountaineer had wooed and won a country maid and tho happy pair took their tour on a raft, the young w man'eagor to see tho groat outside world, of which sho had hoard so much. Tho raft had two cabins built upon it, ono for the crew, the other for the newly raarr od pair. Tho second night out waB dear ar d moon light, and tho pilot detorminod to run on instead of tying up, as is customary. About midnight they drew near one of tho largest dams along the river, and although ovcry effort was made to get the raft close in by tho thoro so that it might pass through the long molined chuto provided lor the purpos the atago of water was so groat that it was soon seen tho raft must go ovur the breast of tho dam. This, though thrilling, is not necessarily a dangerous advooturo, as very frequently a raft will pass over with no more serious datnago than the straining of the joints bnt again every timber may bo torn loose and tho tho men thrown into tho surging waters. On this occasion the rauman siauoueu ms initio as near him as safety would permit, and with anxiety all awaited tho plunge. Slowly the long mass of timbers ap proalhed tho booming cataract the front section began to curve downward nnd suddenly disappeared, the second followed and then tho third, while tho men on the fourth and -last could plain ly pee tho timbers jnst ahead stand al most perpendicular and then right themselves. Finally tho last seotfon, upon which wero tho brldo and her husband, pitched over and almost in etautly righted itself safe below, but in that instant tbo long handlo of the oar had swung around, dospito tho cf forts of the men and swept tho girl into tho boiling rapids at tho foot of the dam. With a wild yell her husband Bprang after her. The raft swept on and both wero drowned, but for years raftsmen have refused to pass that dam alter nighwaii, and local gossips say that in timo of Hood the fell rick of the drowning girl can bo heard above tho roar of tho falling waters. Another tale in moro cheerful strain, is told of tho great Hood of June, 1889, which devastated the Susquehanna valley about the sumo lime tho J onus- B. F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER DEALER IN Tin Roofing a Specialty, ESTIMATES FUilNISIIED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsburg Opora House If You Have OOHIUMPTIONIOOUfiHORCQLB BRONOHITIS Throat Affectloa SCROFULA I Wasting of YltA Or tmf JHna whr Uu IT Itr i n& Ttmgl mm Inflamed, XMth of Mtrtngth t Mi tftter, V" " rUmi mn Curti Hf SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL Wltn Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE A8 MILK. id .1 for f !(' AnuMm. and Mm flmlln w ttllHtatU Mum yM MQt a nrttfu! BclA by all Druggist. OOTT BOWNK.0haml.ta, The boy may live to be 80, bat the poor horse for want of a blan ket in the stable has to die at 20. FUE E Get from your dealer bee, tk i& Book. It has handsome picture) and valuable information about hones. Two or three dollars for a sa Hot Blanket will mako your horse worth men and cat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test Ask for SO other styles at prices to salt ererr body. If you can't get them from yoit dealer, write us. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE QtNUINE WITHOUTTH t fV LAMIL Manut'rt or Wh. Atbim & Bom. panada., wbta mako tbo tamous Hone Brand Baker Blaskata. Thla Trade Mark Is on Tie Best Waterproof Coat In ttia world wnnrannnnntHiiumfMi A. J. Tptw, Poatrm, FREE TRIAL 1 PACKAGE PROF.HARRIS' FOHTHE CURE OF WEAK MEN (VITALLY WEAK). Matyto c1im appileail U builneimor itodi aevt-ra mental train or trlttl fcKICAL kXt rSStSIn aUdla lifa.or vlelvua baUli eotitr.etid la fatitb. VYEHIV mEn kxiuitiTiuWAbiiauttiukhfc., is.. m.Lruiy LuisruvitkriKLr utiiv iyut,kUu4BiD HLK AQblJ) met ol vim, vigor, tnd trcDgih.vltbaeiualariana Impaired and weafcaned preinaturtlr la approatblmald WHEN WE SAY CUBEiS1S!r,'rjrfB 1: 1 f-y mm ircat4t4 tmtti la put twelryra. X 2t CSOLUBLE MEDICATED PASTILLE ft. TDI&I tofTrttfbtda7atrUlili!OU,TU.l iM.1. All innn. taunf nr rilA anrr.!.. fMM ijueatioua to bf anawerei, tfaat vt may iaaw iba Lraa eon dl tit lfeaeheaae and treptr mtdleloa to offcat a prompt ovra. LocaU4 tnNtw York (trier IS reara at BU Loula), 8er u a ctaaooa t t cared or tbo eelebmud Paatlll Treatmeat. THE HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfp. Chemist. OOBEEKHAN ST BEET. ' SEW YORK. tin mi w bi:h l.u it t vium n 1 1 .m. frreraltut trouble ahaull lend their tddrHi rHn.i.k J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DE1LKRQ IN PIANOS B j the following wellknown m&keru Cliickering, Knabc, "Weber, Hallet & Davis. t Can also furniah any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. JJo not buy a piano be ore getting our pneea. ,o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. fMtp-c 5K aW raurwSS W THE (X)LUMBIAIN AND II tpjf CHILDREN VS Tm'lfrU by th of Wolit'sUGMEBIacking j oa Hftve one pavlr of Bho yf (S n. bottU KtlB cents laata tbrroonthai. for bow miinj- yenrs blftoktoar will on yoar'n BAVlcgila' ahoa Lnathar payi ma 1 iiinwat iwaiawi mMMin r it ftftd How fttmUHHg Ltorttfvr nt.Uon, vhh Tnrnt$h at th inmi lima. WILL 3T(f CLAll AN 0 CHtNAWAKI will Stain toon olo oashcts WIVL STAIN 8AHY CQAfcH AHO SIK-BON WOLT? U I1ANDOLPU. rhlld.lphl. town calamity ocourod. A well-to-do lesidont, wbose hoaso stood oloso to tho river, had a beautiful danishter ' to whom a handsomo younc lamberman had been paying suit. For some rea son the wooor did not find favor In the father's eyes and he was forbidden to communicate tvith the girl. He con tinued his toil and patiently bided his time. A fsw days before the flood ho started up tho river to assist in bung ing down a raft. Tho raft was duly started, but the water continued to rirto to such an extent that it was deemed advisablo to tie up. This was found to bo out of the question, as the flood had covered the "snubbing poet,'' and so the raft drifted od, carried by the current. Scores of untenanted house 8 were passed, and they finally approached tho home of tho young man's sweetheart. As they drew near they eaw the whole family upon tbo roof frantically beseeching for rescue. Aided by lhe current the crew guided the raft so that it jnst scraped the eves of the house, and with ono accord tne victims began to leap upon the modern ark. Tho lover, however, seeing that his Bwretheart was safe, grasped a pike and refused to let the lather on board, shouting, "Will vou give mo Mary, will you give me Maryl A Doctor's Oonfesaion. HE D0E-N T TAKE MUCH MEDICINE AND ADVISES THE IlEl'ORTEK NOT TO. "Humbug? Of oourso it is. The so-called tcience of medicine is a hum bntr and has been from the time of Hippocrates to the present. Why the biggest crank in the Indian tribes is the medicine man." "Very frank was the admission, es pecially so wheu it came from one of the biggest young physioians of the city, one whoso practice is among the thousands, though be has been gradu ated but a few years," says the Buffalo Courier. "Very cozy was his olhce too, with its cheerful grate 'fire, its Uueen Anne lormture, and lis many lonnces andeasy-ohairs. He stirred the fire lazily, lighted a fresh- cigar, and went on." 'lake tne prescriptions laid down in tho books and what do you find? Poisons mainly, and nauseating stuff that would make a healthy man anin valid. Why in the world science should go to poisons for its remedies I cannot tell, nor oan I find any one who can.' "How does a doctor know tho effect of his medicine?" he asked. "He calls, prescribes, and goes away. The only way to judge would be to stand over the bed and watch the patient. This caunot be done. So, really, I don't know bow ho is to tell what good or hurt he does. Sometiiuo ago, you re member, the Boston Qlobs sent out a reporter with a stated set of symptoms He went to eleven prominent physi oians and brought back eleven differ ent prescriptions. This just shows how much science there is in medicine." There are looal diseases of various characters for which nature provides positive remedies. They may not be included in the regular physician's list, perhaps, because of their simplicity, but tha evidence of their curative power is beyond dispute. Kidney dis ease is cured by Warner's Safe Cure, a striotly herbal remedy, Thousands of pprsons, every year, write as does l. J. Gardiner, of Fontiac, It. I., August 7, 1890. A few years ago I suffered more than probably ever will be known out side of myself, with kidney and liver complaint. It is the old story I visit ed. doctor after doctor, but to no avail. I was at Newport, and Dr. ulackman reoimmeudi'd Warner's Safe Cure. I commerouil the use of it, and found relief immediately. Altogether I took three bottles, and I truthfully stato that it cured me. Wizard Edison's Wife. NOT THE WOMAN VOST STORIES MAKE HEB ,QUT. A pretty typo-writer girl Bat at her machine playing a wiod-lika, walln over the key, when a quiet, serious man in a Buit- of over-alls i stopped up and motioned bcr to stop. The small, wmiu nanus went uown, mo soil 1 J. . 1 1. brown eyts wore raised, and to their inquiring looks he asked : "Will you bo my wife? I haven t any timo for courtship and that kind of stuff. If you want to gtt married, say so and, I'll treat, you well, ' A wave ot scar. let passed over the lovely brunette lace, mo eyes uroppea and a very sweet voice said: "1 would like to think it over." "How long?" "This evening," Hue thought about it though affirmatively, and to-day buo is r mi T7.i; mrx. muuian jMiisun AH of whioh is very pretty, of course, but all ot which is untrue. It is timo this yarn was called in. Mr;. Thomas Edison was Miss Miha Miller,, eldest daughter of L- wis Miller, the millionaire mower and reaper manmaciorer ot unto. &no is a beauty till and accomplished lady, and it very uoumiui wnoiner sue has ever seen a typewriter. She certainly never manipulated the keys of oue, Cnlcago Mail. The fisvott Against 'Protection." Speaking of the results o the recent elections, and their obvious oauses JIarpert Weekly sayei The revoln tiou ,of which Muejachmetts is the chief illustration has the same tncaqing every wnere. iuo more mo question of what is ingeniously oallod protection is understood, the moro unwilling are intelligent oitiaens to sustafn qnder that pame a system ot wgii tajation, and to burden domestic enterprise and industry with opurossivo imposts on their raw material. j DEMOujkaT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. i Tho Last tf tho farncse. AN H.LUSTntOUS nOMAH F.OllLY NOW E T1N0T. Prince Fanifso Arif Bev. who AeA tho other day jt Oonntttniinnnlr. m the last survivor of the illustrious Ital ian family of Farnpoe, which has now b come extinct. Tho h'sfory of this great hous, dating back to tho thir teenth oontury, hss yet lo bo written. When given to tho world tho story will bo found to touch upon almost overy great moveroout of tho European family during tho last four centuries. Some of tho Fnrn s were about as bad as mon oonld bo, some wero celebrated as warriors, soiio were tho most en lighted patroi b of thodrama and art of their day, others wero poets or wits, but all wero the mrst pel fret of cour tiers. Corpulenoy was hereditary in tbo family to tho very last. The Pal azra Farcoie, close to the loft bank of tho Tiber, and not. miny paces away from tho English College at Rome, is ono of that city's finest places. Its foundations wero laid by Pope Paul III., and it was completed by his nephew. Pope Paul 111, was indeed tho founder of this family oT, rathr, tho builder of its fortunes for the Farncso had been illustrious in his tory long beforo they had given a Su premo Pontiff to the Church. Now, by tho death of this fat old gentleman by the Bosphoroup, this Illustrious family is extinct. That families fo great as thoo should become in time absolutely extinct is one of tho most curious facts in sooial lii'tory. A Bionx Bald Feared. AN INTERPRETER SAYS THE INDIANS ARE GETTING READY FOR WAR. M and an, N. D., Nov. 1C. Settlers living on tho border of tho Sioux ieer vation'brlng stories of the arming of Indians,' which' is'borno Out by Joseph Bnckloy, who speaks their language, Buokloy oamy' in to day and sajs every Indian on trie reservation will shortly go on the warpa'h, ahd that they have got possession of Custer's' rifles whioh tho United Slates Army have never found. Local hardwarn men have; in the last few days, sold thoir entiro stcok of ammunition to the Indians. Tho Indians pay if they arc unsuccessful in tbo raid they will get double rations and they hare nothing to lose. Citizens here and aettlm who are nn protected believe that General linger and the Indian authorities aio harbor ing a foeling of iake seourity, and that when too late tho number bf troops at li-UUi -T: l ...111 L . ! J r run xjiuuuiu win uu luureimeu. i im iuayor ot M.touan lias culled a meeting, and tbcWar Department will pa asked to lurnish citizens with guns if not with soldiers. M'anv settlers be tween Mandan and the reservation are abandoning their farms and ranches bo. cause of lack of protection afforded them by tho (iovernmont. The most conservative feel gloomy at the out. look. A Oharoh' on. Wheels- THE F0IXMAN9 UUIf.D A TRAVELLING SANCTUARY FOR A BISHOP. A novel creation has been completed by tho Pullman -works; the' only onuron on wneois in too world, it is constructed according to the' ideas of the Rav. William D. Walker, Episco pal uisbop ot tne diocese of Worth Dakotae and it-is intended for ilea in the small' Tillages along' thu' railrb'ad-i' in that'8cctiouTf"lb8lcountry'. From- eaoh side, midway the' two exttemes, is a slight projection, Gothic in form, which rises to the height of what is known as tho second dcok. This, Bishop Walker says, is for tho purpose or giving the car moro tho ap- pearanco of a church. The car is s!x ty feet long and ten feet wide. Its in tmr is finished in oak, after the Gothio style. At ono end is a room devoted to the Bishop's use. The maia body of tha oir toitaing a oh an eel, altar, lectern, baptismal font, a Bishops chair and a cabinet oigan. There pre seats for savinty people. "i ti'flt oinceived the id a.' said Bishop Walker, "about six years ago, when 1 began mv labors in the dii ojse of North Dakota. Thoro are a number of littlo towns now praotically barred from churoh privilecres- It is for these people that the ohurch on wheels has been constructed, It is not pos sible to assign a missionary or .rector to these towns. . They are too small to support one. My cathedral car is by no means denominational.'1 JV. T. York. Sot Able To Walk, " I was confined to my bed for six months with Rheumatism, not ubo to walk a step. All of the remodtes usually prescribed for this disease havinc been employed to no effect, I commenced taking S. S. S. I have now taken 11 bottles of this excellent medicino and am on my feet, attending to all my house work as of yore. 1 feel that I cannot sufficiently express my thanks lor the Danetit 1 have received from tho ueo of this medicine. Mrs. M. A. Woodward, Webb City, Mo. (E PRESCRIBES IT. I have used S. S, S, for Btood Dis- eatea for several years, and find it all it is recommended to be. I heartily recommend it to any ono needing a blood puriuer. O, B. Tuoutman, Drug Clerk, Oakland Citv. Ind. Treatise on Mood and aula Diseases taallsd tree. BWIPT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Jlarper'a Magazine for December will be a superb Christmas number. The illustrations will include besides a frontispiece in tints, a large number of full-page engrayings reprecenting some 01 tno Debt moaern artists. The fiction, which will be given a promi nent place in this number, is of t character especially appropriate to the noiioay season, and the editorial de partments will be brimful of allusions to Christmas cheer and Christmas duties. nn 111 Mm hn FOR Horses, Cattle, 8heep ft Hogs. EimIi tntttmHf for tk rapid cum ol find f4l-o-r-lr. Jho Best and Purest McdiclnoS EVER lYIAUli. Ill ItwUltlrlvothoIIiimorfromyotir lyptem, and mnko your eklnlll III r.lonn nnd smooth. Tlioie BKin littie lmiileii nnd tlotlie iiIpr nnd JIIoU1ipJ III icninar yonr iroautypj E3 Tho I small only ft tea spoonful. It In thosf-. best and chpiv medicine. Try ft, nndo. A .Xf- JfUU Will IIV IHlllBHUUl (A ou will ijo Batisnoa. p, -a Wc Don'tWait. Getitatoxck If you aro euffcrlne from Kld pv IMflpnnft. nnil wlAh to llvn t oM I1K0. lle 8ULI1IUR HITTERS. A lioy never tail w euro. BostoiitMaBS.for bo&t raaUcal work xuiOltshcdr Tint's Pills T ear eoatlT.ncu tb. medicine ma.t mor.thniiKpnrK.tlT.. muD.nt.ltmn.leonlaia Tonic, Alterative and Cathartlo Properties. f nil's Pill, pottua ihtai an.lttl. Im lua aa.lnant decra. and Speedily Restore $ th bowolfl their utnl prltaltl Motion, so OMoatlml f rcffalarttjr. Sold Everywhere. riiousantls Lava been permanently cured bv i'iUtAPKU HIA.I'A. I'ac at once, no operation or loss of time from business. Cast-so ronoutiCHl In curable by others wanted. bentlfor Circular. tURE GUARANTEED. omeSBKSS&t Oct. 3-'00.1y AlfAlflP ft"f Ohla. Here IU vrrtteit "Wi at work on a farm fi 1 SO a month 1 I now have an igenor r b. U. Allen Co'i alhumn and j-ublU Yilliam KHoe, Harriaburfr, Ta , "'' naa rprr Known aitjthint; to nil Ilk your ntbnm. letterda I look order rnongh t pa B) orr)$A." W. J, EU mora, Uannor, Me., wHten "1 tak an order for your album at iuci rwrij nouta 1 villi. fllj rroltl It often ai muchat W-iO or tingle day'awoik," Otbvri ara dof af tjufte n ell ba not aiwct lo cive - rft frnm thlr t van Shall we start YOU in this business. read-tT Write Co u and learn all about It foryouraelf. We reiuninff rotnyi we will atari you if you don't delay until another freii ahead of you In yonr part of the counirw. If you ukehnld you will bo able to pick uprold fait. rT-ICeuil- On account of k forced rnanofacturera aala 1 Sli.OOO tfii tIliu JhotaKrnph Allium are to boaold to the pporje for S5fi ah. Koond In Itoyal Crlmmn Silk Velvet rimli. tharmlnirly decorated Inaldea. Ilandeomeit albumsln the world. Larireat (Slie. Greateat barpalne ever known. Agent tanled. liberal terme. Kif money for agenta. Apr one can bee oiiie a aucceaaful ifrnt. fiePU ItMlf on aifbt llilla or nc lalkipa; necemry. Wherever ifaown, erery one wanlt to pur. ehatfi. ARrnta uke thouianda of order wftb rapidity never berureknown. Oreat proUta await every worker, A rent, ara making fortune, Ijulleainaaa a much aa men. You, reader, a n do aa wall aa any one. Full InfonnaUon and term fret?, to ISoee who write for aame, with particular and term for our Family Blblea, Hooka and Periodical, After you know ulL ebouldyou eonctude to fono ftirtber, why no barm la done. Addrwa kU C ALLEN 4 CO Aouvita, MaixK. Jan. t8-90-ly. M MEN ONLY! tor tuai cr Faixirtu manhoodi Qeatral and NEEVOOS DEBILIT Y( Wctkneiiof Body and KJndt Effect of ErroraavRvnaaaAB tn ftld n Vn.n Bebott, Sable MAkllOflnfolly KeetAred. Ilewtoealanre a ad Btreef tkenrTKlK, Uk DKTKLOP8D0K0AK8A PARTS OF flODY Akeolutely tnralll 1I0HK TKBiTHkST-IleaeBle U day. Men tetllfy frera 10 Stale and Paralyn Couatrlea. Writ than. Peaeriptl'o l)wk, eiplaBBlleu d proof mailed (aeatedirr. "df ERIC M EPICAL CO., BUFFALO. N V. BLh' Oue eacie the or unequalfd, and to introduce out uperior irood we will tendrKll tooio rnoii In cacb locaUty, M4bova, Only tboeowbo write tout at once ran make aura ol tbe rbance. All you bave lo da lq return ta to how our f oo4 tA tboe whorell Tour neifhbori nd tb around you. The be ftanlnp of thla advertisement ahowa tbe email end of tha Ule B world. Our facllitie are. ieop. Tha foUowtnf cut (trci tbe appearance of It redmced to bout the fiftieth part of It bulk. It It a rraod, double ilia tela u.nn, ! to tarrr.Wa will alio ahow von how Ydu tan mate rrom motui ii Mt etperleoee. Hetter write at one. We par all esprete chart. DEAF! ME88 A Ktl HOIttt CHIflbT 1'cck'. IhVlamLK TUiulia 11k CUSH10KS. WhliMr. kurd. Coin. Ctrtkbu. ha..Mir.ik,r.ii iu.diMrii. b.ub, r. uisrnx. wi,.(iar'.7lK.Ilk. IVrll.r.r b..k r fmb N1U. 11-7 d-4t. K IPP & PODMORE AltCniTEOTS, Ostsrhoot Bnitmso, Wllkesbarre, Pa, Branch Office. Hloomsburp. Pa., with Jtto. SI. Clark, Att'y. & Counsollcr. 1 .ifir PENSIONS FOR ALL. TUB OLD HELIAUI.E AOEN'OV, WR NKyElt PAJL OP SUCCESS', ReGCat acta ftfGonsrrPssi Rvtimrl thn hHi.flla nr tUe penslm laws to all DisaUlea soldiers, no mat. ter whetUer thlr dlsibllltlea wero Incurrea In the army or sIqco ataohirge. Kvery soldier's wliow, who Uas to work for a living, and his inlno culldren, and tha parents ot all unmarried volunteers wuo dial in the servloe. It now la need, can get pensions. Address with Btamp tor return postage, a. U EBKltll AHT, . Aityat-uaw, ll-14-lt. Beaver Falls, lleaver Co., l'a. A riI?'Tn''C;'0r "r. TAl.HAfJK'H new fl VI 1 j 1 1 1 a lUoolr, covering bu Ute's work THrjtofJ nd groat trip "To, Through, and W aiiltQ From tho CUrlst-Laod ." entitled "From Manger To Throne." EmOraclntf a New Llf of Christ, and a Story of Palestine and lis l'eople, Illustrated with over 401 woodertul engravings m Hcenerv In Holy Land, copies ot old masters, and lamom plctgres from tbeLacdandTlmesoftbs tiavlour, also a grand picture of Jerusalem on tha day of the cruclflxlon, fn 1! colors and 10 IU In length. This Is Dr. TAl,- mamis'b mo worn una 111s Krenosi, dook. uraers are now nourlnif In from ail parts of the civilized world, you U1 never have another Ilka it. 1,. ooo.OPO coplos win bo hoI 1 the ilrst jear. Agents shoi Id drop allelo and becuro territory, riucu changes come only onco In a Ufelline. Kscluilvo territory given-fun protection. Tne most re. markable and wonderful ot all books about tho Lands, limes ad If opto ot the lilble. us lo work now and J ou will make hundreds ot dollars. Territory going with a rush; act now; no capital needed. Name territory jou want, and wrlio at HISTORICAL PUBLISHING qo , S041 Market btreot, J'llILAPELl'IIIA, PA. QHA.TEFUL COMFOHTINO. EPPS'S COCOA. BRB&KFAHI "llrathorousbknowledgaotthe natural law which govern tbo operations of dlgestloa and nutrition, and by a careful aDDlleatloo ot the tine nronertlea ot well-selected cocoa. Mr. Kodilds provided our breakfast tables with a dsllc iwly uavortxi uoveragu wuicu may Bave us many neavy doctors' bills, ft Is by the ludlcl0U3 uso ot such articles 01 met tnat a constitution may uo graauai ly built uo until Blrom? enough to resist every ten. dency to disease. Hundreds ot Bubtlo maladies are noatlng around us reidy to attack wherever there la a weak point. Wo may escape many a tatal abaft by keeping o'lrselvos well f orlltjel with uro blood and a nrouerly nourished framo."-Cfrll irvloe OaifM. Made simply with boiling water ur mn.. Doia omy in nan ihjuuu uos, uy ijrocerv, JA.ill'.H HITS A- CO., lIotncDDatblnChonl.U, ll-si'it, Loo4on, ICngland, SALES ME WANTED local' or I TRAVELING in bII nn Uiina tltrvtr U.U.u and tjw. uva vui fiu ; uvu i o uaiuu tiu( CI1AHK UII0T11KIH COMPANY, JiociiCfcter, N,y, III R lon orlt,a"?tnen 'or our fbotoo Nursery auieastock. salary and expenses or ', ctiKK Co., Munerymen, UoctieaWr. H v 7 mmmm RAILROAD TI1IS TABLES. gLOOUSUUitO&BULMVAN It. It. i-aaing euect mumuay, novemdeii 17, 15W. 80TJT1I. NOltTH. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. nioomsbure, sa 13 10 T 15 9 35 I SJ 111 MalD StMVlt ....... 1. 1. IU T IY7 R J9 I 11 .4 lrondale...... 8 ie 12 0) 7 M 8 45 S 45 IN l upi'rmill..,, 0 R3 11 63 o 56 Ughtstreet e 05 11 411 13 orangevlllo e M 11 88 e 41 forks, 5 4 11 7 :3 Zaner's 5 ii 11 21 8 1H1M IK 8 Mi 2 66 7 0 05 8 07 1 10 9 15 3 17 7 20 9 SO 3 SO 7 14 9 97 8 55 7 9) wnton,. ........., B 8 II 04 8 IS V 37 3 33 1 89 Edsona, 5 33 11 04 II 9 41 S 38 7 41 Uoleacreck,, .... s ito 11 03 a 09 9 41 a 42 7 43 jUtfurlOar a 15 l (7 6 03 9 48 8 49 T (2 a 77 11 i 6 85 Lauoacna, ts n 10 51 8 ro ts 8 60 7 57 LOUtraL 603 10 43 563 10 03400 807 iiuuisun Lily.... 5 00 1Q 40 6 60 10 10 4 U5 8 10 i-T. i.t. i.t. Ar. Ar. Ar r. ic, i. m. 1. m. 1. M. r. m. p. M. T""ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & j s WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. BTATIONS. NORTH, NORTIICMBIRLiND. , . . Cameron r.v. r.11, 6 40 1 60 565 .... A. 11. A.M. 10 00 615 Chulaskr 10 15 630 uanvilio 0 03 8 11 catawlasa 25 10 19 .... I0S 6 41 10 43 6 68 unpen. , 30 9 80 liloomsburg a 86 9 35 ROT",-.:'. ' Lima lUdge.. 6 50 .... Willow Grove. R64 .... Brtarcroek. 63 .... Uerwlck 705 2 69 lleachUaven vu ltlck'sKerry 718 .... shlckshlnuy..... 7 so 8 20 Iluniock'a. 743 Nantlcoko. 7jo 8 86 Avondele 754 .... Plymouth n 769 3 45 Plymouth Junction....... 801 .... Kingston 808 3 63 Uennctt.... 819 Maltoy 617 . . Wyoming ,., 821 4 01 West Pituton B27 4 06 Plttston 8 83 4 11 Lackawanna 8 40 . . Taylorvlllo- 8 48 .. Bellevue. sm .... SORANTOH 9 00 4 23 10 60 7 05 10 57 7 12 1105 tm 1112 7 SI 1116 731 1120 735 1121 7 42 11 34 7 49 11 88 765 11 48 806 11 63 8 17 12 06 8 24 12 10 8 28 1215 8 33 13 20 8 84 12 27 8 45 12 81 8 49 12 85 9 63 12 40 8 58 12 43 9 03 1253 9 09 101 917 109 9 25 115 9 120 9 85 STATIONS. r. x. r.M P. M. P. U BOOTH. SCK1NT0H. 6 10 9 50 l.U. A.M. P.M. P. H 1 63 6 20 "eilO'UO. 01s yes Tnylorvllle 620 moo Lackawanna 1.,, 6 23 1003 Plttston. 6 84 1016 w est Plttston. 6 43 1023 Wyoming.. 6 47 10 27 ?,!!&?. 651 1030 Bennett. e65 10 81 Kingston. 663 1083 Plymouth Junction. 7 05 10 42 Ejouth 710 10 47 Avondala.. .. 714 1051 Nantlcoke 719 1055 Hunl0Ck'8 7 26 1102 shlckshlnny 737 nig !.IicltSerrr 765 US' Boach Haven 8 01 1184 Berwick sot 1140 Brtarcreck 813 . JY!i'5?.!.,r0Te- 814 5 Umellidgo 8 20 11 54 S?Pyi 820 12 01 liloomsburg 8 82 12 06 Jfupert 8 37 122 Catawlasa. 842 13 17 cSSffiy::::::'::::-:::::: ' I?.34 Cameron 907 ia'41 NOEinOMBKBLiND 9 23 13 65 .... 6 25 2 02 6 30 2 10 6 87 2 18 8 45 2 24 6 66 229 665 .... 6 69 2 87 7 03 3 40 7 07 3 45 712 2 50 716 2 65 7 21 3 59 7 25 3 06 7 43 8 20 7 65 3 31 8 07 3 40 8 13 3 47 8 3 53 8 97 3 67 8 81 4 02 8 35 4 09 8 41 4 15 8 47 4 22 8 62 4 2S 8 57 4 46 916 4 51 5 00 9 23 5 15 9 45 P. H. P. II. ".H..ui, tiwiuu, vyurry, ana uno, W. F. HALTJTilAD, Oei. Man., scranton. l'a. Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. T-M TIME TABLE. in enact NOV21 ispo Trataa leave Sanban ,U,.frJ... 7iala A ("ally oxcent SunrHv. i?uSS.. J, ute.medlate statfon,'. 7Vn" f""""Pnias.i5. m.: Nowvnrt' w.uuu. ui.: uaiLlmora. s in r . . ' t"v. -r" Phi" i-StSStb; Uwae$t 00Mes to paii4al' fwin , . S'. ..'it" "'i. fuuaaelDh a to PhlladernhlartSL;r'nr"-J'."v. w. rarraoai aelpmaand BalumS"1- """ " ra,la- remain in stt niSPS?!P ean bur, 1 &.SkdV&-. U) for' Harris- WKSTWAKU. nSalfas&.oisl1"'0' M UaTea .i '-,.--,.:.L dally exj'pt sun- tionV h hS.T-ir,SS." hJlntermeautesia, ih. jiuiiu auaniagara irallawltli aud i-arioncar 8to' iiSf.Si0 Kaae"bd KowneetS thMugn imebenger coaches to Kenovo aidllnTlra. rUaU'rfSS PKOM THt Train IE laavea Now york tin i,. luilttdoipnia a. m. Balllmore ' Lu l m f' af ma.rS' dally ""vlug'at BuwSyio: Train 11 leaves 522 fflaar minburv miT m 1 Dunaay) arnvtng at . Train 21 leaves Mnvrn,t n,, .. m. Phlladelphlaiia p. m. Washington 3 So o m Train 9 lejves New York 6.30 p. m., Phlladelnhla 4.2u p. m., Wasulngtou, 7.4'J p. m!T Baltimore Vl i ii P-l. Wally except Saturday.) aYrlTingM sun? bury, 2.01 a. in. wiih Pullman sleepinlr care Mri inore. una unit. Praia 3 loavea New York 8.00 D.m Ihiu,ii phla, n.25 p. m. i WoshlngiVnlt ood m itm PA&l lS,a alSe k passenger coache. tt5a Phllade.puSH,'1. H!ffi;:,'KV.T.r'"'uAu,(, AlJally except auuuay.) Train, II leaves Sunbury 6.35 d. m. rnM Vlng at Bloom Ferry 4.84 p. m., sunbury S p. a- SUNDAY TItiraa. rmncBVoloTVTukVaS , 1 1 , u I. tirtnt . .. Oen. Manager. (Jon. Paasenger Agt. PHILADELPHIA & READING liAlLHOAD. ON AND APTBK Nov. 16 M TltAlNS LKAVK BLOOMMIUKQ aa follows: (. uu a..inm, o:iu a. m., 3;I8, 11:00 p. For IAtanfaQ .... - . 6:30 p. m. ' ' m- :00 0:ril1rlu!::O5,e:,0ll'!lS8-m-' K:ak M6, 6.-00, TltAlNS KOH BLOOMSUUltQ leavu New York via Philadelphia 7:45 a. m 4-on p. m. and via Kaston 8:45 . m. J V m mJ- Leave Philadelphia Kkoo a. mllWa, , A. . Uve Heading 11:60 a. m.7:tJp,' Leave PottsviTie 13:0 p, (n. Leaye Tamiuiiu 1:21 a. m. 9:18 p. m. Leave V, llllamaport 9-30 a. m, lis p. m. li&p,em ataW,8aa 7:00 8:40a- m' :! MO MmRoW 'MTl Ml. Vor Baltimore Washington andlhe Went vi ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Pier 7. cheVrnnt m.,. flfhart, and South street Wliarit nc"tnut Btrce' ... . . ATUXTIO CITT. p Vjeek dars-Kxpreaa, 9.00, , m. 2:00, too, Accommodation, 8.00 a. m. too. n. m BITUamnO, UiVI ATUMTIO PIT?. awl 4:30 p,m; K, . ta. A. A. .MCLEOD. SifilEF2l, LOOKH BACKWA1B FOR THE LAST 40 WW IT IS A SATISFACTION Clothing i Establishment OF D LOWENBEBGt Still leads in the Still leads in the Still leads in the WHILE erekatft Tailoring a- Is always full of the Latest and Domestic uoous made up PERFECT SATISFACTION WHOLESALE $rWr;o, (DanA(J'; Fvo'ty an Ij. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agenta of the following brands ( Cigan : Honry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princooa, Samson, Sflvor Ash. Any arrder for Fcttirali will be aupplicd with tbt Lomt Martxt Pricra, n idaaaaai I Orattej, Lemony, ream NJ. 54 BtisanMs. PeanMU. -i Eli5h WaWtMij, fop BLOOMSBURG, PA. g. 6. Robbies, Foreign and Domestic ANt JOBBER BLOOMSBURG PiL. III tlUrcliaKilllT llOUfO hnlll llPPPOuilioa It !a mi.n n I, ,,.. . ..i. .... .1... vi.i is the best, it will bo tho olieapcst m tho end. A good articlo ia always a 4 woo of pleasure. J. SALTZER has won a wide reputation for ur lling cood goods at low prices. He buys direct from tho manufacturers, and can fell first class aooua uueaner than can lm oliinino.l nican.t,orn n. - . . articles add prices.: Sewing Machines of three grades, V the New dome Sewing maohino 1 awer drop leaf, all attachments, 10.50 to $00. Royal St. John, $30 upwards, btandard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Have received the acrencv for tho Distin Cornet, the beet cornet in the A good assortmi nt of violins, guitar, accordeons, drum", flutes, f5ffS"and all of musical inirnmenU. Tha best of for violinB. ciiltare. banloa. vinllnr-i.lln bass violins. Acent for Butterick's pauern-oooK ana lasnion sheets. Pianos, omans n 1 SiuririT mi nhinoa n,.i,i nn . .. discount for cash. vu 'uuu"ly menls' li0 Do not gend eisowhero, but call and see tho stock of your homo dealer who is always with you, and can give you any information or inaUaotioB . apoa any instrument vou inav Dorohase. ' iruoiion upon w w w - J. SALTZER, Musical liistruiiieots awf Scwioff Machines WAREROOMS TO KNOW THAT THE Latest Styles, Largest Stock, Latest Novelties. THE Largest Stock of Imported and by .Experienced Workmen. ALWAYS GUARANTEED. DEALERS IN ttnoni Jr w" v ... v, ijin, liUU '11 L BU1UU UI LI1U Estoy Piano, 350 to $G0. Steck, $375 to SC00. R. Iii Bent & Co., S250 to $400. Brown & Simpson, 250 to 400. Estry'Organs, SS90 to $175. Miller organs, 875 to $150, United States organs, $125 to $175. Cliioigo Cottago organ, $90 to $140 Worcester organs, $75 to $150. Paris organs, $60 to $100. Celebrated White Sewing Machines $: to $05. New Domestic Sowing Machines, $33 to $75, niado Co., 3 from Unnnn. world. banW kinds strlr, In,i ."JK patterns, siaH SiSk PA A-5-1 1: sjsr-'ymk ran rWi itrt 1 f'r-,- a r44