The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 28, 1890, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Hl8h... of all l Uvms ro,u. S. Ort Rep,,,, As. , ,8,,. RoYal ABSOLUTELY PURE The Columbian r nrrubllshed every Friday. Subscription prlco. Il.ooayear. . r v ' Entered, at the Post omco at Btoomabure. ra.. u Bocond class matter, March 1, 1888. BLOOMSBURG, PA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1890. BAI.liH. Nov. 29. S. L. Davis, administrator of Reuben H. Davis, deceased, will sell valu ables personal property on tho premises In Benton township, at 9 n. m. sharp. Horses, cows, calves, hogs, clilckcn, wagons, household goods, grain, Ac, will bo solil, Thursday, Dio. 11. John Zinc, at his homo a Forks, will sell fifteen head of colts and horses. Balo to commence at 12 o'clock noon. This Is a rare chance for bargains, as Mr. Zaner has no further use for the horses and can not tako care of them. Deo. 18. II, II. Grotz, executor of Ezcklcl Cole, will sell valuablo real estate In Sugarloaf township, nt 10 o'clock, a. m. Fob Bits Dwelling houses in Dlooms burg, Orangovlllc, Espy and Itupcrt l'a. Firms In Pennsylvania, Kansas and Vlr glnla. Vacant lots In Bloomsburg. Store properties, flrlst mills and other property by M. P. Ijiitz, Insurance and Ileal Estato Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. Fob Hair. House and lot In Hupcrt, Iotl20xl40tt. Two story, houoe, with nlno rooms. Bay windows, "out kitchen, lco and coal house, good stable, chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever green trees, good water, Two railroads, Twelve trains a day each way, to Blooms, burg, faro 8o round trip. Low taxes. A great bargain, if taken soon. M. P. IiUtz, Insurance & Heal Kit. Agt. rcrHoiinl. J. Q. Wells spent a coup'.o of days in Lancaster this week. Rev. V. T. Auman, pastor of tho Ho formed church Is visiting his parents in Centre county this week. Grant Herring Esq nnd Judge Murphy represented this county at tho reception given to Governor Pa'llsnn on Wednesday evening In Philadelphia Dy the Young Men's Democratic Association. About COO were present. Wo regret that we were un. able to nccept tho Invitation. Tho evening services of the Lutheran church now begin at seven o'clock Instead of half past seven. For Sale. Valuable property, known a tho Morris property in Bloomsburg. Apply to Guy Jacoby. 11-7-lOt. Tho right way to euro catarrh is to eradi cate the poisonous taint wh'ch causes tho disease, by taking Hood's sarsapanlla. Tho Episcopal church -was beautifully decorated on Thanksgiving day. Tho chancel contained sheaves of wheat, fruits and vegetables, nil very tastily arranged. Union thanksgiving services were held in tho Lutheran church Thursday 27th, Hcv. Sears of tho Methodist church deliv ered tho address- A six month old child of Theodore Mer rlclo was burled Sunday afternoon. Itev. W. T. Auman of tho Reformed church, conducted tho funeral services. Jamts II. Mercer and O. C. Pcasock wcro last week elected members of the board of directors of tho Bloomsburg Elec tric Light Company. Mathias Shatter Is pushing work on the court house, lie has tho front nearly lovclcd oil, and will soon begin on the masonry. Regular services are held every Sunday In tho A. M. E. Church, at half past ten In tho morning and seven in tho evening. Itev. D. J. Johnson is tho pastor in charge Barata, daughter of Sheriff Casey, died 'last week Wednesday morning with mem. 'brancous croup. Her ago was 3 years. The burial was on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Logan of Seventh street "between Catharine and Iron, lost their daughter Hattie, aged six yoare, last week Wednesday. Her dlscaso was raembrano ous croup. A reward of $5.00 will bo given to any person flDdlng or causing to bo found a -very large, bull Buffalo robe, stolen Nov ember 14, from Abu & Bro., 11-18-lm. Briarcreek, Pa. Tho festival and cake-walk as announc ed to be held in Evans' Hall Wednesday and Thursday evening by tho members of tho A. M. E. church has been postponed . Indefinitely. In tho .year 1891 thero will be two ccllp. scs of the sun and two of the moon besides a transit of Mercury across tho etiu's disk, A total eclipso of the moon will occur May 29, invisible here. Itav. A. J. Aldred. of Dtnvllle, will preach in tho Baptist church Thursday and Friday evenings of this week nnd Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri. ilav iwciitnps of next week. All are In- vltcd to attend tho meetings. Mr. Charles Vl!kes, brothel of Mis. John Mllnes of Espy, died at tho latter's home Jast Sunday morning, aged 29 years. For several years he has been alllicted with -consumption. Funeral services wero held Wednesday and tho body taken to Dan ville for burial. An election of officers and directors of 4tho Bloomsburg Land Improvement was iheld November 21th, resulting as follows : iB. F. Bharpless, president, N. U. Funk, Secretary, W. It. Tubbj, Treasurer, 1. 8. Kuhn, Dr. I. W. Wlllits, L. E. Waller A. Q. Brlggs, O. M. Groveling, directors. "When, from any cause, tho digestive and secretory oreans become disordered, they may bo stimulated to healthy action by tho uso of Aycr's Cathartic Pills. These plus are prescribed by tho best physicians, hnd aro foriale at all tho dru stores. J. II. Crcvellng met with a serious acci dent ono day last week. Ho went up In ituo hay mow to throw down bay and accl. "dcutlaly fell down tho mow holo headfore most landing on a ladder below. Ho broke bis collar bono and Beveral ribs. Ho went down stairs on Thanksgiving day for tho iflrst tlmo slnco the accident. There was a surprise parly at Iho home of Mrs. Jano Mcltrldu on Third street, Tuesday evening, Forty-two friends gath ered at tho homo of Mr. Samuel Shaffer and at eight o'clock went over to Mrs. Mc Bride's and gavo her a complete surprise. 'Tho evening was spent in merriment and ikll pronounced it a decided success. Baking The dinner given by tho ladles of tho Presbyterian church on Tuurstlay was r.n excellent one, and was well patronized. Phillips' Oafe was wdi patroidzed on Thanksgiving day. All wcro delighted with tho elegant meal sirved. Tho uso of Aycrs Barsaparllla purifies he blood, stimulates the secretions, and imparts now life and vigor to every func Hon of the body. For nearly half a cen tury, It has remained unrivalled as tho best blood medicine ever discovered. Bo con vlnccd by a trial. Wilson M. Gsarhart, Chief Clerk In the Stato Department, has been appointed Be glster and Recorder of Montour County. Ho succeeds Wllllaml C. Johnson, who died recently, after servlnc forty years In that position. Mr. Gearhart Is a promt, ncnt Uepuhllcao, and has assisted Score tary Blono in systematizing tho work of tho State Department. Tho following letters aro held at Blooms, burir, Pa. post olllcc and will bo sent to tho dead letter offloo Dec. 9, 1890. Mr. Georgo W. Derr, Mrs. Frecce, Wil liam J. Scott, Mr. Henry Summers. Persons calling for these letters please say, they were advertised Nov. 25, 1890. One cent will beichargcd on each letter advertised, A. B. Oathqabt, P. M. The (Ire department at Willlamsport last year cost $33,020,87. There wcro thirty four fires durinp tho year, but tho losses were only $5,057,17; this mad'3 a net loss nbove insurance of $1,030, Tho expenses of the flro dcpirtmont over tho ntt losses by flro during tho year 1839 was $31,990.87 This seems llko a vast expenditure of mon ey for tho flro department, hut without this fire protection the loss of property by fire would have been anorraons. Conrad Illltcnhender is canvassing for Dr. Tnlmnge'a book of travels through tho Holy Land?, entitled "Prom tho Manser to the Throne " As a frontispiece to the bonk there la n representation of the fim ous Ctelurama of Jerusalem The books sell wherever offered. It can only bo pur chased through the net nt, Conrad Illtten bcniler. The work U ono of the finest , productions of the day. It Is beautifully illustrated and handsomely bound. Any one desiring a Christmas gift for a friend could not mike a batter or mtro appro I prlate selection, It the aent does not call , upon you drop him a postal card addressed , Ulnomshtirg and he will call and show sample of tho work. Gllmore's Toy IHzar is ready analn for tho Holiday trade with a larger assortment of t .ys than ever before. Upstairs and dowa stairs everything is Blled up with all sorts of things to delight the little folks German toys, French toys, American toys, mechanical toyp, Iron toys, wooden toys, tin toys, and toys of every defcrlptlon and price. The French lady, the Chinese jug gler, and the music tcachei that run by clock work, attract great attention, and af ford much amusement. Cars, steamboats, wagoES, animals, do'ls, child's furniture, baby houses, rocking horses, soldiers, drums, sled", and a thousand other things all equally pleasing can be sceu. Call and exemine. 11.28-41. The quiet slumbers of our citizens were aroused last Baturdty evening by tho start. line cry of lire. It was Jii9t about twelve o'clock when the alarm was first sounded. O. C. Iveety, tho engineer of tho flro engine hastily dressed and started in tho direction of the engine, whn reaching Catharine street, he discovered it waB his own build. inu and nuleklv ran to tho scene: and found his building enwrapped In flames Tho Winon hose carriage was tho first to arrlvo and made attachment to tho water plug near Bharpless' foundry. Following tho Winona carriage immediately came tho Friendship, but as tho Winona had coupled and was throwing a good stream upon tho Are, and apparently getting it under con trol, no effort was made to mako any further couplings. The building being but a small ono and only ono story tho Are was soon put out. Tho flro when first dls covered was coming through the root near tho smoko stack. Only part of tho sides of tho building wcro left standing, all tho re- mainder being completely destroyed. Tho new steamer was run down East street to the corner of Fifth, where in raak Inc a short turn It stuck In tho gutter. It was afterward taken to tho scene of tho lire, but not used as tho Winona Company had tho flro put out. The destroyed build ing was owned by O. C. Kesty and a. Mr. Hoffman of Luzerno Co., and used i machine shop. They had two largo lathes, an iron nlaner. bolt cutter, and several smaller machines. 1 Iry were doing good repair business and had several large pieces In the shop for repairs at tho time of tho Are. Tho young men carried in onrnnrn nf about two-thlrds tho value of the. plant. Tlie llnrclny MIiich iMnyect Out. THE KBIK IS PBKFEOT1NU ARRANGEMENTS TO AUANU0S BAI10LAY. No noteworthy veins of coal havo been nnnivereil at Btrclav th-i past year, and tho Erie lease of tho mines and railroad ox plre tho 3lst of next month, rumors are again In circulation tuai mat company wm glvo up Its lease and tho town of Barclay bo abandoned. For several weeks past tho Erie authori ties at Barclay havo been engaged In tho work of gathering up and shipping old Iron scraps, burning broken coal cars and timber, and clearing up generally In all ways possible. Whether they will give up tho lease or not remains to bo seen. In case they do tbo road would probably bo leased to tho Leiden Valloy. or operated for tho lumber Interests and thu Long Valloy Coat Com- pany. A Cure fu CoiiHtlputloii a nil 81c U Ilcailnclic. Dr. Bllas Lane, wh'lo In tho Rocky Moun- tains, discovered a root wheD combined with other herbs, makes an easy, and cer. tain euro for constipation, It is In tho form of dry roots and leaves, and is known n r.ane's Family Medicine. It will euro sick headacho In ono night. For tho blood liver and kidneys, aud for clearing up tho complexion It docs wonders. Druggists sell It at 60 cents a package Uncertainty may attfnd business ven turcs and enterprises; but It never attends tim nromnt administration of Dr. Bull's Couirh Syrup. Prlco 25 cents. "My soro ran In tho night, and my soul refused to be comforted," "Poor reiiowl of courso it did. Pity, ho couldn't get Sal. vatlonOil. Only25cts." PttTItU HUOBH. Peter Gross died at his reside Alain street last Friday afternoon at 6 o clock, after a lingering Illness arising I irom a complication of diseases. Ho was born ln',Sawarton, Rawnfolz, Btvarla, Juno u, law, and came to this country In 1800, IIo married Phllopcna Younir in Germany. Their children, Jacob, who was killed In a railroad accident at Danville, David, Mar- garct, Lena, Daniel (deceased), William, Clara, Peter, Elizabeth and John. Mr. uross llrst settled In Danville and worked in a mrnaco. in 1871 ho camo to Blooms- burg and opened a bottling establishment, which business ho followed up to tho tlmo Of his death. He travelled considerably In tbo old country In his young manhood, and ho was a keen observer of nubile nf. fairs, and often displayed rcmarkabto poll- ucai sagacity. Tho funeral was held on Monday morning nt 9 o'clock at tho Roman Catholic church, cf which ho was a mem- bcr. BIIWARD IlA.WI.imiH. Death Is reaping a largo harvest in our midst. On Friday last another old and re- spected citizen was summoncl to his final rest, In tho person of Edward ltawllngs. For several weeks hu hd been complain- log somowhat, and had been golpg up to mo meat market only about every other day. On Tuesday of last week ho was seized with convulsions, and rapidly sank until irlday afternoon at two o'clock, wnen ho expired. IIo was burled on Mon day at 10:30 In tho morning, tho funeral services being held at tho residence, con- ducted by Rev. S. W. Bears, aalslcd by itcv. r. ll. Hiddlo of D invlllo. Mr. Rawl. logs was born In England in 1321, and camo to this country In 18")0 and sittled nt Danville. Within two years he moved to Llghtstrect and resided thero until tho spring of 1802, when he moved to Blooms burg, and has been hero ever since. Ills wlfo was Elizabeth Eva, and seven child. ren wero born to them In England, of whom but one, Edward A. ltawllngs, lived to como to this country. Nine chlldron wcro born here, six of whom nro living, all residing in Bloomsburg. Thero wcro six teen children In all Mr. ltawllngs was a man of Jovial dis position, always ready with a pleasant word and quick repartee. Tho business started by him, and tor tho past fifteen years conducted by E A. ltawllngs with his father's assistance, h grown to be i.n. mouse. A few years ago thu mirket was removed from Iron street to Main, and its growth hm bicn const tut slnco that time. Mr. Rawllngs was a m-mbtrof tha M. E church nnd a rigultr nttemUti, and liberal supporter. IIo will hi mUsml lu tin shop, the home, and the eutiro community. Ileum 01 Ale ill II. Tate. Alem H. lute, a well-known newspaper man and printer, died of peritonitis at tho resldcnco of his mother on Hepburn street, Willinmapr', Monday night at about twelve o'clock. He was in Bloomsburg about thrco weeks ngo and went up the creek on a hunting expedition, During thlr hunting trip he took cold, re. suiting in his final death. Ho is the oldest son of tho late Col. Levi L Tate, one of Lycoming county's pioneer Journalists, nnd very naturally, while yet qulto young, Alem entered his father's of. Bee and acquired an insight of tho printing and publishing business. He was at ono time tuc puDiisuci 01 tno ir of nope, a tcmpcranccjournal In Willlamsport while at another time he owned and published a dally paper called tho Sun, at Bloomsburg, Still earlier in hU life he went to Ashland, Schuylkill county, where ho engaged In tho newspaper business for several years, For many years past, however, he has held positions In the composing rooms of the dally papers of Wllliamspoit In each of which ho gave excellent satisfaction. Shortly before leaving the city on bis hunt ing expedition deceased received a pension, he having served In the late war, and up to tho tlmo of his death was an active member of the Barrows Post, G. A. R. As a member of tho Typographical Uolon ho always proved consistent, an taracst work cr and true to tho principles embodied In tho organization. He was about flfty-flve years of age. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Willtnmsport. Jl-hhc I'rlti. Jesse Fritz of Fritz Hill, Sugarloaf town ship, died of apoplexy November 19th aged 05 years, 0 months, 11 days. Ho was burled at St. Gabriel's cemetery on the 21st Inst, Rev. B. P. Boone of the M. E. Church ofllciatlng. Mr. Fri'z was born Juno 8, 1825, and was tho son of Henry II. and Margaret Roberts Fritz, aud had six brothers and six sisters. Ho was married January 8, 1849 to Sarah DUts, also of Sugarloaf township, and to them were born tho following children: John W. of Jack. son township, Andrew L ,, and ex-Rcprcsentatlve, of Bloomsburg, Alverctta, who died in 1857,:DrusIlla, wlfs of Joseph Lewis of Coles' Creek, Rachacl E., Wife of William Sutllft, of Luzerno county, and Sheridan B. Mrs. Fritz died In 1891, and Mr. Fritz subsequently mar rled Mrs. Rosanna Ulrton. l hey lived on the old homestead on Fritz Hill, wbero Mr. ,. , , , ti Writ llvpil slncn hn wrb n hnv. Iln who a Fritz lived sinco ho was a boy. He was Justice-ot-tbe Peace Blncu 1880. In poll. tics be was a democrat. The subject of this ssetch comes from excellent family. The first settler on Fritz, Utll was Philip Fritz who camo to thli county from Philadelphia iu 1795, and set. tied on the East branch of Fishing-creek near Central. In 1797 ho moved to the old homestead now the horn of Jesse Fritz's family. This land was bis wife's belrloom, She was Cbarlotta Dtborur, also of Pbila dclphla. The tract of load contained 400 acres and was divided among slf children On this farm they reared tbclr children, without any advantages of schools. Their children wcro Henry II., Charles, Philip, Bamuel, George, John, Ezekiel, Nancy, Iietsy, and Maria, all ot whom married and raised largo families. The brothers and sisters of Jesse are John, Cbarlotta. George, Jacob II. Joslau, William, Martha, Barab, Mary A., Elizabeth, Margaret and Itachacl Mr. Fritz was a man of sterling Integrity, a good citizen and an excellent neighbor. IIo will bo greatly missed In ills com munlty. IIo was a good christian. IIo was a great church going man, and was brought up In tho Episcopal church. IIo not only attended that church, but was n regular attendant of the M. E. Cburcb. Ground oyster and eea Bhelli, as every ono hnows, aro of great value In a 1'OUL- THY YARD. Chickens and au fowls require tome gritty substance to ncip digest tuctr rood, and It has been found that shells aro the best thing tbey can get. It Is cheap, and all raisers of poultry will flud It to their ad- vantage to uso It. Iry hi And you will soon see a umerenco in your chickens. For sale by D. W. Kiioiikn Dealer In Qralo, bark, teedi, Sour, feed, and baled bay buckwheat Hour a tpccialty. Uraln House, Office, Oth and Iron Sts. Lock aid's Uulldlng, 31-St. Uloomiburg, Va. ncntltofo. A.jncotay. Bloomsburg Wednesday morning at three o'clock. For several weeks ho has been confined to his bed with his" chronlo ell- scaso of heart trouble and dropsy. For many years ho was engaged In tho coal business and kept h general storo at tho canal wharfi this business bo relinquished several years ago, and It was taken chargo of by his son-ln-Iaw. P. O. Miller, Mr. Jacoby was born In Bloomsburg In Octob. cr 1820 and has always resided hero. Uls wtto was buried just two years ago. Two daughters survive him, Nora, married to G. A, McKclvy nnd Maggie, married to P. O. Miller. jn Indiana and tho other In Illinois, neither of whom could attend tbo funeral. Fun- oral services ero hold at the house, Frl-1 day morning at ten o'clock, conducted by Rev. P. A. Heilman, pastor of tho Luth- eran church, cemetery. Interment in llosemont A nrlllinnt AfTnlr. Tho Cambria; democracy opened tho campaign early and In earnestness, and kept up a steady and aggressive fight to the end, and this no doubt Inspired tho democracy all along the line, that resulted, not only In a crushing republican defeat, but In Irrctrlevcable!rout. Bo this as It may, the Cambria L'cmocrac; deserves credit for an equal share of honor for such a glorious triumph. The event was cele brated last Friday night in a becoming and NubUl,nl manner- The town was "painted red" while decorations and llllumlnatlons adornid the residences of Jubilant demo crats, and a tew reoubheans showed their appreciation of democratic victory by lllu. mlnatlng and decorating their residences on this occasion. Our dejected republican friends arc as good neighbors and citizens as can bo found in any locality, but wo can only say to them in their emergency, 'Come along with us and wo will do theo good." Tho streets wcro Illuminated with red light while hundicds marched and counter marched, carrying banners with sugges tlvo mottoes In honor of the event of the collapse of the G O. P. and tbo-ushering of an era of emancipation from monopo listic despotism. Thu ladles of tho town and vicinity took an active part in tho celebration and though they "couldn't voto their daddies did" was Inscrlbsd .on their banner. All honor to tho ladles. Thclr's Is tho victory. J. Tlie Twilight of TliiiukHBlvluir, Tho day has lengthened Into otc, And over all the meadows The twilight's silent shuttles wcavo Their sombre web of shadows ; With northern lights the cloudless skies Are faintly phosphorescent, And Just beyond yon wooded rlso Tho new moon shows her crescent. Before the evening lamps aro lit, While day and night commingle, Tho sire, and matron corns and sit Besldo the Cozy ingle j And softly speak of tho delight Within their bosoms swelling, Because beneath their root to-nlgbt Their dear ones all aro dwelling. And when around tho cheerful blazo The young folks take their places, What blissful dreams of other days Light-up their aged, faces 1 The past returns with all Its Joys, And they again aro living Tho years In which, as girls and boys, Their children kept Thanksgiving. The stalwart son recalls the time When, urged to the endeavor, He tried tho wcll-greased pole to climb, And failed of fame forovcr. The daughter tells ol her'emprise When as a new beginner, She helped her mother m ike the pics For the Thanksgiving dinner. And thus with laugh and jest and song, And tender recollections, Love speeds the happy hours along, And fosters fond affections ; While Fancy, listening to tho mirth, And dreaming pleasant fictions, Imngino through tbo winds on earth That Heaven breathes benedictions. W. D. Kelly, In Lidia Home Journa I. It Your House Ih on Fire. Voti put water on the burning timbers, not on tho smoke. And If you havo catarrh you should attack the disease in the blood, not in vnnr noon ltamnvn the Imnn. I , .!. , , . ..... 1 ,ouc, uuu iuu iuoui CUTO BUUSIUC3. lO do this, take Hood's Barsaparllla, tbo great blood purifier, which radically and per- manently cures catarrh. It also strength ens tbo nerves. Bo sure to get only Uood's Barsaparllla. Train Wreckers Ciiuglit. AH ATTKMIT TO WRIOK A T1IAIN 18 TIMEL7 FKUSTIUTBD. Plymouth, Novomber 20. A fiendish at tempt to wreck postal train No. 4, Dela. ware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, Bloomsburg division, was frustrated this afternoon. William Cramer, locomotive engineer in tho employ ot a coal company, Observed twn mpn tAmnnrlnrr with naroltfth He enlisted the services of his fireman and I ., . , . . . ,'uau "uu I tin turn .i-hihIaiI im tn tt.a .lnn.n.l.n.a tho two crawled up to the depredators un. perceived and held them fast It was found that two large car.llnks had been fastened to tha mis-placed switch, and tho approaching train would certainly havo been wrecked with disastrous loss ot life If it had not been for the courage of Cramer. iho criminals wero found to bo two Hungarian labo era, Michael Ilowdrick and Dennis Chcsna. Tho motive for tho crime is not known, but Uls believed that the hope ot plunder prompted tho docd Tbo men were held In $1000 ball. Ilolcl t Iq tl)e I.liclil, The man who tells you confidentially Just what will cure your cold is prescrib ing Kemp's Halsam this year. In tbo pre paration ot this remarkable medicine for coughs and colds no cxpeuse is spared to combine only tho best and purest ingredl. cnts. Hold a bottlo ot Kemp's Balsam to tho light and look through it; uotlco tbo bright, clear look; then compare with other remedies. Price 60c. and $1, Tin? nncoitATio oif ix,vri;s Tho artists who decorate porcelains havo recently given so mucu attention to tho ornamentation of plates, that each platter is a gem of art after leaving their hands, A member of the firm of llalley, Uanks & Blddlo. Philadelphia, the other .lav hn. uu u rc-purier some oi tueso xianusomo ou. . " Jecls. Thoy jypru )l ftppropriately decor, ated, that la to say tbo flsh r late a contain. ed pictures of tue flnny tribe, tho game I plates, representations of pheasants, snipe, etc, Urcblus decorated tbo plates used for fruit and In a liko manner the other courso plates wero ornamented. "We aro fast approaching the art age." remarked the gentleman as Iho reporter was leaving. Cure VourHcin Don't pay largo doctor's bills. TUe bt'St medical Jjook publlsheoj, one hundred pages, elegant colored plates, will bo srut you on receipt of three 8-ccnt stamps lo ' ,, ,,. .,, . i, 7TV pay the posUgo. Address A. P. Ordway &Oo., Boston, Mass. ll-!8-St. Messrs. O. A. Snow & Co., Patent Bolicl tors, opposlto U. 8. Patent Office, Wash ington, D. C, havo no side-issues to de tract their attention) benco their success. If ) on wish to know anything about pat ents, trademarks or copyrights, wrlto to them. Roatt their advertisement in this paper. Our New I'ecit Cutter CriiHticr. Farmers and others in necil of a good feed-cutler or corn-shcllcr or hay-press, will do well by calling or writing to tho undersigned for circulars and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. 11-28-Ow WrtiTS & Conseb, Orangovlllc, Pa. Hlnr (CotirHc. Tho management of tho "Star Course" regret that they havo to nnnounco the seri ous illness of Mr. Jno. It. Clarke, and bis Inability to lecturo Friday ovenlng Dec. 0th. Thoy have, however, secured a sub- stltuto In Rov. J. O. Wilson, D. D., who will lecturo on "Switzerland In Autumn.' Dr. Wilson has been filling Mr. Clarke's placo In several towns and bo has been giving very general satisfaction. IIo Is pastor of a largo Methodist church tn Philadelphia, and is one of the most popu lar preachers there. Ho Is especially popu lar among tho young people. Further notlco will appear next wcok. Lottery AclverHnliifr Uittnwlul. It is announced that Postmaster-General Wanamakcr Intends to enforce tho new lottery law to tbo fullest extent. It .is es timated that tbo term "lottery" cmbracos all kinds of schemes, general and local, gift enterprises, rallies, or fairs where drawings are made. It covers m any of tbo plans adopted by sorao dealers for tho dis posal of their wares. MURDER EN08 A QUARREL. A Blaekimlth BkMta His WUm u4 Than Kill nimMlf. Butler. Po., Nov. 25. An unhancT marriage was ended In a double tragedy at Glade Run reUrdy afternoon. For mora than twenty-fire rears Barney Broil and his wife har lived togetlujr and the history of their married life has been one ot unceasing qnarrels, which usually end ed In Droll shamefully baating his wife. Yesterday afternoon one or their quar rels ended by Brell shooting his wlfo and then blowing his own brains ont with a revolver. Mrs. Brell Is still alive but she cannot recover. Brell was a blacksmith, about 60 years of age, and has always had a bad reputation. A Desperate llattle la the Dark. PBILADKLPUU, Nov. 35. William H. Pennington, colored, and Richard Coney, hta boarder, also colored, quarreled but night. They finally came to blows, In tha course of whlck the lamp In the room was overturned, leaving tha place In darkness. A terrible duel followed, and when the police appeared upon tha scene Penning ton was found lying on the floor almost cot to pieces. He will die. One of Corsey'a ears was severed from his head, and ha was otherwise cut and braised. Hazora were the weapons used during the terrible struggle In the dark. A nie Coke Strike reared. SCOTTDALE, Pa.. Nov. 25. The Knl&hti of Labor officials and Manager Lynch, of toe Frlck (Joke companr, have failed to agree on the one-third shut down trouble. A notice was served on tha company threatening a strike in six days If the mat ter Is not settled. Tha leaders fear a strike of 10,000 men. The 650 mtaers at the mam moth plant are still ont. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When TJaby was sick, we gave hr Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clang to Oastorls, When she had Children, she gavo them Castoria, A t,adj'H lcrfect Comiiutiloii. Every expectant mother should read our now book by Dr. Nye, one of New York's most celebrated physicians. A perfect mother s culde, it tells how tho fearful or deal can be mado easy, free from danger, and almost entirely painless, thus saving months of anxiety, dread, and suffering. Full ot valuable information to ladles, au swcrlng hundreds ot delicate questions, Bend two-cent Btamp for circulars, test! monlals, and conudentlal letter. Address, f RANK T1IOUAS & JO., I'UDIISQcrS, 0-l!)-3m. Baltimore, Md PcnSlOItS I V CtcranS ! Ths DiSaHlity Pension Bill, Act of Juno 27, 1890, grants pensions to -11 ..nlrllnrs ml llnr tolm nr,l 00 days or moro in tho Army or Navy during tno rcueiuon. anu were uonorauiy uiscnare. ed, and who aro now sullcring from any permanent, mental or physical disability contracted sinco tho war or during tho war whether Irom disease, injuries or cllects of old age, at tho rate of from $0 to $12 per month, accoruing to tne degree oi ins dls abijily for the performance of labor requir ing the exertion ot physical strength provided the disability is not due to vlci ous habits. Tbls pension is not restricted to tho veterans who have to make their living by bard labor, but is equally due to professional men or clerks, provided they havo an existing uisanuuy wmcu would prevent the continuous cxcrclso of th physical strength of an able-bodied man, Those who havo applied under tho ccn cral laws and. who aro unable to prove up tne penning claim can apply lor and sc curo tblf, I,cn8.i?,a 80,1 tben continuo prosecution of tho former claim and ec I r. . - tbo eccuro tbeir arrears, If vou aro now drawing a Bm&ll pension. say $2 or $4 per month, you can tako this pension Instead, and if you bavo an appli cation on file for increase or additional pension tor new disabilities you can con. tlnuo tho prosecution of such claims while drawing tbo new pension, or you can fllo an original claim for a disability contract, ed in tbo service while drawing pension under this new act. Widows, children, and dependent mnlh. crs and fathers aro entitled under thla ad and can suspend tbo prosecution of any pending claim, and tako tbls pension, and afterwards complete tne prior claim and get arrears. llavlne'becn duly aopolnto'1 an Aecnt according to tbo rules and regulations ot tno Department oi tbo interior in tho pros, ccution ot such claims and having had sue cess in a number of cases I am always pre. parcu to civo intormation anu assist claim. ants, and will assuro them success it tbey aro ablo to establish tbo tacts ns required by law. Thoso Interested should call soon and claim their reward, i IIKOIUIB V. HTHItNIilt, North .llnrUft Hi, T-tSliu Illoouisburg I'u, LOCAL NOTICES. Feed your chickens oyster shells and ue iy. D. W. Kitohes. CLAItlC & BON ?" conunuo tneir opeciai aa.o tins ween, I SVIUVT IV your tlmo to save money In Ladles' ana uniiurcn's uo&ts or an kinds, nan nels. blankets, lots of Dress (Joodi Velvets, and many other goods which it win pay you to call ana see, Try sea sheila for your chickens, It makes em lau r or saie uy D. VY. Kitoukn. Don't tall to attend the Bpcclal Bale at uiarK as eon's mis wtcn. uargains ior an Do chickens havo dyspepsia ? Not when they eat oyster shells. For sale by D. W. Kitpum, If unit wn I.,llo on1 ni.lMron'a Coats If will pay yo to call at Clark & Bon's, r . . v, " , . No tariff on oyster shells and it Is tbo best tblue lo tho world for vour chicken. jForealoby D. VV. Kitvukn, ro Ncrvoun Detiltltnlcct Men. If ron will send us rour address, we will mall y ou our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. ore's Celebrated Kloctro-VolUlo lioli and Ap pliances, and their charming ft! ecu upon tho n er tous debilitated srston, and liow thejr will qulolr. ly restore youtlirar and manhood, pampbiot tree. It you are thus amlcted, we n 111 send you a Ileli and Appliances on trial. i-31-r-iy. voltiio uilt uo.. Msrsnau, mio I. W. Hwtraan & Sons. To the farmers and out-of- town people. We take your fresh butter, eggs, potatoes, new lard, dried fruit, onions. beans, &c and give you a pood warm coat, shawl, shirt, wool cap, flannels, muslins, tickings, shirtings, dress goods, and trimmings, occ. Uur grocery side, we nave dishes, glass-ware, in all styles and colors, tn sets or single, as you wish. Our 5c, ioc, 25c, tables, have many bar gains on tnem. "tiartman's baking powder we have put on the market, other grocery louses can make money by see ing our price list. Our monthly Good ruttp is out, inquire for and get one free. I. W. Hartman & Sous. Tho New York WORLD never crows. For what It has done It asks no favor and no consideration. That Is ancient history lo bo forgotten. It looks only to tho fu. ture to the work to be done. Our hopes and fears, our joys and sorrows aro all be fore us not ono behind. in tub wuuLU'd work for mui every American citizen is vitally interested, and not one no matter what his politics may be can afford to bojwlthout Its weekly edition, which has not nn equal on earth as a newspaper. Nino men out of every ten know this to bo true. Every tenth mau should send tc-day for a specimen copy, that the knowlcdgo may be univer sal. Subscribe at oucc. Three months costs only 25 ccnt8t and by every week's delay you miss something worth moro than tho subscription prlco for the year which Is only ono dollar. Address THE WORLD, New York. lWKillip Bros. Photographs. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Photographic poj'trsiits re touched at il oiioclclcri lor likeness, tone, and finish. JLife size crayons, fin est grade, a spec ialty. FraBnies, copying and viewing. PUBLIC SALE. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned, 'surviving executor ot the last will and testament of Ezekiel Cole, late ot Sugar- loaf township, In Columbia county, renna., now offers at public sale on tho premises on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, A. D. 1990, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, a large body ot the most deslrjble real estate to be found In the township. Hcon'lstsof atract of bind lying upon both sides ot the Flshlugcreek, and comprising in the whole about 2SO Acres. That portion of It which Is upon the west Bide ot the creek has the following Improvements and advantages, to-wlt. A large frame DWELLING HOUSE, formerly Kepi ua a notel, a frame muidlng erect ed for and occupied as a country store, a large frame building erected and occurled as a tenant hanse, and also outbuildings, Saw mill, ic. It Is well wooded and has a considerable quantity ot excellent fruit. It Is accessible by two publlo roads and a county brldgo, and also by the Ul03m 8 burg 6 Bulllvan railroad, and It contains about 111 Acres. The remainder of the tract lying upon the east side ot the creek, Is also accessible by two publlo roads and a county brld;o across Flshlngcroek to the railroad. The Improvements are a large barn c., the whole tract having been occupied as the homestead tLrm. Tbls piece contains about 1VO Acres. It will be sold together or In parcels as may be deemed most expedient. The sale will be by the a ere, A draft of the land with the Improvements roads, &c can be soon in the hands of the eiecu. tor at the banking house ot tbo Bloomsburg Hank. ng Company, TKKM3 Or SALB. .Ten oar cent, or one-fourth of the narchaso money to be pall upon Btmioi: down the property, one-fourth losi tho ten per uuwuiud piuitj. uud-luuiiu iusi buu ivii per cent, on April 1st, l(m, tbo balance ot two-thlrds ot the purchase money on April tst, 1SJ. with In terest from April tst, 1891, the remaining ono-thlrd to bn left In the lands during the lite ot tne wld. to Mien in tne lands during tna lira ot tne wid ow, the Interest thereon to bo bald to her semi annually aunng aer uro, anu mo principal to ma Executor at her death. rossissiox wm do given April 1st, ibi, upon ing bond and mortgage on the Dremlses. to secure iue uurvuuat;ruiaiiiK uayiueuui ua auuvu uuu liv the unpaid purchiso money, whereupon a deed win ua etivJWJ auu ueuvurou. The tenants suaro of tho crops reserved II. 1L UHOTZ, Executor, Bloomsburg, l'a Are vqu usinp the old fas h ion rubbing board in doing your washing? II you are it will pay you to investigate into the mer its ol our New II Alter trying it we named it the "Lightning,1' because it struck us as being the right name tor such a Bapid Working Macluae as to the top pull sYlng and so called washing machines. CLARK F. HARDER, Third Street, 9-i9-3m Catawissa, Pa, TDK COLUMBIAN IS THE BEST. BYRON CLARK, A.M. M. D- Now York City. SPECIALIST In Tlir TrMilmrnf of Ctirnnii HUmM-ft OOntlnCS tats practice to sunt cniesonly aiarosoclearlrand roily doveloped as to mako a co.nplete and posltlro Diagnosis without (luestlnnlnz or allowing l'a. tlenlsto make statements otlhclr condition, on this basis or l'osltlve Diagnosis, for troitment. Dr. Clark's Kxperlenco Unn hreoniu ntrlrtlr iiilltnlu ril hr n Thirty Yrnffl I'rurtlce ulilrli Inrvlrnt nriftr, nnl HiircPHliil rrmiN M niiinliril ur fer iiml nxprlled hy tmnt. I'ntlrniH, uiulr nnil rrimilr, nnl rurrtl by ordinary Trrntiurnt or In iloulit nn in Dip nntiirnof llirlr tlrAftii Caprrlnlly Invttril. Kit CLAHKM ASSISTANT. (Mrs. Kinney), will giro espoclal attention to tlie Elimination anil ttujuwtnent or an ncccroiry Appimuucs m uiu treatment of 'Vomen. Dlt CLKK Toachw and rractleei rotlilve Diagnosis ana or connnlng bis practices exclusive ly to rully developed onroulo Diseases ot Slen and Women bas alt uneJ unmuai su jews In tbo treat mentor many si railed Incurable raualles, and can bo confulted Free ot imirM At, new loniuiy nt "ine iivton, io. iui ew Nlnety-ellitb street, Juno is lo Uj Ausmt SI to Bent l: HeDtembor 2 to October s: October U to S3; November IS lo il; Dwmblf 7 to II, 1390. rvoruary la to siarcn s 10 is, isji. Dr. Homer I Clark from January o to February 1, 181. GATAWIS3A, PA., Susquehanna House, Monday, December 15, 1890. BLOD.M3BURO, PA., Uichango Hotel, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 10 and 17, 1890. 11-28-3U 1891. Harper's Bazar. ILUUSTFtATED. IUrfrx's mzAR U Journal for tlioliorao. Glv Ing the latest Information wltb regara to tlie Fashions, lw numerous illustration, fasblon. plates, and pattorn-sheet supplements are lndis Denslbleullkatotha bimo ilroji-miker and tlie provisional modlsto. No expense Is sparod In maKing lis aril juo aaracuvenoii ot me nignest. olcr. Its clever Rbort, stories, o.lrlor jlaVii. and thoiurbtful essays satisfy nil tastes, and its last naco Is famous aa a budget of wit and humor. In Its weekly issues everything is Included which is ot Interest to women. Durlug- tail Agnes U. Ormsbee will write a series ot articles on "Tho House Comfortable," Juliet Corson will treat ot "Sanitary Lmnir." and an interesting succession 01 papers on"woman In Artand History," superb ly Illustrated, will be f urnlsliod by Tlieodoro Child. i ne Bariai sioriea win uo 07 , alter uesiai ana i nomas Hardy. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. ; l'er Venn rjAlirEK'S 11AZAK 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY - 4 00 UAIlTEH'd MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postaoe Free to all fH'jacrtberii in ttte United stales, Canada aiiaiieiloo. The Volumes of thoinziiibttrln wl;,h the first Number for January of each year. When no tlmo Is mentioned, subscriptions win begin wltn the numner current at ine umi or receipt ot orner Hound Volumes of Hahi-sk's Hazmi fortbreo years back, Inneat cloth binding, will be a nt by mail, posi-igo paia or oy express, rrco oi ex pen so ipruviaua me ireiKHi' aous not, oxueou one aoua per volume), for II 00 per volume. Cloth liases for each vol ma. a lltable for bind. lngv will bo sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot 11 iu eacu. Remittances should be mads by l'ost-otllce Mo n- ey uracr or uratr, w avoia ccaaco ot 103s. AViwuiiKrs are not to oolnl this aavertlxement minoiu lite express araer or uakvik dHoruaas. Address: HARPER BROTHERS, Now York, "TleHo! Tom. filmi tn tra ton. eAA follow! It'a almot ten years ptnee wo were married. Bit down: let's havo au experience meeting, llow'a the wife r "Utxi BDc'rJ fio-80, wme as neual, always want Inir sometblng I can't afford." " Well, wo all want Bomcthing more tbn wero got. Don't you f" Tea i .but I cness want will bo my mantcr. I ctartcd to keep down expense b ; and now Isll says i m -mean.' ana f no s ureu or Baunc ana ncer having any thine to show for it. X taw your w Ifo aown Birect, auu tao loottea m nappy as a queen 1 " hare to be. My wife can make a little co further i mint me ia ; auu w e are economical, 100,- iubu onjuiio i ever Knew, yet eue a Jinrays pur prising mo with tome dainty contrivance that adda to the comfort and beaut? at oar HtUe borne, and hea always merry aaa lark,' When I aek now ene manages it, piio always laugna and iaya; Oh I that's niT secret I' llut I think I've dls. covered her secret.' When w o married, w o lioth Knew wo should nave to be very carerul, hot she madoonocQnditlon: she would time her Magazine. Ana eno wan ngut I l wouldn't do without it my self for double the subscription price. Wo read inoRnner, irom mo uue-page io mo last word ; the stories keep our hearts young; tho synopsis of important events and scientific matters keeps me posted so that I can talk nnderstandlngly of what is ffolnjj on j my wife is always trying soma new idea from tho household department; sho makes all her dresses and those for tho children. n.ii'4 uc ye to an uvr jiuiiuriis lur iioiumt Wlin IUQ llagazine ; and we saved Joe when he Mas coatck with the croup, by doing Just as directed In the eanuanan jjepanmenc. nut i can't tell yon half I" wnat wonaerrui Magazine 1 it I ' "Demorest'H Family .Magazine, and'1 " What I Whv that' what L11 wanted sa haA. and I told her it was an extravagance." "Well, my friend, that's where yon mado a grand mistake, and one yon'd better rectify an soon m you can, I'll tako your sub. right here, on my wife's account; she's bound to hae a china ie&-Fi-nn iioie ior our un weuuing neit month. My gold watch was tho premium I got for getting uu uuu. imiiiawij;, miu niu iit rrviiuum List for clubs. tho blirccet thlDEfont I 1 f vou don't sco in It what yon want, you'vo only to wrlto to i ne puomurraim mi uim wnaiyou wam.wuctnei HU a tack-hammeror anew carriage, and he will make special term for you, either for a club, or for rtTt cab. Iletter enbscrlbe right off and s urpriwj Mrs. Tom. Only $3.00 a year w III iave fifty times that In Hi months. Or send lOcents direct to the publisher, W. Jennings Demorest, 13 Eaet 14th Street, ew York, for u t pcclmcn copy containing Uu Premium u$u" ESTABLISHED 40 YEA '.IS. FUR CA PES, SEAL GARMENTS. New copyrighted noveltiei, containing elegance ot obio auu vciicuuq ui quLliy Willi mi lraiO prices. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. H West 14tU til., New VorK City. 11 7 4U QUOINANOE NO. 55. An Ordinance to extend that nirttnn nr ti,ip,i street East of Chestnut all iy, iro n Chestnut alia y ShotiqiI Boltordtlnod and enacted by tho Town Council of tho Town ot Hloomjourg, and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by authority ot That Third street, east of OliHttnnr. nlmv. nnm. wuuij i4uu-,4 i unu BLiuet, uo oxieuudu aua opened westward from Chestnut alley to HM street of the width ot titty feet. Tha oentro line thereof to bo an extenitin or conllauanoa ot the tentro line ot said Third street as novv opened east of Bald Chestnut alley. bivtiun mat proceeuings do instituted to r mo o-vreaauiGub ui uaiuages u, an liersons wuo may be injured and of contributions upon all such uru uprmuK Ul B41U 1 uiru Birutfl as Dy IU1S Orul nanoe aumorlzofl anl dlreem.1. i-aasca at a moeiing ot ma Town Counoll held nyy. s, wu. U. A. HUIIIIING Altcsli WM. B. CcUMixns, 1'iekldent, Secret ar7. BLOOMSBURG. Fino Cabinet portraits only $3 doz. Li lb size Crayons only IplU.UU. Viewing, copy ing nnd onlnnnng. Instant prOCC83 UFCtl. tf. llMPLY ASTONISHING! Any person. youDir or old. can read all tho nn In musla correctly within 5 ulnulos afier coin. Mrppr'a .Hle Clisrl, without aqy other Insiruotlon, this wo positively ,n,...nliu Hn., 1... t..l . ' ?,l.,vi v. u i .i.nwv 1 A Q 1A ,t! rs throughout the United bc.ites ,17 mailed ill rcct to your addrn on receipt of price, t 0 . c, j. UKi'i'B M)N, HIT Chestnut !,t., I'niia., I'd. HUT. Jt For The Holidays. Life sizo Crayons and photo graphs. Finest work at "tf'Killip Bros, TUHOH9 FOR DKuKSIUER TKKM. OltANDJUllOlW, uerwlck-J. II. llort, Wa M. Stephen ani U. u. Kurtz, tlloom lMtlrlm Hughs. Oatawlisa-O. W. I Koslenbauacr and Win. O, Yetter. entratla llirnOT norle. Centro fleorgo Hartman; Conjrnihatn Andrew Kaln. Orcenwood A. J. IMrr. Hemlock Simon Heicnart, Iocust leremlalt Pahnnger. Mimin-U. V Hmlth. Montour Arthur Itobertu, Wm. a Helchard, John S. Menvh and T. l Karnswortli. Cranio Oalvln Herrinir. itoannecrceK p. w. uarijr. line wm. (). tltrlon. tscottr-calvin Herring, .lafljb Terwllllffor, Geo, ltiickle and ,!. 11. Miller. THA.VKtt.SE ,IUltOR3-!sT WKSK. noaver -Samuel Kllngaman Benton Bowman Crawfonl, O. W. KanouH, 0. W. I"olit an 1 twin (llh'unu. llcrwlck-A. Tlilele, MosMMarkloanl a II, How. mail. Uloom wm Itabb, Mithlas Amilfmja. w I . Krans, o. u. Hiker, Hirry Foriwald, v. K. Harare. W. R. Kinker nnd H.imtu.1 htrfor. nrtArercek"0. II. Kriw, U J. l,unl, 1L u. V. Ksmnka ana Chaa. Wolflntrar. catawiasaJorr Aoney, D. E. H'ipbj- nnd 1,'ord Oentralla-Jovph Padden. v;onynguam iiarry.1. weuer. Franklin -l-eters. Fonl Orecnwood-l I". Yeagi-r. uomiock-H. il ikeler, Jaoib Harris and Henry II Hand. ' Jackson-J. W. Frlti and Jno. V, Vannttta. uocvBir Aaam Marks ana w. it. miu? Miniln-JLH VtorkUelser. Montour V M. Monroa. orange Harrison Conner and J. 11. lfarman. ruie j. it. rowit'r, jonn imicr ana lturiey fiboo maker. 3cot'-U. a. Wsplea, W. K. Deltterlck. Daniel Wertman and ubas. Hlianer. Sugarloaf Arloh Holder and Herbert Heas. TSUVKIME JDKOfH-UND WEEK. Heaver Martin Johnson, tentin A. T. lki'ler. Berwick -Uha. Haas, Bursna Ijeliinl anl F. II. k iton. Bloom c. A. K'alrn, Elmer Mollrlda, Em Urown and Jos. luw ton. Ilrlarcreek it. n. siller, Emanuel Yost, M. D. Ka- nouse and Hosillr smt. Ortawlssi Unas Kreigh. Centre T. D. Htrousa and u. II, Uryder. Couynih'inww. Monighan, ouas. 'Gallagher and John I'. Hannon. Greenwood-Joseph U. Eves and Nehemua Kltch. Hemlock John 8. Xevhart. Jackon K. J, Colo, IL J, Htrleman and Wm. korks. MadisonJohn M. Monlan. Main so'emon Djaner, M. SL Selgcr, W. K. Shu- u,iu mm ir. it. uii,. Minim Clark Miller Montour Francis ly-lilr. Oranira-E Sinn a id sliwOinnsr. itoannKcroeK li ivii Lonr. Scott L. M. Pettlt. Hr Tlrtua ot a writ ol Lev. Pa. Uaurxl oat ot tho Court ot o&minoo llo.i ot Col. Co. Vx, aai to ma directed, thero will bj Bold at the court ilouso Bloomsburg l'a., on MONDAY, DEU155IBER 1, 1890, tlo'olocitp, m., tui tolls .via: AU thow two certain oontlsuoua lota or pl.-cos of gro.ind situ atoloconynsbmn, OoL Co., l'a., boundd oatho west by nn tote. O MurpUr, on thi north br tho public roid leading from Centralli to Olrard vine, on thoeast and south by land! ot Locust Mountain Coal Co., said two lots contain together In troat Kitty (50) t!et and extending that width In depth One Hundred nnd Forty Feet (140) on which aro erected TWO DWELLING HOUSES and outbuildings. HeUcd, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Tho .Miners and Laborora' Saving Fund Association versui Edward Oeraghty anl colla Geraguty Mb n ire In right ot said wife, and to bj sold as the property ot Cclla deraghty. jukr, Attorney. ALSO: Dy vlrtuoof awritotFl V.U lnusa out ot tno Courtot Comma l'leai of Col. Co , l'a., and to ino directed, thero will bo sold at thjsami tlin3 and placo tho following: All that crtaln lot or piece ot land sltuato In Jameson City, Col. Co., l'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt: Oa,tha north by lo' of -Minerva Bowoll, on the cast by Broad Street, south and wost by lot of A. B. Croop, containing 1 orty Feet In Front aud One Hundred and Twenty i eet in depth, whereon aro erected A DWELLING HOUSE nd outbuildings. Also: All that certain lot or pleeo of Und hltu atoln Jainson City, CoL'io, l'a., bounded as tol. iows,io-witr on the north by Savenlh fatrctt, on the cast by iho UlooEsbunt and Sullivan Hall- road Co , on Iho touth by tho lllooicsburg and Sullivan Ilallrovl Oo. and tha Flshlngereek bar Co., anl un the west by Broad Street, con tilulng Oiellundicd and sixty Feet In front oa llroaa street, and KlghtyJsl'c feet in depth, where on are erected a Planing Mill, Wheelwilght Shop Outbuilding und Ti-cutto. Seked, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Grant Herring Trustee versus l'eter J. Suit, and to bo sold as tho property ot l'eter J. Suit. Bcckikousu, JOHN B. CASEY, 11-7-ls. Atty. Sheiltr. Yy IDOWS Al'PUAlBKMENTS. Tho foUowlng Widows' appraU-ment will bo presented to trio ,ornhin' Court ot Oolumbli c untyoti the riftt Xlonday or Diwmber noxt, and conilrme I m,l, anl unless uxoeotlons ire riled nlililn tour di)s tlKrosIWr, will ba cmlrmed aiiolut- luvld Lewi Kst, Rinfarlur, porrnallty MOO 00 Duilei (lu'irharr. list. Beaver. rwrsonA.v. tn rui rcullty, $'iT.()0-80Jiw ' W. II. KWnHW fl.rlr f r Clerk's onice, UlooulBbur, l'a., Nov. ij, isiio. ' ' E XECUTOH's NOUUK. Estate Of l'ler Gross, dtwusttf. fiCtterHtttainentiirv nn uii.i wrmn hav,nffiUan grank'd to the undernlgnM executor, all persons u'ui'uiuu iu Maiu i-siuie are uereov noun ' ro p iv the wiine, nnd ttiOM) havl-,c c almi ..gilnsi, said cs'Ktft.iopre8Pnt tneaiue to uur JAConv, Atty i wil (moss, ll-ie-iu kx uior. OFALLPLASTERS RiKoi injnv vears used and DrL-U i TSscribcd by l'hysicians, but onl Jrcccntly introduced generally. RJ DR.OROSVENOR'S 5 PLASTERS. J The best Porous Plaster made:cV- 'or all achcs.pains and weak tIaccs)" ISUnliLe 'l'icr plasters, so bo sure its nd got he penuine with tlie picOKT -Jturc of a bvll on the back-cloth-)"? -.Gkosvenoh& KirnsKDSjJlostonxS FROMPAliMtRYIT i ai-d-4t. ughing 1,i ,Mir(' effort toexiel foreign sub Hiaiii cs from the liroiii'liial passagea. Frt-nm-iitly, this causes liilljumiaUon and the need of an anodyne. No other expectorant or anodyne is equal to Aycr's Cliorry I'cctorul. It assists Nature in ejecting the luueus, allayH Irritation, inilncos repose, and U tha must popular ot nil cough cures, "Of the many preparations before tbo fu I, lie for tlie euro of colds, roiiDlin, irourhltiH, mid Ittiulred (Usoasn, there is noun, within tlie range of my expert oin e, so reliable ai Ayor's Cherry 1'eo tonil. For years I was subject to oohla, followod by terrible coughs. Alwut four years ago, whan so ntmcted, I was ml vlsad to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and to lay nil other remedies aside. I tiki so, and within a week was well of my told and cough. Since thou I liavo always kept this preiurutlon In tbo house, ami feel oom)arutively seclire." Mrs. h. h. Drown, Ueimiark, Miss, "A few years ngo I took a severe eold which affected my lungs. I had a ter rible cough, and passed night after ni-la without sleep. The doctors gavo me nji. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleui, and afforded the rest necessary for Hie recovery ot my strength, lly the con tinual use ot the Perioral, a permanent rure was effected." lloruco l'alrbrother, Uockinghaiu, Vt, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rust .r.iu nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Gold by ll DruisMs. Price (1 ; sli twill, t- A A (food punlillilf pay tfinuiitiv.t w, eh y. lUlVK Clilefc l,e,y , lit a tun 1 w 1 9 MS u win here. Fll-'l elasw 1' inuib.Uii or 'sry.M ' d p-1 1 . I) ,ii ' r tlieg .... . n V"l Ku Ni Ul.m K le, r Y-m a