The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 28, 1890, Image 2

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The Columbian
8. E, Elwall, I Tjif..
Sonator Dalamator has denied tho
report that hn Is seeking tho U. S.
Senatorshlp. Tho friends of Mayor Fit
ler of Philadelphia havo proposed the
latter as a candidato against Sonator
Tho Independent Republicans havo
given notico that they will bo satisfied
with nothing short of tho retirement
of Quay from tho loadorship of tho
republican party.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 21, 1890.
Mr. Harrison and Mr. Blaine oau
not oontinuo their piosont rotations
much longer, unless thero is a radioal
ohango of mindon tho part of ono of
thorn. That becomes plainer and
plainer every day to thoso familiar
with tho inslBo workings of tho admin
btration. Mr. Harrison has finished
his message, and it ha boon shown to
every member of tho cabnet, except
Mr. Blaine. Tho reason for this
action on tho part of Mr. Harrison is
that ho has cone direotly contrary to
tho viows of Mr. Blaine, on at least
two important matters dealt with by
the.mossago, and ho has delayed show
ing tbe message to Mr. Blaine, fearing
that it might cause an open row be
tween them. Of coarso it will havo
to be shown to Secretary of Stato be
fore Congress meets but thero will be
no trouble, bo far as Mr. Blaine is con
cerned. Ho made up his mind when
tho McKinlov bill became a law that
tho republican patty was doomed, and
foundation in faot for any of those
roasons. Tho only proper way to ro-
movo tho marked ballot fcaturo of tho
constitution is by moans of a constitut
ional convention, and this also can bo
provided for.
Between tho opening of tho legisla
tive session and tho spring election
thero will bo nearly six woeks. This
will bt- plenty of time in whioh to pass
a ballot reform law and provide for tho
nescmblitiir of a constitutional conven
tion. This quoetton can bo voted for
at tho February election, and as tholr
is no doubt of its being adopted by a
largo majority tho dolegitos to tho con
stitutional convention oan bo elected at
tho samo time, as was tho oaso in 1872,
when tho question of amonding tho
constitution was voted upon at tho
samo election at whioh tho delegates to
tho constitutional convontion wcro
eleoted. Thero will then bo plonty of
timo tor tho convention to raeot and
amend the constitution by removing tho
marked ballot olauso so that tho
amendment oan bo voted upon by tho
pooplo at a cenoral election next No
Thero is no doubt of the fact that
tho people genorally favor tho adoption
of a secret ballot law. Thoy want it
to bo enacted as Boon as possible and
aro not in favor of waiting five years
for it, as would havo to be done if an
attempt wero made to amend tho con
stitution by having the amendment
adopted by two suooessivo legislatures
and then votod upon by tho people
Tho simplest way is always tho best
way, and in this oaso tho simplest way
is to call a constitutional convontion.
Lot the legislature heed tho wishes of
tho people.
Is a eontututlonal and not a local due,
uJ therefore It cannot bo curtd by local
applications. It require! a comUtutlonal
remedy Ilka Hood's flariaparllla, which,
working through Uia blood, (radicals! tha
Impurity which causes and promoUi tt
disease, and effect! a pcrmaaant tur.
Thousands o( people testify V tha aucoesi
at rtood's Sariaporlllii aa a remedy for
catarrh when ather preparations had failed,
llood's Bamparllla also builds up tbawhol
system, and makes you feel lanawed la
health and strength.
H. II. If you decide to try Ilood'a (arsa
parllla do not ba Induced to buy aa 7 athar.
"I used Hixxfs fUrsaparllla lor catarrh,
and receded treat relief and heaeflt from It,
7ha catarrh waa very dlsagrtaakla, eaulng
constant Alieharg tram mj oe, rtngfeg
noises In y ears, and palm la tha back ot
my head. The effect to clear rrjy head In the
morning by hawking and spitting waa pain
ful. Ilood'a Banaparina fare He relief ln
medtately, whits In fine I waa .entirely
enred. I think Uoed'a larsaparlUa la worth
IK weight In geld." Ilu. 6. B. Out, 101
Xghth Street, N.W., Washington, D. j
"Ilood'a Raraapartltohaa helped tna laere)
for catarrh and Impure blood than anything
else I oyer used." X. AU Syracuse, K. T.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
toldbydrartists. HiiliforfO. Prtpud only 1 114 try tragtbu. tlialafetg. Pnparedmty
Vj CI. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Unl, Maes. I C I. DOOD A CO., Apotfeeeaslee, Lowell, Kua
IOO Dosos One Dollar I IOO Doses On liar
since that timo ho has not bothered his
head with matters outsido of his hobby,
The leaders of his party havo nearly
all turned to him as the Mosc3 to lead
them out of tho wilderness, and that
is what is so galling to Mr. Harrison,
who wants vindication in tho shape of
a renoraination; but ono of Mr. Blaino's
warmest and closest personal friends
told me that unless thero should oorao
a Croat change in tho prospects of th?
republican party before 1892, air.
Blaine would under no circumstances
aocept tho nomination. Ono defeat
being qulto enough for him.
Unless a prominent Government of
ficial is off' in his predictions, thoro
will bo a vacancy in the office of Com
missioner of Pensions between this and
January, Mr. Harrison having fully
deoidod that Itaum shall go.
Tho Congressional lamo ducks among
the republicans are all trying to pick
out something undor tbii Government
that will enablo them to keep hold of
tho public teat aftor tho 4th of next
Maroh, but it will bo a difficult matter
to provide for ovon a small number of
One of tho prinoipal occupations of
the republican loaders j nst now is stiff
ening np the political baokbonos of the
small-fry Congressmen as they get in.
About three out of four of them want
to reviso the MoKinley tariff law at
tho coming session. That, tho leaders
are determined to prevent if possible.
Several of tho candidates for Speak
or of the next House havo opened
headquartors hero, but there aro not
enough ot tho members-elect of the
Fifty-second Congress yet hero to
make anything like a lively contest.
But they will all be hero a little later,
, as an extra session is believed to be
almost certain, which will mako it
neoessarry to eleot tho Speaker about
nino months earlier than if thero was
no meeting until December next.
Tho Farmers Alliance and its future
movements is much discussed by re
turning Congressmen, and many of
them believe that a consolidation of it
and the labor organization's will take
place before the next Presidential cam
paign. The republicans fear tho or
ganization most, beoause it antagonizes
tho principles of that party most.
With two or three exceptions any I Mrs-
good democrat could support tho plat
form of the alliance.
Tho fight for free and unlimited sil
ver coinage is to be renewed aa Boon
u Congress meets and a powerfnl
weapon, in tho appointment of a suc
cessor to Chairman Conger, of tho
Honso committeo on Coinage, Weight
and Measures who resigned to go to
Brazil as U. S. minister, is in the hands
of Speaker Reed. Mr. Reed is one of the
bitterest opponents of free ooinago, in
the Houso, but for all that it is not cer
tain, although it is probable, that ho
will put an anti-silver man at the head
of that committee. Tbe committee is
said to be now evenly divided on the
question, bo that in deciding upon the
new member of tho committee, Speak
er Reed will really dooide whether tho
committeo shall report a free ooinago
Speaking of Mr. Reed, the republi
e cans are very much worried because '
certain democrats havo determined that
a demooratio committeo of the next
House shall investigate the mothoda by
which be was elected. There is no
contest nor is thoro to be, but it is be
lieved that an investigation in that
district will show up a great deal of
lepublioau crookedness, and tho demo
crats proposo doing it.
Many democrats think tho republi
can Congressional apportionment bill
should bo opposed on the ground that
tho Census has not been oorreotly
taken. Of course, if the republicans
can keep a quorum of their own men on
the floor of the IIoubo no amount of
opposition oan prevent its paesago but
ft may not be amiss to show up cortain
things about Ceusus.
Washington Nov. 27 Tho latest
name mentioned in connection with
tho Speakership is that of William
Mutchler of Easton, Pa. Evory sec
tion of tho country has its oandidate
except the Eist. There are Mills,
MoMiltin, Crisp and Blount from tho
South; Hateb, Springer, Bynum,
Outhwaito and Wilson from tho North
and WeBt, but none except Mntshler
from the great Atlantio States. It is
trite, that Lockwood of Now York has
announced bis oanutdaoy, but overy
one treats it as. a joke and not to bo
seriously considered. lie is not a
member of tho presont Congress and
thoreforo thero is no one wbo takos his
candidacy in earnest.
Tho Eist, with its oreat financial in
terests, should bo entitled to tho office,
as the West now has the Presidency
and the "Bloody Shirt' is still being
waved too much for the South to get
tho l.onor without cost to the Demo
cratic party. Should the Eist combine
on Mutchler, as now seems probable,
he would be a formidable candidate as
ho would havo fifty-six votes to start
Asido from this, Mr. Mutchler has
many friends, among all tho old mem
bers, as ho is very popular with them.
In overy way ho is adapted to tho po
sition. He is a good parliamentarian,
lovcl-headed and with a perfoct control
of his temper. His position on the
tariff is that of his party, and his selec
tion would give the business world a
guarantee that no rash measures would
become laws. Although Mr. Mutohler
has not announoed his candidacy, his
friends have taken the matter in band
and aro determined to secure his election.
Lutherans Statistics
Rov. J. N. Lenker, the present
Western Seoretary of tho Board of
Churoh Extension of tho Gonoral
Lutheran synod was pretty well occu
pied yesterday addressing tho Luther
ans of tho oity and South Side, making
Uvo speeches in all. Mr. Lenker hav
ing spont several years in church ox
tension and mission work, not only in
tho United States, but in Germany,
Russia and other countries, is thorough
ly posted in the statistics and general
strength of his church, and in his elo
quent discourse gavo the following fig
ures which shows the Lutheran churob
to havo nearly as largo a communi
cant membership as all the other
branches of tho Protestant church
combined :
5 9 wg!
5. H .S 8
Countries. S 3
Europe 22,980 37,011 43,133,006
Asia, 203 143
Africa 814 2V7
Oceanlca 133 310
North America 4,710 7,004
South America 47 01
Jewish Missions 20 23
Census of the Big Oitlea-
OVER THE 100,000 MARK.
The census takers lflBt June shows
twenty.fivo cities in tho Union that
average beyond tho 100.000 mark, and
threo with more than a million. Chi
cago by judicious annexation ono of
its wards being a simple matter of
twenty-eight miles from tho City Hall
takes second place, and New York
orosecs tho half million lino three times
St. Louis, Boston and Baltimore press
each other hard in tho raco and in an
other deoado Cincinnati! must give
way to Cleveland, in Ubio, according
to tho latter's ratio in growth. Not a
oity Btands credited in tho 300,000 col
umn. Tno West exhibits wondcriui
progress, wbilo tbe South has but two
great ccntrics. Annexed aro the fig
ures for threo decades:
The MoKinley Bill and the E'eotlon-
Tho argument-for passing tho Mo
Kinloy bill and for suppressing debate
upon it in the Houso was that the
country in tho eliction of 1888 rfud is
sued its "mandate" for the eiiactmont
ol a high tariff. If tht view was cor
rect, it follows that tho country ha
now reconsidered and recalled its man-
dato by electing a House representing
Total In the world...28.400 38,331 60,001,280
Tho Lutheran is a church of many
languages. Tho latest statis'ics chow
that of her baptized membership
throughout tho world 32,000,000 speak
German, 5,300,000 Swedish, 2,500,000
Norweman, 2,3011,000 Danish, 2.048,
000 FirinUh, 1,230,000 English, 1,113,
000 Hungarian, G24 000 Livonian,
480,000 a urlauish, 272,000 Esthuiati,
70,000 French, 70,000 Icelandic, 48,
000 Bohemian, and that in overy other
civilized tongue she is well represent
ed, numbering in the world 28,40G
educated ministers, 38,881 churoh edi
fices, and 50,001,200 baptized mem
bers. This churob, though taking its
origin in Germany, seems to know no
fatherland or mother She is
at homo anywhere.
In tbe United States, though among
tho last to come to general public
recognition, sou is doing Christian
work in twelve different languages,
and has 4,692 ministers, 7,018ohurches,
and 1,100,000 communicant mem-
here, twenty-tour theoiogloal semi
naries, twenty-five oolloges, forty
eight seminaries and academics, fifty
Bevon orphan homes and hospitals, -and
140 churoh papers', of which forty
eight are English, fifty-one German,
sixteen Swedish, fifteen Norwegian,
four Danish, threo Finnish, two Ice
landic, and two Frenoh.
Literary Bote-
1870. 18S0,
NoWJork U,29i l,S0fl,S9
nntcago svs,mi ora.itn
Philadelphia 674,02-! 817,170
Urocklyn SttfiVi M,S3
Bt. Louis. 8I0.SG4 350,611
noeton Z,0,-U 867,839
Ualtlmore ......... 167.SM 832,813
son Pranclaea.... 149,478 zi3,tui
CtnclnnatM. 318,!M 2 A 133
Cleveland vt,7lt 170,118
New ujieans ivi.sio xio,uw
UUlIala - 117,714 163,184
Washington. 100,199 157,591
PttSOUri 88,076 1 69,819
Detroit 7J.677 118 840
M.lwaukeo. 7 , 440 115,681
MjineapoUa 18,( 46,W
rmiUvlflfl 101.758 191.758
J'roTMenoa 68,904 101.8JI
f-t. l'aUl 20.O3U
KunnMCitv..... SJ.SdO 65.7S5
omana... l,033 80,8 8
Newark lC.OJ'J 133,503
Jersey city 8.1,513 m.Ui
Ko.-ncsier oi,a-o os,oir
Indianapolis 43,911 75 016
iieaver .....,,.. o
Allegheney . 63,181 7i,8-u
If tho Republican Senators wish to
destioy t'jo last vesllgo of hope their
par' ha for 1892 they will pi-s tho
Fonw bdl this winter. They haven't
moth to build hopes on nny way.
Ptallng United States Senatorships
is a very dangerous practice, and somo
body had bettor bo extremely careful.
"A word to tho wise" do.
Senator Sherman thinks tho "wild
silver men" and the wildir Farmers
Allianco will havo something to gay
about future legislation in this country.
Hight you are, Seuatir. They will,
they will.
Representative Flower has been
poking tho World's Fair managers
with a sharp stick. Ho thinks, and
rightly too, that tho honor of being a
member of tbo board of managers
should bo sufficient compensation, and
that they should not oxpeot or rccoivo
aaliiritH for their sorvicos.
Mr. Parnell probably thinks that the
old adage should bo changed to read :
"Woman is tho root of all evil."
Claims enough undor the pension.
law, passed at tho last session of Con
gress, havo already boon filled to oost
tho Government $49,000,000 a year
and thoy aro not all in yet This is,
of courne, exolusivo of tho nearly ono
hundred millions of dollars that havo
beon paid out by tho Government an
nuilly for some time past. Truly
there is something radically wrong in
our present pension system.
KM, 377
997,99 )
2 1,1W
163,0 7
107 413
11-4,8 7
JUUUUUX'nf tho Uuman System.
Cures T J rtT, Cures Batons
Uver fOXSLOmC Affections &o.
ffiS&S'' Xaxador
The landing Perfume.
Fragrant I
Lasting I
Proteotlon to American Industries.
Forty inarain carpet weaver em
ployed by Thoin is Tai lor, Howard
-treet and Lehigh-avcnu", and thirty-
six of the emptojos ot ltd ward K'ad s
carpet mill on Trenton avenue aro on
a strike against a reduction of a half a
cent a vard. The men sav a half a
cent seems like a trifle, but at tbo end
of tbo work it amounts to con
siderable, and they cannot afford
to work for starvation wages.
Salvation Oil
VP Prlct only 2S cti. Sold bg alldrugghti.
Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Swelings, Bruises, Lumbago,Sprains,
Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns,
Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache,
Gout, or any bodily pah or ailment.
nucuLANQE'S PLUGS, Tho Gnat Tobacco An
VlfCn tltoftPrlc 10 Cta. At all drugghu.
Prices astonishingly low, they never were any lower.
III Great Varieties
f A fTl A TJTJ TTCnred. Write for samplotV--.
ll-I a 4U Newark-, N. J.
of all sorts tor eomtortat surprisingly
Low Prices. At
Specimen Copies and Beautiful Calendar oent Free.
Tir i i h "
Jhl every 1 Read in I I 1000 1 Travel I "and 1! fmJTTt Hi
" No ether Wukly raper fhu 10 great m TanXy of Entertaining and Instructive Heating at to hut a price.'
FREE TO JAN. I, 1891.
T mar NEW SUBSCRIBER. wh will eat ant ad tend at Ihli slip with nnme and
ddrr nnd 81.TS n JVufal or Zxprtu Money Order or RtgMerrd tetter at our HH, we will ncnil
THE YOUTH'S COMPANION FREE to Jnnanrr, INOl. nnd Tor a Pull Yenr from Hint Unto.
TkU offer Inelndoa the FIVE DOUBLE HOLIDAY NUMBEIIH for ThnnkntlTlnK, Clirlstmna,
New Yer', Eoiter d Fourth-of-Jnlr, and oil the Illiiatmted Wreklr HupplemrnlN.
-Addreee, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, l Temple Place, Boston, Man,
The Christmas edition of the Cosmo
politan Magazine is one hundred thoua
tho.most positive opposition to tho Mo- and copies. Tho order as orginally
Patent Granted.
To citizens of Pennsylvania dtirinir
tho past week, and reported for tliii
paper by O. A Snow & Co., Patent
Attorneys, opposite U. 8. Patent Of
fice. Washincton, P. C.
G. W. Worley, Altoona, Rotary
engine. It. A. Huatttictc, U'oomBburg,
Fountain Pen. C. II. Miller, Erie,
Stovo door opener. A. T. Moas Tunlc-
bannock. Car coupler. J. B. Ilutchin-
son, Columbia, Wagon brake. A.
Haarlander, Allegheny, Flushing tank
for water closets. W". M. Herrick,
Sayre, Oil cup. P. Curran, Susqup-
naiiiia, uage. o. u. uuiiu, usiarux,
Cheese cutter. II. C. Allen, Grove
City, Stnclctreo support. E. D.
mclcer, tiocsport, uuu iocic.
2nd Door above Court IIuubc.
lot of Window Curtains received this week.
To clean tombstones.
To polish knives.
To olean dishes.
To renew oil-cloth.
To scrub floors.
To whiten marble.
To renovate paint.
To wash out sinks.
To remove rust.
To brighten motals.
To scour bath-tubs.
To soour kettles.
This is not
No close observer oin have failid to
remark the deep disomtent produced
by tho general course of the adminis
tration party, and especially by the
passage of a bill whioh actually in.
oreaeed tbe prico of necessaries in a
lime of entire peace, aud at a session
of Congress which began with a sur
plus in tho Treasury. Harper's
Adam Wnchter Lives, Bat Is a Great.
Aixehtown, Nov. 26. Threo weeks
ago yesterday it was 218 days that
Airs. Adam Wuohter, of White Hall,
had fasted. Dr. O. W. Sieger, her at
tending physioian, said yesterday that
she was now little better than a faster.
He had spent tbo greater part of tho
given to tho printers, was for 85,000
oopies, but whilo on tho press it was
thought advisable to increase the num
ber to 100,000.
It contains a feature never before
attempted by any magazine, consisting
of 129 oartoons from tho brush of Dan
Beard, the now famous artist, wbo did
such wonderful illustrations in Mark
Twain's book, "Tbo Yankee at the
court of King Arthur.''
These cartoon, aro placed at the
bottom of each page of the magazine,
and take for their subject, ''Christmas
during the Eighteen Centuries of tbe
Christian Era," with variations, Know
ing tbo way in whioh we modern
christians carry out some of the chief
texts of the Christian Gospel.
Above, and at each side of the page
is a quaint border, the whole eltect Do
ing novel and extremely pleasing and
"A Merry Christmas 1 '' is tho oheery
creeling shining from overy page ol
that ideal monthly, DemoretCs Family
Magazine, the December number of
which a genuine holiday number is
iust at hand. What ono will not know
about preparing lor unnsima?, aDout
trimming the tree and suitable giftB
and good cheer and how to heartily
enjoy tho merry Chritttmas-lido, after
'j . - : t ! : .
reading turn uuurmui atiiguiiuu, ib nui i
worth knowing, "kiguling the Way
for Santa Claus " is the very appro
priate introductory water-oolor, and the
page engraving that follows, " Raphael
Painting the Virgin and Child," is
from a noted panning, ana win do ap
preciated tor its nistono value as
well as its beauty. Besides these, thero
aro at leatt two hundred and fifty other
handsome illustrations, tor tun repre
sentative Family Magazine is noted for
(3-. WELLS-
IfeBtUti to tliin fall tMth,
BnstaMrs to clua pftrtl of machinal.
argtooi to polish thlrlQitrvmnU. KlnUUri to renoTato old chtpoli.
Confection re to icoar thtlr pina.
If txhftnlcf to briehUn thtlr tool.
Cooia to data tbo kltchan link.
Falnton to data offaarfaooa.
Gaxtona to clou tho tombitonea.
BoaQarf on bran and whlto boraea.
Artlata to claan tholr polattoi.
Whaalman to cloan blcydaa.
nouiematda to lerub rearblo floor.
Cham lata to ramovo tenia a Ulna.
Carrara to abarpan tbalr knlrai.
Bhrtwdonaatoaconroldatraw hit
Soldi ra to brlfhten tbalr anna,
konoTttora to dtan carpatt.
Be sure aud look at the display of
Finest liue in tho County, hefore purchasing your Xmas
past week in defending bimsolf against wibth the una9uall y varie table of con- auantity and good quality of its
the attacks of the loca newspapers, ten, wU msko oh a Christma8 nuia. pictures.
whioh havo told him that thoy no ber a, ,g WOft, l0 jDto more lban There aro splendid stor es and poems.
loncor bvlievo the woman or hlmsolf.
The dootor says:
"I will say nothing that I cannot
prove, and will not be shaken from my
foundation until it is demonstrated that
I am wrong. I cannot ray how the
woman retains ber uvistanco Sbo does
not eat. Lately a few drops of orange
juice have been, p lace J on her touguf.
ahe retains a small pteco ot bread in
her mouth and then permits It to drop
out. I have resorted to teste, but can
not get her to swallow. Her heart
beats 120 times a tniuute. A puho
oannot be found. The convulsions aro
again returning. Tho finger nails have
not grown the one hundroth part of an
inch since hor fast began. A pin can
bo run through her skin without being
felt. Her right arm is as if it were a
solid bono without joints. The sight
of one eyo is entirely destroyed. With
tho other she oan only distinguish light
from darknes. The woman is a great
sufforor, and every day she lives is a
They Are Liable-
Ballot Beform.
Both parties in this stato at tho re
cent election pledged themselves to
ballot reform. Now that tbe session
will soon be called members of both
parties should consider which will be
tbo best way to bring about this reform.
Tho following taken from tho Harris
burg I'alriot of the 20th shows how
this reform may be brought about in
tbo most speedy manner. Let the
constituent of both parties press upon
Uieir'membera tho necessity of voting
for this measure.
Somo of the republican organs seem
very much exercised over demand made
by The J'atrlot and other demooratio
journals that tho logislaturo at its com
ing sesslou shall pas a ballot reform
law and provide for au absolutely so
oret ballot. All manner of reasons
are advanced to show that the legisla
ture cannot past a ballot reform law
within tho next vear, bat tuero Is no
Tho doctors aro all liablo to be mis
taken. They wero in my caso. It cost
mo szuu.uu. because tney said i uau
Heart disease, and then told me I must
die. Grandmother said it was Liver
complaint, and $2,00 worth of Sulphur
liltters cured ine.-temiia j'oor, hock
wt, Mass. 11.28 2-t.
Tho bound volumes of Jlarjier's
young People for 1890 is in no re
spect inferior to its predecessors, either
in tbo excellency of its reading mat
ter or tho beauty ot its illustrations.
Among the list of contributors to this
volume wo notloo tho names of Wil
liam Dean Ilowells, Thomas Nelson
Pace, Hjalmar lljorth Boyesen,
Margaret E. Sangster, Richard Mai
oolni Johnston, William Hamilton Gib
son, Dora Read Goodale, Howard
Pyle, and inanv other favonto Ameri
can writers. Tho pictures aro by suoh
artists as Gibson, Farny, Smedley,
Rogers, Dlelman. Thulstrup, Pyle,
Rosina Emmet Sherwood, and many
others equally famous. This volume
is issued in good time for tbe holiday
rthy to tro
10U.UUU households.
The frontispieces of tbe Cosmopolit
an have of lalu become noted for their
beauty, somo of them having as much
as four printings. That for Christmas
while in but two printin s, is not bo
bind anything that has preceded it !iu
artistic merit.
An excellently illustrated artlolo is
ono on teapots, by Eliza Ruharnah
Scidmoro. Literary Boston is treated
with numerous portraits, and an aniolo
whioh comes with the ninetieth birth
day of Von Molke, sketches the life
of the ureal Field-Marshal in an inter
eeting way, and is by Geo, Jame
Grant Wilson, Elizabeth BUland hai
one of hor obarming articles.
The Christmas issue contains 228
illustrations, nearly double the num
ber that have ever appoared in any
illustrated magazine.
Deafness Oan't Be Pared.
by Iooal applications, as thoy oannot
reach the diseased portion of tho ear.
There is only one way to euro deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed ooti
dition of the mucous lining of tho
Eustachian Tubo, Wben this tubo
gets iuflamed you have a rumbling
sound for imported hearing, and when
it is entirely closrd, Deafness is tbe
result, and unless tho inflammation can
be taken out and this tube restored to
its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed for ever; nine cases out of
ten are caused by catarrh, which 1b
nothing but au inflamed oondition of
tho mucous suriaoes.
We wil givo One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
oatarrb) that we oannot cure by taking
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars,
P. J. CnENEY Si CO., Toledo, O.
bold by druggists, 7$ cents.
Prepared to turn out fine Watch and Jewelry Work of all
kinds on short notice. All work guaranteed.
and every department is brimful of
just what you want to know in its
special line. But our adv'od is, sub
scribe tor this splendid magazine, and
. . i
you oan have a raro treat oaoh mouth.
It is only $2 a year, and is published
by W. Jennings Dbmokest, 15 East
nth street, jnow xoric.
ft L E S Nl
Tho present indication arp that tho
republicans will not get through ex
plaining their reoent deieat boioro ino
next ono overwhelms tnera in itsvz.
The larco number of ellciblo candi
dates for Speaker of tho next llnueo Is I
highly complimentary to tno democra
tic party, as it shows tho govd sense
of the voters in baviuu nominated and
elected so many able men to congress.
And what is still better, thero is not a
single gentleman so iar mentioned for
IUO position WHO wuuiu uub uo n very
decided improvement upon tho prohonl
republican speaker ot tno iioase.
Tho managers of tho republican par
ty wid do well to watch the experi
ments now being made with tbo con
sumption ouro discovered by Dr. Koch
tho eminent uerman physician, and u
they prove successful, no timo should
be lott in putttnir tho "U. u. iv under
bis treatment.
Tho rock which recently caused tbo
sinking of tbo British Cruiser Serpent
and the loss ot nearly auu lives was
but a pebb'.o compared with the rock
upon whioh tho republican party
stuok on tbe 4lh day ot JNovcmuor.
Theodore Rosevelt, tbe talking
member of tho Civil Seryico Commiss
ion, hasn't been interviewed since tho
election. Are tho Washincton news
paper men to blame, or has "Teddy
at last nnt a pad-look on bis restless
and inoontronaDie jaws i
Traveling and local, to sell our cuolco Nursery
stock. Fast selling specialties to fruits, etc.
Splendid ouiflt free, steady employment guaran
teed. Your pay weekly. Write (or terms. UElt
mania NimsmtY co. iiooimarfiu, n. v.
Not, Jan.
Slici'iil's Sale.
Pattern Hats and Bonnets,
Wednesday, September 17th.
Main Street,
Rloomsburg Pa.
Write Your Name
aud Address
ilalltoE. O. THOMPSON, 183f
Vllnt), Philadelphia, anil receive ,lo
clurn samples of Superior English
Cheviot from which "Thonjpson'f
Patent Out" pants arc made.
PRICE $3.50.
Bclr.meaiuro Blanks, Tapo and
full directions 'How to Onlei
Pants by mall" seat with all
Uy virtue of writ ot PI Yx. Issued out of tbe
Court ot common Pleas ot Col. Co., ro., and to me
directed, there win be sold In the Sheriff's omce
In tue court House, Uloom'bursr, I'a., on
at 10 a. ro, all that certain pteco or parcel ot land
ittuato In Mioitn towDahlp, Columbia county I'a.,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north hj pub.
ho road and land nt v, u. aoodUart, on the cast
by land of Momla Durnbacn, on the south by land
ot K. P. Bchwrppeuhelser, on th9 west by lands ot
Samuel Knecht, J. I'. Attn a-.d G. Bcbweppenhels
er, containing;
78 Acres of Land,
more or leas, whereon are erected
p I I lllll
ELY BUOTlIKKS, 64 Warren BU, New York. IMco 60 eta. I
irt, to
at S
What' in a namfl t" mImki nirrwu. Ilv tbo way. nobody now seems to
liin ntlinr ilav. in' tha eonraa of oonvor. 1 have anv doubt of tbo ability Ot Sena-
attnn ' tor Brico and Representative Flower
"I CU6B8 your wife ,can Itll yo. rev I as campaign managers, ."joining
piled Hongs. gucoefids l)ko sucoess," ana tner suo-
m wiiai in vnn mnnn i " i uhhm uu ucui una ui wv muw vii
-Why everything you've got Is iu able m the history of Mlltloa; pirtUf
her name, isn't it T" -fuoy i n ftmww
jmSu of Reuben II, Daett, late of Bent on toviuhlp
Ylolico Is hereby trlven that letters of aJmlnls
truion on tu eu(a of lieutieu 11. narla, tat6 ol
the township of Uenton. county ot Columbia and
Bute of 1'ennBrlTanla, deceased, have been grant
ed to tf. U Uavuot Uontoo, Col. Co., I'd., to whom
all nArhonn indebted to sold estate are reaueated
to make payments, and thoua having rslalmi or de-
mauds will muka Known the same without delay
to ' .u))yw, om'r.
and other outbuildings,
nelzed, taken Into eifecutton at tbe cult ot I). 11.
Fetterolt administrator ot Michael l'ettorolt deo'd.
use vs. I 11. itochler and to bo sold us tbo prop
erty of U U. Koehler, JOHN II. CASEY,
H. It Lime, Atty. Sheriff.
Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, creditors
and other persons Inleres'ed In the mi lies ot the
respective doceients and minora tuat the follow,
ing administrators', eieuutora', guirdlans ac
counts have been lllod in tho ora of tue Hegljler
or uommoia coawy uuu vim ue unrieniea ror con.
nrmatton ana allowance in toe urpnaos' coup
do neia m uioamsuurx. vwemuer isi, itiyu,
o'clock p, in. of sal 1 day:
No f. First and flnal account of Jeremiah Pah
ringer and llocbiel Pahrlnver, admln'atrators of
the eslat of Harmon Pahrtnger, lata ot Locust
twp.,101. co. aeceasea.
No. n. First and anal aooount of Louisa Wolf.
admlnlstraUr eto . of llenrv Wolf, late of the
town ot moomsbuiv, Col. Co., deceased.
Ko. 9. First and final onoount of Levi Michael
and V. 1". Ooarhart, administrators of liaulel
uearnart, law ii ueaver iwp., uoi. co,, iqeceasea.
Ka.4. The account of II. Prank Zarr. executor
ot cathartne lutuir, late of Catawissa, Col. Co.
uecutuwu. First and anal account ot Wesler liow.
man, executor ot tlarah Kelm, late of Orange twp ,
CoL Co., deceased.
No. . second and anal aocountot Wesley llow
man. executor of Jjho Kelm, lata of Orange twp.
COL Co., deceased.
Na 7. First and anal account ot Eva nupert,
administratrix d. b, a. 0 t. a. ot Mary Huiwrt, law
ot tlloomstturg, WU Oq., (.ecaassd. First and Hnsl account of Eva ltupert,
administratrix o. u a, of Harriet ltupert, late of
Uloouisburg, CoL Co., deceased,
No.0. First and r)nal account of U W, Killer,
eiiwutorofttdaleUrAlt)ej;i).er,lte of Heaver
twp., Co, , , ct It. CJLUFBKLL,
. Hetfout,
Eimij Made Cl-oitMug I '
N(Bwesit Styles, Latest (Omits I
Lowest Frizes I
Fall and Winter Clothing for
Men, Youths' and Children,
Ever Brought to This County.
Children's Suits of nil Styles. Como and See for Yourself.
AVo arc not offering old stock but thoy ivro tho latest goods,
just received, and more on tho way. Our large store room is
lillod, and wo invito you to call nnd see and ninkeselections
from the latost styles.
Suits sold for $3.50 and upwards. Wo havo nlso,
Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods.
In our .Merchant Tailoring Department wo can furnish
you tho Best Goods at Low Prices nnd guarantee satisfaction,
Cull nt onco at