The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 21, 1890, Image 4

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    .1 "St
What Ottra?
What is tho furoo that ous(s disease)
and which is tho moot convenient ap
paratus (or applying lit How far U tho
regular physician tuotut to us became
wo boliovfl in hlin, ami how far are his
pills ani powders and tonios only tho
material rapresoutatives of hU personal
indiienoo on our hoalthJ
Tho reguhr doctors uurej tho homo)
pathia doolors euro; tho llnhiicniann
itos euro; and so do tho faith cures and
mind cures, and tho so-called Christian
Holentists, aud tho four-dollar-aud-a-half
advertising itinerants, and the
patont medicino men. They nil hit,
and they atl tnUa, mi 1 the great differ
onoe ono groat difference in tho ro
salt is that when tho rogulaf doctors
lose a patent no ono grumbles, and
r?hen U19 irregular doctors loso ono
tho community tamls on end and
howls. Rochester Union and Adver
.Nature cures, but naturo can be aid
ed, hindered or dclealediu the curative
process. And Urn Commercial's con
tention is that it is the pirt of rational
being to seek and trust the advice of
men of good character who have studi
ed tLo human system and learned, as
far as modem soienoo lights tho way,
how far they can aid natoro and how
they oau bo4 avoid obstructing her.
Buffalo Commercial.
It is not our purposo to consider the
ovils that rosult from employing tho
unscrupulous, tho ignorant, charlatans
and quacks to prescribe for the malad
ies that afllict tho human family Wo
simply declaro that tho physician who
knows something is belter than the
physician who knows nothing, or very
little indeed about tho structure and
tho conditions of tho human system.
Of course "he does not know it all.''
Rochester Morning Herald.
I have used Warner's Safe Cure aud'
but for its timely uso would have been,
I veribly boliove, in my gravo from
what tho doctors termed Bright's dis
ease. D. F. Shritier, sonior Editor
Soioto Gazette, ChUHcothe, Ohio, in a
letter dated Juno 30, 1800.
It Savea My Life.
After suffering for twelve years from
contngoous Blood Poison, and trying
tho best physicians attainablo ana ail
tho patont medicines procurable, and
steadily continuing to grow worso, I
gavo up all hopes of recovery, and Ihe
physicians pronounced the case incur
able, llopiug agaiust hope I tried S.
S. S. I improved from the first bottle,
and after taking twelve was cured,
sound and well, and for two years havo
had no return or symptom of the vile
disease. As I ova my life to S. S. S.
I send this testimony for publication.
II. M. Ueoisteie, Huniley, N. C.
I consider S. S. S. tho beit tonio in
the market. I took it for broken bown
health, aud gained eighteen pound in
three weeks. My appctito and streng
th came baok to me, and mado a new
man of me.
Wax Gkblock, Belleville, Ohio.
Treatise on Blood and skin Diseases mailed tree .
national Befonn Oonfrenee for Columbia
County, Pa
4, 1890.
The Conference for Columbia Coun
ty, already announced in those columns,
met in the Court House at a quarter to
eight o'clock on Monday, the 3rd inst.
Notwithstanding the excitement on the
eve of an important election, the Court
Ilouse ww well filled. The venerablo
David J. Waller Sr. conducted the de
votional exercises. Ho said: "Wo
are gathered in a templeof justice, and
it is fitting that we should read the
law on which as a foundation all hu
man laws repopo." Then he read the
Ten Commandments, some selections
from tho New Testament concerning
tho Sabbath, and the diviuo law of
marriage from the second chapter of
Genesis, and offered a fervent aud very
comprehensive prayer. A volunteer
choir of some fifteen voices led in the
singing, and the Rev. Mr. Galloway of
tho Bapii-tt chnroh, offered a touching
ly earnest supplication for tho mercy
of God to bo shown to the nation. Mr.
Waller then introduced Col. John G .
Freeze as tho presiding officer for tho
eveniug. Col. Freeze is Chancellor of
tho Protestant Episcopal Diocese of
Central Pennsylvania. In a few well
chosen words ho referred to the import
ance of tho question proposed for dis
cussion, and introduced Prof. J. P.
Welsh of the Normal School, to speak
on "The influence of the Bible on our
Publiq Education." Prof. Welsh
mado a brief but most effective argu
ment in behalf of tho Bible in the Sch
ools. Tho Corresponding Secretary of
the National Reform Association, who
had presented the cause in tho Pres
bytcian and Lutherau ohurohes on the
preoeedrg day, then spoke on ''The
Peouliar Theory of Eduoation." Tho
Rev. D. J. Waller, Jr., Superintendent
of Publio Instruction for Pennsylvania
in behalf of tho Committee on Resolu
tions then submitted the following:
Whereas, Tho oflico of the publio
schools is to promote intelligence and
moral obaracter, and
Whereas, The Bible is infinitely
superior lo all other books as a means of
developing moral oharaoter, therefore
Resolved, That the Bible should not
bo omitted from tho list of text books
adopted by Boards of Diiectors of our
public schools.
This was discussed by soveral speak
ers and cordially adopted. After noti
ces, the Conference then adjourned un
til tho following day.
tcesday's sessions,
A meeting of tho pastors aud a few
of the principal citizens was held in
the afternoon of the following day, at
which a permanent committee was ap
pointed to co-operate with the National
Reform Association in Columbia Coun
ty. Of this committee the Rev. Iasao
M, Paterson was mado Chairman, and
Mr. W. II. Brooko, secretary. Other
. mombers of tho Oommltteo wero the
Rev. Dr. D. J. Waller, Jr., tho Rev.
David J. Waller, Sr. the Rev. J. P,
Tuatiu, the Rev. Mr. Aurnan, the Rev.
Mr. Scar, Prof. J. P. Welsh, Prof. J.
F. Ilarkins, aud tho following persons
to whom specific departments of work
wero assigned: tho Rov. W. C. Leverett
Special Secretary for Divorce Reform!
Prof, llaitleio, the Biblo in tho Schools
tho Rev. I. A. Ileilraan, Sabbath Ob
servancei the Rev. W. T. Galloway, tho
Suppress'! a of Blasphemy! Mrs. J. P.
Welsh, Young People's Societies j Mis.
M. O. Walker, Tomperanco Work and
the W. J. t. u.j air. jtoumaii .unnKer
tho circulation of Petitions. Uho
Committee was empowered to add to
its members.
At tho evening eofsion addresses
were raado by K. H. Little. Esq., on
"Sabbath Desecration by Corporations;
bv tho Rev. Isaao M. Patterson on
i'Tho Right of the Workingman to tho
B . F. Savits,
k pips, Fin, t
Tin Roofing a Specialty,
First door Blooanburg Opera Ilouse
If You Have
RONOHITI8 Throat ASeetlw
SCROFULA I Wasting of 7lMk
6 any Dita tchnre t4 STm-mI ana Xwnft
am Jtytmf, Xmth if ttr-tfl Jrtm
rmrtr, vu wrn to rdlml md Cur h)
pure cod Liver oil
With Hypopbosphltes.
Atf) fir Intf AnuMn, ad M M
ma ft a fwf
Sol ty all Druggist.
IUTT A OW,Ohemlt, Y
" This is the blanket the dealer
told me was as good as a 5."
FREE Get from your dealer free, the
Yi. Book. It lias handsome pictures and
valuable Information about horses.
Two or three dollars for a Ja Horsa
Blanket will make your horso worth mor
and eat less to keep warm.
5A Five Mile
5A Boss Stable
5A Electric
5A Extra Test
Ask for
HO other styles at nrices to suit every
body. If you can't get them from your
dealer, write us.
Hanura by Wh. Atus soxi, Pnu&da,, wba
make tie (amoui Ueree Brand Baker Biaaluta.
Jl there ona set of men who apprcciiU tooti
Fish Brand Slicker" cost him leu tr vcar than
! Vnnwi thai
wy garment made. Did too know it rains or
aowaoneday tn three the whol yearthrougM A
day to ita lucky owner. Go anywhere with it ta
" f isu brand blicker " nukts very day s pJeauni
iiu, juui, ucet enow, or diowi u ii wtaa ana
waterproof, Costa leia than rubber, and last ten
timet ae long. Rubber la good for thow dayt. but
will np ia a week. If you want a coat for hard
wear and hard weather, get the 11 FUh Bread
Slicker," Every good thing haa Ita Imitation, ao
has the ' Fish Brand Sticker." Look out. Be
ware of worthiest Imitatlona, every garment ttamped
with " Fish Brand" Trade Mark. Don't accept
any Inferior coat when you can have the " Fiah
Brand Sticker" delivered without extra ceau Par
ticulara and Illustrated catalogue free
A. J. TOWER. - Boston, Mats,
U j tne following wellknown makers!
Mullet & DaviH.
Can also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufacturers
prices, juo noi ouy a piauu ue
ore getting our prices.
Catalogue and Price Lists
On application.
e r M.p-8
''It it ft ns: thf t rr.j hnsband, who pridM fclnv
elf oil hit 1 itty firtarnnce, can tarry nomach hidden
dirt. And all this e&etiuet eould b ftToided If he
would om I7 t 9
on hli ihoas, ind rot ho er it U th $tt DreMlna
tn tb wuM for hid hAtnoifr
Change a Pine TaJe to Walnut,
A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antique Oak.
A Cano Heeler to tfahogany.
Boa what eaa 1 dooe with S20C. worth of
WOLFF & RANDGLTn, rtUndelpfcla
Sabbatht" by tho Rev. W. 0. Leverett
on ''Divorce Kcform tho Rcsponal-
billlty of tho Church," and by tho Ruv.
T. PStevenaoii on "Tho Respons
ibility ot tho Commonwealth Touchiug
Marriage and Divorce." Tho following
resolutions wero then presented in be
half of the Committee on Resolutions
and were adopted by a rising vote:
Jiesolvea, Tnat since tno aauoatn is
a witness for God in human life, and
"a sign between God and man,- to re
nounce tho Sabbath would bo openly to
renounce as a nation, our relation to-
God. Tho publio deseoralion of the
Sabbath, is, therefore, not only a sin
against God, but an ollonseagalnettne
Commonwealth, and ought, to bo res
trained by law.
Jiesolvea, That all citizens nave a
rioht to claim the protection of tho
civil law in the quiet observance of the
Sabbath: and as the president ot tne
United States Is expressly exempted by
Constitution from attending to publio
business on that day, the rights of all
oar citizens should bo defendod by
equal safeguards.
Resolved; That we regard "Sunday
Mails," ' Sunday Railroad Trains," and
"Sunday Newspapers" as an unholy
triple allianco againet the sanctity of
the Sabbath and the rights of the
People to a day of rest.
By a ecparate standing vote tho
audience was requested to pledgo them
Belves to discountenance and oppose
Sunday nowspapers. About two-thirds
of thoso present tobo to their feet.
Although tho excitement attending
tho election interfered with tho attend
ance. Blill tho court-houeo was more
than half filled with an interested and
attentive audierce.
The friendi of the cause throughout
the country will watch with interest
the work dono by this auxiliary Com
Swellintr in the neck and all other
forms of scrofula, salt rheum, and etc.,
are cured by Hoop's Sarsaparilla.
John Gifford, residing at Sngartawn
Chester county was Saturday last made
happy by a bullet dropping from his
shoulder which he has carried there
for over thirty-seven years. It was
shot into bis flesh by an Indian in a
battle in which Umord participated,
and during the last score of years it
has given him much pain. To-day the
pain was greatly increased, and while
he was moving about the house the
bullet fell to the floor, since which he
has been creatlv relieved. It Is a
large, old-fashioned ballet, and shows
to have been made by the old mould
A. K. McClure, of the Philadelphia
Times; Thomas V. Cooper, ohairraan
of tho Stato Republican committee of
Pennsylvania, and party, spent Fiiday
in Birmingham. They were showenover
aud around tho city. Mr. aicuiure, in
an interview, said be came to sco the
ful-hllment of tvs prediutlon mado ten
years ago that Alabama would sell iron
in Pennsylvania below cost price ihere
and would ultimately become the cen
tre of iron production in this country.
He also said Alabama is the richest
Stato in the Union in natural resources
and Birmingham is the centre of her
wealth aud development. J. hey leit
then for Chattanooga.
For eomo time past Hugh Stewart,
I aged 31, a cooper by trade and a na
tive ot Scotland, has been negltcting
his work and living off his sister, Mis.
Boyd Gilmore, who resides on Eleven
th avenue, near Seventh street Altoona.
Last Friday afternoon, while intoxioat
ed, Stewart went to tne house and be
gan smashing the Furniture. He was
remonstrated with, but to no effect.
His nephew, Boyd Gilmore, aged 17,
finally put him out. At this Stewart
became greatly angered and saying he
would leave a couple ot corpses in Al
toona started to break in the door.
Young Gilmore tried to keep him
out, hut, not iucceoding, picked up a
heavy base ball bat and struck him on
the head. Stewart fell and was carried
into the house, although it was not
known ho was severely hurt. Late in
the eveniug he tell into a stupor and at
5 o'clock this morning ho died. At the
Coroner's iLqutst it was found that his
skull had been fractured.
Tho boy is highly spoken of and baB
the sympathy ot all who know him.
A Bay of flops-
For all who are held by the chains of
scrofula or other diseases of the blood
comes from Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
bv Imparttnir the elements ot cood
health and slrenatb to the vital nuiu
dissolves tbo bonds of disease and sets
the captive free. No other remedy in
existance copibines tho positive econo
my; tbo peculiar merit and tho modi
oinal power of Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Last Friday morning as a train of
eighty-one freight cars was coming
down tho steep grade on tbo Heading
Itoad, lust outside ot bhamoitin the
trainmen lost coutrol of it. Tho rails
were slippery, tho brakes uselesB and
down towards tho coal docks the train
rushed at a terrific speed. Engineer
Fry, of Tamaqua, held fast to the
throttle, though h'.s fireman jumped-
until be saw that collision with some
coal oars at the dock was inevitable-
Then bo, too, jumped and his train
crashed into the cars and hurled them
with a ghiftinir encine down the em
bankmont at tho side of the trestle
The crow of tho thiuinir engine saw
the ruuaway train approaohing and
esoaned in time. Encinoer Fry was
only slightly bruised, as also was his
fireman, and tho breakmen were nr
hurt, It was a miraculous esoap
Both engines and numerous oirs were
smashed, and before tho debris could
bo oleared awav a temporaryftrack h
to bo laid. Tbo loss to the Reading
Company will be beavy.
Theodore M' Dowel I Eipliai at Williams
pift Thoodoto McDowell, who for the
past six months or moro hai been
miking his homo with his son-in-law,
Joseph Gann, No. 237 Market street
Willhmsport died at fln early hour last
Thursday morning under mot distress
ing circumstances, and tho news of his
death will be learnid with sincere re
gret by a very largo clrclo of friends,
Tho particulars of this popular gon
tleman's doalh, are as follows:
Mr. MoDowoll had gono lo Gold'
ifc King's grrory store about G o'clock
last ovining on an erranl for his
daughter Mrs. Gann, and returned in a
few moments, after which ho boaan
reading a newspaper. A fow moments
later his daughter noticed hishtad droop
slightly as though sleepy, but ho said
nothing, arising and walking toward
the stair Bteeps, at tho foot of which
ho sank dowu.aud callad for assistance.
Mrs. Gann hurried across the room and
by this time he had began vomiting
aud said he was awful sick. Mr. Ginn
was sent for as were a number of phy
sicians, and the unfortunate gentloman
was asbisled to a couoh. Drs. Rich,
Lumloy and Hunt were soon at the
house, but pronounced tho case one
beyond all human aid. Mr McDowell's
condition weakond rapidly, and about
4 o'olook this morning his spirit "de
parted to eternity. His death was duo
to apoplexy, ifo was nearly seventy
years of age, and leaves two sons and
tbre daughters to mourn his demise.
Charles, a boo, tho invontor of tho Gor
man drafting machine, William, Emma
and Flora are all at present residing
in New York city, and Mrs, Gann, of
Thoodoro McDowell has spnt a
very activo life, and even at his ad
vanced ago was well preerved. His
homo was at Lighlstreet, a pretty little
village about two miles iiorth of
liloomsburg, in Columbia county, aud
it is largely due to his integrity and
entrerpris that the town has gaind the
pronuuence which it cujoys. Many
years ago when blast furnaces were
first built Mr. McDowell, together with
several other men. established a fur
nace at Licight Street, and for many
years employed quitf a number of mtn
in prepairing iron for the market, tho
tnrbaco having the preparing iron for
market, the furnace having the rcpu
tation of producing some of the finest
iron known. During Ii'ib lifetime de
ceased, through thrilt and energy, ao-
quired considerable wealth, and tho
McDowell homestead, situated at the
head of the main street of Light Street
is a model ot comfort and rural beauty
Here he aud his family lived for many
years, and nono enioyod a blither dis
tinction iu that section of the country
than did tho name ot AloDowel. i'or
tho past fifteen years dt ceased has
liyed a retired life. He waa a devout
Christian, a member of the Methodist
church, and a consistent worker. The
remains wero buried in the cemetary at
Liight street on oiturday.
In The Dark
"Where's Mamief
"I really don't know. She must be
at homo though, for this is her beau
"Well, l'vo looked all over the house
xoept the pirlor aud the light's not lit
Dr. KoohVTriumph-
Berlin, Nov. 10 Professor Koch
holds supreme sway over publio inter
est. The publication of the excre
ment has intensified the excitement both
here and abroad, and from every ceu-
ter of Europe and America telegrams
of inquiry are pouring in on Koch,
ftuhl, (Jornet, Bergman and other
medical men who are known to be en
gaged in treating patients by tho now
method. Koch u oil rue in Albiecbt s
strasse, tho Imperial Sanitary institute.
IteichsgeBundhoitsamt, where Uornet
and other Kochists are at work, are
swamped w th letters ard .personal
Many medical men, lncludinc a nura
ber of English and American physi-
ians, have been studying the process
under Dr. Levy, in the Barao wards of
private hospital at JSo. 2b rrcuz'auer
strasBe, where Professor Koch fiist
achived striking results with small
means. Hero einoe October eight
prominent cures of consumptives have
been in progress.
The secret ot the composition of tbo
1 mph has been communicated to Pro
fessors JJergmann, t raeutzal, liricger,
Levy and other intimates of Professor
Koch here also to Professor Weicert,
of Frankfort; Dr. Rast, chief of tbo
Hamburg hospital, and Profetsor
Nothnagd. of the Viena university.
I'rotessor JNothnagel, addressing tho
students of the university, said; "We
tace one ot the greatest intellectual
achievements in tho province of modi-
oine for centuries past. rrousor
Koch's di-covery has a far wider scope
than Jenuer's, and is perhaps the
grandest feat in the history of our
science. What inspires me with ad
miration is not bo muoh tho actual dis
covery as the method of baotcrological
research, winch must serve asthobasi-i
I all futuro discoveries in that line.
The present mjment is among the
most sublime that humanity has
Professor BiI:roth holds that Pi of eli
sor Kooh's method places it beyond
doubt that a remedy will be found be
fore long for cancer, which is still the
greatest mystery in medicine, as ex
perience indicates that carcinoma has a
bacilio organ.
A Man Chopped to Pieces.
A man who cm never bo identified
was torn to shreds by a Pennsylvania
rauroau passenger tram at JVielucnin
itio train was stopped and lust ono
boar and ton minutes was spent in
picking tbo pieces of tho man from the
machinery of tbo locomotive, its wheels
and tne front wneels and truck ot tuo
hBccaRO car, plaoinir tbem in a ban.
Old railroaders say it was the worst
else of a man chopped to pieces they
had ever seen, Tne stoppago ot tbe
Pennsylvania train delayed a Lehigh
valley passenger train nearly an Hour.
L mi in in, J
Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs.
Eiccli tn, rtmctfi for th rapid curt of Hrd
Coldt.Coughi.HId Bound, YllowWtter.Ftw.
Ollltmptr, Sot and Wok Eiti. Lung Fncr,
fllnni, Olotchti, ind all dltflcultltt rlJ
lag Iron lagurlUu el (ho Blood. Will rillMo
vaaai aa -ttii i m .a aaar
Jho Bost and Purest Medlclno
JItwtl 1 drive tho Hnmor from jronr
?7cS!clcnn nnd smooth TIiorp
0 r r.J.'ltmiPH turn jiioiciifP
?A P6SW.- -6.' A. I, V-
. V.i ...l.t. rt 11m
oil age, use' SUU'llUH BlTTEllS.
iney never xau 10 cum.
Scml S 3-ccnt stamps to A. I'. OrUway & Co..
lIoeton.MasB., for best mcillcalwork puulUlieU
If You Have
JToapnott, Indlatlon, riatnUnc,
lok Ilcodiieh, "nil ma down,"
tug nab, yea will find
Tutt's Pills
IhiHmidryon nd. Thr lonti
thm wlt sUimACh and bnlld npth
tmgmlnf nraTli. BattTrm front
menial r phy1ol ovarwook will rind
vsllerrromlbsm. Klol7ni;ar coated
ThousaJida wo been ieriiianeuUy cured by
VI 1 1 L A I Kl -111 1 A . 1A , at once, no npcrat ion
or lusauf llmelrom business. Cases pronomicel In
curable by others wautcd. bend for Circular
tURE GUARANTEED. oiacouSSrmia.
Oct, 8-'00-ly
II writcti Wi at work on a farm for
39vtt a month i oow ha an a rone
it Fi. Alien at lo iiuumi ana puuu
atlona and oflan tnltiN2( i day.
(Sisuedj w. H.UiRnisoa.
William Kline, Hirrt.burfr, I'a
WrilCtl "I hava Hirer knnu.
anrtblnff to iHI Ilka vour all.m.i
aaterilatr 1 tUnk nr.lara aiiniirh (n
pay ma ower OPW. rv. J, tl
mora. Ilinror. Ma., wrimai
.take an order for your album at
Itn oil every noma I viiit. Mjr
nor a ammo any worn.'
IraCta from ihrlr Irttnra. I rv
wa hao not inace to kit i
.tiki ii wc suin iuu in inis uushicsn.
I , " vt uiiaaiauu uuiiurn lic uu KTanu iron II.
rratlfrT Writ to na anJ lara all about It for jouridf. W
araatartlnrnianyt wawlllittrt you If too don't deity until
oottierxet ahead of yon la your part of tba country. If yon
'""' yv u aui" to jica. up proia imii. ineiui
Un account of a forced tnannraplorar aalai "1 m
dollar llinton;rnpli AllMinta aroto ba iotJ to the
Koj!e for each, llvund tn Horal CrimtoD Silk Velvet
uh. t'hanninf ly decorated lnilde. llandtonieit album In the
world. Larft blza. Greeted bargains eer known. Arntt
wanted. Liberal term a. lilf money for agent. Any one can
tiocoun-aiucceiifulaprent. Sella itaelf on alffht little or up
Mlniriff ueceeaarr. Wherever ihown. eerv ona wanta in mir.
chie. Areata take thouaanda f orderi with rapidity never
uciui. tuunu. uimi prvuia bwbii every woraar. ARenis are
U tboie who write for aama, with particular and trrmi for oar
Family Wblet, Dooka and PertodteaJa. After you know alt,
Addraea K. C A1AJLS Av CO- ADOUIT. kUlHA,
Jan. tS-'SO-ly.
Weakseaiof Body and Mind, Effects
Koboit, MoblaHaMlllOD folly lleitored. Ilow toaalarv a mn
Bim(iiri iiaai4Ui'B.i 1-iAiriiiuiintiBa nuisuilioula
Ibaolytaly nafalll.ff HUSK THIUTSKW ReatOta I a, day
Haa Uetlty fron SO Btatea and feralfa Coantriia. Writ (beat
Deaartutlta Book, amlaaallan and rinwita Matlarf aaaladt tu.
A4im Erie Medical co. buffalo, n. y.
One of the
the world, tiur factliuea ar
onoqualed, and tolntrodneaoui
superior iroodt we will aendr 111
town nwun in iicn locamy,
ai abort. Only tboia who wnt
to ai at once can make aura ot
the cbanea. All you have to do tq
return U to thow our foodt U
thote w bo call your nalahbora
and tbota around you, Tbt b
rytnnlnf of tblt advertlttmaat
ikiai tha email and of tba tale
tcope. Tbe foUowtaa; cot ajytt the appaaranae of It rtducadje
.bout th. flftlith prt of lu bulk. It ti . r.nd.dtmbl.tlt.1.1.
icon., U Uir. 1 i7 rrj. n wui mm lam. h "iv.
I,,niai fr'ia u a 1 U . dr !. ttm 'ta
unt Bnut will. .1 oue.. W.P.T.U .ipr.M Aum
Udiu., 11. UALLETT h CU.. Bel 8 SO, roiILUID, lUm
HEBB a, Kill 1011 It COiritrr
leck'i l.NVIalHLK TUIOUI tAI
eulHinRS. Whispers herd. Com. s.w,r.i h,n u k.H.iiM ui. Haidby r. mamx,
.t br'4w.r, S.w lwk. tVrll. r.r kk f rmb rKKX.
11.7 il-4t.
OsTRRnouT Bdiuiino, Wilbesliarre, Pa,
Branch Office. Rloomsburir. I's.. with
Jbo. M. Ci.iHK, Att'y. A: Counaellcr.
Uecent aoisof Comrrcas extend the benesta or
the pensl in laws to all Disabled soldiers, no mat.
ter whether th"lr disabilities were Incurred In
the army or since discharge.
Every soldler'a widow, who lias to work tor a
living, and his minor children, and tbo parents ot
au uamarnea vuiumeera wno men in tne servico,
It now In need, can gn pensions. Address with
stamp (or return postago, u. u EBEltllAHT,
ll-14-lt Beaver Falls, I aaver Co., I'a.
A n I?XTrnCJfor Dr. TAt,.HAOl'.'K new
lllook, covering UU life's work
TJtr nJ and great trip "To, Through, Mid
W alltcQ. From the Chila' Land," entitled
From Manner To Throne,"
Embracing a New Lite ol Christ, and a Story of
I'alcstlro and Its I'eople, illustrated with over 40J
wondertul engravings o( scenery In Holy Land,
copies ot o'd masters, and famous pictures trom
the Land and Times of the Saviour, also a grand
plctrre of jerusaie-n on tne a ay or tne crucinxion,
in i'2 colore ana iu il. iq irnnui. luiiisutt. l al
MAdK.'s life worn and Ills greatest book. Orders
aro row pouring In from all pans ol the civilized
world. You will never have another like it. 1,.
oco.opo cop'es will bo sold tho nrst year. Agents
should drop all elae and secure territory, such
chances come only once In a lifetime. ExcluHvo
territory given full protection, too most re-
marKaDie ana wonuenui ot an uuora auuuti uiu
Lands. Times a'd i'eople of the Bible, oo to
wou now and jou will make hundreds ot dollars.
Territory eoloc with a rush: act now: no capital
needed. Name te-Utory you want, and write at
onco tor particulars 10
3941 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, I'A.
11.1. 1U
"Ilv a thorough knowledireof the natural law
which govern the operations of digestion and
nutrition, ana oy a careiui application ot tna one
nronertles of well-selected Oocoa. Mr. Knm naa
provided our breakfast tables with a dsluutely
navortxi oeverae which may bavo us many neavy
doctors' bills, it Is by the judicious use ot such
aruces oi aiet mat a constitution may oe graauat.
1 v built un until strone enouirh to resist evei ten.
rency to disease. Hundreds ot subtle inr'adleg
are noating arouna us reiay to sttacK wncrever
therelaaweak point. We may escape many a
faL&l shaft br koeDlnir ourselves well fortuicl with
uaie blood and a Drooerlr nourished frame."-CIt-fl
Berttve Uateiie. Made simply with boiling water
or milk, tioia oniy in naif pounu una, ny urocers,
lauenua tuusi
JA.AIl'.M Hl'l'j Ac CO., IlomccpatbloChenriUU,
lltfltV iAIUUUU, bU,UU!U.
to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, 'Expenses and
SUady employment guaranteed.
mos. 11 HO, Rochester, N.V.
--i-JHalwmen for our Cbolco Nursery
CtlxtCUstock. Salary and expenses or
Kmnml.l(tn mlH. Htia nnlHI, tA nHm.
r, (Xau tt OO., Nurse 17 nun, Rochester, N Y 1
WtfntSCD TCDI arw
Taxing cnect MONDAY, NOVEMUEIt 17, 18W.
.m- Ar- An Ar- Ly- Lv-
Bloorfl8bunr,.... i m ia to t'is s ss j si 40'
Main street e 18 U 01 1 07 8 M s it 47
lrntiilaln A id to nt9nj n . o .k n
l'a per Mill .., S 08 11 W 0 68 1 M1M AM
Lli;htstroot....... S 05 11 49 M 8 66 2 50 7 03
fi i n rrut-i 1 1 1 f i fia 4 J l i a m m
Zftntr's t 4J 11 21 81 2-) 8 20 I S4
illllwater 6 87 11 19 S3 9 87 8 23 7 29
licntou, 5 28 11 09 8 16 9 17 3 SI 7 89
Bdsons, , 8 S3 11 01 11 9 41 8 38 7 41
Coles Creek, , s so 11 02 C9 9 41 a 42 7 48
Pnrki ...... . . It it 11 tiT A Wt (l 1 a i w an
tfu.aiivai,.......,, o ju x Of U Vj V 0 a 0 , CSf
Uubacba, fi IS 10 61 6 00 9 63 8 60 7 67
Central 6 03 10 43 6 63 10 03 4 00 B (17
IfUIItson City.... 6 00 10 40 6 60 10 10 4 09 8 10
LT. LV. J.V. AT. Ar. Ar
r. H. 1. X. A. H. A, . T, H. P. M.
F. U.
Caincroa B 55
P.M. A.U. i. u
1 50
10 00 615
Uanvillo im
Catawlssa 6 23
10 15
10 fQ
2 11
2 95
2 41
1(1 9rt ft 11
10 4.1 KMt
uupcrt a 30
10 50 7 05
uiuuuisourg Dso
Espy. mi
Lima liidge. 6 50
Willow Urovo. H 54
10 57 7 12
11 05 7 20
11 12 7 27
11 1R 7R1
unarcroeic. oss
lierwlck m
Boaoli Haven Til
Hick's Ferry 7 18
Shlckshlnuy 7 30
11 SO 733
1121 71)
2 (9
1131 749 1
11 So 7 55
7 43
11 48
R nft
11 53 8 17 1
12 08 H 24
750 3 36
7 59
8 0J
3 45
11 10 8 24
1215 8 33
riytaoutu junction
West LMttAton
19 20 S34
12 27 8 45
12 31 8 49
19-K Q M
80S 3 53
8 1!
8 17
8 21
4 01
4 Oil
4 11
12 40 8 58
FlttBton. 8 83
Lackawanna 8 40
12 45 9 03
12 Ftf Dm
Tnj-lorvlUo 8 48
1 01 9 17
101) 925
1 15 9 30
uencvuo. iH
4 23
1 20 9 35
r. m. r. u
SCRitlTON , 610 SCO ICS 6 SO I
iiellovue 6 is 9ta .... 6 25 I
Taylorvllle so 10 00 9 02 6 3u I
A.M. A.u. r.ii
L.acaawanna os luus 810 fl 8T
lltteton ill 1016 2 18 6 45 1
West PlttBton, 6 41 loss 2 24 dee
Wyoming. 6 47 10 27 2 29 6 65
Maltby 6 51 10 30 .... 6 69
liennett. 0 65 10 34 337 703
Kingston 663 1038 340 707
Plymouth Junction 7 05 10 42 2 45 7 is
Plymouth 710 1047 a 60 716
Avondale 714 10 51 2 65 7 21
Nanttcoke 7 19 10 55 sr,9 725
UUnlOCk's 7 '.'8 11 03 3 06 743
unlckshlnny 7 37 1112 uso 7 55
Hlck'a Perry 7 55 112a 3 31 8 07
Ueachllaven B01 1184 340 8 13
Berwick 8 07 11 40 3 47 S so
Briar Creek 8 13 8 53 US7I
LlmeKldge 8 !0 11 54 4 02 8 35 I
VV1110WUIOVB. 8 16 1150 35T 881
liloomsburg 8 32 12 08 4 15 847 1
Hupert ; 8S7 121s 422 8 52
Catawlssa 8 42 IS 17 4 23 8 57
Kspy 8 26 12 01 4 09 8 41
Danville a 57 13 32 4 46 9 15 1
unuiasicy 454
Cameron 9 07 is 41 5 00 9 28 I
NOUTUUHBERLAND. 9 21 12 65 5 15 943 I
a. m. p. u. r. m. r. x.
Connections at Itupert with Philadelphia &
uouuiug luunjtui mr mmuuenu. lamaqua, nut
tamsDOrt. sunhury. Pottivilie. etc At Nnrthum.
berland with P. E. Dlv. P. 1L IL for Harrlsburg, iinvcu, cuiuuriuui, warren, uurry, ana ane-
w. r. uALm-AU, uen. .Man..
. Scranton. Pa.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
" lixil
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In enect MAT 11, 18W. Trains leave Banbury
EAST w Alt
Sunday), for Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations I
9.40 a. m.. Sea Shore Exnreas fdaiiv artm
amviutf at. i-uiiaampnias.15. m. ; riow YOrK
3.50 p.m.: Baltimore. 3.10 p.m. : Wanhlntrtnn I
5.65 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all sea I
Shore points. Through passenger ooach to I
rniiraeipma, uaiiunorts. i
1.35 o. m. Day Exnreas
dally except Sundayjisr Harrlsburg and lnterme-1
6.60 p. m. ; New York, 9.85 p. m. : Baltimore
6.45 p.m.; Washington, 8.19 p. m. Parlor oar
through to FhUadelphla and passenger coacaea
aiate Bbatious, luiat ruiisaeiDU
turouui.uiruutiuoifiiiattuu iiaitunore.
8.05 o. rru Itenoro Accommodation (daiiv
for Harrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv
ing at rnuaaeipniat.xoa. m. : new icorE7.Ioa. m.
Baltimore. 6.15 a. m. ; Washington 6.80 a. m. :
Pullman sleeping car from Harrlsburg to Phlladel-
pxuuiuiunew mm. x uuaueipuia passengers oan
remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m.
1.60 a. m. Erie Mall (daily) (or Harrlsburg and
lutenuuuju-iu si-uuuuh, arr'ving at. 1 nuaaeipnia
6.50 a. m. New York, 9.90 a. m.; Through Pullman
Bleeping uara uuu passenger coacues to rnuaaei
2.50 a. m. Southern Express (duly) for Harrla
bunr and intermediate stations arrlvlnir at lialti.
moro 7.20, a. m. ail WAShlogton3.45, a.m. and
through Pullman siefplng cars to Uiltlmiro and
Washington, and through passenger coaches to
5.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dallri. for Erie nn.1 n.
Canandaigua ai d Intermediate stations, Kochet
ter, Buffalo and NlagaraFalls, with through mil
man paujecars and passonger coaches to Erie and
9.63 News KxnrcsB f daily rsi , ori.- naver,
and Intermediate stations.
1.42 p. m. Niagara Express (dally exceDt sun.
day) tor Kane, Unna dalguaand Intermediate sta
tions. K'f heater. Buffalo and Niagara Kalis with
through passenger coaches to Kane and Kochester
and Parlor car to Watklns.
5.80 p.m. Past Line (dally except Sundayifor lte-
novo. Watklns and Intermediate stations, with
through passenger coaches to uenovo and Watklns.
y.ta p, m. wuuamspon. jupress ( aaiiy lor
WlUlamsport and Intermediate stations.
NewB Express leaves Now York. 12.15 ntzht.
Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. Baltimore, 4.30 a. m. liar,
rtsburg, 8.10 a.m. dally arriving at Sunbury 9.53
a. u.
Niagara Kiorcaa leaves New Yorke.20 a. m
Philadelphia, u.50 u. m. ; Washington 8 10 a. m. Bal
timore 9.00 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at
Sunbury, 1.42; p.m., with through Parlor oar from
r niiaueipnia anavnrougapassongercoacnea rrom
Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a.m.: PhlladBl.
phla,ll.40a. m. Washington, 10.50 a. m. ; Balti
more. 1 1.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at
Sunbury, 5.30 p. m. with through passenger
co tcties from Philadelphia and lialilmore
tvuuamspori apress leaves now xora t.w p,
i. Phtladelohla 4.25 D. tn. Washlnirtou 3.30 u. ni.
Baltimore 4.43 p. m. (dally ) arriving at Sunbury
9.15 p. m.
Erie Mall leaves New York 8.00 p.m. : Philadel
phia, 11.25 p. m. Washington, 10.00 p.m. Haiti-
mure, p. ui.,tuⅈ arriving at Dunuuryn.iu
a. m with Pullman Sleeping cars from
Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and
passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Billl.
(Dat except uunuay.)
Wllkesbarre Mult leaves sunbury 10.00 a. tn.
arriving at Bloom jrorry 10.4s a. m., Wllkes-barre
13.10 p.m.
Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arriving
at Bloom Ferry 6.S0 p. m., Wllkes-barre 7.50 p. m,
sunbury Mall leaves Wllkesbarre 11.17 a.m. arrlv.
Ing at Bloom Ferry 13.37 p. m., Hunbury 1.28 p. m.
vtng at Bloom Ferry 4.30 p. m., Sunbury 6.20 p. m
Wllkesbarre mall leaves Sunbury 10.00 a. m.. ar
riving at Bloom Ferry 10:48 a. m., WUkea-Barre
p. in., arriving at Bloom Ferry. 6.39 p. m.. Sunbury
uuniay aeoommoaation leaves wiiaes-narre o:iu
7:S0 0 m
ciias. s. ruuii, j, it. wuou.
Gen. Manager. Uen. PaaBOnger Agt.
For New York. Philadelphia, Reading, Pottsvllle
Tamaqua, etc., 6:05, 11:13 a. m.
For vvuUamsport. 8:10 a. m., 3:16 p. m.
For Danville and Milton, 6:10 a. m., 3:16, 11:00 p.
For Catawlsaa.6-05, 8:10, 11:13 a, m., 12:20, 6:00
6:30 p. m.
For Rupert 6.05, 8:10, 11:13 a. m., 12:20, 3:16, eJ,
6ao, ii:ufp. m.
Ijeave New York via Philadelphia 7:45 a. m. 4:00
p. m. ana via ttasion e:a a. m. 3:45 p. m.
Iave Philadelphia 10:00 a. m. 6.-00 p. in.
Ifave Heading 11:50 a. m. 7:51 p. in.
I,eave l-oitsvuie 12:30 p. m.
U-ave Tamaqua 1:21 a. m. 9:18 p. m.
Leave williamsport 9.30 a. m. 4:19 1. m.
Leave Catawlssa 7:00 8:40 a. m., 1:30, 8:20, 6:10
Leave Hupert 6.S1, 7:08, 8:47, 11:20 a. m. 1:88, 8:31,
6:18.11:10 p.m. ' '
, For Baltimore Washington and the West via B.
& o. IU It. through trains leave Ulrard Avenue
1:84, 4:21, 6:65. 7:23 p. m. Sundays 4:16, 8.02, 11:21
Matun i niia. (r. s H. it. l(.) 4:16. 8:01. 11:97
a. in., 4:24, 6.61, 7:2J p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, pier 7, Chestnut Street
Wharf, and south Street Wharf:
Week days Express, S.00, a, m. 8:00, 4:00,
Accommodation, 8.00 a. m. 6.00, p. m.
Buudais-. Express, SUM, a. m,
datlOD 8:00 a. in. and 4:30 p, in,
Depot corner Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues 1
autlo and Arkana
press. 1:30. 11.0
week days - Hipresa, 1:30. 11.00, a. m. and
V.VU, l. Ul, AI
and 4:80 p. m.
accommodation, 8:03
Buudava KXDreaa. 4:00. d. m. AlMrrtmmrt.
; unviuu, liov a. iu. mill :gu ji, uu
Clothing i Establishment
Still leads in the Latest Styles,
Still leads in the Largest Stock,
Still leads in the Latest Novelties.
- partmeinit.
Is always full of the Latest and
Domestic uoods made up
(Cafj, (rWo, C&ni(j', Fvoftj nA natj-.
Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco.
Sole agents of the (ottowfog brands et Cigars :
Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, SAvor AiL
Any tier fat Festivals will be supplied with th Lowest Market Pricei, nMlawat
OrAttges, Lemon5,
G. 6. fiOBBllsfS,
Foreign and Domestic
Ia purobasirig house hold necessities, it is wise always to select that which
i th best, it will bo the cheapest iu tho end. A good ortiolo is always a
mrce of pleasure. J. SALTZEU has won a wi,ln
goods at low prices. He buys direct from the manufacturers, and can sell first
class coods cheaper than can be obtained elsnwli
articles and prices,:
Kvinrr MflP.iiinpH nf thrim fTmilos.
'n the New Homo Sewing machine
luiwer droit leaf, all attachments,
$19.50 to $00.
Royal St. John, $30 upwards.
Standard Kotary, $40 upwards.
New Home, $30 upwards.
Have received tho arrnnnv for thn
Distin Cornet, the best cornet In tho
A GOOll aSSOrtllll nt of vinlinx. irnilnrj.
acoordeons, druiUH, llutnn. Bfesand all
of musioal instruments. Tha best of strings
for violins, miitars. banins. violinnello. n,l :-?
bass violins. Agent for Butteriok's
jiiiiujiu-uuuK. uu lasnion stieets.
Pianos, oraans anl S3inrr m nliinr. uni.l nn r,,nii... .
. a ------- - 0
H,att,,t frk 'ii:l.
Do not send elsewherrt. but n.iU
. . ... .
who is always with you, and can givo
any instrument you may purchase.
sial liiiliomnil:;
wKl'i mousH,fico cms- youitoHo Bhano
IJ.JiTH,?!"i",lNI OtNUINt. Th. .sir H.rc Bum. i
Largest Stock of Imported and
by lixpenenced Workmen.
ream N. F
Kitcy Piano, $350 to $G0.
Steck. 375 to SG00.
R. M. Bent & Co., 250 to S400.
Brown & Simpson, S250 to S-100.
EsUy Organs, S90 to S175.
Miller organs, 875 to $150.
United States organs, $125 to $175.
Ciroago Cottage organ, $90 to $140
Worcester organs, $75 to 8150.
Paris organs, $G0 to $100.
Celebrated White Sewing Machines $
to $05.
New Domestic Sewing Machines, $35
to $75.
Co., 3
w.. -. vm uivuiiiv ' ' J llli:.! LC,
nml una tlo .innU n( .1 ,
" yuui iiuiuu ueaier,
you any information or instruction upon
ail Scwin?
- "'rU&&KlCKr
-1 I. MBdnUuMlBA udiK.tL. ,