The Columbian J. S. BlttKDonltr., i HilMrj. BL'JOMSBUKG, PA.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1890. DMEOCRATIC JUBILEES- A GREAT PARADE IN BL00M8BUB(J. MEETINGS AT JAMIOON OITV, CENTRAL AND 1IERW1CK. Tho Democrats celobratod tlio eleo tion of Gov. lUtion in fino shapo In Bloomabura last week Thursday night. Delegations woro present from lionton, , Orangevillo, bigluatroet, IMpy, Afton, Rupert and Huok Horn. Thero wero fivo brass bands, being tho Berwick, Bloomsbarg, Orangoville, Ltghtstreet and Afton bands. Main Btreet was a beautiful Bight. Flags and Chinese lanterns and red lights woro in profu sion, and business places and residences wore finely docoratod. Among thosa that attractol most attention wore Lowonberg's, Coatral Hotel, Exchange Hotel. St. Elmo, GilmoreV, Columman, Deutler's, Alexanders', Mater's, and tho Coutt Homo. The latter was epeoiallv brilliant, Line? of lanterns were hung from tin pillars of the porch to tho front fence. O a Markot Street Judga Ikelor, J. M. Clark, 12. P. Billmoyer, Dr. Ruttor and G W. Sterner showed much tasto in their illuminations. On .Normal Hill tho.residenoesof Chairman Townsend, Dr. Gardner, Senator Her ing, Mrs. ilagonbuou and others were brilliant But it is impossible to men tion all. Every democrat along the line of the parade illuminated his house and somo republicans opened their windows and turned on tho light while a fow others oloscd their houses tight and nut out tho lights ana sulked m darkness, whilo tbo Democrats woro shou ,ing outside. Tho lino formed at Fourth and Market at 7.30, and went up Market to Main, to Normal Hill, countermarch, down East to Neal s f ui nacd, aud through all the principal streets of the town. Tho parado was greeted at tho furnace by a big bon ri.-u. All alontr tho ronw rrd tiro had been distributed by tho committee, which was burned as the parado passed. There wero several hundred horsemen in liuu with torches or ohiucso lautorns. Tho Lightstreet delegation included five wtnroas r. nrpiontiuK different indust ries described iu our last issue. Thero wero about 500 footman and many carnages. It is estimated that tally 1010 -vow la the parade. It was ono of tlln mot brilliant demonstrations ever seen here. Tho lino started at eight o'olock led by Grozer'a Berwick B-nd followed by a large transparent ban nor, on tho ono s:qo a Pattisou Rooste with tho Motto "Never defeated'' while on tho other could be seou Quay and Delaraatar engnlphed by tho tidal wavt- numbored 17,000. Many others tol- lowed with ''Quay, Uuay no moro Quay" "Daniol, send tho nows to Quay,, ...lit -l-v t -. T-l ,i. "ino uemocrais spiKeu me nepuuiican Cannon.Coming up Main Street tho sky was red with ireworKs and tne oounter- march on Norma' Hill presented grand t.ffeot. Thero wero no offensive banners and no boisterous conduct in tho parado. Chairman Townsend specr ally requested thai, evory thing of that character should be avoided. An accident occurred at tho corner of Third and Market, but no ono was injured. Twenty pounds of red light in a wagon, to be set off along tho route, ignited and burnod all at once. Three men on the wagon jumped off and began to unhitch tho horses, but tho fire soon burned out. Everything passed off quietly and orderly, and al to n ther it was a grand jubilee. The following committees had .charge of tho matter: Finance, J. D. Bodine, J. K. Bittenbender, J. C. Rutter, Jr. ; On Management, J. R. Townsend, W. B. Taylor, C. C. Trench, J. II. Mercer and Fred T. Ikeler. The Chief Mar shall was J. II. Mercer, assistants, Thos. Sorry, O. A. Kleim, J. L. liar man, O. W. Hartzel, Chas. Ohl, G. W. Sterner, W B. Allen, A. DeShep- Serd, A. Herbine, Dr. Harter, G. B. lartin, 0. B. Ent, G. M. Quick. jamison'city. A fino polo was raised at Jamison City on Saturday. A big crowd was in attendance, aud after tho pole was up a meeting was bold in tho hall, and speeches wero made by Col. Freeze, William Krickbaum and Fred T. Iko ler. James Dewitt was President of tho meeting. CENTRAL. On the samo day a polo was raised at Central, and sueoohos wero made by tho same speakers. Great enthusiasm prevailed. BERWICK. A big parado and fino illuminations took pfiwe at Berwick last Friday night. Tho principal stroets were tra versed, several binds of music wero present, and good time generally was una by the triumphant democracy. Jesse M. Baker of Modia wants to bo Speaker of the next House in tho stale legislature. Judge James G. Gordon of Philad eiphia having been suggested ?! a probable candidate for appointment as Attorney General by Governor Patti- non, he has written a letter saying that ne is not nooning tne place, ana would not accept it. Senator George Wallace Delamater, who will be remembered as having been a canumue lor something in tho recent campaign, has announced his intention to contest with Don Cameron for the United States Senatorship next year. Deafness Om't Be Oared. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseaeed portion of tho ear, Thero is only one way to euro deafness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is causou by an inilamed con' dition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube, When this tubo gets inilamed you have a rumbling sound for imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely cbsed, Deafness is the result, and unless tho inflammation can be taken out and this tubo restored to its normal condition, bearing will bo destroyed for ever; tiino cases out of ten nro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo wil give One Hundred Dollars for any cam of Deafness (caused by .catarrh) that we cannot care by taking Hall s Calami Lure, bend lor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. 3oA by drujjglsta, 76 oenw. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our Regular correspondent.) Washington, No. 17, 1890. Mr. Harrison has shut his tyes to tho results of the recont elections, and' made up his mind to urgo in his an nual messago to Congress tho paisago by tho Soaato of tho Forco bill and by tho llouso of the notorious ship subsidy bills. In short, ho has, in spito of tho protests of porno of tho most far seeing members of his party, including Mr. Blaine, determined to oast his lot with tho radical wing of tho republican party. That however does not mean that the Forco bill will be passed. All indications nro against its passage, as it is oerlnin that moro republican Sen ators would now vote against it thau would havo done so Ot tho last session of Congress had it thenjreaohed a voto. Mr. Harrison will also, ii is Bain, ctrongly endorao tho MoKinloy tariff act in his mes3ego. uemocrais iear that theso things aro too good to bo true. They can hardly realize that their opponents should bo williug to do so muoh toward deraooratio success in 1802. Thero aro good roasons forbolieving that as Boon as Congress meets bills will bo indroduced by republican Sen ators from tho Northwest, modifying or repealing sections of the new tariff law which bear down heavily upon the citizens of tho Stato they ropresent. It is believed that bills plaoing binding twino on tho freo list, and reducing tho duty on ready mado olothing would re- ccivo the votes oi every ropuuuoau Senator from west of the. Mississippi river; and thoro is somo talk about iho combination which in leturn for tho votes of several republican Senators from tho Eastern States for these measure?, shall repeal all duties upon raw materials. Such bills could easily bo gotten through tho House, as it is a fact well known here that at least twenty-fivo members of tho House voted for tho Mcrumoy bin under pro test, and only beoauso they lactt-u tne moial couraiie to stand the lasnes oi partv whip which was g vtn them un- sparingly wneuever niejr uviuouu u uio position to kick outsido of tho parly traces. . Mr. Blaine is now engiged in per- forminc his celebrated leciprocity aot. Ho hopes, to save- tho moribund old ic pnbliotn party by holding out glitter ing nidaccments tn lue pcopio oi wuai ?. i i! .1... f..i. Will BO aouonipiiBUUU in mo lumie, uuu by ignoring tlio injury mllicUd upon them at this tune, which they havo re sented so effectually by their votes, Mr. Blaino has a long head, and his brain is all activo one, but ho cannot bamboozle tho Amarioan peoulo, who know that real reciprocity with th- whole world would be a grand thing for us. but who know aUo that the re ciprocity with a string tied to it, pro vided for, or rather alleged to bo pro vided for, by tho McKinley tariff law, is a fraud pure aud simple. Oh ao, Mr. Blaine, tho people havo been jug gled with too long in tho proteotiou'' Hue to bo caught by the false glitter of your "reciprocity''. The Treasury surplus has been re duced so low latoly, that it is said com lctod pension cases aro hold up in tho Pension Office beoause tho Treasury wanted a chance to get in some mnre money before honoring another draft of tho Commissioner ot Pensions, who drew 19,000,000 last month. It be comes plainer every day that the deficit prophesied by the democrats at the last session of Congress for tho next fiscal year will exist. Not satisfied with having served no tioo upon Senator Quay that ho must vacate his position as chiirmau of tho Republican National Committee there is an element in tho repub lican party that wants to deposo Speaker Reed from tho leadership of his party in tho House, and the p o position has been boldly put forth that the complimentary nomination for gpeaker of the next House bo given to some other republican. Thero might bo something in this if theio was any body else to lean tne repuuitcaos, uui Reed is about the only prominent republican that was re-elected, and tho chances are that ho would havo gone with the rest if the eleotion in Maiuo hau not taken place belore tho tariff bill went into effect; aud thoy will have to follow him or nobody. Charles Oosgrove- Who has not been able to attend to his business for years, was interviewed by our reporter yetterday, and says: For years 1 was troubled with Bright's dis ease of tho kidneys. The doctors gave me up. Through an Jleastern lriend i obtained a bottle of Sulphur Bitters. 1 took five bottles and now I am almost well. Keith sells them Sari Francli- coCall. 11-11 2.t. I.IGIIX STREET. Rev. I. II. Corell of Williarasnort, who bai been a missionary to Japan for eixleeu years past, preached in tho M. K. church on Sunday evening, using as the basis of liis remarks the lllh Uhapter, 32nu Verso of Uospel l j at. John, "Ana l, it 1 bo lilted up from the earth will bear all men unto me''. He Bpolce of the time when the Jesuits wont to Japan to convert the whole Island. In SO years they had converts to tho number of 3,000,000, wheu the ruler finally passed a decree that every Missionary must leave the country under penalty of death. Some of tho converts taking refuse on a cor tain part of tho island were driven to destruction. Edicts wero then placed oj all tho pubho places, denouncing tho religious belief entirely. In 1BC8 the present Emperor was established 'on tho throne. He ordered the edicts to be taken down. Whon tho lith of February 1889 dawned on that island the Emperor stepped down from bis throno stating that ho would not hold himself responsible for this form of Government, declaring that it should bo henceforth a constitutional Govern ment. Thus giving tho people a lib erty of religious freedom, numbering 38,000,000. The election carao off in July, when the rarnament, tne lirst ovor known there, will bo represented by one-siztb of the number being professed chris tians. Tho first churches aro being built bo that the end and ono side could be taken out, thus letting the passers-by hear tho word of God. He also gave a lecturo on Monday oven ing, subject, "Sunrise Kingdom." Kev. O. L. Sones is holding pro tracted meeting services at this place Mrs. G. P. ltoighard went to Iowa last week to attend tho funeral of her fathor, who died at Wilson Hagen buoh's. Henry Hagenbuch is still confined to the house by a reoent attack of pa ralysis. Mr. and Mrs. Case of Numedla spent Saturday and Sunday at Silas Young's. Thos. Hagenbuch and wife visited his fathor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keim of Uethlehom spent a few days with Joa, Keim and family, returning on Tuwday. COLUMBIAN AJNTD Ii a eonitlrutlonM nnd not a local dlseu, and Iherelors It cannot bo curd by local applications It require n constitutional remedy like Ilood'a Karsaparllta, which, working through ths blood, eradicates tho Impurity which cauios and promotei the disease, and effects a permanant enre. Thousands of people tostlfy to tho succesi ot Hood's Bnrsnparllla as a remedy for catarrh when other preparations had failed. Hood's Snrsaparllla also builds up the whole system, nnd makes you feel renewed In health and strength. N. n. If you decide to try Hood's Barsa p&rllla do not bo Induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla golabydruiTKliti. 1 1 ,li torn. Freptredenly y 0.1. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Leweli, Mmi. lOO Dosos Ono Dollar DAY'SlolPQWDER ProTentsLungl'evcrftnd cures Distemper, Heaves, rovers, Sc., so. 1 pound In each paokage. Bold by all dlr. DR. BULL'S BABY Caftilitatop Tnnlri5nn1Bo'll"" nuuiinico iGCiiiuifii" Regulates the Bowelsl OH 131 ss& a For the cure of BULL'S "Bteffl. Asthma, AjftllfllJ "cipieni Whooping -llUnwt Con- Cough, M : sumption and for the relief of Consumptive persons Syrup x hick as cis, For Bale by all druggists. CUnrC -"0C3 CUBEB ClOARCUtS for Ca amUKC tarrhl PrteHOCti. Atoll arugglsu. Mitchell's Belladonna Piasters. for rain or weakneseln the Brcaat, Side, Ilaek or Umbel alo for Utgt Complaint, Weak Lucre, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, rieurlsy, difficulty la breathing, Sec, in aU of vruiui tttkca tucy give rcuci at nncr. cola Dy all D gists, or scot by toaU for as cents. Novelty Plaster Works, Lowell, Maaa. AUDITOU'3 NOTI0E. Estaut of J, V, Craig, tectasea. iuo uuiiuiiigiKy, nu uuuitur uppuiuivu uy luo Orphans' court of Columbia county, to make dis tribution or balance in the hanta of accountant, will sit at C. 11. Jackson's offlce in tne town ot Berwick, county aroresald, on Monday, November hid, isu, at o'ciocv p. m., wnen ana wneio oil parurs raving claims against said estate, must appear ana prove ine same or oe aeoarrea from coming in on saiu mna. o 1. JiANLKi, Auaitor. Sheriff 's Sale. By virtue of wilt of ri. Fa. Issued out of the directed, there will be sold In tho Sheriffs Offlce ' Court Of finmmnn Plpfla of fvil m Pn nnH t mo in the Court noose, Bloomburg, Pa., on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1890, at 10 a. m, all that certain pleco or parcel of land situate In Jliniln township, Columbia county Pa,, bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by pub Ho road and land of W, U. Qoo.lhart, on the cos by land of Nomla BurnbacD, on the south by land of K. I'. Schweppenhclser, on the west by lands ot Samuel Knecht, J, P. Aten aid E. Schreppenheh er, containing 78 Acres of Land, mora or loss, whereon are erected 1 i IJWIUl. and other outbuildings. ttelzod, taken into execution at the suit ot D.I). Fetterolt administrator or Michael Fettcrolf doo'd. users L. B. Kochler and to bo sold ss the prop erty of L. H. Koehler, JOHN B. CABBY, B. It. LtrrLK, Atty. Sheriff. s A L t S M WANTE Travalln? and lnnaL to Hell our chnlcn Nururv Btoc'.-, Fast selling specialties in hardy fruits, eta splendid outnt free, steady employment guaran. teed, your pay weekly. Write for terms. GEK MANIA NUltSKIlY CO. KOCUESTEIi, N. Y. pEGISTER'd NOTIOE. Notice ts herebv orlven to all leeatAea. ereditnra and otter pecsons Interested in the estates ot tho respective decedents and minors that the follow ing administrators', executors', guirdlans ac coanta have been nied In the offlce ot the Heglster ui vuiuiuuia coanry aoa win ue pesentea lor con' uxujuuua nnu allowance lu tne urpnaas uouri Tt, to at 2 iro uciti in moo nsuurg, uecemuer 1st, isvj, o'clock p, m. ot est 1 day: NO. 1. FlrRt and final APRnnnt nf .tprfimlAh Pah. ringer and Itacha el Fahrtnger, administrators of the estate ot ilarmon Fahrtnger, late ot Locust twp., COL Co. deceased. No.:. First and anal account of Louisa Wolf, administrator eto , of Henry Wolf, late ot tho to irn of lUoomsbunr, Col. Co, deceased. No. J. First and deal account of Levi Utcbael and F. P. aearhart, administrators ot Daniel uearhart, late jf iiurertwp., coL Ca, deceased. Na 4. The account of II. Frank Zarr, executor of Catharine Itltter, late of Catawissa, col. Co. deceased. No. 5. First and final account of Wesley Bow. man, executor ot Harah Keim, late ot Orange twp, CoL Ca, deceased. No. 0. r'econd and final account or wes'ev Bow man, executor of Jjhn Keim. latn nr. Orantra tvn. oh Ca, deceased. No. 7. First and final account of Eva ltunert- admlnlstratrlx d. b. n. c t. a. of Mary ltupe rt, late ot Bloomsburg, Col. Co., deceased. No. a irmt and anal account ot Eva Itupcrt, administratrix o. u a. ot Harriet Itupert, late oi uiuuuiauurv, kmu uo,, aeceaseu. No. 9. First and anal account ot a W. sillier. executor of Magdalena Bredbenmer, late of Beaver bp VUb vu., uevcoacu. C. 0, CAMPBELL, net later. CUT THIS OUT. Write Your Name and Address Mall to E. O. THOMPSON, 103d 'Chestnut Btbebt, (Opposite the Mint), Philadelphia, and rccclvo jo return samples ot Superior English Cheviot from which "Thompson't Patent Cat" pants are made. PRICE $3.50. Belf.measure Blanks, Tapo and full directions "How to Onlei Pants by mall" sont with all kamples. FREE OP CHARGE. JgLEOTION NOTICE. The nUickholdeni ot the Bloomabunr Land Im nrovement oompany will meet at the once of N, u. Funk In the town ot iiloomsburg, on Monday, November 21th. 1BT3. at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. for the purpose of electing offlcers and a board of alrectort to serve for the cnsulug year, and to tfaagact anx otuer vwuvnm vub rrar coaia ur for vtuea. v u, yvNK, Mcy. DEMOukaT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA,1 tARRh "I used Hood'i Rarsaparula for catarrh, and received great relief and benefit from It The catarrh was Tery disagreeable, oauslnc constant discharge from my nose, ringing noises In my ears, and palm In the back of my head. The effect to dear my head In tho morning by hawking and spitting was pain ful. Ilood'a Sarsaparllla gare me relief Im mediately, while In time I was entirely cured. I think Hood's Sarsaparllla Is worth Its weight In gold." Mnj. O. D. Qibb, 102 Eighth Street, N.W., Washington, D. a " Hood's Sarsaparllla hat helped me mora for catarrh and Impure blood than anything lse I erer used." A. Hall, Syracuse, N. Y. sllby Arustljte. flisUforft. rrepuedraly yO. 1. HOOD CO., Apothtf ulM, Lowell, Ibu I IOO Doaes On Dollar IVI'KJllip Bros. Pliotograplis. BLOOMSBURG, PA. JPIiotogrsipliic portraits re- touciicd an l modeled for li keness, tone, and finish. JLife size crayons, lin- st grade, asnec- ialty. Frames, copying and viewing AmiINlTKATOIt NOTICE. te 0 Reuben U. Davit, late of Benton lownthla demisM. Notice Is hereby riven that letter 1 or Adminis tration on tne estate ot Iteuben II. Datis, late ot the township ot Uen'.on, county ot Columbia ana Btato ot Pennsylvania, doceis-d, have been grant ed to s. I Davis ot Benton, col. Co., to whom an ircrbuusmuuu.uu tu aria estate are reauesica to make payments, and thoso having rlalu.8 or de. uiwua nut uubu Kuuna mo Bains wunout uciay to 8. u UAV1S. Adm'r. It. BucMiKOnm. Denton, Atty. 11-7-JW. SIMPLY ASTONISHING! In music ccrectly within 5 minutes after coin. meoci g, oy using HriMie'a Clisrl, without any other Instruction, this we positively guarantee. For sale by all orst-class Muno Deal ers throughout the United (States "7 mailed di rect to your address on recelnt of Drlce. f 1.0 1. O. J. 11KITE & SON, 111? Chestnut bt,, 1-lilla., Nov. 14-1 yr. Pa. A DlllNISTItiVTIlIX NOTIOE SiMte of Susan A. Walter, late of DloonisDurg. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot admins tratlon on the estate ot Susan A. Walter, lata ot the town ot liloomiburjr, county ot Columbia, and state of Pennsylvania deceased, have boon grant ed to Sarah B, Vougnt, ot JanVaon City, Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are ro- Siested to mate payments, ana those having alms or demands will make known the same without delay to or to SAHAII B. VOUQHT, Adm'r. dor JicOBT, Atty, Jamison city, l'o. OFALLPLASTERS For many years used and pre-SI 1 ror many years used and pre- tnucu dv rnvsiaans. put omv. Tcccnuy iniroaucea generally. DR-GROSVENOR'S P The best Porous Plaster made) L""or al I aches, pains and weak places. SUnlike other nlasters. so be sure I and get the genuine with the pic-) fture of a bell on the back-cloth.) a-3i-d.4t. X89X. Harper's Weelcly. ILLUSTRATED. IllRPRR'R Tkrki.v hfl nAVPr faiipA in lnatifv 1,0 title as a "Journal of Civilization," and it has done bo with a constant regard to enlarged possi bilities ot usefulness and a higher standard or ar. tlstlc and lltprftrr eTmllpnpp. Ir. lpnvpa itntnnptt- edno important phase ot the world's progress, and presents a record, equally trustworthy and Interesting, of tho notablo events, persons, and achievements of our tlm. Special Supplements will be continued In 1891. They will be literarv. scipntinn. nrrtatip Metri cal, critical, topographical, or descriptive, as 00 cr-lon may demand, and will continue to deserve mo weany commenaation wnicn nas been bestow ed on past Issues by tho pre; s and the public. As a family lournal. llARPRit'ti wiuit will, pa hnrp. tofo-e, be edited with a strict regard for the oual- lues that make It a Rare and wplmmn vl' tar tn every homo HARPER'S PERIODICALS. ler Yean HAMPER'S VSEKLY... 4 00 UAHPEU'd MAGAZINE. l 00 IIAltPEIt'S BAZAU 4 00 IIAKPEIt'S YOUNQ PEOPLE 3 CO Postaae Free to all MuSscrlbeia In ttie tTnitsa Statee, Canada ana Mextoa. The Volume nf Hip. Whiit tvirin with rha nnr Number tor January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions win begin with the .lumui uiumub ai lue tiuio uk receipt 01 oraer. Hound Volumes of uiBriK'a Wsiilt for thrpa years back, In neat cloth binding, win bo tent by wail. UL iLUkra lrtrc. ur dt Elm, ttpr nr PTnpncp (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per Yuuunej, 1 or si w per volume. Cloth Coses for each vnl-imA. miltnhlp tnr v,,r.rt. log, win bo sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot tl CO each. Itemtttances should be made br Pnat-nffipe Mnn. cy urucr ur uraii, w avoia ccance 01 loss. Aerotoaoera are not to mm thin nrtrTHaintii iciincm vie eip.-eti araer of luur-ia c buotuebs. Address: HAItPEIt BIIOTUEIIS, New Ytrk. PUBLIC SALE. 'OH1 VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. Tho andersigned, surrtv Ing eiocutor ot tho last will and testament ot Ezeklel Cole, late of Sugar- loaf township, In Columbia county, Penna., now oners at punuo sale on the premises on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18. A. D. 1S90, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, a large body ot tho most desirable real estate to be found In the township. It conrlsts of a tract of land lying upon both aides of the Flshlngcreek, and comprising in the wuoie about 2SO Acres. That portion of It which Is upon the west side ottbecreek has the following Improvements and advantages, to-wlt, A large frame DWELLING HOUSE, formerly kept as a uotel, a Frame Bt'Udlng erect ed for and occupied as a country store, a large frame building erected and occupied as a tenant beuse, and also outbuildings, Saw rrtll, tte. It Is well wooded and has a considerable quantity of excellent fruit. It Is accessible by two publlo roads and a county bridge, and also by the Bloom a burg s Sullivan railroad, and It contains about 111 Acres. The remainder of the tract ly .ng upon the east slda of the creek, Is also accessible by two publlo roads and a county bridge across Flshlngcreek te the railroad. The Improvements are a large barn &a, the whole tract having been ocoupted as the homestead farm. This piece contains about 17 Acres. It will be sold together or In parcels ai may be deemed moat expedient. The sole will be by tho acre, A draft ot the land with the Improvement roads, &&, can be seen tn the hands of the execu tor at the bonking house ot the Iiloomsburg Hank. log Company, TEllMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid upon striking Cownthe pro tne nroner.y. one-iourtn less tne ten ner cent, on Aoni 1st, ii, tne balance or two-tnirds of U-e Durchase mo ley on orll 1st, Wl. with In tercet from April 1st. INI, ths remaining one-third to bn left In the lauds during the life of tne wid ow, the Interest thereon 10 be raid to her semi. annually during her life, and tho principal to the Executor at her death. 1'OBiiisjoK win bo given A pi J 1st, 1891. upon rue purcuiwr uxiug payinvum usiwh ana giv, log bond and mortgage on the premises, to secure the unpaid Diircuau) money. wuervUDOa u deed win w turvuvvu auu uQUTomi. Ths testuu thus o( the oropa mcrred, II. H. auOTZ, Biecutor. THANKSGIVING ! We (tike jileiHure in inform iug tho utl)iic tlnit wo nro mak ing special preparations lor a big Thanksgiving Dinner. Everybody likes, nnd most ncotilo are lined to a nood diiinr-r .on TJiankegiving. JUon't lorget wo are taking special pains to havo the menu for Nov. 27th to ho above criti cism, nnd mean to havo it eclip se all former layouts nt M. M. Phillips & Son'. Props BLOOMSBURG PA. Are you using the old fash ion rubbing board in doing your washing? If you are it will pay you 10 investigate into tne mer its of our New Alter trying it we named it the "Lightning," because it struck us as being the right name for such a Eapid Working Machine as to the top pull swing and so called washing machines. CLARK F. HARDER, Third Street, 9-19-3111 Catawissa, Pa. ESTABLISHED 40 YEAHS. FUR CA PES, SEAL GARMENTS. New copyrighted novelties, containing elejanco ol styie ana exceuenoo 01 quality witu moaerate prices. Bend tor Illustrate 1 Catalogue. HEnsriR-z- SIEDE, 14 West 14th St,, New Yorlt City. 11 7 it. every WATERPROOF BE UP TO THE MARK MK1DS NO LAUNDSNINO. CAN M WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. IF YOU ARE CARPET, or OIL. YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BKOWHft'S 2nd Door (ibovo Court House. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BUOTUKRS, M Wurren Rmij Mai Newest Styks, Latest Cuife ! Lowest Faiees I WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK Fall and Winter Men, Youths' and Children, Ever Brought to This County. Children's Suits of all Styles. Come and See for Yourself. Wo are not offering old stock but they are tho latest goods, just received, and more on tho filled, and wo invite you to call from tho latest styles. Suits sold for $3.50 and Hats,Caps and In our Merchant Tailoring you tlio uest uoocia at jlow Call at CORNER J". Or. WELLS,- 'Ml Be sure aud look at the display of JEWELRY, WATCHES, &c. Finest lino in tho County, before purchasing your Xraas PRESENTS. HAVE YOUR EYES FITTED FREE OF (CHARGE AT J. C. WELLS'. ALL CLASSICS UUAIiANTKED TO PIT. Prepared to turn out fino Watch and Jewelry Work kiuds on short'notico. All work guaranteed. k k k i k CLOTHING! CLOTHINC! ZMHEInT, Prices astonishingly low, they never were any lower. HATS, CAPS, OF ALL KINDS. SHIRTS COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. Ill Great Varieties. TRUNKS, VALISES; AND UNDERWEAR, OF 'ALL KINDS. OVERCOATS ! of all sorts tor Low L THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER. COLLAR or CUFF THAT CAN BB RELIED ON 3Tot to SpUt! ISTot -to Ultgooloar! DEARS THIS MARK. TRADE FLLUL0ID MARK. IN NEED OF U1ATTIHTO, CLOTH, 8W New York. Price fiOeti.1 (CMMeg ! -OF- Clothing for - way. Our large store room is and see and make selections upwards. We have also, Furnishing Goods. Department wo can furnish I'rices ana guarantee satisiaction. once at Mill AUD IRON STREETS. of all t k k k k WSESSEWTi mm 1 ,i 11111 FOR THE -:o;- OVERCOATS comfort at Prices. HAIEB MANNERS DOUBLE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. The Greatest Blood Purifier of Tho Day, For the cure of all Skin Diseases, such as Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Pimples, Boils and rash of all Kinds, Also, for Catarrh in all its forms. Rheumatism, Female diseases and all diseases arising from had blood. Once tried and no one will be without it. For Malaria it cannot be beat, as it tones the system, builds up the appetite, takes away languor, sleepy and drowsy, feelings. Manner's Double Extract Sarsaparilla IS FOR SALE at all DRUG STORES: PRICE, 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. TESTIMONIAL. Dunmore, Pa., Aug. 10, 1890. Mr. W. R. Manners, Moosic, Pa: Dear Sir : I have tried your Double Extract Sarsaparilla as a Blood Purifier and Stremrthener. and rind it to De tne uest 1 ever used. MAIIEM8' BALM .of OTLEAB LOMON. For ladies toilet after bathing is elegant, as it soft ens the skin and acts as a powder for the complexion, which is what, every lady wants, also for Chapped Hands, Faco and lips, it cannot be' excelled. It will not injure or soil the finest fabrics. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Pfm,j M Battle oEiisriisrcs-i Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Wednesday, September XI tn. MISS H. E. WASLEY, Main Street, Rloomsburg Pa, NEXT DOOIt TO I. W. IIARTMAN & SONS. 1MHI. Ntwarlt.N. J. uw UDITOU'SflOJICK. Xrtale of Jacob Ktingerman, aecetued. The underslirned. an auailor unpointed by the Orphans court, or Oolumola oounty. to make duS trlbutnn ot the (unds In the bands bt the adiul sirawr nt said calula wilt bit at hU oraoa In iho lown ot iiloomshuiv, county ftoresald, on Krld . . November 14. VI itlto'elock a m. when and wnero aU partus ImtIdk claims asalnst uld estate must appear and profathusiino, or bd debirre l from oonUnj la ou said lund. KOumt r It. Urri.K. Auditor, ZBO"5tTS ! CI,OTHIiG surprisingly have I Remain Very Tuly, Mrs. R. E. Marshall. At BLOOM BUURG. Fino Cabinet portraits only $3 do.. Life size Crayons only $10.00, Viewing, copy ing and enlarging, Instant process used, tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers