COLUMBIAN AJSD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SlBO. Aha! Thera whistles Number Onl Ami down the tingling grails sho grows, Ttnatnir. hor cloud of tressM dun Back cn the twilight's fading A mils n momKntand my Katn, From yours and half a world parti But now we'll amll at ohoatod ft. And keep our kingdom of th heart. And but tha world li drowned In steam A volleying, billowing, deafening cloud And men thero run, aa In a dream. And through tha thunderous fog they crowd "An open twitch," t heard ono sayj An op but that'a a wrock I And she A half a hundred yards awayl Ah, Ood I How IU from f ato no Heel IIow cursed leadon drag my feet And yet tho rest are far behind On, through that misty winding sheet. Sly heavonl I know not what to find. tl-li I Ihat I tripped on moved and cried I Ah,! There she Is I Jly Kate I my Katel Unaoratchedl And not a soul besldo la lost, of all that II ring freight. Cut while tho grumbling travelers hie To crowd the station w Ith their fret Here, sweetheart, step a little by, To thank the Saviour they forget, Kay not In words that dull ear strains Not even to your tumlc, sweetl For that poor clay In greasy Jeans There comes tho stretcher and tho sheet. But of your tnire heart's purest give To him the hungry death that spied Betimes himself to leap and live Hut stayed, and stopped the train and diedl And yon dumb dinger to the dead Ay, weep for her who cannot I She Utou the morrow should have wed With him that brought you safe to me I Charles F. Lumrals In Bcrtbner's, Foreign lteggars Not Wanted. "Every man," says nn American vrrltor, "has got u forte. It's some men's forte to do ono thing, and other men's forto to do nnother, while there nro numerous shiftless creaturos whoso forte Is to do nothing nt nil" Tho latter, with but a slight nualiflcation, would seoin to be the characteristic of Gaspone Pycni, a middle aged German, walking with the aid of crutches, who appeared nt Gnlldhall police court, accused of persist ently soliciting alms from gentlemen in Broad street. Pyenl, it was said, had not done a stroke of work since he had been in Eng land, and ho was plways to bo found in ono or tho other of the city thorough fares begging, Tho wily German denied tho soft impeachment; ho was not beg ging, ho urged, but selling matches. The ingenuity of this asseveration was made manifest when the police officer stated that true it was the prisoner had three boxes of matches upon him, but they were in his pocket. The presiding alderman, Sir James Whitehead, remarked that matches were very much used ns a cloak for begging. "You must understand," tho worthy magistrate added, "that wo cannot have you foreign beggars coming over to thia country to beg." This being tho first oilenso Pyenl was discharged, and ho lost no time in hobbling out of court. If bogging there must be thero is no need tolmport foreign mendicants. London Telegraph. The Ueefsteak Club, Meetings of members were held every Saturday between November and Juno. All tho members had to wear a bort of uniform, namely, a blue coat and buff waistcoat, with brass buttons bearing a gridiron and the words "Beef and Lib erty," and also a ring having the same device. Each could introduce one guest, except on particular days, when ac counts wero looked up, tho merits of candidates discussed and other business matters gone into. One sido of tho room was occupied br an enormous gridiron, through wUoh one could see a cook in n white cap and blouse standing by n fire in readiness for action. The Bteaks wero served on hot pewter plates, together with Spanish onions, eschalots and baked potatoes, and wero washed down with port or porter. Tho only second course per mitted was toasted cheese. This dis posed of, the cloth was removed, the cook collected tho money in a plate, and the rest of the evening was given up to noisy ovelry. English Illustrated Maga zine. ' Ineffective Drags. "It is a great pity that physicians so rarely keep their own supplies of staple drugs," remarked a venerable disciple of Hippocrates. "Some country physicians do, but in tho city the practice is fast dying out. Yet tho great majority of the vegetable oxtracts on the shelves of apothecaries' shops are unreliable in their quality. The herbs used are not collected at tho right season of the year, and are not properly cured, tho strength varying according to tho differences of the soil and climate where the plants grow. "Vegetable remedies are easily adul terated, and they are usually prepared by men who lack the knowledge re quired for proper selection, manipula tion and manufacture. Light, heat and atmosphere all bring about chemical changes, and in tho course of time tho druggists' preparations, even if originally good, become inert and worthless. Let the pharmacist bo ever so capable, he cannot propound a good proscription if lw uses worthless crude drugs. "The druggist and pharmacist mako their preparations to sell, whilo the phy sician who makes his own medicines ex ercises the care required to produce the proper effects. It is to tho impurity and inertness of tho materials furnished for prescriptions that much of tho disap pointment of physicians in the results of tho treatraont is attributable." Fall River Herald. Didn't Care for Sap. He had coino from tho west to see Bos ton. One evening, a moment or two after leaving his lodgings, he was seen to take a knife from his pocket, cut a deep gash in a tree and walk on. He re peated this at intervals along tho street. Cautious as he seemed to think him self his mutilations had not escaped tho uotico of several citizens, who felt a sort of "woodman, spare that tree" venera tion for the tall maples. "Say, mistor," said a burly citizen, ap proaching the stranger, "don't you think you had better let thoso trees alone? Too early for sap, you Know." "I don't caro for sap," was tho reply. "Then what in the deuce are you driving at with that toad sticker?" "Well, what do yer suppose? Here rvo been In Oils ero town tureo days, and haven't boon able to find my way home onco. I walked around the com' mon three times last night, and then I had ter hire a cab. Why don't you straighten your streets? But I don't mean to get left to-night; I'll know this street when I strike it. I'll feel my way by thoso nicks in the trees." An humble apology for tho Btreets on tho part of tho Bostonlans followed. Finally a map of Boston was presented to the stranger on condition that ho would spare tho trees. nttstrarcf Uls Datnb. A Successful Authoress. Returned Tourist By the way, Mrs. De Beauti, I have not seen your charm ing daughter rince my return. 'When I left she had determined to submit her first novel to The Heighten Magazine. Has she been successful in her literary aspirations? Mrs, De Beauti Perfectly. She mar ried the editor. New York Weekly. Longfellow's "Vitiate llLcksnllth." Boston lias mado the discovery that the original of Longfellow's "Village Blacksmith," who stood under the spreading chestnut tree and tho muscles of whose brawny arms were strong as iron bands, Is Henry Francis Moore, a blacksmith still living at Medford, Mass. The ixot was often in Medford previous to writing the poem, and. was fond of chatting with Moore. The blacksmith is now 01 years of age, and is himself of tho opinion that Longfel low had hiin in mind when lie wrote hi pcxa. ffafituHtf. ' B . F. Ms, PLUMBER AND GAB FITTER DBALRll IN fc Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WOHK IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsburg Opora House If You Have CONSUMPTION I COUGH OR CO U BRONCHITIS I Throat Affection 8CROFULA I Wasting of Flisk Or any JHieaM tehr4 tht ftrai and Ztrnf. art Xnflxmti, cf r.tmgth r Kerm jrirr, vu can I. rsUesvi and CW4 fry SCOTT'S EMULSION OP PURE COD LIVER Oil. With Hypophospnltes. PALATABLE A8 MILK. Ash for geott't JCmulit, and Id n sx IsmWs er slislIallN I4um yxl t Mtji ruSsHfwf. Sold by all DruggUU. QOTT BOWHB,Chml6t, M.V. "That SA Blanket is a dandy." FREE Get from your dealer free, the Ya Book. It Iias handsome pictures and valuable Information about horses. Two or three dollars for a 3a Horse Blanket will make your horse worth mors cna eat ices to Keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test A$k for 1 30 other styles at prices to salt every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. 5A BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST.' NONE QCNUINC WITHOUTTHC (M LABEL Manuf'J br Wx. Arus Sons. rhllsds., wba mako the famous Horso Brand Biker Blsnksts. RAIN! RAIN! RAIN! U there' onfi tet of man hn anm eclat a nru waterproof coat it U the farmer. lit knowitfuta " Fuh Brand Sliclter" cost him lets per year than, any garment made. Did you know it raina or now one day in three the Whole ytarthrough? A " Fuh Urand Slicker' make e?ery day a pleasant day to iti lucky owner. Go anywhere with it in rain, hail, tleet, mow, or blow, it la wind and water proof, Costs leu than rubber, and lau ten times as long. Rubber Is good for show days, but will np in a week. If you want a coat for hard wear and hard weather, get the "tiih Brand Slicker," Every good thing his Its imitation, so has the " Fish Brand Slicker." Ijx out. I)e wareo! worthless imitations, every garment stamped with M Fish Brand" Trade Mark. Don't accept any Inferior coat when you can have the " Fish Brand Slicker" delivered without extra cost. Par ticulari and illustrated catalogue free. A. J TOWER, - Boston, Mass. J.R. SMITH & CO L1MITK1). MILTON, Pa., DKALX11S IN PIANOS, li the following wellknown makers; Cliickcrlnsf) Knnbc, "Weber, . Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piauo be fore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. WOLFF'S 1 AfWBKlfi MM A PERFECT H Ann EOS DRESSING. usirn nv muu. womw avd oiitLnnKi. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. LEATHER PRESERVER, A Handsome Polioh. IS WATEn-PROOF. ''EVERY' HousoWjfd' " EVERY Office " EVERY Mechanic EVERY'Stablo SHOULD CRR Willi old . Ntw rusntrust will Stain qlas. an. Chinawans will stain tinwari will stain v.uh ol. WUL'Stain BftavaCbAAH AND all, am. Umt, WOLFF Si nANDOI,Pn, PhU.d.lph!.. Ask in Drua. faint anil i.tu, fcmiiAliif nura. THEIR FIRST PUSS. A gqo.tter's rnthtthlo Story of th.Tlm. n. and Ills Wlf. Qn.rr.lMl. Tho squatter's cabin had grown to pretentious proportions daring tho forty yoara he had occupied It. The old. man remained nnohanged except for the ef fects of passing years. Tho crowd of yonng people that had oolleoted at his hotiso to spend the afternoon pressed him to tell thom a story of his oarly llfo In that region. After a little hesitation ho began: "Lemma boo, hit a jlst f orty-f o" year ergo 'at mo an' mor wife wni malrd an moved ter this country fur ter set np for ouree'fs. 'We had or log cabin with on'y ono room, an' or shed fur ther Btawk. I worked powerful hard or clearln' nv lan' an' er rnakin' er crap at ther same time. Wife nllers fetched mer dlnnor ter me, an' she staid In ther Del' with me mo'n half her time. We wuz happy, ez happy ez ef we wnz rich. "One mawnln' we had er fuss, I dla remember whut hit wuz erbont, but I went crway mad an' lef her cryln'. At dinner time she nuver come. I 'lowed ter myse'f 'at she wnz mad, an' b' I, 'Let her stay mad ef she wants ter.' Blmeby I gits so hungry 'at I started further house jlst er billn'. Wen-1 got thar ever'thlng wnz thar'ceptln' mor wifo. Thar wuz mer dinner ready fur ter take ter me, but wife wuzn' thar nnr thererbout8. I gits ekeored an' I calls her, but no nnswer. "Fine'ly I seed ther dawg or comln'. Ho axed me fur ter f oiler him plain ez talk an' I done hit. He Bot off fur ther creek an' mo er f ollerln'. Purty soon we corned ter ther creok an' ho rnnneddown ther bank an' me arter him. Nex' I heared Mm bark, 'Yere she is,' jlst ez plain. I runned whar he wuz an' thar wuz wife er layin' on ther groan' pale an white ez or ghos'. She smiled when she seed mo nn' say, Tin so glad yer come.' "Thon she p'inted ter er grapevine full er grapes whut wuz on er dead tree, an' she Bay, s' she, 'I wuz er tryin' fur tor git yer them grapes fur yer dinner ftir ter git yer In er good humor with me. Er 11m' broke an' I fell. Yer ain't mad at mo now, air yef I felt like kilUn' mer fool se'f fur ever beln' mad at her. "Hit don't matter whut I tol' her then. I toted her tor ther house, an' nussedher twell she got well. I wouldn' let nobody do nnthin' fur her but me, an' she 'peared like she nuver wanted no ono to. Well, arter er while she got well, an' we wuz happy ergin. That wuz ther on'y fuss we ever had. Sonce then ef one shows signs er gittin' mad ther yether says 'grapes,' an' hit stops thar." Chicago Special Press Bureau. A Berth In llearen for S.le. When Thomas Cruso, the bonanza king, made the famous sale of the Drum Lummon the news went all over the country. For a man to jump from pov ery to a millionaire's affluence almost in a day was an unusual thing even In u mining centre. The result was a stream of letters to Mr. Cruse from cranks of all sorts. He remembers one of them par ticularly. It was from a minister in Washington. He announced that he had by some unknown means secured a good berth in heaven, the value of which was beyond estimate. It was a "sure thing," and tho minis ter was willing to mako an affidavit to its existence. Ho had heard of Mr. Grose's sudden rise to wealth, and thought an opportunity was offered for a fair exchange. He was not entirely willing to relinquish his claim on the future snap, but he offered to give half the berth if Mr. Cruse would in return send his check for half his fortune. Mr. Cruse decided that as matters looked then the minister would get the best of the bargain, and he declined to consider the offer. Helena (Mont.) Inderiendent. Oobgress Gutters and Drowning;. Speaking of congress gaiters and drowning recalls a fashionable middle aged physician who thoroughly believes in this fatality. Ho gave It away in this wise: While consulting a man in deli cate health about his care for himself in tho winter time the doctor said: "What kind of shoes havo you got on?" They proved to be tho fatal congress gaiters, and tho doctor objeoted. "Did you ever see an account of a drowned man found in the bay that didn't say he had on con gress gaiters? You laugh and say that doesn't make any difference, and there is no connection of cause and effect. "How do you know there isn't? You can't trace it, but I'm not certain that congress gaiters do not tend to such moral and physical degeneracy that a man is liable to fall off a ferry boat, pr in a fit of despondency to jump into the river, At any rate I don't wear them. I told a woman tho same thing once and she laughed. I went on, and when I leached home found a letter from her, saying she had pickod up a paper after I went away, and the first tiling found several ponflrmations of what I said, and sho wanted to admit that she was con vinced." New York Tribune, G.lnlne a ItepuUtlon with L'an. A South Carolina physician, asked why he located at Monclova, said: "It is a first rate place for a doctor. If a marf Is sick all you have to do Is to tell his friends (no matter whether the affair is serious or not) to go to a priest and hays him confessed and prepared for death. If he dies they will say: 'What a good doctor ho is. Ho knew he must (lie, and so had hissplritual interests attended to.' If ho recovers they will say: 'What a capable physician he must be. The man was in the last extremity and prepared for death, and he cured him. So in either oyent (t is a first rate place in which to achieve a medical reputation." Medical ttccariL " Peculiar Infataathn. DIFFERENT METHODS OF FOI.I.OWINO TUB INJUNCTION "LOVB ONK ANOTHKB." Do men ever fall in lovo with each othert Women do. Not long ago a young woman in Now Jersey was married to & youthful laborer on her father's farm. Sometime afterward it was discovered that tho husband was a female; tho young wife refused, however, though earnestly entroated by her friendi, to give up her chosen consort Tho strangest pari of tho discovery was tho fact that the bride knew her husband was a woman before sho was led to tho altar. If men do not exhibit this strange infatuation foj one .of their own fox, they at least oftentimes aivo ovldcnoo of wio tact uiai nicy lovo ono another. Th mro are ninny inoiancrs on rcoord. cro ono man has trilnn hla II fn fnr another. 'I'll Pro nrn mnnv mnrn In. stances whero men havo given llfo to uiiuiuor. It 111 fl tirAllil nnaafiaamn t,n Untn. " v., tiiiw aiiuh- leugo thai ono has saved a nrooioua t. ir. ll. y. ... iiuuiHii me. Aioriaou, i;onn. is tno homo of such a happy man. John II, I'rcstou. of that chv. .lulv lltli isnn writos: "Ftvo yoars nyo I was taken very siok, I had snvoral of tho best dootorfl. and nnn nnd nil nnltAil it n complication of diseases. I was sick lour yoars, taking prescriptions pres cribed by theso samo doctors, and 1 truthfully stnto I nover oxoeotod to get any botter. At this limo I com menced to havo tho moat terrible pains my ubok. uno nay an old mend mine. Mr. It. T. Conk of llin firm nt Curtis ifc Cook, ndvifed mo to trv r.a Tin Ytni lic.ti troubled tho same wav ntul it lind f. feotod a cure for him. I boucht six bottles, took tho modlcino as directed and am to day a well man. 1 nm suro no ono ever had a worse cuso of kidney and liver troublo than I had. Beforo this I was always against proprietary medicines but not now, oh no.' Friendship expresses itself in very peculiar ways Bometlrao'i but tho truo friend is tho fiiend in need A Great Bncoess It has been proved time and again that when a manufacturer has a reallv first class nrilulo to eell and boldly makes it known by tho nowspaper sd vertising ho will meet will succtes. isewepaper advertisiutr is not exucri' mental, and, when persisted in for yearp, will mako a brand well and favorably known. In corroboralion of this well known truth we noint to tho groat success of tho 5-A Horso Blank- els. hverybodv knows about them in this vioinity, and go whero you will iiuiu ubCHU IU UUCUU, UVLT LUIS UlOuU land and you will find tho 5-A manu facturers adyertisinc their eooda boldlv and that their 5-A Hone Blankets aro known to be the best and stronrrcsl. Strength In a horao blanket ia of tho utmost iniportanco becauso of the rougu usage a blanket nets. Thero ia moro opportunity for decention and fraud in making horse blaokots than there ia in making almost any other kind of cooda. A blanket with but few warp threads, whish will not woar otten looks as well as a 5-A Iloreo Blanket with plenty of warp threads. How often havo horso owners boucht tightly blankets and paid a good round price for them only to find that thov have been Btuck with a blauktt that will no to pieoea in a few weeks. Manufacturers of tho strong 5 A Horso Blanketa made no mistiko when several years ago they took the stand tnat they would make strong, honest cooda which would wear well, and that they would advertise them in the news papers. The whole country ia now with them in their efforts to prevent owners of horses being deceived by horso blanketa which look well but which will not wear well Tetter and Boils- For yoars I was afflicted with an aggravated case of Totter. I tried lotions, salves, soapa, and other out ward applications, without any henefi cial results. In addition to tbe Tetter, Boils commenced breaking out all over my body, causing me so much pain that I had to quit work and go to bed. I then decided that I had started wrong and instead of using external treatment I oucht to go to tho scat of the dis ease and purify my blood, os it was obviously bad blood that caused both the Tetter and Boils. I took several blood purifiora without any good effects About the time my cao waa deolaroil incurab'o I commenced tsking S. S. S. In a fow weeks tho Tetter waa cured, and ono by one the Boila disappeared, until I waa entirely and nermanentlv cured. Thia waa three years aeo. and since then I havo been freo from any skin eruptions. My skin is now, and has been for three yfars, aa smooth an any ono S. S. S. not only ourid me ol Tetter and Boils, but also restored my appouie ana general Health, causing me to increase in weight and improve in every way. M. b. l'oi.LOCK. New London. O. MayC, 1890. Treatise on Mood and skin Dtsa&ses nulled (roe. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Personal Liberty. v. Physical Slavery, We are all free American citizens, enjoying our personal liberty; but most ot us aro in physical slavery suff ering from scrofula, salt rheum or Borne other form of impuro blood. Hood's S.wapanlla is the great blood purifier which ditBolves tho bonds of disease, gives heatth and perfect phy sical liberty. The Same Law. It wsuld be well for thoae who en joy hunting to cut out and pasto the toitowiiig in their hats tor ready re ference. Tho Benson is as follows: ninns. Turkeyp, October 15 to January J, Ducks, September I to May 1. Plover, July 15 to January 1. Woodcock, July 4 to Jaauary 1. Quail, November 1 to December 15. Huffed Grouse or Pheasant, October 1 to January 1. Rail and Iteed Bird, September 1 to December , AXI1UI.8. Elk and Deer, October 1 to Deoora- ber 15. Squirrels, Srpteraber 1. to January 1. Hare and Rabbits, November 1 to January 1, FISH, Mrs. Smith So your daughter has giaduated with honors. Mrs. Jones Yes, sho understands painting, and astronomy, and piano playing, and Lord knows what all. "You ought to bo very proud." "I suppose so. I expect sho will bo very happy in her married life if sho finds a husband who knows how to cook, sow on buttons and dress chil dren,?' Siftwffq. m r n Speckled Trout, April 15 to July 15. Sea Salmon, April 1 to July 31. Lake Trout, January 1 to Ootoberl, Black Bass, Itook Bass an I Wall eyed Pike, commonly known aa Sua quohanna Salmon, May 81 to Jaauary I Pike and Pickerel, Juno , to Dooomf bor 1. German Carp, September I to May 1 Shad and Herring, January 1 to Juno 1, Penalties for infringements. 25 to $50. For scrofula, Salt rheum, etc., Toko Hood'a Saiaaparilla. Tlie Greatest Blood Purifier i Thl fJrrnt nrrmnn MrwliMnn la tlirt M iiii"H in n .'.icarorf 1.00. icngtimn. ono cent a iloso. It will euro t worn capos or Bkin eneenfo, 1 ft common Nlmnlo on iho to thnt Awful iIIjmho Scrofula. aUkl'HUU JIITTKItS is tl best mptllrlna tn vjt In nl cases or sucn stnuoorn nnilvonr 1,M,1 BLUE PILLS "l'.Vltint prmcrciiry.tlicyiiro ded"AvS J' ly. I'lscn'yoiir trust lnr?,""0rf'r,k;r,? SULl,llUlCllITTKIts.n"crw'1I'"'ll tllU I'lirVKb HUH , 1160 ZZroZuJ UitlersI wll h n ycl low BtlckyDon't wait until yon puupiiwiclv isjoiirv nru imnuiuiowniK,or breath foul nm1nro flat on your back, offenstru? Yourbnt Ret somo at onco, It stomach Is outwlll euro you. Sulnhur ot onlcr. Usclllttcrs Is 8" ViinEitsriio Invalid's Friend. ImmcillatclyThaynunfttho (irciI nm! tot. Is your Ur.crlnK nrn soon mailo well by Ino thickens uso. ltcmemlicr what you ropy, clo-reod here, It may savo your uuy, orHfo, It lias saved hundreds. Don't wait until 10-mormw, TV,r n T)nlLln fWr. ,1n I O m jiiu )un iwn-.iuiiwii nun wvu. n? or suffering from tho oscesscs of B-SmAM It so, bUI.rilUlt JUTTKltS 'win euro you. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. 1. Onlway A Co., Boston. Mass., 5,t ror best medical work publlsbcur Til. dyspeptic, the fl.blllLt.d, ivlirth r from exe... or work or mind ot body, drink or .xposnr. In Malarial Regions, will And Tint's Fill, the most c.ul.l r.atoratlT .T.r offrd tho infrerlng Invalid. Try Thom Fairly. A vlgorou. body. par. blood, strong surre. and a cheerful mind will result, SOLD EVERYWHERE. Thousands tiavo Ihmh ivcriuatieutly cured by I'llII.ADELl'lIIA, l'A. hae at once, no operation or loss of time from business. Cases prouou need In curablu by others wanted. beim for circulars tURE GUARANTEED. offl'Douoi Oct. 3-'90-ly UAIflP frotrOhlo. Here u VUlub tortralt of W'-n M write t 'Wgt it work on a mnn foi month I now hav an initi fur h.. d Allan A f'n'a alliiimi anrl tuiMl. lloni and oftn rok 'JO ilaj." Wllllra Kline, Harrlaburfr, rn nyttilnfr (o sell Uk your albuus. Yaalerdar I look i-irrlura annurh ia Ir n" w8.l.- w, J, 1.1. mora, DaDfror, Me., wrilrii "I taka an order fur yout album at union btctj nooi 1 villi. Ht froniiaoiin airournainSlP or a alrifrla d-r'awork.H Other arc dotaaoult u ell i 'irarla rrom ihi-lr lallsra. I'.vrrv w havt not iiiaeo lo riva ei. on wild takea hold of thlimnd boMnei piirt urg rand toHla. Sd a II wo start YOU in ihU liusincss. faidf-rT Writ ton and learn all about It for yourietr. tm treirarllnf ruanvi wowillttart you if rou dop delay until anothirirele ahead of you la your part er therounir. Uyon take hold you will be able to pick up rold fait. Of K mel on aceouutof a forced manufacturer eala 1 OOO ten ilitllar lliilOKrnili AllHitiia areto b aold toiha r'pla for $3eacb. Hound lu Kojal Crfmaon bilk Velret I'luih. rhaniilufly decorated Inaldei. llandsomeit album In tha world. Larjroii Blxe. Ureateet bar:aina aver known. Aireiiii wanted. Liberal lerma. hg money foraaenu. Anv one can becomta mcceatful aent. Belli itaelf on ilfrht li'ltlo ornc talking neceiiary. Whererer bown, every one winte to par. eh ate, Aireaii taka tbouaanda of ordera with rapidity never beruraknown. Ureal pratlta await every worker. Aa-rnti ar maklufcfortuneLa ladlei make a much aa men. You.reader, eti do ai welt as any one. Full information and terms I !, tn thora who write for same, with particulars and terms for oar Family Bibles, Uooka and Periodicals After you know all. Aoaldyou roncluda to go no farther, why no harm Is done. Addraaa . g. AIXkUN h CQ ACOOTl, UaJXB. Jan. iS-W-ly. HEU OHLY! (For LOSTorFAIT.INO MANHOODl snd MEHVOUS EEEILIiy iii nm i vi vi mcciici ia uiaur ivunxi Itabust, hoblaalaklionil folly Restored. Haw to anlaree and 6traCtkeBnKAU,lkI)kIU)rEIMKliik8APAKTSny HOUr. ibsalalelf narallfas; HOSK THEiTSKXT Benefits la day. Hen tastily from 40 Males ead leralga Conatrlea. Write tbeau DcteriptUe Hook, pi a a all en aid proofs mailed (sealed) frea. A4dr ERIE MEDICAL, CO., BUFFALO, N. V. FOR Horses, Cattle. Sheep & Hogs Excl an; remedy for the rapid cure of Rar --vv.- .... Bsjiiivui iwr mo rapia cure 0( rf&ra Co!di.Cou8hi.HldeBound(YelIowWater,Fever. Coitlsnei, Blotches, and ill difficulties ails' Inalrom Impurities of the Blood, will relieve rltstes at once. iUnuactitrtd if tki JOPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS. N. Y. POB BALE BT ALL DEALERS. PAUUER'S HAIH BALSAM Clcftnik. unit Ki'iimci th. tiltr. 1uiiiuIki u idsutmnt grvvi-tn. Hover rtila to Bettor. Oroy lUir to lis Youthful Colcr. Curi Mdlp fliinuu-. ft hair lalliuz. HINPERCODHS. 1ti onlroire cur. tor Tomi. tul. .Uuiuu. Lk, ml iJruiKlttU, ur 1USCUX t CO., H. Y. AXLE BEST IJT TIIK WOIlI.n. Its wejLrlnsaualttles are unsurpassed, nctuallr outlastloir two boxes of any other brand. Not effected by beat. IITU I IT 'I'll i: i i:.N 11 1 N :. FOlt BALE BY UEALUR8 QENCRALLY. Dotroit Hums ouii HALF THE COST of holstlnff BivoJ to storekeepiirs, Uutoliers, Farinere, Macu. Imsts, ilulldera. Contractors and (J I'll UltS. AUnnttd to bo ttte greatest Im. EroTemeoU KVBIt mado la tackle locka Frelgut preoald. Write tor catalogue. Fulton Iron & Eaglno Works. Estab. isw, 10 Uruslt bt., Detroit, 11 id 6.3.17. Knauincs t nf the fb urlil Our Is.iimsar4 aiitltl tu parlor foods a will send f k km to oat iBRiox In each locality. m above. Only loose n bo wnta to os at onseraa make sure ol tba tbaace. All you bare to do la rstara is to show our foods t those who till yoor nslfhbora and those arotini you, lie ba flnslar ibis adTertlsanaal ihiiwi the small sad of the tela. Ft EYEr ia. Tfa foUoariflf a fires lbs appearance at It reduced tt about tbt fiftieth part of ltblk. It Is a fraud, double alseuia seoDe.aa lares as Is easy to carry. We will also show you bow rot) uaiuks friu tail to 1 0 a day llseet. frc the .urtwfth. out eiparienca. tutter write at ones. We pay all eipress chari sa. Uditis, U.UALLKTT a CV fi0S H Bfi, fo alia at, UiUl DEAF NE88 a Kill toitit eoitiw leek's IKVlalULli imulil US tUSKIDII. hi r.l ...r. .11 UI. S.I4 7 r. HIK 111, ealj, til ft)", If nri... ...... nwiH. U.7-il-4t. K IPP & TODMORE. AncUITEOTd, Ostbrhodt Ddiloino, Wllkcsbarro, I'a. Branch Oftlco. Dloomsburg, l'a., with Jno. M. Clauk. Att'y. & Counsellor, 1-.1.1JT GET TIIE COLUMBIAN, 1.00 A YEAR BEATTV3 PIAN0STOiffiuer8aaa?d,rlii- Kl.Mayor DANIItL, V. D HATTY. Waskloston, N. J, 10-liMHU $6B AMONnio rirlKbt Younir Men or C board lord Ladim lu ecli coumy. 1-. W, ZIEUL.KU CO., rblladuliima, I'A. 10-M-t Tutt's ns mm Ml I hi f ITMIuLIi OREASE -ai saaaa rii i RAILF.OAD TIME TABLE. IMBBaBavlllllsCl JELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. M.OOMS1JUKG DIVISION, STATIONS. T.U. NOHTII. r.M. l w l.M. A.U. ion ait N0RTI10MBIRHND 6 40 Cameron. B53 10 IB 1019 10 it 10 43 a so tn 8 41 asa cnuiasky jjanriiie o 9 11 i'ib 9 83 : 41 catawlssa 6 25 import o 30 lUoomaburg a ao ICanv. 0 41 10 50 7 0S to er 719 11 OS 120 11 19 7 II 11 18 731 1190 7 23 Ume Itldgo.... ,.. et0 vHiinwuroTO. poi Ilrlarcrock ss lierwlck... Tos Ueach Ilaron TU lllck's Ferrr.... 7 is shlcsMilnny 7 90 lluniocK'B. 7 43 Nanllcoko...... 7 CO 1191 7 49 11 31 II 38 11 43 11 6H 19 00 19 10 1916 19 90 1997 19 31 19 33 19 40 19 43 19 63 101 109 1 IS 1 90 7 49 765 8 09 8 11 8 94 ATonosio th I'lrmoutU "69 riymonilt Junction hoi Kingston 8 08 89S 8S3 8 81 849 8 49 9 63 liennoit ....,..... o 18 Maltojr.. 817 Wyoming. 8 si West rutston 827 Ilttston. 8 S3 Lackawanna 8 40 Taylorvllle 8 49 Uolleyuo. ., 8M bcramton 9 oo r. u. STATIONS. 4 03 4 00 4 11 8S8 903 H17 9 93 80 9 33 4 93 r.M r. u. r. m KOUTI1. A. If. A.M. P.M. r.M cVCRANTON 0 10 9 60 1 tS 8 90 iHmevuo. oio vao .... 6 95 Taylorvllle 8 20 10 oo 9 09 30 Mtckawanna 8 93 10 os tm a ai Ilttston..... ess 1016 218 849 West l'lttston 6 41 10 99 9 94 8 60 Wyoming- a 47 10 97 9 99 a 63 MaitDy 631 1030 .... 6 Dennett. 86 1031 937 70.1 Klnirston C 83 1038 9 40 7 07 Plymouth Junction. 7 0s 10 49 9 43 719 Plymouth 710 10 47 9 60 7 16 Arondale ,. 7 14 10 81 2 65 7 91 Nantlcoke.... 7 19 1069 969 729 Uunlock'a 7 96 1103 3 08 7 43 bnlckshlnny 7 37 11 12 8 90 7 99 lllck's Ferry 7 69 11 29 8 31 8 07 ueach Haven 8 01 11 34 8 40 sis lierwlck 8 07 11 40 8 47 8 so Ilrtac Creek. 813 863 897 muuwuroro. sia li&o s 6T 831 UmeKldgO 8 90 11 64 4 09 8 35 KSPV. 8 98 13 01 4 09 8 11 moomsburg 8 32 19 08 4 13 8 47 Hupert 8 37 1919 4 23 8 02 CaCawUsa 8 43 19 17 4 29 8 67 Danville 8 57 19 82 4 46 8 15 uuuiasiiy.. , 454 Cameron 9 07 1241 6 00 998 NORTHDMBIRLAMD 9 21 12 99 6 13 9 49 a. m. r. m. r. Mi r. M, Connections at Kupert with Philadelphia uuuuiuK iiiummu ior ramanena. Tamaqua. mil' itumiijurb, oiiLiuury, roiwvuie, etc At jNorinum Jerlanl with P. s K. Dlv. P. K. K. (or Ilarrtstmrg, ima uaini jkuiuuiiuiu, vvurruu, i;urry, anu nrm. w. r. uAuiiUAU, uen. Atan. Scranton, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. IMI Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. H TIME TABLE. in effect MAY 11, 1390. Trains loavo Banbury B AST W Alt 9.40 a. m.. ea Shore Krnrnae Mntlv tkwoen Sunday), tor narrlshurg and Intermedia testations arriving at Philadelphia 3.16 h. m. : New York 1.50 p. m. j Baltimore, 3.10 p.m. : Washington 3.59 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia lor all Sea jhore points. Through passenger coach to Pnllrdelphla, Ualtlmore. 1.35 p. m. Day Express lally except Sundayj.for llarrlshurg and Interme llato stations, arriving at l'alladeiph a 150 p. m. ; New York, 9.39 p. m. j Ualtlmore 1.49 p. m. i Washington, 8.U p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passonger coaches through to Philadelphia and Ualtlmore. 8.05 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (daily tor llarrlshurg and alllntcrmedlate Btatlona, arriv ing bt Philadelphia 4.99 a. m. : New Tork 7.10 a. m. utw.Muuro, D.a. xu. ; v aouLugion a. m ! Pullman sleeplngcartrom Ilarriaburr? to Phinuim, phla and New York. Philadelphia passengers can iu o.otoi uuuisLuruu uaiu 7 a. m. l.W a. m. Brie Mall (dally) tor llarrlshurg and Intermediate stations, arr'vlng at Philadelphia 8.50 a. m. Now York, 9.30 a. m.j Through Pullman sleeping cars ana passenger coaohes to Phlladel- tiuio. 1 2.50 a. m. southern Kxpreas (dally) for Ilarrls bunt and Intermediate stations urrivinc- ar. inm. uuid n. u. m I T taiLIUlflUU D.43, a.m. QUO through Pullman Sleeping oars to Baltimore and Washington, and througE passenger coaches to WBSTWAKli. 5.10 a. m. Brie Mall (dallv). tor Brln ml n' Canandalgua atd Intermediate stations, Itochea" tor, liuffalo and Niagara Falls, with through Pull man Pau oe cars and passenger coaches to Brie and CLUUULBLOr. 9.53 News Express ( dally i tor Lock Haven And Intermediate stations. 1.42 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun lay) tor Kane, caua' dalguaand Intermediate sta tions. 11 Theater. Uuffalo ana Niagara vaiinwith through passenger coaches to Kane and itochester iluu ritnuruar w naiKins. 6.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally except Sunday)for He. novo, WatklnB and Intermediate stations, with through passenger coaches to Kenovo and Watklns. 9.19 p, m. Wllllamsport Express ( dally ) tor WUlla'usportand Intermediate stations. THROUGH TIIAINS POK SUNIlirRY FltOM THE NewsExpross loaves New York, 12.15 night, PUlladelnhia 4.30 a. m. Baltimore, d u.r. rlsharg, 8.10 a. m. dally arriving at Sunbury 9.58 U. LU. Nlaeara Excresa leaves Npw Ynrks.m a. m PhlladeiDhla. 8.50 a. m. : Wa-qhininnn r in il. m uni. tlmore 8.00 a. m. (dally except bunday arriving at sonbury, l.; r.m., with through Parlor carfrom l- u.iaucijiuiH .lu Lurougu passenger coacnea irom Philadelphia and Baltimore. Fast line leaves New a.m. . vhu.iiAi. pnla.iuo a. in. ; Washington, 10. so a. m. ; Haiti, more. 11.45 a. m., (dally excopt Bunday) arriving at Junburr. p. m. with through passenger coaches Irom PhlladJlphla and Ualtlmore, Wllllamsport, Ecnress leaves New York 2.00 u. m. Philadelphia 4.86 p.m. Washington 3.80 p. m. Baltimore 4.J3 p. m. (dally ) arriving at Sunbury 9.19 p. m. sne Man leaves .-ew vork s.oo p. m. j Philadel phia, 11.29 p. m. j Washington, 10.00 p.m.: Balti more, 11.2U p.m., (dally) arriving at a. m., with Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and passenger coaches trom Philadelphia and Balti more. HUNIUJRY, HAZI.ItTO.N or 'II.KI!MI1AUUP KAII.UIIAII ANII MIKTll AND WKST II If A Nil II 114 11. WAV. (Dally excopt Sunday.) WllXebbarro Mall leaves sunhurv in.rvl a. m. arrlrtng at Uloom Ferry 10.45 a. m., wilkes-barre ii.iv p.m. Express East leavea Sunbury 6.S8 p. m., arrlvlnB at Bloom Ferry 8.88 p. m., Wllkes-barre 7.50 p. in. Hunburr Mali leaves Wllkesbarre n.u a.m. arm Ing at Bloom Furry 12.37 p. m., Sunbury 1.28 p. m. niijiirba vust icavos wiuLfs-uarre d.uo p. m., ar. vlng at Bloom Ferry 4.80 p. ra., Sunbury 5.20 p. m, SUNDAY TRAINS. Wllkcsbarro mall leaves Sunbury 10:00 a. m., ar riving at Bloom Ferry 10:43 a. m., Wllkes-Barre 12:10 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 3:10 p. m arriving at uioom Ferry, e.39 p.m., Hanb iri 1:80 p. m CllAS. E. PUOII, J. It. WOOD, Gen. manager. Gen. Passenger Agt. PHILADKLTIIIA & READING HAILHOAD. ON AND AFTER Sept, i im. TRAINS LEAVE BLOOMSBURG as toUowe: (8OT)ATS KXCKfTSD.) ForNew York, Philadelphia, Reading, Pottavllla Pamaqua, etc., 6:00, il:uf a. m. For Wllllamsport, Milton and Danvtll8 7:S0 n. m. 8:16. 11:00 p. m. ForCatalasa n W, 7:30, 11:03 a. m., U:20, 6:00 6:35 p. m. For Rupert 6K)n, 7:30, 11:03 a. m 12:20, J:H, 5:00, 0:S5, 11:00 p. in. TRAINS FOlt BUWilSBURa Leave New York via Philadelphia 7: a. m. 4:00 p. in. and via Kaston 8:13 a. m. 3:43 p. m. Leave Philadelphia 10:) a. m. 8.00 p. m. Leave Heading 11:50 a. m. 7:51 p. m. Uavo Pottsvllio 12:30 p. ra. Leavo Tamaqua 1:21 a. m. 9:18 p. m. lave Wllllamsport 9:18 a. tn. 4:13 p. m. UaveUatawlasa 7:00 8:00 a. m., 1:30,, tiU . if a.f.l"lpcrt &1S' 7:0a- 8:08 l,i' m- :Mi S:31, 6:2, 11:18 p. m. ror Ualtlmore Washington and tho Went via U. O, It, H through trains leave Ulrard Avenue sution fhlla. (P. it, K. it.) 4iil, 8:110, ll:W a. m. 1:34. 4:24, SM8, 7.3 P. in. (Sundays 4:16, B.Oi 11:21 o.m., 4:21, 5:48, 7:23 p.m. ' ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Iea!e Pp'lwJoIphla, Pier 7. Chestnut Street Wharf, and bouth btreet Wharfs FOB ATLANTIC C1TT. Week days-Express, 9.00, a. m. 2:00, 4:00, p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a. m. 6.00, p. m, Hundais Express, .oii, a. rw, Aecummo dation b:txi a, m, apd 4:io p. m. ' RITPRXIHO, LSAVI ATLANTIO CITT. Depot comer Atlantla and Arkansas Avonuea I Weekdays 2xpreas, 7:30, 9:l, a, m. and 4:00, p. in. Accommodation, 1:09 a, to, and 4:30 p. m, 1 .',r,Iula,rSrJixpr,a,i . i:00- P m- Accommo dation, too a. in. and 4:30 p, m. m. . . ao. UANCOCK, A. A. McLEOD, QtnX Aui. pmt, tm. ik Qen'U Vannger, PATENTS, Yeats and Trade Marki otttalned.and all Paten t slness oondueled (or MO Dillt VTK FB3S. OUIt OFFICII IS OPPJSITB U. S. PATENT OFFICE. We have no sub-agencies, all business lrect, hence can transact patent business In less line and atLBSs COST than those remote from Washington. send modol. drawing, or photo. with description. We advise If patentable or not, free of cuarce Our fee not duo tin patent is secured. A book,''llow to Obtain Patnts,"wltUreferences o actual clients in your Stale, county, or town, dnttrec Address ' C. A. SNOV & WmXE BACKWA1B . FOR THE L.AST IT IS A SATISFACTION TO KNOW THAT THE Clothing i Establishment OF D L0WENBEBG, Still leads in the Latest Styles, Still leads in the Largest Stock, Still leads in the Latest Novelties. WHILE THE Is always full of the Latest and Largest Stock of Imported and Domestic Goods made up by Experienced Workmen, PERFECT SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. WHOLESALK DEALERS IN C(vj, C&cW, Ca.n'fj, Fvottj arA Hotj. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candles. Fresh Every Week. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands ml CSfta i Honry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, SQtot Ash. Airy order for Festivals will be supplied wtth the Lorot MsAtt Prices, oWbwi Omto, Lemon?, 9 ream N5- BLOOMSBURG, PA. G. 6. OgBIJS, Foreign and Domestic - H BLOOMSBURG P get wmm BEST, In jiiirchasiiig houfo hold necehHities, it is wiso always to select that whioh is thu best, it will bo tlio clioaix-t in tho end. A good article is always a i inruo of ploasure. J. SALTZlill has won a wido reputation for selling good goods at low prices. Jle buys direct from tho manufacturers, and can sell first class goods cheaper than can be obtained elsewhere. Hero aro nome of tho articles and prices : Saving Machines of threo grades, liythoNew Homo Sowing mauhino drawer drop leaf, all attachments, 10.50 to $00. Royal St. John, $30 upwards. standard Kotary, 540 upwards. fNew rlome, 30 upwards. Hivo received tho agenoy for tbo Dinlln Cornet, tlin iit cirnnt. in llin A good assortment of violins, guitars, acuordeons. druma. llni.u fif..j'o.wl nil of musioal instniraents. Tlu best of strings for violins, guitars, banins, violinccllo, and bass violins. Agent for Butteriok's nattcrns. pattern-book and fashion sheets. Pianos, nraini an 1 Hiinr in nhinna anlil nn mn.ll... .... a 11. discount for oasb. Do not send elsowhero, but call ami see tho stock of your homo doalor. who is always with you, and oan givoyou any information or instruction upon any instrument you may purchase. J. SALTZER. Meal liisJiiiiinls ail Stwin His' WA11ER00MS BLOO?ISURa .IL.tuI lLIM.UMllld. UtUlt M.1.M1MMMJ mmd Mb - E-tey Piano, 350 to SG0. Steek. $1575 to $000. II. INI Bent & Co., 250 to $400. Brown & Simpson, S250 to 400. KsteyOrgans, i$90 to 175. Miller organs, S75 to 150. United States ortransi. ft!95 in S17.; Clixago Cottage organ, S90 to 140 Worcester organs, 75 to 150. Paris ornaus, 00 to 100. Celebrated White Sawing Machines SI to 05. NewDoniestio Sewing Machiucs, 35 to 75. made Co., 3 from Boosey urrtrLl lnnjo, H.,.l 1