THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian J. 2. BlttonSenlor., J Haltorii BTjODMSBURG, PA., FKIDAY, NOVEMBER, 7, J 800. PATTI80N QUAY'S WATERLOO. Sweeping Victor ies all over the Country ! Democrats Carry the State by 17.000 ity. BOSSISM DEFEATED. "TURN ON THE LIGHT." The result of Tnesday'fl "election will Drove to bo the death knell of the Republican pnrty. Robert E. P.itti son is elected Governor of 1'ennylva- nia, by 17,000 majority. I ho balance of tho t'okot is in doubt. Mittrew Stanley Quay will have to try some other year beloro lie owns ".i little governor ot his own, aim sena tor Delamater will have to postpone doing tho things he promised in the Bloomsburf! Opera Houso to do, "when I am Governor.'' All over tho country great Demo cratic majorities are reported, oven Wisconsin and Massachusetts being claimed by them. Seoretary Blaine and Candidate Delamater vehemently averted that if tho Republicans lost Pennsylvania this year, tho Presidential campaign of 1892 would certainly result in Dem ocratic victory. If thay are not falso prophets, we have killed two birds with one stone. Wo cotigratnlato Mr. D. A. Becklcy j on tho magnificont results of his two week's canvass for Delamater in this county. Under his skillull leader ship the republicans have succeeded in keeping tho democratic majority in Columbia county down to something mors than 2,800, which though it is reater than ever before, is still not so largo, as it might have bctn if Mr. Beckloy had spent a whole month from bis officj in llarrtsburg showing the local republicans how to run things. Eellable News. Liiten to tho chttrful warbling of the Philadelphia Press of Wednesday, the day after tho election, bearing in min 1 tho fact that Pattison is elected by a fair majority, now conceded by the same paper. "After ono of the hardest fought battles in Us history tun llepubllcan party haagaln carried l'ennsrlranli, and Senator Delamater has teen elected OoTernor liy a majority which pr mlscs to reach, It It does not considerably exceed, 25.C00. ToUovernor-eloot iMlamater. who at the begin nine put tho campaign upon it broad and high plane, and who turned baclc a stream ot lclous Srsnnal defamation, and whose worlc throughout as ban characterized by tho most exalted mo tires as well as untiring energy In beha'.f ot bis party, this victory Is largely due. Election Notes. William M -Aleer defeats Richard Vaux for congress in Philadelphia, Third district. Mortimer P. Elliott is elected to Congrossin the 10th district. Russell Karns has a majority ot 150 in Sullivan county, for tho legis lature. Johu B. Reynold, democrat, is probably doieitod by Geo. II. Shook for congress in Luzerne uouuty. Berks, Northampton, and York oouaties are tho only ones that givo larger democratic majorities than Columbia. Warwick democrat defeats MoKin lyin Ohio. Foul mouthed Cannon Republi can, of Illinoi', is defeated. , Lodgo of Massachusetts, Republican, the author of the force bill is dofoated. Ammennan demoorat defeats Con gressman Soranton. Crawford County, Delaroatcr's coun ty which gave Beaver 1100 majority in 1880, went democratic, and Dela mater's own town, Meadville, gives largo democratic gains. The democrats will have 130 major ity iri tho next Congress. A gain of 150 over the last Congres. One of the first aols of tho new Congress should be id re ject Reed. flow's This. Wo oftr Ono Hundred Dollars re ward for any caso of catarrh ihat oan- not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, To ledo, O. We, tho underiigndd.haveknown F. .T. Chenev for tho last 15 years, and helirivfl him ner'cctlv honorable in all business transactions, and financially ablo to carry out any obligations mado by ti'oir linn. West & Tuuax. Wholesale DrngfiistP, Toledo. O. Waluino, Kinkan & Marvin, Wbobeal.- Druggists, Toledo, O. HallV Cv irrh Oo is taken Intern ally aefng lii.eotly upon tho blood aDd mucous sui faces of the yntm. Tinti moulaU Bent froe. Price 75o. per hot .Ho. Sold by all druggiatJ. 10-17 4-t. Frobbltation la Nebraska. HRV. PH. I.. ZAHNEtl's VIEWS. Tho following Is quoted from tho Omaha llee: At a recent mectlnc of tho Omaha ministerial union, Rov. Mr. Holt intro duced a set of resolutions which rccotn- monded that tho churohos of tho stato observe Sunday, Novembor 2, as a ptohilmory atnontlmont tieia day, anil that an appropriate sormon on tho duty of Christian voters In regard to tho ponding election bo preached, and tho sinows of war bo cofectcd to fight nnti-prohibltlonists at tho polls. To obtain tho trend of opinion among tho clergy regarding tho reso lution a representative of The lice call ed on soveral eminent elorgymon of various denominations and asked them whether thoy would obsorvo tho day recommended. Tho first gontlomineoon wasltov. T. S. Fitzgorald, S. J., of St. John's cburoh at Creighton college After reading tho resolution, tho rovcrond gentleman said: "Wo havo nothing whatever to do with that resolution. Wc regard tho question of prohibition as a political ono without question, and as such, ono ontirely out of place in tho pulpit. If I wore approaohed on tho subject and asked to call n meeting for such a purposo I should simply refuse. I shall ignore tho question of such a field day. As a church, wo will not move in tho matter I am very suro." Rov. W. J. Ilarsha said that ho had beeu at the meting in quostion but, as the subject was ono which be could not consistently countenance, he had quiet ly withdrawn. "I will not support it." bo said, "as it is a politionl question, and as such tho tenets ot tho Presbyterian ohuroh will not allow its introduction into tho pulpit. I bclievo in allowing every man to vote as his conscience dictates, and I nroposo to advocate nothing in tho pulpit of a politioal nature. Several of tho prominent members of my church in session denounced the whole matter, and you may say that my cburoh will not act in thij matter." Rev. Dr. Zihnor, rector of All Saints' church had seen tho resolution in point, and, replying to the reporter's question slid: "No, this church will not observe tho day as recommended, but the presiding bishop has sent out a request to the clergy that November 10 be set apart us a day on wnicti the great subject of temperance ua present ed to tho ptoulo. II prohibition bo adopted, I do not think it would last long, It could not be enforced and eventually bo kill d by publio senti ment. If prohibition would prohibit, I should bo for it and I think that be fore many years the question willeolve itself, and future generations wonder that their progressive fUgife, eniigntened ancestors entered into suoh a fight. Poisonally I hopo that the arunndment will pull a vote large euough to awak en a temperance feeling of tho right sort amongst tho people. The prohibi. uou movement is seeking success upon a political and fa atical basis, and as such the cburoh cannot support it. With reforonco to tho resolution in re gard to a field-day it met with a very cool reception, Mr. Holt Seeking to bo its olnel cnampiop." Kev. U. T. Ulauuer ot &L Mary Magdaleno's ohuroh, said: "As a t.Iiurcb, wo have nothing what ever to do with the movement. We believe in temperance in all things, but tho Roman Catholic church has coth ing to do with polltios and will advo cato no politioal question in its pilpits. wo win noL support tne iiruiuuiuua field day resolution." Uaptain Courtney. Says: Whilo on the coast of Africa I had tbreo men sick with malarial fever I cured them with Sulphur Bitters. It is tho groalcst bloou punherl oyer saw. I always keep them in ray medicine chest. Ship Nautilus, Baltimore 10-31 2-1. Prevents Lung Ferer and cures Distemper, Heaves, revors, c.,&e. 1 pound in each package. SoM by iUdealcr. DR. BULL'S BABY Q TRUP CanilitQtcn ToolimnlSoWndnijrliU laUUimiOO IGGllllllfi!" Regulates the Bowels! For tha cure of HULL'S Coughs, Colds, U -croup,- COUGH Asthma, Whooping Cough, and for the relief of Consumptive persons J'HICII 23 GTS, For Bale by all drnwliti. Incipient Con sumption SYRUP CUnrr'K'S CUBEB CIOARCTTCS for Ca OMVAC tarrtl Prlc$10CU. Atoll Ungfltu. ALESME' WANTED. John R Townsond. chairman of tho DcmooratloCounty Committee conduct ed tho c.uniiaigii with vigor and intolll gence, and ho Is ontitlod to tho orcdit for tho largo tnajorl.y, for ho used ovory possible effort to attain success. Mr, Townsond Is a thorough Demoorat and a progressive citizen, and his In telligent services to tho publio havo boon frequently recognlz'Kl., Wo bono mat no can bo tnuuoou to retain tho position of chairman, though it has been a tax upon his timo. Through lusty proof reading and oaroless corrections tho address of Chairman Townsond as it appeared in this paper was somewhat mixod in tho first sentence. The ommlssion of the word "of and tho insertion of a semi colon before tho word "unscrupulous" makes it apponr n Mr. Townsond wroto it, In justice to him wo mako tho correction tlibugh his well known lltprary ability makes it unnecessary to do so, as any ooc would know that tho error was that of tho printer and not of tho writ r, TUc Half e For Colored Cent. Within the last flvo years there hag becrj a gradually Increasing demand for colored gems, until now tticro Is a rago for theso jewels. It began, Messrs Bailey, Uanks fc Blddle, tho (treat jowelcrs of Philadelphia say, with tho Huby which was a very popu lar stone, and Is yet. The Bappbire, of which tlicio aro severs', colors instead ot one, as generally supposed followed. Then came tho Emeralds, and tho scmt-prcclous stones, that Is, stones which have not the hardness nor gpcciflo gravity of tho pro clous ones. Among 'tho former class which aro very popular aro tho Spinel of various colors, American and Indian Tourmaline, Topazes and other;. They aro effectively used with Diamonds In bracelets, Hogs and lu largo articles of jewelry, such us brooches add pendants. TOBACCO This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest piece for the money in the mar ket. Vinco tin tag on each lump. Its extensive sale for many years has established its reputation. There is nothing better.. Try it For sale by dealers and grocers. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ ot Lev. Fa. Issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas of Col. Co. Fa., and to me directed, there will be sold at the court nouso, Bloomsburg Pa, on MONDAY, DEORMBER 1, 1890, at o'clock p, m., the fouowlng: All those two certain contiguous lots or pieces of ground situ ate In Conrngbam, CoL Co,, Pa., bounded on the west by land ot 0. 0. Murphy, on the north by the publio road leading from Centralla to Glrard vllle, on the east and south by lands of Locust Mountain Coal Co., said two lota contain together In front Fifty (90) feet and extending that width In depth Ono nundred and Forty Feet (140) on which are erected TWO DWELLING HOUSES and outbuUdlng- Sclzed, taken Into execution at the suit ot The Miners and Laborers' Fund Association versus Edward Oeraghty and Cella Qeraghty his wife in right of said wife, and 'to bo sold as the property ol Cella oeraghty. Mikr, Attorney. ALSO c By virtue of a writ ot Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Courtot Common rie? . ot Col. Co , Pa., and to me directed, there w.U bo sold at the same time and place the following: All that certain lot or piece nt land situate In Jameson City, Col. Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-w.t: On tho north by lot of Minerva Bowell, on tho east by Broad Street, south and w jtiny lot ot A. 1). Croop, containing l orty Feet In Front and One Hundred and Twenty Feet In depth, whereon are erected A DWELLING HOUSE nd outbuildings. Alio: All that ceitaln lot or piece of land situ, ate In Jamesm City, Col. o , I'a., bounded as fol lows, to-wlt: On tho north by seventh street, on tho cast by the Blooxsbure and Sullivan Kali road Co, or. the foum br the Bio msburg and Hullivnn llallroad Oo. and the Flshlngcreek Lum ber Co., and on the west by Broad street, con taining Oio Hundred and sixty Feet In front on Broaa Street, and Eighty-Six feet In depth, where on are erected a Planing Mdl, Wheelwright Shop Outbuilding and Trestle, Betted, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Grant Ilerrlog Trustee versus Peter , bult, and to be sold as the property ot Peter J, Bult. Bucxixaiux, JOHN B. CASEY, U-T-ts. Atty. Sheriff. JUilOUS FOR nEuliHUEU TEltM. MKIMU JUKOK1, Berwlck-J. n. Hoyt, Wai. M. Stephen ant J. U. llloom Doucrlas Hughes. Cavissa-o. o. h. uostenbauder and Wm. O. letter. Centralla Uarner rvye. Centre tleorgfl Hurt ram. caoyngham Andrew Kaln, Oucnwojd A. J D r . lleinio-sK Mnaon Heiciia't. Locust 'eremtab FaUnngcr. .MlOUn-Il.W emlin. Montour Arthur Hoberts, Win, a Ilejchard, John Orange Calrln llerrlnt,'. uoariDgcreeic u. w. uang. Pine Wm. o. Ulrton. Scott-Calvin Herring. Jacob Terwllllger, Geo, 4.uvio buu o. u. miner. LOCAL OR TRAVELING. to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses and Dicauy euuuuYuieuii Kuarmimuu. C11ASK UltOTUKUS COMPANY, mos. 0 & 11 W. Hochenwr, N.Y. ALESME WANTED. N Traveling and local, to sell our choice Nursery sioc't, rmi selling specialties in narar jruus, eta. Mpienuia outni ireo. meaay employment guaran teed. Your pay weekly. Wi lie for terms. (!( MANIA Nl'liltKItY CO. HOCIIESTKIC.N. Y. Nov. & Jan. Table of votes Cast in Columbia County, Tuesday, November 4th, 1890, townships. Beaver Benton Berwick East Berwick West Bloomsburg,- East Bloomsburg. West Briarcreek Cf tawissa , , Centralia. r Centre , Conyngham, North Conyngham, South Fishingjcreek Franklin Greenwood, East Greenwood, West Hemlock Jackson Locust Madison Main Mifflin Montour. Mt. Pleasant...-. Orange , . Pine. Roaringcreik Scott, East Scott, West Sugarloaf Total a 2it2h S!tlj2! I a 1 n 1 j 1 i 221 178 1886. 1G8 218 44 00 212 170 129 272 207 no 140 00 257 07 ISO 117 122 222 141 110 107 72 80 115 73 93 71 98 ICG 14081 Governor Lt, Gov'r Int.A'frs A. Judge Congress 23j 178 41 261 142 102! 77 104; 324 IGOj ,99 ozj 1O1 iOZi 270 52; 32; 82 GO 44 109 4G 14! '6S 192 05 5 68 119 121 '45 ,38 100! 240 30, 173 10, 144 49: 200 4l! 100 30j 106; 58 MS 28 117 34 75 44! 113 72j 72 13! 207 1879:4830' 22! I78 45' a5o 96: 138 i4: 761 214; 320 182! I97 58, l6o 2I0! 270 134' 240 45' 6o 3": 192 4: 64 5! 258 38 68 5: 118 901 121 39, 145 16' 138 88 240 31 172 a. 144 35 204 3', too 39' 106 55 145 43 37 85 40 35 7. 75 i3 7 207 2024'4796l 46; 2C0 101; 138 143! 75 217: 33 i86 197 58j 159 209; 269' i.iii 232 46: 160 361 192 24: 64 5i 238: 38: 68 52; 118 961 120 39: 145 161 138 89! 239, 3l 172 : '44 38; 204 3'. 99 39' '06 57 '45 117 75 "3 70 207 43 37; 85' 42 35 22 I78 40i 250 lot' 86 44i 7' 216: 317 184 190 oo, 123 210! 262 150! 222 46! 165 361 192 24! 66 3) 97 38i 63 52; 112 97 "4 39! '3 16! 134 90 236 37 32 39 162 '39 '99 99 102 57 Mi 43 "3 37 74 85 106 42 49 35 208 2055 4586 2087 4506 471 67 124 joO 178 237 125 77 .120 180! 201 39i '56, 214 291 52j 230 32j '55 37! '9 20 06 93l 258 39i 08 52! 117 '01 117 39 '45 '71 '37 87J 239 3; 169 7i 144 37: 203 2S, 97 39, '08 52j 142 47: "2 35j 75 73 "2 38 62 32: 210 2007 4745 23 47 10I '37 29i 182 57 185 Senator Jlepresentative tc a E u w o 178 101 120 32G 198 15 209 149. 22G Si: lflt 37 20 45 32 5' 93 39: '7 89! 32 6 37 32 190 05 2G1 07 120 127 142 137 21G 108 141 202 9G 33 103, 54 130 47 120 37 75 77 in 40, 52 32 209 M 3 2001 4675 23 173 42! 251 105; 121 15' 73 191- 315 273. 1C1 01 159 200' 2G7 153. 203 40 166 87' 175 20: 01 41! 231 '321 58 371 102 87: 112 38! 145 15; 131 831 22G 31) 103 8j 142 37i 193 31 91 2s: 92 5i: 117 42 109 37 74 74 107 33 GG 31 210 19314401 3 J2 s t5 177 2G1 115 74 32G 202 100 291 202 165 178 Gl 265 G8 11G 122 145 13G 239 109 140 198 08 102 138 119 78 112 G7 210 1502 22 44 92 136 216 187 58 191 150 47 33 21 40 37 60 97 40 17 88 32 0 37 31 47 04 47 34 74 38 32 2024 Prothy. Keg.SfR. a o 23! 179 47: 259, 94 12G 135 81 209 33G 183 O20 52' 159 210. 209 191! 221 47( 167 G3: 190 28i G4 47' 257 29: G7 50! 118 90; 118 37! 147 1G. 137 80! 239 33: 171 G 143 37' 21)2 3lj 90 33 101 4Gi 159 ig; 116 37' 75 73! 115 38; 71 32j 210 1913!4715 22i 178 40: 258 9) 127 135: 81 197 333 155i 209 50' 1GG 210, 270 157! 220 48 37; 23; 40 32 411 91! 30 17 83' 17: 7i 150 190 Gt 257 07 117 118 14G 138 23'l 1G8 143 37' 203 32' 90 37 101 34 141 47i 114 371 75 74 113 37 G3 31. 210 1914 17G9! Treat. Dit.Atty 3 1 23 177 47 258, 9li 120 13Gi 72 205; 323 174; 198 48i 150 2071 2G9 169: 229 oil! 155 3G 19G 22 70 4G 250 32! Gl 50; 117 9G 118 37' 141 I7i 133 80! 21G 32 1G9 7! 143 37! 202 aii og 38; 101 55: 143 47i 113 32 75 77 113 40) 09 32 210 1 19904749 23' 178 17 257 91 121 142 70 216 323 180 109 53 150 210 2G5 151 221 51: 151 31, 190 1 1' Gl 4G 250 32. 07 50. 11G 95. IlG 39; 144 17 137 81 239 33. 1G9 8 143 3G 203 32: 9G 38 101 55 143 48 113 37 751 77 112 40; go; 32 211 2012 4705 Comity Com, j Auditors Siir, 178 I 23! 4Gi 257 92! 121 t31 70 214. 318 183' 190 68' 1G0 213 209 168 '.'20 51 155 37 190 221 01 48, 253 31 07 60; 113 og; 110 39! 142 17 137 87' 233 33. 150 7 141 37 203 32 03 33 87 62 112 48 113 37 75 77 110 41' 09 31 210 20314054 to. W ft? 178 258 122 7G 313 193 155 205 219 155 199 G3 251 05 111 116 145 137 239 1G3 142 203 oo! 8, 11 109 75 101 03 209 4G19 Hi I 23, 178 40' 257 01 121 133 75 222. 32G 190 200 69 150 213 201 150 219 60 1 60 30' 100 21. Gl 48. 251 31' 07 58' 117 101 118 39 144 18, 133 9J. 239 51 1G9 7' 143 37 203 31' 97 73: 101 43! 141 51 115 31 75 07 112 39. G9 32. 200 20984721 177 257 183 75 320 200 160 271 220 155 190 03 257 07 117 118 144 138 239 109 113 202 C7 101 142 115 75 110 09 210 i S5 1079 23; 178 47 257 00, 121 MO! 73 222 322 180; 197 59' 157 212 2G1 159 220 60, 155 87' 190 24 Gt 40 25G 32 G2 61 117 90; 117 39 144 17! 138 83! 239 33 1G9 8 143 37 203 39 96 33 101 51 141 48 115 37 75 70' 110 40' G7 32; 210 2100 470G Wa : f t ;.i .1 . . . . 1 Scityfuta In the mot nnclent nd mojt general ol all diseases. Scarcely a family Is entirely free from It, tvlille thousands eterywhere are Its aufferlng slares. Hood's SarsaparlUa has had remark.iblo success In curing erery form of scrofula. Tho most setere and painful running sores, swellings In tho neck or goitre, humor In the eyes, causing partial or total blindness, yield to the powerful effects of this medicine. It thoroughly re moves every trace of Impurity from the blood and builds up the weakened aystem. "My llttli danghter'i life wai ared.'aa w believe, by Hood's SarsaparlUa. Before she was tlx montha old she had 1 running scrofula sores. One physician advised the amputation of ono ot her fingers, to which we refused assent. When we began giving her Hood's SarsaparlUa, a marked Improve ment was noticed and by a continued use of It her recovery was complete. And she Is now, being seven years old, strong and healthy," B. a Jonks, Alna, Lincoln County, Me. N. D. He suro to get Hood's. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by drugitHti. fl ilxforjis. Prepandonly vj v. . uuuu s tAi., Apoinecani,xxiwtii,Mau, iOO Doses Soldbydrugglita. fllUfort5. rreprd only b7Cvt.nOODCO.,ApotAK4rlts,LcrwsU.aUll. Ono Dollar J IOO Poses Ono Dollar every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF Cured. Write for sam pie' caric, ti, j. :ePree catarrh: U-Id4t. S3TAUI.13I1BD 40 TEAK8. FUR CAPES, SEAL GARMENTS. New copyrighted novelties, containing elegance ot style and excellence ot quality wllu moderate prices. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue. HETI3"2r SIEDB, 14 West 14tu Bt., Nw Yora city. UT4t. I r0 UONTItiOToilS AND I1UILDEK8. fr..... ... .... .v.. v... eeaiea propouais wii w icwiicta iu. ,ua uuuu Ing ot an addition to the Columbia county Court House located In Bloomsburg, I'a., until haturday, Kov 8th, at it o'clock M. I'roposaW must be ac comparted by an approved Bond ot ten thousand dollars Jor tne falinlul performance of the con tract, and the commissioners reserve the right to upViaoatlonswlliboat the coTamlialoners omce JC ... .h. nf A . a wcrnpr. flmhlfpct. Will. UiMDOrt, l a., ou and after Iiondiy, October S7tU.! 1IITTKNUOC8K, BZUAST'U'IIBNB, commmU4poerS9( Columbia Co. Bloouioury, I'a., Oct. S3, 1690. tl. TlliVKIlRK .lUIlOHS-SST WEEK. Beaver Samuel Rllniraman. Benton Bowman Crawford, a. W. Kanouso, O. Berwlck-rA, fniele, Moats Mantle and B. B. Bow. man. Bloom wm. Uabb, Mathlas Applemao, W. (., Evans, u. u. Baker, II irrr Kornwa'd. O. B. tuvage, W. K. ltlnker and Samuel Shaffer. Briarcreek C. II. Krlu, L. J. Alams, it. o. V, Kshlnka and Chas. woinurer. Catawlaaa Jea Actiey, 1). K. Huploy and Lloyd Centralla Joseph Padden. Conynguani Uarry J. Weller. Pranklln-Hter 8, Ford Greenwood L. 1. Yeauer. Hemlock-K. It. lkeler, Jacob Harris and Henry Jackson-J. W. Fritz and Jno. V. Vannitta. Locust Adam Marks and W. II. BUUg. lladlson (leor llartman. Mimin-K. lt. workhelser. Montour w. m. jnouroe. Oranie Uarrlson Conner and J. B. Ilarman. line J. It. Fowler, John Totter and Hurley Hhoe- maKer. Scot -B. a. Waples, W. E. Deltterick, Daniel U'Artman anil l!rttt MhnriAP Bugarloat Arloh Uolder and Herbert Hess. THAVEIWB JDKOlla JHO WEEK. Beaver Martin Johnson. Benton A. T. Ikeler. Berwick-Cbas. Haas, Kiigene Leehard and F, U, Kjton. Bloom a A. Kleini, Elmer MeBrlde, Ezra Brown aod Joa, ltalblon. Brlarcrcek-U. II, bltler, Emanuel Yost, 11. U. Ka, Catawlaaa Cn as Krelgb. Centre T. 1). strouse aud C. II. Crrder. Conyngham Jan. Monagnan, cuas. ;Qallagher Greenwood Joseph o. Eves and Nehemlah Hitch Hemlock John 8. NflliarL Jackson K. J, cole, II, J, Ulrleman and Wm. vorts. lladlioa John M. Mordan. Waln-Holoraon Deaner, il. 11. Celger, W, K. BbU' W4U Bun n. il, um Mimin-Clark Miller Montour Fiancls Leldy. orange -K Hioan and tttlas Conner. Boanngcreek Dart a Long. fccott-L U I'ctllt. m'a for our nirtlcd Nurrv U aLtlcCltliock. Salary and expenses or (oinmusion paio. run ouiuuh ijjw inues fl y, C.lic Co., Nurierymen, Kocnester, M v BE UP TO THE MARK THAT CAN BE RELIED ON KTot to Split! JSTot to Dlsooloy I BEARS THIS MARK. TRADE FLLUL0ID mark. HKCDI NO LAUNDERING. OAN BS WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, 1J1ATTI1VO, or OMi CfiOTHT, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT 2ud Door aboyo Court Hourc. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. ft wXrTBflBiliH yA THE POSITIVE CURE. I ELY BROTHERS, H Warren Bt, Hew York. Price 60 eti.1 AUDIlOU'd NOTICE. Estate or J. r. Cra Ig, iteceatea. The undersigned, an auditor nnnnintAii hr thn Orphans' court otcolumbu county, to make dis tribution ol baUnca In tho hands ot accountant, will sit at C. 1). Jackson's office in tne town ot nerwcir, county atoresald, on Monday, November Stt), mo, at 2 o'clock p. in., when and wbe.e all parties having cla'ms against Btld estato, must appear and prove the same or Da debarred train coming In on said f nnd. a I'. II AN LY, Auditor. Mitchell's Belladonna Plasters. Endorsed by every physician as a sure rare for 1'aln or Weakness In the llreast. Side, BukoiUmUi alto for XJver Complaint, Weak tunes, Coagln, Colds, Aitbma, rieQl-lsv. dliliniltvln hratklnc. Ar.. In !! nf which cases they give reUef at once. . ' uiii t i pcui uj mu lor a5 ccnu. Novelty Plaster Works, Lowell, Mnss. U 7 4', DMINITHATOK' NOTICE. Hate of Iteuben II. Datls, late of Benton toienih tp Notice Is hereby trlventuat letters or atimintq. tratlon on tae estate rf Heuhen II. navls. lath n? Hie township ot il'nton, oounly ot ColumMa and oluui i-euasyivania, aacoasa, nve neen grant ed to c. L. Uavli ot Beuton, col. Co., I'a., to whom all persons lndebttil to mld estate are requested to make payments, and thosi hiving Hal ins or de mands will make known the same wlttout delay to 8.UUVVIS. Adrn'r. it. BocxiHoaiu, Benton, Atty. 11-T.6W. JEQISTEIl'a NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to all lecr&tees. credltora and other persons interested In the estates ot the respective decedents and minors that the follow-. Ing administrators', executors', gutrdlans ac counts haie been tiled In the omee ot the HeUtor at Columbia county and win bo presented for con. uiiuiiuuu auu aiiuwuuou in lue urpuaas' uourt, to be held in Bloomsburg, December 1st, is jo. at o'clock p7 to. of sail ifij; no. l. First and final awount of Jeremiah Pah. ringer and llachael Vahrlner, administrators of the estate of Harmon Pahrlnger, lata ot Locust fy'ti-vi. vo, uuceasea. No. j. First and final account of Louisa wolf, administrator eta. ot llenrr Wolf, late of the town ot Bloomsbursr, Col. Co., deceased. No. a. First and Cnal ancount of Levi Michael and V. 1'. uearhart, administrators of Daniel uearhart, late of Beaver twp., cot Co., deceased. No. 4. The account of II. Frank Zarr, executor ot Catharine lutter, late of Catawl&ia, col. Co. deoeased. No. 0. First and anal account of Wesley Bow man, executor of liarah Kelra. late ot Orange twp. CoL Co., deoeased. No. a. second and final account of Wesley Bow man, executor ot Jahn Kslrq, lata ot Orange twp. '0L Ca. deceased. Na T. First and flnal account ot I!va Itupert, administratrix d.b. n. o t. a. or Marr ltunort. late ot Bloomabuiv, col. Co., deceased. No.! First and final account of Eva itupert. administratrix a u a. rf Harriet Itupert, late of Bloomsburg, Col. Co., deceased No. . First and anal account of c, W. Miller, executor ot Magd ilena Bredbetmcr, Uti of Beaver twv, CoL Co., deceased. C. II CAMPURLL, lu.later. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Bm am mm J'llOfOITi'SSlLlliC gtOB'tfi'StitS B'C- tonelicd nnd mmlnivAi for IlikctiBess, iBi sbbbS IbbbbsIb. jLile sBe CBayoQB., Ibbb cslfl'SBdc, a ec ialfy. FB'aBBies, iflBd vicwiBB. THE RELIABLE CLOTH1 BLOOMSBUM., FA. BR, -:o.- Comes to the front with a Complete new FALL and WINTER stock of the MOST SELECT CLOTHING for an ii Yonittaj Boys, mi4 Cklldraiu QUANTITIES OF Owreoafc of all KMs, Latest Mjlm HATS! CAPS I SHIRTS! COLLARS AiiD NECKWEAR, Tramlks, Talises md UiArmmr IN ABUNDANCE. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Respectfully Yours, I. MAIER. -:o;- Tj-The largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Montour aud Columbia Counties, Pa. FOIl SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. .4 4tk aisv wt mt mm v CUT THIS OUT. Jg LEO riO N KUTICK. ThefttockhollersoC the Manor Hot Inu mm F any will meet at the omco ot urn K Klwu.l, la ne town of Bloonuburgou Tuesday Nov. ll, w. at 1 o'clock lu the atwrnojn, for I Li purpo.o of ceieilK nine direcors to servo for the insung year, and to transact any other business ttiat may coma colore them. UKO. If. ki-WULL, 10-ts-tt. ucc?y. Write Your Name aud Address Hull to K. O. THOMI'dON, 183d Chestnut Htiibbt, (Opposite tlii Mint), Philadelphia, ami receive ,in return samples of Superior KuglitL Cheviot from which "ThornpsonV Pattnl O it" ptola aro m k.i. PRICE $3.50. Silr.mcviiro D'anki1, Tjij nni nil dirocllom "How to OMu 'int' hy mill" uut with all imp'' The undersigned, surviving executor of the last will and testament of Bicklcl Cole, late ot sugar loaf township, In Columbia county, renna., now orrcrs at private sale a large body of tho most de sir ble real estite to be found In the township. lt coasts or a tract of land lying upon both sides of the Flshlngcreelt, and comprising In tho whole about, SSd ACB'CS. That portion of lt which Is upon the west side of the crecK has the following Improvements and advantages, to-wlt. A largo frame DWELLING HOUSE, formerly Kent a a notcL a frame llulldlnz erect ed for and occupied as a country store, a large" ' frame building erected and occupied as a tenant hsuso, and also outbuildings, Paw mill, && It Is well wooded and has a considerable quantity of excellent fruit. It is accessible by two public roadi and a county bridge, and also by the liloom s burg & Sullivan railroad, and lt contains about 111 Aercs. The remainder of the tract lying upon the east side ot tho creek, is also ao lesslbli br two publio ruads and a couuty bridge aoross Flshlngcreelt to the railroad. Tho Improvements are a large barn $c, the whole tract having been occupied as the homestead farm. This ploce contains about 17 ACB'CS. It nlllba sold together or In parcels as may be deemed most expedient. The sale will bo by the acre. A draft ot the land with the Improvements roads, ic, can bo seen in the bands of the execu. tor at the b inking house ot the Bloomsburg flank ing Company, whero also Inquirers may learn terms ot sale, to. Aug. Ll M0. 11. II. GltOTZ, Kxocufor, tl' liloomsburg, ra. Are you using the old fash Ion rubbing board in doing your washing? II you are it will pay you to investigate into the mer its of our New osnsriisrca-i Pattern Hats and Bonnets, We4liBmla.y9 ScptcBBibcA 17th. MISS H. E. WASJLEY, Main Street, Rloouisburg Pa. NEXT DOOlt TO I. W. IIARTMAN & SONS. FREE OP CHARE, Alter trying it we named it the "Lightning," because it struck us as being the right name for such a Rapid Working Machine as to the top pullwmg and so called washing machines. CLARK. 1 HAKDliK, Third Street, 9-19-3111 Catawissa, Pa. deadly HMe Oothtog! $ijh Latent Ceifcs ! Lowest Prices I WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK Fall and Winter Clothing for Men, Youths' and Children, Ever Brought to Tin's County. Children's Suits of all Styles. Como and See for Yourself. Wn ..r, n',.:., i.i i. 2i ., , . u ..w uiimg um biuuk. out uiey are tne latest goods, just received, and more on tho way. Our large store room is filled, and we invite you to call and see and make selections from the latest styles. Suits sold for $3.50 and upwards. Wo havo nlso, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. In our Merchant Tailoring Department wo can furnish you tho Best Goods at Low Prices and guarantee satisfaction Call at once at UD! roll's NOl'I 'rJ. KHate a Uorri C. Slonn, olfco (owl 0 Vlaomi. The undesigned. aaaullUr a isolated by the o piuns' Court or mm ail tco'jntr, fa, to mike dii rltui Ua nt the Mint m th" hmdsot the euvu .or, m honby hi Unit uooouav to and atnouir i epanU'srnilUelllieielo will sit at hi onl mlheTownof liloomiijii g, co m'T atoms Ud, oo i Monday, Nu'o-nber 1,1, lym at 9 o'clolc a. m,' Mheauu.1 whrre alt a r'ltu haili? ctiima mm.i sppoarsnd prve he s.iuie, or no debarred from coming In on said fund. N. U. FUNK, Auditor. CORNER MAIN AND IRON STREETS. TUB I1P9T DnonilQ m o'wnM lTmTmlmZmmm JSaSgS-l IHEUMATISM, KIDNEY PAINS, LAME BACK, &c.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers