The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 31, 1890, SUPPLEMENT TO THE COLUMBIAN, Image 6

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Rend Want Follows ('itrofnlly and Von
Won't IIhta to AaU Clneattnns rolot.
era to Agents. Telling Them Mow to
Hand Money nnd llovr to Collect
Tbelr L'oininlaslona Wnrk nnd Profit
for Kvervnody ha la In Knrneat
The Tlrld la "ThB World" nnd
There la rienty of Itoom Tor All lo
Work In It.
The total circulation ot TnE Wont.n In one
sixteenth that of til the daily newspapers
published In the United States and Canada.
The total copies printed In 1S8U numbered
121,nOB,300, the Ink used weighed
847.041 pound, and the rarer weighed
18,08.1,023 round", or 0,402 ton. No
other three pepera published on earth com
Lined nred this
Tbe World goes to 38,000 roat-offlces.
It i known to every man, woman and child
In erery community. No " sample coplea "
are ever really needed, because everybody
Is thoroughly familiar with It. The agent
has no talkinc to do and no explanations to
make, as lie has with other papers. He can
net ten subscriptions to The Would while
he is celling one for another paper.
Now is the time for the agent to get np
his club. TnE Would has led the light for
Tariff Heform and good government. What
It has done is frosh in the public mind. He
will meet with hearty co-operation and en.
couragement on every hand. Let Mm
begin now and see what he can do.
Wlint They Should ltcmcmher In Their
TnE Would makes no profit on its special
oilers and contracts. 1. ether subscribers
buy or do not buy makes uo difference to it.
Its profit comes only from subscriptions. It
has selected a small number of premiums of
recognized north, such as are necessary in
every hourehold, and, by making special
contracts with the manufacturers, its read
ers are enabled to buy them at rates far be
low the wholesale price. This is done as a
favor to its readers and to put them under
an obligation to TnE World. It Is not done
as a business speculation, nnd only eub
ecribers are permitted to buy at these rates.
Very often the prlco sent is less than tho
Price The Would pays to tho manufacturer,
for when a contract is made in which tho
fiayine nt is part cash and part advertising,
tie subscriber is asked to tend only the cash
required and is presented with tho advertis
ing. Tun WonLD in tho only paper that has
ever dono this, but it is willing to go to the
trouble and expense in order to make
friends. It to make every reader an
agent, to the extent, at least, ot speaking a
good word for it.
Tho contracts, in order to get wholesale
and cost prices, aro stcol-clad. No variation
of any kind can be mado lr. them, and it is
useless to ask for anything dillerent from
what is ordered.
The Would's solo proflt comes from the
good-will it secuics bysavtnc its subscribers
money. That sccuros a larger circulation,
and that in tnrn hleher nriena fur driver.
tising. It has built up in three years the
largest circulation over known m the United
mates over g.oou.ouo copies weekly by
fullllllng to the letter every promise made.
Agents may safely cnarantee ever? otter.
The Would desires as many good agents
as possihle. It believes that upon the terras
offered an active and intelligent canvasser
can duuu np a paying miriness, its valu
able premiums and liberal discounts are an
excellent stocK In trade.
Aarnts of Tun Would Should rrnimlvr
thai ait Utters containing remittances must
be retained by the cashier at vnuchirs, ana
cannot be referred to other departnunts orto
me eauor. vjompiainta snouiu Do mado and
questions asked on separate sheets ot paper,
that they may be sent immediately to the
proper department.
The most important rule (to the airent) Is
that which requires him under any and all
circumstances to retain jrom Ins remittance
the amount of his commission. The entry
of the remittance on tho different books
must be final. Changes or erasures cannot
be made, and the commission is granted
only on the condition that It will be de
ducted by the agent. If ho does not deduct
It he has no right to a commission. For
lilm to rend tho full amount and months or
years afterwards to nut in a claim for his
oommissioii is to put The World to an ex
pense of from ten to a hnndred times the
amount of the claim merely to verify It
and see that he is not mistaken.
The WonLD desires that its agents shall
receive all tho prolltsnn Itsweeklyand semi
weekly editions, and that theso profits shall
be as large as possible, these editions are
cold to agents at a price which allows ns no
margin of profit, and an army of clerks can
rot be employed without raising the price.
Jj'oMhia reason each remittance must be
Unless the monor accompanies tho order
the subscriptions will not be entered npon
the mailing list. Orders for premiums not
accompanied by the cash arc dropped in the
waste basket. Agents tnnst observe this
rule, and should notify tbelr subscribers of
it. an that they will not be expected to send
for the paper until tho subscriber has paid
his money. It the agent withes to keen ac
counts with his aubrbrlbers. and will send
us the amonnt out of his own pocket, run
ning tho risk of collecting it afterwards, he
Is at liberty to do snj lint The Would can
not be held responsible for such transac
tions, nor be expected to refund monoy sent
for a delinquent subscriber.
Never direct a letter containing money or
on bnslness to any nidlviduaL Address all
remittances, "The Wobld, New York,"
A Few (Useful Minis for Everybody ns
Wall aa Agents.
There Is no one transaction which is so
Important, yet ao commonly managed with
carelesmeaf, ca the acndlug of money for
inscriptions or pterolums. The Would Is
In constant receipt of letters stating that
money has been sent for some rmrposo and
that nothing fuitlier lias been houtd of It.
In these cases the blame is Invariably laid
upon The Would, wheieas the seniles of tho
money can Justly acenre no one but himself.
It Is a common practice to inulone silver
coin in letters to pay for a subscription.
This Is against tho expressed wishes of the
post-oiTlee authorities, the repeated warn,
l.ic. ol Tkk1V.ii., and the dictate-, ot
good sen. o. 1 ne sharp edge cut thr men
the 'Oft paper ut tho corner ol the envelope
an. 1 tho coin meal" to the but turn of the
inail-1 ag, win re it la tound, aud aslhcie
c.ui Le i o means of identifying its owner, it
is sent to the tiepaitnient of unclaimed
pri-eiiy. while The World receives the
mutilated letter containing no money. In
such case The i iri.ii make every possible
flvrt to recover the money, though not
bound to do so, us an accommodation to the
writer. Jf it fails, as in many cases itomi
hardlvliclp dome, the wr.ior gonciallr ex
pects The W"i U to make guinl ni lo-s,
which is manifestly tuijuit. ai tho luult is
Ills alone.
One source of confusion, vocation and de
lay Is the refnsal of thore sending money to
properly address the envelope I'iie Would.
New York," '.his and nothing e'se should
bn on the envelop. Tne World Co.upany.
The World Publishing ( oinpany. Hie Woild
Manufacturing Company and a dozen other
firms using the wonU "The World ' have
no connection with this paper. Letters ad
ilreired to them gn to tin in. There is only
one address tbat brings a latter duectly to
The Would, and that is "The Woutd,
New iork." Never wr.te tho edit r'sname
or any name oi an envelope containing
money, 'ihe individual may le in fttrope
or China, anil It may be months before be
open it.
Agents and aubecrbira must remember
that the post-ollico and cxprtua companies
aro their agents In transmitting money, not
Hie Wini.n', aud that The World ' re
sponsibility does not begin until the monoy
and the order have been delivered Into Its
hand, ilia sender's responsibility does not
end until that moment, and all lo-scinthe
mail or express are the render's, not The
World 'a. and the sendct must look to the
fiosUortlco or express company to makogomt
lislosa.and not to The Would. Subscriicrs
who send their subscriptions through an
agent most consider the agent aareaponrl.
me lor the transmission or their money ana
the reepint nf their nntvir ni nraminms.
In sending sttbacrlplions and in writing
business letters do not wtite also to the
editor on the samo sliest of pnper. Write to
mm on a sepaiate sheet oi paper, ask any
questions you like and they will be promptly
ninnmei 11 inn irt uh ua. nnvivuui le-
lato only to purines, so that, it csn be
referred at onra to thn linsiness department.
Halt tho complaints audi delays llow from
ono letter having to pass through many
Btato clearly at Ihe beginning of your let
ter what edition Is to be tent and for how
long. In sending more than one name,
write one under Iheotl.erand separate them
a mile trom me t.ony nt the letter.
In making remittances an t-xpiow money
order is clicaptr. ratr and Its troublesome
than a postal money-order. Checks and
draft, except ou New York btnka, should
not be sent when it cau bo avoided. I)o not
tend coin in letters. V t actions nf a dollar
should be rent in one-cent postage stamps.
Agents forwarding tingle stibscrii tions
should remit in one-cent pontage stamps.
Postage stamps should be wrapped and
placed caret ully In the letter. When gummed
together or damaged in any way they will
not be accepted.
Foreign subscriptions must lnclndo for
eign postage. Tor the Weekly and Semi
Weckly this will be 1.04 additional for all
countries in Postal Union. For the Sunday
edition 12 additional must be sent, and tor
the Dally edition til. For countries outside
me I'ouai L nion write ror terms.
All remittances for books not specially
mentioned on this page must bemadedliect
to The World's Literary Union, No, ft"
Itnse street All applications tor ecrtlllcatos
of membeiship and catalogues should bo
sent directly to the Union, and so should all
questions relating to books; w no money
for subscriptions and no questions on other
topics should be sent to the Union, The
Union is separato aud distinct from Ihe
Would. It does not furnish tho bonks ad
vertised by The WonLD. Jtemlttancea for
The Would must be sent to The World,
llemitlanccs for the Union must be sent to
the Union. They will not bo transferred
Ilorr the Agent Cnn Hovr the Heed for n
Itlcli llnrvcst.
To the agent TnE Weekly Woni.D Is oneof
the dearest. If not the very dearest weekly
newspaper published in this country. The
cost ot making a copy is probably double
any other and it offers nd extra discounts
to agents for large clubs, because It costs so
cents to make it, and this Is the price to
every agent, large or small. Every agent
makes all Ihe profit there is on tho circula
tion ho secures. This profit becomes hU
fixed Income, lie has tho same commission
on all renewals as on the original subscrip
tion. The subscriber he secures is lils own.
The Would novcr takes him. and a recordot
over 00 per cent, renewals shows what a list
must bo worth to an active agent.
To cnablo the agent to secure subscribers.
The World accopts subscriptions for three
months on the Weekly and Serai-Weekly ed
itions, pays tho agent 110 per cent, on
them, and pays 20 per cent, on all renewals
hesocures. This Is tho time for the agent
to begin this work, that ho may eccuicthe
renewal later Any ono can sparo a quar
ter, aud after reading TnE World for the
next three months lie will want to renew.
Thero may not bo ranch money In short-term
subscriptions now, but theie will be later.
The World publishes no "campaign edi
tions." It has no "trial trips." It never
cuts rates, at any time or under any circum
stances. Tho agent can depend upon It
making no offer to secure subscribers that
will interfere with fits work.
The agent can make more money selling
The World at 20 per cent, than selling
others at 40. The subscriber must pay the
same price, and he must be forced to take
the cheaper paper. Ho wahtt The World,
and It will pay the. agent to push TnE
Would. He can make more.
Hon- ftlnch to Cbnrge nnd How Much
to Itelnln.
Agents have no difficulty in railing large
clubs. When tbey forward lists of names
sample copies arc cent to each, making their
work light. After each person has received
and read a sample copy, the agent calls and
no time Is wasted.
The World wishes a bright, aclivo agent
at every post-oflico In the United States.
He can mako tho work pay lnm. If any one
does not bellevothls let him sond for sample
copies and make a trial.
To agents and those who will work to ex
tend the circulation of The World, 20 po
cent, commission will be paid on all orders
for tho Weekly and Keml-Weekly editions,
and, X2M Per cent, on all orders for the
Daily and btinday editions. The following
shows exactly the amounts to be remitted
and tetaiuedi
IHilv frit no
r mill,
1 2.
funds? 2.&0
islly, nr month 50
Dally 4 baodaj, per
month T.1.
Hfrm-WeeSly 2.0(1
Weekly . l.tio
Subscriptions for six and three months are
taken for the Weekly and hemi-Weckly.
Agents deduct proportionately. No dis
tinction Is mado between renewals aud sud.
if you desire to get up a club, send a pos
tal asking tor specimen copies and circnlara.
Address The World, Now Yoik.
Subscribers Who Know When The
llnve n (tood Thlnr.
Spotsylvania Codrt-Hoope, Va. The
last of the books ordered have been received,
and I am very much pleased witn all of the
articles. I think they are great bargains.
May The World live long to secure aucb
benefits for its subscribers.
Tnos. If. Harris:.
I'nr.Dos. N. J. Scott's and Dickens's
woiks camoall right. 1 ara more than satis
fied. Every one vv ho sees them wonders how
they ran bo furnished forsosmall an auiouut
of money. p, V. Oarir.
Oeoiioe, Tenn. Webster' Unabridged
Dictionary oidered a few weeks sgo has
been leceived, I consider it a bargain at
the price. I have heretofore ordered
Dickens's novels and one gold watch, all of
which wore bargatnt. 1 thmk that my sub
scription to ! nr. Woiitd for this year alone
has been worth to me at least f:.
11. Lulu I'irkev,
WAKIllNOTOJf. Kan. I reeelveil tha thin
Beta of books which I sent for and am very
much pleased with them, as they are well
worth the money. I li.tuc voti vsiil enntlnna
tho premiums witn your taper and kuep on 1
giving it 111 tnose I'rotectlcn rascals.
Olfan, Jf. V.-I am In receipt of The
JVEEitLYand PVcrle..Atl,
than pleaseil with both. Either one I con-1
J. W. Dayib.
JIcClea. N. Y.-I have leceived the
ilictlo urv. H la veiy nice and 1 am well
puaaLU. .uauy vuauaa to you.
Polly Barney,
-ini n, Va.-Hnnrebold Edition or Cham-
.'. Encyclopedia arrived a few day?a?o 1
Iqanohlrssy that! ani very well plea.ed ,
a,i :.,r...,,ih. r;.;.r.,:L..rr..:j
rVi.i.r. i. V " '" rj'li"":M ,
e ten voliinusou d be" bought ,or.o .
money. Buccess to The World.
Pit T.,. MIM, l ,..i..i
aud find it :vr complete. I w mid not like
tupatt with it for tcauy time., its price.
huis Sr. Joun
and am much pleased with 1U
u.. .. n . ,, .7,
Melsose IIiniiLANDS, Slass. Atlas re.
celvedroveraldayiaeoandl am very much
pltattd with It, U, I CuaratAj),
A I'evr Words Thnt Will Interest livery
body tlo Yon Want n Hewing,
itlncl.lne n Hun. n Het of ttnrneaa,
n Dletlnanry. n Wntchi n I'ountnla.
Ten or nn rneyclnpedla f TIimii
ltend Wlint Folloive t
Every subscriber to Titn WonLD should
understand clearly and exactly what It has
done and Is doing for thoso whose names
aro on Its lists. While lie msy not need any
of the advantages for himself, ho mar be
able to pht somo friend or neighbor whnis
not a subscriber under lasting obligations
to him.
Nothing Is given with the subscription anil
no piescnts of sny kind aro made to new
subscribers. Allpiemlums and special con
tiacts aro lor the benclltof those who ara
already, or who may become, subtcr.bers,
and these premiums may be obtained at any
timo by subscribers. TLcroneod bo no walt
lng'for special offors. Whatever oiler may
be made at any timo will Include all those
whoso i ames are on tho subscription list,
and It will Include thoso who send In a sub
scription alter. No distinction is mado be
tween subscribers.
Tho object of The World's special con
tracts Is to make Its subscriber a specially
favored clars in any community. Tor this
icason a subscriber may not only buy for
himself under each contract, but for his
friends and neighbors, to any extent, charg
ing them a profit if ho likes, or merely put
ting them under an obligation,
For instance, any one may start qnito a
little retail Jew dry ti ado by Investing In the
watches supplied byTHE World. Jlobnys
Elgin and Waltham movements in regularly
mado gold-filled cases at Jewellers' prices,
or what is virtually wholesale rates, and he
can tell them at what price pleases him.
The World is satisfied in knowing that he
is. Here are come of tho premiums and
their prices. They do not include a subscrip
tion to The World, which In every case li
$1 extra.
Description aud prices are given In full In
another column. The watches offered are
all high grade American Waltham and
Elgin and none better can be bought any
where. You mao rather than spend money
by Investing In one of theso watcher The
chains aie full value for the money aud
more, as your own jeweller will tell yon.
The "Fairy Qrtcen " clock Is a little gem
and will keep accurate time. In it's glass
and nickel case It is an ornament to any
mantel. The I rice by mail, postpaid, Is
The different styles of harness aro fully
set forth with the prices annexed In another
column. The World believes that in
making these offers of harness It Is doing
the best thing for Its subscribers that It has
ever yet dono and this means a great deal.
Nearly every man wants a good gnn or a
good revolver. TnE World has a special
contract with the Folsom Firearms Com
pany by which its subscribers may scctlie
either ot the following:
1. The "Favorito"doublc-barrel.brcech-
loading shotgun for 40. It has decarbonized
steel barrels, tho celebrated " lower action"
for locking, case-hardened locks and
mountains, with a checkered walnut stock.
It Is beautifully finished. The 12-bore pat
tern Is 30 to 33 inches length of barrel and
weighs from 7H to BM pounds. The 10-boro
pattern is 30 to 83 inches length of barrel
and weighs from RH to 10 pounds. Twenty
tivo brass shells and a complote set of load
ing tools are sent with each gun.
x. 'ine imported "tiouuie-oarrei nrcecn
loading shot-guu, ton snap, fix. This gnn,
known among soortsmeu as "Tho Oamnlatn
lireech-loader, " has laminated steel barrels.
the rebounding Par-locks, extension rib,
" pistol-grip," stock checkered. It is fur
t lshed with patent fore-curt, rnbber butt
Plato and large firing pins. 'Die 12-bore
nattern is 30 to 32 inches length of harrnl.
weighing IVi to HU pouncU.
pattern la au to isn inches length or parrel,
welahinff HM to 10 Pounds. Loadlnrr tools
aud 2A shells are included. Hot Ji guns are
rent by excioss, the subscriber paying
3. Ihe American safety hammer, double
action revolver is sent bv registered mall.
all charges prepaid, for 42.n0. Uhis popu
lar revolver la by the celebrated manufac
turers, Harrington ,V ltlchardson. It Is a
superb weapon, self-cocking, central. Ore
double-action and with the lint roved safety
hammer. Every part la made by machinery
andean be duplicated at a small cost. The
revolver Is nickel-plated, highly 11 ishol,
with fluted cylinder and rnbber stock. The
hammer Is so constructed that it can be
lined for single as well as donblo action. It
is made In !12, 3S and 44 callbie. central
fire. The 32 and 38 calibtea iisa thn mtiia
cartridges as the Smith .t Weston revolvers.
Orders must give tho namo, post-ofilce,
county aud State.
Fnll particulars, with prices maybe found
on another page. No one intending to le
ttirulsh their narlor can afford to ov erlnnk a
bargain like tula.
The machine is a hlch.srm ona and nf Ida
style that generally letails at $05. At
the factory tho net coit to aironts in SI4A.
Subscribers may get them at tho exact cost
of manufacture. It makes the donbla-lock
stitch, it haa automatic tensiou. is light,
running and nnlselo.a and is tilted wita
every modern improvement. A full set of
attachments and instruments goes with It.
I'he price is $21, freight or expresa charges
from Cincinnati, O. , to be paid by tho
npnaiEfl and ctnTP.
ror full narttonlsra and nrlcea iaa nrlvnr.
tiscraeulrt ou another page. Hut only think
of it, a buggy, wnr.h at the factory l ;r,
to W.ihlp subscribers at 37 or a phaeton
cart worth 40 tor 2U.
This Is the larcest book In nrlnt. ft eon.
tains ",20k pages and weighs 14 pounds 10
minces. IU super orlty Is In a supplement
of 17tpageaof uw words, containing many
tlinnsand recently added, but included in
no other dictionary. 'Ihe binding is in keep
ing with the sire of tho book of tho most
snlstantial kind known, to meet constant
tisa and wear heavv sheen. I ha r!.nl
price is tlo. .Ml and transportation extra.
To subscribers af Ihe Wolld the co.t is in
if delivered to thrm at this office, hut 47 If
sent 1 1 them. Tiif Would pays all charges,
ihe postage would bo 1.3 J by rogistcied
mail, but '1 he World sends it otuvlir pi.
press, prepaid, strongly packed Which
boards. L nder the exnresa coinofltiv'i. run.
"ct none ran oe soul suuject to charges.
Ibe revised "household" edition n"!
volumes, containing K.320 pages" llltts.
Chambers's Encyclopedia is pnblished by J,
rated with about lour thousaud engtav.
.... ... ':V" l 1:?1' A"e. prion
nas iveii rciiuctHi iccuiiiiy uy tne puDIJs.hers
tu lift for tha set of tin volumes, I.0111J1I In
oln.l, 'In.' IVa.t .... .1 ,i..T. t
s-oriljeria a special rrice of to - savingthem
f '. library sheen tho price IM ;.'.
0,m,rnyili,e"? 'hfi WULU "V0"1'"
'ft'Ln 7Sil'r fii v v..i ( -
........ iia. .niit.u ,u. III tlllJ-
taom ror u-saving . I
SnOCinlen naooa of tha hnnaatinU a.lltmn
ilJi'Ar ?S "J f ' '
Jil?,1. m!,?J.'. ,,.ll.lJd .tJ"'f!."""B..
' li.h... I 11 I lKnlAA.. ,. i-t a fiLil... -
' " sunauei-
. 'limy will be shipped by Express from
Philadelphia, tha aub.criberjtc, pay the cuti
of transportation. I
It contain, the latest .Vl best maps,
I MnJaomelr printed from coAoer-plates, all
handsomely colored. It glvsja a genera!
'description of the world, togetler with Ha
vbysical ftut-form, density, tempera.
ture, motion, the seasons, climatic condi
tions, winds and currents) distribution of
land aud water: races of people and tholr to
llglnnai a historical chapter on polar ex
puliation"! also the most complete list of
nations ever published, giving tbelr goo.
graphical location, area, population aud
form or government.
Tho price is 7a cents, postage paid.
roCNTAtN fESd.
.The pen offered by The World Is mado by
John I tiloy, ot New York, and that la a suf
ficient guaiantro of its worth. Tbopenlt
self is the 1HV4K. gold. No. :i siro, and will
but for twenty ycaia Any kind nf point,
fine, medium, coarse or qulll-uib. will be
sent. Price by mall, postpaid, C1.7G.
. Tho complete works of Sir Walter Rcott.ln
twelvo handy volumes, will be mailed, post
age free, for tl. This edition is beatitirully
primal in leaded nonpareil typo and Is
bound In paper eovcif. Number of pages m
the se: about 0,000.
'Ihe complete, woikaof Charles Pickens In
fifteen bandy volumes will b mailed. pnit.
age tree, for l. This edition Is printed
lront the celebrated "Plum Pudding ''piatcs
and the mice otiginally was ."iO cents a vol
tune. Ihe binding Ior paper with heavy
wire stitching.
,,'llie "Leather Stocking Talos"of .tanes
I'Ctiimorn f onttee 111 tic nlti,.a v.l.l l.a
mailed, postage free, for R(. rent". This
edition is printed from the Plates ot an ex
pensive llbraiy edition and Is well worth
three times the prlco asked. Ihe binding is
of nupor. strongly stitched.
All orders aud icmlttances must be ont to
nr. nei ii), aim purruasers auiiiiid Dt care
ful to give in full their name, post-otlico.
vuuutj aim oiaic.
How Lvcry Womnn ilfny lie Iter Own
The bare whlto walls of tho ordinary conn
try homo are usofnl indeed, but nn ono can
claim any beauty for them, Jf any a woman
has looked around lier rooms In despair at
her Inability to do anything totono down
the blank lildeousness of tho conventional
Laro white walls. Tho milltonalrfls bsd
their tapestries and velvet hangings and
the well-to-do their fictcoa and expensive
wall papers, but what could the farmcr'a
wife do with paporhanglngs In tho hands of
a monopoly that put what prlco it pleased
them on their goods f She could and did do
Eut everything comes to thoso who wait.
and now the Trust Is broken and cheap and
pretty wall paper Is within the roach of tho
scnnt.cst purse.
The World lias mado an arrangement
with a largo manufacturer of wall paper to
have paper supplied in lots to Its sub
rcribers at the very smallest marglu of
Tho paper will be put nn and sold In lots
according to tho size of tho room to bo
No. 1 contains enough rapcr to furnish a
room llxOxK, or 320 square feet In all.
This is the ordinary small room.
No. 2 will paper a niodium-slxcd room of
14x11x0, or 430 square feet.
No. 3 will paper a largo room of 18x14x0.
or 670 square feet,
Only these three aires will be sent and nn
deviation can be made. The bundles are
mado np to paper a room as though there teere
no doors or tclnduvs in tt, consequently tills
leaves plenty of margin.
With each order will be sent comrleto
and explicit instructions enabling auy one to
prepato the wall, make the pasto and hang
ine paper an well as any workman can do It.
Tho paper Is of neat design with a gold
background and can be furuishod in a
ratlety nf pittcrus. Tho proper way to do
is to send on fi cents with jour address and
a request for ramplos. When tho samples
arorecelvod you can order what you want
from tho number pi luted on tho back of the
sample. If you order for several rooms
give the number and size for each loom
Prices aro as follows c
Lot No. 1, 41.76,
Lot No. 2. 2.26.
Lot No. .1, 2. 76.
Theso prices Inolude a border nine Inches
deep. The paper will be sent by express at
tho purchaser's exponso. No orders will be
received unless the subscriber hasseutfor
samples and selected tho design and quality
to suit his taste. If none aro satisfactory
he losoa only the 6 cents spent In postage.
Address The World, 31 Park row. Now
York City,
Thanks nnd Encouragement from the
Hinders ol "The World."
Crescent City. Fla It la a great pleas,
ure to receive tho Weekly World and have
explained all the different ways tho poor
laboring man is imposod upon by the mo
nopolists and Trusts. Thore is uo paper
published that equals The World In truth
and straightforwardness, with its strength
and power to deceive. Go ou with your
good work On tariff reform. I havo already
secured threo subscribers through your ex
posures of a protective tariff.
E. li. Newsoit.
BooTnaviLLE.W. Va. The WonLD. Long
may it live to do good. It la Just the paper
Tor formers and farmers' boys to lead. 1
have been subscribing for The World for
six years and expect to read it as long as I
am able to get it. I will try and get some of
our ltepubllcan friends to tako The World
for thiee months. Just to let themseo the
O. O. P. as other people see It. The Demo
crats here have an excellent tlckot In the
Held, and with the help of that grand old
paper. The World, wo aro aoro to win.
H. C. Meredith.
Hemlock Lake, N, Y.-I send you three
more three-months' subscribers to TnE
World, and I hope to keep it uo weekly, tin.
til after election at any rate. TnE World
takes immensely with all thinking people, as
It always gives a reason whj-t specially with
the'i'orill question. Tho only argument I
have j ot seiu for a IfepuUicau tarilf is the
senseless. J ell of " 1'roo Trade," and even
life-long republicans are getting sick of
hat jAiim O. NicKriiso.
UKioxrV nr. 0 The Tariff question has
been discussed iu this neighborhood more
In the hut six months than ever befoie,
owing toTiiE World'h revelations. I think
that on' reason for the success of Its art'
cleu Is that besides being original they also
bear lbs stamp of trutn. Men will read and
think over a new argument where theyvvill
turn away from a hackneyed one as a mutter
of cdjmc. Let the good woik go on,
W. 0. Lyos.
Pr. JlAitTiNvitLE, La.-Onr thatiks are
die to The Would for killing, or at least
nelplng to kill, the Infamous Force bill, e
hope that the Fall elections In the North
will prove to liced. Lodge, Hoar .'(Co. that
they are not, alter all. such great atatesmeu
as they imagine themselves to be. 'Ibe De
grees here are nnanlmnualy against tho
Force bill. 1 P. I). Dk Le Cnoix.
EcritLi, Ala. I wish to say that I believe
The World to be the bravest aud truest
friend, tho wisest and most devoted cham
pion of the lights of the people of all the
newspapers in our dear land ot liberty.
W. II. Miller.
Patterson, N, C Inclosed fludtt, to re
now my subscription to The World. I can
not do without the bout paper I ever saw,
E. 11. DoBniNs.
Windsor, Vt I like your paper the best
ot all those I have seen. You are not afraid
to tell the truth as the other) are. I should
be lost now without Tub World.
Every Tnrleiy nnd Hijle nf American
Slovementa unit fnaea Huprllrd Sub.
aeribera In "Tho World" nt "TruM
CSJPrleea" Tho .lliinhntlnii llorpe.
Tns World's watch war on the ndvertls.
Ing sharks who awl; die pct-plo buying
wa tents through the mail lias tnlmlnated in
a boycott by all the American manufactur
ers and caremnkera nnd In the clo'ingof
every legitimate sonrce of Bupplr to the
newspapers Irylng to protect their sub
serlbcrs. Thlsrimply puts Tim World to
the trouble of buying 1,000 watchos from
forty dealers in different cities inttad of
buying them from ono dealer In this city.
It adds a trilling amount to the cxpen-eof
getting each watch snrieptlt'.ousiy whicn
was before purchased openly, but not
enough In make any practical d.fTcrrnce to
the consumci. Ho long as Ihe An.eiicnn
watches are sold in tins country fiiv World
can get tbeni and its subscribers shall hate
cheap WATcnra.
To buy a poor timekeeper "a cheap and
narty Watarbury-in either a cheap ca-cor
a dear esse, is merely to throw away tho
money lor the one or the other. If show is
wanted, buy nn , empty caso and put
all tuj money in that. If a time,
keeper is wanted, put the money In that.
Put never buy a movement that will not
keen time.
'Ihe best timekeepers In the world nre the
standard Amencan movements, the lowest
grade ot which haB reveii jewels. '1 he Elgin
and Waltham companies have made about
ten million movements ot thl glade, and
the reputation of the American wotehea as
the best timekeenera in thn wm lrl la Imaoil
on tbo seven-Jen elled movement. '1 lie new
sovcn-Jcwelled movement lust pnt on the
nisrhct uy too ntsii'jaru company is a
marvel of beauty, and tho cheapest. Its
reputation as a timekeeper has yet to be
made, aud The World is enabled to ofler its
aprrrir. nrr.n wn 1
Tho Stnndsrd Coretpani's sven.!ewelIM nleltat
movemen:, in sn opin-:acd ilvorlna can, clem w lnt
aii'i p?i, ftaieir piuiun, i ompanftfttiou ramncr, tem
pered liatr-eprina, by rtgbtercd mail, In perlect
ertfr, u,
Ths tllrerfna ara tha enler of silver.
smooth, of liaril metal anil carefully matte, Ihty
rra vary bsavr, mil, while not hindome, will pro
tect a vrateb batter than any other vaea in ttia war-
.i. iiiar ara samio on ouiproor.
nftr rtlndirl scvanjerelleil trovpmauts In
coln-sllvtr canal hare bueu obtained, and vrlll to
oiu at set racn.
lint many will want the better known
movement, and here is
special orrrn jro. 2.
A vvaltnam sofeu-jewallad mnveinenMn an open
faced silTerlnn case, atetn wind and set, aaletr
pinion, rompensatlon balance, tempered hair
spring, by reclstered lusii, In perfect crder,
ntA naUnt r,a,laM.. SB 1
Asthesa movements aro very scarce and hvrd to
ret, tha riant Is lererred to send either Elutn or
,, ei. ubiii, , ii rj can la
or vValtbam will be sent.
can ba obtained. Uut only Klain
Tha natent rafn!ntnr and entntinraatlnn
balance makes ft canal as a time-Keeper to
any waicii turneu out oi tne x,igiu or
Waltham factories.
I'hft mnvenipnt. la crnaeanlf.n.1 l.w Tt. r
World to be the genuine movement, tho
same mat mo uuyer wouiit pay I7o to isioo
for In a flfty-rennyweight gold cac. Any
subscriber ruav rend In full contldonco that
ne win get a goon timekeeper.
Tho ten.cnrst. pnlil.fllle.t MnntnnV nn.n.
faced ca-cs, guaranteed for llftccn years by
Joseph lahys. and tho tblec-ouiico coin
silver cases are the same piles at pioscnt.
Hore is The World's
A ValthAro reTea-jevreiled moTenient, stem
i.n'lii.nrrTnifA n
hiuu idii ee..; pinion, coinpenestlon
balance. In Montauk or coln-silter caan,
both screw back and screw bezel, doit and
water proof. $12.03
II ItnDl.N ,,l.lw SI
A Walthsm ten-jew oiled luovameiit, aama.,,, 14. 20
ItflAnilenlrecun'or, 1 tilra,
A Waltham fliteen rnbylaweued more-
rnent. eipnted plilots, patent res alitor,
adjestod , 10.05
A condition of tbia offer la that Plain mnoniam.
of thn exact eatna or higher arade may t o substi
tuted when Waltbams cannot Ln had.
Tho patent reirnlntor addpil makes then.
the equal as timekeepers of any priced
watch made.
ihe wire man will buy tho ton-inwellnd
movement, with a patent regulattir.15.2o.
In a sllverlno caso tho subscribers cau
getthts lor 10.20.
If tho subscriber wishes to older a special
movement In the Moutank gold. filled or
coin-silver cases, ho cau do eo at the follow
ing pricesi
VI'ahAairL .
M'ro. hllery., ,, S14.P5
P. ti. Hartletv... !;.,.."",".".,... 18 IM
A., T. & t.'o.. lnjeneir.gUt 24,70
hime, lfl JevTetr, nick.,.,, , KO. 70
CriientMret,16jenels,nick ho 45
). M. Wheeler, 15 Jnvrola 17,i
It. 11. Taylor. In jevrela. y.46
li. W. Uiymond, ID Jewels SS.10
In a 1 4. curat onld.tlneil ffl.i. rvnnrnntnert
for twenty-one years, the pi ice of the fore
going will be 2. .10 extra lor cugluc-
lurueu, aumj.oy ror engiaveu.
AllV seven-lewelled mnvemenr enalift fni.
nished ill a .Montauk 10. carat gold-nlled
hunting cae tor, but something
can bo saved to the nubxeriber when he will
take either the f.lgin or Waltham. whichever
may at the moment be obtainable of tlie ex
act same grade. Under theo conditions
The W0111.11 makes
bpecial orrnn sn. 4.
A AValtham aoveii-Jeweiled movement,
alety plutoo, couipeniitlon balauee.
Hem whirl and net. in Mnntiiilt 1(Lnt .
aold-ttlled or eoin-allver huntlua caia.,,, $14.7.
Sune, 11 iwel Ju.f.0 ,
bame, 16 Jewell, patent reanlir, nick IH..5
baine, 16 ruby Jeaeli.patast rexmator, .
ji'l, Hi t. 21,76
Same, tint quality ailt movement. 16 red
rnuyjeneis in aoia lau.nas, uoubla auna
dial, adjusted to beat, cold and poiltious.
patent regulator , 7.
Same In nickel mofement.. 20.7.S
llai.ll o,' tba laetiiriea at t.lcin and v altiiam lur
tillhea correipondinn arades and thei prlura are
Lotidltional upon its bein t.lfed tree, whichever U
atallihle at the theorderfs reeeited. Ina
M.rarit, old.nlld, 21-ye.r ea.n, the price la
62.60 till a lor anxmo turned an J $11.60 etiarared.
If tho stlbieribrr wlrhea to order a aneeial
watch, which wld havo to bo specially car
chased for lnm. orders will be nlled uiXer
tho lullowliig
Any seven-Jewelled movement of any Am-
crioaa iic.vry, in a j.our&ul. IJ.jesr
nd.nlle4 buulior case. ,
No. li. -Jl itwali. niek ,.
No, 16 1, jnirolr, latom resnlator. nick
No. 26. 16 j.uela, jiatcnt regulator, ad.
la.ted lo
tnmpeiaturw tud
No. 115 16 Jcwela, pvtent rtwulitor, td
juitei 10 tttiiitwrature aud position,
1". t. liartletl, 1 f. j-v. oViJ ni'! ,."
A T. 4 Co., 16 ivnete, nick....,
L'roaient hlreot, iDJawrl, nick ,,
No 1U-11 lewela $18..',n
No. 1M.116 Jowrla, patent rran atnr, nick 21.26
No. r016 lewala, patoui rrxulitur, ad-
tl. M Whenfer, lh Jewel. , 21 .Ot
II. II. Taylor. In Jtwala I....;.".!.. Sil 00
11. W liainoud. ;i'.,25
Hr ecial nrilpr. en lhiHn 111a v lm in
loniteen caret, twenty or tvveuty.cno
leal tilled bunting cnso, are (2,60 addi
tional ,or eilffllie turned, and A:t.6ll fne
Solid gold cases, iu 14 carat, cost U4
cents per prnuywelght tor the gold and in
tor making (plain). Kngraving costa 6
mnre. lor IH.catat gold the coat 1 no
centa per ronny weight, but this istoosott.
I'ittypinuv-we'ghiaia the Hehteat hunting
case that should bo u.ed.
Bo long aa either a Wallham or Elgin
movement may be uud in a Montauk case,
the price will lemam i:, 76. Ireitlierls
specially ordered, the price must be tin, 00,
in a Monarch (14 carat, 21-year) engine
turned caae, for tho seven Jewelled move,
Tbe higher grade movements can be fur
nished at the fallowing additional cost in
Monarch (14-carat) cases)
JJ awe. -4 ,0
17 l.wala 112.110
Ill jewels, flit..., ,
1 Jewell, nickel tnuTeioant.,.,,,,, ., lri.nll
Biewela, moke) oiovemtDt. ,,,,,, M,60
fjjawali, silt. , 17 n
6 Jewels, nickel , 1,00
The Monarch cares are engine turned.
In ladles' watches tho i heapeat and best,
movement is tha l;Mcwel!ed nickel Wallh.
am, for IK, no. In a Monan li ce. 'Ihere
Is no dlfleienco botvvrrn this twenty-niio
year tilled case and one of anlld gold, except
thatit la much heavier and will protect tho
watch better than anr solid gold case nost-
lng less than tiir., 'J his movement In this
cane Is all that a princess would dcslio In
mo way oi a waicil.
ai'LlT-SEtOKl) noRar-TiMEna. $ 1
The chcrpeat chronograph orb ir-o-timer
heretofore has been the V altliam Nn. 7 10,
fill) iu open face, 4t) ptnuywclght, In.carat
'In meet the demand for a clieap bore
t mcr, for ure on the road and on tho farm,
the .Man latlan Watch Company iui. u.hc
tniea stop-watch with nd hand
sweeping around the dial and dividing eaeh
minute into lioo parts cr each second into
Uvt. lor the man, lor every
ono who wishes to measure time moie
kccutotelytuan a p.slb.o with an ordinary
natch, this is ixactly the witch he tiee. s.
Irieieis nothing llknlt on the market and
nothing c, esper than too that will do the
same work, it is care 1 In on exquisitely eh'
graved Jlnntaiik H earat,ric I
air made for
thi .Miiiihattan Compar y ami gum untied for
lltteeii years. It Is screw-tack and be' l.
dust ami water tight 'Ihe awicp-stcond
hand Is controlled by the lofi-hand pout,
"iMi;.i i.u;'- anu starts ii. ii is not a
II. -hack. Die rlgbr-hnnd poit sets the
va u , o that it la not necesrary to otien
t ecase. 1 he movement has three Jew. Is,
and these three are In tho balance, wi ere
liiost needed. Itlsilassod ns" full-Jewel
balance. " As a timekeeper lo. ordiuaiy
touxii wear and usage It should not be put
Into competition with the soten-lcwelicd
llgln umi Walthams, in tliesame Montauk, at 9lv. t)A. It has much more mceh
an sm tu carry lis sweep-ncond hand, and
It la moro ' el.cately ad usted aud easier
put tint of r.rder. It it a watch that mti-t
be treated with care and attention, and
winch ennnot be cxrectrd to stand
thn rough usage of an nrdlnay watch.
1 ho e who do tiot need the swei p-recond
band marking llftlis or a second, who only
dome a watch to keen pertcct time, should
order a vv a than, ni fli-i.i' Thn Maul.niten
Company irusraiiteoa tho movement against
Imperfection, but not against llbmage, for
nun jvar. ioiecuve waicue'. win ne ex
changed for nowone.but waiches that have
been maltreated tnnat be repaired, lleralrs
of all ltltidc w 111 always be made by tho Com
pany at mere cost.and It prefers to repoir its
own watches.
'J Ms uiotrntent 1n asUrerine casetsonlv
"o. Aiie nniy uiuercnce is in the care.
Tins puts It within the reach of evoiy ono
who wants a chronograph lor use In timiug
races, tlie speed ol lioreg, &c. It Is cspe adapted lor tho use of physicians.
The Manhattan Watch Company liasputon
the market, for a limited time, its now Hire,
keetcr.ln an orcii-tacedallverino or "nickel
silver" cae, at 'Jhis la a three
Jewelled ninvemflit. without second hand,
which it wishes to put in competition with
any of the cheaper timekeepers made. The
regular prito is IU, and tho reduction to
Ti'K World'h subscribers is fi.60. 'Iho
case is solid, and guaranteed never to tar
nisn or lore Us ellur color,
itow TO onDER.
In ordering a watch aay whether it la for
a mail or woman, whether hunting cae or
opo , luce, and what tho advertised prico is.
Slate distinctly the number of the ofler. as
different watches have the same price, lln
not order a watoli unless you know tlio
price, and do not order a watch that Ik not
named in Tup World. Wiilo and ask tho
price. The Woild will purchase for any
subicnber, but for no nno else, any watch
bo may desire, at the loncst prico possible.
It may vary, according to the sttuatlou.
The demand for watch chains has made It
t' to supply than to rotuee It. In ap-
peamuce mere la nn nir-
roicnce netvvecn a plated
chain worth ten cents, a
rolled gold chain wortli
$10 and a solid gold
chain worth $100. It Is
a matter of faith, and
Tnp World has objected
to having anything de
pendon "faith." How.
ever, for such as wish It,
Tut: World has reenrod
an extraordinarily low
prlco on two standard
patterns of gold rolled
chains, guaianteed to
wear live years, "war
ranted 14-carat gold sol
dered" whatever that
maymeau. Tbe two cuts
snow the sizcoi tnoltnk.
Laolillnkof No. 1 lsbent No. 2.
ami twibteri. dih the cut
does not show it. The links of No. 2 nre
double. Iheso chains will he sent by rcgis
teied mail upon receipt of tl.o5 for No. 1
and $2.K6 for No. 2.
For tho ladles three patterns of fob-chains
havo been se'ected. Those are simple aud
neat, and will please those having quiet
No. 3. price $1.75, has aamall link, with
small cube pendant.
, No. 4, prico J2.00, small links, pointed
bsll pendant.
No. n. price '.. 25, of fine wiro woven,
witli fen pendant
All theso chains arc of genuine rolled gold.
'I hey nre not plated or ilro gilt cholna, tho
best of which will not wear alx months.
Lolled gold chains are made bv rolling solid
Platea of gold siound a niece of wire, which
is then drawn nut to the size wanted for the
chain. TliiHWlrolsciitlntnpIeccs, bentami
linked together, and soldered with solid
gold where tho gold wlr meets. This
mukes a ehain to all intents and purposes
sol'd-bnt "rolled Plato" In pome. The
genuine lolled plate wears for years, lint the
market is Hooded with cheap imitations In
elocttoplato and liro gilt that must be
Unsolicited Teellmonlnls from llunilrrila
of Piirclmanra.
IIocsd Carre. La. Y'ntirprcmlum twelvo.
dollarlgold w atch, ordered receti tlr. 1 eccivod.
It is a beautiful pieco of workmanship.
worth much moro than the amount de
manded for it. and any gontlcinan can wear
It with pride, for It is most artistically flu
ishccl. It l certainly superior to what I ex
pected for the small sum ot $12.
Dn. O. noARD.
CAHBniDOE, 0. My watch camo to hand
In due time safe and sound. I read the di
rections aud handled tho watch according
to instructions, aud it started off very nicely,
and is ju.t as good a watch as I want.
LJvciybody admires its beauty and wonders
how you cnn furnish such a watch as this
fer the small amount of $12, I tell them to
subscribe tnr TnE World and then they can
get ono fur themselves, W, K. Borton,
Chatham, H. Y.-I received my watch
about aeven weeks ago all safe, but neglected
to wrilo to you. It baa beci keeping correct
time, and 1 am very much pleased with it.
I think it a perfect beauty aud worth twice
the money pant. (icniar. Bhctei.t,
1!iiai.yillf, L'tah.-I have received both
watches and I am much pleaded with tiieni.
They keep good time. I could not get as
good a watch anywhere cite for the money.
James. Kohinson.
Wnrnxo, Mo, I lorgnt to noV owledao
tho receipt of the elegant waUh I ordered
from you. It la orroniental. beautiful and
userul. Many thank" Tor It and ror what
yon are didtig for the snli'oriber of Tui:
WlillLP, J. 11. TliMI.I1.liUK,
Deokeutown. N. J.-I lecclvo 1 the watch
yesterday and am well satisfied with It. I
would a iviro any i.po desiring a goud watch
to subscribe foi Tiik. Would,
J. M. Blavvflt.
Aitoona, Pa. Please accept our hearty
thanks tor the lovely watoli. W'e, nfcoiiino.
expeeted it to be a. ropiHseutoil. butilid not
kn iw that wo might liko tlie doalgu, Wo
tile wol) nleaai n. lr wi nut by the aide nf
two other watches tha' each coat tmu-e than I
uiioo viiue' nn iiihi'JI, a in it uiu not loao
anything bv tlie comparison. Mir, 11.
ltintriFiD. (.'tab. -I received the watch In
good oondition. 1 am higelr plouued with
Ita aprearauto, and it It plow s as gi oj in
use u it is in appearance I tha i feel well
repaid for tho price. rUna tlAtiosnt.
Atlantic. W. Va.-I loccived the gold
watch I rent for and tlnd tt is much bolter
than jouieprereiitert It to bo. 1 have seen
all the premium and aiticles you have ad
vertised tor tlie lat live years iu your own
name) and found I hem all better than you
cla med them tu be, Accept thanks lor jour
piomplnoes. E. E, MoMillen.
Old Oltuncif. Va. Thn waleh that T
ordered some time ago fiom you I ticetved I
in good order. J cau say J am highly tie.
iiwnieu wivu ii, ior it gives me periect satis
faction, w, J, Miles.
Mabun, Tex. -The gold watch ordeied of
you some time since came duly to band.
have given It as thorongh trial as the time
wotilcf alfow and find it lo be all yon adver-
(Ian iff,, l.n 'I r f hn JO wlm Will I aWStCh 1
can recommend It as bclug Just what voii
represent It to to.and one that will mcrt all
roitilremelit), Jko. M. Jolly.
, OAnnrLP. N. Y.-I. received the watch
i last Haltirday night. It came through, all
right, and lam very ranch pleased will it.
ii lias uepi goon rime ru lar, vi iiium
vYot.LD Is a great paper. My father has
taken It for a great many years, aud expects
to take It for many more.
8. E. rnxLOCK.
Photo City. Utah. -The second grid watch
came about a week ago. nnd would bo moro
ratisiactory than Ihe other wete not the
other as tstlsiaclory as can be. icouaidcr
the other highly satisfactory and. this one
" satisfactorily." Dr. W. H. Depew.
Tuny, Pa. I received the watch and It is
a 1 canty. My .laughter la so pleased with
it tl at she cannot bear to bate It out of her
Fight. I allowed It to five or nx persona and
they thoiigl t ttwas a wonder. 1 wound it
up and it runs iightalcng with onrclud;.
Jons P. Portfr.
Crnr.rnLt.r. S. Pak. Home lljne In July
I ordered a wnteli through TnE Wontu, but
delnved aekiiotti. ilgn g riceipt ot tho saino
iu order to give it a thorough trial. I can
row aay 1 am more than satisfied. It is a
"dandy." (Jive tbe high-tarlll bnga lit..
11. 1". LoCNSBEttV.
Allyoant, N. Y.I received the gold
watch on Aug, II, and since then It has kept
good fine. 1 vvlrh to acknowledge that I
am more than well pleased with It.
(1. W. Darrer.
MirsnpLA, Mon. I received the watch on
the wi tli. and I am ery mnch pleaaed with
It. It Is much better than I expected. I
am pcrlcctiy satisfied with my investment.
Jatoi ItKiNiiAr.n.
Pi.PAaANT Plains.111. I received the gold
watch ro' eral days ago. I appreciate itvery
highly Loth ror the finality ol the works and
the case. Accept thanks. John CvnTEE.
r.cttiiAn-r. lid, t received tlie watch In
pood condition. It keeps good time so far.
We are well pleased nitn It. Accent my
thanks. .Ions F. Brady.
Jamfsthwn. N, Y. The watch came all
right and is a beauty. I will teat tt when my
sou leturns and lepoit. II, J, Bpekcip.
Tpoy, Pa.-Hie watch was received about
a week ago, It In in every rerpeet first oisss,
and when started began and has continued
to keep time perfectly. Many thanks.
A. M. Wehto;.
NoiiTn Havev, Me. I received one chain
ycujeidny and another to-dpy. They are
very good, and lnm much pleased. Many
thanks. P. L. OiLpkhwood.
IttnAx, Neb. My watch chain camo to
hand to-day, audi nm very well pleased with
It, indeed. Joun Uawxsby.
Holly, Col. The watch came to band on
the 17th lilt. U. K. It Is certainly very
cheap aud good. It certainly pays to bo a
subscriber to Tub Weekiy World. Anyone
can mako money, for The World is no
rniite. but give lionert goods to its sub
scribers. It la an excellent, sound, honest
Democratic ptpcr. May success perch on
the banner of The World.
Alfred Daxter.
Hwef.t Chalybeate. Ya. I received tho
watch O. K. tbla a. h. Jt is a dandy and
I am well pleased with It. I think It la a
chance in a lifetime to get a good watch so
cheap. D. ,T, Uallaouan.
Mount Olive, Va. I received lady'a
watch from you romo time ago and am well
pit ascd with tt, 1 stepped Into a local Jewel
ler's shop a few days auo, and seeing a Mon.
tank case, asked the price of the watch. Iho
answer mi 25. I only paid l:i.76 for
lniuc. W. C Wisman.
Marios, B.C. Tho handsome lady's watch
received eomedavs ago, I find It ri repre
sented andam very muchplcatod with it.
Joseph A. Haker.
Bt. Ionatice, Mon. I received my watch
in good shape, nnd consider it an oxccllunt
ouo for the money, 1 am well pleased with
it aud will call again. Jameb Downey.
TAStrA. Fla. Tho watch came to handlast
Monday, and sn far as I can Judge at preent
1 am wonderfully well pleased with tt and
could not duplicuto it hciefnr less than f 18.
V. 11. MdLTAtSF.
ORrATri.t., N. Y.I am much pleased
with the watch. It keeps good time.
Jacob Moon.
Oreen's Farjis, Conn. I received my
watch In good order. I am niucli pleared
with it and wisli to tbatfk TnK Would for
the iavor done me. II. M. HutnwooD.
flnPWVPnnT. V. V. T rnrnlv. ih.
last night (1. K. It la a beauty and 1 am
very inncii pleased witn it. A. 1.. Porter.
Manasqpan, N. J.--The watch received In
perfect order. 1 am pleased with tho same.
FltASK Obbohx.
Bethlehem. Mel. I wish to acknowledge
the receipt of. tho gold watch I ordered
through Tnr World. It exceeded my ex
pectations. I must say I was snrprlscd at
the marvelloni cheapness ot the caso and
movement, na 1 rnmtlilnr it tlrat eiana in
evoiy tespoet. Long life and success to
The W orld. II, F. Andrew.
That fa XVhnt They Ray About Ihe
Iluggv and llnrneaa.
Beater Falls, Fa. The buggy arnved
last week, and I can truthfully commend
the same to any of TnE World's subscribers
aaa buggy well worth tho prlco at which
tbey are sold by The World. Thanking
you for past favora and assuring yon of
some more orders. I am H. H, Benforp.
Bilyer Brnisop, Fla. I received tho phae
ton cart ami liaruosa In good order. I cm
well pleased with them. The cart Is much
better than I expected, Mary W. Coop.
Pine Bluff. Ark. The buggy camo 0. K.
and gives pel feet f atinfactlon. Many neigh
bors havo examined it and are highly
pleased with it. Beteral trill send for TnE
WonLD and buggy soon. All pritlso your
masterly effort against tho McKlnley and
Lodge bills. Mav the flag ot The World
be ever in tho front rank for tho dofenaeof
tbe poor aud bid dellauco to the oppressor.
J. A. Hupoens.
Ehrur Oak. N. Y. Tho too buggy and
Jiarnesa ordered from you arrived all right.
I am heartily eatisfled with both. I thor
oughly indorse tho expression, "It pays to
be a subscriber to The World." Your ar
ticles. "War on the Farmer," aro admirable.
May you t o blemed with tho "gift of con
tinuance " in showing up fraud and imposi
tion of vvhatcvor kind. r . A. Cubtain.
I)e Lyrt.'! Springs. Fla. Thesinglo buggy
hirnoMS I ordered of von niriv..! all eir-lit.
and gives -ntlsf action. I com. dor it a cheap
haniL-fs at toe price. I albo liko your 1 aper
verrinuch and earnestly wh it bucccik,
while managed in tho war it is now. Were
It not lor such rapcra woikinc in the Inter
eitoftbo masses this country would havo
gone to ruin long ago -at leant, that is the
opinion of a great many people, mysclt in
cluded. May (lod speed your etlorts in dar
ing t do right. Urn. W'lLLICf.VEF.
lYiurBMlTrr. Ailc T reeoiveil thn hunt..
all right. 1 um reiy much plcarcnftwith it.
c. ijonvi'f.
IIkiovtovvW. Pa.-I leceived thn liii(.vT
ordeied from you all right, lam neitcctly
satisfied with it.
i.rt it.
WllLfnTT. N. Y The huoov areir.l nn
the 7th. lam very much pleased with it.
'! he harne-s came a week ago. I found it
lust aa auverineu. ALtRED uiikey.
Port Haruelhov. B.C. I take rlenauro in
acknowledging Ihe receipt of the two
watehes, buggy d harness ordered from
you recently. Tnoy were received in good
order and tuo entirely ratlslectoiy.
Cor.rsiniTR. N. .1. The l.tienri. nt l..,,I
and think it it very cheap.
npi.M e:,,,,. .i.n ii.....,.1h.
Litii.e Compton. It. X. Thcdouble.barrel
uiori:uouiiiiiK KHH J"U SCIll Hie cameail
right. I do not think I could get the same
gnu in Bo. ton tor twice tha ininmv. ft. v. u
regular "Jim-dandy." Aruipu Dirp.
.Vllfoany, N. Y.-I received the rovnlver
all right and am well pleased with the samo.
Howard Lewis.
Lexinotox. Ya. t acknovvledge the re.
ueintof two safety-hauimer tevolvcrs, with
which 1 am very much pltu-ed.
W, A. McKect.
Weiser, Idaho. I received the revolver
all right and more than pleased with my
purchase. Thanks to The World. I eliau
.Miti-uuee. .uii'i" iu AJ1K VIUIVLD. A flit
teud you some moie orders soon.
Thomas Shannon.
IlncKwoon, Ore, I sent for one of your
dnub'e-barrelled shotguns last Fall, audit
haa pruvi'd satisfactory I every respect. I
do nut roe bow 1 could do without Trm
Woai.n. It is tho best paper In the whole
country, and may It live long to expound
tuo irutu. a, ii. Melvin.
iM.IC"!f,KT',F1,u,TI,,'ocelTe:'tl" Pl'tol lt
night all Q. K. It ahoots straight and lilts
the bull's-eye every time. J. B. Couen.
Two tlrent OHrei Which livery I.nvcr
ot .ttnslc Will Ho M'ell (it ttend-The
Ileal fllnale t Lowest Prices W hy
l'ny a Tax to Ihe .Itiiale stereo When
Von Cnn Itny Direct from the Pub
The sensation of the season Is Stransa and
his world-famous Vicunose orcbesti a at tlio
Madison Square (laiilen. Btrausa's lovely
dance music, n Interpreted by hla own
orchestra, la something to hear and novcr
forget. As very few of the subsciibers to
tho weekly edition of Tnr. World have the
plrasitte of listening to Stranre and Ms won.
derftil muaiciaui in person. The World
has made arrangements to place the mnslo
' IKelf within tho reach of all. A newcnlicc.
Hon bi Btrauss's dance music, on flue heavy
paper, in regular sheet form, has Just been
published. Tho list below tells exactly what
it Is, and tbe tegular retail prices are an.
flood Old Time VTarcres 76
Chic Polka 40
Von am! Yon Wiltie" S3
Vienna r.loodi ..........Waltse 45
Wine, Woman and Pong,, , ...Waltzes 60
Tl puavnd snd One Nfthts Polka 60
With tha Wind and Till Polka 40
beautiful May. , Waltu. 60
Ilaaatlfnl Hone Polka Mazourka 40
Friendly (Jioe'.lo Waltzes 76
Awskenlor of the Heir Tolka Masoarka 40
OnaWaaer (lalop 40
Oar Motto Waltzes 70
Veil and Crown , Waltzea 60
Soucaifrota Home Waltzes 60
Hr Stearo Polka 40
WildOr Polka 40
Artlit's Mfo... Waltzes 60
Adele Waltzea 76
Nirht In Venicn Waltzos 60
Orer Field and Aleadow,,,, Ualop 40
LanaTiaraof tbo Eye ...fJalop 40
For Leva of ltsr Oalop 40
Vienna Dialect .Waltcea 76
ftalvinl Polka SO
Grpryllaron Walts 60
Italian Waltzes 75
One Heart, OneMInd .Polka Slazonrka 36
ejneea'a Laca llandkerohiof. Walts 40
On the Braatifulbiue Danube Waltzea 06
noocseclo. Waltzes 26
Clear tbe Track Oalop .15
In all there are thirty-two pieces, retailing
for 116.20. To thoso ablo to purcharo at
hair price it Is f7. 00. This is a pretty high
price, but people must pay it and they do
pay it.
TnE world's stecial orrEn.
The entlro set of thirty-two pieces of sheet
music willle sent, postpaid, by The World
to any subscriber to its weekly odltlon on
receipt of 2. 00, but only upon condition
that the purchaser s7iatl Incloso with tits
order the names of three Mends, to whom
The Weerly WonLD is to be sent (free) for
threo months with the purchaser's compli
ments. That is all. The subscriber gets
the music, and be has the privilege of send
ing The Weekly World for three months
on trial to three friends.
Btrauss's dance music is also published In
quarto book form, bound In paper, includ
ing the wholo collection of thirty-two pieces.
The bound copy will be sent on receipt of f 1
and the names of two fiiends. tobeplacod
on the subscription list of The Weekly
WunLD for threo months, without cost to
cither the put chaser or themselves.
akother oreat offer.
Tho Pitayiciit Liorarv of Vocal Jlustc and
the Wolteld IALrarv af Instrumental Musto
are new publications by the U'orld Jlfitsfcal
Supply Depot Dial every lover of mnslo
should be Interested In. Two numbers are
Issued every month, one vocal and tho other
Instrumental. Each number contains six.
teen pages of the best and latest copyright
music and from threo to six pieces, wortli at
ordinary retail prices from 40 to 76 cents
each. Kemember that this is not old, stale
reprints of musical back numbers, but a
collection of the latest and most popular
pieces of modern composers ln this country
and abroad. For example, tho vocal num.
bor for May contains t
Little Annie Rooney , Nolan
to Old Madrid Trotero
Lore's Oolden Dream.,,, Lennox
Diilfhoolj Martin
The instrumental number for August con
tains! You and Von (Da nnd Da) Walls FHraoes
Little Slncer Hilling
Heel and Too PcUa Putnam
Colleca Nones, Landers lllinan
A New Vorke Dancr Ilaffmau
The libraries ore handsomely printed on
heavy paper, of tbe ordinary shcol.miioio
size, and aro without doubt tho cheapest
mimic ever published.
To any World subscriber, who Is also a
subscriber to the M ustcal t-upply Depot, tlio
prico of a subscription (twelvo mouths) to
either the vocal or instrumental library is
$1. As a special inducement, this will in
clude two three-mouths subscriptions to
Tur. World, sent to any address that tho
subscriber moy indicato. You can thus my
a pretty compliment to a couple of friends,
and at tho same time get your money's
woith ten times over.
If you are a subctiber to The World, but
not a member of the Mubtcal Supply Depot,
you need only rend your name with a re
quest for inembertblp to A. J. BaolCeld,
Secretary MtuicalSupoly Depot, 718Broad-.
way. New York City.
A membership certificate and catalogue
will bo rout yon by icturn mall. In ordering;
be enro to stateplalnly whether you wish the
Vocal or Instrumental Llbiary, Send all
orders to Tho World Musical Supply Depot,
71 K Broadway.
Send all remittances to
The World, Now York.
The Pen la n Sneeeaa.
Twin Lakes, Fla. I received the pen to
day, fiho is n "daisy." I dou't eco how
they can bo mode so cheap. MoioofTiia
World's wonders. Long livo ThbWohldI
Jno. II. JIeilly.
Liverpool, Fla. I have received the pe
you ordered for me. nnd I certainly think a
mlatake has been made by sending me a $
pen for less than half that amount.
Jnc. Cross.
Port HAnnELSov. H. C.-I write to ac
knowledge the receipt uf tho pen and to ray
that same ia very satiafacton. 1 regardit
as the best fouutaiu pen I have ever used.
V, A. Dcar.sRcny,
IfrKNioiiTBTowN. Pa. -'Ihe fountain pen'
arrived ou Saturday and rllla the bill. It is
v ..w.. iut.-iianii-aiijr mm uoes tlio
most eatislactory work of auy 1 hav o seen.
Perd, N, Y. The pen arrived In good
shape and glvca perfect satisfaction.
Wm. IU JJveritt.
The Hiinecxed Parmer,
irrom !( oiott.1
Uncle Jerry Busk, Harrison's Scerctsryof
Agriculture, has pecn making anme danger,
ous admissions to tbe Farmers' Alliance lu
Ohio, Ho told the assembled agriculturists
that the prlco of farm producta w as regulated
by tbe poition exported. In other words, all
the farmcr'aaalcs aro in a free-trade market,
but all his purchaiea Id a higli-rrotected
market. How long will farmers stand tt t
tray tcsni mtoeg aa cksoo waUUt uhtn ioii
tane,t an "Eieui" tr a " WMHrn," tkrowh
"1st Kuril" (tr las tamsgrlt