The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 31, 1890, Image 3

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    Itrrubllshed every Friday. Subscription price
II 00 II .vu'r.
Entered at tho Post omco at Itloomsbure. pa .
M second clasjinattor, March I, iss8. '
FltlDAY, OOTOUKU 31, 1890.
roRRicT nianoin tin TiRLt,
TralnB on tho r.
7:31 a. m.
8:31 p. m.
It. H. It. toavo ltupeite
. 6onn.
11:01 n.m.
o:iy p. m.
TrstnsonthoD.l,. Bloomsburir
u ronnwsi b
KORin. south.
T26a. m. 8:3a a.m.
10-49 a. ra. 1:1B p. m,
S:3S P. m. 4:15 p. m.
e 38 p.m. 8:24 p.m.
Tratneontho N.
r r y as follows I
10:48 a. m.
W. D. Hallway pass llloom
19:37 p. m.
4-ao p. m.
10:43 n ra
6:39 p m
uLooMsunita t sullivan Hailko vd
Taking olloct MONDAY, SKfTKMBBIt S, 18S9.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS. P. . i. M. A.. A.V. r. u. r. M.
rtloomsbnrg, ........ s m ii 43 7 en s a 6 40
Malnstreot 18 11 41 e 68 s 4a 2 42 47
Ironditlf . 6 18 11 89 fi 8 n 3 41 0 60
inn.llll . . R nS 11 51 R Aft Q K-l J .4
Llghts'treot. 6 05 11 88 t 41 8 Bfl. S M 7 03
i v j v o mij on ( u.f
K II U . .1 n n n -
n.nnirnvi n . . . . n nr 11 211 n gmm T
u. w w u. v Ul a W, 4 III
..a U 1J 11 1U O tt.l H tO 3 W T VI
5 42 11 Oft 0 21 9 "il fl oil T oi
PIH1WUICJ1....M... . V Bl 1. U-i U II V 4 0 X I I tfl
Wnton, - S 28.10 65 6 10 9 33 3 33 7 85
Msoni 5 !3 10 50 6 07 9 36 3 37 7 S3
ColCS Creek, 5 20 10 45 S 05 9 38 3 40 7 40
Suzarloaf, 15 10 43 6 03 9 43 3 43 7 44
LaubachS, B U 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 43 7 47
Central 5 03 10 33 5 53 9 57 3 58 7 57
JamlSOD City.... 500 10 30 550 10 00400 8 00
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. x. a. u. A. m. a. m. r. h. r. jr.
iiiiMtfli K w 11 m a n n a . ......
Saib, Nov. 1. E. H. Iiittlo will sell nt
his farm near Light Street, Columbia Co.,
Pa., on Baturday November 1st, 1890 , nt
10 o'clock a. m,, ntauctlonj nineteen bead
of cattle, consisting of all of his Graded
Holstcln Frlesian Cows nnd Hellers, and
such of his full blooded Ilolstcln Frlesian
heifers nnd calves ns nro under two years
old. Also one registered Ilolstcin Frlesian
Bull. Bald cattle will bo sold without re
serve, this being tin nttempt to inaugurate
annual stock sales nt said farm. Terms
six months credit with approved security.
At the same tlmo and plaro full blooded
Chester Whlto Pigs will bo offered at Pri
vate Bale. Bee hand bills.
Nov. C Barah J. Sltler, administratrix
of the cstato of Michaol Siller, lato of
Orange township, will sell personal proper
ty at tho homestead of deceased, at 10
o'clock, a. m.
Nov. 13. William 8. Kasc, executor of
Peter Kaso will sell valuable real estate on
tho premises in Benton Township.
Fon Balk Dwelling houses In Blooms
burg, Orangcvlllo, Espy and Rupert Pa.
Firms in Pennsylvania, Kansns and Vir
ginia. Vacant lots in Bloomsburg. Store
properties. Grist mills and other property
by M. P. Lutz, Insuranco and Ileal E9tnto
Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa.
FonSAt.K. ilotiso and lot In llupert,
lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with
nino rooms. Bay windows, out
kitchen, ico and coal house, good stable,
chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever
green trees, good water, Two railroads,
Twelve trains a day each way, to Blooms
burg, faro 8c round trip. Low taxes. A
great bargain, if taken soon.
M. P. Lutz, Insuranco & Ileal Est. Agt.
M' V. B. Kllno of Catawlssa was in town
on Tuesday.
Judge Bhuman visited tho county scat
the first of the week.
II.; W. Oswald spent several days in
Now York this week.
O. M. Drinker is a most ingenious me
chanic, and he is tho inventor of several
valuable articles ' on which patents have
been issued. One of them is a check for
baggage. It can also bo used by travellers
to lock their crips or coats fast to tho seats
of a car. Another is a lock and seal for
freight cars. These inventions whilo sim
ple In construction, nnd not cxpcnsivo to
manufacture, arc just whnt?aro needed by
railroad companies, and will no doubt bo
universally adopted If properly pushed.
Mr. W. G. Eyans has opened a restaurant
at Jamison City, whero can bo obtained
first-class meals nnd cholco cigars.
Pensions havo been granted to Henry
Heist of Ccntralia and Nathan Yobo of
Wanted. 1000 bushels of oats, quick,
at SO els. per bushel, ciish.
11. V. White it Co.
Dr. A. P. Heller of "Millville, dropped
dead in I. W. Hnrtman & Sons' store on
Thursday, at 10:30 a. m.
Leading authorities say the only proper
way to treat catarrh Is to take a constitu
tional remedy, liko Hood's Barsnparilla.
Sunday evening services at tho Heformod
Church will bo held at 7 o'clock instead of
7:30, until further notice.
The river was very high on oiturday.
The flats at Kingston wero under water,
and travel by street car was cut oil.
A united effort will be raado by the
constables of Pennsylvania, at the next
session of tho Legislature, to havo their
compensation increased.
Tho record of Mr. Delamater whilo mem
ber of tho legislature 1879-80 and member
of tho senate from 1831-1889, shows that
ho always voted against legislation tending
to reduce tho taxation of real estate.
Miss Martha F. Clark is prepared to give
lessons in Roman embroidery, at her homo
on Market Btreet. Her prices are 85 cents
for two lessons, thrco hours each, and
$1.00 for twelvo lessons. 2t.
Tho ladles of tho Reformed Church will
hold an oyster supper at tho residence of
Mr. Hiram Palmer on south Third street on
Friday evening of this week. Ico cream
and cake will also bo served.
Ilev. William T, Auman is making ar.
rangements to publish a monthly church
paper to bo called tho "Trinity Reformed
Tidings." It will bo distributed gratuitously
and will bo supported by advertisements.
A committee was appointed by tho
farmers of this section to submit questions
to the candidates for tho ofllco of Congress
Benato and Legislature, relatlvo to equali
sation of taxation, reduction of saluiles
and curtalliug tho powers of combiucs and
trusts. .The candidates havo all slgnilled
their decision to favor theso measures, by
answering In tho affirmative.
Phillips' Cafo Is getting to bo a popular
Institution. Tho cooking is excellent and
everything is clean and attractive. Uno of
the latest additions Is a largo and handsome
bowl lor punch or lemonade, for use nt
parties. Mr. Shepherd, the chef, has been
called away by slckni sa in hl3 family, but
his place has been well filled. Board by
tho week can bo obtained at leasonablo
Tho Illnointbur.' Cor Compauy Is now
engaged iu.buildiiig J, K. Lnckonl's pat
ent rctary dump cur to llil an order from
South America. Oo Frid-y list they re
celyed an order from the U.B. Onviromcnt
tot twelve of tlic6e, lo bo fchtpped to
Uobokcn. This Is tho itcond order that
has been filled by tho Compuuy (or exr0"
Four other order ba'u been received from
different parties, and tho demand for tho
cars Is growing rapidly. Tim cars glvo
great JiatlBf&ctlou to all who havo used
Tho Bloomsburg Cornot Band necnmnn
led by a fow Quay republicans went to
vuvnwissa to attend tho reception of Dcla.
ucuncsday morning. For sovcral
days previous. nartlnn
about tho town urging tho republicans to
turn out and make a largo delegation, nnd
" "Pcciai tram Irom tho Heading
railroad. Tho train was on hand with
hrco cars, but tho delegation, Including
tho band, could havo been scaled very
wimunuuiy in ono car.
wo navo just received tho cataloguo of
Mlllon II. Smith of llochcstcr, N. Y., tho
leaning designer of society cards. Tho
designs nro beautiful andj cover nearly
every organization, among them being tho
iuysuo onrinc, Knights Templar, Knights
lyuiias, cjdd Fellows. Ornnd Armv.
American Mechanics, Locomotive Engine
ers, itauronu conductors, Firemen, P. O,
o. oi a,, lied Men nnd many others. Call
and seo samples. They will pleaso you.
t.vcryono who has onco used Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup Invariably rcsotts to it again
lor cold, eta
"When vico prevails and Impious men
ueiir away,"
nncn cms, sprains, bruises torment nil
the dayj
Then caso from pain from caro and hurt
nro sent
By great Balvatlon Oil, tho standard lini
ment. Bluo's European Hotel has been opened
for tho l&st two weeks. A temporary bar
has been constructed In tho back part of
tho house, and tho kitchen and dining
rooms temporarily furnished. Tho glass
for tho handsome front arrived last week,
and aro in place. Unavoidable delays in
getting somo of tho material havo
postponed tho completion ot tho bar room
and restaurant proper. When done they
will bo very handsome. Tho services of an
experienced cook have been secured.
Tho following letters aro held at Blooms-
bure, Pa. post ofilco and will be sent to the
dead letter ofllco Nov. 11, 1890.
Mr. Charles W. Beibcr, Mrs. Edward
Boughncr, Robert Buck, Mr. Edward Cur
rio(2), Mies Emma Derick, II. G. Fish,
Mr. Edgar L. Harris, Mr. II. Johnson, Mr.
William II. Johnson, Miss Mlnnlo Ohl,
Henry Pullman, Mr. FredO. Reinhard, Mr
Walter Rush.
Persons calling for theso letters pleaso
say, they wero advertised Oct. 28, 1890.
Ono cent will be charged on each letter
A. B. Catuoart, P. M.
'Neil Agrab," ono of tho best lrUh
dramas, opened hero last nlnht to standlne
room only, every scat being Bold before
quarter to eight o'clock. Mr. Bcanlan is a
young but nevertheless very talented com
edjan, and played the title role with a nat
ural excellence mat was received witn tu
multuous applause by tho overcrowded
house. His songs were repeatediy encored
and Sir. Scanlan's singing showed him to
bo equally the nrtlst as well as the actor.
For tho rest of the cast wo can favorably
comment on The play is rich in
special scenery and fine dramatic effects,
and portrayed by a company of unusual
excellence. liroMyn German Herald, Stpl.
Don't fail to seo nim at tho Bloomsburg
Opera House, Friday, Nov. 7th.
A IIlK Concern.
Ens. CoLUMniANi
Whilo in attendance at tho Bloomsburg
fair we were attracteil by tho elegant dis
play of furniture exhibited by W. J. Cor-
roll & Co. This led us to a visit to their
store on Main street, where we found they
occupied teu largo floors, thrco being ono
hundred and four feet deep, and nil
wero stocked with a magnificent lino of
goods, the largest and most complete car
ried by any store In tho county. In tho
undertaking department we found two
handsome hearses and a full line of under
taker's goods. They do a wholesale and
retail business, and aro noted for fair and
honorable dealing. Anyone wanting any
thing in their lino will find thcro tho larg
est and best stock, nnd prices are below
competition. AVisitoh.
i;IK(r'rt I'liuilun Mill Hiirucil.
On Siturdiv morning at 5 o'clock tbo
planing mill of T. II. Edgar at Btlllwatcr,
was discovered to bs on fire. Tho tlimes
had pained such headway that It was Im
possible to stay them, and the mill and Its
contents wero entirely destroyed. Tho fire
i supposed to havo caught irom a hot
journal, as tho water gato had been left
open and tho wheel was running all night.
There were 200 veranda posts, doors and
sash, turned work, and 120,000 feet of good
pine lumber burned up. Tho fire com
municated to tho barn, and it too, was con
sumed, with fifteen tons of ha, a lot of
grain, three fat hogs, sleighs, wagons, and
farm Implements. Thottotal loss is about
$12,000, with an Insuranco of $5,000 in
tho Fishingcreek Insuranco Company, only
two-thirds of which will bo paid, according
lo their regulations. This Is a severe blow
to Mr Edgar, and his many friends through
the couuly will regret to learn of his mis
fortune. Democratic Meetlutcnt Jerne town
On Monday eveulng a largo and enthusl.
astio meeting was held in the public school
nouso nt Jcrseytown.
Committeeman Hattllno called '.ho meet
ing to order at 7:30. Dr. T. J. Swisher
was chosen chairman, W. O. Johnston was
elected secretary, and tho following vice.
presidents wero appointed: Edward Gra
ham, David Philips, J. M. Smith, Geo.
Whitenight, W. Wilson, Jacob Winter.
steen. Fred Heeler Esq., or liloomsuurg,
was the first speaker. Ho ably, earnestly,
and eloquently discussed the issues of the
prsent campaign, and made a very favor
able impression, Grant Herring, Esq., of
Bloomsbu e, was then introduced, and W
his usual happy stylo delivered an address
far reaching in its arguments and convinc
ing In Its conclusions. At tho close of tho
meeting thrto cheers were proposed ana
heartily given for tho speakers, and tho
success of tho democratic party. X.
iemrn Store Uollel.-
The store room of J. K. Pcnsyl, corner
of Main and West streets, was robbed early
Wednesday morning. This same storo
was robbed one week previously, and Mr
Pcnsyl was watching llio store. Ho left
tho storo room about ooo o'clock und went
across tho street to his home. Upon his
return to tho storo saon after four o'clock
ho fouud the storo had been broken In and
rebbed. Tho thieves used a chisel, with
which they cut out tho two locks on the
door. They took with them shoes, hand
kerchiefs, combs, shirts, underclothing
n cktles aud jewelry. Tho thieves entered
.Mr Tri'scolt's wagon shop on tho opposite
side or the street, through a window on
the second Moor, and from this position
watched tbo movements of Mr. Pennsyl i
as they could seo him go to and from his
storo nnd retire to his bedroom. Several
cliltcls were stolen from Treseott's shop.
Several ptiiplcious looking peoplo havo
been prowling about our streets for several
weeks past. Tiicy should bo arrested at
ooco and undo to account for their sus-
plcious movements.
As a larally medicine, Ayct'a Pills excel
all others. They aro sulled to every age
and, being sugar-coated, aro oasy to take.
Thniinh searching and thorough In effect,
(hcv aro mild and pleasant iu action, and
their usu is attended with no injurious re.
Council IToccctlittKfc.
v mvuiing oi mo Town council was
held Wednesday night of last week
with an tbo members present.
Propositions wero received for tho light
lngoftho streets as follows! Each com
pany agreeing to furnish Iron posts and
lamps of their own, furnish all material
anu labor required to light, extinguish,
clean and keen tho lamns In ironil rnnnlr.
lighting 82 nights In each month and burn
ing from dusk In tho ovcnlne until dav.
break, also agreeing tollghttwo additional
nights without extra charge, should It bo
uartt or stormy to require It.
Pcnna Globo Gas Light Co. Burner No.
1, per light 1 yr. $20; 3 yr. $10.75: 8 yr.
10.C0; G yr. $10.
Wheeler Reflector & Light Co., lyr. $18j
3yr. $17.60i5yr. $17.
Thr Council finally agreed to accept tho
proposal ot tno former Co. for a 22 to 2fl
canuio ugin, as modified by tho Sunt, of
tho Company, vlzt Said light to bo furnish-
cd for one year as proposed at $19.50 per
light and two lights to be furnished freo of
all charge.
Petition for street lamp corner West and
Rock streets granted. Adjourned.
Tlic New Court IIoiihc I'ront.
At tho last aesslon of court a nctltlon
largely signed by business men and heavy
tax payers was presented to tho court, ask
ing for some changes and improvements
in tho court houso. This petition was re
ferred to tho Grand Jury, and In their re
port they recommended the erection of a
new front to the court house. For years
thcro have been no accommodations about
tho building. Women brought hero as
witnesses havo been obliged to uso tho
same room In which tho watsr closets are,
whllo waiting to go before the grand jury.
Women with children have no placo whero
they can lav them down, and are obliged
to hold them in their arms all day. The
library is too small, and tho Judge's room
is a public passago way for everybody.
The public offices aro dark and damp.
On Monday evening, In accordance with
the announcement, tho county commiss
ioners inspected drafts nnd plans submitted
to them by several architects, and finally
adopted those of A. 8. Wagner, of William
sport. The proposed addition will extend
out to the pavement, and will bo 70 feet
on Main street, and 40 feet deep. It will
bo three stories high with a handsome
tower. On tho first floor will bo located
tho Prolhonotary's aud Register's offices,
tho Commissioners' and Sheriff's remaining
whero they are, and the Treasurer's office
will be removed to ono of tho rooms vacated
by others. On the second floor will bo the
Judge's room, the Law Library, Jury rooms
and a woman's room with lavatory, closets,
etc. On the third floor wid bo a court
room 20 by 41 feet, to be used whenever it
is necessnryto hold two courts at the samo
time. The probable cost of this addition
will bo about $20,000. Tho Commissioners
say the county is out of debt, and they
havo nearly enough money on hand, with
what is duo on the duplicates, to pay for it.
Peoplo living out of town who hayo busi
ness in court will bo much moro benefitted
by this addition than the people of Blooms
burg. Iliin'l Get Illcourn(tert!
Because tho doctors say you cannot live. ,1
was troubled with Dropsy, and given up
to die. But after using Sulphur Bitters I
am well. It is the best medlcino for all
Kidney diseases I ever saw. Mrs, J.
Brown, Bridgeport, Conn.
A Reform Convention.
A meeting of citizens will be held In tho
Court House on Monday nnd Tuesday.
November 3rd and 4th to discuss tho Sab
bath laws, the proposal to open the Chicago
Exposition on Sundays, and the present
loose condition of tho divorce laws.
Tho Christian Statesman prints tho follow
ing as the program for this convention :
Tho Call has been signed by Hon. E II.
Ikeler, Judgo Wm. Elwell, Col. John G.
Freeze, M. P. Lutz, E. II. Little, Esq , and
by Wm, G. Glrton, Jesse Rlltenhouso and
Ezra Stephens, the three County Commiss
ioners i by Rev. Dr. Waller, Superintend
ed! of Public Instruction : by Principal J.
Welsh, of the Normal School, and Rev.
Prof. II A. Curran ; by Rev. W. U. Lever-
elt, rector of the Episcopal church, Rev.
Ifaac it. Patterson, pastor of tho Presby
terUn church. Rev. Mr. Hellman, pastor
of the Lutheran church, and Rev. Mr.
Sears, ot tho Methodist church j also by
Rev. J. P. Tustin, cashier of the First
National Bank ; by Geo. E. Elwell, J. K.
Bittenbendcr and J. C. Brown, Messrs.
Bartor, A. Z, Scboch, Rodman Drinker
and others.
Col. John G. Freeze will preside on Mon
day, and Hon. E. R. Ikeler on Tuesday
In addition to the lines of work as pre
sented by tho Corresponding Secretary of
the Association, and by Rev. David Mc
Allister, these others will speak of tho fol
lowing subjects :
E. U. Little, Esq., on "Sabbath Desecra
tion by Corporations, through the 'Sunday
newspaper,' and with special reference to
tho opening of the Chicago Exposition on
tho Sabbath."
Rev. lsahc M. Patterson on "Tho Right
of tho Workingman to tho Sabbath Rest."
Rev. Wm. C. Leverett on "Tho Duty of
tho Church with Referenco to tho Divorce
Rev. P. A. Heilman on "Perils to our
Christian Institutions through Immlgra.
Principal J, P. Welsh on "The Influence
tho Biblo has had on our Education,"
The resolutions will bo presented at a
meeting of tho ministers, lawyers and
business men, on Tuesday afternoon, by
Rev. D. J. Waller, Oeo. E. Elwell, Rev.
Prof. H. A. Curran and others, who will
constitute a Committee on Resolutions.
Mr, Rodman Drinker, Rov. J. P. Tustin,
and others will form a Committee on
Finance. We will stato at these Confer-
ences that tho expense of tins series of
meetlnes is already paid by tho friends of
tho cause clsowherc, and that to whatever
extont the work of tho Association, as pre-
sentcd here, commends itself lo those who
listen, wo nsk for tholr subscriptions to
carry the work Into other counties In tho
Bmo way thoy havo seen it dono hero
This relieves us of tho objectlonablo feature
of asking new friends to "pay for a dead
horse" that Is, asking them to contrlbuto
funds for expenses of a convention which
is then nearly over.
Tho Corrcspmdlng Secretory of tho
National Reform Association will spend
the Babbath preceding this feriei of Con
ventions (Nov. 2d) in Bloomsburgh, und
most cordial Invitations have been extend
ed to him to occupy tho pulpit rf tho
Lutheran Church In the morning, and that
of tho Presbyterian Church in tho evening,
Auk Your I'ricnciH Ahum It.
Your distressing cough can bo cured.
We know It because Kemp' Balsam with.
in the past few years has cured so many
coughs and colds in this community. Its
remarkable salo has been won entirely by
Us genulno merit. Ask some friend who
has used It what he thinks of Kemp's Bal
earn. Thcro is no medicine so Jpure, none
so effective. Largo bottles 60o and 91 at
The CatnvrlHNn Hint Cournc.
Thrco entertainments by noted people
rortho benefit of tho Public School Ll
Prof. Morris, of Catawlssa, after i
couple of weeks correspondence, has closed
tho contracts for n series ot entertain.
tncnls that should bo well patronized upon
their merits nstdo from tho other object In
vlow. Tho following arc tho dates, lec
tures and subjects:
Tuesday cvcnlngj Nov. Cth, Hon. Thus.
M. Taylor, of Now York City, subject,
Friday ovenlng, Dec. 12th, 1800, Miss
Ollvo Thompson, of Boston) character lm
pcrsonatcf nnd cbango artiste, Introducing
selections on tho nuto-harp nnd banjo.
Saturday evening, Jan. 3d, 1891, Col. B.
F. Copcland: subject, 'Ilandsorao People
Tickets aro for sale at Bharplcss Bros.1
store nt tho following prtcesi Courso
ticket, reserved scat, $1.00; single admis
sion, reserved scat, CO cents; general ad-
mission, 85 cents. Any Bloomsburg pco
who may wish to attend these lectures can
reach Catawlssa by tho P. & 11. train loav.
ing Bloomsburg at 5 o'clock p. m. nnd re
turn by train leaving Catawlssa at 11
o'clock p. m.
On Monday evening of this week the
students and friends ot the Normal school
hail a raro treat In listening to tho lecture
delivered by Miss Olof Krarer, tho little
Esquimaux lady. .Everybody was enthu
siastic over her, and tho matlnco given for
tbo benefit of tho children of the town was
as great a success as tho evening entertain
ment. It is remarkable that a woman
with her ancestry and previous conditions
of life should have anything but tho dull
est Intellect and tho grossest sensibilities.
On the contiary she shows rcmarkablo
mental ability, quick wit, and a warm
Several students havo declared that her
Iccturo alono was worth more to them than
the cost ot a ticket for tho entlro courso.
A patron of tho school said: "This
course of lectures will doubth is do more
to commend tho school to parents than
anything else could havo done. I count It
a great privilege that my daughter has a
chance thcro to hear tho best talent in tbo
The entlro courso has been chosen with
a view to instructions In an entertaining
way, and students who hear the lectures
not only have a relief from arduous work,
but arc given a bit of culturo and wisdom
that will always remain with them. Tho
next lecture will bo Nov. 22, by Hon. R.
W. Horr, on 'Tho Labor Problem.' Tick
ets for tho remainder of the courso will bo
sold for $1.25.
Miss Eva Robinovitch, tho Russian girl
at tho Normal school, has a warm friend in
Margaret Deland, the author as the follow
ing letter will show:
Boston. Mass.. Oct. 25th. 1890.
Deak Eva:
I was delighted to hear from you and tho
good news of your letter gives mo great
pleasure. I know how great was your de
sire to learn, and now that tho means havo
como to you for stuc'y, I feel sure that you
win improvo mem. i nope you win tell
mo more of yourself, what you are at work
upon, what your hours of study aro, and a
little too of your surroundings and your
Do mako friends. Thcv will make all
your lifo richer and better; for, that people
aro ready to be kind and pleasant to each
other is my experience. But we too often
close our hearts against such kindness be
cause we are suspicious of it.
lou did not toll me In your letter where
your brother is, or what he is doing. I
shall be glad to know that ho is becoming
not only a successful man, nut a good and
true American citizen.
Bince I saw you I have been to Eurono.
and I am moro and moro convinced of the
great possibilities which our country offers
to its cuuuren. rue countries or me (Jiu
World seem to me to despair so of liberty
that they grasp at license. That, wo need
not do In the United States. I think you
will agree with me, situated as you arc
now, that nihilism is out of placo here.
Wo want to build up. not to tear down.
Is not this so ?
I am so elad of vour eood fortune, and I
am always Your Sincere Friend,
AIaroabet Uelakd.
It Im nMislnke
To try to cure catarrh by using local appll
cations. Catarrh is not a local but a con
stitutional disease. It is not a disease of
tho man' nose, but of the man. There,
fore, to effect a cure, requires a constitu
tional remedy liko Hood's Barsaparilla,
which, acting through the blood, reaches
every part of tho system, expelling tho
taint which causes tho disease, and impart
ing health.
Thcro camo to Forenaueh'a Theatre last
night a clever young Irish comedian
named M. A. Scanlan, whj. whilo imitat
ing tho methods and style of his illustrious
brother, W. J , gave evidence of possess
ing enough talent nnd originality to enable
him to stand upon his own bottom. "Nell
Agrah," tho play which ho has secured as
the vehicle of his introduction to tbo pub
lic, is built upon familiar lines, and in
cludes nearly all the personages with whom
we nave been familiar since the days of tbo
"Fairy Circle," but it Is cleverly put to-
gethcr, and affords tho star ample opportu
nity to display his varied accomplishments.
He is supported by an excellent company,
and tbo performance last night passed off
with commendable spirit and smoothness.
Worth American, Philadelphia, Oct. 7, 1890.
Bloomsburg Opera House, November 7.
American cut CJUihh.
"Do you know that the finest cut glass
In the world is manufactured In this
country?" remarked a member of the firm
of Builey, Banks & Blddle. of Philadelphia.
Ho then explained that within recent years
the art of cutting glass had so far develop.
cd In America that it is far ahead of tbo
European work and consequently but very
little foreign cut glass is imported. Tho
American work is superior in finish to tbo
foreign article aud in design is freuuently
more original, for it must bo admitted that
there Is an art movement now progressing
in the Untied States that had Its birth in
the centennial Exposition of 1870.
Democratic MeciluicH.
A very Interesting meeting was held at
Mllllinvlllf, Thursday evening of last week.
addressed by B. F. Zrr, Esq., and Fred
Saturday evening a meeting was held at
Beaver Valley, when addresses wero made
by A. M. Freas, Esq., and F. Ikeler.
Monday evening a meeting was held at
Jerseytown, addressed by Grant Herring,
i.sq., and F. lkoler. Tho meeting was
well attended.
Tho meeting at Millville on Monday
night was held In tho Opeaa House, whero
addresses wero made by Wm. Chrlsman,
Esq., and E. M. Tewksbury. Tho meeting
was largely attended by both democrats
and republicans.
On Monday evenlug a meeting was held
at blabtown, addressed by J, K. Bitten,
bender and A. M. Freas, Esq. Tho meet.
Ing wab largely attended. Mr. Yeager did
all in bis power to mako a successful meet
A meeting was held in tho school houso
at Fowlcrsville, on Tuesday evening last.
A. D. Ilrader was elected presldout. Tho
attcudanco was large and the meeting very
enthusiastic. Tho speakers were Maj,
llanly, Wm. II. Bnyder and It. G. F. Kaah.
Ink a.
Tho meeting at Numedla on Tuesday
evening was addressed by R. Buckingham,
Esq , F, Ikeler, W. 11. Rhawn, Esq. and J.
II. Townsend.
At Rchrsburg on Tuesday evening an en.
Highest of all In Leavening Power.
thuslastio meeting was held" In tho Grango
Wall, addressed by J. K. Blttenbender,
Hon. O. R. Buckalow and E. M. Towkg.
bury. Tho speakers appeared In the order
named. Meeting did not adjourn until
neatly cloven o'clock. It was attended by
republicans as well as democrats.
Wednesday evening a meeting was held nt
Waller, addressed by Wm. Chrlsman, Esq.,
A. M. Fleas, Esq , and E. M. Towkabury.
Meetings will bo held until election as
follows i
Centiiaua. Thursday ovonlng 30th, ad.
dressed by Mr. Wm. Cox and Mr. Wilkin
son, of Lcwisburg.
Evansvilie. Oct. 30tb, by G. M. Quick.
H. W. Bucklnebam and B. P. Uanlev.
Catawissa. Oct. 80lh, by Grant Uorrlne
Eq. and Jno. M. Garman of Nantlcoke,
JAMtsoNOvrr. Oct. 3t, by Hon. O. R.
Buckalew and A. L. Fritz, Esq.
lJESioN. Nov. 1st, afternoon, addressed
by Hon. O. R. Buckalew, J. G. Freeze, Esq.
and B. P. Hanly.
Liout Street. Nov. 1st, evening, the
meeting will bo addressed by buckalew,
Freeze and Hanly.
Mainviixk. Monday Nov. 3, a meeting
will bo addressed by W. II. Rhawn, Esq.,
R. Buckingham, Esq. and F. Ikeler.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby wsj sick, wo et her Castort.
When the wa a Child, sho cried for Castor!,
When tho became 2Ilu, the dune to Cartorta,
When the had Children, the gave them Cutorla.
HoKSBs Fob Balk. Tho undorslgned
will offer at prlvato salo ono horso fl years
old, one 4 years old, ono 3 years old.
Wm. AoiiKNBAcn.tS
10-24-31 OrAngevllle, Pa.
A BprliiK Mccllcluc.
Tho druggists claim that people cal
daily for tho now cure for constipation and
slck-hcadache, discovered by Dr. Silas Lano
whllo In tbo Rocky Mountains. It Is said
to be Oregon grapo root (a great remedy In
the far west for th03C complaints) combin
ed with simple herbs, and Is made for use
by pouring on boiling water to draw out
tho strength. It sells at 50 cents a pack
ago and is called Lane's Family Medlcino.
Ilnllow E'en Ctitcrtnlitiucut.
A roast pig dinner and "Hallow E'en"
entertainment will be given on Friday oyen
ing, Oct 31, from 5 to 10 o'clock, at Stern
cr'sBulldlne, West Main St., by the Young
People's Guild of St. Paul's Church. Tick,
ets, 60 cts.
A Koast Pig nnd Turkey Dinner will be
furnished at tho same placo on Saturday
Evening, Nov. 1, from 5 to 10. Price 50cts.
Pensions ! Veterans ! !
Tho Disability Pension Bill.
Act of June 27. 1890. cranta nensiona In
all ex-soldiers and sailors who served 99
days or moro in tho Array or Navy during
iuu ruuemuu, anu were uonorauiy uiscnarg
cd, and who aro now suffering from any
permanent, mental or physical disability
contracted since tho war or during the war
whether from disease, injuries or effects of
old age, at tho rate of from $0 to $13 per
montu, according to the degree of his dis
ability for the performance of labor requir
ing tho exertion of physical strength ;
provided the disability is not duo to vici
ous habits. This pension is not restricted
to tho veterans who havo to mako their
living by hard labor, but is equally duo to
professional men or clerks, nrovided thev
havo an existing disability which would
prevent 1110 continuous excrclco 01 the
physical strength of an able-bodied man.
1 noso wuo nave applied under tho gen
cral laws and who aro unable to prove up
the pendiuz claim can aDnlv for and se.
cure this pension and then continue tho
prosecution of tho former claim aud securo
inetr arrears.
If vou aro now drawine a small nenslon.
say 52 or $4 per month, you can take this
pension msieati, anu it you nave an appll.
cation on file for Increase or additional
pension for now disabilities you can con.
tlnuo tho prosecution of such claims whilo
drawing tho new pension, or you can file
an original claim for a disability contract
ed in tho service whllo drawing pension
under this new act.
Widows, children, and dependent moth
ere and fathers aro entitled under this act
and can suspend the prosecution of any
pending claim, and take this pension, and
afterwards complelo the prior claim and
get arrears.
Having been duly appolnto-1 an Agent
according to the rules and regulations of
tho Department of the Interior in tho rims.
ccution of such claims and having had sue-
cess in a numuer 01 cases x am alwavs pre
pared to givo information and assist claim.
ants, aud will assure them success If they
mu nuiu iu esiaousu tno iacta as required
by law.
Ihoso Interested should call soon and
ciaim tncir rcward.i
North Market nt,
Illootniburie l'a.
A tally's I'ericct Companion.
Every expectant mother should read our
now book by Dr. Nye, one of New York's
most ceieorated physicians. A perfect
mother's guide, It tells how tho fearful or
deal can bo made easy, freo from danger,
and almost entirely painless, thus saving
months of anxietv. droad. and sufTirlnt
Full of valuable information to ladies, an
swering hundreds of delicate questions.
Send two cent stamp for circulars, test!.
uiuuiaiB, huu conuuenuai letter. Address.
U... . .... m . c , , '
x-uAniw muaiABu 1 uuusncrs,
0-19-3m. Biltlmote, Md.
1 W. Hartman & Sons.
We are having a good trade
on t-oats and bhawls. Ihey
come by rail and wagon from up
the creek .; they come by Read
ing R. R. from Catawissa and
around that section'of country ;
they come from up the river by
rail and wagon. The weather
is cooling up and we are ready
with all kinds of winter goods.
uur rianneis are cheap and
good. Our under wear is warm
Our Coats fit neatly. Our shawls
are of the latest styles, Our
Dress goods and hemmings have
been selected with great care.
Uur dishes and glass ware are
of the newest patterns. We are
ready with a full force of clerks
for trade. Good butter, ec vs.
potatoes, dried fruit, efcc, always
uiKen lor tne best ot goods at
the same prices as for CASH.
I. W. Hartmaa& $m.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
Tho first successful biood.purlfier over
ottered lo tho public wna Aycr's Barsapa.
rilla. Imitators havo had their day, but
soon abandoned tbo field, whllo tho de
mand for this incomparable medlcino In
creases year ny year, nnd was never so
great as at present.
Co Ncrrons DeliitltntctI Mcu.
If you will send na your address, wo will mail
yon our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about
Jr. Dye's CelenrateJ Klcotro-voltalo uoll and p
puanccs, and taelr charming oncers upon tho ner.
yous debilitated BTatom, an4 how thoy will qulolr.
ly restore you;to; vigor and manhood.pamphlet freo.
lanuoHM, won 111 sona you a licit
a on trial.
Voltaic Uhlt Co., Marshall, Mia
1-8 My.
Just received nt tho Now York Novelty
store, 100 dozen of ladles' handkerchiefs,
bought at auction, nnd to bo closed out at
from 1 cent up a piece, Theso goods aro
all good, and will bo sold cheaper than
ever bctoro In Bloomsburg.
3I-2W, J. W. MABTBLLBfl.
Remember that Now York Novelty store
Is headquarters for ladles' and gents' under
wear. l-aw. J. W. M
For Mens' heavy wool Jersey shirts go to
New York Novelty store, from COoto $1.00
apiece. 31-2w. J. W. Masteixxb.
Just received at tho Now York Novelty
store.100 pair of mens' wool pants, to bo
closed out at $1.50 per pair,
31.2w. J. W. Mastellek.
For jewelry and notions it will pay
everybody to call at tho Now York Novel
ty storo beforo buying olsowherc, as tho
stock Is complete.
31-3w. J. W. Mastellek.
Tho New York Novelty btoro is head
quarters for dolls, at 1 cent up to $3.00.
These dolls weio all bought boforo tho
raise, and will bo sold cheap.
81-2 n. J. W. Mastellek.
At the New York Novelty storo you can
get mens' whlto shirts unlaundrled for 45
to 0? cents, good quality. Goo 1 laun
drlcd shirts from 70 to 90 cents, tho best.
31-2w. J. W. Mastellek.
For accordions, tho New
store. 31-2w. J. W.
York Novelty
For glassware and tinware, go to the
Now York Novelty store.
31-2w. J. W. Mastellek.
Mnns' silk mufflers from 35 cents up
'2.0J at tho New York Novelty store.
t-3w. J. W. Mastellek,
For misses' and mens' wool hoso go to
tho New York Novelty store. 15 to 85
cents a pair.
31-2w. J. W. Mastellek.
Fresh Bread and
Cakes every day.
If you live in Bloomsburg and
don't care to come to the store
for bread or cakes let us know
and we will stop with the wagon.
You can always get fresh bread
and cakes on wagon, and any
thing else you may want will be
delivered auy place in town in
time for supper.
We have two wagons and four
horses going continually. Go
ing three times a week to Mifflin
and all points between, three
times a week to Orarigville and
points between and twice a week
to Rupert ad Buckhorn. If
you are buying much bread the
cheapest way is to buy tickets.
We sell for $100 one ticket good
for sixteen 7c. loaves, or one
ticket good for eleven 10c. loaves,
or one good lor twenty-two oc.
Above tickets good for bread
and cakes till used- Beat Bread
Full weight. All mail orders re
ceive prompt attention.
Plullips' Domestic Bakery,
Main Street Auove Centrb.
Are now showing full and
complete lines of LADIES,
long aud short COATS. REEF
ERS JACKETS efce. in Clothes
and PLUSHES, we will sell
you plushes and PLUSH GAR
notwithstanding the recent ad
vance on these goods. Now is
your time. See our Jacket at
$4.50 only a small lot. Dress
Goods.of all kinds. SeeourSER
TA in the city. UNDER
WEAR of all kinds for ladies
and children. Seo our special
hoc. dertiey vest tor .Ladies, nat
ural, a big bargain. Our HOS
IERY STOCK is complete in
cotton,fleeced, and wool goods for
Ladies and Children, GORDEN
fade. FJanels and Blankets of
all kinds. Seo the 10c. cotton
flannels. FURS of all kinds,
Fur capes, mulls and boas &c
Showls of all crades.fancv lamps
curtains &c. Coats and Dress
goods of all kinds.
Klate of Jacob KUnoerman, dVwasof.
Ti-e umierugnod. an audllor appointed by the
Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, to mako dls.
iriuutnn of the funds In tre nandi of tho admin.
wiinMji ui raww wm mi ai ms omco in tno
town of lllooaisbarg, county aforesaid, on Friday.
noveinoer u, w at loo'o'ock a. in. when and where
m.. hwvho uaviug viaium against saia euiato must
appear and prove the sime, or bo debarred from
a gooa pushing salesman here. Wrst-clas;
ay Kumuioed week ir. innnmMnr A ui Jvi i
toulok selling new t rults and tlae claltles.
eVAUMEllHean get a good paying lob for the
Winter. Wrtta for full terms and DarUiuiari.
mo. v 10 vi
vivAuik, iuunu. wurBerymou.
liuciesu'r, N. Y.
One of our large publishing
houses is now engaged in
bringing out a new reprint of
the Lrrcat Dnttanica lincyclo
pedia, which in many respects
is more desirable and better
pdapted to popular use than
sny previous edition. It is an
exact reproduction, page for
page, of the Great Edinburg
Ninth Edition recently com
pleted, except th?t the maps
are later, being corrected and
brought up to date, and a few
articles of special interest to
Americans have been rewritten
by American authors of highest
reputation. Contains all the
illustrations, maps, plates, in
dexes and sub-indexes of the
latest edition.
The print is large and clear.
The Binding is elegant in ap
pearance and in point of dura-'
bility is superior to any edition,
being sewed precisely the same
as the 'Oxford Teachers' Bible,'
having a flexible spring back
which permits the book to re
main perfectly flat when
The cost of the original edi
tion is $8 per volumue. The
Scribner Edition is $5 per vol
ume. This edition is published
at the remarkable low rate of $3
per volume. We believe, on
inspection, you will admit it is
the finest volume you have ever
seen at the price.
The sale of this new edition
has been placed with us and we
are authorized to offer 30 sets
at the price of-$i,50 per vol
ume. After these are sold the
price will be advanced.
But you must decide quickly,
and therefore we go one step
farther than the publishers, and
make a special and still more
Uberal offer. In order that you
may see for yourself this wond
erful bargain, and thoroughly
examine its merits, both of con
tents and manufacture, we
make you the following propo
sition: We will furnish Volume
I for 60 cents a fraction of
actual cost, with the understand
ing that you will give it a full
and critical examination, with a
view to purchase of the com
plete set. Taking Vol. I places
you under no obligation to take
another volume our only de
sire is to acquaint you with our
wonderful offer.
We expect to be able to de
liver four volumes per month,
and to complete the delivery in
November. This offer will
give you a complete set of En
cyclopedia Brittantca in Twenty
Five Volumes elegantly bound
for $36.60, the greatest bargain
ever offered. To secure it the
order must be given now.
We would be pleased to have
you call at our store and exam
ine the boods.
. Yours truly,
W. H. Brooke & Co.
Real Estate !
Tho undersigned executor ot Peter Kaso, late ot
Benton township, Columbia county, deceased,
will expose at publlo sale, on the premises, on
at 1 o'clock p. m., tho following 'real estate, s'tu
ate In the township ot llenton, in said county, and
bounded and described as follows: On tho east by
lands of Uowman Crawford and Mrs. It. Itunyan's
estate, on tho south by a. M, Gibbons and U. G.
Ka30, on the West by tho estato of W. T. Hes3 de
ceased, and on the north by o. A. Kaso and a pub
llo road, containing
OS Acres
and 14 rEltCtlES, Btrlct measure, whereon la
erected a two ttory
good barn and wagon shod. Good well of water,
good spring, and nno fruit on tbo premises.
terms OP SALE. Ten per cent, ot ono fourth
thopurchaso money to bo paid at tho Milking
down or tno property, tho balaneo ot tho one.
fourth to bo paid whsn possession Is given, and
me remaining tnree-tourth In ono year thereafter,
wuu interest from data ot possession. Possession
given any tlmo between January 1, 1891, and
April 1, 1891.
At tho samo tlmo will bo sold about 20 tons Or
gooa timothy hay. Term) mile known on
day ot sale. WILLIAMS. KA3B,
Bstate of riittltp AppUsmm, deceased.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by tho
uiLiuuus- uuuri.ui u'.tumuii cojnoy mike ui9
trlDUtlOn Of the fllndi In thAhiirnrt.nn arlmln.
lstrator to and among tr-e prt!ei entitled thereto
county aforesaid. Nov. 8. lsan. at in n-Mtv.v . m
nuiuiubu suiuuiid ldh ifiwi, n lunnm.n irff
uutju uuu wncre an pames navmg O'aims against
said estato must appear and prove the same, or bo
lurovur ueuarreu irom coming in on s ua rund.
Kstaie of Joseph O. Keller, tale of Orange town
snip, aeceatea.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by tho
Orphans' Court oi Columbia County to distribute
.uo uuuucd ui uio uuDos oi lr.ivia i. Keller, Ad
ministrator, as appears by hu nnal aco Mint, will
biv b un uiuuu m muumso irg on .tioniay govern
uvt Kwi, iojj, w v u uj.. waon am wnpM ail per,
sons having claims against said eitate must an.
pear and proe tno sime, or bo debarred from
wuuug m uu Bam muu.
Oct. 3 K3. Auditor.
Estate oJaoat Yolte, aeeeasal.
Tha undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
OrmTins'CouitotColuniblacounty, to mako dls-
inuuuun oimorundsin nana ot J. j. urown, ad.
inlnlstrator, to and among the parties entitled
luercio, win sit at the omco ot Wlntetsteen &
uvuftiujr uu i uureu.iv-, rtoveraoer Din, at iu O'ciock,
era., wbea and wnero all parties hiving claims
must appear and prove tho suae, or bs deturod mnu.
W.D.UECKUY, Auditor.
Fine Cubinet portraits only
i?3 doz. Life size Crayons
oniy fciu.uu, viewing, copy
ing and enlarging. Instant
process used. tf.
Bitot of Mary K. Snyder, deceased.
Tho undersigned, an auditor appointed by tho
Orphans' court of Columbia county to make dl.
tiihutloo of tha funds in tha hands of Ihn executor
will bit at the oftV'O of Wlntensteon A U vtley in
the town ot Uloninsbuig, on Tbursdsy, N venitwr
131b, lsi), at 10 o'clock a. in., when aad wnero all
parties having claims against sold estate taunt
appear and prove the same, or bo debarred trom
oouilng In on bald fund.
W. U. llbCKUtr,
Notioo Is hercor given that an applloatloi wilt
bomMe totM HonoMDlo Kllhn 11. Ikeler, prcsl.
do it Judgo of thi oourt ot commin Pleis ot co
lumOlacountr, onthoisth 1ar of Norcmbor, A.
D. isto, at 10 oeloclc a. in , under tho Act of As
somoir of tho commonweMth of l"ennslvanla,
entitled ' An Act to pmllo for tha corporation
nd roTUtatloo of certtln rjrpi-atlom," appror
cd tha sum iter ot Aiirll . I) and tho supp'c
msrta tuercto; for tin cti irt ir of an tnten lM cor
poration of Mint John'1 Bftnsellcal Lutheran
tihurcli ot Catawlwi, ( itawmt township, Colam.
ala countr, IM The cli ir.W. jr an 1 objest whereof
k for religious worship, and for thli purpno to
bivopono and onjor all tho rights benefits
and prlvllijes ot tha nail Act ot Assemblr and lis
I). P.tANK 7. Vltlt, Solicitor.
Ktlau of Susan A. Walttr, lata a Blonmityirti.
Notice Is hereby elvon that lotten of odrotns
tralton on tno estate of S iian A. Walter, late of
tho town of llloomsburg, county ot ColumUl. anl
stata of ivnasylvanla, aoco&sod, havo been grant
ed to R.irali K. Voughd of JAtnlwo City, l'a., to
whom all persons Indebted to said raUtu aro ro
qjcwtod to make piyments, ant lliow having
claims or demands sill make known the samo
without delay to
orti 8A1UH E. VotKltir, Adm'r.
gut Jaoobt, Atty, Jamison city, l'a.
Go to the New Ground Floor
Fine cabinet photos 99c per
doz., 1 crayon portrait and one
dozen $3 cabinets all for $7.50,
a. Bon Tons, tin types, 50c.
Taking of houses, cattle, mach
inery and copying old pictures
a specialty. Call and see speci
mens. Yours Resp't.
H. A. KEMP, Photo Artist.
Southwest Cor. Main nnd Market Sts.
"riv a thoroush knowledge ot tho natural law
which eovorn tha operations ot dtgeat'oo anl
nutrition, and by a caret al application of tho ttao
p.-opertlos of well-selected !oco.i, Mr. Enp) naa
provided our breakfast, tables with a delicately
fla70-ed bofcrafro which may sve ui many heavy
doctors' bills, ft Is by tha iullclouj mo ot such
art'o'ea ot d'et that a constitution may ba frraluaf
ly built up VittllBtronif enough to rosut overy ten
dency to dioo. Hundred of BUbtlo ma'adles
are noatlng nround us ro uly to attack wherever
therelsaweak point. Wo miy cscipo many a
laiaisnait oy Keeusj ourauivua wen iuruuo.i wiui
pi'ro blood and a properly nourished trama."-CJitl
service Gazette. Alade simply with boiling watar
or milk, ao'd only in halt pound tins, by Grocers,
labeled thus:
JA.lll'.s ui'Vi .V CO., Homeopathic Chemists,
.1, JOHN 13. CASEY. Hlsh Sheriff of Columbia
County, Commonwealth of rennsylvania, do here
by mako known ond give notice to tho electors ot
tho county atoros-ild, that a general election will
bo held in the said county ot Columbia on
(being the Tuesday next following tho Qr3t Mon
day of said month) tor tho purpoao ot electing tho
several persons nereinaiwjrniinoa, u-wiu
Ono person tor Governor ot the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
unn person lor ueut. uovernur oi iuu ijmmun
wealth of Pennsylvania,
ono person for Secretary ot Internal Affairs ot
exmmonwoaitn ot Pennsylvania,
one p
one person for Associate Judgo ot Columbia
Ono nerson for Comrrcaa from 17th district of
Ono person for Senator from 2ltn District ot
Two persons for Members of the Assembly from
Columbia County.
ono nerson tor Prothonotory anlClerkof Courts
ot Columbia County.
una person lor Kogis&cr ana uecoraer ot Colum
bia County.
una person tor Treasurer oi uoiumua uouulj-.
Ono nerson for District Attornoy ot Columbia
Throe persons tor Commissioners ot Columbia
Tnreo porsons tor aiuiiom or common county.
Ono nerson for county surveyor of Columbia
I also hereby make known and give notlco thit
the pi ices ot holding the aforesall election In the
several ward, boroughs, districts and townships
wltbtn tbo county of CotumbU are as follows
ucaver townsnm. at the Dunua nouso of lira.
Mary smith.
Benton township, at tho public nouso of Lemuel
Drake In tho town of Denton.
uerivick, uast, at tuo little omco ot Jackson s
Wood In MTe Co., In lorwlc.
Derwlck, West, at tho onice ot J. G. Jacoby, In
moom East, at the Court House, oast aide. In
moom wesi,, ai tno court iiouse, west sine in
Brlarcrceic township, at tho nubile school house
catawlssa township, at tha publlo houso of G,
W. llelfsnyder. In the town of Catawissa.
Dorough of Ccntralia, at tho publto houjo ot
Michael urennan.
centre townsnln. at the school nouso near Lafav-
etto Creasy'b.
North couyncham District at tha townsnln
school house near the colliery ot John Anderson &
boutti Convnirham District, at the houso of Mrs.
Thomas Monroe.
nsiunecrceKtownsulp, at the school nouso neai
. ll white's.
Franklin 1lwnshln. nt thn l-awwnpji prhnnl
East Greenwood at the house of William lllank
In llohrsburg.
. viruouwoja at tno uousaoi rranK . uer
rlng in .Millville.
llemlock tvnvnshtn. fit. the nnhlln honqn of rhn.
Dlettertch. In the town ot Buck Horn.
Jactson twp., at tno public scuool hou30 at
Locust township, at tho public house ot Nathan
Knorr, In Numedla.
Madison township, at the public school house In
Main township, at tno public houso of Addison
W. Bhuman.
Mlium township, at the publlo house of John
Knloi in the town of Miminvillo.
Montour township, at tho publlo house ot
Einandus Unnngst at, llupert.
Mt. Pleasant townshlD. at the itllertown nuhiin
school house.
orange township, at tno puouo bouie of p. o.
Freas In Orangevlllo. ,
l'Uio township, at tho Centre School House.
Poartnircrenk townshln. at tho linns., nf M.imitnl
. East Scott at tho publlo houso ot M. Q. Whlto
In Espy.
WesWcott at tho publlo houso ot John U
Crawford, lnlLlgutstrcet.
Sugarloat township, at tho houso ot Albert
i oils shall no onenftil flt Rftven nVlrw.k n. m. nnd
shall contlnuo open without Interruption or ail.
juuiuumut mini suveu ociock p. m., wnen mo
polls, will be closed.
That every person excepting Justices ot tlio
Peace and Aldermen, Notaries Public and Per
sons in the militia senlce ot the state, who
shall bold or shall within two months have hold
any onice or appointment of proilt or trust under
theUr'ted .KUtes, orot this isUito, and city or
corporated district, whether a commissioned
who Is or shall bo employed under the Legisla
ture, Executive or J udlclary Department of the
Slate, or or any city or ot any Incorporated dis
trict, and also, that every member of Congress
and of tho Statu Legislature, and ot the select
or common council of any city, or commissioners
ot any Incorporated district, are by law incapable
of holding or exercising at the same tlmo the
onice or appointment ot Judge, Inspector or Clerk
of any election of this e'oinmonwealth, and that
no inspector, Judgo or other ontcer ot such eloc-
uuu tuau oo eugiuie ui uu men voted ror.
Tho Inspectors aud Judgo ot tho elections shall
meet at the respective places nppolntod for
holding tho election In tho district to which they
respectively belong, before seven o'clock in tho
morning, and each 'of sold Inspectors shall ap
point one clerk, who shall Uo a o UAllucd voter or
such district.
The (maimed voters of this county aro lvroby
authorkod and required to vote by ticket printed,
written or partly printed and partly writu-n; one
ticket which shall be labeled state, and contain
tno names of stato oftloers, one tl ket to ba label
led Judiciary, and one ticket to bo labelled coun
ty. joiin ii. casey, shrirr.
Sheriff's Onlco, inoomsuurg, Oct. , 18J0.
IF not rcmedlod In season, Is liable to
become habitual ami chronic. Dras
tic nurgatlves, by weakening tho bowels,
contlrin, rather than cure, tho evil.
Ayor's Tills, being mild, effective, and
strengthening in their action, nro goner
ally recommended by tho faculty as tho
best of aperients.
"Having been subject, lor years, to
constipation, without being able to lind
much relief, I at last tried Ayer'a l'ills.
I deem it both a duty and a pleasure
to testify that I have derived great ben
efit from their use. For over two years
past 1 have taken ono oi those pills
eve ry night bclore retiring. 1 ould not
willingly ba without them." O. W.
liov man, 20 East ilaln bt., Carilslo, l'a.
"I have been taking Avcr's Tills nnd
using them iu my family since t37, nnd
cheerfully recommend them to nil In
need oi a safe but effectual cathartic"
John M. Hoggs, Louisville, Ky.
" For eight years I nfflteted with
constipation, which at last became so
bad that tho doctors could do no more
lor me. Then I began to take Ayer's
l'ills, and soon tho bowels recovered
their natural and regular action, so that
now I am In excellent health." S, lu
Loughbrldge, Ilryan, Texas.
" Having used Ayer's l'ills, with good
results, I fully Indorse them for the pur
jMiMes lor which iboy are recommended."
T. Connera, M. I)., Centre Ilridgo, l'a.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Matt.
BoU f U DrufgUU sod JHtitn la UtilUios.