COLUMBLiN AJSD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAJ The Columbian. a, e, Eiwoii, J. E. BlttaaSsndor., j Sdltori, BLOQNUBUttGt, PA,. TmiDAY7obTOBEll 31, 1800. Chairman's Address. Fkm-Ow DKMcnT. Wo nre within tt tow days of ono of tho greatest poUtiaal battles that ha o-. I.onn fnnnlltln Pt'tlllUVlVfttlia. TIlO tldo of pnblio suntiment is running full and Btrong in our favor of unscrupulous political loaders in the strifo for party powor, nppoal to tho worst clement. Our remedy and ou' oountrys safety Ho in successful cppoal to tho best. It government of tho pooplo bo by tho peoplo. and for tho people instoad of by and for Bosses and ltloga, wo mnst now throw off tho yoko by them impos ed and stand togothor. To that cud wo call upon you a- Democrats to uso every effort possible to g9t out tho LABOR DECLARES A0AIN8T DELA-MATER OfHolal Aotlon of the Pennsylvania Branoh of tho Amerioan Federation ot Jjaoor- Tho recent oonvcntlon of labor or ganizations at Harrisbnrg, is out In an apppal to their various organisations to voto nnninst Delatnator on account of tho aotlon of tho Philadelphia Press in employing ohoap' and looklng out or Banized, labor In January last. The action is creating n profound sensation inlaboroirolcs, and recoives tho com mendation of tho toilers who aro beg inning to recognize tho fact that the Republican party docs not praotlco tho doctrino that it teaches. It the most ancient and most general of all diseases. Scarcely a family Is entirely free from It, while thousands everywhere are Its suffering slaves. Hood's Bamparllla has had remarkable success In curing every form of scrofula. The most severe and painful running sores, swellings In the neck or goitre, humor In the eves, causing partial or total blindness, yield to the powerful effects of this Medicine. It thoroughly re moves every trace ot Impurity from the blood and builds up the weakened system. "My little daughter's life was saved, u we believe, by Hood's Bamparllla. Before she was tlx months old the had T running scrofula sores. One physician advised the amputation of one of her fingers, to which we refused assent, 'When we began giving her Hood's BartaparlUa, a marked Improve ment was noticed and by a continued use of It her reoovery waa complete. And she Is cow, being seven years old, strong and healthy." B. 0. Jokks, Alna, Lincoln County, Me. N. D. Be sure to get Hood's. liowis Jimory .ir. was lor manv years a brlqlit and shining light In tho ropublkati piny. Honors weto heapul upon him, and lin roprcflmitcd lil dis trict ton uiri at IIirriHbV. If demo crats lud said a word agi'mst his Integ rity men u wonui navo neon indignant ly resonto l by tho republican orga'iS. But now Mi Ktrterv is aiMinst fiola- mater and tho republic ins havo dis covered that ho is n bold, bid man, and iney aro slinging mud at Iilm by tho handful. It makes nulto a dlffcrenco whoso ox is gored. "Democratic'Stato Ticket. TO THE WORKWOMEN OF VAN1A. PEBHBYL- Yonr earnest attention Is called to tho following statemont of facts. You aro invited by your fellow-workmen of tho Pennsylvania Branoh of tho Ameri can Federation of Labor to carefully read and digest tho case as herein pre sented, and then circulato tho amo among your friends. Behoving that von havo a proper rogard for tbo dig- nitv oi laoor, anu uiu nyui. ui w nrcrn.n.7.0. WO feel that vou will arrive vour peoplo 'take up this matter, dtvido 0t a fair and intollgent conclusion. np tho work and getouttho full Demo- On January 1, 1890, at 3 o clock in r it,.. n,l mrtnro will tt,n mnrninir tho members of TypORr&pU- , v w. t in o'no I t-l TTntnn No. 2. employed on tho UQ OUTS. 'J UUII iuik" - - - - - 1 - ' - - . thing to do is to get to tho polls tlio largest peroentago of the Democratic voteri. Hoping our efforU will be crowned with nuccesi. I om Ilesneotfnlly yours, J. H. TOWNSEND, Co. Ohairman. Tho Philadelphia Times of Tues day Bays that Delimiter is baaton. Tho Philadelphia Press of last Tuesday admits ihat tho next House of Representatives in Congress will bo democratic Dafeat is bo. inevitable tbat the republicans are making a soft spot to fall on. Soveral weeks ago grave charges were mado against George W. Dela mater by ex-Senator Emery who in vited tho former to prosecute him for libel. Delaraater has taken no stops to defoid his integrity. Last Satur day several Philadelphia nowspapors Phito.lnlnliln I'ress. wero Given tho alternative of deserting their organiza. im.i or mWincr to work on said paper, With a unanimity that was remarkable over 10U mon onoso vneir uuiuu tlneoohoso the I'ress. Typographi cal TTnlnn No. 2 has mado repeated efforts to regain the office, and havo iilila to obtain any answer, niimr ilmn thnt tho union will not be r cognized and that no union men can wnrk there. Somo timo subsequently tho matter hronnrht to tho attention of tho TTnitid T.ahnr Loacuo of Philadelphia, and a committee was appointed to wait upon the Press managor. This w as done, but without result, tho committee hi.ino- informed tbat tho union men A not bo Dormitted to return At the Convention of tho PennsylV' anift Branch of tho American Federa tion of Labor at Ilarrisburg, October 20, 21, 22, this condition of affairs was atntfid. and tUO lOllOWinE resomuuu Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldbrdrafrgliti. tititxforfA, rreparedonly by a I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowtll, Hats. IOO Dobob Ono Dollar Bold by drarfbu. fll ilz for as, Frepar4 only by a 1. OOOD CO, ApothteutH, leweU, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar nrintod artiolcs reflectinr: on tho ofu cial honesty of Robert E. Pattison, I presentod and passed without a dissent- Av mnrnint? ho had tho editors ar rested for libel. That is tho differ ence between tho two men. P. Gray Meek ot BellefontooJitor of tho Watchman former member of tho legislatur, and ox-eacretary ot tho Democratic State Committoo has been nominated for tho state senato by tho democrats of tho 3 1th district. Every where the out lo5k is most ' encouraging for the Democrats. In this oounty Republicans aro attonding the democratio politioal meetings in considerable numbers, and wa know of many who will vote for Pattison. At Berwick many loading republican? are ooenlv workine for Pattison. Tho Wiieueas, The Philadelphia Jfress has debarred organized labor irom working in its effice, solely because they are members of a Union, as stat ed explicitly by its business manager to a committee of said Union, the question of oxpense not entering into his action in looking out members of said Union, and WiiEnEAS, The Philadelphia Press is a recognized orjjau of one of the great parties, receiving its moral and tinauoial support inj no small degree, and Whereas, Said party olaims as one of the strongest reasons why it should receivo the support ot tne worsmg class that it is especially C3reful of vitory i. in the hands of the democrats ,he;r inferc9fg, and behoving that prop They can loso it by staying at homo er preB8nro brought from said organiza- fact of which you may not bo aware, that I havo been nommalcd to tho of fice of secretary of internal aff lira of the stato in which I reside That die tlnction was conferred upon mo, un sought, and on the 4th of Novcmbor next tho pooplo of this stato will pass upon my fitness for tho position and tho dislrability of my being placed in chargo of it. In the meantime it is necossary lor mo to no ausent tempor arily from thooflico at Pittsburg, which is in my charge, as pension agent. Al low mo to aBsuro you, however, that no business reauinnc mv personal at tention has been delayed during my absence nor will tho pubho bune6i suffer or bo necleoted. The faithful discharges of the dutios of tho pension ncnnriv bv me is amniv seourea to inc united States by tne oonas wnion x have uiven. It seems to me you have as much a reason to assume that tne pubho dusiness Buffers through your own absence, or that the publio inter ests wore imperilled by the absence ot tho president of tho Unitsd States in his late visit to Pennsylvania and tho western country, as you havo to infer that tbo business of my oflico has suf fercd when I am within daily com munication with it The direotions of tho secretary of the interior conveyed by you, indicate that you have forgot- ton a fact ot which I personally ap prised you, to wit. that in tho early nart of September I tendered my resig nation to tho president of the United United States senators from tma state to deliver. I presume it will bo if it has not already boon presented to the president, and 1 have nitnerio oeen awaitinc its acceptance. I have the honor to remain yours respectfully, (Signed) W. II. Barclay, United States Pension Agent. Mr. Barclay has been making too many soldier votes by his journey throuch the stato and hence the order was issued tor his return. It must be remembered that he retained his post tion as pension acont bv the crace of the soldiers of the State. After Presi dent Harrison was inaugurated a peti tion was presented sinned by the old soldiers of tho state requesting that next Tuesday. Got out the voto. Grant Herring, of Bloomsburg, who was nominatod for State Sonator of the XXIV Sonatorial district, by the district, ODnfuronco at Willlamsport on October -Hh, was born in Centerville, Columbia county, on tha 19th day of May, 18G2 and lived in Sohnylkill oounty from 18G4 to 1876. In 187G he moved to Bloomsburg, prepared for college at the Bloomsburg State Nor mal Sohool, admitted to Lafayette col lege in September, 1879, graduated from tho same in June 1883. Studied law, was admitted to the Columbia county bar February 2nd, 1885,' pract iced in partnership with tho Hon. E. R. Ikler, now president Judge of tho Twenty-sixth district until ho was el ected to the bench; since that timo bo has been practioic; alone. Ho was nominated for StaVo Senator in Col . urnbia oounty on t -o 9th of August, 1890. Mr. Herring is a sterling Demo crat whoso election to tho Stato Senato will be an honor to tho district. ITugliesville mail. The eleotioi of every democrat on the county ticket is so certain that it is not necessary to urge democrats to go to tho polls next Tuoiday on eir account. But there i another and moro important roaaon why eyery democrat should voto on Novcmbor 4th. The contest for the governor ship is a warm one. Tiio republicans are leaving no stono unturned to pro- euro the election of Delamater and they will turn out to a man. Tho election now depends upon tho oo tid) of tho democrats. " Tho revolt agaiuBt Delamater and Quayism has assumed such proportions, that if tho democrats do their duty tho election of Pattison is suro. In Alleghenoy county six out of seven republican newspapers are for Pattijon, and Chris Magee, for many years a republioau leader is in tho revolt- Thomas Marshall another republican, is stumping tho Btate for Pattison. Every whero it is the same, and wo know of a number of ropubli cans in this ounty who will vole for Pattison. In Philadelphia tho Lincoln Independent Republicans are doing valiant service, and the fact tbat tho Delamater managers aro frightoned is shown in thoir action last week in cancelling many ingageraents of Dela mater and party through tho state and keeping him in Philadelphia. A Demo, oratio victory is within roach. Demo cratio apathy alone- will loso tho day. Every vote is needed. Voto yourself and then see that your neighbor does tho same. Grand Bally. corporate and personal property and amount ot taxes pauij tins is an ac knowledgement due to ex-Governor Pattison iirespcotivo of any partisan consideration and should entitle him to appreciation and support of every I aim or and real estato owner in tne Stato. It was to remedy this gross inequal ity and injustice that tho Farmers Grange Tax bill No. 10 proposed to correct in the session of tho Legisla ture of 1889. It was not Intended to rob tho ownora of poreonat and coipo- rate properly, but to distribute tbo burdens equitably between an too in dustrics of the Stato, and would havo relieved local taxation to the extent of SO.000,000. This is tho bill tbat Sena tor Delamater assured tho Stato Grange Committee should be reported favorably from the Senato Finance Committee, which bo acknowledged in his Williams' Grove speech, that ho is now distributing to tho farmers of the Stale, which is nothing but an afterthought and apology for voting against the bill, when he happens to want the larmer s vote to elect mm Governor. How can Senator Dela mater, or any politician, accuso mo of unfairness when I was simply carry. inc out tho resolution of the State Grange, which was unaoimocsly pass ed at the uecomber session ot lssu, requesting that tho vote of tho State Senato on tho Grange tax bill bo pub lished for the information or the mem bers of tho Order (in its publication 1 did not Bcreen anyone that voted against the bill., The oxcuso that it was owing to courtesy to the Cha'rman of the Sen ato Finance Committeo that be votei against placing the bill on tho Calen dar is too transparent, as everyone know in the Senato that the bi 1 had been pending for a month in tho Ft nanoe Committee, and it was fully argned on both (ides, and tbat no valid constitutional objections were raised aginst tho bill. Tho Grango Legislative Committeo waited until the very lait day that tney could make the motion to dischargo tho committee and place tbo bill on the Calendar with any possibility of passing it; per haps the Senator will remember com ing over to senators iirowna seat IX. MAIEB! THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER, BLOOMSBUMt, fa. -:o.- Foit GovF.iwon, ROBERT E PATTISON, of Philadelphia. Fon Lieutenant Govr.nnon, CHAUNCKY F. BLACK, of York. Comes to the front with a Complete now FALL and WINTER ULUTlilNU lor stock of tho MOST SELECT Fob Skchrtaiiy ok Internal Akkair?, UAl'l'. Wr. 11. liAUCJliAiT, of Allegheny. ;5 jjjau'j tj QUANTITIES OF County Ticket. HON, Fon Congress, S.P. WOLVEItTON. Fon Statu Senato it, GRANT HERRING. FOR RKl'Itk'8KNTATlVES, Wm. KRICKBAUM. E. M. TEWKSBURY. For Associate Judge,. MORDECAI MILLARD. For DtsTRtoT Attorney, WILLIAM 01IRISMAN. OvereDate off sil Mildly HATS! CAPS I COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. latest Styles of SHIRTS ! For Prothonotart anu Clerk ok the Courts. G. M. QUICK. IN PERFECT FITTING For Register and Recorder, O. H. CAMPBELL. ABUNDANCE. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Respectfully Yours, For Treasurer, JOHN L. KLINE. I. MAIER. For County Commissioners, JESSE RITTENIIOUSE, B. F. EDGAR. -:o;- For Auditors, JERE B. NUSS, CYRUS ROBBINS. $GsrThe largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Montour and Columbia Counties, Pa. For County Surveyor, SAMUEL NEYHARD. Tho democracy will be addressed in tho Bloomsburg Opera House on Fri day evening by Hon. Charles S Wolfo tho eloquent and fearless independent, and Hon. J. Thompson Baker, both of Lewisburg. Tbero should be a gener al outpouring from town and county. Dont let the Democracy bo out dono, but let us havo a big meeting to lrstcn to the eloquent orators at our final meeting. A Preacher Opposes Delamater. Itev. J. Franklin Coxe, a prominent Moihndist divine, now pastor of tho "Wilkicaburg M. E. church, has ad dressed a letter to Chairman W. S. Portor, of the Republican committeo of Allegheny county, explaining why ho oaunot voto for Delamater. He aaja ho knows Governor Pattiaon to bo neither a briber, perjurer nor forger. Uo wants hotter material man JJjm tion would reclaim tho Press compos ting room to the ranks of unionism, be it. Jlesolued. That this body condemns the action ot tho Philadelphia Press in looking out its hands beoamo of their allegiance to unionism, and furth er be it liesolved, That tho action of this body bo made knoivn, through its S c rotary, to all tho bodies of organized laoor nore ropresenieu, in oruui h the voters of this Commonwealth, who aro being so assiduously courted by both parties, may b3 made aware of tho true stato of aff lirs, and b i able to weigh this matter intelligently before oxeroising tho right of franchise in November. Previous to the adjbtirument of the convention a committee o( five was appointed to endeavor to unipnizj tho Press, nono of which committee wero printers. Oi Thursday, October 22J, a committee of Typographical Union No. 2 waited upon Stato Chairmau Androws, and were given to under stand that Mr. Cook, the business manager of the Press, desired a con ference with the committee of the Fed eration. On Friday, October 24th, asub-com mittee. consisting of I. W. Biabing, President of the Pennsylvania branch of the American Federation of Labor, and Win. II. Barrett, Secretary of tho United Labor League of Philadelphia, wont to the Press office for the purp oso of oarrvina out the instructions of tho convention. Mr. Cook, tho business manager of the I'ress, was seen at the enlranoo to his private othoe, and, although ap oroaohed iu a gentlemanly way by tho committee, flew into a rage, and deuied any desire for a conference by calling ono of tbo committee a liar. Wh'.lo this committee was disposed to swallow tho insult for tho sake of tho men they found it impossible to bring tbo Press manager to a reasonable understanding of tho dlgnitv and importance of tho occasion. Mr. Cook would not reason and in a short time the committee withdrew. Follow-Workingmen, this isn't question of tariff or pirty, morality or men Bimply of tho right of raon tojor- eanize for their own protection. The Press preaches protection to tho work inmnan. What kind does it meano, r ganizod or unorganizedt By its aotion it savs unorganized. Tho committeo of the Federation presents this plain Btateinent of facts for rouroousidoration and asks you to consider this matter as tf it were your own and act accordingly. I. W. BisniNO, S. D. Bruyn, II. KltF.IHEtt, J. Maiii.on Barnes. Wm. II. Barrett. Mr. Barolav be retained as pension . 1 J .. . tltia nntltiftn wnM i nnikini itaii if. n. hpfin and apologizing! when ho answered that the politicians in Pittsburg could not agree upon his successor. JLhere was a fight for the position and no agent could bo effected. Had theeo warring factions agreed he would have been removed loug ago. Mr. Barclay fears the soars of honorablo faithful service in the rebllion, and tho soldiers of tho state will honor him by their votes. If publio oflicera are to be sent to their postc, why not send back John Jarrott, Consul at Burmingham, England who was called on by tuay to uso his influence Among tho Welsh for Delamater: or John V. Delany, re oeiver of publio moneys in Oaklaho- mt. who was Sent to this State to Bccare the votes of the miners, Okmce ok Master, Centre Hall, Oct, 10, 1890. POLITICAL MISREPRESENTATIONS ANS WERED, facts stated as tiie re cords snow them. Candidate Barclay Replies. Captain William n. Barclay, the democratio candidate for secretary of internal affairs and pension agent at Pittsburg was last week uotihed by secretary Noblo Commissioner oi Ten sions. to return to his post at Pitts burg. Mr. Barclay sent the following reply. Gettybuuro. Pa . Oct. 23. 1890. To the Honorable Commissioner of Pensions Washington JJ. U. Sir I beg to acknowledge the reoeipt of vour telegram of the 20th or 21nt 1 Btant in which you sayt "I am dirtot ed by the secretary of the interior to order you to assume immediate chargo UDITOR'SWOriOE. Tho underatenoil an Auditor aDDOlnted by the Orphans' Codrtot Columbia county to make dis tribution ot tne mnd in the tais oi D. It, Johncon tho administrator, to and among the he'ra and lcgil representative! ot the deceased aocordloe tolaw, will sit at bis onloo In Ii looms bure, Pa., on Friday Oct. 31, lsao, at 10 o'olock a. m., when and where all person) having, claims against said estate must appear and prove tbo same, or be debarred Irom coming In on said lund. Auditor. . ron SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. T vn A rkv An Inf alllblo rofrnUtor llOSaUOr nf tho Human System. Cures f" nvnnTi Cures Bilious jjvej HJgaa.Or Affections &c. of vour agenoy and transact such bui mn or. nn unnoids i'auuon tor veto, mesa as my reumru vuur uursuuui aw ing tho "pauper soldier burial bill,'' teution and which may bo ueiayea and concludes by saying: "Pattison is gootl enough fur me, and, as I onco fought to wave the country from armed n uols, I "lull now vote to savo it from a more dangerous and dreaded one ray, 'political plunderorn." " tty vour absence. It Is expected this ord er will be promptly obeyed and that you will not ogaiu leave your agenoy without permission from the bureau. 7i i tnlartranli nf vmir mtnrfi In m mu m; wivti..j-u J . I ,1.. trr i PtTrtiif mn ti Inform von of A' UUVJ w. u. . r y - - Numerous circulars aro being dis tribnted by political managers, en deavoring to explain away and apolo gize tor the vote ot certain senators against the Farmers' Qrango Tax bill No. 10, whioh was defeated in the last session of tbo State Senate. These managers also, at the same lime, en deayor to read me a lecture that I was ovorslepplug the bounds of propriety as Master of tho Htate urange, by dragging partisan politics into tho Order. Were this only a question of party supremacy as to which politioal party should carry the election, it would scarcely bo deserving of a passing thought, hut graver responsibilities are involved. For ten years the farmers, through their Grange organization in Pennsyl vania, have been investigating tho oauses of oppressive taxation on farm lands, and havo discovered the gross est kind of inequalities in tho provis ions of the law and the methods of as sessing and codecting taxes. ihey have shown by tactB taken from official reports of the Secretary of Internal Affairs that the aggregate value of real estate, as returned by oinoiai reports, amounts to $I,HUU,!S3M, SC1, and pay an average tax of 18.8 mills, or over ijaa.uuu.uuu, while tney show from the same, report and that of the Auditor (ieneral; that corporate property is valued at 31,800,000,000, to which must be added persoual prop erty amounting to not lees than $200, 000,000, making the grand total esti mated value of corporate and personal property $2,000,000,000 that really pays only an average tax of 2 mills. Then there aro collected for Stato purposes from mercantile pursuits, col lateral inheritance, fees, escheats, li censes, cto, $3, -179,01)0, making in round numbers $7,000,000 collocted from over $2,000,000,000 peraoual and corporate property as compared with $33,000,000 colleottd from $1,800, 000,000 real estato. This is tho real situation of tho real estate owners and renters (at they must pay tbo tax on real estate), as compared tvith holders of corporate and personal property. The Commit tee of the Stato Grange commenced their investigation at the time when Robert E Pattison vas Governor of reuDsyivaniai ho did a 1 in his power to assist the State Grange Legislative Uommitteo in tueir investigations by Uauitig a request, upon the Auditor General for detailed statements of facts and revenues oollectcd by tho Stato from the different industerlest ho also iaued a requost upon tho See retary of the Commonwealth, for in formation as to the amount of icoreaso of oorporate proporty since last report of Auditor ueneraii in this way the Co in mi too wero enabled to determine vaiuo of "that it was unnecessary as the record would speak for itself." 1 have no interest in this contest from a partisan standpoint, but I have the right as a farmer, a duty I owe to tho State Grange, to make known the actual facts in tho case. I am not even claimed as a partisan, but tho State Grange has for ten years formu lated debtuto and well denned prin ciples on Stato and local taxation, which wero incorporated in a bill, which I was instructed, as Master of the Stato Grange, to bring before the State Legislature, and to use tho en tire iniluenoo of the Order in tho State to secure its ei.actmout into law I havo carried out the instructions of the State Grange, with tho undivided support of tho entire organization, and camo within ono voto of placing it on the statute books of tho Stato as tho law of the land. The mpousibility of tho failure lies wilb Mr. Delamater and other Senators who voted against the measure. If farmers will re-elect theso me", they will just as surely defeat their legislation in the future as in the past; what claims have they upon the farm er when thuy are opposed to the p in ciples the farmer advocates) if they were honest men they would not ask for tho support of those whoso inter ests they opposed while in publio po sitions. The importance of the impending political State contest oannot be over estimated. Farmers do not depend upon what tho present State Revenue Commission may prepare, even Bhould thoy succeed in reporting a just an J equitable bill, tbat will not make it a law; it will require tho force of nnm bers to give it a constitutional major ity in the House and Senate and tho signature of a Governor to maka it a law. What farmers must do is to lay aside partisan bigotry and voto for favorablo men. See that every favor able voter is out to the polls. If farmers aro to secure redress from a burdensome- and iniquitous tax system they must vote for their interolB as other olassess do. They cannot do it by electing men who are opposed to their interests, farmers Bhould not allow themselves to be alarmed as to the tariff issue. Settle that on your Con gressional ticket; it has nothing to do with our Stato tax issue. I have no personal feelings against theeo men, but their votes have been on the wrong sido for farmers, and it is my duty to present the facU m tfcey exist irrespective of party considera tions. Respectfully, Leonard Rhone. Sag Laxador gffe The Ieadlng Perfume. SREXE1MC01D6NE Fragrant ! i. Lasting I met 26 cents, nrfaw at all dcaubs. Salvation Oil frlct only 25 ctt. Soli by all drujghti. Will relievo flheumaiism, Neuralgia, Swolings, Bruises, LumbagOfSprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burn's, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. nuewLANOE'S PLUBS. U, Gnat Tobacco An tiHCm tldettlPrlc4 10 Ctt. M alt drucaUu. JVI'Itillip Bros. Photographs. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Photogrsiphic portraits re touched and modeled for likeness, tone, and finish. JL.ife size crayons, lin estgrsidc, a spec iality. Frames, and viewing. Tne undersigned, surviving executor ot tte lost win and testament ot Bzeklcl Cole, lato ot sugar loit township, In Columbia county, l'enna., now offers at private sale a large body ot tne most de sirable real estate to be found In the township. It consists of a tract ot land lying upon both sides ot the Flslilngcreek, and composing in the whole about 28 Acres. That portion of It which Is upon the west side I of thocreelc has the following improvement and advantages, to-wlt. A largo frame DWELLING HOUSE, formerly Kept an a notel, a Frame Building erect ed for and occupied as a country store, a largo frame building erected and occupied as a tenant heuse, and also outbuildings, Saw mill, ic It Is wen wooded and has a considerable quantity ot excellent fruit. It Is accessible by two public I roads and a county bridge, and also by t heiilooma burg & Sullivan raUroad, and It contains about 111 Acres. The remainder of the tract lying upon the east I side ot the creek, Is also accessible by two publio roads and a county bridge across Flshlngcreclc to the railroad. The Improvements aro a large barn a, the whole tract having been occupied as the homestead farm. This piece contains about 1 7 O. Acres. It will be sold together or In parcels as may be deemed most expedient. The sale will bo by tho acre. A draft of the land with the Improvements roads, &&, can bo seen In the hands of the execu tor at the banking house of the llloomsburg Hank ing Company, where also Inquirers may learn urns or sale, to. Aug. 1.1 500. It. II. OltOTZ, Executor, tt' llloomsburg, 1'a. oiPEisriisra-i Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Wednesday, September 17th. MISS H. E. WASLEY, Main Street, Bloomsburg Pa. NEXT DOOR TO I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, JJlATTINCr, or Oil, CJLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT . Are you using the old fash ion rubbing board in doing your washing? Ii you are it will pay you to investigate into the mer its of our New LinsnsaiMBi. Alter trying it we named it the "Lightning," because it struck us as being the right name for such a Rapid Working Machmo as to the top pull swing and so called washing machines. (JLARIs. h. HARDER, Third Street, 9-19-31T1 Catawissa, Pa. copying T O CON nt ACTORS AND BUILDERS. tiealed dtodossIs will be recelvol for the build- Ingot an addition to the Columbia County court House locaiod In llloomsburg, I'd-, until Saturday, Nov. 8th, at 19 o'clock u. Proposals must be ac companied by an approved Uond ot ten thousand dollars tor the faithful performance of the con- tract, ana mo commisaiiners reserve vue ns uv uj reject any or all bids. The drawings, plans and specifications will Do at the commissioners omce ana at me omce or a. a. wagner. arcuutwo, wiu laiusport, I'o., on and after Monday, October STth. JKSSB KITTBN1IOUSK, KZHA RTKI'IIKNH. Commmlssloners ot Columbia Co. attist: J. 11. uod ni. Bloomsburg, Pa., Oct. 23. 1890. tl. CUT THIS OUT. 2nd Door abovo Court House. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. warcotu aaus.ew.ij-e,w,tto use's SAFQD'GifMs well SAlrTP. rrmnc-,. 1 fa muzzled fn herVrqcrseTrfrsnid keep your house cle&rufAll grocers keep ft- Cleanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to insure comfort. Man Hke3 comfort, and If he can't find it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort and happiness? Try SAPOLIO and you will be surprised at your success. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. j pretty definitely tut to the How's Thu. We offer Oqo Hundred Dollars rc. warn tor any oaso ot catarrh that oan not be cored by taking Hall's Catarrh uuru. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, To ledo, O. We, tho undoreitrndi). havoknown F. J, Chenoy for the last 15 years, and uunuvo mm (lerieotiy nonoranio in an business transactions, and financially able to cany out any obligations made uy itiair n nn. West & Thuax, Wholesale Dr.icgmtH, Toledo, O. Waluino, Kinnan & Mahvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toled"1, Hair Catarrh Cm o is taken intern ally acting directly upon tlio blood and raucous surfaces of the syxum. TiU tnonials gent free. Prioe 73o. per hot. tie. Sold by all druggists. 10.17 -t-t. Uaptaln Courtney. bays; While on tlio coast of AMca I had three men sick with malarial fever I cured them with Sulphur Hitters. It is tha greatest blood purifier I oversaw. 1 always keep them in my medicluo cheat, 8iip Nautilus, Baltimore. vs-n 9-t Write Your Name and Address UatltoK O. TIIOMP-'OS, 133d .Chestnut tukst, (Opiinslte' til- Hint), I'MUilelphiu, unit roc We I t'liirn Mmpli-H ( Su p rl r K ipM 'licvlot from wlilcb "Tliitnpcii, I'utcnt O it" pints urc mulit. PRICE $3.50. Bcl.mcusiiro Itlunkg, Tapo am) 'ull directions "How to Ot'lci I'auU by mill" tent Hu all lamplcs. TOBACCO This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest piece for the money in the mar ket. Vinco tin tag on each lump. Its extensive sale for many years has established its reputation. There is nothing better, Try it. For sale by dealers and grocers. IUMTOlft. NOl'IOB KsUiUs of Morrll C. Sloan, of the town of Dlnomt. ourg, ae 'ura Tbe UDderelcned. an auditor appointed br tne IOrplianB' Court ot Colutnbli county, I'a , to make distribution oi inetund In tbe band ot tbe eiecu. I tor, aa sbown br hH Unit account, to and among tbe part 'n entitled tbe eto will alt at bu oruoe In the Town ot liloomauurv, co intjr aforesaid, on Monday, November iu, 'sn, at v o'clock a. m , ftbeuand wbere all d ritai bavins oUlica must I appear and pr ve ho sitae, or be debarred from I coining in on said lund. n. v., Auuiwr, a A 1 4 M wantkii. Permanent nimby vjulj.'UUI ii. (loxinu.irv uromnnli. IRwdly Made ClotMeg ! Newest Styles, Latest Cets ! Lowest Friees I -: :o:- WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK -OF- Fall' and Winter Clothing for Men, Youths' and Children, Ever Brought to This County. Children's Suits of all Styles. Come and See for Yourself. Wo are not offering old stock but they aro tho latest goods, just received, and more on tho way. Our large store room is filled, and wo invito you to call and see and make selections from tho latest styles. Suits sold for $3.50 and upwards. We have also, Hatsf Caps and Furnishing Goods. In our Merchant Tailoring Department wo can furnish you tho Best Goods at Low Prices and guarantee satisfaction Call at onco at BVAN8 & BYEB, CORNER MAIN AND IRON STREETS. slnn. kIiih mil. Us era. rrt'iR low Itocuebler, N. v. 1' ill llneot frulMand Klr,. A. U. 1'ltA'lT, fiuiteiyinao, FREE OP CHARE, 1010 d-lc, TRUSTliliS SALH ' -Of lERSOaALPROPERTZ"! Tlio undersigned purchaser ot tbe personal pro--. Ierty o( btepben lialdy ot Catau laaa, as trustee lor oertaln creditors, vllt offer tbe entire block ot store goods remaining in tbe store late ot said stepbeu lialdy, at Catawtaaa, on the promises on THUHSPAY, OCTOBER 80. 1800, at 10 o'clock a. m., at pulilo sale, 'to tbe ntebett I bidder. Terms oasn, or SO dajs on approved se curity. Tbe stock must l closed out. aw, S. JtLWKU, J0-M-JW, Trustee; THE BEST POROUS PLASTERS IN THE WORLD. jaisaeaasr- rheumatism, kidney pains, lame back, &e. McnllUPnauu, OUOHTKNOU tt UIOUARDH, BHta, Mass. jgLKOTIUN HOllOK, Tbe stockholders ot the Manor Ilest Inn Com. pany will meet at tbe omce ot Oea :Ji El well. In tbe town ot tiloonuburg on Tuesday Nov, it, J MM. at i o'clock In tbe allernoon, tor tbe purpose ot electing nine directors to servo for tbe ensuing year, and to transact any otrer business thcl may come before them. Otto. It K.WH&LL, 10-lMt. beoV, I'.tHH I 'tut III yi-t A farm of lixiueres, with usndaome new house and baru. and supplied with bunJant water, will bo rented at a low rent lor Hie term of live yean, to a good tenant who e an furnish bu own stock ntequlpment. Tne farm Is In tbo Catawissa Valley on tbe Township road trom Hrandoutllle to Audunrvld, two miles from llrandonvlle and near (llrarl Manor, iteterencos requested. Addr M UKUKIl iiTUOMJ'bON, Knglneer Olrara UitAle mtsvuie. ! nor. My,