mi, rr"'"'''"'""""''a''M''M''M'M''MI'"'"''""M'" L. FRITZ, ATTO U N EY-AT-I, AW, Omen Front Koom, over FostouirsB, BLOOMSBURG. PA. J H. MAIZE, ATTOP.NEY-AT-tAW, INIVRAKCKASDntAt ESTATE AOTTt, Office Room No. t, Columbian BUilnf , BI.OOMS11URO, PA. N. U. FUNK, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Ent's Building, near Court Home, BLOOMSUUKG, rA. J OHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND JUSTICE OF THE TRACE, Office over Mover Bro'a. Drnj Stmt BLOOMSBURG, PA. Q W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Brower's building, 2d floor, noaNe I. BLOOMSBURG, PA, B, FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office cor. Centre & Mtln Sts., Clark's bnlrilrig, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WCan be comulted la German. QEO. E. ELYVELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Seconal floor, Columbian BultAUf, BLOOMSBURG, PA. H, V. WHITE, A. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Wlrt'n Building, and floor, Muln St x BLOOMSBURG. FA. P P. BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY,) Office over Den tier's Shoe sure, Trot room, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Colcmhab Building,! Hcr, front rn, BLOOMSBURG, PA. RANT HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Oftce Vjts KawKnci Heat Marktt, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. H. RHAWW, ATTOBMKY-AT-LAW, O&cc, comer cf Ttur mi Main Street, CATAWISSA, PA. J- B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGF.ilN AND PHYSICIAN, Office, Nerth sialt Mtln Street, befew Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JR, . C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Mavlctt Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. D ,R. WM. M. REBER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, comer ef Rock end Market Street!, BLOOMSBURG, PA. f. S. WINTERSTEEN, W. D. DECKLEY. Notary Public. ""INTERSTEEN & BECKLEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Loans secured, Investments made. Real es Itate bought and sold. Office in First National Bank Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. H ONORA A., ROBBINS, M. D. Offlco West First 8t. Special attention given tojthcy cyo and r and the fitting of glasses. J J. BROWN, M. D., Office and Residence, Third Street, West of Market, near LI. E. Church, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WOffice hours every afternoon and evening. Special attention given to the eye and the fitting f glasses. Telcphaac connection. D R. J. R. EVANS, Tbxatmut or Cirr.onc Diseases made a Specialty. Office and Residence, Third St, below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. M, J. HESS, D. D. S., Graduate ef the Philadelphia Dental CeUege, having opened a dental office In Lckad' BtflLDmO, comer e! Main and Cectre street), BLOOMSBURG, PA., Is prepared to recdve aH patUsti rctjsiriai ft feuUoa lerricea. ELECTBIO'VulItATOl'lUBEn. Ethze, Gjj, ajtv Local Ajmji nanus, dnlnlstcre4 In & paiaksa eatractkn f teeth fm U ekarp v&9 isrti&iJj loeth art bajtrttd. All Wots GsAXAjrrzss aj RmaomB, W AINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Tiai, Syrum, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Shcei, Bicabb Soda, Etc, Etc. N. E. Comer Second and Arch Sts. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WOrden will receive prompt attention. M. C. SLOAN Si ERO,, Mamufactuiers of Carriages, Buggies, Phietoni, Sleight, Platrona Wagons, 1c BLOOMSBURG, PA. First-class work always on baud, Repairing neatly done. WTtlcet reduced to suit the timet. w. H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main St., tel. Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. AH styles of wrk done in a superior manner, and all work warranted as represented. Teeth Extracted Without Pain, 'st the use ef Gas, and lice of charge when artificial teeth r Unite 1. W To be open all kouri diulra;tae da;, THE COLUMIHAK IB THE BEST. 0. B. EIiWELIj, , S, BIXIENBEKDEB, PPr!eton. 6th The Best Burning Oil That Can bo Mado From Potroloum. It gives a brilliant ll2ht. It will not smoko tboclilmucys. It will not chnr tbo wick. It lms n high (lro teat. It will not explode. It i preeminently a family safety oil. Wo Challongo Comparison with any other illuminatiug oil made. We Btako our Reputation, as Heilncrs, up on the Statement that It Is Tim Mmi mi N THIS WOItlD. ASK YOUU DEALEU FOB Crown - Acme. ACME OIL COMPANY, BLOOllSUUUG,- - PA. ELY'S CATARRH uream isaim Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays PaIq anu Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Ilestores thu Senses of Tate and Smell. THY THE cuuehaY-EEVER AnartlcloU annilfvi into ocb nostril una u u-Krfuttuie. i tico ou cents at iJiwiais: oy mail, lu-iCMt-d. M Warren M., New York. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING 5. W. BERTSOH, TITE MERCHANT TAILOR. OF EVKKY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine the largest and best solectod stock of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Btoro next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, BlooinsDurjr Pa. D R. I. C.BREECE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. HT Office over Mover Bros. Drug JStore. Residence West Main Street, i2-2o-iy' J 8. WILLIAMS, AUCTlONEEu! I1LOOMSBUHO, I'A. Eoal Bstato Bought and Sold. Parties desiring to buy horses and wagon vould dc well to call on tho above. J. S. GARRISON M. D. HOMEOIMTIIIO l-IIVSIOIAN AND SUHaEON. t&- OIUco over I. W. llartnvn & Son' store, residence N. E. corner Centre, and Fourth streets. J-R. J. T. FOX, Dentist. All the latest appliances for manufacturing, treating, filling and extracting teeth. All styles of work warranted as represented. Office on Main Street, near East. 5-i6-ly. CON. IFUlND, HUl.artl &Pool Room. Wlnttrsteen's Hullding, over First Nation, al Bank, Bloomsburg, Pa. Fine cigars always on hand. Publio patronago respectfully solicited. 10-17-0m. QHRISTIAN T. KNAP. FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG. Home of N. Y. i Merchants', ! Newark, N. J. Clinton, N. Y, I PeejJej' N Y. Reading, Pa. ( German American Ina. Ca, New York, j Oieenwich Uicranee Co., New York ; Jersey Citr Fire Ins. Co., Jenejr City, N. J. These old corporations are well seasoned by i;e and Fiaa Tsin and have never yet had a lois sellleJ by any court or law. Their assets u. all invested 1 soilo itCDauixs, are liable lo the h avaid of rial only. Lones onrri.Y snd honistlv adjusted and paid as soon as determined, by CHRIST' IAN F, KNAPF, Sracui. Aoint and Ad. IL'STii, llwommo, I'A. She people cf Columbia county should pat toniM the ajencv whete losses, if any, are set led and f aid by etc of their own titUene. 'mrvtEiimkji Mitchell's Rheumatic Plasters, " ,M 6j drulta. in li mall, W cei.ta. VoYvltl l'liutcr Work, Wvtell, Uiu: 10-17 d 4t, lire A man runa no clinnco of mlsBing a bargain at our mores. The prices aro bo fair and tho qualities bo rcliablo that you can oloso your nyes and safely puroliaee. If you havo a Suit or Ovoroont lo buy this Fall make it a ioint to ileal where thcro aro no doubtful qualities, no ex travagant prices. A. 0. YATES & CO. & Chestnut 13th & Chestnut (Ledger llullillng) riHLADELl'UU (New store) I Rheumatism, BEING duo to the presence of urie cid In tho blood, is most effectually cured by iho uso ot Aycr's Snrsapa rllla. Ko sure you get Aycr's and no other, and tako it tilt tho poisonous ncl'i is thoroughly expelled from the jystcm. Wo challongo attention to this testimony : "Aliout two yoars ngo, after suffering for nearly two ycar9 from rheumatio out, being able to walk only with great lscomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise ment in a Chicago paper that a man had hecn relieved of this distressing com plaint, after long suffering, by taking Aycr's Saraaparllla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took It regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effocted a tompleto euro. I have since had no re turn of tho disease" Mrs. It. Irving Dodgo, 110 West 125th St., Now York. "One yoar ago I was taken 111 with Inflammatory rheumatism, being con fined to my house six months. I came out of tho sickness very much debili tated, with no appotlte, anil my system disordered in ovcry way. I commenced using Ayer'a Sarsaparllla and began to Improvo at once, gaining in strength anil soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise ot this well-known medlcino." Mrs. L. A. Btark, Nashua, N. II. Ayer!s Sarsaparilla, rniramn bt Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. rri tl; six bottles, ts. Worth J a bottle. B. T. HARTMAN uriutNTS nut rotLowiNO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES i Nortk American, of Philadelphia, Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " " York, of Pennsylvania, Hana-rer, of New York, Queens, of London, North British, of London. Omu on Market Street, above Main, No. $. BLOOMSBURG, TA. " (Successor to Freas Brown,) agent and broker, Bloomsburg Fire & Life Ins. Agency, (Established in 186J.) COMPANIES REPRESENTED i Assits. Minx Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, $9,525,358.97 Haitford, of Hartford 5,288.609.97 mania, 01 Ilartlord, 4,775409.1 Springfield, of Sprlugficld 3.099,903 .9 fire Associalion, Philadelphia,... 4,512,702.29 Guardian, of London 13,603,323.71 Phoenix, of, London, 6,924,563.48 Lancashire of Eng., (U.S. Branch) 1,642,195.0c. Royal of England. " " 4,853,564.00 Mut. Ben. Li. In. Co. Newark, N J 41,379.228.33 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J H. MAIZE, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Office, Second Floor, Columman Building, BLOOMSBURG, I'A, Liverpool London, and Globe, largest in the World, and peifcctly reliable. Assets, Imperial, of London, $9,658,479.09 Continental of New York, 5,239,9Si.2t American of Philadelphia, 2,401,956,11 Niagara, of New York, 2,260,479.86 J7XraANGHOTELi W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR, OrrosiTt Court House; BLOOMSBURG, I'A. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold water and all modem conveniences. The Moat Successful HcmcdvovcrOlicoT. ercJ, as It Is certain In Its effects and does not buster, rtcad proof below 1 DR. D. 3. Kcmxu. SP- ve-'n Blrs i-Uit Summer I cured a Curb n pon nij horse with vourcelehrated Keudall's KpavlnCuraauait waa tuo beat Joblercraaw done. I havea doien emptr botUes, having uusl it with perfect success, curing every tttlntf I IrlM It on. Mjr neighbor had homo with a very bad Spavin that madohlm lame, lie- aaked mo how to cure It. I recommended Kenilall'a Spavin cure. lis cured tho Spavin lu Jusc threo weeks. ' Yours respectfully, Wolcotc tors, I)R. a J. Kavmu. cr1" 0M-AprU '' m Dear blm i-I havo U-en elllnv moro of Kendall's Bpavtn Cure ami VUufa Voixdltloo l'owder tliaa e Ter before. One man aald to me. It wa the best lewder I ever kept aol the twit he over tued. XtcipectrulJy, OTTO L. nomui, Pb. B, J. KEimiti. Ca, ' Uear Kirai I have uiod several bottles of your Kendall'i Spavin Cure with perfect luccew, on valuable anJ bloodeil mare that was quite lame with a Hone Spavin. The maro Is now entirely free front lameneis and shows no lmnfi on the joint. IWspoctfuU, V, IL UoTCUuts. KENDALL'S SMI CURE. . IIoieoi, La. Mar 3, '50. Da. a J. Kixuitt Co., ' Uenu t-I think It mr duty to render yon my thanks (or your far famed Kendall's Spavin Cure. 1 bad a four year old nlly which I prlaod very highly, f ho had a very severe swollen leg. I tried about eight different klnda or medicines which did no good. I purchased a bottle of your Kendall's Spavin Core w olch cured her In four days. I remain yours, lUruon Dovrezjr, rrlclprbotUe,orsIxbottIegforts. AUdrnn. KtsU have Korean gel It for you, or it U1 be sent to an address on reoelptof pries by the proprie tors. 1)11. II, J. KKN1I A U. CO., EuoabursU 1alU, Verusat. C'l to Oflfl A VOLDMK paidforyour OLD J)1 tp-iUU nooitB. A long catalogue ot bookB with the Ma irkf we will pay. postpaid lor 10 cents In slumps. 11000 easily made buying old books, rommencoatonceand vti nret pick, C. f. UAltl'Kll, 17 Kant 16th Bt., new York. l(MM.4t. A HTSTi 8liesiiK to sell our Chnlro twi i Nursery stock. All irooda euar. antecd first-class. O00J salartos and ex. dscb. or a liberal oommLulon nald. No leaner. lence Recess try. Write (or terms, clvlog age, and becure your choloa ot territory. ii. 1. aniuiirsw. iuu rurK avcduo, itocnea 7 TNaDALUsl!! fSjAViN CUREiM) U-r, New York. W-ltMl IU BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, AVAHD T.IST. Premiums nwnrded at tho llilrty-slith an. nual Falror tho Columbia County AKrtoult tiral Socioty, hold nt Illooma'jurg Ootobor U, lo, 17 and 18, 18U0. ' CLASS 1. oARRtAna add lioiit dravoiit nonsks, maris ako colts. lllooilod stallion over 4 yrs, Thompson A llalgllt tlO 00 eoconil, F 1' llruionlnicli 8 to Stallion In Col Co ov or 4 yrs, U It Cox 8 00 Beoond, Wesley Uownian , 6 00 Stallion in Col Co bolwuen 2 and 4 yrs John Wlntorstocu S 00 Second, To tor St KHno SOU llrood muro and foal nt hor feet, O r Ulrton A 00 Second, Jaoob K Wlntorsteen 1 IX) Maro nr guldlnit between I and 8 yrs, Albert Kolohnor 4 t) Second, Katlol'Uardner 2 00 Colt between 1 audi yrs, John W Win. torstven 8 01 Beconcl, Jacob K Wintcrsicen O0 Colt under 10 months, Jacob a Winter- stccn 8 00 rlr carriage liorsos or mares, 11 J Knorr s 00 Second, John W U lntcrsitim 3 00 Slnglo ctrrlago horse or maro, J 1 Freas ; 3 00 Seoond, 1 II lkclor 2 C3 fair mulched colts under 4 yrs broken to harness, 1, II Stiles , 4(0 Second. U w sterner 2 00 I'ftlr driving ponlos, Mrs K li Moara... 3 00 Second, II h UcllTenbaoh 2 00 I'ony, l'aul Shultr 1 00 Coll under I yrs, K O Swcpponbclser.. 2 00 CLASS 11. nmvv drauout nORses, habis AKD COLTS. Illooded atatllon over 4 yro, Morthum berlamt Clydosdulo llorso Co 10 00 Socond, Uavlcl Howell 8 00 stulilou in col Co over 4 yrs, 1 J Tiiuinas 8 03 Coll uuder 10 months, I) S rnltursoj.. 3 00 Two horso team, J w Mheep 4 00 Second, G A Kl John J 00 Two miilo toam, llunry J Sillier 4 00 Mule, J 11 Crawford 2 00 CLASS III. ntOOOID CATTLK, DIV. 1. DUR HAM OR SHOUT UORNKD. Bull ovor 2 yis, Daniel Cotner 10 00 Second, Henry J Millar 5 0) Cow, hills lllngroso 10 oo Second, Matthias Shatter too DIV. 2, DEVON. IIclforunucr2yrs,CKlIugonbuch.... 4 00 DIV. 3. IIULSTKIN VRESIAN OB DUTCH BgLTSD. Hull over 1 yis, John K Drolsoh 10 00 Heifer under 2 yrs, K 11 Llttlo 4 0) DIV. 4. HHUBVOUD. Hull over2 yrs, Abram Kllno 10 00 Heller undor 2 yrs, " " 4 00 CLASS IV. BLOODKDOATTLV. DIV. 1. JBBSRTS Bull ovor 2 yrs, Asa Dolly 10 00 faecond, U II Patterson 0 00 Cow, Willie Webo lo U) Second, 11 W Hess 6 oo Heifer under 2 yrs, H W llojs 4 0J Second, WlUlo rfobl) 2 00 Calf under 12 mos, Thos J lUrtou 'J 00 Scaond, 11 W Hess 1 OO AYgKSUIBKS, Cow, a W Stornor 10 00 CLASS V. OBADKD CATTLE. Bull over 2 yrs, GUM MoIIonry 8 OO Second, Mrs Cora S weppeuhelsur 4 00 Cow, John Coieman 8 to Second, Dr M J lluss 4 00 Heifer under 2 yrs, K 1 lluxonbucb... 4 0J Second, " ... 2 00 Calf undor 12 m09, " " ... 2 00 Second, John Drake 100 CLASS VI. O.RADBD CATTLE. Bull ovor 2 yrs, Wm Crevollng 8 00 Second, John Drake 4 00 Cow, W C mchart 8 oj Second, f o ttyer 4 00 Heifer under 2 yrs, H W llos 4 00 Second, 2 00 Cair undor 12 mos, Fred llagcnbuoh.. 2 00 Second " 1 oo Twin calves, Mrs Cora Swepponholsor 1 10 CLASS VII. NATIVU CATTLK. Cow over3 yrs, Fred HagenbncU ...... 8 00 Second. 11 1, Vandorsllcu 2 10 Two calves ono year old broko to bar- ness, J Boyd Vuuce 2 00 srxoiAL rsizs, Best herd composed or 1 bull and not less than 4 nor mora than 10 oows or hellers, 4 of which shall bo ovor 2 years old, comprising any or all tho broods In class 3, K 11 uttlo.... 30 00 Best held composed ot samousubovu comprising any or all the breeds In oiuss 4, 11 W Hess 30 00 CLASS VIII. BUEBr, SUOBT WOOLS MBR1BOS. 1'alr buck and ewo, I" P llagoubucb. ... 8 00 Second, J S Hagunbuoh 4 C3 M1DDLS WOOLS. eODTUDOWBS, BUBOrSnlBE DOWKS, UAursuiRunowxs, OXrOBDSUtBK DOWhB. Pulr buck and ewo, Jloltenry & Pat- terson 0 00 Sccoud, Wm J llldlay 00 Lot lambs, 0 or more, U 11 M McUenry. S 00 Sccoud, Win II Hess 3(0 LOSU WOOLS. LISCOLHS, LKI0ESTEUS AMD COTS WOLDS. Pair buck and ewo. Kllsna Hagunbuoh 0 10 Second, Mrs Com Swoppenhelsor S 00 Lot of lambs.O or moro, Kllshallagon- buch ; 9 00 C,l, ASS IX. SWINE, Jersey red sow. J S llueoubucli 6 00 Second, F P llugenbncn ,, 3 00 llerksblro boar, Clinton llerilng u 10 llerkshltosow, ' ' BOO Poland China sow, II Llttlo... 8 00 Chester white boar, A S Shlmur S 00 Second, HeniyJ Mliiur 3 0) Chester white sow, Samuel llldlay,... 0 00 Second, AS Hhlmer 3 00 Ohio Improved Chester boar, (leorge A Fisher 3 00 Second, U B Patterson 1 60 Ohio Improved Chester sow, George A Fisher 3 00 Litter or pigs, not less than 6 under 3 months old, Uoury ilotu 5 00 Second, Jtllsha Uageubueli 3 CO CLASS X. rocLTnv. chickens in tbios. Black mlnorcos, Wm C Shaw 1 00 Second, F O Eyer ft so DurJt Brahma, F P llugeubucn 1 oo White lliahtna, " ' 1 to Second, Henry lloto fio 1-anxshans, Sam Shatl'er 1 oo Itoso eumb btown Leghorns, Will 11 German 1 00 lted Cups, Will U German l to Wbltn Plymouth Hocks, Mrs C .N old. Do Haired Plymouth Rocks. W B German 60 Plymouth ltocks, G W Steiuer 1 ou Butt Cochins, U A rlshur. 1 ou Colored Wyandotts, bumshutrer 1 00 Second, Bowl Mulzu CO BiowiLLtghorns, G W Storner 100 Second, Henry Itolo 00 L'uht llrahums, J P Fleas 100 Hsulums, Ed Shaffer 1 do Black biutstcd gumu Bantums, Chus Williams 1 00 Second, Boyd Furman BO Black brossted red Games, Frank Ed- gur 1 00 Second, Geo Moyur CO Orangeman Game, E F Krum 1 00 Partridge Coohlns, Samuel Leo 1 00 Cieves, ' " 1 oo Dounn quu Games, Frank Edgar 1 oo bhawl Meek, G W sterner. 1 00 White Leghorn, s O Creasy 100 lloso Comb Plymouth Hocus, Henry J Miller 1 10 cuichs. Burr Cochins, Elmer W llagenbucu ,,, 1 OO becond, F I' llugenbuch U) Dark Ui-ubma, timer tv Hagenbucb,, CO Plymouth Bocks, G W Sterner. 1 00 Second. H'lllio Webb 60 Colored Wyundotu, lloyd Mulzo 60 Black Mlnoicu, F J Eyer So Black breasted red Game, II 11 Shaud, 1 00 Black and red Games, E F Krum 1 00 Second, Chas Itubu , 60 Whltu Leghorn, 'lorn B Moore 100 Black breasted red Game Bantums, U W kteruer 1 00 Second, U H Ohl 60 PUCKS. l'eklu, Henry ltoto , , 1 00 Second, Ellis ltlngrose 6i Common, Clui a Uuckle loo Second, E Lazarus 60 Crown Top, Andrew trovllng 1 (XI Poland, Henry J Miller, , ,,, loo obese, Toulouse, Samuel llldlay 100 becond, w II Shoemaker 60 Brown Chinese. Ellshu tlugeubuch.,,. 1 00 Matlvu, Henry Koto i oo beccuu, Wlllio llldlay 60 TURKEYS, Bronze, Henry J Miller 1 oo becond, Elmer W lluguubucu,,,,,,,,,, 60 Nutlvu, Ellsha Uaguuuuch , 1 oo becond, llenty Itotu. ,,, 60 llluu, F P Hageubuch l oo Whltu liolluud, U A Wolf l oo Bed, Thomas Gorruy 1 oo Guinea White, O A Wolr ui Kullvo with oliluks, ElUha Hageubuch 60 S-BT STOCK. ETC, King doves, Chax Sltlor Geiiuan silver carp, Matthias nhaffer. Display pigeons, a A Wolf bi ooud, Wlllio Webb Pair labblis, A G Gross Second, Ed Shaffer ,, German cat p, 11 W Appleman , Jacobin pigeons, Chas Merling Carrier pigeons, " Yellow tumbler pigeons, Ed Snallur,., Gray Siulrrul, Clinton Furmau. ....... 60 1 uo 2 00 1 00 1 00 60 2 60 'ii ti iS 60 CLASS XI, O BAIN, SEEDS AMD yLOUB, 60 lbs wheat Hour, roller, Wesley Bow. man , i to 601bs wheat flour, buhr, A Beagle loo Second, Jacob Zulsloft ,,, 60 Buckwheat Hour, Wesley llowiuuu..,, oo Seoond, A llesgle 60 Halt bu clover seed, A J Zeislofl 1 00 Halt bu timothy seed, J s Hagenbuoti 1 00 Second. 1 U lkvler , 60 Bu red bearded wheat, A J ZoWlort... 1 0b Second, J W Bowman , 60 Bu lod smooth wheal, Henry J Miller 1 lo Second, Llojd Miller ........ ,,,, 60 Al.uek clover seed, X i Zeisloa , 60 buckwheat, BF luttlil ,.,".'. ) BO 60 25 M 23 1 0O 60 1 OH 60 60 (0 23 1 (10 60 1 (10 60 60 a 60 23 1 00 60 :j 23 10 23 23 21 10 li King Philip corn K Lnzarus Monigomory Co Favorite B Lazarus.. Twin corn iars. Scott Crovllng Doe etnlks corn cars, John Walter...,. Flaxscod, Lloyd Miller ItadUh seed, Freas Klstler Black mustard, " , Yollnw ' 8unflowor, John Coleman CLASS Xll vsairABLiia. roiiioss. Burbank, II A Sweppenhelser American Agilcnltnrist Second, II W Appleman Whltostar, Andrew Crcvllng . American Agriculturist Second, Ileuben Hess , Bwot, it II Crovllng Amnrlcnti AtrriointnrUfc SO 60 60 60 50 60 n oeeiiun,u 11 Lirevilll'J ,.. ......,,. Mammoth I'earl, W 0 llichart Amer'can AfrrlonlLiirliit Second, Simon Sltlcr uako n Seedling, Simon Sltlur. ........ ..American ArrrlculLurlat Qaconof Ireland, Henry J Miller American Agriculturist Second, SI L Keller , Uluo Victor, W C lttchart American Airilculturlst Second, E Lazarus .ariy itoso, 11 11 urotz. Amorloin Avrloulttirlt Second, Ellis llingro o , Early Bliss, Ellis It ngroso American Agriculturist Polaris, Goo A Fisher Pcclc. " S) 00 Morning Star, II W Appleman American Agriculturist Whlto l'rollflo, Henry J Mlllor ............ A in nrlcrftl Aurimiltiirlat Bliss Triumph, J N Gordon Charles Dawning, ! N Gordon 6) 60 CO 60 60 American Agriculturist ... vr.) . UlUIIIIDOUHUtU UUillUll,,,.,,,,,,,,.. Succch, S II Ohl.. American Agriculturist Boy'e's Xorthern Spy, J 11 Crovllng... American Arloulturist Brecon's Proline, II W Appleman American Agriculturist Second. Mrs A J Maus r.ariy onto, Samuel Hldlav American Agriculturist Second, A J Zslslolt lloso Seedling, J 11 Crovllng American Agriculturist King's Proline, Mrs A J Maus Beauty of Hobron. Mrs A J Maus American Agriculturist Long Giant, F. Lazarus American Agriculturist Late ltose, A J Zeislofl American Agriculturist Prince Albert, Henry W Melllck American Agriculturist Calico Pink Kyo, Henry W Molllok.... Araorlcan Agriculturist Peerless, Thos Hlckey Amnrlcin Agriculturist Chicago Maraet,Thns Hlckoy American Agrlcultutlst Whltu Seedling, Andrew Crovllng American Agriculturist Qaren ltose, Andrew Crovllng American Agriculturist Bcctf, Samuel Trump .. ecocU, John Coleman Turnips, Mclvini Drnko Second, Daniel Uryroglo Cabbao E J Mussteman Socond, It A Sweppenhelser Celery, M McMthan Onions U pk, Mrs A J Maus 50 25 60 25 60 25 60 60 23 6" 25 60 25 50 60 25 60 60 25 5) 23 60 25 23 60 25 CI 50 25 25 60 50 60 25 60 25 23 60 f. 23 23 60 21 60 occunu, jurs u itucnen. Onion sets, Anna llagenbucu Second, Mary Custer Carrots, Wm Abbott Socond, A W Soybert Variety of Bean , Miss Cnrrlu Mollick. Pole beans, Clara Buckle Second, Geo A Fl-dior Lima beans, Mrs T I) Bobbins Soup beans, Mrs It Kitchen Second, Clara Kucklo Marrowlat beans, Altco llagenbuolt... Second. Clara Kucklo Butter beans, HattlnM Whlto Second, Mrs T D Uobblns Golden Andalusia beans, John W Kramor Iladlshus, JN Gordon Second, Mrs A J Maus Peppers, " Mangoes, Wm Abbott Second, J H Gordon Horse lladdlsh, Mrs II Klstler lted Wurtzels, 11 F Battln Kutabagn, Mrs Mooro IloMott Nost egg gourd, Scott Creveling Seoond, Mrs A J Maus Salsiry, David D Maui Calabashes, Miss slinnlo llldlay Cucumber 10 vrs old, Chas Sterling.... Cauliflower, Mrs A J Maus Egg plants, Daniel Bryroglu Stulk peppers, A W Soybert Lettuce, Mrs A .1 Maus Endive, " Second, Mrs T D Uobblns Green tomatoes, Samuol Trump Swee pumpkins, Jacob Mussloman American Agriculturist Second, A Beagla Squashes, Wm Abbott, American Agriculturist Pumpkins field, Daniel Bryrogle, American Agriculturist Squashes, E J Mussteman American Agriculturist Patty pan squashes. Wm Abbott American Agilculturlst Pineapple, Wm Abbott CLASS XIII, VRUIT, Arr-LES. Collection or apples, WG Crovllng.... Collection or apples, A S Shlmer Collection of apples, Simon Sit.er Baldwins, Ellis ltlngroso Second, Mrs J K Wilson Falliwate", Mrs Wodoy Former. Secord. Miss At.a Yost H I Gr eonlng, James Gulllvor Second, Ellis ltlngrose Bwnjrmlto. Mrs E Krum -NoitUern Spy, Mrs Wm Shoemaker... Second, James Gulliver Smoke House, H A Kreamer Sw eet Uusset, II A Kreamer Goldeu Uusset, Mrs K Krum Second, Miss Ada Yost York Imperial, Miss Clara Williams... Second, W T Creasy '. Ben Davis, II A Kreamer Second, Lloyd Miller Hubert Maunch, A s shliner Winter, Mrs S Bruirlcr Carlhouso u , English ltarabo, " Pippin, Chas litcrliug Second, Mrs K Krnm Seek No Further, 11 A Kreamer Fisher Sweet, Henry J Miller School Boy's Pride, Charley U Creasy lloxbury Uusset, James Gulllvor PEARS, Lawrenco, Simon Sltler Dutchess, A U Lazarus Winter, " " 60 2 Q) 1 (U 1 Oil 0 23 60 23 60 25 25 CO 2i 60 60 50 25 10 r , 60 60 50 50 60 60 25 60 60 25 60 Fox, Freas Klstler Frost, Wm 11 lloss Consord, Mrs ,1 It Townstnd Sicond, A Beaglo , Martha, J N Gordon , Brighton, Mrs J It Townsend ltogere,J N Gordon Cllnion, Mrs J U Townsend Second, J N Gordon Isabella. " " California, Mrs J It Townsend Itoger's No 1&, AVyonilngHed, Lady Washington, Delaware, Mrs L Melllck lorn, Wm II Hoes Hoso of Pern, Z T Fowler California ltalslns, Z T Fowler Pomegranates, (Julnctts, Heuben Hess becond, Mrs Samuel Turnbach ,,,, Crab A pies, Wm Abbott Second, Mrs A J Maus CLASS XIV, DRIED VUU1TS. Pumpkin, Mrs Ellis Cox Yeast, Clara E llagcnbuoh Cheirlos, pitted, Mrs Isaiah Kllno Churrles, unpilted, Mrs U Kitchen.,., Coriander, Mrs Slmou Sltler Whortleborrlcs, Mrs Wm Shoemaker Apples, Mrs E B Johnson Eldeibornes, Hattlu M Whlto Corn, Henry J Miller ltaspborrles, Mrs Clara Williams (liiiucus, Clara E llugunuuch Tomatoes, Anna llagonbuch Pusrs, Mrs It Kitchen Dewberries, Mrs It Kitchen Prures, ' Wild Churrles, Henilettu Maus Blackberries, Anna llagonbuch Chokecherries, btrawberi les, ' GiouudCherries," " Green Peas, Mrs A J Maus,,,.,,,.. Plums, Grapes, ' Wild Crub Apples, Mrs E B Johnson,, Chestnuts, Henry J Miller ,,, lllckoryniits, Mrs It Kitchen. Walnuts, Mis 11 Klstler , llorseehesnuls, Alloo Hageubuch CLASS XV.-wines. Grape, Mrs o 11 Hosier , Tomato, Mrs Isaiah Kllno,,, Ithubarb, Henry ltoto..., Whltu Grape, Mrs Isaiah Kline lted Itasnberry, Mrs L A Young Cherry, Mrs chas Taylor. , Strawberry, Mrs Isaiah Klluo ,, Apple, Henry Koto lifuckborry, T W Hugenbuch ,, Plum. Mrs L A Young...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Elderberry, Henry Bote Blackbuiry, Mrs Isaiah Kllno,,,, , Currant, lien y J Miller , Quince, Mrs Isaiah Kline.., Wild Cherry, Mrs Lioyd Miller.... !! Whortleberry, Mrs II Klstler. MullMrry, Clara E llagonbuch.,,.,,,,, Eldcrbloasoiii, Mrs It Kitchen Dewberry, lleniy ltolo Wlutorgrecnborry, Mis 1. A Young,.., Plneuppli, ,,,, Gooseberry, Mrs J U Townsend Orange, U O Treucu, , ...... rtnckwheat.sllvor hull, Itcnry J Miller Buckwheat, gray.Samnol llldlay Buckwheat, Jnpanoso on stalk, Fleas Klstlcr Buckwheat, Japanen. Lloyd Miller., Second, Samuel 1 1 Idlny Hyo, Jowph Carl , , Second. Lloyd Mlll'ir White wheat, Henry J Miller Second, A J Zclslott Clydesdale oats, S 11 Ohl. .4, Oats, Henry J Miller, Second, Lloyd Miller , lted cob "ourd corn, Henry J Miller.. Second, 'ihos J imrton...t 8 rowed yellow com, Ellis ltlngroso.., Becond, Simon Siller,... Sweet corn, Ellis lltngroso Second, A W Soybert Pop con, Kmma Vaneo..,, Socond, A W Scybort While cob gounl corn, Henry Molllok 60 60 60 60 fr) 50 60 CO CO 60 (0 50 60 60 60 60 60 10 60 60 23 6) 54 1890. Dandollon, Hattln Peacock 23 60 29 25 i;rnrj Appiu, airs wm Barren Poar. , rare ija ioung. Cider, Henry J Miller VINEGAR. t White wlno, Wm Abbott Cider, Mrs OCMnrr , Strawberry, Mrs 11 Klstler , Kospherry, J N Gordon Blackberry, Mrs Isaiah Kllno , Celery, darn R Hngcnbucli Peach, Mrs E II Johnson Chctry, Anna llagonbuch Grape, Mrs OUMarr Boiled elder, Mrs Wm Shoemaker. 53 , I 25 60 .i0 23 fl 25 60 25 Blackberry, Mrs L A Young.. Cherry, " ,. Strawberry, Mrs L A Yonng Lemon, " CLASS XVI. BnuAD. butter, rASTUV OASI. 23 23 Loaf wheat broad, Dora Dlldlno Second, M A lllosier Third, Emma II Mooro , Bye bread, Mrs Isaiah Kllno ,. Graham bread. MrsU N Ohl Cinnamon mils, Mrs Ellis Cox Corn bread, Mrs Wm Traub Second, Mrsltobort llartmau Doz biscuits, Emma II Mooro Second, Mrs Chas Taylor Currant bread, Mrs A J Maus Second, Mrs William Shoemaker Unrormonted bread, Clara E llagen- buch Cinnamon rusks, Clara K Hagcnbnch Second, Mrs B Klstler ,. Lemon snaps, Clara E llagonbueh 1'otito biscuits, Mrs A V Kresslet .... LovontangladoU4hnuts,Mra A J Maus llalsln bread, Mrs Wm Traub Second, Mrs A J alius Dutch bread, Mrs A J Maus J umblos, Mrs C S Fornwatd Second, Emma 11 Mooro CAKES. Fig cake, Allco llagonbuch Glnncr, Holla C Shuman Whlto, Mrs Isaiah Klluo Jelly Cold and Bllver' Mrs Isaiah Klluo Pit, Mrs Isaiah Kline Snowball, Mrs T J Barton Marble, Clara .1 White Second, Ml-s Anna Herring leo Cream, Anna llagonbuch Second, Mrs Boot lUrlmau Fruit, Clara Vandcrslice Second, Mrs A Buckslow Kisses, Delia (J Shuman lllckorynut oookla, Mrs A J Maus Second, Delia C Shuman,. 1 1 ickorynut macaroni, Delia O Shuman Walnut 2 00 1 00 60 25 1 00 60 60 21 60 23 1 00 5) 1 00 60 23 21 2.3 21 1 00 to 23 fO 25 60 60 60 60 60 50 01 60 25 6) 2) 1 00 3 50 60 25 25 25 60 23 60 50 25 50 25 60 25 50 5) M 53 to 60 CO M 50 60 23 25 25 15 23 60 60 25 63 60 25 60 50 25 50 60 Spongo, Carrlo M Sweppenhelser Second, MrB M 11 Golsinger Ludv Baltimore Mrs P ts Harman-.... Glngor snaps. Mrs M J Elder. Second, Mrs P S Harman Variety Mrs Fred Holmes Second, Mrs A J Maus Buttornut, Mrs S B Grotz Second, Mrs Fred Holmes Cookies, Mrs O N Ohl Barana, Mrs Isaiah Kllno Potind, Mrs L N Mover Socond, Allco llagonbuch Fancy sugar, Mclvlna Drake Orange, Mrs S C Beaglo Angel. Mis C P Creasy CinuboiTy, Mrs Isaiah Kllno Jackson, .Miss Anna llorrlng Variety Cup, Sadie E Hageubuch llalsln. Clara Vnndnrsllcn Molasses, Mrs T J Barton Lady Flngors, Mr.i B Klstler Noodle, Mrs A J Maus iiacKwneat, e j Mussloman Watermelon. K F Krum Citron, Mrs A J Maus iianana Connies, jurs A J Mans Oatmeal Mrs VVm Traub Snow flake, " P.lbbon. Mies Carrlo Melllck Coooanut, Mrs C N Ohl Choiolato, Manirget Fox Socond, Mrs C N Ohl Chocolate Jumbles, Carrlo M Swop. nenholsor... Light, Mrs M L Wl lto. Green tomato, Sadie E llagonbuch,... Second, Mrs M It Gulslnger aulnce, Mrs Isaiah Kline ranger, Mllllo Klstler Wlntei green, Mrs Isaiah Kllno Sweet potato, Italsln, Anna llagonbuch Second. Mrs Wm Shoemaker Elderberry, Mrs Isaiah Kllno... Grnpo, Second, Mrs J E Wilson Squash, Mrs L Mcllck Second, T U Sweppenhelser Apple, Melvlna Drake Second, Mrs Isaiah Kllno Prunu, Mrs F P llagonbuch Currant, Alice Hagenbuch Pumpkin, Mrs L N Mover Plum, Delia O Shuman Ginger, Mrs E B Johnson Chistnut, Mary F Itlehart Cranberry, Mrs L A Y'oung,..., Orouge, Mrs M H Gslslnger Chocolato, Lulu Creveling Irish potato. Mrs K J stetler Mince. Mrs Wm Webb second, O P Glrton Tomato, Mclvln Drake Second, W 11 II Hoss Sourgrass. Melvlna Drake Custurd,Mrs It W Alexander..... Coooanut Mary Creveling Lemon, Mrs J E Wilson Fig, Mrs L A Young Dato, " Sugar crumb, Mrs A J Maus Uaspucrry, Alice Hagenbuoh Ithubarb, Anna Hagenbucb Poor man's, Sadto b Hugenbuch Centennial, Carrlo M Sweppenhelser.. Apple custatd, MraT U Sweppenhelser llock Mountain, Miss Carrie Melllck.. Cream, O P Girton Tart Apple, S II Ohl Peach, Clara Vauderslico Iemon custard, Mrs G 11 Martin Cranberry tart, Anna llagonbuch ..... Sweet potato custard, Mrs Ellis Cox.. Cocoanut custard. Mrs E J Stetler .... Oatmeal " Mrs Wm Traub Lemon " Mrs L N Moyer Lard, Mrs. lLKltcben Saratoga Chips, " E11H Cox Butter, Mary F. Itlehart Becond, Wm. II. He Third, Mrs. It. Kltchr 1 CLASS XVII, CANNED AND Sl'IOID AND l'ICKLKS, VANNED FI1CIT. Thornbcrrle, C. E. Hagenbuch Elderberries. Clora MerrlL Pumpkins, Mrs. Moore Domott Tomato:?, do. second, " Chas. Taylor Corn, Alice Uacenbuch...'. 50 25 50 60 60 23 50 25 to 60 25 60 23 60 rs 60 25 ;i 60 60 50 60 60 25 23 51 21 r ) 23 25 2 23 6) )0 60 10 25 50 60 25 50 25 25 45 25 60 23 25 25 25 23 23 25 1 60 1 00 E3 second, Mrs. M. B. (lelslnger.. urupee. Second, Pumbs, second, Pe jhos, Mooro Demon.. Isaiah Kline M.lt. Gelsinger H. Kitchen .... s. u. Dougherty A. W. Fry.. DOUUUU, Black ItasDberrlcs. Mrs Moore Demott socond, " Lloyd Mill Pears, Clara J White Btconci win B German sour cherries, " HM Dougherty t;cond, Wm it. Hess , Blackberries, Mrs It Kitchen second, " Hobt llartman Ithubarb, J N Gordon second, " L'oyd Miller Crabapples, it Kitchen sweet Cherries, Alice Hagcnbach second, " H. Kitchen Goosxbcrrics, " It Kitchen. secoud, " A. J. Evans Cranberries, " it Kitchen beets, " KB Johnson carrots, " Whorlltbcrrles, Clara Vnnderellce becord, " II Fornwald ouUTcea, Martha Vandersllce second, " M It Gelslnger Bed Baspberrles, ' Second, Carrie M Fcbweppenhelscr Cbokeo terries, " M It Gelslnger t-ecoud, Anna Hagenbuch ,,,,, wad griper, Mrs Moore Demott Pea " ,.,, Pineapple. Sarah A Glrard Second, Mrs A J Mat's .... Beans, Mooro Demott feecoid " s Harder Sausage, " Moore Dernott v tntcrgrecnbcrrles, Mrs L A Young Second, Clara Buckle Apples, " A J Maus. , , Second, Melvlna Drake Sirawoe'rlt t, Mrs A J Maus Watermelon, ' Currants, " Currant i Black, " oranges, " Wild crabapple, Clara Merrill Bl'lOKD FltUlT, Thornbcrrles, O E nagenbuch., Crabap.ile, Mrs It Kitchen Fjcond, hlmonbltler., Peaches, A E Gelslnger t-ocond, " 11 Fornwatd ,...,,, Plumbs, A a Gelslnger, second, ' It Kitchen.... (iuhv , A K (lelalngsr. .... becond, " W K sautfs, Onions, Anna Hagenbucb Cantaloups, " MB Gelslnger ....,,, ltaspberrfes, A KGelilnger. ADplea, Mrs OO Marr sscond, " w K Sands Beans, " Moorj Demott llueapplo " Caulluower, David 1) Maus Peach Melon " v.jnanta, Mrs A J Maus .., trouudcherrles, Mrs A J Maus,,,, Grapj8,MrsS O Beaglo , celery, ' A J Maus , Flower Peach In Alcoko', Mrs 11 Forr wald ; Cucumber Pickles, Clara J White becond, Mrs L Melllck Tomato pickles, Clara J White, , . .,, ...! feoond, Mrs Isaiah Kline ,,, iiardBoap, MrsOO Marr Second, Mrs B Klstler sortBoap, Kills ltlngrc-o r,. Hicond, "AJMaus... ........ Tallow oanlles, Mrs Ellsha Hagenbuch., I'lOKLSI) VEOKTA11LKS, Artichoke, Mrs A J Uavi. Tfornlurtes, OK Hagenbuch... Caulluower, Mrs A J Maus becocd, "WO Shaw Cabbage, " K J settler Second, ' os Fornwald...., Beets, Sadie E Hagenbuch...,.... Dolour, J N Gordon Bocoud, Mrs E J , tier Nasturtium, Mrs A J Jaus Ueeoud, II u Quick , Loans, lira 1 It Genungcr-.. YOL:25, NO. 44 Socond, " H Harder .. Sweet Tomato. JMrs Hnnm Demott, Jlfingces, .Vrs.v it (leinngor,.., Second " i.iov filler igga, Sadie Caul. . . s :oi,d, Hei.rlei . Vrus En go, MrsH'U Juhuson .. OATSUl'S. Tomato. ,i;rs 11 Klstler So ond, it V Alexander Grape, "KB Johnson 8AD0K. Chill, JfMTl!H Cox do, man, " Isaiah Kline Green Tomatoes, Mn Jroorc Demott Ora,H?, Jfrsll Fornwald Apple. ' A Krum Pepper. " Jan. siurrvr ' ml' o.ver. Mi j A J iUus YV.iow Ilcklo " lar.t Williams Mixed " Mrs Anna 'Iioscott lllgdon " Sf.Ucagle OL83 XVIII jELti-, rimsmiVKS, TLBS, JAMS, &0. JELLIES. Elderberry, Mrs. Isaliti Kllno... Socond. " Clara Wllllami ... Thornberry, O. K. Hagenbuch Oi-npi?, " KmmaKjer Second, AUlo Hagenbuch Apple " S. Harder Second, 11 A.J.Evans Oulnccs. " H Fornwald J oO 25 50 S3 60 S3 50 S3 KJ S3 60 81 5) PC 60 25 CO 23 50 S3 ro 23 60 S3 80 21 60 23 60 23 60 23 60 60 25 60 Si) 25 50 21 SO 60 S3 60 60 60 60 Ml 1 n r.' 60 60 60 CO 25 50 30 23 60 1 uas larior. M ltdclMnicr fcornl, CM iicji Ithubarb, J N Gordon s :ond, " IsUMi Kline Bmck tasnberry. Mraa nailer 1 Kond, ' A j Maui B'i k berrr. MM. isMah K.ino Scord, " A J Maui. (iTjnndchorry, Mrs A Huckalew secoid, " isilah KUne vno,iCDerry, Mrs isaiau ivime o .a, " u uui , .cli. AdaY'osl 1 Sicond, mc iro Demon T J Barton .... ISAlih Kllno .... It Kitchen Clara Wlllluns T J Barton A J .Maus . ... P 'utji. Second, Pear, 1 second, Tc i-ito, second, St- wnerry, " Se 1 id, " It Kitchen d currant, -Mrs a v uresirer Seoiud, " Moore Demott, Ci 'apple, Mrs M It Gelslnger Second, Anna sujplee Mfberry, Clara li nagenbucn Gra,w, green, II I) (juick . hoconl, " lt;KIt;iien Wh'te currant, " (it .eberrv. Mrs AJMaus . t K md, " It Kitchen raDoerry, Mrs 1 u uci-uuKcr,, sr 2ord. 8 idle K IliTenbucn Cboi.echerry, Mrs uKijhen.... nevi, Mn b ti Biutier 3ud, " A V Kressler Cujimber, " Wild Plum, Mrs M it Gelslnger I'une, " " (1 een torn to, " " p 1 rospnjrry "cjond, Mrs ll Fornwald - nantna, " sue Artman Cistuut, O M Ileal wnd arabaDPie. Emma v an;o Cl ron, " A J Maus.... . Deiv1:rry, " ripnppH, " - Secoid, Mrs Wm Traub F I lzzio Frtnkiin WIntsrgreenberry, Mrs Wm Traub S )nd, Mrs L A Young Liuion, " M HOclslnger Heeoid, " Wm Traub rrtESEKVKS. Quince, MrsIsalahl'Une Secc id, Carrie Mellck To,-wo, J N Gordon Second, " Isaiah Kline .... watermelon, sirs u ivtsiier Second, " Wesley Former Squash. " Clara '.Vllllams Second, "SO Beagle -. sweet potato. Mrs S 11 Johnson ........... Second, " Isaiah Kllno Apole, " 1 Klstler.. eecona, " u iti in... l'er ', es, " Se ind, Clara Vandersllce Crabapplo, Mrs It Kitchen . .. PIl'T", " " se.iad, " M It Gelslnger . s- est Cherries, Mrs T U sweppenhelser sc )nd, " ON Ohl .- bt.awberrles, Mrs A Uucka'eT Second, " U Kitchen Pears, " " . Citron, Tannle reaciok second " M H Gelslnger 11 in Potato. Mrs s 0 ueagie tioond, "KB .lohnsoi Pumpkin, Mary Custer Cat taliupo, Mrs M K Gelslner Ill ill lOUiaul, airs 11 11 eiaiu(sc, Klderberrle", Mrs Wm Irrub cutrjnts, Mrs A J Mius. Gooseberries, Mrs A J Maus Placapp'e. Fannie Peacock Y'cllow tomato, clira Morrill Second, Ladle Caul (1,-ouna cho-rles. Mrs Isaiah Kllno Blcckoerrle3, Anna Hugenbuch Banaca, Mrs Sue Artman JAMS. Strawberry, Sarah A Glrard li' niu, Mrs It Kitchen (L- enerry, Mrs J It Townsend seond, " It KtUhen Diwberry " -. Whorllebo.-ry, " secord, Mrs lilt Gelslnger Cranberry " " " Black raspberry, Mrs It Kitchen YeHow tomato, " Wm Traub t cond, Mrs M It Gelslnger lted raspuerry, MrsJ U T'ownsoDd second, Altco Hagenbrch Itfd currant, Vrs J 11 Townsend Black " " " ,,,....,. leach, Mrs Mooro Demott .' Cherry, " Wm Traub Socond, " itooroDenctt Grape, Alice Hagenbuch Apple, Mrs Wm Traub "ear, 11 Quince, " second, Mrs Mooro Demott HONEY. Dili ay buc'twheat honey, Abram Kline S' ;jnd, Clara Vanueullce Dl play white olovor honey, G W sterner Jar extracted honey, Clara VandorsUce,. Box honey, Agnes Kitchen Secoi d, Henry Bote (Mince honey, Mrss Harder lti.ubarb, JIrs UTl ih Kline CMrry, "L A Y'oung roach, " Itaspberry, " " Huekleberry" " Artificial, Laura ii Vandcrsllco Tomato, Jfra 8 o ltotgia Banana. " AJJfaus cpippedpoirs, Jfrs r J Barton Chipped Quinces, Jfrs 8 llsrder... BDTTEB. Grape, Clara E rtagcnb'ich Second, JrsT U schweppenhelser Applf, Clara E Hige-ibucb Seco id, Henry J JLller Pu.npkln, Jfrs Clara William i secaud, " Simon Sltler Quince, " s II Grotz . Second, DrTO Hartor To.t 0, Jrs A W Fry S ind, " T J Harton KM c terry, .Vrs It K'tchen...... 1 1 00 cona, jiraij A loung., strawberry, Jfrs T u schweppenhelser. I'liua, .Wis Isaiah Kline St -ond, " u Kite leu Ground Cherry, Jfrs F P Hagenbuch scaona jfrs Isaiah Kllre I. spberry, Jfrs a J Jfaus Klderterry, " Isaiah Kline Perm. Jlartha VanJerslhe f )rd, Jfrs A w Fry Hb batb, " Clara Williams s: jond, " Wm Traub l i pple, Jfrs Jf It Gelslnger Wild Plum, ' Jit Townsend. Green grapo, " ' . ICnoD, Jfrs L A Y'onng G. .en tomato, Jfrs John llldlay Cranberry, Jfrs lsiliti K'loo Second, Anna llajenb ich Y'ellow tomato, sadte B Hagenbuch ciab.pplo, Jfrs William Traub Apple giuger, " Emma Eyer , Blackberry, J N Gordon , MOLABSE3. Elderberry, Jf's Wm Traub Pineapple " " Jfaplo, jfrs A J Jfaus MAItMALAUES. Qulnoa, .tfrs H Fornwald Pineapple saiah AGlrard crs-sberry, A rs It Kitchen -. Grape, " Jfoore Demott ... urange. u a loung So-ghum, Frank Hagenbuch., OIlA.83 XIX. HEAVY KNIT AND PATCH WOltK AND MANUFAOTUItKD 0001)3. Par woolen knit stockings, Jf JfcJfahai Second Jfra Albert Heroine ' .lrl'ncnknltBtocklngs, Mrs It Klichen ' l scond, Henrietta Jfaus pulr cot . ., nkrttBtnaidugs. Jfrs D Uryfoirlo Beoond, Jrs O N ohl pair woolen Knit lectins. Beckiejsiay. maker 1 Pair t lien knit gloves, Jfrs It Kltuhen Becond, Alice Hsienouch Pulr woolen knit socks, Jfrs It Kitchen . Beconi. Alice itaeenoucn Pair woolen knit mittens, Jfrs It Kitchen Second, Jfrs H C Beagle. lied qu'lt calico pal li work, Jfrs Elmer JcUrlle 2 Second, Jfrs o Jears 1 Till. 1, Anna Hagenbuch c.adlo qi'llt calico patohwork, 11 a tie Moan 1 cecouu, iirs i u itouoias Bed quill worsted patchwork. Annie Maize. , 1 seoond, Mrs Jf L Keller , Third, "AWSoytirt Ho ueinade coverlei. Mrs L Mellck 1 Second, Mi 1 T U schweppenhelser Third, Sarah A Ge-ard Cailoo coiulorl, Mis J G Freeze... Fsconii, Mrso Mears luuiuciuiu,uouietnu lu, Airs 11 v Apple man I Second, .Mis John llldlay 10 yds homemade rag carpet, MrsTU Sehweppeal etser ,. 1 Second, Alice Hagenbucn Pair woolen blauketa, Ella Kreamer,,,, 1 Foot rug, Jencle Ktana Second, Sadie caull..... Hearth rug, Louisa Wlhlcrnteen seco id, M s W II IIodho Cradle coterlet, Mis B Klstler , second, Mij KUU. Illngrose llomeaiade linen, Mrs B Klstler t , Diaper men, " llometaade linen torn 1, Mary Custer . . ' apron, Wm 11 llesi Linen yarns and threads, Mrs Wrn Clirls- man . fa Linen sheet, Lllllnrrman , , m) ID yards flannel. Mm It Kitchen ss Worsted comfort. " F M Leader bo fWoond, " O Mcar ,.. S3 Woolen shirt, M It Of lslnirer. . iso Chains comfort, " J 11 Townsend 50 Second, " Krod Itolmos ..... sn Knit cotton socks, " I) nrytorle bo Child (comroiL " Fred Hoimei 2.1 Oarpniteniap.jii, " JameiCadman... u Oingtiam dressand awn Mm W II Homo 3 Stepoarpet Ann It 'Mug 61 Woolen yarn, Mrs LA Y'oung 1 . M 1HIOW Slips, " - ) (JLAS3 XX. FARCY KStT, OB0OI1KT AND PATOIlWOItK ntt Afghan foroarrlag. Mrs K K'Meara 2 S3 Second. Mrs llarver Uriel IC'C. 1 21 milt mar's Argnan, iiccKio j oiaymaaer Second, .lulu Kurmm , 1 Knit isays skirt, w .1 m nmey " Infant' " Mrs I Mule- 1 00 60 25 6) to 8-1 2 CI 1 Oil 23 60 23 25 75 M 23 60 S3 2.3 S3 7.3 75 2.3 60 23 R0 60 23 7t 23 76 60 23 15 '8 second MaryVanco HiitinTauisnacn.i''1, ir.ckej mayrnaxer " i-oclcq. I,rr Clark Focosvl, Mn h N Moyer 25 60 t) S5 60 23 60 unit uen nuut, it trio r oamner Htwrd, Becitlo j siaymaker " slippers, Mrs Fred Holmes " lnfant'ssto klnirv MrsJ (1 Freczo.. second. Mrs l I. Keller " chl'ds slipper, Mrs Kills Cox lldy, AnnloEOhl.. second ;Mrs Clara Crevellnir ........ " hood, "Wm hrhmiti " purse, Mrs Suo Brugler " linen lace, Mrs It K'tehen second, Mrs M It Gelslnger " silk lace, Agnes Kitchen " undcrvest, .lennln Kvsns " aSllli ruf, Mis J G Freeze Second, Mrs Sadlo Koons " ellic Mittens Mrs II T Kellpy 'second, MrsI.iuraM Vandcrsllco.. " cap, Mrs W w Crawfinl .. " collar, Mrs Laura M Vandersllce.... fscond, Agnes Kltchea " cake dollies, Mary Clark 11 lub"-s boots, Lizzie Franklin " gent's hoie, Mrs I ( Freeze.... .. " infant's Bhlrts Mrs Jttneo Shatter.. " horso linos, 3Urr Vaneo " wash rug, MnryAbgle " counterpane, Mrs Mary 1'oho " cradlo quilt, Mrs T D Bobbins uitooimr WOltK. 60 ti C3 23 25 25 23 15 25 13 S3 S3 23 Quilt, Mrs J nsclmvler. ... t-rcond. " Frank ltlngroso stoeklnss, " J M Ltllny mr, Airs ineouore ijmi'u :ond. win Clin-man Third, " JKKchuyler. Table Ma's, Heckle .1 Maymiker Bcoona, Mrs MLJiiey ,. Aignsn, iiauio reaoocK S jcoiC V rs J 11 Schui ler ..... Nacque, " Sue Brugler s, i3i d. Uockto J slayinakcr Lady's skirt, ' " .... secoid, Mrs.! M Mllcy Infant's skirts, Mrs M Q Whlto seconl. Mrs L.N Moyer Su.t 1 lily's uudjrwear, Mrs Butter Crevo- vellDg. Collar, Mrs II T Kell -y S3cond, sadle Cull Mimber robe, Mrs FM Everett second. Miss Margaret Hears Thirl, Annie xupph-o . S"ppers, Mrs Clara Geeso scconl, Jcinle Evans Toilet mats, Katio Donahue. second, Mrs F 31 Everett otioin in ojver, Do. a Dlldlae Oaks stand cover, Delia C shuman .... Set organ tidies, " " fMjwmir uasK-:i. " - ...... Mt tor pi uo, Mrs PS Ilirman Purso, Mrs AnuloTrescott I'illowshtms. Helen carpenter Chilnset .Mrs sadle Koous BU' lUBCt. " " Splash mat, " " 011 lace, Airnes iviicucr .... ' dl ir 110:. jf irv Ever '1 JIM scarf, Jfrs Suo Brug er KiselDrapn, itgloa LoA-enberg. lln cushion, JfreJ 11 Hchuyler........ O Jill's dross, Jlvrtlo Wanton. urroerr jiun velss........MM Kancy banner Julia Furman Hanlkerohlef C Md. -Margaret Siars..... Lamp mat, Margaret Til ley Head rest, Mrsu w Jones ( 'hem isotte yoke. Mrs laaoes Caiman.... Sb wl, Mrs sadlo Koons Inland's s icq ue, IanthaPiydor 'in. Mrs Join (1 Freczo Fascinator, Haute l'oacook second, Mary Eyer. Mk patchwork quilt, (SIM) second, Mary L nouoah Th 11, Margaret so irs eivei pauiuwQ.K quui, oitsj ai lanuy... 3C3id. Lizzie Franklin xk patch wori sofa cushion, Mrs II T Keney econ), Mrs It W Aletander Plnsh patchwork sofa cusllon, Mis M 11 (lehlneer 60 23 50 S5 60 25 50 r, M !3 50 5 60 23 60 60 25 60 23 23 23 (3 30 S3 60 13 60 50 60 60 60 51 60 50 25 60 60 60 Second, Annie U ohl civet paicnworK sora cusuioa, airs A lluckalcv Second, Ann 1 Hagenbuch UK patenwurs; siaaa cover, Jirs ai k Gelslnrer. silk pitchwork sofa cuihlon cover, Mrs same K0011 Appi'qie Quilt. Mrs lfKltchn piJaU, 1.IZZIO CT.IT1KI1U 'atchwork 1110:0 over, Lit Bowman.... 'atshwork head rest, -if A Ulosscr S j'.n patchwork quilt, Jfra .1 It Townsend silk front and trlmnln.' for dress, Beglna 1,3 vcnojrg Crozy wo k holster cas, I'zio Franklins ltiu sprt. u, Table scirr. Anna Houck.. . So.-ond, Jfrs W 11 House PI sh quilt, Mrs .latu'3 Cadnun Socond, Edith Weiss I'atsnwoik oyii.ue g -1, Anna urocitway uuai s quiu, uora nuusi 1 atciwuTK siumoer rouj, ,urs a uucKa lew Fancy pin n sb'o 1, Jf A Blosier Second, Jul 1 tarman Chiueso 'ipers, Jrs Jf L Kellr Gent's t'mno'etto shirt, Jfrs Win Shoe maker Decoratad Chair, Jrs A J bult second, Jfrs T J Barton Zenuyr stand cover, Dora Cildlno 11 iby face panel, Hatllo J White Zephyr toilet mats, Delia OSMtman iiunury nccuuni, wra vm isniau spcjlmen sewing by tfnd, Mrs It Kitchen " Dtrntng, Agnes Kltch'n seed colUr, Miu Ann 1 Tr"scott imcimr scan, 3irs u 11 (ieuingjr.... 1 1 Icturo draneri-. M A Blosser 60 23 50 25 50 60 23 10 60 60 23 60 . I t) 61 (0 25 60 6) 50 satin brvton case, " " Dust P .g. Jennie '.vans second, Emma Vance f'irap barter, Jennie Evans uureau cover, airs James u auaner Wash stfnd cover, " " Clothes pin bag. Sirs James Cadman Chlld'BCeshmere dress, ilrs LN Moyer.. Overteamlng, Mrsl.ucy J Brockrray.... uiaia curir scan, airs w 11 House Diesddnll, oi'a IIOU3) I) essed foil bed, Hati lo Sterne muslo HolCer, II Brown Camel's Hilr shawl, Wm Abbot Irish silk shawl, " hlsp holder, Mrs Marr Polio Cuina Hlk head rest, MrsABuckalew .... Ho nsoltei.iid curtains, Mrs A Uuckalow rniMln slc'rt, Edith Weiss Clieailse. " " Tattlcg Drapery" " Paper " " Plush card clise. MrsKato Deltrlck Fi e idshlp llooic, Lllllo Taylor Hops Whlsps, " " Piushhalrb ushpln cu-hlon, Mrs Jacob Keller mlnaturotelesone, Annlo hupplco s:i.m Toilet set, Mrs Fit Kmett I'lush foot res', ' " Quilled skirt, Marsrarct Soirs second, Nora .1 Finney CL.YSS XXI. KMUltOIDKItED WORK. I.tnen towels, Mrs A n Freas seco d Mrs .lames Mutler I'.i r pillow shams, Mrs "adle Koons ........ Seeiud .Mrs Jacob Keller sjn-et shuns, Katio p Gardner Keonii. Mrs H V App'einan Mx 11 ipklns, Mrs A C Freas b'dv s si Irr, Mary L Sc'ioch seeonj MaryH.ver TI id. Mart- Clark In ,.,if skirt. KutloP Gardner "v iu I. Mrs F M lader mi lull sunderwear, MrsSidln Koons. 'la cover, Mrs James McClosky SoiO'd, Salllo McKaimv bird. Mis cbarles Taylor 1 bio scarf, loglna Lowcnberg Secoad, Mrs llarver Buckle Third, " Itobertllartinan Lan brequln, ll'):klo JSl.iymJker seco id. 31 A liloiser sofa cushion, MrsJ J Brown H cond Jlvrtlo WanKh 60 II 60 1 on 60 1 on 60 25 25 25 21 23 25 25 23 25 23 25 Toilet cushion, K F Kruurn... second, Mrs M U Gelslnger Banner, " " ,, becond Ilattle M Whlto , Thl, 1 "ML Koier Pair fllnpers, Mrs It Kitchen Tidy, Katlo p turd .er Neo ml, Anna M bwlgurt stand cover, Mrs M W Whlto sc.'jnd, Llzzlo Frankllu Carriage tpr'd.Mra Win Chnsman. Tol'et set. M E Eat second, PUlow Cases, I 00k baL-. James Shaffer.. Wm ChrUinan.. Nlgbt dr. hs HE But second, APile sunlee Hoard A Hleeveslor Chemise, Mrs It Kitchen Bilk Kmbroldery. Mrs It Kitchen Heojud Mrs L 31 Vanderallco Flannel hhlrt, Mrs I Hagenbtieh Tray Cover do Sachet Bag, Miss Myrtle Wnnleli Heeond Mrs Annie TrebO.it t , Mantel Koarr, M A lllos-er tiei'ond Mrs Holler Creveling... (lead Itest, Mrs A J Hvnns Dollies, .Mhs Haul.' Klurtu Hueond, Mra .1 11 Wilson lniiint's i-hnwl, Mrs V M lender Infant's Shin, Mrs It v Appleuiuu.. . Throw, Mrs A C Fress Hplaslier, Miss Ll:lu Frunklln VaeMnU do Child's Dress, Mrs M O White Nora Cushion, Hdlih Weiss Chemise. Mrs W 11 lluuie Centre lieod. Miss MuryClaiU Heooud, Miss Mury I. i'lloell ,., Curvlug C'ulli do .... lied Hpn ad, Mrs James Cudmnn I'a I r Fiddles. 11 F Kruiiim Chemise Y'oke, Mrs M I'. Kut Meoond, Mrs Jalilos Cudlilau Mantel IMInw, ilrs M (1 White ' Hoiri du Haoque. Mrs A Ilnciiilew Plush Table Scurf, Kailu Doiliihue.... Heoond Mrs Jaiims Cudinun Plusli l4iliibrtslllli, Sadie ChuII Htxsind Mrs A J Suit Funey Banner, II Iluiwn Hetiiinl. l.Uto Frunklln Photo Holder, Mrs I' K lUrniun heeond, l.lllle Tuylur Third, Mrs A O I rt herliii Tidy, Mrs ('(' Mmr rieoond, MrsJ i: Ui n Ildkfbaeliet Hag, sirs Fii'.l llnlniw... Hoeoud, Mrs Kills Itlugroae, Cheiulae du , Hhlrl, do Kecond. Mrs II Kitchen Velvet llinner, Mrs IWrey Kucklo... Wuddlng Uiiup Mala. Maggie Ulilg... Heeond Delia I) Hliumuu, Wadding Y'uso ilals, do Hallo Tidy, Mrs Win t'hrlsmau - I 5 60 T3 5) 13 5) 0) 60 15 60 21 50 25 00 ui 60 no so CO 60 S3 00 60 13 60 23 01 to ou ) 00 60 23 60 3 60 i M 00 50 r& Plush Mitioh Hale do Uomhing Pnwel. Ma'Kiisit Uloks Applique Tidy, Mrs 10 1 hrlni"il Branded Yoke for Nlgbt l)rt, Mrs it Kllehen Plush Htruu berries, Mrs 1' K llurmsn, Fuuey Wrk lIutket.Mra Wm W'etib.. beeoud ilia Msrv dark.. Deoorsleil Throw. Kminu II Moore.... Hllk Thread Hsnuor, da .... Tinsel lldy. mi j.i inn sieuioaky... Hi ' md. Mi. 11 II Muriln 1'luill II. ii- .li if Ml,... All 111 Hugell ill 1 T . ... B.to.iJ, 1. ' . . comuiKD on yoikiii raur 2 SO 1 00 75 73 U 21 60 123 t O) 1 OO 1 O) 60 1 0) 60 no in 1 0) 60 23 1 23 73 50 60 25 51 25 25 40 75 93 25 1 0) 60 23 6J 25 ti 1 .".1 25 25 75 1 O) 25 15 25 60 25 59 23 60 30 25 4 (X) 2 00 1 00 4 00 2 CO 75 60 73 50 81 73 60 2.3 25 1 00 1 00 23 75 75 60 2 U 1 00 1 00 23 7.3 50 2.3 60 73 10 23 15 25 IS 25 23 23 25 25 15 60 25 23 25 23 13 73 63 23 23 r.) 50 c) "A 6) 23 25 50 23 25 25 23 23 23 3 1.5 50 75 60 60 25 75 60 60 (5 83 1 00 60 25 60 23 1 0) 1 60 75 50 1 60 7a 60 1 60 1 00 1 0) 60 1 ID 60 75 60 23 N) 75 60 75 CO 75 75 63 93 25 60 23 60 .VI Ji ro 60 60 25 1 O) 61) U) Ml SI 51) GO 50 60 75 60 50 75 25 Ml 1 w U 50 2.1 CO 5.) 75 73 60 1 00 611 ar. Ti 60 25 25 60 iS CO 2s 60 60 23 ti 61) 60 SO 0 23 50 fill 73 60 60 A