The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 24, 1890, Image 3
The Columbian l.-oTalr.11011 TOrr t'rl,,ar u"'Ptlon prloo, Entered nt Ihoi'ostO.Hcoat iltoorasburg Pa. m second class nutter, ium . i'JoV"15011'' 1 " BL00MSBUEq,PAr FRIDAY, 00 l OtiJilt a J," 1801)" roitRUT miMinui vim tibm. fonSwS CntheI'- 1U 1UtmTe Pett NORTH, SOTTTt p. m. e:S3 p mj MT(roi!Swth0 D-L W -le"o Uioomsbure ,155 J' S' 8:12 a.m. . S' K' 15:18 P- m. !q?S'5' 4il5 p. m. 8:38 P'm- B:4 p.m. Mp.rn. 4-80 p.m. BUMDAY. :i0:8 n m 8:39 p m DU)0M8I1UH0 SULLIVAN KAILUOU) Taking OIToct MONDAY, SKPTKMHKU I, im. tsotrni. Nomn. m STATIONS. A': & ft. r. ,.'5. nioomsbnrg, e S3 11 43 T 0 S 33 1 35 6 40 Main Street 0 13 11 41 53 S u t i J? Irondale n m n 39 a r,n 8 41 3 4fi B M PapcrMIll 6 Oft 11 81 6 43 Hint 7 on Ughtatroot. 01 11 ss 8 41 8 a 5 7 m OrangOVllle S 51 11 20 0 35 8 0C 3 07 7 10 FOrkB, 6 45 11 II) 6 2J 8 15 3 17 7 511 zaner's .. 5 42 11 mi o si 9 so 3 so 7 si Stillwater 6 37 11 (W 0 17 9 21 s m 7 as UCntOtl, 5 28 10 H5 8 10 9 33 3 3.1 7 S3 Edsons, 5 23 10 50 3 07 9 3(1 3 3T 7 33 coloa creek, e 20 10 43 05 9 88 3 40 7 40 sugarloaf, 5 15 10 ii 0 na 9 s 3 43 7 41 LaubachS, 5 13 10 40 6 0() 9 47 3 4S 7 47 Central. 6 03 10 3.1 5 53 9 C7 3 53 7 57 Jamison city..., 50oio3i 5 50 looo4 00 soo Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. h. i. u. a. si. a. it. r. u. r. u. o Our Oilers, The Colombian lms mado arrangements with a publishing hou9o by which il Is cn. ablcd to make Bomo astonishing offers. Head tho following: AH who pay up to dato and ono year in advance, and new subscribers, will re ceive) the American Farmer lino year free, Tho Farmer is worth ono dollar a year Wo will send tho Coujmman and tho New York Weekly llWd to any address in tho county, for $1.00 a year. Tho Couimman, tho Ifori, and the Farmer for $2.00, worth $3.P 0. To any subscribers paying all arrears and to new subscribers, tho Coi.jmihan and h complcto set of Dickons' Wo'ks In 13 vols, for $1.00. Tho Columhian, nnil the Mammoth Cyclo paedia, 4 vols, for $1 50. Tho CoLUMniAN, Dickens' Works, and the Mammoth Cyclopaedia, for $2.10. This Is the best offer ever made by any paper in this section, as tho books cannot be bought at retail for less than flva dollars. Tlio Columbian and Tho Cosmopolitan one year, $2.B0. The Cosmopolitan Is ono of tho leading magazines, nud tho subscription of that alouo Is $2 40. Any person sending us thrco new sub scribers at $1.00 each, will receive tho Colombian one year free. Any old subscriber who will pay up to date and send us tho namo of one new cash subscriber will bo presented with; 25 novels in neat pamphlet form, to be se Icctcil from a list at this ofllcc. Tho cash prion of tho novels is 75 cents. Tho Columbian 1 year, $1 00 Dickens' Works worth fl 00 Mammoth Cyclopaedia worth 2.00 American Farmer, worth 1.00 f 25 novels .75 iccs - Total $7.75 , Wo will send all of tho above for $2.50. Samples can be seen at thl3 ofllcc. No deviation will bo mado from any of these offers. Address Tho Columbian, Bloomsburg Pa. tf. A Preset to Our Hultcrilern. It is with plea9uro that wo announce to our many patrons that wo bavo mado ar rangemcnts with that wide-awake, illustra ted farm magazine, tho Amkiuoan Farmer, published at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 200,000 farmers by which that great publication will bo mailed FREE, to tho address of any of our subscribers WUO WILL COME IN AND PAY UP ALL ARUEAUAGES ON BUHSUKIP TION AND ONE YEAIt IN ADVANCE FUOM DATE, AND TO ANY NEW HCH 6CMHEU WHO WILL PAY ONE YEAH IN ADVANCE. This is a grand opportun ity to obtain a first-class farm journal free. The Amkiuoan Faiimbi! Is a large lG-pagc journal, of national circulation, which ranks among the lending agricultural pap ers. It treats the question of economy in agriculture and tho rights and privileges of that vast body of citizens American Farmers whose Industry is tho basis of all material and national prosperity. Its hlghest'purpoj'j is tho elevation and enno bling of Agriculture through tho higher and broader education of men and women engaged in its pursuits. The regular sub scription price of the Amkiuoan Farmer Is $1.(10 per .year. IT COSI"8 YOU NOTH ING. From any one number ii'cas can bo obtained that will be worth thrlco tho sub ecription price to you or members of your household, vet tou out it free. Call and see sample copy. if. Oot. 25lh. Sarah E. Vought, adminis tratrix or tho cslato of Susan A. YVa.tcr will sell valuable personal property on the premises in Bloomsburg. Sale commences at 10 o'clock a. m. Nov. 0. Sarah J. Siller, administratrix of the cstalo of Michael filler, lato of Orange township, wilt Bell peisonal propo' tv at tho homestead of deceased, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Nov. 13. William S. Kaso, executor of Peter Kaso will sell valuable real estate on tho premises In llenton Township. For Sale Dwelling houses In Blooms, burg, Orangovllle, Espy and Kupert I'a. Firms Ir. Pennsylvania. Kansas and Ylr- oinla. Vacant lots In Bloomsburg. Store nroncrtles. Grist mills and other property by M. P. Lutz, Insurance and Heal Estato Agent, uioomsuurg, ra. PorHamc House and lot 111 Hupcrt lot 120 x 140 ft. Two story, house, with nine rooms. Bav windows, out kitchen, ice coal house, good stable, flilploM anil nli nrn. fihniec fruit, ever crcen trees, pood water. Two railroads, Twelvotrains a day each way, to Blooms. uurg, faro 8o round trip. Jjow taxes. A great bargain, It taken soon. M. P. Eutz, Insuranco & Heal Est Agt DruMkciiueBH I.!i"or imuit in an tne woimiimro i m i ire ur. HaliiuH' (iulduu bpectfic It can bo given in a cup of tea or coffee without tho knowledgo ol tho person taxing It, ellcctinir a speedy and permanent cure whether tho patient is a moderato drinker or an alcoholio wreck Thousands of drunkards havo bceu cured who havo taken tho Golden BncclHo In their ooilco without their knowledge, and to-day believe they .milt ilrlnlilni nf thiilr own frco will. No harmful effect results from its administra tion Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and lull particulars. Aildresb In confidence Golden Hruomo Co, 181 Ho Street, Oinolimiili.O.-10.251y W. 11. Brooke & 0. tiro now offering 1lio Great lltllaniilea Knrjtln)H'dla fo'1 41.60 per vol., UuMiilgliiHl ptltu of which was $8.00. TIh-'moiU U telling rapidly, even beyond tLclri'ptmlnn, This ct. cyclopedia U a wonderful work uml will no doubt uow meet lib u .i.dy suit', as the pilce Is wllhln the reach of a I. Success In life Is the n suit of push ami energy. If Iho bluod I impure . Rlsh, bolh body ana muni ... cleanse and vitalize tne woou , ' " new life to the system noun g u. remount. I Miss Olllo Frlt7,o7 Bcranton, is gucat of Miss E. J. Townscnd. tlio Dan L. Brown of New York city visited m uioomsburg last wcok. Miss Ella Fox Is sick In Philadelphia ...u iu imacK oi uiiiious fever. Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Purscl started Kansas City Tuesday. n- , for ..v.. uiuas is seriously 111. U0 has common to his bed for some tlmo, Miss Daisy Williams Is visiting friends In Now York city. Charles Hcrtsch, of Mauch Chunk, last nee vuiicu his brother G, W. Bcrtscb tho merchant tailor. ' AT. i. T - . l. joncs lias linrn mnllnn.l In me nouso with rheumatic troubles for tho past two weeks. it. u. UUlellUS. OOll ml Inr nl II. n nunuumucriand rMic Vreti was In Bloomsbnrg lasl Saturdiy. H. P. Lewis, of Brady, Indiana county, Pa., attended tho fair last week as srwrlnl T ., . . " judgo of stock. r.uuentlcrls seriously 111 with InfU. mation of tho stomach. Ho has been con fined to his bod for nearly two wooks. Mr. and Mrs. Freas Brown aro takW , Pleasure tour, visiting Philadelphia, Ualt. more, Washington city and other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs, Mellck of Iowa, nnrenta of airs. wm. White, aro visiting In this place. Mr. Mellck was a former resident of Co. County, ownlne the farm smith nf Mghtstrcct. Ho moved to Iowa about 22 years ago. Shamokln will havo frco delivery of mall after Noycmbsr 15th. Hcgular meeting of tho W, U. T. U. on next Tuesday afternoon Oct. 23, at throo o'clock. Shoes havo advanced. It you deslro to get as much valuo for your money as heretofore buy a few sizes larger. Er Judgo Samuel Lynn of Wllllamsnort. Lycoming county, was burled from his lato residence last (Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Lost. In tho dressing room at theOncra Houso on Tuesday night, a eold tine was Ipi Tho finder will be suitably rewarded by returning to this offloo. Ayer's Pills, being convenient, effica cious, nnd safe, aro tho best catliartln. whither on land or sci, in city or country. For constipation, sick headache, Indigos lion, and torpid liver, they never fail. Try a box of tbenij they aro sugar-coated. The Fall communion services will bo held as follows: BrUrcrcck, Oct. 20th at 2:30 p. m.; Zton, JNov. 2, at 10:80 a. ra.; Orangcvlllc, Nov. 0th, at 10:30 a. m.; 8t. James, Nov. lCtb, at 10:15 a. m.; Uldlay, Nov. 23, at 10:30 a. m. There will bo a Dcmorest contest at Orangeville on Saturday October 25lb, between Bloomsburg Cornet Band and Urangevillo Band. A grand torchlight parade will take place. Special trains will bo run on the B. & 8. railroad which will return In tho evening after tho exercises. Hear tho Little Esquimaux Woman next .Monday night. You may never get an other chance. She'll please you, instruct you, and answer any questions you may wish to ask. Matinee, Monday afternoon at 2:30. Admission 10 cts. to school chil dren. J. II. Ptnayl's store was entered last Tuesday night by burglarp, and a lot of woolen shirts, pants, und shoes stolen. Tho entry was effected by bursting tho lock off tho front door. The loss Is about $50. It is bsliivcd that some men who havo been here since tho fa'r arc tho thieves, but they have not been captured. We, the ladles of the Lutheran chuich tender our hearty thanks to thoso of other churches, who so ably assisted ua n the production ol the business Men's Jubilee, and to business men and public for their cheerful co-nperatton and patron age. We aro especially grateful to the piess, and feel that tho success of tho entertainment was duo, in a great measure, to their liberal advertisement of it. W. K. Kochcr&Co. have just Issued a card containing the tlmo table of the B. & S. it. It., and their advertisement of the Celebrated Plymouth Coal. It also con tains D. W. Kitchen's advertisement of PilUbury Flour. It Is of such size lhat It cm easily be carried In tho vest pockel, and it will be fouud very haudy for refer ence to the tlmo table, and well woith pre serving. On Thursday last Dr. J. J, Bron, of Bloomsburg, assisted by Dr. II. Blcrmau of this place, operated on tho eyes of Mr. J. Oom'er, father of our townsman, Mr. Henry Comfer. The operation was tho re moval of a cataract, which will give sight to one blind for five years. It promises to bo a complete success. Montour American Oct. 10. Tui-ro will bo a meeting in tbo Court louse, at Bloomsburg, Pa., on Monday and Tuesday evenings, November 3rd and 4th under tho auspices of tho National He- form Association, at which tlmo tho sub ject of marriago and divorce wilt bo dis cussed. It Is also the purpose to secure protests, from tho business men, against the opening of tho World's Fair on Sun day. Tho public are cordially invited to bo present. Addresses will ho made by many of our prominent citizens. Tho following letters are held at Blooms bure, Pa. post office and will bo sent to tho dead letter oflico Nov. 1, '800 Mrs. Susan Dent, Mrs. Lizzie Gruber, Mr. Charles Marks, Dr. W. McCollums, A, W. Bwengee. Persons calling for theso letters please say, they were advertised Oct. 21, lBliu, One cent will bo charged on each letter advertised, A. B, Cathoaht, P. M. Buy a courso ticket to tho Normal Fchool Lecture courso. Every lccturo will bo a treat. There is no Inferior talent sandwiched in among tho good. Every lecturer ranks among the very best on the European platform. If tho results do not prove the truth of this assertion, money will ho refunded. Thu Park sisters stand eauaily high tho estimation of musicians, Tickets can be had atDntler's shoe store, uaiy i.ou for Iho entire course. S.imi limes tho lamp wick will obstinate lv refute to bo turned up la an orderly manner. Jt "HI senm urmiy vuKvu . a 1 I n. nno tide, while the other up In pjlul, earning weariness and vexation of tpnlt. To o cieomo Ibis depravity tako a i,uw wick, diaw out ii single thread near thuitlvmclBUil the wick will be loum tiacliible when Introduced into the burner The cots will taku it up properly, and will spptar In good form and give an cyen fl4inu ,hen lighted. Mitrmt frm lheum8lm for , , unobie l0 obtain any V, ... ,, Salvation Oil gave me entli j recommendu. IIENUy TKB COLUMBIAN AND Tho Star Lccturo Courso was inaugu. rated Monday evening by tho U'hllhar. monlo Club of New York City. All In at. tendance wcro delighted with tho Tho next on tho courso Is "Chalk Talk" by n. in. k French, Nov. 10. This will bo an especially Interesting part of tho courso anu an who can should select scats at once. Tho artlclo In thl week's Rem&lican un on tho reception of ExGovcrnor Paulson, is maliciously ralso or written In lenoranco Tho party did not arrlvo at 12.05 as therein stated, as tho train was not duo until 12.18. Instead of a "few straggling admirers," inerowero about six hundred at tho denot. Tho party went dlrtct to tho Fair grounds anu diu not dlno until about thrco o'clock. mo party reached tho grand stand before ono o'clock, and no races were called as not a slnglo horso was on tho track when they nrrlvcd. There was a meeting of tho Columbia uounly Medical Society at Exchango Hotel Tuesday. After dining, they devoted tho afternoon to general discussion. Dr. Hcdo kcr read an artlclo on tho now remedy for heart falluro called "Trlnatrlno." Dr. Hcber tho secretary distributed several copies of.tho transactions of tho State Medi cal Society. The next meeting of tho so clety will bo held thrco months from this dato at Catawlssa, when Dr. L B. Kline will read a paper on tho subject of "An. glna pectoris." In washing woolen blankets, to avoid shrinkage, do not havo tho different waters of widely different degrees of heat, an do not apply soap directly to them. Tho best way Is to dissolve two tablespoonsful of borax in hot water, and add tho solution to a tub half full of very hot water; put in tho blankets and let them remain ono hour. stirring often and rubbing with tho hands, but never on a washbjard. Squoczj them out of this suds, prepare another water of tho same temperature, containing but ono tablespoonful of borax, and enough flno whito soap to mako a nice suds; Immerse tho blanketa and repeat tho samo process of cleaning as at first. Afterward rlnso through two clean waters of tho same temperature as tho others and dry. E. H. Lltllo will sell at his Farm near Light Street, Columbia County Pa , on Sat urday -November 1st, 18j0., at ten o'clock a. m., at Auction ; Nlnteen bead of cattle: Consisting of all of his Graded Holstlcn Fricslan Cows and nclfcrs, and such of his full blooded Holsteln Fricslan Heifers and calves as arc under two years old. Also one Registered Holsteln Fricslan Bull. Said caltlo will be sold without reserve, this being an attempt to inaugurate annual stock sales at said farm. Terms six months credit with approved security. At tho samo time and place full blooded Chester White Pigs will bo offered at Pri vate sale. Sco hand hills. William Thayer, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Elwell, of Towanda, and grandson of Judge Elwell and William Ncal of this town, died at his home on Friday, October 17lb at 8 o'clock in the evening, after an Illness of nearly four weeks. Tho burcavod friends havo tho consolation of knowing that, though but sixteen years of ago, ho had won tho friendship and esteem of a large portion of tho community. He was a manly boy, with affable manners, and noble InsUcctf, popular with his teachers, his fellow-stud-ents, and all his associates. He was a communicant of tho Protestant Episcopal church, and In all hie relations bis duties were always earnestly and conscientiously performed. Hc.had no fear of death, and he met tho great destroyer like a hero. William was a loving son and brother and his loss Is a terrible blow. Tho sym. patuy for the parent and sister was shown by tho large concourso of people that fll'ed Christ church, Towanda, rit tho funeral seryiccs last Tuesday morning at 10:30. There were beautiful floral offerings from his schoolmates, his Sunday school class, and many loviog friend". His desk in the High School was draped, and resolutions of condolence were passed by the High school Lyceum. Hcv. W. E. Wright of Elmlra, conducted the funeral in a most mprcssivo manner. Among tho friends who were present from this place wcro Mr. and Mrs. William Ncal, Mr. and Mrs. O. Neal, Judge and Mrs. Elwell, C. W. Neal and daughter Grace, N. U. Funk and Geo. E Elwell. Attempted Kotibery. There was an attempt to burglarize tho I house of Hobt It. Little, Eaq , last Wed nesday evening. In the afternoon a num ber of ladles had gathered there to get turkeys ready for the dinner of the Baptist Church at tbo Fair Grounds. About 40 turkeys wcro cleaned and ready for the next day's dinner, Mr. Hobtirt Littln was ot at homo at the time; but about 11 o'clock bis father beard a noise, and thought somo ono called "M.. Little." He arose and searched tho house and sur roundings, supposing thai his workman who had charge ot his cattle at Ihs fair grounds was calling him. While search ing the houso his son returned, and the two walked to tho fair grounds to seo If anything was wrong, but they found tho cattle all right. They returned to their beds. The next morning, It was discov ered that the iron grating of the cellar win dows had been torn out, and the thieves were just about removing tho window sash when disturbed. Mr. Littlo Is at loss to know what awakened him; whether some ono passing noticed tho thieves and called, or whether ho was aroused by somo dream. It was fortunato he wis awakened, or tho church dinner would have been a failure tho net day, 4) AKllluut tlio Iloroutf A lawsuit that Is of Interest to every bo. rough in the State has just been decided In tho Supremo Court of Pennsylvania against tho town ot Bbamokin, In 1830 Mrs, ltoblnson of Shamokln wanted to put down a pavement and obtained tho grade from tne Council. When her pavement was laid it proved to be 0 inches higher than her neighbor's, John Weir. Mr. Weir was notified by tho Council to ralso hla pavement. He paid no attention to tho notice, and the Council left the matter rest. In May, a few weeks after Weir was notified, Mrs. May Heddy came walking alone tho pavement of Mrs. llobison, and when she came to tho drop of nlno Inches fell and broke her arm. Two suits were brought by tho husband, ono for injuries his wife sustained and tho other for loss of services while tho arm was getting well Tho suit was tried In March. 1890, before Judire Hockeftllcr of Sunbury, and a vcr- diet rendered for the complainant. Tlio caso was carried to the Supremo Court, and tho verdict sustained. Our Councilmen should compel all people to put their pave- meutB to a erade. Wo are told that somo parties have refused to ralso their pave nauls. Hold It to tlio I.lullt Tho man who tells you confidentially Just what will cure your cold Is proscrib ing Kemp's Jialsam this year, in tho pre. paratlon of this remarkable medicine for coughs and colds no expenso is spared to combine only the best and purest Ingredl. enls. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to tho light and look through It; notice tbo bright, clear look; then compare with other remedies. Price wc and VI. DEMOCKax, BLOOMSBURG, TOLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. COI.Ultt niA CODHTV I'A I II. Tho thirty-sixth annual fair of the Co lutnbia County Agrlcultuial Society was decidedly tho best In altendanco and ex. hlbits In tho history ot tho Assoclattoc. Tho pleasant weather of Wednesday gavo cheer to tho exhibit' rs and there was a grand rush for epaco in the main building. l.vcry avatlablo spaco was filled. Tho ladies did their utmost to make tho txhl bits a success, and they did succeed In It as was shown by tho great variety ot work In every conceivable shape that Imaglna tlon could conceive and tho skill of tbo nccdlo could form. Wo could not attempt to enumerate them but must express It by saying they wcro legion, or In tho words of a stranger In attendance, "It was tho greatest fair wo ever seen." Tho ladles of tho Episcopal church had numerous ar ticles, such as rugs, comforts, counter panes, quilts, stockings, &., articles which they mado for sale, and had a lady In at tendanco taking orders for the same. Tho Bloomsburg Silk Mill had a nice ex. hlblt which attracted much attention tbo first piece of silk mado at tbo mill and con scqucntly tbo first ever mado In Blooms. burg also tho cocoon, various kinds of raw silk, Including wild silk, and many colors ot silk thread. Clark & Son cxhlbttcd ladles coats, handkerchiefs, tablo lamps and fancy ar. tlclcs, also tho $10 50 Dcmorest Sewing Machine. Columbia county fair could not well bo held without the presenco ot J. Baltzcr, with his flno musical instruments. Upon this occusston ho had two booths, In tho one were tho.Estey plpo and parlor organs, and the Estoy pianos, In Circassian walnut, mahogany and antique oak, also the Starr piano in ronowood. Ho bad flno displays of samples dono on tho celebrated Whlto Sowing Machine, and exhibited tho best three-drawer $10.50 sowing machine made. In booth No. 2, was found tho Domestic Sewing Machine, with One samples, a 7 oc tavo piano-Case organ, a 0-octave oak United States organ, and a Miller organ with fancy mirror. Mrs. S. M. Dougherty portrait artist of Catawlssa had a flno exhibit of her work. A. G. Ncsblt exhibited photographs and llfo slzo crayon work, McKlllip Bros.' display of photographs and flno crayon work attracted much at- tlon. Magcc & Co. ot tbo Bloomsburg Carpet Mill had samples ot their manufacture of fine Ingrain carpets. The display of vegetables was enormous, tho selections fine, could not bo bolter any where. A marked Improvement was made In tho spaco tor bread, butter, pastry and cakes. A largo glass frame was made which kept those govds free from dust. Tho display of apples, quinces, grapes and dried fruits were all of tho best. W. J. Corell & Co., furniture dealers ex- hlbltcd parlor suits, library chairs, antique oak bed room suits. Baker & McBridc, had a fine bed room suit finished In natural wood, parlor suits, easy rockers, antique oak bed room suit and book case. Buggies were exhibited by Bloan & Bro., S. A. Wilson cf Bloomsburg, and B. W. Drako of Light Street. Stoves and tinware were exhibited by Eshleman & Wolf, W. F. Hartman and L. E. Wherry. L. T. Sharplcss mado a novel exhibit, of canned goods, butters, jellies and choice fruits. W. H. Ko'clicr & Co. bad a mammoth piece of lump coal in order to advertise their coal yard. C. Meats & 8 in had ono ot their cele brated Perfect Washers and dog power at. tached, also one of the Propeller churns noff invention, operated upon new prin ciples for a churn, and la the easiest and best operated churn mado. O. 8. Waltz of Catawlssa, successor to rruckcnmillcr, had a gcnulno store of Japanese goods, and took many orders during the fair. C. S. Furman had a flno exhibit ot his harness, robes, blankets and whips. Among tho exhibitors ot agricultural Implements were Whlto & Conner of Orangeville, with their two-horse tread power threBher and cleaner, their fodder cutter and grinder, Steel Spring tooth har row and Empire grain and fertilizer drill. M. llulshl'cr of Llghtstrect, also exhi bited his tread power ;and threshing ma chines. U. V. White & Co. exhibited ono and two-borse wagons, buckboard and buggies; Superior drill, Eureka and Bradley mow ers, Hudson cultivators, Centre Hall corn planter, Eureka and Ilench & Dromgold spring tooth harrow, Wlard plows, Wlard hayrake, Hoot corn shelter, and Mabl lawn mower. Ejnlcman & Wolf had a mower and binder and the Pittsburg pumps. Over one hundred compartments In the poultry shed wcro filled with chickens , geese, turkeys, pigeons and guineas. There wcro also several exhibits of rabbits, as also dogs. E. H. Little Esq. ot Bloomsburg had six head of Holstcln-Freislan cattle which wero raised on his stock farm near Light street. A. b. Shlmcr, of Heddlngton, Northamp ton county, had sixteen head Including Aycrshirc, Guernsy, Bwlss and Holsteln. Ucrvcy W. Hess, of Mlffllnville, had thirteen head of Jersey cattle, registered, from his stock farm. They were as flno a lot of cattle as wo ever saw. G. B. McUcnry of Ilohrsburg bad a largo Holsteln bull. This was offered for sale. The separate stalls for cattle were all taken and contained good stock of giaded Durham, Jersey and Ayersblro cattle. Tho exhibit of sheep and hogs was larger than for many years past. II. P. Lewis, ot Brady. Indiana county. Pa , who has been In attendance for the past thrco years, wai again selected as tho special judge lor tne stock. I hero wcro over 40.000 neonlo in attend ance during tuo lour days, which Is sev eral thousand more than any previous year. A Cure for Coiimlputlou mitt Hick licailuclic Dr. Silas Lane, wu'le In thellockyMoun talus, discovered a root when combined with other herbs, makes an easy and ccr. tain cure for constipation. It Is In the form of dry roots and leaves, and la known as Lane's Family Medicine. It will euro sick headache In ono night. For the blood liver and kidneys, and for clearing up tho complexion It docs wonders. Druggists sell it at 60 cents a package Democratic Meeting. Deraocratlo Meetings will bo held throughout the county as follows. Heaver Valley, Smith's Hotel. Oct, 25lli; Mtllville, Oct. S7thi Jcrseytown,Oct. 37tb; Blabtown, Yeagcrs Hotel, Oct. 27tlij Kohriburg, Oct. 28tb, Numldla, Oct. 28th Fowlcisvllle, Oct. 28lh Waller, Oct. 29tb Centralia, Oct. liOtbj Evansville, Oct. OUth) Jamison City, Oct. SUt; llenton, afternoon mcctlog, Nov, 1st Jno. It Townsksii, Co. Ch'rm'n, A. F, Tmiwiuaoiit, Secretary. Every tissue of tho body, every nvrve, bouo and mutclo Is mado stronger and more healthy by taking Hood's Sarsaparll-la. Highest of Ji in Leavening rower. Rem ABSOLUTELY PURE A MUHctim of An. A largo Jewelry establishment, such as Bailey, Banks & Blddlc's, Chestnut and 12th Streets, Philadelphia, Is a perfect museum of art. It Is a raro one, too. Somo of tho finest artists and sculptors who havo lived gavo thtlr best efforts to tho designing ot Jewelry. It remained, iiowcvor, tor tho present generation to dis cover that a complete jewelry storo should bavo gems of household as well as articles of personal ornamentation. This Idea seems to bo tho ono that has cromntcd this firm to bavo In stock master-pieces of European potlcrlcs, exqulslto bits of sculpture In marblo a id bronzo, In add!, tlon to beautiful examples of iho cold unit silversmith's art. 9IIHH OI.OI' ICK.AUUK. WUO SUB 18, AND WHERE SHE OAMI FROM. Tho most wonderful curiosity known to tbo platform is the littlo Esquimaux lady, Ulss Olnf Krarcr, who Is only 40 inches in height, 81 years of ngc, and weighs 120 pounds. Bho has delivered over 200 lec tures In two seasons, and In tho five years has become master of tho English language, so that sho Is able to entertain for a full evenlog tho most critical and ex acting audiences. Sho has repeated her lccturo no less than from three to six times In several towns and cities, with Increas ing Interest on cachioccaslon. Miss Krarcr was born and lived In her natlvo country, Greenland, until 15 years of age, when sho left 'homo with a party of shipwrecked sailors, and after traveling one thousand miles over frozen seas at last reached Iceland. Bho remained In Iceland about ten years, when sho left there with her father and finally reached Manitoba. Many friends becoming great ly Interested in her welfare Induced her to study the Eogllsh language, which sh 0 has dono to great advantage during tho past six years, and now speaks It fluently. Tho story of her life, as she tells It, Is more thrilling than any fairy talc. Bho holds her audience as If spell-bound from first to last During a portion of tho even ing sho will dress In her native costume, and at tho close of tho lecture sbo (will an swer any questions lhat members of tbo audience may choose to ask. Miss Krarcr comes as a revelation, a walking wonder and the greatest curiosity of tho nineteenth century. No one shoutd fall to bear her. She will probably spend next season lec turing In Europe. Sho will lecture next Monday evening at 8 p. m. at the Normal school. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Dhy ni tick, e eare her Castoria. When iho u a Child, the cried for Cutoria, When the became Mitt, the clung to Castoria, When the had Children, the gan them Cattoria. ISaHt Ueiitou. Mrs. Brunstbn, near Three Corner Lake, Lehman township, Luzerne Co. , and daugh ter of Amos Drcshcr of Fisblngorcck twp., camo to visit her friends last Saturday. Wo met tbo woman near Cimbra who Inquired of us concerning the recent cy clone and showing us a grain bag that was found on their place, which was marked on one Mdo "Knclly & Pealer," and on tto other "W. Hulmo," This bag was carried by the storm from the demolished barn of llllbert Hulmo at Fishlngcrcek, a distance of over twenty-fivo miles. Another like incident is the finding of Bruce Ash and wife's marriago certificate In a buckwheat field In Dallas township, which was carried from their demolished houso In Benton township, also a distance of twenty miles or more. Judgo Krlckbaum and wife attended tho funeral of her sister In Butler township last Friday. Redman Drum, of Standsbury, as the guest ot his sister, Mrs. Krlckbaum, last week. Phil Morgan and brother attended the fair at Benton. These young men aro from Plymouth and nophows of Mrs. Judgo Krlckbaum. DoctorHl Of all the dtflerent schools In tho country, bavo thousands dlo over year ot B right's dlseaso of the Kidneys, who could be liv ing to-day It tboy had used Sulphur Bitters They are unequalled in the world for all diseases of the kidneys. Xea Haven Union. 10 17 2t. Pensions ! Veterans ! ! The Disability Pension Bill Act of June 27. 1890. Grants nonstons to all cx-soldlera and sailors who served 09 days or mom In tho Armv or Navv durlnir tue rcuemon, auu wcro honorably ulscharg- cu, anu wuo aro now suuering rrom any permanent, mental or physical disability contracted since tbe war or during tho war wnetner irom disease, injuries or enccis ol old age, at tho rato ot fiom $0 to $13 per montn, accoruing to tne aegreo or nis ills aoiiity lortno performance 01 labor reauir ing tbe exertion of physical strength ; provided tbo disability Is not duo to vici ous habits. This penslou is not restricted to tbe veterans who have to make their living by hard labor, but Is equally duo to professional men or clerkB, provided they have an existing disability which would prevent tue continuous exercise or the physical Btrcngth ot an able-bodied man. inoso who bave annllcd under the ccn cral laws and who are unable to piovo up tbo pending claim can apply for and se cure Ibis pension and then continue the prosecution ot tbo former claim and secure their arrears. If vou aro now drawing a small pension, say 33 or $i per month, you can taku this pension Instead, and it you bavo an annlt cation on file for Increase or additional pension for new disabilities you can con. tlnuu tho prosecution ot such claims while drawing tho new pension, or you can Die an original claim for a disability contract i'd in tbo service while drr.wlng pension unuer inis new act. Widows, children, and dependent moth era anu latuers aro euiuied under this aci anu can suspend tuo prosecullou of any pcudlng claim, and tako this pension, aad afterwards complelo the prior claim und get arrears. Having been duly appointed an Agent according to tho rules and regulations ol Ihe Department of tho Interior in tho pros ccutlon of such claims and having bad sue cess In a number of cases I am niwivi nr. . pared to give information and assist claim. ants, and will assure thorn success it they aro able to CBtablUb the facts as required uy jaw , iuoso interested snouid call soon an claim their reward. 1 (lUOIKUt W. STKUNIil:, North aiurkvl HI, Jllooiu.burtf I'd. 7-1841UI. $65; A MONTH n itricrht. Vnunt? ifnn Aboard fortJ IjuILm In eacli count v. w. zikulkh si co., ruiuuuipuu, ra. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, J889. Baking Powder Horses For Sale. Tho undersigned win oiler at prlrato sale ono horso 5 years oiti, one 4 years old, ono 8 years old. Wm. AonENnAon, 10.24-81 Orangovllle, Pa. A I.ntly'H Perfect Coiimntiloti. Every expectant mother should read our now uook uy ur. JMyc, ono of New York's most celebrated physicians. A perfect inmuer s guiuc, 11 tens now the rcarful or deal can bo made easy, freo from danger, and almost ontirely painless, thus saving months of anxiety, dread, and suffering. Full ot valuab'o Information to ladles, an swering hundreds of delicate questions. Send two-cent stamp for circulars, tcstl monlals, and confidential letter. Address, Frank Thomas & Co., Publishers, 0-10-3m. Baltimore, Md. To Ncrvons nehltltntcd aicn. If TOM Will BODd 119 TOtlr fLllilronq. WA will mall you our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Bye's celebrated Kioctro-VoltaM Ueft and Ap puanoca, and their charming enoeta upon tho ner. voas debiutatod system, and how they will autck. IT rCS LOm TOuTa vlcmrnnri manhvnl MMnhlV .ma If sou aro thus araleted, wo mil send you a Dolt M-Mr, Voltaic Hilt Co Marshall, Mlo I. W. Hartman & Song. The fair was a irreat success. The premium butter was re ceived. The shawl was friven Mrs. Wm. Richart of Montour Township. Our new dress goods are better shiners than the street lamps. The electric lights are coming, so are our new Christmas goods, Rob E. Hartman is in the city this week looking them up, don't forget we have the largest stock of long and short coats in the county (about 400). Butter and lard are plenty, eggs and good potatoes scarce. A few chick ens wanted each week, only young and fat stock bought. I W. Hartman & Sons. P. S. We have iust ree'd a lot of best dark calicoes at 6c. I. W. H. & SONS. CLARK & SON. "Will sell you Pluak Jackets, sacques, &c, at old prices yet, notwithstanding the recent large advance on theae goods by the passage ot the new tarilt bill. Now is your time to save money on these goods. Misses cloth jackets 1.35 and up, Ladies c'oth jackets $1.G5 and up, with a lurge line of all the newest ef iects 111 reefers and i coats. Dress goods stock full and complete at lowest prices. Vel vets and plushes at old prices yet. Flannels and blankets of all kinds, cotton flannels 5ic yd and up. Kid glovos, rib bons, new rucmngs, hosiery, braids, lamps, underwear for ladies and children, somo spec ial bargains. Pocketbooks, cor sets, table linens, towels, count erpanes, &c. CLARK & SON. PHILLIPS' DOMESTIC 88ebS(y. Intend running a first-class restaurant in connection with leir now large baking business. On and after the first of Octob er they will have an experienc ed cook awaiting the chance to tickle your palate at all hours ol the day and evening. Oys ters will bo Berved in all styles and game in season. An at tractive bill of fare will be ar ranged daily and they will make it a point to have custom era served with dispatch. Ice Cream all the year round. Call on them during the Fair. Thev will have their old stand on the ground where you can get good meal for twenty-five cents. Phillips Domestic Bakery, Main stuekt Auovk Ckntue, BLOOMSBURG, - PA. tf. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits onlv $3 doz. Life size Crayons only ijplU.UU. Viewing, copy ing and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. UOITOIf8 NOTIOE. estate of PMlltp Appleman, deceased. UIUUUU1 VUUriiUl U"IUU1UI4UUUUIT IU WlltO U13' irtbutton of the funds la tad hand' or the Rdmi n. Hiraixr to anu amoag tue Dames entitled marato wUl sit at his onice lu the Town ot Bloomsburg, county aforesaid. Nov. B. 1B90. at 10 o'clock a. m.. when and where all parties having claims against iuiuyit ucimrrou iruui uumiag in oa Baia luou. WU. CUIUS. IAN, Auditor UDIOTU'8 NOTICE. Uttate of Joseph O. Keller, late, of Orange foirit Tho underalznfd. an auditor annaluteJ by th Orphans' Court ot Columbia County to distribute the balance In the hands ot David T. Keller, sd. mlnlstrator. as appears by his nnal account, will bib lit, ulj muro m uioouuauurir on aionaay ftovem ber 17th. ISM, at a ra., when and where all per. sons having claims against said eatatn must an. pear and prote the same, or be debarred from uujuiui, iu uu nam iuuu. juiin ii. ci-mik. Oct, 13 1. Auditor. jUDlTOB-H NOTICE. Xttats ofJauob Volte, Oeceatat, The uader&lLraed. an auditor nnnntntjhi hr ih Orphans' Coui tof Coluiablacounty, to make di. trilmilonof the funds In tund of J. J. Brown, ad. uiiu'iMuiui, w auu Kuiuutf ma panic uulllieu IMOl vu, mi. oib iib mo uiutu UI muveiDiecil a li.culey ou Thurulay. Norumber 6th. at 10 oviock A. u.. WuOuandwbere all Dartlaa hivlur claims muat appear and p. ova the same, or be debarud lIVul UUlUlUkEIU VU IK11U lUnu. W. IX IUSCKLHY, Auditor, There arc many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They arc not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkablo qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having It 'Tis sold everywhere. W. H. BROOKE & CO. One of our large publishing houses is now engaged in bringing out a new reprint of the Great Brittanica Encyclo pedia, which in many respects is more desirable and better adapted to popular use than any previous edition. It is an exact reproduction, page for page, of the Great Edinburg Ninth Edition recently com pleted, except that the maps are later, being corrected and brought up to date, and a lew articles of special interest to Americans have been rewritten by American authors of highest reputation. Contains all the illustrations, maps, plates, in dexes and sub-indexes of the atest edition. The print is large and clear. The Binding is elegant in ap pearance and in point of dura bility is superior to any edition, being sewed precisely the same as the 'Oxford Teachers' Bible,' having a flexible spring back which permits the book to re main perfectly flat when opened. 1 he cost of the original edi tion is $8 per volumue. The Scribner Edition is $5 per vol ume. This edition is published at the remarkable low rate of $3 per volume. We believe, on inspection,- you will admit it is the finest volume you have ever seen at the price. Ihe sale ot this new edition has been placed with us and we are authorized to offer 30 sets at the price of-$i,5o per vol ume. Alter these are sold the price will be advanced. But you must decide quickly, and theretore we go one step farther than the publishers, and make a special and still more iberal otter. In order that you may see for yourself this wond erful bargain, and thoroughly examine its merits, both ol con tents and manufacture, we make you the following propo sition: We will furnish Volume for 60 cents a fraction of actual cost, with the understand ing that vou will give it a full and critical examination, with view to purchase ot the com plete set. Taking Vol. I places you under no obligation to take another volume our only de siro is to acquaint you with our wondenul oiler. We expect tobe able to de- iver four volumes per month, and to complete the delivery in November. I his oner will give you a complete set of En cyclopaedia Brittanica in I wenty lve Volumes elegantly bounc for $36.60, the greatest bargain ever offered. To secure it the order must be given now. We would be pleased to have you call at our store and exam tne the boods. Yours truly, W. H. Brooke & Co. EXECUTOR'S SALE OP VALUAULE Estate ! The undersigned executor ot rcter Kaso, late ot llenton township, Columbia county, deceased. wuieiposo at publlo Bale, on tbo premises, on THURSDAY, N0VE1I1EH 18, 1890. at l o'clock p. m., tbe following real estate, situ ate In the township ot Benton, In said county, and bounded and described as follows: On the east by lands of Bowman Crawfo rd and Mrs. It. ltunyan's estate, on the south by O. M, Gibbons and u. u Ease, on the West by tho estate ot W. T. Hess de ceased, and on tbe north by C. A. Kase and a pub llo road, containing OS Acres and u PBKCUKS, sti.ct measure, whereon Is erected a two stor ' " DWELLING HOUSE, good barn and wagon shed. Good weU ot water, good spring, and One fruit on tbo premises. TKKMS Ol' BAI.. Ten per cent, ot one fourth tho purchase money to be paid at tbe striking down of the propsrty, the balance of tho one fourth to bo paid when possession is given, and the remaining tbree-fourth in ono year thereafter, with Interest from dato of possession, l'ossestlon given any time between January l, 1631, and April 1, 18X1. At the samo time will be sold about SO tons ot good TIMOTHY HAY. Terms made known day of sale. WILLIAMS. KASE, Executor, CON. IFLAND, milliard & Pool Room Wlnterstoeu's Building, over Flrrt Nation al Hank, llloomsburg, I'a. Fine cigars always on hand, I'ubllc iiatronsgu respectfully solicited. 10.17-Gm. DMINISTIIATUIX NOTIOE. Ksuite cf Susan A, Walter, lau of BlxmWtwg. Notice la hereby given that letter ot admins. tratlQuootheottateotSuaaa A. Walter, lite ol thu town of llloomsburg, county of Columbia, an1 btalu of li'nnsyivania, uceeauM, nave been K whom all Dersona indebted lo u ill est ate aro fe' quetled to male payments, and lliouo bavlog claims or demand! will make known the same without delay to ot a SAUAH K. voiKlllT, Aum'r. . Ou Jicour, Atty, Jamljou city, I'a. &G0 to the New Ground Floor PHOTO GAWiBRY. Fine cabinet photos 99c per doz , 1 crayon portrait and one dozen $3 cabinet1; all for 7.50, lion Ions, tm types, 50c. ak'ner of houses, cattle, mach inery and copying old pictures specialty. Lall and see speci mens. Yours Kesp t. H. A. KEMP, Photo Artist. Southwest O r. Main nml Mttkct Sts. HLOOMSHUKO, I'A. OltATHFUfj COMFOIITING. EPPS'S COCOA. 11 11 K Alt. FAB I'. "Ity a tt orouah knowiodco of tho nalurat law whtah cravflrn thn nwrAtlon of dlffostlnn and nutrition, and by a careful application ot tho nv properties 01 wcu-lciocmm i;ocoi, jir. bppin's provided 0"r breakfast tables with a delicately ilrTored boverago which may save us many heary doctors' bills, it Ii by tho lullrlous uso ot such articles or diet mat a conniiution may 00 craiuai- lv built un un dl strong cnoiizti to nsUt evcrr ten dency to disease, HunlrfMs of subtlo maladies are Dotting arouna us re hit 10 bu&ck wacrever tuere Is a weak point. We mT cicapa rnanr a fatal stiart by Keep! ig o'lrsclvos well tortmol with rmro ilood and a properly nourished framo."-Cfrtf SrrvU Oavite. Made simply with millne wate- or milk-, sold only In halt pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus 1 .lA.lins V.VVi A; CO., llotnccDathlo Chomtsts, 10-81-it. ixmaon, tngiija. QENKltAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. 1. Jons n. CASEY. Utah Sheriff of Columbia County, commonwealth of Pennsylvania, d3 here by make known and giio notice to thn electors of tho co'inty aforesaid, that a general election wilt bo held in the said county ot Columbia on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1890,: (being tho Tueslar net following tho first Mon day of said month) for the purpo ot clctlng tho so reral persons hereinafter named, to-wlu ono rwrsoo for Governor 01 the commonwealth of l'enrsrlvanla. one penon for IJOuu oovcrnor 01 tno common wealth of Pennsylvania. onoDersonror Secretary ot Internal Aftalra of Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania. ojo peison tor Associate Judgo ot Columbia. County. one person for Congros3from 17th district ot Pennsylvania. Ono person for Senator from 21th District ot Pennsylvania. Two persons for Members ot the Asaombly from Columbia County. One ne-son for 1'rothonotorr anl Clerk of Courts ot Columbia County. Ono person tor lleglster and llocordor ot Colum bia County. UQfl perron lor 1 reasarcr oi uoiumoia e.ouniy. One person tor District Attorney ot Columbia County. Tnreo persons ror commissioners ot uoiumoia Csiinty. Three persona tor Auaitora or coiumuia uouaiy. onoDeraonror county Surveyor of Columbia County. I also hereby make known and give notice that tho p' v3 ot holding tho aforesaid cleeUon In II 0 several ward, boroughs, districts and tonn3hlpa wiiuia tne county ot uoiumoia aro m iouows Heaver township, at tho public houso ot Mrs. ary smith. llenton townshtn. at tho nubile nouso of Lemuel Drake in the town of Benton. uerwick, tiast, aitnouitie omcooc jackson Woodln MTg Co., In lierwlcK. Eerwlck. West, at tho onice of J. Q. Jacobv. In Berwick. 11100m East, at tho court House, cast side, In Bloomsburg. I (Bloom West, at tho Court House, west side la 1MI ioomsburg. Ilrlarcreek townshln. at the nubile school house. ;kt Catawlssa township, at the public house ot (J. '. ltclfsnyder. In the town of catawlssa. Borough of Centralia. at tho nubile, hnu.qft or w Michael Brennan. o jntre townshln. at the school houso near Lafar. etto CTcasys. North Couyngham District at the township school houso near the colliery ot John Anderson k KjO. south Convngham District, at the houan of Mm. Thomas Monroe. Flsblngcreek township, at tho school houso ncai C. B White's. franklin townshln. at tLo Lawrence school house. East Greenwood at the house of William Black In Kohrsburg. Wow Greenwood at tho houso of Frank B. Her ring in Mlllttlle. uemiock township, at tun public houso of Chas. Dietterlch, In the town of Buck Horn. Jiu-ksontwp., at tho publlo scnool houso at Waller. Locust townshln. at the nubile houso of Knorr.ln Numedla. -Madison townshln. at tho nubile school hnnsn In Jerseytown. .Main township, at tho public houso of Addison W. Shuman. Mlniln townshln. at the nubile house of John Kntoi in the town ot Miruinville. Montour township, at tho publlo house ot Emandus Unangst at Hupcrt. Mt. Pleasant township, at tho MUlertown public school boose. orange township, at tho public houso ot r. O, Freas In Orangeville, anu lownsuip. at tno ceniro acuooi House, lioarlngcreok townshln. at the house nf Knmnpi Lelby. Kaat Scott at tho publlo houso of M. Q. White In Espy. Westscott at tho publlo house of John L. Crawford, ln:ughtstrcct. ougorioai towiisuip, at mo nouso or Albert Colo. l'olla shall bo onene.l at Reven o'clock n. m. anrt shall continue open without Interruption or ad journment until aeven o'clock p. in., when tho po'ii wiu no closed. aXOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thateverv nerson eveentlnr. .lnstlcna nr ,ho Peace and Aldermen, Notaries Publlo and Per (ons in tho mllltla service ot tho state, who shall bold or shall within two months havo held any onice or appointment of pront or trust under tho lifted states, or of this state, and city or corporatcd district, whether a commissioned onicer or otherwise, a subordinate onicer or agent wuo is or snail tie ernpioyea unuer tho Legisla ture, Executive or Judiciary Department ot the state, or of any city or ot any Incorporated dis trict, and also, that every member ot congress and ot tho stale Legislature, and of the Milect or common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated district, are by law incapable of holding or exercising at tho b.imo time the onico or appointment ot Judge, Inspector or Clerk ct any eleutlon of this comuionweuliu, and that uu luspeuiur, tiuuKU or uiuer unicer oi sucu elec tion thall be eligible to bo then voted lor. ine inspectors anu juogo oi tne elections shall meet at tho respective places appointed for holding tbo election lu tno district to which they rosiectlvely belong, betoro seveu o'clock In the morning, und each ot said inspectors shall ap point one clerk, who shall be a uualtnedtoterof sucu (Ustrlct. The uualinod voters ot this t3aimtv are, herehr authorised and required to vote by ticket printed, written or partly printed and partly written; one ticket which shall be labeled state, and contain thu names of state onicers, one ticket to be label led Judiciary, and one ticket to be labelled coun- i. dUUN 11. CASEY, snenu. Sheriffs Oflico, Bloom-iburg, Oct. v, isao. BEATTY'S PIAN0SVSaa Ex.Mayor DANIEL V. BttATTY. Washington, 10-llMMt. s!1 rn 10nnA VOLUME paid for your OLD $J iJuU HOOKS. A long catalogue ot books with the main-Ices we win pay, postpaid for lu cents In stamps, stooa easily made buying old books, commence at once and get nrsl pick. C. r. llAKPElt, 17 East 16th St., New York. io-lo-d-iu WAMT,!m8I-Isl'SK to sell our Choice nitiu Nursery Stock. All goods guar, anteod flrst-class. Good Balarres and ex. peases, or a liberal commission paid. No Exper. ience Necessary. Write for terms, giving age. and secure your choice of territory. u. i ksiuut & co. iuj park Avenue, lloches ter, New York. HMO-a iu IS Naturo's effort to expel foreign sub stances from tlio bronchial passages. Frequently, this causes Inflammation and the need ot an anodyne. No other expoctorant or nnodyno Is equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists Nature In ejecting the mucus, allays Irritation, Induces repose, and is tho most popular of all cough cures. " Of tho many preparations before the fiublic for the euro ot rolils, coughs, iroiichttls, and kindred diseases, there Is none, within tho rango of my experi ence, o rcllablo as Ayer's Chorry l'ec tornl. For years I was subject to colds, . followed by terrible coughs. About four years ago, when so nullcted, I was ad vised to try Ayer's Cherry l'ectoral nnil to lay all other remedies aside. I did so, and within n week was well of my rnhl and cough. Slucu then I bavo always kept this preparation in tho bouse, nnd feol comparatively secure." Mrs. h. h. Drown, Denmark, Miss. "A few yoars ago I took a severo cold which affected my lungs. I had a ter rible cough, and passed night after lilght without sleep. The doctors gavo mo up. I tried Ayer's Cherry IVctoral, which relloved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded tho rest necessary tor tho recovery of ray Btrength. Ity tho con tinual use ot the l'eetoral, a permanent, euro was effected." Horace Fuirbrothcr, Itocklngham, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rairBtD bt Dr. J. C, Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold y all DniggiiU. 1'iict 1; li UUIi, fa. CURED BY Mitchell's Rheumatic Plasters. Bniui ruxuxl j fur Ithwiittkllmu, Neuralgia & BcJUlc. hoUX ty dm&'iKt, or If malt, 5 cent. JiovuU l'UUtf Vuik Lowell, DHEUMATI .u.u ' WINK EL, Baltimore, aid. 3 ill A.