THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. lh a. s. siwoii, J. K. Blttoncndor Eiltori. BLODMSBUKGr, PA.. FRIDAY, OOrODEU 21, 1890. As yon ro to the election cU on your neighbor and tako him nlong. Mako your iwrarififlments to go to tho olootloni nnd don't ohop wood, thresh buckwheat or go a fishing. You havo had your fun at tho Fair, now do your work at the olootion. Stuff your pocket with Pattison tickets and seo that they aro all voted beforo bovou o'clock. A vote for Dolaraater H an endorso mont of bribory. A vote for Pattison ib an approval of houost governraont. Don't forgot olcotlon diy givo the wholo of it to tho party and the ro domption of tho stato from tho rulo of corrupt mon. Go early aud full day and tho stay lato Mako a on trust this supremo power. Undor our principles of government all interest should bo retleoiod In tho govorumcnt. Yet we find in the Stato, organisations for tho protection of farmers, miners and other sepcrato classes. Thoio nover was a timo in Pennsylvania whon popular government was in more danger. Within tho past fow years thoro lus grown up bossism, unpopular, un republican, a selfish ono min power, entirely hostile to oopular government. To illustrate, in 1881 I hadocoaiion to InvesUcato tho revenue, system of Pennsylvania. Under this system all proporty should bo equally taxed. I found by tho records that tho roal estate valuo was giiiu.uuu.uuu nnu ino per sonal property 100,000,000. Tho tax raised 38,000,000. If equalizod, tho farmeiB would pay $10,000,000, but it was dl'doaed that tho farmers pay $30,000,000; whllo personal property pays 8,000,000. A bill was introduc ed in 1884, but it was killed in tho committco room, although ovory ono admitted that it was fair. Tho feeling grew strong between 1885 and 1887 when a inoro niodorato bill, although in tho saino dircotlon, was introduced and passed, but failed to receive tho slgnaturo of tho Senate's presiding of ficer, and was lost. In 18889 another bill was introduced, but referred to a committee and never heard of. Had this been a properly constituted pop In the most undent and most general ol all diseases. Hcarceljrn family Is entirely tree from It, wlillo thousands evorjwhere aro Its suffering slaves. Hood's Sarsaparllla has bad remarkablo success In curing everr form of scrofula. The most severe and painful tunning tores, dwellings In the neck or goitre, humor In tho e)Fs, causing partial or total blindness, yield to the powerful "My little daughter's life was sand, as w believe, by Hood's Barsapaillla. Before she was six months old she bad T running scrofula tores. Ono physician advised the amputation of one of her fingers, to which we refused assent. 'When we began giving ber Hood's Sarsaparllla, a marked Improve ment was noticed and by a continued use of It her recovery was complete. And she Is now, effects of this medicine. It thoroughly re- being seven years old, strong and healthy." moves every trace of Impurity from the B. O. Jokes, Alna, Lincoln County, He. blood and builds up tho weakened system. N. B. Be turo to get Hood's. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by diuffRlaU. fltltxforfs. Prepared only by 0. 1. HOOD A CO., AK3tlif carln, Lowll. Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Sold bv dtnrcliti. JlilliforfJ. freparsd only by a 1. riOOD CO., ApothrlM, Ixiwll, Mui. IOO Dobob Ono Dollar Thcso aro not old nary camtuign ob jections. Thuy uro n )t partisan mat ters in any sense, They do not pro oced from Democratic sources. They aro a reiteration of oharnes against iho intergrity of Mr. Dolamater. They oomo almost exclusively from Repub lican sources. Tnoy corroborate and justify Mr. Emery's allegations. Much as tee regret to indorse a JJemocraitc candidate, and bad as we toell know victory will roioioe ..Ur POVernmon tho lenislation would Uemocralic policy ana practice von tnorp. beoanso vou had a hand in kM Un mB..l in 1885. and tho "e affairs, intelligent, j ' , ... . n i - - i . . i . i, 7.:.. .,;...,.,..,. brinrintr It about. Work will toll a full voto is a viotory. Ono week from next Tuosday will hn olootion. Let overy dotnocrat mako an effort from this time util the val 'will conlinuo tn0 courfl0 of nluA flin nnlla In fl(n llllt flVfir? QO I . 1! ! f close of tho polls to see that overy mocratio voto is cast. Thoro aro over fivo thousand demo cratic votes in "this cou- ty. Tho en tiro voto of tho democratic party in this county is noar. Let every demo crat oe to it that overy voto is cast this year. Wake Up! And see that Columbia County f ives Pattison at least 2500 majority, f we aro beaten it is our own fault and want of activity at the polls. Our party is solidly for our excellent candi date; many republicans will not vote to support yuay ana nis racmous. Lot us givo to the state a splendid and honest administration. Tho republi cans desire it, and will help us by their inaction. Seo that every democrat is early at tho polls, and is all day there and hard nt work for Pattison. "Blooks of five." They count very rapidly. Quay and Dudley understood that. In the thirty voting districts of Columbia couuty, if five votes remain at home in each weflose 150 votes, and in tho stato that woald count us say 30,000. Don't leavo one man at home, a full voto is a victory. Savo the stato from the disgrace of Quay and Dslamater. Go in "Blooks of Five" for Pattison and Reform. Wanted 5000 M.9H Wantad, farmers relieved. Ouo of tho groat issues of this contest is this tax qnes lion. Thn men who obstructed this legislation will tako tho verdict as an approval or disapproval, aim n uu uu nroval will conlinuo tho courao of ob struction and equalization of taxation will not como for a generation." Tho vast crowd listened attentively to his words and freauentlv interrupted him with heartv annlause. At the oonolus ion of his speech tho races were called. Following tho first raoe. Capt V. II. Barclav. candidato for Seorctary of In ternal affairs, was introduced and made i short address. IIo was interrupted bv two renublioans. who lacked good sense, and could not control their beast ly nature long enough to hear the short address, but cried "Go on with tho races!" "To h 1 with tho democrats." Such characters should bo denounced by all good people of all Darties. After tho address of Ex-Goyernor Pattison. ho was escorted to tbo main Exhibition building by chairman Townsoud. lion O. It. Buokalew and E. M. Towksbury. Tho governor expressed great surprise and pleasure at the vastoxhibition and tbo great attendance. He was introduced to a number of democrats and republicans, The party left tho fair grounds at about 3 o'clock and proceeded to the Exchantro Hotel where a reception washcld. After partaking of dinner tho reception committee and a large delegation fiom Montour County in cludincr county chairman Edmonson escorted the oartv to the D. L. & W. depot where an immenso crowd had oaths-red to await the oominrs of Ex- Governor Pattison. Amid cheers tho train left for Danville where an even ing meeting was bf M. To go to tho polls on olection day, in Columbia CotiD.y, and voto for Pat tison for Governor. You, who are now reading this paragraph, aro want ed as ona of the number. Remember that a voto don't count unless it is in the ballot box. Be suro that yours gets in all right and in good timo in the morning, aid then seo that your neiolibor is equally vicilant. If ho is not on hand by noon, go for him. If you hive a horeo and wagon take it, and p.ok up tba old men as you go along. Don't forget that a full vote is a democratic yictory. JBUIBERI. from a late DELAMATER DE0LINES. On Friday, October 21th, both Pat tison and Ddlamater will speak at Car lisle. The democratic chairman of Cumberland county, thought it would be a nico thing to havo both candi dates speak in joint debate. He there fore challenged the republican chair mau to have Delamater meet Pattison. The repuDltcan chairman, not know ing how to answer, submitted it to the Stato Chairmin, Mr. Andrews. IIo answerod by stating that Delamater declined to met Pattison. Next week bolh candidates wHl be in Philadel phia, and State Chairman Kerr will again challenge Delamater to me Pattison in debate; but since he de clined to met him in Carlisle we can etato that ho will again decline. PATTISON AT BLOOMSBURG. Ex-Governor Pattison and Capt. W. II. Barclay, accompanied by James M. Beck, Jno. J. Malony, Maurice F. Wilhero. M Koarnan, aud vice-chairman E. P, Kisner arrived at Blooms burg at 12;20 last Friday. A throng of people that filled overy available spaoe at the depot awaited tho guber natorial party's arrival. The reception committee consisted of County Chair man J. R. Townsond, Hon. E. R. Iklor Hon. O, R. Buokalow, Col. J. G. Freeze and C. G. Barokley, Esq. When Pat tison made his appearance cheer after cheer rent tho air. He was greeted by tho reception committee who escorted him through tho ladles waiting room to the north side of tho depot, whoro carriage were awaiting. After a few moments irao of band shaking, the band played a familiar air, whon tho party started in tho direction of the fair grounds escorted by a large dele gation of democrats. At the main on tranco gate tho party were greeted by the marshal F. P. Iiagenbauch, which was tho occasion of another outburst of applause. At the grand stand they wero greeted by the reception commit tee, onsisting of Pv A. Evan, if. G. Hughes, aud Samuel Camp. When tho party arrived at the grand stand, eeyeral thousand peoplo had gathered to hear tho speeches. It was difficult to dotornnno from what po'tnttho speech should be made so that the multitude could hear, it was finally determined that an open carriage in tho midst of the peoplu should be used. From this Soint Hon. O. R Buckalew introduced Ir. Pattison, which wns tho occasion of another outburst of applause. Tho ex-Govornor introduced his speech by We clip tho following Philadelphia paper. "What do you know, Mr. Mapes, of the reports that Senator Quay proposes to unload a large amount oi munuy iu to Pennsvlvania in tho interest of Mr, Delamater!'' "Wo know that his own henchmen boast of it loudly: wo know that money is already liowing ireely in overy por tion of tbo State, that tree trains are run to meetings; that men are employed to make special canvass of Democratic workingmen in tho districts in each election precinct, and that they hope to play tho old 'blocks of hve game with these workincmco, putting money enourrh into the hands of trusty agents . o . ... ..." in each precinct to seo tuai none oi them get away. We havo this from a circular sent out by one of tho County Chairmen, which indicates they are mailed. Wo have no doubt that the circulars have been sent out to all parts of the State. The abovo is no doubt correct in overy particular. He has an agent in Columbia County and we ask you to spot him, and if the facts are clear. arrest him. Decent Republicans resent the corrupting courao of Quay as fre- ly as the JJemocrats uo, ana are as anxious to destroy tho system. Every man. of any and all parties, who is in favor of pure politics and honeBt ad ministration of public affairs is for Pattison. Democrats, Republicans and ProhibitionUta make common cause. thinking, self-rcsnecting Jtepublicans cannot indorse, and be true to Itepub- hcan principles, a man with such a record as Delamaler's. Itepublican ism cannot condone such charges as these. The further we go along the worse the situation grows. They who bow the wind must expect to reap the whirlwind. Ignoring what was ro- aucstod as to fair play and tho will of tho party was bad enough, but tho un met charges affecting character and honor are infinitely worse. Under the circumstances, daily growing stronger, it is incomprehensible how an honest, thinking citizen oan justify to himself a participation in supporting Mr. ucia mater, How's This. Wo offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any caso of catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Cata'.rh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, To ledo, O. We. the undersisndd. havoknown F. J. Cheney for the fast 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their hrm. West fc Thuax, Wholesale uraacists, Toledo, O. Wai,p;ng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesa'e Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cm e is taken intern ally acting directly npon tho blood and mucous surtaoes ol ttio system, l esti monials sent free. Prioe 7fic. per hot tie. Sold by all druggists. 10-17 4-t Hew Tariff Literature- For practioal arguments on the tariff question nowadays consult business circulars and the newspaper advertising ol business houses, iror example, it is the contention ol the mends of a pro tecttve tariS that duties on imports are not paid by tbo consumers in tho United States, liut tbe great dry goods house of Strawbridge & Clothier an nounces in their advertisement October 17 that Tho new Tariff law which went into effect October 6 utll, of course, result in an advance of prices on foreig, goods of almost all descriptions. Here follows a very campact tan argument which we find in the adver tisement ot Mr. a. u. ibompson Chestnut street dealer in clothing: We nave now in stock this Reason importations, and we offer thorn at old Tariff prices. An illustration ot faols will induce quick demands for our present stook of 500 coats. COMPAMSONS AMU REFLECTIONS: Fon RcrnvsKNTATtVES, Wt. KRIOKBAU.U, E. M. TEWKSBUIIY. Fou Associate Juuoe, MORDEOAI MILLARD. Fon District Attorney, WILLIAM OHRISMAN. Fon PnoriioNOTAnv anu Ui.wtK ok the Counrs. G. M. QUICK. 7 lmNMlSlS The Meet BncceuM Beasedr ever discov ered, as It Is certain In IU effects and does not blister. Read proof below i C H. Krroiu. PoT' CmB" Blrs i Lut Bummer! cured Curb npon my hone with your celebrated Kendall's Spavin cure and II w"."1? hf ' J? 'ever mrr done. 1 have a doien mptv bottles, having umiI It with rerfeet iuccmh, curlnneverr thing 1 Irlcl It on. My neighbor had a hone with a verr bad Spavin that made him lame, JJ" J!".1 .m6 boTL ,0 c,,r " recommended Kendall's Spavin euro. Ho cured tho Bpavln In just three weeks. Tours respectfully, Woixott Wimi. Da. a J. Kaiu. cS?,Un",r,' 'N""' AprU 4' ,,a Dear B1m t I ham boon tolUoir more of KendtU'i Bpavln Cure and Flint's Condition Powder than grerbefore. One man Mid to me. It wai tho best Powder 1 erer kept nnd the Iwst he orer uied. Jleepectfullj. Otto X tlomux. . CirTTmJLHOO, N. Y Mar 19. Wt D. n. J. KtTTOALL CO., Deaf Blra i I hae u(tM neTcral bottleiof your Kendall'e Sparta Cure with perfect iucce, on a Tain able and blooded mare that was quite tamo with a Ilono Sparta. The mare Is now entirely free from Umene s and ahowa no ounM on the joint, ReipcctfullT, F. XL lIUTcnui. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Da. A J. Kctdux Co ttojaoi, Iil, Uar 8, 'SO. Oentt l I think It mr rintr tn mil., em mw thanks for your far famed Kendall's Bpavln Cure. I Dw m luur year oiu miy wnicn I prised ven highly. She had a very severe swollen W. HHm about eight different kinds of medicines which did Fou Reoistku ani REcomiEit, O. It CAMPBELL. For Treasurer, JOHN L. KLINE. rtwf AlA no rood. 1 rrarehaied a hottln nf vmi iranrin Bpavln Core which cured her In four days. iUaloil Dowem. Price tl tier bottle, or six bottles fortl All drug. drU have it or can get It for yon, or It will be sent to an address on receipt ot prioo by the proprie tor DR. IJ. J. KKNDAI.I, CO.. Xaaeftiirgh Valla, Vermont. ForOountit Commissioners, JESSE RITTENIIOUSE, B. F. EDGAR. For Auditors, JERK B. NUSS, CYRUS ROBBINS. Fob Countt Surveyor, SAMUEL NEYHARD. UDITOR'ij NOTICE. Etat of llorrl C. Sloan, nflM town of Ltcorm. Tbe underslz nod. an auditor apDOlntod 1)7 tho OrDb&na' Court of ColumbU county. Pa., to make diauiDutlon ot tho fund In tne hxai i ot tbe ezeou tor, as enown by nia nrst account, to ana among tbe partlu entitled thereto, will alt at bis office In tbe Town of liloomsbui;, co inty aforesaid, on fiionaay, Novonoer lu, .-waj, at v o'ciouk a. m , wbenandwtcroall ptrtles having clalma must appear and p. ve tbe same, or be debarred from coming In on said fund. on vnimT wixTin. Permanent emrjlov- oniftOivmni mom. oood Salary or commla- Barn. slon. Fine out-flts ere. Prices low. Jiochouter, n. y. Full line ot F.-ults and Flow. A. D. PRATT, Nurseryman lO-lM-tt. PARK FOR. RENT A farm of loo aores. with nandaome new bonse and barn, and supplied with abundant water, will be rented at a low rent for tbe term ot Hve years. to a gooa tenant who can furnish his own stock ndequlpment. Tbe farm la In the Catawlasa Vallev on tbe TownshlD road IromBrandonvlUe to Audenreld, two miles trom Urandonvllo and near Glrard Manor. References requested. Addrvn IIKBER s. THOMPSON, Engineer uirara ratate i-DttBvuie, ria nuv. i-iy. lTI'Killip Bros. Photographs. BLOOMSBURG, PA, Photographic portraits re touched and modeled for likeness, tone, and finish. JLife size crayons, tin est grade, a spec ialty. Frames, copying and viewing. Dr virtue of a writ ot.11. ol Fa. Issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, ra., and to mo directed, there will bo sold .at tho Bhonrrs oraco la tho court lioase, moomiburg, ra on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1890. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, tho following: All that certain piece or parcel or land situate Centre Township, Columbia county, ra., bounded as follows, to-wlU On the north by lands Peter Sponenberger, Allen Shellhammer and lire, ness, on the east by lands ot Charles Bower, on the south by land ot Ira llardy, and on the west by lands of Samuel C. Dower and Charles liomlck, containing ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY.F1VK ACRES ot UKD, more or less, whereon are erected a Dwelline House, and other Outbuildings. Seized, takn Into execution at the suit ot Samuel Kelchner assigned to Klliabeth Erwlno vs. Isaao Erwlne and Illram whltmlro, and to be sold as the property ot Isaao Erwlne. ZARlt, Atty. ALSO: By rtrtue ot writ of Vend. Kx: Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia County, Pa., and to mo directed, there will bo sold at the same time and place tho following; All that;certalu piece or lot ot land situate In Conyngham Township, Columbia County, Pa., bounded as follows, ti-wlt: On the north by lot of Daniel Campbell, on tbo east by land ot Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Co., on the south by Thomas Uillagher, and on tho west by Trontwlne street, containing TWENTY-FIVE (45) FEET Is FKONT, and ONE HUNDRED and FORTY FEET. (1401 in uepm, wnereon are erected a Dwelling House. Barn, and OutbulldlngsT tteizea, taken into execution at the suit of Andrew Lenlhan vs. Owen Cain and Catherine Cam, and to be sold as the property ot Owen Cain. MABB, Atty. JOHN 0. CASET, 10-3 u. aheria Old duty;35 percent 40 o. lb .New duty bU perjoent 49o. lb, Inorcaso 25 per coat 09c. lb. ino old was a war Tanli for our Country. Tho new is a war TariS against tbe l'eopie. Tins is an exgumte exhiQU to a man who objects to High Taxation and High rnoee. boon, however, a free people will demand tho right to make, sell and buy all lawful goods without party prohibition. The tariff writers and orators may now rest their pens and tongues. The business men of tbe country have come to the front with arguments and in. stances that strike home. WANT D! A good pushing Salesman here. First-class! iay Kuranuwa weeKiy. uonnissior. ur ottiary. quick eclllng new Fruits and Specialties. VARMERS can get a good paying Job for the wuuer. wnw lor mu urnns auu purvi juiars. FllKU K. younu, nurseryman, mo. 9 & 10 DO. Rochestf r. N. Y. The Htipublican Organ of Baots Oounty de- olares lor ratwon- The Doylestown Intelligencer in its issue ot Uctobcr lotn comtsouleqoare- ly against the republican candidate. The Intelligencer is the oldest and most widely circulated weekly news paper in tho state. It was established in 1807 and has always defended the republican party, inetollowiog is the editorial in full In April Ex-Seustor Emery made his now celebrated warning to tho Re publican party of the State that Mr. Delamater w.u not a fit man to be nominated for Governor. Mr. Emery made charges against Mr. Delamater, which tbe Tatter allowed to stand until August his course indicating that he could not meet tho chargos as innocent men would naturally matt such accusa tions, and that ho thought the Repub lican party was cutltleJ to no speoial conaideiation in the matter. Xn Au gust, however, Mr. Delamater made a public and general denial of what Mr. Emery had said. In September Mr. Emery presented details in support of his allegations of corruption of voters, perjury and receiving monoy in return for official action. IIo presented wit nesses nnder indefinite names, a letter from Ex-Speaker Rutan, and allega tions as to Mr. Delamatcr's defeat of a Republican nominee, in bis own coun ty, for personal and pecuniary rea sons. Those charges Mr. Delamater next denied, in Bucks oounty and oleowhere. ex-uovornor .uirouuoe . speeon uy Followin , UlB dcnial 0oraP8 an Wenti. eaying that for several eeks past be fiuation f Ul9 faraoua x y. and 55. iiuu UBBU N..UW .B J, , ramvay , r witnesses. They are no myths. Two but now ho would epeak from a four ( .!.. .j ',,fnr,i nn.0 ,n .i, wheeled buggy. IIo oited the groat growth and development of tbo Country and asked for a comparison of our own agricultural soolety with that of ten years ago. IIo eulogized pop ular government and said our men in higher oflioes should ba seleoted from among tho common peoplo those iden tified with tho wants and needs of the masses. Thomas Jefferson was tho inventor of tho ei-'o hill p'ow while Ilencry Clsy was never to wc'l satisfi ed os when walking about tho farm watching tho growth. This is a popular government. Tho people aro tho Su- Slate Legislature, and their identity is now well established, and sinoe this tl.elr statements havo not been called in question. Mr. Delamater in bis speech at Bradford discredits Mr. Hu tan, and the latter thereupon says ho has letters wrilton by Delamater him self proving oharges which he (Rutan) makes noxt is tho statement of Morris tho wounded soldier candidate for Trcasurorof Crawford county, whoDcl amatcr defeated. His letters tn his own bohalf reiterates what Mr. Emery said as to thin particular inoldent, and is qualified to as true and oouiplote, DAY Ske POWDER PreventsLung Fever and, curt Distemper, Heaves, severs, tte.,&, 1 pound in each package. Bold by all dellert. DR. BULL'S BABY nanilitatac Tnntrilncr1?1!A4i"," SUUIIUUlb? IUU1IIIIIRI : rrles SS CU. nnniln..,!L. D.....I.I no CONTHAOTOnS AND BUILDERS, L Healed nroDosals will be received for the build ing ot an addition to the Columbia County Court House located In llloomsburg. Fa., until Haturday, Nov. 8th, at 11 o'clock m. Vroposals must be ac companies oy an approveu uquu oi wa muustiuu 401iars lor me laiuitui uerioruiauce oi vuo cuu tract, and the commissioners reserve ttje right to relect any or all bids. The drawlnn. Diana and soecincatlons will be at the commissioners omce on and after Monday the 27th lnst,, and one or more architects will oe there on Monday irrin. v,. . uiniun. JESSE HITTBNIIOU8K, EZKABTKIM1ENS. Commmlssloiisrs ot Columbia Co. ATTJaT: j. u. lion K. Bloomsburg, fa., Oct. 23, 1890. tL CUT THIS OUT. For Ui oure of HULL'S coughs,coids. u:oup, Asthma, ft f f ncani Whooping I II Uuil Con' Cough, sw sumption and for tbe rclisf of Ponsumptjve persons rniuAM urn, For Bale by all dmirliti. SYRUP Write Your Name aud Address Mall to E O. THOMPSON, 1338 Chestnut Bthket, (Opposite thi Mini), Pblladelpbla, and receive '.ir cturn eamplcs of 8i)perior fjngllst Cheviot from which ''ThompsonV t'atcrjt (jut" pants are luaiio. PRIQE $3.50. Uclf.measuro Blank, full directions "flow Pants by mall" sunt samples. Tape and to Or'lei WHU Ulj sun re uxors ousts cibascuis tor a- turhl Prist 10 Ctl, Atoll erugghtl. Democratic State Ticket. Fon Govehnoh, " ROBERT E. PATTISON, of Philadelphia. Foil IilBUTENANT GoVEKNOR CIIAUNOEY F. BLACK, of York. Fob Skohutauv ok ImnNAi, AfKAiits, OPT. W. II. BAIlOIvAV, of Allegheny. County Ticket. Fon Conohess, JION. S.P. WOLVERTON. Fob Statk Seif tor, GRANT HERRING- QP CHARGE , Sheriff's Sale. Sherifi's Sale. THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER, JBL)(0)M8IBTO(G, PA. :o. Coinc8 to the front with a Complcto now FALL and WINTER ULiUTliirNli lor Btock of tho MOST SELECT m, YmwHi Boys, mii (CiildlMinia QUANTITIES OF Styles off SHIRTS ! OvereofiLte of? sill Ktads, HATS ! CAPS ! COLLARS AMD NECKWEAR IN ABUNDANCE. PERFECT FI'ITING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Respectfully Yours, I. MAIER. -:o;- flrTlie largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish ing Goods in Montour and Columbia Counties, Pa. ABB IMS BEST POROUS PIASTERS IN TUB WORLD. , Ther cure Rhemnstlsm, Kidney Pslns, Backache. Pleurisy and all lameness brought on by cxpoaoro or OTer-eiomon iryouwam Quick Relief from nfttrt.Inalat on hATinff UrOBTCnOT'l BKLICAP-HICTlAAHTEIi mth a picture of a bell on tht bart-elath. for there li no oUfltcr. liniment, or lotion that has guca compjeie muierr orcr ALL ACHES 'AND PAINS. Tl. nrnTfnnr't llrll-Oan-sIc Flaatenl are Porelr Veeetatiie ano uamueas. iwiwre instantly and nerer f all to core. SAFE, QUICK AMD BUHE Sold by druggists or mailed on receipt of SSc. ClUOHVKNOIt, C KICUAUUH, Boston. Mass. oEisrusro-i Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Wednesday, September 17th. MISS H. E. WASLEY, Main Street, Bloomsburg Pa. NEXT DOOR TO I. W. IIAIiTMAN & SO NS. 9-2li-. FOR SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. ByTlitueolwrto;Loy. Filssuoa out ot tho court ot Common Pleaa ot Col. Co,. Pa., and to me directed, there will be sold In the Sheriffs onico in the Court House, Bloomsburg, Pa,, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain messuage, tenement and tract ot land situate In Locust Township, ColumbtatCouuty, Pa., bounded and uewjriueauaiouowB, viz: Beginning at a spruce and running tliehce by land ot Daniel SUne north eighty and a halt degrees, ease lorty-slx and tourth-tonUis perches to astone; thence by the same and land ot Michael Stlno, Jr., south alno and three-quarter degrees, east ono hundred and ninety-three perches to a fctone; thenco by land ot said John Brotee south eighty, three and a quarter degrees, west slity-elght and tour-tenths perches to a stone ou tho west bank ot Mercer's Run; thenco by land of Adam Dlmmlck, north thlrty-two degrees west thirteen perches to a spruce; thence bi the Bamo five and one quarter degroes, west eighty and eight-tenths perches to a spruce; thenco by the same north sixteen and a halt degrees, ca3t th lrteen and one-tenth perches to a spruce; thenco by tbo same north thlrty,seTpi) ana a halt degrce east eighteen perches to a spruce, thepce iby the same north nine and a quarter degrees, east nine and eight-tenths perches to a Bprucej thence by the same north thirteen and a quarter degrees; east ten and three, tenth perches to a spruce; thence ;north Ave de. grees, east twelve and slx.tentbs perehoi to a spruces thence north tourteen and threeiquarter degrees, w it twenty.nloo and rive-tenths perches loanreauoi tne saw null dam; tnenco north three and a quarter degreci, west nine and tour tenths perches to a spruce; thenco by the same north twelve degrees, west sixty-six and three- tenths perches to a maple; thence by land ot Dan iel Btine north twenty-one and a quarter degrees, east ten perches to the place of beginning, con taining. SIXTY-FIVE AORftS and Seventy Perches ot land, be tbe same mare or less, on which Is erected A DWELLING HOUSE Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of John uroree, now to the u ot Kroamer and Mann, and & M. lloagland vs. Joljn T. Hawk, and q bo so)d an mo propeuy or -lonn T. nawk. UiyxafllsKKiNa, JOHN U. OASKV, Attys. Sheriff. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP PERSONAL PROPERTY! The underglgned purchaser of tbe personal pro erty of btepnen Baldy of Catawlasa, as trostee for certain creditors, wll offer the eMIre stock oi store goods remaining In the store lato of said Stephen Baldy, at Catawlasa, on the premises on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80. 1800, at 10 o'clock a. m., atpubilo sale, to the highest bidder, Terms cash, or so days on approved se curity. The stock must be closed out. GBO.B. KLWKLL, 10-Sl-Jw. Trustee. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF The undersigned, surviving executor ot tho last wiB and testament of Ezeklel Cole, lato ot sugar loaf township, In Columbia county, Ponna., now offers at private sale a large body of the most de slr.ble real estate to be found In the township. It consists ot a traet of land lying upon both sldesof thePlshlngcreek, and compiling In the whole about 280 Acres. That portion of It which Is upon the west Ma ot tbe creek has the following Improvements and advantages, to-wlt. A large frame DWELLING HOUSE, formerly Kept u a noteL a frame BuUdlng erect ed tor and occupied as a country store, a large frame building erected and occurled as a tenant hsuso, and also outbuildings, Baw mtu, c It Is well wooded and has a considerable quantity ot excellent fruit. It Is accessible by two publlo road) and a county bridge, and also by the Bloom s burg Sullivan railroad, and It contains about 111 Acres. The remainder of the tract lying upon the east side ot the creek, is also accessible by two publlo roads and a county bridge across Flshlngcreek to the railroad. The Improvements are a large barn &&, the whole traot having been occupied as the homestead farm. This piece contains about 1VO Acres. It win be sold together or In parools as may be deemed most expedient. The sale win be by the acre. A draft ot tho land with tbo Improvements roads, &c, can be seen tn the hands of the execu tor at the banking house of the Bloomsburg Bank ing Company, where also Inquirers may team terms of sale, ia Aug. 1-1 0. 11. U. GUOTZ, Executor, tt' Bloomsburg, Pa. CARPET, OIL or iflATTIl0, CtOTH, A.v, DITOU'S NOTIOi:. li the oldeit and mo it popular tclontlflo and mechnnlcal paper published und hu tbUnrii rtri'ulivuon of txnf paper of Iti clan in tpaiiorui,. Kulf tilutruted. libit cIj of Wood tCn-rTf lira, rubilahed weaklr. Head for ipeoiraaa cop;. Trlea 3 Tear, roar montbi trial, f L EUISN k VA). t'rJui.iintEy, m Uroa4wx, N.T. ARCHITECfslc BU1LDERC Edition of Sclentlflo American. O A icreftt anocii. Kaeli laaa cental na colored llthutfraphlo plata ol country and cltrreaUaa cu or publlo buDdlnst. Mumeroui dciatIqci and full plan i and apectBcatlona for thauit of aacbaaconifliuulat bulldtnt. i'rtca 12X0 a yaax, li eta. a copy, WUNN A CO 1'UBLiiuaEi. mirt eor. A Co., who hiTahtaOTar havo mada ovar martcan and For. I and book. Corraa. Duai, PATENTS XataU of William Johnson, Beceaied. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Courtof Columbia Couuty to mike dis tribution ot tbe fund la tho hands ot D. it. Johnson tne administrator, to and among, tbe ne'rs ana legal representatives 01 tne aecea&od according to law, will Bit at his on! w In Blooms bunr. Pa., on Friday Oct. 31. HDD. at 10 o'o ock a. ra.. when and where all nor.on.) havloi; claims against said itta(o must appear unit prove the qaiqefur ucwrnxi irum cuming in onsqiiiuq. J, 1L MAIaU, UrUTOR'S NOTICB. F.tale ofjMXjt KUnQtrman, dcocnjvd. The undersigned, an auditor hnuulntcil hviin OrnliaDS' Court ot Columbia county, lo lunko dir. trlbutlinof the lunds In thn haudiot the arlmla Istralorof said esiaui will Mt at his rrtlio l'i the towuol llloo nbburg, county aturnjild, on Kildit, Kovi'inber 14, V) ot loo'clcik a in. w lien ond where all parth a haling claims ugiliut said tttatu must appear acd prove the same, or bo debarred noui vvuti.u lu uu mi iuuu. uuuaiM 1,. J.,1 I 1 YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BMOWEm'S 2nd Door abovo Court House A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON Wot to Spilt! BE UP TO THE MARK 1 Not to Dlsooloy! BEARS THIS MARK. TRADE EUuloID Mark. MRDS NO LAUNDKRINO. OAN M WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMINT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. Are you using the old fash ion rubbing board in doing your washing? It you are it will pay you to investigate into the mer its of our New Alter trying it we named it the "Lightning," because it struck us as being the right name for such a Rapid Working Machine as to tne top pun swing anu so called washing machines. CLARK F. HARDER, Third Street, 9-19-3111 Catawissa, Pa VOBdsDM strictly TRADE MARKS. iter, UUlTOH'dNOlIOB. In e&i tour aiark Is not retflstcrsd In tbs Pit. ct oat, spplr to uih Co, uil frocut bum 60 In piotUuiu Bena for Uudogk. CUPVRIUIITH for books. (UrU, saw, MVMX CO Faisal Kallslurf. ' ' gmrwu oiihi m SaoAsvar, jl J JStluU 0 ilurv ft Snyder, dwnowd. Tbo undersigned, an auditor appointed by tho Orphans' courtof Columbia county to make dtt. trlbutloa ot tbe funds In the bands ot Ihnorcutor thn town ot llloomsburg, on Thursday, N veinbor 1 13th, lS'JJ, at 10 o'clock a. ra, when ai.d where all partlrs having clalma against said estate must 1 appear and prove the same, or bo debarred from I coming In on said fund. W. 1. llluOItLKY, Auditor. TOBACCO This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest piece for the nioney in the mar ket. Vint(i (in tag on each lump. Its extensive sale for many years lias established its reputation. There is nothing better. Try it. For sale by dealers and grocers. Beady IMe Oothieg ! lowest Styles, Latest (Gets I Lowest Friees I : :o: :- WE HAVE JUST KECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK -OF- Fall and Winter Clothing for Men, Youths' and Children, Ever Brought to This County. Children's Suits of all Styles. Come and See for Yourself. We are not offering old stock but they are the latest goods, just received, and more on tho way. Our large store room is filled, and we invito you to call and seo and make selections from the latest styles. Suite sold for $3.50 and upwards. Wo have also, Hats,vCaps and Furnishing Goods. In our Merchant Tailoring Department wo you tho Jiest Uoods at Low Prices ami guarantee Call at once at can furnish satisfaction CORNER MAIN AND IRON STREETS. E WCOTION NOTICE. The stockholders or the Manor Host Inn Cam ptnr will ruoet at the onice ot aeo K Blwell, in the town ot Uloontburg oa Tuesday Nov. 11. iS'jo. at 't o'clock In the atternoin, for tbe purpose ot Ceding nine director U) nerve lor tbe ensuing UOiWH UWU.I 1Q-IMC tther business that may THE BEST POROUS PLASTERS IN THE WORLD. 3SHS" RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY PAINS, LAME BACK, &c, CmcHtsTws Enou&h. Reo Csoss trN Diamond Brand t4 Ms