The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 17, 1890, Image 3

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f fe
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
eitof all la leavening strength, U. S,
Government Report, Aug. 17, 1839.
The Columbian
nr-rubltshod every Frtdiy. Subscription price,
11.00 a year.
Entered at the Post omco at Bloomsburg, Fa.,
u second olaaa matter, March 1, 1S88.
roaucT aiiiaoiD ni linn
TralnB on the 1'. & It. It. H. leave Unpen as
follows :
T:32 a. m. 11:03 a. in.
9:31 p. m. 6:23 p. m,
Tratnsontho D.L. & W. It. It. leave Bloomsburg
aa follows:
hortii. sonrn.
7-2 a. m. 8:32 a. ra.
lo-it a. m. 12:13 p. m.
3:35 p. m. 4:15 p. m.
eiss p.m. i:M p,n,
Tralnsontho N.ftW. U. Hallway pass Bloom
ferry as follows t
vortd. boctit.
10:43 a. m. 12:37 p. m.
LKp.n, 4'S0p.m.
Moarn. booth.
10:43 a m 3:39 p m
Taking effect MONDAY, SKPTHMUKIt 2, 18S9.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Ly. Lt.
STATIONS, r. K. 1. . A.K. A.M. r. M. T. V.
Bloomsburg......... S8 11 43 7 0", S 35 2 35 6 40
Main street 18 11 41 B KS 8 42 2 42 6 47
Ironilale 6 16 11 39 6 56 B 45 2 45 6 60
raperMUl 6 OS 11 31 6 43 8 53 2 N 7 00
LtgbUtroet. 05 11 28 41 8 56 2 51 7 03
Orangevllle s 57 11 20 e 35 o 05 3 07 7 10
Forks 6 45 11 10 6 23 9 15 3 17 7 20
manor's .............. 6 42 11 06 3 21 9 20 3 20 7 23
Stillwater 8 37 11 02 6 17 25 3 23 7 2S
Benton, 5 28 10 65 10 9 33 3 S3 7 35
BdSOns, 5 S3 10 W 07 9 36 3 37 7 38
CXIles Crek, 6 20 10 45 05 9 33 3 40. 7 40
Bugarloat, 6 16 10 42 6 02 9 42 3 43 7 41
Laobacha, 6 12 10 40 6 00 47 3 4t 7 47
Central. 6 03 10 33 S 5.1 9 57 3 58 7 57
Jamison city.... t 00 10 so 5 M 10 00 4 00 6 00
Lv. lv. lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. h. a. v. A. M. A. u. r. v. r. 11.
In town
Miss Ella Pox has been engaged to sing
in a Jewish synagoguo In Philadelphia, on
Fridays and Saturdays.
rranK rattorson spent n low days at
fiomo last week.
Dr. J. Chapln and wlfo of Bchoolcratt,
Mich., aro visiting friends In this place.
Casper Franlz, of Ucrwlck was
on business Wednesday.
ucorgo Bloan was at homo on a visit
last week for a few days.
Miss KcnJIg of Lancaster Is Uio guest
01 mifs 1,111a Bloan.
Miss Wcstover of tho Normal, has joined
mo cuoli at tho Episcopal chui ch. Bho has
an excellent soprano voice.
ansa wiaic, who with her friend MIjs
Iles9,bolh of Lock llavtn, has been visiting
her father, proprietor of tho Kpy Hotel, rc-
turntu uomo on Monday.
John A. Wilson, chief engineer of tho
H. & B. U. It., of Philadelphia, with his two
daughters, spent several days at tho Ex.
change Hotel this week.
James llcndershott, tho popular clerk at
tho Exchange Hotel, Is at his post ngaln
after an Illness of several weeks. Ho Is
much belter, though not yet fully recover,
Tho general verdict is that tho new coal
ol! lamps do not give a satisfactory light.
The street crossing over Cenlro Street at
Moycr Bros.' corner has been raised to the
new grade.
As early as Monday people began to
flock Into bloomBburg to attend the fair.
They were mostly fakirs and showmen.
Tho democratic club meeting last Batur
day evening was addressed by J. 0. Bccht
of Muncy.
Go and get a dozen $3 00 cabinets and
largo crayon portrait for $7.50. Bouthwcsl
corner Main and Market Sis.
Irene, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
U. Yetler died Wednesday morning of
membraneous croup. Bho was about nine
years of age.
II you want to advertise anything, bring
lt to tho Columbian. It will reach oyery
section of tho county.
The worst cases of scrofula, salt rheum
and other diseases of tho blood, are cured
by Hood's Sarsapnrllla.
Col. J. Jameson has recently mado a
contract to build n railroad from Sea Isle
city In New Jersey, fltly-lhree miles long.
Sam Stills has leased tho barber shop
under Locknrd's building on Centre street,
llo Is a good workman and solicits a fair
share of patronage. 2L
Our Offers.
The Columman has mado arrangements
with a publishing houso by which It 19 en
abled to mako somo astonishing offers,
ncad the following:
All who pay up to date and one year In
advance, and new subscribers, will re
ceive tho American Farmer one year free.
The Farmer is worth one dollar a year
Wo will send tho CoiusinuN and tho
New York Weekly Worll to any addiess In
Uio county, for $1.00 a year.
Tho Colombian, tho WoM, and tho
Farmer for $2.00, worth $3.00.
To any subscribers paying all arrears
and to new subscribers, tho Oolbmman
and t completo set of Dickens Works In
12 vols, for $1.00.
Tho Columbian, and the Mammoth Cyclo
paedia, 4 vols, for $1.50.
TbeCoLUMBiAN.Dlckcns' Works, and the
Mammoth Cyclopaedia, for $2.10. This Is
tho best offer ever made by any paper In
this section, as tho books cannot bo
bought at retail for less than five dollars.
Tho Columbian and Tho Cosmopolitan one
?'ear, $2.50. Tho Cbsmonoifanls ono of the
eading magazines, and tho subscription of
that alone is $2 40.
Any person sending us tbrco new sub
scribers at $1.00 each, will receive tho
Columbian ono year free.
Any old subscriber who will pay up to
date and send us the name of ono new
cash subscriber w.ll bo presented with; 25
novels in neat pampiiict iorm, to uo sc.
lectcd from a list at this ofllcc. Tho cash
price of tho novels Is 75 cents.
The Columbian 1 yoar, $1.00
Dickens' Works worth 3.00
Mammoth Cyclopaedia worth 2.00
Amerxm tVfmtr, worm a.u
25 novels "5
Total S7.75
We will send all of tho above for $3 00.
Samples can be seen at this ofllco. No
deviation will bo mado from any of these
offers. . ,
Address Tbo Columbian, Bloomsburg
Charles Pollock, driver for Creasy &
Well", has a dog that stands on the horse's
back and rides about town, while his mas
ter Is delivering lumber.
Tho Fall Commuhion Services nill bo
held as follows: Briarcreck, Oct. 20 at 2:80
p. m.; ZIod, Nov. 2 at 10:30 a. m.j Orange
villc, Nov. 0 at 10:50 a, in.; St. James, Nov.
10 at 10:10 a. m.; Uldlay, Nov. 23 at 10:30
n, m.
The coal oil lamp at tho corner of Third
and Market was found on Monday morn.
Id ix, with the chimney knocked off and the
lamp upsido down. Ono of tho lamps
down Main street exploded tho other night.
Miss Llllio Doak has opened dress mak.
log rooms in Furmau's building, second
floor. Bho has been with Madame Oart
land in Philadelphia the past season and
will cut all garments by her system. 10-3.31
Catarrh is in the blood. No cure for
Ibis lonthsoino and dangerous disease Is
possible until the poison is thoroughly
eradicated from t'10 system. For this pur
pose, Ayer's Sarsaparllla is tho best and
most economical medicine. Prlco $1. Six
bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.
A Clinriiiluic I'nrty.
One of tho most brilliant social events
that has occurred In Dloomsburg for a
long, tlmo was tho party given by Misses
Annie, Carrie and Iioulso Jameson at tho
Excbango Hotel last Friday evening. At
0 o'clock the Invited guests to tho num
ber of ono hundred or more, gathered In tho
parlors, and wcro received by tho Misses
Jameson and their friends Mrs. Mont
gomery of Lambcttvlllc, N. J., Miss
Cougblln of Burlington, N. J. and Miss
Gilbert of Catawlssa, Col. and Mrs. Jame
son, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunt. Tho
ladles wcro all In full evening dross and tho
great number of elegant costumes was a
subject of frequent remark. It would bo dif
ficult to gather a company of tho same slzo
anywhere, In city or country, where moro
pretty girls, or handsomer dresses coutd
bo found. Tho gentlemen were In full
dress, with but few cxccpltons.
At 10 o'clock the dining room was
thrown open and dancing began, to tho
entrancing strains of music by Bauer's
orchestra of Bcraoton. This was con.
tinned until after 4 o'clock in tho morn
log, with tho exception of about an hour
while rifrcshmcnts were bciug served
Small tables wcro placid In tho dining
room, and the refreshments were elegant
and nicely served. Altogether It was a
charming party and everybody enjoyed It
to the fullest extent.
The Exchange Hotel Is noted for tho
brilliant parties that have been under Its
hospltablo roof, and this one was fully as
delightful as any that has ever been held
there. Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs know how to
arrango such an affair to perfection.
Among those present from out of town
wercs Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of Lam
bcrtvllie, N. J., Miss Coughlin of Burling
ton, N, J., Miss Gilbert, Catawissa, Miss
Kelly, Brooklyn, Miss Kcndlg, Lancaster,
Mr. Meigs, Lebanon, Mr. Thomas, Mlliord,
N. J., Dr. Jennings, Danville, Mr.. C.
Btlltz, Wllllamsport, Mr. Frank Patterson,
Easton, Mr. 8. Wigfall, Mr. Uartel, Phlla
dclphia, Dr. J. W. Rclfsnydcr, Milton.
Pliitllpn' Cntc Opening:.
Tho opening of Phillips' Cafe Is a new
departure for Bloomsburg. There has
never been a restaurant In the town where
ladles could go unattended and get a
lunch or a dinner, or anything else cooked
to order fiom a bill of fare. Tho Phl"lps
Cafe Is handsomely furnished, with BrusJ
sels carpet, chenille curtains, oak side
boards, chairs and tables, and tho dishes,
glassware, sllverwaro ana llncu are all
new and bright. Everything is cleanly
and attractive. The kitchen Is In charge
of Mr. Bheppard, an txpcrlenccd chef who'i
has filled the position of chief cook at the
Lafayette, Capo May, and other promi
nent hotels. Tho cafo was opened to the
public on Saturday night. Templing vi
ands filled tho front v. 'ndow, and the tables
with their clean linen and bright silver
were exceedingly attractive. The Bloom
Band appeared In front cf tho cafo at 9
o'clock and discoursed somo excellent
music, and were invited in by Mrs. Phil
lips, and served with a supper consisting
of salad, oysters, cold ham, Ice cream and
cake. Many people of the town including
a number of ladies, wcro among tho custo
mers of the evening, and oil expressed
themselves as much pleased. On each
table was a neatly printed bill of fare,
showing what can bo ordered to appease
the appetito. It included oysters In every
style, fish of different varieties, meats of
all kinds, cooked to order, or cold, game
in season, eggs in every shape, salads,
pickles, potatoes, rolls, cakes, pics, coffee,
tea, ice cream, &c.
The need of such a place has long been
felt in this town, and realizing this facf,
Mrs. Thlllips, with her well-known busi
ness energy, has endeavored to supply the
want. Bho deserves encouragement, for
such a placo canuot be maintained with
out patronage. The baking and confec
tionery will not bo neglected, out tho
wholo establishment will bo conducted as
Will glvo thtco hundred dollars roward
and railroad pass to party who wroto letter
from Wllkcs-Barro on October 12th last.
Ploaso communlcato with me, thcro will
bo no harm como to you. Address as be
fore O. MiMJtn.
On Baturday last tho students took their
usual chestnut hunt. Tbevistartcd about
12.30 p. m and returned about 0 p. m.
They spent tbo tlmo across tho river and
along tho river banks,; and had a good
tlmo boating, boiling chestnuts and roam
Ing through tho woods. All pronounced lt
a very cnjoyablo occasion, and thanked
tho Calllepian socloty for tho big bushel
of chestnuts they took along.
Students aro dally growing moro Interest
ed in tho coming lecture course The
Principal has received tho personal thanks
of many patrons of tho school for affording
their children an opportunity at such mar
velously lbw rates to bear the boat talent
on tho American platform.
Miss Olaf Krarer lectured 180 times In
Philadelphia in one season, and it was
only by chance that sho was secured for
tho Normal course, Oct. 27th being the
only dato in tho cntlro season when sho
was tot engaged.
Arrangements hvo just been mado to
have her givo a matlnco on Monday after
noon of tho 27th, for tho children of tho
town. This was done at considerable ad
dltional expense, and a small admission fco
of 10 ccntB will bo charged to bolp defray
the expense.
Whllo much Interest Is manifested In
Miss Krarer, she is by no means tho best
In tho course. Uorr and Blalklo will
please everybody. Their lectures aro very
witty, but lt Is tho kind of wit that In.
strncts and emphasizes.
Tho Park sisters, cornettsts, with Miss
Uerrymon, tho leader, will perhaps bo tho
best musical treat of the season. Miss An.
nlo Park Is pronounced by somo tho equal
of Levy. Tho last lecturer of tho course,
Peter von Flnklcstcln Mamreov, mado a
successful tour In Europe, and has the
highest testimonials from English news
papers. Ho lectured In Heading, Pa. re
cently beforo tho teachers' institute, and
was so well liked that bo was engaged on
tho spot to deliver tho samo lecture noxt
year to tho samo audlenco.
Bloomsburg has never beforo had a
chanco to hear flvo such entertainments
for tho small sum of $1.50; and may never
have such a chanco again.
Mrs. L. Black of Wllkcs-Barre, is visit
ing her daughter May, a student at tho
Normal School.
Mr. Pennlman, of Plttston, visited his
daughter Mabel last week.
Two gentlemen from Heading who wcro
In town last week on business, strolled up
to tho Normal school, andxpressed them
selves as greatly pleased and surprised at
tho equipment of tho school, tho beauty of
tho grounds, and tho magnificent views
afforded bv tho elevation. "ATI this for
$4 50 per week?" said one, "Yes" answer
cd tho Principal, "only $4 per. week to
Tho little Russian girl. Eva Koblnovltch,
Is making rapid progress, and is very pop
ular among tho students.
Catalogues have been in demand from
Maino to California. Tho demand for
catalogues has been so great that tho sup
ply will soon be exhausted. One teacher
said 'what will we do with them if they all
come?' Tho trustees will havo to answo.'.
Manual training continues to bo popular.
Tho exercises in sawing, planing, nailing,
chiseling, &c., aro not only very Interest
ing, but give tho very best opportunity to
teach somo of tho principles of natural
philosophy. To tho modcl-school pupils,
this manual training experience is alone
worth more than tho tuition they pay.
Call and get 1 dozen cabinets, 99o por
uozen, uciwccn I'cacocss iiaruwaro sioro
and Public library.
Tho Ladles of .tho Presbyterian Church
havo decided to glvo a Thanksgiving Din
ner In tho basement of the old church, A
Japanese stand will bo an accompanying
Miss Mamo .11. Aurandt, daughter of
Qcorgo Aurandt proprietor of tho Central
Hotel, was married last Thursday morning,
October 0th, to Mr. U. II. Hallman of
Norrlstown. Tho ceremony was per
formed In tho parlor of tho hotel at 0
o'clock a. m. by Hev. I, E. Patterson,
pastor of tho Presbyterian Church. Only
tho near relatives of tho contracting parties
wcro present. At Ili05 tho nowly mp Tried
pair took tho iratn on tho Heading railroad
for Norrlstown, where tho husband is en
gaged as a civil engineer.
Con-go has como and with him ho has
brought his funny face. Tho most comi
cal of all freaks of nature, not ono to pity,
but one to laugh at and ho laughs with
you. You must sco him or you cannot
comprehend him. Ho has four legs and a
body llko an animal, but ho bas a hoad tho
sai.o as a human being. Ho was discov
ered In tho central part of Africa, near Ibo
river Congo. Uo Is tho African freak that
caused so much sensation in Now York
city, where ho was on exhibition for three
tnqnths and seen by ono million people last
week at York, Pa., ho was tho principal
feature of tho fair. Ho Is well worth see
ing. Uo will bo on exhibition at tho "Con
go Show" on tho Fair Grounds this week.
Don't fall to see him.
I'uiicrnl l'ontpoiicd.
Mr. Con. Ifland has purchased tho fix.
turcs of the billiard and pool room lately
occupied by I). Qlrton. Ho has taken tin-
mediate possession. In addition to tho
billiard and pool tables ho will always havo
a lino lino of cigars.
For somo reason unknown to us, there
was uo coal oil lamp in tho lamp post at
Mover Bros.' corner Saturday night, and
A Hlioollnir Affray.
On Monday morning tho 7.28 train on
tho D. L. & W. railroad brought a com
pany of showmen here, known as the
'Congo Show," to exhibit at tho fair. Two
of th m, a white man named Harry D.
Miller, and a black man named Frank Be-
When tho hair shows signs of falling, be'
gin at once to use Ayer's Hair Vigor. This
preparation strengthens tho scalp, pro
motes tho growth of now hair, restores the
natural color to gray and faded hair, and
renders It soft, pliant, and glossy.
Druitlcctuiesa x-itiuor Habit In
iilltUe World tllere Is but one
ttire lr. Ilulneg' 4Jolrteu specific
It can bo given in a cup of tea or coffee
without thoTtnowledgo of the person tailing
It, effecting a speedy and permanent euro,
whether tho patient is a moderate drinker
or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
reppo, got ipto an altercation In tho men's drunkar(iB havo Dcen cure j who havo taken
A romance that came near ending tho
life of a bright and jolly lass of about
twenty summers was wafted over tho hills
from Ccntralla on Alonday. It was on the
afternoon cf Saturday, October 4th, that
sutcido was attempted on account of unre
quited affections. Tho gentleman in the
caso was Alex Buchanan, who until re
cently resided at Centralia, hut who is now
employed In Philadelphia, His departure
from our nclehboring town was a source
of groat regret to many persons and ono In
particular, at least so 'lis said by knowing
Miss Uattlo Heist, whoso father is a
prominent citizen and mlno contractor of
Centralia, is a pleasant and sprightly young
lady who has many admirers, jut griorcd
btcauso her friend Buchanan was not
moro. devotsd. To tho outside world,
however, she always appeared In the best
of spirits and perfectly content with the
ways of the world. Such did not appear
to bo tho case, as tbo narrative of this ar
ticle proves. On Saturday afternoon Miss
Heist took au ounce and a half of lauda
num and for a time it was feared that fata 1
results would follow. Dr. Lashcllo was
summoned and with tho aid of a stomach
pump expelled the deadly poison from tho
young lady's system.
Beforo attempting to tako her life Miss
Heist wroto several letters to friends in
which sho gavo the cause for her rash act
aud bid them adieu. To one young lady
she turned over her Sunday school class,
with tho request that the scholars receive
tho proper training and that, they also bo
taught tbo same truths that she had endea
vored to instill into their minds. To a
gentleman friend the sad tidings was con
veyed that beforo ho received the noto that
sho would bo a corpse, as sho did not de
sire to contlnuo her existence upon this
earth. The Patriotic Order of True Ameri.
cans, of which Miss Heist was a member,
had arranged to produce a home talcat
drama in the near future in which sho was
to tako part, and in a noto to that society
she dwelt at somo length upon her inabil
ity to render any asslslanco as sho was
about to leavo them forever, and regretted
that she could not participate in the com
ing exercises and take a part. To
another sho announced as her last request
that her rema'ns be Interred in tho ceme
tery on tho hill on Sunday a'tcrnoon at 8
o'clock and tho following pall bea-ers sho
chose from among her gentlemen friends:
Matthew Farrcll, Thos. Itccse, Qco. Dav.s,
Hobcrt White, Edward Shaeffcr and Will
iam Richards.
Miss Heist has entirely recovered from
tile effects of her attempted su'eido and in-
Till? FAIR.
Tho Indications point to ono of tho great
est exhibitions In tlio history of this, tho
best of nil tho fairs. Tho largo exhibition
building Is packed with exhibits, whllo tbo
slock sheds havo every stall engaged. 'Ibo
grounds aro filled with exhibits and stands,
but not n gambling place to be found.
With tbc present Indications ot fair wcath.
cr tho grounds should bo thronged with
pioplo Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Tho following is a list of tho faces:
irnurisDAT ootober 10, 1890.
'11 A. m. Klrcmcns Parado and Contest.
1 r. m. OiCJ Class.
A. L. Dcrr, Mordansv'e b. m. Bessie Sands
Qco. K. Hess, Fowlcrsvlllo, Pa. s. g. Dox
tcr. F. W. Heller, Mlllvlltr, Pa. s. ra. Dolllo U
Phillip Creasy, Light Street, Pa. b. m.
Wm. J. Uldlay: Espy, Pa. B. M. Maud
11. H. Boyd, Mirainvlllc, Pa. r,g. G. W.O.
8., W. Ailams, Berwick, Pa. r. g. T. Hook
2:87 olass.
Jobn I). Hunt, Bloomiburg, Pa, b. g. Echo
D. F. Pursol, Bloomsburg, Pa. bl. m.
Minnie Ballard." '
R. F. Pctcrman, Muu y, Pa. g. g. Blsmark
Harvey C. Eck, Flcmlngton, N. J. s. m.
Jlurt Wood, Hughcsvilk, Pa. b. m. Music
Rcceptiou to Ex-Governor Pattison and
short address from the Grand Stand.
1 v. M. 2:48 Class.
Shaver & Ferguson, TrucKvllle, Pa. br. b.
Harry Dudley.
William Sherman, Green Groyc, Pa. b. g.
Tony Medium.
W. A. Harlzell, Bloomsburg, Pa. b. s.Jlm
S. W. Adams, Berwick, Pa. b. 8. Tom Rook
R. F. Pctcrman, Muncy, Pa. g. g. Ulsmark
C. W. Jackson, Uughcsvllic, Pa. b. m.
2:29 Class.
George Cook, Wyoming, Pa. ch. g. Will
iam Or s.
Fowler Bcagcr, Bavona, N. Y. b. m. Alllo
John B. Hunt, Bloomsburg, Pa. b. g. Echo
There are
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They arc not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it
'Tis sold everywhere.
OASET, ItlKh Sheriff of Columbia
.v. commonwoai n or i-ennsTirama. 00 here-
br m.iVn known and elvo notice to tho electors ot
tlio county aforesaid, that a general election will
b hold in tho said oounlr ot Columbia on
(bnlnjr the Tuesday next following Hio nrst Mon
aar of asld month) for tho purpow ot ciwtlng tho
feCTcral persons horelnai.or named, to-nlt:
Onopeuon for Governor of Uio Commonwealth
ot lVnnsr' ranta.
On pernon for IJeut, Governor ot tho common
wealth ot Pennsylvania.
ono person for Kecretarr ot Internal Affairs 0!
Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania,
ono peison tor A&Acia Judgo ot Colombia
uno person for Congress from 17th district of
ono pei-oa tor senator fron aith District ot
1 .nnsylvnnla.
Two peijons for Members ot the Assembly from
Columbia County.
ono pen-on tor Prothonotory and Clerk ot Courts
of Columbia county
Ocepersou fof Itoglster and Hocorder ot Colum
bU County.
one penson for Treasurer ot Columbia County.
One person for District Attorney ot Columbia
Three persons for Commlntoners ot Columbia
i nrws persons ror Auauors oi uoiumna com ty.
Oje be.-Kon ror courtv Hurveror of Co'um'uH
I also hereby mako known and Rive notlco that
tho p' c-; of holding tho afomald elMon In the
scvei.'" ward, boroughs, airtr cu aud towrshli t
hintre courir of Colombia aro 03 follows.
Dearer township, at tho pubUo houso of l"a,
Mary smith.
lfntou township, at tho publtr nouse ot Lemnc
Drake In the town of Denton.
ueiwick-, East, attneuttio omcoor jacKson
Woof n MTg Co., In Lerwick.
Derwlck. West, at tho omco ot J. a. Jacor, In
H Cf.
Iroom East, at tho Court House, east side. In
Fair Butter wil' hold pood any 1 1 imoom "vest, at the court House, wcatswo in
. t.. r- , .'1 juoomsbvr .
linarcieoi townsuiD. at tho DUbllc school bouse
neir EvansvH'",
ca .awissd township, at tho public houso or u.
w. l's'fsnydor, In tho town of Oata'vlssa.
lion) r i ot cntralla, at tho pubUo houso ot
M'-l-s 1 Brennar
centre towns! , at the school house near Lafav-
etto Crrasy's.
North coiyngham Dlstilct at tho townal-'p
S"?( )l hoi'o near the collie? ot Jobo Anderson k
I. W. Hartman & Sons.
Our special premium on the
C. W. Jackson, Hughesvllle, Pa. b. g. Lv
sandcr. Aaron Nell, Phmnlxvlllo, Pa, b. m. Zerlins
SA.TDBDAT, OOTOBKlt 18, 1890.
Half mlloFoo. race. Open to all.
1 r. M. Running.
Jud Brannlng, Wllkcsbarrc, Pa. b. g, Jim
my 11.
Wm. G. Rook, Berwick, Pa. ch. g. Jules
Wm. G. Rook, Berwick, Pa. e. g. ulul
doon. H. Cotter, Brooklyn, N. Y. c. m. My Girl,
formerly Molly Thomas.
Dornlson Brink, Bloomsburg, Pa. b. m. Pet
Thco. Darlington, Now Bloomfleld, Pa.
br. g: Walter A.
Ira Boyd, Pond Hill, Pa. b. g. Babe O.
P. J. O'Boyle, Bcranton, Pa. b. g. Frilz
Thomas Caldwell, Phocnlxvlllc, Pa. ch. g.
John Gray.
Thomas Caldwell, PhconUvillo, Pa. br. g.
Aaron Neil, PhconixYlllc, Pa. br. g. How
crson. 2:35 Class.
Geo. Cook, Wyoming, Pa. ch. g. William
J. N. Haight, Luzerne, Pa. r. s. Frank M.
Fowler Beagcr, Bavona, N. Y. b. ra. A'llo
Geo. O. Bmith, Orange, N. Y. b. g. Wind
sor II.
W. B. Btono, Bingbampton, N. Y. ch. g.
Big login.
Miss E. Barbley spent a few days in
Philadelphia last week selecting new goods
In tho latest styles of fall and winter mllll
nery. 10 10 2t.
Pensions ! Veterans 1 1
The Disability Pension Bill
Act of Juno 27. 1890. grants pensions to
all cx-soldicrs and sailors who served 09
days or moro in the Army or Navy during
tbo rebellion, ana were nonorauiy inscnarg.
cd, and who aro now suffering from any
permanent, mental or physical disability
contracted sljco tbo war or during the war
whether from discaco, injuries or effects of
old age, at tho rate or from $6 to $11 per
month, according to t'eg ce of his ills
abdilv for tho ncrform iucc ot labor lenulr.
Intr tho exertion of physical strength :
provided tho disability is not due to vici
ous habits. Tnls pensiou is not restricted
to tbo veterans who havo to mako their
living bv haiu labor, but is equally duo to
professional men or clerks, provided they
havo an existing disability which would
prevent tbo continuous cxcrclso ot the
physical strength of nn able-bodied man.
Thoso "who havo applied under tho gen
eral laws and who aro unablo to piove up
tho pending claim can apply for and se
cure this pension and then continue tbo
prosecution of the former claim and secure
their arrears.
It vou aro now drawing a small pension,
time during Saturday. Our
400 Ladies', Misses', and Chil
dren's coats will hold the cheap
price until all are sold, our 25c
willed flannel will be pood until
worn out. our dress foods look I co.
,11 J .if , 11 I Kouth Conyngham District, at Uio houso of Mrs.
Well made UD. OUr dishes lOOk I Thomas Monroe.
' . I MohlnlMivnairtnnmt,hlii V. n DAhnnt linimn nnsi
neat on the table, our rrrocenes I c. u whites. "
f u 1 . . ... . I Franklin township, at tho Lawrenco school
mc ui uiv; ucbi, puur uuiicr nut I nouse.
in ronr&Durg.
I W. Ha?tman & Sons.
Go to the New Ground Floor
Fine cabinet photos 00c per
doz., 1 crayon portrait and one
dozen $3 cabinets all for $7.50,
lion Ions, tin tvoes. 50c.
ring la Mlllvuie.
Hemlock township, at tho pubUo houso ot; Chaa.
Dletiei'ch, In t..o town ot lluck Horn.
looKbon twp., at the pubiio scnooi houso at
wust township, at tho pubUo houso ot Nathan
Kro r.ln Kumcdla.
Mo ''ison tov, jshln. at tho nubile bchool houso i
Jiain township, at tho pubiio houso Of Addison
W. Blnimon.
Minim township, at tho public house ot John
Kn" lnthetownot.Mimtnville.
Montour township, at tho pubUo houso ot
animus ucangsb at. uupen.
ML Pleasant tuwnshl j. r I tho MUlcrtown nub"c .
school house.
Orance townahln. tho oubllo house of P. O.
Taking of houses, cattle, mao'i- 0',5p.a0ttho centre &ooi nouse.
. 11 tr rinrmi-oaV tnitrnoliln nt tlirt tinned nf Uattmul
inery ana copying 01a piciurr 1 "n- -
In Fspy.
Wcstscott at tho pubUo houso of John L.
Crawford, lnlLlghtstroct-
sugarloat lowushl.i, at tho houso ot Albert
rolls Bhall bo opened at seven o'clock a. m. and
rhaU cont iuo open without Interruption or ad-
juuromeat unui seven oclock p. m., wucu mo
pous will do cio na.
That everv nerson excpntlnt? Justices of tho
Peace and Aldermen, Nouirloa Public and Per
sons in mo mllUla senleo ot the State, who
shall hold or shall within two months havo held
a ny omco or appointment ot pront or trust under
tho tinted Mates, or or this state, and city or
corporatcd dlstrlet, whether a commissioned
onicer or otherwise, a subo'dtnato om er or ncent
!7lo Is or shall lMkcmD'oycd under the Ler.slr
i " I turo, Eiecutlro or J'CD. of tho
VmyoilS I suuo.oror any city or of any locorporrtod (Us-
ana of tho Htoto Lcglsliuurc, and of tho F.elect.
or common council or any city, or commissioners
ot any incorporated dlstr ct, are by law incapable
ot l old ng or ex rising at Uio tune tlmo t'-o
OIUC3 or appointment, oi juagc, insr.?oiororuienc
of sny o'ect'on oltiils commonwealth, and that
no inspector, duugo or ouier uireer oi arcn eio
UonthaUboeMglolo tobotten voted for.
Tho inspectors and Judge ot tho elections shall
meet at me respecmu jnu .es upuiiucu iu.-
a specialty. Call and see speci
mens. Yours Resp't.
H. A. KEMP, Photo Artist.
Southwest Cor. Main nod M.uket Sts.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$0 doz. Lite size
only KlU.Uu. Viewing, copy-
mc and enlarging. Instant
process used. tf.
holding the election In the district to which they
respectively belong, beforo seven o'clock In tho
morning, and each of said Inspectors slia'l ai
point ono clerk, who shall bo a uualined ot
such (I'strlc.
ire qeiunoo voters or tni3 county aro neraoy
autVorUod and required to vow by ticket printed,
wnttcn or partly printed and partly wrlttoD; ono
ticket which Bhall be labeled Mate, and conia'n
toe names ot bUUo officers, ono tlokol, u bo land'-
1 Judiciary, ana one ticxet to ci labelled couu-
JOUN n. casey. sheriff.
sheriff's onice, Bloomsburg, cjt. v, 13J0.
Intend running a first-class
restaurant in connection with
their now large baking business.
On,and after the first of Octob-
...III l.n.rr, nn ovnai'ian I tit? i mmtrfo tit a vrno (Nowl. f 130. On?ansK25.
ci mcy iiiu uttio au. jjoinv. I Ddni X 1 w i IIH.ww Vorcitaloguo addfoBa
ed cook awaiting the chance to
tickle your palate at all hours cr, . oonnu volume paw tor your old
,,', r . . 1 ol TO O-iUU HOOKS. A long catalogue ot
oi ine uay anu evening, oys
ters will be Eerved in all styles
and game in season. Au at
tractive bill ot laro will be ar
ranged daily and they will
make it a point to have custom
ers served with dispatch, ice
Cream all the year round. Call
on them during the Fair. They
will have their old stand on the
boolts with tho nig 11-Uvs wo will pay, postpaid
for 10 cents In stamps. $lo;i easily made buying
old books, commence at once aud get llrsl pick.
c. r. uaiuvbh, 1, isast mm bu, now iur.
' 10-10-a-)t.
A MTTTn Salksmkh to sell
.Liu Nursery mock.
to dispel tho darkness a tallow dip was put waiting room in the depot, having quarrel- tho Qolden Opecifl0 Q their cotleo without stead of her funeral taking placo on Bun-
av -VSnr 1 nnr month, vnn ran lakn thU grOUntl WlierO VOU CUU gUb 11
A Preset to Our HuhscrlberH.
It is with pleasure that wo announco to
our many patrons that wo havo mado ar
ranacments with that wide-awake, illustra
ted farm magazine, tho Aubhioan Fauueu,
published at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read
by nearly 200,000 farmers by which that
great publication will bo mailed FIIEB, to
the address of any of our subscribers
IN ADVANCE. This is a grand opportun
lty to obtain a first-class farm journal free.
Tho Amwuoan Faksikk Is a largo 10-page
journal, of national circulation, which
ranks among tho leadlne agricultural pap
en. It treats tho question, of economy in
agriculture and tho rights and privileges
' . . 1
ot that vast nouy ui;u .
in. Councilman Gross refused to furnish
snuffers to keep lt in trim.
D, L. Everhart, collector of Jackson
townshln. cives notice that ho will bo at
tho house of John 11. Fritz on Tnursday
October 80, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. ra., to re-
eclvo taxes, and thus atlord tho tax.payers
of that townshln an onnortunlty to savo
tho additional 5 pet'.'ccirtf
Daisy Leon rodo her pony into Clark &
Son's store last Baturday, on tho invitation
of Air- Clark. Thcv went all through tho
store, looked at tbo fountain, and then
came out. The next tlmo she rodo down
tho street tbo pony wanted to turn into the
Evan Jones says lt takes him three
hours to put tho street lamps out, and
longer than that to light them. When tho
chimneys get dirty It will tako tho balance
of tho twenty four hours in each day to
ail and clean tho lamps.
Nothing brings speedier wealth than a
trood natent. If vou havo an idea, writo
to Messrs C. A. Bnow & Co., 710, 8th Bt.
N. W. Washington, D. C, tho old and
trustworthy Patent Solicitors, and they
will Inform you free of charge whether it
is patentable. Itcad their advertisement
in this paper.
led on the cars, and after a sculllc in
which Miller had his finger bitten, and Be.
reppo had his head cut, Miller drew a re.
valver and fired two shots Into tho door,
after telling Bereppo that unless ho kept
away ho would shoot him, and showed his
pistol. Nathan Chromls, a policeman,
was called on by Bereppo, and arrested
Miller for assault with a pistol, and tho
prisoner was taken before Guy Jacoby Esq.
Beveral members of tho party swore that
the colored man had a bad disposition,
and was tho aggressor in the case, that tbo
two had been quarreling for somo time;
that Miller got tho pistol out of a trunk
after bcln? told of Bercppo's threats to kill
him. After hearing a good deal of talk,
the .Justice discharged tho prisoner, but
said that if it was in bis power ho would
flno both of them for fighting! that it was
evidently a caso that should go beforo the
President of Council. Tho whole party
wont out together. Bereppo is known as
a Congo warrior, and has his head all
shaved except a tuft on top. luo "oongo
Warrior" la evidently & Baltimore darkey.
their knowledge, and to-day believe they
quit drinking of their own free will. No
harmful effect results from Its administra
tion Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular
and lull particulars. Addrcsb in confidence
Goldis Si'uoino Co., 181 Race Btreet,
Cincinnati.O. 10-231y
day, she attended Sabbath school in tho
afternoon. She, however, declares that
sho will end her life at somo future time.
Ath'.and Advocate.
A meeting of democrats was held at the
Farmers whoso industry Is tho basis of h oom on Monday evening to urrang0
all material and naUonal prosperity, its for luo reCcption of Ex-governor I'attlson,
highest purpose is the elevation and cnoh- ,Ioni William A. Wallace and party on
bllng of Agriculture through tho higher pay noon. lion. C. It. Buckalew,
and broader education of men and women Juug0 icCTl Col. J. G, Freeze, O. G.
"S'Si? atk'ey aDd J' Townsend wereappolaU
ftl to ner year. IT COBTB YOU NOTII- cd a committee on reception. AU demo-
1NG From any ono number ideas can ue cats are requested to ue at me u, yt.
obtained that will bo worth Ibrice the sub- u ot at 13.18 on Friday to Rho the party
aZrSroam7:-aMni - rousing recepUon,
eee eamplo copy. " Thcro is not, and ought not to be, any
nolltical complexion to tho present conlro-
virsv between the Gas and Water Compa.
n. m i( .1. Force Trill sell a lot of .n,i tho Town Council, but It Is said
w. " -" , , T I .--, - v .
giot' id in Balem townsuip, nuicmu vu-m- ccrl(im publicans are putting what.
uiooiuDburir Btur course.'
Tho first entertainment nf the 'Star
Course' will tako placo on next Monday
evening, October, 20tb, In tho Opera
House Bloomsburg, and will consist ot a
concert by tho celebrated N. V. Philhar
monic Ulub. which consists ot a sextette
of musicians who stand in tho front ranks
as soloists. Tho leading artists: Hlcbard
Arnold, violinist, Eugene Wclner, flutist,
and Charles Ucmmann, violin-cellolst are
well known to all lovers ot good music and
havo an international reputation. The
program for tho evening contains a num
ber of novelties composed expressly for
them by distinguished musicians, and se
lections from Bazlnnl, Bcbuman, Beethov
en, Bchubert, Handel, Popper, Glllet and
Liszt, among which aro Handel's celebrat
ed 'Largo,' Liszt's 'Hhapsodio Hongrolse,
No. 12,' E. Gilltt'a 'Bounds ot tno uaii
Tho management have been at great ex.
Mrs. Anno Biker Is visiting her brothers,
Messrs. D. L. and Augustus Everhart.
Benton liartman ot Central, paid us a
flying visit last week.
Blato blackboards have been placed in
all the school bouses ot tho township.
One of our merchants, Mr. II. II. Ilirle-
man, took In over ten bushels of chestnuts
last week.
A large number from this part of tho
county expect to attend tbo Bloom fair.
Tho rainy weather Is doing considerable
damage to tho buckwhea.. a largo portion
of which remains to bo thr 'hed.
Beveral mistakes have occurred at the
post-office in distributing tho mail, which
should be prevented lt possible
James Bhultz, - George Hummer, and
Samuel and Silas Yorks Bpent a few days
on the mountains in search of deer last
week but came homo without any and .say
they are very scarce.
Mark Tai-lsy.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby vas siek, vre gava her Castoria.
When (he was a Child, sho cried for Cutorla,
When she became Ulu, she clung to Ceitorta,
When the had Children, she gave them Owtorla.
Of all tho different schools In tho country,
havo thousands dio every year of Brigbt's
disease ot tbo Kidneys, who could bo liv
ing to-day If thoy had used Sulphur Bitters
They aro unequalled In the world for all
diseases of tho kidneys. A'tw Haven Union,
10 17 2t.
I.llflit Htreet.
ty, at pubiio sale, at 10 a. m. cy(r blame tucro 9) on tbo Democratic pen8e and trouble to securo this club,
Nov.0.-BarahJ. B toj idmlnlstrainx bctgoflUu councll. u vlow of the whlcU Is not often obtainablo for small
Of the CBtatO . Of M Ciiaci bhiit, i ,.ii ,.mtr. at ,, i, i. nnnrtiinltv to hoar
Orange township, will sen peisuuri iuiM..- iaci vuttw lnu w,. -- ---
i mi,p, homestead of deceased, at 10 ltio council aro at tho head and front of the ood music that many may not aga bo
o'clock, a. m. movement to get gas and water at their at)i0 to avail themselves of. It is to be
Noveubeh 0. Barah J, Bltlcr. admin ds- owq ( which has resulted In deprlv- hnpcd that tbo musical pubiio will show
tratorofillcuaei oHier, 7 , , Ing ,ao town of both, this Is unjust. The their appreciation of these efforts by a
personal P opei y on tho p mm ses t. Tbo
o'clock. Horses, cows and gcneial farm. vot(J for tlj0 erection of a 115,000 Town I COtnes wltti tho understanding that tho lo.
ing implements. Hall at a point whero its erection enhanced j mlcai taste is exceptionally good
For BAur-Dwelllng nouses J" tUo valuo 0, thcr own properties. an(1 ,Ucy u n0 doubt pleaso all who may
..Wi&a .,va7o,,,. Und. Tbo desirable seat, a,e being
v.P.nt fnialn Bloomsburg. Btoro ,n!dlv taken and those desiring course
properties, Grist mills and other property Your alBtrC8ang COUgh can bo cured. llckeU ,Uould apply early to Mr. Dontler.
by H. 1: liUtz, iDBuiauiA. u ..... W(j kQ0W lt j,ocauSB jiemp's uaisara wuu-
Afc"lSHS!& wd lot in Huper. lh tho past few yeus has cured .0 many
lot 120 x HO ft. Two story, house, with ,.0UBtia aD(j coids in this community. Its
nine rooms. Bay windows, out rmrif.i.0 8ae ija3 UCen won entirely by
kitchen, ico and coal house, good tame, ,. ..,,,, A.k some friend who
chicken and pig pen. vuu " ". , ,. w t, .Links of Kemn's Bal.
crcen trees, good water, 1 lamuau., u uku ............ -- .
Twelvotralnsadaycach way, to Blooms-L,, Tbcro Is no medicine so Jpure, none
Mr. Arnold's wonderful playing on the
violin took the audlenco by storm, and he
WaS repv.CUiy 411? wnm
Jmror. fare 8c round trip.
great bargain, if taken soon.
IL 1. Lutz, Jniuranco & Heal Est. Af.t.
to i-ffcctlvc.
Large bottles Wo and ft at
f i, unowned flute virtuoso. Mr. Eugene
Wclner, a'so performed at the last Imperial
Soiree, and bis unsurpassed playing evoked
Uio highest approbation. 1 Stale, Paris.
Itov. Whitney preached an Illustrated
sermon on Sunday afternoon last using
ladder as an illustration showing that tho
road to hell or heaven was step by step.
Mrs. Somcrvillo and daughter of Johns
town aro visiting at G. M. Lockard'a,
A tutpnso party was held at tho Hesl
dence ot Hev. Whitney on Friday evening
last in honor ot Mary's birthday.
Henry Uagenbuch Is on tbo sick list
G. P. Helghard returned from tho city
last Friday.
Edward M., Son ot J. M. O. aud Emma
Ilanck, departed this life after a brief ill
ness on Bat. 27th Sept,, aged 6 years, '4
mo. and H days.
Nelllo 1)., Henry daughter of Boyd and
Eitlo Henry died 011 Friday Oct. 3d, ot
membranous croup, aged 3 years past.
Farewell to you my darling
Biucfl thou hast gone before,
Wltbal thy suffering here
Thou must reap a just reward.
My darling, On! my darling
How quick thou wast called away,
Thv loving charms no longer seen,
Bids us speed on in life's ocean dream.
Llllie and Bruce, children ot A. O and
Mary Uldlay aro very sick at this writing,
Tho Business Mcu's Jubilee given Tucs
day evening, October 14, uudcr direction
of the young ladles of tho Lutheran church
aud ably assisted by young ladles of other
churches, was a decided success. Ono
hundred and fifty young ladles took part,
tach representing somo business house' of
Bloomsburg. About 000 people witnessed
tho entertainment and by tho frequent ap
plause, they were evidently pleased. Tho
executive committso and especially tbo
chairman ot tho committee, Mrs. Grant
Herring, deserves much credit for tbo suc
cess. A great portion ot tbo play was ar
ranged by tho committee to adapt the var
ied industries and trades ot this town, and
a largo portion of those who took part had
but little experience on the stage. Every
thing from tho beginning to the close went
to perfection, while the grand march in
wh'ch ISO ladies marched and counter
marched upon tho stage,dressed In their va
ried costunui, was a filling flnalo tor this
most successful entertainment. It was an
nounced that on account ot numerous re
quests It would bo repeated on Baturday
evening, but because of tho busy week with
the county fair, which will bripg addition
al work tho executive commlttco has
decided not to repeat it.
nenslon instead, and it you have an appli
cation on tile tor Increase or additional
pension for now disabilities you can con
tinue tho prosecution of such claims while
drawing tho new pension, or you can file
an original claim for a disability contract
cd in tho service while drawing pension
under this new act.
Widows, children, and dependent moth.
crs and fathers aro entitled under this act
and can suspend tbo prosecution ot any
pending claim, and tako this pension, aud
afterwards complete the prior claim and
get arrears.
Havlnc been duly anpolutc' an Agent
according to the rules and regulations ot
the Department of tho Interior lu tho. pros,
ccutlou ot such claims and having had sue
cess lu a uumbcr of cases I am always pre
pared to give information and assist claim
ants, and will assure them success If they
aro ablo to establish the facts as 1 squired
by law.
TboBo Interested should caU soon and
claim their reward.)
good meal for twenty-five cents.
Phillips' Domestic Bakery,
Main Street Above Centce,
Estate of VMUtp Appleman, aeceacea.
Tho undershrnol. an auditor anDolntcd br the
OrpUans' Court of Columbia county to ms'co d's-
triDation 01 tno rands in tno n&nas 01 tno aa mm
lstrator to and among tno paules entitled thereto
will Bit at his onice lu the Towa ot liloomsbarg,
county atoresald, Nov. 8, 18'jo, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
when and where all parllrs having claims agalrst
said estate most appear and prove the same, or bo
luruvor auuiureu liuai uuuiiug n uu buiu iuuu.
our Choice
AU rroods euar-
anteed flrst-claas. Good salaries and ex
penses, o' a liberal commission paio. jo Fxpsr
fence Neeeasiry. Wrlto lor terms, age,
and securo your cnoioo or teiniorj .
U. U KNIGHT & CO. 10) l''k Avenue, ttoehos
ter, Now York. 10-lC d -U
The Best
and Csmyosis
(JIlOlUiB W.,
North .HiirUetNl.
lllooulaburif i'n.
X I,uily'Hlerfect Compnuloil.
Everv expectant mother should read our
new book by Dr. Nye, ono of New York's
most celebrated physicians, a pet rect
mother's guide, lt tells now tuo teariui or
deal can bo mado easy, frco from danger,
and almost entirely painless, thus sailog
months of anxiety, droad, and sufferirj.
Full of valuab'o Information lo ladles, an-
swerlnir hundreds of delicate questions.
Bend two-cent stamp for chculais. test!
menials, aud confidential lette.. Address,
O-lS-Sm. Bihluio.e, Md
Estate of Joseph O. Keller, laU of Orange I !-
ThB undefined, an auditor aDDO'nted bv the
Orphans' com tot Columbia county to distribute
ue uaianco m me npnaaoi a 1. neuer, b'i
mlnlstrotor, as appeal j by h's nnal account, will
sit at h's ofUco In bloomsburg on Monday Korem-
Der i7tn, iss'j, at v a. m., wnen ana wuero an per
sons having claims against said ostate must ap
pearand proie the st"ne, or be debawed from
coming In on said ti'id.
HI. Kii liltl.
Oct. 13 to. Auditor.
Ml oJacoj l one , dxeasea.
The nni1ei.,lcrnpi1. an auditor ftnnolnt-d bv the
Orphans' Couitot Columbia coeily, to make el'.
MlumiOQ 01 tut, IUW13 m uauu. ui j. i. uruwu. au
in'o'itranr, to and among the paules entitled
thereto, will Bit ' .t tha onice of WloteUteen
itecKieyon 'lauiaay, Koveuuer oui, at lu d-ciuck,
m., when aodwhero all p.utles hvtug claims
mu&t appoar and provo the S3 mo, or t, autism 1
from ootnlng in on ss Id fund.
V. U. UBl&l'bl, AUOltor.
We received a pleasant call yesterday
from our old friend Dr. L A. Shattuck.
Tho doctor left this city in 1833 to take
charge ot a sanltatlum at B'oomsburg, l'a.
Ill health has since compelled him to relin
quish his duties thcro and bo is now engaged
In introducing the Bhattuck fountain pen
which bo was experimenting upon before
ho left this city, and for which several pat-
tents havo been granted him. Ho has re
ceived an abundance of evidence to prove
his invention ot the upper .'ccd with indc.
pendent air vent at a dato prior to any oth
er similarly constructed pen, and is pre.
paring tq bring suits against Infringers of
his patents. The Bhattuck pen is certain.
ly the beat we have ever seen and wo wish
the doctor tho success ho deserves -iMV
orl Miming Netci, &pt. 80, 1800.
"Docs your mother know you're out,"
said a boy to his little brother. "Yes, sho
docs, was the answer, "for one liottlo ot
Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup has knocked my
I cold Into a cocked hat, you bet."
ro Nervous itetiitltntecl Hen,
If rou will sond us vour address we will malt
you our Illustrated pamphlet explaining all abor.
I)r. Dytfa Celebrated Electro-Vo'talo Uett and Ap
pUancea, and tlielr charming errocu upon tho ner
vous aemuiaiau system, aaq now mey wm uuiuk.
lr rmuire vouiAvlGror and manhood.namnhlet free.
It you are thus afnicted, we w Ul sond you a Belt
and Appliances on trial.
j-g-r-iy, voiTilu 111LT CO., uaronau, io
Have vou scon it, it not,' call at Eshle.
man & Wolfs, lower end of Opera House,
and ask them to show you tho Hadlant
Homo llange, tho latent and best Hango In
the market.
Eshlcman & Wolf havo a lot ot second
hand stoves, slnglo heaters, double hcateis,
ranges for sale cheap.
Eshlcman & Wo' bavo a flne lino of
Hadlant Homo stoves In thoir store at low.
er end of Opera House.
Don't buy your stove until you exarolno
the largo stock at Ebleman & Wolt s,
Con ro St., Opel a 1 ousc.
I Xstate of Morris C. Sloan alM toicn of Blooms
ourg, ae 'a.ra.
The underahrned. an auditor annolntod by tho
OrDhanb' Court of Columbia county. l a., to mr to
demolition of tho fund lntheh3U"iotthe execu
tor, f. shown Dy p't nrst account, to and among
the pat at: entitled thereto, will sit at his omco
In the Town of llloomsburg, co inty arorculd, on
Monday. November 10. isw. at v o'ciock a. ra..
wheaand where all pinles having claims must
appearand prove tho same, or bo debair. 1 from
coir log 11 on said fund.
rt. u. runti, Auuuur.
"Drathorouiihknowledgootthe natural law
which govern tho ope allons ot digestion ard
nutrition, and by a careful application ot tha me
BrovlCud our breakfast tables with a'delicately
hula vd beveraue which may save us many heavy
doctor,' Mils. It is by the Jud'cloutt use ot such
' articles of diet tht a consttlutlou may bo gradual
ly bunt up unuiBtrong enougu 10 retu.t every ien
deney 10 dlwaae. uundrvda 01 BUbtla mala
llundrvdii of subtle maladies
are noatlng around us re-dy to attaelc wherever
there is a weak point. Wo may escape many a
fatal ahalt by keeping oureelveH well fortined with
pure blond and a properly nourished frame."-Clclt
irrr- Uaietu. Made simply with bolUrg Wat .r
ormllk Hold only In hall pound Una, by Groce.s,
labelled thus:
JAMICH Kl'lti A; CO., UomospatbloChomUts.
S-UtMU Uxodon, BnglanO.
ftttate of Susan A, Watttr, late of Bloomsburg,
Notice la hereby iriven that letters ot admlus.
tratio 1 on the estate ot Susan A. Walter, late ot
the town ot Uloousburg, county ot Columbia, and
btats of l'encs) I vanla, deceased, have been grant.
ea to Barau a, vougnt, or Jamison my, ra., w
whom all ueisonsludujted 1 1 said estate aro rr
nueatd to mako naimenta. and lhaso hAV)l7
claims or demands U make known the same
witnoui aeiay to
uur jAcoar, Aity, jami'soa city, ro.
Billiard & Pool Room
Wintetstecn's Building, oyer F.rst Nation
al Bauk, Bloomsburg, l'a.
Fine cigars always on hand. I'ubllo
patronage respectfully solicited. 10-17Cm,
RAT TTRMAM w.ntid. lvrmanent employ.
alon. Vine out-nta.
era. I'rloca low.
llochostcr, N. Y.
full Uno of Krulta ard Flow.
A. Ji. i, u.symaD
Save Your Hair
BV a mildly usoof Ayi'r'a Ilnir Vigor.
This preparation lias no equal as a
dressing. It keeps tho scalp clean, cool,
mid healthy, and preserves tho color,
tulluess, and beauty ot tho hair.
" I vrai rapidly becoming bald and
gray ; but nfter using two or threo
bottles of Ajcr'a Hair Vigor my hair
grew thick und glossy and tho original
color was restored." Molvin Aldrich,
Canaan Centre, N. II.
" Somo time ago I lost all my hair In
consequence of measles. After duo
waiting, no now growth appeared. I
then used Ayer's Ualr Vigor aud my
hair grow
Thick and Strong.
It hat apparently como to stay. Tho
Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature."
J. IJ. Williams, Floresville, Texas.
"I havo used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
tho past four or fivo years and find lt a
most satisfactory dressing for tho hair.
It is all I could desiro, being harmless,
causing tho hair to retain lu natural
color, nnd requiring but a 6tnaU quantity
to render tho hulr easy to arrango."
Mrs. M. A. Bailey, u Charles street,
Haverhill, Moss.
' I have boon using Ayer's TTalr Vigor
for several years, nnd believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color." Mrs. H. Ji King, Dealer in
Dry Goods, &c, Illsboprille, Md,
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
rmriRin bt
Dr. J. C, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats.
Bold by Drugglitiaod l'erfuaMri.
The Best JPLUo
togr.apfiBS and Crayons,
M'Killl3g ES.'os.
niiwHiLiiMmMi no
Mitchell's Rheumatic Plasters.
Buiix remedy for llheunratluo, Neuralgia A Ucuulca.
bold l r drUKglitl, or ty waU,3 ccnta.
Wovrlty X'toaUr Vurk, JaiwoII, Miuw.
10-17 d 4t.
The regular annual meeting of tho at ckholdera
ot tho Illoomburg water Company will be held
onli.. lay, the nth day of twtobor, '10. Uten
1 lo 1 , ., jot iwoanl four o'clock In Me aiieruooa
a ihunmoa of V. lMUllraejer. becretaty. or tno
ensuing jear, an! the tranaacllon ot tho generf'
Oct 8-tt. g-'iUrir.