ii Special Washineton Correspondence. WashkgtoD, D. 0,f October Otli, imu, 11 appoara mat iimy has reach ed tho limits of Ills resource in tho direction of ovolvinc oamnaian ojued- lonts. Ilia last effort is ono that is far moro likely to recoil upon him and his candidate Dolamatcr than anything ho has yot attempted darincr tho tircsont canvass. It will bo recalled that not loner since, on a day set nimrt in tho Sonato for eulogies to tho memory of tho latoSamuolJ. Randall, Mr. Quay mado his first publio suldnsa sinco ho has boon a raombor of that body. It had boon oarofnlly prepared, and In substance, was fitting for the occasion. nau tms ueon tho end oi tho matter it would havo stood ns a creditable act in tho othorwiso unsavory career of tho jnulor Senator from Pennsylvania. It now transpires that the address in question was delivered from an alto gether different purposo than that of aoine nonor to tho momory of Mr. Randall. In short, -it was part of a sohemo to aid tho olection of Dcla inator. Tho speech of Senator Qnay uu tin- uuuussiun muuuuuuu iios Dcen printed in pamphlet form bv tho thous ands, and it is to bo distributed among all tho Randall Demoorata in" Pennsyl vania, ino specon win go out with campaign documents, lavorlng JJol amater'e, olection acoompanvlnir them. In that way Quay hopes to attract tho attention of Democrats by drag ging from tho grave their loved leador wno only so rocently was taken from publio life. Disaffection beinc rife in tho Republican ranks, Quay and Dol- amater can only uopo to win by divtd ioiz tho sentiment of tho Democrats in tho State. That this knavo (Quay) should uso tho memory of ono honored, loved and respected by too democratic party, is as gross an insult to dead and to liv ing that ho eould devise. Randall's record was that of honesty and capacity in tho highest degree. Quay's caroer, from start to finish, has been that of ; rascal, who makes but lew pretensos ol statoimansnip, and whose sole success has been as a dis honest political manipulator. To cou ple Delamatcr's campaign documents witd an eulogy on Samuel J. Itandall, is a piece of impudence such as Quay alono would attempt. Every Demo crat should rise up in arms against such sacrilege. Every decent republi can Bhould do tho same Quay's descent as a political figure at me .national capital continues to bo marked. While the President was at Cresson, Senator Quay sent a telegram 10 rrivate .secretary ilaltord announc ing that ho (Quay) would pass through Cresson on his way to Beaver, and would bo glad to time his trip so as to. have an interview with the President while en route.. Thero was no occasion in the world for such an interview, ex cept to afford Quay an opportunity to show that ho was still received by tho President Tho scheme did not work. Private Secretary Halford replied that the President hau arranged so many excursions into tho surrounding country that he could mako no arrangements in advance. This is but another evi dence that tho Penhsylvania Boss is no longer within touch of the Adminis tration. His pull at tho publio test is ended, and the sooner the Republicans of the Keystone State cut loose from him the better they will fare. ' B. R. W. All INGLORIOUS FOUBTfl. KKROR OF THE POPULAR llELIEt' THAT THE DATE IS INDEPENDENCE DAY. On October 80, 1889, a monument was unveiled at Dover, Delaware, in honor of Cajsar Rodney, ono of Dela ware's representatives in the Continen tal Congress. Tho oration on that occasion was delivered by Mr. Bayard, Secretary oi State in President Cleve land's Cabinet. In the course of his speech Mr. Bayard read a letter writ ten by Thomas MoKean to Casaar Agustns Rodney, dated August 22, 1813, which contained the following paragraph about Independence Day: "Now that I am on this subject I will tell you some truths not general ly known. In tbo printed publio jour nals of Congross for 1770, volume 2, it would appear that the Declaration of Independence was signed on the 4th of July by tho members whoso names are thero inserted; but tho fact is not so. For no persons signed it on that d ay nor for many days after, and among the names subscribed one was against it Mr. Read and seven were not in Congress on that dav, namely: Messrs. Morris, Rush, Clyme'r, Smith, Taylor and Ross, of Pennsyl vania, and Mr. Thornton, of Now Hampshire; nor were tho six gontlo meujlast named at that time members. The five for Pennsylvania wero ap. pointed delegates by the convention of that State on tho 20th of Jnly, and Mr. Thornton entered Congress for tho first time on the 4th of November fol lowing." Secretary Bayard was not the first man to tell the country that the Fourth of July nad been burning powder and shooting oannons nnder false pretenses, for Judgo Chamberlain, of Boston, ex posed the Fourth's false charms sev eral years before. The Jndge's in vestigations load us to re-write tbo his tory of those oventfnl days as fo.lowp: On tho 2d day of July, 1770, the Continental Congreas at Philadelphia decided that tho Colonies wero big boys now, and entitled to sot up in business for themselves. So a com mittee was appointed to write this an nouncement on coffee-colored paper, in dim ink, and to add thereto a few re remarks about the King of England calculated to put him in a cheerful framo of mind. This declaration was read two days later, on tbo 4th, and tho mombers liked it very well, but did not sign it, and it is this ommission whioh makes the day4'a pretender as a national anni versary. On tho 19th of July Con gress deoided to havo the document written a littlo more distinctly, and on parchment, and to havo it nirrm.,1 l.r- every member, but it was not until August 2 that tho moBt of tho dele gates wero ready to attaoh their sig natures, and thereby resolvo to hang together in order to avoid hanging separately in oaso King Qeorgo should resent their writing in snob a familiar way. Santa Claita. TheVanderbilt Children. HOW THEY ABB EDUCATED AND TRAINED, Although all tho members of the Vanderbilt family entertain on a mar. nificient scale, says a writer in tho JAtates Home Journal for Ootober. thoy nover permit their children to re main up late at night, are extremely careful in their education, and, in a word, aro fitting them for lifo as well as any mother or father could do. It is one of the rules in all tbo houses of tho Vanderbilts, tbut tho children shall o to beu early and nso early. Tho ittlo bovs ahd cirls aro up before oven o'clock to tho morning. Their THE B . F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS TITTER DEALER IN mn, mi k Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Btoomsburg Opera House, WHAT IC0TT8 EMULSION CONSUMPTION 80ROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting SlasiMi CURES Wonderful PImH Producer. Many have gained ons pouad per day by it ne BootVa Emulsion U not a lacrai rcmedr. It contains lb gilmulaW tug pi neitiM th Hrpopho phltea And par Norweg&a Cod - lire? Oil, tat potency of sot& belflff largely facVeaaod. Xtkoiaa fcy PhTsioUni all tmr tho warll. PALATABLE AS MIL1C. Sold by atl JDmggUU. BOOTT A lOWNI, Ohnmlat. N.Y. "If pop had blanketed you in the stable you would be fat, too." FREE Get from your dealer free, tlit yk Book. It has liandsomo pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three' dollars for a 3a Horn Blanket will mako yonr liorso worth mor 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric Ak for 5A Extra Test 30 other stylos at prices to suit erery bodv. If you can't get 'them from1 your dealer, write ns. 5A DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. . 100 Btvles. orles to suit alL Wk. Atp.es a Hobs, Philadelphia. Hold by oil dealers. TEAMSTERS. You vprk la ill wullier. Yoi nil ta "iB. wuthu" L In fi, Uia bt Mjrpol CMI in th worU. No rau rubber iSilr Itot via rip Mlor. tha wttk U crnl. Rubbar com Dora, ud Uttt but a ihort time. Four teunitcra out ol Jra wur tha " FMi Brand " witrrprool tiothlnf. Thai M tha only teamitera' waterproof coata thU . .'a U2bt. atrotir. durable, aod cbeao. Th. rn.1 err liitla, aid Uil a lonj time. Tin nerer tel UckrorpecloO. Tka buttooa are wTre-IutnH, . -..h yu.i uu. uer r aoaoiuiaiy waur proof and wind-proof. UntU you own ona you wjn barer kaow tha comfort of a raioy day. BeVart af wortalaea lmltaUoua. every lartnept ajampad vkB im "rtih Draad" Trade Mark. Bo'l attfpt y interior oat wben you caa hare Um " flak Brand Slicker " deliyared without eitre coat. Ja wan ana wueiraua c catalofue free. A. J. TOWER, Boston, Mdi. J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MIL,TON, Pa., OXaLIES ra PIANOS, lly tbe following well known uakeru Chickcrincf) Knabc, Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. n ' Catalogue and Price Lists On application. Bl!M.P-U COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. M HABITUAL GROWLER. ropl who nt-Trr rrnrl rflrrrtlont u tb flirt to eomptttn that Wolff'sAGMEBIacking uenmulttot on tbo ibex. 8ttiU vs paj It U tiNIe to ftppnM to tftrir Intftillfanoe, and eaJl tlim " lUUtutl Growler f " Atk Drug, PaM tit Romm FrUktng Storior m-Iloo. vhUh , will tain Old 4 nkw runnTunt VarnUh trill TtN OLA AND CHI NAVH INI af WILL 6TIN TINWARE am4 will Stain town Old barito time WILL 1TAIW AST' COACH AND J&B I K-lEaS ON m m )nt that irr m, TfV If0. WOLFF s IUXDOLPH, rfaUadclpUft. nurses immediately take charge of thom eoo that they aro properly bathed and dressed, and then thoy go down to breakfast, which Is served at half-past seven o'elook. It is an nnprotentions meal, with plenty of fresh milk, cgrra, oatmeal, and a bit of Btoak or a chop that will add strongth to their physi qo and color to their cheekB. After breakfast thero is an hoar of study. There is something for theso littlo ones to do at all times during the day. They go through their, stndies systematically, and then, about half-past nine, aro taken out for a walk. They aro allow ed to romp in tho streets and in the parks to their hearts' oontent. At eleven o'clock thoy are brought home, and a light luncheon of milk and.broad is served, after whioh there aro more studies-cither Erench, German or drawing and thon another breathing spell it may be horseback ridibg, or a drive out through tho Fark and' along tho oouotry rod-i. Haok they all como about four o'clock, and thero is another hour of study, and then they aro through for the day. They aro al lowed to do just as they please until tea time, when, after their meal, thoy spend a pleasant hour or so with their fathers and mothers and others who may drop in to call. Promptly at eight o'clock thoy aro all in bed to sloep soundly, and got np the next morning and go through tho same pro gramme. Ho it is not strango that all the children of tho Vaauderbilt faruilv aro further in advance of their littlo friends in tho matter of education. For they study, study, study atl tho time. They aro all fond of musio and most of thom can 1)1 a v on tho niano. Tho girls aro learning to play on the harp, and the bovs are famous anions their friends as violinists, aud banjo tlavers. If vnn warn t.n Rpn tfiMBn children on tho street, vou would not ' ! J " " fora moment suapect that thoy were otner man children ot parents, in or utnary .circumstances, xney tuake no display at elaborate dress. The eldest of Cornelius Vandorbilt's daticrhtors is dressed plainly in littlo, pretty cheap dresses without any braid or orna mentation. She wears BDUL'-fittincr oloth jackets, and tho littlo cao that sits gracefully qn her head, could be duplicated for a couplo of dollars. Malaria. Literally means bad air. Poisonous germs arismrr from low. raarshv land. or from decaying vegetable matter, aro breathed into tho lang, taken up by the blood, and nnlo3s tin vital fluid is purified by the uso of a good medioino like Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho unfortun ate viotim is soon overpowered. Even in the more advanced case?, where tho terrible fever prevail, this successful medicine has effected remarkable cures. Tboso who aro exposed to malarial or other poisons should keep tho blood pure ny taking llood s Sarsaparilla. lleTnuitlit Tliem Maimer. A DDDK'gOgSTLK BKBOKS TO TWO OBSTBSPS- nous COWBOYS. A boot and shoo drummer of this city. awny up in tho T. P. A. and a good fellow all around and voraciously known all over tho wide West, qulto soijlfully told this among tho last stories of a number relate,) by traveling men last night at the Midland Hotel! "1 wap," said he, "a short tlrao ago out in a littlo town in Nebraska, where you could without imagination look over the imaginary lino dividing Nebraska and Wyoming, and see acres upon acres ot the new sister. I was at.tlie station of about the dullest littlo sun-dried town I over was lo, walljug'for the train, late; as 'usual some two or three hours. "This littlo town was on t branch road. I'll not name' It, for 'there's a ch'fei amqng us taklog notes and hell prent 'em,'' aV I expect to' go buck thero again. '1'here wero two' other cbmmeiclal men waiting as I was. Ono was a dudish-looking tort of a fellow, gpt up with a eash and tho other unities. He tt Jowu in the shadow of tho shed lhat servrd for a depot, and opening a email grip pulled out a book and began reading, reading and reading intent- ly, so Intently that he sprawled himself along the length or width of tho platform Two buckBkin.pantalooncd cow.bovn on pinto pontes rode down to tho depot and, tethering their ponies, came under tho roof of the shed. Thcr began in a short time nudging vcaeh other jocularly, and finally ono got up and walked oyer towards 'the dude' and accldently stumbled ovor his feet. The cowboy apologized sarcastically and the dudo like Toots, said: 'It's of no consequence.' Then tbo cowboy again performed bis accidental act and an apology was made and accepted qulto naively. Returning to his comrade thero was quite an hijarfous pow-wow tiy Mie cowboys and then tho second' ono started out for his share 'of the fun. Emboldened by the two trips of bis comrade over tho dude's patent-leather la closed feet, tbe cowboy disdained to stum, bio over them, but came down with both feet square on the shins of tho dude-dress, ed reader. '.Excuse me.' 'Certainly,! was answered, but with the reply the dudo pulled an applo from bis pockcl, and tost, ing it into the air, drew a revolver from his grip, and shooting, split tbo applo squarely In two. lie threw up another applo and perform, ed tho same act, and then turning to tho two cowboys who had clustered together themselves and four big'rovofycrs strapped to 'em the dude, pointing his revolver at the cowboys, saidt 'lam a little on tbo shoot myself and If you fellows don't leave very soon I'll dlvJLdo you two fellows liko I did tho apples, or I'll break up your part, nershlp.' Tbe cowboys bad the discretion of the King of Franco, who marched 10, 000 men vp a hill and dowu again when he saw tbe enemy on tbe other side, and, sneaklngly seeking their ponies, mounted them and rodo away. 'The dude, said tho relator, and the story he avers la true, 'bo longs to one of Kansas City's shooting club. Jfauat OUy Qleit. BloV Chamber Uinta- llUKNINO SUI.VIttm IS DAKOKItOUS AND IT SHOULD NOT 11K DONE. Tho practlco often prevalent, of burning sulphur in tho Bitk room or in tho habitable rooms of the houo dur ing tho contlnuanco of a caso of diphtheria or othor contagious tliseaso is produotivo of evil and should novtr bo allowed. Wo have often found tho air almost irrespirablo from .hia cause. practiced under tho belief that tho con tinual burning of a littlo sulphur wuuiu neatroy ino-germs or poitonlng of tho disease and thereby protect W1030 oi tne nouso noid not already in footed. This Ihooty is wholly an er roneous ono. Many oxperimenls hav boon mado which show that tho dunp ity of sulphur fumts (sulphurous acid) must be greater than can bo tolerated by a human boing in order to destroy me germs ot ducase. The air of tho sick room, bad enough at tha best, should bo kept as puro as pofwiblo, it should not bj vitiated by tho fumes of burning sulphur. Tho latter acts as an irritant to tho air naa saces acaiHot which the lunizs nrotest, besidos consuming some of tho oxveren of the air whioh is so necessary to tho support of life, thus doing positive uarm to ino patient, atill more, it im pairs tho natural dowcn of resistance to disease, and thcroby indirectly bi comes an ajroni to bnnu about a nnn dition it is popularly nupposml to re tard. Jirom me Urained Mtrse. Twenty Three Yeasa In Tha Drag Business I have been a drpecist t etitv-tliroo years, and have sold all the patent racaicmcH wnicn are known in this country, and can trulhfullv sav that I navo never Known a tcmily for blood Diseases of moro value than S. S. S. fSnift's Sruwifli Mi- A t - - I - - ..... ,, UUOblMlll-l, was troubled with an eruption of the skin cm tho back of his bauds, aud had in vain Bougui renel ot tlio beet looil medical talent, also of some of the most noted physicians in New York, and as a last resort spent boine months in l'ans, u ranee, under treatment of the physicians there, and had scoured only temporary relief. After all this treatment he was finally cured, sound ana won, oy Bwiits Specinc, Another customer, Mr. B.. had suffered for many years with Blood Poison and thought ho had been cured bv luuruunni treatment, out tun disease re turned, accompanied bv Ithuuvnatism i r. ........ of a bad typn. A dozen small bottles of S. S. S. mado a perfect and lasting cure. V. H. Deaswap, Old Fort, N. O Treatise on Blood and skin diseases mailed free. ewiU DrMiuriu uo., All&nia, U&. Photographing A Protest- The Itepublloan CiimDaiorn Commit tee has photographed tho empty scats uu iuo xsuiuuuruilU B'.UO OI uio nouse, with a view to using tho picture as an illustration of "the Democratio Idea of Doing Business." , The Democratic Committee should now have printed, to port under theso photographs, Thomas B. Reed's de- fenco of the refusal of a Republican minority, in which he joined, to vote to make a quorum in tho Forty-sixth Congress. Baid Mr. Heed in 1880: "The privilege, whioh the (Itpubli- canj minoruy oi tne uouae at tho last session availed itself of is a privilege which every minority has availed it self of sinco tho foundation of this Government. It is a valuablo privilege for tho couutry that tho minority shall havo tho right by the extraordinary modo of proceeding to call the attcn tion of tho country to measures which a party in a moment of madness and of party feeling is endeavoring to en force upon tho oitizens ot this land. And it works equally well with regard to all parties, for all parties havo thsir times when thoy need to b-j checked, ho that thoy may receive the opinions of the peoplo who are their constituents, and who are inter. Bted iu the results ol their legislation." The Republican minority, ten years ago, Bat silent and refused to vot as it had a right to di. It t-aid to the Democrats: "If you wish to pass partisan mtaiurts, or to unseat Repub licans, brine vour maioritv hera mid do it, but we decline to vote togiL you, a quorum, and hold ourselves re sponsible to our oo'istitueut-i for our action." Speaker Reed's assertion of th? right to count memb-.-rs as present when they d. clino to vote, in the ah sence of a Republican quorum, ora polled tho Democrats to leave the Chamber to avoid being mado unwill ing parties to tho at en inrr nf on their Bide of the House. it tne llepubhoan campaign man agers think they can mak'o any capital out of this incident thoy will probably iliPflover their mutnkn. Tim fnirmirwl. W and sober-thinking voters will agroo wno lur. neea mat, ino minority was justified in using "this extraordinary mode of proceeding'' to "call tho att n- uon oi tue country to measures whioh a paity in a momut of madness and party feeling" was engaged in perpe trating. There is a, boomerang quality in this photocranhed urotiM Tim Woria. Shaving; W(th Vaseline. A friend of mine told mo a few mopths ago how to shavq easily and painlessly, and I havo never shaved in a barber shop sinco. The plan is to mo oil or grease instead of soap to prepare tho ohm and s ften tho chin and soften tho beard. Vaseline is the most oonvonhmt, and it plioiilt) bo rubbed in quite freely. Then with a keen razor shaving can bo done quick ly and without a suspicion of pato. At first I oouldn't reconcilo myself to doing without the orthodox lather and used soap after tho vaselino had been applied. But tbe soap is really un necessary, and shaving with oil or vaseline is cleaner, as well as pleapant er, and what js moro to tho point thero is no irritation whatever to tha skin. St. Zouia Globe Democrat. "Just as Qood," Say somo dealers who try to Bell a sub stitute pieparation when a customer calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla Do not allow sush false statement. as this iu duoo you to buy what you do not want. Romember that the only reason for making it is that a few cents moro profit will bo made on tho mbstitutn. Insist upon having the best medicine Hood's Sa.-saparilla. It is Peculiar to IUolf. SKIS Hoi Id O.IJ Wolch, Mf4Kl UattMDti. War. UUIU.I -.0111. U.U IajI.u' 4 tun f tlM, Ua aVeraaM la aauk 1. Lla kUa af llauliAla 1 Maailcow Thaaa mmIoo, u Mkl LMf Ul f Ik IbamM fMM kMfMlf . ThM M m a hm aai I4 ow ( nim ika Walott I IU I BLOOMSBURG. THE GREAT FU German Remedy. TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. I.UOO will lie tmld nilloiiB.ncllMilcncni hir thiiNii ilpnliil' for ft a. no where h ti r. nam ikrrEna will o..aMxnit,itiitTTEii ii win rro von, , notnflpUt orcurc. li fcj Do)uu uu tier with !ncYcr fnlls. I uiniureumiuaiiftonr feel I riff, If no, unc (Jlcanno the Till Aletl rlood when you sec summit ijitteus: tb win euro you is iiniiurmcB inirBi wr throiiffh tho gkln llitrruLli i'f wlin ait n l'lmnlcK. lllnfrlion. cioseir conn mi i ir til tho mills onil work )nl Soros. ItelT on luutiiii j.rrrr.HS IBhopgj clcrks,w)ioilo not procnrcBUfllclcTit cxerclso, nml all who ftreronOncil lndoora, RtlOltM USO HKLi'IUJli Hitters, Tlioywlll la not then bo weak and mil LcnltU will fol tow. sui.i-mmiiiTir.il. vlll euro I.lrcrOm il.llnt, Don't lie ills 'our.iKcil s it 111 cure U 5-MtMrl(lv. Vnn. ITJ If yuu do not wlMi to niitTor from UhPntn r-Uf.riiirH liiTTKitftlTB win uiiiiii you up nnd innko you strong nud hrnlthj-. fttlsm, iteo n bnttta of It vpct fnlin tnniro sur.ru tr it JiiTTEnq : HULplt:it lliTTRnnl I p Don't he without n H bottle. Try It t you Hlwillnotrrirctk i rltl m.tn v.tn. I.tn.l 9 pure, rich nml ptron, ind yourllceli hnnl. I Smites hi tlelicntr health, who nro nil run down, rhotiM use arrvmtu hittfth. Trv ulpiii,'h hit. rr.H1 In ulirlit. anil vou will .lecp well inn irpi in'uer rorit. Uo you want tho beat 41cillc.il Work published t Penil 3 !-ecnt stamps to A. ! OumvAr A Co, If You Have atk n.aiaii.,. n ing nh, you wlltfli lf;..tioil ntav.ne. ii ri Ind run down," Tutt's Pills thar.m.dr yoa Hoed. Th.y ton. lb. w.ak .loanach and build apt Dtanlal r phfilcal oT.rwook will rind r.ll.rrrornUiem.XIc.ly.ucKr coal.aU iiascuia- cn.riri... nnrr.r.ra rrom SOLD EVERywiIERE. -ThoosajiUs hard been permanently curctl by or loss of time from business. Canes primounceU In- rilll.ADKl.l H1A.VA, KaMiatonce.no operation curabla by otbers wanteil. P-IIDf Miniltrrrft Ailvlrn Vnw. Demi ror Llrvuiar. vunt uuttnnniLr.0. omcououfsitoa. Oct 8-'00.1y UninP ftorronio. lur i. VUIUC or'nUI of r. nirrt- T0 month i 1 now bivt mo nfmr at v.o aiDDini ana titll HI and onn tnakM!lb t. (Signed) W, H.UARKI90.. William Klloa, lUrrltborr, la. Tri nr., a nave orrr mtiowb anything to sell Ilka yoor alUniiL Yetterd7 I look orden enough to pay ids orSJrt." Wt J, hi. mora, bangor. Me., writ mi "I Uka an order for yoor album at .almost every houao I U(t. My rrwui or ten a mucnai n-VU OT 4 tin la atav'awnrk ." wa hara not ne to give Otberaaradolnauiiaavita ona whn Ukai Knl.l rihla I .... ' "! . IV Shall wo start VOU in thU imvhin.. iroldC world. Urgeat Blze. Ureateit btrr.lt.. cer known. Ammtt wanted. Liberal lermi. Llf money for urenta. Any ona can become a tMicceaiful arent. BelU llaelf on Ifrrit-liill. ornc ttilklriffiiereiury. YVberever ahown, every one win Is to tinr. V ,M' I"honianda of order with rarldHy never boforaknowo. Ureat proflts await avery worker. Aeenti arc iimklurfortunei- UdUa make a tnnrh at men. YoS, reader a n do At well any on. Full tntonuation and tenna rrre. aSJ!?,?!??? " " Lfwr "mf; w,t.b Pot"" "t Ifnni for our Kanjily Iliblet, Ilooka and feriodicala. Afler you know all, tout.l jon t-onctudo to n no ftirtber, why no harm l don. 1 Addroa. Iv. a ALLEH 4 CO. AuotilTA, UiltM. Jan. ls-vo-iy. FQRJMEN ONLY! ror liuoi. or raiufiu m&niiOODt Oeacral and NEttVOUB DEBILITY. Wr-akneianf Bnitr anrl Minrt Jof Birori or EiMrieiin Older Truna. ""M bbii.iiiuuuibij Heiiore-a. now !t enlarge al tHrr(li..HKili,tMIK-hl OTKl) OU(rN 3 TinTfi OKfirJl'r. ikaalalely airalllaf HO&X TKKATMEI-nrteflta In aVr Ban tettlty from i io Mtalea and tarelfv Caantrle. Writ thtn Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Excelt an? remedy for the rapid cure of fiard Colds.Cou0hipHldeBound,YelLwaterVFe,e,. OlHsmper, Sore and Weak Eyei. Lung Fer Cos Irenes.. Blotch.., ,d alldimcilire..",: IS from Impurlllet ol the Blood, Will rttUete Neate.atonc. -Manufactured l?tk, JOPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS N FOB 8AIJS HV ALL DEALEItS.' . 3 21-ao.r.ly. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clranm an J beaullllct tha satr. I romiili'j a Invurlart frowth. Never VtA& to Itcttore Qrsv Italr to lta Youthful Color; CuH MBl..tUrflM'f ft hair falliiir. jme,Bn1 .1 Ulat Dmpgln HINOERCIOFINS. Th orfj tort cure 1Jr rni. biuf aUfMiu. at iumU, wr UlaCU.X a CU., U. V, 10 10-lUl. AXLE BEST IX THE WORID. It. WearlaaaUalttlnflBTnvinaiimaBajtil nn..n!1w outlaatlDir two boxes or anrother brand. Not yulj BAIn UY UBALEK8 OEWEliALLY. lur SAW MULLS Patent Variable Friction and IJdt Feed. STEAM ENGINES, II AY PRESSES, OUliNUUrS Mlljl.S, Ac. POHTADLE GRIST MILLS. Bend for lllua. TituRsiiiHa miciiines. m. Catalogue, A. D. VAUqUUAIt CO., VorH, l'a. law Detroit SUItK CHIP Hteel iitcUlc llloctc HALF TUB COST Of hoisting saved to hWrelcoepors, liutchers, Karuiere, Maoh. lniats. liuilJera, emitrociora and UHU Ul(8. AdaUtta to jq tbe ereatost lm. provementa HVKIt mode In tackle blocka. Freight prepaid. Write tot catalogue. Pultoa Iron & Engine Works. Eatab. jtiu, iu liruai. bu, Detroit. Alio 6-3-17. Onririhf I 5 3ii:hi'ii r9 firuuci I 11 1 tt,, the worlu. Uur McTiiuaiM Ioomc fRoir la t&ch lotajur. AMltrOva. (Jlf thO wbO Writ la us t Dc cn ntika tur ot tb cbanc. A 11 yoa tt u do im ftuntlita ibotr our rood t ml tho who ctll Toot nalfhlxxt ol ihooo uoual yoa. Tho finMnr tf lo odTartltonoBt ihatvi tho kmsUl oftd of tha Uisx ccp. Tbt feUowLof cat ft? tho tppowooco of ll rt4ed t abst rat tnliife rrt r lu bulk. It ti a rraas. 4obU aU tal. Mr.ularft.l. Mr la rarrr. WawllUlHibawroubew ro. aiaka from UH la 1 u a ear at iMal. (hw Ua tait.wlUu aal asaarUaca li.iiar writa at aaca. Wayar aU aapf aucaafsaa. Sa'rj " m wv wow, . v . V Htua DEAF 14ES8 KtAMlllrt CMCIt tUt Mm. Whlanar L IhVIhlHLK TU uus TU1I11I 111 (rUIo. iwMsMafal har all 1U.41m fall. Maid at r. H 181 II I. ttCATtl. COOW a - ,,.a-l-iw ..a a.. nvs aj. fmwiM 10.10 d.4t K IPP & PODMORE. AHOIHTECTS, " OaTXQiiouT UciuiiKQ, Wllktebarro, Pa, uraucn urace, nioomeburg, l'a,, wltU Jno. M. Ciamc, AU'y, &. Uouubtllur. 1 li.ly CM n YH v aims mm alalariiSM nULUl GREASE WMKTI3 C0!6 H -fv mm GET THE COLUMBIAN, $1.00 A YEAR. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.j RAILROAD TIME TABLE, JKL AWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. IILOOMSDUKO DIVISION. STATIONS. NOItTU. NORTIIOHBIRUND....,, Cameron. CuulasKr r. M. r. m, 5 10 1 CO 6GS ... A.H. i.W. 10 00 6 IB 10 15 6 80 10 19 .... 10 S 6 41 10 43 6(8 10 50 7 0S 10 61 711 11 OS 7 20 1112 7J7 11 16 731 11 SO 7M 1121 7 41 1131 7 49 1184 7 55 11 43 8 08 11 63 8 II 1206 8 24 12 10 82S 1215 8 83 12 20 8 34 12 27 8 45 12 81 8 49 12 3.1 9 6,1 12 40 8 58 12 4 9 03 1263 9 09 101 V17 109 9 23 1 19 ISO 120 9 83 r.u. r.11 DanTUlo , 6 0s a i Oatfinlssa 8 S3 ..... Uupcrt i (811 3 80 nioonuburg e s ui F?pr-V" 4j a ii Dine HldffO (to Willow (Irovn. am llrlarcreok 8 6s llorvrlclc. Iioacu Haven. ., Hick's Ferry.. , HhlctsUlniiy... Huniocx'a. NantlcoVo. AvondMo T S 9 t9 Til .... 719 7 30 8 20 743 .... 7 CO 3 39 IM .... lymoutu. riymouth Junction 801 7 S9 3 43 Kingston 8 08 53 Hennolt... 8 13 .... laltoy 8 17 ...... K0.m,11?'i ssi 4 oa West rutstcn 8 27 4 Oil Ilttston. 8S3 4 11 Lackawanna 840 . Tarlomila. 8 48 ...... uollevue. . sm .... SCBAXTON 9 DO 4 23 T.v.r.u STATIONS. BODT1I. A.M. A.M. SCBANTON 6 111 9 50 Bellorue 615 9 55 Taylorvlllo 6 20 10 00 Lackawanna 323 loot mtston 6 86 1016 est litteton. 642 1022 Wyoming.. 6 47 1027 Maltby. eel 10 80 liennett. 6 6 10 31 Kingston 6 53 1031 l'lyraoutu Junction. 7 03 10 42 riymoutn. tjo 1047 Aronilale 714 josi Nantlcoke 119 10 65 Hunlock-a T2o im snlckshlnny 737 1112 Hick's Ferry. 7 65 11 as lioach Haven 8 01 nsi Merwlck y 07 11 40 Urtar creek. ..." gS .. WIUOwOrOTB. 816 1160 Llmollltfso s so 11K4 JPy" 826 12 01 llloomaburg 8 32 12 06 Kupert 8 87 1212 Catawutaa 842 1217 Ssai&:::::::::::-:::::: 8.? Cameron 9 07 13 41 MORTnUalBKHLAND ,. 9 22 12 65 A. h. r. M. r. u. r. at 1 C3 6 20 .... 6 25 2 02 6 80 2 10 6 81 218 6 49 2 24 6 53 229 655 .... 6 69 2 87 7 03 2 40 707 2 45 712 2 60 I 16 2 65 7 21 169 7 23 3 06 7 43 3 20 7 65 3 31 8 07 8 40 8 13 3 47 8 20 8 53 US7 3 67 8 31 4 02 8 33 4 09 8 41 4 15 847 4 22 8 62 4 2.1 8 57 4 46 9 19 4 54 5 00 9 S3 515 9 45 r. v. r. u. urSSSPf.10,?3 tt.liaS.en w1"1 rwiadelpWa A Iteadln? Kallroad ror Tamanena. Tamaqua, will. rSitiS.Sii1' i mY' v- ll- 'orllamsbiirtf, Lock Haven, Emrorlum, Warren, Corry, ana Erie. W. F. HALSTKAD, Oen. Manu Bcranton, ra. Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, ana Northern Uentral Railway. -M TIME TABLE. lneneot .mayii. 1890. Trains leave sonbury KA8TW Alt , "f-i " ouuro sprees (aauy ezcep . o",iiKwiuuiM3rraeaiaiestationa " n!.17fl'"11!:?il5f- m-l New York -.wk.u... uwuiuuiD, o.iu d. m wajinin jr.nn ahJ' ,PDnJuieatrnilajleipMa tor all Sea .1.11. n,,. r..J;'5.?.-;?-rRar.KPres3 v ..v uiuriauurK ana interme diate stations, arnvlne at p h ii ,1 i i V? h - 6.50 p.m. i New York, 9.35 n. m.: Balumorn R.ai ti m a Waiortl n n j 1 - ' ...Z tnreuKU toVwiad5lpnia"an3 Uat liS." coacne' u.w u. iu. i.euuru jiccommoaaiion (aailT Spm 'nterme(llate siatlons amv riUJadolpWa 4.S3 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m. llairtmnrf.. m a. m . w..t.-i ; Pi1A?J?i.I,6W, Yot- intlaaelpwa pWngen Tcan" iii?;rle..Mauaillr)or narrlsburg and 1 5. 1. "i in'ii i i-niiaae ipn a S;Si?;m-N9W 'ri"1r..9oa. m-rTbrousti l-ullman sleoolni? eari And nMunm. M..h....n..i..r - r vmm.uVD ,u milium (1 ' "t a m J . . . U . n . . . . . . . . more 7.20, a. m. mi if uungcon 8.43, a. m. and HF" "? Sloi-plne oara to Ualtlmore ana nojmuBuou, ana lurougp passengr ooaobea to HAltlmnrA. WESTWARD.' a inn .1. TTwIa V.nll ...... . . ... u.. juan luttrifi, ror jne am & Hi" nnd 'Fua 'ntormodlate stations, Roches ter, Baaaro A.id Niagara Jttlls, with through Pull 5??-p!Lu Jooara antl paasengercoaches to Erie and ?' ..wo j..idbd utuif i ror lock uavon and lntflrmMtntA etntlnn. ' II Vjmo 17mm. -I ' . . i iti ror ,Hs,lT ,itxpreB8 att'lr except Sun. umiiloh nSSi., i, anuxjiagara Falls with and ArrarwIZ iaSTEST uua "veiei "h.. Une iiilT except Sundayjror Ite novo, Watklna ana Intermedlaia stations, with through passenger coaches to Honovo and Watklna. 9.15 D. m. Wit ttimannpf. v.nMa. 1.11. i WLUlauisport and Intermediate suilona. Tuuonan trains for sunbiiry vitouTnn rUburg, 3.10 a. m. dally arriving at Sunbury 9.53 u. in. Phlladelpnta, 8.50 a. m. : Waahlnirton mna.ni iiTf. tlmore 9.00 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at i7,7,V,J,! t . "ivij luruu-u l arior car rrom rh imI!Pi ttQa,lnrouKl pasneugercoaches rrom rasi Line leaves New ror 9.00. a.m. : Phlladei lhlA.1t 10. Wa.lil..i.. in .n L- V r coai:hesrroniPhlfa4)lphlaand Ualifmore WllllaTisporr. Etpreiij leaves New York 8.00 Ualtlmore 4.J p. in. (dally ) arriving at Sunbury phlo,n.S3p. m. Krie Mall leaves Now York g.oop. m. : Phlladel i ...v.. .. 1 nraau.uvuu, IU.UU p. m. ! Haiti. more. 11.20 p m., (dally) arriving at 'sunbury 5.10 1,10.00 p.m.; Haiti I'hno.tJlnhlr. Waantiitfton and lTaUlmoro and from more. " " nwNi!ii ittir.wAY. Arr1vlDl?ftfc fttrViTn VArrv m m o m n'itA --------o - - w, W.UA,, rnukvo-utusx lExprcss msi leavea fJunburr 5.ss d. m.. arrlvinp atmoommrytiiflp. rn,t WllVee-barro 7.Wp. m. tneatufoom I?errr I2.srp. m.,Hunbury i.sb D.m Vlnrv at Uli-aAin Q an . SUNDAY TKAINSU JlylhS at Bloom Ferry 10:48 a. m., wilkes-uarre w 1 1 Kimnn rrrt moil n,iroofiHnhHnin.An. fj?" "t1lnt ' n,0O,a I'fl'ry. .3v p.ai.. sapt :30 1. tn it. lMinn Oen. Manager. J. It. WOOD, (len. I'adsenger Agt, PIIIIiADKLPHIA & HKADING KA1LKOAD. ON AND AbTKll Sept. 5 im TUAINS LEAVE ULOOMHBnna as follows: (SDSOAYJ ICXCirTKD.) ffrtfKawVftrlr Phlliialr..lA n.. ... TamagutL X 5. ' ' ' olts"" lVfll- U'llitnmannrr Ulltnn ..n.i T .-..111. ., . S:i.il:bu p.i """"'V' 6.srOatawl-ja600, T:S0, 11.-05 a. m., lj.-o, 6:00 tniafpm.'' 7:301 lllM a-m'' ,fcS0, 3:1l1 tM- TRAINS FOU ULOOVISDU1IU . w uuuuvipuiit IU.W tt. lUm 0."UU p. IU. rii.VAll(ir11nr.11.Ri.n rw. n. liinvn pAtfoirlTla io.qii n n. Leave Taraaqua tt a. w, 0:18 p. m. Lwavo Catawiasn 7:W 8:00 a, in., i:3a 3:20, 6;js ji'ow vi.iiAAiuA.jviiyiTiiou. uu :ia 11:01p.m. sM, lirw pTfi : -m- ,:x Ij'flvn Hnnpi-t. A'lR 1-rvt a-rtu ti.i. - . ra Aiaiumore wasnington ana the West via D. l:S4, 41, 6:48, 7:23 p. m. bunaaya S, i nt a. m., 4:21, 5:48, T:81 p. in. ' ' ',u' u"" ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. n,1!e FJiJimelpbla. Pier 7, Chestnut Street vVbalr, ana south street Wharit rOH ATLANTIC OUT. Week dayB-Kxprtss, .oo, a, m. oo, 4:00, Accommodation, 8.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m Ktmflnra Vinnw. u n. r dation 6.00 a. m. and iM p, m. Accommo- KKOBNIKO, UAV ATLAKTI0 CITT. TVnnr. nn.na. 111., n. . w.5Tk ru " ViZiXZ "'.".S"" Avenues : . and 430 p. m :oo a. m. daJfra.. V m- Accommc, A. A. .McLKOD, O. O. HANCOCK, l"ret. Oen'U Manager, mil. rati. Ateiu. ATENTS. veata and Trade Marks obtalned.and all Paten t "" wmiuuvvn turnuua rts ritBS. fSi. T..-. " u""uu suu-sBencies, all buslnosa lrcot, nence oan transact patent buslneaa In ib wSgSA"8 cV3TtUan tilfioS iaS? S046.1; drawlnir, or photo, with descrtpuon. We advlao if patfntable or not, free or cbri. Ourreo not due tui patent HbeouVfd. curKe. iisHhvMbiMsflHi LOOKH FOR THE LAST 40 IT IS A SATISFACTION Clothing 1 Establishment D, LQWENBERC, Still leads in the Latest Styles, Still leads in the Largest Stock, Still leads in the Latest Novelties WHILE THE psiritnnKeEiL B a Is always full of the Latest and Largest Stock of Impojrted and Domestic Goods made up by Experienced Workmen. PERFECT SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. SO FIFTY DOLLARS FOR LIFE SCHOLARSHIP Um PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE jly ll-13w WHOLESALE DEALERS IN (D'Vj-, QoU, (Canary, Fvoftj arA Hotr;. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. GOODS SPECIAXT3T. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agtnts of the foUovrlnr;' brairds otOgtnt Hoary Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princosa, Samson, Sihror M. Any order for Fcitirjls will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, as Mtooa , Ortwiej, Laemonj, ream S 1 CnrJlijH Waist BL00MSBURG, PA. G. 6. TiOBBIflS, ' Foreign and Domestic mm li M ILOiifiSiai TOBBBE XOT CIG-ASS. BLOOMSBURG Pfi. In niirclinqinir hnn.-n linl.l ! ii... ... ir ,iii i . i '" - - - oftieS . , , "j- S a l0rpi'r lhai) ca be K.U1n, 1 r.,.,,.r.a F 1 1,. ,.,.ln bv t lie New Home Sowinir ninnliinn (fter (Iron loaf, all nttfierinipntii. $1!).50 to $00. Royal St. John, $30 upwards, Ox 1 1 u a oianaaru notary, 540 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Havo renetvf.rl iha nnnnnl. rnm 'tu i? .. "BUI am mo IJistin Comet, tho bet cornet in tho a-a. (jiiuu usrurimillt, OI VlOUtlfl, trtlltarfl, 1) accordoons. drunu. flntra. nfpUn,l nil of lnnaioal instriinientc. Tha bent of tur viuiiur, iriiuarH, u-iniox, violinoello, bass violina. Ami fnr limiaHnt'. -. - - .... vviiui,. iiaiHiiuuuu& uiiu lainion Biioetfl. RniLMrlra ni.iiliinia u ill .......1 ll HRntlllt fnr ongli Do not send el-ewhero, but call and WllO 18 alWAVB With VOU. nml nm raiva. any in.tru.m nt yr,u purehase? J J. SALTZER, Musical Inst BACKWAMLD TO KNOW THAT THE OF lt5, Vf . ... . . ... - - f. n is wise aiwayH to select tbat whioh 1,10 enJ- -,A g00d articl, iH always a now ine lunniuaoiiirers, aud can sell nntt lnI elnewhere. Here 'are some of the EHey Tiann, S350 to $00. Sleek. $375 to 000. It. M. Bent & Co., $250 to $400. Brown & Simpson, $250 to $100. FtNtry Organs, $00 to S175. Miller organs, $75 to $150. I United Stiles organo, $125 (o $175. Chicago Cottnj.1, organ, $00 to $140 ir uitufUT organs, o to 5lftU, Paris orpann, $00 to $100. Ct lelirated White Sowintj Mauliines S to $05 New Domrg(ic Sewinu Machines, $33 to $75. 1 ( !n . .1 frnm uuuony world. ,nj'V, strlnss and JavhClliD, 1 a A lie see tho stock of your home dealer t-r... !. J . "l? WIMir, 1 ru,"MOU r "W". "Pon moots and Sewing tfaclies WAREROOMS. C. A. SNOW & CO., BLOOiflrSltURO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers