The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 10, 1890, Image 3

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s coo:
r iiw if 11
5 9
A cream of tartar baking powder. High.
est or nil la leavening strength, !. S,
Uovernment Report, Aug. 17, 1839.
The Columbian
nrrablished every Friday, subscription price.
11.00 a year.
Kntcred at the Post Olllco at lttoomsbure, Pa.,
as second class matter, March l, 1SS3.
FRIDAY.lOOTOnER 10, 189o7
coaaici niuaoin tixi listm.
Trains on the 1'. k It. 11. It. leave Import s
7:8J a. m. 11:03 a. m.
Ml p.m. 623 p.m.
TratnsontUe D, L. W. . lt.leave Bloomsbure
us iuuuwuj
7 86 a.m. 8:33 a.m.
1(M9 a. m. 13:18 p. m.
2:33 p. m. 4:15 p. m.
:3S p. m. 6:21 p. m.
Tralnsontho N.4W. U. Kallwaypass llloom
Perry as follows!
Hoain. socrn.
10:48 a. m. 19:37 p. m.
.! p. m. 4'30 p. tn,
nobiti. sotrrn.
10:48 a m 6:39 p m
Taking effect MONDAY, SEPTEMBKll 2, 189.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS. r. . A. M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. .
BlOOmsbUnr S8 U 48 7 OS 9 35 5 35 6 40
Main street o 18 11 41 8 s ! n 47
Irondale . 6 16 11 39 8 66 8 45 2 45 6 50
la per Mill 6 03 11 31 8 48 8 6.1 2 M 7 00
LlghtStrcet. 6 05 11 28 6 43 8 SO 2 56 7 03
OransOTlllO. ...... 6 57 11 20 6 35 06 3 07 7 10
Porks. 6 45 11 10 6 25 9 15 3 17 7 21)
EaneTS 5 42 11 OA 6 21 9 20 3 20 7 23
Stillwater...-.,... 5 37 11 02 6 17 9 25 3 25 7 2?
Benton, 5 28 10 65 6 10 9 3.1 3 3.1 7 35
Bisons, 6 23 10 50 6 07 9 36 3 37 7 38
coles Creek, 6 SO 10 43 6 05 9 33 3 40 7 40
Sugarloaf, 6 15 10 42 6 02 9 42 3 43 7 44
Laubachs, t 8 12 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 44 7 47
Central, 6 03 10 83 5 53 9 57 8 68 7 67
Jamison City.... 5 00 10 30 5 60 10 00 4 00 8 00
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. II. A. II. a. it. a. u. T. m. r. u.
Our Offers,
The Columbian has made arrangements
with a publishing house by which it is en
abled to malio soma astonishing oltcrs.
Read the following:
All who pay up to dato and one year in
advance, and new subscribers, will re
ceive tho American Farmer one year free.
The Farmer is worth one dollar a year.
Wo will send tho Columman and tho
New York Weekly World to any address in
the county, for $1.00 a year.
Tho Colombian, tho World, and the
Farmer for $2.00, worth $3.00.
To any subscribers paying all arrears
nnd to new subscribers, the Columbian
and a complete set of Dickens' Works In
12 Yols. for $1.00.
Tho Columbian, and the Mammoth Cyclo
paedia, 4 vols, for $1.00.
The Coi.TjMWAN,Uickcn3' Works, and tho
Mammoth Cyclopaedia, for $2-10. This is
tho best offer ever made by any paper in
this Bectlon, as the books cannot bo
bought at retail for less than five dollars.
Tho Columbian and Tho Cosmopolitan ono
year, $2.50. The cosmopolitan is ono oi uio
leading magazines, and tho subscription of
that alone is $3 40.
Any person snndinu in three new sub
cribcrs at $1.00 each, will receive tho
Columbian ono year free.
Any old subscriber who will pay up to
dato and send us the namo of one new
cash subscriber will bo presented with; 25
novels in neat pamphlet form,
to be sc.
lected from a list at tins omcc.
price of the novels is 75 cents.
head this.
Tho Columbian 1 year,
Dickens' Works worth
Mammoth Cyclopaedia worth
American Farmer, worth
25 novels
Tho cash
Total $7.75
Wo will Bend all of tho abovo for $2.50.
Samples can bo Been at this office. No
deviation will bo mado from any of these
Address Tho Columbian, Bloomsburg
Pa. tf.
A I'reHO-t to Our BulJMcrlberH.
It is with pleasure that we announce lo
our many patrons that wo havo mado ar
rangements with that wide-awake, illustra
ted farm magazine, tho American Fahmeu,
published at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read
by nearly 200,000 farmers by which that
great publication will be mailed FREE, to
tho address of any of our subscribers
IN ADVANCE. This Is a grand opportun-
4ty to obtain a flrst-clasa farm Journal free,
The Amkbioan Fabmkb Is a largo 10-pago
dnnrnnl. of national circulation, which
ranks among tho leading agricultural pap
ers. It treats tho question of economy in
agriculture and tho rights and privileges
of that vast body of citizons American
Farmers whose Industry is tho basis of
all material and national prosperity. Its
highest purpose is the elevation and cnob.
bllng of Agriculture through tho higher
and broader education of men and women
MitratTfil In Its nursuits. Tho regular sub.
acrlotion prlco of the Ameuican Farmeh is
rr:"J.' y " nnui-u voir -Nrvrir
4b i.uu per year. 11 iuw
1NG. From any ono number Ideas can bo
.nhiatniMl timt will bo worth thrice tho sub-
ecriptlon prlco to you or members of your
tinunchnlil. YET YOU OUT IT FltEE. uail BUU
eee sample copy.
Cot. 11. U. J. Forco will sell town lotB
In Benton at public sale at 10 a. in.
rwvr fi it. J. Forco will Bell a lot of
ground in Balem township, Luzerne coun
ty, at public sale, at 10 a. n).
r..., n Hnrli .1. RUltr. admlnis
trator of Michael Bitler, will Bell valuablo
personal property on mo premiaiD
rtnnnn tnwnnhln. commencing at
o'clock. Horses, cows and general farm
leg Implements.
For Balk Dwelling houses In Elooms.
nrn,vlll(. Ksnv and Runsrt Pa
Firms In Pennsylvania. Kansas and Vir-
irlnla. Vacant Iota in Bloomsburg. Sto
inrtr firlat mills and other property
ty 1L P. Lute, Insurance and Real Estato
Agent, iiioomsuurg, i a.
IfmtHii Houso and lot in Rupert,
lot 120x140 ft. Two story, house, with
nine rooms. Hay windows, out
kitchen, loo and coal house, good stab!
rtilrkin uil nli urn. Cholco fruit, eve
BTpan trees, irood water. Two railroads
Twelve trains a diy each way, to Blooms
bure. faro 80 round trip. Low taxes.
rcat bargain, if taken soon.
l Cute, Insurauco & Heal Est. Agt.
Mrs. J. H. Llnglo and children aro visit
iiR at J. J, Browcr'g.
O. B. llobhins was In Philadelphia hot
era! days this wcok.
J. Q. Wells spent Sunday la I'hlladel
phia. Miss Maud Hunysn wont to I'hlladel.
phia on Monday and spent several days.
Judgo Elwcll celebrated his 82nd birth,
day on Wednesday.
Mr. Ed. Fancher of Lock Haven was in
town on Monday. Ho Is exhibiting tho
Uattlo of Gettysburg at fairs this fall, and
was at tho Denton Pair, Ho has secured
privileges at tho Dloom Kalr for next week.
The exhibition is in a largo tent, and tho
picturo is an excellent copy nf tho cele
brated cyclorama. Mr. Fancher Is the
owner of a fine collection of relics of all
Tho Berwick Cornet Band will attond
luctalr next week Saturday.
Tho Washlngtonvllle fair
this week.
Is being held
Tho regular meeting of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union will be held
next Tuesday, Oct 14, at three o'clock.
Baked beans and pork wilt bo served
every day next week at tho tcmperanco
lunch room, Corner Market and Main Bts.
Two special trains will bo run on tho B.
& 8. next week, Oct. .10, 17 and 18. Ono
leaves Jamison City at 8 00 a. m. Tho
other leaving Bloomsburg at 4.80 p. m.
Sam Btllls has leased tho barber shon
under Lockard's building on Centre street.
lie is a good workman and solicits a fair
sharu of patronage. 2t.
fcople interested in flsh culture will
havo an opportunity of seeing German carp
exhibited by II. W. AriDleman at thn
Bloomsburg Fair.
Wanted. A good reliable and efficient
girl for general housework. Bmall family.
Itcfcrcnco required. Wages $3.00. An-
flwer Columbian office. 10 10 2t.
All the ladles taking part In the Business
Men's Jubilee will pleaso meet at tho
Opera Houso Saturday afternoon at one
Lemuel Drake took possession of tho
Exchango Hotel at Benton last week Mon
day. During the fairhis houso was crowd
ed. Meals were served in excellent style.
Mr. and Mrs. Werkhciscr lost a son
about two months' of age, Tuesday even
ing. Death was caused by Inllmamatlon of
tho bowels.
Foi: Sale. A team of horses four and
flvo years of age, both good drivers, also
one colt fifteen months old. Wm. Aohkn
uack, Orangevlllc. 10-10-31.
You simply mako a mlstako If you do
not look over our premium offers and pro
vide yourself with good reading for tho
winter at the lowcst'rates ever offered.
There was a largo attendance at tho de
mocratic club room last Saturday evening.
Addresses were made by Grant Herring
and E. M, Tewkshury.
Tho Englc Clock will be on exhibition at
the vacant store in tho Sterner block, one
week only, commencing Friday Oct. 10th.
Doors open from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Don't
miss it.
Miss Lillio Doak has opened dress mak
ing rooms in Furman's building, second
floor. Sho has been with Madamo Gart
land in Philadelphia the past season and
will cut all garments by her system. 10-3-31
The application for space In tho main
building of the Bloomsburg Fair by exhi
bitors has been to great that tho officers
have engaged some large canvass tents to
protect such articles as can not bo placed
In the building.
New goods just opened at E. Barklcy's,
consisting of pattern hats and bonnets,
feathers, felt hats, children's caps, notions,
&c. Prices very reasonable. Call and see.
Main below Market St. 10 10 2t.
The Business Mens' Jubilee" is the
product of a woman's brain, and It is origi
nal and funny from beginning to end.
Mrs. Patterson of Bellefontalne, O. is its
author and copyright.
Not to havo seen the Englc Clock Is to be
wanting not only In proper .curiosity, but
in that interest in tho advancement of
science and art that should characterize
every American citizen. Phita. Evening
When you need a good, safe laxative,
ask your druggist for a box of Ayer's Pills,
and you will find that they give, perfect
atlsfnction. For indigestion, torpid liver,
and sick headache there is nothing super.
lor. Leading physicians recommend thrm.
There will bo haryest homo services in
tho Reformed church next Sunday, Oct. 12,
both morning and evening. Tho church
will bo beautifully decorated In fruits,
grains, &c. All aro Invited to theso ser
Tho McUcnry Houso at Uenton was
tested to its fullest capacity last week, hut
the genial landlord, J. It Mcllcury, was
equal to tho occasion, and provided for
all his guests in handsome style. Many
pet sons wero accommodated at private
On lhc first day of October tho senior
editor catered upon tho sixteenth year of
his connection with tho Columbian, and
tho junior editor npon his eleventh year,
During this time all tho machinery la the
office has been replaced with new, and tho
Ousiness of the firm has more than doubled.
Hon. James T. Fox has our thanks for a
Legislative Handbook for 1890, Report of
the Pennsylvania Btate College for 18S8
Report of Btate Commissioners of Fisher
ies, Gamo and Fish Laws, Report of the
Superintendent of Public Instruction, and
the Auditor General's Report.
Ex.Govcrnor Pattlson will bo In Blooms
hure Friday of next week, OcL 17th. lie
will arrive at about two o'clock on a spec.
ial train, and will bo escorted from the de
pot to tho fair grounds, where tho tlmo of
tho afternoon will bo devoted to nana sua.
inc. Other prominent democrats will ac-
company him.
Our town has been Id partial darkness
for the past week. As tho town council
and officers of tho Gas Co, could not come
m terms tho cas was shut off October 1st.
The Town Council Is taking steps to fur
nlsh light In some other manner, and ex.
pect to have the streets lighted In a short
The old benches in tho Lutheran Bunday
School, which have so long served as seats,
yens removed Monday morning and chairs
will bo substituted. Thcro ;will also bo
numerous other changes made during tho
week, and It Is expected that by next Bun
day morning tho scholars will find a much
moro convenient uunday-ccnooi room
Miss E. Barkiey spent ft few days la
Philadelphia last week selecting new goods
In tho latest styles oi ran anu winicr mini.
On Saturday afternoon at tho Benton
Fair, Dr. Leon entertained tho crowd for a
llttlo whllo by running his flno team of
Iron grays down tho homo stretch. In tho
wagon wcro all tho officers of tho associa
tion and wo doubt if they ever rodo as
fast behind horses Intentionally. Llttlo
Daisy Leon and her pony also attracted
much attention.
Tho following letters aro held at Blooms.
burg, I'a. post oOlco and will bo sent to tho
dead letter offlco Oct, 21,. 1800.
Miss Emma Yoolc,
Persons calling for theso letters plcaso
say, they wcro advertised Oct. 7, 1890.
Ono cent will bo charged on each letter
A. B. Catiioabt, P. M,
Prof. Welsh has arranged a lecturo
course at Iho Normal School. He has sc.
cured Oiof Krarcr for Oct 27, Hon. It. O.
Uorr for November 22, Park Bisters Con
cert Company for January 10, Hon. Will-
lam Blaiklo for February 20, and Peter
von Finklcstiln Mamrcov for March IB.
This course will bo Drst class in every par
ticular and should bo well patronized.
Tickets for salo at Denllcr's.
Mr. Howard Point, of tho school-ship
8araloga, reached home Tucsdiy. He
wears an anchor-hadgo fur good behavior,
an honor which was conferred on only fif
teen of tho crew. On December 1st tho
Saratoga will sail for tho West Indlas to
spend tho Winter, and in tho Spring will
tako a year's cruise. Thu sailors havo all
been discharged and hereafter tho boys
will havo full chargo of tho vissel. ShUk-
thinny Echo.
Mrs. Charles Kunkcl died at her homo
on Fifth street Saturday morning at two
o'clock, aged 40 years. Sho was a victim
of consumption, and has suffered many
years with the dread disease. Her maiden
namo was Trump. A husband and two
daughters isurvlve her. Funeral services
wcro held at tho houo Monday afternoon,
conducted by Rev. P. A. Uellman, pastor
tho Lutheran church, of which church
tho deceased has been a faithful member
for many years. Interment In Roscmont
"The Broom-maker of Carlsbad" nrc-
sentcd at tho Eleventh Avenue opera houso
on Saturday evening, was greeted by a
mcuium sizcu audience. Mr. James Heilly
Johann taking tho leadlnc rolu in a verv
satisfactory manner, and being ably sec-
oaueu oy anas May Templelon, who as
sumed tbn character of Orctchcn. The
lullaby and broom songs sun? by Mr.
itellly wcro enthuslusllcullv received. In
tho latter song two small children sang the
chorus, and tho way they did it brought
down outbursts of applaiiso from all pres
ent. Altoona, Pa., Tiibune
This play will ho given at tho Opera
Houso, Thursday and Friday of next week,
Oct. 10th and 17th.
D. W. Miller of Audubon, I iwa who
came cast last April to visit relatives and
friends in this, bis native state and county,
has madcta thorough tour through the
county. Ho visited the burial ground in
Briarcreck township, where rest the re
mains of bis parents and friends. His at
tention was called to tho bad condition
of tho graves which ho immediately re
paired. Ho found the headstone of his
grand-father Jacob Miller whs broken In
two pieces. Mr. T. L. Qunton was Inter
viewed and a hcadstono erected, tho ex
pense of which was borno by Mr. Miller
d his cousins, John, Joseph and Thomas
Miller. Mr. D. W. Miller will return to
Iowa about November 1st.
Michael McManamcn and John McUugb,
wero brought to Bloomsburg from Ccn
tralla on Tuesday night on tho warrant of
Mary E. Kerrigan, charged with tho mur
der of John Kerrigan. On the night of
pt. 29th the three men got into an alter
cation at tho corner of Locust Avenue and
Park streets in Centralia, when sharp
words brought on blows. Kerrlgen threw
stono at McManamcn, Inflicting a scvero
wound. He in return threw a stono and
knocked Kerrigan down; it is stated that
the two men then jumped upon and kicked
Kerrigan. They wcro immediately arrest
ed for assault and battery aud placed
under $1000 ball. On Monday night Ker
rigan died, and on Tuesday his wife had a
warrant issued for tho two on tho charge
of murder.
Tho Public School teachers of Blooms
burg, at tho rcqucut of their Principal,
met In tho Director's room of tho High
School Building, Bept 10, to regularly or
ganize a Teachers' Meeting, the object ol
which is to discuss educational topics, ex-
change views on methods of teaching and
to dcvclopo any other subjects which may
bo of mutual benefit to teacher and puoil.
Tbo second session convened Friday Oct
All the teachers wcro present and spout
pleasant and profitable hour talking on
tho subject of ' 'Spelling." Tho discussion
was opened by the Primary teachers, who
treated it in relation to their own work
It was then further developed by the
teachers of the Intermediate, Grammar
and High Bchool grades. E?ch teacher
dealt with the subject In reference to his
or her own class-work. After choosing
topic tor tho next meeting a motion was
made to adjourn.
Hannah Breech,
Resolution on tho death of Comrado Bam,
ucl Anderson, member of Col, Eat Post
60 G. A. R, Bloomsburg, Pa.
WflEiKAS: Death's relentless hand has
again entered our Post Room nnd removed
from us our worthy convado in whom.wo
recognized tbo trus soldier that In our
country's darkest hour he gave to Its
defence tho best days of his life. There
fore be it
Jtewwfs That tho widow and family of
our late comrade havo our truo sympathy
in this their hour of sad bereavement, and
bo it further
ReiolvaU That our Post Room bo proper.
lv draped out of respect to tho memory of
our departed comrado for a period of thirty
days; that a copy of these resolutions be
sent to tbo family of the deceased and be
spread upon tbo minutes of the Post.
R. Stiles.
F. M. Dawson. V Com
W. R. RiNgiiosx,
A very slick swindler has been "doing1
somo of tho country people tn other sec
tions, and it will bo well to keep an eye out
for fellows of his class. Ho calls at tli
farm houso and salutes tho lady about in
this way; "Good morning, madam.
have lust met your husband and purchas.
ed a calf from him. He could not chango
this $20 bill and told mo to call at tbo
house and get 10 change." Tho good
woman, supposing it to be all right gives
him tbo requisite chango and be departs,
Baying that he will call for the calf In
day or two. When the husband comes In
and ho Is told of (be transaction, bo thinks
there must bo some mistake) but at ho has
the $20 bill be concludes (hat ho Is not out
much. But when ho undertakes to pass
the bill ho discovers It to be a rank count.
erfelt, and then ho appreciates the swlndl
er's Tittle game.'
" - 1 1
Geu. II. I'. Ilutlcr,
Btlll lives, so do hundreds of others who
have been cured of Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia by tho great blood purifier, Sulphur
Bitters. Bend for testimonials. 10-S-2t.
Tho. "Bailnesa Mcna' Jubilee" promises
to bo tho most successful entertainment
over given in Bloomsburg. Everybody Is
making arrangements to go.
He satdi "My lovo I am sorry to disap
point you about th picnic, but my trotter
has a lamo foot." That's nothing! Wo'vo
got plenty of Salvation Oil.
Tho Detroit Frco Press Fiend has been
punning on Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup. His
Is onty gratitude, for all thinking men
know Its merits. Etch.
Wo havo again made arrangements with
that excellent paper, tho Amkbioan Farmib
by which wo aro enabled to present It to
ovcry subscriber who compiles with tho
conditions. Those In arroar who pay up
to date, and one year in advance, and all
now subscribers who pay a year In ad
vance, will bo presented wlth)tboAuamoAN
Farmer for ono year. Try It, and get two
dollars' worth tor one dollar. tt.
Last evening Mr. James Reilly appeared
in tbo "Broom.makcr of Carlsbad" at tho
Opera bouse, supported by Miss May
Templeton. The comedy has many popu
lar features, thn company is a good one,
tbo scenery tffectivo, and Mr. Keilly's
song In which he Introduces Llttlo Hans
and Edna as exceedingly good. Ho
dressed tho character In commendable
taste, and as a German dialect comedian.
Judging from his name, Is a genuine sur
prise, a no iiroom-maKcr" win oo pro
duced to-night and to morrow evening.
Heading 1'tlegram, Oct. 8, 1890.
Don't fall to sco this at tho Opera Houso
next week. Thursday and Friday even
ings. The Harvest Homo communions In the
pastorate of Rev. A. R. Glazo of Espy
wero held as follow: At Espy, Bunday
morning, Bcpt. 22, and at Banby In tho
afternoon of tho same day; at Buckhorn,
Sunday morning, Oct. 6, and at Now Col-
umbla on the afternoon of that day. The
picparatory scrvlcri were, held on Batur-
day afternoons and evenings previous. All
the services were well attended. The
communions wcro the largest slnco tho
present pastor is serving this people,
which Indicates growth and prosperity in
all tho congregations. Pastoral letters
wero again sent to all the members, and
tho offerings wcro as follows: At Buck
horn $16.27, at Espy $15.00, at New Col
umbia $9.10, at Canby $3.14, an Increase
In all tho congregations upon former offer
Prof. S. W. Keller of Milton, teacher of
vocal and Instrumental music, is now in
structing in the aboye pastorate, and is
doing effectual woik. We trust that this
raro opportunity will be embraced by all
who desire to be improved in tho ait of
Council Proceeding H.
Special Council meeting was held Tues
day evening, all tho members present.
Upon motion it was agreed that the
Town should bo lit with coal oil lamps for
tho present, and that, twenty. flvo dollars
per.month should bo paid for filling, light
ing and cleaning lamps.
It was resolved that notice bo served on
U. Funk, agent for Pctrlkin and Blll-
mcyer directing that the pavement fronting
their property Corner Bast and Second
strcct'must be repaired and put In a proper
condition by the 13th or tho Commis
sioner of Highways Is authorized to make
tho necessary repairs, and the post of tho
samo with twenty per centum added there.
shall bo charged against and collected of
Upon notice tho Sewer on Etst Btrcct is
directed to be extended twenty five feet.
The following resolution was unanimous.
adODted. Wiieueas. Tho Bloomsburg
Water Co. having notified tho several flro
companies of the town not to attach to the
urc Hydrants In caso or are, unless so au
thorized by the Town Council, therefore,
Eesolced: That tho flre-denartment of tho
Town of Bloomsburg is hereby authorized
and instructed to make the said attaohmcnt
prohibited by tho Water Company and we,
mo t own uouncil, win noui ourselves re
sponsible for any and all damages incur
red. It was directed that Second Street be
scraped from Market Street to West Btrcct.
Miss Henrietta Montgomery Jackson and
Dr. James Harper North, Jr., an assistant
surgeon of tho United Btates Navy, now
stationed at tho Brooklyn Navy Yard, were
married at noon on Thursday Oct. 2, at tho
rcsldcnco of Mrs. Elizabeth S. JackBon, the
bride's mother, in Berwick. To tho music
of tho Lohengrin Wedding March, played
by an orchestra from Wilkes-Barrc, who
were stationed in tho music room behind a
screen of Emilax and ox-eyed daisies, the
bridal party entered the reception room.
Tho groom, attired In full dress uniform,
with cocked bat and sword, was accompa
nied by his best man, William Russcl Bo
gart, of Bristol, R. 1. Miss Jane Bowman
Jackso i, a Bister of tho bride, attended her
as her maid of honor. Sho woro apple.
green faille made up with crepe do chine
and silver trimmings, and carried la hand'
somo bouquet of orchids and lilies of the
valley. The bildo entered leaning upon
tho arm of bcr uncle, J, B, Seybert, ff
Philadelphia, who gave her away.
Tho officiating clergyman was tho Rov,
Dr. Marvin R. Vincent, of the Union Thee
logical Seminary, of Now York City.
The bride, the elder daughter of tho lato
Colonel C. G. Jackson, woro a white satin
gown trimmed with point laco and orange
blossoms. The veil was tulle, Her orna.
namcnts were pearls and diamonds. In her
hand sho carried a bouquet of jessamine
and lilies of tho valley.
The attendance of guests was limited to
tho relatives of tho bride and grccm, and
a few special friends. Among tbo guests
from a distance were: Dr. J. II. North, Sr,
ol New York, father of tho groom, also bis
sister, Miss Antoinette Richards North;
Rev. Dr. O. O, McCabc, Hugh Watts and
Miss Watts, Mrs. Vincent and Miss Vln
cent, and Charles Wetmoro, all of Now
York city; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beybcrt and
Miss Bcybert, of Philadelphia; Mr. and
Mrs. O. R. Woodln. Mr. and Mrs. W. II
Woodln, and Mrs. Dlckcrman,of Uazclton
Mrs. Gilroy, of Willlamsport; Mr. and Mrs,
W. F. Rceder, of Bdlcfonte; and Mr, and
Mrs. Graham, of Kingston,
At 3.30 the bridal party were driven
tbo railroad station, when they left on on
extended wedding tour.
For points in Northern Iowa, Minnesota,
South and North Dakota, (including tho
loux Indiaa Reservation iu South Dakota)
Colorado, Kansas and Nobraska, on Sep.
tcmbcr 9 and 23, and October 14, 1690
Half rato excursion tickets good for thirty
days from date of salo.
For further Information, circulars show
rates of fare, maps, eta, address, Gcorg
II, Hcafford, first Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ills., or Job
R. Pott, Travelling Passenger Agen
Willlamsport, Pa. 8-l.llt.
i'rof. (Jammer, ot fans, states that cer
tain vital processes ot tbo body develop
putrefying substances In the tissues, whlc!
If not speedily eliminated, produce disease
Ayer's Sarsaparilla effects tho removal of
these substances, and thereby preserves
'!Ntom fair,
This year has been tho most nrofiUibla
as well as tho best fair in tho history of the
association. Tbo first day of tho fair, Wed
nesday October 1st, was lirUut and clear,
and this possibly was a stimulus to tba
pcoplo that led them to bring an abund.
anco of entries. In tho building set apart
for canned goods, necdlo work and fancy
articles, every avallablo spaco was taken.
In tho line of canned goods, especial attcn.
lion was called to tbo Ono peaches. There
was also an abundance of plums and
quinces, together with jellies and butters.
Throughout tho building, nicely arranged
upon tho shelves provided, or hanging
overhead, was tho lino work of the necdlo,
quilts of all kinds, pillow shams, cushions.
all articles of toilet, In fact, about every
thing that tbo fancy of tho ladles could con-
celvo of was hero represented. Then there
was tho balr work, crayon work, fancy carv
ed work, artists dlsplay,anclcnt articles, &c.
Tho merits of tho Wheeler & Wilson Bow-
Ing Machine wcro explained by Mr. Kline,
Benton's sewing machlno agent. A fair In
this section would be rather tamo without
the exhibit of J. Baltzcr's sewing machlno's
and musical Instruments, Tho extraordi
nary demand mado for his machines at
this season tho year somewhat limited
his display, liu Lad tho celebrated White,
New Domcstlo and Now Homo Bowing
Machines, and tho Estey, Worcester, Mill
er and United Btates Organs. A United
States organ in piano caso finished In one.
quarter oak was very much admired by all
who saw It.
The disp'ay of agricultural products was
good, especially that of potatoes, corn,
Cibbago and apples. It was a treat even
to see tho fine apples when they aro such a
luxury this season.
B. I. Keller displayed fine tasto In
tho selection of his stoves for the exhibit.
He had somo of the most beautiful singlo
and double heaters It has over been our
pleasure to examine, lie bad also a
beautiful range on exhibition," ono of tho
best makes of tho day. Keller Bros, are
wido awake young men and bellevo In ex
hibiting and keeping for sale only tho best
goods. Appleman Brothers of Benton dis
played some of their celebrated farm wag
ons; tbey aro a well-made, wagon and will
outlast any wagou made- Thcro was also
an exhibit of buggies from tho Mtffilnburg
Pa. Carriage works, and from Columbus,
O. Carrlago works. Ira Mcnenry of Ben
ton the furnituro dealer, had a nice exhibit
of bedroom suits. Mr. McUcnry has con.
stanlly a fine stock of furnituro in his ware
In tho department of poultry wo obso. -
cd chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys, all
of which were of tho very best.
In tbo stock pens there was cattle, sheep
and hogs; tho display was tho best in the
history of tho fair. The farmer is taking
pride in raising blooded stock. Au addi
tional feature of tho fair was a dining
table, kept by tho Ladies Aid Society. A
first-class meal was served for 35 cents or
a flno slew of oysters for 25 cents.
The balloon man mado three ascents,
Thursday, Friday and Baturday. Each
tlmo ho went up about 800 to 1000 feet,
when ho alighted and descended with the
parachute. When tho Prof, alighted the
balloon aroso several hundred feet in the
air, turned upsidedowa when tho heated
air rapidly escaped and tho balloon Itself
fell to tho earth, near whero tho Prof.
There wcro several gambling stands on
tho grounds that should have been exclud
ed. Thu whip and notion man drew largo
crowds of people who soon parted with
their money whllo the man parted with
his stock.
Tho following is a list of tho races:
Bay Gelding Doxtcr, Owned by Henrle 1st.
Edward C. " " Uldlay2nd.
Laid " " Rantz3rd.
Bessie Sands,
bonny Jim
Owned by
a L. Sands 1st,
Whitcnlght 2nd.
Girton 3rd.
Kline 4th.
nalle i ,
Frank Borrcl,
Abadallah, " " Buckalcw 1st.
Bessie Bands, '.' " Sands 2nd.
boirel, " " Black 3rd.
Dexter Ueldlng, " Hcnrlo4th,
Minnie Balard.
Wenner 1st.
Adams 2nd.
Tom Riokc,
1'rlnco ilarry.
Odell 3rd.
Jim Patchcn,
Minnie Ballard,
Tom Rookc,
Hartzell 1st.
Wenner 2nd,
Adams 3rd.
Wm. Gee.
Cook 1st,
Stephen U.
Fox 2nd.
fcclio ISoy,
Hunt 3rd
Hold It to the I.liclit.
Tho man who tells you confidently just
what will cure your cold is prescribing
Kemp's Balsam this year, in the prcpara.
tlon of this remarkable mcdicino for coughs
and colds no expense Is spar1 d to combine,
nly tho best aud purest ingredients. Hold
bottle of Kemp's Balsam to the light and
look through it; notice tho bright, clear
look; then compare with other remedies,
rnco ouc anu m.
Messrs. Hess and Lewis of Crawford
ounty aro visiting relatives at this place.
Our schools opened on Monday, with
Clarence Butt, Preston Yorks, Calvin
Young and John Fritz as teachers.
A littlo cider is being made at Daniel
Fritz's; but scarcely a barrel at a time.
Auncr ,vcruau, oi iiioomsuurg, came
up to attend tho rah, and visit friends at
this place last week.
Potatoes aro rottlngery rapidly through
here. Ono man dug thirteen bushels ahd
has only a peck of good potatoes out of
them now,
Frederick Hess has had somo sheep kill
ed by the dogs, but tho other night John
llartmsn sent somo lead after them, and
ho said ono of tho dogs 'talked' as If it
would not bo back again.
Buckwheat cakes aro now in season, and
they taste as natural as could be expected
after excluding tho old fashioned
be-done-wlthout apple-butter.
Jacob Hirleman has taken another board
cr and looks happy about it.
Mrs. James McDonald of Atallssa, Iowa,
and Squire Parker ot Scrcno, wcro tho
guests of Joseph Yorks on Sunday,
Mare Tai'lbt
On Wednesday, Oct. 1st at noon, at tho
homo of the bride by the Ilev. W. T. Au.
man, Mr, Oliver T. Wcldman of Minneapo.
Us, Minn, formerly of Philadelphia, Pa. to
Miss Harriet U. Dieffcnbacb, of Blooms
burg. The wedding march was played by
Jllss Lizzie Uleuenbauch.
Mr. and Mrs. Wcidman left on tho 2.30
train tor Easton, Pa., amid showers ot
rico, to spend a few days with tbo groom's
parents and then leave for Minneapolis,
their luture home.
It was also the 44th marriage anntvers.
ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob DIeffenbacb.
Among tbo few guests wero tho nieces
ot the bride, Misses Mary and Martha
Knorr pf Youngstown, O.
That tired feeling now so often heard ot,
8 entirely overcomo by flood's Barsanaril.
i la, which glyes mental and bodily .strength. .
McKInloy tariff bill wont I Into effect
Mondsy 0cl' - rtlc" hT0 Ircadlr 6,1
vanccd on carpets, Moves, hosiery and
shoes. A prize, should bo offered to tho
first manufacturer who will advance tho
wages of the laboring man.
Tho democratic meeting In tho Opera
Houso Wednesday evening was addressed
by Col. Martin of WIlkcs.Barrc, followed
by Hon. O. 11. Buckalcw. Tho meeting
was well attended and tho addrcbscs called
forth frequent applause Tbo speakers
gay cheering words of tho hopeful out
look for November Elections.
RCNoiuttotiH of Condolence,
At the inccticg of tbo Bloomsburg Coun
cil O. U. A. M., No. 140 held October 7th
1890, tbo following resolutions wcro unanl
mously adopted.
Whereas: It has pleased tho Almighty
and All. wise. God to tako from our midst
our beloved companion, Bamucl Anderson;
bo It thcrcforo
Resolved: That, whllo wo humbly bow
to tho dispensation of Providence, yet wo
can but mourn tho loss of ono who has so
long been Identified with us in attention to
Counclldutics and In social Intercourse.
Resolved: That we spmpathize with
his bereaved family.
Resolved: That, tho charter of tho
Council bo dtaped in mourning for thirty
days as a mark of respect to our departed
Resolved: That theso resolutions bo
spread on tho minutes, published lu tho
papers, and a copy of samo be Bent to tho
family of tho deceased.
Got JAooni,
JonN W. Fry;
.Elt. J
Kant nciituu.
Attending tho Benton fair only on Batur-
day, observation and examination of exhi
bits was hardly posslblo owing to tho largo
crowd in attendance. But this much wo
saw, that the exhibition was ono of tho
best, largest and most nnmerous of quality
and kind yet seen on tho Benton fair
grounds. The races wero good, but not
taking much Interest therein wo took no
notes. Several good shows were on, tho
ground, notably the Battlo of Gettysburg.
Tho largo crowd was sorely disappoint ed
In tho balloon man's ascension. At five
o'clock ho was to go up. JAI1 was In readi
ness and at a given signal tho parachuto
becamo detached from tbo balloon and tho
huge stack-like instrument ascended with
out its man. Tho multltudo became dis
gusted, believing it to havo bcon a design
ed trick, dispersed liko rats forsaking a
slaking ship. It was an accident, not a
trick. Tho balloon was again quickly put
In position aud the ascent successfully
made before dark, which was witnessed
by hundreds of pedple.
Potato rot Is tho huo and crv.
A littlo purloining in tho neighborhood.
Mark you, that Is tho way to tho penintcn
If you want a good separator ask of Cy
rus White, Orangevlllc.
Druilbcilucnn I.lquor Hntilt In
all tlie World there 13 nut one
tre Ir. Unities' Golden Specific
It can bo given in a cud of tea or coffeo
without the knowlcdgo of the person taxing
it, effecting a speedy and permane it euro,
whether the patient Is a moderate dtlnkcr
or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards havo been cured who havo taken
the Golden Specific in their coffee without
their knowledge, and to-day bolieve they
quit drinking of their own frco will. No
harmful effect results from its adm'mst ra
tion Cures guaranteed. Send for circular
and loll particulars. Address In confidence
Golden Bpboifio Co., 185 Raco Streot,
Cincinnatl.O. 10-251y
nutUuest Mchh' jubilee.
Tho all absorbing topic on tbo street and
among all tne business men of town is tho
Jubilee or Carnival to bo given by tho lad
ies of town in tho Opera House next Tues
day evening. What is It? 125 ladies to
represent as many business men. How
can they do it? Tho only answer can be
given Is "go and see." There will bo
about 150 ladles taking part and thoy will
all bo dressed differently. Nearly every
one of them has a comic recitation . There
will bo tableaux, drills, music, and a grand
march. Tho wholo programme, is full of
comic scenes and delightful surprises and
will mako ono of tho most beautiful, inter,
cstlng and amusing entertainments ever
given in Bloomsburg.
To save contusion and avoid the crowd
every ono stiould get their tickets reserved
at Dcntler's shoo store.
Tickets aro on salo at Brooke's, 'Mercer's
and Dentler's.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick, we cave her Castoria.
When shs vru a Child, the cried for CastorU,
When she became Miss, she clunc to OulorU,
When the had Children, the gave them CwtorU.
It you want to advertise anything, bring
it to tho Columbian. It will reach eycry
section ot tho county.
Ask Your l'ricuUH About II.
Your distressing cough can bo cured.
We know it because. Kemp's Balsam with
in tho past few yoirs has cured so many
coughs and colds in this community. Its
remarkable sale has been won entirely by
its genuine merit. Ask some friend who
has used it what he thinks ot Kemp's Hal
sam. luero is no medicine so .pure, none
so effective. Largo bottles 00c and 31 at
light, Oct. 11, 1320.
The public in general is
cordially invited. We are pre
pared to cater to Weddings
balls, Receptions, Parties, &c
Our Services Shall "bo Second
to None,
The Best Pho
and Crayons,
M'Killio Bros.
Blooms burg Pa.
The regular annuil mcetiDi? or ih t invhnMom
ui iuu uiuuiuKuunr wr iviap&ny iu do neu
on Tuesday, tne uth day of October, fswj, between
Hie tours ot two an 1 four o'clock lo the afternoon
attaeomceoti'. 1. uillmerer, weretity. for tne
enduing year, uU tua transaction ot tne general
Oct. HU Mercury;
There are
many white soapj,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They arc not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having It
'Tis sold everywhere.
Pensions I Veterans ! I
Tho DisabMtyPonsion Bill.
Act of June 27. lfiDO. errant nnnslnn tn
all cx-soldlers and sailors who served 0D
days or moro In tho Army or Navy during
tho rebellion, and were honorably discharg
ed, and who aro now suffering from any
permane:. t, mental or physical disibdlty
Contracted sinco tho war or during tho war
whother from dlscacc, injuries or effects of
old age, at tho rate of from $0 to $12 per
month, according to the degrco of his dis
ability for the performance oj labor rcqulr.
Ing tho exertion of physical strength ;
provided the disability is not duo to vici
ous habits. This penslou is not restricted
to tho veterans who have to ma'ie their
living by hard labor, but is cnuallr duo to
professional men or clerks, provided they
havo au existing disability which would
prevent tho continuous escrclso of tho
physical' strength of an able-bodied man.
Those who havo applied under tho gen
eral laws and who aro unable to provo up
the pending claim can apply for and se
cure this pension and tben continuo tho
prosecution of tho former claim and secure
their arrears.
If vou aro now drawlne a small ncnalnn.
say $3 or $4 per month, you can tako this
pension Instead, and if you have an appll
cation on file for increase or additional
ponslon for now disabilities you can con
tinuo tho prosecution of such claims whllo
drawing tho now pension, or you can fllo
an original claim for a disability contract
ed in tho scrvico whllo drawing ponslon
under this now net.
Widows, children, nnd dependent moth
ers and fathers aro entitled under this act
and can suspend tho prosecution of any
pending claim, and tako this nnnslnn. and
afterwards complclo tho prior claim and
get arrears.
Having been dulv annolntcd an Airent
according to tho rules and regulations of
tho Department of tho Interior in tho pros
ecution of such claims and having had suc
cess In a number of cases I am atwavs pre
pared to givo information and assist claim
ants, anu win assure them success if they
aro able to establish thn nn r- inlrnrl
Those interested should call soon and
claim their reward, i
North iflnrUet Mt.
7-18-0 id. Oloomiibiirjc Vn.
A Lady'H Perfect Com minion
Every exnectant mother should read our
new book by Dr. Nye, one of New York's
mosi ceieoraicu pnyaicians. A perfect
mother's guide, it tells how tho fearful or
deal can be mado easy, free from dangc.,
and almosi entirely painless, thus saving
months of anxiety, droid, and suffering.
Full ot valuab'o information to ladies, an
Kwcrlng hundreds of delicate nucstions.
Send two-cent stamp for circulars, testi
monials, anu connucnt'ai letter. Address,
niANK uioMASis uo., ruDiisners,
9.10-3m. Baltimore, Md
Co Nervous Dcnftltntcd Men.
It TOU Will send us Tour a-lilraf-l. wo will mAll
you our Illustrated panipMot explaining all about
pliances, and their charming effects uoon taa ner
yons debUltatod arstem. ard how they will aulok.
-jr. u) e a i.emurau.'u ttrairo-voiuuo ana Ap
ly restore youXa't Igor and manliood.Dam jUlot free.
it yuu am inus amicuxi, wenuiBoaa yoa a ueic
and AprUancea on trial.
i-oi-iy. voltato uilt co, Marsnaii, uio
Why wait at tho Dost.ofllce for Dostaco
stamps, cards, &c. Vou cau bo supplied
at the West End Drug Store, Srd and West
Wo are headquarters for oysters.
Cummings & Vcrdy.
O. O. Marr, buys butter, eggs, lard, on
ions and chickens.
Patent medicines always on hand at
West End Drug Store.
Oo to C.
C. Slaar for good and cheap dry
Headquarters for oysters.
; Vcrdy.
Persons in need ot mcdicino during tho
fair w.ll find tho West End Dru? btoro
nearest tho fair grounds. 3rd and West
llcadnuarters for ovstcrs in Bloomsbure
la at the Exchango Bakery of Cummings &
Vcrdy. Parlors attached.
Clark & Son,
COME THIS WEEK AND ALL THE TIME. S.,r, nr nvl.ii.i. f v.
Rich, Fine, Choke, Stylish ami
was never as Full and Complcto as now
were bought for owh before tho New
at old vrices lor cash. IIENKIEITAS, SEltGES, ALMAS. CLOTHS
lilaok and Colored at old prices. Those goods will bo much higher.
SHAWLS of all kinds. See the Doublo AU Wool Shawls at $0.50. Wo
oall Special attention to our Blaok Dress Goods Stook and Prices.
Tbo Larrrost Coat Departrabnt in tho City filled with tho NEWEST SHAPES
Seo Our
S0.G9, Worth Si 2.00
40 Iuch Long
Worth $20.00.
Largo Linen of
Lowest Prices.
a TO w a
i 7 a
COTTON FLANNELS, 5jo yard up, GinRhaius, Ticking', CVvL.u ami all
dornoniO (jood at nrices not to bo undersold by any. We rave H aooda ami
Wu aie going to eell them for cash ami cash only, at tho Imcest jiricts going,
if pot lower. Our stock in immense and it must bo moved.
n? r- 7 7 JP CV,
Every oyster you set of us is oponod
fresh from tho shell, 00c per 100, 80o for
60, 16b for 25. They aro flno.
Cummings & Vcrdy.
Prescriptions written by any physician
wilt bo comnounded bv a competent man
at West End Dru Store, 3rd and West
Havo you seen It, if not, call at Kshlo
man & Wolf's, lower rnd of Opera Homo,
and ask them to show y,iu tho lladlant
Home llange, the latent and best Kaugo in
the market.
Eshlcman & Wolf have A lot of second
hand stoves, singlo heaters, doublo heaters,
ranges ror sale encap.
Our Sncclalty-
-tho very finest oysters in
Cummings & Vcrdy.
tho market.
Eshlcman & Wolf havo a flno lino ot
Hadlant Homo stoves In ''iclr s.ore at ow-
c. end of Opera House.
Go to tho ovstcr narlors of Cummings &
Vcrdy for stews, fries, panned and raws.
Next to Exchango Hotel. Blows 15 and 25
Now Oppcllo llanzo at Eshlcman &
Wolf's f. bottom nrlccs. Oncra House.
Center street.
A call for any physician in towr, it left
at West End Drug Store, will receive
prompt attention.
Don't buv vour alovo until vou oxamlno
tho large stock at Eshlcman & Wolf's,
Centre at., upera House.
Intend running a first-clasa
restaurant in connection with
their now largo baking business.
On and after the first of Octob
er they will havo an experienc
ed cook awaiting tho chance to
tickle your palate at all hours
of the day and evenihg. Oys
ters will be served iu all styles
and game iu season. An at
tractive bill of fare will be ar
ranged daily aud they will
make it a point to have custom
ers served with dispatch. Ice
Cream all the year round. Call
on them during the Fair. They
will have their old stand on the
ground where you can get a
good meal ior twenty-live cents.
Phillips' Domestic Bakery,
Main Sthekt Aiiovk Centuk,
The Rest
antl Crayons
Sick Headache
J 8 a complaint from which many suffer
1 and low aro entirely frco. Its causa
Is ludlgeatiou aud a sluggish liver, the
euro for which Is readily found iu tho
uso ot Ayer's Pills.
" 1 havo found that for sick headache.
caused by n disordered condition of tho
stomach, Ayer's Pills aro tho most re
llalilo remedy." Samuel O. Iiradburn,
Worthington, Mass.
"After tho uso of Ayer's Pills for
many years, in my practlco and family,
1 am Instilled in saying that they are an
excellent cathartlo and liver mcdicino
sustaining all tho claims made for them."
W. A. WrBtfall, M. D V. 1. Austin
& N. W. Hallway Co., llurnet, Texas.f
"Ayer's nils are the best medicine
known to mo for regulating tho bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a dis
ordered stomach and liver. I suffered
for over three years from headache, in.
digestion, and constipation. I had no
appetite and was weak and nervous
most ot tbo time. By using threo boxes
of Ayer's nils, onil at the samo tlmo
dieting myself, I was completely cured,"
Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kansas.
" I was troubled for years witli Indl
gestion, constipation, and headache A
ftnv boxes of Ayer's Pills, used in small
dally doses, restored me to health.
They aro prompt and offectlvo." W. II.
Strout, Mcadvlilo, Pa.
Ayer's Pills,
rnsPARiD sr
Or. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
OoM by all DrugeUU and Dealers la Medlcln.
Latest Novelties in DItESS GOODS
All at tbo lowest cash llrififla n, nil
Tariff wont into pffoot. and will b.i aold
FUKS of all Kinds
Great Values in
AtmKl-TZ .. "I fVM ."A U