COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, VA. The Columbian. 0. E. Elwoll, - Bdltori. J. g. BUtneBar., Mai?"'' BL9.)M3BUttQt PA., FRIDAY, OOTOBKlt 10, 1800 . That "all raon aro born froo and oqnal" is tho fundamental dootrino upon whioh rests our politioal fabwo. I'ri ninlps of lu9tica and enttalily pervadH evory eontiment of tho constitution of our iruveiu.uu.ii. u iuu """" principles all mon aro equal boforo the law. But right hero another question intervenes. Are all mon born to free .1 I , t.,111,.1 I rt-i '.'.i.. f ,it,i .ml tho interpretation of tho Constitution halinio that thov arc. as a rule, up- on thoso general grounds wo beliovo that onr forefathers bled and died, that thov might bequeath to their po tority nl anrod tho couditlon that men aro no Innrrnr horn to freo and COUal oppor tunities' Undor our form of froo and independent government the seeds of ' . . , i i I monopo y snouia never nave ueen allowed to exist. This was designed to bo a government "of tho people, for tnnon3ninr,b tueHeoDlo". but in- Btoad we have a government of Cor tmriitinno. ior corporations and by cor porations. And monopoly is stronger thou tho people Monopoly has enslaved labor, ruined agriculture and destroyed their pn i perity, bnt enhancod its own fortunes a thousand fold through robberies from tho people. Its lobbies dictato what lars shall bo passed in state and nation for its own interest, whilo tho laborer and farmer may plead in vain for tho least favors. Monopoly is tho worst despot tho greatest" tyrant, tho most rabid aristocrat that was over enthroned in any government-henco tho contrast in a freo oountry betweon monopoly and the people is apalling. And tho more so, because here, in America it is a creaturo of tho pcoplo and assumes to dictate and i uio ovor them with a rod of iron, and rob them at its mil. Unless tho people destroy the power of mouopoly, or monopoly itself, thoy can nover hope to recover their formor prestige and independence Btu how can thU be dono sinoo a majority of our olHoials that wo elect to place and power are either of, or reprosentrtives of monopoly! Their intoroiti doramd Moiprooa' measures to sustain thoir power, and thoy are not slow in bestowing them. Our in dependent government is an experi ment and the signs of tho times indi cate its drifting into a great central ized monarchical power; and monopoly is pushing L there a rapidly as pos sible J. C. W. Be On Yoar Guard. The present condition of the cam paign is suoh as to assure a Democratic viotory at tho polls in November. This is a fact that is patent to the leedo.s ol both parties and wherever the nr bos of tho peoplo have become ac quainted with tho trne situation of affairs the same opinion is also begin ning to prevail. Knowing this to be the case the managers of Republican campaign in tue state a.'o leaving no ctono unturned to dooeivo t jo people and ere a to tho impression that causes of great dissatistaction exist in the Democratic ranks which aro slowly but snrely wo'kiag tho dofeat of tho t'ekot. They are ass'duously endeavoring to mako it appear that tho Democraoy of Philadelphi . aro in a bad shapo and that a large majority for tho Republi can ticket will be tho suro oitcome. The purpose of this is manifest for it is well understood by theso schemers that the Demooraoy in tho oountry remera bering the bitter ezperiencees of tho past are ready to become discouraged at tho first ill reports that come from this Re publican stronghold. Let tho peoplo be warned in timo. Th 30 reports are simply tho fabrica tions of the Republican leaders. Dis affection among tho Demooraoy of Philadelphia does not exist, on tho con- trary tro Democratic party and the Democratic organization in that city have not been ra bettor shape for rainy years. True tharo oxist some local fao- tioral disturbances bat the results of those will not bo of a sorious character ard will not extend any further than thiough the dhtriots whero thoy oxist. On tho other hand tho Republicans are in sore straits. They see tho lists o1 Republicans who will not Hiinnnrt their oandidate for Governor but who " J. . uovernor 1'attison, daily incroangi they see tho prominent and influents! men of their party either indiffdiont or in open opposition to tho methods of Quay; they know that a large Repub lican voto will bo oast or Governor Paulson in tho city of Philadelphia and they know of a certainty that if anything liko a fair percentage of tho Damooratio voto in tho State shall b brought to tho polls in November, that Govornor Pattison will bo elected by a handsome majority. Thoir plan thereforo is to discourage tho Demoorasy o' the Stale by dissom 'lating these stories in connection with tho condition of politioal affairs in Pbilade'phia. Na intelligent Demo crat should bo mialoil by any such re ports, from whatevor sources thoy omanai out, understanding too situa tkm as it really exists, should mako cents; to Berwick, 12 miles, over night A1tnst Arr'AKt tn Ilia nn,a v nnnAXMn. nl.T I-r ... ... p bis Democratic neighbor to go to the polls and vote and to rasplro him with the belief that if ho and his fellow Democrats do thoir duty, that his Stato will surely be redeemed from tbo grasp of Quayism Senatorial Onferenca. The Senatorial oonferenco of tho Twenty fourth district met at Crawford House, Williarasport, on Thursday of last, wcck at two o ciock ra 1110 attor - T XX 1)1. f.l. UUUU. 11. XX. X li UU W U, UI1U Ul luu UUU- forees from Columbia County, wa mado chairman, and John Finan from Sullivan County was made Seorotary. Twenty threo ballots wero taken Thurs uay anernoon resulting in oacu pair of conferees voting for thoir own can- dldato. An adjournment was then had to Friday morning, nino o'clook. Bal- lots woro taken throughout tho whole of Friday, resulting in four votes for lloua, two votes Jor Lull, and two votes for Horring. On S tturday morn ing tho oonferonoo convened again when Sullivan County oamo to Herring and tho voting up to threo o'clock Sat urday aftornoon was four for Herring, nnd four for Iloffa. At 3.20 P. M. ono it Lyooming's oonfereoi dropjoil to Herring which gnvehlm livo ytes to Hollas three, resulting in Iloring's iiomiuation. The conferees from Columbia county Iworo w. 11. ituawn nau j. iv. xown- pond. M. J. Lull was tho caniHdnto from SnlHvnn, roprcsontcil by Jorrv Doccan nnd John Finan, as oonforcos. W. S. Motitijoniery was tho candidato from Lyooniinij, and ho had for his oonfotocs John Ilonkins, Deputy Pro- thonotarv of Lvcomliitr County, ami KE. Melirlin from llunhcsvillo. Ur. Hoifa from Washlnctonvlllo was tho Cindldato from Montour, and had for his conferees, Judgo John Hot) hold and William Uortz. Tho nomination was madoon tho 173rd ballot. Columbia County owes tho nomination to tho faithfulness of Al. J. JjUU. canuuiato from Sullivan, who could not bo ooax cd or driven from his support of Col umbia County. Lyooming County favored Montour fo at least 75 billots and loft no stono unturned to secure - T. nomination of Dr. Iloffa. It is there- ioro dm jubuco io nay main v,ommui uouniy uv..r u u u,.. u .u- lUu U I1KU llltuu.r iu.ll 1UI UIIHUIBU Countv. it will bo her duty to do so. Nothing but most friendly feeling ox latcd in tho conferonco of threo days duration. After tho tiaht was over Montour County's candidato and his conferees being anxious to take the celnhrato tho occasion by tho festivities proffered. Tho remaining candidates and conferees, together with irietnla from Villiam!port auu yicinuy enjoy- or. tnia fnr nn hnnr nr ttt'O. whpn ft 1 -. .. left on the 115 tram. Tun aceommo dialions at tho Crawford House wo o equal to tbo occasion, and everybody left well pleaod with tho kindly man ner in whioh thoy had been treated and Impressed with tho hospitality of tho land-lord. A 'peculiar featuro about tho conference was tho almost total nbsenco of politioal heelors from anv direction. Tho members of the con ference wero unmolested by tho affairs I which usually servo to make unpleasant political conferences. A strong effoi . was tnaua on luo part of Montou. County to havo tho conference ad journed until next week, when the voto stood four for Herring and four for Iloffa, and. allow tho matter to bo then dead-locked for that period of timo at least, but tho timo being short boforo tho election and thero seeming to bo no hopo for Lycoming County to make the nomination of Holla, by delay, tho cood sonso of ono of tho conferees of Lycoming prevailed to broak tho dead lock by casting his vote for Herring. Ecclesiastical. To The Cot-DJiniAN. The Journal of tho nineteenth an nual convention of tho Episcopal church in the Dioceso of Central Pon nasylvania makes a volurao of 277 Pages. From tho Summaries of the report of tho Archdeaconries, I mako tho following abstract: Clergymen including tho Bishops 110 Parishes and Missions ISO Communicants In 05 Parishes 0012 Sunday School In 00 Parishes 13.853 Offerings Parochial $109,480.62 Diocesan 83 070,43 Extra 18.001.08 $240,107.03 But three Parishes in thn Diocese date their organization earlier than 1800. They are St, Gabriel', Douglass- ' villo 1785, St. John's York, 1785, St. Paul's B'oomsburg 1793. Onr centen nial therefore is coming on apace and wo ought to do something grand to meet and welcome it What shall it bet Shall we put the spire on the church? or shall we build the parish IIonseT or better still shall we do both? A "History of the Parish" for tho hundred years ought to bo prepared; and all who can give facts, names and dates should furnish them to tho Rect or, for that purpose. Write the.ii down and send them at once, right away, immediately. Delicae Ladtcil Who have that Urea ami all-gone feel inpr, and don't liko to be disturbed, will continue to be troublud with this oom- Elaint until they renew tlietr ltnpiiio 'ood. Sulphur Bitters will causo new and rioh blood to oourse through eve.y artery and vein in tho unman system. See another column. HISTORICAL. To the Colwhan: i the Pennsylvania Magazine, published by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, VOL. XIV, page 313, i9 an itinerary of a trip made by Cad: waIader Foulko in 1823, whioh brings to our notice sevoral names and rastters worthy to be remembered. In no 0f tho trips ho passod through Bloomsburg, but for the present, I fol- i. i. ft-.,. n ti. ,.:i,n 0f whioh he speaks is tho "Susque- i unuiiii auu xiuirit. t'iuiuuiuir iruui hauna and Tioga," Berwick on the Susauehanna across tho mountain to Newtown on tho iioga. inB iinior us construction was irvfHuu luaruu ao, iouu. n la tt, t,t .v,.,n.. nc, towards its stock. You will obiorva that tho piko passes Long x. ouu, uut no mention is inaue oi me lake and no stop thero. You will fin. othor names however quite familiar. I only three days travol. "Sept. 0th. Left Meanaville (To- wanda) at 8 o'clock; S miles to tho turnpiko at Towanda cretk, at Wil cocks's; 11& miles to Miller's, turnpiko toll .52; to Amos Ellis', 11 miles, over night. 10th. 12 miles to Josuph Watson's, at tho middle gate, oxpentes, including toll, ,0A ; to Koonstown, (this is .Now uoiumuus), v miles, 45 cents, toll of at, jonn Jones'. nth Bill, $2.75, n miles to Ab'm. Klatz's expenses .37i; over Niscopach Mt. to Felix Bisel's, 13 miles; over the TtnW nml Snrinr Rn. into OnaWnlrn Valley, 8 miles; Mauoh Chunk, over I niohr. ov" .... . . and his whole expenses. inoludinK attorney's fees, prothonotary's and recorder's fees was only $27.73. This is notablo travelling, and could not be doDoat the pr09entb,Uay, 1 t a v J. W. U, Seward of Ointments for Catarrh that Oon-1 tain Meronrv, - 1 as moroury will surely destroy tho aenso ot Btnell and completely derango tho whole system when entering it through tho mucous surfaces. Such artioles should never be used exoept on proscriptions from reputable phvsi- cians, as tho damaga thoy will do is ten fold to tho good you can possibly denvo from them, nails (Jatarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O, contains no murcury anu is taken lntornally, and acta direct ly upon tho blood and muoous surfaces of the system. In buylnic Hall's Ca tarrh Curo be suro you get tbo gonulno. It is taken internally, and mac 0 in Tolodo, Ohio, by F. J. Chonoy Is Co. S"Sold by Druggists, 75a per bottle. 9-19 4-t. Be Sure II yoa hare m,dl' "P 70Ur mind to bny tlood'i Sirrarlll do not bo Induced to take any other. Hood's Barsaparllla li n peculiar medicine, possessing, by vlrtuo ot Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what sho wanted, and whose examplo It worthy Imitation, telli bar iperleneo belowi To Get "In one itorswhero I went to buy flood's Banaparllla the cleric tried to Induce no buy their own Instead ot Hood's ) he told me theli's would last longer) that I might take It on ten days' trial) that If I did not like It I need not pay anything, etc. Hut ho could not prevail on me to change. I told htm I knew what Ilood'i SarsapartlU was. I had taken It, was satUfled with It, and did not want any other. Hood's When I began taking Hood's Barsaparllla t was feeling real miserable, suffering s great deal with dyspepsia, and so wcat that at times 1 could hardly stand. I looked, and bad for somo time, like ft person In con- sumption. Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of It." Mna. Iiu A. Goff, CI Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Bold by all droggliU. 51l toif). rreparedonly ty 0. L riOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, VMS. 100 Dosca Ono Dollar DAYSkePOWDER Prevents Lung Fever and( cures Dlstenipur, li caves, Fevers, &e.,&c I pound in each paokago. Bold by all dtftltrs. DR. BULL'S BABY 8YPHJP Cssilitatnx Tnnr.!nrlSwt'1"1" rauiiuatca icctii nr. - - nice as cts. Keguiaiestneuoweisi For tbo cure of HULL'S Coughs, Colds, MM ' t-rOUJJ, Asthma, COUGH Incipioni Whooping Dough, Con sumption and for the relief of SYRUP Consumptive persons THICK 33 CTS. For Bale by ell droRtltU. euircWVOf'S CUBEB ciaAKCmS for Ca omUKC tantil PrktlOCtl. AtallinggltU. Democratic State Ticket. Fob Governor, ROBERT E. PATTISON, of Philadelphia. Fob Lieutenant GovKr.Non, CHAUNCKY F. BLACK, of York. Fob Secretary op Internal Apkairs, UAPT. Wm. H. BAUULAx, of Allegheny. County Ticket. For Congress, HON. S.P. WOLVERTON. For State Senator, GRANT HERRING. Fob Representatives, Wm. KRIOKBAUAI. E. M. TEWKSBURY. For Associate Jddoe, MORDEOAI MILLARD. For District Attornev, WILLIAM OHRISMAN Fob PitoriiONOTARV and the Courts. G. M. QUICK. CLERIC OK For Register and Recorder, O. IL CAMPBELL. For Treasurer, JOHNL. KLINE. For Counts Commissioners, JESSE RITTENIIOUSE, B. F. EDGAR. For Auditors, JERE B. NUSS, CYRUS ROBBINS. For County Surveyor, SAMUEL NEYHARD. T. W. HartlHail & SOUS I Don't forget oar published otter ot a seven dollar Shawl i r ut R.. , c lor the best live pounds of butter at Bloomsburcr Fair: we I are in dead earnest to give the snawl ana receive the Butter. MT 1 11 1 we snail maKe special in ducements to have everybody, old or young, call and see our stocK ol dress goods, coats, shawls, muslins, calicoes, shirt mgsi ginghams, tickings, checks, etc, gloves, stockings, under wear, linens, laces, embroider ies etc. The finest line of dishes in the county $3.00 to S30.OO per I . . set, glassware, stand and hanc- I lamps etc When vou Pet .S . mpl' y U g, t,red at the Fair. come and rest at our store. We will buy dried fruit and all cood I.i.t.i , b 1, 1 auicuuic urouuee iresn roil 1 I uullc.r. a,m rb's are a special- I With us. I. W. Hartmaa & Sons. ! tha oldest and moit popular tclantldo and mechanical paper publlibad and haa tha lament circulation of anr paper of Ha clasa In tba world. VuUj Illustrated. Ileal claai of Wood HngraT Inga. lubllad weeklr. Bend for apaclmao copy, l'rlcfl 3 a year. Four montbi' trial, IL MUKN & CO., 1'uui.iflniUB, m Uroadway, N.T. ARCHITECTS tb BUILDERC Edition of Scientific American. O A itreat access. Each liana contains colored ltthotfraphlo plates of country and city resldan tea or public buildings. Numerous enaraTlnfi ajid full and SMClflcaUona for tba use ol aoabascootwnplata building. l'rlcaJ-Wa yaax, X& cti. copy, may b saeniv ad by apply ing Ul JUUNM k Co., who haTa had over '40 years' eiperlaoca and cava made over 1U0.UUJ appllca.tlooa for American and ror. k aiiin Datanta. Hand for Handbook. Corraa BXiBdaac stilctly conOdenttai. TRADE MARKS. In ex.. yonr mark If not re.Ut.r4 lo Ui. Pt tot OOo., pplr to Uvnv k Co.. .Ad proej. IhubmIUU piouctluii, tot u.o4bHk. COPVIII011TB for boon, ctuotx, aupf. .Ulr priai0. XA&itu HVMM COh I'.l.ol B.1UU.T. PATENTS i Q.ENKUA.L ELECTION PROCLAMATION. 1. JOHN B. CASEY, inch HherllT of Columbia County, Commonwealth of i"ennsjlranla,do here by make known and give notice to tho electors ot the co'inty aforesaid, that a general election will be held In the said county ot Columbia on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1890, I (being the Tuesday next following the first Mon day ol said month) for the purpow of electing the several persona hereinafter named, to. wit: Iune person lor uorcrnor 01 uio vuuuuuuwt-auu Of lvnnsrlranla. one person ror ueuu uorcrnor oi mo tommun wealth of lMi nayiraUa. One nerson for Hocretarr of Internal Affairs of Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, One Dorixui for Associate Judge of Columbia I County. ... une person ror uuigrraairom iua au.nuv u. Pennsylvania. one person for tfenator from Stth Dlstilct ot Pennsylvania. Two persons for Members of the Assembly from Columbia County. one person for I'rothonotory and Clerk ot courU of Columbia County. One person tor Itcfclstr and Recorder ot Colum bia County. une person xor'iTersurer oi twiumoia uoudit. One Hereon for District Attorney of Columbia County. Threo persons for Commissioners of Columbia Three persons for Auditors of Columbia County, une nerson for countr Hurveior ot Columbia County, 1 also hercbr mike tnown and sire notice that tho places of holdm; tbo aforesaid election In the teveral wards, boroughs, districts nud townslitps wlttila the county ot Columbia are as follows, to-wlti nearer wwnsuiD. at tno Dumio nouso or .Mrs. Mary bra'th. nenion lownsmp. m ine puouc nouso oi Lemuel Drake In tho town of Benton. nerwicv. East, at luo li'.tio omco of Jackson s Woodln m'iv Co.. In UtrwlcK. Berwick. West, at tho omco of J. 0. Jacoby. In Berwick. uiooiii East, at tue court House, east siae. in illoomttbunr. jllHoom West, at the Court House, west tide In bloomsuurir. Jirtf.rc- cek township, at tne puouc scnooi uousc ner tfransvllle. O tnwlssa townshlD. at tho nubl o house of ti. W. KeUsoj-dcr, In the town of caiiwlsaa. iioi-ou? i oi cemraua. at luo duuuo nouso ul Mtclr 11 uronnau. Centra townshlD. atlhe school house near Laray- I otto cteasys. norm uoTntruam Diauici at tne townsniD IBChool hovv near the colliery ot John Anderson k Co. Houtn uonrnenam District, at uio nouse ot Mrs. I Thomas Monroe. Fisninecreck townsmn. at tue scnooi nouso neat I P. It WhitA'fT rranuin townsmn. at tne Lawrence Bcnooi i nouse. East Greenwood at the house of William uiauc I in Honrsnurg. Yitv, ircenwooa at mo nouse oi rrauK d. ror- Htig in Mlllvllle. Hemlock townsbm. at the Dubuo house of. cnas Iile .terlch. In tho town of Huclc Horn. Jackson twn.. at tne mimio scnooi nouso at w illev. Locust townshlD. at tho nubile nouso oi Natnan nnt. r, in piuireuia. Mr uson townshiu. at the duuuo scnooi nouso in Jersevtown. Main townshlD. at the miDUc nouso or Aanison w. Sliumpi. MUinn townshlD. at tno nuoiio nouso or jonn Knloi in the town of MUlllnrille. uontour townsniD. at tno nunuo nouso oi Km andus UGanest at Itunerr. zu 1'ieasant townsniD. at tno Amieriown numin Bcbool house. Oranee townshlD. at tho cubUo house of P. O. jrrea? in uranceviue. ima LownsuiD. aL ma i;cnLro acnooi nouso. Poarlnircreek townshln. at tho house of Hamuel iuoy. iaat Kcoitat uie numio nouse oiu. u. wniio In ESD7. wesiBcoit ai uw puoiio uouso ot jonn i Crawford. InTLltrhtSLreet. Sugarloat township, at the bouse of Albert cole. rolls Rh.Hl nn onened At (tnrpn nviolf il. m. Ann snail contiDuo ooen without Interruutlon or ad Journmenc until seren o'clock p. m., when the poas win do cioseo. iUriUJi JH UliltEUY U1VEN. Thatererr nerson excentlnc Justices of the reace ana Aiuermen. notanod I'uonc anu rcr sons In the mllltla Bervlcs of the state, who shall hold or shall within two months hare held any onice or appointment of proilt or trust tinder theUrited stau-s, or of this stato, and city or corporaieu oistricu wnctnt r a commissioned ortlcei' or otherwise, a subordinate olllcer or agent who Is or shall be employed under tho Legisla ture, Krecuiiro or juaicia-y ueoutment or tne Staw, or of any city or of any tnco 'porated dis trict, and also, that erery member of Concrrchs and ot tho stnto Legislature, and of tho select or common council or any city, or commissioners ot any incorporated district, are by law Incapable of holding or ex "clslng at the same time tue otnea or appo ntmeat or J uaire. insDcctor or Clerk ot any o'ectlon of this Commonwealth, and that no lnsDector. juavoorouier omcer oi spen eec tlonenaUbeelhrlolo to be then voted for. Tue inspectors anu juuge oi mo elections snail meet at the respctlro places appointed to.' holding the election In the district to which they rcsiJcuuveiy uciuug, ueiuru bevca uciock in mo mornimr. ana eocn oi saia insncctors snail ai point one clerk, who shall bo a aualincd ot The aualined voters of this countr Arn hArarir authorized and required to row by ticket printed, written or partly printed and paitly written! ono ticket which shall be labeled Ktate, and contain mo names oi citato omcer i, one ticket to oe label. iea judiciary, ana ono ticket to do labelled tioun iy. JU1IN U. UASKY, Shrui. Shertrrs OflJce, UloomsDu., Oct. , 1890. UDITOK'8 NOriUE. jhuiiv m utiam jorinson, veceasea. The underilirned an Auditor aDDolnrvi br the Iurputtua vAjuriiui uiuuiuia iuunby mj mane CIS' trloutlonotthe fund In tho hands of D. U. I Johnson the administrator, to and among the I ucira ami icKai lc,Jrt.cuLatlVBj OI vue ueoeasea i auuurumif io law, win sit at. ms omje in uioom bunr. ra.. on Friday Oct. 31. isyo. at 10 o'clock a. Im., when and where alt persons having claims against said estate must appear and prove the i btuuu , ur uo uouarreu irom coming in on saia tuua J. U. UAllS, Auditor. JgiLECTION NOTICE. Thestockholdeuotthe Manor Iteat Inn Com pany will meet at the office ot Geo !E Elwell, In Ihn lIWn Hlruimfthnn, nn Tii.aI.v tfnir It tQfl I at s o'clock in the afternoon, tor tno purpose of eieuimg mno aircciors to serve ior tue ens un? year, and to transact any other business that may come ueiore mem, uuu. is. elwull, lo-ir-it becy, Pt 1 rprrtviC! DT A HflQ (New). 1130. OreanstM. i " i ForCitaloiue addresa in-Mayor uanikl f. uuaitk. wasuington, SAT FRMAM wintid. Permanent employ uAl.Ci01VliU menL Hood Salarr or e immls slon. Fineout-nts. Full lino of v. ults and now. era. IT'ces low. A. D. PRATT, Kursoryman, ltocneiter, h. x. wm-a-Ai. s!l tr QOfin VOLUME paldforyour OLD Ol ,u tJ-vfU hooks. A long catalogue ot books with the Big I'ruiet we will pay. postpaid for 10 cents In stamps, f 10!) easily made buying oia uooks. commence at ouco ana (ret nrst pick. j, x. uAiix-Att, ii ami. iota ou, rtuw torK. lo-io-d it. w AMTFTI BiLKsiisH to sell our Choice Nnrserr Htock. Ail eools guar. anteea nrst-ciass. uood salaries and ex. reuses, or a liberal commission paid. No Exper- .cut? iiTCcusitj. tvttto iur trins, gn.og ana secure your cnotce or territory. U. L. 1CNIU11T CO. 10) Park Avenue. Ilaches. u-'r, now iotk, lu-lO-d :t. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3 doz. Life size Crayons only SIU.UU. Viewing, cony ing and enlarging. Instant process used tf. QIIATEFOL COMFOltTINQ. EPP'S COCOA. I1HRAKFAH V. 'Ba thoroaoh knowledtreof tho natural law which eovern the ODeratlona of dteestloi and nutrition, and by a careful application of tho doe properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Kppjnaa narored bevcrara wUloU may save ui many bear, floctora' bills. It Is br tue ludlclou use of sue articles ot diet mat aconatl .uiloa may be gradual' ly built ud uaUUtronsr enoujtt to res at erery tpa dency to dlseaae. Ilundreda ot subtle maladies aro noatlne around us reify to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may esoape many a fatal Btiatt by keeping ounelres well tortiaed wKU pure blood and a properly nourished trarae."-Cf HI HervtM Uatftu. Made simply wlta Boiling wanr or milk, bold only In ball pound tins, by uroceis. laDeuea tnus l J A. II IIS V.VVi iV CO.. UomaiDathloCbOffllsU. t-SS-it. London, Eojlaud. SALESMEN WANTED to canvass for tlm sal afSuraerv Stock. SITUATIONS nCUMAhfiNT, HALAHY and EX KN3K3 FHUM (.TAUT. Oalck selllni: Bnedaltlc Noeiperlenoe necciaar uutot VliBS. Wrl H. . HOOKER GO), Nurservmen, Rochester NY mjjaiNO 'the FAIR 2 The lfiest Pho tographs and Crayons at ItFKillilri I5i os. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Mitchell's Kidney Plasters Absorb all dUeai o In theKldneji and reatore them to a hulthr condition. lf)Jtl 014 chronlo Udney taffereri my W Uy got no relief until thty UM XITCIIKUH UIUNIiV rijABTJWM. Sold by DroegtxU Trrwbere, or eut by lull for goo Hovtdty I'UxUr VhIh, Ijw.U, tlui. 0-12AU 7 WnDALui The Host SueceMflil ILemtiT CTerdluor. red, as u It ctrtaln In Ita effect and does not MlJter. Head proof below i Bin l-lxitHnmni..l n.. - rh..kH. .t... 2L'.b ..V.c.le.b!..t"1 Kendall- BparlnCtlrsandll !!7f '.J?b ,.'Ter ".w done. I hare a doira mpty bottle., h.Tlnit ul It with Cerfect auccra, fiIKU'S. V7 Spartn that mad.Tilm lame. jut tbre. . " loon rctpoctraiiy, Wolcott Wmu, Dm. n. J ir.r.i.. &yw Ohio, April 4, tX aR'St. V'JT1 ba'Abcen aellln. rtoro of Kendall's BpaTln Uura and Flint'. OondUlon 1'owder.lh.n mt before. One man Mid to me. It wai the but Hmder 1 erer kept and the liert he 'em uied" xwipectiuuj, ono L. noma. -K'a'.Si i-l hare ued eeTeral bottlei of roar ?.eil?li!;.Sr.l!,n cLurf w,,n Krfett luecetf , on a I'!,.Ki''5ni blooded mare ihat waiijulte lams with Dons BpaTln. The mare Is now entirely fre. trom Umenpu and ehowi no tmnea on tht Joint. Iltapoctfull, r. u. uoTcoua. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Wivnna T It u Da. n. J. errouj. Co.. ur;u..r i vuidk 11 my amy to render you my hanks for your far famed Kendall ! Bparfn i Curol hlshly. Bhe had a rery ietero awollen W I tried iSlS!11". " klBdii of medklnei which old no tfnfKl. I nnnh.urf a ...... I . M . Spurn cure which cured her in four days? llxJUox Dowdik. Price (leer bottle, or ilThntttnirnrM Kiits ha It or can get 1 1 for you, or It will b. sent to any address on receiptor price by the proprie tors. BE. n. J. KMDALT. m. Kaoabnrsh FaUlt, Vcrmost. Sli i ill s Sale. By virtue ola writ of Ft. of In. Issued out of tbo court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county, ra., and to mo directed, tboro will bo sold at the Sheriff's Offlce In tho Court House, Bloomsburg, Fa., on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1890. at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, the following: All tuat certain piece or parcel or land sltuato In Centre Township, Columbia County, ra., bounded as follows, tc wit: On the north by lands ot Peter Sponenbergcr, Allen Sbellhammer and Mrs. Hess, on the east by lands ot Charles Bower, on tho soutli by land of Ira llirdy, and on the west by lands of Samuel C. Bower and Charles nomlck, containing ONE HUNDRED anil TWENTY PIVE ACMES of LAND, more or less, whereon aro erected a Dwelling1 House, Barn, and other outbuilding, Seized, Uk n Into execution at the suit ot Bamuel Kelchner assigned to Ktliahetb Erw no vs. Isaac Erwlne and lllram Whltmlro, and to be sold as tne property of Isaac ZMIR, Atty. ALSO: By virtue of writ ot Vend. Ex: Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia County, Pa., and to me directed, there will bo sold at the same time and place tho following; All thatjrtaln piece or lot ot land situate In Conyngham Township, Columbia County, ra., bounded as follows, t3-wlt: On tho north by lot of Daniel Campbell, on the cast by li-ndot Locust Mountain coal and Iron Co., on tho south, by Thomas Uvllagher, and on tho west by T.outwlne street, containing TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET IN FRONT, and ONB HUNDRED and FOUTY FEET, (140) in aepm, wnoreon are erected a Dwelling House. Barn, and Outbuildings seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Andrew Lenthan vs Owen Cain and Catheilno Cain, and to bo sold as the propei ty ot Owen Cain. HARK, Atty. JOHN B. CASET, 10-3-ta. Sheriff Sheriff's Sale. uy virtue of writ of Lev. Fa.lssuol out of the voun of common Pleas ot CoL Co.. Pa., and to mo directed, thero will be sold In the Sheriffs OlUce in the court House, Bloomburg, Pa., on BATUKUA i, OUrOBISR 25, 1890 at io o'clock a. m., all that certain messuage, tenement and tract ot land sltuato id Locust Township, Columbia County, Pa., bounded and described as follows, Mt: Beginning at a spruce and running thence by land ot Daniel SUne north eighty ond a half degrees. east tot iy-six and tourtb-tcntns perches to a stone; thencs by the same and land ot Michael Stlno. Jr., south nine and three quarter degrees, east one nundred and ninety-three perches to a stone; thence by land ot said John Brofee south eighty. three and a quarter degrees, wctt slity-elgut and tour-tenth3 perches to a stone on the west bank of Mercer's Itunj thenco by land of Adam Dlmmlck, north thlrly-two degrees west th'tteen perches to a spruce; thence by the same five and one-quarter degrees, west eighty and eight tenths perches to a spruce; thence by tho same north sixteen and a bait derrecs, east thirteen and one-tenth rerchestoa Bpruce; thenco by tho same roith tnirty-seren and a halt degrees, east eighteen perjhes to a spruce; thenco by the same north nine and u quarter degrees, cast nlno and eight tenths perches to a spruce; tbenee by the same north thirteen and a quarter degrees; east teu and Uree-tentn perchc ? to a spruce; thence north ave degrees, east twelvo and six-tenths perches to spruce; thence north fourteen and three-quarter degrees, west twenty-nlna ondflvo-tontbs perches to a breast ot tho saw mill danv thence nottn threo and a quarter degrees, west nine and tour. tenths perches to a spruce; thence by the same north twelve degrees, west slxty-slx and three- tenths perches to a maple; thence by laDd ot Dan. lei stlne north twenty-one and a quarter degrees, east ten perches to the place of beginning, con. talnlng SIXTY-FIVE ACRES and seventy Perohea of land, bo tho namo more or less, on which is erected A DWELLING HOUSE Seized, taken into execution at the suit of John Brotco, sow to the use of K reamer and Mann, and & XL Hoaglond vs. John T. Hawk, and to be sold as tne property ot John T, Ilrwk, G.XVXK HiaaiNO, JOHN 1), CA8BV, 10-s-tr, Attyr. Bhertff, FALL GARMENTS ARESURE TO IiEIN HAND WHEN NEEDED BY PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW. THE CHOICEST OF THE CHOICE ALWAYS GO FIRST, AND 'PICIfS" SlADE NOW HAVE THE ADVANTAGE. FOREIGN WOOLENS ARE TURNING DEARER AND THE POSSIBILITY OF FUR. THER RISE IS NOT DISTANT. WE HAVE NOT ADVANC ED PRICES AS YET. PALL TEIEJIS K. O. THOMPSON, HISCUIMT TAILOR, lurosTis, 008 Walnut Sthekt, , l-IULADBLVl'll. . IT. MAIER! j THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER, JBLOOMSBUEfc FA. Comes to the front with a Complete now FALL and WINTER Overeoaits rf all Kieds Latesifc Styles HATS ! CAPS I SHIRTS ! COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. Traeks, Valises and Uiaderweaip IN ABUNDANCE. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Respectfully Yours, I. MAIER. UCsrTxie largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, ing Goods in Montour and Columbia Counties, Pa. " ark w: iikst ponors vlasters IN TUB WOULD. , ThpT enre RhemnAtlim. Eldnev rIni. Hxeksche, Flenrlty and All lunetiei brought on by exposure or over-xertlon, li tod null Quick Relief from naln.lnautoniiATmRuroBTenor'f llisijij-(;Ai"-Hiut"A'rx.H bcuk-cloth, tor there Is do plaster, W.c Ilnimfnt, or lotion tbat t&al auch complete mastery oTer lr ALL ACHES AND PAINS. are Parely Vegetable and llarmleaa. lleUere imautuu j anu ucvtr inu w uiuc flAvT. niTIf'K AVI! fiTTTlE. Sold bj drnggtsts or mailed on receipt of 5c 0-2G-4t. FOR SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The nndeiWBn:!, survlTlng exocntor ot tho last will ana testament ot Kzeltlcl Cole, late ot Sugar loaf township, In Columbia county, Fenna., now ofTera at private sale a large body ot the most de sirable real estate to be round in the township. It consists of a tract ot land lying npon both sides ot the FlshlugcreeK, and compilslng In the whole about 28 Acres. That poi lion of It which Is upon the west side of the creels ha? the following improvements and advantages, to-wit. A. large frame DWELLING HOUSE, formerly Kept a a notel, a Frame Building erect ed for and occupied as a country store, a Urge frame building erected and occurled as a tenant heuso, and also outbuildings, Saw mill, io. Jt Is well wooded and has a considerable quantity of excellent fruit, it Is accessible by two publlo roadi and a county bridge, and also by the Llooms burg Sullivan railroad, and It contains about 111 Acres. The remainder of the tract 1) ing upon the east Bide ot the creek, li also access ble by two publlo roads and a county bridge acro-sa Flshlngcreek to the railroad. Tbo Improvements are a large barn 0., the whole tract navlng been occupied as the homestead farm. Inls piece contains about lO Acres. It will be sold together or In parcels as may be deemed most expedient. The sale will bo by the acre. A draft of the land with the Improvements roads. He, can be seen In Uio hands of tho execu tor at the banking house of tho Illoom&burg Hang ing company, where also Inquirers may learn terms nt sale, tc. Aug. 1-1 S0. n. V. OIIOTZ. Kieou'or, tt' llloomsburgi ra. Are you using the old fash ion rubbing board in doing your washing? It vou are it will nav you to investigate into the mer its oi our iNew Alter trying it we named it the "Lightning," because it struck us as being the right name for such a Bapid Working Machine as to the top pull swing and so called washing machines. CLARK F. HARDER, Third Street, 9-ig-3m Catawissa, Pa. TOBACCO I Ills standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest niece for the money in the mar ket. Vinco tin tag on each lump. Its extensive sale for many years has established its reputation. There is nothing better, Try it. i ur saic uy aeaiers and grocers. I ANTED HAllnhlA mart in wit nn. m.. ...... Block, li you want to make ironer, la's Uf, rennanent KuiDlarmant tha round. Adlreaa, UAY UIlOTUllItH. Nunerrmen, Wt. ocliMr,N,y, -:o.' ULUTliliNU- lor QUANTITIES OF -:o;- oEisriisra-i Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Wednesday, September 17th. MISS H. E. WASJLEY, Main Street, Bloomsburg Pa. NEXT DOOR TO I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, JJIATTIIYO, or OIL CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. M. BMOWHB'S 2nd Door abovo Court House A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF THAT BE UP ' TO THE MARK 11 MIEDS NO LAUNDERING. OAN BI WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. JBeadly Mad Ootifadng I Newest Styles, Latest Cute ! Lowest Prices I : WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK Fall and Winter Clothing for , Men, Youths' and Children, Ever Brought to This County. Children's Suits of all Styles. Come and See for Yourself. "Wq nrfi Tin1. fi(iVrSnr DtnnC- l..,x il i . . i . -t, just received, and more on lllleil. nnfl WA mviln irnn Ia from the latest styles in"Ke SeleCtl0,1S Suits sold for $3.50 and upwards. We have nlso, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. vo fhnTj1 m furnish you tho Best Goods at Low Prices and guarantee satisfaction. Call at once at CORNER WANTcID! A aoai nu.hlm. u. . . . . winter. Write ror full lerma Pi,,,i S.l.V..,i..lhe P ITWP-S'S ROLLERS. TtUaUlUe time in om7 uiiJ. .!.., Bona lor olroular auu prlcca toD. J. KKlIXY Oa, N 1 8 M Polrl UU , N. Y. City. -!4.if. stock of tlio MOST SELECT Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish CAN BE RELIED OH TXTot to StoUt 1 JXTot to DlsOQloy 1 BBAR3 THIS HARK. TPAOP EU-ULOID mark. :o: -OF- uuk uiuv uro uie latest coous, tho way. Our large store room is mil .,.! l " , . .. MAIN AND IRON STREETS. are Invitril to eD trust their Inter estato tte old eMal 'Uhfd l'atent ' 'vknwiokaiuVhenck, ' Wi -I'ngn l). o. FAUH I'OU HUNT A farm of loo acres, witn nandsome .new house and barn, and tupplled with abiuidant water, w 111 pe re ited at a low rent lor the term of five yeara. to a gooa tenant who nan furnlah hu own atoclc ndequlpmeit. The farm la in the Catawl&w yaliej on tho Township road (romUrandontllle to Aodenreld, two irlles from llrandonvlle and near ilvEK1 .anor. Heferencea requested. AddrrM "BUKi TUOUliJON, inglSier oSara 1-otUiUle, v. mot. I-V,