TEE COLUMBIAN AJSB DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA GLEAillNGS. Joseph Cook has jusl returned from a long looturo in thu SummoT school?, oxtonding a, far west m Minnesota, and Is reported to havo had groat nnd brilliant audiences. Mr. Cook has.had 3000 miles to travel in tho novcrct heat of Summer, and la now at Cliff Seat, Lake George, ongagod in editor ial work, lie is under contract to givo thirty lectures on tho Pacific Coast in tho early Autumn. People who havo been Abroad on Hamburg steamers aro full of praises of a now wnter, Saarbrunner it is call' ed, something liko Apollinaris, but muoh moro delightful. It oamo fi om tho Hartz Mountains. A number of Philadelphians havo brought largo quantities ot it noma with them. A new idoa in dcoorativo shades for lamps is to take tho crown out of a straw hat and dcoorato tho brim and slues with llowors or pasto iigures on thorn, so that tho light will throw them in silhonlto. Clover fingers cut out tho Japanoso dancers from adver tising bills and group them on n strip of bunting with musical instruments and odd leaves and flowers. Tho out lines aro buttonholed with yellow wool and a common laco 1b sowed to tho edgo nil round It is on record that the Vanderbilts once gave a check for 700,000 in a tremendous railway transaction, but that record is now beaten by the check for 1,250,000 said to be drawn in London by tho Indian and Peninsula Railway Company. Tho How loik 'lribune tells ot a fastidious lady who drove to her butcher's and told that individual that whenever ho or his assistants spoko to her through tho telephono they must wash their hands and put on a coat. "It is highly indelicate," sho said, "for- you to speak to a lady with unclean hands and in your shirt sleeves, and unless you cease doing so I shall have to trade with tho other butcher per son. ' The rate, of mortality in England lor the year 1888 was ono passenger killed in 6,942,335 and ono passenger injured lor every 220.U24 carried. A family by tho name of Moore living six miles west of Columbus, Ind., has a peculiar and distinguishing family mark running through three generations. At, a reunion held ro- centlv it was learned that of twenty seven persons, which represented tho three generations, nineteen had six toes on each foot. A remarkable occurenco happened in .Lowistown, Me. A littlo 15 year old boy was in swimming near tho falls while tho Cowan mill was shut down Ro started for shore just as it startod up. The extra flow of water threw him over and carried him tow ard the falls. Before he could recover ho was swept over. He was not, strange to say, injured to any oxtont, He swam to tho bar and was rescued by a boy. Thero is a bird's home and hospital in Oxford street, London, whero people can tak? their pets to bo nursed and cared for. The proprietor says birds suffer chiefly from consumption and asthma diseases brought on by the birds be'ng placed in draughty wind ows. Consumption is helped on by the birds being indiscriminately fed on all sorts of things that are unsuitable as food. Birds aro yery fond of lux uries, and tho more you give them tho moro they will eat. When a bird is going off into a consumptiou it is nl ways eating. Ho pointed to ono and said : "He is in a consumption, and ho will bo liko a ball of down to-mor row all puffed out. Physio will sometimes arrest the disease." Newstead Abbey, which Washing ton Irving so lovingly and pertectly described, has been for many years a private residence. At ono timo the estate of Lord Byron, it was sold to Colonel Wildman, who is said to have spent moro than a million dollars in restoring tho buildings and beautify ing the grounds. It is now tbo home of Colonel Webb, the friend and com panion of Dr. Livingstone, aud it was here that tbo great missionary wrote his books. Of course many interesting memories cluster around the historic old abbey. It was hero that Lord Byron used to seo ghosts at night in his looking-glass, and his bedroom in the old haunted tower is still pointed out to visitors. .Not long ago, Joa quin Miller, being a guest of Colonel and Mrs. Webb, in a spirit of roman- -tio advonturo spent a few nights in this chamber, declaring that if the ghost of Byron did not appear his faith in tho reappearance of the dead would bo greatly shaken. An account of what really did appear, together with muoh interesting informrtion about the abbev, is contained in an ar. ticlo entitled "Niuhts at Newstead Ab bey." which Mr. Miller will contribute to IIaiu'ku's Magazine for Octobor. The articlo will be illustrated from photographs, and drawings by Ameri can artists. Educating the Silkworm- An industry of great magnitude in Japan is silk oultoro. The silk worm is "eduoated" to such a dugroo that it becomes a mere midline, aud its life must bo a burden to it. It lays Ks eggs in rows on cards; it spins its cocoons to order, and finally dies when required. Silkwort) eggs are white and about tho size of thu head of a lame nin, and they are sold on cards liko buttons. These eggs may bo kept all Winter long without harm to them, and hatched out In tho warm months. Tho young worm is an ex ceedingly minute and delicato animal, and tho mulberry leaves adapted for Us food havo to be choppod up as fino as possible. As tho worm grows older the leaves aro not chopped finely, un til, whon it is full crown, it is allowed to cnioy a wholo mulberry leaf intact This life of dissipation is too muoh for it, and with a littlo encouragement it seeks tho solitudo of its cocoon. Tho cocoons are thon thrown into hot water, which kills tho larvto and dis solves the mucilaginous matter that keeps tho cocoons together. A silk worker deftly finds tho end, and in a few moments tho poor worm's home is about forty yards of silk fibro on a reel. A few of tho larviu aro allowed to oomo to maturity for tho sako of breeding purposes and tho nggs. To get out thoy break a hole through tho cocoons. Such cocoons aro called nierciid, and from them an inferior quality of silk Is made. From the JVew York Evening Telegram. The storekeepers ot Sunbury hayo formed a retail merohant association. Thero nro no dishonorable means used to force collections or settlements, but each member is informed of tho people in tho city who run bills with the do liberato intention of beating mer chants. Tho Governor(up Btaire)Marla, boa thai young man gono yet! Daughter Ho s clean gone, De troit Fte rret$. B . F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER DKAI.Ell l.f Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Bloomsburg Opera House WHAT ICOTTS CONSUMPTION 80ROFULA BRONCHITIS COUQH8 COLDS Wasting ElaouM EMULSION CURES Wonderful Flash Producer. Many have gained ono pound per day by its use. SooU'b Emulsion U no ft isorti rmnedy. It oontolns tho atimuiav Ing pi pertie mo nypopnoi- E bites nA puxe Norwegian Cod Aver Oil, t&f potonoy of bote being largely Increased, a t uaaa by Physicians all Ovar tho world. PALATABLE A3 MILK. Sold 6t all JOruegltt. OOTT&BOWN8,OhmUt,N.Y. 5a BLANKET " See for yourself how 5 Blan kets wear and other makes tear. FREE Get from your dealer free, tho $i Book. It has lianiUomo pictures and valuable lniormation auout norecs. Two or three dollars for a sa IIcto Blanket will make your horse worth uioro and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test Ask fon 80 other styles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write ua. 5A DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. 100 stvles. nrlces to suit all. Wm. Ayhbs & Hons, niiLASKU'Iin. bold by au dealers. This Trado Mark Is on The Best Waterpof Coat In the world. llalrt for flltiptnttort Catalnrna, Wrxt. PACKAGE PR0F.HARRIS' PASTILLES FOR THE CURE OF WEAK MEN (VITALLY WEAK), U4otytoo tio.pplltlon to iutloenor itotJrt 'tr meout ainklnor Hvfi HEX11L UH 8lktilm ml Ult i. - r tlelaui Libit eantrirt! In reulb. U3CAV tiCtl ik THTIBtiTO SlinoiHURUlLITYor TltAIV trttli Klll4IHTIUh.WlHTIUni'ikItM.S, IN Tuni rmr lusmlh with viu.tr vtxn u yui u 4 biu HLK a(jKD Uk of tiro, tltor, i trtmih.wilh leiui orgutt mpa.lrdftnlveAkiiea reniturtl la jjpreiilni 14 WHEN WE SAY GURE2W'Ai.?T'ffii: la uuo. IhADi.nil cueilmtcd.Dleiirril ID -.,t l.elv. rcsri. . n 1 i...n.....rM.r.i.K c tt. i UN "XJC GsOltmiE MEDICATED PAET1LLKS. H TnlAI t olf.r elitl a Jl UI.H USOLll kLI ) Ul. VI 1 lc 1 " ill tnii, 7UDf or .Id, iutrli f ron Ihli prtr.ltol Irout-lo tboot-l aro4 taolr ddruo wa aon forotili qntallooa tobaatM.are-l.ttiat wt mat koo.lbotrua coodltlaa i oaoa aaj Loealad o4 brcrro OMditiM to offcal prompt tiro. IBfiaw Yolkuttarll rearaol BU laU), . offtr o to b. urat or Ik. ealabrat.il ftiUlloTrratntai. .11 & h.n. I i ti anr.-T kf I THE HARI7IS HEMtDT liU., BIfK. CMemlstf, rrTTTV.irwwrM-i.iJitTr J.R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DEALS OS IN PIANOS, U; tne following wellknown materei CliickcrincT) Kiiafoe, Weber, Hallct & Davis. Can also furnieh any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano ue lore getting our prices. .o.'. Catalogue and Price lists w On application. B.WtP-U LJ KM v V "hi nit ri', no tlU&r dnmrn fat m bill Wolfl'sfiCMEBIacking tf fu M font enHomrt r It la jvum rod o f"om 10 w At it t'tilni, titmg ttot FumuAlng Start for lion, vklcA WILL tTAtM OL9 NtW fun nmrutf Tamith at th time WILL . QlJklS ftNttXMINftWMC WILL fir AIM TtNWAftC WILL OtAIN lOUN OLD GAIN IT wtltii-' GAoraCOAeM anb nun h mi WOLI'P & RANDOLPH, FhlUlpUa. UP PIKE'S PEAK. THEHK ARK NOW THREE WA YS Of REACH ING THE FAMOUS MOUNTAIN TOP A trip through Colorado which does not include the spcent of tho famous Pike's Peak is ineomploto. To ac complish this threo routes aro offered tho ambitious tourist. Taking the old trail of the early gold hunters yoti may follow tho maze ot its innumerable windings up Cheyenne Mountain and along tbo margin of tho Seven Lakes. It skill and praotico nave made you consummate master of rein and steed you will make the journey on horse back. Lickins education in this di rection you aro consigned to tho tender mercies of cautious mulo or docile bu:ro (donkey,) self concentrated quad ruped, deaf aliko to crack of whip or pleading voice. A second route is by carriage from Cascado Canyon. If, however, ppurning the slow-climbing etaee coach, you sick surer means of rapid transit, tho Pike's Peak cog whoel railway offers superior induce ments. This road, however, is still un finished, and, having reached tho half way bouse by rail you aro lelt to con tinuo your io'irnoy on back of hor-ie, mule or donkey. The relative advan tases and attractions of routes hav ing been duly weighed, tho trip by coach seemed most feasible. Seven of lhcr.0 coaches moot the train at Cascade to carry travellers to tho distant summit, An inspiring motto, emblazoned in startling ochre on the rear of each, roads "Pike's Peak or Bust.'' Aided by horse and mule and skilful driver, it proved Piko's Peak Tho ride from Cascade to the summit is 'eventecn miles, through scenery often bcauli ful, always sublime. Colossal rock- forms tower above youj on every hand rise gigantic pilasters vast -caryatids supporting the entablature of the lulls. Your journey is accomplished in live hours Four horsos convey your coach to tho half-way house and are' there supplanted by as many mules, moro sure-footed and therefore better mountain travellers. Your route up the steep mountpin is a zigzag one, varied by innumerable windings on edges of abrupt precipices and start ling declivities. But your confidence in mules and driver is calm and strong. With assurance of perfect safety and oven a sense of power, yon look up 2.D00 feet at tho leader slowly moving along tho brow of tho mountain, and then downward 2,000 feet at the last coach, apparently journeying in the wrong direction. The scene that meets the eye as you aro slowly lifted up the mountain sido is almost be wildering in its sublime beauty. The topography of the cntiro country is disclosed to tho charmed oye, moun tain and valley, shimmering lako nnd sparkling rivulet making a panorama of incompirablo aud inspiring grandeur. Uiaut peaks to the southwest dwindle to insignificant hill.-. Colorado Springs becomes a pitch of green in the distance, .Manitou steals from sight within the arms of tho hills. Leaving tho half-way house you are soon above timber line, and now the tedious part of tha ndo begins. Fol lowing the trees the grasses soon dis appear alsnj only a few hardy pi'rsist- etit mosses remain to re-.t tho wearied oye. Higher yet! rocks everywhere! Tho mules struggle upwards; vegeta tiou has entiroly disappeared. Rocks on every hand. It seems as it the groaning mountain bad belched forth this appalling aggregation, whoso pro digious mass covers summit and sides. At last the very pinnacle of the mount ain is attained, unly rocks! a vast desolation confronts tho awe-struck, silent traveller. And now the rarified atmosphere plays strange pranks with tho helpless being whom temerity and "vaulting ambition" has ualnuJ for him this cloud-swept eleyalicn. Thu vanquish cd mav be found on every hand. The victim of superfluous avoudupois first to succumb. From this asemblum' ot pa!o countenances and vt hilling branio we discrete v wa kul nw.iv, lest sympathy should prove moro po tent than elevation. For tho hrit time wo looked down upon fleecy cIoihIb that trailed their Rhining garments along thu mouutain sido. Afler a ttay of half an hour at tho United Slates hignal service station at the summit, our tetum trip was mado in throe hours. From the Ghicaao Herald. A Tree That Owns Property. There is a treo at Athens, Ga which is a property holder. In the early part of thu century the land on which it stands was owned by Uol. V. II. Jackson, who took great delight in watching its growth and enjoying its shade. In his old ago the treo had reached magnificent proportions and the thought of its being destroyed by thoso who would como after him was so repugnant that ho recorded a deed, of which tho following is parti "I, W. II. Jackson, of the county of Clarke, of tho one' part, and tho oak treo (giving location), of tho county of Clarke, of tho other part: Witness clii, that tho said W. II. Jackson, for and in consideration of the great affec tion which ho bears tnid tree, and his desiro to seo it protected, has convoy ed and by these, prt soots do convey unto (he said oak treo entire potsossinn of itself and of all land within eight feet of it on all sides." Chicago Her ald. Rabbits and quail are unusually plentiful this year owing to last winter being bo mild. This will mane it or cellont for hunting this fall and wlnt or. Now Reporter I went down and Interviewed General Snappy, as you ordered, sir. Editor Did tho general loso his temner? Now Reporter Oh, noi ho had it with him. Light, One of Many, Sal called out tho sharp-featured worn in, "do you wnriant these muk melons to be riiict" "Wo do, madam,'' t aid tho grocer. "Well, I want to get ono. ' "In n moment, ma'am. Just as soon as I tlo up this '' "rm in a hurry, if you can't wait on mo just say so aud 1"1 go to some other store." Kxcuso mo lust a moment," tbo grcccr paid to tho ouetomcr he had been-waitlng on. "Now, ma'am, I'll bo happy to " "ion say you warrant thcrai ' "Yes" "How much is this onct" "Forty cents." "My landl I can net 'cm liko that over here at Ilimiltou's for twenty five." 'I think not, ma'am. . But wo have them at all prices, from -(0 cents down to fi.' "Take 20 cents for this one?" "Couldn't do it, ina.am." "How would vou 'sell threo liko tlmT" "They would cost you half a dollar." "Suro they're ripef "If thoy'ro not they won't cost vou anything." "Well, they oughtn t to. You make profit enough on 'em anyhow." "1 make about uu cents on tho en tire lot, ma'am. Did you say you would tako thiso three? "No, I didn't. I don't believe thoy'ro' ripe. "I assure you, ma'am, they aro all ripo. ' (io thu other otiHoiner.) I'll be thore in lust a moment." (To the sharp-featured woman.) "I'll let yon havo tho threo lor -liiccnts. 1 hat b ex actly cost." "M'ml'' mused tho woman, "you say you warrant them?" "Wo do." "Won't take 45 cents for theBe fonr,- 1 reckoDl ' "Couldn't pafsibly do it, mi'a Tint's liss than cost." "Wouldn't sell these fivo for 10 cents apiece?" "Would bo glad to oblige you, but I coutun t let ihem go at that." "M'm! I'll tako tlii.-i fivo cent one Here's a $5 bill. It's the least I've got. Givo mo the change as quick as you can." lot people wonder why grocers have a bald spot on top of tho head and contribute so little to tbo support of foreign missions. UAH CONSUMPTION BE 0UBE1J? EXPERIMENTS REPORTED TO THE FRENCH ACADEMY OK MEDICINE. Among the subjects that carao be- toro the recent judical Convention at Berlin for consideration ?as that of the treatment of pulmonary complaints Tne question as to whether consump tion can bo cured or whether it can be prevented among persons who inherit weak lung-i, is ono that has for gonera Hons excited tho liveliest interest among medical men. Two reports were mado to the ijcrun Convention on this subject. , ur. f aul Oibier, of the Paste nr Ins- tituo in this city, who was a member of the B 'rlin Convention, was akod yesterday what he thought the prob ablo outcome would bo of tho reported recent discoveries relating to tho treatment of consumption. "1 nave received a copy, he replied, "ot an elaborate report by l'rof. Granchcr, of the Pasteur Institute, Paris, which has just been madu to tho French Academy of Medicine, giv ing tho resuits of experiments in pre venting consumption by vacciuatiou. Tbo animals operated upon wt-iu rab- bitts. linelly it may be said that tho object aimed at by Prof. Granchcr i to make tho rabbits consumptive pr -ol. iho virus is prepared Irora tubercu losis baoilluj (tho grrm of consump tion) aud is of ton grades of strength. The inoculations wen made at iuier- vals of ten days, c-iro being taken t- see that tho aMimN were in a porfic ly hcalthly conditio!!. After being suli.oted to this treauno it the nibbitr were inoculated with virulent virus but nodevelopemnntof tuberculosis fol lowed. JUiu elhoacy of the treatment was illustrated by iiifculating othor healthy rabbit, which had not been treated according to thontiw (l.scnvvry, with tho virluent nus. In -ill thcf" case-t tuberculosis uas quickly devel. oped ard tho an. ranis died- None of the consumptive-proof labbils were affected. It will Ijb seen that the treatment thus far is a pre.ventivo of tho disease, but further experiments are being made with the hope ot being able to apply tho treatment, or ow somewhat similar, to patients in which tuberculosis has been fully de veloped." . ELIS. Catarrh cream tJaim Cleanses tho Masai L'usaagcf, Allnys 1'n.ln and InlUmunttrn. Heals tlio Horcs. Restores thu Scdsc-8 of Tutte and Smell. THY THE cuue-HAY-EEVER Anartlclols annllod lata eich lotl lata eicU nostril and Is agrecaoie. rnco 00 registered, 60 eta. cenUat DriUTlsls: by mall, 5S Warren fit., New York, ALESME' WANTED. LOCALOR1"'" TRAVELING to BCll our Nureerr Stock. Halarr. Kxnrna ra in DttMj ClULllUUlCUb KUiliauiUUU. UllABli UKlJ llttllM IXJMFANY, moo. 9 11 w. ltocnesicr, n.Y. mjMTQMen and women, earn bltr nay week. AuuiiiUjy tor all or part tune. Local or traveling: work, outtlt rreo. No eiDeiienco neeuuu. &xciu:vu territory. All inq ueai BDeciai- uut), oukk warranted, salary ana expensed 1 Hustlers. j, K. W1HTNKY, Nurseryman. D-12-tu liocneater, N. Y. CLOTHING I CLOTHING G. OT BERTSCH. THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Gents' Furnishing Goois.H&ts is Ii; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at'short notice nnd a fit always guaranteed or 110 sale, Call and oxaralno the largest and best selected stook of goods over ahown in Columbia county. Btore next door to First National Dank MAIN STREET, BlooniHlmrc: Pa. 111! J THE GREAT (German Remedy! TRUTHS FOR THE SICK nib biu.n tLUKi will t-O tinidl II tor tlmwi dvnthlT tUllmufipellnilcpenn onsru'iiunUiTiEitf It will euro vou. I forncflrovliprofci'i,- II nwn IHTTEn will! II notnupUt orcurc. It III E3 lo mi buUit v)U nCTcr falls ryj uininrciinnuaiigom fecllnjr; If in, use sumim BirrEua; It vrlll ruro roil. I Clcjinsc Iho vitlntcd VT1 i 13 ooi when you cc I II ts Impurities l)urM III tiff through iho pkluj II n rimnlcs.Illotrlics.l I Opcraih in liu arr mil Hnn. Uov on 111 stTLntrn liiTTKn,pa tnl iiMlth will tn I3 1A1 ai 1 I3tha mills firnl work snopsj cicrki,wnoHo not procure sufficient ei crcieo. nml nl 1 who I II arc confined !n tloorJ I iKhouMimoHfj.riU'H I llUTTKlK. ThCTWlll BULritL'Il 11 ITT KItS win euro Liter Com L.Iftlnt. Don t l-o lis not the a bo weak onragcti i it w in cure 1( )uu tin not wliii hrU'Hl'It IIITTKR? tosmrcrrrorn llheum bulltl you up Anil nako you Etrongand nUsm, iim Imtllo ol Summit 1I1TTVRS ; It never f.-Ulu tiirure iiuaiiny. bULrHLUltlTTTiW liu't le wltliuut o pure, rich nnd ftronff. c3 Till make your uiooii h in' i yourufBii imm, Irv bLi.iMU it liir if. us to night, nnd vou will fleep well Do rou want tho let Aleillcnl Work publleheil? Feml 3 2-cent stamps to A. 1'. Okdwat & Co Iloflton, Mass., and receive a copy, free. (tlmnlikt Ilia torpid IlTr, trnKt- na thdia7(lt oorcnm, rtnlIHUi bowela. nuil ro nikequftlvtl iki an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. la malarial dlitrlcl fhclr Tlrtnai aro wldalr racogulrad. ihy patitu pec nllar propvrtU-n In frr-clnu thoaytlam from (bat polaon. EleskkrillT mrn oatd. Doaaaiuall. l'rlca, sseli. Sold Everywhoro. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. ThuuMi'iiJs tiuVti Uvn crinaneiitly curcl by- rJIILADKU'llIA.rA. le at mice, no operation or litsi tit tlmn from lnwlnn. I au t iron mi i.ct-il In. curable by ulliers wjtittxl. beml for Circular. CURE GUARANTEED. omwiiSSnatii Ocu s-'OO-ly Vllfllh IKtrrmil of Mr t..,n W1M loni f g.l-T,,. (.1,,,, vritcai MW it work on t farm fit O month i 1 now hive in ifrnr tor K. C.AIIfD iCoiilbumt and publi- Wllll.irj KIIn, Itarrithurr. I'-- wnnii -i oare nrr Known tnythloir to icll l!k your albuiu. lcitcrdttj I took cnlert enough to piy mi OTwSa.V Wt J. LI more, Bsnror, It., vkritptt I Uk n orilrr for your album at annual "rrj nouio 1 Ult. Hf Froniia onn aimuciiai s v or a aintrla diviwotk." Ut hinar doing rjaiuaiMf II) Lav not it'ac lo viva rarla from thtir Iritr-n. kven- cn wbo take bold of thli rrri'l bninn iJUt opf ranrl rollia. Shall wo start YOU in this business. rtadrr? M rila tout and learn all about It foryourn-If. Wt aretunlnit maoTi walllnart you if you dun t delay until morbfrrrtt ahtaij cf you to yoor part or tbarounirv. If you lakohoM you will baabtato pick up prold fail. OtT tC4ul Dii account of a forced manufacturer i ial 1 OOtt t'it tlolhir Ihcitiifriiph Allium armo bg sold tottr PNVJ for Sch. Hound In Itoyat L'hmaoii hllkVrlvH luab.Clianninrlydecoriirdlnaidca.llaoilaoniMt album In the wrld. Lara-eit Bii. Crrateat barrna vrr knoMn. Anmit wauted. Liberal lerroa. lifft money for a rent. Any on ran betonin a urceiaful B7nt. Sella llaelf on alphl little or nc lalkluir necetaarr. S brrever ahown. evrrv one wanla to titir. rhaae. Aicrntt lake tbouunda of ordcra wllh rapidity nevrr vvivi nirvn , uini invuii niit iwwrncr. a irmkiiiK fonunaa.'Ladieamake aa much aa man. ou. rlrr. c-.li do aa m ell aa any one. Full information and term a f rce, to tboae wbo wriia fur aaroe, with particular and termi for our rtrillr Illblea, Ilooki and Ferlodicala. After you know all, isbouldyou conclude lo y ono fartber, wby no ha rot la dona. Jan. lS-W-iy. yaa3 da its a q For LOSTorVATLINO MANnnnili Otneral nncJNEKV0U3 UEEILlIYj JlWeaknencf Dodyandilincl, Effect! btjDl. floblit JllM(OOl) folly Kratorvd. How to ttlar anl BireBtlheanilifc.l.'SruVkLOrifliOHOltSAPiltTtlori.eur. ibtolulelr nofalllt ItUlIK TUKAHitM l!ea0(a In ft day Ken teallly from to I ale and terrlgo Coon trie. Write them. lc(rlptl Itook, etrlinatlcn and proof raMI-d (alad) free. uircu ERIC MUDtOAU CO., DUrfALO.N. Y FOR Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Exeola anv remedv fop Iho ranM im m CoMi, Coughs, Hide Bound, YellowWater, Fever, Distemper, Sore and Weak Eyes, Lung Fever, Colli. encsi, Blotches, and all difficulties aris ing from Impurities ol the Blood. Will relieve Heaves at once. Manuacturtdhy tit iWr-A MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. V, VOU BjLLE I1V AIX DEAUS1L3. 3 31-00-r.ly. I PAEiKkiR'S i HAIR BALSAM iCIrunfel aufi U-tnLnci lha hair. r-miutia a luauricni cruwu. r'tWft- ""'r VoulLful Color. IVL-.ia-M Cuixo .clip 1 a A hair U tius. V ' ,";''.'"l'...!r"-r''!'--. ray mmwm I'ae Iarker'aU-,11 -ar J-oi.lti. I f pm" I Wraa l-una. llju,;v, In7tUh)n, 1-am, laka lulim Mtu. HlflDErtROn US. In i mi I j Corp.". fii). ailkt," lSCTal CaSluU. ur Hl.-CU. at CO., H. V. U 12-41. iiest in Tiir, ivom.n. ItavrearlasquaUtl.BarenDBurpikHBed, actually outlaatloc; two boxes of iroyothor brnncl. Not eHectl by heat. Ir-1 iri'TH V. 1 KSV INK. FPU BALE HY1IEAI J.11S GENERALLY. ! SAW MILLS Patent Variable Friction anil Uelt Fiod. STEAM ENGINES, HAY PRESSES, SHINGLE MILLS, &c. l'OKTAHLE GltIS'1' MILLS. HCml tOr 11119. TMRESM1SO M4CII1NE3, tj. catalogue, A. II. I'AltuuilAK cu., York, ri 7-25- is w Dntrnit oiiii JJUUUll Htcul tackle mock HALF TUB COST ot hoisting Bavod to btorckeepHrs, uutcners, farmers, Jiacn mists. Dullders. coutmciora and OTll UltM. Admitted to be the greatest lm. ErovementB EVKH made In tackle looks. Freight prep.Ud. Write for catalogue, Fulton Iron k Engine Works. Estab. 1S52, lo lirusu ti., Detroit, mio 6-2-ly. Iju, lliit world. Our factluica at T. Ill Unequal Wl, ana io inuuauca atu uiwrior fooAt wa will landrHt I imo In aach locality. rla aaabova. Only thoaa whu wrtta tout at OBcaran Piaaa aur ttta ckanca. aill rou bat a to do 1 rttuntltta ahow our gooda U tlioa who call your naiRhtor and thoia around 70U. Tb bt ttoalair of till advartliamaDl aknan ttta am all and of lha lalt AYlUfiRF' icop. Tfra feUowtag cnt tiff int apptarantu wi i" deaf: 'vihiiiLK iiiiuua IA eiKUtfllt. Whliwra bMkrd. Com. UUa.aa.Mrlk.r all k.-aala. fall. HaUkj r. lliaiol, iii,, ui-a.ij, . lk- mm ( a..k .1 ,m run. u-ia imi, K IIT & PODMORE. AHOHITECTtJ, OsTKititoDT HoimiNa, Wllkesbarrc, Pa. Uranch Ofllco, Uloorasburi,', Pa., with Iho. h. Uuiik, AU'y. & Counaelier. l-ji.ir GET T.EK COLUMBIAN, 81 00 A YKAIt' KJixiuie. 'irr it! yon I wilt notrcm-tlt. I l.nlies In ucllcatc Iho.ilth, who arc nil I run down, pIioiiM up i gHiii.riii'ii UtTTrm. Tuft's P lis n tfJIV ar ,1 --JIV.!.!, . nhim axle SiEg RAILROAD TIME TABLE. tCT WJ' I ITniKnBVaBOiV J-ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. HLOOMSI1UKG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOUT1I. p. if. r. sr. a. it. i.u. KORTIICMBBRLiND 6 40 I 60 1003 S 16 Cameron 613 ... Inn 6 80 (JhulASkr 10 19 lMtlTlllO I(H ill 10!t 6 41 Catawlssa tti .... 1043 6M Itupeit , (30 S 80 1(160 70S liiuomsounr c-ae so io 67 7 12 lPT Ml 1141 1 1 05 T 20 urne iiiatre. eou .... 1112 tit willow (irora 1161 .... ins 731 lirlarcreelc tM .... 11 so 73) Ik-rwICK ICS 2 69 U9I 7 41 Iicach llarcD. Til .... n 31 749 lllck's Ferrr 7 is .... 11 M 7 m HMCkslllnilJ- 7 80 8 SO II 41 8 04 IIUDIOCKU.... 7 41 .... 1164 ft IT Nantlcoke. 760 3 38 Vim 8 31 Avonclile 7M .... 13 10 8 2s I'lrmoutn 7 69 3 46 13 16 8 83 Plymouth Junction 8 01 .... liso 8 3-1 Kingston 8 03 1 63 l7 8 45 Dennett.... 819 .... 1231 849 Mlltor 8 17 12 33 8 53 Wyoming 8 21 4 02 12 40 8 68 West 1'llUtOn 8 27 4 04 12 4 3 9 03 Ilttaton. .. 8 33 4 11 12 53 9 CI TavlorTlllo 8 43 1 09 9 S3 iacK.waona 8 40 1 ol v 17 8CRANTON. 9 00 4 IM 1 20 9 89 iMjuevuo..,.,. s ri .... in i r. vi. r, m r. ki. r. u 8TAT10N8. bouth. ECRANTOH 610 9 50 1 63 6 20 isellevue 6 is 9 63 .... 2S Taylorvillo 6 20 looo !02 a so Lackawanna 6 23 10 04 2 10 6 37 IttUton..... 6 So 1016 218 C46 West PltUtOn. 6 41 10 22 2 21 0 58 Wyoming. 6 47 10 27 2 29 6 55 Maltby 6 61 1030 .... 6 59 a.m. a.m. r.u.r. ii Dennett. 6S 10 34 2 37 7 03 Kington 6 58 1033 2 40 7 07 l'lymouth Junction. 7 OS 10 42 2 45 7 12 Plymouth. 7 10 10 47 2 50 Tie Avonaaie 714 in 31 u 721 Nantlcoke. T 19 1055 269 725 Ilunlock'8 710 1102 3 00 7 43 smckshlnny 7 37 1112 8 20 7 55 Hick's Kerry 7 55 1122 3 31 8 07 toach Haven , 8 01 1131 3 40 8 13 Ucrwlck , 8 07 11 40 3 47 8 20 lirur Creek 8 13 3 53 8 27 LlmallldgO 8 20 11 51 4 02 8 33 muowuroTO. 816 11 50 3 67 8 31 r-JPy 8 26 12 01 4 09 8 41 uimmsDurg 8 32 12 06 4 15 8 4; Kupcrt 8 37 1212 4 22 8 51 utuawiasa 8 42 1217 4 29 8 5 D.invllle 857 12 32 4 46 9 IS unuiaguy 4 m Cameron 07 12 41 5 00 9 m NORTOUlf BBRLAND 9 22 12 65 5 15 9 15 A. r. M. r. u. I . H, Connectlrinn at linnirt. wlrh Plillartplnliln ft Ifimarv-lrl Ullnhlira nA.t.nilla ntn A, Mn.tK.i.n. iwiniiuw iiiiruau lor lamanena. -rania ina. win. berland with v.&k Dlv. V. li. II. 'for UarrlaUurv;, i.ttvcii, nuiuuriuui, wurruu, wiry, una u,rio. w. r. iiAU)rrkAU, uen. Man.. scranton, l'a. Pennsylvania Railroad. iixll PhiUdelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. in oaect MAY II. 1610. Trains loave SunDury BAirWAI! 9.40 a.m.. Sea Shora Bmrpnti f.lallv rimn Snnaay), tor Harrlsburg anrltniermodlatcatatlonB aniruia' at rauaaiipuias.i5 y. m. ; New YorE 5.53 p. in., connecting at Philadelphia tor all Sea ihore points. Throaih pasaonirer coaoh to .oult. ui. : uiiiiuoru, a. iu p.m.: wasniDKton 1.35 n. lil 1)AV TEznrAfi Jally except Siiniay),for llarrlshurg and tnterme llate stations, arriving at P a 1 1 a a o 1 p h a 4.50 p.m. New York. B.S5 n. m. - llalrirnnrf. 6.45 p.m. Wasnlnstou, s.15 p. m. Parlor car thro-jgh to Philadelphia and passenger coaches buiuuKu w riiiiiwuiiiuiu auu uaitimorc. 8.05 p. m. ltJnovo Accommodation (daily ror Ilarrtsburg and alllntermedlato stations, arrlY Ingat Phllalelphla t.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m. Utltlmore, 5.151. m.; Washlncton 6.30 a. m. ; lMillmanslK'Dlniroartrom llarrisbunr to Fhlladel. iium auu iicn luta. i uu.kumpaia pasgengerB can remain In alet-per unltsturbed until 7 a. m. 1.50u. m. Krle tfatirdallfWor HnrriahitK. n.nn Intermediate atmioni, arr'lng at Philadelphia 3.50 a. m. Suv Y'ork, 9.50 a. m.j Through Pullman aiv-uju vara auu jmsayuKer coacnes to rnuaaei- puiu. 2.50 a. m.Hl-ltrirn Rrnrr-ai M illk rnr narrla- bur ana Intermediate statloni arriving at lUltt- i..v,o, iu. i i i .v asuiukiiuu 9.49. a. m. ana through Pullmnn sio--plng oars to mitlmore and A'ashingtoo, and through passenger coaches to llattlmore. WBSTWAKli. 5.10 a. m Krle Mall Mnllvl. for nrln nnl a." Cinanlalgua aid Intermedlato stations, Koches tor, lluiralo -ud Niagara Kails, with throuch Pnii manl'.iH.'eoira anlpana-engercoaches to Krle and rkJuoaivi. D.53 News EXDresa ( dally i (or l rvlr nnvnn and Intermediate stations. 1.42 p. m. Niagara Express (dall7 except Man 1 1)-) tor Kune, cana, iialgua and intermediate sta- kiuus, u nu&ter, uunaio ana ruagara Jfaiis with thrr.UkThDaasenirer coaches to Kane and Hnr.hrflri- and Parlor car to Watklns. 5.30 p. m. Koat Line (dally excentsnndayltor no- novo, Waiklns and Intermedlato stations, with through passenger coaches to Itonovo and watklna. v.is p, m. kMiiiamspon. :xpro3S ( aaiiy ) lor TIIKOUQn TIIAIN8 rOK80NUiniY -FltOlITHB HAST AHU KUUI'U. News Express leaves New Y'ork, 12.15 night, klladelDhia 4.30 a.m. Baltimore. 4.3d a. m. iinr. rlaOurg, a.10 a. m. dally arriving at Sunbury V.53 a. iu, Nlaeara Kxnresn leavea Now Yorl-fi.m n m Philadelphia. 8.50 a. m. : Washington 8 10 a. m. ll.il. tlmore 8.00 a. m. (dally oxcept Sunday arriving at sunbury, l.ia; p.m., with through Parlor carirom rniiaueipnia anatnrougn pasbengercoacnea from ruiitktimiiuiu auu uikiviinure. Past Line leaves New York 9.00 a.m. : Phlladcl ohla.11.10 a. m. : Washington. 10 (-0 a. m. Haiti, more, 11.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at auuuurr, a.w n. m. wiin uirougu passenger cu icuea tro,u rnnaujipuia anu uaitimore kTiiim-nspuri. upreiss leaves mjw loric n.oo p, m. PhllaJc nhia 4.05 n. m. Woahlnirton 3.30 r. in iMiiiuiure p. ui. uxiiy ; arriving at sunoury 1 ) k. ui. Erie-Mall leaves New York8.00n.rn.: Phlladol, phia, ll.siip. in. ; Washington, 10.00 p.m.; lialtl. uiuro, ii.i i p. m., v(iku arriving ai ounDuryrj.lo . in., wuu ruuuiao siw.-pmg cars rrom natsiincer coaches f ron? Philadelphia and Balti uuaj?innii. waanincion ana uaiumore and more. MUNIItlRV, IIAZI.KTII.N OS V'I I.Kl!SMAltlt It ltMLIKIAII A .Ml MIUTII .(.Ml WKHT IlirtNllII RAILWAY. (Dailr except buuiiay.i Wtlkesbane Mall leaves Sunbury 10.00 a.m. arriving at Bloom Kerry 10.43 a. m Wllkes-barre .iu p.m. at bloom Ferry 6.2 p. m., Wllkeg-barre 7.50 p. iu. ftAurrat ikoui. ioa. ca ouuuurjr D.S3 v. ui. urnvii. Ing at Bloom Kerry 18.37 p. m., Bunbury I.S8 p. ti aunoury juaii leaves wi iKe&Darre 11.17 a.m. arnv uxpress v est leaves w uaes narre j.ea p. m., ar. vlng at Bloom Ferry 4.30 p. m.," Bunbury 5.20 p. in. SUNDAY TItAINH. Wllkesbarro mall leaves Sunbury 10.00 a. m.. ar rtvtng at Bloom Perry 10:41 a. in., wiUea-Uarrn iv:iu ii.m. Sunday accoaimo.1.itton teivoa Wllkes-Barr- -!0 p. m., -umin? at Uloom re-rT, . p.m.. nui .i TjliO n. m C1IAH. E. rUtlll. J. it. WOOD, Uen. ilanagcr. uen. Pawenger A;U PI11LA jADELIMIIA & HEAD I NO 'JIOA.D ON AND AKTEH Sept. 5 1890. TltAlNS LSAVK ULOOMSIlUIta aa follows: (SUNDAYS EXCRPTSP.) For New York. Pniladelphla. Heading, rottsvllle Tamaaua. etc.. d:ij0. ll:ai a. m. For Wllllamsport, Milton and Danville 7:3 1 ,i. m. 8:10. 11:00 n. m. ror uaian i-sa ' mi, cou, ii:uo a. ia., ix:so, o:vu tr.m p. in. For ltuiiert 6.), 7:30, 11:05 a. m., 12:20, 3:t, e:fi, TltAlNS FOIt ill.OOMSUUlttl Leave Nw York via Philadelphia 7:45 a. m. 4:00 p. m. ana via gabion e:i5 a. m. a:n p. m. Leave Philadelphia 10:10 a. m. 0.00 p. m. Leave iteaaing ii:oo a. m. 7:01 p. m. ixiavo Pottsvtlio 12:30 p. m. I-HV6 Tamaqua 1:21 a. 111. 9:18 p. m. Leave W llllanuporl 9:18 a. in. 4:15 p. m. l.avn Uatawlaia 7:00 8:00 a. in., 1:30, 3:20. 6:15 ii:(M n. m. Iwo Rupert 4:16, 7:03, 8.08, 11:21 0. m. 1:38, 3:31, bin, 11:10 p. ui. H (i. It. 11.. through trains leave Ulrard Avenue kor lumimoru wubuimriuu auu liiu kvest Tia 11. btation l-lilia. ir. s. 11. it. it. 4:10, s:uu. ii:v7 a. m. 1:31. 4:21. Ma. 7:23 p. m. auuaays 4:10. 8.02. 11:27 U. UJ., a:4, 0:1s, (ia y. ui. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Iter 7. Chestnut Street Whan, ana oouiu sireet vuaru yoH AIL1HT10 CITY. Week days Express, 9.00, a, m. 2:00, 4.00, Accommodation. 0 00 a. in. 5 CO. d. in. dation t:tiu a. in. ana i:3u p. m, KKTUBNINO, LklVI ATLANTIC CITY. IK-pot corner Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues 1 Bunuain liiiwi, w, a. ui. Accommo Weekdays Express, 7:30, 9.00, a. in. and 4:00, p. in. Accommodation, 8:00 a. m. and 4:31 p. m. Hundasft-Express, 4:00, p. m. Accommo dation, t:m a. m ana 4:90 p. m. in. V. a. HANCOCK, A. A. McLEOD. Oot'l. lus. Ayeta. YM, Oen'U Manager. ATENTS voits and Trade Marks obtalned.and all Paten t sine9 oonauotea igruuanvris truua. lllln'ofirlOK 1M Ol'P laiTK U. H. PATKNT OFFICE. We have no sub-agenclee, all business Irect, hence oan transact patent business In lets imeana at bras uuai'tuua tuoso remote rrom Washington. bend model, drawing, or photo.wlth description. we aavise ir pateniauie ur cut, irve oi Charge, Our too not due till Daunt is secured. A book,"Ilow lo Obtain Patents, "with references 0 actual clients la your state, county, or town, w nvvuai viivuta tu fv uvwvv vvuuv vi tvnii 1 liOOKH . BACKWAliB' FOR THEXAST 40 IT IS A SATISFACTION TO KNOW THAT THE Clothing 1 Establishment OF D L0WENBERG, Still leads in the Latest Styles, Still leads in the Still leads in the WHILE Is always full of the Latest and Largest Stock of Imported and Domestic Goods made up by Experienced Workmen. PERFECT SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. pa riFTY DOLL AllS FOR till PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE yU 1700 Chestnut St.. PHILADA., PA. (Both SaiM.) roaKlan for nradnaten. Tlml 3ie4moB. lieattKqalpped. llest Connie of titndj. OirovlanfrMlfjoanamtthlipapBc july 11.13w WHOLESALE DEALERS IN (Ca.j, lEolaffo, Canj. Fvoftj nA ytj-. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies- Fresh Every Week., UPEILSnSJ "ST GOODS JL. SFEOI.I-rTTSr. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands Ogut : Honry Glay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princooa, Samson, Sihar Ash. Any order tor Festivals will be supplied with th Lowest Market Prico, alWaWIi Orattej, Lemons, ream N$ BLOOMSBURG, PA. G. 6. lOBBIS, Foreign and Domestic JOBBEE OIG-.AP,9. 4 BLOOMSBURG ?K. ' get the wmm In purchasiiiK bortEO hold iieoceHitics. it is wiao alwavs to selent that wJiitih Is tho best, it will bo thu olieaixjet iu source of pleasure. J. SAIjTEU has won a wide reputation for selling good goods at low prices. Ho buys direct from tho manufacturers, and can sell first class goods cheaper than can bo obtained elsewhere. Here are some of tho nrticlct! at,d prices : S wing Machine of thrfo grades, mado liy thu Now flomo Sowing machine Co., 3 drawer drop leaf, all attachments, from $ 10.50 to $G0. Royal St. John, $30 upwards. Standard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. j Have received tbo anonov for tho Distin Cornot, tho best cornet in tho world. A gnod assortmt nt of violins, guitars, banjos, accordeons, drum', tlutos, fifos'and all kinds of musical instruments. Ths best of strings for violins, cuitnrs, binis, violincollo, and bass violins. Audit for liuttcriok's patterns," pattern-book and fashion shoots. Pianos, organs and sowing machines sold on inonthy tajtnents. A Ho discount for cash. Do not eend elsowhero, but call and see the stock of your homo doalor, who Is alway-B with you, and oan givo you any information or instruction upon any instrufiient you may purchase J. SALTZER. Misn liens WABEROOMS YEABS' Largest Stock, Latest Novelties THE LIFE SCJIOLAIlSUir tho end. A cood article in always a Estey Piano, $350 to $60. Sleek, $375 to $C00. R. M. Bent & Co,, $250 to $100. Urown & Simpsou, $250 to $400. R.lryOrgatis, $90 to $175. Miller organs, S75 to $150, United Stntes organs, $125 to $175. Chicago Cottage organ, $90 to $1-40 Worcet-ter organs, $75 to $150. Paris organs, $00 to $100. Celebrated White Sowing Machines $ to $05 New Domestic Sewing Machines, $35 to $75. wmm Boosev -ft lac