The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 03, 1890, Image 3

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W. A. Matr Esti.. of Ashland. u In
town on Saturday on legal business.
A Democratic Rally.
A mcetine will bo held
William B. Kaso of llcnton township Wn,1.lno,ln nn.,i rw H
was among the visitors to town on Batur. A tV.V ?, 7
Absolutely Puro.
A crcain of tartar baking powder. High,
est of all In leavening strength. U. S.
Government Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
The Columbian
nrruWlahod every Friday. Subscription price,
91. w n jutti,
Knterod at the I'ost omco at llloomsbure, l'a
as second class matter, March 1, isss.
Ij. D. Hohrbuch of Franklin visited tho
county scat on Baturday on business.
John 0. Tubbs of llcnton township was
a caller at this oQlco on Baturday.
Aaron llcss and wlfo of MMlln spent
Sunday with their son M. J. Hess, tho
Miss Frances A. Jacox of South New
Hcrlln, N. Y. is visiting relatives and
friends In town.
Bamncl 11. Klsntr, tho sturdy black.
smith, aud one of Mlllvlllo's leading citi
zens, served on the jury last week.
Kdltor a. A. l'ottcr of the Mlllvlllo Tab-
let called on his Bloomsburg friends on
Tho steeple 3f tho now l'rcshytcrlan
church Is now being slated. .
Tho saw.mill of Creasy & Wells on
Seventh street Is kept busy sawing ook
Trains on tho r.
follows i'
1:3! a. m.
3:31 p. m.
coaiucT miuimn tiki tibii.
It. It. It. loavo import as
11:0 J a. m.
6:23 p.m.
Tralnsontho D.L.& W. It. It, loavo Moomsburg
u follows i
7 St a. m. 8 33 a. m.
10-49 a.m. 13:18 p.m.
2:39 p. m. 4:19 p. m.
6:38 p, m. 8:24 p. m.
Tralnsonthe N.&W. 11
Forry asfollowa:
10:48 a. m. p.m.
10:43 a m
6:39 p m
Taking enoct Monday, skitemukk s, isss.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS, r. H. A. H. A.. a.m. r. . r. sr.
BlOOmsburc, !S 11 43 7 0", 9 35 2 35 fl 40
Main street 6 18 n 41 S3 9 42 s 43 a 47
Irondale 6 16 11 311 6 56 8 4S 2 n 0 60
PaperMUl 6 03 11 31 6 48 8 5-1 2 M 7 00
LlRhtetrcet. 6 05 n sa 6 41 8 nn 2 60 7 rci
Oraneovlllo S 57 11 SO 6 35 9 Of. 3 07 7 10
TorkS 5 45 11 10 6 25 9 15 3 17 7 20
Zaner's s 4J 11 06 o 21 9 20 :l 20 7 21
Stillwater 5 37 11 oa e 17 o ai 3 25 7 2S
llcnton, 5 28 10 115 (I 10 9 31 3 11 7 35
KdSOns, 5 23 10 50 6 07 9 36 3 3T 7 33
coles creek, S 20 10 45 6 05 9 33 3 40 7 40
Huirarloar, 6 15 10 42 6 02 9 4. 3 43 7 41
Laubachs, I 12 10 40 6 () 9 47 3 41 7 47
CentralTT. 6 03 10 11 5 5.1 9 67 3 53 7 57
Jamison city.... 5 oo lo 30 5 50 lo (0 4 oo 8 on
Lv. Lv. LV. Ar. Ar. Ar
F. H. A. H. A. fcf. A. u. r. u. r. II.
'Ihcro will be communion services in tho
Reformed Church next Sunday morning at
liolf past ten o'clock.
The monthly meeting of the BIcomsburg
school board will bo held this (Fruta' )
Clark & Son's handsomo show windows
aro admired by many passers-by. They
aro very tastefully arranged.
Tho advertisement of Clark F. Harder of
Catawlssa will be found In this paper.
Itallwaypass Bloom Rend It.
After all, tho best way to know tho real
merit of Hood's Baisaparllla, Is to try It
yourself. Uc suru to got Hood's.
A footrace will bo one of the features of
tho Columbia County fair, to tako placo on
Saturday afternoon.
Opera House in Uloomshurg.
rpi. : i !ii
JL11U lUUUtVIUJ BpuilKUlB Will
bo present: Col. Martin, of
Wilkes-Uarro and Jutlgo Har
vey, of Allentown.
There will bo a Parlor Heading by Mrs.
Alma Sagar Welsh at Dr. D. J. Waller's on
tho Oth of October at 8 p. m. This will
bo varlsd by music and solos by Alias An.
nlo Miller and others. Admission 25 cents;
for tho benefit of the Presbyterian church.
A valuable mnro belonging lo G. M. Lock-
ard was badly Injured on Monday morn
ing at his farm, by being caught In a wlto
fence. Ono hind leg was terribly laccrat
cd, and as Inst as U was sewed up the
korse would kick until tho studies wcro
torn out.
Let every democrat pay his thxos to-day
in order to help lncrcaso Governor Fattl-
son's majority. Everything points to his
election. Let every democrat vote this
year and make his majority large. Don't
fall to pay your taxes. Batuiday, Oct. 4th
is tho last day to pay to Insure n vote In
19:37 p. m.
4'30 p. m.
Judge Ikcler on Wednesday gavo sen
tence to Nell Stroup of eight months in the
County jail, $230 flno and the costs of tho
Don't forfeit your vote by neglecting to
pay your tuxes to-day. Tc morrow Is tbo
lust chance in which to pay taxes for this
I year's Important election.
Louis Townscnd camo up from Carllslo
Saturday last and remained over Bunday
with his parents, returning Monday morn.
Ing. Recently ho completed a special
course In Chicago for fitting glasses.
Whllo at Chicago bo was offered a good
position but declined It. Jio Is a line
workman and an excellent young man.
G. G. linker, the undertaker, who lias
been confined to his bed for several weeks
is Improving rapidly and will soon be
ablo to attend to business. During his
sickness his partner K. M'Brlde, has had
double duty but ho proved himself equal to
tho task, and attended promptly to all the
wants of his patrons.
Ono of tho oldest, mo9t trustworthy and
successful firms of Patent Attorneys doing
business at tho National Capitol aro Messrs.
0. A. Snow & Co., 710, 8tb., 8T. N. ,W,
Washington D. C. If you arc interested
in any way in patents, or wish any lufor.
matlou i elating thereto, write lo them
Wc know ihcm to bu courteous and atten
tive. Bee their advertisement.
Our Offers.
Tbo Columbian has made arrangements
with a publishing houso by which It Is en
abled to make somo astonishing oilers.
Head the following:
All who pay up to dato and one year in
advance, and new subscribers, will re
ceive tho American Fanner ono year free.
Tho Farmer is worth onu dollar n year.
Wo will send tho Columiiian and tho
Now York Weekly World to any address in
tho county, for $1.90 a year,
The Coldmiuan. tho Worll, and the
Farmer for $3.00, worth $3.00.
To anv subscribers ravine: all arrears
and to new subscribers, tho Columiiian
and h comnlcto set of Dickens' Works in
12 vols, for $1.00.
The Columbian, and tho Mammoth Cycle
paedia, 4 vols, for $1 CO.
The Coi.UMiiiAN,DIckens' Works, and tho
Mammoth Cyclopaedia, for $2.10. This is
tho best offer ever mado by any paper In
this section, as tho books cannot bo
bought at retail for le99 than flvo do'lars
Tho Columiiian and The Cosmopolitan ono
year, $3.50. Tho Cosmopolitan is ono of the
leading magazines, aid tho subscription of
that alouo Is $3 40.
Any person sending us threo new sub
scribers at SI .00 each, will receive tho
CoLuaniAN ono year free.
Any old subscriber who will pay up to
dato and send us the name of ono new
cash subscriber will bo presented with 25
novels in neat pamphlet form, to be se-
lectcd from n list at this office,
price of tho novels Is 75 cents.
Tho Columbian 1 year,
Dickens' Wo'ks worth
Mammoth Cyclopaedia worth
American, worth
85 novels
F.ut Sals, Cheap. Oao largo double
healing stoves, smoke and heat pipe, all
good as new. Apply, 0. W. Fujjston,
10 3 2t. Hox 114, Hloomsburg Pa.
A new room in the High School building
was occupied Tuesday. Miss Flora Jones,
who was assistant at tho Fifth street
school, has charge of It.
Pay your taxes to-day and tako a tax re
ceipt; lo-morrow, Oct. 4th, Isjtho last day in
which to pay taxes to secure a voto in No-
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. J. Kreamer of Jersey-
town camo over Wednesday morning to at
tend the wedding of Wm. Purscl and Miss
Elizabeth Eshleman at Espy.
Miss Lillio Doak has opened dress- mak
ing rooms in Furmau's building, second
floor. She has been with Madame, Gart-
land in I'hiladclphia the past season and
will cut all gaiments by her system. 10-3-3 1
Tho "Bu9lnes Men's" will be
given by young ladies of the Lutheran
cburch In tho Opera House, Hloomsburg,
on Tuesday evening, October 14tb. This
unique entertainment is said to be one of
the most amusing of this day. A'l the
various businss stands of the town will bo
represented by some young lady there
will be eighty in all. Etch toting lady
will bo altiredln a costume representing tbo
tradcto which shc'will call the special atten
tion of tlio audience. Tho general merchant
will bo dressed with tho general merchant's
wares, the jeweler with Ibu jeweler's, the
tin stoic with its wares and the butchers
with their warss. Secure seats early,
Wherever this entertainment has been giv
cn the houso lias been crowded.
Harry G. Houscl is doing his best to
satisfy his customers lie keeps tho host
of oysters, and receives the finest varieties
ot liili from the lakes and tho ocean. Tho
demand so fur has been fully enua' to the
Many young children become positively
repulsive with soro eyes, soro cars, and
scald.hcad. Such afflictions may bo speed
ily removed by the use of Ayer's Barsapa-
rilla. Young and old alike experience tho
wonderful benefits of this medicine.
Tho cash
As a special Inducement tho managers
of tho Columbia County fair havo made ar-
rangements whereby the 'Breeders Gazette
a bright and Interesting weekly devoted to
stock breeding will be furnished frco until
Jan. 1st, 1801, to all exhibitors of horses,
cattle, sheep and swine,
Total $7-75
Wt Toll EPtid nil nf the abavo for $2.50.
Samples can be seen at this office. No
deviation will bo mado any of these
Address Tho Columiiian, Hloomsburg
A rrcHct to our SuUscrlbefH.
It U with nlnasuro that WO announce to
our many patrons that wo havo mado ar
rangements with that wideawake, illustra
ted farm maeazine, tho American Fabmbb,
published at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read
by nearly 200,000 farmers by which that
great publication will be mailed FHEE, to
tho address of auy of our subscribers
IN ADVANCE. This is a grand opportun
ltv to obtain a first-class farm journal free,
Tho Amkiuoan Fabmeu ia a largo 10-pago
innrnnl nf national circulation, which
ranks amontr tho leadlne agricultural pap
.m Turnnts thonuestion of economy in
"There aro millions In it" said a drug.
glat wheu asked about Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup. Price Sc.
For some time past I've been a rheuma
tic. I recently tried Salvation OH which
gave me almost Instant relief. I sincerely
recommend it as it has entirely cured me,
JAMES GORDON, Baltimore, Md.
The conditions of the Firemen's Conlest
at tho approaching Columbia County fair
has been slightly modified to conform more
nearly to tho established rules for such
contests. Tho distanco to be run win oo
iOO yards, reel off 200 feet of hose, break
connections, attach nozzle and throw wat
cr. Twelve runners in front of truck and
two behl id. The first prize is $30 and tho
s:coud $0.
The folio vine is taken from tho ..Vtio
York Timet in refrenco to Now York Phil
harmonic Club which will aopcar in the
Opera Houso Monday October 20th.
The artistic performance of tho Philhar
monic Club needs no special commenda-
tinn Tim mem hcra from continual asso
ciation havo acquired tho habit of playing
together, and tho result Is a unity which is
essential to gooujconcerim music.
The committee in charge of tho Blooms
burg Star Lecturo Course arc meetlug with
success. They have arranged for live lec
turers. Itcserved scat tickets for the en
tiro coutbo aro now ou sale at F. D. Dent
let's. The programme for the course is as
follows :
Oct. 20tb, N. York Philharmonic Club
Nov. 19tb, W. M. R. French: Dec. 5th. Jno
U. ClarH; Jan. 7lh, Lotus Glee Club; Fcby
Oth, R. J. Burdette.
Subscription to the full courso will here-
eclved up to Saturday, October 3, at $2.00
for reserved seats. (The course taken scp
aiatcly will cost $3.00.) Course tickets
will be on sale at Dcntlcr's from October G
to 11, the first threo days for subscribe!
John R. Townscnd, Chairman of tho
Democratic Standing Committee of thl:
County was at Wilkcs-Barre last Saturday
evening in attendance at the meeting of
tho Democratic District Chairmen of the
seventh division.
Tho following committeemen wcro in at
tendance: William Maxwell, Bradford
John R. Townscnd, Columbia: George T,
Horn, Lackawanna; P. A. Meixe.ll, Luz
erne; Ueorgo U. Kilmunson, Montour: A
W. Bchalck, Kusslc Karns, Sullivan
Azor Lathrop, Susquehanna; P. 8. Barnes,
Wnyncj and Edward Stephens, Wyoming
Chairman Charles H. Dickermin, of
Northumberland, was tbo only absentee
Ex-Chairman Klsner was also In attend
All tho
McGtltiK I'oittniin (Irimito No.s,
Tho next regular meeting of tho Pomona
Graneo No. 5, P. of II., composed of Col-
timbla and Lower Luzcrno counties, will
bo held In tho hall of tho Farmers' Produce
Exchango (limited), on Friday, Oct. 10th,
at 10 o'clock a. m. Address of welcome,
by Bro. E. II. Little. Let all Granges in
tho district bo represented. Tho fifth do-
grco will bo conferred In full In tho even-
Ing, It thcro aro any who wish lo tako it.
U. M. Gkotz, Wm. MinsoiI,
Rcc. Bcc'y. Master.
Crowtl tlic JIoubc.
Tho Opera Houso should bo crowded
next Thursday evening to sco the play of
'Wlfo for Wlfo." Tho troupe Is ono of
tho best. Becuro your scats early and get
ngood soat. Tho following Is from
tho Waihinqton Posit
Mr. John A. Hlcvcns. well-known to
lovers of melodrama, commenced a week's
engagement last night. He has departed
Bomewhat Irom his former style of plays In
tho selection of such a drama as "Wlfo for
Wife." It a ves him a lario field In which
to display ills abilities as an accomplished
and Dnnhed actor. Tho play Is full of
Intercstlr" situations. It is .intensely Ben-
sattonal, but the drama is new and start
ling in all Its details and is presented with
an action which makes it thoroughly appreciable.
lllonnikltitrtr I'alr.
Tho Hloomsburg fair will bo held Octo
ber 15, 16, 17, and 18th. Tho executive
committee havo made many increases in
premiums in the fancy depaitmcnt, as well
In tho display of agricultural pro
ducts. Every citizen of the county should
take a pride in making a grand display of
exhibits. Tho Columbia County Fair has
a wide reputation aud Is known as the best
fair In tho state. The large and tlno dis
play Is what has given It tho reputation,
and our ladles should seo tc it that the d's
play this year will surpass that of any
fotmcr years. Tho premiums for stock
raised In this county have been advanced,
this should bring out a greater amount of
stock from tho county than for previous
years. Tho secretary announces that tho
application for entries Indicate a great in
crease over other years.
Wife Tor Wife.
The managers of tho Opera House are
to bo congratulated on securing such a
thrilling and picturesque play as that of
John A. Stephens' "Wlfo for Wife.' Tuls
grand play will be given in tho Opera
House next Thursday evening, Oct. 0th
The following from tho New 1 7; Eccning
World shows how well tho play was re
ceived upon its first presentation in Brooklyn.
'In "Wlfo for Wife," the mo t recent
work from tho pen of John A. Stevens,
tho author-actor, has consolidated some of
the most effective situations of several of his
previous efforts. Tho drama, wh'ch had
its Qrst Brooklyn prcscrtatlon last night at
the Grand Opera Houbc, might, as has
been suggested by somebody, bo called
"The Black Iago, ' for that title would dc
plct its character precisely. A vengeance
seeking slave Ingeniously plots to destroy
his master's happiness by poisoning his
mind against his wife, and succeeds so
well that a duel between the husband and
his wife's former lover Is the result. Sev
eral striking scenes are worked up through
the slave's cunning lies, and the play is
dramatically strong. Tho comedy scenes
aro at times rather overdrawn, but they
please tho audience. '
John A. Stevens tho author of the play
will be hero as ono of tho actos. Don't
miss it.
committeemen gave tho most
encouraging reports from their districts
In tho coal regions Pattison will receive an
unusually heavy voto, and from the agrl
cultural districts comes still more encourag-
Ing reports. The principal object of tho
meeting was to arrange a schedule tor tho
tour of tho regions by tho candidates. A
program was agreed upon, whlc'i will bo
carried out if it does not conflict with ar
rangements of the State committee.
Editoiis Columbian ;
I noticed in last issuo of your pap:r und
er the heading of Council Proceedings that
a communication was received from the
Hloomsburg Water Co., In which was tho
following : "Tho Town council by their
resolution dated August 21, 1890, have
offered to pay the Bloomsburg Water Com
pany for th2 use of water for lire hydrants
$10 00 per annum to tike effect Oct. 1st,
1890," and again under a resolution of the
council as follows: "That we will pay no
more than ten dollars p.r annum per hyd
rant for water after Oct. 1, 1800. In tho
Sentinel of the samo dato it reads: 'The
Town council by their resolution dated
August 21, 1890, have offered to pay the
Bloomsburg Water Co. for tho use of water
for Are hydrants $10.00 per month to tako
effect Oct. 1, 1890," a9 also the resolution
of the council reads: "That we will pay
no more than ten dollars per mmth per
hydrant for water after Oct. I, 1890."
Which ono Is correct? How could such a
great mistake be made when you both copy
from the same minutes.
A Taxpayer.
Bloomsburg, Sept 30, 1890.
Tho Columbian Is correct. The pres.
ent prlco Is $20 "rcr annum'. There are
48 hydrants, which at tho old price would
be $900 per year. If It wcro ten dollrrs
'per month' as stated in the Sentinel It
would bo $5700 per year. Wo don't sco
how tho proof reader of the Sentinel could
permit such a gross error to cscapo his no- cock appointed commissioner to take tea-
The following letters are held at Blooms
bure, Pa. post office and will bo sent to tho
agriculturo and tho rights and privileges dead letter office Oct, 14, 1890
. , i.. I -itlodci American I Mmdna fVinL- Mtaa Kmlln
of that vast body of citizens American
Farmers whose industry is tho basis of
ll mntcrlal nnd national prosperity. Its
hlehest purposo Is tho elovatlon and cnob-
bling of Agriculturo through tho higher
and broader education of men nnd women
-,..! in lu rmrsuUs. The recular sub-
rfinilon nrlco of tho Amehioan Fabmeu Is
ING. From any ono number ideas can bo
ni.i.inpfl iliRt will bo worth thrico tho sub-
.... ..... l.M ct vm,r U8V0 1
S SJS . O. U'an. ready made clothing for men, youths
seo samplo copy.
Charles Cook, Miss Sadio HIrllngcr,
BcsaloJ. Turner.
Persons calling for theso letters pleaBo
sav. they were auvertiscu Dept. oj, iow.
Ono cent will be charged on cacu leuer
oil prrlli'd.
A. IS. UATIIOAliT, r. Bl.
Tho Bloomsburg and Sullivan H. R. Co.
will run additional trains during Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2, 3, and
4tb, to accommodate all those who desire
lo attend Benton Fair. Ono of tho special
features will be tbo balloon ascension and
parachute leap, Friday Oct. 8rd by Prof.
Dennis of Indiana, and should bo seen by
w u.TiTWilUm houses in Blooms
i n-nn,...llln V.inv and Hupcrt Pa.
in Pnnnavlvanla. Kansas and Vir
ginia. Vacant lots In Bloomsburg. Ltoro
properties. Grist mills and other property
by M. P. Lutz, lusuranco und Real hstato
In another column will bo found tho new
advertisement of Evans & Eycr. Ihcy
havo just received a largo Invoico of new
s anu
children. Their selections are tho very
latest styles, aqd tho prices aro extremely
low. Call at once and see tho siouk,
In their custom department they havo
flno lluo of cloths, which will bo mado to
order in tbo latest styles and satisfactory
fit guaranteed
E. M. Tuwksbury, Democratic candidate
for Legislature- In this Comity is on luo
, - , - ....
Two story, house, wmi stump in neighboring counties m iuu iu-
Bay windows, out lcrc6t of tlj0 Btal0 tlcUct. Mr. Towksbury
is settlue a cood oxamplo for other candi
dates. Let those who attempted to defeat
Mr. Towksbury for the nomlnatlpn by
sending out circulars to tho effect that he
was not a democrat, now come form and
If they aro not ablo to go on the stump, let
Annnf. ltlnnmfluuri?. l'a.
Ton Balk. Houso and lot In
lot 120 x 140 ft.
kitchen, ice and coal house, good stable,
chicken and pig pen. Choice fruit, ever
green trees, good water, Two ra roads,
fr. 1 . nnnli WV. tO B OOmS-
tarn Sn rnnnil trln. LOW taXCS. A.
.' i If tulr-tn ennn.
M. P. Lutz, Insuranco & Heal Est. Act.
VnnUiiii H-fnn ltnlllltni? 1(H. mum ut,
near Normal Bchool. App to
Ulftomsbun? D. L. & W
liloomsDure r.iu... o u
llloonwlmrif M. Hu... s 4J
Irondale a 3
Paper Mill IM
IisMBtreet. 8 M
orangevllle tf 05
Fores 9 15
Zaners V ii
btlllwater 7
llonlon a 37
Flwns 8 41
Coles Creeit 4
HULTrloaf V 43
LauDoclis M
cent rat 10 ftl
Jamison City 10 iU
r. M.
Hloomsburir n. I. & W 7 oo
moomstmrk' 1'. u... 6 r,s
luoorasDurv . st
Irondale. s V)
paper Mill S3
Llicitstr. 6 S5
Orangevillo o S3
rone: o to
Zaners 0 13
Stillwater. o U
lieaion o uu
coi crecic
Jaretson City
a. u. r. ii. r. u. i
all m
3 40
2 41
i 45
9 53
: n
S 0T
3 17
3 20
3 25
3 3J
3 SH
3 ii
6 40
0 45
S 50
t 58
7 M
7 10
7 20
7 at
7 2J
7 3J
7 41
7 43
3 40 7 5J
3 50 7 57
4 00 8 1
4 05 8 10
A. M. r. M.
a, m. r. if.
10 C3
10 5S
10 59
M Oi
11 U
11 15
11 38
11 43
11 51
It 05
& 83
5 31
5 33
5 30
9 43
5 51
6 (O
8 26
8 &!
S V)
8 15
8 12
8 03
8 0)
6 23
e 20
6 18
6 03
6 01
6 57
& 43
6 41
5 37
5 23
6 W
5 n
5 12
5 03
5 00
A. W.
7 20
7 U
7 14
7 II
7 13
7 00
5 52
6 4
5 33
8 31
S 21
S 22
8 SO
8 16
0 12
6 M
13 10
12 06
12 04
12 00
11 5J
11 43
11 S3
11 33
11 25
11 21
11 13
11 03
11 W
11 01
10 53
10 49
10 41 8 CO
, Keiteu.
ipa A horso colt four months
old, out of a Turk sire and a Morcan dam.
Call on or address William A. Kile, Ouava,
20 2t.
Iloraefor Hale.
a nnml vnnnir mare, between 3 and
years old, well broke, price reasonable
White & Connbu,
Orangeville, Pa.
Hark! to tho sound of humanity's walls!
Millions of people with aches and with alls-
Headaches and humors, a merciless flood
them give of their means and send asubstl. Weakness of lungs and disorders of blood.
Yet there's a helper that certainly saves,
Thousands of people from prematuro
The remedy is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medl
cr' Discovery. It cures cough, relieve
asthma, checks bronchitis, purifies the
blood, heals sores, eruptions and unsightly
pimples and is without a rival for all tho
ills that spring from a disordered liver, Al
On Thursday Bcpt. 25th, somo fifty mem
bcrs of tlioBtrawbciry Ridge congregation
visited tho Reformed Parsonage at Jersey.
inun to surnrlso their pastor Kcv, W. G,
Knulo and his family in tho form oi a uo
nation party, which was really a surprise
Tho ladles took posseeslou oi ine uueuen
after tue en.
Court I'rnccctlttiKH
Commonwealth vs. O. L. Btackhoure and
Noah Blackhousc, truo bill.
Commonwealth vs, Nell Btroup, bawdy
house, caso tried, verdict guilty.
Commonwealth vs. Ellen Shoemaker,
continued to next sessions.
Estate of W. J. Allen, petition for allow
ance to widow filed.
Estato of Elizabeth Thompson deceased,
petition and assent of heirs for discharge
nf administrator filed, and dlschargo ord
Commonwealth vs. Lorctti Manhart,
caso tried, defendant not gntlty, but pay
ono third tho costs and tho prosecutrix
Oatharlno Kostcnbaudcr two thirds.
Commonwealth vs. William Tocple, as
eault and battery, caso tried, defendant
not guilty, but pay tho costs.
Commonwealth vs. Gustavcs Ducc, as
sault and battery, truo bill.
Commonwealth vs. F. P. Klcfcr, assault
and battery, truo bill.
Commonwealth vs. Andrew Nolan, as
sault and battery, nol pros allowed.
Commonwealth vs. Lawrcnco Burns,
surety of tho peace, nol pros allowed on
payment of costs.
Common wealth vs. S. C. Iloffnaglc, as
sault and battery, not a truo bill, prosecu
tor Charles Gcarhart pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. W. M. Lemon, as
sault and battery, not a truo bill, county
pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. J. B. Blue, larceny
nnd embezzlement, truo bill.
Road In Pino township near W. P. Faus,
Isaac A. DcWltt, J. B. McUenry, and F,
P. Dlldino appointed viewers.
Road In Ornngo township near Dayul
Aohcnbach's; Samuel Noyhard, A. Terwll
llgcr and B. F. Rcighard appointed view,
Commonwealth vs. Gustavo Ducc, and
Commonwealth vs. Candace and Nora
Stack house. These were cross-actions for
assault and battery, and were tried togeth
er. Tho verdict was that Gustivc Duco
is guilty and Candaco and Nora Stack
house not guilty.
Road in Jackson near Forks school
house, Isaac A. Dcwitt, W. C. Pennington,
and Lee Goldcr appointed viewers.
Road In Tlno near Grccnlcy'a saw mill:
Henry C. Hess, Jeremiah Vansicklo and U.
II. Hulmc appointed vlcweis.
Bridge in Flshlngcreck near F.ank Hess'
Tho following roads confirmed nisi :
Mt.Jl'leasant near stojic bridge at Bradley
Lcacock's; Brlarcrcck near residence of A.
Suit, Jackson near John Young's; Madi
son near barn of John McNinch; Jackson
near Forks school house.
Commonwealth vs. Abram, Miranda And
William Smith, selling liquor to minors
without license, not a truo bill, prosecutor
William Teeple to pay costs.
Rule granted to show cause why Will
iam Tccplo shall not be relcasedj'rom pay
ment of Costs in above case.
G. W. oupplce, B. Stobner, Clinton Ster
ling, W. H..Gilmorc, William 8haircr, W.
C. KIchart, and Dr. J. It. Evans appointed
viewers to assess damages on tho opening
of North street In Bloomsburg.
County bridge over tho cast branch of
Flshlngcreck in Sugarloat township whero
the public road crosses the samo near the
bouse of M. J. Tripp, approved by tho
grand jury,
County treasurer's deed (acknowledged
in open court.
Grand Jury discharged on Friday even
ing after filing their report. Tho report
recommends theibuilding of an addition to
tho court house, accordirg to plans sub
mitted. Commonwealth vs. F. P. Kicfcr, case
tried, verdict guilty.
D. S. Morgan vs. W. Parks, jury sworn,
verdict for defendant.
Caleb Barton vs. D. P. Delbler, eject
ment, jury sworn, verdict for plaintiff.
Report of viewers against a road in Ben
ton near E. Laubach's confirmed nisi.
Report of viewers In favor of a road in
Sugarloaf, near N. U. Bcward's saw mill,
confirmed nisi, and width fixed at S3 feet.
Claims of Chester Btiltz and F. W. Cor
coran lor $300 exemption in assigned es
tatc of Btiltz & Co. filed.
Geo. E. Elwell continued as auditor in
tho estato of D. W. Walter.
Estate of Savilla George, application cf
Mayberry Gcorgo for order on guardian
for allowance. Leave granted to guardian
to file answer to rulo at next argument
Order of sale of real estate in estate of
Isaac Wagner continued.
Geo. E. Elwell continued as auditor in
estate of Mary M. Snyder.
Order of sale In estate of Elizabeth Dcit
tcrick, a lunatic, continued.
Budman vs. Budman, divorce, R. (Buck
ingham appointed commissioner to tako
Umstcad vs. Umstcad, divprce, alias
subpeena awarded.
Dodson vs. Dodsoo, divorce, O. C. Pea-
Grain Bowcdi corn cut) everybody ready
to attend the Fair.
Town la lively) business brisk.
The Klcchncr Salo was welt attended;
goods all sold and many young houso
ktcpers happy.
Wesley & Smith ' aro building a Switch i
from tho main track In their planing mill.
Quito a valuablo addition to their business.
Hour McUenry & Bon, shipped a car
toad of fat hogs last week; they wcro fat
tened at tho Distillery.
Tho windows of our tores present an
attractive appearance. Pco.ilo attending
tho Fair w"l do well to cxamtno their
A fow weeks ago wo noticed In tho
colums of yoar paper a romantic account
of "Benton Gambling." At tho time, wo
thought It hardly worthy of notico, but
allow us to sayi that tho pcoplo of Benton
do nit cmbraco such romantic business,
and further wo do.not feci disposed to in.
vest hard earned money In games of chance.
Wo work for our living In this part of the
country aud havo no threo diys gambling,
no weeping women, no barns in ashes.
If somo pcoplo indulgo In such romantic
dreams, newspapers would bo wlso not to
Interpret them publicly. Wo would llko
your source of Information.
Great preparations havo been made to
make tho coming Fair a success. Let
Bloomsburg give us a good turnout and wc
will return tho compliment tho following
The many new buildings aro ncarlng com
pletion and add greatly to the nppcaranco
of our town.
The "Balloon Man" Is going up for suro
and, (confidential), it is a settled fact that
ho Is coming down. Thus tho people will
get two sights for ono money.
Tho Hem In refrenco to tho gambling
was taken from a dispatch hi tho Philadel
phia papers and was astonishing news to
us. Wo arc glad to know it was a false
telegram, and that tho citizens of Benton
are frco from gambling, Ed.
There aro
many white soaps,
represented to bo
"just as good as the Ivory."
They are' not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkablo
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having It
'Tis sold everywhere.
ffiverv ovstcr vou Hot of us Is opened
fresh from tho shell, 00c per 100, 30o for
60, 15c for ?5. They aro flno.
liuininings re vuruy.
Prcccrlnllons written by any physician
will bo comnnunded bv B compotcnt man
at West Eud Drug Store, 3rd nnd West
Don't buv votir bIovh until you examine
the largo stock at Edi'enun & Wolf's,
ucatro uperu aaumbu.
llMdnuarters for ovsters in Bloomsblira
is at tho Exchange Bikcry of Cummlngs ita
Verily. Parlors aliacuca.
A call for any physician lu town, If left
at West End Drug Btorc, will rccclvo
prompt attention.
Go to tho ovstir parlors of Cummlngs &
Vcrdv for stows, fries, panned nnd raws.
Next to Kxchtugo Hotel. Btcws 15 and 25
I cents,
Eshlcman & Wolf have a flno lino of
Radiant Homo stoves In their store at low
c. end of upera House.
Our Specialty tho very finest oysters in
tho market. Cummlngs & Verdy.
II. W. Hartmaa I Sobs.
llcnton I'll I r.
A seven dollar double shawl
will bo given foi- the be it five
v, nnmif mil nf butter exhibited
Benton fair began Wednesday. Tho I1. t!..,,, Tr! iiiin
weather is beautiful and everything points " .u,r.ulB ". """"
to a grand success. Tho entries are said and certificate of premium to DO
to bo greater than at any time. On Frl- blOUgJlt to Olir stOl'O Oil Saturday
day will bo tho great balloon ascension, morning of Fair. Wo shall
Bpecial excursion trains will bo run on the nml.fs ., GXfra exhibit in OUr
uioomsuurg m auiuvan.
stores during the Fair, in fine
dres goods and trimmines,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby ni atdr, fro gars her CutorU.
When the u a Child, sho cried for CutorU,
When she became Hiss, ho clang to Qutorta,
When she hid Children, the gtTC them Castoria.
Our 2oc
Ocn. II. I. Itutler.
A Cnrc for CoiiHtlpntlou null HlcU
Dr. Silas Lane, wh'lo in tho Rocky Moun-
tains, discovered a root when combined
with other herbs, makes an easy and cer.
tain euro for constipation. II Is in tho
form of dry roots and leaves, and is known
as iianc's i- amlly Medicine, it will euro
sick headache in ono night. For tho blood
liver and kidneys, and for clearing up tho
complexion it docs wonders. Druggists
sell it at 60 cents a packago.
Still lives, so do hundreds of others who
havo been cured of Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia by tho great blood purifier, Sulphur
Bitters. Bend for testimonials. 10-3-2t.
coah and shawls.
wool twilled red ilannel takes
the lead, our dishes, glassware,
lamps, &c., will be one of tho at
tractions, it you come uy ran
or wagon our store is a handy
restinc place. We have a wash
room and toilet for ladies anil
P. S. Don't forget we havo
four hundred coats for ladies',
Misses and children.
1. W. Hartman & Sons.
Central is growing rapidly, pcoplupass-
ing through here remark concerning tho
impruvement for ono year.
M. P. Hess, whilst out a few evenings
ago thought he saw a wild turkey and shot
It, but when he came to look it was a tamo
one, and Mr. Ed Yorks was minus a turk
cy roast.
Mr. Bam YorkB is Oiled with Joy,
When asked the cause ho said It was
a boy.
Mr. E. P. Albertson of tho Central Park
Hotel is on the sick list, ho has been quite
Mrs. Burt butllff has been quite ill. Her
many friends will bo glad to near sho is
slowly recovering.
Miss Grace Kochcr was the guest of Miss
Ida B. Hess last Sunday, in tho afternoon
they took a walk to Central Park Grove,
Buckwheat cakes will soon be the order
of the day.
Sunday evening whllo tho people were
gathering for church George Yorks ca'lcd
for Mart shoemaker and Mart run to sco
what was tho scare. Gcorgo said there
was a coon ran up the walnut tree. Mart
took his lantern and climbed tho tree and
sure enough thero sat tho coon. Mart
came down and went after his gun. Somo
of tho boys said "don't shoot, for it Is Wes
Filtz'a cat." But Mart said it was a coon
for be could see by the wink ot his eye
He fired away and down camo the coon,
and the boys were fooled about the cat,
Mr. Hope F. Hess has gone to Stillwater
to work at tho carpenter trade. Bucccss
to hope. B. Roosbs.
Ask Your I'riciiclH About It.
Your distressing cough can bo cured.
We know it because Kemp's Balsam with
in tho past few yoirs has cured so many
ioughB and colds In this community. Its
remarkable Bale has been won entirely by
its genuine merit. Ask somo friend who
hss used It what be thinks of Kemp's Bat
sam. Thcro Is no medicine so ipure, nono
so effective. Large bottles 00c and $1 at
In another column wc print our club oil
crs that surpass In liberality any offer cyer
made In this section. Read it and sec. It
cannot fall to Dleaso vou. For $2.50 you
can get wliat would otherwise cost you I Will oiler YOU the coming week
W5. 0-12-41. 1 25 io- Values in Plusll
A Hprluic Medicine. Jackets and Sacqiics.
Thn ,ln,rrllp rlolm flint Twmln rnl I OUU I SIB SU.Ui) U ilUMJl V Ul LU A-ii,
daily for tho new euro for constipation nnd the 40 inch SacqilO at 1G, WOitb
sick-headache, discovered by Dr. BilasLann 20; with the larjJCSt liHC
whllo in tho Rocky Mountains. It is said f T t ies and Clliltl-
to bo Oregon grape root (a great remedy In na T ,.1rfu
Newmarltcts, Shown in
the far west for thoao complaints) combin
cd with simple herbs, and is mado for uso
by pouring on boiling water to draw out
tho strength. It sells at 50 cents a pack-
ago and is called Lane's Family Med Ic'nc-
For Ladies' or
Newest Styles and low
est prices. Our Dress
Goods Stock is larger than
usual and contains many Good
Earirains for vou: See the 50c
rViiirlrvtVc fafc Serges and Henriettas, Black
vmiuren b v.octi&, Br.., fl , ot. u kim, See
Reefers, New-r SV Henri,f a-, vdW
' I Inrfrn Iinoa nil nn IT'S Kui
markets, &C, 2fO Gloves, Underwear for Ladies
, -i i o 0 I ami iuuureii. oeo out -uu
LO Clark & bOIl, Ladies' Vests, Hosiery in .cot
ton and wool, Flannels, Blank
ets, Comfortables, Table Linens,
Muslins, Towels, .Napkins, Cur
tains, Ac, it will pay all to call
aud Sen our Stock and prices.
Pensions ! Veterans ! !
Tho Disability Ponsion Bill,
Act of Juno 27, 1890, grants pensions to
all ex-soldiers and sailors who served 03
days or more in tho Army or Navy during
tuo reoeuion, anu were nonoraoiy utscnarg
cd, and who aro now suffering from any
permanent, mental or physical disability
contracted sinco tho war or during tho war
wnctner irom uiseiue, injuries or euects or
old age, at tho rate ot f oru $0 to $12 per
month, according to the deg co of his dls-
ammy ior tue penormancj or lauor requir
ing tho exertion of physical strength ;
provided tho disability is not duo to vici
ous habits. This ,cnslou is not restricted
to tho veterans who havo to make their
livlnc by hard labor, but is caually duo to
professional men or clerks, provided they
have an existing disability which would
l I4 . I
I 1 -I
Intend running a first-class
restaurant in connection with
their now large baking business.
On and after the first of Octob
I er they will have au experienc-
prcvent tho continuous cxc-ciso of the I ed cook awaiting the chance to
physical strength of an able-bodied man. I . , , , . n i
mckiu your puiiiuj in im -iiuuia
of the day aud evening. Oys
ters will be served in all styles
and game in season. An at
tractive bill of fare will be ar
ranged dailv and they will
Those who havo applied under tho Ben-
cral laws aud who are unablo to provo up
tnc pinuing claim can apply ior anu se
cure this pension and then continuo the
prosecution of tho former claim and secure
their arrears.
If vou aro now drawinir a small pension.
say $2or $4 per month, you can tako this
pension instead, and if you have an appli
cation on ule for lncrcaso or additional
now, it
1 n lariro dinner,
Joymcnt ot the dinucr thcro was a social druggists
talk, and when they leu, mauy vuiuuw j)m.t ilawk( aml i,l0W ami 8pit, bm use
things remained for which tho pastor anu V Bttg0.g Catarrh Kemedy, Of druggists.
fUtinhv. October 4th, U the last day to family felt greatly tl.ana.ui anu .- -. .,
. Mnn,. .nnraonl. TllO members It'll IUU vium, I A uuumuiB anim v u,6iu. u
pay taxes to stcuru u ulu v moru blM6Cll to ciVe than to as now, taken out to put In steam. At
bcr election, ray your i " Havitfs store. Centre, BL O-10-3W.
I'oimlar Lecture CourHe at State
Moriuitl Hcltool, IllooiilHliilr.-r, I'll,
Ocrr. 27 Miss Olaf Krarer, tho Esqui
maux Lady.-lO inches tall, but full grown,
tells of tho lite nnd habits ot tho pcoplo of
Eastern Greenland, whero no traveller has
ever been: Appears in tho dress of her ua.
live country. The fact that she is engaged
for every night in tho season shows her
Nov. 22. Hon. It. O. Hoar. His Ice
turo upon tho labor question Is one ot tho
most hunforous nnd ir tractive that is
given upon the public platform.
Jan. 10, 1801. Park Bisters, Uornctists.
Their fame and skill is well known from
Maine to California. A humorist and
Impersonator will accompany them.
Feu. 20, 18j1. Hon. Wm. Blakle. How
to Devclopo our bodies. Mr, Blakio is
the only man who has made 'bis subject so
popular aud pleasing that tho same com
munity wants to bear It again and again,
Ho is almost invariably recalled a second
Makoh 13, lfl. Peter Von Flnklcstlno
Mamreov. The City of Jerusalam. Mo
body can atlord to miss this, Ho is a na
tive of Jerusalem. With scenery, furnl
ture and cootumes, he makes his audience
feel aa If they woro in tho sacred city, and
Ills explanations ot Biblical allusions, and
Oriental customs can not fall to plcaso and
Courso tickets $1.50. Singlo admission
Holders ot courso tickets will bo given
one evening with the phonograph during
the course. That wonderful Instrument
will be explained, aud Us powers exhibi
Chart will be at Dcntlcr's shoo store, Bat.
Oct. 4th.
An Announcement,
The Ladles ot tho Benton Mathodlst
Episcopal Church would respectfully an
ununco to their many (Herds and tho pub.
lie generally, that they will havo a booth
and table at tbo coming agricultural Fair
at Benton, ltcfrcshmcnts In tho way of
sandwiches, hot codec, pics, cakes, oyster
soup, chicken-soup, bananas, candies, &c,
can bo bad at all hours. A liberal share of
the public patronage ot such places Is ask.
cd. Tho proceeds to help repair tbo M. E.
Church of Benton, l'a.
20-2t Hi Ouueu or Coy.
Estate ot Elizabeth Hawk, inquisition
L. E. Waller continued as auditor in es
tate of William Hippensteel.
C. E. Qeyer continued ai auditor in es
tate of Ann Voung.
Orant Herring continued as auditor in
estato of Oeo, Longcnberger.
Order of viewers of a road in Jackson
and Benton near Geo. Heath's, continued
to next court. Order to viewers ot a road
In Madison nei r Geo. Murphy's continued
to next court.
lu B. Wlntcrsteen continued as auditor
In estate of Henry Croop, to fllo his report
October 4th.
U. W. Miller continued as auditor In es
tate of Sarah and John Laubach.
Cominonwcs'th vs. L. Fettcrman et al.,
order heretofore made continued.
It. Buckingham appointed auditor in es
tate ot Simon Fettcrman.
W. D. Beckley appointed auditor in es
tate of Mary Snyder (Espy).
J. U, Maize appointed auditor in estato
of William Johnson.
It. It. Littlo appointed auditor In estate
of Jacob K'ingcrmnn,
llobcrt Buckingham appointed auditor
In tho estato ot Henry Hartman,
Frank Kcsterson convicted uf larceny at
the houso ot II. Quick at Iiupcrt was sen
tenced to pay a flno of $50, costs of prose
cution and ono year in eastern penitentiary.
William Chnsman appointed auditor In
cstAto of Phillip Applctnan,
Opinion tiled in tho matter ot attach,
ment against Johu Lore, committing de
fend nt to Jail unless he pays over to his
ward by October ISth, money in his hands
as guardian.
Wal ler.
The Benton Fair is r'l the talk
promises to be very wr't attended,
Henry Ulrleman, Br. has been danger
ously ill the past week.
Mrs. Lizzie Jones and nleco havo
turned to their homo in Iowa.
Frank Fritz Is tho boss potato raiser.
Ho raised one weighing 2 lbs; while U,
11. Ulrleman come 3 In next with ono
weighing 2 lbs. Who can beat them?
Buckwheat averages littlo more than halt
crop; but as there was a great deal sowed,
thcro will not likely bo any scarcity.
Wo were visited by a pretty hard frost
last week; but the farmers wcro mostly
ready for It.
A small party, who Bald they were on
their way to tho fair, camped on the com
mon near here for a few days.
Jacob Ulrleman has moved in his new
home. He has it painted up very nicely
and can boast ot tho best houso in that
Button Yorks has sold thirteen bushels
of peaches; other farmers havo sold
several bushels; but apples aro almost
wonder to look at.
Mauk Tai-iky,
ed in tho service while drawing pension
under this new act.
Widows, children, and dependent moth
ers and fathers aro entitled under this act
and can suspend tho prosecution of any
pending claim, and take this pension aud
afterwards complclo tho prior claim und
get arrears.
Having been duly nunolntod an Aeent
according to tho rules and regulations of
tno Department ot tue interior in tho pros
ecution of such claims and having bad suc
cess in a number of cases I am always pre
pared to give information and assist claim
ants, nnu will assure them success it they
aro able to establish the facts as required
by law.
Thoso interested should call soon and
claim their reward, i
7-18-0 in.
North .llnrket Ml,
lllooiuabiirg l'n.
IlrillincuucHH I.I r ii or limit t III
nil tlie Woiltltliere In lull one
trc ur. IlnluuH' Oolttuii Hpeclflc
It can bo civen in a cup ot tea or coftco
without tho knowledge of the person Using
it, effecting a speedy and permanent euro,
whether tho patient is a moderate dtinker
or an aicohoilo wreck, Thousands ot
drunkards havo been cured who havo taken
tho Golden Spcclflo in their coffee without
their knowledge, and to-day believe they
quit drinking ot their own free will. No
harmful cllcct results from Its administra
tion Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular
and lull particulars. Addrcsu in confidence
Goldkn Bpnoino Co,, 185 Ilico Btreet,
CinelnuaU.O. 10-251y
For points in Northern Iowa, Minnesota,
South nnd North Dakota, (Including tho
loux Indian Reservation lu South Dakota)
Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, on Sep
tember 0 nnd 23, nnd October H, 1800,
Half rato excursion tickets good for thirty
days from dato of sale.
For further information, circulars show,
rates of fare, maps, etc., address, George
11. Hcafford, First Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ills., or John
It. Pott, Travelling Passenger Agent,
Wllliamsport, Pa. 8-1-llt.
Queen Victoria has a remarkably fine
head of hair, for a lady of her age; but her
son, tho l'rinco of Wales, is nulto bald.
Uad ho used Ayer's Hair Vigor earlier in
life, hU head might, to-day, have been as
well covered as that of his royal mother.
It's uot too late yet.
Wo havo agulu mado arrangements with
that excellent paper, the Ambuioan Fahuik
by which we aro enabled to present it to
oviry subscriber who complies with tho
conditions. Those in arrcar who pay up
to date, and onu year in advance, and all
new subscribers who pay a year In ad.
vauce, will be presented withtho Aukriuan
Faiiubu for ono year. Try it, and gel two
dollars' worth for one dollar. 1-'
A I.nily'HI'erlect Companion.
Every expectant mother should read our
now book bv Dr. Nye, ono of New York's
most celebrated physicians. A perfect
mother's guide, It tells how tho fearful or
deal can be made easy, frco from danger,
anu aunost entirely painless, thus saving
months ot a.ixtety, dread, and sulleiing.
Full ot valuab'o information to ladies, an.
ewer Ing hundreds ot delicate qrcstions.
Bend two-cent stimp for circulars, testi
monials, aud coui dentlal lettc.. Address,
Fiiank Thomas & Co., Publishers,
0-10-3m. Baltimore, Md.
pension for new disabilities you can con-1 i. u i..,
tinuo tho prosecution of such claims wh'le mike it a point to have CU&tOTll-
drawinp the new pension, or you can rile I prq opi'ved with diqnatoh. Too
an original claim for a disability comract- CrS SLlvt-u W1U1 UiapdlUl. J.U3
Uream all tno year round. Uall
on them during the Fair. They
will have their qld stand on the
ground where you can get a
good meal for twenty-five cents.
Phillips' Domestic Bake ry,
Main- SritEKr Ahovk Centiik,
BLOOMSliURG, - Va. tf.
Tlic Best
wmi Crayons
IN Its first stages, can Ibo successfully
chocked by tho prompt uso ot Ayer's
Cherry l'cctoral, Even In tho later
periods of that disease, tho cough is
wonderfully relieved by this medicine.
"' I havo used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
with tho best cficct in my practice.
This wonderful preparation onej saved
my Ufa. 1 had a constant cough, night
sweats, was greatly reduced in tloah,
and given up by my physician. Ono
hottlo and a half ot tho Pectoral cured
me." A. J. Kldson, M. 1)., Middletou,
" Several years ajo I was severely ill.
Tho doctors said I was ill consumption,
nnd that they could do nothing for we,
hut advised mo, as a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry l'cctoral. After taking
this mcdlclno two or threo mouths I
was cured, nnd my health remains good
to the present day." James llirchard,
Darlcn, Conn.
" Several years ago, on a passago homo
from California, by water, I coutractcd
so severe a cold that for somo day I
was confined to my stato-room, and a
iihyslclan on board considered my luo
In danger. Happening to havo a liottle
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 1 used It
freely, aud my lungs were won reslorril
to a healthy condition. Bineo then I
have invariably recoiumendod this prep
aration." J. 11. Chandler, Juuctlou, a.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
ruirinio st
Dr. J. C Ayer k. Co., Lowell, Mat.
BuUkjUPlulU. Vlltl;iUtUl,t.
ro NcrvoiiH Ucliltltnlcd Men.
If vou will send us your address, we will mall
you our Illustrated pamphlet explaining a'l about
I)r. Wye's Celebrated i:ioctro-Voluil-j lielt aid Ap-
puances, and tneir cnarminir enecu upon tho ner
lv require youto ikor and me
It you an) thus Mulcted, wo Ul send y oa
and Appliances oa trial.
1-3 My. voltiio llLT Co., Marshall, Mlo
how thor will aalclc.
;or and manhood, pamphlet tree.
a ueu
Why wait at the post-olllce for postage
stamns, cards, Hz. You can bo sunnllcU
nt tho West find Drug Btoro, 3rd and West
Eshlcman & Wolf havo a lot of tccond
hand stoves, single heaters, double bcatcis,
raogci for sale cheap.
Wu aro headquarters for oysters.
Cummlugs & Verdy.
1'atent mcdlclucs always on hand at
West End Drug Store.
Havo you seen It, it not, rail at Eshlc
man it Wolf's, lower end ot Optra Houso.
and ask them to show you tho ltadlanl
Homo llangf, the latest and best Itango in
the market.
Headquarters for oysters.
Cummlngs & Verdy.
l'crsons in need ot mtdlcino during tho
fair w 11 and tho Wist End Drug btoro
ueirnt tho fair grounds, lird and West
Now Oppcllo Itanto at Kiblcmtu &
Wolf's a', bottom prices. Opera House,
venter unci.
tako a tax receipt.