The Columbian. J K. Blttsntsnlor., f silton. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, OOTOBKU 3, 1390. Tlicro will bo a " mooting of tlio domoorntio Standing CommUlo in tho Grand Jury rooms, Court Houso Mon day October 6th at 2 o'clock. Kvoiy morabor of tho Commlttoo should bo prcaoat. A. P. Terwilliuer J. It. Townsen J Secretary. Chairmen. A State or County tax must bo paid within to yoars to seouro a voto at tho November election. Go to your tax-collector to-day and pay your tax and get a rcecipt. Taxes must bo paid beforo Octobor 1th. WABHlrlQTON LETTER. (From our Regular Correspondent.) Washington, D. 0. Sept. 20, 1890. Roprosontativo Flowor aptly calls tho tariff bill a oyclono measure, tbo aim of whioh is to break up all trado between tho United Stain and foreign countries, and to onablo tho manufact urers to combino for tho purposo of fleecing tho peoplo, whilo tho farmers aro ollowed to foot all the bilis with- out deriving tho slightest benefit. Mr. lower says that ono Horn in tho bill binding twino-will ruin 300,000 work ingmen ia New York and New Eng land. It was eminently fitting tliPt tho ropublioans of tho Houso Bhonld, ns a climax to their outrageous and un precedented conduct in ignoring tho rights of the peoplo during this session of Congress, have railroaded this bill, which huancially affects tho interest of every man, woman and child in tbo United States, through tho House, in just five hours, in spito of democratic protests against tho injustice of such legislative methods. Tho bill is a triumph of tho Chlneso wall, high pro tective tariff wing of tho republican party, and is a moro unju9t measure than any tariff bill yet put into opera tion re this country; it shows that Itaed and MoKinley are tho dominat ing spirits of tho republican party of today, and that the moro conservative ideas of some of the Senators of that party aro not "in it", if I maysoBpoak. The Senato is expected to agree to tho bill tomrrow, and it doubtless will butit will be a bitter pill for a numbe; of tho majority to swallow. But when the party whip cracks conscience and individual opinions couut for nothing in tho republican party. Tho negro Langston, whom the re publicans seated last week in tho House, has developed a head of elo. phanlino proportions. Ho intimated in moro or less incendiary speoch, which ho made to a lot of negroes, that he was a oandidato for tho Prcsidenial nomination of his party. There is a delegation of Georgia ' folks hero who want Mr. Blaino to talk reciprocity at tho opening of tho Atlanta exposition, Ootober 15. They have also invited Mr. Harrison and tho other members of his oabinot to at tend. Another good republican is in trouble Mr. Wneat, postmaster of the House of Representatives, U, by resolution of the House, undergoing an investiga tion. He is charged with having compelled tho contractor for carrying tho mail to and from his office to pay him (Wheat) $150 a month out of the money paid him by tho Governmen and also with having a man on his pay rolls a $100 a month who mere'y draws the raonoy and turns over $95 of it to Wheat's son. Tho investigi -tion is being conducted by tho Houso committor on accounts. The Raum white-washing committoo is again oxamining witnesses. It wants to know who furnished tho Now York Tribune with the information upon whichfsome very sharp criticisms of Pension office methods v as based. It is said that tho majority of tho com mitteo will hold back its white-washing report until after tho Congressional election, for tho purposo of preventing tho democrats making publio thoir minority report, wbioh is understood to be a scathing arraignment of Raum. Thero is a grand rush of lobbyists who are endeavoring to get some of thoir bills through tho Houso in tho confusion whioh always precedes tho closing of a session of Congress, and some of them will probably succeed. A joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to spend $1,000, 001) inthe purohaao of nicklo to be used in making nicklo-platod, steel armour plates for tho crusers now be ing built was last week orowded through Hou jo and Senate undor the plea of urgent necessity. As tho sup- E'yof nioklo is practically controlled y ono firm this looks voiy muoh like an old-fashioned ropublioin job. A number of bills carrying largo appropriations, which havo already been passed by tho Senate, amorg them tho shipping bills, whioh Mr. Harrison has taken a rather suspicion interest in-going to the extent of send ing a special message urging Congress to pass them, and the direct tax bill, whioh oaused tho memorial dead-look in tho Houso during tho Fiftieth Con gress, remain unacted upon by the House. The short session will be a grand looting time for the republicans. Senator Incalla savs he didn't trot $600 for going to Pittsburg tho other aay ana making a repubuenn speech. Porhaps ho only got $500. Tho composed lard bill is believed to bo dead, as it is almost certain that the Sonatq will pass tho Paddock pure I 1 L!ll l ... . r . . iuuu uiu as a suusututo lor it. Tho stock gamblors lobby, headed by 'Doaaon" S. V. White, of New York, a former republican member of tho House, havo provon too strong for the Butterworth "Option" bill, and it is no. likely that it will bo heard of again in tbo House. A loint resolution nrovidinp for ad Journment to-morrow has passed tho louse, but from present indications tho Senate will not bo ready so early. Pay yonr taxes to day for to-morrow is yonr last chance and yon may forget it. To secure a voto in November you must pay your tax beforo or on Oct ober lib. Delioate tidies! Who have that liiwl nn1 nll.rrnnn fool ing, and don't liko to bo disturbed, will COntinuo to bo troubled with fills plaint until they renew thoir impuro oioou. ouipuur uiuers will cause now and rich blood to course through every anory arm vein in mo Human system Seo another column. Saturday Ootober 4th is t'm last day m joy imtu iu ensure a voto at tuo .November election. EDITORIAL WRAQRAMS. If tho World's P.ti. I. i l. ..... i tbo interest of tho Republican party OXClttSlVolv. ntul'il. tumiim In 1l, w..j, ib in certain to Do a collossal fall ini TOiiuiiuu ui repuuueans ro,r Lhreotor Gonoral and Secretory -,va9 ii.ii.ijr utuiuuilllti. iwory democrat in tho Houso of ll(I)rrifm.AMV0a nl.nt.1,1 . 1. , it .i . ,..'. l,rviuo Ilim- jolf with a patr of 'Kilgoro boc.s,' and u .ivjiaiuu ui use mora wnonover ne cessary. Dcmocrnlfl. iln tint nil, ...... i to bo Itillod into a fooling of falso so tifif. i... . . 7"J f lupuunoauB wno protend that thoy will mako no effort to con. trol tho noxt Houso, and that thoy huihu pro or transiernng tlio rospon BlblllV tO tlio dotnnnrnto KM. t.ll, !. . . ......., u i v it toin. io bosht tho lopublioans want tho Houso u.iu mo prupareu to sponu unlimited mOlleV. Uhinh thn lirnlnnll mon. ' " I'.V.VU.VU 1111. 11U ItlUt' ...v.c uviibnuutuii in oruer to got it. Tho dnmnnrnfi nn !.. if .1.... win umy worK naru enougn. United States soldier alongside of uvuiy uuiuuurais seat in oruer to com- Del those rOtlt1nninn In rnnmln In Un Houso to hell ) ronublleans miinufnnt.iird DOlitlcal GanitAlf It urnnl.l l.r. rnn.nn. 1 1 - - " w . u u uuiujy. cr nn.vnrsinn nf ()n imnmJ... nr I- - " ' " muivijh;o ui IK- publican form of government thau pth- ui ninip no iias uono. remaps ho hasn't thought of tho soldiora yet. TllO rplllllllil'ITiB atin ihn fo- r Mr. Cleveland by tho porsistont regu larity with whioh thev start rumors of hU failins health. TTia Imnltl, nn,l intolUciaro both ontiroly too vigorous to suit tho republican leaders, and un- ess an outward indications aro at fault 'icy bid fair to remain bo for somo years to come. Tho ap.tinn nF fhn rntMilillnnn mnjAH t - ivjiliuiiwuii 111 i.J UL- lty of tho Houso of Representatives in giving tho seat of Col. Elliott, of South Carolina, to a negro contestant wUht it a wnrrl nf nrmimonf nA ...UI. out oven giving Col. Elliott an oppor tunity nf KtlPflkirrr in Ilia nmn 1, - -g 1 i wnii was unprecedented, and a moro revolu tionary act never took place upon tho floor of either branch of Congress. Woll may the venerable Representa tive Vaux, who so ably sucoeeds tho late Samuel J. Randall, exclaim "tho empiro is coming," and well may tho luuupuuuuiii. new xorK neraid charac terise speaker Reed as tho Amerioan Robespierre; and if tho peoplo do not administ ;r a stinging rebuke to tbo re nublican nnrtv hv Imrlinn it trnm power thero aro leaders in its ranks au- uuuiuuo uuuugu 10 uucinpt, to ionnd an empire, oven though it bo necessary to EO throuizh tho horrors of "Tif nf Terror" to do so. Thn rtmtlMfpftn whn nan i i. . ! it i 1. (. . . . u . t.i. y i . 1 1 a u mo whole of the monopolistic tariff has an Indlaruhlirr nnnnmnnnn nnA tn ;nn . .1 vuu of the soil who can support the party iiuuk lumurB it, is B.iaiy inaiuoreut to his own interest. Tbo mannfnctnrinrr KhvlnnL-a !,,. demanded their stipulated pound of flesh of the republican party, and not daring to refuse them the republican has allowed it to bo cut from tho most vital part of tho man whn niwWna tho real foundation of a country's wealth the BsricnlturiRf.. the operation will kill the victim de pends UDOn whothnr li ft nrnnngoa In meekly stand tho treatment of high tariu piasters, which is all that is being dono to stay tho flow of his life blood. Sneaker Reed assaved thn mil nf a "funny" man tho other day in Phila delphia. Before ho does it again he should obtain a clown's outfit. Tho necro voters in tho donhtfnl states must be propitiated; hence the thefts of tho seats ot two letrallv elected wliltn mitmlwa nf tlm TTm. t - - w - .UUJl1 W L Representatives. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Con tain lieronrv, as mercury will surely destroy tho senso of Bmoll and comnlotnlv ilnr.inrrn tho wholo systom when entering it lurougu mo mucous surlacos. ouch artioles should never bo used except on Droicrintions from rnnntahln ..livoi. cians, as the damage they will do is ten ioiq to mo goon you can possibly dorivo from thoui. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Sa Co., Toledo' O, contains no murcury and is taken internally, and noU direct ly upon tho blood ana mucous surfaces of the BVStom. In buvinfr ITfill'a f!a. tarrh Curo bo suro you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. a"Sold by Druggists, 75c. per bottle. U-l'J 'l-l. Soldiers Burial Bill. ' Circulars are beinir sent out, from thn lepublican head quarters, to everv soldier in tho state uivim Er.flnvnr. nor Pattiaon's voto upon the soldio s 1 1 t?ii mi . . . unnai mil xnoy picturo tho soldier mder the burial bill, as being taken to the flfimfttftrv in rrnnrt atvlo wKnn if this bill had not boon passed he would nave ueen interred n the potter's field. Thoy do not civo the tevt of tho Act. but onlv ilr.lur nnnn thnir imagination to deoiove the voters. Tho nuviuun lur ji,. luirty-nvo dollars as tho marlmtim nf nTnanono and these expenses aro to be included in thn fnlln.uin.. annnnr.... Laying out body, $. . . . Coffin, Gravo. S Hearne hiro. S Hun drieo, $ Now in order to tiecuro tins magniuoeni sum ot $35. three rep utable oitiz ms must attest to the f ant that tho deceased is a pauper by the following oatl: Personally annearcd lm, fore mo who be ing duly depose and say, that muy ituuw mo Bam ant believos ho died without leaving sufli ciont moans to r'ofray tho necoasary expenses oi mnerai. .and subscribed beforo mo, this, 18.. day o' A. D Justico of tho Peace. Nor Is this sufficient, but tho County Commissioners shall "transcribe in a book to bo kept for tlio purposo, all tho faots containod in suoh rmmrtH ml BtatomenU." Tho Aot further provido ui ui, mu vjuuniy uommiSBioners shall appoint n Buflioient number of suitable ! - - I . i i . purBuu , iu uaou townsuip and ward in tho County, who shall servo without caniDoneation. and tliPK.i Bnltnlihi persons shall verify that tho deceased is a pauper by careful inquiry whether tho doocasod loft "insufficient means to defray tho nocessary funeral ex penses". Tho Act providos that tho soldiers shall bo buriod by tbo County in whioh Iuu uivb, uui. iu wuiuu iiu in a resiuonv. Thus adjoining counties can indurg their pauper Soldiors, as tho Aot calls him, to migrato to another county who shall dofray tho expense of tho burial. Tho rcmibllcan Cnnilldnt A ........ x wU" ''.or, who oxpoots to profit by parading tins uui, uuiuru mo Bomiurp, nover was in a battlo in his life but wlillo tho soldier was being paid a small plot tanco for fighting, for Raorifiolng solf, tho republican candidate wns ot home, ond his bank was reaping rich rewards from fluctuations of currency. Ills oomnotitor for thn nnmlimiln.. AfnI -I (- ............iuu .iLnjui Montooth of Pittsburg, was a gallant ouiuiur, unu wns ino oniy Boiuier can didate boforo tho convention. The re publicans showed their appreciation! for his sorylefB by defeating him for tho nomination. j I Hero is tho Burial act in full: Section 1 Jfo it enacted bii t? 3 oe7un,6 umi noma of lieprcscntalives of the Commntwpnllh nf vania, in General Assembly met, and u i nercoy enacted oy the authority ma simw, uni ii unu oo ino duty of tho OOlllllv r.ominiealnniua nf countv in inm oiaie to appoint n sufll- ciuni, numuer ot suiiau'o persons iu their township nnd ward In thir other than thoxLi un HrMihuil hi. i.. ,.. f.J , . I J ,UTV 1UI tho caro of paupors and tho custody of criminals, to look after and eauso to bo buried, in a decent and respectable manner, in any cemetary or burial ground within this BUte, other than thoso used excetisively for tho burial of the uatmnr nt. nn nvmnon county not exceeding thirty five dollars tuo uuuy ui uuy noDornoiy (iisoiinrgcd soldier, sailor, or marine who a rved in mo at my or navy ot tho United States during tho Into rnbolli ooding war, and shall here-after die in t.hnir I'nnnti' tniuinMinaiiA!ntni i.v .u i.iouiiiuiuub I11UU11H to dofray tho ncotssary burial expenses auu mo person bo appointed Bhall hold their offiocs at tho pleasure of thn county commissioners, and shall servo without compensation. Section 2. It tthnll bo tho duty of persons so nminlntnd in noh inmn.nln A , , r , " unuruii and ward in each county, boforo assum ing mu uuargo ana oxpenso or the burial of tho body of any soldier, sailor or marino in their tnwnnhin nr ..-or1 under the provisions of this act, to first sausiy inom8eivcs, py a careful inquiry into and examination of all tho circum stances in tho case of such decoascd soldier, sailor, or marine whoso body tboy aro called upon to bury served in tho armv or navv of tho TTniinn" Rtnioa during tho lato robollior, or any preced ing war, anu was nonorably dieoharged and died in their township or ward, leaving insufficient means to defray tho necessary burial expenses; where upon, if thoy are satisfied that such faCtB OlUt. thflV Shrill tltn nf 1 j '1 111 u V-l tho body of such deceased soldier, sail- uii v .uaiiuc, uuu uuuhu ib m oe ouricd in tho mannor mnntinnnd in Ihn fit .-w.wMwv su bUIJ 14 1 C li section of this net, and thereupon thoy shall immediately report their action in tuo case to county commissioners of their county, sHting forth the facts as certained by them, together with tho name, rank and mmmnnrl in whinh suoh deceased soldier, sailor, or marino belonged at tho limn nf hia riinihm-no tho date of his disoharge, the character nf Ilia,ir.n ' m 1 1 1 hid uwuuanvu iiuuiuuiaiuiy preced iner his death, the dntn nf hia nnth and placo of bis burial, and, also, an accurately itemized statement of the expenses incurred in and about such burial: which rennrt Rhnll hn iliiln t tested by three reputablo persons of mil ngu resiaiug in ino township or ward in whinh Rim.h HnrnnBa4 DnMiA. " DU1UIG sailor, or marine died, knowing tho iuuv iuai sucn aeoeaseo soldier, sailor, or marine died without sufficient means to defray tho necessary burial ex penses. Section 3 It shall hn thn ,lnt nf tho countv comisaionnr.q nf ih nn'nni.. of this State, upon receiving the re- purm uuu Biaiemems ot expenses from thoir appointees under the provisions of this act, to transcribe in a book to bo kept for tho purposo all tho faots contained in suoh reports and state ments, and tO draw wnrrnnta nnnn tho treasurer of their county for payment ui uuu expenses not exceeding, how ever, the slid sum of thirty-fivo dollars On each hodv tltiripn1 in nnnn.ilnn.i. j - . . . . uuuv, IIUU with tho provisions of this act to be paid out ot the fund of tho oonnty, and such warrants shall hn mnri n. able to the persons appointed under mo provisions oi tuis act who shall have buried the bodies for wbioh the warrants aro to bo so drawn. The Oentui Disgrace. It is a national disgrace that the census of the nation inst taken ia proved to bo grossly inacurate in many instances and distrusted throunh- out. It is the first time that the cen sus statistics are to be generally dis believed. Under the violent. sanship that now rules in tho White nuunu uuu m me popular oranohes of Congress, it is not Rlimriinr Ihnt tho census has been most carelessly taken in Un C .1. - .1 A, , u mu uuuiu, auu nero nas been a eystematio effort to leeien tho jopula tion of tho Southern States: but thn in. competency and negligence which made tho census next to farcical 'in tho South havo prevailed in thn TJnrth as woll, and thero is now very gonoral uu rciujouauie (iisirust in tho accuraoy of all tho census returns. So clannL' have been thn n,mn in . tho cchbub returns that a number of Northern ctits havo formally protest ed and, in some instances, havo forced a roonumeration of tho population; andj;when tho oensus returns as to population are bo grossly inacurate, what faith can be nivnn tn thn mm. mercial, industiial, financial and other Dyspepsia Hkes the llrei ot many people miserable, and often leads to selMestructlon. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone" reeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and bregu. DlRtrnoo iuXj ot toe bowels' wiBiross jome 0j tne moro common After symptoms. Dyspepsia does Entins not eet W(U 01 ltse1'- 11 K.uiiiit, te(JUrej eiirefuli persistent attention, and a remedy like nood'a Barsa iiarllla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, rtgulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus eint, omcomlng the local symp- ' c toms remotes the sympa- HoadaohO thetlo effects of the disease, banishes tho headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I hire been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat Unnrtm digressed me, or did ma hi.JX wtle "wxl. In an. hour DUrn jjter eating I would expe rience a falntness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggmated by my business, which Is that of a painter, and from being mora or less chut up In a .., room with fresh paint. Last oour spring I took nood'a Barsa. Stomach rllla took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount ol good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the erarlng I had preilously experienced." Gkobok X. Vxat, Wateitown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all droggUts. II six for H. Crtparcd only CL ROOD CO, ApotbMarlM, LowsU, Uxm. IOO Doses One Dfllkir important nnnnn atnltatlnal rho fundanicntal mlstako of tho ad- mm Birauon was tn olioosing as head of tho census bureau ono who hnd no claim whatovor to tho lusltion beyond his allcrrml nnrtv nnruinn. Siiporintondoiit Porter is yet now in bis Araorioan oitizouship ond it is not to bo oxpeoted that ho could bo iu touoh with tho countless sinowB of Amerioan progress; but ho is not only a oonvert to Amoriano citizenship but a later convert to Republicanism, nnd his chief merit is tho common zeal of mu apostate It is a rcproaoh to tho nation that pur consns returns nro a failure, but it m tho old, old story of prostituting tho groat practioal work of tho Repnblio to miuortunato placemon. Times. Complaint, T.nTPniTlni-' Pl,,co io.'idby druggists.' Xasador The Lcadinj; Perfume. MMMDIOGNE Fraurantl Lasting I PMCl 25 CENTS. 'AT ALL DCALCRS. Hiiu--MiiiiM:k.TTTrw7tT3 Salvation Oil M tnly 25 ett. Sold tj alldmgghtl. Will relieve Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swetlings,Bruises,Lumbago,Spraiisr Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Bout, or any bodily pain or ailment. CHEWMJ'.8 Ey0' e"at TeiaceoAiH R ivbii, ai an aruaaiitM. 1URII THE FAIRS The Best Pho tographs and Crayons, at M'KiIIi Bros. Blooiushurg Pa. Democratic State Ticket. Fort QovEimon, ROBERT E. PATTISON, of Fhilndclpbia. For Lieutenant Goveunoii, CIIAUNCKY F. BLACK, of York. For Secretary or Internal Affairs, UAIT. Wm. H. BARCLAY, of Allegheny. County Ticket. For Congress, HON. S.P. WOLVERTON. For Statu Senator, GRANT IIERRING. Subject to decision of Senatorial Conferee?, Twentv-Fourth District. FOR REl'Rh'SENTATIVES, Wit. KRICKBAUil. E. M. TEWKSBURY. For Associate Judor, MORDECAI MILLARD. For District ArrouNKr, WILLIAM CHRISM AN. For PuoriiosoTARY anu Cxitic of THE CoURl'3. G. M. C2UIC1C. For Register anu Rkcoiidku, C. H. CAMPBELL. For Treasurer, JOHNL. KLINE. For County Commissioner, JESSE RITTENIIOUSE, B. F. EDGAR. For AuniTor.a, JERE B. NUSS, CYRUS ROBBINS. For County Surveyor, SAMUEL NEYHARD. BLOOM SBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only 3 doz. Life sizo Crayons ouly $10.00. Viewing, copy ing and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. QRATEF OL COMFOHTINQ. EPP'S COCOA. BHKAKKABT. "lly a thorouehknow'edeeot-the natural law which govern the operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application ot the noe properties ot well-Belcctrl Oocoa, Mr. Eppsnas Sronced our breakfast tables with a delicately avo.'ed beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Judicious uso of such articles ot diet that a constitution may bo gradual, ly built up ur til strong enough to res st every ten. aencyto disease. Hundreds ot subtle ma'adlei are noatlng around us ready to nltck wherever tterelsawe k point. We may escape many a fatal st-aft by keeping oursolvcs well fort in ed with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. "-Clrlf Xrrvtct Oatettt). Aisle simply with boiling water or milk, sold only in half pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus t JA.illM l'.I'VH Oi CO., Ilonucnatblo Chemists, l-'.!Mt. London, England. SALESMEN WAUTED to ammitfor tlm nl nfXurterv Steele. SITUATIONS l'KUMANKNT, SALARY and EX. l'KNHEH KHOM bTART. Quick selling specialties. Noeiperlence nect's.ry1 outnt YHBS. Write tor terms, statltig age. H. HOOKER CO), Nurservmen, Rochester N. Y DUKIWO THJE FAIR ! Vhelfiest JPho torapBis and Crayons at I?I'Killi Ui os. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Mitchell's Mdnov Plasters Abaorb all dUeu. In tbe;Kldneji and tutor, thum txi a be<hr condition. InjtL Old cbronlo kidney sufferers y W they got no relief until thty Ulc4 I MiTC'iii:i.iH kiini:y Bold by DrngghU evrrywhtr., or rat by mall for &0a-1 Kuk.U i-JjuUr vr.rlu, "Lcwall, JUsm, ' 9-12-lt. 7 FrabALUS The Blett Hnfcppiful Heraedy crfcr dUoor crod, u It It ctrtsin in It effects and does not butter. ItMd proof below i cij. Kt.fiu.cor"' conn- Kt7S-'n .'i,.!!.(lu.rc?1bt..,cllK,,",llll' Sparln euro unit H JSH.Wjrf' Job l ererMw done. I dotra 1,iS,l'Jf.I7.hln', J 'i'1" "on- T neighbor ha.1 iiSTrl"1 ll Bpitln tnat mlTilra lamo. l.?lIBra, to '"if8 n-commcmiKHl . .TW1 sPT!n Cure. Ho cured tbo Bpitla la roan rcupoctr oilr, Woicoit WrriDt Da. a J. Ktm cS5,1'"' Apr" B" l harp been aetllnir morn of irendaU'i BpftTia Cure nnd Fllnt'i ContlFtlop Powderslhan f jer jx! fare. One man mUI to me. It wu the boil rtnraer 1 orer kept nnd th twst he orer usctl, Ucipectfullj. orro I- IIomsAjr. ihx a J. ku.""30' T- " Dear Hlrni I hate uswl aereral bottles of your Xradairi Spavin Cure with perfect tucceis, on lV.Kb,5 mni Mdedmro that was quite lame witn a none spavin. The mare la now entirely rrea trom Umenena and ahowa no buneS rn the Joint, ItcipocUuIly, f. IL Uvtcoimm. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE. Dl.B.J.Kurom.CO.. ". I. 8. oenUs-I think It , rar dutjr to render yon mj thDJ for your fur famed Kendall's Sparln cure. buthlr. She had a Terr erere iwollen leg. I tried atwuJcltht different klnda of mediclnea which did SS.E"5- ' PurpbMod a bottle ot your KendaU'l fipartn Cure wlUch cured her In four daja. I remain roura, uuuot Dowoti. Price tl per bottle, or tlx bottlo tottX. All drui. Stati bare It or can get It forron.orltwlllbetent to any addreu on reoelptof price brtheproprle on. SB. II. J. KENDALL CO., Kaoeknrck falli, Yernosi. TV JOTCEOP ELECTION. Tlio roirular nnnuil meottni? nf tho fit.-nkholdpm t tlie Uloomsiburc Water Cojjnanv will bo bcld on Tuesday, the Htb day of October, 'mo. between the hours ot two and four o'clock In tho afternoon atUioofflcootK. 1'. Ulllmcyer, bccrctity, tor tho ensuing j ear, and tlio transaction of tho general business. FRANK. P. MLLMEYEK. Oct. 3-8t. secretary. "Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of 'Fn of Fa. lssuod out ot the Court of common fleas of Columbia county, fa., and to mo directed, thero will bo sold at the uicrltT's Office In tho Coutc Home, Uloomsburg, Pa., on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1890. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, the following: All that certain piece or parcel or land situate In Centre Township, Columbia Connty, Vs., bounded as follows, tc-nlt: On tho north by lands otTctcr Sponenberger, Allen Phellhammer and Mrs. lless, on tho east by lands of Charles llower, on the south by land of Ira Hardy, and on the west by lands of Samuel C. llower and Charles Itomlck, containing ONE UUNDIIED nml TWENTY FIVE ACRES ot LAND, more or less, whereon are erected a Dwelling House. Barn. and other Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the sun ot Samuel Kolchner assigned to Elizabeth Lrw no ve. Isaac Krwtne and lllram Whltmlro, and to bo sold as the property ot Isaac Ernine. ZA1U' Atty. ALSO t By vlrtuo ot writ ot Vend. Ex: Issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia County, I'a, and lo me directed, there will be sold at the same Utno and place tho following; All that;certaln piece or lot ot land sltuato In Conyngham Township, Columbia County, Ps , bounded as follows, tn-wlt: On the north by lot of Daniel Campbell, on the east by lend of Locust Mountii'Q coal and Iron Co., on the south by Thomas (Ullaghcr, and on tho west by T.outwlue Btreet, containing TWENTY-F1VE (45) FEET I FKONT, and ONE HUNDRED and FOllTY FEET, (140) In depth, whereon are erected a Dwelling House, Barn. and OutbuUdlnjsT Belied, taken into execution at the suit of Andrew Lenlhan vs. Owen Cain and Catherine Cain, and to be sold as the property of Owen Cain. MiKB, Atty. JOHN D. CASET, 1M ts. Sherllt li i iils Sale. By vlitue of writ of Lev. Fa. issued out of the Court of Common p.eas of col. Co., rn , and to rae directed, there will be sold In tho ShertH'8 Offlce In the Court House, Bloouiburg, Pa., on SATURDAY, OOTOBEH, 25, 1890, at 10 o'clock a m, all that certain messuage, tenooient and tract of land situate lu Locust Township, Columbia County, Pa., bounded and dene, bed M follows, va: Beginning at a spruce and running thence by land of Daniel Stlne north eighty and a halt degrees, east fowy-slx and fourth-tenths perches to astonc; thence by the same and land ot Michael Stlne, Jr., south nine and thre' quarter degrees, east one hundred and ninety-three perches to a stone; tnence by land of said John Brofce Bouth eighty three and a quarter degrees, wt it slxty-elgbt and tour-tenths perches to a stone on the west bank ot Mercer's ltun; thence by land of Adam DlmrnlcU, north thirty-two degrees west thirteen perches to a spruce; thence by tho samo five and onr-quarter degrees, west . eighty and eight tenths perches to a spruce; thence by the same north sixteen and a half it ;reci, east thirteen and one-tenth lerchestoa Bpruce; thence by the same noun thhty-seven and a half degrees, east eighteen perches to a spruce; thence by the same notth nine and a quarter dcgreei, eait nlno and eight tenths perches to a spruce; thence by the same north tbtrtcen and a quarter degrees; east ten and tbree-tentn perch no a spruce; thence north five degrees, east twelvo and six-tenths perches to a Bpruce; thence north fourteen and three-quarter degrees, west twenty-nine andnvo-tenths perches to a breast ot the saw mill dam- thenco norm three and a quarter degrees, west nine and four tenths perches to a Bpruce; thence by the same north twelve degrees, west sixty-six and three tenths perches to a maple; thenco by land of Dan lei stlne north twentr-ono and a quarter degrees, east ten perches to the place of brjtnnlng, con. talnlng SIXTY-FIVE ACRES andlicventy Perches of land, be the name more or less, on which Is erected A DWELLING HOUSE Seized, token Into execution at the suit of John airofre, now to the use ot K reamer aud Mann, and S. M. Iloagland vs. John T. Hawk, and to be sold si tho propeity ot John T. Hawk. Us ran X Uxbhino, JOHN B. CASEV, 10-S-ts, Attys. Shciltt. FALL IK GARMENTS ARIi;SUUE TO UEIN HAND WHEN NKKDKI) I5Y PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW. THE CHOICEST OF THE CHOICE ALWAYS GO FIRST, AND "PICKS" MADE NOW HAVE THE ADVANTAGE. FOREIGN WOOLENS ARE TURNING DEARER AND THE POSSIBILITY OF FUR.' THER RISE IS NOT DISTANT. WE HAVE NOT ADVANC ED PRICES AS YET. FALL 1DK E. O. THOMPSON, UIHCIMNT TA1L0H, mrOHTSK, 008 Walnut BrttkgT, 1'IIILlDltLI'llU. THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER, JBLOOMSBUM, FA. Comes to tho front with a Complete now FALL nnd WINTER stock of tho MOST SELECT CLOTHING for Mm, YmiUh Boy, mi ChMreim. QUANTITIES OF (Overeoate of nil Itaiis, Latest Styles drf HATS ! CAPS I SHIRTS I COLLARS AD NECKWEAR. Traimks, Valises amd Underwear IN ABUNDANCE. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Respectfully Yours, I. MAIER. UsSThe largest and choicest line of Clothing, Hats, ing Goods in Montour and Columbia Counties, Pa. ARB 118 BEST POROUS PLASTERS IN TUB WOULD. Ther cue Rhennutlam. Kidney Film, rtftckftche. Pleurisy and ftll lamcnetB, brought on by cipomro or our-uorllon Quick Relief from pfcin.IiiBlBtonb&TlnKUroftTenora .Jffc. I U ELL-CAP-SI V V LA KTKIt JMrM with a pictur o a cm on (AHRlta back-loth, tot there U do pluter, caImTcJI liniment, or lotion that hAaT such complete maetcry over fcF ALL ACHES AND PAINS. Dr. OroiTenor'i BelUCnn-ilo X'lniiten tre Purelr Vegetable and llarmleis. KcUctCi iniUmlly and never faU to care. SAFE, QUICK. AND SURE. .Sold by druggist or mailed on receipt of 25c CaiiOMVKNOU ltlCUAUDS, Boston, II tag. 9-26-lt. FOR SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THo nndorelgncd, survlv'ng ox'jutor ot the lost will and testament ot Ezeklel Cole, lato ot Sugar. loal towtjsnip, in Columbia county, Penna., now offers at private salo a largo body ot tbo most dc Blrjble real estate to be found In tuo towDpblp. It consists ot a tract or Land lyli'g upon botb sides of tho FlsWugcreelc, and comp.islng In the whole about 28 Acres. That portion ot It which Is upon the west side ot tho creelc has the following improvements and advantages, to-wlt. A largo tramo DWELLING HOUSE, formerly Kept Bo a noteL a Frame Building erect ed for and occupied as a country store, a largo frame building erected and occupied as a tenant h3use, and also outbuildings, Haw mill, ie. It Is well wooded and has a considerable quantity o excellent fruit. It Is accessible by two public roadj and a county bridge, and also by tho illooms burg Sullivan railroad, and It contains about 111 Acres. The remainder of tho tract lying upon the cast side ot tho creek, u also accessible br two public roads and a county brld?o across Klshlngcroelc to tho railroad. Tuo Improvements are a largo barn tc, the whole tract having been occupied as tbo homestead farm, lata plecoconto Ins about lO Acres. It will bo sold together or In parcels as may bo deemed most expedient, Tho sale will bo by tho acre. A draft of the land with tho Improve menta roads, 4c., can be seen In the hands ot the execu tor at the b inking house ot tho Illoomsburg lUnk. log Company, whero also Inquirers may learn terms of sale, c. Aug. 1-H90. II. U. GliOTZ, Execu'or, tt' llloomBburg, Pa. Are you using the old fash ion rubbing board in doing your wasnmgr 11 you are it will pay you to investigate into the mer its of our New Alter trying it we named it the "Lightning," because it struck us as being the right name for such a Eapid Working Machine as to the top pull swing and so called washing machines. CLARK F. HARDER, Third Street, Latawissa, Pa. TOBACCO This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest piece for the money in the mar ket. Vinco tin tag on each lump. Its extensive sale for many years has established its reputation. There is nothing better.. Try it. i'or saleby dealers and grocers. WAITED Witcimuto uicu it. wii our cuoicti nurber Block. II you want lo mato ironcy, loi ur. 1'ermanent Kiainoiaent me Yea round. Wdreas, HAY HKOTIIKIW. N jiierrmen. 5-U Uocceswr, N. '. 9-io-4t. IX. MAIBEi -:o.' -:o;- oEisriisrcs-i . Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Wednesday, September 17th. MISS H. E. WAStEY, MaintStreet, Illoomsburg Pa. NEXT DOOR TO I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, MAXTOR, or OIIi CJLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BEOWEM 2nd Door abovo Court Iloiise. A new lot of Window Curtains received this week. every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF BE UP TO THE MARK ID8 HO LAUNDERING. GAM K W1KD CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATEHPROOP COLLAR IN THE MARKET. Jtteady Mode Clothing ! Newest Styles, Latest Cats ! Lowest Prices ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK op Fall and Winter Clothing for ' Men, Youths' and Children, Ever Brought to This County. Children's Suits of all Styles. Como and See for Yourself. "Wo are not ofl'ering old stock but they are tho latest goods, Im?1 reccve(, nu(l moro 0,1 t,l way- Our large store room is hlled, and we invito you to call and see and make selections irom tho latest styles. Suits sold for $3.50 and upwards. Wo have also, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. In our Merchant Tailoring juu mu .uosi uoous at .Low l'ricea and Call at COMER WANT ID! oav l?u rant ha1 w.m- ,r'17 f '"yv" I UttUiwlllKnK undHiiHtAlllr-L VAltUKIlSoin m.t . w .. I wlntpr. UHrfn5:.i,f '"ii" J'.'.u 'ur '"OI mo. II S 10 'UI. .vuu .rm yr. n. r. PRINTERS'S ROLLERS, luiauiiie i-ao to ower winter Hollers, Send lor circular ana prloej tol). J. 11B1U.Y oa,!mtaMi'eirlst.N. Y.CIty. -sf. Caps, Trunks and Gents' Furnish THAT CAN BE RELIED OH HXTot to STpULtl 3XTot to Dlsoologl BBAR3 THIS MARK. TRADE ELuwoiD Mark. -:o: :- Department o can furnish guarantee satisfaction. once at mill AUD IRON STREETS. arelniltftl to entrust their Inter, inisto tho old mlatilUbed l'alent Law & i ollclllutr nrm of MAhON. KKNW1CU ilLAWIIUNCE, Wrshlnjfton P. C. 9-.S-H l'AIIM l'OIl HI'IST A farm of 100 acres, with nandsoraa new hou and bern, and supiUled rbundant water, will be rented at a low rent for the term of five yeai i, to a goon tenant who uan furuUh hU own utoclc ndoqulpment. The farm la In the catawleaa Val'cy on tne Township road from Urandonvllle to Audenretd, two milea from UrandoDMlo and near (Jlrarl Manor. Keferencea requeatfd. AddrtM llKUaitaTHOSIl'liON, Knslncer Clr&ra RataM rotutllle, hot. J4JT.